tf PflRT TWO. THE OMAHA 'SUNDAY ' EE.PRGES 9 TO IB , TWENTY-SECOND 1'EAK. OMAHA , SUNDAY MOUNLNG , SEPTExUBEIl 25. 1S92-S1XTEEN PAGES. NUMBER 08. \ . r FORCING THE SALES TO REALIZE. i Wash Dress Goods. 36-inch vvido maltcso chevrons nnd r.Gnch wide bedford cords in new dark styles , in remnant ? , only Be yard. Fiintniso chevrons and fancy printed terpcs , dark effects , only Sc yard. 50 iieecs challis do orient , in dark colors , was lOc. reduced to 5c yard. 36-inch doublc-lold Pacific serpe.snew fctyles nnd colors , only lOc yard. 'Now dark styles in l > cord , navy blue and black pround , only 15c yard. 3 cases Bannotkburn suiting , late ttyles , new patterns , fast colors , only lOc yard. Double-width httlf wool bunting , to clo e. 6c yard. French serpo and corduroy , worth lOc , now closing at oc yard. Dark styles in sateen , 12c ? , 15c , ] 9c nntJ 25c yard. Larpo assortment of dress ginghams. oc. Oc , 7ic , bic and lOcyard. Wo carry the largest s'ock of wash dres poadi , nntl c n suit you lu styles , quality , quantity and p rices. Colored Dress Goods. SPECIAL , SAT/- : FOR MONDAY. 52 inch all vool French twill with earners hair border , $1.45 , this is a now novelty , we have them in all colors. 40 inch all wool French creps finish , in brocade and chevron weaves , very ( stylish patterns. 92c 46 inch French Poplin weave , Jac- quurd patent , $1.45. 40 inch all wool plain diagonal weaves , 75c. 75c.4S 4S inch till wool corkscrew weave , in navy blue , OSc. 40-inch all wool surah twill , extra value , all CO'.OM. 082. 40 inch all wool chevron plaids , stripes and mixed fabrics , in one lot , special for Monday's pale only 50a " 30 inch part wool Scotch plaids , regu lar price 25c , Monday 19c , 50 inch all wool Scotch mixture , just the poods for traveling or street dress , only 31.67. 40 inch all" wool imported henrietta , in the now shades , 50c 54 inch all wool Kensington sacking , Cop. 54 inch all wool heavy cloakinp. ? 1.9S. 40 inch all wool tricot flannel , 45c. 64 inch va-v fine French broadcloth , in all shades , S1.9S. 54 ' inch imparted nlaid broadcloth , regular $2.50 lino. special $1.73. Black Dress Goods. 54 inch all wool broadcloth , extra value , SI. 3S inch all wool verv fine serge , spec ial. $1.15. 40 inch all wool camellettc , regular price 75c , special 5Sc. 43 inch satin finished henrietta , worth OOc , special 75 < x 52 inch all wool heavy iaiported serge , 81.45. 40 inch Priestley's silk warp henri- ctla , the regular price of these goods is S-1.50yard , Monday only SI. 40 inch Priestley's silk warp diagonal , very line , the price of these goods is SI.75 , special for Monday SI.25. 40 inch all wool French henrietta , ex- trn value. SOc. 40 inch silk warp henrietta , special or Monday 9Sc. * Domestic Bargains. 42-inch pillow casing , bleached , gjc yard. 45-inch pillow easing , bleached , ! Oc yd 2 CIMJS soft finished blunzhed muslin starch ] equal if not better than Lonsdale or Fruit , in short ends , from 2 to 15 yards long , on sale Monday at 5c yard. Churtp. Special bargain in b'oached muslin at Gjc. 7jc nna Sic yard. Best assortment and best value in Canton flannels ever offered by Huyden Bros , on Monday. D.irk styles in outing flannel lOc , now 6c. Napped shirting reduced to lOc yard. 5,000 yards of whlto shaker flannel on Monday onlv 3Jc yanl. Bo sur nnd got tome. At this p-ico it will not last but n short time and wa muy not ba able to duplicate the same. Bargains in reudy.made Bheeta and pillow cases. ! r Curtains , ' A good laoo curtain for 50o per pair. A btlter one for " 5c , See to ll.O'J. ' Sointf very choice styles nt $1.60 to $2. Draperies of nil kinds either bilk or cotton , also fringes und everything por- lainlng to a first c'.liss drapery stock. Silks and Velvets. SPECIAL FOR MONDAY. A good quality China silks in beauti ful shade25c a jard. A special line of black "China silk' , COc a yard. All'our colored Jl China silks. Mon day , for Coc. BlacK faille Franchise , ? 1 ; they have been sold for $1,50 ; they are full 24 inches wide. Black faille Francaise silksG5cwould , be peed value at Jl. Fine -civets , in nil colors , at GSc , woulu be excellent value at SI. Elegant velvets , in all shades , at SI , no house can give you better value at SI.75. SI.75.We We are showing a very complete line of black dross silks , ranging in price from Go to W.5u per yard , and we will quota you special prices on all for Mon day. Laces , Laces. SPECIAL FOR MONDAY. 9-5nnh black nhantilly demi flouncing , at 19c , iOc , 37c , oOc , worth 35c to S7c per yard. 10 pieces black chantilly lace , at 15e , lOc. well worth 25c to SOc per yard. 10,000 yards handmade linen torchon , usually sold at 7c to 19c per yard. Mon day price will bs Gc , oc , 7c , lOc per yard. 100 dozen antique ti(3 es. lOe each , finer grades at ioc , I9c , 25c. Each num ber a special bargain. Out of the season or in the season Hamburg embroideries are always gooa. But out of the season is the time to buy ; therefore we will throw out for .Monday. , entire-line.of - . . embroideries at SOc on the dollar. Art Department. Monday's special incements in the art department : 10 doian nicely embroidered felt table scarfs at 40c. worth Soc- Our 75c. SI and SI.25 felt table scarfs , Monday's price , o'.lc. 7oc. 9Sc. Our fine embroidered felt ttxble scarfs , usually sold at $1.50 , SI.75 , S2 , Si 59 , will be reduced , for Monday only , full 25 per cent. cent.Wo Wo have just received an elegant line of fine embroidered fell table covers ; this lot ls > no shop-worn poods or old styles ; they were mnnufuctured for this fall's trade , and they were dropped into our buyer's hands 50c on the dollar , and we propose to give our trade the full benefit of the bargain just for Monday. 25 dozen fine filk drapes , withfine em broidered bolting cloth ends , go Monday at 49c each. 25 dozen fine and lancy colored silk drapes , generally ? old tit 50c and 65c , will bo sold , just for Monday , at S9c each. 50 dozen fine alllinen tray cloths.nicely stamped at 15c each. 15 doz n hemstitched tray clothsnicely stamped , Monday , only lac each. 10 dozen fine Roman table covers , stamped , at SOc , worth Goc. 10 dozen fine all linen dresser scarf , with drawn thread sides and ends , only 49e , worth 75c. Mail orders promptly filled. Notions. Notions. Just think what you can purchase for 25c at the most po.-niinr department in the city , our notion department. S packages of hair pins for lo 2 corset laces for Ic 1 dozen nursery pins for Ic 1 paper adamantine pins for Ic 1 steel thimble for Ic 1 card hooKs and eyes 'o.- Jo 100 yards of linen thread for 2c Rubber fine combs for 2c Horn pocket combs for 2c 1 package hair crimpers for 2o 200 yards cotton thread Ic 1 roll tape for Ic A strong pair of corset clasps for. . . . 5c A good btrong horn dressing comb. . 4c Prices count. . 25c Ribbons , Ribbons. Lot 1 Odds and ends No 2 ribbons , in nil colors , at Sc per yard. Lot 2 Odds and ends Xo. 5 , all silk and in all colors , nt 5c per yard. Lot3 Odds nnd onus Nos. 9 and 12 , and all silk , nt lOc per yard. Lot 4 Odds and ends Nos. 12 , 16 , 22. all silk nnd in ull colors , at 15c per yard. The above lots MUST be seen to be appreciated. Cloak Department. We invite inspection of our fall nnd winter cloaks and jackets. Among the j inummerable bargains , wo quote a few f bslow. ' A rood clotti jacket at f S3.50. . A stylish plain beaver jacket , 33 inches j lontr In black , navy and brown , 3-4.50. A peed beaver jacket with black fur collar in black , navy and brown , $4 60. A fine b-jtver jacket with full fur trimming and SK : lin'np , in dark and tan shades , only S7.50. A large line ol plain and fur trimmed garments , in alt the new shades nnd weaves at the popular price of S10.00. Our stock of higher priced garments $ F unsurpassed as for "stjle value nnd variety. Wo carry a full line of infants' , child ren's and misses' cloaks ranginp in price , from 5-1.00 and higher. In our shawl department we offer the lollowing inducement. A fine all vrool shawl , size 72x72 inches in plain stripes and chccK * , an excellent value ht S3.25 onlv SJ.75 each. Gents' Furnishing Department. Bargains in penis' nepli < re overshirts. ppecial price for Monday. Gents' domet shirts , pleated bosoms , only 33c each , worth SOc One case of gents' heavy Jersey Knit overshirts , lace fronts , onlv 65c , worth SI. 00. 00.We We carry the Irrgust line of men's "hirts in broadcloths , trecot cfaiyiecoj and fancy flannels at prices low'erth&n ' any house weal of Chicago , On Monday " we will put oa sale 100" dozen'gents' camels hair underwear , shirts arid 4raw , _ " er5"at75 < feachY worth" Sl OO ? " " "l * * * " * " " One cose of men's natural wool socks , only I9e per p-dr , worth 2-5c. GenU' British half hose in black , tars and modes. Corsets- ; SPECIAL SALE OF CORSETS ON MONDAY. 150 co.-sets reduced to $1.00. 75 corsets reduced to 50c. 50 corsets reduced to 39c. 10J do/.en boys' fancy shirt waists , your choice 25c each. Bargains in childrens' black cotton hose on Monday. Books. Books. 1000 oloth bound books by standard authors only loc , regular price SOc. E. P. Roe's cloth bound books onlv SOc. SOc.Albert Albert Ross' complete works at 30o each. George Eliot , o volumes , at $1.95. Shakespeare's complete works nt2.63 Thackeray's complete works , 10 vote , only S3.60 : worth J10. Dickens' complete works in 11 vol umes , only S-5 ; worth J10. 2.00J new and popular novels at 25c , 700 popular 25c novels U > be closed out at loc each Monday. Blankets. Blankets. Over 2,000 pairs of blankets added to our stock this week. Our immense blanket department is a surprise to all who have seen it. On account of the warm weather we nro making special low prices in order to force the sales. Any person who can afford to make their purchases now will save big money. Gray blankets 59c , OSc , 75c and $1 pair and upwards. All wool 10-4 rod blankets S2.50 n piir nnd so on , while wo show the best line nnd the cheapest line of white blankets which were over shown by any house. Chiffons. Chiffons. SPECIAL FOR MOMDAY. Our 25c chiffon Monday at 15c per ; , yard. OurSoc chiffon Monday at 25c per'A * , yard. J ? . , Our SOc chiffon Monday at 35c per " yard , China Matting , Wa mil close out this week , a lot of./ good China matting for 12c per j-ard Also a lot of shades on the best spring roller for 25e. 'Towel Sale. Wo will rontinua to efvo you extra peed value in towels on Monday at 2Jc , Sc. lOc , loc , 19o and 25c each. Wo bought from a lanro linen house who are poinp out of business over 1200 dozen of 3-4 dinner napkins nt less than import price at SI , $ | .7o , 82 , $2.50 and S3 dozen. Examine them ; they are very cheap. Drug and Prescription | Department. This department is in constant charge ol modern and progressive pharmacists of acknowledged experience and abil ity ; mon who have been examined by the Nebraska State Botrd of Pharmacy nnd pronounced by that body to be fully competent to "compound and dispense the prescriptions of pnysicians and to retiil drugs , medicines and poisons. " The stock comprises a CDmjiiete line of overvthinp pert lining to a first class modern pharmacy , all being of the most exalted standarJ of excellence , and guaranteed to be strictly fresh and re liable. In no branch of science or busi ness has such wonderful progress been made during the prut 20years as in that ol pharmacy. The nauseoui and drastic drugs which constituted the principal items in the inAterin-medica of that , time have given way to oleg < nt and palatable prepirations and powerful conpentrations , so that instead of the old-time bolus , which looked to the pa tient as large as a cannon bill , and twice as terrible , wa now accomplish thesamo result by use of the tiny gelatine-coated granule , no larger than a pin-head. New remedies are bsing discovered and 5 p escribed e ery dny , and to properly i conduct a modern drug store requires the individua.l and intelligent use of every moment of the pharmacist's timo. The apothecaries in charge of this . department arc wnll known , intelligent and reliable mon , whoive ' 'studied > the business from the ground up. " But ; the most interesting part of the whole ' ? business is that we'll guarantee to save you from 50 to 90 pdr coat of anybody's prices for perscriptions , and if you'll read the following prices , you'll sso that we do the same on drugs. Glycerine , pint , 4-5a Pure castor oil. pint , 25c. Extract witch hazel , pint , SOe Chlorldo of lime , pound , 13c. " Copperas , paund. 2jc. " ' -Whiting , pound , -tc : . . Cdrapf Jicorlca powder. p&fh Seabury'o sulphur candles ; 20o. Cudahy's extract bsef , 29c. Lislerlno , Sic. Powdered borax , pound , 20s. 2 grain quinine capsules , dozen , lOc. 3 grain capsules , dozen , 15c. 4 grain quinine capsules" , dozen , 20a 5 grain quinine capsules , dozen , 2oc. Furniture- We do not profess to give you pold dollars for nickles. or sell you goods for half what they cost u ? at the factory. We do none of this. But we can sell you first class goods at a less par cent- age of profit than the same goods are usually sold for. Wo can do this and WKJUU : DOING IT. Oak center tables < polished ) C3c. 75c , 95c. SI.25 , S1.05 We oiler a solid oak table , 21x21 , for Sl.iJj. It is a world beater. Extension tables , fine S-foot tables , pillar lei's , for SS.oO. it is generally sold for ? 10.5'J. ' Another for S'J.5 ! ) . worth S12.50. Oak dining room chairs , late styles , 51.00 , 81.15 and SI.2-5 each. Also chairs at 90c and 05c. alse ot.k. Bedroom suits , S12.53. ? 14.50 , 815.50. S1SL50. We are showing a handsome line of suits nt WO.O'J. J2iO'J ' , S25.0C , SSO.00 and $3-3.00 ; $5 00 saved on every one of these suits. 5-foot bamboo easel , f > 3r another at 50c. one brass tipped at 75c. Fine line of pictures ; elegant line pf pannol pastolles just receivoa , which we shall sell at 31.25 each , cheap at S2.00. If you want anything in a bookcase , chiffonier , folding beds , cniim closet , just give us n call , no trouble to show goods. Trunks and Valises. The largest stock at the very lowest price. Good sixe trunk , iron bottom , 82.85 , S3.23. * 3oO. * 3.S5 , large size S4.23. Bags at 75c , 85. Sl.Oa. 41.25. " ' $ Also a large line of telescope baga and cheap bags. Carpets. Prices for this week on carpats are down. Cation ingrain carpats , 17c. Some batter onus for 25c , 30c , and 35c. We have a few all wool , extra super carpets for 65c , and some very choice patterns at OOc nnd 05c. \Vo also have \ho most complete line of Lowell extra feupor and 3 ply cirpats la be found in this city. Brussels carpets , SOc , C5o and 70c. Oil cloth and lino.eums are very cheap this falL Wo have the genuine English lino- ! eura for 42Jc per yard. Oil clcth from 2uc to 40c per yard. AUo a great variety of table and shelf oil cloth. House Furnishing Goods. Glassware , woodenwnre , crockery , tinware , praritoware , enaraelware. hardware , lamps , brass , copper nnd nickel ware , stoneware , wlllowware , iron , steel and sheet iron ware , and Japan ware. The above line * of poods occupy a floor pacrt of over 70,000 square foet. All of the above line are complete in eve ry dotalVe have gone over this entire line of goods , and we have cut the prices in hulf. By looting over the prices you c in see for you.self. A lOc wash basin , 3c. A lOc dipper. 2c. ' A 25c tin 'pail. IV. . A 70c porcelain kettle , 29c. A 3 < lc dish , loc. A 15c flour sieve , oc. A loc wire toaster , 3c. A 20o wooden bowl , 5c. A 30o coffee pat , loc. A loc cuspidoro , Sc. A 20c wash board , Sc. A $1.25 coppar bo'.toai truh boiler , G3c. G3c.A A 3c flower pot , Ic. A oc flower pat. 2Sfl. A 7c flower pot , 35c. A 9c flower pot , 5c. A 12c flower pat , 7c. A loc llowjr pot , lOc. Mason fru/v jars , G3c per Stanet for quarts. Tin top jelly plashes , 2c each. Dinner plates , 2ceacn. Cups and saucers 2Jc each. 1 quart blue enamel preserve kettles , 2ic , w.orth oGu 2 quart blue enamel preserve kettles , 35c , worth 703. 3-quartblue enamel preserve kettles , 47c , worth 94c. 4-quart blue enamel preserve kettles , 59c , worth SI. IS. G-quirt blue enamel preserve kettles , 74e-worth 81.43.T * " & - - . * T3sa S-quart blue enamal prcserva kettlea , , _ * . IU 10-quart blua enamel preserve kellles , 93c. wo.-thil.92. 12-quart blue ea.imsl preserve kettles , SI.05 , worth $2 10. We have a fine decor.itad vasa lamp with shade to m itch. This lump sells regular for $ l.o'J or S5 , our price in this cut sale SI.45. We have 'a line of hanging lamp. ' that is simply immsnse. A 57 automatic spring extension lamp for S2.35. We have a $10 decorated tea set for S3.2-5 , and dinner et for S&50 that sells everywhere for $15. EC ipsa earthenware cooking pots 25o and 35c , worth oOc and 75c. Fine dssorated cuspido.-es 23c , worth SI. Japaness , Hjllind and China bowls lOe , worth 5'Je. Large scrubbing brush 5civorth 25o. Limp shadej at oc that are advertised bv " other dealers as a bargain at 25c. "A 5c lid lifter Ic. A lOc nutmjg grater Ic. A oc mojsj tr.ip Ic. A lOc egi : bjater 5c. A 5c box blaskinp 2e. Mtno. Stracter's a nd 'Mrs Potts pat- entS'td irons 933. You all know wnut other dealers ask for them. A lOcsatt shaker 2c. A lOn poppar shaker 2c , * Mjd scrapers 3c. A box toathpicUs 2c. SOc tea kettle loc. 25c comb case 3s. A 35e feather dmtor 81 ! . Mnin floor center aisle tables. Stoves. Thsre nro a pool many good stoves in thff market toJay , bat there are none superior to P. P. Stewart's goals. They have bsen miking stoves for over 5'J years , and their goads , today , B O the leausrs.Vo carry tusir stock in heat ing , coaking , furna.33s , rangoa , laundry and firantaco stoves , and iva will give a gu imntae for 10 ye.iM , and every ntovo ' they make is guaranteed. Following * are some of the prices. IX HEATING STOVES : The Magnet J2.03 , worth three times as much. The F. W. Jr. O ik W.45.vorth S12. The Emblem * 3.3) ) . worth * 15. The Cannon $5.95 , worth S12. Thd P. P. Stewart $37.60 , worth S50. The Matchless * 16.20. worth $35. The Splendid S3SJ.25 , worth S55. The Putmia * 5.15 , worth $10. IN COOKING STOVES : The Coaking E-nolem S7 , worth $14 , Tne Hearthsldo J'J45 , worth Sia The Maicbles * 419.95vorth S27. The Signal $19 95 , wo.-th $27. The P. P. S'.ewart. tne finest cooking stove in the world , J2I95 , worth S35 of any rain's money. A solid steel range sold everywhere for $10 03 , our price J27.50. If yov con template buying a range , ox imine our steoi ruaga and you will buy no other. Letting Down Prices : Minneapolis best Superlative flour ( wnrnuited ) . jx > o A good flour ( Snowflake ) . 65a JLiyden Hros. best Superlative flour r. . jj r > 5 No. 1 sugar cured hams . ! Ho Picnic hams . go Fancy English breakfast b con . . . lee Sugar cured bacon . Oo Dried , beef . 7O Corned beef . SQ Deviled hnm . 5o Potu-d ham . ยง o Potted ox tongue . 5o Pickled pips feet . . ' . sio Pickled tripe . 3jo Bologna sausape . 50 Frankfnrts . t 7o Smoked Halibut . . 150 Cod fish . 5J0 California evaporated peaches. . . . lee California dried crapes . So California pitted plums . lee California white nocture . 15e California red necturo . 15o California evaporalul apricots _ 153 Imported English currants . 8jo Ihcs-o tire all new fruits just received and iho most delicious vnu ever did eat. Tnevare all worth lOc'par pound more. than wo aSiC. Just imported from Seville. Spiin , the finest olives you ever saw , all packed fresh forus , per quart. . . 35o Imported chow-chow . ] 5o Imported mixed pickles . :5o We s-oll a good baking powder at. . So Dried blackberries . 5O Evaporated raspberries ( new ) . 25o New California raisin - cured prunes 3-pound pail pure fruit jelly . - . 20o -0-pound piil pure fruit jelly . 75o Largo bottle Wife . * . So Corn starch. . . - ; . SQ starch . 5o ' " ' " " * " " All kinds of wasTJl'n" po wd'oV . . . . ! . 3to Bird-seed'very ( fine ) . 4 _ 5o 3-pound can clam chowder. ( This is the finest you ever ate ) . . . . . . oc 2-pound can early .Tuna ps vs. 17ic. If you buy a can and yoJ do not say they are the finest nnd ramt delicious paa you ever did cat , wo will pay you back your money. Wo have peas for Sc } , 10c } , 12o and loc per can. Condensed milk . lOa 2-pound can preserved raspberries in pure sugar syrup . 174.O 2-pound can p-oserved strawber ries. in pure sugar syrup . 17io Ihis is the finest fruit packed. Try one can and you will bo convinced. Imported macaroni . ] 2Jo Imported egg noodles . 12Jo Imported vermicelli . ] 2o Imported spaghetti . ] 2io These goods all came from Napoli , Italy , and are the rae = t delicious you ever uea. On each P'lcnage isn recipe tolling all the diperont ways of prepar ing for use. 3-pound bjr imported castllo soap. . 25o Tea and Coffee Dep't. On account of the quarantine coffee has advanced from 2c to 3c per pound , but having a largo quantity on hand wa continue to give you the following low prices : Crushed Java , loc and IDc. Crushed Java and Mocha , 20c. Choice Rio , 23. ; and 25c. Golden Rio , 25c and 28c. Combination Java , 30a. Peaberry S intos. SOc. Charm .lava , 32c. Oid Government Java and Mocha , 35e or 3 pounds for SI. Cocoa Shells 3o pound. Japan fiftinps. 12c } and 16a Japan green , inc. 2oc , 35c. 60c. Basket fired Japan , SOc , 35c , 45c. Uncolored Japan , 40c , 4Bi Choice spider leg Japan , 50c , GOc. Gun powder , 35c , SOc. GOc. English breakfast , 33c , 48c , 55c , GOc , Butter , Cheese and Cranberries. At Haydon's you can buy country but ter at 14c , Hie , and t"ho best for 18c , mada by Nebraska farmers and shipped us daily. Dodge creamery , 20c , 22o und 24c. 24c.Reraembjr Reraembjr wo handle only the very best qualities of count r and creamery butter and sell same ; at lowest prices. CHEESE DEPARTMENT. Hero wo handle only the bast import ed ana domestic chee a Wisconsin full cream cheese for 71o and ! ) c. Eastern process full cream , lie and 13c. 13c.Swiss Swiss cheese , 15cnoU 17ic. Brick cheese 12c , 14c and 16e. Young America full cream 12c. { Limborger , 12c. We have now on bale the finest Cap * Cod cranberries at lUc per quart. HAVDRN BROTHERS , s . - * \ / Cor. 16th and Dodge Streets.