THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDA SRPTKMRKU 2o , 1802-SIXTEEN PAGES. SPBGIRL NOTICES. AllVICIlTISKMKNTH VOIl T1IKSK COLUMNS nil ) be tnkon until 11TO : p m. for ttio evening hurt until 8:1.0 : p. m. ( or tbo mornlnit or Sunday edi tion. tion.All mlvrrtliiempnM In tlie o columns I cents rt word for Ilrnt Insertion nnrt I cent i > word for each nib ( co. n ml Insertion , or Jl.tO per line per month. No advertisement taken for ICM lhan J5 ccntu for tlio first Insertion , 1 ermn cadi In advance , Initial * , figure * . nymbolA , etc. , each count n n word. All ndTortldi'iiients muni rim coiuecnllvcly. Advcr- tin-in , hy reqiientliien numbered check , cnn have tbo letter * mldrcrned to a numbered letter In care of IIIF IIIK. : Atinwrr * ro mldrcs jd will bo dellv ( red on presentation ol the check. _ SITUATIONS-WANTED ! * WAN-TUP , A POSITION iV IIUV'OOODS OH A ( tenernl merchandl e ! nno M , married ) experi ence , 12 yearn , one year on tbfl rend ! can pcak Herman and furnish reference , Address II. W. I.o- beck. Mhclhy. I" . ClU 2. ' . ' _ -SITUATION WA.NTKI ) IIV A VOUNO I.APV A an hMlMnnl bookkeeper , cashier or Ronoral of- llcrwork. Kxpcilenco nnd A 1 reference * . Ad > dromMD. Dec MMI Si' KliUAIlUN s PHI V A T I J K A Ml V V IIWT clan laiindrc f > , wnucsli. Canadian onieo , 1509 Kntnanr Bl'l Si" WANTED -IALK HELP. -WAXTISM , AT.tvi'f WIIIK-AWAKK HEIMIK icntntlvn to represent un In every locnIIU , one with vim , vlitor. pluck nnd ptuti cnn o * lly make IZMipcr month : no peddling pomlsi ronietliln en tlrely new : staple at Hour : send for full particular * today. Address "Manufacturer , " postollle boi K0S. Hoston , .Mft'S. Mill 7 VJ' -\VANTKlTflAIiKSMKNON SA1.AP.V OH JOM- mlrtlon to bnndlc the new potent chemical Ink trnnlnK pencil. The crcatert kclllHK novnttr over produced : cruses Ink thorutialilr In twoB/conds / ; DO hlirnolon ol pnper : 2UO to MX ) per cent pratll ; line itcnl'i imlp * amounted fiiTU In lx ilaji. another Vi2 111 two lionri ; no want ono onercctlo xcncral tKcnt In ench rtato and territory. For levnii uml nddrcat Monron Kraecr MfK Co. , xM Ji CrumiiWIs. . jyi7 _ WANTKI ) . A I'UACTICAI. MAN WITH POM K E capltnl to take a water mill. Addruii boiM , Lincoln , Noli. IM > WANT OAXVASSKI13. W. A W. PAIII.OHS , J&I4 South ll'.tli si. MS.W 03 T > -WANTKPMAXTO TAKK OIIPUH8 IN OITV. I'AililreM mtiiiufnctiiror , box 27 city. 10.1 OC T > vv A NTH i . " " "HAJ i .TioTn'LMIOHKHH foil -I'Wyonilnuand h-'outh Dnkolii. Wanes , $2.00 nnd t2.2. > per iluy. Heady work. AlbrlKhl I.ahor Olllce , Knrnnni street. MZJ * Oil ) B-\VANTl-.l ) , fioOTHA.MS AND SUII-CONTHACT ors. Free transportation on Iho H , 1. Lincoln , Neb. McCorinlck llros , V Co. 57101 fl-WASTKIl , W1DKAWAKK WO1IKF.HS KVKHY- J'where for "shepp s Photographs of the World" ; Iho grealo. l book on earlh ; costing JIOO.IIOJ : rotall itl 1,1.25 , ea < 4h or Installments ; mtimmoth Illustra ted circulars and terms frea , dally output over L.'iOO volumes. AgunH wild with success. Mr. Titos. L. MurllnnCentervlllo. Tex. , cleared f7ll In 'J rtajm Ml * Hose Adams , Wooster. ( ) . . fil In 40 min utes ; ( lev. . ) . Howard Madison. Lyons , N. Y. . flOl In 7 hours : nhnnanra ; magnlllcunt outllt only fl. Hooks on creditfrelg'tt paid. Address ( tlobe lllblu I'nlillshlng Co. . No. 72.1 I hcstnut St. , Phlla. , 1'a , or : : W I'earborn st. . Chicago. 111. JU5S ' . ' 0 * 1WAN1KI ) , AHKNTS TO SKLL FINK TKAS. J coITees. spices , e tracli and sundries by sample to families ; no capital required ; exclusive terri tory ; good pay ; get our liberal trial oiler. Q. W. Lovcrln & lliowno Co. , Chicago. .M4ii5-olG" TWANTKI ) , m HAILHOAD LAHOllKHS FOH JI'Nebraska , Icwa. Foutlicrn Wyoming , tia1i ; , Idaho nnd Missouri , Steady work , In e pass. Kramer A O'llcarn Labor ngcncy , SU.I South llth street. 31712 25 * "n-AN KNKHCKTJC VOI1NO MAN WITH SOMK J 'capllal tn take charge of outside work of a retail Kiocery business. Address L 1'J llco. IX)7 ) 25' H-WANTKI ) , 10 ( fool ) CIINIClT"MAKKUS ( AND 4 slnte roofers : apply at the Westurn Cornlcu and Manufacturing works , (114 ( S. 14tlf si GI2 211 B-51 AN WANTKI ) TO COl.LHCT A Nl ) SKLL IN country , call nl 151(1 ( I'oiiKhis. KB 'ID T > fANVASSKlia WAXTK1)SALAItV ! PA1IJ J'weekly. fcltiKcr ollleo. I5IU DonKlua. CA'l SO I-WASTKI ) . HOYS : STKADV WOUK. OMAHA -l llov. Fnclory , Ha l Omnhii. ii4 ! ( ( | > WANTKI ) . 2WI MKNTO WOUIC ON SKWIIHS -IJat Krennlntiooil wnues. Pay uvery two weeks. MuDoinld Je IVuliolil , Frcinunt , Ni'l ) . 717-2S * E-iKNKH\L ( UMl'LUYtlK.yr OFF1CK. BUST help and slltiallons turnhhcd , 220 \ . lllth712O21 712-O21 * -WANTKI-IHV ) ( ! ( ) OIS ) THAYKLI.Nfi MKN JJfor IMI3. ( iood ImlucemcnlK will be ottered the right , . ( live have . I. tlb > I I'lll territory you covered. Also your references. Keniper , Hundley & .McDonald Dry ( iouds Co. , St. Joseph , Mo. JI740-2J 1) WANTICD. THAVKL1N ( { KALKSMKN TO -I Jearry nil A I side line boll.lay advertising spe cialty , brand now. for retail trade. Large commis sion./ / . Address Merchants' Dcpt. , H. s , Peale A Co. , Chicago , 111. .M7J725 * B WANTKI ) , ASSISTANT HOOKKKKPKK ; ONK who has had prac.leal experience In double en try. Address with references , Sioux Clly Kngluo Works , Sioux City , la. 75025 B-WANTKD , A ( iOOl ) DHY ( iOODS SAl.KS- mon lo travel In Iowa and Nebraska. Must come wull recommended. Mite sales , etc. Ad dresa , 'lv2 and 351 Ilroadwny , Milwaukee , WIs. 74925 "IJ IF YOU AHK SKKKING A 1IICH OHADK JJpoiltlon In any parl of thu United States wrlle to Wcslcrn lluslncss Agency , Inclosing stamp. Minneapolis. Minn. H -WANTKI ) , FIHST-CLASS TAII.OHS ; flOOII wages. Heady work : apply at onco. C. II. Tnlroy. Sccrclary Merchanls' Tailors' Kxclmnge. 1'cnver ' , Colo. M77U 2U 1-J-WANTKil , MAN , FINANCIALLY HKSPONSI. J'blo supply agents In the wctt with ShaeHer's new pancake gitddlc. Positive proof you can reall7u IUW annually , M. MiaerTcr , Canton , O. 84025 * "TJ-WANTi'O HOY OF 15 OH OLDISH AT MHS. ,1. -iJlicnson. MS-25 _ B -LAIIOIII US WANTKD AT fl.75 A DAY. Apply Van Courl & I.cmlsl , ( Xl ) I'axion block. .M7W 28 _ _ _ 1 -WANTKD , IMIY COODS S A L KsilA NTTlTwTON stole , South Om.iha. 84225 * T > - WANTKI ) , A ( iOOl ) ALL AHOtIND TINNKH ial J. T. WCMIOH'II , 314 S. IQlli struut. 7U ! 25 * BW A NTKD , KVKIIYONK TO CUT THIS NO- lice out and tend to us nnd wo will tend you by repress , C , O , I ) . , suhjccl ( oc.xamlnntlon , onr ilnest lull engraved hunting gent's or lady's 14-karat utirn wind 111-year guarantee gold tilled case and line jeweled , solid nickel , stum wind , adjusted American movement , a regular (35.0U watch , You can examine It at Ihe express olllco and If found perfectly satisfactory pay the express agenl WU5 and lake thu watch , otherwise don't pay n cent und the agent will reliirn It at our expense , tend today ; this uotlco will never appear again. Ad- ilri ) A. C , Huebiick Corporation , Minneapolis , Minn. ' ' ' _ 8IO-5' B-WANTKI > , K VKHYO.NK TO CUT THIS NOTICK out and scud to us and wo will send you by ex. pirtsC. O. I ) . , subject to examination , our lined lull tugravcd hunting gent1 or ladles' I4K , stem jrliiil , so-yenr guaranteed and gold illicit case , and llio full Jowcl.m solid nickel pulonl reuulutur. ud- lusted Wallhamor Sprlngtleld movement ; n regu lar f 45 natch ; > ou can examine It ut thu express onico , and If found satisfactory , pay the express ngonl mi. ' > and take the wnlch ; otherwise don" pay a cent and Iho ugem will ruturii U ntourex- pciiBUi send today : this notice will never appear ngiiln. Address Senr & Co , , 21311 Wabash ive. . Chicago , III. bos jj , _ IJ-WHITKIIH WANTKD , SHOUT STOIUKS. J'tketchen , travel , loetryand iiilncullaiiy suitable for luwtpaper ute ; goudiirloes paid. Address , for particulars , The Kvnnn Prosi llurcuu , Troy , u bll 25' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B -WANTKI ) , HKLIA1ILK AlilCNTS TO SKLL "Llfunnd Labors of Itov Iteubcn ( Jayloril. " IJopd commlsHlon given. Apply to It. K. Oaylorrt , 1704 , Ileo building , or lo Mrs. liuylord , 28.1 Leuvun- worth st , , clly. .M821 27 _ B -WANTKI ) , A YOU.N'I ! MAN IIY A HKAL Uktalu linn. Work , collecting and shorlhand AddrukH L&ti , llco. b24 25 * BWANTKI ; ) . A HOY AT KUlIN'a DHUO STOHK 15th and Douglas. M&S3 m l > - WANTKI ) , HALKSMKN FOH NKHHASKA l > nnd Iowa , Ate | sldu line man. Addrois eiiiuiitra Cigar Co. , Chicago , 111 Mbs2 'M' I-WANTKD , 10 ooon IIHICKLAYKHS ATPV- Dpllllon , Neb. , lo work on hlL'h tchool bulldlDK : blmingus paid good men. _ MbtiU27 -WANTKI ) , COAT MAKKlia MUtoT IIK FIHST. cliihs. Hot prices puld and steady work. Lot- quint , Importing tailor , bavory houta , DCS v.olncj , lo a. Mbtai' | _ _ n-THHKK FIHST-CLASS I'ILK DIUVKIl FOHK IJmen. Only A 1 men need callnt 1115 , Nebraska National Uank bulldlu. Templcton & Morrow. 1JWANTICD. . ASSISTANT KNGINKKll , 130 PKK llmonlh with room unit board , htme ate ; and ex perience Hud give reference , llox 11 , llvairlcu IJ-WANTKI ) , A ( iOOl ) KAUM IIANI ) TO WOUK -IJby tliuyeur. Addroit U , 11. Ilouwur , Ft. Cal- boun , Nub. KeO u > I { -WANTKD. A KIHST-CIMBS 11AKKIU AD- JJdri'ifi or call , Kcd l.lulil llakery , Arupahou , Neb , Mb 1' -A KIKsT-L'LABb NKWBPAPKll BOL1C1TO11 for country work. M nil bo well recommended. IHutoiiliui , Ti'kumah , " ' f- \VA.NTK1) , K.XPKIIIKNL'KI ) AND ItULlAHI.K J'tnlcrinau to Inlroduco a I'l'dnlly ' on a talary ta l . AildreBu John \V. 11IIT A. Co. , lud-IUS Wabaili avvnue , Clilcnuo , 111. M8J1 ft * -110V WAM'hll ' 10 TI..VI ) C10AII bTANI ) ft I lily toilny a UT iU.Slt fo. lOlh itrccl.KH KH 2i B-WANTKI ) , I HIST Sa IIUTCIIKH , bUI 1'urk uviMHU' . KUI2S' WANTKiJ-TIl'K NAMKn ANI ) Aiiiutr.e I'uf IUHTH lie nii'ii nnU HUUI n open tor perma nent Hoik.Vn nlvo eiclu-lvu territory. Wo ( uaitnli'U itnort wuikrrii tMuiek , Wu tiirnl > h Cmilfwi'il. B-Hi TO IIS PISH DAY AT 1IOMK , 8KM.1.NO I iKhtnlng I'lator Ami plating Jewelry , wntclie . lalili-waro. i-lc. t'lntcs the Uncut ot Jcwelrr cooil ( in new , on nil klndi nf metal wllh Rold , Mirer or nlrkol. No rxiicrlcncc. No capital. l-.vory hnnso him KOOIH needing plating. II. K. Delno A Co. , Columbia , O. 7fS U Tj JAIJKNTS. . * KO M"A UK MONTHLY SKl.t.t NO JJnnr now cutlotf upcclally , write for lornn. Clauaii Mionr Co. , lutti nnd Walnut , Knninin CIlTi Mo. 793 S5 1J WANT I ? I ) . IIOOKIOSK'uHMKS. CASH- J'lcrii , Monographer" , nalciinion. ( enchtm , porters. iTifclmnlCK. t-ookii nnil nil pernonK wanllnu work u [ nnj- kind to cull or ml.trm with tamp Chicago Km- pluymcnl llnreau , liw Fifth avcnuo , room 'I , Clip C KU , III. 801 2i - MKN WHO tNIIKUSTANO tvorklnir with tool' , wood , Iron or tin , or wlio hnve worked wltli imirhlnerr or wlio am handy with carpenter tooK | ; > ijo will bo needed for imtterns. Kxfierlencu not ntccsrnry. Pleasant Indoor winter bunlnom. Ilnlit , itrndy employment. Hood wagct can he made , AUdreis with ttamp , Tlio llramlenburtf Mfc , C'o. , Dayton , O. 89V2.t * FSM ALE ; HBLP. p - W A NT K I ) . AV olAjW II 6 IS All 001) V cook and laundress , iwo In family , wages ( .VUU per week. Apply alUlO Douglas. JI353 / 1-WANl'KI ) , ( HIIL FOIl OK.NKHAL 11OUSK- VJwoik who can cook. Call Ml < loorgla ave. ( S , i'.ilh st. ) two doors north of church. Iii7 25' _ --WANTKI ) , LADIF.S AND ( lllll.H TO DO our new work lor us nl home ! $1 to $ j per week enilly made ; no painting or canvassing ; send self addressed envelope. Kcho Manufaclurlng com pany , 4 Liberty Square , Hoston , .Mass. ( KIT 25' -WANTKI ) . COAT.MAKKIIS , APPLY AT KAT2- Nevlns Co. . lllh and Douglas. f l 7v-A O1HL TO DO FlllbT CLASS COOKINJANI ( ) v general housework In a faintly of Iwo. lllghesl wages paid. Apply lo 240.1 Douglas st. 7I02J * C J-WANTD. A COMPKTKNT ' ( SI HL. J1UST II K good , cook and laundress , 1010 So.2'Jlh street. 743 GWANTKI ) , A GOOD SKAMSTHKSS AT 3510 Fatiinin. M78I 25 _ C -WANTKI ) , OIHL OH JIIDDLK-AKKI ) WOMAN ; family of three ; no Swedes. b'2 S. 2Uth si. J177725 * ( WANTKI ) , I'OMPF.TKNTsiHL FOIl (1KNKHAL ( V housework ; bo good cook and laundress ; call In forenoon. Mrs. W. U , Templelou. 40111 Cum- ing street. . 7UI 2H _ _ -MISS CAMILLA AVKHY , SOUTH HKNI ) . INI ) . , box F. pays 119 n week to ladles for writing , etc. , al home. Heply with stumped envelope. WJ 25' _ _ /1-WANTI5H. fililL FOH ( SKNIUIAL IIOI'SK- V-'work , P.II7 Webster st. 820 25' p-W'ANTKD , LADY AGKNTS TO SKI. I , TI1K v > llygelu Klectrtc Corsets , Hosl selling and most profitable. I or terms vail or send to Westurn Cor set Co. , St. Louis , .Ml ) . , 7M ! 25' 7lW A N T Kliii LAIIIKS TO DO WH1TI N ( J FO 1 1 v-nm at their homes. > cnd addressed stamped envelope. Mrs. Violet ( ionlou , Uox 1107 , 1 bleu go , III. 7VJ 25' p-WANTKI ) . ( iOOn-APPiSAHlNr. , KNKIWM3TIC V jrnuiiK lady for respcclablc , 'protllablu position Address L ( Hi lice. M ' .W 25 * f WANTKI ) , SKAMSTHKSS CAPAI1LK OF CUT- wilng iiifd ntting children's clothes , f 18 per month room and board. Address with references box II , Beatrice , Neb. 837 26 -WANTKI ) , YOU.M ; lilHL TO ASSIST IN C1KN- eral housework. No. 1113 Ccorgla avenue. Her- cruncus. SIB'Jfl 27 * D-FLATS. mVKLI.IN'UH Cl . . . parts or city Kilkenny it Co. , Conllnental blk , . ixi ; T-k-KOIl UKN'T , TWO FIHST CLASS DUTACIIKI ) X/nlnu room hotmci , modern ; neighborhood bent ; with barn , It. C , I'allcrson , llatuiiu block. M'.lij i l-FOIlIIIINT , 2llOOM HOUSKS , OASS X-'i'trecl ' , between SJtli nnd Slltli. H. T. Clurke. 2W llonrd ot Trail J. I'liono I'.ij. 410 i -15-itooM nousi : NKAH nuni SCHOOL ; J-'alcum heal ; Btublc ; moilern eunvenlenccs. Thus. V. Hall , m Paxton bluett. : )7i ) ( Di - HK.NT. HOUSKS IN ALL PAHTS OF clly. ThoO. F D.tvls company , )50i ) Fnriiaiu SI. 4PJ D 'I O HKNT.12-llOOM"TlOiSK : 20TH ANI ) IOIK ! streets. All modern conveniences. Possession given Immediately. Cull or address M. L. lioeder. Hoom 10.1 , Paxton block Mti52 D-4-HOOM FLAT. STKA.M I1KAT. F1HST-CLASS. HefeicDces. 81(1 ( S. 22nd street , room ( i. 433 D-10-HOOM HOUSK , ALL .MODICUM 1MPHOVK- ments. 2114 Chicago street , SIO.IIJ per month. Percy U. Ford , McCauue Invejtment Co. , 1Mb nnd and Dodgcslrecls. \\u \ \ -FOHIlKNT , il-HOOM HOU.iK. ALL MODBHN conveniences , with large barn , -WJJ 1'oppleton avo. Inquire at37 ! S. 15th st. . . . 12(1 ( -FOH. HKNT , 3 FLATS IN LIN TON HLOCK. 13th and Mason stroels , t ! rooms ench , walor and gas. lientB-I by steam , In goo.l repair , rant lo-v. In quire nt'.117 In the block. John llaiulln , u e it.M731 M731 -FOH HKNT , TWO 13-HOOM HOUSHS , ALL modern conveniences , on fieorxli ave , 1 hloa'c froai strcot railway. Apply room35J , Ilee Uulldln ; , J. M. Simeral. receiver. 151 1 > .N CM TlSN-HOUM MODKUN HOUSK , UiO : SO. I l7lb u nnd live-room collage 605 So. ; 14lh st Inquire G.4 to. I7lh st. Joba H. F. Lehmann. D-ONK OFTHK FINKST HKSIDKNCKS IN THK city : 10 rooms ; every Improvement of n tlrst class house : furnace. Inquire 151U South 10th. 8.1) ) O3 D A DKSIHAHLK HOMK OF 9 HOO.MS , FUll- nlshud or unfurnished. Parties going to Cali fornia. Apply on premises , 1112 South Tcnlh street. 55'1 -ONLY TWO LKFT OF THK IMtO'JM COT- lanes Just completed. Have bath , hot and cold wau rand modern conveniences. Desirable homes for business men In beautiful Httnfird circle. For particulars apply to Mar Loai : and Trust Co. agents , 4 , New \ork Life bldg. 5i2 , -FUH HKNT , 10-HOOM HOUSK , 2JI5 CASS , HUM. Heed & Selby. Hoard of Trado. KB D -LISTYOUIIPHOPKHTY. HKNTAL OH SALK nlth < ! eo. W. P. i ontoi , IU14 Faruum. 200 IV-FOK HKNT , ONK OF THK MOST COMPL13TK 1'convenlcnt und comfortable nine-room housei In Omahu , with bath room , laundry and all modern conveniences ; also nice yard at SK. cor. Jones and 2.Mh blrcots , batwuen St , .Mary's avo. nud Leaven worth atrccl HXJ D-10-HOOM IIOUSK , CKNl'HALLY I.OCATKI ) ; furuuco nnd all improvemenls , 7UO N. 18th St. l'J7 D - LIST HOUSKS. PAUU 1U05 FAHNA.M ' ' ' MU44 b'2'.l' U'-FOIl HKNT , FLATS IN THK P. K. 1LKH block , cor. Kith and Jackson sts. They nro su perior lo any In the city. Call nnd look nt them , Will runt to families only , Knqulrc r.t W. 11. Huili- erfordi Co.'sslore , 61'JS , lUthsl. M5'J3 D ( -FOII HKNT. IMIOOM HOUSK NKAH HIGH school. Inquire W.1U Capitol uve. UOI 25 * DFOH HKNT. 14-HOOM HOUSK , 1812 CHICAGO il. Apply ttl 180ii Chicago si. MOOI 27 D-FUHN1SHKD IIOUdK , 6 1IOOMS , LAHGU lawn , ui , St. Mary's nvu. G. F. Hulls , 2203 17th si I'M DUO D t-SKVKN-IIOOM COTTAGK , 25U9 P1KHOK ST. Ill.Uliimonlh' Mdxl ) 2C * D-5-HOOM COTTAGK , CITY ANI ) CISTKHN water In housu , large lawn , east front. Ill ) S 3lth U. Inquire 3111 S I5lli t. UK 5 * _ -10-HOOM IlllICK IIOUSK WITH MODKHN Imurovbmenls , on :0th struct near Luavunworlh , Imiulre ut87 ! So. lUth Btreel , M7d' . ' -FOH HKNT , FUHNISH : IIOUSK FHOM lop lo bottom , tn good locality , Kent laken In board , Addrco' L48 , cee. M731 25 D-NKW MODKHN COTTAGK BKAUTIFUL lawn and shade. N. K. cor. 2.'nd and Miami sts. M775 -ti-HOUM COHNKH FLAT. ALL MODKHN CON. vciilcncoi. itoi Leavenworlh si. M7U9 7' -ASNAP,3-HOOMHItICK HOUSK { J.OJ NKAH motor. Uarvln , za ; Sheoly blk. 784 25 -FOH HKNT , FUHNISHKI ) IIOUSK FOIl TUB winter. Inquire i3'JS2Vlh avo. 785 20' " D-FOH HKNT 14-roum modwrn liouso. 107 B. 17tli. tl room modurn house , 1322 S. Clh iL U-rooiu house , 813 H. Ilith t. ( ! -ro < iiu Hut , bH ( N. luth il , Large Hut of cutlu ua. II. U. Llnrk & Co , 12ia Harnoy si , M630 J n-B-HOOM HKSIDKNCi : ( OHNKH 44TI1 ANI ) lodge , excellent condition , HO per month to small family well recommended ! C , A , Blarr Ileo building , M829 2 * D-FOH HK.ST8-IIOOM DWKLLING.FUHNISIIKI ) for housi-keeplni ; : on motor line ; no children preferred ; will take board oil rcnl. Address LM "c - 815 25' ' ( AN" I-ATB ON nnd Plukney slreeU ( corner ) . Kx cellent location fur drug store or groceries , In Hiilro or addreii N. l-'lury , WJth und Plnkney Blroeti. M82J 1' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -B HOOM IlllICK HKSIUKNCK. CIO OEOHGIA avenue. Furiiaco. balh , &c ; 37.W per aonlli J. H. MUBOII , llurkcr block. Mb2t ) 2' I \-FOH HKNT. KHJIIT-ltOOM 1ICUSK WKLI -Indicated , gotd barn , plenty yard room. Owner It leaving eity : will rt-nl lo u good purly al 12500 per month , (15 ( lice building. bill 25 0-STKAM UKA'I' , ALL MOIiKKN IMPHOYK munu , one corner llut.vid and Davtmpoit slrjolt 1V-K4IU IIK.NT TWO MOUIIIIN Ht.'lhT 8 J'room houses near I anccom Purk mill both rooim , ( .plemlld brick c.'llarii. fnruueu. etc. , eletun iiuuliburhood , heulthy localtou ; rent lor ( I5ix each lieo. , v lilcki , tloomaji .x , Y. l.lfo , 41 29 DFOH HhNT , A l-1'LKMIll ) UO'ITAGK , 0 looiiu. w ler : ull In good ordir ; II8.U ) per month , Al i u fine foliage , 7 IOOIUB. cily wuler etc. ; fjauu per uioulU. T. C , Uiuuntr , room I Wuru block. Wjss if OK KENT-HOUSES. D-TO HKNT , FUHNISHKI ) IIOl'SK , 9 HOOMSl occupant and two other men prefer to board IT I Hi family thai rents It. 714 North I51h. 8M 25 * I \ -SI.\-HOOM CO'rTAGKrs ? ? N. j&Til,7mii li'KIl J- ' monlh. Inquire 9 S. Isth sliccl.MJ7J 2 ; D-Foll HKNT KIHUT-IIOOM IIOUSK , LAIK1K lawn.IJ5.OU. fl-room mo'lern collage nltti bnth , IBM. suit California st. Can furnish barn. | -FOIl HKNT , THHKK ItOOM COTTAGKB J 'with modern Iniprovomniit * . 27tll-li-7 Cnldwoll pticct. Tlltauy , V Vlnsonhalcr.GlO N. Y. Lite. - Kti 25' FOR KENT-FURNISHED ROOM 4. P-FUHNISirKDH)6.MST ( ) HKNT Wrrir'L'L I Jniodcrnconvcnlenccs. 1)12 Douglas slreul. r/J _ | r-HOOMS WITH OK WITHOUT UlMui ) . 2W3 : JjDoiiglas ' 1' slreel. Mjl'J ( ' " " ' " E-YKHY hMMlM'AS"l > ( ? o'MVoiitrA"i7l.K ItOOMs ! Gcnllcmcn preferred. lltU Capitol avenue. 472-Olf. . _ _ _ E-1'LKAHANT LA1KI15 ANI ) SMALL NIL'KLY furnished rooms on car line , 115 So. zutli streot. Ml -FUHNISHKI ) HOO > Ii WITH iTATU , jTJio iiiunth , lim Farnam. CIS NICKLY FUHNISHKI ) HOO.MS , MOD- -Jcrn house Ut-nllomin only. 2017 Harney. P-NICKLY FUHNISHICI ) HOOM , I'lllVATK l-ifniiilly. neat motor , fiu.1 S , 2illi ( nve. M7 d-2'l' ' In-FUHNISIIKI ) HOOMMODIJIIN CONYKN fences. MlVuSoiilh llltli struel. 5S6 25' E-FUHNISI1F.1) FHONT IIQOM , STKAM IIK AT , 7.IIU Douglas. 787-27 * P-D PAHI.OH SUITK OH SIN.lLK , WITH I sluum heat , gas nnd balh , 7U9 So , HIlli slrucl , E-GKNTLKMKN ONLY ; ONK DOUHLK , ONK single. I ? Irsl class. 'Gas , balh , olcam heal. 2233 'amain , 811125' I -NICKLY FUHNISHKI ) FHONT HOOM. WI'KH Jmonth. Hofcrences exchanvud. 907 N. 27th at. 817 25' _ _ E- FOIl HKNT. TWO FHONT HODMS ; MAN ANI ) wife preferred. 21123 Hamilton ulrccl. 857 25' -LAHGK FUHNISHKI ) HOOM. INOUIIlh E28 S. 18lh street. .M3UU 27 E-FUHNISHKI ) HOOMS FOH GKNTLKMKN only : heat , gas and bath ; rclerencus exchanged , 817 Jackson struct' -M8D3 2(1' ( E -LAHGK FHONT HOOM WITH CLOKT. GOOD locution , 1)13 ) South 25th live. M Still 211' _ E-IIOOMS , MODKHN CONVKNIKNCISS. Stl.OO , 1.0.00 , f.'S.OO. 218 No. lUth ( IreeU My.r. 27' Ifi-NlCKLY FUHN1SIIKI ) HOOMS , OPPOSITK , JMcrrlam , 113 South 25lh ; modern convenience. BURNISHED HOOA1S AND .BO/UtD. I ? UOUMS WITH IIOAIU ) . 172. ! OAIMTOL AVK. JL MJT3 S27 * ' 1 ? .WJ FA UN AM , NICK 1100M ANP 11OAHI ) . MMG B27 * Ii'-KLKGANTLY FUIINISIIKI ) HOOMS , KIHST class board , atThe" Dolun , 50J and HI N. IStli elicct. MMJ ) 17-FOUU LA1UJK HOOMS WITH IIOAUI ) . 2511 - * - Tierce. Mi28 ( 20 * 17-KUHN'lSHKD HOOMS WITH HOAHU AT THK J-1 Shrlncr , IT22-32I S. 2 < Jln sU 041 20 * If-KLKGANTFltONT HoOM WITH ffo7) board. 1722 PoilKO. M733 2U * -PAKTlKsTTlCHIUOUS OF WINTKIl QUAH- tors can IIml Iho moat desirable rooms In thu city ut 2101-210.1 DuUKlni ) . Tbo two houses have been thrown lordlier , making over twenty clciiant rooms newly decornteU , with nil modern conven ience' , 'lo let sliiKly orensulle , furnished or un furnished. Two hirno , pleasant , dining rooms. Tn- ble unsurpassed. 'Jho house opened October 1st by experienced ninniumiueut. hmiulru nt pr uiUCH or 314 South "lilh strcot. 874 2j 1 A LAIlliU FHONT ALCOVK IIOOM , FUIl- -L nlshed or unfurnlshad. with bonril. In private family down town , reference ! ! . Address Lnl. Ileo olllce , 843 si -KUHNISIIKP HOOM , WITH Oil WITHOUT -I board. 2S10 N. 2'nd Direct , between Maple und LOCUHI. bli ( ' . ' . ' ) FOK K 'NT UMFTTBNj G rwTTrNTlJliNrisHi"i ; ) FIWNT rent. 1017 t npltol i.venue. Mum ' . * FOR REN'l-STORES AND OFFICES. r-KOUKKXT , -I-'JIO Karnam at Thu bulletin. : has u fireproof co , uicnt basement , complete sleumhcalliiK llxturea ; wulcr on nil the tloora , KHS , etc. Apply ul iho oKlce ofTheUec. Did T KOK KENT , OCTODKIl 1 , THIS STOHK COU- llh ( ! and Jackson sin. , In the P. K. Her block. Has acomuloto act ofharjivaro anolvlnx and counters which c.ui be purchased at u bargain. Ono of the heal Hiunds In Omaha for a rulall hardvfaro slore. Kmiulroiil 1112 llarney st. Mi'.ll ' I-KOP. KENT STOHU 22x133 FT. 1413 DOUGLAS at. Storo-rooni. SUt ) N. luih al. 11 , G. Clark A Co. , 1218 Harnoy at , MtMl 1 T TO 11KNT. WANTUI ) , A I'llySICl AN ' 1 (3 ( OC- -Icupy nlco onico room wllh reception room al ready furnished ; rent loasoiiublo. Call at Now York dental parlor * , 14th und tnrnnm , ! i > 5 15 * WAJMTKD-TO RKMT. K WANTED , ONK Oil TWO UNFUll.NISIIKO rooms , wllh or wlt'iout board. HefcrencoB re quired. Ad.1res 510.North 2Jd streel. J15'J2 25 K-WANTED , 3 ItOOMS AND I1OA11D IN Pill- vale tnuilly for lamlly of three , atrletly Ural clubs nnd In.'ilh ward , iiulerencea exchnnged. Ail- dress i. 42 , lice. .MrOJ 25 K-WANTKI ) , 2 Oil H W.XKUHXISHBI ) 11OOMS connecUd , central location. Address w. .1. Mnaon , Inl3 Webster strujt. 744--'j * K-MTANTKP , A LADV DKSIIfiS UOO.M AND board In private lamlly In oxchanne for lessona In hHKllsh br.incnoi. Lcaaoni given evenln a and bnturitaya , Adilreas L52 llee. M7u 25 * -WANTKI ) TO HUNT. A FL'llXISIIHD HOTlu , or reitunrant In BOUIO Ibnu In Nebraska. Ad- drena nl once l.dd . .lericll , Dorchualer , Neb.S1225 S12-25 * K-WANTUI ) , SUITHOI' ' FUIINISIU5U OH UN- ( urnlijlied looms wllh bouid. Desirable locu tion lor man and wife. Cull : i'Jl& Jones. b , ' > S 25 * --WAXTKD.GCOD Klllt.SltilliCI ) HOOMSTKAM heal und K , where no questions ulll bo naked ; Klvo price and location. L (14 ( , Ueo. M87U 25 * -WANTKD , HVOCTOliailTIIH flllST , 3 UN. furnished sieam hnted rooms near business cenlar. Add reta Lii5 Ileo. fe'Jl 25 * KENTA-U AQENCYS. L-CHEAP HUN'rV , HOUriKS ALLPAltTS CITV , ,0.W ( lo ia5.0U. K. C. ( iarvln Jc Co. , 2J1 Bheoly blk ! 782 25 STORAGE. -miY , CLKAN .V IMUVA ntlurul207Doiigla4. omahuStovu Hupulr works. M-STOHAGK CHKAP , CLKAN , WKLLS. lilt Farnum strcot , nij WAN TED-TO BU ? . N-FUHNITUHK HOUGHT , bOLL ) , tSTOHKO. Wells , 1111 Farnam st. aw AT WANTUI ) , WILL P AY SPOT CASH IN i-i amounts fi-iim H0tui ( to JlOO.lXXl for stocks of dry goodj , boots , hardware , clothlni ; or carpets. Must have largu discount oil Involcj price. No snldo stocks considered , Addr , ' i In conlldDuoe , box 294 , Lincoln , Neb , os , | N WANTKI ) TO HUY SOMK 8 1M3II CKNT Jlrsl morluasus , Heed & Solby , 3J1 Hoard Trado. 759 _ _ _ _ TW'-A DltUC 8TOHK WITH STOCK ANI ) FIX- 11 tures In Omaha or tow.n In Nobraaku , Slulo par- llculurs. Address L 5.1 , lieu. M70425 * N-I WANT TO 1NVKST TWKLVK TO F1FTKKN hundred dollam In drug tore In Nebnuka , either partnership or buy out ; niu practical drug- glut ; speak , read and wrlto Herman , No whisky. shop men need answer. 1700Klla St. , Hoalrlce- * * " " 819 25' _ _ _ FOR SALE-FURNITURE. 0-I.OTOFFUHNiTUHi \ \ HUT LITTLB , vlt : lied room suits , folding buds , coucho tables , chain , large and small moquullu rugs , cur- pcla. etc. , etc. Clean goods. Hoom 21 Contlmtntul bluek. 727-28 _ -FOH BALK. FUHNLTUHK OF "KIVK HOOMS. ceurly new. Apply Monday between v a. m. aiil & p , m. , at 1014 North llth street , 7t'J 25' Fjra ALE-HOR ES WAGONS , ETO 1FOHHALK , A KlXTY-lOfJMiriVri"u'uatJf ; forHi.O ) . H. K. Cole. Continental block. 2J p-IOH SALB , FAMILY UOHHK. ( JKN'JLK AND A qulcl. Mycm. 12JO N. jjlu al. MtSU 27 * 1FOl | SALK. OOOI ) BlNGLKFOOTIill. IIK IS , . ! . ° ! oodllrlvt" . ' ' Knqiilroat HoomlWl , N. Y. - Liftllulldlna. . gj8 jj , 1U YKAH-OLt ) IIOHSK FOH SALK CHlcAl1' iW lcht 1,200 pouiidn. Hoom 30 , llarker block. Mbol 1 FOIl SALE-IISCEtXiANfiOU3 , QlIACKb. . I'lUTCllAHD , DOUULA8 ' 11LOC1- ) A VV1' 1 > AI" > ' IU OrVUAf'K' ! ' ' MKMIIKHSIIU' , , , Will Die Omaha Hoard of Tindu. Make cuU proposition - position to A. L. North , general delivery , Omaha. , _ 1UU1 -UPH1GHT PIANO CHKAP. 617 8. 10TI1 ST. M017-2T * -lOH SALK-FHKSIl COW. 2021 1'IKUCK ST. -iBsan * _ _ - -HAINKB IllttH. tQUAHH PIANO I.V GOOD condition ; very clioap for cu U. Inuutre 1UH North Kid street. fM It * Q )0 MISCELLANEOUS. 1 > - WANTKII. LAWfa WHO VA1.UK A 1IKA17. ntllUI 8. T. lb st. , Omaha , Mn > . II. H. Hnrn llntrUiilon Chemical Works , Min neapolis , will bo hapjiT to answer liny nupmion about l.amMfolt nklthiflilc mid will treat the faces or trneh ladles how til t : novo pimples , innllK , Ian. flesh nornn and fr rkle * . Hours between J andn i. in , every day except Sunpay , M77H 80 * U.III3 m'.I'.M.Ml A riiKAPANT I'LAIK - .irm-ri. Ihey can ferine the lie l treatment at moderate rates can nnll the snmo nt the Health In- stltlitc , Jltt ) S. IClh Vt. * SJA 25 * K HAYING SOLI.TUB OMAHA PAPKH HOX factory nt 1822 ami IM4 St Mary's nvo. . In A. . ! . Kggern , V Co. , I besMnX for them n liberal patronage - age from my formeritmtonien. Omaho , M-ti. . Sopt-.H.lMr ) } . .lulin L. Wllkle. Wo beg leave tc"ridvl. o llin patrons of Hie Omaha Paper Hex Fadlory and Iho rubllc In general - eral , thai we have bought the business at I.S'2 and 824 St. Mary' avo. , and the naiiU1 ( if Mr. J. L. Wllxle. ThobtKlness will bo conducted as hcrelo- fore. Any orders wo may be. favorc-d with will re ceive the moil careful and prompt attention , Wo kindly ask for a continuance of undo. Omaha , Neb. , Sept. II1 , ISJi. A. J. I.Kger..s A Co. B22 25' 11 - STAHTLIN ( ! . WONDKIIFUJ. IIISCOYKHY , IXKnrth's motion domonvtraled Amusing , Inter esting , Instructing , Kvery student wants It. lly mnlliUo. A. s. Davlion , box 37 , SI. Clalr , Mo.KOI KOI 25' 1J-TIN WOHK , Hirr IT UOXK 1IYTIIK OATI ! J VClty llniiors , 8' N. Kith st.s good work and cheap , us 25 * 1J VAN SANT WILLSTAH1' ANOTHKH CLASS Ivin shorthand and typewriting October 1st Those who would Ilko to begin llio present week can do no. Instruction by a pracllcnl reporter. He- sulls certnln. Hoom 513 N. V. Life. Mfi75 RW H ATHAVKYOU TO THADK Foil HPLKN- did gold wntchj horse preferred. Caldwell , tiox 42 , houth Omaha , (93 25 * 13 - AUCTION UOUdKUOM ) GOODS 1.1 VIS iislock and farm sales conducted every whereby P. T , Culdwcll , KOnornl auctioneer , South Omaha , u bl'5 25 * 11 WANTKI ) , PONY TO IJ8K Kill ITS FHKI ) | IVllaiit work , A. L. Hampton , .MM t-outh 20th street. .MSirr-2C , * CLAIRVOYANTS. O MHS. NAN'NIK V. WAHHKN , .LAIHYOYANT. Orollablo business medium , tilth year al 119 N lllth. I i7 O-AHHIYAL KX I'llAOHDINAHYl WONDKHFUL Orcvelatlons. Challenges the world Mrs. Dr. M. Logrnvo , dead franco clairvoyant , n < troloalsl , palmist and llfo reader ; lulls your life from Iho cradlolo grave ; unites the sup-irate. ! ; caiisoi mar riage with the one you love : tolls whore you will succeed anil In what huilneM bull a laplcd for ; bus the celebrated Kgypllan broaotplalo for luck and to Icitroy bad Inlluencot ; ciirei lilt , Inlcmpuranuo nnd all private complaint ? with nintsavu , balhs and alcohol treatment , tun , ! tiM , lock of hair , name inddatoof birth ami receive aectmito Ufa charl ; 2centsluslnmpa fur circular ; give Initials of ono you will marry ; also photos of s.imi ) . Olllcu 417 outh llth Btreet. llr.Utloor ; houri , U a.m. lo .I p m Come one , come ull. nndii \ convinced of this won derful oracle. M 4G7 1 * MASSAGE. PATHS. ETC. rp-MASSAGK T"l Ltnal baths , scalp and hair treatment , manicure md chiropodist. Mrs.Poitaio ; < , S IJth.Wlthnellblk 1103 _ 'P MADAM STOWK , SIAGNKT10 1IKALKH 1 3029 Pratt street. S1753 I * rp-MAIAMK ) SMITH UU CAPITOL AVKNUK - 1Hoom 3 3d floor. Alcohol , sulphur JHd sea bavin. M77I ilu' _ rp-MMK. LA HUB , MAS9AGK , 41l ! SOUTH I5TH tslrcel , llilnt lloor. Hal 4. M 881 1 * _ PERSONALS. -CUTTHIS OUT AND PHKSKNT AT COWAN'S photo studio , 2l2i'umlng : slreet. und you will bo enlltled to 12 cablnol photos of yourself , satin llnlsh , Kill-edged cards-mid 1 SxlO for framing , lor : l.l'.t ; wlthoul Ihls , 1 1,011. ' An 1 10 dumund was more Ihan wo could acci.mptpdato wo extend another 10 lays. _ , MG74 2ii U-.OT.OO INGOLIXOIVKN I1YTI1K NATIONAL Homo Maker. A.inntrlrjonlal papcrcontalnlng hundreds ot ladles , nud Bontlomon's addresses wishing corrcspondr-hl ! * ; Contains original stories. iiocms. sketches , olc ! 'Sample copy free. National Homo Maker , St. PauI.iMlnu. bOti-25 * - PKHSONALDO"'YOU WANT TO KNOW your sweetheart , your future husband , matrimonial menial and business j-Jnincos In life , IIH revcitluil by astiology ! .end IVcouu. full dnte of blilh and U'scrlptlon. Piof. M. liVonn , llox I07J , Chicago. 111. UOJf _ bU7-2.'i * -O" F. " TtSAclSIl > with Hogpe , N.W.ta ner 15th and Harnoy. 91) y PIIOF. QUINNj/'Av TIIACHKIl OF MANY years' oxparlenca , , wlll glvo lesions In Latin , reek or mathematics. Apply 90S N. Y. Life bldg. ' ' ' "V. 76:125 : * I , TiAGK LOANSLESd TUAN 7 1'Kll CT. Including all charges. Charles W. llalnoy , Omaha Nat , bank bldg. CPU -7PEII CENTMON10VVNKT 'TO ' nOKROW- crs on Omaha clly'proporly. ' No oxlra cu.irKos ofanyklnd. Why pay hluh ralss ? Money Is cheap. Von cun cot lull benefit ot low rates from Globe Loan and Trust Co. . Itith and DoiU-u. ti7i ) \v LOANS. O. G. WALLACE , 312 IHIOWN HLK. 671 vW W ANTHONY LOAN ANDTHUST CO. . 313 N. Y. Life , lends nl low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property. " .72 . WC. . F. UAHH1SON , 912 N , Y. L1FK. C73 \\7-fEXTKALLOAX & .THU3T CO. , 11BK 111,1)17. " B71 W-CHKAP MONKV. SEE 15. W. P. COATED Hill Fnrnnni. U75 -LOANS ON I.MPHOVEI ) AND UNIMPHOVKI ) clly proporly.Sl.pffJ and upwards , ( I to 8 percent. No delays. W.Furnam Smith Jt Co.,16tU and llarney. Tl AL KSTATK LOANS , ti TO7PKII CENT ; no additional chnrKcs for commission or attor ney's fees. WII. . Melkle , First National Uank bldir. W PHIVATK MONKY , 1ST A.M ) 21) ) MOUTG AGE loans , low ratss , Alex Moore Ileo bid , ; . G73 -OMAHA SAVINGS 1IANK MAKKS LOANS on real ostalo al lovrou market rates. Loans rando hi small or larxo sums for short or loni : time. No comtnliHlon IselmrKOJand the louni uro not sold In thoean. but eanatwjyj ho found at the bank nn the corner of 13lh and DoUKlni streets. ii73 \\r J1ONHV TO LOAN ON IMPIIOVKI ) CITV > property , low ralo.A. . C. l 'rosl , Douglas blk. two -I AND2-V15AH LOANS ON CITV ANI ) KAHM morttfUKoa , Heed & Selby , XH Hoard of Trniio , 35J W-C1TV AXD FAHM HKAL EsTATK LOANS at lowest rales ; consult n before borrowing. E. C. ( jnrvln A Co. , 203 Sheoly block. 241) \v r WANTKI ) ATONCK1II APPLICATIONS FOH loans. Goo. J. Paul , lllOi Furnam slrcot. vW MlllS-sK)1 ) W -LOANS , LOW HATES. ZITTLK.HHOWN I1LK UtiO U5 " \\7 7MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWKST HATKS. v The O. F. Davis company , 1505 Fnrnam slreel. 419 _ AyyTHK FIDELITY THUsT CO. , HKCKNTLY ' removed to B , K , corner Ileo building. Is pre pared lo cjuse louni on city real estate promptly and ul lowest rules. Submit auullcatloii. 4'JI O14 PKC1AL FUND TO PLACK ON CITY v Imnroved properly. No dslay. Will dlvldu. Also want nppllcallons for lartfo business pn > purty loans , George Paul , HW3 Farnam , M7.1U 2'J' MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPHOVKI ) HKAL cslule , lowol ralusi building loans u spec ially , 'Ihoiuas llrenuan & . Co , Karbach block. 7 3o3 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. X-DO YOU NKKD'JIONKY ? THK FIDKL1TY LOAN GUAHANTl'JK ' CO. , Hoom 4 , Whltnull block , cor. 15lh und Harnuy als. , WILL LND YOU AXWSUM , FHOM $ IJ ON THKDA.VijyoO ASK FOH IT. Wo make loans of. any. sUe , litrgj or small , on household goocu. planoii , horses , WUKOIIII , waruhouso ruuelUBind | personal property of nil kinds , In any amount , without delay , pub licity or reiuoval.prup rty ; chuapusl rules and caoloet payment * . SiSK US FIHST , X i > o YOU WAN'T MONKY on HOUSKHOLD furnlturo cud pianos , horses , wagons and car * rlagus ? WuruhousD cct'lptsor personal properly of any kind at tholowpM pomilblo rutun and III the quickest poMlblu llmu , wlthoul publicity or re moval of pioperty.u u You cun pay uny pdrlibf Ui3 loan al any llmo auJ la IbU nay reduce tbo cost of currying the loan. OMAHAilOUTlAUt ( ; LOAN CO. , , Itpom H , Crulglitun Block , loth aiit'llnuulus , next to Postolllco. ria- 341 X WILL IXIAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF SK- curtly ; strictly cttrUJdontlal.A , K. Harris , ronoi 1 _ , Contlnuntal block. nfl OS ! f I'lllTLUAUl ) , 61' DDUUI.AB 1U.IC , IU & DOIKIU. U3I X CUATTKI , JXJAN3 MADH ON KIIIINITUUK. plauui. llvo utock. otu. , without publicity or re moval prnportr at the lowmt rali < s anil the easloit I > ariueul9 , Jlutl Uruou , roomi li & u llarker block. , C84 _ -I.'JANS ON CIIATTll,3. lll'.AS.I.N'Alll.l- : l.\- leri-hi , narlHI I'lifuiauta 1 to (1 months. W , 1- Uavln. U. W ) Cunlluonlal block. Klovator Ulh it. 'JIJ tVtICONiSV AT LOW HATKS ON A.SV KI.VII OV -tVt KornlOuj MUo. C'o.SJ3 Hhoaly blook. ! 2o.wj ( TO u.v < o oi * usluoi. conaJoiilliL U. WJ Hoard l'r.t < la O.l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y-MONKV WANKI ) CltKAl' AT VOUll O\VK - -llun. ' . Ncbrutkal.OHii Co. . laiti Doujlui il. 4M _ _ _ _ _ _ -rilATTHl. LOANS. ) ANV AMOUNT : IXJW rain. J , C. Van Ullder , room 2JI. Omaha K - bunk , .M UJ-of _ V-JIO.VKVTOLOAN ON VUIIMTUKK. 1-1ANOA " liorn-n , wauonii imil culul | ml ktinrlly. Uml- uc * coutlUuatlul , I rod Tvrry , ruotu US lluiutu blk BUSINESS CHANCES. Yeiioi1 uot7. KiNUNci.x KOII s , vi.t ilolns n Rood builncss. AiMress K , Omaha Hoa Lincoln , Neb. .MTU V-MKAT MAIIKBT WOHTII 300.UU TO PKI.l. I. for Xcb. lK > an Co < 13111PjiiulM l. TO1 Y FINK I1USINKSSCHAXCK IP SOLI ) AT once. For sale , llio le o , furnlluro and Mxlnrf uf the Merrlnm hotel , ( minim , eonlalnlnuH ) rooms , elegantly furnished , all rented , plirhly permanent itueMi. Heat private family hotel In the wcsl. Will nell because of poor hoallh , For tornn apply 01 premises , SJlh nnd DodKo , Mrs. L. . * J , Tnttle. MlVil CIS * \ ' -FOH SALK. SALOON AND KIXTUIIKSl ( IOOD locallon , Address LSI , Ileo onico , M'ifiJ ' 27 _ _ Y IK YOU A IIK s1cF.KINO A irustNF.8S OPI'Oll- lunlly requlrlnii small capital. In a certain and exceedingly profitable nnd Krotrlnx liuslness. nnd always cash , wrlto In llio underslxned , Incloslnc tamp , when full pnrllculari will bo Klvcn. O. K. K. . 1421) ) Lslrcol. Lincoln. Neb , ( V57 Y-FOIl SALK OH LKASK. A HKPllllLICAX newspaper nnd coinplpto prlntlnit oiiltlt In n KIHHI tovfiiof Soulhern XohraiVa. Address wllh ret roncoi L4I cue I'.oe. Jm\hi , Not ) . 7IU-2J Y-KOIt SALK. TIIU COMIIU1.I.1NO 1NTKHKST In thnleadlnu sash nnd door mill In the nortb- wcsl ; dolii ) ! an liumenso business : over MU.OUO.UO north of now work now In the mill : a Kraal bargain to thu right parly. Callon , or oddrass .1. It. Mason , rooms HZ and 33 , Darker block , Omnha , Nob.WJ ( WJ O20 Y-WKLLI-AYINO DHii < i IIUSINIWS FOHHAI.IC tIn town of 1,1)00 Inhabitants. Oood reason for Kelllim. AddroM lr > lloo. 72.1 . ' 'S V WANTMII. AN KXI'KUllCNOIill HUHjDINO A anil loan solicitor , one who can put In n board of .ViU sharus , In Omnha , and l < mn f.UOUJ nt once. Address A It. Mcdroitor. llco olllce. Council Illuns. V'FOIl SALK. A I1AKKUY IN SIOUX ( Tl Y , 1 A. , I for fSOO , less than hnlf Its vnluu. llavn too much iilher liuslne < s in lvo all attention. Wrllo al once. Matthews & Morlsjn , I1U Fourth it. , Sioux City , In. Til ! ! W _ _ _ _ Y-STOCK OF ( lOOIS FHOM $7.WX ) 'I O SIO.OJO wllli money , land nnd well secured notes. 0. II. W. No. It west Slst St. , Kearney , Nob. 715-25' V ANY OOOI ) IHtSINKSS MAS IIAVINI1 KIVK J thousand dollars cash lo Invest In n xtralcht lecltlmati' cbtabllshed business can mnko two IhnUEnnd dollars annually nnd no responsibility. Address 1.43 , Ueo. \I741 . ' . ' > ' Y-JIfiX ( ) CASH WILL 1IUY A C1OOI ) PAYIXIJ wliolpsnto ami retail oil bmlnesi It : a llvo Ne braska town. A Kood opening for nomeono. Ad dress Lfil llco. 747-25" V * Foil SALK , MUST SKI.Ii 11Y DOT 1ST , niWT located rustnurunt In Omaha. Mnklnc money. \ \ III Faorlltne In orner to pot away at onco. Sick- ne sileuinmHIt. Address LH Dec. 7l'2' . ' Y WANTKI ) . i IX I'AllTNKliy. SIlJSTllAA'IJ I from f JOU.OiJ to ( I , UU.tK ) each , to take nn Interest In a merit market dolntlKDX.U ) a month business , cnsh. Kneh must bo n butcher nnd wllllni ; to BO to work , then I will form this business Into n stock company. No lost than &VXUU acceptor ns Block , and no Investor wanted unlcst bo will work nt the business and Is n butotier. Ono olllco man on came conditions. Address L47. lice. MTlll''i' y-IF YOU AUUSUHKlNi ; A IIUdlNKSS Ol'l'UO tunlty In any line of buMnjis wrltj for our bu letln , iMcloMni ; ntnnip. Westurn Huslnuss AKO nt Mlnncnpolls , Minn. Y-IIALl' INTKIIKST IN AN KSTAHLISIIItl ) nnil paying dry iioods and furnishing bualnes for mlo In live city of over 8.00U In easlurn Ne braska ; splendid chunco for rlwht party ; rea'on lor MillliiK , other business. Address llox TU.I , Omaha. 7'.K)3 ) YWA NT K l > A PHYSICIAN TO J.OOATK AT lloelus , Neb. , splendid openlnz , no physician nlthln'.on miles. Address Wheelocks , driiKiil-tB. Iloelus , Nob. MBltlKi" -COAL AND FK15I1 HUSINKsS FOIl SALK , irnckaKo for IDcars ; lensu for lurm of yoiiM , If lakuu ut once a barwaln , Addroas L5S , lice. M71U I Y' A flOOIJ 1'IKCK OF IIUSt.NKSS I'llOl'KHTY toevchaiiKo for residence property In North Oinnlm. east ot'2lth struct. Addresslno. L. lilrteon , I > U Karniuu. 813-25 * Y FIXTUHICS OF A T15N ItOOM FLAT ; HOO.MS all rented with board. A Rdotl business to com- ivuncu with ; bent location In the city. A ImiKUln If taken bolero the tlrst. Address L.Vi , lloe. 817 25" y KLKCTitirAi. WA.\TII : ) , IN KACH STATK , J a purtncr with means to Invest In and mnniiKo thu bublneis of thu MiialluU but most ponerfnl elcc trlciil di'Vleu over Introduct'il : Its Ion-cost lirlnis ; it within the reiu'h of everybody ; It IN especially adapted to tha u > e of physicians , anil l < needed In every home. CrnlB X Co , 511 Cliambcr ol Commerce - merce , ChlcnKO. , Rll 2S" Y-FOIl SALe.ncompletoslock of bicycles. Cued location. Also repair shop , tbo best of reasons forufcllliiB. Aildi-eaa tiU'J ' , l.'uc. JI84327 AVANTKII IIY MUCHAN1C : I'AHTJKS WITH capital to Imjirovo steam boiler In which lime' tciilus will not attach. Address L. 5'.l ' , Lice. MS52 1' "IT FOIl-SALK , ONK HALF Oil ALL OF A STOCK _ iof hardware ! Kood location ; oed trado. Ad- dreiis Lock llox,857 , Lincoln , Neb. .MSS5 1" ACLKA.N STOCK Of OIIOCHHIICS AND FIX- tnrcs for sble ; tine locution ; sickness reason for sc.niny. No Iradu. Address LC3 , lice. MB7GS7 Y FOIl SALE , AT A VKKY LOW FIGUUK , Til 13 entire state Interest In one of the heaviest pay Inn monopolies now before tha public. It will save 25 oer cent of the coul bills of everybody nnd pro duce butler results , Kverybody wants It nnd will have. It wliun seen. A largo business can bo done at oncu In every county. Full particulars by mail. Address U. K. K. , lliil L st. , Lincoln. Neb. i878 ! MILMNKIl STOIIK FOH SALB , fSOO.OO STOCK , Kood trade , bo.'t ' part of Nebraska. Address Mrs. IJT. Mulkon , lingla , Neb. MSSO 27' FOK EXCHANGE. rFJH KXfHAN ! K-WtS IUVK HOC ) STOCK * -Jln manufacturing concern dolnK Rood business In Omaha that wo will tradj In whole or part for coed work uorsua , American Fuel Co. M35U Z-CLKAK STOCK OF ( JUNKHAL M'D'd'l ! ; WILL take real ostatu i mouor.liox 2JJ. FrankfortInd Ii87 Z CLKAH OMAHA IIILVL K1TAT.5 FOIl MUSK actual valuation. Money to loan , llox 51 J , Om-.ih sim / - ( ! ) UKNTAL I'llOI'BHTY IN OMAllA T\Nn "eastern Nebraska lands for u atock of mdsu. John N. Freuier. M452 SCJ' rTO TUAUK , fSKX ( ) DKNVKIl CITY LOTS FOIl * - * Kood farm or landIn lown or eastern No * braskn , mines , stocks , etc. C. F. Lelmer , real ea- talu , IliM Curtis street , Denver. Colo. .M57H 25 ? Z CLKAH KAHM , HOUSlt AND LOT IN OMAHA and cash for a good hardware or boot and slicu stock in good town. K. F , Itlnifer , 151'Furnin. . Z TO KX'CHANIJK. AN IMPIll ) VKD FAHMWITH or without stock , for n desirable , low priced home In Omaha. Will pay each dltTup.'iico. Ad- drees L23 , Hue. M022 23 y-OUAHTKIl OF CLKAll LAND AND ONK ' -JllKlit Incumbriinco to uxchaiiiro for Omaha prop erty ; also clear lot and uoiiiu money for good up- rlKhtpluno. L N. Hammond , 518 Chumbur of Com- murto. 7tHJ-'ti * Z WANT151) , TO HXCIIANHH HKNTOF A MOIJ- ernS-rouiu housu for good work team. Address L , Ileo. Jisatl 28' -y FOIl SALI5 , $ . ' ,000 STOCK DltUUS ANI ) 'JJowelry ; will lake part clcur Nebraska linid ; not nuccssary to ruglstur , as party liuru will ovurseo pri'M-rlptlun biiMlnots ; splendid trado. 10. Stuvens , Doichebtcr. Nob. bll 25' rWANTKI ) , O10NKIIAL MKHCI1AND1SK AJhoreus nnd cattlu to liurtu for Inpil and lown property ; wilt pay Homo cash. Address box 840 , t. I'nul , Nob. M625 I V WILL HXCIIANKUNINUUMIIKillDO.M ( ! AHA IJrual estate. , togothcr with a line line ot IniKKles and carrlaK'os , forKooa Nobrasku unimproved land. Address 1C 11 , llco. 8.U 25 1'OB SALE-BEAL ESTATE , IIOUSKS FOIl BALK 1 1IAVU three very nlco modurn built houses for Halo In llanscoiii place , near Thirty-second street and I'onpielon HVUIIUU , TIlKSrj houses are now and modern bulll.wllh all convcnlcncua , Including hundsumo ball : rooms , fur- iaci > , splundld brick collar , etc. NF.KillllOllllOOl ) Is ull that can liodoslruil. and tlio location Uono of thuiiiOBt pluusanlniid healthy In the city. IN OHDKU lo effect A QUICK SALK I will otfor thesu houses ut a very low iltiuro for thu next tun days , Call ul my olllco , UU5 N. Y , 1.1 tu bulhllnK , and lut moehuw you Ihuso houses , Key mayulso lie oblatnod al 1IHO Soulli Tlilrty-llrut struct uny cvun < liitf frouili to7 , 1'or Bulo , cleKiun double rosldanco near Hnnscom park , laruu mounds , ono of thu tlncsl retlduhco locations In omahu , will rout for ILW3 per iiiinum , price IIH.UUO. Will fct'll and lake part purchatu price In icood land or viieunt lot. lilt ; 1IAUUA1N IN III'.SIIHCNCK LOTS. Tlirou beuutlful r > ldenca lots near lIunBcom park , covered wllh tine shudo and frull trees , with HDweruue , water and gas ; uplundld neliihborhoudr lilKh and hoallhy locution. Lots nro cheap al * ISW , but If soldcju'ck ' can oiler forfJ.tW ) . HAlUJAl.N.S IN AUIIK 1'IIOI'ISIITY CL'JBK TO OMAHA. KIVK acrc near clly , splendid tract I 2.80 ] TUN acres close to lloll Line railway" . 6.WU TKN acrui. Wet Omulm , elo ant trad , only 25 minutes drive from poslonicu and 'U mln- utcs ildo to tioiitb omulia , will take vacant lot or furm in Ilr t payment 0.500 TWKNTV acres close lo lell ! Line railway. . . , 10,000 TWKNTY.KIVK acres , \Ve l Omaha , uleuaut Harden Intel > < M FOUTV acres , tlnest Iracl of acre properly around Omiba , close lo uml overlooking now fair grounds , wllh large hounu , barn , elegant itruve , driven , etc. , will platlulo Ml beaulllul lulu. Now miilor Hue to fair grounds will make the properly sell for three limes the price u kcd. call and gel ' ' ' ' ' ' ' KOIITY acres''wl'bt'oiii'au'li'near iVull'raUway , only JJ50 per acre . KlIlltTY acres only 6 miles from llio l' ' " ' - olllcj , u uplendld bargain al f.75 per aero. . . . Z J'urlles culllnt : al my olllco will be ho " ) ; l' " / ut uuv time. ul'.O. > . U1LKW , ' llootu : Wi New York l.lfu building. fPO HOMH SKKKKIH-IN AVONIIAI.B 1'AHK A you can have an elo ant home arranged to null you. wltu building limit , trees , viulks , tuner , wuier , and gut , within walking dlntanoa of builnuH , chouU and cunrchcu. u-iU all for uboul f I.W ) . Cer- lulu to be the pretties ! liuldu residence addition In thocllr. "v"r oue-llilrd of U already olU. tftu ; us for iiarllculurt nefore the price U ruliud. Udel- Uy Truil company , I7U3 F ruau it. CW FOR 8ALE-KEAL K3TATE. C < mt < iiu I. VMl SALi : , . CXJTTAOK 1U.MKV C Heed A Selby , Hoard of Trade. } f on HA LK ! SIX HOOM HOUSKi POI'l'LKTON JL avonue. Modern convenience * ! model homo ! II.WJ.W ) . Heed .V Solby , Chamber Coiumorco 1J OUSAI.K-IIVTItK OWNKH IO.OJ3 ACHKS OF I Nebraska's rlnesl f. ii-mlna land at n gre.U sacrl- n cc. ( I. II. 1'ctcmon , 14U S.l.llh > l..Omalit. 183 o'J " iTOHMALK OOOWUnWITIlUOOMCOTl'AHu a.Mh nnd Hurt streets , prlca W.7JJ ) > : ual ! cash pnymenl , balance monthly. ( iood residence lots rrllhln JH nillo < of po.Uofllco , from SJ.'J to fIJOj ono-tcnlh cash , bal.inca monthly nl7 percent. Acre property clo o to South Omaha , from t2.V ) to f 1 , 100 per acre. Potter AOoorgoCo. , IGth and Fnrnnm. XISill SJ T ? O H s AM : , n K A uffFiTi. LOTTio" rt'f -L'silh St. , South Omaha , near C , fl.OJ ) . Apply to owner , llooin 11 , lliuhman blk , Oiniha. 4-O Old HOMK , "NKW. " COHNloT , SOUTH easl front. Six IV ) . on favorable terms In good parlies : onner Itivlngclly ; 8 rooms and barn ; nil moporn Improvement ; rare chancel Investigate. Addresa L 13. llco onico. Mil Vil KAL KSTATK" llargalna only , My word Is pood. W. It. Albright , 1)21-2-3 New York l.lfo. M7 | _ $ SXW ( 11ANSCO.M PLAfK IIOMi : ON WHICH A lot tn Weil Omaha will make part payment. nDouble corner neat llnntcom park , ilicel paved , Lol and house on Hrlslol , paved , near ! 5lli. 11,400. Ilutchrnson A. Wend , 15)1 Douglas. 552 S5 WKItAVK FOIl MALI ! A I10U8K AND LOT ON 2lslslrcct. near Vlntnn nl fl.f.U Payments easy. The house Is rented lo good parly al CI5. < Mii month. liiiodC-room cottaue , Fannd r , V Hlmebaugh's add. to Walnut Hill , ono blk from motor , JI.VOO. Ter.nseasy. Omaha Heal Kslalu anil Trust Co. , 11. I , Ileo bldg. M7.m 25 LOT21I , TUTTLK'HSUH. 5 ACHKS WITH 7-HOO.M house , alt Improvements. Inquire 3311 lloyd street. M73i 'it' l Olt SALK ON MONTHLY PAYMKNTS , 7-HOOM -1 cotlaiio In Carlhago addition on Cumlng street. A cozy homo. W. L. Sulby , 3.11 Chamber Commerce1. 71H ) NK OFTHK FINKST FAIIM9 IV IUULAS ( county , 10 miles fron : Omaha nt ( n per aero Omaha Heal Kstale A Trutl Co. , 114 , lieu bldK , SliiW 28 I AUM LANDS FOIl SALK- L Invcsl your money In Iowa nnd Nebraska land. Ira ) acres eholcu land In Howard counly. Nub. , cheap al f I2.W per acre , If sold quick , only f2HK ) . 1O ( aero furm In ( Simper county , .Neb. , f l. : > uo. lf.O . In llullnlo county , Nebraska , al f 1.300. U'cU acres In Knox counly , Nebraska , a big bar gain all,2UO. SOU acre stock farm In Casa county , Nebraska. ( UK ) acres In Harpy county , Nebraska. H ) acres In Sarpy county , Nebraska. 240 acres In Hurt county , Nebraska , at J12.W per ucie. D70 acres In Hurt county , Nebraska , at flf > per acre. l.fiUU acres In Franklin county , Iowa. 4M ) acres In Union county , lown. 320 acres In Union county , lown. f 20 acres In I'nlon countv , Iowa. 400 acres In Union counly , loua. 210 acres In Union countlown. . Wo havu Improved farms and wild lands In Ne braska , at fromll.lKM to fJ.UOOn quarter , also largo stock and grain larms throughout lovui. mostlv lo cated In the southweslern pait , and In lie.-t stock and grain portion of the state. Any Informa tion ii-garillng the above land will bo cheerfully given and will gladly show iho land lo parlies wish ing to purchase. Ueo. N. Hicks. : )5 ) N , Y. Life bldg , , Omaha. Nub , S4425 ( fljIO-TBN 1)01,1AILS IS FULL PAYMUNT FOIl A 'iTnlce level building lot In Omaha's latest addi tion ( lying between I niaha nno new Fort Omalia. ) Warranty deed , abstract and lithographed plat given wllh each lot gold. Here Is ) our chance to bo Independent ot landlords , become a property owner and onu your home , all for fill. 'Iho tlmu may come when you would be very glad of thin op. poitmilly. A depot ( on II. , v JI. lly. near this addi tion ) , chinch am ! cchool house , nro eoutumpluled Improvements. Ton families now living on this land. Fin a short llmo ynuuan buy these lots for ( Id each. Knclosi > 2cpostnpH lor plats and full In- formallon Charles 1 * . licmjamln , sole ngbiit. } 'M\ \ Dodge btreet. 8:11-25 : * I70H SALK Oil CXi'lIANRb , PINK UKMDKNCK L Inlown nf 2'OI people. Also 327 acres land 2 miles from lowp. A tine chance for someone who wants to handle stock and lire In town. Will hellene one or both. Address N. U. K. , Central City. Neb. 'HI4 25' QfJ ACHKS TO UK SUHDIVIDUI ) INTO fi-ACHK OJ ( tracts , one mile from Florence ; IMW.OO for each ft acre" , onu-tunth down , balance In II yearly pay ments , nt 7 ter cent. J. A. l.ovgicn , llronn build ing , corner Itith and Douglas. J1M7 2(1 ( * OH SALK , LOT 50X135 WITH FINK SlX-HOOJt cottage , In line neighborhood , on paved Mrect , one block from motor , very cheap. J. I ) . X.lltle , 511 , 512 llrown blk. 75 ! 23 * OH SALB , IfiO ACHKS OF IMPHOVKI ) LAM ) IN Sheridan county ; cheap If taken soon ; no en cumbrance. Address lit ! ' . ' , lieu. M871 2ti * AHMS FOIl SALB. SOMK SPKCIAL IIAII- gains In Douglas , Hart , Sarpy , Dodge ami Colfax counties. If you want a choice , wull Improved farm In cither of Iho nbove counties wo can please' ' you nnd make mukuyoii money nlsamo lime. In ad dition to abovehavu larijo list selected farms In all parts of the state , nnd a number of big bargains In wild land , call and look over the besl lUt In th o wost. J. II. Jlohanc , VIS S. .411 : si. 6B7 25 DRESSMAKING. XOACKMKNTSI T ( ) 1)6 IMtiiJSliiAKiNO IN families solicited. Miss Sturdy , 3.M S2tlth st. two sza' F1USTCH8S DHKSSMAKICIl W1SI1KS SKW Ing In families aflcr iho IStli. Addrsse K a Ileo olllco. 421 1SS J1INNICK. I IIAVK JUM1 HKTIJHNKI ) from Ih2 cast and will reopen my dressmaking pui tors October 1st , Itooms 5JU-510 llrown block , cor. lUth and Douglas sts. Ul.'i o3 * \\r.\NTKD THK LADIKS TO HALL AT PltOF. O. * v Lnmorton's sclentltlc Mrejs cutting school and view thu Jamous seamless dresses cut , made and worn by pupils ol his academy. We tuac.h you live distinct trades. All who hook their iiamus by fcuplempcr 3'J will recclvo Icssonh free. Call and In vestigate nnd lut us prove our work at . ' 104'uw York Life. M77' . ' 5 < LOST. , ON SUIT. HT1I , FHOM STIIAYKDOHSTOLKN JUIh nnd Paul streets , n largu bay LUht liulul , huB n sunburn miirii on hip and sldi , was lillclifil to nn op MI und sprliu bux/ . Upon bridal. A reward for the return of same to S.J. Stevenson , 3314 FrnncU streal. 416 OST-C.OLO HHACKLKT ; HKTIIHN TO AND . cl reward of J , U. 1'arroll'j , room 23 , Douglas block. .MnOVB" T 0-iT- < iL' ( ) STICK PIN WITH IllS'fi. SKT IN Jjpearls nnd toniuolsc ; also Knight Templar's charm altachud , between Howard und llnrnoy on Hitli street. Hoturn to llco othcu and receive re ward , J.77J2H' STHAYKI ) . SMALL , HOAN1IOHSK , WITH ILACK iiiniiu anil tall , had rope around neck , Kinder notify Adolph aamuulson , 17. ) N , 3.1dst. , and gut reward. M8IU .Mi' DANCINO SCHOOL. ' H , & "SiUS. MOIIA.ND'S 8"'VlOOJJ"Koil"YiiANcisiJ Armory Capllal Avo. , will rj-opun for Iho tcuion on Saturday , October 1st for elill.lren , and Tuusday.Octobor 4th for ndulli. Circular ! at Snow , Lund d Co.'s dnu ntoru. 15th and Farnam , Private lussons can ba taken now at their resi dence , 211M Dodge St. I2J 07 REM TON IN C TYPEWRITERS For Sale , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEO-EATH STATIONERY CO. , UOI Kurnaiii otruot , Oniithit. THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO isviatiie Chicxg-j , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , as represented on this map. Steam Heated Electric Lighted , ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p.m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a.m. Ticket Office Far- City , 1501 - . nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. II I QUAUTKHMAS rKtt'8 . Dniiilm , .So ) . , ropteinlicr istli. WJi. Hoa tut jirijos-v'H will 1)0 rouiilvud lure until two o'clock p. in. , Boiivmbor : tli , 1BX' , nnil thun iiliuned , for tliu construction of tin fol owing. i ullilliuB ut Kurt Mek'lniioy. Wyon.Hi : Two C/'avulry llurracku , w tli Mest-Iiu I und Klt- ohi'ii coinUinoil , four iiililltloni to Infantry Iliirruuloi. 'llio rUlit In rusurvuil to rojuot nny or ull bleu. All Infoniuition furiilulio.-l nn iiuplluiUlnn liuro. or to I'listlJiiurtorniUHtur. purl MuKlinioy Wyo. Knvoloii | uoiitulnliiK liropoulB Id lie niirUuit "I'rojxH U fur l/'nu hlnictlcm ut. I'ort MuKinno wye. , " uml ml- ilrussi.'d toVJI , II. IIUUIIi : ? . l.luiituuiint Cul- nnoi ami Deputy ( .Hiiirlnnnasver rjeiiural , U , . . A. , OUIof Quartuniustor. tunny ui.n QVAKKHX. The fashionable hip is . Tlio cnna fnd for girls is stnlgRltnft fol populnrlty. Autumn mtlllnory roiomblos a bftdly paint- oil sunset. Pips tails for roastlnif have their ndmlrcr * It ts foolish to nreuo with n wisp , for Un always carries his point , I'lnkklit Rlovos OocoratoJ with cllt atari nro only worn by the ostentatious fow. 1'itili hnndkorchtofs for men's wear an shown , The bntiUnntm may bo rccoznlioc nnxt. The latest novel social ontortalnmont It cnllod a "conutulrjin supnor , " The menu Is probably comprised of hosli. An orudtto youne woman from Germantown - town , wbo wss looltln ? for n quilt of tba "oruzy" pattern In u bli ; Kiphth street shop yesterday SBIQ slio w is lied It of "Unit men ially unbalanced design. " A local dealer In sportinp Roods has a wln clew display of Indian clubs , iltunb-bell ? , balls , bats , totuils r.icqlluta nnd other such paraphernalia , nnd iianeliiK over It the slgnt "Coitipletooutnts for a college oducatlon nt homo. " A Cure tor Clinlrrn. There Is no tifo of nny 0110 BiifTerltiR with Inn cholera when Chiitnhurl.iln'it Colic , ( Jholura and Utarrhusi Koocoy can ha pro cured. It will plvo relief III n few minutes nnd euro In u short llmo. 1 hnvo tried it nnd know. W. H. Clinton , tlclmotta. N. J. The epidemic nt Holmottti was nt llrst uolloved to bo cholera , but subsequent Investigation proved It to ho n violent term of dysontcrv , almost an dangerous as cholera. This roincdy wns used there with ( treat success , rorsiilu by drucclsts. It.lU'S IIOllXJUN. No man Is pure in his heart who Is not pure in bis politics. The only truly bravo poonlo nro those who nro not afraid of the truth. A sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal nro n terrible strain on any prayer mcolint ; . A byupcrlto nlwiivs strotchns himself up a llttlo taller every llmo ho sees a peed man backslide. H very often happens that the man who U nn icoburc in his cuurch 13 n Dolling spring lu his politics. Tlio devil never fools entirely sure of n bad man until ho can make him forget that ho nnd a good mother. Tbo dovtl never fools out of place in the company of n man who thanks tioJ that ho ii butter than other ncoplo. The main difTorfmco between a wlso man and a fool Is that ino who man's blunders al ways tcucu him something. When a church will adjourn a prayer nicot ineto co to an ice creiim festival it is a pretty good Men that the Hro is not burnlnc very brightly on its nltar. UoWitt's Sarsanunlta aostroys such poi sons us scrofula , skin dlsnasos , oczom.i , rhou- .mutlsiu. Its tiraelv use savoj many 1'oor IMumhhiK l Scliniiln. Speaking of the plumbing in the Wal nut Hill schoal , which the Uoard of Health has condemned , Mr. Ilumllton , su- porlntetidont of huildlnes , said : "Thoso Hush tanks in the Walnut Illll building have never worked right , Soinotimos they work , and sometimes they don't. I don't ' know who put thu plumbing in , but it was a poor job at best. " DoWitt'aSarsaparlliiV cieansoj the bload. Allllouen nnil Tlu'l . A fnlr roDrosentatiou or milk dealers attended - tended the mectinc nt Woir's ' hall , Twenty. second ana Cuming street ? , lycsterdajnnd behind closed doors they resolved that thtv were n much abused cluss. Their grievance is that tnocity has adopted an ordinance cotnpolllni ; thoui to piiyalioonso or bo lined not less thun S-jO. Louis Ltttlo- lield has DOOII fined and has talson an appeal. Disease never .successfully attacks the sys tem with pure blood. DeWltt's Snrsiiparilla makes euro now blood und onricb.cs blood. - City Hall Klcrntcirs. Messrs. Xiowry , Prln'co nud McLearlo , the members of the special committee ) of Cho council appointed to Investigate the elevator service in the city hall , will hold n meeting next Monday morning that they may report their findings nt Tuesday nlL-ht's"council mectlnoTbo charge is that the elevators do not have the speed that iho contract calls for. DeWitl's rciianlo RRILWRY TIME GRRD leavoi I UNION PACIKIC. I Arrlvoi Umaha. [ Union DeputlOth anil Maroy fin. I Oriiiln. U-nvoi IC1UOAGO , M1U k ST. I'AUl.lArii.e Omahal 0 U. P. depot and Margy Hti. I Oniali % 7.05 p ml Chicago Kipreis | 'J..V ' > a in 11.30 A ni | Chicago Kxpru I4.M p m BIOIJX CITY A I'AUIKIU Omahal Depot. 1Mb and Wnbut ir sli. Omaht IC11IIJAUO& NOIlTHWKHTKHNIArrlvai Traiiiforl Union Depot. Council Hlulf . iTraiutur