1 10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNIW , SEPTEMBER 26 , 1892-StX.TEEN PAGES , FACTORIES FOR NEBRASKA , .President Pago's ' Address on a Subject of General Interest , CANNOT ALV/AYS DEPEND ON FARM CROPS A Dotntlot Statement of the KrvilU of the Homo I'ntrotmcn Movement Upon the MitnufiicliirliiK Iiuliu * trio * of Mebrnnkn. t Hvcry businessman , every property owner , In Nebraska is In- n > nd every laboring man loraslcd In tbo dovolopmnnt of tbo manu facturing Interests of tbo stato. Hence tbo homo patronage movement bas attraotcd a good deal of Interest nnd the efforts put , forth by the manufacturers through tholr associa tion have boon closely watcbod. At tbo an nual mealing of tbo association hold during < ho past week President Page made n report that throws much Unlit on tbo factory ques tion. A brief summary of this report has been published , but tn vlow of the general interest in the subject It U hero given entire , ni follows ! To the Members of the Board of Ulroot- ors of the Manufacturers and Consumers Association of Nebraska : With the closoof iny term of ofllco as president of this nssecl- ntlon 1 doslru to call your attention to a few facts connootod with the past year's work , und the present condition of our organiza tion. Many of you were present at the first meeting over hold bv tbo manufacturers of Omaha , which look plnca on September 21 , In tbo Now Yortt Lllo building. Wo organ ized for the single purpose of calling the at tention of Iho people to tbo Importance of encouraging the manufacturing Industries of our state and to overcome the sootning popu- Jar prejudice against goods of home produc tion , livery stop tnkon by the association has bean In the Interest of homo industries , and with the close ot our llrst year of exist ence it would seem to bo eminently proper that wo review our wotk with the object of ascertaining If any real progress has been mado. Ac tlio .Mum l < n rail Ip , At the tune of our organization only twenty-seven firms subscribed their nnmos to the constitution and bylaws , nnd our first "Corts were necessarily directed toward tbo securing of a fair representation In our asso ciation of the manufacturers of the title. At jlrot wo confined our efforts In this direction to Omaha , feeling that \\o could not hope to induce the manufacturers ot the state to co operate with us until wo bad demonstrated that wo , of Otnahn , were unltoa und working ' In harmony. After the enrollment of tbo greater number of nil thu manufactuicrs of Omaha , wo next turned our attention to tbo ether cities of Nebraska. The secictary traveled over tbo greater part ot the state , calling upon the manufacturers , explaining to Ibom the object and aim of our association and enrolling us members as iininv of thorn ns possible. Our success In securing and re taining members Is sbown by tbo following roll , whlcb represents tbo present condition of tno association as regards membership : Beatrice , 8 ; Fremont , 0 ; Hastings , 1 ; Col umbus , 5 ; Uncolii , S ; Nebraska City , 0 ; Norfolk. 1 ; Omaha , 130 ; O'Nuill , 1 ; Sr-ward , 1 1 ; Blue Spriugs , 1 ; total actlvo membership , 177. Of tbls number I bog to announce that 10.1 are paying their duos promptly. There ore sixty-throe who ewe throe and under six months' dues , and four who ewe for six mouths or moro. Oeneral Membership. I next desire to call your attention to i what Is teimed In our organisation the gen eral membership , and. which embraces such citizens as shall sign an agreement to give a , nroforenco to goods manufactured m the tato. On t'obiuary 25 , for tno bonellt of con i tumors , wo Issued ' . ' 5,000 catalogues , giving ' a list of tbo goods and commodities maim factored in the state. The association than i employed a largo number of people to cal from house to house , leave n catalogue , and where possible , induce the residents to sign „ nti agreement to give Nebraska made goods ' tbepreference. . By this method the most o < tno catalogues were distributed in tbo No uraska cities , and the remainder were given out at the exposition , except SOO or 800 which were reserved for use , as they mlgh be required , Tbo success of our house to house can- , C vass is ovldonced by the following figures , which show the number of lamllios In throe Nebraska clttos that have signed an agree- ' < raentto purchase Neoraska goods , quality nd price DeiiiKequal : Beatrice , 700 ; Omaha , 0,000 : Ncbrasita City , CM ; total general membership reported. 10.WH. Our directors at Fremont , Hastings and some other points bavo not reported Iho number of general members. As each signa ture represents a family and ns experience has shown that the average family in tbo west numbers live members , wo ore safe in saying that 54,800 Nebraska consumers have prcvctlcallv promised to aid In the develop ment of Nebraska's manufacturing indus tries. That very many of these people bavo lived up faithfully to their promises wo have positive proof. Thov bavo persistently asked and demanded that their rotall dealers sup ply thorn with homo'mado goods. They br.vo impressed upon the retail merchants of our t Htato the necessity of carrying In stock everything In their line tbut Is rondo In tbo fltato. They have freely ad mil tea tbe excel lence of the products of our factories and aavo increased tbo reputation of Nebraska tfoodt both at homo and abroad. Moro than this , thy have boon tbo moans , by stimu lating tbo manufacturing Industries , of fur nishing employment for several hundred man and women In our factories. .Stri-iiKtli of tha Organization. I bellnvo that I am perfectly safe IK say ing that no commercial organization was ever broucbt Into existence In the west thatpos- nossod as much strength as tbo Manufactur ers ana Consumers Association of Neorasltu. Lot us look at this matter a little moro closely. Taking the statistics collected from part of our raombors n few months ago as a basin for making an estimate , wo are sale in na > Ing that our association employs 10,001) ) people. As our employes are heartily In sympathy with us in tbls movement , tholr Interests and ours being Identical , wo can safely count upon their actlvo co-operation In our efforts to encourage homo industries. Tn en there U our general membership , 10 , . Ml heads of families , who buvo signed an agreement to work with us In our efforts to build up the manufacturing Inter ests of the stato. They , a * heads of faml. lies , represent 6-1.800 puoplo. In addition , two-thirds , at least , of our actlvo members and employes nro heads of families , and thus ronoscnt3,9.0 | ! ! ! additional peoplo. To recapitulate , wu have : Active mom' ' bors , 177 ; general members , 10.1HH ; employ , cs , 10,000 : total members and employes , : . ' ! , 171 ; total number consumers represontoa bS.7'20. I bavo not brought up tbls phase foi the purpose of making an Idle boastbut onli to Iniprnxa more fully upon your minds thi enormous torcos that wo have at hand , am hence the opuortunlty that wo bavo of conferring forring upon all these people and the state i lasting buni'llt , At to the finances of the association th president stated that they arc now puvini out monthly , asldu from incidental expenses the following ; Hofretary's salary , 1100 C Hiunoniauhurumi typewriter. , . : u i Olltcu rental Ml ToUl , . . . . .iiou : Tbe secretary is tbo only nfllcer of tb isKocmlion drawing n salary. Tbo nssoelr , lon has far the year ending September 1 , -ecoivod and disbursed tbo following as pe MJOsecretary's report : Mi'inler lilp receipts 1.1,105 ( I'roni ciitiilonuottdMirtlsInz , 1,1031 Kmm exposition , . . l.urj , I'rom lninKorH.advertUlnir , , . , .IK ) t I'rom lale * . . . , 1141 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . ff.feli ! I'xnenillliirt'N per voucher * , receipted Dili * , etc. 7,1071 Ounliim liiind , . . , . . . . , , l.tfli Total , . , J8.8 . ' 1 III addition to tbn cash on hand thpro duo ttio association fTtVI In membership due rtio association also has on hand two oOlc desks , chuirfc , typewriter , eta. * I8U U3 ; laool cuts , utc. , fllUOj total , $ i08.75. A 1'ulilln Mrmlng. But to return to the actual worK of U association. Whllo we were porfoqlluir ot organisation and preparing our ofllolal cati IOKUO each actlvo member constitiMod hln uelf u committee of ouo to em.Jgo hort , j atronttgo in every way posklolo , by talkm OO"R SECOND SPECIAL FALL M " Owing to the immense success attending our last popular suit sale , and the season gradually arriving at a point when fall suits are in demand.wehave decided to hold another special sale , wherein a little money talks , and where it buys double found elsewhere ; that is the best suit for the least money , in Omaha. * t * * t FOR MONDAY. 500 Men's ' Suits worth $20 , at $12.50. These are exceptionally fine suits ; something to be proud of. These are garments made for the short and stout , for the long and slim , for everybody ; and in them are extra large sizes , from 44 to 50. They come in fine diagonals , pinheads , corkscrews , English cheviots , and the patterns are In plain solid colors , black.blue , brown , gray , mixtures , plaids , stripes , and an endless variety of shades. They are all well trimmed and lined with the finest Italian satin , and in short , cut to fit , sewed to wear , and dyed to hold their colors , so you can rest assured they are first class in every respect. Their actual value is $15 , $20 and $25. Look and see if you can match them elsewhere at the price of $12.50. Please remember we carry in stock an all wool men's suit as low as $5 , for those desiring something cheaper. $12.SO SUIT SALE , TOMORROW. @ 3F * Look at them in our show windows. In variety , stock and style of garments we are not excelled by any other .house in Omaha. We invite your inspection to three floors crowded with brand new clothing. . . . Columbia Clothing Company , Corner Farn'am and Thirteenth Streets. Successors to M ; Hellman & Co. Cf' ' J tt , and , I thing 1 may safely say , by practic ing it. There was , however , a fooling that by uuitod action wo might , also accomplish much good and , accordingly , on Decembers , & public mooting was bold , at the Grand oporu bouso In Omaha. The public interest In home patronage was evidenced on that occasion by tbo crowdlna of the house to its full capacity Oi 2,000 and the turning away of several hundred people who could not gala admittance. The Kxposltlon. I now come to the most important event of our whole year's work , namely , the ex position bold in Omaha during last June. As concerns this I will not outer Into details as its unqualified success Is too well known to every ono. Its results have been farreach- Ing and It has eivon a stimulus to manu facturing in Nebraska that has exceeded our fondest hopes. As near us wo can estimate from the receipts and the number of passes , issued , 20,000 people passed through the ex position during the 'ton days that Its doors were open to the public. In addition to .his number 14,000 school children were , ivon tickets of admission. Tboso pcopla larrlod to tholr homes u better Idea of No- > rdska made goods than they over before losicssod. More tban that they received amore moro enlarged idea of the slio and extant and /aluo to tbo state of our manufacturing iu- lustries. They wuro convinced tnat No- iraska factories were worthy of patronaqo nd worth encouraging. Tlio N'ebraiku I.ubcl. I will naxt call attention to the Nebraska abol. it was adopted early In tbo history of > ur organization on the representation of members that It was Impossible for the pub ic to Identity many lines of goods and that t was impossible to toll whether or not they were mudo In Nobraslta , The design us you ire all aware 13 a diamond-shaped figure bavin ? in the center 11 spinning wheel , which ' . supposed to signify ' 'homo mado. " This abcl Is becoming familiar to the people and s a positive proof that the article bearing it s of Nebraska manufacture. Wo have printed 00,000 and distributed 53,000 ot tboso a bob. Several firms huvo incorporated the abel in their trade morn , being granted that privilege on tbo payment of a royalty to tha association. I would llko to urga upon all members the moro extended use of this label. I am In- clmua to the opinion that It might be advlsa- bla to make the use of this label free to every member of the association , charging thorn only for the cost of printing. The llomilti. After detailing our strength in members and sympathizers and the condition of our finances , us well as tbo various enterprises undertaken by the association , the question naturally augtrosts Itself , What have been the results of tbo efforts put forth by tbo association t To go Into this matter fully would con sume too much time , but wo may call < tttou- tion to n faw of tbo most noticeable results of our efforts. . , \Vo have been enabled to largely Increase tbo number of people at work In our fac- tones , .lust liow many additional people have found work It is impossible to bay , hut wo know that several hundred have boon ndJoa to the payrolls of our members. From curetul Inquiry among the manufacturers I place tbo increase in tbe number of factory employes at EM , which I believe you will all agrvo is u f.onsurvatlvo estimate. Another result is that firms that were struggling iiloDg a year ago , iinublo to sell their product on account of tbo popular projudluo against goods of western manufac ture , and that were talking about going out of business , are now running to their full capacity and building up industries that will be the pride of the stato. Another result. Is that tha report has gone out that Nebraska is u good place for manu facturers and that will buur fruit suooor 01 later , as manuiactuters nro always loaning for n good place to locate. It bus brought the manufacturers together and has led them to tuko an Interest in c.icn others' work , In support of this assertion 1 might mention Instances where manufuolur era buvo taken the time and trouble to la troduco other manufacturers to tbo trade ant assist tho'n In getting tbolr goods introduced It bos kept many tUoutauds of dollars it the state tnat would otherwise have booi sent to the far east where It would bavo beet a total loss to Nebraska. Tbo people o Omaha formerly bought very lankly of good : mudo in tbo cast when tbo same kind of good was being made In their own stato. Omabi people are now , In addition to patroulilti ! thulr local manufacturers , buylnu freely o the manufacturers located out through tb state , especially such lines ai iturcb , oorea goods , perfumes , extracts , canned goodi paving brick , ota This association is doing much to stlmulat a friendly fdollng among the cities of the i state tbqt can'oniy bo brought about by the opening up of extensive trade relations. It is dolmArnuch to wipe out that unwise rivalry - that sotrBs-to build up a city by tearing down Its nearest neighbor. SutTKestloni for the Future. The question going tbo rounds among our members is , Wtiat shall wo do this coming year to promote home patron-ape and thus still further develop tbe manufacturing In terests of the state ] During the extremely not vvoathor of the past summer we have not done much as an association , but the time has now arrived wbou wo must move , ind that , too , In on ef fective manner. I hope that every member of this associa tion will give careful and serious thought to the success of whatever plan or plans are adopted by this board. Whilonot attempting to outline a plan of compatgn for tbo association , I will take the liberty of calling your attention to-a few points that to tny mind nro of especial tin portanco. . Owners of factories must tauo moro pains with tbolr employes. Talk with thorn of the advantages to them personally as well as to the state at largo to be dorivad from'tho practice of homo patronage. Give them all the Information you can as to what goods are made in the stata , and have it thoroughly understood that you are never too busy to answer questions from your em ployes as to where they may obtain goods of Nebraska tnanufacturo. If you cannot In form them on uuy point usk for the Informa tion from tbo secretary of tbe association. Your employes are ready and willing to as sist you in tbo homo patronage movement , you if they do not it is your own fault. Your time may bo taken up with your Individual business , but it so remember it Is because people are patronizing you. Do not bo self ish but help other manufacturers to obtain patronage by Interesting your employes in the subject. I bollovo this association should give especial attention to this matter and see to it that its members latorost tholr employes as far as possible. Another subject which I bollovo should ro- celvo your careful consideration is u state exposition. When wo mot In this room last spring to consider the holding of an exposi tion some ono suggested that by hard work we mlgbt mnke as great a feature of the Nebraska - braska Manufacturers exposition as Sioux City had made of her corn pulaco. The very suggestion of such a thing at that time was sufficient to provoke a smllo. Wo had our exposition and wo not only surprised and pleased tbo public but wo wore o von sur prised ourselves at the results obtained. As manufacturers we have all realized benefits from the exposition. It gave us a standing and a lepuiatlou with tbo public that wn never had before and wo caunot afford to let the public forgot the object lesson that wo taught them. I have not brouabt up this subject to urge upon you the holding of another - other ox position as it Is a foregone conclu sion that as long us the association continues to exist un annual exposition will be hold , 1 wish , however , to call your attention to some of the details. At the last exposition people were surprised at tbo extent of our manufac turing Industrie. ] and were especially Interested In those exhibits In which thoaatual ivor.c of manufacture was carried on. At the next exposition they will expect to see still moro , and unlois wn make a great effort to show them much moro than we did last time they will ba disappointed , and will not pronounce Itsuch an unqualified success us they did last spring. I moan to convoy the idea that at our next exposition wo must put forth still greater efforts to exceed in variety and interest that of last June in order to moot uublio oxpoota. tlons , i'uvura u Springtime Kxpiisltloii , Last spring we thought that tb ? fall wnulc bo the boat time for holding nn exposition , but 1 am Inclined to believe tbut for various reasons wo bad better prepare for an oxpost tion next spring. I would advise a little earlier data tban last year , say couimenciui the 1st of Juno , and running two woous , thus avoiding the hot weather which usually commences monces about the middle of the month. My reason for favoring tbo spring rathoi than the fall is that iioxt year every ono whi can afford It will visit me World's fair uur Ing the summer , and by the Uao fall arrive : they will bavo seqn all tbe exhibits that thoj will euro to. Again , uy holding our oxhlbl m the fall wo will bo running In opposition ti the state and county fatri , If ivochange th1 Uato to the fall It will be a year before xy nan give another exhibit , und we canno afford to wait so long a lime. If held nex spring it will bo of great benefit to the mtinu fucturers in their next summer's trade. Tbl quojtloii should bo soUloa at an early date. Another point that should receive ou careful attention is that of manufacturer sutjuft ) take < great pains with his product , being it up to tbe standard of eastern. goo'd.sHtfalot nothing go but of the factory that is not-flrstE , cloas of its kind. Remember that In asking people to changa from eastern goods to tboso of hoino produc tion tholr attention is naturally called to any difference in quality-.that may exist. A manufacturer who puls out goods below standard not only hurts himself , but the standing of every other manufacturer Is lowered. I would like to see members take advan tage of every opportunity to speak a good word for the goods of other manufacturers. If you have a friend or customer among the retail trade and notice that'ho aoos not nandlo the goods produced by some other manufacturer call his attention to the matter - tor and speak a good word for the goods in question. Such broad minded and uusolllsh action costs you'nothing nud promotes the object of the association. lutronno of the Homo 1'rots I'rolltiiblo. I would also urge upon every member the importance of being present at all associa tion meetings. Nothing will kill an associa tion so quickly 'as nouattondanco at the regular meetings. Again when wo are ex horting tbe public to patronize homo indus tries , it does not apeak very well for our sincerity It wo do not take Interest enough In the subject to attend the meetings ot tbo homo patronage asssooiatlon. The only members that I buvo heard make any complaint about a lack of bonoflt derived from this association huvo boon members who stay away from meetings and neglect to do their purt ( n thu homo patron age movement , I would also call your attention to the Im portance of oucouraglng tbo press of the state In Its efforts , to educate tbo people of the state In homo patronage. The newspaper is the great educator of the people , nnd with out theco-oporatlon of tbo press wo cannot hope to bring tbo uooplo over entirely to our wuy ol tulnklng. In urging the newspaper publishers of your city to light your battles romeuibor that they are manufacturers them selves , ana that they cannot afford to give away all their goods ( advertising space ) tinv more than you can nftord to give uway your goods. If a publisher is public-spirited enough to give up spaoo for the bonollt of Nebraska manufacturers wo should as indi viduals aid him in getting something more substantial tban thanks in return. We nuvo reason t < 5 congratulate ourselves on the assistance that wo have received from the wide-awake citizens of Nebraska , who huvo lateen no little pain * to uld us in our work of increasing the manufacturing In terests of tbo stato. The rapia growth of the cities of Nebraska bus carried mr.ny of them beyond that point whole they can gaju tbolr sunport entirely from tbo countrytiwle. People who hove not realized this lucti sometimes express nur- prUe tbut the ldrCe > farm crops do not pro duce a boom In 'tUd'husmoss of tbo largest cities of Iho state1 , ? , * Tha foot is thaVflyiVeral of our largo cities uro too largo to dopantl upon tne farmers en tirely und they rnubtjhavo manufacturing In dustrie * to support tboir surplus population. This Idea has boe'ii'tnlnhij : ground rapidly of late ana I boar mdh 6f all classes saving , "Wo must have iporp factories. " The ques tion U tiow to obuuiijtboso factories , The members of this association who are manufacturer aadithus ablo'to take a prac tical vluw of th'j Jnolory question aftirm that the best way to build up manufacturing In- duslrtes Is to croato/ market for tbo product , If me people of tbo state will furnish the market the question of Increasing the manufacturing Industries will solve itself. If the cltlzfcnil jof thn state will call for and Insist upon beme'isupplleil withNobrasua made goods Iho factories to make these goods will double tholr capacity and the number of tbolr employes every 8jx months , if nuces- sary , to ueeo up with thn demand. Tnatour plan is practical , I claim , has been amply proven by the oxpeiloncoof the past few months , during which tune the people who followed our advice have in creased tbo demand for borne made goods tc an extent that has already led to a lur o gain in tha number of factory employes. I would ask every cUUon who wishes to see work for tbe laboring man plenty , moro monov in general circulation , tbo retail trade active , houses In demand , building - ing operations uclvo | nud volncs on real estate firm , to unite with us in our efforts to bring about what it so much do slrod bv bll , namely , the development of No braska's ' manufacturing rosourcrs. I wish to extend the tbauks of this assoola tion to thojo retail merchants who have ron Uorod us such valuable as1- " fee by bring Ing Nebraska madn - the front am pushing tbolr' ' Solltistothi HOME AiMjPPS&jfcilHis l- INDUSTRIES By Purchasing Goods Made at the Following1 Nebraska Factories. If you cannot find what you want , communicate with the mannfacturera as to what dealers handle their goods. AWNING8. OMAHA TJSNT AND AWNING Co Finns , hummocks , ollanil rnbberolollilnir. fcomlfor Cstaloguo. 1111 Karnum BREWERS. FllEDKKUa BllKW- OMAHA BIIEWINO. INO CO. ASSOCIATION. Onrbattlod cnbliiot boor Gurnntooil to oqunl out- dellvoroil to any part > ldo brandi Vlonni of the oily. Kxport battlail be/ , 1UOI Jackson Street. clollrarod to fumlllo ! . BOXES. OlIAIIA BOX FAC TOISY. Nulled and ( lovotallol boxos. Capujlty 6,000 Uiijr. Knat Umnlm 'lot 1J. 1 > . O box 35) OVERALLS. PRINTERS. RlCKD JOII KATZ-NUVINS Co. INO CO. , Wl t UounliiJ btreot. Heo Uulldlnj interest of every retailer In tbo state to not only place Nebraska made goods on his shelves but to push their sale. Hveu the manufacturers themselves cannot bu moro Interested In tbo increase of tbo manufac turing industries thau tbo retail merchants. T ho factory employe- oao of the host ous tamers thai a totailor can have , be is paid i ocularly and knowing thut ho will have steady work , bo Is a liberal buyer. I would also oall the attention of the Job- Dors ol tbo state to the homo patronugO movomont. Whllo this movement wus un dertaken especially In tbo interest of the manufacturing industries the merchants of Nebraska have Interpreted it broadly , and have talked oponly. tbut Nebraska Jobbers ought to bo glvon the preference. I believe that every Jobber in the state lias boon bono flt od by this movement and I further bellova that It Is to tholr Interest to encourage tbo manufacturers in every way possible. Hand ling the quantity of goods that they do. the Jobbers could give a great Impetus to manu facturing. in concluding my ofilco I wish to thank ovcrv member as well as the board of direc tors for tholr cordial support nnd assistance. To the executive committee I fool under spe cial obligations and 1 urn free to Bay that they uro deserving of thanks from every member of the association for their untiring efforts to promote the interests of Nebraska manufacturer ) ) . Our efforts during the tnst year have boon crowned with success and wo hope us much for the year to come , Call for a pint of Cook's Extra Dry Im perial Cnampagno If you want a delicious coclUill mado. It's both meat and drinK. , ia.April , 4,1811. Dr. J. B. Moore -Doar Sirs Have boon troubled with cutarrn In my head und foco for three years attlraoi Ans unable to hour had u constant ringing In my caw und lor . two years wis almost deaf. Have tried so v. oral BO-callod remedies and been treated oy und noted specialists , but regular physicians _ foiled to got any rollof. I tried ono bottle of Mooro's Tree of Life Catarrh Cure. It gave Immediate relief nnd oftoutod a permanent euro. 1 heartily recommend It to all sunor- orsofthlsdisouio nnd will choarfully give further Information ou being addressed uuy nt my homo , No. 243 Swoonoy nvo. , Hurllng- onla , Per l by.UUruBKl.U. it. U HBIU. t'or ale by all druegUU. CIGARS. SMOKK BLUE SKAL i CIGAK. Onmlia Mnmifncturc I JncubJuskuIok. I A pluy about to ba produced In Vlonnn Is called "Among ttio AntluonunuaKi" and lias for Its heroes tbo cxplorors , Stanley and Do Braz/n. The action bacins wllb the tie- ' paituro of tlio oxnloior * for tbo Congo rlvor and the play contains aovural scenes laid In tbo hoait of Africa , ARE YOUSUPFERINC ? KUOM Female Wc.ltncss , Calarrli or \ uiieuniatssm , Clironlc , " ' Nervous or Private Diseases , IF BO , OALTU ON Dr. Searlesft Searles Consultation Free. . Acknowledged to t.o the moiUuccoifnl | ioclall t In ull rmvATB , iiioou , NEIIVUIM , SKIS AM > UUIM- AUY DIHKAUKif , Oonorrlnuu In from 3 to fl ilajrj. Syplilllt ciiroil without Muroury. All ( tnnui forllfu bl'limUKK poruuinuntlr cured , removal com. plcto , without c-utilua , C4UHIU or ( HUtatlon. Cunt anuctodnt lioiiiu by ptitlont without a moment' ) "iMuWJllrUM. . ANt ) ItKCTAI , IIMKU9 curoj without nuln or dutuntlon from tuiilnaia UVDUUCKkK ANU VAUH'OUKUK poruiannntly mid iucce f ullr curvd. Mrtlio'l now and uufalllnj ; WEAK MEN ( VITAUTV WKAK ) , Madoio by too oloij nppll. cntlon to builneM or irudri laroro mental ttrAla orKrlefl BHXUAI * KXOK3S13S la mHdlu IIfy , or ( roui tus cITiioli of youtliful fotllei. WKAK MICK AUK VICTIMS TO NKttVOUS I > K- nihirvor KXtiAUsrio.v , WAITINU WKAICNKHS 1NVOI.UNTARV lOS3K.i wltli K.VIll.Y IIBUAV In YOU.SO and MIDULK AOKI ) ; lack of Tim. vlvor. and ilrengtb , wltli taxual oritau * luipalrod aim wcakenenedprainalurulr lu npproachtn/old aw AH yield raadllr to our now treatment for loin of Tltal power. Call on or aildren with ktaiup tot circular * , free book anil reci'lpl . Dr. Searles & Searleslli Neitto I'oUOlllco. MATTRESSES. WHITE LEAD. TUB OMAHA .MAT- CAHTKU WIHTIS TKUfeS CO. LEAD Co. Mnttroiaott , feather ptl- Ion a unit eonifortorj. Corrodorn nnd ituttors Totrailo only , Strict ! ) pure while load LM Hi NlLholun St. Knit Umaliu. RUBBER GOODS. SADDLERY. OMAHA RuiniKitCo MAUKS Bitos' SADDLUIIY Co. Munnfacturlnu anil Job tiers of nil klmli of Stock aaddlei and Unlit rubber "Klin Jlrnnd" turnout * 11 uppclnlty. HI ! coodi. 1WU Kurnnm St. Uur nor street elllos , Preserves , Mlnoo Mmiuffccturorj of Uuton Moat nnd Apiilo lliittor , Huap hyrups. Mutant's 217 115 lllckury Btreot Hun th Saruutli St. STOVE REPAIRS. TRUNKS. I All kludioratovOrepnlrn II. II. MAUIIOPK | on . lianil , ( liuollno ' ' Imvullcu rupnlrud nnd M'f'o trunks , BtuvJj aturud. JntuiM biiKianil niuniiluciuoj U 11 tihen OUTS. 1 Jill St. 1IU Do unlit ! ) HI. QUAIL BRAND HMLJHJOODS Parched Rolled Oats , UncquallCil in Flavor. Corn Gritz , Sold only In 24 pound pnolcasov Velvet Meal , For in u 111 us and garni. Soli ! by nil t'lrU-Ghis Un > iBn. ! CURF Auew ml Com plots Trout nont , conilitlnz of Suppoiltorlai. Ointment la ( taptnloi , ulin la Hot ana flllm a I'oiltUu Cure fur Internal , Internal bllndor Ulaxdlnii lulling. Ulironlc , Huooutur llurj II- Urr I'lloi. Tnl Itomojf h nuver been known to. J ll. llpurbor ururt5 ! entlir \Vtiriuiterfroia IliUtarrlbla illiu a wlun u wrltt'n htuxra'ita-t. ' l uosltlvvlr Klvon vrllli U noxoi or rofnn I iliomonur If notruredaonil lauiii for free fiamplu. ( iuuninttf * liauedbrKulm &Co , Dru iliti , Solo A en'.J.cor.ur 10H' mid IJuuxlut tro8tj ou.Ju. Null 1)B.K.O. WKb'd KBllVKANDHIlAINTllBVP MKNT.aipajlilo for llyWrl * . lll lnj i , tilt , NJI rnlgltt , lluudacliu , Norvoui 1'rottratou taumJ bf ulcohoior loliiuoo , Wukefulnuu , Mvattl lJ prei > lua.rtultuimof tliollralii cauiUUliiimilir. uiltarr aucur.ilojlli , I'rauutura uld A lie. JlarrouuK , lx > i < ol 1'oHorln ullliur or , liapolunoy , l.uiieorrhoa and all K Minl9Yiuknoio , luromntarr latiai , Uper- uialorrUoaodUiBj ur oiror oorllon o ( tliu urln bolf-abuiuorur luduUonca A montli't IreiituiDnt ll.il furH.lir mill. Wovuanutujnlx boxai to ourj Kicliorde foruboxui , with II will 0 > J wrllloa ( uarantteto rafundlf notourol Uur4iilu Ktuut onlr by Tlittodore. V. I * li tlrtiKvlit , tola uifuutt touthitait tornr IdtUaDU ftiruam U. Oui U