Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Liability of Hotolkeepira to Their Guests
Defined by Judge Doano.
Victory fur thn City In the Old Klrventh
Street Vlniliiot OninnRn Ciuc Mr * .
Clotnlami In Court ni n
The coo of Samuel Johnson ngalnst
Minnie nnd FiHz Wlrth , which was
on trial in Judge Doano's court
nml In which n Judgment was
returned for the plalntllT , was not of absorb
ing Interest to the general public , but In the
court's Instructions to thu Jury there were
emu very line distinction * In which nn inn-
kuopsr's liability to UU guest is s.otout. In
rovlowlni ? the case nnd instructing the Jury
tnc Juilgo saldi
"This action U broufjlit by the plaltitlfT to
recover from the defendants the vnluo of
certain articles , which ho claims were tiikon
or stolen from him whllo n truest at defend
ants' hotel , in the city of Omaha , during
March , ISS'J.
"Tho defendants admit that they wore
hotolkcepers at the tlmo montlonod by the
plaintiff In hit petition , nnd thai the plaintiff
stopped at their hotel , hut deny all the other
allocations of the petition. They also nllogo
that the plaintiff stooped nt their hotel lib a
regular boarder and not as a transient
guest , and therefore they are not liabln for
nny loss which the plaintiff may have sus
"You are Instructed that in cases where
the relation of InnUoopor is established , the
law is that the innkeeper Is llublo for the
loss of such articles as clothing which imiv
bo .stolon from the puest whllo an Inmate of
tbo hotel , nnd which are not lost or stolen by
the nuKllKonco or connivance of thu guest ,
bis servant or companion.
"If , however , you Una that the plaintiff
became an inmuto of defendants' hotel under
n contract , oy which ho was to honrd for a
certain tlmo , at a lixod price , tiion ho woulu
tin lonnor bo entitled to the position of a
transient Rucst , and thu ilofomlants would
not In such case bo Hauls for the loss sus
tained by the plaintiff , If such occurred.
"It Is for vcu to determine under all of the
evidence whether U'o plaintiff was a ttan-
Blent guest or a permanent boarder at that
hotel , anu In dotcrml'ilnt : tluit qitosUcm It is
proocr for yon to. consider the uurpoao for
which no wont lo the hotel , ttio length -of
time , if any , for which ho cngnirod quarter *
and all of the circumstances connuctod with
the caso.
"Tho mere fact that the plaintiff agreed
upon the amount that ho was to nay ner tim
er pur woolt and that.he paid accordingly
would not alone be docislvo of tbo question. "
A Victory for tiur City.
Having v/on a victory in the case of S. S.
Curtis , executor of the estate of Belinda Uur-
tls , dticcased , aealnst the city of Omaha ,
City AUornuy Council Is unusually happy
This case has been on the court
dockets of Douglas county since 1S3S , with
out being forced to trial until tills term. It
grows out of tlio construction of the Eleventh
street viaduct.
When the viaduct was constructed the
plaintiff was the owner of two lots at the
corner of Eleventh and Loavonworth streets.
In atsessltiK damages she was allowed ? 500 ,
out the award wns not iatfsfactorv , and she
appealed to the district court , churning that
liur property was damaged iu the sum of
i 000.
Wedneday the case was put on trial before
Judge Ferguson and a Jury. At a late hour
that night a verdict for the defendant \va :
Two Suits for Stiinilcr.
Pannlo Moi\caclr \ fools that she has a f5,000
grievance against Moses Lewison anil has
brought suit to recover this amount. She
avers thabin the presence of several persons
he called her names , intended lo make people
believe that she was u woman who bore an
unsavory reputation.
D.wld Kosnlmsuy has started after > ,000.
of Julius Frush'a'wealth , and in the district
court ho has filed a petition in which ho al
leges that Frush called him names ID at
would not bo spoken la select society. As a
result of the calling of these names , David
thi'His that a $ oOOU chunk has been knocked
out of his reputation.
Other Court Cnsos ,
In the case of Fryo & Bruhn against Fra-
zler & Burke , commission men of South
Omahanu action ( noughttorccovoronnalup-
trcnt of cattle , the jury found for thn plain
tiffs and assessed taolr damages at 71. > .
In the Ualdwin-Burt case , disposed of be
fore Judtro Irvine , Tin : Bun yesterday stated
that the land In controversy was at one tlmo
owned by Thnodoro Gallagher , and that ho
mortgaged It to the Baldwins. Such , how
ever , was not the case , as Gulashor | simply
figured as one of the numerous aofcndnnls.
JuUgu Scott has adjourned the Washington
county term of court until next Monday , In
order to allow the pcoplo of that county to
attend the fair , which Is now in progress.
Next Monday the regular September term
will open and continue in business until all
oases are disposed of by judge and Jury.
In the criminal court the case of the stale
ngainst Muggio Green is attracting
considerable attention. The defendant ,
a colored woman , ' .a charged with
procuring. The complaining witness
Is Lilas Page , n very pretty white
girl , 10 years of ago. She alleges that the
defendant Induced her to enter ncr house to
load a life of ahuniu , and that 'vhllo there
he induced her to submit to the doslros of
numerous colored men.
Juugo Hopuivcll , of the equity court , will
spend Sunday on his farm in Burt county.
Ills court will reconvene uoxt Monday morn
In Justice Brndley's ' court Frances E.
Cleveland , nee Frances E. Folsom , has
brought suit In ejectment against ono of her
tenants , A. L. Record. The defendant rents
n house from Mrs. Cleveland , nnO because ho
will not pay up the ex-prosldont's wife pro
poses to make him move out , and to aid her
in this proposition she has Invoked tbo
assistance ot the court.
The Omaha Driving Park association has
started after Its delinquent subscribers. The
president has brought suit In Justice Brad-
ley's court against thirty-live of them. The
Assessments that ara dub and unpaid range
from J5 ! to 315'J ciioh. Thu trials are sot for
next Monday. .
Tirml All tlio/rimn , "
Is the complaint of many poor mortals , who
know not whore to 11 ru teller. Mood's Sursa-
parllla possesses just these elements Its
strength whlun you so earnestly crave foi
will build you up , clvo you an nppatlu
trengthcn your stomach and nerves. Try It
Hood's Pills act especially upon the live ]
arousing It from torpidity lo Its natural dutle :
cures consilpuilou and assist dlgoation.
You'll lo Well
To tuUo advantage of the next Imrvos' '
excursion , leaving Omaha Soptoinhoi
7 li , \la the Chicago & North woutorr
i nil way. Round trip tickets nt 1ml
rntoa will ho on sale to points in No
hraslui , Soutli DuUotii , North Dakota
AlliiiiesoUi , Monttum , also nil prinuipa
points in tlio "Now South" as far as tin
Gulf of Mexico.
These tickets i'-rc first class , allow 111)
oral slop-over prlvllogoa nnd are gooi [
, twenty days from date of salo.
The city tlckot oHleo of "Tho North
western Lino" Is ut 1401 Furntun at ,
R U. RiTOitii : ,
G. P. West , Goiionil
C. P. & T. A.
The Silk lluU tu Kroot a Noxr Atiooritlim o
the lluliii of lliol'rtiiucuntliiciitiil.
It only oueded the withdrawal of th
Bouthorn PaclQo from the Western Tranl
itocffttion to completely ihattur tbo llltl
life loft In that organization , the roa-j havln
given notice that U would quietly stop dow
nd out December 7. Thli aotlou of th ,
Southern Paclllo i * no doubt In rotallntlo
for the withdrawal of the Canadian Pacltli
Clreut Northern and Northern Puciltc froi
tbo'J'ran { continental asioclatlon and tbo n
futftl of them and other roads lo uoutlnu
fnj longer tbo payment of a subsidy c
( ' * p cu routal , " u the Southern 1'aciUo poi
pin call It , to the Pacific Mall Steamship
company. So far as the Weuorn Trafllu as
sociation Is concerned It will no longer cut
anv llniiro in western transportation uffjilrs.
It * tlnal obsc-fiuloi will bo hold October 11 ,
when the advisory board of the presidents
and directors , the "silk hats , " meets In New
At tlih meeting It is thojght the phns for
a now association will bo discussed , it being
the opinion of an old experienced railway
man that the now association to taka the
plitcoof the disrupted organlratlons will do
away with the Western Freight , the West
ern I'asiongor and the Transmlasourl nsso
ciatloiu ) ,
"This plan , " said he , "is perfectly fois-
iblo. The closer the association the more
stable will tlfo roads feel , Tncro will bo a
decrease in rate cutting , In discrimination of
froleht rates and in nil these thlntra which
tend to Unsettle business and make the life
of an native railroad man a continuous bur-
dan. Could some rule bo adopted whereby
the association would look Into reported dis
crimination tn freight rates instead of ac
cepting a road's assertion on that point ,
relief bjltitf granted In the meantime , It
would pro illy help matters. Vorvofton has
it occurred that the reported cut In rates has
no foundation nt all , but originated In the
fertile brain of seine hustling freight
man who wanted business nnd the
only way ho could got it legally would ba to
make complaint to the chairman of the asso
ciation and ask lor relief pending Investiga
' 'But that is only ono of manv features
that should bo taken Into consideration by
tbo 'silk hats' after the Western Trafllo and
Transcontinental associations have passed
in tnolr checks and the final oulopium * are
pronounced over their remains. To tnako the
now organization oITcctlvo thcro must bo an
ironclad agreement to nbldoby the will of the
majority , no throo-tltths or seven-eighths
rules being allowed. As long as rallrouds
have got to work under the Interstate liuv I
presume associations will in vogue , but there
never was a bettor lime for trunk lines aud
the pcoplo than during the pooling days. "
Notes mill 1'cTioimla.
Oaston Moslior , Ronoral passenger und
tluket agent of the Texas & Pacific , with
ti'Milii unrtors nt Dallas , Tex. , was shaking
hands with railway ollloials yesterday. Ho
loft during the afternoon lor St. Louis , nc-
coinnauled by his sister.
Cuarlos E.Varc , ono of the best known
men In St. Louis business circles und con
nected with the Woodward & Tfornan Print
ing company , the big railroad printers , Is in
the city hobnobbing with general passenger
agents and old-time friends.
E , S. .lewett , nasscngcr nnd tlckot agent of
the Missouri I'liclllc , nndvlln are In the
cltv today onrouto to Hot Springs , 6. D.
Numerous petitions have lately boon sent
to passenger associations and railroads re
questing the issue of n O.UJO-mllo Inter
changeable ticket to bo sold nt n net rate of
$100. In several of the associations the matter
has been referred to committees with discre
tionary powers.
Tbo Mlssouil Pacific ofllclals are still fig
uring on the proposed now lime sueet which
it is thought may no Into effect within a
fortnight , or possibly by Got 1. The local
ofllcials at this point are endeavoring to ar
range a train exclusively for Nebraska busi
ness , but may have to yield their desires for
ttio sake o ° f the road.
'J he reported wreck on the Missouri Pacilic
yesterday turns out to bo nothing more
than the derailment of two freight cars entrain
train No. 12'J. TBO cars loft the Druiu Hill
switch but within a half hour were back
again in position. Mo trains were delayed
by the cars leaving the track.
LntvBN\\oimi. linn , , Juno 15 , ' 93.
Mr. J. 1J. Moore : Mv Do.uSir I have
been sutjcctto sick headache all mv life.
Over two years ago I began using "Mooro's '
Tree of Life" for it and never had a ease of
sick headacha since , except when the
medicine was at ono end of the road and I at
the other. Ills worth more -than moftey to
mo. I hoartil.v recommend It to all sufferers
oihoadacho. Very truly " vours ,
PastorFirst Baptist Cuurott.
Jluslual Union Ituiul
Of Ormihu will play nt Manavra next
Real' estate. . '
Bargains only.
Mv word is good.
\V. G. Albright.
521-2-3 N. Y. Life bldg.
And Are About to Culcur.Ue Their Gohlcu
Next Tuesday John Blclck , one of the hast
known farmers of Douglas county , will colo-
bra to his golden wedding at hia homo north
west of the city.
Mr. Blolck U 7" years old , nnd his wlfo 71.
Both are hale and hearty , and as capable of
enjoying the good things of lifoasany couple
of 30. Tnoy came to Umqha in 1S50 , when it
was something of n task to find the town.
For many yours Mr. Bloick did nearly all the
express business that was done iu Omaha.
Iln bad three teams on the strent , which
made his business ono of considerable mugni-
tude In these days.
Twonty-llvo years ago ho celebrated his
silver wedding In Omaha. Ho wns living
then at Fourteenth and Webster streets , and
ho says the house has never been painted
since ho left it. The mayor of the city ,
Charles Brown , end other ofllcials , were
guests nt that tlmo. and the party was an
event 01 great social
For the celebration of the anniversary next
Tuesday great preparations have been made ,
and Mr. JLtlclck says ho expects to see all old
iriends there. Ho is not going to seed out
any Individual invitations , because bo does
not want to nibs any one.
Mr. Blelck's four children living are :
Adolph , who will celebrate his silver wed
ding next month ; Frank , well known in
county politics ; Albert , a farmer with u
family of six , and Mrs. MorrU Crononioycr.
Too 'Much lee Cronin ,
H. C. Rohror , agent of the Missouri Pacific
railwi.y.Now llavon , Mo. , says : " 1 Buffered
n.groat deal ono hot ovonlng lait week , ( July
m. ) had eaten ice cream for supper , mid
Iberosoomod to ba an internal conflict going
on. A traveling man said ho bad something
in his grin at the hotel that ho bollovod
would relieve tnc , and producing a small bottle
tle of lucdlciuo gavti me a dose. I felt better ,
and Iu a fuw moments took another dose ,
which entirely rollovoo mo , I ballevo that
such a medicine Is worthy of recommenda
tion und that ic should bo kept in the house
durinc the summer , The botilu was labeled
Chamberlain's ' Colic. Cholera and Dlnrrbuua
Uoniody. " For sale by druggists.
Accused ol llobbory.
Charles Maws , n Fremont barber , /voi /
robbed of $117 in Potorson's saloon in that
town on July 20 , last. Yesterday , as be
was walking up Fnrnam street , bo met the
man who , he suvs , did the robbing , and luul
htm arrostsd. The prisoner gives thu name
of Henry Haup , und is charged with grunt
DoWltt'aSardaparllla cleanses the blooa ,
increases the appetite and tones up the sys
it loin , It has bouottlod many peoplnvnc
itn itp have suffered from blood disorders. It wtl
n help you.
JUKI ! .
futtcttof ftveltntt nrlui uiyifr tMs liciJjlftu
.ch u , 111 ! ( < m it lint ten ctitlt ,
, September ! , 1602 , ugi
1 year.
Kntttet / fl i HUM or leu u itlifthlt
centt ; eiidi uMlldmu ! lf > i , itn eenti.
THOMAS A sou , to Mr und Mrs. John U )
Thomas ,
SOllll'lY. A ton , to Mr , und Mrs. JolmSchutz t.
Major Pnddook Won't ' Hoar to Turning
tlio Boa d-Fund Over tolho Oity.
Over Nineteen Tlinnvnml Dollnn Hun Hi o
City from tlio Uoit.tlyMuntlns ( Jiilloit
for Till * .Morning to Adjust -
just the H.tttor.
If Joioph W. Paddock , county commU-
slonor , had not poicd as an obstructionist
yostorJay afternoon , today the olty of Omaha
would Imvo JHJ.O.H in Itu troasunry to ba ex
pended Iu cleaning the lllthy alloys and put
ting the city In a HrU-class sanitary con
dition. ThU money is Omaha's share of the
road fund which b.n boon oallootod and ap
propriated by thn county.
At these lon of the legislature hold two
years ago a law was passed giving to the city
the ouo-half of the road fund collected within
the corporate limits. Haitardloss of the pro
visions of this law thn county troaauror has
collected the road fund for tlio year ISM ,
something hko 13,000 , , and upon the advice
of some of the commissioners has failed to
turn It into the city treasury.Veoks ago
ttio city council demanded the mouoy , but
the county commissioners dodged the issue
by saying that thov had not boon able to got
a statement of the amount collected. Last
Saturday County Treasurer Irey submitted
the statement , showing that the county owed
the city Just ? 10,03L on July 1 of the present
The ofllclnl information was conveyed to
the city council that n mooting of the com
missioners would bo held yesterday after
noon , nnd that then an agreement would bo
reacted. The meeting was held , but the
money wns not forthcoming. In fact , Mr.
Paddock took the bull by the horns and do-
clatcd that it would bo a long tlmo before
the city treasurer would got a chance to ban-
dlo any of thutroad fund.
Sti'iilirrRVuutoil to I'ny It.
Immediately noon the board being called
to order Mr. Stonburg nrcsented a resolution
Instructing the county treasurer to draw a
warrant lor flU.U.'tl , the ono-half of tlio
amount of the road fund collected , and turn
It over to the city treasurer.
Mr. Paddock t once iiroso and declared
that the county did not ewe the city that
amjmnt of money , nnd that it should not bo
paid. Ho assorted that the balance was on
thu other side of the ledger ; that , Instead of
the county owing the city 510.031 , or any
sum , the city owed the county SJS.OOO for the
usn of the Jail and for boarding prisoners , to
say nothing about what was due on the rent
of the rooms In the basement of the court
bouso. This account ho declared tlio city
should pay before the road fund was turned
over , The city should pay this account , and
then if there wns any balance ho wns willing
that it should uo paid to the city. It wns not
the way to transact business to pay $10,000 to a
corporation that owed the county fliS.OOO.
Mr. Stonbcrg maintained that ovsn if the
city did ow the county , the county could
not hold 1 cent of the road fund , ns the
statutes oxpressy ] provided that tho'monoy
should bo pnla into tbo city treasury. If
the city owed the county tnero was a rem
edy and the courts wore open for the en
forcement of that remedy.
Mr. Paddock did not" care for the courts ;
tbo county nact tbo money nnd the beat thing
to do was to hold on to it.
Mr. Stnnborg thought that the city would
mandamus the county and compel the pay
ment. Tbo county attorney had decided
that the county would have tO'pay over the
money , and thcro was no use of going
against his opinion aud the law as laid aovvn
in the books.
Mr. Paddock firmly declared that ho did
not oaro for the law. it was a technical law
nnd the opinion was furnished by a tech
nical lawyer. He aid not core what the
lawyers said , ho knew what was business.
The faots were , ho said , thai 'the city was
invited to step up thu cuptaiii's ofllco more
than six months ago and settle the old bill.
The council , instead of paying up bad simply
given the commissioners the laugh. ;
Voted Itotli llcHolutlong llown.
Mr. Stenoerg urged the adoption of his
Mr. Paddock nfllrmcd that It should not pass ,
if ho Knew himself , and ho thoucht that ho
uld. Then to prevent Us adoption ho moved
as a substitute that the auditor make a state
ment which would show how the accounts
botweoa the county und the city stood.
The vote carao on the substitute and defeat
followed as it ivas supported by ouly Messrs
Paddock aud Williams.
Then the resolution wns brought into line
and wont thosamo wav , havlngonlv the sup
port of Mr. Stontiorg and Chairman Berlin ,
Mr. Von Camp was absent.
Mr. Stonberg was the first man to recover.
Ho did it by moving that the auditor , aided
by the committee on finance , Invite the
county attorney , the city attorney and the
llnatico committee of the city council to a
meeting to bo held '
ut 10 o'clock this morn
ing , and together go through the books for
the purpose of trying to arrive ut some kind
of a settlement.
Mr. Pnddeck urged that the motion wns
only u repetition of his substitute , but in the
interest of harmony ho would not oppose It.
The motion prevailed and the uoard ad
journed to moot at 2 o'cloclc this afternoon to
receive the report of the committee.
I'rocuroltofortii.uiiviiii ; Home.
Throe yoaw ago , whllo Ivas visiting rela
tives at Higtrinsvillo , Mo. , I was suddenly
taucn with colic nnd severe pains in the
stomach. My relative ] scut to the doctor
for modlciuo , and ho sent mo a bottle of
Chamberlain's ' Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
nmnedy , tolling the Dourer that if .hut med
icine did not cure nio ho could not proscribe
anything that would. I used It mi J was im
mediately relieved. HiiNiir A. Tnot'BliX.
Still ItaUuigr OIJectlons to Allot eel Itooius
In HIM l.'ily Hull ,
There appears to bo very llttla disposition
on the part of the Uoard of Education to go
Into the now rooms sot asldo for the use of
the board in the ulty hall. The majority of
thu members fcol that it would u. ) unwise to
take tin ) rooms that the council Is willincr to
assign the board , with no hope of getting
anything better ,
' What wo would really like tbo city coun
cil to do , " saU a member of tbo board today ,
"would be to' give us back the money wo
paid Into the city hall fund and then wo
would make tinutrungcmcutwith the library
board to have the Board of Education rooms
in the now library building. The fact of the
matter is a city hall building is not tbo
proper place for a Board of Education bead-
quarters. The librurybuildlng.oa the other
hand , would be an ideal pluco for the board
rooms. The teachers nro usually It ; to rested
in books of reference and general reading
and they naturally visit n Horary building
frequently. Thu purpose and object for
which a library building will be orccted will
bo In perfect harmony with the ednuuilonal
interests of the city , and I think It woulu bo
a capital Idea to uavo our board rooms in tbo
library building. "
0 Do W Ufa tiarsaparilia destroys suoa pal.
sons us scrofula , skin diseases , ocionvi , rheu
matism. Its timely use nave ? many llyoa.
What Mr. IlolndorirSnw ,
Alter visiting most of the principal cities
of the east and Canada , Mr , C. F. UoindorH
. has returned to Omaha loaded to the guurdu
. with club house Ideas , Wialo absent he
oa oa
' .
r Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
-V mu * - ' - * - -
wont through nndidbokod ever the plnns of
morothnn Mfty clunhousos , Now ho returns
fully convinced Unit the now club homo In
Omaha will coinpsm favorably with any in
the country , not oven excepting these of To
ronto. Can , , whlchmro regarded ns the finest
In the Hind. Mr.iBelndorfT inw many clue
houses which cojto more than thn proponed
building In this city , but nonn were mora
complete In every dbtnll.
While In Uuffiild , N. Y. , Mr. Dolndorft was
fortunate enough to > be present at the great
ropuoilcan demonstration , where 15,000 men
wore In lino. The men niarchod four abreast
and the pnrado was. two hours In passing.
What surprised tbo Oinahan moat wns that
right In Claveland'b ' homo town there was
not a democrat to bo found. Everybody
cheered for Harrison , and the cii'.tin-.lastii
was almost hovond control when Mr. Ibid ,
the republican candidate for the vlco presi
dency , mounted the speakers' platform.
Whllo looking nt the parade Mr , Ilemdorff
oamo within ono of being shot into the hero-
after. The magazine which contained the
reserve supply of fireworks was just to his
loft. A toekot came down Into the mngn-
zlno nnd the whole thing exploded. Thu man
standing directly in front of Mr. Uclndorff
had the en'.lro sltlo of his head blown off ,
whllo several ethers were soilotisly injuio.l.
"I take pleasure in roeommondlng Cham
berlain's Colic , Cholera jtnd Dlarrhmi Rem
edy , " ays ( Jeo. C. Banltston of Mill Creek ,
111. "It is the best moJiclno I have overused
used for diarrhoea. Ono dose will euro any
ordinary case. " For snlo by druggists.
Spectacles aceuratoly filled ; rofrrtettvo
examination froo. Tudor Optical ( Jo. ,
corner Faniatn anil 1-lth.
Alado n Ciish Haul.
When the clerk came to open the doors at
M. Wollsteln's , 5'2'J South Thirteenth street ,
yesterday morning ho found that porllon
of his work had boon done for him ,
There was VJ iu cash missing from the
money drawer.
Mrs. WInslow'B Soothing Syrup reduces
Inflammation whllo children are teething ! >
cents u bottlo.
Bot'h the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing ( to the taste , arid acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem eCectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever proi
duced , the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepare/I only from the most
healthy andagreeabje substances , its
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
nyrup of Figs fis forvisale in 75o
bottles by sll leading'4Fuggists. .
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it.-on hand wiE' ' procure it
promptly for any one rwho wishes
lo try it. Manufactured only by the
We.kness ,
Catarrh or
GuCumatssm ,
Chronic ,
P Nervous or
UK * Privalc
% > : - Diseases ,
Consultation Free.
Acknowledged to lie Ilia most sticcoiful specialist In
nil rmvAir , IILOOI ) , NEUVOUS , siu.v AND UIIIN-
( iunurrluoaln from S to 6 clnyj. Syphilis curj.l
wllhout.Miircury. All aluiras for lift ) ,
bTHIOTtlUK porm.uiantly ourad. complete -
pleto , without cutting , c-iunlij or dll.iUtU'n. I'ura
alloctodnt homo tiy ptitlont without u moiuem'4
uln or nnnoyanco.
without pain or detention from biulnois.
anil auccCHtf ullf cuivil. Metlioil now aud unfailing.
( VITAUTV WKAK ) , Mads so by too cloai nppll.
cntlon to tmslnuss ontiuty ; nuvoro monttl itr.lln
oriirlof ; HISXIUI. KXCKbSICl 111 mlcljlu UCu , or
1 1 urn tlio ollucu or youthful folllo * .
YOUNG nnd MIIHH.i : AJ15I > ; lack of vim. vlior.
and Btrongtli , wlili goxuiit orxuna Impaired and
tteukonenedpr.imuurolir In upproaclilni-'ohl ni3.
All ytold rondllr to our ruw traatmant fur losj of
vttnl power , Cnl ! on or ( Uldrcuj nltli stamp for
circulars , free btiolc and roculpU.
Dr. Searles & Searta ,
Next tn Post Ollluo.
Act gently yet prompt
- ly on tlio UVKll , Kill.
DR-JOBBS NfUSanil I)0 ) KI , dis
pelling Ilondacucs , JTev-
ins and Colds , thorough'
LITTLE ly cleansing the system
of disease , and cures
habitual constipation
They ara sugar couted ,
do nut grlpo , very small ,
stlie , and rcrommcn J-
1 bjr li-aams p ! ! JUap . For sala by
drupijistu orRcntbxciu'.j it6cU. a il l.
NIBB'S MEDICINE CO.PPiops , San Fnncis'.o ' in
f nbn & Cu. , Co.r litUUk Doct-lna SU.
J , A. Fuller & Co , Cor. lllli & Dough' . Stf.
'lFotur A tV..Uuuucll VlulLi , la
IntH on UStli street from Ames nvoniie to
Kowlur uvoiiuo.
You are hurotiy nntKlivl that the under-
El'iied. threodlslulurestcd fruoholdors of Mm
city of Uinuhii. huvo bi-oii duly iiiiintoil | | by
the inuyor , wllh the ot thu city coun
cil ot B im cltv. to (18-io-H the diimiuo to the
owners respectively of tlio nroporty Hltooted
by u rail In1. of sulil street und cross st ruoU , du-
furoil necessary by or Iln inoa No. I'.U ,
r-uptumborOili , ib'J. , improved HtfPtoin
Ib'JiYou are further notllluil , that li tvliiK ao-
coptuds Id Mpoliitnient , it nil du y quullflod
nt , reulrel | ( hy law. wa will , on thuUnlduvn
Ootoliur , A I ) , 1HU , at tlio hour of : i u'olock In
the afternoon , nt the ulllcu of ( Jeo J , I'uii . idil
l-'iiriiuin street , within the coiporild 11 nits of
aid eltv , ilice ; for thu purpose of considering
und iniikliu the asgessinent of i-jo to the
owners rospeotlva'y of h'lld property nlloclo.l
by siild Kra'llnir , tuklni' into coiistdorutlon
spoclul benullti. If nny.
You .iro uof.lled to lo present nt the tlmo
anil place itfoiiuutd und in.iUuany oiijectlon
to or bt itoiiiuntg concerning s.ild ussossinent
of dunmui'B us you inuy cons der proper.
(1KO.J. i'AUJ *
/ J. K. KI.AUIC.
' . ' . B.-vd W
Omaha , September 19th , IS'/
"Beauty is but skin- ,
deep" was probably
meant to disparage beau
ty. Instead it tells how
easy that beauty is to
"There is no beauty
like the beauty of health"
was also meant to dispar
age. Instead it encour
ages beauty.
Pears' Soap is the
means of health to the
skin , and so to both these
sorts of beauty.
All sorts of stores sell
it , especially druggists ;
all sorts of people use it.
BOYO'S I'ulltlcul
THEATRE. Satire.
TlinrMlny , Friday nml Sntimliy. Sopt. 22
2ii und 2 1. Suliirdiiy Miitince.
Comedy event of the toason.
Msitnipprs of Hoyl's Madison Square Thcnlio ,
Now York , presontt'nc.rcoinp.iny in Hoyt's
' nnd Most Siu'ucssful Comedy
Tim Murphy. Flora Walsh
nnd thu original company.
Sale opens Wcdmuiluy inornlni ; nt usual prices.
' iittrnctlon , "N1OHI3. "
Accompanied by WM. UKDMON D.
nnd Ills cniiipnnjr nf plnjprA , miller the direction of
Mr. W. \VllklsuM. . In vl.itiorHtuund lonllstlo ecunlc
rovlvnlB of tbo popular romances of D'ICnnory and
SLT1ME. . 1'ltlOK
l-'oilr nlRhti conimeiiclnt ; Sniulnj-Mnthioo Sept. 25
In his sensational corned } drnmii entitled ,
J. - J. - JL
Matinee Wcdnnday.
Farnam St , Thsater
Grand Spectacular Production of
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
With a carload of soonory , calcium mid me-
chanloal olFoots. Mutlnuo Wodiicsday and
( Iroao Hiirlc. ;
p.Iroao &
Thonbovo brands of trlovea lor sale bj
The Boston Store
N. W. Cor. 10th and Douprlas St3.
EiasticStockings ,
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Water Bo tthi ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies.
114S. 15th St. ,
Next to PosloIIlce.
Parched Rolled Oats ,
Unequalled in Havor.
Corn Gritz ,
Sold only Iu 21 pound paclcagoi
Velvet Meal ,
For multlna nnd goras.
nil FlrU-Olm ( irioaru
Bailay , $ r
The Loadln
Ihlrd Floor. I'axton lltojt '
TcIcplioiielOSj. F.U-U-I uSN. (
A full not of toetU on rubber for li I'tirfuotmt
Teeth wltuout pluui or roiuov btu brldio work
ju t tlio tUhu ' < " ilnguri or uubllu IPOUKJM , nerd'
drop down.
Gold fllllnz ut ronoathla rate * . All work
warranted , Out tbls out tor a nuld .
Is open. The political pot boils. The stump
speaker is abroad in. the land. The "distin
guished fellow citizen" will be found congre
gated by the thousand in front "of new pine
stands , where the orator of the evening and the
band \vill vie with each other in seeing which.
can display the most "brass" and they'll both
play "the same old tune. " Thousands of men
will put on giddy uniforms and march through
the streets , while the il from leaky torches
drips gently down the backs of their necks
but "we've got to save the country. "
Our Campaign
Is now open too. We're after your trade. If
we've had it before we're going to keep it and
if we hav'nt had it , we'll try and get it. Our
inducements are many , but we depend on the
pow e r o f p rice above all things. Our special
efforts are directed toward overcoats fall over
coats today. We are showing a line that's not
"out of sight" but right in plain sight so are
the prices.
for a splendid Melton overcoat in
toiiey tans.
AA lor a businass looking , dark , all wool
.UU Cassimere coat with silk sleeve linings
* 7 r for all wool Csssimere garments new
/ J ) made shades heavy serge lined.
HO or > a 9enume Scotch Tweed overcoat
.UU with heavy. twilled silk sleeve lining.
Can you touch these prices anywhere else ?
Not with a ten foof pole.
\ .
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
TSic nlnant spcclnlKt tn , clironlc , . blood , .
nervons prlvnto. ikln nd annnrj cltsens i. A recmfVr sou
rettlsieroJ graduate In modclne. an 'llplomrvs and curtlnciUe' obow. u mil treatlnu nllh the f r MuM iuccti
entirrli , ( parmiitorrboca , lost mnnhooJ , lomlnal weakness , ntuht lonoi. Impotoncr , lypbllli. trtctnra , ion.
orrlioea. Rlact , rnrlcorelo.ctc. No mercury used. Neif trontmont forlOMOf ltnl power. PttrtUi unftbla t
visit nio mB7 be irjntC'l ' at homo bj eorrenpomlDDCo. Meitldns or Iniuumanti aont by mallorazprui *
ourolypncked , no marlii tolnillcnto conlant ortendcr. On o personal Intorrlow prcilorrod. Coniullat'.oa '
fruo. Corrc > ponJenro strictly private. Hook ( MriterlM of Lite ) Mat fro * . Ollioa boun V Da. to U f . Ok
Buadojt IU u. in. to ll in. Sunrt ataiup ( or repl J.
_ _
. Superior ailvantacei for fducatlnj
oueh ; Jluelcftl nml Vrt dopartmcnU lilgticst urder ; teachrriiof the brut Amerlcna
anil Kuropenn culture ; larffu nml beautiful grounds ; ne\v bulldlugs , rooms well
vcntilntc.l , llehti-il ly BUS. Opvim Scptrmbrr 7tb. For catalocur addrcxs
- HBT. T. V. ItAHHETT , ! . LOLUnltlA , MO ,
For Ilia lilnlier anil l.llitrul Education of elrls
nnd JOUHK women. Kpoclaltiei : llusic. Art , Elo.
1 cutloii , I'liyslcul Tralninv. foteam heat , Cold
nnd hot water , bath rooms , etc . on each floor.
2 < th Session begin * Sept fill , 1M2. ForC'atalocui
Dr. Sargent's Normal School.
Of l'h > hicat TralnluK ( or \\omon.
it CAMllUlDHK , MAh . . will open Its Twclftli Scs-
Icn on October iUtU lustuau of November 1. ua
Why is it that some
houses always need re
painting ?
The owner has them painted
in the Spring ; by the Fall they
have a dingy , rusty , faded look.
A neighbor's always looks
fr esh , clean , and newly painted ,
and yet is not re-painted oftener
than every four or five years.
The first "economises" by
using. "CHEAP" paint ; the
second using nothing but
§ trictly Pure
" Dutch Process"
hite Lead.
The first spends three times as
much for paint in five years ,
and his buildings never look
as well. >
'Almost cvfcrybody knows
that good paint can only be had
by using strictly pure White
Lead. The difficulty is lack of
care in selecting it. The fol
lowing brands are strictly pure
White Lead , "Old Dutch"
process ; they are standard and
well known established by
the test of years :
Get the National Lead Co.'s
Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors.
Mix them ( for color only )
with strictly pure white lead ,
and you will have the best
paint that is possible to put on *
a building.
Kor tale by the beat dcaleiu In ii&lnti every ,
where ,
II you are going to paint , It will tiay you
to tend to ut ( of a hook containing inlormu-
lion that may save you nmny a dollar ! It
will only cott you a ( iSkUl card to clu ho.
St. Louis Branch , t
Clark Avenue and Tenth Streets ,
St. Louis , Mo.
In tlio treatment of
I ho rioctor'a entire tlmo nnd attention for the
pint elKl'tccn yours Inn tiuunnlvon to tlio trcatinunt
of nil f rm of prlvnto illnuinni nml nil dUurtlurn '
am ! ilaliUltlOJ of YOU I'll nnd MANHOOD. During
ull lliou yoiri of iinictloj nnd oxiiorlonca thi
ilnt'lor li.i" imrfocteil it umlaut of trantmont for
tliojo ills'jMvi which ti loilay ono of the moat mo-
cu > nl fornn of truutinont known to the moillcM
profoBlon. Illi romiirknMu IIIOX-M In thu trout-
int'nt of thl3 cl B of dtioiiion U best proven bjr HIM
iinluiriiul loitlmonir of tliousaniU who huvo euf-
tcroil and boon ourod. htronKuror inoro abaoluto
liroufof nklll nnd fair nnd honorable treatment
could not lia deilroJ. Wrlto for circular * ulvlnii > lt
imrtlculuri. UTil A .NO 1'AIINAU HTD. , OMAHA ,
riivuiandi i 7 tlic/ will vitar No Other Shoe ,
Wear ( hit Shoe during the Summer Months ,
the Foot. Alwiyiriliuii IU | * rfccl ihi | > c. ' 1 be
ADJUSTAIII.K Inlure nukH II puulbKto wilt
anarru tr ilioe.
Cost no more , looks better. wt ri longer ,
> divci 100 tlmo more comfort
thsn ancllicr inske.
1'rloeil 33.00 , $2.00 , $3.00 J.3.CO.
ForHuloat thellojton Hloro.lOth and U ouuU
stock of HUMAN HAIR
cast of C'liicago. *
Giiitruntocii strictly flrBt clues.
Mrs. , R li Dairies