THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FlliDAY , SEPTEMBER 23 , 1892. SPEOIRL NOTICES. . KOH TIIKSB COLUMNS AOVKHTISKMKfiT.S will bo taken until 1J.HO T > rn. for llin ovcnlng Mid until 8CO : p. m. for tha morning or Sunday odl- All advertliementii In lhe ocoliimnslM fonta a word fur first Insertion nnrt I cent r word for each subsequent lnsertlont or II .50 per line per month. No advertisement taken for less than Js cents for tlm first tn ortlon. Terms cash In advance , Initials , liEiires , symbols , etc. . each count ns n word. All advertisements most run consecutively. Adver * Users , l > y requesting n numbered check , can have thn lottora adilrcssod to n numbered letter In earn ofliiKllKE Answers to nddre sod will bo deliv ered on presentation of tlio check. SITUATIONS -WANTED. A\VANTK A I'OsnON" Dllooim OH general merchandise ; nge SJ , mnrrlodi experi ence. 12 years , ono year on the road : can sneak ( Icrman and furnish reference. Address H , \\.l.o- beck , Shelby , In. 610 25 * AWANTED ; HV A MAN OK KXPKUIKNI'K , A situation ns collector for an Implement house In Nebraska. Iteforcnccs furnished. Aderess I , W , llpa l 7 S3 * A-SlTWA'l ION WANTED 11Y A YOUNG LADY as assistant bookkeeper , cashier or general of fice work. Importance and A 1 references. Ad dress 1,40 , lion. M702 34" WANTED MALE HELP. WANTKI ) , A LIVi ; WIDK-AWAKK UKl'HK B lenlntlvi ; to represent ns In every locality , ono with vim , vigor , Muck nnd push can easily make t2 ! > Upcr month ; no peddling goodst something en ttrely now ; staple ns Hour ; send for full particular" today. Address "Manufacturer , " postolllo box KO , llostonMass. , . Mf.47 s2U * - ) , SALUSMKN ON SALAHY OH COM mission lo handle the new pnU'tit chemical Ink erasing tioncll. The gronti'sl i-cllliiK novelty over produced : erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds ; no abrasion of paper : 200 lo Ww per cent profit : ono n Hint's lales amounted ti'i.'U In six days , another Jli2 In two hours ; wo wnnt ono energetic gcnnrul neent In each stnto and territory. 'Kor terms anil particulars nddrcss Monroe Kruscr Mfg Co. . j.n Crosm. WIs. T > -WANTI1I ) . A IMlAITIUAti MAN WITH POMK J'capital to tnko ft Whtur mill. Address bovM Lincoln , Neb. . CIS > WANT CANVASSERS. W. it W. PAHLOHH , > JI4 South HHIi Bt. JIHW ; oa > -WANTKI ) MAN TO TAKH OHDKIIS IN CITY , 'address inauufactiiror , box 2)7 ) clly. 103 OU I-AVANTED , HAILUOAD LAIIOHEHS KOI J'Wyoming nnd South Dakota. Wages , (3.00 nnd * ? . ! . ' > per dny. btendy work. Albright Labor Olllco 11211 Knrnnm streot. M272 OIO P -WANTKI ) , MM TEAMS AND SUH-CONTUACT , 'ors. ' Kreo trnnsportnllon on the It. I. Lincoln I\ob. McCormlck llros A Co. ! { ? lll "n-WANTKD , AGENTS TO HANI1LE HAP10 J'selling ciunpalgn novelty. Knormous commls nlons. Address P. O , box No. 7 , Canton , O. 410 22 * 1WANTEI > , WIDE AWAKE WOllKEHS EVEHY .I'whi're for ' Shcpp's Photographs of the World" the greatest book on earth ; coaling ( IOG.OOI ) : retal lit M.25 , cash or Instalments ; mniumoth llluMni ted circulars and terms frco ; dally output ovc I..VXJ volumes. Agents wild with success. Mr 'J'lios. L. Martin , Centorvlllc , Tex. , cleared (711 In 9 ( lays ; Miss lloso Adnuis , Woosler. O. , (3.1 In 40 mln vies ; Hov..I. Howard Madison , Lyons. N , Y , . (10 In 7 hours ; n bonanza ; mngnlllcoiit outllt only ( I Hooks on creditfrolght paid. Address ( lloboTJIbli I'ubllshlnirCo. , No. 723 I hestnut ht. , Phlln. , Pn or 853 Dcnrborn St. , Chlcngo. 111. MIM W B-WAN'110 ! , AGENTS TO SELL KINII TEAS cotfees , spices , extracts nnd sundries by snmiilt to families ; no capita ! required ; excluslVB terrl lory ; good pay ; get our liberal trial olTer. Q \V. Loverln .V Hrowno Co. , Chicago. M4tVi-o-Il ( * IJ--WANTKD , DKTECTIVKS IN IJVKHY TOWN -I > ln tlm United Statcn ; experience not lequlrod ! cend for particular * . Universal Dolecllvo Agency , box l,00'.l , Chicago , III. 47U 22 * p-rAN OFFKH A STEADY SITUATION TO A .1 JJewcler who cnn work at bench Mini play clnrl- onet , cornet , s.'ixupbono or nnaro drum In bund ; German preferred. Address Frank lU.tliell. Stor- llnif. Neb. * 471) ) 2.1 \ WANTED , 500 RAILROAD LAHOnKHS FOH J 'Nebraska , Iowa , southern Wyoming , Utiih , Idaho find Missouri. Steady work , fne puss. Kramer .V O'Jlcarn Labor agency , 303 South llth street. , M712 25 * -WANTED , FIRST-CLASS 1IAICKH AT CITY llakory , O'Neill. Neb. Cal-24 T > AN KNEHGKTIC YOUNG MAN WITH SOME -Dcaptlnl lo lake chnrpo of oulaldo work of a relall Krocery business. Address L 10 lleo. IXJ7 25 * " 1J WASTED , lOOOODCOHNICK MAKKllS AND I > 4 idulo roofurs ; npply nt the Western Cornice nnd Manufacturing works , (114 S. 14th st. C42 2ti > MAN WANTKI ) TO COLLECT AND SKIIL IN country , call nt. I 6 Hi Douglas. G. > - ' 1J--CANVASSKHS WANTKI ) , SALARY PAID JJweekly. Singer ollico. I5li Douglas. C52 3U R-WANTI3D , UOYS : STEADY WORK. OMAHA Jl'llox Faclory , Kast Om.ilin. Ml l -TJ VfJitTIKD , MAN TO JIII.IC. 40I3N.21TH ST. J > ' ' 08524 * B-WANTKI1 , A SALESMAN. AUUHKSS , WITH ctly tCHtbiionluls. L3" , Hue. 1190 2J B-S1A.N OF GOOD ADIIUKfrH , WKI.I. I'OSTKD null ncniinlntod In city to solicit orders and do. liver llrslclitss groceries. Address L II , lion.M70I M70I 24 B WANTKI ) . 200 MKN TO WUKK ON BKWKHS at Fremont- Good wnucs. I'ay every two necks. McDonald & 1'onlleHl , Fremont , Nob. 717-28 * B-A FIHST CLASS IKY GOODS BAI.KSMAN , Conn un preferred , must bo u husllor nnd food trimmer. Apply nt once. T. L. Dnvle.t A Co. , York , Hub. 714-24 * B ; -GKNIHAL KMl'LOY-MKNT OFF1CR UKST help and nlluallnns fnrnljhed , 220 N. lUth. lUth.7J202I * 1 > WANTED. 15 Oil 20 MKN AT ONOB FUR J > lirlrk yard , : iOth and F. South Omaha. Krltcn- lirlnk llros. 728 24 * " | ) -UO I'EH WEEK AND K.M'KNSKS TO .MALK J'nml female workers , to net us resident salesmen V for n comrnny niiinufurturliiK goods wnnted In ev- .ery household. 1'enmuient. proiltablo work. Tcfutti and eliculars froo. AdilreHs Elcctro-Nov- oltyfo. . 48 Armory t. , lloston Mnxs. M7B- : I > T ) WANTKI ) T)11Y GOODS THAVKLINGMKN Jfor I6U3. Good luduccuieulH will bo otlercd thu rlghlmen. Glvo territory you have covered. Also your references. Kcmpur , Hundley & MoDonald Ury Goods ( ji. , St. .loneph , Mo , .M740-25 B -WANTKI ) , THE NAMKS AND ADDHKSSKS ot cnerKcttc men and women open for pcrma * neiit work. Wo elvooxulnslvo territory. Wo Riinr- Biitee Kood workers f.'W a weuk. Wo. furnish olllco , furinlnre , delivery team nnd newnpnper iulvrtls - Inn Our uitlclo Is u monopoly. It will nave 23 per cent of the coal bills of everybody. Full particu lars by moll. Lllhoiraih | > i , pamphlets , etc , free upon receipt of postiiKU. Address Koal-Hpar Co. , M Oliver Btreel , lloslou , Mans. St7W : 23 * 1 > WANTKII , THAVKI.ING bALKSMKN TO JJcniry an A 1 sldo Hun holblay adverlUIn npe- clnllj , brand now. for retail trade. Large romiiiU- BloiiH. Adilress MerchnntH' Dept. , It. S. I'eulu , v Co. . Uhlonito , III. M7J725 * WANTED-FEMALE HELP. ' ' ' liblJsT Ml'K'l'KNTGIIILlpH GKNEHAL : irk. lltf.'Slicrnuiri ' HVO. . wi 0-WANTKI ) , ACOl.PETKNT GIHL TO NIJHSE and nHBlst In secuiiif work nt good wanes. Apply. (2.1).I ) Douglas st. 483 23 * WANTED , A WOMAN WHO If A GOOD conk nnd laundress , two In family , 'vngps f.l.UO per \uiek. Apply ntVIO Douglas. M358 ' ' C-'o'lltl , FOHGENEIIAL HOUSEWOIIIC IN FAM- llynl four. Apply3lU.lJacKsou stvi'ot. .M5IJ " -rWANTKD. A lllliri KOH GENEHAL HOUSK- work , must bo it good plain cook , no nuHhliig or Ironing. 501 at. ( Ul 23 * -"vVANTED. . COMPETENT NURSE OIHU TJ34 VVsoulh ilOlh ave. ( llu-22 * C-WANVUD , GIHL FOIl GENEHAI , HOUSE- work who can cook , Cnll Ml Georgia avu. ( S , rJth st. ) two doors north of chnrcli , Ijj ? 25 * C 1-WANTKI ) . OIIIL KOH GKNKHAL 110U.SE- work , 3UUB.3UI ave , U6ti S' < C-WANTKI ) , LADIES AND GIRLS TO DO our now work tor us at homo ; ( J to fi per weuk easily made ; no painting or canvassing ; send M-'lf addressed envelope. Kcho .Manufacturing com pany. 4 Liberty Square , lloiton , Muss. U17 25 * C iWANTED. . COAT.MAKKHS. APPLY AT ICAT/- .Nuvliu ( o. lllh and Douglas. iai CC " C ! -WANTKI ) , A "SALESWOMAN. ADDIIESS , wllh olty testimonial ! , 1,31 , Hue , TwANTKD. ACOOKt'oNK . „ 0 ! „ andiron. Apply ut'JViii ) I'nclHo. M103 21 * 0C C I-lillll. WANTKI ) OKNEUAL IIOUSEWOIIK , UI7 Webster slrt'ot. up-WANTKI ) . LADY TO TAKK OMAHA AB EX- * wolu tvo territory for rapidly telling complexion .wash. No expense except-for goods. Cull at M : ) Houth llth street from 3 too p. m. , 23d and21th , 7VO-22 * C ! . -WANTIl ) , GOOD GIHL AT 1711 DOUGLAS ST , 'M 23 * / t-lVANTKI ) , A GIHL FOH GENERAL HOUSE- TVw ; small family ; I3S7 N. liUh st. 708 -A IHHL TO DO FIHbT CLASS COOKING AND general housework lint lamlly of two , Highest wages paid. Apply to 230 Douglas st , 11021 * , KIHT ANI > \Jbaui\t. Mrs. H. 0. Mosus , 303 S. 17lb t. I-WOULD L1KH GIHL TO ASSIhT WITH children after school hours for board and room. ' " L43 , live a Rico. 72423 * " ' PQRJsHffpyjs8 * 7 BFI.ATH. . "DWELLINGS WITAGKS IN ALL paru of city , Kilkenny & Co. , Continental blk. _ _ _ 001 Tk-KOI ! RENT , TWO FIRST CLASS DKTACHKD J.'nlnoroom houses , modern ! neighborhood best : wit If barn. H. > , ' . 1'atlersgu. llauiue block. MIU5 " " ' " " I > : NT , j 3-ROOM nousKsi CASS stro l , bvlwnen Jlth and 20th H. T. Clarke. WJ llosrd of Trade. 1'houo 1W. 410 HOUSE KKAH iiiuii SCHOOL iu hull ; stable ; raodora couT ulenoes. Thus . Ull , Ul 1'axtotl block. ( lit BENT-HOUSES. ConKniicd. TO IIKNT.IMIOOM HOUSE WTH AND DODOK strceti. All modern conveniences , rooosslon ilvpn Immnrtlrvtoir , Call or ndJrcss St. Ij. Homier , loom 103Paxlon block MCM n-IO-noOMHOUSR , AM. MOIIKHN IMI'tlOVK- JL'menls , 3114 Chicago Btrcct , HO.oa per month. I'crcy 11. Ford , McCagno Investment Co , 15th nnd nml Dodgoslreol * . . W4 D-FOIlllKNTMlOOM ! HOUSE , ALL MODKHN convenience * , wllh largo barn , 2iX I'opplplon nvo. Inquire at37 ! 8.15th st. 10 J-FOR UBST , H FLATS IN LINTON HLOCK. 'llth and Ma on streetGrooms each , water nnd pas. hcntol by steam , In good repair , rent lo-v , In- qulrontPIT In the block. John llamlln , ago U.M781 - HUNT , TWO 13-HOOM HOUSES , ALTj -'modern conveniences , on Georgia nvo , I block from street railway. Apply room 352 , Uco llulldlnir , J.M. Mlmurnl , receiver. 151 D-NICi : TKN-HOO.M MOUKHN 1IOUSK IXW SO. nihst. and live-room cottage 505 So.Sllh it Inquire 624 bo. nth si , John II. ! ' . Lchmann. 53 1)KOH HUNT. 11OUSKS IN ALli PAHTS OK city. ; TlioO. K Davis company , 1603 Karnam St. 419 D 7 11 COTTAGE. NK'.V , PHETTY , KUHNACK. bath , etc. , lf { lullcs from P. O. , (25.00. Fidelity Trust Co. . 1703 Knrnnra. 405 34 D-ONK OKTlin K1NK.ST HKSIDKNCKH IN Till ! cltyt 10 rooms ; every Improvement of a first class house ! furnace. Inquire I5IG South loth. 829 01 V-4-1IOOM rijAT. STEAM HEAT. FIRST-CLASS. 'References , 810 S. 22nd street , room 0. 438 D-A IKS1HAI1L1 < ; HOME OK 9 HOOMS , FIJH- nlshed or iDilurnlshed. Pnrllei going to Cnll < fornln. Apply on premises , 1113 bontli Tenth street , hM D- ONLY TWO LEFT OF TIIK fl-ROOM COT. tnuc * . Junt completed. Have bath , hot and cold water and modern conveniences. Desirable home * , for business men In beautiful Stanford circle. For particulars apply to blur Loan nnd Trust Co. nia-nls , 4 , Now York Life bhlg , 652 n-FOH HKNT , lO-ROO I HOUSE , 2015 CASHT J-'IIO.OU. Heed . * c Sulby , lloard of Trade. l'J2 D-LlSTYOUll P110PEHTY , HKNTAI. OH SALE with Ceo. W. P. tontos , llill Kar num. 200 B KOH HUNT , ONE OK THE MOST COMPLEl'H convenient nnd eomfortabln nine-room houses In Omaha , with bath room , laundry and all modern conveniences ; also nlct ) yard nt SE , cor. Jones nnd i'lth streets , between St , Mary's avo. nnd Lenrcn worth street. IWl r > - - HOUSE , CENTHALLY LOrj.VTEl ) ; furnace and all Improvements. 701) N. HHli St. 107 D - LIST HOUSES. PAUL , 1003 KAHNA.M MU44 829 * D A LAHdti NUMI1EH OK A NO I HOUSE ? , stores , flats , etc. , for rent very cheap. Call for lists. George Paul , 1005 Knrnam. M5.'l3 24' D-KOH HKNT , FLATS IN THE P. E. ILEH block , cor. Ifftli nml Jnokaon sts. They nro su perior to nny In the city. Cnll nnd look nt them , Will rent to families only. Enquire i.t W. II. Until- crford * Co.'s store , 51'j S. ICth st. M5W U -KOIl HUNT , 6-UOOM HOU8K NBAll II10H chool , liiiiilroCliJCndtol | | nvo. C01 2J J-SKVKN-HOO.M COTTAGE , 2509 PIERCE &T. ' MCVII26 * \ FOIl HUNT , 14-ROOM HOUSE , 1812 CHICAGO ' t. Apply at 180 Chicago st. MUM 2 ? 1 SIX-ROOM COTTAGE , 937 N. 25TII. INQUIH1- 628 S. 18th slroet. IHI-ii" \-FUUNl.SIlHI ) HOUrfU OF 0 IIOOM , WITH -'Inrco burn , on St. Jliiry's avo. O. K. Jlutts. Z'0 I7lh t. Rl'i O''O rv-S-HOOM COTTAR n , CITY ASM ) C19TKU.V JL/wiiIer In house , Inr o Inwu , east front. ISO S 3ltli t. liiiiiilro 3111 S 15th st. 082J' D-TO 1115NT.-JS05 WOOLWOHTH , FJ3.00. 212'J Lnke .st. . 8-11 modern , J20.00. 1517 I.owo nve. 7-11 niodern. 520.00. 2108 Douslnn. 8-11 modern. 910.00. 1)10 ) Hickory St. . ll-ll , flSUU. C. F. HarrUon. .U2 N. Y. Life. 724 X D 10-UOOM llltlCIC HOUSK WITH MODEKN Ininiovcinonts. nn :0lh street ncur LenvoinNorth nqulre ut 827 So. SOth struct. M7 D-KOIl HKNT , l.'Ull.MSIII { I1OUSB FllOil lop lo bottom. In KOCH ! locality. Kent taken In bonrd. Address L 4S , lleo. M731 25 17 FURNISHED ROOMS TO RtNT WITH ALL Umodernconvenlonccs. 912 Douglas street. HOOSIS WITH OU WITHOUT UOATU ) . 2 , street. M5I3 21" E-ltOOMS.VKUY LOW TO PAKTreS FOH TIIK winter , ( icntlcmen only. Unqulro 1U-II Hownn street , second Moor. .MHO 2) ) ? NICKLY FURNISHED ROOM , I'lllVATh Jfnmlly , near motor , ) S. 20th avo. M4CC-23 * E FOH HKNT , KLKOANTLY FUHN1SUKI stonni heulcd rooms , U02 S. 13th nt. 4Mi 23 EE E VEHY LAUGK AND COMFOHTABLK HOOMS Genllomon preferred. IIW Capitol avenue. 472-018 * E PLEASANT LARGE AND SMALL N1CEI furnished rooms on car line. 111 So. 20lh street E FUHNISUKI ) IIOOM , WITII II ATU. fii.O month , I'.Xja CI8 171 NICKLY KUHNIrillKI ) FRONT HOOMS W1TU LJor without board. 520 North 1'Jth street. street.MC3I MC3I 22 * E--FUHNISHKI ) HOOMS , WITII OH WITHOUT board , 1707 l.'ortae. MC7'J 23 * E-SINGLE OH KNSUITE , HOT AND COLD wnler In every room , l > nlh , KUS , furnace heat. 20U5 Hurt St. , on 3 cur lines , prlvnto family. G83 24 * n LARGE FURNISHED ROOM. INQUIRE 823 JU. 16th street. V8I-23 E TWO NICKLY FURNISHED ROOMS , MODern - ern houso.Gciillomen Only. 2017 Harney. ti'JO 20 * 'IT'-FIIHNISIIEI ' ) AND UNFUHSISIIED HOOMS. I-Jfiirnnco heal , all modern convenlonco. Flnt ( * ) North I&th ( .trout. 729 23 * "UKNISHED KOOMS AND BOAKB. -HOOMS WITH IIOAHD. nil CAl'ITOL AVE. M578 S27 * NICK HOOM AND 1JOAH1) . MiSG B27 * i-ELEGANTLY FUHNISHEI ) UOOMS , FIHST class board , at "The" Uolan , 20J and 211 N. IStli street. M WJ cueFUHNISIIKI ) HOOMS WITU IIOAKD.HEFK ; K- i- ences. 2214 Farnnm , 480 23 * 17 FOUH LAHGK HOOMS WITH IIOAHD , 2511 -L I'lorco. MU28 2i ( * F ShrFUHNISHEI ) HOOMS WITH DOAHD AT TIIK Shriller , ? 22-32l S. 2Ulh Hi. ( ill 2t * F-DKSIHAIILK HOO.MS WITH IIOAHD AT reasonable rales In na til family , nicely sllunlod , modern resldgncu. Ileforuucu exchanged. 2437 Harney st. M073 23 * [ . ' -KI.KGANT FHONT HoOM WITH GOOD . L board , 172'i Dodge. M733 2U * FOR HENT-UNFUHNISHED G'1'1 3 HOOJia , Wl N. 13th St. 4W-S34 * G TWO UNFURNISHED FHONT ROOMS FOH rent. IOIT Capitol avenue. Md:5'.7 : * H l'UHNlmKD ! NLNYll6bM ( WITH IIOAHlT crs. Kent paid In board , L 2V Hoe. 017 FOB , BENr-STOHES AND OFFICES. f wirENTTTHK I-STOHY imicic'iTlIH.DiNG. . J-D10 Furnaui st. The bultdlui ; has a tlrcproof ce , ment busuuuuit , complete stcatuhuatluK Ilxtiirost water on all the doors , gas , etc. Apply ut thu olllca of The lice. ilia T Fm HUNT. OCTOIJKH I. THE BTOHi : COH- lOlh and Jackson sts. , In the I * . 19. Her block. Has ncoiiiuleto sol of hardware shelving and counters which can bu purchased at a bargain. Ono of the best stunds In Oinnlin for n retail bardwaro store. Kmjnlrc at 1113 llnrney si. M5UI WANTED-TO BENT. K WANTED , ONK OH TWO IJNKIIHNISHED rooms , with 01-without board. Itoforouces re quired. Address ll ) North 23d * truot. M5'/J 25 * K-WANTEI > 7 a HOOMS AND IlOAllI ) IN 1'HI- vale family for family of three , smelly tlrst ( lass and In Mb ward , llofvreiicos excbaiigrd. Ad dress L 42 , llee. M700 25 K-FOUH OH FlVlt FUHNISHKD HOOMH IN modern hoiuo on llrst Hour ; bousckuoplnggen- tloman and wlfu. Ad.truss L 13 , lice , M707 2J * STOBAQE. M DUV , CLEAN & 1'HIVATELY hTOUEIJ FUH- nlluro , 1207 Uouglai , OmahaStove llopalr works , M4 M-STOHAGi : CHKAI' , CLEAN , WELLS , iTlT rarnum street , CU5 WANTED-TO BUJf. TV-FIIUNITIIUK I10UGHT , bOLU , 6TOHKD. . .i Wells , 1111 i-'amam st. uuo TVT-WK WANTALA1IGKLIST OK KAHM8 AND J-i wild lauds to toll. George 1'aul , 1TOS Farnam. . . * . M537 TVT-WANTEI ) . WILL I'AY SPOT CABI1 IN J- > amounts from I20.WW lo IIUO.COO for stocks of dry Koods , boots , hardware , clothing or carpets. Must hnvu largo discount off Invoice prlco. No inldo slocks considered. Address lu couUdenco , tex rn , Lincoln , Nub. ( &j Nr-l'HKSSK8. CASH FOH IIOOKUINDEIIB 11 press and largo lelter press. Address 1 he llrlf bom Printing Co. , outh Omulis. M7UI 24 F.OB 8ALE-FUBNITUBE. -Kou VALK. VuuNiTuuB or'TKN-UOOU house at s. bargain , Enquire tlait Capitol ATO. ' U'M 2l FOR 8ALK-FURN1TURE. 0-MUST I1B POL1) IN NEXT TlllllTY DAY3 , 391 beaters , Imrd and soft coal cook tovc and range * , now and second hand. 310 N. ICth * t. I. llrussoll. M5 24 * -LOTOKKUKNrriMlK , USKI ) HUT LITTLE , vlt : lied room stilts , folding brds , couches , tables , chnlrs , largo nnd small luoqurtle rug , car pets , cto. , tie. Clean goods. Hoom 31 Conllnpntal block , 727-23 FOB SALE-HORSES , WAQONS. TO. I " : ) --KOH SALK. A S1.\TY-I > OI.L\H TOP HUtloF fort3j.OO. H. E. Colo. Continental block. 2.1.1 t-FOH SALE , A VIHST-CLA8S WORK HOHSEl also 1 driving horse. D , H , Unit , 2430 llnrney st. CIS 23 * FOB SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. \ 2 HACKS. PRITC11ARD , DOUGLAS RLOCK. t PS3 Q -FOR SALE , TIIOHOUdllllllED PUG PUP- pics. Apply 2019 Harnoy street MM ! QKOH SAI.K , 81ICON1) IIANIITVPKWHITKH and supplies. Krank K. Ucll , 309 S. 10th st.&U &U 34 * Q-KOll SALK. A KUI.M'AIDUPMKMnKIlSItll1 In the Omaha lloard of Trnde. Make OAsh pro position to A , Ij. North , general delivery , Omaha. C.ll-28 Q -UPHHIIIT 1'IAXO CHEAP. 817 S. 16T1I ST. MG07-27 * CLAIRVOYANTS. 3 MHS. NANNIH V. WAHHEN.I.AIHVOYANT , reliable business modlutu , tlftb year nt 119 N lith. : UC7 S-AHH1VAL KXTHAOIIDINAHY : WON'DEHKllL rcvclntlons. Challenges the world. Mrs. Dr. M , l.cgrnvo , dead trnncu clnlrvoynut , nftrologlst , palmist nnd life reader ; tells your life from the cradle to grave ; unites the separated ; causes mar riage wllh the. ono you love ; tells whore you will succeed and In nhat business best adapted tor. has thucclebratod Eufpllan hrcn tplnto for luck and to destroy bad lntlnincnii cures Ills , Intemperance nnd nil prlvatn compldlnts with massage , baths and alcohol treatment , ten.I RU ) , lock of Imlr , name nnd dnto of birth nnd reclvo necurato life chart : Zccntslnstamps for circular ; glvo Inltlali of ono you wlllmnrry ; nl o photosof s mo. onico 417 South lllh street , flrattloor ; liouri , ! i n.m. to I ) p.m Cnmo one , como all. uud bo convinced of this won derful ornclo. M 4C7 1 * MASSAGE , BATHS. ETC. W-MASSAOE TllKATMENT. ELECTHO-THKIl .1. mnl baths , scalp and hair treatment , manlouro nud chiropodist. Mrs.Poitl9Hd : ! 15thWlthnell blk Cli3 T < -MAIAM STOWE , MAGNET10 HEALEIl 503) ) Pratt streot. M4M 23' rP-MADAME SMITH 1SS1 OAPITOI. AVENUE X 3d tloor. Alcohol , sulphur * nd sea baihi. SI 451 23 * rp-MME. LA HUM , MASSAGE , 410 SOUTH 1ST1I L street , third floor , tint 4. M 577 24 * PERSONALS. U-CUTTII1S OUT AND PHKSENT ATCOWAN'S photo studio , 2123 Cunilng street , and you will be entitled to 13 cabinet photos of yourself , satin finish , gilt-edged curds nnd 1 8x10 for framing , for (1.49 ; without this. J4.UO. As the demand ai moro than wo could accommodate wo extend another 10 days. MG74 213 * U-"KHED. " WILL HE THK11B KIUST NEXT week. "Old place" nt "The Weal , " October eighth , tenth or twelfth. Dick. 722 - 17-CJ. F. GKL1-EN1IECK , 1IAN.IO TEACIIEll , with Hospe , N.W.cornor I.1th nnd Harnoy , UU MONEY TO LOAN-HEAL ESTATE. \V-MOHTOAOK LOANS LESS THAN 7 PEHCT. Incliidhis all cJinrgus. Charles W. Halnoy , Omaha Nat. bank btrtif. CC9 \\r-7 PBH CENT MONEY NET TO 11OHHOW- v urs on Omaha city property. No extra charges of any kind. Why pay high rates ? Money is cheap. You can not full benefit of low rates from Globs Loan and Trust Co. . ICth and Dodgo. (170 ( \v ' LOANS. G.G. WALLACE. 312 1IHOWN I1I.IC. G71 W ANTHONY LOAN AND THUST CO. . 318 N. Y. Life , lends nt low rules for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omnha city property. r C. F. HARRISON , 912 N. Y. LIFK. C73 _ \ \ 7-CENTHAL LOAN &ITKUST CO. , BEE 1ILPG IT CHEAP MONEY. SEK G. W. P. COATKS 1G14 Fnrnnm. 875 \\f-LOANS ON IMl'HOVKI ) AND U.VIMl'HOVKD city property..1,000 nnd upwards , li to 8 percent. No dehiya.V. . I'urnnm Smith & Co.,15th and Harnoy. 1070 W-HEAL HSTATB LOANS , TOT I'HH CI5NT no nddtllonnl elinrKca for commUidon or attor ney's loos. W. 0. Melklo , First National Dank bids , - C77 W PIUVATK MONEY , 1ST AND 2D MORTQ AGE loans , low rates. Alex MooroJlco bld > { . 073 \V-OMAIIA JAVINGB IIANK MAKES LOANS ' on rcitrestate al lowest market rates. Loans mndo In gmnll or lurno suras for short or lonu time. NocommlislonlxcIinrKCiInnd the loans nro not sold In llio cast , but civu always ba found at Iho bank on the corner of 13th and Douglas streets. streets.B79 B79 Vr-MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY > properly , low rale. A. C. Frost , Douglas blk. C60 W -I AND2-YKAK LOANS ON CITY AND FAHM ; mortgages , Heed i Selby , 331 Board or Trade. 353 W CITY AND FAHM HEAL ESTATE LOANS " at lowest rates : consult u before borrowlnc. K. C. Garvln A Co. , 203 Shoely block. 210 \T WANTED ATONCKHI APPLICATIONS FOR ' loans. Gco. J. Paul , 1(133 ( Farnam street. MOI5.S23 * wLOANS. . LOW KATES. XITTLK.UHOWN 11LK _ HfiO 05 f MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWKST HATES. ' The O. F , Davis company , 1505 Farnam slreet. \\r-TIlE FIDftLlTY TRUST CO. , URGENTLY * v removed to S. E. corner lleo building , Is pro * pared to close loans on city real estate promptly and at lowest rates. Submit implication. 401 O14 , HOUSK FOR CASH AND LOTS , i Wanted , purchaser for 2,000 mortgage. Wnnted , pnrclmser for f.vjo 8 per cent mortgage. Wanted to loan. } . " > , OJO at 7 per cent. Wanlcd , ono-quarlergood land for Jl.OOO. Wanted , iiurchaser (2,0007 percent mortgage. Wanted , business property at close Qguro. Wanted , house worth (1,000 exchange for farm. Wanted , to buy farms cheap. Wanted , choice f 1.000 loan. 2 years. C. V. Harrison , 912 N. Y. Life. C9I 23 W-3,000 SI'KCIAL FUND TO 1'LACK ON CITY Improved property. No dulay. Will divide. Also want applications for large business property loans , . ( JoorKo 1'aul , 1U05 Faruain. M730 2'J ' * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. X-DO YOU NEED MONEY ? THE FIDELITY LOAN GUAHANTKE CO. , Itonm 4 , Whltnoll block , cor. 15th and Haruov sis. , WILL LEND YOU ANY SUM , FHOM $10 TO 810,000 ON TUB DAY YOU AHK FOH IT , W'o nmk ( * loans of uny st/e , larga or small , on household goods , plunos , horses , wngons , nnruhoiisu receipts anil purxonnl properly of nil kinds , In nny amount , without dulay , pub licity or removal of property ! ehuapont rates and uanlust payments. SEE US FlltST. 3J2 _ X-DO YOU WANT MONEY ON HOUSKHOLI ) turnlliiru rnd plunos , horses , wagons and car- rinses ? Warehoiiso receipts or perromil propurty of any kind nt the lowest possible rates and In the quickest possible time without publicity or re- uioval of property , You can pay any part o ! II ; a loan at nny time and tu this way reduc the eon ofurrylug thu loan. OMAHA MOUTMA.'SK LOAN CO. . Hoom | l , Crelk'hlon llloclc. 15th and DmiKlas , Hunt to I'ostoillco. 341 _ X-WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OK SK- ourlly ; strictly contldontlal. A. K. Ilurrls , room 1 , Conttnenlal block. ea -I'lUTCHAHO.Sl DOUGLAS 1ILK.16 Jfc DODOE. CJ4 _ _ _ CHATTEL LOANH MADE ON FUHNITUHE , pianos , livestock , oto , , without publicity or re moval pioporty ul Ihu lowest rates and the castost payments. Duff Green , roe mi 8&'J Murker block. CJ6 _ _ _ -LOANS ON CHATTELS. HKASONAIILE IN. lorusl , uartlal I'aytnonts 1 to U months. W , H. Duvla , U. 20 Contluontnl block. Klorator 15th st. tll'J -MONI5Y AT LOW HATKS ON ANY KIND Olf security. Keystone MIKO. CO. , SOj glioiily block. ' _ X120,000 TO LOAN ON CHATTEL SECUHITYi business coutldontlaL U. i3J lloard Trada MUQJ O.t * -CHATTKL LOAN6 ; ANY AMOUNT ! LOW rate. J. S. Van Glider , room .MI , Omaha Na- tlonal bank. X -MONEY WANED CHEAP AT YOUH OWN tlmu. NebrarVa Loan Co , , 1310 Douglas st. 403 _ MONKY TO IXIAH ON FUHNITUHE , I'lANOS , horses , wagons iind'collalcral security , Ilusl- nvMConndeullal , Fred Terry , room (33 lUmfoblk MC20 BUSINESS CHANCES. V CHOI' HOUSB IN LINCOLN Kill SALE .1 doing n good business. Address Z , Ooialm Uoo Lincoln , Neb. MTlt _ V MKAT MAUKKT WOIITII I300.0U TO BKU < 1 for t7i.UO. Neb , l.onu Co . 'i316 I'QUiilns si. COi KINIS IIUSINESS CHANCB IV SOLD AT once. For sale , the lease , furnlturn and tlxtures of the Morrlnm hotel , Omsba , coninlubitf 00 rooms , olrgtntly fuinUbtCi , nil routed , eiiihty purtuiicnl Kuvsts. Host private family hotel In Iho west. Will aell because of poor health. Kor terms apply on premises , 2ith and Dodge , Mrs. L. > l. Tulil * . lioFOH SALK. SALOON A.NuriXTUItliSi GOOD i lowtlou. AddrissLll , U OffiO . BUSINESS ContJnuVd. V -WANTED , AN KXP tUlKNCKD IIUILDINU J. and loan solicitor , onn wlro can put In n board of ( in shares. In Omaha , rfntl loan fM.OOU ntonc . Address A II , McGregor , lleo onice , Council lllnfTs , .III' ) * M4.H Y- FOR SALK , THIS COsi > * OLLINO INTEREST In the leading sash nnd.V46.r mill In the north wests doing nn Immense bpllncssi over f-40,000.00 worth of new worknow In tinynilll : a great bfirgaln to the right party. Call on or address .L II. Mason , roe ras 33 and S3 , Darker blocJG Omaha , Neb. a. I. 04 OiO * IF YOU ARESKKKIf tf'A IHJS1NKSS OPPOR- Iiinlty requiring * .n > all exceedingly iirolttablo ami stowing business , nnd nlways cash , wrlto to tliiv'undprslgnod , Inclosing ilnmp. when full particulars' will bo given. ( I. II. K. , 1429 I. street , l.liicoln. 1 B97 _ Y - KOH SALE OH LKASK. A UKI'UIILICAH newspaper anil compli-le printing ontflt In n good town of Southern Nabrnska. Addrcsi with references I * 41 c&ro Uco , Omaha , Nob. 710 38 LL PAYING DHUG HUSINKSS KOH SAI.K I In to wn of 1,000 Inhabitants , Good rcnson for selling. Address L4J lleo. 723-28 ' I.I : on EXCHANGE. ONK OK TIIK best hotels In northern Kansas.VII1 exchange onc-hnlf cash balance other good property. If sold within thirty days n big bargain will bo given. Ad dress Central House , Washington , Kansas , 718-23 * _ i _ V KOH SAI.K. A I1AKHHV IN SIOUX C1TV , IA , , 1 for ( RiO , loss than half Its value , llavo too much other business to give all attention. Write nt once. Matthctvn A Morlson , 014 Fourth St. , Sioux City , In. 7IH M * Y STOCK OK OOOOS KHO.M f7,000 TO $10,000 with money , land ami well secured notes. O. U , W. No. 23 wcstSlst St. , Kearney , Neb. 7I5-2S' \7-ANV (1OOI ) HUSINKSS MAX 1IAVINO FlVlt I thonsnnddollnrncnsh to Invest In a straight legitimate established business can mnko two thourand dollnrs nnmuUly and 110 responsibility , Adiln-89 1.40. Hoe. M741-'fl * V WANTKI * . fix 1'AHTNKHH. MUST 1IAVI5 I from KUO.UI tofi.lOO.OOench. to taUo nn Interest In 11 tnoiit market ilolngJip.OOO.OO n month business , rash. Kachniust bo n butdhcr nnd willing to go to work. 'Ihenlwlll form this business Into n Block company No loss than fMO.OO accepted us Block , nnd no Investor wanted tmlcv liu will work nt the business nnd Is a butcher Ono olllco mnn on Biunc conditions. Address 1.47 , lice. M7ll ! 2. ' > * FOR EXOHANQE. y-KOll KXOHANOM WH IlAVH W.OOO STOCK "In niniiufnctiirlnit concern doing good business In Omaha that wo will tradoln wholu or pnrt for Rood work horses. American I'ucl Co. M3.VJ fTO THADK KOH CI.KAH W15STKHN liANI ) , Aitwelvoliendof mares , colts nnd miles ! also rcg- istered 0-year-old stnlllon , full brother to Field- mont , the pacor. Kor right kind of land n good trade cnn bo umdo. Call on or nililrosa U. N. Em. ery , llcntrlce , Neb. 414-24 * y-CI.KAX .STOCK OK OlSNKKAb MMI'S'K : WllJj /Jtnku real estate 3t money.llox 293 , Krankfort.lnd U37 Z KOH SAI.M OH KXCIIANOR , I'OTTAHK frontlnK south on Hunilnc etrent , In Carthage addition ; seven rooms , pantryclosets' force mi nip cistern cesspool , cemented cellar ; well built and llnlshedln hard pine nnd oak. I'rlco (3,200. Apply to W. I. . Helby , ! U4 Chamber Commerces. CS3 r/-CL15Alt OMAHA UHALHTATK KOH MUSK actual valuation. Money to loan. lox5I8 , Omnhii S1327 f/ GOOD HKNTAI. 1'ItOPHHTV IN OMAHA AND /Jcni'lcrn Nebraska lands for u stock \it mdsu. John N. Kronier. M4M W y 100 ACHKS I.Ml'KOVKI ) KAHM LAND IN ' -'centrnl Neb. for exchange for city or town prop erty : prlco (10.00 per ncro. Also 1(50 ( acres Improved for fV.W per acre. Co-opcrntlvu l.tiud nnd Lot Co. , 205 No. ICth st. 434 53 y KOH SAI.K Oil THAUIC , STAN DA III ) 1111KU /-'horsos , otiC'half brother to Nancy Hunks. Cun bo seen any time. Also fnrms nnd wild lauds. II. V. Pallet , 910 N. T. Life bldf. ( ' 475-32 * V-TO THADK , JS.OOO lliN\'KH CITY LOTS KOH ' - > . good farm or lands In Iowa or eastern N - brnxkn. mines , clocks , ctb. C. K. I.clmur , real cs- lute , IIS1U Curtis streot. Derive ; . Colo. J157U 35' y-CI.KAH I-'AHM , 1IOUSU AND LOT IN OMAHA /-iiniJ cash for a good har'dwnroor boot and slice stock In good town. K. F. Hlnger , 1510 Karnni. ar 71.1-S8' 17 TO KXCIIANdK , AN'IM'l'HOVKU KAHMWITH /Jor without stock , desirable , low priced homo In Omaha. Will pay' ' cash difference. Ad dress L 23 , Uco. < . ' MG22 25 y-SOACHE HANCII IN CAMKOHNIA , MODBKN AJlmprovcmcnts.t > 5 acres bparlng raisin grape vlnca Price , (40.000. for Improved Omaha property. K. K Hlnger. 1519 Knrnamt ' (83-23 ( * V TKADE , A IOT IN UOSGS1 ADD KOK A TKAM f-tot horaes. Address I < 37lico. C'J2 33 * Z TO KXOHANGE , CUtAK UANSCOM I'LACE lot and cash for good residence. C. K. Harrison. 012 N. VLife. . 'Y. ' 720 34 Z TO EXCIIANOK , GOOO KAIISI KOK'1 1IAIU- wnro stock or stock of "UooU and shoes. C. K. Harrison , 1112 N. V. Life. 720 24 rr TO KXCHAJJOK. CAgH AND CDKAlt LOT3 fJtoi house nnd lot. C.'F. Harrison , 912 N. Y. 1.1/e. 72ti 24 JfOR SALE REAL ESTATE. OR BALK , 8. HTII , Hoed & Sclby , lloard of Trade. TOR BALE ; SIX IIOOM HOUSK ; 1'OPPLBTON JL1 avenue. Modern conveniences ; modal home ; tl.000.00. Uccd & Sclby , Chamber Commerce M176 T7O11 HALE n\r TUB OWN till 10,000 ACKKS OK JL Nebraska's Uncut fn.'ralns land at n great sncrl- lice. a. H. 1'etcrson , 1413 S.Utli t.Omalm. 183 09 FOH gALK-OOOl ) \VITII5-HOOM COTTAOK lUth nnd Hurt streets , price (3,700 ; small oaah payment , balance monthly. tloyil residence lots within ZH miles of postonico , from J32j to $ I'JO ' ; one-tenth cash , balance monthly at ? percent. Acre property close to South Omaha , from (330 to (1,200 per aero. I'otter & George Co. , 16th and Karnnra. M2tU TO Oil SAI.K. 11KAUTIKULI.OT , 40 KK1ST KnON'l' , 2 < th t. , South Omaha , ncur C , (1.000. Apply to owner , Hootn 11 , Ilushman blk , Omaha. 4-ti O10 IIOICI9 1IO.MU , "NKW , " COHNKK LOT , SOUTHeast - east front , SixlW , on favorable tornm to good parties ; owunr leaving city ; 8 rooms and barn ; all niopern llnprovements ; rare chancot Investigate. AddrCB.s I < 1Ilco olllco. . 601 20 1) EAb KSTATK" ' XX Uar alns only. My word U good. W. . Albright , 631-2-3 New York Life. M4II ICO ACHES CUSTBU CO . tCSO.OO. 1 ( acres Valley Co. , 11,800.00. 820 acres In Nancofo.l5.Uper aero. 610 acres stanton Co. , II3.CO per aero. 2SO acres Wheeler Co. , (10,00 per acre. IN ) acres Washington Co. , f.'W.OO per acre. 2Ttf acres Thurstou Co. , (3..U/J per acre. 212 Bcrcx Otoo Co. , (45.00 per acre. 147 acres Douglas Co. , $51.00 pur ucro. 1111 acres Snrpy Co. , (15.00 per acre , 120 acres Cass Co. , C5.00 ! per acre. ICO acres York i'o. . tlO.OO per ucre. liO ( acres Kllmoro Co.JOOO per ncro. CIO acres Dodfo Co. , $ . ' 5 00 pur ncre. C. K. Harrison , V12 N. V. Life. C3023 rpo IIOMK 8KKICHHS-IN AVONDALB 1'AHIC J-you cnn have an elegant home arranged to suit you , with building limit , trees , walks , bewer , water , and gat. , within walking dlstunue of business , schools and churches , nnd all for about ( .1,000. Cur tain to bo the prettiest Intldo residence addition In Uiucltv. Over one-third of It ulroady sold. Sco ns for jiarllcularsbufore the prlco Is raised. Kldel- Ity Trust company , 1702 Knrnnm st. ii'.K ) ' LKT MK AllllUBT YOUH ATTKNTION1 Carefully 1'ondcr these SNAPS. li-room homo (25 ( ft. ) , block south II , nark , (3.000. n-H double hou c(25 ( ft..block ) south If. park , * 1,400 4-room homo (35 ( ft. ) block south II , park , (1,200. 4-room houie , Omaha ViewtIM cash. i 50. M-footlot. IK miles from pontolllco , (150. Mx-room house , 73 ft. , east front , line shade trees , choicest location , southwest , Ji.MO. Knit front , rlpo for Improvement , ou 15th it. , (3.000. , , . „ , Section ( school lease , 23 jours ) InCustcrCo. , Nob. ( costs f U > .20 per year ) , : io tiics , IIWJ. Ihesuaru nil attractive , ami buyers will do well to buy NOW , lioori : " U. Cooper , established IWI , BI'JN. V. Life. HI I 721 24 * LOT ON LHAVENWOHTir.'tJM. ' House on 17th and Callfilfnlu at , , i SCO Kast front on the park , I WJ. Lot un I.owo avo. , ( . ( Lot on Knrnaru ncurlWtliifJ.WO. One of tlnust homes In city. (30,000. U. K. HurrlBOn , UI3 N. V. Llfei 720 34 _ KllAVK KOH BALK A IOIJSK AND LOT ON 31st street , near Vlntoii ; nt (1VOO. PaymentB easy. The houae Is rented Wgood party nt $15.00 u month. , Good It-room cottaxe , EAundora & Hlmcbaugh's add. to Walnut Hill , ono blk' from motor , ( I.UOO. Ternm easy. Oinsha Heal K tate end Trust Co , , H. 4 , lloo bldtf. M7I(1 ) ( 25 _ _ ' ' T OT29 , TUTTLK'8 BUII..S 'A'CIIKS WITH 7-JIOOM AJliouso , nil Ituprovcmciilt. ' , inquire 3801 Uoyd Btrcct. . jt , M733 ' _ _ _ _ ENOAOKMKNTd TO > O UHE8SMAKINO "iN farulllei solicited. Hies Sturdy , 820 SLIHh > t. tlUO S29 * KIHSTCIiASS DHKSSMAKBH W1SUKS 8KW IUR In families after the 16th. Addroii K C3 DcoolUce. 431 \TIS8 MINNICK. I JIAVK JUST HKTUHNED 1U from the cast nnd'wfll reopen my dressmaking parlors Oclober 1st. Ilooms 603-510 Drown block , LOST. STHAYKDOKBTOLBN.ON SKIT , I4TH , KHOM 20lh and Paul itrooU , u Urue bay horse. Light build , has a sunburn mark on lilp and aide , was Jiltclu'il to un open end iprlnit bUKiy. Open bridal. A reward for tha return of cumo to S.Q. flovesuson , 8314 Francis tioot. 418 _ OST BI'AN OK JIOK8H8-ONB PAHK IIROWN the other very dark une two lilnd fetrt whltoi traredlromniiar fair groundt. Kinder addresi Thomas H. 1'ctermin , H , W , cor. Cuwlnvs and 21st. M700 K * LOS1 A liAHQK KNOI.ISII MASTIFF A110UT IS montLi old. hos a large heavy collar on. fin- Ocr rttuin to 1) . AI. Btuulo & Co. , or SIIO Chtcngo U 743-ai > ' " ff" DANOINO SCHOOL. MH , A MHS. MOHANIVS Sl'llOOIi KOH DANCINO Armory Capital AVO. , will ra-open fet the season on Saturday , October 1st for children , nnrt TuesdayOctober 4th for adults. Circulars at Snow , J.tind , i Co.'a drug morn , ISUi nnd Knrnam. Private lessons ran bo taken now at their resi dence , 0tf Dodge St. 129 ( n TIIK lli\I.TY : MAItKKT. TNSTUUMENTS pluccd on record Scut. 12 , E.I Hush nnd wife to Humphrey Smith , n V lot 12 , Kllznboth I'lucn. . . . . . wlndsur L'lnco llulUiliii ; ns ocltttlon to II A 1'oinck , lot a , Windsor I'lnco ox- lonilon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 0 A Ilnnsoii to llllil , lots 1 mid 2 , . liloek 18 , Sohloslnscr's iitld . 1,000 W K Muiliuulcr ami wife to Mlnnlo llur- nott. lot U' ' , block P , Crolchton HuUhln 1,000 1' 0 llonfcy to Klvhanl Kubltt , lot 20 , block UK 1st u ( hi to Corrlnnn 1'lncc . 300 rrcd Mu lull to AIIBUSI Dlckinan , lot 13 , block IIS , South Omnha . . . B75 HnrDort. Smith to V M 1'olty , lot 5 , block . I'riiyn purk. 1,500 rdwntd liiiiulioofcr and wlfo to i' A Huston , 47x177 foot cotnincncliijt 143 foot o o ( nw corner block K , West Omnha 4,700 J \ \Yllllrunsoii mid wlro to , T H Head , lots 11) and M , block C > , Iiko : Vlow 4.V ) Totnl nmoutit of transfers $1GR25 vss TYPEWRITERS For Sale , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. , 1TO4 Furrmm Street , Omnhn. RR1LWRYT1MEGRRD leaves ICIIIOAUU iiintijiN.irj < t ij. Arnr Omaha. I Dapot 10th an ) Mini O mil 4.45 p m . . .Cli'caju ' Veitlbula 8.UJ n m I'.SO a m . . . .Chicago Express 9.3' . ) A m 11 .M p m . . . .Chicago I'.xpron 4.23 p m C.50 p in .Chlnaito > t Iowa . . . . U.OJ p m Leaves IllUHLlNUTO.N A MO. UIV1S1U Arrive ) Omaha. | Depot 10th and Mason Sts. | Omaha. Leaves K. U. S1" J. A O. U. , Arrive Omaha. Depot 10th nnd Mason Sts Omahn D.0 a ml . . . .Kansas City Day Kxpross. . , . I 800 p m D.45 p m K. C. Night Exp vln U. I * . Tram C.40 n m li.(5 p ml 81. Louis Express . . | 0.40 n m Going I CHICAGO. K. I. * I'ACIKIO. I Kroin Bast. [ Union fjepot 10th .t Maroy Sts. | OIO am . .Atlantic Kxpress. U.'U p in 4.35 p m . . Vestibule Expi oss. 1.10 n m C.35 p m . . . .Night h'xprass. . . 8.5'J ' n m 2.0i a m . . . . Kasl Express . . . l.OJ n in Going I CHICAGO , H. I , & PACIFIC. I From West. I Union Donot lOtli and Marcy Sts. | West l.'jjpm Denver Llmllod 4.2.'i p m l.Ojam Kast Exprms 2.0) n m ii.OOam .Kansas City ( Except Sunday ) . . O.i0 : p m .eavos I UNION PACIKIO. I Arrive ! Omaha. [ Union Depot 10th and Marcy Sts. | Oiunht. .5 , n m lie.itrlco Kxproai 11.40 p m SU > 0 n ru Donvur Express 4.03 p m 2.15 p m OvtrlaudHyor : 7.0J p m 4.It * p m [ lliioSpV-s.tStnnsb , ' Kxfex Sun ) 13 SJ p m 6.40 p m 1'aclllo Ktprau 10.10 a m 6.31) ) p m Donvur Fust Mall 4.2) p in Loaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. & ST. PAUL , I Arrive Omaha | 0 U. P. depot nnd Mnrov St . | Omah O.i p nil Chicago Express. . | ' .U > a m 1.30 a m | . .Chicago Express. . J4.30 p m Leaves I rilOUX CITY A PACIFIC , ( Arrives Omaha Depot. 10th and Mnrcy Sts. I Omahi .20 ami Sioux city Passongnr. llOWp m 6M p m | St. Paul Express (1000 ( n m .eavos SIOUX CITY & PAC1K1U ( Arrives Omnhaj Depot , 15th nnd Wcbstor sts. I Omaha ,00 p m | St. Paul Limited | U..iJ n in . .envcs ( F. , K. AMO. . VALLKY. ( Arrives Omaha Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. | mah a ,00 n m . .Dcadwood Kxpross 5.2J p m ,0'J a m ( Ex. Sat. ) Wyo. Kxp. ( Ex. Mon. ) 5.20 p m D ) p m Norfolk ( Kx. Sunday. ) . . . ; 10.35 a m .00 pm St. Paul Express U.i5a : in Leaves [ CHICAGO * NOltTUWBSTKIlNIArrlvei OmahaU. | P. depot , 10th nnd Marcy Bts. | Omaha 7.20 n m tiun'y ) Carroll Passaugar. m 10.40 o m Chicago Kxpross U.OS p m 4.05 p in Vestibule Limited 9.20 l m 7X10 p in Eastern Flyer 3.15 p m 6.40 p m ( Bx. flun.l Ohio. Pass. ( Ex. Mon. ) 8.05 a. m Leaves ( ClllUAUO A NOHTIIWESTEItN Arrival Transfer Union Depot , Council UlulTs. Transfer 1.30 u m Chicago Express 6.SO p m 4.53 i in Vestibule Limited B.iO a m 7.30 p m Kastorn Klyer.- 1.30 p m 8.01) p m ( Kx Sun ) Atlantic Mall ( Bx Mon ) 7.3o a. ra i.40 u m ( Ex S ) Carroll Passenger ( Ex 8) ) 9.45 p m Laves MISSOURI PACIKIC. ( Arrives Omaha Depot 15th and Webster Sti. Omaht 10.30 n. | St. Louis Kxpross. I fi.30 am .3Q pm | St. Louis Kxprcss. I 5.10 p m Leaves I OMAHA * HT. LOU13. ( Arrives Transfer I Union Dopot. Council lllulTi. Transfer 4.40 iu | . Ht. Louis Canon Hall | I-.1J p m Leaves CHIUAOO , It. 1. , t PACIKia Arrtvoi Transfer Union Depot.Council Dlutfi. Transfer 6.55 p m Night Kxpreis 8.30 a n > lO.'JO a m Atlantic Etproas 5.55 p ra 4.55 p m Vestlbulo Limited 12.50 n m Leaves I K. C. . ST. JOE A C. II. Arrives I Transfer ) Union Depot. Council llluffs. Transfer 1000 a m . . . .Kansas City Day Kxpross . .I 5--'i p m 10.15 p m . . .Kansas ( 'ltv Nlaht Express. . . ( ( > .3J n m 10.15 p m St. Loula Kxpesss I (1.20 ( am Leaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. Arrives Transferl Union Depot , Council Ilium. Transfer 7.45 u ml..Sioux City Accoramodntlou , . 1C.OO p a kSQ p in | SLPaul Exprss 'J.lJi m leaves UH1UAGO , 1IUHI/N & QUINOY , Arrlvir Transfer Union Depot. Council Ilium Transti 10.U5 n ui , Chicago Express 5.40 p m 10.15 p m . Chicago Express 11.35 a m 7.05 p in Creston Ixical 10.40 a m Loaves | OMAHA & ST. LOUIS. Arrival UmahaU. | P. depot. 10th and Marcy Sts. Omaha 4 , p iu | , . . . .St. Louts Cannon Hall. . Leaves I U , ST , P. . M. * O. Arrives Omahal Depot. 16th and Webster fits. ( Omaha 810 a m . .Slcur City Accommodation , , a.OJ p m 1.15 p m Sioux City Klprosj ( Kx. Sund'y ) 13.4 ] p m 6.00 p m St. Paul Llmltod i. , 9.35 a m 5.15 p m llancrof t Passenger ( Ex. Hund'y ) 8.45 a m ORDINANCE NO. 3205. AM orilliuiuco niitlmri/.ltif ; nnd directing tin Issuoof cruilintr bonds for Bmdlntr district Nos. 32. VI. : . 41 , 4' . ' , 4a , 45 nnd 40 , :0. Kl , 51 , IB. f.O. . M , &l ) . m. 01 , K , ( U nnd 01 , for tlioiiiiruoso o IKiyluc the cost of cradlnit In sulu dlstrlcta nnii to create a slnklnu fund to nrovido foi tho'pnyincut of tlio iirlnclpal and Interest o said bonds. Do it ordulnoil by tlio city council of tlio olty of ( Jiniilia ; Section 1 , That tlio issue of pradlng liond of tlio olty of Omaha for tlio ntiriiosaof jiy : inn tliu cost of zrailltiK tlio mrociis and iilloy In the sovornl districts In tlio city of Omtiln jitnilu acclllcl ] ) ( , liu und tlio Bruno Is lierobj uuttiorl/.cd und directed to lie inudb , Kali lionila shall l > o dated Uctoljor Int. 1SU2 , IUH Khali liuuorno duo and payabln in notuxcocd InK ten years from tlio date thcruof and fllml boar interest from mild dnto ut tliu ratoof live ( . " . ) per cent per aiinii'ii.puyablu annuulty.wltl Intoroutcoupons In tliu uniml form attaoliod Said boiidti Hliall bo sold liy the olty trenHiiro of tlio city of Omaha , und Khali not bo sold fo loss than par. and the i > rinupil ! : and Intorus thereof shall bu umdo puydhlu at llio banklni linnso of Kountzo llrotliers , in-tlio ulty of Nuv York. Hald Donds aliull bo for tlm amount und to become due und piiyublu us liorolt upculflod , tn-wlf. For the purpose of pnylnt : tlio cost at Krnd itiK In snidlnc dlstrliit No.U2 , flftoon (15) ( ) bund numbered from ono to llftoen Inclusive , of tin dononilnntlon of itvo liundrud dollars ( J.ViU ) eueli , to bu culled "Grading bonds No. IC , " puyublo as follows ; Ono bond pay a bio In ono year after tlio date thereof. Ono bond payable In two years after the dnto thereof , Ono bond payuMo In three years nftor tlio date thereof. Two bonds payable In four yeura after the date thereof. Two bonds payable In flvo yours after the date thereof Two bonds payable In six yours after the date thereof Two bonds payable In seven years alter the dnto thereof Two bonds payable In eight years after the date thereof Two bonus payable In nine years after the ( lute thereof muklnu a total of seven thousand fivu hun dred dollars ( * 7. X ) . 1'cir the purpose of paying the rest of urad- Ing In prouliiK district No. XI , elRht ( B ) bonds , numbered from ono to night Inclusive , of thn denomluutloa of llvo hundred dollars ( } M3) ) each , to bo culled "Grading bonds No. "J3 , " payable as follows : Una bond payable in two years after the date thereof Ono bond payable lu * three years after the' date thereof Ono bond payable In ( our years nftor the dulu thereof Ono bond payable In flvo years after the duto thereof One bond payable In six yours after tup date thereof Ono bond payable In seven years utter tlio duto thereof Ono bond payable In eight years after the date thereof One bond payable In nine years after the datn ilioreof making u total of four thousand dollars(14,000) ( ) li'or tlio iiiirnosoof imvlnjr the coitofgrad- lux In gradlnn district No. ! W , soveu (7) ( ) bond * , uuuiuvrod from ono to seven inclusive , of the denomination of lira huudruU dollars cuoh. to bo called "Grading bonds No. 10. " pay. nblo ns follows : Ono bond payable In two years after the dnto thereof Ono bond payable In four yours after the data thereof Ono bond payable In flvo year * after the dnto thereof Ono bond payable In six years after thouato thereof Ono bond payable In seven years after the date thereof One land imynblo In eight years after tlm dnto thereof Ono bond imynblo In nine years after the date thereof inaklnin total ot three thousand flvo hun dred dollnts ( M.MX ) . ) 1'or ( ho purpose of paying the cost nf Rrnd- ( tie In Krmllr.i ; district No. 41 , two ( Si bondi , numbered from one to two Inclusive , of the denomination of llvu hundred dollar * ( } .VOi ! o.ioli , to bo called "Gradlnjt bonds No. 41 , " puvnhto ns follows : Ono bond payubleln ( Ivoyearcnttcrthcdnto thereof Oun bond payable In nine years after the date thereof iniiklntf u tolal of ono thousand dollnrs ( tl.OOfl ) Vor the purpose of pnylnit the cost of Rrad- IIIR In urndliig district No. 4S , seven (7) ( ) boutU , numbered from one liiuluslvc , of the denomination of ono hntmrod dollars ( ( Hu ) uauh , to lie called "UrudlliK bonds No. 4 ; ' , " liiiyablo as follows : Ono l.'ond puyublo In two years after llio data thrrcof Ono bond payable In four years nftor the ditto thoicof Ono bond payable In live years after the ditto thereof Ono bond payable In six yoirs after the date thereof Ono bond pnyablo In seven years niter the dnto tlioreof Ono bond payable In eight years niter the date thereof Ouu bond payable In nine years after tlio dnlu thereof mnKltiR a total of seven hundred dollars ( ? ? 00) ) , I'ortho purpose of pnylne tbucost of IIIR in grading district No. 411 , " llftpon (15) ( ) bondsnumburtMl from ono to II ft eon Inuluslvo , of the dunomltiatlon of live hundred dollars ( f..Wli eaeh , lo bo culled " ( Ira ill nn bunds No. 43 , " payable us follows ; Ono bond piyablo In ono year after the dale thereof Ouu bond vnynblo In two years uftor the duto thereof Ono bond puynblo In linen yours after the duto thereof Two bomlH payable lu four yours after llio date thereof Two bonds payable In live years after the date thoiuof Two bonns payable. In six years after the date thereof Two bonds payable In seven years after the date thereof , Two bonds payable In eight years after the datu thereof Two bonds payable In nine' years after the nato thereof nin king a total of bo von thousand llvo hundred dollars ( } 7 , : > 00i. Kor the purpose of paying the cost of Rrad- Inu-ln grading districts Nos. 45 and 411 , six ( > " : oml ; " , numbered from one to nl.x Inclusive , of he denomination of llvo hundred dollars t-.VU > ; neli , to bo called " 0railing bonds Noi. 45 and 6 , " payable ns follows : One bond payable in two years after the ate thereof Ono bond payable In four years after the ate thereof One bond payable In six years after the date hereof One bond payable In seven yours utter the atu thereof Ono bond pavablo In eight years aflor the atothereof One bond payable In nine years after the atu thereof unking a total of three thousand dollars , $ ' 1.000) ) . 1'orthn purpose of pavlnz the cost of ura'l- nc In grading district No. BO , three tf ) bonds , .umbered from one lo three Inclusive , of tlm lonomlnatloii of one hundred dollars ( $100) ) aeh , tohucullcd "Grading bonds No.50 , " pay able us follows : One bond pnyablo In tinco years uftor the duto thereof One bond payable in six years after the date hereof Ouo bond payable In nine years after the date tlieieof unking a total of three hundred dollars ( $ .100) ) . Kor the purpose of paying the cost of Rrad- ng In grading district No. M , six ( li ) bonds , lumbered from one to six Inclusive , ot the de nomination of ouo hundred dollars ( f 1IKJ ) each , lo bo called "Grading bonds No. S3 , " pay able as follows : . One bond payable in two years uftor the date tlioreof OUR bond payable lu four years after the date thereof Ono bond payable In six years after the datu thereof One bond payable in soveu years after the dnto thereof Ouo bond payable In eight years after the date thereof Ono bond payable in nine years after the dale thereof N : nulnug a total of six hundred dollars ( JOOO ) . Kor the purpose of paying tbocost of grad ing In grading district No. BI , flvo (3) ( ) bonds , iiunbored one to llvu iilcluslvo. of the domon- natlou of live hundred dollars ( K > 00) ) each , to bo called "Grading bonds No. 54 , " payable us follows : Ono bond payable in two years after the date thereof One bond payable in four ycais after the data thereof One bond payable lu six years after the date thereof One bond nayablo lu eight years after the date thereof Ono bond payable in nine years after the datu thereof making a total of two thousand flvo hundred : lollurs ( $2,5'JtH Kor the purpose of paying the cost of grad ing In grading district No. C > 5 , seven (7) ( ) bonds , numbered from ono to soveu Inclusive , of the lenonilimtlnn of < Juo hundred dollars ( $100 ouch bo called " bonds .V ' , to "Grading No. ) , payable as follows : Ono bond payable in two years after the datu thereof Ono bond payab'io In four years after tb3 date thereof One bond payable in live years after the date thereof One bond payable In six years uftor the date thereof One bond payable In seven years after the date thereof One bond payable in eight years uftor the dale thereof One bond payable in nlno years after the dpto thereof making a total of seven hundred dollars ( $700) ) . Kor the purpose of paying the cost of crad- Ing In grading district No. B8. Hovoritocn (17) ( ) bonds , numbered from ono to seventeen Inclu sive , of the denomination of flvo hundred dollars lars ( $ .100) ) each , to bo called Grading bonds No. 65 , " pavablo as follows : Ono bond payable In one year after the date thereof Two bonds pnyablo In two years after the date'thereof Two bonds payable In throe years aflor the date thereof Two bonds payable lu four yours after the date thereof Two bonds pnyablo llvo years after the date thereof Two bonds payable In six yeais uftor th datn thereof Two bonclH payable in seven years after the date thereof Two bunds payable In eight years after the date thereof Two bonds payable In nlno years after tin date thereof making a total of eight thousand five him drod dollors ( * 8,503) ) . Kor the purpose of paying tlio cost of grad Ing in grading dlHlrlut No , 5S. seven (7) ( ) bonds , numbered from ono to seven Inclusive , of the denomination of flvo hundred dollars ( f.'iOl oaoh , to bo oiillojl "Grading bonds No. 53 , ' payable a follows : Ono bond payuulo In two years after tin date thereof Onu bond payable In four years after Hi date thereof One bond payable In flvo years uftor th dale thcruof Ono bond payable In slxyoars after the dat thereof Ono bond payable In seven yours after the datu thereof Ouo bond payable In eight yours after the date thereof Onu bond payable lu nlno yours after the da to thereof making a total nf three thousand flvo hun dred dollars ( } ; iWili , Korthu purpose of paying the cost of grad ing In griidlng district No , W , flvo ( , r > ) bonds , numbered from ono to flvo Inclusive , of the denomination of ono hundred dollars ( flO'l ) each , to bu called "Unuilng bomU No , S'J ' , " pavablo as follows : One bond payable In two years after thn date thereof One bond payable In four years utter the date thereof - Ono bond payable In nix years after the date thereof One bond payable In eight years after tlio datu thereof Ono bond pnyablo In nlno years after the date thereof making u total ot flvo hundred nnllurA ( } .V ) ! ) ) , Kor the purpose cf paying the fiibt of grad ing in grading district No. GO , six ( < > > bonds , mimboied from ono to six Inclusive , of the denomination of ono hundred dollars ( { 1001 imch. to ho called "Grading bonds No. GO , ' ' puyublo us follows : One bond payable In two years after the datu thereof One bond payable in four years uftor tlio date thereof One bond payable In six years after the dnto thereof Ono bond payable In seven ynara after the duto thereof One bond payable In eight years after the date thereof * Ono bond payable In nlno years after the date thereof making n total of six hundred dollaia < * MW , Kor the purpose of puylng the coat of grad ing In grading district No. 01 , nix ( G ) bonds , numbered from one to six Inclusive , of tliu de nomination of one hundred dollaisjioujeuuh , to bo called ' 'Grading bonds No. til , " payubtu us follows : Ono bond payable in two year * after the data thoreot Ouo bond payable lo four years after the date thoruof Ono bond pnyablo In sit roars nftor thednt * thereof One bond pnyablo lu seven jonrs nftot lli ( Into thoroof. Onn bond payable In eight years nftor tbn date Uiori-of One bond payable In nluo years after I In dnto thereof making n Jotnl of sir liundrod-dollnM ( MM ) , I or tno purpose of paying the cost of grad. Ing In grndlng district 'No. G ? , nlno on Loud * , Miimborcd from ono to nlno Inclusive , of the denomination of onn thousand dollar * ( JLOHO ) each , to bo nnllod "Urndlns bonds No. 02. " payable as follows : One bond pnyablo In ono year ufter llio dat tlioreof Ono bond payable In two years nftor the dnto tlitm-of One bond pavablo In three yours after the ( Into llicumf One bond payable In four yours after the date thereof Ouo bond payable In flvo years uftor the dutu tliercof One bond payable In six years after the ditto thereof Ono bond payable In seven years pf tor the unto thereof One bond payable lu eight yours uftor the dnto thereof Oi.o bond payabto In nlno yours < \f lor the dnti- thereof making a total of nlno thousand dollnrsJ'.ooO. ( ' . Kor the pilrposo of paying the cost of grad ing lu trailing district No. Kl , two i2l b-'iido , numbered from uuu to two Inclusive , o. ' Inr denomination ot live hundred dollars ( f.VX ) ) ouch , to bo called "Grading bonds No , l > V payable us follows : Ono bund payable In flvo years after thv date thereof One bond payable In nine years aflor tin duto thereof making u total of one thousand dollar ! ) ( fla)0 Kor the purpose of paving the rest of graft- ) liif In grading dlstilct No. 04 , six < ni bonus , iiumbcivd from ouo toslx Inclusive , of the de nomination of II vn hundred dollars r&MHonnli ) ) , to bo called "llrndlng bonds No , 01 , " puyublo ns follows : One bund pay able lu t o yours after tliu dale tlioroof One bond payable In four years utter the dnlu ( her , or Ono bond payable lu s'.xyoarsnftur thoda'o thetcof - Onu bond payable In BOVO years after the ( Into tlioreof Ono bond payable In olghl years after tlif , dnto thereof Onu bond payable lu nlno years after the duto thereof making u tolal ot three thousand dollars ti.K)0) : ( ) ) . t-ectlou 2. The special luxes to bo levied uud assessed upon Illinois null littid abutting upon the Mnvurnl streets hi the districts aforesaid , for tlio cosl of said grading llieielii , shall con stitute nnd bu a separate sinking fund for ouch of said districts , respectively , for the paymufl at maturity of the principal and lu- tuiuslot said bonds authorized to bo Issued to cover the cost , nt said grading t heroin. Suction 3. That this tnkt effect uud bo In force from und after its pus- . .ov Olty Olork. WM.K. IIKOIIKL. Acting President Ulty Council. Approved Soiitombcr lilth , ISlii OKO. I' . 11UM1 ? . Mayor. Notion of ARSOssmmit of Dniimgeft lor Con struction i > i u Yhnlucl Along I'lftociltll .Street Over tint Tritckx. To the owners of all lols airl parts of lote and real cstulo along Klftooiith stroot. between - tween Loavonwortli street and I'lorou street. uud tliu appioauhos to the pioposud viaduct to bo constructed over the trucks on 1'Iftccntlt street. Van nro hereby notified that the timlor- d. throe disinterested freeholders of the cltyof Omiihu , hiivuboou duly appointed by the Muyor , with the approval of the City Council of said city , to assess the dniungu to the owners respectively of the properly af fected by the construction of a vlnduot along IStli street , ever the railway trunks on mid across liith stroot. between l.oavonworth street and Pierre .streot , doulurod uocossarj by ordination X' . " . ) , passed AujustSJ , ib.1 ! ) , up- proved August" ! , IsU ! . You are further iiotlllod , tnat having ao- opted said appointment , and duly iiuallllei ! is required by Inw. wo will , on the 1st ( lay 01 Oolobcr , A. I ) . 1H ! ) ' . > , at tno nour of 10 o'clock u the forenoon , at the olUcu of John K. Klaok. ooniBol Ohnmbcr of Commerce , within tha orporato limits of said olty , moot for thu liurposo of considering and making thu us- jssmont of damage to the owners resooct- voly , of said property , ufl'octed by said con- tructlou of suld viudiiclmid Its ulipronchua. uking Into consideration special bonullts. It my. my.You uro notlllod to bo present at the tlmu md place aforesaid , uud maku'auy objuctlonii oorstutumeiits coucuriiing , said assessment of damages , us you may consider proper. JOHN K. KLAOK ; GK.OUGK J. I'AUL. II. G. OLA It 1C , Committee ot Appraisers Omaha , Sept. 7. 18'Ji ' SUJdL'lt Notice of Assessment of Damages lor Urail- liiK. To the owners of all lots , parts of lots und real ostatu on Maple street , from : ilst street to linii avenue : : r'ml und 'Mnl utrcols from Maple striot to Corbv struut. Yon aru hereby notlflod that the uuilor- -Ignod , three disinterested free boldors of tlio city of Omal.n , have br.on duly appointed by the mayor , with tlio approval of the city council of suld city , to assess the daiutigo to the owners respectively of the property affected - fectod by grading of said Htrcols. declared iK-cossury by ordinance No. : ii > 7 , passed Sept. Otb. Ifciti nnd approved Sept , Dili , Is'JJ. You are further uotlllod , that haviuz ac cepted .said appointment , mid duly iUalllleil | us rciiulrod by law , wo will , on thoAlh day ot October , A. I ) . ISO ! , at thn hour of 10 o'clock lu the forenoon , at tlioolllcu of Sbrlvor Si O'Douahoo , 110)1 ) 1'aruam street , within thu corporate limits of sula elty , meet for the purpose ot considering und miiKlni ; the usscsHinent of dumago to thn owners re spectively of said property , alloclud by said grading. taUng Into consideration spe cial benefits , If any. > You uro notified to bo present at the time and place aforesaid , and make any objcctlonii to or statements onceruluc said assessment of damages as you may consider proper. Omuhn. September , . . ( .snKivE OEOIIGK .1. PAUL , JAMKfl STOOIvUAhE. H-23-d-10t , Oommlttceof Appraisers. mo THE OWNRUS OK ALL LOTS OU JL parla of lots , on'Jud street , from Nicholas street to OInrk Hlruot. You uro hnroby nollflod that the undor- Hlgned , three dlslntorestud free holders of tin olty of Omaha , have boon ( Inly appointed by thu mayor , wllh the approval of the olty council of said city , to assess the damutio u , the owners respectively at the property af > footed by grading of said Htreet , declared necessary by ordliiuuco No , SSI'l. passotS Air.-ust , U'Jlli ' , ISO- ' , approved A ugust ; ilst , Ib'J , ' . You uro further nullllud , that havliu uo- ceplnd nald appointment , and duly quallllocl us i-eiiulreil by law. woxvlll , on tluj-Mtli day of September. A. I ) . 1BU' ' , nt llio hour of'J o'clock In thonflornoon at tlio olllco of Guorgo J. I'uul. 10)5 ) Knrnai'j strool , wlihln the corpor- utu limits of said city , moot for thu purpose ot considering uud making the assessment of damage to thu owners respectively of sain property , atrontcd by suld urudlng , taking Into consideration special licuollts If any. Yon are notified to be present at the tune nnd pluco aforesaid , and make any objections to or statements concerning Hald assessment ot damages as you may consider proper. GKOIUJBJ , 1'AUU WM. G , riiiiiiVKit , M.MKS STUCKDAI.E , Omaha , Hop tomboi' llilh. 1HJJ SllWIJt , TO ALL OWNKUS OK LOT.S Oil PAKTH Ol * lots nu ; i''iil ( slroot from liamillon street to Krunklln street. You aru hereby notified that the Uudnr- slunoil , tliroo disinterested freeholders of till. olty of Omaha , have been duly appointed by thu mayor , with the approval of thu olty council of said city , to assess the dnmauos to thu owners , rcspuutivuly , of the property utl'ected by griding of said street , duolurcc' necessary by Orilliianco No. II.Mli , p iKseU Hen- tumliurX'nd , IW ; . approved HeplemburCth , Ih'Ji , You uro further notified , that havhu ao- oopteil said appointment , unit dulv iiuullllod us required by law , wu will , on tlio 'lOth dny of Kn/ilember. / A. l > . 18 ! ) . ' , tit tlm hour of thrco o'clock In thu afternoon , ut the olllco of Geo. J , Paul , livri rarnuni Hlrtol , within thu cor porate limits of siilil city , meet for the pur- POKO of uonsldurliiK and nmktng thu assess ment of damage- the owners resjiectlvely of uuld propurty , ulTeolud bv Hald gradlns , tak- luf Into consideration special bcnollls. If any , You arc notlllod to bo present at the time and pluuo uforenald , and make any objections t-o or fltatomonU concerning said ussossnlont of damages us you may consider proper , UKO. J. PAUL.1 J.M. HOIIIHNH , JAMKS hTOOliOALK , Omnha , Nob. . Sept. Wh , iflilj. _ ? aal ) I'rupoiiiilii lor District lit met liiij > rovuniiinC rJouled bids marked "proposals .for district Btreotlinprovomont bonds" will bu r cool vod ut Ihu olllco of tjio city treasurer , Oimiha , Nob. , up to 13 o'clock noon of loth day of October , 1W. ' , for tliu puruhusu of UIWXI ) ( dlslrlot street Improvement IxintU of the olty ot Omaha. Nub , Hald boudb snail be dntoil October tut , ISO ? , nnd shall bu payable In from one tunlnoyoar * uftitr llio duto tlioroof , with IntorDst at the rule ofS pur cunt pur uiiniim pnyublo nnuuul- i. Principal and Interest payable at Kountza . , Now York. bondK shall bu of the denomination of Jl.0uo.uu , : > 00,00 and $ IOO.OU ouch. Kuch bid intiHt stuto prleo and amount fiuuglit for and Incliulo accrued lutorokt 10 dntuut dullvery lit Omuha , Nee , . < The rljjht Is rexorvod to rejoot any and all Issued under charter power of oltlotot tha inulropo'.ltuii class and ordinance No , tfli un proved September 10th , IW)2. ) IW)2.HOLLN HOLLN , city Trvaiurer ,