Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Tney Think Their Town is Botng Treated
Train * of the Omnlm I.lno Snlel to Ho OpeN -
r\lfd : In tlio Intercut of the Illvnl
City of Ulnrnmont Lin
coln Nr\v .
LINCOLN , Nob. , Sopt. 23. [ Special to Tun
3Bi : . ] Another complaint was Hied bcforo
the Stnto Board of Transportation today , by
AV. M , Martin , representing the tlllzons of
Laurel , a village on tbo line of the Chicago ,
BU Paul , Minneapolis tt Omaha railroad.
_ ? ho complaint alleges that Laurel Is n town
iiiluatfd at the junction of tbo defendant
toad mill the Pnolllo Short Line ; that tbo
town ha * boon established for more than n
year mm tLat at the present tlmo it has
twelve or more separata and distinct busi
ness bouses with parties doing business in
cadi ; that the town has a population of
Irom uighty.flvo to 100 people ; that It Is
even miles north of Concord , two miles
outb of Claremont , nix miles west of Dtxon
and seven east of Bcldcn ; that the town of
Cliirciiiont was started by the defendant
road shortly after the town of Laurel was
commenced and the plaintiff claims that the
town wns started for the solu purpose of In
juring und destroying the town of Laurel ;
that all ho present time nil the business
houses thut wcro over built at Claremont ex-
ccpilni : ihe clovator have boon removed to
Laurel , the postofllco having boon discon
tinued ut the former town imd established ot
thu Utter.
Moreover , ns If the above evidence of the
townN duoay was not sufllcient , the petition
pees on to say that the land upon which the
town was platted has been vacated , fenced
onil cultivated in crop this year. Slnco Sep
tember 1 the railroad1 baa not stopped Its
cars at Lnurol Junction , but has nlacud u
gate ncioss the track and employed a flag
man. Murtin and his fellow townsmen be-
Jlove thut this Is simply another part of the
Bchemo to kill the town of Lnurol. They
halt thu btnto Board of Transportation to
compel thu railroad company to elect n depot
at Lmuiol , put In u sldo Hack nud rnnko It a
regular station on lib line.
Gossip tit tin ) Stntu House.
The Flt/gcrald Dry Goods company of Lin
coln tiled ill-tides of Incorporation with , the
Bcuretury of slnlo today. The coinpntv is
composed of W. U. Fitzccruld , J. If. Mc-
Couriiicy cud W. A. Stewart , all of St.
'J'he cprtillonto of the nomination of lion.
George D. Aloiulojotin us the rooublienn can
didate for congress from the Thlid district
jvns llled with the sccietnrv of state this
. JuUfiu Onslin wns ono of the attorneys In
hit end MII co upon the supreme court today.
Siipruino Court I'rocoiHlincs.
J. C. Bachelor , esq. . of Douglas countv.
{ was admitted to practice , btato ox rei Mil
ler va Ihoady ; Uoiuurror to petition sus
tained and action dismissed. Spear vs Ful
ler ; order on nppolliint to return rocoid
forth wit hi State vs Slalo Bank of Nebraska
ot Cietc ; appointment of receiver niado nb-
nolnlo.v Omaha Southern Hiillwny company
vs TodJ ; loa\-o Riven pliiintifl to lllo counter
ofllduvils cu motion to strlku out part of tbo
bill ot exceptions on or before October 4 ,
w . 1802. Mrdsun vs State ; scntcuco suspended
ft Vf until further oruor of court ; ball llxed at
* * 000. Nobrnskn City vs Northcutt ; con
tinued. Carter vs Gibson ; continued. Buup-
liart vs Lnmti ; rehearing allowed.
The following causes wcro argued ana
hubmtttea ; Schneider vs Murphy , Wntcr-
011 vs Stout , Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy
Itallioad company vs O'Connor. Shndorvs
* Tlghe , Alexander vs Shaffer , Mohtio vs
iNovillc , LOHII vs Andrews , Shcllonborgor vs
Itansom. Missouri Pncillc Railroad company
.rsJJuiur , KoDb va Hewitt. Motions for re-
TieaMnc were ovotruled in the following
causes : Matthews , vs Seaver , Gwyor vs
Hall , Gundy vs Jolly , Cobby vs Wilght ,
ijodor vs Lodor , Nebraska National bank vs
Court adjourned to Tuesday , September
57 , Ib'.t1 , at iilno o'clock n. m. when the
causes from the Third dlstriot will bo called.
Uuncnii round Guilty.
Ben Duncan , ono of the men who robbed
A. U. G. Miller during stale fair week , was
found guilty , the jury remaining out but
twenty minutes. Miller lived at , Auburn and
came to Lincoln to sue thu state fair nud unv
other attraction that the city might offer.
Ho fell In with Our.can uud several others
nnd all proceeded to colobrnta the success of
the fair. Finally Aliller got so full that ho
\\ascusllyuuaoa victim. The men wont
, through his poelcots and secured plunder to
A. tbo amount of about WO. Ho made com-
1 plaiut to tbo poltco and most of his missing
propcityVOB found In the vicinity of the
JlaiNowuury dive. Newbury was also ar-
Av < resced for complicity in the robbery nud will
\ -bo tried later.
Wunti a Ilt'coltcr Appointed.
Frank Anderson , ono of the owners nnd
proprietors ot the Pcorm hotel at the corner
of Ninth and Q streets , comes Into district
court with an application for the appoint
ment of n receiver for the place. Ho alleges
in Ms petition thut in last Juno he and
Adolph Hclmur borrox\ed $500 and wont into
partnership In the hotel business , timca
that tiiuo Ilelmer has conducted things with
n high hand und ( ho nlulntilt has practically
been frozen out of the muiingomeiit as well
as In niiy imitidpullou In the prollts. Ho
\vanUi n receiver appointed and tbo business'
closed out ,
IHiorceil anil Jtotimrrleil.
A ro'nnntlo Incident occurred at Judge
Lansing's court room ibis afternoon. Ton
years ago Flomlng and Catherine Domstcr
wore mm nod at Nebraska City. Two chil
dren came to bless this union , but aftor-
vrards tboy quarreled und separated. A dl-
yorco made Vho separation permanent as they
h supposed ; but thov mot again In Itils city u
month ago. Time hud softened tboir ohar-
actorx uud taught both of them patience.
Mr , Utimpater again proposed marriage and
for the second tlmo ho was accepted. The
couple was icunltod bv .ludgo Lansing this
afternoon nnd buvo entered upon the enjoy
ment of their second honoymoou.
lluiiril In tliu Court Itounis.
Ilnffumn & Co. , have beou sued for fMO.SO
by Fisher & Sonv , who claim that amount
duo for goods furnished.
In the case of Trester aealnst Pike the
court today dccluod that the testimony uld
not khow that fraud had been committed in
the transfer of real estate and that the prop-
crtv now in Mra. Plko's uauio was not llablo
for her nusbaud' * debts.
Henry Grossman , the man chareod with
cutting a neighbor's fence , was dlsohargod
by Judge Lansing this morning.
Herpolshelraer & Co. this morning fllod an
nmondcd ans vur in their suit ngumstJ. J
InihoII forlT,500 damniios. They claim the
dnmagi B on account of delay In the comple
tion uf ' the building occupied by thorn imd
which'wus built lor their use uy Jmhoff.
CITV , Neb. , Sept. 23. [ Special
to Tint Ilia1. ] i'rubatly the largest audience
.svor tissombli d In the building was prescnl
at the MuthcdUt church last evening to Us.
ten to Chaplain McCubo speak on tbo nub
joct of missions. The subject was ably ban.
died and elicited much favorable coinmunl
and raised considerable motoy : , Today't
program of thq conference was as follows :
0 a. m. , inorninir prayer meeting ; 0 a. m ,
confi'r nco session ; U p. m. , utuilveraurj
Woman's Homo Missionary boulety adaies *
by Mrs. M. U. Koboru ; Ui.'U ) p. ui. . Pieaoh
on' Wives' association address of Wtfliome
Mm. H. Hnskolt ; ovoninir , annlversuiv
Alu society , Hev. M , C. B
Cuitur | < ul uu I'nuupoil I.iumtlo.
JUNUTA , Nob. , Sept , 23 [ Special to Tin
( HUB , | An Inmate of the asylum oscapci
Mouday and was seen on tbo railroad west o
town yesterday morning und captured b
\\utklns and H. VanbusKlrt alter n llvcl
ubaso. Ho was taken buck to tbo asylum.
CuU'briittuI TlU'llVictory. .
GRAND IH.AND , Sept. iJ. [ Special to Tn
BEE ] Thu clerks ol ibis c'.ty celebrated th
j * ilrst anniversary of the ourly cloaltiR move
C moat 1-st u'.gbt. A ( fraud parade was held
The fireworks worn magnificent and nftor
the parade had clo od Hon. W. H , Thompson
addressed the clerks , complimenting thorn
upon the suooo ot the movement and dis
coursed upon Its advantages to both the em
ployer nnd employe.
Ilod Willow Cltlrcn * Make n Crcdltnbtn
DUplny lit Other Localities.
ISDUNOLA , Nob. , Sept. 23. ( Special Tele
gram to THE Bun. I This city it crowded
with people In attendance nt the Ilod Willow
county fair. The exhibits In every depart
ment nro indicative of the splendid crops
with which the people of this section nro fa
vored. The show ot flno stock 1 better than
over before and all kinds of coronU nnd veg
etables nro represented by mmplcs which
only this western country can produco.
Tbo races this afternoon were the center
of attraction , lu the 2:45 : class Jamlo V won
Ilrst money , Tempest , jr. , second , King third
and Former Boy fourth. Time ! 2:41. : In
In the 2-year-o'ld half tmlo race Magglo W
was ilrst , Fred Cyril second , Lady Mary
third. Tlmo : 1:84. : In tbo hnlfmllo run
ning race Lucky IJill took Ilrst money ,
Queen of Spades second nud Bob Whlto
LEXISOTO.V , Neb. , Sept. 22. | Special to
TUB Bun. ] The Dnwson county fair will
open next wcok. A largo attendance is ex
pected. Both Iho speed department and ex
hibits promlso to outrank all lormer efforts.
I'ollod u llilitt _ yinnn.
NnmusKA CITV , Nob. , Sept. 22. ISpecial
Telegram to Tun BKK. ] A dosnorato at
tempt was made to bold up Mrs. Nellie
Davis last evening. She was driving
through Morton park , when n highwayman
suddenly sprang from the gloom and seized
her horse by the bridle , bringing the animal
to n stop. Mrs. Davis at once cut the horse
with her xvhlp and the assailant was thrown
to the ground.
ICx-Tri-imurrr Wilkinson H utiil Over.
DAKOTA. CITV , Nob. , Sept. 22. [ Special
Telegiam to Tin : BIK. : ] The preliminary
hearing of ox-Treasurer Wilkinson was con
cluded today and ho was bound over to the
district court In $ ' . ' ,500. A writ of habeas
orpus will nt once bo applied tor before Dls-
rlctJud o Norrlsnnd Wilkinson's attorneys'
eel sure of success.
Narrow I'.scapc or Salesmen.
LI\INOTOV : , Nob. , Sent. " .2. [ Special to
fin : Bnii. ] The flfty.foot section of shelv-
pg , loaded with dry goods to the ooillug , in
ho store of tbo I'onuoy Mercantile company ,
oil down today. Several salesmen were he-
ween the counters and shelving and nar-
owly escaped with their lives bv Jumping
under the counter.
Uiilon'n I.utust Knti-rprlHo.
UNIONNob. . , Sept. 22. [ Special to THE
BIK. ] Work was commenced yesterday for
ho erection of a creamery ana cheese fuc-
oryhore , and It Is thought It will bo in
jporatlonvithm forty days. The stock has
all boon taken and there is a surplus on hand
vita which to start the work.
Cniturutl ) n . ) ull-Iirr l < cr.
TiiEiiroiiD , iNob. , Sept. 22. fSpocInl to THE
Bci : . ] Henry Crow , sheriff , returned from
Albion , Idaho , last evening with Edward
Thompson , who broke jail hero last spring.
Htompaon Is held to answer to thocharco of
Will Ho i\iiiiilncil : Saturday.
DAVID CITY , Nob. , Sept. 22. [ Special
1'clogiam to Tin : BIE.JTho preliminary ex
amination of Mrs. Anna Arraagost , accused
) f poisoning several members of her family ,
vlll occur Saturday before Judge Dean.
: Tporlrncn of n 1'rotty Itlcjcllcnno Who
Collided wlHi a Street Cuili.
Soon nftor 11 o'clock Wednesday
night the motorman on a' south-
oound Sherman avenue train saw
ho form of a well dressed young lady
ying outstretched on too pavement
nt Seventeenth anil California streets. Ho
.toppcu his tinln nnd found that the girl ,
, vbo was apparently not over 10 years old ,
\Ss ? unconscious. A bioyclo near bv ox-
JliXrd tbo accident. The girl had collided
witVn curb and suffered n hcvoro sprain
of her iVitnnlclo. She had tainted from
nuln uuu the motorman picked her up
ma carried her to his train ,
where sho" soon recovered consciousness
She refused to glvo her name , but asked to
jo lot off at Capitol nvonuo saying that she
belonged at tbo Eden Musee.
ltllHSlll'8 UlUUlOHt NrOll ,
Unquestionably Russia's greatest need just
low is moro railroads. Frault G. Carpenter ,
tbo celebrated lorrcspondont , will have a
most interesting letter in next Sunday's BEE
giving full details ot the way the railroads
are managed In the vast dominions of the
czar. "Ono of the great causes of her recent
famine , " "Carp" says , was the lack of trans
portation and tboru are millions of acras of
rood land there which , might be made vnlua-
jlo by r-ilroads.
TliroHlicrii on Strike.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Sept. 22. A special to
the Pioneer Press from Aberdeen , S. D. ,
says threshing hands in that vicinity are on
i strlko lor higher wages. They hayo boon
paid $2.23 a day. The strike" Is rapidly
jxtcndlng und may involve the wbolo o'f
Brown und adjoining counties. For two
days this city has beou overrun with strllc-
ira , but so far tbo police seem to have them
aider control.
W. F. Novlns , druggist nt Exotnr , has
given a bill of siilo forSI,100.
Hanson & Ostorborg , grocers at Chester ,
have been succeeded by .1. J. Osterborg.
W. H. Lawlor , proprietor of the lidon
Musco , has sold u half interest to Jules La
The Nebraska and Dauota Land and Live
Stock company has boon incorporated with
capital stock at $ . " > ( ) , OOU.
JtiiHsl.ui Kallrond Uoiitniirniitii.
In n very entertaining and instructive letter -
tor Irom the pan of Frunu O. Carpenter ,
which will bo published In next Sunday's '
UUP , the gifted correspondent gives a glowing -
ing description of bow the restaurants are
run In Russia which is realistic enough to
make the reader's mouth water. Tbo Rus
sians are great big eaters and "Carp' * says
their food U good.
Iliillillni ; 1'ermiU.
The following permits were Issued by the
superintendent of buildings youorday :
t-Tlillllp'a Episcopal church , one story
and tmsonmnt brink church building ,
Twenty-Ural and Nlnholiis btronta 110,000
0 A 1'eiik. two story frnmo ilVNullltig ,
Thlrty-llftii und ( Junior streets , . 2.00
I'lvo minor permits itt'J
Total „ U M
lUnilliig tlin Iliiltlo nnil rnclllc.
Frank G. Carpenter , the renowned corre
spondent , in next Sunday's Bun , will preser.t
a vivid picture of railroading In Kimla ,
which should bo road by all people Interested
In railroad matters. It Is written In that
brishlerisp and attractive style in which
"Carp" invariably writes. Uo not miss this
AlnrrliiRii l.icentns.
The following marriage licenses were It-
sued by Judge. Ellor yesterday :
Name and address. Age.
I IMwaril M. Hums , Omaha - ' -
I l.roila lluwes , Omiihi 1C
I Jiihn ChuUn. Oiiinhn , 1
IMury Vobgml , Uinihii. ; . , 1C
Uluiu lliiko TliU Altnrnuun ,
There Is to bo a big old-fashioned clam
buko at Courtlaud beach this afternoon ,
with Lew Franklin ns chef do casino ,
1 hero are n largo number of invited guostt
and a full attendance is already assured.
I'or.oni Harry' * New Addition.
The Btilo of lots in Persons & Berry's
now uaaillon to South Omnhix will commence -
monco at 4 o'olock p. m. ' Suturdnv
Oct. 1st.
City rrlioiieni Siu t Work.
Chief Beuvoy has given orders that th (
city prUonont shall be put to worn cleaning
the alloys In the central portion of the city
DeWitt's Sariaparllta aoansoi the
ron OIIOBRA. .
Hoard of llonlth I'lclitlnc l rt Whnrnver
Its Uxllteuco M Known.
Yesterday WM a very busy dav with th
oflletals ot the health ofllco , nnd the Inspect
ors and pollcomon doing sanitary duty word
kept hustling all day. As fast as Inspectors
came In to report they wcro handed n now
bundle ot comolalnts nnd were hurried out
ngaln. Among the locations reported wore
the following :
1011 Park Rvenuo , 4315 Grant , 4328 Bur-
dotte , 4309 Burdotto , 4313 Patrick avenue ,
4311 Grant , 4402 Nelson , 4013 Hamilton , 421'i
Curalng , 4007 hard , Fortieth and Cumlng ,
1110 North Fortieth. 4103 Wlrt. 4023 Mcison ,
4705 Hrsklno. 43.53 Grant , 2215 Military ave
nue , 4304 Patrick avenue. 4310 Burdetto ,
4323 Cuming , 4229 Nelson , Forty-thlrd and
Nicholas , 4018 Izard , 4003 Izard , 4031 Nelson ,
4212 Nicholas , 4115 Nelson , 3343 Ames avenue ,
3420 Boyd , a 127 Hualor , 3300 Fowler n venue ,
3410 Fowler avenue , 4804 North Thirty-sixth ,
4002 North Thirty-seventh. 4210 Howard , 4217
Farnam , 4224 Cass , 4424 Harn y , 432V Far-
nam , 1517 Farnam , 1S02 North Fifteenth.
1020 North Thirty-ninth , 0411 Amos avenue.
3304 Meredith avenue , 3324 Larimoro , 480.1
North Thirty-seventh , 4240 llurnoy , 4317
Harnoy , 4210 Cass , 4220 Douglas , 4518 Fnrnatn ,
1211 Douglas , 1SI2-14-10 Dodge , 2315 Dodge ,
2017 Capitol avenue , 1712 Uodco. 1718 Dodge ,
3318 Kugplos , .1318 Spraeuo , 8414 Lake , 3240
Lake. ! U1S Pratt , 3022 Pincknev , 3112 North
Twenty-eighth. 3117 North Twonth-nlnth ,
4004 Hamilton , Fortieth nnd Hamilton ,
Mercer place , 3370 Hamilton , 400(1 ( Hamilton ,
US24 Seward , 3S.3 boward , 38II Seward , 3S5i
Franklin , 307 South Sixteenth , 1810 Ohio ,
803 I'aik avenue , 2011 Grace , 2013 Grace , 2023
Grace , 1120 North Twenty-llrst ,
2014 Clark , 1411 North Twenty-
first , 14JI North Twenty-first ,
Thirtieth nnd Lake , 1(523 ( North Thirty-third ,
2903 Ersklno , 3503 Burdotto , 110(1 ( Pant nvo-
iiuo , 4001 Leaon worth , 518 South Fortieth ,
t23 ! South Fortieth. 522 South Forty-first ,
4310 Fcrnnm , 4224 Chicago , 710 North For-
tlotn , 810 North Forty-rirst , 3403 Burt , 3412
Hurt. 3325 Burdotto , S028 Franklin. 'W10 Pat
rick nvenuo , 1514 Douglas , 1011 North For
tieth , 0(50 ( South Fortieth , 324 South For
tieth , 312 South Fortieth. 1318 Farnam , 1110
Fnrnam , 31(1 ( North Forty-first , 811) ) North
Forty-second , 020 North Forty-first , 2410 Burt
3S35 Dccntur , 1505 South Fifteenth street.
021 and 923 South Twonty-flfth street , 17 nnd
10 South Twonty-flUti street , 020 South
Twenty-ninth street , 1002 South Thirty-
fourth street , 532 South Twenty-ninth nvo-
nuo , 222J Pacille street , 'J15 Soutn Nineteenth -
teonth street , .901 North Twonty-fouith
street , 410 , 418 , 420 South Tenth street.
Dr. Somcrs loeolved yesterday u letter
complaining of the defective plumbing In the
Walnut Hill school. The communication
stated that one of the teachers had said that
the closets uud sinks were in very bad shape ,
because they could nut ba pronorly Unshod.
On thU account a stench pervades some of
the rooms. Besides this the ventilation is
bud , many ot the windows cannot bo opened
ut nil. Several children have boon sent homesick
sick lately , and quite a number are complain
ing of the unwholesome smells.
The letter wns referred to Plumbing Inspector
specter Duncan , who immediately investi
gated the complaint. Mr. Duncan reported
hut the basement , first and second floor
closets , etc. , Kfiflh not bo flushed
properly , 'fl " t
"To my certain knowlqdjro , " continued the
inspector , "this trouble,6Uho , tanVc * not prop
erly flushingtho bowU HK4 existed over since
the work was placed , ln the building- , and so
longns this trouble oxl ts It will bo Impossible
to keep the closctt In proper BMiltftry con
dition. " if
The commissioner ofhaaitli , h < docldod to
condemn th& plumbing at onco.
Mont Inspector Frank1 conllscntod yester
day 169 bnskot * of poaches , twenty-six cases
of grapes nnd cloven bbrrels ot apploi and
dumped the stud Into the river. All ot the
fruit WAS found nuoHR'thb ' commission mer
chants and was absolutely unlit tor use.
Thos. E. CrfttR , odltorahd publisher of the
New haven ( Mo. ) Notes , says : "I have
usol Chnmborlnln'B Colic , Chulora and
Diarrhoea Homed/ with Rront satisfaction
for the allmonts ot my children , For sale
by drupcists.
Muilcitl Union Itnnil
Of Omnlm will piny at Mmmwn next
Suiidny. _ _ T
StcnoRrnplinr ( VnrlnR'i Hey Utility Hurt In
Jumping from n Walnut Mill Cur.
Frank WnrlnR , the 10-year-old son of
Stenographer Waring , wns run over by a
motor train at Hamilton street bridge at
noon yesterday nnd quite seriously Injured.
There are many boys in that vicinity who
have boon tunning It n oraotlco to jump on
nnd oft the motor trains as they cross the
bridge. Younp Waring was encased In this
pastime today when ho missed his footing
ana fell under the wheels of the motor. The
train was stopped as soon ns possible , but
not until the lad's arms had been undlv
crushed. Ho was also badly bruised about
the head and face.
Dlsoaio never successfully attacks the sys
tem with pure blood. Uowltt's Sarsuparllla
rankes Diiro now blood and onrlobes blood.
Dcnth or Mrs. Clarke.
Mrs. Henry T. Clarke , wife of Henry T.
ClarKc , one of Omaha's best luiown capital
ists and business men , died at the
family residence , S509 Cais street ,
last ovontiiR. She had been til tor
some months , but only lately dldhorslcknoss
take a serious turn. She wns suffering from
an affection of tuo lungs , complicated with
heart trouble.
Mrs. Clarlco wns born at Greenwich ,
"Washington county , N. Y. , In March , 1834i
thus being G3 years of ago. Slio was mar
Forlhf1MSS ( ll.r.i.JCOUIMlAlOV ,
The reinltnfio ycnr ' oipprlcnco la
tUt. , orsnutl . . S
) ; mall fotf.clf. A m | l
( nknotSoap anil i4j p1KO booV en Her.
nntulonyanJloAMl\M'nl ; cHlciH.rliie
IlmtrMeJonSkln Scalp M > r\Dii > anJ
Blood IlLoasr. Also ll < ncnrcnicnt <
llko Dirthm rlti , Motes Wnrt , Inillix
Ink an I Tow dor Murks ; Rc r . I'll
tliiirs , HclnB < nf Nn i > , Superfluous
Cnntiillitlon Free at onlr < > or br Irttrf.
JiHN ! H. WOCDBUBY , D.I. , 123 W. 42d SI. , New York City.
rlcj In SoDtember , 1WS , comln ? to Om bk
with her hatband , Slnco tnni llmo the hn
ra ao her homo here , roaring ; a fftmtly of
noven ohlldren , now all grown , who. with
her huibnnd , mourn the death of levine ,
Indblccnt mother and ft kind nnd affection
ate wifo.
Mr , ClnrKo hnd mony peculiarly lovable
traits of ohnractor , which grently endeared
her ton largo clrclo ot friends. Arranffc-
raonts for the funeral wilt be announced
DeWUt's Sar. tnparillais ) rcttanlo
Unncoroui Hole * to bo rilled.
The Janitor of the Mdson tohool Informed
n DCB reporter yesterday that there
were a lot ot stagnant pools 1m-
tnodtatoly south of the bullutn ? that
are very oftenslvo and nro n monoco to
the health of tbo children nnd the
people In that pnrt of the oily. Thcso pools
nro upon lots that ought to ba filled , Tticro
\vni n boy drowned In ono of them nbout a
year ago nnd the holes were ordered filled ,
but the owners , some of whomtro among the
wealthiest men ot the citv , sooin to liavo
paid no attention to the order nnd there the
boles rom-ln , filled with poisonous miasma
arising from pooU of stagnant wntor.
? PRICfs
Vnnllla Of perfect purity
Lemon Of great strength
Orange Economy In tholr use.
Flavor as delicately
and deliciously as the fresh fruit.
Our Writing-paper and envelopes ; Wedding
Invitations ; Reception Cards arc sent ,
at reasonable prices , anywhere in the :
United States. Send for samples.
( Tjilo Cobb's Library Co. )
136 Wabosli Avc. , Chicago.
Has Her Hands Full
the woman who won't use Pcarlinc ,
Has her hands full of work , and hcf ,
head full of vorry ,
Let her suit herself. If she'd rather
work hard , and keep everlasb *
ngly at it , it iks nobody efso'a
business. But that isn't all of
it. The clothes that she
washes , with her careless ,
tiresome , rub , rub , rub ,
arc soon worn out. i
That's your business ,
if she washes your clothes.
It will pay you to look
after it. Pearlinc saves
Fcilcllcn ami some unscrupulous grocer * will tell you "tilts is ns rood as"
or " the same as 1'carline.1' IT'S KAl.SK Pcarllne is never peddled , nnd
tt if your grocer sends you something in phce of Pcarlinc , do the hone-it
" thine scttJ it fact. 324 1AMKS 1'VLU , New Yoik ,
pHave you tasted
America's finest Whisky ?
Richest Quality ,
Absolutely Pure ,
Doubly Aged , Sold at all High-class
Delicate Bouquet , Drinking Places and
Best I Very Best 11 Drug Stores.
, 'Norvo Sontls , "
i i the nondorful r pic < lr
is nolil with n xvi It-
cn to euro 4ll nervous dlsos > o < . Mich nsTrak Blprnorr ) ,
liastot llraln i'owcr. Ilemlncho.nkofulueM , Lot Munliorvd , MchllT Knils-
slons. Nervousness , Ijfts'lluJonlldrslns nnd losi > of powornf thnUone ntlvo
OrKans In cither sex caused lijrovoruxwlon , youthfiil rrror , or oxco lvo
Vitsoot totmcco , opium or stimulants wlilch sonnlond to InOrmlty. Consnnip-
illonundliisanltsr. I'utupconvt'nli'nJtocnrrrln vest pnckot. SI pur pack-
'nnobyniElliOfoTM. Wltn ovuryjiorrtcrwo gd'enurilfm guirantte fociir *
or re/unit tftimotUK. Circular froo. Adlro68Aci-voM ilC'o. , Ublcuuo , 111.
For sale in Omaha by Shorrann & MConnoll , 1515 Dodgostroot.
"Issues a Cordial Invitation to the People of the
United States , Mexico and Canada , to visit
. the city and participate in the
Grnnd Electric Arch , with model or the Which , opened on August 2S , Grant Statue , with flags ol the United States
San ! a Maria at Summit. And Continue until October 2.2. in 1892 and of Spain in 1492.
Are by far the grandest on record , outdistancing
The only successful annual Exposition in
tancing in extent and magnificence the famous
the world , will commence its ninth season'
Parisian .
mous displays. s
September 7 and continue until Oc
tober 22.
Over Six Miles of Streets Illuminated '
Gilmore's Band of 100 pieces will give
nated , by upwards of 75,000 electric and
Four Concerts Daily , in addition to countless
gas lights in many-colored globes.
less other attractions , all covered by on *
Gorgeous Electrical Panorama , admission fee.
and Pyrotechnic Displays.
Special Illumination Nights. ' The Annual Fair.
September I , 3 , 5 , 15 , 22 , 29 , .
October I , 4 , 6 , 13 and 2O. -
. , " - ' ' $ - The Grandest Agricultural and Mechanica
' * ' - , Exhibition in the world , will open October
3 , and continue until October 8 , Visu
tors to the Fair Will be admitted free ol
Will arrive by boat Saturday , October I , charge to witness the
and will be received with militaiy honors ,
HisMajesty will parade with all the splendor
the Discovery Annual
Electrical Panorama , illustrating
dor of the Orient , Tuesday , October 4 ; ; covery of America and its gradual develop Trotting
. and rainbow
ment. Gorgeous scintillating
and hold his ANNUAL BALL the sarrje effects.
evening. AM * Which will be held the same week.
a foi
"Upwards _ _ of $600,000 have been subscribed , to the Autumnal
* ) iMl"
/ Festivities Fund , and the Carnival this year is the most costly
and magnificent ever attempted )
For particulars as to rates and special trains , apply to nearest
- ticket agent ,
F.qr programmes and other information , address the
olumbua Flamtnq Arch , wlth\authentic A
portrait of the discoverer of the < si . > - Bureau of Information ,
New World. , 4 $ ' ? * , r i' ; Autumnal Festivities Association , Revolving world Globe outlined , with tay more tho1 countries than 8OOO of th
202 Mention & Jaccard Building , St. Louis , electric lights.