THE OMAHA DAILY BBIi : IM-.DAY , SEl'TEAIBBU 2) , 1892 OMAHA 13 KE COUNCIL HLUFPa Ol-FlCKs - NO. ISI-KARLSTUEKT I Dellverert by carrier to AnV p.\tt of thf city II.Y. . T1I.TOH. . MANAUKU. irt-r . r , lc . . . . . No43 VdUor . NoS3 a = Ml.\Olt j V V. I'lnnibltiK Oc. Council UluiTs Lumber Co. . ' W. W. Chapman has gone to Chicago on business. A inoollng of the Democratic association will bo held this cvcninu . A mniTUeo license WM Issued yoiterday to James West of Page county and Luuy Ban ner of Shonaodoah , Members ami frlond * of Trinity church Will gtvo n reception uttho residence of tt'olr ' pastor tomorrow cvomng. Oeorpo Hewitt U bslnj ? muntlonod nt a posslbio candidate for the republican nomi nation for county attorney. Uonular mooting of Republic club at hondiinrtor ) < tliMavanlnK. W. F. S.ipp , jr. , provident ; W. M. Shopird , socrotary. Kov. II , P. Dudley , tbunow p.iitor of the Broadway Methodist church , will bo present and conduct sorvlcat at that church next Sunday. Tno funeral of Charles Delllupor will tnko place at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the roi- Idonco at. the corner of Second avnnuo nnd Nineteenth street. A meeting of the Council HlunN Bible to- clou- was ' hald yostorj ly nfturnuun and Henry Coko'r was apiulnted cltv bible ncont to take the place of Uov. S. Fleming , who resigned. Chaplain U. C. AlcCnbo Is booked for Oc tober ! at the Broadway Methodist church to deliver his lect ure on tut ) ' 'Bright Side of Life in L'.liby Prison. " Wnon ho delivered this lecture in Omaha , on u slormv night , nU au dience numbered nearly 1,200 people. Ho ii n very Intetestlnc speaker. Mri. Eliza Andcrioa died yestnrday mornIng - Ing ill 7 o'clock nt St. Barnard's ' hosplt-il , nttrr a year's Hint's * , ot dropsy , aged f > 0 years. She loaves two sUteri , Mn. Dennis Miiriihy nnd Mrs. , Ann Miilono , nnd a brother , .lames Murphy. The funeral will tuko place this afternoon at ! ) o'clock from St. Francis Xivior's ( Juthollc church , Kov. Father McMonomy oniclatlng. A dcUructU'o flr took > j place yesterday Afternoon on the road to the Ioaf nnd Dumb institute. The destruction was mainly con fined to a largo , able-bodied nmoll that has been troubling the people who were com pelled to tiast on the road. The smell came from a slaughter houto that has been used fur some ttmn past by Lauzondcrfor , the butcher. Yesterday afternoon the slaughter house caught tire and burned to the ground , noufTnrt being made by the neighbors to ave It. Told thu Truth. The truth stands best is an old re mark , and no-fur was It n.oro verified that it had for the past few weeks in Council BlulVs. Ever since the first urrival of fall fjoodt , Iho Boston 'Store lias been advertising special sale in various dcnartmonts. The wonderful success they have had Is a sure guaran tee that they h.tvo told the truth and nothing but the truth. Wo always have what is advertised , nnd you are sure to find it just as rep resented. The sale foe tliocominp week lh dress goods , and wo call your atten - jv tion to show window displays , beside a larpo variety of bargains in this de partment. Wo nro showing now fall noycltios all ever our storo. Window No. 1 Shows a line of out ings in mixed , checked and plaid novel ties , same goods retail at 50c a vard , BO in. wide and warranted all wool ; wo OlTor snino during sale at 33c per yard. Window No. U Shows a bettor grade Of goods , representing some of the lincst European productions , in French , Aus trian and Gorman manufacture , as well ns some exclusive dress patterns in the latest weaves and effects , ranging in price from $0.00 to $15.00 each. Wijidow No. ! i Shows an entirely dif ferent lino. It is composed of black goods and black and white , among which nro some bargains. Wo call your atten tion to our112 inch ciuhmcVo at ! ! 9c , worth Me. Perhaps the greatest bur- gain ever ollorcd by us , or any other merchants , in our -Kt-'inch Austrian hon- riulta ( all wool ) , regular 7oc grade , at G7je. G7je.Uusidcs Uusidcs the bargains mentioned wo have a full range of fanoy weaves at special low prices , such as whip cords , poplins. Matolnsso , India twill , Lnns- downe , gloiius , otc. , etc. Window No. I Wootror the choice of V this line while they last at lc ! ) per yard. Goods are a heavy homespun , illumi nated in dilToront colors , full oO inches \vide and well worth 2Tio. FoTlIISttlN'UlIAM , WlIlTKfcAW & CO. , Boston bto o. Council Bltills , la. .Tiuljfcs mill Ol rk < ul niuotlim. The county supervisors held thu last ses sion of their Sapto-nujr incottnc yojtorday and appointed ] uJso. > and clerks Tor the com- Ini ; election In accord moo with the provis ions of the Australian ballot la-.v. In t-'io list , which Is given below , the llrst name In each township Is thn Jnil o and the second tfco clerk , will In in these township' ) whcrj only ono nnmo Is given no other appointment wa * required , on account ot both the parties belnir represented on thu board of township trustees : Boomer. U. T. Ward , William Harrington , Jr. Brlknap , .I. ti. Patter , J. O. Bates. Car- con. Ed Snupn , Uoorgo S. Dye. Center , H. K. I'lles , A. L. Friz/el. Crojcont. J. B. Alnt- jouk , M. Swunson. Garner , A. I * . Cooper. Orovo. Nutlian Mooro. Hardln , C. B. 1'lat- ncr. Hazal Doll. O. L. Barrett , James. T. 11. Uroouur , M , F. Brown. ICojr Creek , Has- inns Campbell , Charles Ilanloy , Knux , t1 , M. Llnd e.v. Lnvton , P. E. Sellers. Lewis , Woostor Riv. W. O. Van 1'olt. Lincoln , Cloorno Kobcrts , U. H. Thornloy. Macedonia , B. H. Hopkins. Minden , Fred Marti , M. J. Itlair. NeoluC. B. Ucardslov. Nor will It , LowU Shields. Pleasant. . ! . N. Fruni , J. L. Bulkier. Hockforu , Thomas Wilson , O. Kolsoy. Sil ver Creek , C. W. Wlffglnlon. Valley , J. W. Warnor. Washington , Frank Uoltnnan , C. \V. Clark. Waveland , L ) . 1C. 1'arkor , C. M. 1'otter.Vrlebt , Joseph Boiler , S. II. Albrlirht. York. Boldonborger. First Ward First nroclnct : V. Jennings , Joseph Nlcoll , Fred fJolso , J. T. Anderson , John Aten. Second proclnct : C. D. Wai- , . . , . Vf. II. Uoblnson. C. A. Tlbbotts. Sacond precinct ! W. II. Knophor. .1. C. Waterman , Ous Larson , Honrv Mmlije- . U. 1'aca. Third \Vnrd-Fir-tt prooinut ; L. Xur- inuolileiirUabortUraham ] , Gforae Meschou- dorf , J. M. Matthews , H. H. Vau Brunt. Second proolnct : Emmett Tinlov. LowU Boston , Charles Fox , Edward Edcorton. Ctiiirlea tiulnos. ' Fourth Ward First precinct t : O. A. Uob- Inion. Lee SwoarniRon , W , K. AitchUon , Clinton Byers. N. A. Crawford. Second product : U. li. Mltcholl , ( Jour 1:0 M David Walsh , Oliver Anson , E. E. Mayno. Fifth Ward First proclnct : E. B. How- wan , Jr. , W. C. Morris , M. ( JulUirliiui , H. v. In nes , Polor Smith. Second nrooinol ; James Krli'.v ! , Albert Faul. Law Nellnon , Albert ! Iiit-ram , Uus Lavcnburt ; , Sixth Ward First precinct : Goort'o : UnivBs.O. u. NlchoUon , W. II. Fisher , A. i C. Hnrulng , J. A , Mussolwnlto. Second pni- clncl : 1 * . A. Bondo , Al. D. Douuherty , C. : Calull , Q. II. Kovoa , C. O. Uannlton. ICano Outaldu : Kobort ( ireon , M. E. Mvun , .fntnos Howard , \V. Duncan , H , Cokor , A resolution was also passed urovlalnn that In ull Ki-noral oluctlon * hold niter Octo Lor 1 , la' ) . ' , thu city shall bo divided Into si > wards , nnd each ward Into two procmcU , for voting purposoi , the precinct in each ward on Iho northerly side of the Una ol division uolus : calloa iho Ih-at precinct. The Ec-henio of division U thu t > umo as was odoutcd by iho city council some time ugo. usical Union band of Oinuha will ( w > ut Munawa uoxt Sunday , f SE\VS \ FROM COUNCIL BUIPFS DomocratB Hold Their Coantj Ooavanthn and Make Nominations , IT WAS A VERY QUIET GATHERING Miimrinf tlin tucl < y .Men Who Were I'nvorcil by llm Convention .Imlgo * nncl Olniki > f Election Ajipiiliilca-Itrpnb' Item I'rlinnrle * . The I'ottnwntlamlo county democrats held their canventlo.i ymtorday. The court hoiiso tvns announced at the place oC mooting , uut lack nl room compelled the com-nlttoo to make arrangeraants ut the lait mlnuto for tlio opsra house , uiia It wan tboro that the delegates assumblcJ , At lli'Jd o'clock the convention was called toordor by Chairman Wadswortu , of the county co.nmlttoa. who stated thu. the gentleman who nid aaou solpoto.1 far the ofllctJ of temporary en ilronu hid sent word tliut ho would not ua able to serve , nn 1 ho therefore rojomm ndoJ thit J. Al. IC'lly of Macedonia bo appointed tomuorarv ch.ilrmim as a substitute and .1. H. Johnson ot Walnut temporary secretary. Tno recommendation was adopted. After n short tallt from tha now chairman n committee on credentials was selected , one tnembor from oiieh proclnct. A committee of llvo was also appointed on pcrrmmont organiz itlnn , consisting ot the lollowing ; MoGorUh ot Avoca , S. U. Underwood of Kojr Ui-eolt , John OrllHlha of Carson. W. H. Knophor of Council litulTs nnd J. II. Matthews ot Washington. On motion of.I. .1. Shea a ronunlttco on ros lutloas win appointed , nnd It was di'clood that all resolutions bo loforred to the com mittee without reading. The following composed iho comtnlttuo : J. J. Shea of Council BV37s , T. J. It.u-tw.3ll of Oakland and S. N. 'frurvy ot Noola. Adjournment was then Uiltcn until 1:30 : p. m. AHurimim Session. In the afternoon the delegates came to gether again , and alter tuo report of the committee on credentials had Dcen road and adoptud u permanent organization was ef fected by the selection of S. U. Wndsworth as chiunnan and Prank Trim bio und J , B. Johnson secretaries. J. J. Shea road the resolutions adopted by the committed on resolutions. Tno whole \\pstwasputdown as dooatnblo territory ; Iowa was labelled "for Cleveland and Ka- fortn ; " the republican party had Its un arrHignincnl on account of iu > nttltudo on the question of prohibition ; David 15 Hill was presented the regards of the conven tion lor his stand In the present campaign. Tho'rcport of tbo cominlltoo was conaurred in , und the convention ptocoodod to the nom nation of candidates. W. II. Ktionhcr wanted all nominations made by Informal ballot , but his wish was disregarded uiul nominating speeches were limited to llvo mluutcs. Theofllco of county clerk was the first 01 the list. T.,8. Campbell was namsd uy .1. J , Shea , and as there were no other candidates he was nominated bv acclamation. O. a. Marsh and G. M. Wilson were rivals for the nomination of auditor. On the inlormol ballot Marsh reccivi-d SS1 votes. Wilson iJSJ and Ira' P. HondrleKs 9. A formal ballot followed , resulting in the norm nation ot Marsh , the vow standing as fol lows : Marsh , HW , Wilson , 30 ; Hondrioks,4 Tncn came the vote for recorder. S. D Unhror , J nines Macrae , Claude Dye , Claj Uocl , Ldwis SUulton , J. II. Dietrich and T II. Smith were placed In nomination om niter another , and the inloi-nnil ballot resulted sultod as follows : llohrorI7VJ ; Mat-i-ac ! M ; Dye , III ; Haul , 33 ; Jdkelto.1 , 3 ; Djit- rich. 12 ; Smith , 12. On the lirit formu ballot Skolton dropped out ana Itohror Mncrae aii'l Heel gained slightly. A bccont ballot did not chingo the result ma tonally , but S. Lobhart entered lh < ring nnd received 7 votes. After the flftl ballot Smith and Lobhurt , who had 10 und 1 votes respectively , authorized the with drawal of their names , Lobhart requostln his friends to vote for Ronrcr. On the ncx ballot , the sixth , Hohrcrcamo within an am of knocking the persimmon , receiving 70J. votes , while 7.2 were necessary for a choice The other candidates stood : Macrao 31 , Keel 3 f and Dietrich U. On the next balloi Uohrer hit the Inch water tnni-K with 80 votes and was declared nominated , the other candidates receiving the following number of votes , : Mucrao25 , Keel I ! 1 , Dietrich 5 , Smith it. Kohi or' : ) nomination was greeted with tumultuous applause. Next came the oflloo of county attorney. E. E. Ayloiworlh , John P. Organ , T. E. Casuily were nominated. W. U. Cuppy of Avoca undertook to eneineor Casady's case , with almost disastrous res , u Its to Casady. Ho mudo a numoar of references to Organ's ' carter that disgusted many of Organ's op ponents and strengthened his advocates. He denounced the idea of nominating Organ for a third term us uinomorattc , nnc was unjust to the other democrats who stco.1 randy to occupy iho otlh'o. His speech mudo a dcndod impression onthe audience , but of a different Itlnd thiin was intended. Fur fullv llvo mitiute.s the delegates who wrro favorable to Casady's candidacy clappnd their hands in the vain attempt to make Cuppy sit down , but Gunny's uind bad not run out nnd he uut not propose to bo squolchcd. Finally tbo chairman took advantage of tli'i ' live minute rule und called Cuppv down himself. After considerable trouble Cuppy was Induced to quit talking. J. J. Shea then teed iho HootIn behalf of Organ anil In u short but eloquent speech clinched the nail which CUPPV had started On tin ! Informal ballot the vote -stood as fol lows : Aylosworth 2 , Organ 7J , Cusady 50. A formal billet followed resulting In the nomination of Organ bv a vote o' 73 to Ui. Supei-vlsori .VonilimteiU There were two candidates to bo nominated for the Hoard of Supervisors , QUO being allotted to Council Bluff * and iho other to the county outstdc. , The candidates for Iho city were S , 11. Wadsworth , S. S. Keller nnd L. A. Casper , while these Irora iho country wore John Currlo , P. B , Djnller , August Bostodt and J , B , Matthews. Casper's nomi nation caused some remark from thu taut of his havim ? been so recently n full blown republican. Tuo informal ballot resulted as follows : VTiidsworth. 100 ; Currto , 02 ; IColler , 10 ; Djntlor , 21 ; Bostodt , i.MsMit- Ihews , ! U ; Caipor , 2i. After Iho Informal ballot Wadoworlh requostoJ hU friends to vote for Caspar , nnd Keller withdrew his but Wausworth was nominated on the first formal ballot , the vote standing , U'uds- worlli , 10S : Ciirno , fl ! ; Keller , 24 ; Dantler , ; ) > : Bostodt , 10 : Matthews , 28 ; Casper , 3. Two more ballots wore taken on tbo names of the country candidates , resulting In the nomination of Currio on a vote llkn this : Curne , 73 ; MattuowJ , 3J' ; Daullor , 37) ) < . The Pomona Land nnd Trust coin- puny through Messrs. Day & Ileaa. tholr n onts , will place on thn iniirkot Mon day , Sept 20 , tha lund known us tha Ki'lno tract , Inylnjr 21 intlos < nst of the postolllco. There is uboutIOU itoros in the tract , partly timber lund , all well iidaptod for Hubiii-bun homes , fruit and pardon lands. They have subdivided It j Into 5 und 10 aero tracts and will Bull to tlio lirat oustomors applyln > j tholroholco at u low llguro on ro.uonaolo torina. Olllco UO Pottrl street , Council UlulTs.Itu Musical Union band of Omaha will p'.uyat Miuuiwti uuxt Sunday , IfOpoopIo in this cuy use g\3 stoves IhoGaa Co. puts 'om hi at cost. Trains for Munawa at 11 n. m. , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 0 , 7 , 8 aim 0 o'clock p. in. of tlio City Council. The city council met last ovoalr.g , with the mayor ami Alderraon Oravos , Jounlugs , Mayno , Pace , Smith , Tiobltts and Van Bruul presunt. The following registrars of olcotlcn wore choion. one republican and one democrat In cuch voting precinct : First ward. Flnl precinct , E. H. Ohlondorf. D. M. West , Hrst ward , Second precinct , U. T. Bryant , J. M. Hollander. Sjeond ward. First' pro cluct , J. U. Williams , A. T. Whittle soy. bccond I wa-u , Second precinct , W. M 1 , MuCrury , William ftlulouoy , 'J'hlrd word IIrbt precinct , J. U. Hartnoss , Hobort Ura ham. Thlid ward. Second product , O. W , Gordon , D < iu Graham. Fourtu ward , Firs1 precinct , Ueorga II. OAblo , t5. A. Hbinson. Fourth ward. Sccjnd proclnct , T. C. Jack- ion , ThoiiiM Smith. Fifth warJ , Fiwt pro- ciuet , John SklnKlo. S. Lobhart. Fifth ward , Second proclncl , T. A. Urewlck , J. U , S. Cozifoslmli. Sixth wrd. Flr.At proctnct , A. 0. HardlnR. C. W. Nicholson. Sixth ward , Second precinct , P. A. Bondo , Paul Ehlort. A remonstrance from property owner * against pivlnu Fourth avenue was referred to the committee on strents nnd alloys. Mavor Liwroncti referred hick to the council the Union Land and Improvement company's rlcht of-way ordinance passed at Iho meeting Monday night , with his veto , Matin ? HS reason ! therefor that Aoctlon 1 should contain a stipulation to the effect thai nil railway connections should bo undo within Fleming & Davis' addition , and an agreement on the part of tha com pany to rulso its tracks whenever the city orders It. The mayor'i objections were concurred in , nnd another ordinance which contained thu required pro visions was passed unanimously. .Mayor Lawrence stated that the defects hid boon pointed out to Mr. Paul and that ho had agreed to the changes being made. An ordinance making regulations with reference to the Council Bluffs Water Works company and Its falturo xvas road and Uld over under the rules. An ordinance compillinfr residents of the city to put wator-tlpnt barrels In the roar of their promises and deposit therein all refuse , tnd llxitiR other rules with reference to car- baKO , was read. Alderman Smith opposed iho ordinance bcciuso ho thoueht that until an ordinance was passed providing for cart- itift away garbapo frooof expense to the resi dents the city hud all the law that could bo enforced. The contract for furnishlne coal for the city bulldinj9 ('j ' par ton was awarded to the Carbon C.ial company. . The potltlon of O. Ovorton for the re mission of taxes on the churcn property at the corner of Fourth avenue nnd Seven teenth street was granted. Alderman Van Btunt offered a resolution Instructing the committee on streets and nl- luvs to correspond with authorities of other cities with a view ot dotermlnlns as to the advisability of purchasing a street sweeper. The resolution wus passed. Tito council adjourned until next Tuosdav afternoon when It will go ns it comicltteo of the whole to look up the proposed North First street extension , Wanted to lluy. Improved property. Will piy cash if price la low. II. G. McGee , 10 Alain street. Musical Union bind of Omaha will play at Minawa next Sunday. Gentlemen , the ( Inoatlino of fall jjooda in the city , junt recuivod. Uoitor , the tailor , 310 Broadway. Jtulson , civil onuinoor , 323 Broadway > I'rlui tries. The roDubllcaas will hold prim \ries to morrow evening at 8 o'clock to seloot dalo- gates to attend the county convention , to ho held at the court houro on Wednesday , the 23th. The following are the meeting places In the various wards : First. War.l At Wheeler & IIorald' . < > , and selrct seven delegates. Second Ward Vt republican headquar ter' , anJl select ten dolcirutis. Third Ward Over 415 Broadway , and aa- lect nine delegates. Fourtu Ward At rounty court house , mid select seven delegates. " Fifth Ward At Squire's store bulldlnir on Twenty-first street , and select nine aeln- nates. Sixth Ward At 331. ) West Broadway , and select four delogato-i. Musical Union ba-id of Omaha will play at Man.iwa next Sunday. Davis , pitro drups , boat , paints. D THE DEAL'SB. A .North Dakota fiinnblorVlin Sllccenstnllj Hit tlio Oontliliiiitlon. Quito a commotion was raised in sport ing circles in Grand Perks , N , D. , a , few nights ajjo by a stranger , dressed in the garb of a country merchant , winning a a sititflo sitting$2,300 in Charlie Martln'i gambling' rooms. One oveninfr what win presumably a country inerchantdronpci into Martin's place and gazed around a tlu * gamblers. Uo appeared to bo great ly surprised at the extent of the bling that was going on. Ho was o medium height , rather slim , high fore head , bald head. Uo was smooth shaven with eyns deeply sot , and which sliom with wondrous brightness. Ho tried hi luck at dill'orent games with varying success. Finally ho stopped at tbo roulette table and placed $1 on seventeen The little ivory ball spun around a few times and drooped into thirtyeight. He did not appear to care about gambling any moro and wont into the saloon ad joining. Soon thogamblors began to go out for lunch , and ho returned to the wheel where ho sat down and began to piny light. The room was now cleared of all the gamblers except the man at the wheel. 'Che player glanced into the man's f.icn and his eyes fairly glistened as meanwhile ho placed money on ditToront numbers. A few men wiio had either gamhled their money away or were out of luck gathered around" the pluyer , seeing that ho was beginning to play high. Tn y noticed that the man at the wheel appeared to bo under some influence , and was acting contrary to his dosiro. lie would whirl the llltlo ivory marble and , regardless of the fact that the nliiyor was losing , ho would pay the bet in the same ratio as if ho had won. The on'ookors ' , of course , had no tjympathy with the gambler , nnd they watched In silonco. When the last dol- ler had boon taken from the drawer the player thrust the money before him into his pnulcot , never taking hi eyes from the wheelman's face , and vanished through the door , which was the laat that has boon eeen of him. The iLsttnt ho was out of the room the man who manipulated the wheel reached his hands to his head and shuddered. When ho discovered that the till was empty his excitement know no bounds. Ho swore that ho hud boon knocked down and robbed , but ho was informed by the bystanders , among whom were several well known oir/oiis , that such was not tho.caBo , but that ho had been paying oil' bjts the past twjuty minutes in a very reckless manner , and that ho had not been robbed , only cheated. ul know not how it was done ; I wiw hypnotised. " Uo could not bo made to bbliovo that ho wasso careless us to give up about $200 ! unless ho had boon put under Borne mtigln spoil , and thnso who wore present uro 11 rm In the belief that the gambler waa really hymotl/.od. There was n Httlo nhow going through the country giving performances a t o w weeks ago , and the principal attraction was tlu mesmeric feats performed by a man who was billed as Pt of. Kodeau. Tills show wont to pieces recently at Arvill , and It is the opinion that the player was. none other then the professor , " but as thoi-o is no one hero who knows him thia cannot bo verified. The games go on as Ujiial and the man who now presides at'tho wheel savs ho Is on his guard for men with bright oyos. Itlil of u llore. Alexander H. II. Stuart , when Secretary of the Interior under Prosi- dual Fillmoro. used to toll the following good btory of how ho got rid of an ollloe- seokcr soon after assuming the ollluu : "I was very much annoyed by a per. sistent applicant for the post of 11103- songor. The nun came in regularly o\oryday for several weeks until he became an unbear.iblo bora. Finally one , day after the man had gone out 1 naked , the messenger then in otlico if he know - . what that man xvas aftor. llosuld : , " No , elr. ' , , " 'Woll , ' said I , ' ho wants your place , . and if over 1 see him again ho shall . have it. " " I uavcr saw the man agulu. " \1IOC \ : ; THE DfiARANTlXED Reports from Camp Lpnucl Other Plaoaa Whore the Cholera LWjrs ° III C * u . TWO NEW CASES IN HEW YORK CITY mnicdlntb flotation nftlio StrlrUcn fcnpln The Noriii.tnnl v' bthibrngo to Ho Itclontnl SrttG'rd ly of tlio Pluciio1' * 1'rjgrcn Coir Low.Svxtir HOOK , N. Y. , Sopt. 23. fhore bavo boon no new patlenU admitted to the hospital today , but tbero are tlvo caso.i of dlarrhnu In mail ) , which arc being closely watched by the physician * . The unknown Infant who was sufforln ? rom the affects of starvation In a steamer , and which was .reported as bntor thl * morn- ng. has suffered a rclapio nnd but little lope Is entertained of 1U recovery. Mis. Juttcl Gomes , who was the second patient in camn to bo stricken with Astatic cholera , is convalescent. Tucro are twenty-two persons - sons on the sick list In thn camp , but the doctors declare most positively that ttiori Is no cholera a i.on ? them. Tno first case requiring that o resident at tlio camp bo placed under arrest occurred this morning and cioatoa proat excitement. Louis Ulcnwtnulo , who had been boatlni ; his young nnd comely wire until she wat n mats of bruises , becausn she objoct.-d tohls spend- ins all bar savings und mnklni ; love to anotlior womail , was put In Irons and will bo given a diet of broad und water until Satur day. day.Tho The Norinannia's pastongors will probably bo released Satuiuav and sent to Ellis Island to bo landed , after which tlio vacated tents and rooms will bo thoroughly cleaned , fumi gated and disinfected , previous to their oc cupation by the passengers from the Scandia and Bohemia , who are expected to bo worse nllllctcd than tboso now In camp. The Hebrews In camp arc celebrating the feast of their now year , which commenced last nlirbt and will terminate on Saturday , Much confusion wes caused today bv the n'r- rival of the steamer William Fletcher with half the ba gao belonging to the detained pa ont'ors i camp. It was sent from Hoff man Island , but as Dr. Jenkins has sent no ccrtlllcato of disinfection , General Hamilton refused to receive It. CAi'r.U\cc.N.F.Sopt.22. The transatlantic Btcamer LaTouralne , from Cherbourg , passed hero this mornltiK lor Now York. She sig naled "all well on boara. " Hutuuito , Sept. 2i. The official cholera returns showed eighty now cases and ninety- seven deaths yesterday , including thirty-nine nowcabes and Iweniy-nltin deaths not includ ed in previous reports. Theo figures show the dlsoaso Is growing worse. * ST. PETKiibia-iio , Sopt. 33. Thirty-two now cases and twelve deaths from cholera here yesteruny , n decrease of slxtoen cases and four deaths from the previous day. HAVHH. Sept. Qj. There wore four now cases and three deaths from cholera here yesterday. < JlEiiM.v , Sopt. 22. A boatman and his child died today from cholera. Another boatman has been attacked. Eiyht men and lnreo women are la tin hospital with the cbulcra. , At Oimraiitmc. QmuiXTiN-R , S. I1Sept. . 22. Things at Quarantine nro t now RettinR into their normal state and Ur. Jenkins says that although ho still cannot relax any of his vigilance , bo thinks mat cholera's attack on the port of Now York is over. There are no new cases on tha Island. The cholera is to all intei.ti und purposes well under control. Tlicroi are orly two cholera ships noxv at , lower quurantlnc the Scandia and the Bohemia nnd on the first tbero are no passengers , her cabin passen- eors beinR on board the New Hampshire. while those of the Bohemia und her EteeraL'o passengers are on Hoffman Island. The steerayo passengers in the Bohemia will bo moved to Hoffman Island as soon as those on the bcandla are transferred baclt to their ship , which will bo after thov are thoroughly disinfected and tbo ship fumigated. Midnight The captain of tuo brig MornIng - Ing Light , from Bqrbadocs , which arrived at midnight tonight , reports that three steam ers are anchored at the lower quarantine. Some ship must have' ' glided into the bay without signaling , as tnera weroi only the Scandia and Bohemia anchored there at 10 does. The Polaria , from Stettin with 170 emigrants , may bavo slipped in quietly. More Ni > iv York suspects. Nr.w YoitK , Sept. 23. Henry Friok , 65 years old , was hurried to tno reception hos pital tonight by the health authorities , who jelievo he is sick with cholera. The rrfan was suddenly seized with vomiting end dlarrhou i , and two bniirs later ho was amonc the susjiec's on the floating hospital. Frick's apartments are above an Immigrant employ ment agency wbtc1 ! has recently been visltdd V arrivals from Hamburg. It is believed that they brought the germs of the plague which Friok contracted. The house has been disinfected and quarantined. - Emanuel C. Poschm , u letter carrier , was found sick on tlio sticot with cholera symp toms and taken to tbo boDitul , Stopped at the Suite Lino. YUM A. Ariz. , Sept. 22. A tourist sleeper containing lifteon through passengers on the westbound overland was quarantined at Ogilby. Col. , west of horo. Ono passenger from Groyton , Nicaragua , and one from Now York are slightly side with bowel trouble nnd derangement of the stomach. The state health officer will thoroughly fumigate the car , clothing and bacgao of the passengers for twelve houw. Well passengers will bo allowed to proceed tomorrow unless the cases prove to bo cholera. The company has pro- vldi'd extra oars ut Ojjllby for the accommo dation of passengers. Nnrniiinnla rueseiiKur WimU Nuw Yoiuc , Sept. 2.J. Action was begun In the United States court today by C. S. Van Kuisselaer to r cover t0OJ3 ! damages from the Hamburg-American PackH company. Mr. Vau Hcnssolaer was one of the passen gers on the Nnrminnla detained In quaran tine. Ho claims to it whnn uu wa > booked for passage the company's agent told him that there would bo no steerage passengers on board. _ Quint ut Tire iHliinil , Finn TBMXP , N. Y.S'opt. 22. There was nothing extraordinary li pened here Uurinc the past twenty-four U.b'urs ' , the only break la the monotony being tU'p Arrival of another detachment of regular n'nd tha departure ot a llko number , whom , thsy relieved , The Wyoming's passongari iiro ' busy preparing to leave early tomorrpyi'Jor New York city. - m William H. Hullo oKSprmgllold , Mais. , at present lieutenant 'governor , and republi can nominee for the governorship , is n na tive of thq Old Granite'1 state , whoso cov- ernor in 185 ? und 1859 was Mr. Hallo's father. Uo reaoved'to Sprlnclleld In 1872. ' . ' 'ea years later bo wdnc to tbo state senate , Bi'curlng u re-cloollon to that post. .Ilia first election to his present plllcu was lu 1833 , Ho is a lawyer by profession. Lieutenant Poary cotnulalns that for a long pcrioa his party was compelled to suu-iist on beans , und all of Boston wonders why ho re quired relief. Which nature U constantly elvlng in the of liolU , | iiuplcs | , cru | < tlon > . ulcers , etc. 'llieso thow that the lilimil Is cciiitainlnateil , and eomo asHlstancnmust lie Klycn to relic ; u the troulile. " " lu the remedy to force out these poi sons , and uoublo > ou to GET WELL. have had for years n liumor InmyM--l , which made iiio dread to ghave , as small tiolU or pimples would IKout , thus canning the Bhatlnct Ixa a i.'rcat anne > anco. After takinj ; thrco bottles I wyaco Is all clear and smooth as It Bhould > - amietlta i > lcmlld , sleep veil , and feel Ilko running a foot aL from the use ol H. 8.8. _ CHAS. IlEATON.73 Ijurelst. Phlla. Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free MWIOT Bl'iCmC COu AUanU. Qft. 200 More Owing to the demands for those 1000 suits we have been selling for the past few days we have been compelled to add People bought them on sight. They arc un questionably the best bargain ever offered in this city , both as to style and quality , at such a price. The real worth of the suits is $9 , $12 and $15. Corner 13th and Farnam Streets. WELL BRED.SOON WED"GRLSWHO ! USE Are Quickly Married Try it on your nsxt House-Cleaning. \J \ 2 M ag tit SgaggJ * Twin City Steam Dye Works scmoi3DSAOPUOPUIKTOR. . DYEING , CLEANINGS- AND RSFINI8HXNG5- OP QOOD3 OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. OmnhaOnico , 1521 Farnatn St. ; Tolcpliono 1521. Council HhillH Odlco nnd Works Cor. Avc. A and 20th St. ; Telephone 310. Send for cii-culitrd und price list. Keep cool ! Tliu | > | KIIO cnn't rcacli j ou If you do tliarlvlit tliluitat the rUI't tlmo , LOOK AT THE SECRETIONS 1 Seotliatth y arc lioiilttiy anil perfect , I'nt the liver lo imtuml work Thla oeiurus illKUHtlon anil nutrition. Avolil unrliO | ( rnUu anil nnwlioluiiamo ments. Coult is vurj thin j , evnn Wiitor. Clean oil tlu uicmbrouo olutonm'jli and bon-ju at onj" , wltli Dr. Scji.nci's ' Mandrake Pills , They curry nwny nil illsoaio Kcrnn and nil polaon- uu lunllLT. Tlioy imuro porfcctlr lieiililiy nrul naturul nocretlons. They turn the llvnr to tiiu no- ccjinit of dlni'ktlun nirt nutrition , qulcklr , mtuty. llioroutfhly , Kuoi | tioad cool , feet warm , Bkln SOHENCK'S ' MANDRAKE PILLS. hnva been tested la many a Cholera epIJomlc. They do for the , STOMACH , LIVER AND BOWEL Juit vrhnt Banltnry science > ay > ilioulil ba ilono with ilrflns , clOBom , rooina unil tlio outer perion Tli y clean anil purify tlia Inner houia and put tlio ull- rocnmry clianneli In perfect order Avoid itlmuliutU. ( lo r their nlfucts out of the ritum utonco with tlie MANDHAKK I'll.l.H. Put than Imontary cliannu i In order nn1 bU dellunco to In ( lin'lc.'rn I'pUluml t. and all otliora Involving Ilia llriT , Bionmch und biweU , inure ia o uf pruiontlon unil curmti'i 1 to the crollt of Dr. Ho'ienck' Mun- duuku I'llli tUnii tu iriy ot'i T a.-oacr or roinejy , _ COUNCIL mm m\i m All klnlsot Dyolnsunl Oluunln 'dona In tin hi host btylo of the art. I'.uUU an I bttliul fair Irs iniulo to look in voad us 113 a Work promptly donu und clollvuroJ lu all purls of ihu country. BooU for uriuo list. a A. MAOIIAN , - - I'HOI'UIECOH. : ilJBroa'Jwiy. ! : Neir Nort'i PRRH APQ < laro wlmt sorlof n itcivn > ou * UAlUXil > 3 | mvo or | 1J1V , , im , | , 0m ( | | | VATT r\r HTim consmnsi. I'l-rliupi ynn nru YUU UUN T xloiMtopllu up weullli for Ilia i-iril conililnu Kjounro pon'trciid wlmt follows. It iloein't Intfivst jou 'Iho exporlo.ito of tlioi > o wiio Imro usuil Garland Heaters V co ncliiklvely that they uro KIHST In cronomy of fuel , n convenience In mniilpulatlun nnd durnlilllty. ' 1 hey iuo built on honor ami do not fall in work BittMfotorlly It aou you nothing to look ut thuin nj If you .will call no will loll you ubout hiimtrudi four tinu peopl-9 who BIT oar by thu ( iurland hout s and andP.C.DEVOL , AUu AKi-nt for Coluinliln Ilhiyi'lm. 504 Broadway and 10 North Main Street COUNCIL Ill.UfPd. Ot Couiicli Illutfi. Cnpliwl stork . $ l"i Kin-plus and I'follts . 8 1) ) , ODD Net capital anil Mirplu : ri-clors-J. . I ) . Kd uunlron. f. . U hliium , H' . I ) iKon , K. i : . Hurt , I. A , Miller , I , V. Illaolilll nnd Clmrlo * It. llannan. 1'r.i-n.ui xuncMl hint , IMK bu lnu . l.urnuil i' uiu nurplui ol uny bank In ti ( illmumurMlu.i IN'TKIIKST ON TIMK IlKl'OSITi "JOSEPH GlLLOfPS STEEL PENS. fiOLD MEDAL , PAHIB EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS. . ThaTtvnt kdvorlUainents Bppo.irltig In now int.or Are otton tlio most Intorculnf pntt ut It * contents. Tlior oxprois Ilio urgent tircdm tlio dully \tUlioi ot the peop.o nlia want something antl who ate willing to do foniotlittij ; . r > . \9u AaBfor iil oattl t first : tl.VJu month. Inquire nt ail llroid- wnjr. Ij AltM nnd city loini. Money lotnoil oa Jstnok iiiul grain. Itcnl ostuto for islft. Dnullln : Mid lii ) tiioti rcntnl * . Mnnor loaned forlnunl Invciton. I.OIIRUO &Toirlu , AJl'eari street , _ 17Uli SAliK Itorio. liuser nntl li irneM nt -L I'lt s.vorincni KOO I oiitllt ) cno'l well bred toad horso. Muattoll. U. II , l.owU , 13 I'o.irl street , $ .VPO too" < ot morchnnilUe In wvitnrn lonv well loo.itoil , tlolna soi'l lnn'iic x , for sals orlr UP. liU. Ilnrllolt , T3I llroadwuj. ctl linul ot yoniii ? h for tr.idoi Itntirovnl 'proiiprlv or Isinil. R U. ll rtiott , 71 vruy , t' < iun"ll l \V ANTKIi-A young man to work , Apply > iitolllcuot Leonard llvorolt. YirAXTKO Uoort slrl for general house- > wor't. at4UOlen avenue , AYOl'M ! Inilr desires n place to work for lit't-board nUliu and inurnlics. Address A. 1 , , Uoj office. "jjlOKHAI.n-Urnamary outlU , comprising iO- J- \ \ p. lull or , tO-h. p. oiislnu. S lie I.avello Rcpirulors Scronin vats , .UOgallons cnohl nsh churn'l n gn'hms ' ; power liuttnroiucr.bttni scnlrs , uclaht o-in , wilor t ink nnd other ll\luro . Will soil cheap for c.tsh or trade forl-iii' . K. II. She ifo. JjKMtlE Small hotel In RO.X ! Iowa town -L llullillii't I'Md furniture complete' at a bargain. K. 11. Sheato. _ rllTiriJ-Ijiinils In Oreoly"ciiunty ind Cilstor county. Nol ) . , for sto-k of Jewelry. ontiini. fiirnlluro or Inulness property In Connnl Ulluffi. K. ll.ailHlfo. 1I1OK SAI.i : Uuslruhlu rcslilnnua property Jon Park avu. All niodurn IniDruvoiiiotiti , U ronins , one block from motor ; a ImrKntn 1C t-iUnr ut once ; easy p lymcnls or tradu ti. U , Sheafo. l/Olt BALK I vro lood youiu liorsu * . Will -L til ; > o varpontor wurlc In payiiionl for samo. l.L'onard ifoU SAIi-Ui : > tflstered A T. V. C. Joisoy -1- cow , I'nvulca No. Ifl.Ull. : a snlenillil fiinill j oow : was fresh AH ust VI. W M. Slicpird , Huoni 2iv. ' , Murflain block. Council Teams to haul coal. Apply to U. A. Cox , lu Main streot. li'OU TKADK Two dwellings centrally lo- Jcntul In Council llluirs In cxcliiumo for nrrfimnillso or Nobrns u liunl. A simp bnr- ( 'ii I n for llvoilny . K. 11 , Sliunfo. \\7AN'rr.I-IIousokouior. , ) | inlddlo njiod luily > ' proforrod. Addrcm or enll on H. l \ Haln , sa Kiist I'li-roo Mrcot , Counell I ( Il.i'iO ( worth of dry cooils nnd notions forux- 'Pchiinjo. j : . G. llartlett , 741 llroadwuy/ _ Ij OIl SAIjB-Creaiuery , well loeatfd In NoL - -L brnslvii. dolnt uooif limhuss. Will take ; irtn or or sull entlro bnln ss ut n ell SAljB Improved 401-ncrc stock farm In western low.i , * Ji ; ISD-nero fiirni , J.'Oi 123- cjcM. f.'B. .lolinston ti.riin I'.ilton. _ 7OK S A hE Choicest furin In I'oitKnattu- in o Co. , 41. ) acres , woil loeited an I 1m- ro\eil 1'rlco ttu an arro. K. H Slieafo. JrVDU have -iiiythln ? for Ktlo or Iradrt sea 5. II. Slio ifo. llro \ Iwav mi I M uri atrent. AliB Onsimil payiuonts. fruit and curden Ian I noir Council llluITi C. II. blioufc. llrotdw ly an I .Main street. _ E-1OH HA LH Albion Roller mHls mi lloo o river. Nub. ; lliuHt w itur power in tha state devoloplir- horse ponur w itor ontlro yo ir : Lilly oipi"ity , ll > U birruls ; inaolrnery and iip urtcn inces oomplute In every d-t ill. 0 > j 1 'ramo rml lenco ; 8 nurasot Ian I. title narfuit , , irieo , $ . " > , 'n.l . ; will talcn mil nprovui oaitora Nubrask-i land , K. II. Hhu iTo. TflOU SA f.E Clean stocic h trJwaro , well 03- JL1 t ib'lihol trrlo , Invoice nlioiit tI.OJJ. Good on < in fursal'ln ' : . Tornn e.isli. R. II. Hlionfu. WOll S.Vf.K OK ItEST-dooil eo.-il yunl with JL1 si-ales , rtc. Orounshlolils. NluliciNnn & Co. FOR iXtillANUE : llotol and ruit-iurant locate < l at Sliubort. Nub. , ami Hi lots In Denvor. Colo. ; will oxuhano ; for clear No- ir.mUit lan'l. E. II. Slioafp. POU SALE Hardware stoolc. will Involca J.l,0i ; lee ilod In n aettve Mobraslta town of I'i0 } popnl'itlon : business old est ib'.lshou ; will l > oarelon Invuitliratlon. R II. Sho'ifo. CJf\ ACRE firm with Improvements , OLfnu | | > s north of Council Illuirj ; JUan acre ; a "nap b.nytaln. K. II. Slip ifo. V\7 ANTED No' raska Innl In oxolringo for > coodnork horses. R II. Slic.ife. WILL you build a homo ? Vt'u have a ( Ino res deuce lot wlileli no sell for t'i 0 If tiii < en soon. OroenihluldB- Nicholson J : Uo. JF A LK section of iinlnoiimlioro 1 land In No- Ibniska to trade for ulty proporty. Oreon- slilcUlH. NlclioUon & Co D RV snods stock to tr idu for low i land. Grecnslilolds. Nicholson & Co. 7K h ivo a number of Rood tenants who ' want us to iet dcslr iblo houio-i for the n. Do you want to rout your fiouso ? Green- shlulds. Nlc-liolaon Ae Co. M Ilr.iadway. CireonshloldB. Nicholson k Co. , oal ust ilo. - ho'iso for silo AGOOUllvo-roJin on your o\wi lurins. Olio.ipur til in p lyinn rout. Greeii'.lilolils. Xluliolsnii .V CD. NH\V sovt'ii-roum house , elosa lo lionton slroel. Will li u lo for vac in t lots or land. GrconslilBlds , Nicholson .t Co. H OR KXOHANOK-JdO-acm ratiun In i'nloi- ' Neb. Will i'nloiL'liunty , taku moroliaii- dlse. R U. Shoafc. | 7K > K SAI.CHotel with furniture and IU- " turus ; iU rooms , liirn , et . I'rleo , 1I,5JJ. ! Loealud In Douglas county. I ) illy receipts , j.'l'i. InVDMtlgiitn nt onc'n. K II. Slinnfn. ANTED Qlrl forsonufal housework , IKO > Aveiiuo K. ft W. PANSLE , ffl. D. The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Experience. OF DIBEASKO OF BIKN IVOMRN. rnopitiKTon ov TUB WOULU'S JIKH11AL JJISPKH- , SAUV OF MKIJICINK. fireat iho fat/owing Diseastss Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and T.tmffi : Dis eases of Uio Eye and Car , I'lLanod Apoplux)1 , Huart Dlfcnse , I.lver Complaint , Kidney Complaint , Nervous Dobliity , Montnl Dopros- Bion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness. IMabcteMlrJKht's IM-caso.St.Vltus' fiaiicu. lUieuitiiUbm , I'arulj , While Swelllnir , Bcnifula , Fever tores , Cnncerc , Yumora and Flatula In ano removed without the knlfo or drawlne a drop of blood. Woman with htr delicate orpr.ns re * stored to health. Uroiy cured without tapping. Special Attention Qlvon to prlvato nnd Venereal Diseases of all kinds. 8QO toSbOOf ° rfeHfor any VoncroDl Dia- oaBo i cannot cure without mercury. Tai > o Wormx romovcil In two or thrco hours , or u I > uy. II mnrrholiU or I'llca cured. TIIOSIS WHO AltK AKKI.TCTKD Will favo Ufa and'hundreds of dollars by calling oil or Uilni ; DR. G. W. PAriGLE'S ' HERBAL MEDICINES. Tlioonly I'liyhli Inn xrlin can lull what alii u i > or iiu ivlthout UkUliiK a ciucitlou. All rorrcxpondoncoElrlctlyconndcntlal. Ucdlolno saut by u prcsa. Addrctd all IctUra to 0 , W , i'niio-h ' , M , D 85S Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa Sim A ! ' SniinilfTC AtlorneyH uiUw I'riu kJiiii u uuuiiuviu tlco III tlm uttitu find feduril courts. Itoo uu .1. j uud i bUu Bj IJcuro block , Coun ll Ulutt * . 1 * .