ACCIDES1S AT CRAVESEN1 Three Eacers Killed as the Result of Oollis ions en tbo Track. JOCKEYS ESCAPE WITH FEW BRUISE ! Uooit HncliiR InlcrforpilVltli but Mttlo- l.iUmiln'd I'rnerntn Undo Aiimin 'ot 1'iixy niul rone-It * Oiuno Other Sporting NIMV . ( JiuvKsr.xt ) KtcR TIIACK , N. Y. , Sept. 22.- The racing this afternoon was sensational litho the extreme. M. P. Dwjcr'a 2-your-ol Lovelace was made an oven money favorlt In a field of eleven starters In the first race Lovelace landed flru place by a head fror Sport , 10 to I , who camu from the roar will a wjnnhiR rush that would have altered th result. Fox tin1. 1 Keono's Candelabra was aho mad the medium of n plunge , ho Kolng to the pos at 7 to G. Ho also succeeded In winning , bu Stononcllvho finished second , was dlsqual fled for boarlng in on Fagot In the last sb teonth. Fagot was placed third and Chnrad fourth. While this race was on , Ha'noncy stumble at tbo end of the utrotch , turned n couple c BOtnmoraaults , strlltlnc Midcoly , Wuh Jim1 rider , nnd cutting his head open , lla'ponn then fell lo Iho track nnd rolled on top ot hi rluor , Penny , who h a colored boy and th snmo lad that rode .fullo when the latter wr killed nt Monmouth warn. Penny wi thought to bo dead but bo recovered co sciouBiioss in nbout ton minutes. Ona Ha'penny's logs was brolton anil a pistol a h ended his racing career , which had boo somewhat of a disappointment. In tha next race about a sixteenth of mile beyond where Ha'penny fell , Wnrpat toppled over , throw Jockey Sloan , breaitm the laltcr's collar bono. At the s'lti instant John CavanaiiRh was coming up fa : and ho , too , wont flown. Hamilton , the lu' tor's rider , xvas somawbnt br ulscd about tl face and head. Warpath could nut got u and wna dragged off the track , John Ca' anaugh sustained a broken shoulder and wi shoU Warpath was badly Injured and I too , was destroyed. * Ha'penny was a bay colt , 8-year-old , li Oenoby , by Glonplo Penny , oxvnod I Gideon & Dully. Warpath , bay colt , 0-yon olu , by War wick-Ban tax , Secondhand wi owned by Frederick Gobhart , and John Ca nnaugh , chestnut colt , 4-year-old oy Eolu Lndy Grace , was owned by William Laic land. Nomad , the 4 to 5 favorite , won the tbh rnce from the ! i tn 1 chance , Cynosure. Mo dotte , the pacemaker , was third. Yor ville Hello , Garrison u ] > ? nnd I to 2 In tl hotting , permitted White Hose to make tl pace for seven furlongs : Garrison the gave the Belle her head and she won tt Clinton stakes In a gallop , Bnshrord Manor Ignlto (3 ( to 1) ) second and J. E. Popper's Mi Olxlo ( ! ) to 1) ) third. The Moyno gelding (7 ( to 2) ) , with 102 pounds , made n runaway raca of the tlfi nnd boat Ur. lliisbrouclc (2 ( to fi ) by ii1 lengths. The unn&mod goldinir ran the Ur quarter In ia seconds and the half In 47 Hcconds. Oscar broke away from the maiden cln when ho won the lost race from Trans They were equal first chances at 8 to Weather threatening ; traclt slow. Alton nnco , 2,000. Summaries : First rnoo , five and a half furlongs : Lov luce ( ovrn ) won. Suort (10 ( to 1) anoond , Luwlo (15 ( to I ) third. Tlmo : luS'J. : Second race , nno inllo : Candelabra (7 ( to won. Btonenoll f ) to 1) ) second , fagot (15 ( to third. Tlmo : IMlJf. Htonunoll dlsqnnllfl for fouling KiiRot. Fii2ot winced second ai Clinrndo third. Third race , inllo and a sixteenth : Nomnd to 4) ) won. Cynosure (21 ( to 1) ) second , Morclet ( T to 1) ) third. Time : lil'J'j. ' Kourth race , the Clinton staiics , mile and furlong : Yorkvlllo Itollo (1 ( to S ) won. Isnltu to 1) second. Miss Ul.xy ( M to 1) ) third. Tim lmi : ) { . Hfth race , six furloirs : Movno golOIns to - ' ) won. Dr. llasbrouolc (2 ( to 5) ) second , Add (0 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : liiy. : olxth r.ioo , mile niul a sixteenth : Osoat to RI wou , Transit (8 ( to 5) ) second , Canvass (8 1) ) third. Time : 1:51 : . I.lltOllhl HfKllltS. LATOSU RACE TIUCK , Ky. , Sept. 22. T track was slow today. Favorites won only one and non favorites in four raci Summary : Kirst race declared off tin account of numc OUH wlthdrawnU. Second race , mile and a blxtoonth : J an Uoxarpitol ) won In l:54'i : , llohslo Ulslnnd to 5) ) second , Komliil ( J to I ) tlilni. Third race , inllo nnd hevi' : Proti tiiui to 1) ) won In i :31.f : , I'.iluro ( J to 2) ) socor Bull ltoss(4 ( toDthlril. 1'uurth race , Katonla Autumn handlui . f urlmiKs : Goldstono ; : ) to I ) won In 2 : Nf'ivtnn ( ovonl second , Iady Useful (8 ( tc third. I'ifih rnco , six furlonss : JudRo Oardwoll to II won In l:19S ! , Dutuli Oven t to 1) ) socoi ICd ( Ircunwoud CM to li third. Sixth lace , bovon and u halt furlongs : An (7 ( to5) ) won lu l:4iU. : Murk S ( U to 1) ) socou Comedy (15 ( to 1) ) third. at ( iluurcHtar. GioncisTEii : , N , J. , Sept. 22. Ualnin track heavy. Summaries : I'lrstruco , seven-eights of u mile , solllt : l.ouls It won , JlUsrlo second , Hottlo thii Tlmo ; WJU. Hocontl rnco , llyo-oliibtlisof u mlle , bolln Declared olT. Halt of the sixth race was hi Btltutod. One and iino-slxtcunth inllus , se IIIB : Illrthday won , Keystone socnnd , l > n moro third. Time : la : ? . Third ruco. quo mlle , SH.UIIR : Harrison wi 1'luto second , Wullaco a third. Tlmo : iit Konrthraco. tliroo-iuutorHOf | : iinillB : Lt Hurry won. 1 latloiy xcccind , Hobiistu thl Tlinu : IH5. : ! ! Klfth race , six and u quarter furlongs , si In ? : A O H won. Artliur U.ivlsHOCond , Man It II third , Tlmo : It.'iy. . ! .xtl1 Jct > > ° " ° "Iul oiui-sKtconth mil dolling : Kiibtor won. Amos second , Ebllsthl Tlmo ; l:5i : _ 'l'lpn tor Tunny. Here U the pick of the ] > roDhet for ! rncoi today : Ot.OUCESTIIIl. 1. Khnno KloniliiRton. 2. IjarloqiiliiT-fturtor I'ottongllL : i. KliiiHtiniP Halisliiiry. 4. l.oo HrlKol-Oarroll Hold. r > . Onnwny I/onoly , 0. llorwyn I'udrc. . . J. Torinontcr Gold Dollar , 2. Wolcoit bnouiilatlnn. a Mnry Htono King Dial ) . 4. Sir Ulclmrd Kxtra. li lioiKiuot Uorrcotlon , 0. Mustorlodo-Wllllo L. Trotllnn lu J COLUMIIUS , Ind. , Sopt. 23. .There were ft races today of which throe wore carried o from yesterday. 2i 1(1 ( trot. nii o 81,003 ( carried ever from y torduy ) : lifttlo Altort non , nrmlno seco dlllalto tblnl. llcsttlino ; 3:1U : < 4. l:2 ! : puc , purao JWJ : Nelllo McOnrry w OalllottuKocnnd , King Medium , ' third , II tlnioi Kinu , 3-yuar old trot. nursofMO : Kuntnnky Un won. Oiar hceond. Caboose third. Host til The 3:23 : trot NATIONAL i. Undo AIISU ( loin Tuxjut rituhnrcr > Kurfulti n duiiir. t iTT8iiuito , Pa , , Sopt. 2i Umplro Gaff ; nvo todays game to tbo Plttsburgn t score o(0 ( to 0 , of tor four and a half Iniil hud bcon playod. The Uhlcafos rosortoi dilatory tactics to gain" tlwo as It looked 1 rain. The score thoji stoou 9 to 2 In favo Plttsbnre. Anton B VO notice that ho > protest thu decision , Score : PitUbunr . . . . 00334 Chicago. . . . . . 2 0 0 0 ' HtU ! I'lttuburir , I4i ( Jliloago. a. Krn Plttsburtr. 'J ; Oliloauo. T. l.uriieil runs ; I1 1 burif , H llattorlcii Enrol anil Mlllori Ui liorUiud tkhrlvur , Won l.utlly , Cuvei.A : . ( / . , Bopt. 22. Cleveland from LouUvillo todav on unfortunate on by tbo latter at tbo critical point * and homo run of liurkett , who sent two ol players across tbe plato. Attendance. 1 , Score t Olovol&nd. , , . . . . : jiuUvllle. . . . . . . . . . . . ' Hits ; Olovoliind , nt I.ouUvlllo. 10. Err niovelnnd , l | toulbVlllo , 4. Knrnod ri Civoli.nd,2j | l.nuUvlllc , I. liattorlcc and /.linnicr ; Claunun and Mcrrltt. llniivny l.lck HIB lliuU , BT. 'Louis , Mo , , Sopt. 22.Tbo Bro colohratod tholr return homo today by de feating Cincinnati In a well played game , Attendance 1,400. Score ; St , Minis u 10500000-1 Cincinnati ! Hits ! St. Louli , 12t Cincinnati. 3. I'.rron Ht I/ouis , : is Cincinnati , a K.irned runs : tit I/ouli , n. Ilitttcrlp * : llrxwloj and llnckloy Dwyernnd Vnugliti. Tlirpo llnnim rcntponcil. NPW YOIIK , Sent. 2.3 , Ball games at Now YOTK , Washington unu Phlladolphln schcd tiled lor today were postoonad on account o wet grounds. > Mnntlincof the SPAItKS OPSl'OHT. ( looil SlinnHni ; Arrnn thn Itlvcr. 1'horo ' wn4 a latgo attondanoo at the Horn I Park Gun club's weekly shoot ycstorda ; nftornooD , nud as a consequence some gooi scores were miido as the following will at test" : Dickey. . . 01100 OOitO 1I1II illtl 10111-10 . II il 10 10 II- 7 2 lilakc , . . . . UCKWI luiot looil noioo oliuo- n to 10 ii n 8 1 Heed 11111 1I10J 11111 OIIOl 11011-20 10 II 01 II III T S Ualbralth 00101 10011 10110 10)01 ) lOCOl-ll 11 U 01 10 10-T t Itlnchnrt. 11111 1100) 01101 01101 01100-15 oo 1010 ta io4 1 Heed COJ01 OJ.01 OOWJ 01009 11010-0 II 10 10 11 UOti1 Hawks. . . 01101 OJ010 11000 101)01 ) 10010- 1010 eo in co : t i I'ctcrs. . . . into oino 11111 11101 UHH-ID ol ii u n in s-2 Salisbury Olllt 01111 10011 01111 110ll-tl ! 11 1U 01 II 107 2 LoomU. . . 11101 OHIO 11111 01111 11111-23 II 10 10 11 107 3 Cluibbeolt 11111 Hill 11110 01111 11111-21 n u ii n n o ; i Illnck. . . . 11010 010JO 1100) 00300 01001-8 11 00 00 10 10 4 1 Mailou U'oiulurful Mile. In. , Sept. 22. Johnson o Minneapolis made a final stab at tbo bicycl mile record , Hying start , today , ills owi time of 2:041-T , standing start , wns th yet recorded , but today's mlle 1 almost bovond uoliof. It Is , however , uu thontlc , boinp timed by seven titnors , judge nnd roferees. The tlmo by quarters wn 1:60 S-5. lu tliu lliuidrt of the Law. D , Ore. , Sopt. 22. The grand Jur , has Indicted Billy Mabor , Billy Smith , Blllj Honnessoy , Gus Ilorgat , and Jack Dompsej for participation in the Smlth-Maber flgh on Tuesday night. All were arrested anc are held lu ball of (1,500 , oach. Trunk ( lliivur Di'iul , Cinciao , 111 , , Sopt. 22. Frank Glover champion heavyweight pugilist of this ! , tai died here this morning from tuberculosis c Iho stomach and bowels. LOCAL POLITICS. Arranging for n lllowout- Ninth Ward llnpiilillciiiiH llnlly. Tbo Jncltsonlan club mat last uight an received reports from the different war clubs which will participate In the parail Saturday night. A largo turnout has boa promised. The Second Infantry Dand wi iifcot the Sumosot braves at 7 p. m. and the march down Fnrnntn street to the Jacl souinn club headquarters , where the lattc orguulation will join thu column. Tclograu ivcru road fiotn Nebraska City stutln hut the Otoe Marching olub woul bo bore with fully 100 members and a bam A largo delegation from Lincoln has proa sod to attend tbo celebration. The Jaci sonlnns also arranged for a grand pvrotoct me dlsplav. Go far about ? jl)0 ) has boon co 'catod to pay for thu expenses of the dlspliv The NlnlU Ward Hopubllsau club held d enthusiastic meeting lust evening at the clu room at Twenty-ninth anil Farnutn , and number of rousing speeches were mail after the regular business of tl : mooting had been transacted. The con mltteo appointed to secure a jtu reenlia for the members ot tbo club rcportc that money with which to make the pu : ahaso baa bean liberally subscribed , but thi It bad not all been collected' and auothi week's time was granted. The final repoi will bo submitted at the regular mootiii next Thursday night. Speeches were rnadn by General George i Smith , Mnjor Millet' , Brad D. Slaughter an Frank Ransom , and the close altontlc given the speakers and the ucplou : with which eucn climax was. greotc sboivcd that tbo club xvas not on ] wide awake , but right in line for the can paigu. This Is ono of the larccst clubs : the city and it is doing its work t thoroughly and systematically and on i grand a scale us if the outcome in Novnrabi depended upon It alouo. It.Is making all i preparations early and will innke a splondi showing by the tlmo that tha torchligl parade boasou Is fully under way. H. Soyinour of York Is at the Arcade. D. W. Cook of Hcatrico Is at the Paxton. J. J. Crocker of Kournoy is at the Paxto J. A. Cleaver of Lincoln is nt the Dollon J. S. Bunny of Atchison Is at the Millar F. J. Shelby of Pouca Is roglstorod at tl Puxton. C. II. Fox of Chicago is registered at t Murray. Sam Milton of Tokaranh is a guest at tl Mercer. W. Bundan of Wallace was at the Millu yesterday. M. V. Hobmson of Fremont is n guest the Arcado. George II. Lewis of Dos Moluos , la. [ a , the Murray. * Alex Wassonnan of Broken Bow is a guc at the Dollono. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bath of Brownsvl are guests at the Puxton. Mr. and Mrs. F. Grlgsby of Alma a among the gueats nt the Arcado. Milton D. Polu , cltv editor of the Ev onli News of Plu/tsmouth. Neb. , was In the cl yesterday and paid a visit to Tan BKK , Cinotao , 111. , Sept. 23. [ Special Tel gnim toTilK BiJK.l Nebraska arrivals at t Chicago hotels : Grand Paclilc U. A. Bat and wife , Misses Baum of Omabn. On Northern Phil Stlmmol , William Hundi Omaha. Mw : YOUK , Sopt. 22 , I Special Tologn to THE Bui : . ] J. J. Vanderborg of Omn Is ut the Union Square. Lincoln : II. Crosby , Hoffman ; W. Eaton , St. Duals : H. Harley , Savoy ; Miss Sullivan , Wes mlustur. Diiluitstln. The National Camp Tutrlotlo Sons of Ami leu 1s In fics-ilon ut Jjub.inon , l'ii , The main imrl of St. I'etersburz. 1'u. , 1 bcon ilt'Htroyoil by tiro. Lost , heavy. It U stntod that the watch worn by thu ix John Mlltuu dnrltiK Ills llfutlmo has boon be In a UhluiiKO pawnshop , llcnunU A , I Stevenson , the donmora noiiilncu for vice prusiilunt , addressed t people of UulUtfboro , N. O , Biintn 0ira ; ami Dtuilal Onrala , Moxlcnns Sun Dloio. Tex , , riuurrolod ever a woiu : lloth used tholr pistols , and both lire. dead. MmHciied bj the dollrlum of typhoid fov William Look , ahuoUslurof lliirmon 11)11,11 ) almost bent his niothur to Uuutb and out t tbrout of Ills Infant ton , The town , Huotonone , N , II , has boonalmi eomplotoly Ut-slroypd by Hro. l''lftyov ' bulldlm ; > woio consumed und tunny neoulo i lioineleSH , The loss will oxcuud 4IUiUK ) , A muotin wan helil In Cooper Union hi Nuw York city , under tliu ausplcau of i Chlncbo civil rUhU ronunliton , to iirot agaliut the enforcement uf the Ooary bill. Tha whulebuok btuamer Wutmoro , etrniu ! on Iho Oregon tousl , U ilkoly to u-o lo tiloi-un iinv nioiiiunt , and four * nro uxprosked for t mifoty of Cuptnln O'llrlon und a wutchm whouroon bouid. _ True bills navu boon found by a I'onns vnulii uriind Jury uiiuinst Colonel llawkl Llcutuiuuit C'olonol hlroulor mid riurjft Urlinof the Tenth roiluient , 1'onnsylvn Nutioiiul citurd. for Intorfcreiii'o In tlio " 1 vuto Unu e.ieo. " Two Indlutmonts wuru turned uitnltut ouch of the dofundunts. In thoSvrltchiiiGns nitt'onul uouvvntlon session ut Dullus.Te ( . .Sucrulury iindTronsu \V. It. hlinbcutt hliow * thitt ei btv-two led huve lieon or.'iinlied in illlTeronteetlonii the country the pant yoor. There linvn hi lGltdO"Uis und total dlialilllly ululnis lu boon piud ainnuiilliiK to tioi.oou. Tliero wi Id duutus and sixty dlsabllltloa. I'urclKH. - The National \Vliolosulo DrugirlsU ustoc tlon , which bu been In session at Montri uftur choosliiK Detroit. Mich. , us Us next ul of ujuutlug nnd electing oQIcorn , adjourned WEISSERT CHOSEN AS CHIEF fcoXTixutn rnoM runt non. 1 the Inquiry \vns mnOc , "Aro any of the Hello Island prisoners lioro who helped to cat the lieutenant's dog in 18031" Comrade E. L. Ovlott of Tnto , Nob. , and W , II. Oklahoma clashed cnch others hands nrid tokl the story once ngnln , Ex-ConRrois- tnnn Harry W. Hlto or 1'onnsylvnnla , Mrs- Li. M. Lovcll of Locknort , N. Y. , Cnptnln Jack Adnmi , Uoston ; Ucnornl H , S. North- cotto of West Vlrglvln , W. II. Powell ol Illinois , J. 0 ICIlporo of Now York , B. F , Fisher of Philadelphia and President Mnrlon T. Anil row all rotated prison experiences , UNION VISTKKANS UNION. Ycfttorilnjr'H Alerting of the Asinclitttnii in littorentlni ; ( Inn. WASIIIXOTOX. D. C. , Sopt. 2.J. The on campiiiont of the Union Veterans unton thl- morning In Harris'theater was well attendee ana wnsospcclallr marKoil by I ho cordial co oporatlon manliest between the Union Veterans ans union and the the Woman's Votorat Kcllof Union. General Roberta , commander of the Do imrtniont of Massachusetts , Invited the union to hold its next annual encampment n Doston and the invitation was accepted by i unanimous voto. The comtulUoo appointed to cons Idcr thi question of establishing a school for chlldrot of veterans rcportea In favor of tbo ouab llshmont of n technological school and th < nppolutmont of a com in 11 too to select , a trao of not loss thnn 1,000 acres of land contain Ing coal and tlmb'ir and adapted to agrlcul turo and grazing purposes , on which tin proposed school shall ba located. The com mltteo also reported sugfjpstlons with icfer en co to the methods of obtaining money foi the proposed school. The Woman's Veteran union relief corp ; apooared in a body ots the stage and Mrs Bella Dowdon. Mrs. Mary Campbell , anc Mrs. T. A. bmlth uiado speeches pledging assistance ami co-operation to the Unlor Veterans union. General James of Wisconsin responded The committee on resolutions rocommotnlci a number of Important changes in the con < stitutlon. The membership cluuso was amended so us to exclude all who voluntarily bore arms against the United States. It was recommended that past command ors-in-chlof bo entitled to seats nnd a voice but no vote In the national conventions ol the order. This Is a modlllcution of th ( so-called "houso of lords" feature ot the Grand Army of the Uepubllo nncammnont. A resolution was reported to permit mom hers of the Woman's Veteran Ho.iof unloi to wnar the Union Veterans union buttons The Union Veterans union docs not llko thi wuv hi which it Is regarded nnd treated bj the Grand Army of the Hopublic. The union ndoptca a resolution looking ti mutual recognition and co-operation totweoi the Union Vctoians union and the Gram Armv ot the Republic. A commlttoo hoadnc by Colonel S. A. liond was appointed to nro sent the resolutions to tbo national encamp raont of the Grand Army of the Republic It reported that the cotnmiltoo was Itop waiting for some tlmo in the ante-room am the welcome they received was not slmilu : to that which the Union Veterans unloi would accord a similar committee from tin Grand Army of the Republic. General Roberta of Massachusetts said h' ' believed in tolling things exactly as the < woo. . Tnoy were Kept waiting in the hai without scats and when finally admitted thi recentlon was a chilly one. WASIIIXOTOX , D. C. , Sopt. 22. The roper of the committee on resolutions proposloi changes in the regulations of the Unloi Veterans union was jidoptou except tha the provision relative to past commander havlnp & volco but no vote in nil encamp monls , state or national , was amended tread road that they mu t bo mom bora ot th Union Veterans union in good standing u the encampment , Ex-President Haves was called on for i speech and responded briefly. The encampment disregarded the sugges lion in General Yodor's annual address ten the ofllco of tlio comraandor-in-chiof bo mad a one-term gofilco and re-elected Gonow Yoder. General C. C. Emery of Massachusetts an James Brown of Ohio wore rc-olected flra and second deputy commanders rosucutivoli C. O. Sweet of Michigan was elected BU goon general nnd Edward Warner ot Con neotiout chaplain. LAST N1GI1TJS IIKO Citizens of Washington Kntcrtiiln Mombci of thn Xntlntml KllC'iilupinciit. WAgmxaroN , t ) . C. , bept. 23. The leadin * aocial eventof the week In honor of tb Grand Army was the reception to the men bcrs of the national encampment given C the citizens of Washington this evening 1 tbo spacious court of the pension oflU building. The interior of the building had DOC handsomely decorated with Hags and bun ing. At either end of the hall near the to were Bortrails"of Lincoln nnd Grant and c tbo side walls were those of Harrison an Morton. The commlttoo having the roce lion in chnrgo had restricted the luvitatlot to a limited number of citizens and to the ol ficors and members" ot tbo ouuampmoq The crowd , therefore , while largu , was i no tlmo uncomfortably so and locornolU was easy. A larpo platform .had bee erected in the center of ono side of the cou for the accommodation of those persons pa ticlpatlng in the exorcises. JL'Inyeil Patriotic Music. The Marine band occupied seats on tb platform and during tbo evening rendered most dolichtf ul program of patriotic airs. Tbo Uhorul society of Washington sac several patriotic songs. When the Chor bocioty sang "Marching Through Goorgit the whole audience Joined in tha choru slnciug it ever and over again. Tlio "Star Spangled Banner" was reclu by Mr. Cashan Ford. The olllclals and son parsons Invited to attend the reception n semoled in tbo room ot the commissioner , at when the band played "Hall to the Chief , they marched down and took seats on tl platform. Vice President Morton ( who took U prohidont's Place ) was escorted by Mr. Jol Joy Edson , chairman of the citizen's cot mittee. They were followed by ox-Preside Hayes , Secretary John W. Foster , Pos muster General Wanamaltor , General Jot Palmer , the retiring commandor-ln-chlot < tbo Grand Army of the Republic , Dlstri Commissioner Douglas , Private Socrotn : Halford , Senator Mundnrson and Mr. Grl neil , tfco third assistant secretary of state. After taking their places on the plaifor Commissioner Douglass Introduced VI President Morton , who delivered the speet of welcome as follows : Vine I'rt'sliloiit Morton' * .Speech. WAHIUNOTON , I ) . 0. , Sopt.'i polemics the Liicaiiiiiiiiuiit of the Uranii Armyof tl Itoptibllu : Till ) plimsunt duty devolves inn mo to extend to you , the ollluml ruuresoni live * of thn roat mid Dalrlntla order , tl natural siK'ucssor ol the urmlos of the ropu Ho. that during thu dark lionis of thy nutior trial followed our glorious Hug until u wavi In triumph in ovorv Btato with no star u faced , words of greeting and vroloomo. Th 1 do on behalf of all the citizens of the n tlonal capital , and moro oiuuulniir for the o uuutlvo and uthor commlttuoi , to thu mOi bora ot which BO much is duo for the nbundu biicci'bs that bus ciownod tholr every elToi The ooiiiinltteo represent not only tha cltlze of Washington who liuvo plvon uuoh genera utd and valuable support , but the patriot people of the uhola land rejoicing In a natli stxviul , whoso heart ? go out lu upnreciutl lovu to Its defenders. The wisdom of oonsross decreed that tl bunions of thU entertainment should ft wholly UDOII the residents of tills bouutlf city. Tlttiru are many all over the land wl folttlnit tlio Kovornmoin Itself ununld ha usinmen It , but the glorious suoooss wo ho unlay pi oven so conclusively tlio sulf-suui Uulng imtrlulUm of thocltUunsof Washing thtt : no man will liero.iftur darn to say th thuy nre lucking In publlonntorprlsoor 1m vlduul spirit. An you and your comrades inurchod dev the uvouuo the hundreds of thousands uut nrod to witness your utoady move mo Hhoutod ucolalms and rejoiced in your t ninph. Tonight I simply make feeble echo of tin welcome and hourly greeting. ( icnorul 1'iiliiiur's IU < ii > ajuo. When tbo applause following the v ! president's b ] > eeeb had subsided Genoi John Palmer rospondod. When General Palmer had finished 1 Rimcch tbero wuro loud culls for ox-I'rosldt Jluyes , Pottmuster General Wanamakor a Hecretory Foster , each of whom respond briefly and happily , During the evening the presentation of t national standard by a guard of honor wl ft handkerchief spJulo by Iho ontlronssombV ' took nlnco , the bUilJ playing "Hally 'Hotin' the Flog. " w i : Refreshment * were served , followed late by n promenade contort nnd dancing. THI : ri Mn intlitiottA Nnlitlor * llrnlnro n Cnpturm Ilnnncr to n Ntfrtli Cnrnllnit Oompnny. CIIAIU.OTTJ : , NjC.jiJont. 22. At the battl of Hanover , Mav 25Y 1802 , Iho Ninth Massn chujctts rogimontTapturcd n silk line fror company 13 , Cleveland guards , Twolftl North Carolina rfHijnont. The ilag has , sine been kept In , lJQ .lon. Hecontly It wa proposed to ijos ire tt to the con pony and flu alt v It wan agree to do so. Today the flag , In charge of tlv members of the old Ninth Massachusetts arrived hero. John M. Sullivan was th chairman of the delegation , and the doloirn tlon was met hcra by the mayor of Shelb , and a uommittun nnd was escorted t Sbolby , whora the ceremonies of ro.storln the ttng to thu old company was bold , Afto spoccbcb by the Uoston soldlor.s and re spouses by the old mombars of the Clovt land guards , the Boston delegation wn given an elegant b.imiuct. A very larg crowd was present , Including the survivor ol the old company. Shcrlitiui'a unit Custcr'i Cnvalry. WASHINOTOS , D. C. , Sept. SA The boy who rode with Sheridan and Custor as man bcrs of ' .ho cavalry corps of the Army of th Potomac hold n reunion in Meade tent tortaj General K. W. Whttakor , Second Now Yorli nresldoj , nnd Captain II. A. While , Fourt Pennsylvania , acted as secretary. A letter of regret was road from George A Custor. Captain Parsons made the statement thn the confederate infantry ofllcors , nmon whom ho lived for the past twonty-thro years , speak of tenor of the prowess of th union cavalry than union Infantry olllcor sneak of the same cavalry r Captain Parson Intimated that thu history of the cavalry I being written by Infantry ortlcors , nnd thii ] ustlcals not being done- the cavalry. General A. B. Nottlotou of the Socon Ohio , now nssista nt secretary of the irons ury , also spoko. A resolution was adopted providing thn each regiment appoint ono member of a com mlttoe , whoso duty It shall bo to secure th erection In this city of a monument coir memoratlTO of the cavalry arm of tuoservlot A resolution was also adopted nuthorlzln a similar commlttoo to secure the rocop ultion of the cavalry nrin In the histories annals ot the war. Wniitnii'n Itnllof Corps. WAsntxaiox , D. C. . Sopt. 22. The cot vcntlon of the Woman's Relief corps me ngalu this morning. Yesterday's sosslo was rosultloss , owing to n squabble In tt orgniwation. Mrs. Annlo Wlttonmoye made the opening prayer. During the mon Ing session , Alotlior Blckcrdiko was oroupt forward and introduced to the audience , wb received her with the greatest unthuslusu as sbo was one of the most hurolo arm nurses of the war. Although T5 years oil she ttmdo in a claar jringlng volco uu oil quent and most practical speech. Clara Barton was announced nnd brouet to the nlutform and. given a cordial greotin by the convention. ' Mrs. Flo Miller , , tin n speech on behalf e the staff , prosontfliiiMrs , Sunders , nalloni president of Iho iWflman's Relief corps , u elegant silver service , NIIMI Vetrriinx. WASHINGTON9 , 'hC. , Sopt. 22. So.-.rotat Tracy prophesied j'lliterdajr that the Ken sargo , whoso presnnco with Hags flying fro every mast and II no 'is ono of tbo piuurosqi leaturos of Grand Army Place , would I floating today If tho' northeaster coutlnuoi The Kcaunrgo wllLstay lu commission tint after Saturday next , when a bail aboard < her will bo thoJlast event. Congiossmo Boutollo nf Maine UUd ot his seagoing o : porlenco in the ivvacj In the North Atlant squadron , and this afternoon Admiral Grei revlovrid the naval" Veterans of the Mis issippi > ' " ' Commander Mliihael delivered an addros Tonight'there ' waVa1 rccbnuon in "honor i the National Association of Navn\'V6toran tit i - C - ' . i t tttfc Shook MniuUiTvlUv Olit Comrades. WASjiwtiTON. D.jC.YfcTopt. 22. Major Goi oral Slooum this evening yisttod Can Grant and shook hands with about 1.000 bis old comrades of tbo Twelfth and Tv.-ei tioth corps. Ho also made a speech. The Fifty-first Ohio held a reunion , as < J the Flrty-llrst Indiana rogirooul , known i "Straight's regiment. " Samuel Slado wi elected president of the Fifty-first Ohio. The Fifth corps hold its reunion in tl Grant tent , Dr. J. 1 < \ Raub presiding. The was no lack of speakers among tbo men wl fought under the Greek cross. - Hun Hutlorl'coU Hurt. BOSTONMass. . , Sept. 22. A Washingtt special says that General Bon P. Butler h written a letter to Commandor-ln-Cbl Piilmer , lu which he complains grievous because he was not permitted to load his o command , the Sixth Massachusetts. In tl bit : Grand Army parade. Gonnral Palm decided that General Butler must oitn r a pear with his department or not at all , mute to the lattor's chagrin. A3lUAK.lIK.fTil , Under the somewhat misleading title 'A ' Texas Steer , " Mr. Charles Hojt b grouped a series of characters and plotui which have earned for him tbo title America's loading farceur. Exasgorat and accentuated as the characters are , the is a brightness and brecrluess about t comedy which appeals to the avura citl/en irresistibly , * and in consequon Iho play has had an unlntorrupl .series of successes since Its lirst porfori unco. Bearing as thu farce does upon t possibilities ol American politics and t development of the average statesman , gives ono a fair knowledge of how laws a made and the public cajoled into bollovli their representatives nro great man. wh really they are only "clay In the hands of t pottor. " Last night a magnificent audience w coined Mnverlclt Brundor ( Tim Murpnj Christopher Columbus , Jr. ( Will . Bray ) , Major YelP ( Charles Stanloj Brabsy Gall ( O. tl. Barr ) and the gonul Texas rose , Bossy Brundor ( Miss Floron Walsh ) , with genuine favor , the ontranc bolng received with decided warmth. A : Murphy haa , II anything , strenthoriud I Impersonation , giving it moro of a local cole ing than it originally possessed. Mr. Bn makes one of the sterling hlU of the play the negro Fish buck , a not ovcr-axaggorat typo of the colored poitlclnn ) , whoso ami tlon to hold ofllco is quite paramount every ether consideration. Mr. Stanley IK t origiml Major Ye l > i and plays the part t llchlfullv. But-jiMr , Barr suffers In co pardon to Newtoft. Culsnell In the role Brassy Gall. 116 mays the part moro quiet than bin predecessor1 and falls seemingly realize ita posslbllit'l&s. Miss Walsh is qu ! as charming ailtl 'winning as ever u throughout she nW the warm sympathy tbo audience In tWtrylng months of h novltlatoJn WusWiftiton sociuty. The n of the company uro noceptablo nnd assist developing u cleverly drawn picture of ca ti l Ufa In these cl,9lng century days. Harry Symcox.wtlo was arrested for ta Ing liberties with ilittlo Susie Morgan , w hold to the distrlctiuourt yesterday lu t sum of MOO. tcl The case agaiftU' C. G. Reed , charcrl him with footioldo7 was called In poll court yesterday nfwnoou and dismissed I want of prosecutioujJ Upon coinplmni6f ! George Ewlng .vest day the police arrested Einimi Consteln 1 stealing S. Five dollars was found nmo the woman's effects wben she was soarchi Young Herbert Bono was yesterday turnover ever to thn police by bu irundinothor , w lives at 2212 Cullforniu street , as lucorrlglt The crandmottier says the buy Is an orjili and is addicted to pllforlufr , ana she wai bun sent to tbn reform school , IlvrlUurt riilliiil. Mrs. Annie Moran , who lives at Thlr Urst and Harnoy streets , dropped dead fn heart dlsoaso about 8 o'clock fast night. The deceased was about U7 years old n was tbo mother of six children , She v sitting by a window wntcnlng for the rott of her husband who is a laborer , wbflh i suddenly foil ever onto the floor. When t covered a moment later she was dead. C onor Maul was summoned but nftnr view the body decided thut BU Inquest was i necessary , HASTINGS \VAS \ WIDE OPItf day a 01 peeled and adjournment was tnkot until tomorrow. District Attorney Efttoi has u bench warrant for Pock's arrest , wi\vtu : AMI .MIIH. ii\yi : : . lliolr Trip TltroiiRli ( Ipnrglit Not Alto Kotlinr IMnln SnllliiK A ll\cly Inrlilrnt. COI.UMIIUS On. , Sent. 22.-l'ho third patti meotlnp hero todnv drew together nboul 80i persons , ono-lblrd of whom \voro third piuti non. non.Gonoral General Weaver and Mrs. Lease nrrlvei his morning. At the opera house Uonora Venvor spoke , denouncing the domocrntl inrty and charging that all the evils o > ovorty nnd distress were attributable to It He was followed by Mrs. Lease , whi nllod Into the democratic party in a llvcl ; nnnncr. She extolled Weaver and thu thlri arty nnd was particularly sevoio on tin lotnocrallo press , nnd characterized the At nntn Journal ns a lying shoot and Its reprc ontativoas n liar. The Journal icportor who got the afll avits o ( parties in Pulaskl setting fortl \ onvor's brutality during the war was 01 ho stngo and immediately sprang forward tatlng ho had nflldavlts lu his pocliet ti irovo the correctness of the Journal's report ml would toad thorn. Weaver declared that bo had engaged tin louse niul Horton ( the reporter ) should no peak , Gi oat contusion ensued of cheers am Issos. Finally Horton was taken from the stage to told Wuavor that ho could not rckont thi nsujt from a woman , that her soprotcctoi or , but ho would hurl the Ho in the teeth o ny man who would stop out ns her ehhin ilon. Altorwnids Horton made a speech ii runt of the opera bouse and was loudl' hnorod. General Weaver and his party loll In th < ftonioou for Macou. There was no demonstration at their do nirturo nnd a handful ot people saw then opart. l Kent Coivtlnup. VAI.UNTINI : , Neb , , Sept. 2J. ISpooial Telo ram to Tun Buu.J Congressman Kora am Ion. James H. Whltohoad mot hero for thoi Valentino round of the Joint debate this al ornoon. There was an attend anco of nbou 00. Whltohoad had the oponuitrandoloslng rlr. Kotn In hU snonch advanced the nrgu monts of his party In support of the plat orm , obHrglng that loglslatlon In favo f corporations was the cause o bo hard times. In his speech Mr. White toad charged Kem with having introduce ! n congress railroad , bank and ether corpora Ion bills and with having worked In the in crests of corporations. These charge Com paid no attention to. Mr. Whitcheai nude a very fnvorablo Impression on hi icnrcrs. W. W. Wood , candidate for state senator mo Matt Douirhertv , chairman of the ropub lean congressional committee , addressed i ; oed audience hero this evening. John M i'hurston speaks hero next Monday. AntI-Mit : | > | > or9 Mrot. NEW Yonu , Sopt. 22. The assembly dls not loaders of tbo New York democrac. known ns the "Anti-Snappers" mot and re malncd in session until nearly midnight , dls cusslnp a resolution offered by F. M. Scoti t provided for the appointment of a com mlttoo to confer with the national dome cratlo committee and got nn expression of It viahos as to the host and most useful moan o DO adopted by the organization to insure ull democratic vote in the city of Now Yorl The resolution was finally adopted uod committee consisting of ouo from each cot sessional district was appointed. Ex-Mayo Grace was chairman of the mooting. Dolmted the ISIUUM ot the l : iy. MoxitOE , Neb. , boot. 22. [ Special to TH ir.E. ] The Joint debate between th Jrounsoclub and prohibitionists , held her ast night , was a crand success , there beln a larga attendance. KoV. Mr. Cole of Ci urnbus and E. A , Gcrrard furnished the ai gumont for the prohibitionists and mad /ory good 'speeches. Mr. Hollingshead , A Whttcomb nnd William .Tnbbltzor mod short and tolling speeches for tbo ropubl cans , but the event of the cvenine was tb speech of Hon. William N. Strlraplo on be : ialf of the Crounso club. He brought fort arguments that the prohibitionists could-uc refute. _ Tllliniin liir ( iovornor. COI.U-MIIIA , . C. , Sopt. 22. At the dome cratio state convention , tbo farmers alllacc democrats , now recognized as the straigh democracy of the state , secured the nomine tlon of all their candidates. The tloltot I headed by Tillman for Governor. Candidates for electors were chosen an there was n hot debate ever a resolution ri quiring thcso candidates Bpeclllcully 1 pledge themselves to vote for Cleveland an Stevenson. It was finally ordered thatwitl in ton days after the adjournment of tt convention suoh a Dlodge shall bo given , It. I * . .MuCuiru Nniiilimtcd. PENDCH , Nob. , Sept. 2.2. iSpoclal Tel gram to THU BiiK.l The democratic flo representative convention of thla distri which comprises Thurston , Cuinlng nnd D kota counties , was held at thh place today 2 o'clock. M. W. Murrav of Ponder wi chosen chairman and H. A. McCormlrk i Dakota county secretary , li. P. McGutro i Cumtng was nominated over Guy T. Gravi _ of this place , who received the solid supiio of the Thurston and Dakota delegations. Hcniiox , Nob. , Sopt. 22. fSpeolal Tel gram to Tun DEI : . ] The republicans Thaycr county mot in county convontlc today and unanimously endorsed Hon. E. A Carroll for senator nnd empowered him 1 cuooso delegates to tno senatorial oonvontloi E. M. Jenkins of Alexandria was nominate for reprosiontntlvo , Hon. J. B. Sit lime county attorney , and L. P. Luco ot Hubbol commissioner. Tne convention was fully a Handed and great enthusiasm prevailed. I'oru'ti Itoiniblleaii OIiu > . , Nob. , Sept. 22. [ Special to Tn Bmt.J The republican clilb mot hero lai night. Chairman Glasgow presided. T. i Van Vleot was introduced. Ho made n we pointed talk on the bonolita of protccliv tariff. John Neal snoko on the Justice of tl "foroo" bill. Ho held the strict attention i the audience throughout his speech. Ho wt followed by J. H , Haves , who exposed tl fallacies of free silver in a most crodltftb manner. Opuiuiil tliu McCooK , Nob. , Sopt. 2.2. [ Special Tel gram to Tin : Bii.J I'lio Indepcndon opened the campaign hero tonight. Hon. < H. Van Wjck , candidate for governor , Jud | D. P. Buiiard of California and I. C. Shu ran , caudldato for representative , addrcssi a small meeting at tbo opera house. Tl audience was composed of about equal nui bors ot independents , republicans and doin orats. _ o Kocclvo f'lrlil , Nr.niiABKA. CITV , Neb , , SopU 22. [ Speci Telegram to Tun BKK.J A meeting of tl Republican club was hold at the court tiou this evening. Several names were added the list and arrangements completed for tl Field reception Saturday. ' The democrats hava called thu'lr coun convention for Friday. Nor Vork'H Ai > | > ( > rilciMinri t I.i'K" ! . SAIUTOOA , N. Y. , Bopt. 22. The goner term of the Third dopurtmont this mornli hahdod down a decision In the leglslatl' ' apportionment cnso denying the application font innndnnuis ana Injunction and declar ing the apportionment of the extra session to be constitutional. MH/r/i o.u.i/ii. Hun nf Western Cntlln t'nntlnuM ( Innil nt tlin Vnrits , The run of western caltlo continues good nt the Union Stock yards and Is fully up to expectations. Kaeh day's receipts are n lit tle larger than these of corresponding days of last year , and before the movement eoasos Iho total Increase In receipts of cattle ever last year will bo'vory noticeable. The mar ket for the different grades ot the < o catllo U good and falriy active and they bring satis factory prices , Kansas Olty has made n areat effort to In- vndo the western / territory this year and capture some of the shipments which belong hero. The effort has not * proven succcsslul. huwover , ns tno western shippers appreciate the Buucrlority ofSouth Umnhn as n market , and the returns they receive nro so satisfactory that , they do not destro a change. W. S. nklnnor of the South Omaha vards has bcon In the west during the summer nnd fall and has enticed many shippers to send their stuff this way , who In tbo past hiwo bcon patrons of ether markets. The trUl shipments have been successful and satisfactory to the ship pers , and any number of thorn nro now steadfast champions of Iho South Omaha market. \Vnntpil 111 * \ \ ltt.Alonry. . The O'Neill family , nt Twenty-fourth nnd P streets , klcKcd up ft nreat racket last iiluht nnd tbo family ghost will bo brought Into tiollco couit. Mrs. O'Neill has Jlfty hard earned dollars in the bank , and because she refused to place hpr husband in poises- _ on ot the money ho demolished several lamps nnd pieces of glassware , piled the fur niture In a heap in the center of the room and ordered his wife to lo.ivo. . She compiled with his ordnr and made her way direct to the pnllco station , where she secured blank Fowlor's ' homo to papers ami went to Judge file a complain' , nnd caused a warrant to bo issued for O'Neill's arrest. Vnung Kt > l > lll > llciltl Moot. The young republicans mot nt Knights of Pytlas hall last evening for the purpose of organizing a uniformed marching club. The attendance was not so largo ns oxpectoa and It was decided to postpone action until next Thursday evening , which duto is the regular mealing of the Young Men's Republican club. club.Tho Fourth ward republicans were out in full force last night. The olub rooms In the Hascall building were well tilled and several short and enthusiastic addresses were made by members of the club. Tonic the Oiitli nnd INrapnl , Charles Hatflold was up before Judge Fowler in police court Tuesday , charged with being drunk and disturbing the peace. The court tboueht Hatllcld n very guilty man and sentenced him to twenty days In the county Jail. Yesterdav the prisoner pleaded so hard that Judge Fowler suspended sentence during good behavior. To further test his sincerity Hatlldld took the oathnd-- ininUtored by Judge , Fowlor. swearing ho would not taste liquor for ono year. Notrn mill I'linuiimla. Uov. R. L. Wheeler is homo from Toka- mah , where ho attended tno meeting ot Iho Presbytery. The tcachors in the public schools have ar ranged for a picnlo at Spring Lake nark Sat urday afternoon. Miss Cert , a returned missionary from Siam , will speak Sundav morning at the First Presbyterian church. Frank Plvonka is rushltiR the work upon his new building and will have the nmv olllccs ready for occupancy by the city with in a month. Superintendent Monroe ronorLs the enroll ment of scholars in the city schools to bo ! , ; MI ) pupils , an increase of over 100 over last year's opening month. S. Fire missed his footing in attempting to board a moving motor train on Twouty- fourth street Wednesday evening and was badly injured by the fall. ' The funeral of the 3-year-old son of filr. and Mrs. S. 1C. Krigbaum , who live at Thirty-ninth and Q streets , occurred yester day afternoon to St. Mary's cemetery. The democrats of South Omaha will make an effort to hold .a meeting Friday evening for the purpose of oreanl/lng n club. Several llko attempts in the past have boon failures The High school literary will moot this afternoon for the first time since tbe opening of the schools this term. A line musical and literary program will bo carried out' and visitors will be welcome. . Amy Gray , tno young girl who so mystori- ouslv disappeared Tuesday morning from the homo of her brother-in-law at Twonty-nintn and Hoffman streets , has been found. She secured work as a servant in a family not three blocks from her homo nnd never Ict , her whereabouts bo known until last evening. At a late hour Wednesday input a load of western cattle cot nwny from tbo boys at the Union stock yards ns they were bolng unloaded. The cattle scat ! o'rad in every direction and it was with ilifllculty that some of them were found and driven back. Quito a number of the load are &till at largo and have not been located although men searched for thorn alt day. > Out < > ( Sl lit. During : the moving of a heavy thrash ing oiipino iicross the Oppor form , eight miles nortlieiujtr of Clyde , in Sundusky county , Ohio , recently , the whouls became in i rod , us if in quicksand , nnd it was left thoro'till morning. During the night it hud sunk gradually until only the top of the Hinolcostaclc was visible. A derrick : was hurriedly ob- luinod and the onerino saved fiotn total loss. The phenomenon caused borings to bo made , and water WHS struck at various depths. Soundings were mndo and a subterranean lake was discovered. An extreme depth of 230 ( oet was reach ed. The place is known as the Uuah prairie , is destitute of soil and vogcta tlon , and the rock IH of a porous honey- comrjcd nature. Nour the south bound ary of tha In iron track , in a doprc&sloii of the ground , is a spring 160 foot in diameter. The existence of numerous underground streams ) bus long been suspected , and it waa thought that those were fecdor.s to the remarkable mineral sulphur springs at the village of Orcon Springs , in the samocounty. lid .1lii < ln u Kotn < if It. A methodical man died In Uorlln a few days ago arcd ; " ! ! . At the ago of 18 ho began keeping a record , which ho continued for nfty-two years , and then closed , with the words , Omina tentavi , tnulta porspoxl , uihll porfocl. This book showed that in lifty-Uvo years ho had smoked 028,715 cigars , of which ho had received -IS.tiOiJ na presents , wnllo for the remaining oH5,021 ho hud paid nbout $10-m. During the minus period ho had had eighty-live pairs of trousers inado , seventy-four cents and walbtcoata and sixty-two pairs of boots. Uo were out 2'JS ' shirts mid "fronts" nnd ailtl col- lam. In tram faros ho spent not far from812a Tn llftoon years , according to hlB bookkeeping , lie had diunlc 28- 780 glosses of iluvnrlun boor , of which , liowovor , 21,201 were only small onqs. For this boor and ! 5(1,081 ( , glasses of cog- nao and spirits ho Hpont J550. ; ! lie gave tips amounting to $ lao , > . ho lo.nn Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. its uu uum rat rn the li ornt' 10 nt' ABSOLUTELY PURE To Preserve The Helmets , color , niul bonnty of tlio Imh , the Rrcfttest CIUP Is ncecstnry , mncli harm bolng tlono liy tlio 1110 of. wortlilcss drcssliiRs. To l > o snro of Imv. Ins n Mt-cl.i s nrtlclo , nsk your driiR. gUt or perfumer for Aycr's HalrVlRor. H U absolutely superior to nny oilier prcpnrntlon of tlin klml , It rcitlirts llio orlfilnnl color niul fullness to Imlr which Ims become tliln , fmlotl , or urny. It keeps the scnlp cool , moist , nittl frco from ilnntlnjjT. It bcals ItcliInR Intinors , prevents bnldncsH , nml ImpnrtH tea a silken texture nnd lasting fragranco. No toilet can bo considered rompluta without this most popular anil elegant ot all hair-dressings , "My hnlr began turning gray nmt fall , ing out when I was about 2B years ol ago. I Imvo lately been using Ayor's \ Hnlr Vigor , nnd it is causing a now growth of hair of tlio natural color. " K , J. Lowry , Jonns I'ralrlc , To.xns. "Ovorn year ago I had n severe fever , nnd whun 1 recovered , my hnlr began to fall out , nnd what llttlo remaliind turned gray. 1 tried various lotnedles , but without success , till nt last I began to USE Ayor's Hair Vigor , nml now my hair h growing rapidly and la restored to lu original color. " Mrs. Annlu Collins , Dighton , Mass. "I Imvo used Ayer's Hair Vigor for nearly fiVe years , nnd my Imir Is moist , glossy , nnd in nn oxccllunt stntoof pros , orvntlon. I iin forty jours old , and have ridden thu plains for twonly-tivu years. " Win. Henry Olt , alias "Mus tang 1J111 , " Newcastle , Wyo. S Hair Vigor Prepared by Dr. , T c. Ayer& Co. , I.owellMnB § . Bulil liy DrugtjisU K-itry where. For Suffering Women. DR , MILES' ' Restorative N.ERVINE , Fd , Men OUB 1'roelra- tlon , sick and ncr- \oiia headache , fltetc. After four yours treatment by tha beet doctors in Iho land , but without any relief , ha\o used join Ncrvlnafor ono week and lm\o not liaJ nn nttAcU eince. IlujuiC HIIACUS. Heathvllle.I'ft' \ our Ner vine l\a cnrt'd mw completely for norvnna trontilce. T.M.TAYUin. I > ttv.O. Trial hottln free HrugKlata DR. MILES BUSDIOAIiCo..ElUhart , ftld. b'or sale by ICuhn cX : Co. Cor 15 A. Douglas fcts DIl.U.C. VfKi'3 NHUVI5 ANI > KUAISTIIK VT 11E.NT. a spo-lrtc fur H)3lijrlv l > l lndii , b'lti , .Nja alula , lle.iilJclio. Nervous t'roiiniton ciusa I tit ilcohoior lob.icoJ.Vukorulno . .Mentit Daurji- V ilon.Softnosaof thollr.iln. o > u < ln ln < inltr , uilsarr teenyiluatli , I'roaiitura Old ARC , Harronu , l.un it rower In oltlier ior , Impotonojr , LuiioortUoa a J . vllFomalo U'uiKnou.'j , tnvoluntarr J/o ioi , rtpor uatorrhoic iiidotl bovor oxortlon uf thi lirilti etr-abuioorar-lnJiilKDnco. A mont'i'j trjit-mnt ' mail. WoKu.irnntjjsU bottii lo cirj : Knchorcle foriltaavai , with Si will nail wrlttoi : u rnntcoto rofunJ It notcurjl Gu.iraiiUio Isiual mlr by Tlicoilure. K. l.civls ilnuv'Ht , Kola luint. iouthosst corner Kilhnuil Karnnm sis . Omiihn Anon ami coranlota Trontmont , conilstlnj ot iuppoiltorloi. ointment In ilipntlui , uljo In Hot xiuii'ills ; a 1'mltlv. ) Uara for limerniil , Intornil allndor ISIooillniltcliln < Clironlc , Itecontor llorj II- Inry I'llos. T.ili Itonio ly his nuvcr been known to tall.l pur box U fori'j ; scntbj- ill V'hy nittorfrom Hits lerrlblu tllsaiHj whun a wrttt. ifimrnntoa li . > O3lUvt lynU'mi with 0 botai urrufuir.l iliomuntir If notcnroilson 1 ntimp for froa Sumplu. ( limrintai IsBucil by ICulm ACo. , Oru/ictst % alu Agents , corner ' ana Dciudus mrooU uz : . iia Mob. HEALTHFUL.AaRnnABLR , , Tor Farmers , Miners and Mechanics. A PEHFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATCR. Cures ChafinE , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc , A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE RliSSlAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water All parsons mill'uring from IIYPiJRO- PIIORALUIA ( ho'iuioho from eve , htr.iin ) or imy DfiKJiCT OV VISION Hhoukl consult our ( Jntlciau at oneu. and ba fitted with Sultnbtu Qlahses All orroru of rajruotion.correotod bcli-n- tltlcally. Louses ground to inciiHiiro without extra cUar n. NO CHAHQC IcirTKBTJNG , thu HVIIS. from $3 upward , STEEL SPEOTAOLES , or Eye ClasbeE , Irom $1 upwnrd. Colorud QlassoH from 60o up MAX MEYER < 5c DHO. COMPANY Jowcler4 anil Optlcluni , h-r Knrnaiu niul Ulrtecnth Streets , Onmliu. IMJ j iiiiffir ) ) j ) 1 i \i\\ \ \ ( , . ' i * IU tllluAliu / ' ' ' isviaths Chic i go , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'yi as represented on this "CHjgigjjp > ir > - Tan n gii | f ' ( ? CEDAH RAPIDS iufflESMOiyKB Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p.m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : City Ticket Office , 1501 Fur- , nain St. , Omaha , F. A. NASH , Gen'l Aent