Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Charges Against the Hasthge Asylum
Management Not Sustained.
\Vlicn tlio Attnntlnii of Dr. .loliiunn tt'ns
CnlliMl to the Alllilr tlio Atlmdiilit
\\ttn linlnntly IMM'linrKrd-l'ro.
"t Lincoln.
HASTIS-OS , Neb , Sjpt. 20. [ Spjclal Tele-
'cram to TUB Bici-Wlicn : | tno statement
wns made In this city this morning that a
former employe of tbo Asylum for the Insane
had prcfcrred'chnrgcs against the superinten
dent nud steward , Ur. Johnson nnd A. S.
Campbell , somothlncofnsonsntlon was cunsed
here. HolliKswortli , who inado the complaint -
plaint , wns seen , but refused to.mako uny
stnicnient concerning his chniires. saying
that when thu ptoper time came ho would
give his sldo of the uiso.
Stewart Campbell was seen by TUB Bnc
correspondent and seemed to bo belli amused
and indignant. He sold that Hollincsworth
was discharged a while ago on ncvouni of In-
competency , as ho had previously uec'ii nt
Uio Clnrlmla , St. Joseph nnd Lincoln asy
lum ! . HollliiRsworth was a icp'ubllciin , but
no dlsllncllcn wns mailo on account of poll-
tics. Mr. Cimpbell did not know what
tbo chaises were but one ot them bo undet-
stood was Hint the girls employed at Iho nsv-
lum were In tbo habit of coming lo the eily
nnd drinking beer in vnriely saloons. This
ho denied. Olio fctunle nttondtint had lott to
t'o to the Norfolk asylum nnd whllo not In
the employ of tno state bad drank a class of
beer in n saloon , and another charge was
that an attendant , hud choked n patient.
This was Hue , nnd ns soon ns the fuel had
been made known to Ur. Johnson the attend
ant was inxinnlly discharged. The patient
was not In jut oil. Ur. Johnson wont down to
Llnrdln today nnd urged upon the Uoard of
PublicLandsund Uulldlncsthutnn Investiga
tion had bettor bo muduor the Linages be pub
licly branded us unworthy of investIKIIUOII.
"This town has n tough enough reputation
any way , " said Mr. Campbell , "with its
murder fn\story nnu irugedios nnd treii'-uiv
icllcit ! , w'llhout having any charges mailo
whlih cannot be substanllated. Every citi
zen has n iltrbt to see this matter sifted to
the bottom , and ll will tie done. "
IXoiKirutvil thu .Stipi't liitonilmt.
Lixtoi.v. Kob. , Sept. 20.-Special [ Tele
pram lo Tin : UKI : . | Tlio tilato Hoard of
Public Lands and Buildings held n mooting
nt the o til co of Airoiney Ganural Hastlncsnt
fi oYlouk for Iho purpose of Investigating
somunlleccd li regularities in the mnnujro-
ment of the stale hospital for the Incurable
insane nt Hustings. It seems that some time
since Superintendent Johnson discharged
an employe for cause. The employe was not
entirely antlstled with the nrrancemont
, which loft him out In the cold , and endeav
ored to crnin satisfaction by llilng charges
with the state Imntd.
On September 12 tbo board received n com
municatlon from Hastings charging tie aay-
lum management with several Irrcgulaillios.
Amonc otnor things it wns alleged thut the
clothing futnlshcd the inrnntos Wits unllv tor
wcnr und thai on ono occasion 0110 of the
inmates WHS harshly treated by the
attendants. The members ot the board have
been quietly Investigating the charges nnd
finished this afternoon. Thov found thut on
ono occasion nn inniato hud been treated
with undue harshness by an attendant ,
but , tno attendant bud been promptly
dUchareed bv Superintendent Johnson
ns teen ns the facts In the case
were reported to him. The board also
found that llio clothing provided is of good
quality and Kept clean and in good icpair ;
that good dl ciplno ! is maintained among
ofllccrs and employes , and that the institu
tion is being condticlcd in a businesslike
manner. Tuu conclusion of the boavcl r.l UP
nicotine this afternoon was that Superin
tendent Johnson's management of the insti
tution is in every way satisfactory.
Kirui : > A r.-\
I.lttlo I.uilln Millllrlin Shut Delimit Cnulcj.
Noli. , liy Uldu .MnrRiin.
RII : > CLOUD , Neb , Sept. ! iO. ( Speolal tn
Tin : Br.i ! . ] Woid has been rocolvod here of
n shooting scrape that orcuncd near Cowlcs.
Clyde Moigan , a boy about fl years old , while
playing ulth a rovoUer , pointed it nt Louie
Klnlllchu. n girl 8 ycnr.s old , with the rcmutlc.
'I'm going to shoot you. " The hull struck
bo git I just behind the oar , Killing her in-
tan lly.
Mipicmu Court t'ioc < jcdlni- < .
LINCOLN , Nob. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin ; Uii : : . ] The supreme court met
today pursuant to adjournment. The follow
ing attorneys ucio admitted to practice : Al
Dert Wutltnib of Lancaster county , Loyal M.
Graham of Piontlor , A. A. Kearney of
Stnntou. C. b. Uninboot of Laiicat > tor , U. S
Mockctt of Lancaster , Unseoc Pound of Inn-
cabtcrV. . S. Dournoor ( Jiige county , Charles
E. Hush of Giw. Frank E. Woss > on of G.IKO ,
Fr.Milc H. Sheldon of Gage.
Hallgreu y < Huwklnsou , leave given plaln-
tiT ( to lllo counter adiduvils on motion to
dUmlss in thlrtv days ; Snulhard v.s Duillng-
ton & Mlssouil Kiver Knilio.ul company , dis
missed ; Stale vs. Kloman , heating con
tinued to 'October 7. IhflJ ; Hopkins
VB Scott , nilvjnc.d , dulcndnnl to
lllo' in.d fictvo biofs in thirty
days. Slate \ icl Culver vs Sir. jr. dis
missed. Walter vs Ueed , motion for rohe'ar-
ing withdrawn. Fariington vs Stone , sub-
niittcd on motion to quash bill of exceptions
and dismiss apnonl. State ex rtl Wilcovvs
fees of rm'cioo uud stonoiruphcis. lYarniclt
vs Laltn , motion to dlsinUs overrulod. Hib c
vs ( .iiiocli , submitted on motion to dismiss.
Tulcot VK I'Melds. Hiibmlltcd on motion for
judgment. Jones Vs Wolf , submlUcu on mo
tlon to dismiss.
The following causes worn contlsucd : Na >
tiunal Lumber company vs Ash by , Gartnci
vs Stnto , lied VH Wood. Sloan vs Wright.
The following causes wrra argued and sub
milled : Stale ex rel , FrauUlln county vs
Vincent , State VR Iluphcs , Wagner ys Ladd ,
Omaha .t Itcpubilcan Valley Hallway com
pany vs Klckards.Cnrson vs Duudas , Dcnioi :
vs Daly , Nelson vs lllatt.Vngnor VH Lnwls ,
Wagner VA Btcnin. 1'owell vs Deokloy , i' irsl
National band vs Myers , Stuto ex rel , .Milloi
Vb OfOUdV.
iH tu ( ii > to I lu > liulmm rthiiol , , Nct > . , Sept. 'JJ. - [ Kpocial to Tin
IlEU.J James Mlllllien , sherllT , loft on tin
train today tor Geneva , tatting with him idi
MrlCay , who was yesterday ordered sent l <
thu luform school. In her examination shi
enld BIU ! was in years old , that she catm
from Ohio to Omaha and lived with her aim
nnd wotkcd in a shirt factory , blio clalmoi
her aunt misused her , that she became &c
qdtiintcd with a traveling man und that he
downfall had ull been slncu the 4th of lus
July. Stio Ims llvi'd in n linl In this ulf
with lU'nry Pot Ulns biuco tlio-llrst of till'
mouth. Bha was vcrv nuxlous to got n\vu
from I'orUlns , ana was perfectly willing t
go to the reform school.
Ciiiiiuv in ihu Tiitr.
i ) , Nob. , Sept. SO. ( Special to Tu ;
linn J There win quito an cnthuslajtl
meeting last night at Sownrd in the lutcies
of Soyvard county at the World's fair. Th
tnoeting rosolvcd that Sovvaid county mus
be properly ruprcscntod at the fair an
elected ofilcou of un nuxlliur.v board. G , W
liartoti was chosen president , lion. Edmun
McKniyro sorfcturv , John iClmmeror treas
urer and Hon. J. K Oaebnor vice prestdon
for Howard. Vice presidents of other prc
tlnctt will bo chosen lator.
Ituh u linjiot.
BDTTOX , Neb. , Bept. 20. [ Spoolul to Tin
BuE.1 The Knnsai City Omaha depot wa
fobbed last ovenlu ? botwuon 7 and H
i' clock. The thieves took a suit of clothe
lelonftlng to Frank Drown , a/id / a pair o
> ant bolonginsr to Curt Clark and a keg a
tickled herring. The caiu drawer wa
irled off , but no caili was In it , und tin
ompnnv'i afo was untouehed , Tha entrance
trance | o the depot wa * in ail o through
Htndovv In tbo freight room.
Iir.Vtlliliuiiu u i Trim.
DAKOTA Cur. Nub. , Supu 'Ji [ Spuclul i
TUB UKK.I TUo preliminary uuiinuk' of 01
Treasurer Wilkinson , who Is charged bv
Simon Frit/ion , tin nccountnnl who wa *
blr d uy t rivnto pirtlcs to tmiko n reluvf tl-
irntlrn of the trcmurer's onico for 1800 to
IS'.H ) for I'lnbez/loinont , wns commenced be
fore County Jii'lgn vVnrnor vostcrdnv. Tbo
on tire dii v xvas consumed ami nothing ac
complished by the prosecution. Able coun
sel on both sides will Utterly contest the
case. The symnaihv of all but n democratic
ring is with Wilkinson. The hearing was
continued this morning and will probably
continue ton days.
riirinrrUrimiicil .S trVUnr > r.
Wmi.ii , Nob. , Sent. 2d. ( Spaclnl Telo- to Tun Hi.i.jJohn dtudnckn , a
Uobctnlan farmrr from Uodgo , this state ,
uns drowncdlatl nhtht in n Inko noir UlacK
Island , about six miles west of this place , bv
tbo upsetting of n boat In which ho with four
other men wore flshlng. Ho had bought n
farm near here tt.o previous day , on which
ha intended to locnto In the spring , The de
ceased was (5 ( Pj cars old and leaves a wife , a
son and n daughter living nt jjoclgo , wburo
the remains will bo scut for lutermout.
ratalVitrlt nl'litnlne.
n , Nob. , Sept. UJ. [ Spacml Telegram -
egram to TUB HIT. ] A severe olecrlc storm
occurred n few miles west of this plncn yos-
toulav nccomnanlcd with slight rainfall. A
ll-vonr-olil son of I T. Warner was strurk
b.v'llRhlnlng nnd Instantly lulled together
with the team lie was driving Several farmers
ers in the vicinity lost stock"by lightning. It
was the worst storm of Uio kind over known
lu thucountrv , but fortunately covered only
u small territory.
I'litnlly lujmi'il liy : i Ilorso
UHOKFN How , Nob. , Sept. " 0.
to Tin : UKIJ.I A young man by the nnmo of
Uud Keen wns seriously Injured Sunday
night by his horse falling on him. Ho was
riding lu n lope down Multi sticot when the
nnlmal fell over a rnpo with which n bov wns
loading a cow. It xvas dark nud the rope
was not scon by cither man or horao. Kuun
fell under the Uorso nnd wns rendered un
conscious. There is but little hope of his
Speuitil eiilu 011 linunsut Ilaydou Bros ,
.Instil IMaln Take.
Marshal Drud D. Slaughter was surprisoil
to sco in an nllogcd newspaper of
Omnha the statement that ho had uuit busi
ness and practically shut up shop until the
United s > tat03 government would sotllo up
with him nnd pay the balance duo him for ar
resting criminals.
"That is another fake , " said Mr. Slauch-
tor , when his attention was called to the
article. "I have told some of mv deputies lu
the country that they neol not unlin any
special effort for n few weolts to work up
c.isos , If they wanted to take a vacation , be
cause matters were rather qulot any way.and
in addition 10 this the povonimciit is behind
on my account about SIO.OOU , nnd I nm noi.
nnxiout to have it run anv hichcr. But the
idea of our going out ot the business of mak
ing urrests and letting ctnniuals rim riot ns
they plnnse Is utlcily abitud. If the ro-
poitcr who wrote that artlclu thin Us that Is
the case let him commit an offcnso against
Ihu government in tills district and sco bow
quick ono of our doputio * will snake him in.
Tha United Status mursunl has not gone out
of business , but there Is no court in session
mm it Is the quiet , season of the year. " sulo on linens tit IIiydon Bros.
The l.-turosxn Oluli.
The newly org iniied Omaha Lacrosse
club held an important mootina in the Paxton -
ton hotel c.ife. In the abseuco of President
Ueorgo II. Leslie. Dr. U. S. Austin occu
pied the chair. About tweuty-llvo members
weioiu attendance.
A constitution and byliws were adopted
and repular bo held at the circus
grounds , Twentieth and Paul , were ordered
for Wednesday mornings from 0 to half past
7 and Saturday afternoons from 4 to 0.
The Kearney , Neb. , club is _ anxious
to nrranco a match for Timnksgiving day
nnd , so far as ea-i bo judged from the rapid
ity wltn which the membsrshlp Is crowing ,
the Omaha bovs will have no diniculcy in
presenting u creditable team on that day.
The ulub'b prospozts at present uro very
Sticks can bo procured nt the Collins Gun
company store. Admission fee to club is
placed utSl per annum. Those doilrous of
joining cn.i do so by addressing Mr. M. A.
Hull , Now YorK Lifo bulldlnir , or Mr. I1' . J.
PoddicVindsor hotel. All Inning sticks
in a requested to turn out for ptaelico.
* *
Speolnl saloon linens ut Iltvvdon Bros.
_ _
Thr JiuluuViis Warm.
Judzo C. U. Scott entered the police
court jostorday morning with his war paint
on. IIo had been arrested by Sergeant
Graves charged with maintaining a nuisance
nt 1207 Uodgo street.
"Why , great God , " ho blustered , "you
might us well go out on the street and amou
the ( list man you meet. I don't own that
property aud never did. Where is this com
plaining witness , nnvbowi"
Inspector Slierar was pointed out nnd tbo
juiisi sailed In.
'That complaint is a d d lio. Those prem
ises nio in good condition. I'll ' mnk'oxou
think that I kriw some law before you got
through with it. I'll sue your bondsmen 0-3-
f .re sundown. "
He continue. ! to civort n round for some
time explaining how hot ho proposed to make
It fur some one , and went out with a flourish.
'I llcV IN-mnmliprrd l.onll Ivossiith.
Ti iiiv. Sept. 'JO. A deputation compris
ing twenty members ol the Hungarian Diet
waited on the Hungirian patriot , LouU
Koisutti , and prosontej him with a congrat
ulatory address signed by'JJ llungnrlaus.
Thu deputation also presented him with a
largo sum of money subscribed as a me
morial fund by a numoor of his admirers.
Special sale on linens ut llaydon Bros.
_ _
You'll lit Well
To tuko nilvnnttiKO of the next liurvuat
oxuursinn , leiiviiiff Onmlm September
iiTtli , vlti tlic Chictigo North woslorn
iiillwny. Hound trip tickets at Imll
ratori will bo on ealo to points in No-
bnibUn , South Dakota , North Dakota ,
.Mlhtiosotti , Montnnii , also till iirinulp'il
points in tlio "Now South" ns far tut the
( Julf of Mexico.
These tlcltolB nvo first class , allow lih-
oral stop-over jirlvllbgua and nro gootl
twontv duys from ditto of wilo.
Tlio idly ticket olllco of "Tho North
11 \voslorn Lino" is ut 1101 Purtiiun at.
0 U. H. Rncain ,
u G. P. West , Gonorul A-'ont.
0 . C. P. & T. A.
d Spoottiolos ucour.itoly llttoil ; rofractivc
> oxumiimtion froo. Tudor Optical Co. ,
r corner Furnum und 1 1 Hi.
y Koul oRtuto.
My word in cood.
\\f. G. AlbriyhU
6 1-2-a N. Y. Llfo bldg.
Spnulul ealo on llnoiiii ut Huyden Broa
INirion * llnrrj's .Nmv Aililltlun ,
Beautiful trues nro abunchuit in For
SOIIB' & Borry'b now addition to Soutl
Sitlawalk Inspector Wilson Knocked Down
by nu Unknown Astnilnnt ,
Major Itrtnls Srorc * n 1'olnt In I'uxor < ifn
Acln \ \ Illon Cnrput Again Tnrncil
II Itontluo Unrkut
thu Council.
Good , rich , red , human Wood was spilled
at the incoilng' < 8f ihu council held last nlghl ,
nnd onu \\cntouloftho building wilh
the goru alieanilni * douii his fuco In tor-
It was not n fight between councllmen ,
such as thu puullu witnessed last year , when
the manlj f en ins or the city InwnvtUers rolled
about the lloor , wildly struck out uud toro
ouch others hair uud cuticle ,
Just as the meeting was united to order J.
M.Vilsuu , the late Inspector on permanent
sldowulka. entered tbo building , walked
across thu couittid up the main stair c.ibo.
There ho was mot by some unknown parly ,
who without n word of warning struck Wil
son lu tbo fuco with a bonvy cane and
knocked him down , uutltug u doap gash in
bis fuco. A moment later boveral of the
councllmen wore gathctcd about Wilson and
assisted him to his icot. \ hurried search
was tiitulo for the assailant , but ho had tied.
Excitement held the boards for u short
time , but the uouucilmcu soon repaired to the
council , where they at once got down to
business and listened to tbn reading of the
following poiulcd commuulcutlou from the
mayor :
OMAHA , Sept. SO. To tlio Honorahlp.llio C'lty
Council ot the Ulty of Om ihn : I doslroto call
yOnr iillentlou to the notion of your luinora-
ulo body In p.issliu o\er my veld resolution
No U , " ' , of beplembor X1 , iintliorl/ins Iho cou-
btruullon uf u woocluu sidewalk on the
bldu of rwunty-ululilh stiect adjoining thu
no th liiSfeut of bloek u , " bblnu's thud ad-
lu my veto moss 170 I stated that the ici -
lutlon had been \etoud by mo for the reason
that u XMOII ( lesurllillon hud been il\cu 1
am In ten mod thul tills stiituniuiu uont lined in
my message \\a-idimlud by the councilman In-
irouuoitu Ihu re Oiiitliia , an 1 Ins &laloment
was uccejilud by a majorlly of the members
of Uio council as Uuln I'uneeu It
may stem tlio prjpur tiling for tlio
council to recklessly pass ordinances
mil lusolullons ovut my vetoes ulthout
iLforvncu \\hetlior they uro iluhtor wronu ,
but in this case , us In some oilier i-.fes , unless
thu num. ; donu by such action Is ruutlllud thu
troasiuy of the city \\UlMilTur. I urn udlbud
oy the c ty nttoiuey thu no tax c.mbeen-
f 01 ceil to cover thu cost of tlio sidewalk pro
posed lo bo constructed bv the resolution
inferred la In v.ow of tins fact I deem It but
propel1 tu call your attention to your ue-
tlon ut tlio lust moating , and to siunc-it
and recommoml that a resolution properly do-
Hi illilns ! the property opposite which it Is pro-
posud to construct Hie sidewalk be Intio-
( tiievU , and that thu lloinl of I'nblle Wet Us be
Instiuutcd not to uithorl/o thu construction
of any hldouaiU undoi thu resolution \\hlch
\\us passed ovet mvoto Hespeulfnlly ,
Uuuitoi : 1' . HEMIS. M.iyor.
The veto was referred to the committee on
biduwulUb und brld Ub for mvostigatiou.
Vittoi'd Ullton Cm-put , Also.
The councilmen all hoped that the mayor
was tlnotign writing letters , but ho was not.
He had another which was > upon the subject
ofViltou ciupets. uud in it ho sniu :
I licreulth lotiiiu without my approval the
pioposud contract with the Morse Uiy CJoods
eumpiny forfnin shins Wilton eirpct for the
council clinmbLT. for the rciisou that 1 regard
thu purchase of 'iJlVl.ton c. it-pat at a cost of
ill ) an tinnouessaiy liixuiy. such as the
iicseat condition of thu llnancea uf the
Ity dots not justify. A good body
IrusselscjrputOf quality and pattern sult-
ible for the connell chamber ein : hupurehabud
ornboiil&liU. Whllo It may bo true that a
Villon ctirpet will last much longer than a
lody llrnssols. It Hqullo certain thut a body
trussels would last us Ions as It would ic-
n.ilti clean and suitable for usu In the council
It does not follow that booauso a considera
te sum lenuilns lo the credit of thu city hull
"und that it should be expended foroxpunslvo
iirnlshlnzs fur Ihu council chamber or uny of
heolllces In the city hall bnlUlln. . Whatever
einiilns uiiexpuii'lcd fiorn the city hall fund ,
uulei thu provlslonu of the charter , uould be
r.insfurro.i to fund and could then
) u use I for any necessary or legitimate ux-
pomtlturo on behalf of the city. When tne
city Is without the menus to provldo and
iropuily euro tot the health of the elty and
B oblUed to uloso onu of- Its prlnci-
iii' ' vhiducts fur unnt of funds \\lth
wlili-li to repair the same , U would
seem about time to cull a hill on
uxtravair.-ineo In council clminbcrdocuratlous
and : fnrnlbhlirs. The city IH ulrendv com-
iniltcd to an uxpendlluru of Hourly iM.Ulufor
decorating thu conucll ulmmboi , un cxtruva-
: : inco whluh at the present time , la view ot
: ho finances of the city , was wholly unncces- ' 1 belluvo It Is about tlmu foi thu repre
sentatives of tlie tav pavuis locjiisldur the
cunilitlou of the tax payers , undlowalvu fur
u lime unnccussailly luxui Ions surroundings ,
The council did not sco lit to override ) the
veto Just ut that time , so upon Mr. Bcchol'a
motion It was laid upon thu tnblo.
To cheer up the council und make the
members feel happy Mayor Uemls wioto
that ho bad sent thu names of the members
of the city council to the managers of the
World's fair that Invitations to attend the
opening te be held on October 2J might bo
sent , The communication was placed ou file
ana the thanks of thu council tendered the
homo Cominiriir itlnns Ko.i < t.
The Ivctcham Furniture company wrote
thut it had complleu with thu contri'ct in
furnishing Iho city hall and asked for an in
spection. Ihe communication was referred.
"Tho requestor the managers of thn Homo
for Fallen Women for an appropriation for
money to support the institution met wilh
more success before the council than when
it was before ibo county commissioners
yestci any afternoon , for it was referred to
the mayor.
The ward cauncilmon worn not readv to
report on the appointment of registrars for
the November uluctlou-und the matter wont
over until the adjourned meeting , which will
bu hold Ftiduy night. '
The report of the appraisers on the con
struction and reconstruction of the Sixteenth
street viaduct wns presontad. The report
showed ho damages. It was adopted.
The plan of assessment to cover the cost ol
grading streets , consiiuuling bldowallts unil
building culverts , was presented and referred.
Tlio culof of police was Instructed to put
thu chain gang at worlc cleaning the pave
ment under tuo Thirteenth street viaduct.
Hy resolution too mayor was requested tc
Join with the mayors in other cities , asklnc
the president of tbo United States to rostrlcl
foreign immlcrniion until nil danger ol
brmclng cholera to the country bud passed ,
Kusaell , 1'ratt & Co , were allowed SU.UJJ tc
apply on their contract for furnhhlng gas
uud olcano light lixtiues for the city hull ,
it Vliidiiut.
The committee on viaducts utid railway *
reported that there were uot funds available
for the repair of tbo Eleventh street viaduct
The report was adopted and the viaduct wa'
otdcrod clo cd against the passage of team1
and opened to foot passengers line
stn-ot cars. The engineer thought thai
street cars could p iss over the viaduct with
safety if the sidewalks uud rulliuirs were ro
paired. The Hoard of Public Works wa'
instructed to expend f200 In making repairs
after which iar resigns will bo orbclod al
either cud of tuo bridge , warning teams K
keup off.
Tuo commlttoo on public property nnt
buildings recommended that new furnitun
bu purchased for most of tbo city hall ofllcoi
which uro not already supplied. The roper
was adopted.
The committee on sicjowiilka nnd bridge :
reported that after a thorough iqvcstigaiioi
Powder :
in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
It hnd i cen found tHn tnerovni notlilni ;
wrontf about John A/\VnHplcId' ! bill of ? 17I (
for 1,100 toe I of Himbjr. TliU Hem , when It
pot Into Iho nprroprintlon stiooN wns vetoed
by tlio miu or * omoi\rct'li ' ngo , be ctalmliiR
Ihnt Wnkofiold Ind nvorclinrgL'd llio clly In
rondcrlni : liU account.
The nppolntmenU of Thomns Cnmm ft1 *
niRbt wniclironn nnditilRhl , Ilioninn for tbo
city Imll wnj conflnnud , Mr. tspcclit votlnR
"no. "
.Homo ltld ra pd Upon.
The bids for fnrnlshlnf ? the city wilh
cement \voro oneiirt } nnd referred to the
comptroller. Tlio hiil of Iho Onmbn Coal ,
Coke nnd Llmo compnnv wns thu lowest.
Un tbo m-aiHuR , of Vlnton slioot , from
Tiventv-fouttti street , to oloci : 31 , wlluox
addition , Iho npnnmors rcporled no dam-
ngcs , wbllo on thu crndliiB of Shirley street ,
from Twontv-olffbtii to Twenty-ninth , tbo
npprnlscra reported dmnoges In tbo sum of
f.'il)0. )
lllds for pnlntlne nnd llnorlnc the olghty-
eight election booths were opened nnd re
ferred to the commlttro nn public property
mul biilldlncs fur tabulation.
On the nroposcd Rrndlnc of Douelai strcot ,
from Twrnlv ciKntb street to the west linn
of llopps .t Hill's addition tbo npnraisrrs ro
poitciU3Hiridiiiiiniu3. (
Ur. Sjinors wrote Hint tbo pivod nlloys In
tbo city were In n Illlhy condition. Tbo com
munication was referred to tbo commit ten on
alt cots nntl nllovs nnd Hoard of Publlo
Works , with power to net Tlio iloulor
tboucht the iilluvs could bo clonucd by Hush-
lim nnd \\ocpl UK.
Some Very Imiimtnnt UlitiiRos Mnilo hi the
r.nli'K Collect-Mint ; rilthy llulrlcs.
Amending some of the tulcs was nil that
wns done nt yesterday afternoon's mootlngnf
the Board ot Hcullb. Uulo 5 , referring to
the duties of conductors on railway trains
entering Omaha , was changed sons to road
that the ofllclal In charge of the train shall
notify the health onieor.s by telegraph of nny
cusos or suspected cases of smallpox , cholera
or any contngoous or Infectious diseases
among tbo passengers. When such notice
cannot bo sent , the conductor must leave the
patient outside of Uio cltv limits. Kulo IV. ,
regarding nuisances , was changed so that
It now Includes weeds on vacant property , in
the alleys and in tbo streets. When Iho pro
perty owner refuses to cut the weeds or can
not bo found , the commissioner of health
may order it done and have the same charged
up to llio propel ty.
Dr. Someri also asked authority to con
demn uny or nil wells within the Uro limits
nnd It was granted.
Htllc T8 was chunked so ns to allow Iho
health department to abate a miisatKO whore
the property owners could not bo fuund und
bnvo tbo cost chatted up to the property.
City Attorney Connell had drawn up the
amendments to tno rules in the shape of un
ordinance to bo Introduced to the ecu neil for
Inspoclor Holmes reported several filthy
dairies out on Cut-Olt Island. It , was the
sense of the meeting that as the Maud was
outside of Iho jurisdiction of the health ofll
ecus Iho milu peddlers could not be made to
clean up their premises , but umoss this Is
done they will not bo allowed to sell milk In
"Lato to boa aim cany to risa will shorter
the road to your home In the kles. Out
early to bed and "Little Earlv Hl3t-r."tne
pill that , malt' * ) llto longer a-U bailer aiU
St. riilllp's Cm nor SI one.
The corner slono of the now St. Philip's
Episcopal church , Twenty-first street , bc-
tweon Nicholas and Paul streets , Hov. John
A. Williams , rectnr , will bo laid this aftoi-
noou , this ocmg tit. Matthew's day , nt half
post-1 o'clock , by lit. Rev. Georco Wortu-
ingtoti. bishop of Nonrasko. Very Hov.
Dean Gardner of i'rlnlty cathedral will de
liver the nddro > s. Tlio music will bo ren
dered by tit. Philip's boy choir. 'Iho church
Is to bo built of Kansas limestone and biicl ;
nntl will bo a beautiful structure. The style
ot architecture is the early English.
UeWitt's Harsapiirtua aosiroys 'such poi
sons us scrofula , skin tlisoasos , eczema , rheu
matism. .Uts'timelv ' use saves many lives.
lltlllillni ; I'erinltK.
The following pormils were Issued by the
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
Fritz Mnllar. one-story cottage.
KUhteonth und Vlnton streets $ 1,000
Llndwood L'.tr * und land uumpinv. one
anil onu'liilf ; slory dwelling , fifteenth
un.I bprlng snouts ' . ' ,533
I.lnJv.ooil I'rk , uil L.ind company , onu
und one-bulf story duelling , I'lftuenlh
und bprlng streets S.501
Five minor puintlts. 4J3
Total $ MJS
Disease never successluuy nttaclcs the sys
tem with pure blood. Uo Witt's Sun.ip.irllla
makes pure new blood nnd cnricbe * blooJ.
Both the method nnd results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-i
duccd , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly heneficial in its
effects , prepared onlv from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
to aU and havu made it the most
popular remedyknown.
Syrup of Figa is for sale in 75o
bottles by all leading druggists.
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on hand will procure it
' for any ono who wishes
G'omptly Manufactured only by the
Anew an ] ComplotJ Tront.nont , conilitlni Of
Bupnodtorlai. Olnuuoiit la iUiiulii | , alia la IIJ *
nudl'llUi a I'oiltlvu Cura for Uiturn il. Intonul
bllndorllloailliulta'ilaf.Clironla , Huoontor Hurjll-
UrrlMlas. T.iU UuusJ/lii : never l > ; on known to
Jnll. tlpjr box. 0 fur < ) ; nto/mull. WnrnuUurfraia
lUUtorrlotu dliona > vii : a wjlttKi icujri-iU ) 1 *
uOBltlvolrul'an wltll 0 noiai or rofunl ihominjr If
noicuruii sonJ Hi up for Ina bninplo ( luarantaj
luuod br Kulm A Co. . DruzilKK , bull ) A'
Ull > unJ Dou ut ktr > at < t'sa. an. tint )
Or ( lie I'o.lllvrly C'urcd
tty aUuiliiUlt-rliiu inlluluen1
It caa be ntven to a cup ol codec or le * . or In food ,
without thcknonudee on ha patient. It if kbioluuly
baru > le , and will effect permanent and apetdy
cure. nbDlber the paileut it a motfrroio drinker or
an alaoboltr wreok. It t been elvtu In tbouiiodt
of caecs.and lu every InftUnce a perfect oura btilol *
lowed. Iti-rirr full- The r -uioneolmprrBn inl
Kith Iba tpej.ll- bccoiurv ou utter linpnaiihill.y
/or tha lluuor vpnntlto la CA.U.
iilll.lIRN hl'Kt ( fill CO. 1'rop'n. rinrtnnatl , O.
aC-paafc t'onk ul rjail' uUra Ueo. 3 o tw baa of
Kiihui J > . 1'it'iial In ; > il an. , let I un
l'uiiii-iU , I'm. IrijJ & . O
uua It.oa.rJij.i J , i , Jt. JJ jaa.Nj b .
Tlio richness , color , niul lioanty of tlio
hair , tlio cnrn Is necessary ,
much harm being done liy tlio use of
worthless dressings. To bo sure of hav
ing n llrst-clnss article , nsk jour drug
gist or perfumer for Ajcr's Ilulr Vigor.
It Is nbsolntoly superior to ntiy other
preparation of the Idiul. It restores the
orilnnl ( ; color niul fullness toluilrwhich
1ms become thin , faded , or gray. It
keeps the scalp cool , moist , niul frco
from dandruff. It heals Itching humors ,
proxcnts baldness , nml Imparts to
U H U tin
n sllUoti texture nml InstliiR fragrance.
No tollot can bo considered complete
without this most popular and elegant
of nil hair-dressings ,
"My hair begun turning gray anil fall
ing out when I was about 2."i years 08
nge. I have lately been using A.ver's
Hair Vigor , ami it Is causing u now
giowth of hair of the natural color. "
11. J. Lowry , Jones I'rahiu , Texas.
"Over ix year ngo I had n severe fever ,
nml when I recovered , my hair began to
fall out , and \vhat little remained turned
gray. I tried various icniudlcs , but
without success , till at lust i began to
Ayer's Hair Vigor , anil now my'halr Is
growing rapidly and la restored to its
original color. " Mrs. Annlo Collins ,
Ulghton , Mass.
"I have used Ayer's Ilalr Vigor for
nearly 11 vo years , and my hair Is moist ,
glossy , and In an excellent state of pres
ervation. I am forty years old , and
have ridden the plains for tucnty-livo
years. " Win. Henry Ott , alias "Mus
tang Bill , " Newcastle , Wyo.
Prepared by Ir..T C. Aycrft Co . l.onell.Maes.
Sold by UrugK'stn ' Kvurjlirrc. .
WcJiiiess ,
_ t Catarrh or
4fei.lUiciinialssni ,
Chronic ,
Nervous or
Diseases ,
Ur. Seariss & Searks
Consultation Free.
AoknowlPrtcoil lo bo tlio most succoffill spednlHt In
Gonorrlnua In train 1to 8 rtiyi. Syphilis ciireil
without Murcury. All stmes for llfo
bTKIl"lUlti ; iieriiiiincntly curocl. removal com
plete , wlilioiitcutthiK. cuiula or dllitiUon. Cura
allcctcclnt homo by patlont wllhJUt a iuoni3nt'
wllbout imln or detention from biulnuis.
11Y1WOCU1.K ANU VAUICOUUU : porimnontlr
nnd Biiccc'uilullr curjj Method now and unfailing
( VITAMTV WEAK ) . Mndjuoby too olosi nrr il-
cation to business or ntinly , neverj inoiHil ntriln
orgrlof ; bBXUAl. K.XOCdSlIj l-i nildJlo lire , or
Iroin the olti'cti u ! youthful fiillux
INVOI.U.VI'Aliy I.OSdLJS wltll 13 VIlliV DBUAV In
YOUNO nnd MIDDIAOKI ) ; lack of vim , vlnor.
and xlronnth , with bovitll orifins Impaired und
wi > akununed | > rimjturoly In appro icliliixold ma
All y'u'ld rojdllv to our naw tro.umunt for loss of
vital power. Call on oc nilitrflii wllli Bta-nu lor
circulars froa hook an I rocolnti.
Dr. Searles & Scirles. 4
Next to 1'ost Onico.
A G1 u 11
Thursday , L'rld.iy anil Saturday , Sept. 22
2i ! und 24. Sulnnl.iy Mntinec.
Coim-il ) event of tlio nelson.
MII mi pen of Hoyt's Madison Hquan1 Tlioiitro ,
Now YorU , prosonttheircuinp my in Iloyt'a
Host nnd Most Niuccsiful Comedy
Tim Murphy. Flora Walsh
and tlio original company.
fc'nlo OMOHS Wednesday morilnu nt usual iirlcoB.
Noxl nttmctlon , "NlOlli : . "
Accompanied by W.V. KKD.MOM li ,
and liln Luinpnii ) of pIiiK-rs , under Uio dlruttlon of
Mr W. M. Wlllilsuii. In ul llmnitu mul ro.illsUc econlc
revivals uf lliu poiuilur ruiuunuoii uf D'lCniiury uud
Farnam St , Thsaler I popa 3.
( IMIII ! Spcutaeuliir Pro.liictloii of
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Wltli a carload of sconury , calcium und me
chanical o Meets Mutineea Wed .uaday and
Saturday ,
the most delicious Utto and zeat
TLEMAN at Mad-
rat to tils brother 1'JSII ,
UBJ1661. . H T * : COM !
L A & FtnniNS' HIKATS ,
that Uiclr eauco Is
lilKhljoitcemed ID
ludla , and ii la my
opinion , tbo moat \fiil.HII-
palatable , 09 well E
na tlio most whole.
voino iiaaco tliat is
tuade. " il-c.
Beware of Mtations ;
EGO that you get Loa & Peirins' '
Orlirfna * . is Genuine ,
I'ruiiuhiil fiirt h sulc ( if I.iuiil by lleunim "f
Vncatliiir Ullth Mri-di. HiH m > n Jiilin 1.
Iti'ilUiUU huliillvUlon mul ruriiuiu ilrcrt.
Ecal d propoaTlg wilt lie received ut tlio elty
painiitrnhcr'a nfliac. oty | of qniiihj , to 4 p. ui.
fiuiituiubcrVT. I8J- . for tlio b.ilu nt thu follow-
In/ pan i iHdf liinU ; Two jilucesof HJXI.I : ( not ,
hctrtdun K.iriiiini and liiirntiy eirunt ; and un
iilecti of SHOT'S fcut. lioHM'Oii IliirniiV und
ililf llowiird , IIiU | will bo roculvcd 011 uacli
in all ulotemiB MI iy liu ilfslii'd. Hurli bidder
Inliiolosc ! ccrtlllul Kliuiik of 4t > L lliurulitlM
rokorttid to rojo't uu > or ml bliN. I'lnt und
Ufbcrlnllon of the Inn I on II n III UlU ollli o.
1IICOUOUB OLBUX , Comuiroll..r.
Is open. The political pot boils. The stump
speaker is abroad in the land. The "distin
guished fellow citizen" will be found congre
gated by the thousand in front of now pine
stands , where the orator of the evening and the
band will vie with each other in seeing which
can display the most "brass" and they'll both
play "the same old tune. " Thousands of men
will put on giddy uniforms and march through
the streets , while theoil from leaky torches
drips gently down the backs of their necks *
but "we've got to save the country. "
Is now open too. "We're after your trade. If
we've had it before we're going to keep it and
if we hav'nt had it , we'll try and get it. Our
inducements are many , but -we depend on the
power of price above all things. Our special
efforts are directed toward overcoats fall over
coats today. We are showing a line that's not
"out of sight" but right in plain sight so are
the prices.
for a splendid Melton overcoat in
$4.50 toney tans.
lor a business looking , dark , all wool
$6.00 Cassimere coat with silk sleeve linings
for all wool Csssimere garments new
$6.75 made shades heavy serge lined.
for a genuine Scotch Tweed overcoat
$9.00 with heavy twilled silk sleeve lining.
Can you touch these prices anywhere else ?
Not with a ten foot pole.
Thenbovo brnnilsof jrlovo ? lor sale by
The Boston Store
N. W. Cor. 10th mil DoufiUis Sta.
O.n ih tx
Onlike me Dutch Process
Ko Alkalies
Other Chemicals
arc used in tha
preparation of
which is absolutely pure
and soluble ,
It has more than three times the strength
of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , nnd Is fur more economical ,
costing leu than one cent a ciii. It
is delicious , nourishing , out. KABILT
Sold by Crooors ovorywhoro.
W. Baker & Go. , Dorcliesior , Mass ,
Ur. Bailey , Sr
ThoL iv I i
'Jhlrd Floor , 1'axton liloj c
Telephone IOS ) . KUIia'ilPariiiniS i
A ( nil BCtof leuth on rubkor for 15 l'orrutiit
Teeth without iilato or Hiiiovatilo brhUii WOM
Juki the tlilu for \aifvrt \ or uubllo nyajkarj , uarjr
drop doun
Golil Ollluut rotsau ihlu r.itui. All work
warranted. Cut this out fur u suldo. ;
National Bank.
Clliccn nnil DlriiUori-ilmiry W , Vutuv proihlsnl
II. ( . Lunliliu. rlcu uraiMuiil , . ' . a.Uirl j W V.
.Mor c. Joaii ( , ( .olilm J. > . 11. I'atrlcx , l.qirlj A ,
llccd , CJtlilur ,
ia !
Alljierson1 ? suffering fnm HYPEKO-
PHOKALQIA ( lumuicho iVom eye ,
strain ) or any DEl-MiCT uF VISION
should consult our Optician at once ,
and be fitted with Suitable Olahsoa
All errors of ralraclloncorrected Bolen-
titically. Lenses ground to measure
witnout extra charge. NO CHAHQ.E
for TESTING , the oyos.
GOLD SPECTACliES , or Eyeglasses
Clahses , from $1 upward.
Colored Glasses Irom 60o up
Jeivclcrfl nnd Opllclana.
I'limnm nnd blxticnUi Street ? , Ofnuhn.
at Low Prices.
Stock and Design
The Latest and Best.
Sent ! us 81.BO and we'll send you 100 engraved
cards from a new copper plate.
Send us 00 cts. nnd > our present plate ( to be held
and registered ) and we'll send you lee en *
graved cards.
We pay express charges ,
( Lnto Cubb'5 1.11)1 ry Co )
136 Wubnsli Avc. , Chicago.
Bogus White Lead and
adulterated paints would
have no sale did they not
afford dealers a larger
profit than
Strictly „ 'J'
Pure White Lead'
The man who best guards
his own interests is never per
suaded to buy paint that is
said to be "jusfc as good , " or
"better , " than Strictly Pure
White Lead. The following
brands arc standard , manufac
tured by the "Old Dutch"
process , and always strictly
pure :
i ( f < irt
"SOUTHERN" _ ; ,
"RED SEAL" - " ' '
Pure White Lead
Tinting : Colors.
The National Lead Co. man
ufacture a line of colors to
color strictly pure "White Lead
any shade wiuucd. Tiicy arc ,
put up in small packages ; one *
pound being sufficient to tint
twenty-five pounds of Lead. By
using- these colors and strictly
pure While Lead you know-
that you have pure paint , which
you can not know when buying :
' ' " " "
'mixed" or "prepared"paints.
Tor sale by Hie best tUalrii In ) rlr.U.
If you are going lo | ij.ot , ll wli ! pay you to
> end to u for n book containing In'ciiiutlun
that may save you munv a JolUr ; 11 will
only cost you n poilal card to do to ,
St. Louis Hfiiicli ,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Strett ,
St. Louis. Mo.