THE OMAHA DAILY HEKs NVEDNKVSIAY ) , SEPTEMBER 21 , 1802 , THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL H OFFICE ! - NO. 12 PKAIIL STREET Delivered by carrlar to any pirt of th' city I1.W.T1 I/TON. - MANAGER. 1lus now Office . No41 Elltor . NoK ) MIZUH ty. . I'lttmblngCo. t'ountll lillifla Lumber Co. , All day yesterday wiw oceuptod wtih Ito trial of Ihe case of Simmon * agalnu Sim mons In tbo district court. hi. John's English Lulheran church will Ci\o un ontortulnmcutnnd sociable lomoirow cvonlnc ; al iho Young Men's Cbrisllan usso- ciii'ion ruom * . A horse was run over by Iho motor on Kwl I'icrco street vosterdav mornliiK and Its hind legs inant'lcd bv Iho wheels BO lhal 11 had to be stiot. The Board of Supervisors will moot this morning. A committee from tbo Union Iciot | company will KO bofoio Itlth u 10- qtli hi for Ihe remission of uncle laxoj. The parties lo the nchool tax levy contra- vcr y nave tailed to como to any 111:1 cement nnd the question of nmklnc th'o Injunuilon permanent will have lo bo settled at the nt-xt turn of conrl. John Brown waived oxaralnallou before Justice Hammer yesterday and wits bound o\cr to the pratid Juiy on the chnrco of blu 'niny. Ho wai unable to glvo ball and was tint lo the county Jail. A letter fiom IM Howe of Atlantic states that ho stilt hait tbo mnnn umeiit of the Parlc lintnl in Atlantic ntul that ho nas cmployeil \V. K. Clark f.s matuiKur. Ho expects to to main in Atlmitlc , ut least for the present. 'J ho rcRUlnr council meeting of 1'ottawat- tninio tribe No. Ul , Improved Order ut llud Men , will bo held this uvanlnc at their wlK- \\iitn , corner of Ilroadwny and Mnln stiect , nt ttio clghlh run for work In the warriors' ' For the third lime In Iho lasl five years J. II Pace wnt victimized hy burglars InstSun Oiiy nlubt , The presi-nl raid resulted in Ibu loss of n small bnz Unit nung In the Ice not containing ubout f "i in nli'Kcls nnd Uimos. The thief climbed in through n buck window , nnil evidently uudorslood tbo Iny of the land l"ifecily. \Vhcn tlip 'light patroltnoii wont on duty at the police sliuiou lasl cvouliig O'Hef ' Scanlan was ijrescntod nn clcgim haduo. OnifcrJ M. Murphv tnndo tbo pro- tcnttitlon speech In uchalr of the other clllcor . The bailee consists of a gold star , et. raved wllh the inotiocram "J. M , S. , " EUriounilcd by 11 rim of silver. 'Iho Jewish now year , SO" I , begins this evening , and Ihu celebration lasts tuout\- four hour.i. ending tomorrow evening at 0 o'clock. It will bo generally observed tiy Iho Jews with Kroal solemnity all over the world , n ml appropriate exercises will tinto placo. Services will bo bold at Peterson's hall. A week from next Saturday will be the day of Atonement. Dave Nichols , a printer , while driving mot with an accldenl last evening. Ho nas under the influence of liquor and tell out of n bugtry , Htrlking on the stone pavement on Uiondwnv , near the coiner of ( jlen avenue. Uo was rendered unconscious by the fall anil had to bo taken to his home on upper Brond- way In n patrol wagpu. Ho was badlv bnilflcd about the head and faco. A small lire did a little damage nt 7 o'clock josterday moinlng at a teed store kept bv H. Glllnslty al 714 lliondwav. The proprietor EtnUd lhal ho loft the loom and locked up , i. ml whun he lolurned ten minutes later bo found that a blnio hud started in a pile of liny thai lay lu erie corner. An alarm was bent In nml Iho ueiv uhumicnl engine was given Us lint actual trlul. The Iho wtis easily extinguished and the atnounl of dam- nsa none was small. 1'ho lire xvas thought to have started by snoutnneous combustion. Thomas Tostovln left last evening for a Btiort visit In Now Jersey. Mrs. S , C. Campbell of Carson Is in the litythe guest of Miss Alllo Lfon. Mrs. J , W. Chapman and daughter. Miss M lie , have returned from n visit of several mo'ilbsju thu cast. Harry Bowman has sovoro.1 his connection with tlio llrm of Moore & Bowman and will go on the road with u cigar grip. Froil J. Hoagland his returnoa from n vUlt , in Illinois and will leave In a fuiy days for Dos Moines , where be nas secured a situation iu n book store , , P. 11. Folhciinghiun has returned from a business trip to Now Yorn. Ho sa\s Iho cholera scare is atlrnuting a great deal more uttemlon bore than ir. Now York. Mr. and Mrs. C. Huntington left lust oven- Inu for Oianga , N. J , , where tho.v will visit their sons , who nro oinnlovod In the WclU- Furgo express hoadnuarlcrs thero. W. H. Al. Pusry iiud W. H. Ware wont tc Hurlnn last evening to addro-u a democratic rally in plnco of W. C. Warner , who was prevented by Illness fiom spanning as adver tised. , Mr. nnd Mrs. K. S. Puiov have arrived in the cllv on their wuv to Denver from Cnat- ham , M"tks. , nnd will spend a day or two vis- Itinir their relatives and friends lu Council Bluffs. Chief Nicholson will attend the nalional convention of chiefs of llio ilupirtmcnts nl Loulsvulo on the : td of noxl month. The city council has made an appiopriailon of $ VJ to pay his expanses ou Iho wav. HhonfT Ilazju rolurnod ycslordav from r tilptoNcola. Ho icporti tlio crops In tha vicinity In excellent condition. Tno fios did much damage In Mrealo on Ibo low lands , bill on the high ground Iboro is o\crj indication of a line yield. Postmaster I. M. Treynor started ou ycstoruay for u bicycle tour of the fount' lor the purpose ot inspecting the pos to flics' ii tbo country towns ol tbu county. HI \\usacccimpanioatiy II. E. Grimm , and tbi first stop wan to bo made alNunson. J. L. Tomploton left last evening for Nov York , where ho will \lsit a couple of weeks On his return \\llltukciutbonatlona convention of fire chiefs at Louisville , Ivy During bis absence be will also attend th Btnto convention of file chiefs at Now Jer fcoy , wblch takes place al Trenton on the Sib Mr. and Mrs , A. T. Ulco loft , lasl ovenlni foi New Orleans In re.Hpouse lo a tologran niiiiounclng the stiddbii death of their sou Hi-law , II. O. Brooks , which occurred von suddenly from heart trouble yesterday inorii ing at 4:110 : o'clock. Mrs. Brooks visited he parents lu this city lor some time and ha Just returned homo when the death lool place. Wnnti'il to Uuy. Improved m-oportv. Will my cash i prlcolslow. II. G. MuGoa.lOMuiuatroot , ICOpooplo In tins city use stove Iho ( ins Co. nuts 'om iu ivt coat. Gontloinon , Iho linostlliio of fnll Rood in tlio oily , junt roculvod. Uoltor. Un tailor , U10 Ui-otulwiiy. Dim'tVunt A number of property owner * on Blxlt itroel between Ninth and u'oarlunntb uvo lines hnvo decided that Iho action of th ? clt council lu ordering tha strool In front o their properly graded uud'pavcd Is nol Jus 10 tholi taste , nnd ttioy have ncoorulngli commenceil injunction piocoedlngs In th UUtrii.1 court to prevent the couiitll froi li-ttliii ; the contract for tbo work. Tb Uuvinpori and A. H.Walker , As reasoi lor tno injunction bolntr Kranted they ullof ihut iho ciuding of tbo Intersections ui r.ul , far u larj-'u oxpundlturo of money by it o ty , mid that as ttioro 11 no money In tl irciuury it will bo necessary to KO into dub ibo ulty is no.v In debt bevond tbo co htluitlonul limit. They also claim thul ti pavlnc .mil pradlnir were never ordered t mow tlian a thiMi-fourths vote of the moi tiers of llio council. Tlio Injunction was I , tun Uv Juilfo ijiiilh and thu oouncll-iieu woi ( urved with notices at tnolimeetiuK Mondt MUpsih Toinplc , No. 0 , Pylliinn Sister will rlvo u ulothospiii bouinl at KnlL'lr n ( I'ythius hull Wednesday ovemnj Bujituinbor . pure drugd , bull p.iluti. .NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS J , W. Piuil States That Work on His Hail- ioid Will goon Commence. SURPRISE IN STORE FOR THE PEOPLE Ills Itnlluny Rtlirmr Hi > S y Will Ho of Imiitcimo llonrlll to tlio City Injured \\hlln Onn l. . ( ly \ \ IHI I earn tlic Olinluru. Johh W. Paul , who has bad so mnuy op portunities to jtuily human nnturo and the nrtof holding "his toiupar lately during hlo dealings \vitu aldermen , roinor.stiances , and other ttmo-kllllnt , ' Inventions , was in thocitv yesteidny. Ho stutcs tbul bo will commence uontntoncc. Nol much cau bo done this fall , on uccoiitit of tbo lateness , but Eighteenth street , will be put In shape t > o that the work of putting down tracks can bo begun as early in passible next spring. Mr. I'aiil was naturally very much nloascd with iho results of Monday evening's coun- ell moo tin L . "I shall open un ofllio on lhl sidu of the river at once , " said ho yesterday In conversation on thu subject , "and keep n man or two tticio to nttonu to my business , Thcro are Being to bo koine nctnciiblo surprises tor thu ptioplo of Council lllults In tbo near future , and es pecially for Mioso wuo liavo boon kicking so himl against inv bolnu : { 'ranted nrtchi of-way for railway futilities. Insldo of six months I amsalUtlcd that thoio very follows who have been after tno Ihe hardest will bo as mixioin to have that railway built us I am. There isn't unotber city In Iho wobl that has ttio chances for development , In railway mutters tnut Council Bluff * has , and you can put It down that In the noxl fuw years tburo ulll bj it benin heio , at loatt so far as I uin ublo to help It on. " Last AVrvk'tiT the firvut lliitikrupt Shun Siilu mill Its ulnt , A few moro of the great bnrpains are to bo hud yet. The lutilcrupt prices cut in two tigtiiu before the lust crush. NO TICK THK PIUCCS. Infants' kid button for lOo a pr. Child's Bohonl bhoua for Jlo ) a ur. Hoys' laeo shoos foi73oiv pr. Men's KO.HUIIO Unnguroo Itiecd shoos , hand sowed , for $12.93 , worth 85.00. Mon's genuine 'Burl's" shoos , lace or COHRTOOS , for SU.uO , soil elsewhere tor $ o.HO. Men's ( lonpoln laeo or congress go for $1.50 , worth $3.00. Ladies' dongola button shoos go lot- Toe. Toe.Ladies' Ladies' dongola button patent leather tips go for 1 > I.rf5. worth SIMM. Sumo "Uuynolil Bros. ' " also "Burl's" Freiic.h lad button bools for S2.50 , worth just $5.00. Don't forgot , Only for one week longer. J'cujilo's 1'urty Delegates. The people's partyltos held a nicotine nt thu club roomon Main street Monduy night at.d elected delegates to the county conven tion which li to bo bald at tbo court house Satuiday evening. Tim rollowmjr delegates wcie chosen : Kusl Ward A. M. Hulchlnson , C. L. Gillette , C. A. Ullov , Lunnard Divine. Second Ward L ICInnobinV. . P. Patton - ton , 1' . J. Staplotoa , W. A. Pool , Georco Heud. Third Ward William L. Marsh , A. C. Chamberliu , John Green , David S. Pile , F. C. Clark. Kourth Ward GeorRO Mcl'cok , Jobn A. Chuichill. A. li. Biezeo , A. J. COOK , W. P. \Vlghtinan. Fifth Ward Ueorgo Hunter , Cteoigo Ku- dolph , A. J. MuClarun , Sol Foster , James Wild. Sixth Ward W. W. Owens , George Ball , William Jobnson , Charles Hurlmau , Prof. Kuhn. Kauo Township , Outside City \Vilson Duncan. Tbo lollowlnif ward commtttoomon were also chosen : Fitstwaid A. fll. Hutchinion. Second ward Atnhroio Burko. Third ward Win. L. Marsh. Fourth ward Georuo Mui'oek. Fifth ward Georeo Hunter. Sixth ward W. W. Owens. Cbaitman city central committee P. J. Stanloton. A motion was unanimously passed ( that - tbi-ro be no fusion with diner of the old parties. Tolil tlio Truth. The truth fetand-j best is an old re mark , and never was It n.oro voi'lliod thai il hnd fo.1 the pnst few weeks in Counuil HlulTs i\-or : since the first arrival of full goods Iho Boston Store has been advertising1 special s.ilo in various douurtrnouts. The wonderful they have had is n sure guaran tee that they h ivo lold Iho truth and nothing but the truth. \Vo always have what is advertised , and you are sure to lind it just as rep- loscnted. Tlie salofoi * tlio coining wool ) ihdiobs goods , and wo call your alien- lion to show window displays , bcsido n htrpo variety of bargains in llus do- partinent. Wo nro showing now full novelties all over our store. Window No. 1 Shows n line of out ings in mixed , checked and plaid novel ties , snmo goods retail at 50c a yard , ItO in. wide and warranted all wool ; we offer snino durings-xlo al Ulic per yard. Window No. U Shows a. bolter gr.idc of goods , representing e-oino of the linosi Furopoan productions , in 'renoh ' , Aus trlnn and Gorman nuinufncturo , us wol as seine oxclnslvo drcsa piiitorns in the latest weaves and olYeote , ranging ii K price from JU.UO to $15.00 each. ill Window No. ; t Sliowb an entirely dif ly forcnt lino. It is composed of blacl y goods and black and white , amonc whiol 11ir are some bargains. Wo call your niton ir ' id lion to our 42 inch ctuhino'ro at ! t9c worth'oOe , Perhaps the greatest bur gain over offered by us , or any othei merchants , is our Hi-inch Auattinn lion liotta ( all wool ) , regular Voo grade , a 57ja Ucsidcs the bargains mentioned wi have a full range of fancy weaves a special low prices , stioh as whip cords poplins , Mulolasso , India twill , Luns Is downo , gloiias , etc. , oto. Window No. 4 Woollor the choice n this line while they last at lOo per yard Goods are a ho ivy homespun , illiiini tinted in different color. ? , full iiO inolio \\ide and well worth 2oc. h FoTiuuiNauA3f , WIIITJLAW : & Co. , 3iy Boston Sto o , iy Council Bluffs , la. 3f ity Trains for Manawaat 11 a. m. , 2 , 3 , 4 y 5 , (1 ( , 7 , 8 uiiti 1) ) o'clock p. in. IDuo She Will Ihmi the Cliolcrn. uoK. If there Is anytlilng m tbo sa.rlnR that feu K.P. . of thocholora IB moro liable to briiiR ou n P.Is attack of the disease Usolf than any otbt thing , ttioro is u laJy living in Iho castor part of tuu city who may be exposted to e ) ill hlblt the symptoms at any lima now. Yestoi bo day she locnlvod a letter through the pos ho ofllcehuh bore the post inaru of Nei 't. i ork. At the llrit gllropso of the postir.arl 't.m without \\altlntr tospo who tbo inNslvo wu uo from , shu piouud ttio duntllv tliinj ; up RII by eerly and chuckvd it into urn lire. Slio me in- broathKd u sign of relief , BUI ! at last accouni ined wai rostini ; u o liy us coula bo expcotc no uuaer the circutustancbj. ay SHH for Dimmer * . L. . W. Tultoys was made defendant In tw 1-3 , diunnuo oults in the district court .vestcrdu tH tiusteo for Cl rencu 1C lloss. in the tir tbo pluliiiliT is ono Thomas A. Shwely , wl says lu his petition that ho executed a tru deed to Hens In IbSO , tiftnifotring | tf ) aen o ( land iu MurrlcU couuty , NobrasUa , Hem , connltloncd upon the pnrmniit of ( , * > 3U. In 1SH ! bo paid the nmounl to Ttiltiys for Hoes and ihrcq months later tondcrvd Tul- lets SO conti , which Tulleyn said was n ren- sonnblo cbar o for Iho trouble of havlnc the trust deed snltKriod on the recorJ. But , ho alleges , lulloy-t r insod to bnvo the sntlsfac- lion recordad'and kapton rofuslnp until four months elaoicd. llo wants * 1UO uainagc from Tulloys , In nccordsnco.vith the provis ion of the Nebraska statute , which makes a tnnrtsaRCO nr holder of a trust dcrd liable for damages In thnt sum for neoIectlnR to hnvo the tiuit deed satisfied of iccord within oven Onyx nftir beln ? riquostcd to do so. He also wants fcWO damages on account of the attorney fees and other rests which ru- sultcd from his being compelled to bring the present notion , A similar suit was commenced by William Johnson , Iho land In question boinu sltunted In Kossuth county , Iowa , and the nmounl of the damages wanted f : ! . ' , " > . fur u DUurrc. A petition wiu Hied In the district court yostordnv by John Plnncll , asking for n divorce - vorco from his wlfo , Hllzaboth J. Piunoll , In wblch the somowhal novel plea Is madn that the defendant Is nn inmate of the penltcn- ttarv. The ulitlntlff suvs that ho xvas mar ried to the defendant in IbSO , the particular month being omitted. In November of iho name yonr in which ho was married ho alleges - legos that his wlfo was convicted of the crime of aiding tcloiis to rsc no which , nc * cording to the liu\s of Missouri , In itself a felony. Sna was thoicupon sentenced to a two \ciir term In the penitentiary , and for this no wants a divorce. IiijurmlVhllo Drunk. Information was received In this city yes tcrday of n fatal accident thnt took place Monday night ut Mlnncola , a small town on tbo Wabasli eighteen miles Houth of bore. Andrew Miller unit a companion spent iho afternoon bowling up al a viloon in town , and started for nomr late in the evening. On the \vav homo they lost control of tbo team and wcio both thrown out , landing against o barb .vlre fence. Miller received Injinlcs , from tbo effects of which ho died In u few hours , \vhtlo the injuries of iho other wetu less serious. Judaou , civil ongmoor , M3 Broadway MuthuillHt Appoint mull ts. The Muthodlst confcronro , which has just closed at Perry , nssipned the pastors of tbo various churches of the state to their lespec- llvo lldus for the coining year. Hov. H. P. Dudley comes to the IJroadwav Methodist church of tnls city and Uov. C. W. Biowor of the Fifth Avenue and llov. II. H. Barton of the Trinity arc retained. Picsidlng Elder W. S. Hooltor remains ut Shoiiandoah. Hov. S. Fleming is chanirou from.the Kpworth mission ot this city to the churcn at Silver City. Atll/T/l U.WJ/i.l. City Attorney Van Diison Itettirns Iron ) an Kimtcrn Visit unit rulUs I'ulitlcs. City Attorney Van Duson Is home from Now York. Ho spent several days In the Empire ntato and dellveied a speech to tbo republicans of Union Springs. According lo Mr. Van Dusen's idea , Iho republicans will carrv thn state by from 15H)0 , ( ) to 20,000 , and bo says bis opinion Is lornicd * fiom tulk with prom inent people , who are well posted upon tbo political situation in New York. The demo crats bavo hot furgcntea the defeat of Hill , and tire not enthusiastic supporters of Clovo- land. Hill was simply forced to deliver his Brooklyn s'icc'i i , , nud that cannot , bo takoti ns an itidicutiou that the factious are united. Tbo democrats are engaged in bitter factional light , till over the stnto , MH ! thu party Is badly split ana not united. They liavo no organizations ana have Tailed so far to in ject thu least semblance of enthusiasm Into f o campaign. On Ibo otncr hand tbo republicans are har- nioiuoub and enthusiastic. Hatrisou and Kld mo very popular and the campaign in their behalf Is b'sing carried on under the mest favorable ciruuinstances , and with tell ing ofToot. Now Yorkers are protectionists and will vote tbo republican llcicot and give the state to that Daily. The democratic man agers hnvc apparently lost all hope of carryIng - Ing the slate for Cleveland and are nol con ducting near soaggrcssivo a campaign as in former vears. Mr. Van Duson attended the national con vention of republican clubs at Buffalo and ropresenlod Ibis congressional dlstiict. Ho repoits tbo convention as belnc enthusiastic and a success. The attendance was large and thu roproaoulation from the different states good. The delegates brought tbo most encouragine reports from all sections of iho country and nil were confident of republican success this fall. Coiincilma i Sulniiz unit tlio Cnmlilcrs. Councilman Schulz , the alderman who niailo Ihe lounds of Iho gambling houses and announced his intention of bringing up the matter iu Monday evening's council meeting , failed to do so. Ho pioposea to put an im mediate stop to the gambling carried ou and bis silence on tbo question Monuav evening caused the pooplc to wonder why Mr. Scnulz made the rounds and niuae a h'lcat bluster ahoul what ho proposed to do , but tlio gam- blcn are in as much clover as over and Iho games continue , il Is said , however , tout some action will bo taken by the administra tion to close ui > iho gambfing dens in tbo near future. Third \Varil UiipubllcaiiH. Til's repuDlicnns of the Third ward mot last evening at Evans" hall , Twenty-eighth and H streets , tor the purposa of organizing c a ward club. The attendance was good , and a nuuiucr of members of tbo Young Men's ii Republican club were present to assist ttio Thild waraers. C. A. Evans was chosen chairman and Patrick Tralnor secretary of 1 the mooting. It was duducd lo postpone ttio perfecting of organization until uoxl'i'ucsuay evening , Kiluh Breckonriiigo and \V. W. St&baugb of Omnna were present , and iu rospoiuu to calls delivered short and enthusiastic speeches. DuhiK ( Jiioil Work , Sanitary Coritnlsaloner Snivo'.y and Cblel Beciiett removed several dofoctlvo drain pipes vesterday in different pirts of the city. They mot with a number of remonstrances iu the ncr-on of lady tonanls , but the throats woio in vain and the dcfectivo pipes went. The sanitary condition of the city is to bo im proved , and no obstacles thrown in the wuv uy obstruporous tenants will prevent , and general co-operation on the part of clti/ona would bo far bettor and aid Iho olllcials in tbo carrying oul of iho work laid before them. Anothnr ruhlicj I in .t Enclncer King bui boon instructed by the council to prepare an estimate of the uroba bio tosl of tur.'ipitelng Twenty-fourth street , from Q street , south to I ) street , in Albright , and U now engaged in the work of making Vho estimate. As soon as iho engineer com ploics bis estimate and sends It to the coun ell that body will take tbo necessary Mopi to hnvo the work down. Al tbo prcnont tliin Iho street is In a very bad condition , unc the largo amount of tiavcl over It acuiand this improvement , . Niit unil I'tTHonala. Harley Haitlll Is homo from a visit t ( Clarks. M'rs , Cdilb Bays has returned from a visl to Lincoln. Otto Wondt has gene to Drowsier lo lool alter lund Interests. Mrs. C. J. Collins and Mrs. O. Peck lavi today fora visit at Fra-noni with friends , ir Tlie young daughter of John Dunn , Tbutv in second and U streets , out a deep gash In ho tr rit'ut log youordiy morning by u full. rn Hurry Dunbar bus returnea from a visit t Kalamuzoo , Mien. , and is ugala umployea li r. the Hammond tin'shop. The loa given last ovenlnir it- party by tb > itIf. itw ladles of the Episcopal chuicb at tbe bom If. of Mrs. E. J. Saykora was well atloudud aa a success. IIS II- A mlssllo thrown by Adolnh Doukal , wh II311 Hvos at EUhteenth and \Vvman \ strooti IS strucii Ellen Adsbal , u little girl , cutting ed deep gash in her bead. The mcmbois of tbo Degree of Honoi Ancient Order of United Workmen , will glv u musical entertainment mid clunco at tnul vo ball Satuiaay cveuiug , October 1 , voy. y. Asmall bluzu called Ibo tire doparimon vustorday aftoraoon to u small barnowne ho by U. L. Sweeney on thu ulloy boiwoe Twenty-fourth and Twentv-IUtu streoti isl touth of M street. The lire caugbl froi eg some burn Ing rubbish near by and was ex to ilngulshcd boforouuy VETERANS' ' FRIEND AND FOfc Position Tnkon by the T WJ Parties M to the Old Soldiers. CLEVELAND CONVICTED 'ON ' HIS RECORD Drniocrnrr .t'Ki Its C.inilliliUalp\nteil to Do * utroy I'cnslnn l.cel'tnllon Mr. Iliirrl- SOII'R Hill-nine IVorilt I'nclii lor Vet- criin-Vntor ) nn < l Tliclr Sons , The democratic party U , nnd always haV been , opposed to the granting of pensions , whenever It could find oxeuso for so doing. The domocrals In congress who have bson In favor of pouslon legislation have succeeded In assisting the soldier only 'by abandoning iho majorlly of their p-\rly and voting with the republicans. Just at present the democratic party U running two entirely antagonistic statement * , neither of wblch Is Iruo. Oao Is "that tbo doiuocrailo party has dona us much for tbo soldier ns tbo republican party , " and , point ing lo tbo acls passed by congress anil the pensions granted under the Cleveland admin istration , claiming Ibo oxcluslvo credit there for and at iho same llmo iwttting tbo soldier about tils fall nro to got tha pension ho de serves , nnd blaming thai failure upon iho "Haum administration of Iho pension ofllco. " Another unwarranted siatnmonl calls alien- lion lo the "riotous oxtrnvagntico" of the republicans , urging all former nonunion men nnd inun who have roacbod their majority since IbOi to call a halt by voting the demo cratic ticket. It Is noltruo thai Iho democratic party has done as much for the soldier as has the ro publican. LOOK nt the racor.ts of the two parties. Unucr Cleveland's administration the following laws were passed The widow's Increase of pension from $3 to (12 par month , sixty-six democrats and nol oven ono ropublidalrvoting against tbo bill ; Iho Mexican pension bill , as Hits belliUrn ; ( ! Iho southern men no ono voted against its final passngo ; iho amputation act , rifty-ono democrats voting against It ; Increase of pension In ciso of total deafness ; removing the charges of desertion In case of ro-onllstment. These are Iho mosl impor tant of the ton laws signed by Cleveland and which mot the unanimous approval of re publicans. Harrison slgnoc uventv-throo laws , among thnin being an act pensioning soldiers and sailors who served under assumed numos ; pensioning the Missouri stuto militia ; same for a Kansas colored regiment ; the pension In cases of total disability was increased to fTJ per month ; tbo famous dependent pen sion bill , under whom provisions tnrce quar ters of a million people will receive relief ; allowing enlisted men of the army who bnvo served thlrtv years to be pi iced upon the re tired list ; pensioning the bravo \\omon who served as nurses during the war. There Is no sectionalism in thi republican party , for thn veterans of southern Indian uins lira to bo pensioned and ex-confederates who afterwards - wards served In the Unilod ritales utmy nro to bo relieved and pensioned , and armless and leelcss soldier * are to be furnished tutt- ilcial limbs every three yoats. Many laws n'cto also passed which simpllllcd pension piocoduro 'and prevcutrJ exorbitant attor ney's iCCS. CumrmtlHon of Uncords. Wnat pension laws did Harrison i of use to sign I None. Cleveland vetoed 1''T special and ono general pension bills , thu latter be ing tbo tatnous "dopondout pension bill , " the provisions of ' .vliich wore much narrower and moro hampering to ttiu'ponslon ' applicant than the one signed by Harrison , and yet it WPS "too broad and Its provisions loo.oasllj complied with" to suit MK Cleve land. Many of tboso privalo vetoes were infamous- hint the pension oQico afterwards pensioned some ol iho verv men whoso bills Mr. Cleveland velocd. Sneers and slander were huapod upon those soldl'Jn nnd Iho opinions of Mr. Cleveland were placed againsl the sworn statements of soldiers. Take the acts of the Fifty-first congress which was republican and compare them with those of tbo Fiftieth congiuss which was democratic. Eighteen general pension laws were passed by tha Fifty-first and onlv four by the Fiftieth , while 1U'.U pensioners received relief bv special acts duilng the Fifty-llist. as against 1.017 during the Fif- liolh congress. The democrat 10 party U gelling worse In stead of bolter on this subject. The repub lican house of roprosonlalivos under the "lined rules" with a majority of but a dozen or so passed twelve general and 88J special pension acts , while ibo pruscnt democratic bouse , with 150 majority , unacted only six general and 135 pension law * . It won't do for the democrats to try nnd put parl of Iho blame ou tbo republican senate , for there was not even one house pension bill left unacted on upon the senate calendar of business. Of tbo 1(13 ( house pen sion bills which passed that bodv , 11)5 ) weio passed the lasl Friday evening , too late to bo ncteil on bv the senate , and yet tl.o senate passed 119 house pension hill's , The souato passed 100 senate pension bills , nil of which reached the house in lime for its action and iot onlv Iwenty-ttnoo were passed , twentv- iwo being loft on their calendar of unfinished business , iho balance sleeping In committee. Go lo the pension bureau and the same is tboro shown. Under three years of demo cratic rule 1&2(1' ( ) pensioners wcto added to Iho rolls and 3)1,107 ) nonslnu certifi cates were Issuea , while under tbrco years of rcpunllcan rule -475.300 pensioners'wero added to tbo rolls and 769,00. ) pension certifi cates were issued , ornoout three limes moio worlt was done by the republican party's aa- mitusuation of too pension oillce. Anyone consHerms those tacts can readily see how false iho firsi position of the demo cratic party is. As fonts second po > iti3ii , that Is equally untenable. If the democratic party means that the lepubllcaii party is ex travagant In Its administration of the pension bureau , then the facts show tno reverse. The cost of issuing a pension certificate un der the democratic administration was J1M.U4 , while under the republican Itwasonl } $11.10. The traveling expenses of special ex aminers weio $4''li.118.1)3 ) more under Iho democratic rule and they nad over one-third leas cases lo examine , The cost of disbursing $1 by ttio democrats was UK cents , while it is only U 1-0 mills bv the republicans , or over ten times Icssrcostly It cost 7J 51-10 conU for Iho democratic parly to pay a pensioner THERE is HOPE X'or e\ cry ono w ho has ujpp'l trouble , nn matter In what Bliapo or liow'lonj ; standing , pioifdeil none of tbu vital organs \\n\o \ been to far Impaired - paired as to render n euro' Impossible. 8. B. H. K < > cs to the root of the disease , nnd reimnea the cause , by expelling ( ho 119(3011 ( from tbu hod ) , nnd at thu same time In a tqiilatotho whole njHtcm. lluwe\er had ) our case may ho , there is hope FOR WGU. Cured inoof .ijnost malignant typo of Lhronluiijiboil trouble , for \\hicli 1 had iifei ) parlous other remcdlea niuiiiiii , uni-ct. My velelit Increased , anil my health linprou'd ine\cryuay , 1 consider H. 8. H , K. thu be t toulo I crr uneil. K B. A. WluniiT , Midway , Ha. " Treatise on blood , skin nml contauliuis blood Jioisou mailed frcu. BWltT Sl'EClVll ! CO. , Atlanta , Oa. DEFORMITY EiasticStockings , Trusses , e IB Crutches , 4 - ' Batteries , to"I Syringes , "I Atomizers , ALOE ft PENPJLD I14S. 15tli St , Kcxl to PostoHicj. nnJ only 4)1C ( ) cent * for the r < ipub1icMi party to do It , Ilverj where II is fthown tbul the re publican parly Is the only economical purtv. \ \ lilch U rrlnnitllrr tn tlm Vctonui ? It Iho democratic party moans to say thnt II dos nol believe In pensions , llion there Is but lit1 lo to say. In the world's history from Us ! ) ? ? tnnlnft until now U.ero wns never a civil war In which the victorious army did not take bodily possession of the povernmont , loot tbo public treasury , despoil Ihe private property of both the vanquished Hnd victorious cllboiis , and otiprcss iholr capllvos by duprlvlnp them of nil their porscnol nnd ptoperly riKhts. The soldiers of the utilon nrmv did none of these thlnes , iiinltliiB the only cxcontlon ever noted. To them bo all praise nnd thu llttlo pittance they now Individually rccalvo is but. a drop In the bucliot to what they coulu hnvo hnd , hna they but followed in iho footslopi ol the history of tbo world written before nnd since 1SO.V I place against the veto snct-ro nt Mr. Clovcland those words of 1'rcsldont llarrl- eon : "And now , roinrnJos of the Grand Army of Iho Republic , tiuivlvln ? veterans ol the pnllanl band that from those mountains and vallevs xvenl out to defend the Ilic , 1 Rlvo yea a comrade's prcollnt ; to Jay. Ooil bless jou , overv ono. ted ! fornlvo iho heartless * ness ot that American In t hit origin day of " prosperity and unity who can ujgr.ulijo" hiiy of vou Iho Jusl duni of your hard service. " On ono side Is the republican party with Its record of generosity and economy , headed by a man who stnrod tbo soldier's life nnd defended the country's name In llmo of dan- per. On the other H the democratic party , whoso opposition lo thu soldier extends from ISO ! until now , nnd whosu pica of economy Is but a sham , beaded bv n man who sent n substitute in war , although no family lliw or otuslcal defect kept him nl homo. Choose yo. Komctnhur , nlso , that a vote for tbo third party Is n vote against Harrison nnd honesty , riisulluiR only In n vote tor Cleve land and hvpocrlsy. .Soldiers nnil citizens , whal will you do nnd how ulll you vote ? AI.ONXO II. STCWAKT. POSITIONS 00 BEGQ-INO. I 'lonelier * Culluil lo thn Out eminent , lint Ton Aniuor. The Unilod Slates government h is ono Joh to lol thai don't seem to cause nnytbltiR like n stampede to Its ranks. It Is the Indian school service. Yesterday was the day upon which Iho civil service hoard bad prepared to hold an examination of all applicants In this parl nf the counlry who mlrthl wish to take llio ex imluation for the work of Indian teacher , file Binall courr room In the posl- o111co building was set aside for Iho class , bul Iho applicants did not jostle each other in t'ottini ; Into the room by a lonp ucal. Tboro were only two persons to apply , ono man nnd ono woman. The examination is nol considered diftlcult and the fact lhal Iho government is short on Indian teachers gives iho applicants u pretty uood chance to secure employment , bul Iho salary docs not seem to bo sullloient to tempt people away from civilization to assist the covornment In iho work of oJuciting the poor , icnoraut Indians of tbo reservations. DoWltt'sSarsananlla cleanse the Oloal. WOOUBliRV'S ' FACIAL SOAP The result ufao jeirB * ct | * rlcnce In ' | lllnntr i HlDiheuM" * Alu rirUunnrlfi , Mnlm an t router Mn 1,3 , ! nr I'll s , ltcincs ! of > n * * ii crlluo 13 lr , Pimple t tncliUovelninciitcic ) ] ) ui'nituH fn K Kt urn t p ii/ i < iii 1 KtlNH.WJ'lOBinY.r. ! l2RW.5-ir' ' > ' > ' ' - ' ! r-'v COUNCIL BLOFH ST3VI DTa WORI5 All klnlsof Dyolnsanl Olu.inlnrdono In tha hihest style of thu : irl. Killed mi.l stiiuul fabric ! ) made to look 113 aoa 1 as nmv Work promptly done nn < l dellvoioJ lu ill p.utsof ihe co.mtry , enJ for tirlco IUL . MA011AN I'ltOl'iJIlU'OK , U. A. , - - wir. Navr Nort'i vntt.ii-4 C.iuxJir. IU.uif4. to ir , Ot Council llluT ) . Capital stock . $150,0 3" ) Siiriiliis nml i'nUU , . S ,01)U Not onpHilmil -iirnliu $2.'lOJ ( ) Director1- ! I ) IM u la li-m K. I. Shii/irt. I' I ) Gleiwm. K. i : . Hart , 1. A Miller. I , V. illicinii u ml CharlcH It. llimnin. Tr/i-Hi't iXDiiur.ll ii.iu'j , liu bii-lnos' . l.nrzos ; ciplul uu ampliu ut uujr Liink liiboiuhwi iurn loni IM'UltKbl'ON T111B llUI'Oall'A rpo THE OWSEKS OP ALT , LOTS OU J- parts of lots , on J-n.l street , fiom Nicholas struct to Ulark street. Von are horehy nottflecl that the iintlor- aluui'd. three iliHlnterusted fruu holduis of the cltv of Omaha , haxo liuun Hilly nppointcd by the in ivor , with the appioval of the city council of s ilil eltv. to asu4s the ilnmiizu to thu owners rvucutlvoly ot the piopurty af fected by madltu of said struct , declared necessary by orillnnnro No. .I'.Ml. pissed Au nisi .Wtli , Ib'Ji ' , nppiovod Augnstlllst , IBU. . You aio further notified , that bavin : ac- ceptiid slid npinlntmont. : iml duly iiuiillflod as loiinlrod by l.iw. wu will , on thu Jltn day of Hoplumber. A I ) H9J , at the hour of U o'clock In the uftomoon at ttiu olllco of Oeorgo ,1. I'uul , 10 r ) I'.irnuiM Htiuet , wl'hln the corpor ate limits of said city , moot , foi thu purpose of considering and male nr tbo assessment of diimagu to the owners rospnctU ely of said pioporty , nlTi'iitod bysaldmadmj. taking Into uonslderutloii apeohil benulltIf any. Von aio nntlllpil to be present at the time and placu aforos ilil , and in iku any objections toorstatu'iiunls conctirnln salil iiSMt > ssmunt of ( lamaRCb us yon may tonsldur propor. ( ! iomii.l. 1'Aiiii , WM. C hiniivut , J\Mii : hrociiDAi r. . Oni'iha , bjplcmlinr liitli. 18.1. bllillJt , To the property owners of all lots , p irt of loU nnd teal rs'atit. ulo i How.ud street from ll.ltli street to JHt. blrecl : Vou giro huroby notiflod tint thoundur- slcned. throe dislnl'jrestod freoho'dura ' o ! t'io city ofiJiniihii , li ue been duly npirjlniod by the minor , with tbo approval of the city council of HalU clly , tons-toss the diimaxu' la the owner * luspuotlvely of tbu proi > otv : if- f"cttd liy c'h.uuu of ur.i'luof boward Htroul from itoth to : iNt HlioutR. doulured neuussarv by oidlnnncu ls , paused August Ulh , approved Ail-Mist llth , Von aio f uithur nollfleil , that having no- copied said appointment ! and dulv ijiialillcd as recalled by law , wo will , ou the 2ltn day ol HeiUuinbcr , A , l > , IKJ. , ut thn hour of U o'clock In the forenoon , at tha olllcu of John r. 1 ' ! nek , room fM. Ohauibur of ( Jo.iimuice , within thu corporate limits of H.ilil ulty , mcul for the purposu of considering and ma > ln > i Ihu asjessmunt of diiiiniKO to thnownoM ru- spictlvclv of said prouerly. ulluctud by sill cliaiiiiu of gradu. taUni ; Into cotiHlderalloi special benefits. If uny. Vou aio notified to bo present at the tlnu and place nforusa d , nnd m-iko uny nnjei-tlon- to < ir Htutementa concern I rtV s ilu asjus- of iliimaKus as you may consider piopur. Omaha. September 7. JOHN \V. UOIllll.V ? , s-'a-d-Dt unouiin .f. J'AUU _ TO AI-U OWN Kits OP X.OTS uU I'AltIS Ol lots on Il.'nd street from Hamilton street ti Krnnldln street. Vou itre Imreuy notified that the under Bluneil , three dlsinturoHud freuholdera of tin city of Oinulia. have luun ) : thu miiyor , with tlio approval of thu clt ; cmu'i'll of su'd ' city , to ua-.u-.ii the dam i.-cs Ii the owners , reapuutivoly , of thu proportl atlcctiul hy priilln : of H ild atruut. duularui nccess.iry by Ordln meo No .l.'IO , p Kiel bcu lumhei l.'il | ( , | t > 93. app.-ined Huptomtiei Oth , le'r. Vou are further notlflud. that hivlnjiiu ceplel yulJ uppn . itinunt , ii'id dulv iinullllui us reiiu rud by Ian , wu will , on thu ; tnii day u Huiitember. A. 1) ) , 1HJ. ' , al the hour of Hire o'clock in the nflernoun. Kt the olllru of Uui ' J. I'liul. 10 ; . ' ) street , within iho 'O.r porito limits of mi Kl city , mtot for the pur pose of considering nml inaklnit thu uusus- inent of damage to the owners reapi'utlvoly u mild piuperty , alTuutod bv sild uradln.1. t.iH In-- Into lOimldtir it litn special benollti. If uuj Vou are neillle.l to bo prusoiit , ut the tlm nnd pluco iifurca.Ud , and maku uny objiiotlon to ur Htatoiiiuiitti coiuurnlng aald ii3uiimeii of daiuugcs as you mav consider proper. 01:0. : J. PAUL. .1. M. KOI1II1NH , JAMU ? bl'OOKDAI.R. Omaha , Nob. , fc'opt , luib , idli. JJdU < " r nhnlnittif n int , or how murli cot' It ivn' " " ' " lerli nrp rr/iTT r rvrum p yon YOU DON T v1 < " "to i.llo m. wMlih for tlioo l combine It r u nro pun t rcml nlmt follnxii. It < 1op < n't Intrrctl ) ou Thr cxporlonio ot ttio ? who linvo uii'il Barland Heaters l < cpnrlnjlvolr thit Iher sro I llf-P In oriitiomjr of fiml n conTCuHMiro In iiunliiiilrMInn nnil iliiriilillllr. Tlic nro liiilltoii liinior nml On nut fnll In work unll.fclurll ) llro < tiini iidthlni to Umk itttliom nnrt If ou n'llcnll no nil ! to I > im mnt liiunlrciU 0 f niir t'O'l vonplo nho b ) II o ( inrmntt lii-nt 1'rn * ml rr.iuei. P.C.DEVOL . . , Alun Aunit fur Columbia Hlcrrli' , . 501 Broadway ami to Xortli Main Sired COUNCtt , III.DI-KS. S. W. PANKLS , M. D. The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' ' Eiperimc. UEiVDKU OF DISEASES or M N ANU 1YOMUM. I'liopitiurou ov aim WOllLU'S HKUIlAfc DISI'KN- SA11Y OI' . M f treat the following Diseases : Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and I.uncs ; DI * . cascsoftbe Eye and har.FlUnad ApoplexHeiirt Disease. Liver Complaint , l.ldncv Complaint , Nervous Debility , Mental Doprcs- nion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness. Diabetes. Bright a Dl-easc , 81 Vltus' ItanLO. "riemaatlsm , I'oraljEis. White Swelling , Scrofula , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors and KlPtula lr > ano removed without the Unlfo or o'rawine : a drop of blood Woman with bir dcllcnto owns restored - stored to health. Dropey cured without tapping. Special Attention given to private and Venereal Diseases of all kinds. 85 O to SbOO forfeit for any Venereal Dls- ease i cannot cure without mercury. Tape Worms removed in two or three hours , or 110 lay. II morrholda or Piles ci.nd iiiosi : wno AKI : AFH.TCTED WlllEa\c life and hundreds of dollars by calllnu on or using DR. G. W. PANGLE'S HERBAL InEDICINES. The only Physician who can toll -what nlla a person without asking a question. All correspondence strictly confidential. Mcdioino scut by express. Address all IctUrs to G , W , Pangle , M , D 855 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa NOTION TO PROPERTY OWNERS AGENTS AND LESSEES. In piirinanco of ordlnanuo No IKKU , requir ing suwoi ( OincUIons to be mailo to nun with in t locuriillnoi on cert iln streets In Htreut Improvt'iiient dlslrlets No * . 470. 47T , 47H. 4TU and 4sl , In the city of Om ill i. you are hereby noUliuil to innUu all necessary connections with sew rm Insor mtturals and to comulcto such w 01 k ou or before October Kt. IH 2 , unit Is tbu imrpnsiito iiavo tliostnots In the s ild dlstriciH. mid moie u.irtieul.irly dcscr bud us follows to wit : No iri Thu street lyln ? east of thawe-itU'l fcetof lot7 , hlooK Jill cltv. from i aclfla street to the ulluy south of I'aclllc street. No. 47 ? r onU-liiat lruet from Wlrl blrcet toKponccrstiuut. No. 47S loiiffl ) is sticet. from the wpst line of nth sticct in thuu iht Iln i of " 3th b reel , J o.47'1 ' fee unti'ontli slieet fiom tin ninth line ( if 1'arn iru strcot lo Hie south line or Do ie ! > tri.ot No 4SI til ice street from , the west line ot the Omaha Holt rill way's rUht of .iv to thu line of the Clile.izo. N , I'aill. Minnoaiio- lls Omaha railway's lUlitof way. Vou are hoiobf oulercd to malto the ncces- s iry sewer conneotloiH on 01 hofoio the ilato suueldo I In llils notlcu , 01 thn sime will Do madohythu ulty autl-.oiItlct , . nnd the cost thereof assessed aaulnst the propoity oppo site1 Ihu saino nn I t-nnulally boiiulltlotl ilioruby. 1) itod at Om tba , Nun , this IStn rt.iy of September. IB , , , , w nlKKUAUsnKi Chali man of the Hoard of Public Works. TO ALL OWNHUS UV LOTS Oil PARTS OK lots on IHth street fiom Ames a\eiiiiuto Towlcr aemit' . Yon nro lieiuoy notlflol Unit the undor- al nod. Ihreo disinterested freeholders ot Miu city of Uiniiha , lirtvu been duly nppo ntoil by tbo inayoi. with the approval of thuclty coun cil of said cltv. to as uis thudamairo to the owners ruspcctlvcly of the nroporly alfoctud by iiulliu of siild sttuut mid uiiHssiiLets , du- ulnrnil necessary by oidliuinoo No I'll ' , pnseii bepteinberUlh , Ibu. , apjirovtil buptuinberuih lb'i lb'iYou aio further notified , that hivlnt ; nc- coptt'd H ilil appolniinuiil. and du y qu.ulliL'il as iuiUlri'd | by law. wo will , on the .Inl ilavo Outobur , A 1) . 1SU. at the hour of ! ! o'clock In the afternoon , at thu olllcu of Ueo J , I'uii1. iliO'i rariiam street , within the corporate ll < nlts ot aald cltv. meic foi the purpoMi of considering mid making the assessment of dam i o to the owners lespoutlvelv of s ilil property nlTuolocl by HI Id ( 'railliiL' , taking inlo consideration Hpnclal bonnllls , If uiiy. You .110 notilleil In hu present ut the time and placu ufoic-mlil nnJ maku any o.ijoutlon tourstiituniunthL'oiiL'eriiliu n ilil asHussmcnt of daiiiaifus as yon m.iy consider proper. ( II'.O. .1. 1'AlM/ , .1. 1' . KI.AOIC. \v. a Hiutivnit , Omiiha , ? eitembur ) I'Jth , 18U H : dial I'l uposiilH lor Uistrlut htrunt liiiprotoiiiunl Moulin. Honied bids marked "propos IK for dlblrlc stivut liiiprovoineiit homls" will bo roeuhuilai thuollleu of lliuilty Ue.iuurcr , ( Jniiih u Neb up to U o'clock noon of lull iluv of Ontonor Ibi. ' , for the purchiise of $ .TilMli OU dlstrlc btrcut linpruveinont bondd of the city o Onmh.i , ! sub. balU bomlH snail ho dated October 1st , 18' ) ! iimi hliall be D iviiblu In from one tonlnuyu ir : after Ihu datu thereof , with Interest ut Un rate of j per cent pei iiiinuin payable annual I'rlnulpiil ' and interest payable al llros. New York. , uul bomls Hliall bo of the ileiKiinliuilloii u | , IMUUJ , t ou 00 ii nil HoO.uu ouch , Kuch bid muat at.itn pr'cu and ninoiin BO u ti hi , for ami Inclndu ni'oriiuu Interest ii il.ue of delivery at Omalni , Nuo. The right lu reserved to rojuct any and al Mils. Issued under charter power of dlluuof tb muiropo Hap cias and ordlnanuo No. ; t-'ill , up proNcil euptuiiiLor H.tli. iSOi IIKNICY HOLLN. b3lU7l ( _ City I'fuasuror. rroiiomilt lor IIUlilol ( imilliiK lldiiiln , Honied bids , m.irUed 1'iopnsals for dlntrlc Kradlng hands , will bun-culMjJ at tlie ollke ( . lliuUty 'Ire suier. ( iniha , Nub. , up to I ri'ulouU noon , of the lOili day of Uelobui , IHf a. for the puichuseuf J'.M.ivui ) ' UUiilut ( Jiailln a.fd HonilH of thu clly of Oiniiliu , Nub , fdof bald boiiilx uiudiileilbuptuinburlisl. 1SU,1 , nn of mo pnyalile In from ono lo nine yearufit uo thu date tberuof , In ilemiinliinlliins of II , ( UK 'O. mid J'liu.uO each , with liiteiest ut thuraluof r- pt-rcont per annum payable Buml-yiiiijly. ; | | r- I'rluolpul unil interest payab.e at Konnty u- Hi os , . Now Yurltr uof t7.liuo.uO of UMrict No. : U. It- Jj.uoj/ of DUtrlet No. 47. y. 8l ,03J.Ua of ItUtriet , No. 41) ) , y.U1 K.ich bid iniiht htatu urlco and iimoui 113 bou.'ht for n ml Inulmlo aujrnud iritoiuHl t nt datu of delivery at Om ih.i. Nub. Thu ruht ruaurvud to reject , miv and ull bldx. lasuc unilor uliiu lor powur of ultlua of thu motropo Unn cliibs mid ( irillnuuce .No. J ± . ' . ' . Anpruve August 'J4tb , 18Ji llfcNHV ti.'ldlit , City Treasurer. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS. The want rulxortheiiKMtt * appoarin ; ? In a nnniptpor art ) otton thu innsV Intorfntlntc purl of Its iontcint . Thuy orpresj the urgent nrtils , the dally nlMiot ot the 4 < oiipla who uant 'omethlnji and who nro nlllln.j to do IJASTUItAOK for horses nnd o iltlot first L cliK ! * l.5U month. Inquire at 014 llro id- way. FAIIM and city loin * . Moiu'y luincil nn stock nnd Bruin , llusj ostnto for saliv nwellln ' nnd business runtnU. Money loanoil for lee il Investors. 1/ougco ti Ton le , a.lI'earl 1PUII bAt.K Hone , IIIIKIV ant Intnes * nt L1 tlr 4 i icrliiuo : ceo I outfit ! pee I Well broil rout horse. Must sell. U. II. I.ov/K 12 I'o irl street. $5. OOstoo'i of morchin'llso Inrc4t rn IO\TI. well louiitod , ilolnt tsoj I hut mm. for sale or trills I ! , It ltnrtlint , 721 llroulway , * ) ' lui id of voting horses for tr ulo : I nnrova I 'lirouertv ' ur tint. U 0. II irtiult , ill Hroi U way , Couivll MlnfTs. $ l. " i worth of dry cooils - nit not'ons ' forex- cban. K. ( i. U irtlett. Til llroadw.ty. 1/oU \l.n-Creatucry , well locnloil In No Jhiasiti , doliu irood luuliipis. Will tittn urtn i > r or Mill entire biulnetj ntnbir aln 1. II hoafo. " Alii-ItnproTod ! J5l-icro stoo' < farm Inustmii Iowa , $ Ji ; IsO-aoie farm , l.'Jj 12J- ii'tcs ? 'fi. Johnston , Vun I'atlen. IfOU SAIdi Choicckt farm in I'liUiwnU'x- tn u Co . 41.1 ucrotvoll lee it oil nnU Im- jirmul I'rlce $10 an aero. Vi II slu > ifo , 11'YOl ) liaxo inythln ? for sile or Uvlo so i I- II , bheife. Urn vdway mi I M un strnnt , . ii'OK TTii : On smill piytiiunts. fruit nml K-irdi'n Ian I noir Council lllitir-j C , U. - , llroadw ly an I Main street. "IfOUAlii : Albion Holler mills ontliono i. ri\ei. Net ) . ; tlnust wutoriiinor In tlu stitu ( lovolopliu IJ.'i liorsu power w Her entire yu ir : Onlly uip telly , 100 htrrols ; mi'li nurv unit ii | .iiirten IIR-IH : eonipletolnuvurr d it , ill (1 ) 1 1 fintnu resilience ; S uuri'sot I in ! . lltlo unrtmt , price , $ VD' ' ! will tiki * unl nptovu 1 oasturi NulirasUii land. 11 II. She ifo. SAIiU Oloin stocK hirl ire , well est - t , b Isliu 1 trr.lo , Invoice nhoiit f I..M ) . ( iix > , t on-ion for soliln ; . Terms o isli II , II. Sliuato. "IjlOU S\ln O1.1 ItnNT-Oood coal yard wllh - M-ales. etc. ( ireunslilnlds , Moholson vV Oo. TjlOlt r.M-UANlin-Ilotol and rbsl inrant Jlocatuil at , shubort , NuU , and IU lots In Denxi'i , C'olo. ; ulll o\chnnu for clear No- bi.mluil mil 1111 Hboafe. IfOIt HAIiC llnrdwirojtoolc. . \\lll Involeo JIf 1,0 'U ' ; lee itiiil In nn ae.ti\o NohrasMa town of Irill0 paiiul'itlon : business old o-jt ibllsho u \\lll boarulo i ) Invostlc.itlon. 11 11. tj'iuufo. OH At'Un firm with Improvements , flvu Ov/inllcs north of Council llliilfsj $ J5an ncro ; a snap b irjialn. 11 11. aiieifo. _ W ANrr.D No' raskn liuvl In o < rliuugo for good work horses. II II , MiuaCo. TirIl < lieu build a homoWu / hivonflno ' res dunce lot which wo sell for t0 If tiiKon soon. Urocnshlelds. Nleholnon , V Oo. 1I" A LI' ' section of nnlnomnbore.l land In No- Lbr iRKa to iradu for elty propurty. Gruon- shlolds , Nicholson & Co D UY coeds Htoclc lo tr ulo for low i land. Urconshlolds. Nicholson X Oo. \\71J li ivo a number of gen I tuniihts who ' T want ns to got duslr.ihlo hnnsui for thom. Vo ) you want to runt your houseOrouu - Hhluhls. Nicholson & Oo. _ Gt Itroatlwuy. Oreonshlelds Nicholson & Co. , ioal est.ile. AOOUII llxoTonm IIIUIMO for silo on your nun terms. Ohenpur 111 in p lying rotiU tiiei'iishlelds. Nicholson X Un _ NiW sovi'ii-ioom house , rlosu to llenton sui'oi. Will tiH'lo for v.ic int , lots or land. tiicunslilclils , Nicholson X I'o. AliF : OU i\OII ANOK ia3-.iarn rinea In Wlioolor county. Nob. WIllixUo morcluin- d Ise. R. II. bhoate. ITIOK SAIiHIlutolYlth furniture and IU- -L tines ! : T > rooms , bun , of. 1'rloc , 1II.5JJ. l.ocitedln DoitRlns countv. I ) illy receipts , WS. I n \ o lUato aloncc. II II. Sliuufo. _ "IjlOKSAlin Oroameiy o'llllt. ' comprising 20- Jh p bol ur , 10-h. p. ciuliiu. S lie Ii.ivollo sop irutors Scream rats , .liOg.illons uiichi aAl ) churn. : IJJ gallons ; power baitervorUor. . beam smiles , wnlaht w.itcr link and other IIlui 03. Will soil choup for cash or trndo for linl. C. H. hhcifo. _ ITlCHfaALK Small hotul In ROOI ! Iowa town -L1 Hiilldln < ; rnd furniture co.nplclo : ut a biirguln. E , II. Shoafo. _ IfOH ItKNT House aivl barn , torothor or KOJI iratolv , coriuir Ttli st. iimi 7th avo. Carpets and nil kinds of household goods for sale ; also , gentle family liorsu nnd plloton. . Impure on premUusor ot W. A. Wood. W ANTED A young man towoik. Apply at oillce of Leonard I.\eiott. W'ANTI'D Oooa Klrl for noneral houso- uori , ut4liUlon iivenuc , FO I Pr K A D K lj.inds In Oreolv county ! ind C'nstci county. Noli. , for stok of Jewelry. niitaiiM , fiirnllnio or business property In Council IllulN. i : . II. She ife. fiUJK SALI' Diislrahlu resldonco property ion 1'aileave. All modurn Imprnveinonts. 14 looms , ono block from niiito.u hiir iiln If t iloi > at once ; easy pjymenU or trade 12. II. She.ifo. WANTKD Vuiuu man for olllco work ; in list bo KOO I ponnvin and ucvnr to In llg- nres. Aildrejs Box'-'U4 , Council ( Hull's. ljE "l\\o zood yonni horses. Will -L tiiKecnrpontur work In payment for aaiuo. I-comud Kverott. oir AI.n-Hcalstoroil A. .1. O. 0. Jersey cow , I'nvolrii No. 10I1C ! : a HDlondldfixmlly row ; was fresh Au list -'I. W. M. bhepard , Koom.'u. ' , Merrium hlock , Connull Illuira. W ANrni ) Toami to hiinl coal. Applv to H. A. Oox , IU Main street. IJ'OH TKAUK Two ilwullliiKS ccnlrally lo- -L caled In Council lllulfH lu exchanxo for mureliiindlso or Nobr.isUu Intnl. A snap bar- K'lln ' for llvo days. K. II , bheafc. \\7ANTii-IloiiBokeopor. middle iiKn < l lady > > picfeiieJ. Address or call on It. V. Haln , fcj.Cubl fierce street , Connull lllutVj. Notlrn ol AKmitmiiunt of Damairos for Cnn- Htiuctloil nl u Vliidnct Alone riftccntll Strnrt O r tlio Triiiiki. To the owners of all lots ml parts of lots and runt tstalo r.loui ; 1'lftcontli atroct. bu- t\vten l/o.ieinvorth-Hrent nnd I'luiuu street , nnd thn appro ichos to the propoiud vliidnut lo bu Lonutrnclui'i over Ihu tiuekbon I'lfteentli Htll'l't Vou nro heicby notlflud that the undor- sltnoil , thruu dlsluturi'Stcd freubolderM of the city of Omnha , huvoboon duly npnointud hy ihu Mayor , with thu approval of the City Cinincll of Hiild city , to HH-.C.- . thu daiuaso to tbo ownnrs rospeullvuly of thu property af- fuctoil by tlio construction of a vlitdurt iiloim intli Hlreet , ovt-r the railway triinkH on and iteioss Kith Hlrout , but run l.ou\enwortl | Htrcotiinil I'Icrcu Htruct , il eel a red nucosbiiry by ordiiiMiico ii. " ) , piihaed Aiijiist-l , IB'J.1 , up- proved August''I , Iriu ; , Von are further nat'floJ , that Imvlnu no- room fiM Chamber of L'nmmerco , within tlio corpotatu limits of sulil oily , meet for the purpose of conH'durliiiC and milking the an- uisiuciit of dnmiiKO to thu owners icuixict- Ively , of Hiild tiropurty. iiffucted by uuld ton- Htiiictlon of said viuiluutniid Us iiiipronches. taliliu Into uonildcratlon hpojlal bunuflls , K Vou are unit fled to ho present at the tlmo mid place aforusiild , and make uny objections loot Blnlomcnts ciinccrniiu , bald imness ofdumuse * , ason miiy I'orislilur proper , JOHN K. 1'LAUIv. ni.oitun J. I'AtlL 11 u , OI.AUIC , Commlttue of Appra'fifirs Omuha , Sept. 7 , 16'JJ , ' Hlicriirn Silr. Under nnd by virtue ot un order mndulijr tbu lion. O. U. hcutt , onoof Ihu JmUus of the ilUlrlulcLiirt with n anil for Douvli.a county , NobriHUa , In tbu followinnctlon punUliiK in /biild co nil , towlt ; Thu Htnndurd htamiiliu compiny vn. l.uvl ( i. liotzul nml 1'rinn J. llcl/.cl ( lockctlU ) No. 7J ) .mil to muillroutud. I Will on thoL'lit d iy of huplumber. A , I ) , , ItiJ" . ' . i ori.mcni'lnit at IU o'clnuk In thn forenoon of B ild day , atS" North Kith Htrcct In thu city of Omaha , Dongas countv , Nu'irasKn. Hull at Diilillu auction to thu hlJiml and best lilddurj foreakh ( oren tlireu months credit with au- ) inn cd seem liy ) thu following ' > IH and ch it- Kiln hurutoforu levied upon by mo liy vlrtuo of nn ordui of uti uihniiint In-mod In thu nLcvo ontltled aullon , towlt : "A nloi-k of btunlo and fancy Krouerlus. flour nnil other inuruliuiiillso. " Thu iindurblunucl lusurvos the rUht to Bull nt Ihlb | ) ioioity ID u whole , or lu supirutu oir- teed culs , as lu liluludirment shall ho for the bust U lulcrckl of all iir.rlles toiiuornvi ] . od GioiiiE A. Hr.NNBrr , ild Khorllf of DoiiKlaK County , NubrauKtv. d Hy JOHN I.KWIH , Det/uty. Omuha , Nubrtitfka , tuptouibor 10 , 18) ) . ' . Una ill m