THE OM/VIIA DAILY BEE * . MONDAY , SIWTISMBEII in. 1302. < 7 SPEGIRL NOTICES , ( Ti llVKIlTiaKMKNTS Kll ) T1IKSK COLUMNS mno \ taken until 13 no p m. for thnovr-n'.n * Mid until 8hO : p. in. fur the mornlnit or Sunday cill- Alt a(1vnrtlr-Tncnl . In Ihoso columns \\4 \ \ cents K woril for flrM inn-rtlon ami 1 cunt word Jot each mibfeqnent Insertion , or tl .CO per linn per month. Ko advertisement taken for less than Js cents for the nrsLlnsertlon , ' In ndvnncn. Inltlnl * , llpiires. symbols , etc. , cncli count AH n word. All fidverllsenicnls tnnst run consecutively. Advcr- tlK-rc. bjr rnqneitlnR n numbered check , can have the loiters to n n\imbcred letter In euro oflllKHKK Ahswern o addressed will boclollv rred on presentation of the rhr-ek. SITUATIONS-WANTED , ' M-KCtniAifoN. HALF LOT ON CHICAGO street In business part of city nt n sroat * > ncrl , lire. Only f.l.UUO cni > li required. Good reason lor nelllnir. No trmln. Muni tioeolil at onco. Call at luuin CIS X. V. I.lfo tiullilliix. 341 19 \-WANTKD. SITUATION nV HLArKSMITII , -Ahsd oxiiorlenroln i-otinlry work , like pUee In Joi'ndry or timchlno s hop In city. Address. Jos. P. Jrdlvy. 18th and O , South Oinnlin. X W "IiMUNnKit ioir roMT"Smm"ANi ) CYI.IN- -Adrr rn-fMunn wants n fllt.'iUto 118 sllunllon an worMnc furemnn In InrgocountryoHlcn. Noloni- potnry Joli ncodnpiily. Address liil. Hen. MM1 ID * -WAMTIID- - SITUATION AH STKNOOHAPIIKH .A by younB lady. 11.45 , lice , Council HlultB. 671-20 VI f WANTED-MALK.HELP. . 1.3 I WANTKI ) , A I.IVivlli : ) : AWAKlY iVKI'UK HMilaUvclo represent us In ercrjr locnlltr. ono with vim , vli-or. pluck nnrt ptuhcan easily nmku IJ.'o per month ! no pcddllnx foods : soniethlnitnn llrely now ; Mnplo a Hour , send for full particular * tortnr. Address "Manufacturer , " postoniu bn.t ft'04. Itiiston , Mass. MilH sPJ * fjWANTii : ) , ( ALI'.SMiN : < ) N HALAP.V OH : o.M- -IJmlssloii to lininllo thn new | , alent clinnitcul Ink vrnsltiK pencil. Tim crcalc-il HCllliiK novelty over produced ; erases Ink ihoroiitililjr In Iwo seconds ; mi iilimslon of paper ; 2UO to Ma per cent prollt : ono URc'tit's antes nniountoit M'W In six days , nnolhor 1.12 111 two honrsj wo want ono oucrKctlo iicnernl iiKcnt In each slain iiuil U-rrllory. Kor lornu nml pntth-nlars address .Montoo Kroner MfBu. . . xiW l.n Crosse , WIs. TOI p-WANTF.n. A pitAcrit'AL MAN WITH soil K .IJeapltnl to toke n water mill. Ad.lresj ( " "Mi Lincoln , Nob. , -8 J-WANT OANVASSKIl * . W. A W. PAIll.OHS , ' .Ml Smith IClh st M3.Vi Ol ) IMKN WANTKI ) ON SALAHY TO LKAHN OUIl 1 > clly business ; experience not necessnrr. ( .nil nt il ( ) DouKlnii. "W lu T1 | -WANTKI > .MANTO TAKK OUIIKItS IN CITY. J' nildreismstiufncluror ( , box 2'17 ' clly 101 OU 1J-AGKNTS WA.Vfil FOIt WSHWASllKU AND JJflreklmllcr. Sample * and p.irlloiilars for Iwo ccntslnmp. T. .1. Tro" A CO..MUCHII. Mo. 101 20 * - ) GOOD PHAl'TlfM , | ii < lOiilS AT FOIIT Crook , near llelli > vue. Wa-s 20o to 22Ke pur liour ; day board W.50 per week. Keefot . < cMcGarvey. Mf > 7 20 * -WANTKI ) . llAll.ll'IADLAIIOHUHS ' KOll Wyomlnuanil Honlh llakotn. Wanes. ti.W and $1.2JierOny. | steady work. Albrlnht l.nhor Olllco , 1120 Fiirtiniii street. M2 OIO -WANTKI ) , NJOTKAMS ANI ) SUU-CONT H A CT ors. Fr'-o trnnsportatlon on the H. 1. Lincoln , Neb McCOrmtok llros A Co. S7IOI TJ--WANTKD. AN A i AMUOUNI > WOODWOHK- -I'l iiKiiiKchlne hand ; ntendy job. .1. A. Murphy 31 fir. Co. , 21st l nnd 1st nvo. , Council Hlnlls.M5I M5I > 22I ll-WANTKI ) , AGKNTS TO HANDLK HA1MD J'hotlliiKtiiiiipalitn novelty. Knormous coinmls- Ions. Address P. O , box No. 7 , Cnnloii , O. 4(0 ( 52 * IF YOU AUK SKKKING A HIGH GHADK | iiiHtlon | In nny part of Iho L'nlled Stnteri nrlto to Western Iliislncss AKuncy , Incloslns slamp , Allnneapolls , Minn. -\V.\NTKI ) , WIDK AWA KK WOHKKHS KVKHY- ivhero for "sliepp's PliolOKrnphs of the World" ; Iho Brenteil book on earth ; costliiK JIOC.OOO ; letall At 1.1.25cash or Inslallments ; innmmolh Illnslra- ted circulars nml lerms frcoi dally output over I.M volumes. Atienl.s nlld with siicce s. Mr. hos. I * . Murtln , Cenlorvlllc , Tex. , cleared (711 In 9 dns ) ; Miss Hose Adams. Woostcr. ( ) . , FU In 40 min utes ; HOT. , I. Howard Madison , Lyons. N. Y. . 1101 In 7 hours ; u bonanza ; inaitnlllcont outtlt only ( t. ( looks on credit- freight paid. Address Glebe Hlhlo 1'iihllshlnirCo. . No. 72.1 i hostnut St. , Phlla. . Pu. , orS.VS Dearborn nt. , UilciiKO. HI. MIM 2ij * B-WANTIU ) , AN INTKLL1GK.NT HOY FOIl nlllco work ; must Klva rofercncos. Address K C. ' > , lice. .M ) . > l III B-SALK8MKN. FOHTY F1VK DOLLAHS WF.KIf- ly will bo paid for ono order dally. Something tiew In tlio'book line. Address "AKent Depart ment , " B Knst Mncteenlh street , New York Clly. M45U 19 TJ-WAS'JKD. AJItNTS TO HULL F1NH TKAsI JcolTees , spices , oxlracls und xnndrles by xnniplu to fitlnllles : no cnpllnl required ; e.icluslvu lerrl- tory ; good pay ; tret our liberal trial oiler. Q. W. J-ovt'rln ti llrowno Co. , Chlcak-o. .M4IU-0-1G * * = WXNTHI ) , AT ONOK. KOWU COHNICU-MAIC > crs or tin roofon at Kagle Cornlco Works John Kponter. 4S7 20 II-.WANTKD , MANTO IIHIVH CAIIHIACK AND .L'mako lilinsctf uacftil around the house. Peycko llroa. 4B9 IB * 1WA.NTKI ) , DKTKCTIVES IN KVKHY TOWN JJn | Iho Dulled Slales ; oxpcrlenco not required ; end for particular * * . Universal Dclecltvo Auency , box ! , ( ! , ChlcnKO , III. 47'J 22 * T > -CAN OFKKH A STHADY SITUATION TO A Jjjewelor who can work at bench and playclarl- I oriel , cornet , naxaphono or snare drum In band ; ( lerinan preferred , AddrcFS Frank Kulhcll. Slur- tf , Neb. 47(1 ( 23 > -WANTKD , 8TONKCUTTKHS. APPLY AT Jjunl , Sl.xthnnd Jackson. VunCourt.t Donnlaon. Slil HI * TJ -WANTKI ) , YOU * G MAN FOIl OFFICK ; MUST JJ liouood penman and nccuralo In tlKurcs. Ad- sslloK2U4 , i ouncll Illiills , 67,1 ] y IJ-iWANTKD-ONK OF HMlTIFrt OMAHA 11OOK- JlkeeucrH. keep bookn and rolled ; salary (40. Ad dress llnrilwnro , Hue olllco , Council lllulls. 570-I'j T-WANTI.I ! ) , THK NAMBS AND ADDHDSSKS J'ol enorfllo men and women open for ucrma -Ii utwork. Wo clVt * exclnslvo territory. Wu uiinr tinlce KOOd workers ( . ' 10 a week. Wo f nrnlnh olllco f nrnllure , delivery team nnd nowspnper ndvi-rtlH- IDR Our nrtlclo Is a monopoly. It will nave 23 per < 'cnl of the coal bills of everybody. Foil particu lar ) by mall , l.llhouraphs , pamphlets , etc. , free upon receipt of pollute. Address Koiil--pnr Co. , W Oliver slreel. Huston , Muss. M4UJ HI * 'IV-WANTKII. KNKIKiKTIC MAN OF IlUMNKhS JJi'Xpcrlenco lo meet mcrchanls Salary or com- inliolon. John U.iMeGrc , 1130 Caxton bulldlnu u I i ri . siMir _ - | WANTKI ) . A GOODTiNNKH WHO ALSO UN- Jdurtund clcrklnc In hardware Btoru ; ono that iipoiikB ( iernmii and KnKllKh preferred ; must bo thoroiiKUly rellahlu and voll recommended ; to vuch wo fiLiiriinlco Hle&dy jolt nnd oed vnucs Address MiilllKnn , V Jnulcke , ilnnover , Kan. 402 17 _ 1 > - WANTKI ) . 500 HA1LHOAI ) LAHOHF.HS FOIl .IXNebrnsku , lonn. soiilherii Wyomlni ; , Utah , Idaho and Missouri , Meady woik , fno puns. Kramer & U'llcarn Labor uueiicy , 101 South llth slreet. M597 a ) * _ 15-fll ) Piil WKKK ANU K.XPHNSKS TO 3IALK J 'and female workers , to net us resident anlcitmim fora company mutuifiicliirhiK cm'ds wnnled hi uv ury household. I'ermniiunl , prolllahlo work IVnus und circulars freo. Addresi Kleclro-Nov- rlty Co. , 43 Armory t. , llurtun Mans. HlM-rj' " fJ-WANTKl ) , ACTIVK , IIKI.IAHI.K ODD FKL- 4 > lu that can write Jrulurnal Instirauciv C. 17 IK'il otllce , Omaha. .MW'.l ' 20 WANTRD-FEMAI.I : HELP. / \ - : ( ' : ( v/work , HO'J Hicrnmn iiru , i\J ) --A SKCONI ) IJIIth MOST UK WKLL IIKCOM. mendud. ilro. J. H. Diimoul , SOI2 I.afnji'tlc nveiif.e. MJiil - WANTKII , COMPKTKNT ( illtl , FOIl eral housework al 1 .1 .North : oiu st. M45I HI C-WANTKI ) , A CO.MPKTKNT HIHL TO NllltSi : nml nsslal In second work nl Kood wak-ei. Aunt ? pf..OIIounlasst. ) 483 2J * C-WA.Vl'KO , A WOMAN Wlio lS A GOOD rook nnd loiindrovH , inoln fnmlly , WIIL-CS fiuo j ) r eek , Apply ntVIU Douulas. -WANTKD A YiUNii TTiTi7 ; 'i ASSIST IN laklnicrnroof bn'jy. 2:07 : Dodue. US 21 pWANTKD.PKHlKN < ; i5j | WOMAN TOlK ) V/nudlnuiulrc . Heforencoireiiulroil. Only com. lielenl pornoin nceil opply. J81 Norlh ISth. MJ.K ) C-illlL ( FOIKiKNKHAL IIOUSKWOUK IN KAM. My of four. Apply 3103 Jactsoii slreut. M510 p.-WANTKI ) , AT O"NCK , LADIKS AND YOUNG V-'men , recclvuliistruciloin , keep books ; aood > ll < unlloim. J. H. Smith , 517 blu-oly block. 11S2JI /I-WANTKI ) . M1KNT8 IN OMAHA ANirvTciT ? Vvll ) for .Mlssi's l.lsk eako llns. Address L IT H J i'OK UENX-HOU815S. inFLATS. . DWKLLINUS COTTAOKS IN AM 4-/p rls of cltj. Kllkunny &Co. , Conllneutal blk rS-JUI'KNT.IMlOOMHOL'SKSUTH AND IMI ) ) T J trcut . All modem cunvunloncf . Po > se lni ElVL'ii InimudlaU'ly. Cull or uildruii M. U llocdor liuipi HM , I'axluii lilock .MCJ3 I-V-FOII HKNT , IO-IUWM iiousK , aiifcTHs JJ(0.tU. ( Heed A Sclby. lloan ! of ' 1 rade. w' i -LIST YOUIl PHOPKIITY. IIKNTAL Oil .Vi."l vlllilino , W , P. > ontoi , 1UI4 Farnam , 20 > ) Hl IIKST.ONK OKTHK MOM' COMPLKI'I cnnvunk'nt nnd i-nuifortublu nlne-roDm l.oiue iluuiliu , ullh balh rnoiu , latuulry and all luoderi tonvvnlvncvi ; Kliu nlco yard HI K. cor , JIMU-I un IJlh tti > t < , botueeu Si , Jltirj' aiu. unil Leaiiui D-tIO HOOM llltlC 11UUSU , MODKHN CUNVKN Iciuvi. 8. " tiilh st. . iipp llruwnoll Hall. In quire .Nulliorton Hall.sui H. Ijth it. yia in , - - lllilMK. OKNTIIAM.Y LOOATKI ) 'I mid all Improvements. TOON , IDth Kl. YM -LAHOBI.IbTiOUSF.S. PAUU ISOJ FAHNAM Yf MC4 1 W f\- IX- lUH > il \Y1TI1 UAHN . f'ii ! ite ui f.r.a lee tloii. S Jiri , W New Yoil RENT nOUBE3. rnntlntinL D -FOR IlKNT. HIX AND PKVKN HOIrM BTKAM --'honied ' rlsls , ( .13.50 to tlO.OO per month. Inquire Nclhenon Hall , 3U5S. Ulli. 70-1 lA TOIl HKNT. TWO FlUST CLASS IlKTACHKI ) J-'nlnn room houses , modern ] m-lzhborhooil hestj with b rn. II. r. Pnllcrson , llnnigo lilock , MOB - IlKNT , t 8-HOOM HOUSKS , CASS D-FOIt twlwnon 33th ancl Will , II. T , ClnrVp , 319 Mount of Trade. I'hono ! ' . . 410 D-iviiooM iiorsn NKAU iiinn sciioot , ; learn hent : stablei modern cunvuTilencci. Thos. V. llall. )7l'n ) I on block. a7li D-1U-llOO.MlIOtISK. AM. MOHKIIN IMI'UOVK- ments , 3114 ( 'hlcnito Mreot , IW.OJ per month. I'ercy II. t'oril , Mcl'atuo lavojtment Co IMh nnd and llodCfslreeH. W > D-FOlt HKNT , JMIOOM 1IOUSK. AM , MODFHN conronlcnces , with laruo barn , Wti I'oppleton arc. Inquire nt3l7S. 15tll st. KG V-Oll IlKNT , ATS IN I.1NTON IltOCIC. ISlli and Mason streets , r rooms each , waler and H s , henlnl by stonni , In good repair , ronl IOT. In quire nt'.ii ; In Ihu block. John lUmlln , nto it. "I-V-ntll IlKNT , TWO 13-llOOM IIOU3KJ , AM. 1 modern conveniences , on ( ieoritlt ave , 1 hlooK from street railway. Apply roomUJ , Iloo llulhllnu , .1. M. Slineral. n-colver , 1S1 D-NIC ! ' TKN-UOO.M MUOMUN IIOUSK. fttO SO. 17thu And llTO-room collate UK 80. ,14th st Inquire Gil So , 17th st. John II , K. 1/e.htuaiin. I ) , -FOIt HUNT , S-l'.OOM HOUHK.iOIKH.V CON- vonloncen , li2 ! < < \isa street. W. N. Ncton. 320 D -ONI5 7 ANU 'J.NK 9 IIOOM COTTAHK. 1120 S. ith nvo. M8SI-2J * 1)FOIt HUNT. FUIINISHKI ) 1IOUSI1. CIlliAl1 , for Iho whiter. Apply 5.1'J South Vlllt are. ) , -FOH IIK.NT. HOCHKS IN AM. I'AHTS OF city. , TnoO. F. Davli company , I.VJO Farnatn St. D 7 U COTTAUK , NKVV , I'UKTTV. FIJHNACK. halli , ele.l'jnillr.ii ' from I' . O. , f2J.OU. KlilelllT ' 1 ru l < o. . 170J Knrnnni. 405 24 D-F ( H IlKNT , SKVKHALNICK IIOUSF.S WITH all modern conveniences near llanscoin park , splendid neighborhood , lil'ih nnd healthy locallon , HI ) lo tM per monlh. Hicks , 3M N. Y. Llto. -INK OFTHK F1NKST HKSIDKNCKS IN TUB city ; 10 rooms ; every Improvement of a tlrst class house : furnaco. Inquire 1310 South lOlh.a.J a.-J O3 D-4-HOOM FLAT. STKAM UKAT. FIHbT-CLASS. llufurciiccs. 8H1S.2nd streotrroouKi. IM i ) -FOIl HKVT. ONK OF lilt. VAN CAMP'S brick terraces.our. 20th ami Webslor tits. tits.MISS 19 * D-A DKSIHAHLM I1OMK OF U ItOOMS , FIHl- nUlii'd or unfurnished. Parties KOliiit to Call * fornlu. Apply on premises , 1112 South Tenth ilreot. -ONLY TWO LKKT OF THK C-HOOM COT- Inues Jiistcomple.tcd. Have bath , hot and cold water and modern conveniences. Duslrablo homes for business men In beautiful Slanford circle. For parllculnrs apply lo Mar Loan and Trust Co , neonls , 4 , New York 1.1 to bide. 652 -A LAHGi : NL'.MHKH OF A NO I HOUSHS. stores. Hals , ele. , for rent very cheap. Call for lists. George Paul , IW5 Knrniun. MM 24 * D , - NKW 4-IIOOM trOTTAOKS. $10 PKH MO. , c or. 28th nvo. and llrlstul st. MMI.1) ) * T-\-T'blt HUNT. SF.VM.VHOOM HOUbHMOD ; J * ern luiprovcmont.i. Apply 112 No. ' 'nth St. Mam to * D-FOIl HKNT. SMALL HOTKL NF.AH ST. PAUL depot. { 50.UO per monlh. 1'ark X Hoys room , N. Y. LlfebulhlliiK. M515 20 J ) - HKNT , A .MCi : 5-HOOM COTTAliK AT P3.I N. 27tll live. 414 17 * D Foil HUNT. A NICRi-KOOMCOTTAUH WITH modern conveniences. 117 per monlh. Ml N. 71h nve. 415 17 * D260.WOOUVOKTH AVK. . f35. JI2 ! ) Lake St. . 8-room brick. 5iU ' . " . 'Hi and Parker. 5-roum brick , { IS. Dth and Decjtlur. t-room brick , 115. C'orni'r 2Hh and Davenporl , 5 room , ISO. 22d nml 1'avonport sis. , II room , f 10. 2IUS lloiiKlas , 8 room , $10. 22d und Davenporl \ room. $100. 17lh near SI. Mary'H , It room. $7V Lowe nvo. nnd llamlllou. ti room , { 20. L1. F. Harrison , 1)13 ) N. Y. Life. 4S5-17 -FOIl HKNT , CIlKAP , 7-HOOM 11OUSK WITH D 'or ' without barn tf. 27th slrcot ! M.W3-20 * U-FOll HUNT. Ft.ATS IN TUB P. K. ILKIl block , cor. tnth nnd.Inckson sts. They nro su terlor to nny lu thu city. Cnll nnd look nt them \ \ 111 rent to families only. Kmiulro i.t W. 11. Until Tford & Co.'o Blore , 61'J S. IClh st. M.VJJ FOB KENT-FURNISHED EOOM3. E FUIINISHKI ) HOOMS TO ll'-JNT WITH ALL modern convouleuces. 'Jli Douglas utroot. R03 FOIl HKNT. FUHN1S1IHO HOOMS , HKF- No. 2425 Dodea at. MIS I E NICKLY FUHN1S1IF.D HOOMS. ALLMODKH.S conveniences , with or without board. IX)7 ) N . Oth. 130 21 * I7-HOOM8 W1TU OK WITHOUT HOAllD. 2i03 ! JjloUKla trcc't. M543 l * E-LAHRK , NinKLV FUKNISIIKI ) FHONT HOOM for four Kcnllomon. All modern convcnlcncos Callnt518Norlh _ _ Wil. MM1 li ) - NICKLYl-'UHNIrfllF. ! ) FHONT HOOMS W1T1 E- or without board. 6'.1J North loth slrect. slrect.M14S ID * E-FOK HUNT , FUHN1SIII5D KOOMS. 81 Soutll 17th St. M427 10' E-HOOMS VKIIY LOW TO PAHTIKS FOIl Till winter. ( Iciillumon only. Knqulro ) rei : Howard slreol , second ttoor. M410 23 NlCltI.Y FUHNISlIKI ) HOOM , PH1VATK E family , near motor. 5r,3 S. 2ilh ( nve. ailOt-Zl * ? FOIt HKNT , KLKOANTLY FUIINISHKI ) lJsleam heated rooms , U02 S. 1.1th st. M 23 VKIIY LAllIlK ANDCOMFOHTAHLK HOOMS. E ( ientlcniou preferred. I'.UI Capitol avenue. 472-OIR * - Oil KNSU1TK. HOT ANU COLU walcr In every room , bath , KIIS , furnace heat. 2UU5 Hurt ut. , on 3 car lines , private family. 547 ! U * - LAllliK ANI ) SMALL NICKLY E-PLKASANT furnished rooms on car line. Hi So. 20th street. 651 - OF HOOMS FOIt < 1KNTLKMAN ANI ) E-SUITW , three Konlleuien. 11 ! ) So. 2 lh Btrcot. M683 20 T.I-STKAM HKATKD HOOMS , FUHNISHKD OH Ijunfurnlslied. 17IU Nicholas Btrcct. M53I 20 * I.T-iFOll HKNT WhLl. FUHN1S1IHI ) HOOM. I-Ji'lothuvpress and balli-room adjoining. 2315 Davenport , .M5'JI-2I * iUKNJSHED KOO IS ANO BOARD. -HOOMS WITH 1IDAH1) . 173. CAPITOL AVK. M578 S2T 17-2200 FAHNAM , NICK HOOM ANI ) IIOAHI ) . 1' JItiSil ' 1 ? TO IlKNT , SPIT OF FUIINIMIKI ) HOOMS l ' wllli boiird. slonm heat and balh ; roforeneos ro- HUlroil'J5 H. 2Ull t. _ U74 ! ! > 17-KLKr'ANTLY FUIINISHKI ) HOO.MS. FIH.VT 1 clans board , lit "Tho" Oolan , 20'J and 211 N. ! 8lh atrvot. _ M WJ I- FOIl HUNT , F.LUli ANT HOO.MS ANI ) HOAIII ) athVcbulerSltinndSId N lUlh el. M i2 20 * 17-FOIt UBS. NICKI.Y FUIINISHKI ) FHONT -I room wllh hoaiil. Sloiim hent , Utopia , 17' ' ] Invoiipprt _ m'et. iia-M ! ! T/-HOOM ANI ) HOAIII ) FOIl 2 , FIHST CLASS ; 1. nil eonviiiiloiicus , IgJ M. lilln at. _ 4IU 21 * I7-FUIINISHKI ) HOO.MS ANI ) HOAllD , I82J (111. .LViiiiO ulreel. MUO-IU' ; -rUUMSHKI ) KO'J.MS WITH HOAHD ; HK1-K ! ! - onct'i. 3 < I4 I'urimm. 4t < 0 U' , 1FIHST 1 CLASS HOOMS ANI ) HOAIII ) , 18IUCIH. cauii stri'Bl. M54I 21 * FOR RliNT UNFURNI&HKD -l UO 3 HOOMS , tOJ N. 13lh St. ? 411-S3I * 1-3 UNFUHNISHKD IKKIMS TO COLOHKH I family , Prlco HO , 203 N mil St. 'Ml - HKNT , 3 UNFUHN1SHKU HOOMS. | ! T } | G-FOH t. & 4i > FOK BKNl'-STOKES AND OgJglOES. jr FoiiTiKNT. THK'I-ST'O'HY iiiucic UUILDING- -L'JIU 1'iinium Bt. Tha bulldlni : hat a Drop roof cu , nient batuiucnt , cuuipletu tloumhcallni ; tlxlun-s ; water on nil Ihu floors , teas , otc. Apply ut thu otllce nf'Iho H e. U "I FOIl HKNT. OCTO1IKH I. THK BTOHK Cull- I loth anitJiickson kls. . In the P. K. Her block. Hni ucomnlctu set of hanlwaro ohelvlnc and coumvri which can bu purchuied ut a bariialn. Onu of the bert stands In Omaha for a retail hardware slori ) Kmiulru ut IIU Unrnoy > U MWI 1'Ott JtENT-MISOELLAWKOUS. l-FOi ; IlKNT Oil UAL1C-GO01) ) PIANO , .lil' 'Euwardst. ' M1M7-20 * -FOH ItKNT. A STAIILi : NKAH Z7TH ANI ' DuiiKlaa btrecit * , room for llvo horses , carrhiEt rouiu , clly water ) will ell cheup. luiulr | MIHoi Huiirrs \ c-ons. Mb)4 ) VO WANTED-TO KENT. K-WANTF.I ) , HOOMH AND HOAHD IN PHI VAT1 fmully , siilfublo for ono or two couplui. Nortl pan of Iowa prolurrud uuur car lluu. Addros 1 la , llou. M3 SO * If - WA.NTKD , ONI ! OH TWO UNFUHNlBlIKl lv rooms , wllh or without board , Itefi-rvneui ro iiulied. Addroiilii Norlh d stu-el. MW < J zi * J'lulluru.l'JOIHouulai. \ , ! ' ' ' : i * ' * VATKl4V bTOUKI ) r'Ult- . OnmhaStove Hvpalr work < -S'lOHAiiT : CHKAP , CLKAN , WKLL8. llll Fnrnam trr t. M T.r UIINITUHU HOL'UHT , oLO , Wull , III ! Fsrc m it. VVK WANTALAHQKI.IST OF FAHMS ANI U org Paul , IC01 Farnsui. MiJJ 31 * WANTKD-TO UUT. VT-WANTKD , A FINK HPF.KDINO WAIION , IT ' innil bo In the best condition and wrlfh nbont 00 totl \ > founds. axel , no lamer , anil cheap , ail * Irros J. Hoop , M. D.boi III , HltiefprliiRii. Neb. FOR SALE-FURNITURE. ALi ; . AM , Oil PAHTOF FUnNITUHK -'of ten-room house alnbaoiMn , Knqulri" ntlnl ? Cnpllol Avo. MW 34 * _ -MIJST nB SOLI ) IN NKXTTHIHTY HAYt , . ' l | healers , hard nml soft coal cook stores and ranees , new nnd second hand. 310 N , loth pt , 1 , llrusscll. .V.51S 84' _ _ - - SAI.K KITCHKN AJTl ) HASH HIMIN Kit 0 slave , folding bctl nnd ( letk nt 1SI7 Jackson M FOR SALE-HOUSES , WAGONS , ETC. i ? . A fort.1o.UO. II. 15. Colo. Continent * ! lilock. . il OOO1) IIKAVV WOHK s. ilonlilo nuon < with clump bonrils , Z sen double Imini-nii , clionpfor cnih , .Mint be. sold nt onco. Omnhn .Mortttnco l.onn Co. , room 11 , frcluli- ton block , IMh nnil Douglas , next to postolllcc.MMX1 MMX1 FOil SA.LE-MISCKLkAN.EOU8. O -S HACKS. P.tlTCHAUl ) , DOUGLAS HLOCrC. iiioiioiiaiiliuKU run I't'i' ' -Foit HAW : , Q pies. Apply 2019 Hartley street U9.ll -1011 SAI,15 CIlKAP. 100,000 IIHICK IN OITAN Q lilies to null. Duff ( Ircen , llarker block. MW I-Ul'HKUIT l'I ANO C1IKA1' 817 S. 1UTH KT. Q 8GS-20 * 1-FOIl SALK , SKCOND HAM ) TYPKWltlTKH inn > \ BUpplles. Frnnk K. Hell , OTS. liitli t. ( - . MASTIFFS , 11HOOI ) HITCH , YOUNd dotts and puppies' Closlnx out prices , llox liSl. CLAinVOYANTS. MHS. NANNIE v. WAIHIIN : , LAIUVOVANT. S rcllnblo buslnesi inodlum , llfth year at 111) ) N UHh. - . nxniAoiiniNAiiY : WONDKHFUL S-AiuiiVAi. C'hallcnircs the world. Mrs. Dr. M. l.eizrave , doail trance elalrvoyanl , n trolonlsl , paltnl-it nnd 11 to reader : tolls your life ; from Iho vrndlo lo Ki'wos ' unltoi the epinitedi : cau'esmar rlaKourlth Iho one you love ; lolls where you will rucci-ed nnd III whal business bcil adaplcd for ; lias the celebrated Ktfrptlan bren-ilplalo for luck andlo destroy bail Inlluonco * ; cures ills , Inlcmpernnco nnd nil prlvnlo complaints with mai-taie. baths nnil alcohol treatment. tonJSMX ) , lock of hair , nntno i.nddatoof blrlhnnd receive nccurnlo life chnfl ; 2 cents In stamps for circular ; Klvo Inltlalt of one you will marry ; also photos of samo. Olllco 417 * outh llth street , tlrst lloor ) hours , U a.m. to .I p.m Como ono. como all. ami bu convinced of this won derful Oracle. M 407 I * MASSAGE , BATHS. ETC. rp-MASSA U TIIKATMKNT. KLI5CTHO-TH UK .1 nial balhs. scalp und hair trcatinenl , manlcuro , . . - ' . lilh.NVlthnoll hi k nnd chiropodist \lra.l-ustill'.IHi.S . ' rp-MAIAM STOWK , MAONKT10 HKALICH 1.302111'ratt slrcol. M45U 2J * MADAMK SMITH I3i4 CAl'ITOL AVIINUU - 'M lloor. Alcohol , sulphur jml sea bavlii. ril-MMK. LA HL'K , MASSAGK , 110 SOI.'TH l&TII 1-street , third lloor , lint 4. M 577 21 * MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. 17 (1. ( F. DISLLKNIIIU'K. 1IAN.IO THACHMH , ' with Ilospo , N.W.corner 15th and Hnrnoy. ' .MJ MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. \\r MOHT"oAtJ K JioAKSI LKS THAN 7 l'KUC'I\ lncliidlninllchariQ9. Charles W. Hnlnoy. Unmha Nat , bank bldg. CO'J ' -Tl'KIlCKNT MONKY NUT TO HOIIHOW- ern on Omaha city property. No exlra ch.iriios of any kind. Why | i y lilvli rates ? Money Ischeap. Yon can not loll bonollt of low rates from liloba Loan and Trust Co. , 10th and Dodxo. li7J \\r-LOANS. G. G. WALLACE , 312 11HOWN 11LIC. > U71 W ANTHONY LOAN ANI ) TllUST CO. . 318 N. Y. Life , lends at low rates for cholco security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property. ( .72 \\r-C. F. HAHHISON , 912 N. Y. LIF13. | C73 _ W-CKNTHALLOAN AlTHUST CO. , 11KK 111,11(1. ( 071 \V-CI1KAP MONKY. SKK G. W. P. COATKS , > 1814 Farnara. 875 LOANS ON IMPHOVKD ANI ) UNIMPHOVED city property.M.UOO nnd upwards , tile R per cent. No delays. W.Farnnm Smith i ; Co.,15th and ilarnoy. G7ii \\f-HKAL KSTATK LOANS. li TO 7 PKH CKNT ; v no additional charges for commission or attor ney's fees. W. II. Mclklo , First National Hunk bldtf. 1177 VTT PIUVATK MONKY , 1ST AM ) 3D MOHTGAGK * loans , low rates. Alex Moore Heo foldtf. G78 \\r-OMAHA SAVINGS HANK MAKKS LOANS > on real cslata nt lowott market rntns. Loans made In small or lar o sums for short or long lime. No commission Is charKQJ and Iho loans are not sold lu the east , but can always bo found at the bank on the corner of 13th and DouKlas slroots. 1179 IV MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPHOVKD CITY ' properly , low rale. A. C. Frost , Douglas blk. 660 \r-IANDS-YKAHLOANSONClTY AND FAHM ' morlKaiios , Heed & Selby , ,1.11 Hoard of Trnno. Si W-C1TY ANI ) FAHM HKAL KSTATK LOANS at lowest rates ; consult us before borrowing. F. C. ( inrvln , V Co. . 203 Shooly block. 240 / WANTED ATONCKIH APPLICATIONS FOIl loans. Goo. J. Paul , HMj Farnam street. MtIO-s20 ! * 7" LOANS. LOW HATKS. ZITTLK.HHOWN IILK vm us \y MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWKST HATKS. I The O. F. Uavls company , l&OJ Faruam slrcel. 4I'J \\r-THK FIDELITY TllUST CO. , HKCKNTLY > * removed lo S. K. corner Heo bulldlDK , Is prepared - pared lo cloHo loans on clly real estalo promplly andut lowest rates. Submit upplleallon. 404 OI4 -V 7-FOHSALKFIHST MOHTGAGK SKCU1UTIK8 * < on Umaha and DoiiKlas cotinly iiroporty. Geo. N. Hicks , 305 N. Y. I.lfo. M429 I'.1 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. DO YOU NKKI ) MONKY7 X T1IH F1DKLITY LOAN GUAHANTKK CO. , llooin 4 , Whllnoll block , cor. 15lh nnd llnruoy sis. . WILL LKND YOU ANY SUM , FHOM S10TOSIO.OOO ON Til H DAY VIU ASK FOH IT. i\'e make loans of any Mro , lnr j or small , on v household coodi , pianos , horses , watcnns , waiehouso receipts nnd personal property of nil kinds , In nny amount , without delay , pub licity or removalof properly ; cheapest rates iind enslotl iiaymcnta. tiUK US FHISI' . 3J2 -y--IO YOU WANT MONKY ON HOUSKIIOLD Vfurnlliiru end pianos , horses , wagons , nnd ear- rlniics ? Warehouse receipts or personal property of any kind at the lowest possible rates and In Ihu quickest poeslblu tlmo without publicity or ro. movalof properly , You can pay any part of tlia loan nt any tlmo and In Ihls way reduce Ihu cost of carrying Iho loan. OMAHA MOHTGAGK LOAN CO. . llooin H , Crolithlon lilock. IMh nml Duuulns , uext to Piimolllco. an WILL IrfAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF 81 vcurlty ; strictly conlldoullal. A. K. Harris , room I , Conllnunlal block , Ml -PHITCIIAHI ) , 61 DOUGLAS HLK , 1(1 ( A. DODGK. tni _ V CHATTKL LOANS MADK ON FUIINITUHK , Jvplunui , llvo stock , ole. , wllhout publicity nr removal - moval properly ut the lowett rates and lha easiest payments. UuCfGroeu , rooms 8&V Ilarker blouk. Ui3 _ _ -LOANS ON CIIATPKLS. HKASONAULK IN. lorosl , partial Pnymoiili I to 0 months. W. II. Davis , It..1) Conllnuutal block. Kluralor Ulh st. 010 X -MONKY AT LOW HATKS ON ANY KIND OF security. Keyslouu Mtxo. Co. , 20 } Shooly blook. S1Q _ -I20.UOO TO 1XAV ONCIIAlTriL 8KCUHITY ; bualui-sscoiitldautlaL 11.551 Hoard Trnilu. V -CHATTKL LOANS ; ANY AMOUNT ! LOW -Aralo. J. K. Van Glhlor , room 207 , Omaha No- lloniil bank. M10J-O7 X-MONKY LOANKI ) CHKAP AT YOUIl OWN tlmo. Nebraska Ixjau Co. , 1310 Douglas st. 403 IirjailNESS OH ANDES. V FOIl rULK , IIUTCHKIl SHOP COMPLKTK J. at youron-n prlco. Nubrasku Loan Co. . | 3io Douula * tlrcct. ' Mill ) V WANTKI ) , A GOOD PAIITY WITH AI1OUT 1. tJ.UUU.CK ) who understand * the uraln anil lumber builneis , to take hold of thai bu | nc on Ihu ling of Ihu C. , II. * O. . H. H. on tho-Cheyunuv dlvlilon , whuru parly can do n banklntt and farm loan , k-ruln andluuibor tuilnuinla laiall tutlon , and , plenly of buslueii to ' keep a party thoroughly uiaployod and turn otl'ai much buslneisni If four tltuoj thu urn waslnvi'iled. Good'Uvlue roouii In bulldlni ; abovu Iho bank department with flxturui already for buftlncas. Please addroi * altconiDiunlcallons to 11. U. Palmer , Murllnit , Col. 134 21 * Y CANADIAN KMPLOMKNT OFKICK. KSTAlT ll.hcd Uyoars ; bolt paying builnon In Omaha. Inqulni at room 1,150-J Farntm troot. JI3J7 fll V CHOP uoiiHt : IN i.iNcoiA' Fun BALK" a dolnt a KOOd builnen. Addrco ( . Oiuahalluu Lincoln , Nub. > (7 ( l V-FoTtHALK. I.UMUKH YAHI ) . COAL , GHAIN X and llvo stuck. Good locallon dolnif a k'uoil bull- ue > i. Addrc F. J , lUlo , llaltlu Crock , Nub. 840 yi * \r-F ! YOIIAHKSKKKING A UUSlNKtOi Ol'PHO- tunlty In any line of builuust witto for our bul letin , Incloilnu ilauip. Woitum llutlneti Avcnt. i , Mlun. V * ' ' ' * ' < ItUHINKSS UIIANCR IK SOLD AT Jonce. . For ยง li > . thn lonJ.'ftnrnllnro anil n tnrps nf thn Mcrrlam hotel , OnnUv ronlatnlnR O ) rooms , nlpganlly fiirnlihcil , all riyiled , eUhly permnnent Kiicsls. licit private fatnllr llolol In thn west. Will sell lieenima of poor heallli. For terms apply on "ircmlM's , ! 3ih and Dodto. ( Mrs. 1 * M. Tiiltlc. 13' M57JI9 * -WANTKI1 , GOODDicYoil , LOCATION FAA" " orahlo , otllrofroo , In nvAt-class drug slorc. Ad dress Lock box U Donlplui ) , Neb. MTO1 W Y1-WANTKI ) . AN KXl'IfAlKNCKI ) IIL'II.DINU nnd loan solicitor , onhicwho cnn put A board of UU share ! ) , \ In Oninna.aud lonn fM.IO1 nt'onro. Address A II , Mcdrctfor'ilfrfonice , mnncll Illntls. ( U M43J V-FOIl SALK , AT A"HIM DISCOUNT. FOIl 1 cash , n slock of winter etolhlnif anil fnrnMilnR tioorts. A ( iplendhl opporlnnlly to go In the cloth- Ins business , only ono other small slrntKlil Flock In town. ? , Uiuinlinhltants , rich farmlue roinniunllv. Poor health cause of sclllni : . Address J. C. lloliel , Avocn , la. .V.575 2I * _ Y-T A"Uo ii iiusiNKSj Ti m SALK CHKAP "OM JL Bccounl of sickness O. Lumlcon , Fallcrlou.Neb. 17 S17 * VA NICK CI.KAN STOCK OF 1HIY GOODS , 1- cloaks and notions. Invoicing about fS.HUO. Hood crntral I oenllon. Will he sold at n bargain. Ail- dross 1023 Pslrefl , Lincoln , Neb. M587 21 V-l'KlfM STOHK DOING PAYING HUSINKSS -1 foranle.or will trade for unhicumbered prop erty. Address L Hi , Heo olllco. MiS3 31 FOR EXCHANGE. r/ . ' i.-ju KxrlilANGliWK HA VKjSooT STOCK f-iln nmnufactiirlni ! concern dcilnc coed business In Omaha thai we will Irade In irholo or part for coed work horses. American Fuel Co. M3M / - IiANII Oil CITY 1'UOI'KIITY KOIITWO - ' tntllons. Ono trollur nnd onu Nurnmii. llox USli. Shunnndoali , In. Mll'.i ? ID * lOTIlADK KOll UI.KAIt WHSTKHN liAN'l ) . /Jt\Mho ! lii'iicl of nmre. . culti , nml tllllc ; ; nlso rck'- IMcred ( l-enr-old xtnlllon , full brother to ! It-Id- inont , tliopneer. Kor rlulit kind ot Innd n iiootl Irndo cnn tiumnilu. Cell on or address 0. N. Km cry. Ilenlrleo , .Neb. 411-SJ * -nias.vN STOCKOFOKNUIIAI.MMrs'Ki wu.ii -Jlnku U'nl cslnlo Jk monojr.llot SJJ. t'rnnkturt.Iiut 137 V-VOIl 8ALK OH KXCIIAXOK , WiTTAllK /-ronllnu noiilh on Cuinlnu street. In rurtlmiro addition ; neven rooms , luimrj-.closuts ; force.imn | | > clilern cesspool , comunlurt culliir : well built nnd llnlsliedln Ininl iilnuniulOHk. I'rlco tJ.1MO. Apply to W. I , . Selby. 331 Chamber Commerce. . Wj r/-CLK Alt OMAHA IU2A1 , K8TATK KOll MDHK Jaclual vnluiillon. Moucy to loan. 110x513 , Omalr.i AJy y TWKIA'K THOUSAND .MiUCHANIISK. : ( KINK ' -'running slock. Flvo thousand cnsh bnlancc , clear tirotiorty. Lock box fti , stunrt , Neb..M.TO1 .M.TO1 St' Z-fiOOl ) UU.NTAIj I'ltOl'KUTY IN OMAHA AND cantern Nubrnskn IlinJs for a dock of nulsn. John N. Kronicr. > 1 < M 3U' * rica ACIIKS iMi'iiovni ) KAU.M LANU IN ' -'eenlrnl Neb. for uxchmiKo for clly or toxvn prop erty ! price flO.UO per ncre. Also 1W ) ncres Improved for fT.UU per ncro. Co-oiiernllvo l.uild nod l.ol Co. , -'U3 No. IClh st. < SI 23 y-Kou SAI.I : on TitAiiK , STAXDAUD IIIIKO /-JhorpO" , onu-hnlf brother to Nancy Hunks. Cnn bo neon any lime. Also farms and wild lands. II. ! ' . lillc.IIUN. : V. l.lfobhlg. 475-22 rTO TIIADE , fS.OOO DKNVHH CITY LOTS Toll ' -In uood fnrm or Innds In lown or enlern Nu hrnskii , mines , stock ! * , clc. C. K. Lelmer , real es lale , ItiSiJ I'urlls street , Denver , Colo. J157U 2o * y-TO KXCIIANQK , KA11M IN KASTKll.N NK Jbraskn for Omalin property nnd cash. C. K , Ilur rhon , li.S N. V. Ufo. 413 17 i-'OR SALE-REAL ESTATE. Foil AII : , s. IITH , c < nrAiK ( aLjit:7i2.ocium : Heed .t Sclby. Hoard ori'tarto. TOI ] > AIKAIN ROOI > COTTAIIK , iioosis. HATH. - east front , s. w. i art. nonr motor and pttvemcnt , nice location , J..WJOJ. wortihi SJ.50J.OJ ! turmn uasy. U. K. Dints..M So. 17th st. IMS-'I FOIl SALK ; SIX 11OO.H' IIOU.S1 ? ! 1'OI'l'LHTON avenue. Modern CODVLMIK-IICCS ; moile-l homo ; ti.OOU.OO. Ucod & S lby , Cliaubur Commerce M17B FOil SALK HY Till ! O\VS"Kll 10.0JO AC1U5S OP Nebraska' lincst farming hind al n Kroat sacrl- lice. U. II. 1'clcrson , 1413 S.Utli st.Oumha. IS3 oU 17OH HAI.K-ROOI ) LOT WITHS-HOOM COTTAdH X 35th and Hurt .Blruuls. price { 2,700 ; small cash payment , balance monthly. Coed roshlcini-lotn within " > ) { mlles of postofllco , frora WJ5 lo $ I'JO ' ; ono-tonthfiush , balnnco monthly nt 7 per cent. ' Acre properly close lo 8611111 Omaha , from $250 to f 1,200 per ncro. jnn 1'ottcr * Oeoriw Co. , lOtb. ami Karnam. 7"J M2iil : W .T70HSALK CI1KA1' . LOW 1NTKU1C8T LOT 15 X1 block22. Orrihab Vlnw. fsclnj < outh on Lake at. ; grndojuot rlclit. J. M.Ouralor , OouncU lllulTa. , M , 5 19 F on SALK. 10'iiooM niuqic iionaic. MODKHK Improvomcnla , Rood barn on 82nd street near 1'ark. Muct be iOhl , nt n blK'sacrlrlce. 12. K IllnKcr , 1519 Farnam. 44M'.I * rPIIIlKK KOUTV-FOOT LOTS IN WII.COX'S AIJ JLdlllon. two blocks north of Krug's now Ilrewcry. flOO each. 510 down nnd (10 a month. Heed bclby , Hoard of Trade. 4B2-10 17011 SALK , HKAUTIKULLOT , 411 FKH.T FllON I1 , JL 24lh Bt. , i-outliOniahii , near C , S 1.000. Apply to owner , ( loom 11 , Iliishnmn hlk. Omaha. 495 OIU pHOICK I10MK. "SKW. " C011NHH LOT , SOUTH V- east from , tJxliO. on fuvorablo lorniHtOKOOd pnrtlcn ; owner leivlnn : clly ; 8 rooms and barn ; alt moporn ImprovcmcnU ; rare chance ; Invcutluute Address L 12 , Ileo olllco. iUl 20 KSTATK. RKAL HnrKiilns only , My word li uood. \VG. AlbrliMit , 621-2-3 : .ow York Life. M4I7 640 AC1U59 I)01)t3K COUNTY , ? 23 I'Blt ACHE. 11)0 ) acre * Snrpy counly , $ ( A per acre. 147 acres In llouglus counlr , ? 54 per acre. Ill ) ucren Vnllcy county , 112 pur acru. 278 ncrM Thnrslon counly , M. " > per aero. 212 acres Otoe counly , $13 per acre. ItiU acres York counly , f 10 liar acre. lf 0 acres Flllmurenounty , 1 0 per acre , 120 acre * Cnss counly fir : > per ncro. 212 acres near Omaha , (80 per ncro. MO ncros Slanlon counly. f 13 per aero 820 acres N'anco counly , (15 per acre. C. F. Harrison , 1112 N. Y. Ufo. 4I3-I 17011 SALK.TI1K 80UTHWKST COHNKH OF 221) i and LeuTcnworth Bin. , at a ( iront baninln for the next Kvedays : Hill take pk'co clear property In ox- cliniiKU. K Walorman. 3U5 N. Y. Life. 43(1-17 ( * LOST. STHAYKOOHSTOLICN , ON SKI'T. 14TII , FHOM 20lhnnd 1'aiil slreels , a Inrtro hay horse. LlKht build , has a sunburn mark on hip and Hide , wan hitched to nn open end iprlnz Imwy. Open bridal. A reward for tlm return of same to B.O. btorcnson , 3314 Francis utrocl. 41D STHAYKDOHSTOLHN FHOM SOUTH OMAHA AUK. 20. one bay mule , wolxlilnif 1.000 pounde. whllonone. Liberal reward for ruturn or Informa- lloni- Owen llros. 418-21 * f OHT , SKIT. 13I'll , A I'ACKAni ! COSTAIN'INU -J\n ; old book rebound , on north Saunders utroot. Kinder please leave u * . addressed on wrapper and ecelvo reward. K. F Cook , 207 Omaha National bank bulIdliiK. 378-17 * LOST ON SATUltDAV AI'THIINOON , SKl'TKM- bcr 17. a ludy'fl vrrr small void walch , enameled 'inntlnir cane : a key winder Wan In n small paslo- board box. llclurn for reward to llayinond'n jew elry store i , corner 15th and Douulna. .MSS'.I 21 DRESSMAKING. TO DO DHKSSMAKINC IN fuTiilllus nollcllod. Miss Sturdr , S : 0 S tUh at. 050 H29 * AF1IISTCLAS3 DHKSS.MAKKIl WIS11HS SKXV Inu In families after .the 18th. Address K 63 Hue olllce. " " * 421 \VANTKD. UVEUY iMuxj'ip KNOW THAT SIIK ' > can learn llvo urofes lvu > f roe at 304 Now York Life.Vo teach you how'rrr'cut Karmenls to lit without trylnu on. With arilwllhout enm . team. lo Kiirmi'llta. Madam Abijrli'j rcprepoillnit I'rof , Dolamorlon , 1'arlt , Kraucetn ) > rciiuiitallro < wanted , > 11O' M43I 22 * DANCING SCHOOL. Mil. A MILS. MOIIANO'8 HfllOOL FOIl DANCING Armory Capital Avo.a " leaion on Hatiu'day , Octobc TuesilajrOclober 4lh for nrf Lund & CO.'B drn lo 1'rlvale lo ons can bu tak dunce , mi Dodiio Mt. PROPOSALS FOR CURBING. Bonloil proposals wllbilO rccalvoil by tlio timlorslirnoil until\'M \ ; oHW > U p. inKoptninbor "'.rXforcurljIiii : with willloColur.iiloamid , etdiio , rtui Culoruilo HlTlTrfliUino [ uiil llorin BiitiUatono , ucc-urilnm tuspcllluutlu'is , tlm fol- lowinzstroot liiiprovoinuHttllbtrluU- No. 4711 Tlio Htrciit lylni ; unit Of tlio west 20 fectof Int * . liloi-U'J.W. city , ( rom IMelllo street to tlio ulloy south of I'nclllo atruat. No. 477 ' 'lHt btruot , iriini Wlrt strcat to Hpunour street. No. JTo-Diiui.'lRSHtreot.'froin thu west line oT Kith atrout lo tlio east Him of "Olh otrool. No , ITU J7lli btrcot , from the north line of I'liriiiuii atrout to the nuutli Hue of HoiiKO blrcul. No. < Kl-Oraoo street/1 torn tno wutt line of tlioOniiilui Holt rullWivy'H i-Jiihlof wuy to the oust lluu of thu C'lileuKo. ritI'attl , Mlnnuiipolls & Uninhii railway's rlclit 'of wuy , Knili hid to souclty a prlco per llnoal foot for thocurlilni ; i-oniptotoon tlio strouis. Work lu bo ilono In ufuurilunco with pluns utiU sueoinontlonson Illo In the olllce nf Ihu Hoard of 1'uiillo Worlin. rropoa.ils tu bu inurlo on printed -blank * fumUhcil by thu liounl , uiul thoiu iicconi- puiileU with a curtltioa uhook In the sum ut t.VK ) , puyublu to thu ulty of Umuliiu us an ovl- di'nuo of iroort fnltli. Thu bo inl ru-iorvon tha rUht to rojoot any or all bills unit to wulvo defect * . I' . W ltIIICII\U8l- : | { , Chairman Hoard of I'uhllo Work Oinalia , tctu-inlior itli , lU dfj- Both the method nnd results when Syrup of Figs is tnkon ; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to the tnste , nnd acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowels , demises the sys tem cfl'ectunlly , dispels colds , head aches and fever ? nnd cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro-i dticcd , pleasing to the tnsto and nc- ccptuhlo to the Btomach , prompt hi its action nnd truly beneficial in its effects , prcpiircd only from'the most healthy and agreeable substances , Us manycxccllentqualiliescommcndit to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75o bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any ono wno wishes lo try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. , SAN 3HANOISOO , GAL. I fltriSVlLLE. KY. NEW YORK. N. V , THE SHORFBSr LINTJ ; IHICWO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , as represented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p.m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a.m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- , nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. TON REWI IN C TYPEWRITERS For Safe , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLDI MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. , 1304 Karnatn Street , Omnlia. RRILWRYT1MEGHRD Leaves C11IUAUO lllltlUl.V.i L'v ) . < i t s > . I Arrlrj Omaha. | Depot 10th ail UiOTSti I OnOx Leaves lUUHLl.NliTON A MO. HlVcIlt-l Arrival Omaha. I Depot lOlh and Mason Stj. I Omaha. V.iJ a m.ICansa | > City Day Express. . . . I U.OO p m IMS p ml 1C C. NlKht Kxp via U. P. Tram I U.4J n m Going CHICAGO. H. I. A PACIFIC. . From Unst. Union Depot IQtli & Marcy 3t . I Knst. Golntr CHICAGO. H. I , & PAI-1FIC. I From West. Union Depot lOlh nnd Marcy Sis. I West. OHDINANOB N'O. 3S59. An nrdfimiicu providing fur the uppolntindnl of u , nUht vutuhiiiiiii fur the oily hull. Ho ilordiiluod uy tltu clly ooiuicll of the city of Omaliui riootlou I. Tint the guporliitoniluiit of tin oily hull , with thoconsuiu of thu iniiyor , suh < juut lu thn uiiliraviil of thu city council , li liuroby luitlinrlzuil to uupolnt u nUlit wutch- until for the oily hull wliu ahull utleuU to the llres In the turimoos anil bo on i-oni > taiit Uutj dtirlni ; the iilKhl In the city hull , nnil wht ahull ho unilvr Iho Ulructlon of the suporlii- tuiidunt ot the oily hull und miclor siioh ml til. tlonnl ( I ul Ins as Hlutll lie rufiulrml by said suiiurlnluiiiluiit. uuil who shall rni'olvu a sal ary of Klxty.llvo dollars (0\00) ( ) per inoiith. Section . That this ortlitiutico taKoolToot and bo In foroo from null nf lor Its uussu o. Cltv uiork. 0. U OtlAl'l'tfE. ' Aotliik' 1'rosidont Oily Council , Approved Euuiemuer l ih. is'J. . OEO. 1' . 1IEMIS. 1IEMIS.Mayor , CRA8D ARMY DEPARTMENT Everjtbingin Roadiucai for the Encarap- inont at Washington. REMINISCENCES OF OLD FORT KEARNEY How the Nnino .1uiiilr < < it nil Kxtrn "o" Hosier of the i Voluriin Driitn Corp 1'rnni Oolonrl to 1'rlviito A Story Aliout tinint. The Twonty-slxth nationnl onoanip- moiit of the Granil Army of Ihu Ujiiub * Ho will bojjin in the city \Vushinjjton , Monday , September It ) . Propirntlons for the ouojwlon luivo boon tnatlo on a scale so oxtonslvo that li. will ocllpso In couiplutunuis and historic Inlorcst every previous lounlon of the or aii/.allon , A great foixturo of the whole ulTiilr , nnd ono tourhloh considerable historical iiHorost is nttachcd , will bo tlto rovlow , in which the voturuna tuking n.vrt will goovoi-tho saino route they covered in 1803 , wlioii peace hud boon proclaimed nflor four years of w.irttml 300,1)JO ) "boya in bluo" colobrutcd ttio oooasion by in arch hip in their tailored uniforms up Pennsylvania avenue from the caoltol to the white house. The review of twcnly-aovon years njjo cunsnmod tlio bottof part of three days , but that of Soptombar " 0 of this your has been so arranged that by marclnnir in double columns the survivors will bo an hour only in pat > sinij over the ontlro route. Tlio formal ononinir will liiko jilaoo Monday on the { rrounds surroumlintr iho Washington nioaiiment , which have Iwon christened "Grand Army Place. " President Harrison will maUe Iho open ing speech and there will bo an address of welcome and one on behalf of the Grand Army. Patriotic son s will bo sung by trained vocalists. The feature of the program will bo "The Star Spangled Banner" with the handker chief salute to the Hag. The program of entertainment in cludes receptions by tno president , a reception at the capitol. and a prome nade reception in the pension olllce building.where the Cleveland and Harrison risen inaugural balls were hold. From Colour ! to I'll vale. General II. S. Groouloaf , u member of congress from New York , told the fol lowing story to a Pittsburg Dispatch man : "In the fall of 1802 , when Lincoln called for 300,003 moro men , wo in Franklin county , Massachusetts , buckled in to raise a rogimont. I had boon an olllcor in the' militia there and happened to bo the first person in Shorburno Fulls to sign the enlistment roll. When sev eral companies were nearly full Gov ernor Andrew acceded to our request that wo might select nil of our own ollleors - not only those of the line , but , through thorn , the field olllcors also. Wo organized war meetings and stumped two northern counties , and soon the regiment was full to the minimum. Then wo lineonicors assembled to cheese our loader. I had had in mind for colonel ono Decker , under whom I had served when ho was colonel of the militia , and who had sineo boon a year at Iho front as lieutenant colonel. I had souii him and ho agreed to accept , and had resigned his lieutenant colonelcy to do so. Ho was an admirable man the most accomplished military olllcor I over saw. When wo met ho was the only ono spoken of for the place. I was chosen to preside , but just be fore taking the cliair a dispatch was handed mo from Major Winn , ono of our citizens then in Boston , saying : 'Governor Andrew \vill not commission Decker under any circumstances on ac count of white feather shown at front under McClollan. You must nominate somebody else for colonel. ' This was a oad situation. I road the dispatch and all was instant confusion. I felt that it was cruelly unjust and said so. I was astounded when every ballot save mine was cast for mo for colonel. 1 hud mv practical experience and urged the choice of somebody clso , but they pnr- sistod and I finally agreed to take it till we could inquire into the Decker trouble. Wo sent to Boston. Andrew was immovable and then the men who had given the information were at the front , 1 saw Docker. Ho complained bitterly of the injustice ; said that a fever drove him to the hospital ; but , ho added : 'I'll ' go and show thoml MtiUo mo your quiirtermastur and 1 will go with you , colonel1' I accepted , wrote to the governor in his vindication , and nominated him. as my quartermaster. The governor was still dominated by his first notion and refused to commission him. I was greatly grieved and sur prised. Decker acted like a man about it. He held the 'dispatch in his hand a minute and then said : 'Colonel , I'm going with you. I'll go as a private. Give mo the muster roll ! ' and ho en listed as a private soldier. "I was much moved. This WHS the man who had been my colonel when I was a lieutenant and who had been ut the front for moro than a your in al ternate commands of a regiment when I had never hoard a gun fired in danger. Only ono thing was loft to do to yindi- eato Decker. I wont to ono of out1 prin cipal lawyers and told him the story and got him to go to the Army of the Potomac mac at my nxponso and got the aflldavits of the ollfcors of the Hold , stall and line MH to Decker's ' conduct. They came at last , and were unanimous in his favor , Then the governor tardily commUHloned him as my adjutant , 'for that place will test his courago,1 ho said. It did test it ecverolyu and it never wavered. Decker was , I bollovo , the best adjutant in the whole army Ho was an encyclopaedia of knowledge , a miracle of activity mid industry. Ho was indispensable , an admirable drill olllcor. a line disciplinarian and vigilant in the service of the rogimont. Although ho had of tun commanded mo lie never once forgot our changed relations. Ho treated mo like a brother , and I shall iiovur cease to bo grateful to him , " Old For I Fort Kearney was established under the authority of an aot of congress , ap proved May 10 , 1810 , for the purpose of opening up a line of communication with California , Oregon and other won torn torritorios.Baya the Kearney Hub. This action was based on the report of Colonel Stephen Watts , Koarny , com manding the Second regiment United States dragoons , who conducted an ex pedition of observation from the Mis souri river to the Hooky mountains in the year 18-15 under Iho direction of the War department. Uolonol Stephen Watts Kourny was an uncle of General Phil Koarny , who nftowards bocarno dlotinu'ulbhod for hissorvicos during the elril war. To carry out the requirements o' the above act of congress the president mudo u requisition on the governor ol Missouri for a battalion of II vo oomptnlos of mounted volunteers for garrlnon duty , otc. The bnttnhon rondo/vousotl < U Fort Loavonworth during the summer of 1817 , nnd on Soptomhor o IOOK un its line of march to the point on the Plattti rlvor selected by Colonel Koarny nnd dosigtmtod by the act of congress and the War department as the slto for tlm now military post on the ronto to Ore gon. Tno battalion was under thn command of Colonel Powell and consisted of llftoon ollk'ura nml-LYI men. The command hulled nt Table Crook , noixr whuro Ncnrnika City now stands , on September lf > , 1817 , nnd hero they wont Into c.unp for thn winter , it being too Into in the year and too far from supplies to commence thu building of a now fort tin thostill dlstunl prairie plains. Aftnr wintering at Tabln Urook the command broke i-nmp April 21 , ISIS , and proceeded to their destina tion , tlto objective point on the Plattc river , and there established and hiiill up the now fort which was named Fort Child in honor of -Igadior General Child of the United States arinv , whiwa gallant oondunt at the oattlo of Corni Gordo. Mexico , had brought his luinu into distinction. This Missouri battalion remained al the now post till October 18 ! of I'tal ' year , when their term of service having ex pired they were relieved by companion G and I of the mounted rillos , unilor command of Captain KutY. In Docembjr , 184H , by order of the War dop.irtmont. Iho name was change 1 from Fo-t I'lilld to Fort Kearney , in honor of Stephen Watts Koarny for bravo conduct and distinguished service in the Moxtcan war. The colonel's name was spoiled K-o-a-r-n-y , although the name of the fort wns always spelled K-o-a-r-n-o-y , the additional "o" In the lust syllable being causi'd hv a mistake in the naming of the postollieo. A tract , of land ton miles eqirxro , to gether with all the islands llftoon mile.i west and sixty miles cast was puruhitsoil of the Pawnee Indians for the site of the fort and additional military necessities. A NmrMury A1i. > ttt Unml. Major 1) . M Cronln , a Now Yorli artist nnd journalist , has been outraged for soveml years past on an illustrated history of his regiment the First Now York mounted rilies for a member ol the Now York Historical society. Thu. work contains conhibutlons from vari ous members of the regiment , and the following anecdote of General Grant , never before published , was contribuleij by Sergeant A. C. Prince , now a promi nent manufacturer in Uethlchein , Pa , "Our tegiment the First Now York mounted rillos with many other troops , lay in front of Richmond , In March , ISOo. "Wo had boon hustled around pretty lively for several wcoks and had no permanent camp. Ono night the word was passed along the line and soon became common propurty that there waa to bo an early advance the following morning , and everywhere were buatla and confusion. Every man was ordered to bo in his saddle by 2 a. in. I was at this time cleric in the qimrtormuatar'i department under Lieutenant Corby. About 10 or 11 o'clock Colonel Sumner sent word to the quartermaster to send mo to his tent mounted. I reported at headquarters in a few moments , and the colonel handed mo a dispatch and told mo to go to City Point with it nt once , and to go lively and deliver it ut once to ono of the departments which I do not recall now , as it did not impress ma us much as what occurred afterwards. "There was no moon , but the weather was pleasant and it was a starlight night. I started oil on a lope and had reached the James ri'vor and crosaoc the poutooa bridge and had follovyod the road probably a mile , kjopit.g the right of it. I had mot no ono up to this tiino , but now in the distance I hoard a horse , man approaching in the opposite dirofr lion , riding fast. I did not slacken 1115 regular gait , as I supposed the rider , like mysolt , was a private soldier or In would not bo riding along nt tills hour of the night ( probably midnight ) . A ! wo approached each ether my "loft Ing struck his loll log with such violence that both of us wore nearly unseated and swept from our saddles. My first involuntary exclamation was , 'Why tha devil don't you keep on the * right side of the road , you chuckle head , ' or soniO' thing to that olTcct. Ho replied in a similar strain , as we were both mad and felt sore. This kind of talk was kept up for a few minutes pro and con , oacb blaming the ether for the accident , and it was give and take all the time , as J felt perfectly Feouro In my position , having the right of the road , until he asked the question : 'How does it hup- pen that you are galloping your horsoi" I replied that I had the same right to gallop my horse that he hud to galloji his. 'Yes , ' saidi \ > \ 'but I thought i had Issued orders that there should bo no gv.lloplng of horses in this depart > mont. ' "This was the first intimation I had received that I was not talking to a pri vate soldier , as it was too dark to soil anything but the outlines of a man and horse. I at once took a back track and was profuse in my apologies. But ho an- sworjd mo curtly and said : 'Como along back to the pontoon bridge and I will place you in charge of the ollicor in command. ' "I turned about and started back with him. I was satisfied by this tlmo I had struck tv snug and had nearly knocked the breath out of a commanding ollicor , but who it was I had not the remotest idea. I now explained to him my. er rand and the importance of haste iii Hi execution , and that I liaU boon ordered by Colonel Sunnier to ride quick. Wt had only proceeded n quarter or half < mile when he turned and said : 'I LMIUSS you can goon. My name is U. S. Grant Look out that you don't run into mj staff-you will flnd thorn down the road somowhoro. ' And sure enough , when I got down the road about half a inilo I met hi. < HlalT clattering- along at u rapid puco. ' 'General Grant was on hiH way to the front to bo ready for the movement that was to take phico the following morning , nnd had ridden out of sight and hearing of Ids Btatf. Vuturaii Drum Corpi. During the state encampment at Grand Island , Neb , , the State Drum corps was rooi-ganlxoil , and u largo number of now members ndilod. The olllcors chosen are : II. K , Brovior , Grand Island , first drum major ; Dr. L. It. Brown , North Bond , second , drum major and corresponding oocrotury ; A. K. Gift , Lexington , life major. Tha roster of members comprihus ; G. B , McGlasson of Wood Kivor ; W. J. For- ris. Grcoloy Center ; K. Klkhitrt , North Bond ; J. W. Swln , Lexington ; A. T. Bodon , Eddyvillo ; J , S. Hammond , Lexington ; A. T. Bodon , Kddyvlllo ; W. ! ! Hinklcy , Vacoinn ; S. Vaughn , Oconoo ; M. D. Boimoit , Nolsonvilloi Kli lickurt , North Bond ; E. P. Dovoo , Mornu ; W. A. Simmons , Fremont ; G , W. Anderson , Sowurd ; W. Sunhart , Konnnrd ; K. A. Mourn , Shelton ; K. Hnrpor , ( Jlarlc ? ; A. M , Stewart , North Lou p. Any veteran musician wishing to bq- comu iv inombur ahould make the fact known to any of the olllcord. The uni form adopted by the organization is a blue Grand Army suit , with a light blut Htrlpa on the pants , and the regulation hat with cord , .Members are requested to keep up u I'.orroupondonco during th year ,