THE OMAHA. DAILY HE $ M. VNTIUY , SEPTEMBER 10 , 1802 PULSE OF WESTERN PROGRESS r Ttho Bustling " "letropolii of Northern "K jo ining Sketched by nn Omahn Rustler , BURLINGTON SURVEYS TOWARD MONTANA A llnnrtrrlnlo * of the Country nncl It * Itn- \ \VhnlnlMrk nil tlin Itoem A Unvolt Summitry ot Hup- In the Niirthurnt. Writing from Sheridan , Wyo. , under dftto September ii : , M. A. Upton ot Otnniia say * ! 1 arrived hero about ncok npo uiul have IJOOH looking the town nnd country ever ever Ince. After passing through a somewhat doiola o and broiton country for 150 miles cast of tuli plneo sixty miles of It by sUpo * It docs a person good to rc.\ch this beauti ful vnlloy ot rich fnrmliiK lands , most of It Under iirigntlon. Sheridan n situated on the eastern cJgo Of the viiiloy , which Is some twenty miles Wide tiud perhaps forty or Ilfty lone , with the HIf f lorn mountain * on the west. ' * lie view puts m In mind of Denver In the early six- lies , Ttiu valley and mountain ranges uro llluutcd somewhat us they uro about the "Queen City. " The Uurllngton road la now tunning trains to Powder rlvor , tlfty- flvo imius cust of here. They inovo thu end ot truck ton miles west to Clear creek on tno inth Inat. They have most of thu gratia flnlslKU IntoSliorldau and oxpcct to bu run ning trains In horn by November 1. Kverytlilnif Is lively hero anil the sound Of lliu hummer , muv und trowel la board on every bund. There Is not an empty huuso In the town nnd uvory room In the two hotels U lull. Thu Im-k of material Is hnndlcnppliiR build- jng operations considerably ; no ono expect ing such u demand. 'Jhu unlive plno mnkus txrollcnt lumber mm I nnvo Just been loon- Ing at twenty plunks 'JxlS und twentv-lwo loot lonir without a knot In them. These flunks uro to bo usud In a three story brick block now being erected. The most deslr- ble tnlng In Ibis cnuntry Is good water und hoio wo have it In abundance , the llnest in the world , rluhl irom thu mountains und clear us cr.i stul. Of coursu Irricnticn Is resorted to , but that bring * sure crops , and such crops I Onts Uml run forty-eight pounds to the- bushel Und wheat plump and heavy enough to use us blru shot. 1 never saw llnor vegetables lliim glow hero. Potatoes are extra good end limy ralso from 400 to bOO bushels n the mere. Ubu c.ibbago heads me largo and very lolld. By the way , this county IB poing to take uuvantiigo of the invitation und will liavo a space In ono ol the ' 'Nebraska on "Wheels" cars. They are a wide awake pee pie up huro and let no opportunity oscanu to advertise the county's many advantages , The town of Sheridan has about 1,000 population aim most lines of business nro represented. Ttioro are two banks , two newspapers , two ( louring mills one an elegant three-story structure ono brewery , ull the different lines of bu l- ness , and cojd chuichcs and schools. After looking things ever cuiefully and studying the situation 1 am fullv convinced thut this town will nmko a northwest city. It will bo a U. & M. town und their shops will be built hero. hero.All All this country Is tributary to Omnha nnd I ilnd that Sheridan merchants feel very ( ilmlly toward Omaha Jobbers , who can got jnost of the trade of this place if they "go Tor" It. Tbn Die Horn mountains are full of min eral and coul can be found In abundance. There are two or throe companies develop Ing the gola fields now and they have jus placed their lirst amalgamation , and while operators do not talk much , the good spirits Ihoy uro In Indicates that everything is very lutisfuctory so far. Taking alt in all , I am convinced that Sheridan has a great future , And never before since the 11 rat days of South Omaha have I seen a small place that I wouid father pin my faltb to thuu this "Denver of the Northwest. " Tim lluriliiKtini KxtfiiMlun. Tbo extension of the Burlington road into Montana is a question of time , and a brief tlmo at that. What route has been or will bo ohoscn is the subject of considerable specula tion. A correspondent familiar with the sit uation writes thut considerable preliminary' surveying has been done from Sheridan through northurn Wyoming and southern Montana. The rcoorts of tno surveyors are BOW in tbo bunds of thu directing ofticlals for decision. A line has been run Irom Sheridan in a northwesterly direction to old Fort C. F. Smith , on tbo Big Horn in the Crow reserva tion , a feasible route being found by skirting the U\K \ Horn mountains , following the old tuga line pretty closely. 1 < rom Fort Smith an easy way is open to Fort Ouster , where a heavy business in freighting could bo se cured. It Is an open ecret that tbo Burling ton people have made overtures to the gov ernment fur contracts for that business , inci dentally urging that Fort Custer bo not abandoned nor the force reduced when the new post at Helena Is ready for occupancy. JFrom Fort Custor o line was run to Pom- pay's Pillar , on the Northern Pacific , thence northwest to the foot of Bull mountain , around thoMi mountains to the west and north to tbo Mussolsholl rlvor , following that Elroam well up toward the Llttlo Bell and hnnw mountains , thence west to Custlo and U'hlto Sulphur Springs and on to Town- fiend or Toston. From old Fort C. F. Sn > ith a line ban been run nearly dun northwest to Billing * and on to the Mubsclsholl a few miles west of Bull mountain , thence along thu line indicated above. Also from l < \ > rt Smith a line has bean run south along the Big Horn rivornnd Stinking Water creek , thence along Snnko river , ever the Teton mountains , south of Yellowstone park toward Blackfoot , Idaho. Ttili line has been run u good part of the distance only on paper. From Billings a line lias been run nearly due south to meet this projected line at a point near whor the Blinking Water ompllos into Iho Big Horn. Another line , which has been more or less urveyad , winds inrougb thu mountains west of Suoridun to Pr.t or gap , near thu Montana line , thence In a general north westerly direction to the Bear creek mine ? , near Red Lodge , north to BIcTlmoor , pnr- nilellnu' the Northern Pacific from Big Tim ber to Twenty-Five Mile crook , near Liv ingston , and thence north over ft line once urvoyod and oross-scctionoil , so reported , by tbo Northern Puellle , to old Camp Baker , near Neibnrt , reaching the latter place nnd making friendly arrangement with the tireat Northern for the exchange of business at Great falls. Some work has boon done in the country north of thu MuRSOlshcll , making lines lend- tnif toward Great Falls , leaving the river probably at I.avinn or Copperopolls. The business of tbo road utter leaving Shorlilnn will bo live stock and mining , the latter ns yet almost wholly undeveloped. The live stock business Is , of 'course , ulreudv established , aim looking at thai alone It would bourn thut the preponderance ot ad vaulHRoa would bum favor ol the line or llnus running from Fort O. F. .Smith to Castle nndVhlto Sulphur Springs , whore connection could ho made with the projected line from Helena to those places. As far as known , contract ! ! for construc tion work do not extend beyond Sheridan , AVyo. , 10 which point the roud will bo com- .plotod by November 1. The route is seventy- Jlyo miles north of Buffalo. The construc tion force between SURBS station ni-d Shun- Is estimated at ! IUH ) teams. Contractors are Handicapped by the luck of men to work all their teams to the best advantage. They bring whole loads of laborer * from tbo east , and at tbo very curliest opportunity tbeso men desert Iho railroad camps auri cross tbo Crow res ervation to Northern Pacific nomta In Mon tana. A deep cut of Half mile near Sberi- dan U tbo only dlftlculty thai will bu onooun- toroJ in bulldlne the road from Powder river to Sheridan. Work on the cut Is well under way. mid thereU no apparent reason why the truck should not bo laid und trains run- X nliiK to Sheridan by November 1. As It is S conceded thai Sheridan will be a terminus / for the \vlntor , if not longer , besides being nt , t' the Junction where tbo Yellowstone park Hue , Ml ) rallet lout , \tlll louvo ttm i.mln Una , end the situ of tbo western repair suops , thu town Is taking on u boom , Julm Iti-JtTlK Iho U.imcrn. San Francisco Chluamon uro metaphoric ally In urm against tbo enforcement of tbo ( Jejrjr law requiring them to be pnoto- gruphca uud attach a picture to the cortlU- 'DUOS ' If they dcslro to reuiuln lu this country uftcr AUy 1 , 16'JJ. Tbo lutoul ot the luw U lo check the smiiRellnR ot Celestials Into the country. It Is n well known fnct thai the Mongols era pouring Into tbo country across Iho northern borders , by way of 1'ugot sound and through Mexico , Courts nnd police cannot cope with thn movement , car ried on as It U by mercenaries. Under the provision ) of the Geary law every Chinaman must procure n which la atlacbnd his photograph , n personal description , ago , plnco of residence , business , etc. Any ono found in Iho country without such cortlfl- cato nf lor the 1st of next May It liable to expulsion , Tbo enforcement of the law provoked great Indignation In the San Fran cisco colony. A majority of the California Chlnnmou nro Itttlo moro than slaves of the Six Companies , n powerful corporation ot wealthy Ohlnamon. With unlimited moan * at its control It has heretofore nullified the exclusion law. Employing unscrupulous attorneys it hoodwinked the courts and landed thousands of Mongols by giving straw bonds for their nppcnrnuco to provo they were provloui residents. As the Geary law will. If enforced , destroy this profitable business , the Mongol monopoly ely hns declared war against il , aim will light 11 in iho court.s , In a recent Interview the Chinese vlco consul Indicated tbo line of battle : "To start with , iho Geary bin Is a gross violation of the Iroaty now supposed to bo in exist ence between this gavornmonl nnd the Im perial government of China. It seems as If your pcoplo think that nil they have lo do Is o keep such ot tho. provisions of thai con- ract made between two great powers as may still thorn and violate such as they cheese , vlth impunity. " The Six Companies expect o overthrow tbo luw on this line , and have set aside $100.000 for that purpose. Mellcan lawyers on the coast are promised n rich harvest. But there. Is not much doubt of eventual defeat , Tbo facl thai Iho national snnromo court sustained iho Scott exclusion net forecasts like action on the Geary law. 1'rciillnr Uiiait rornmtloli. On tbo northern coast of California , about hlrty miles below the mouth ot Iho Klamath rlvor , la ono of the most Interesting natural formations to bo found In this country. It Is known ns tbo Big Lagoon. Hero the coast , which runs north nnd south up to this point , akos a sharp lurn Inland , bordered by very high hills , running to n distance of about hron miles , then turning out again makes u sharp buy , almost V-shaped , and for ages uast a sandbar has been washing Itiott up across the bay until thn bar has risen out of Iho water ten or twelve feel , havfng a width of about 100 foot and a length of four miles , reaching across the entire bay. This bar is In the shape ot a roof. When there Is a storm , the breakers roll up the side of it , break ever nnd roll down into the baj Inside , and it is n novel slghl to stand ihoro and watch tbo waters mountain high on ono side ana perfectly calm on tbo olher. The line between the two ul Intervals Is hidden altocothor. This bar s a sort ot short cut and can bo traversed on borsuuack. In iho storm the horseman ono minute will bo high and dry on land , the next u largo wnvo will roll up , and running under the horse's feet to tbo depth of a feeler or moro , iho rider will bo for an instant four miles al sea on horseback. The U'hulrlmckVrc > cl ' ( l. The famous whalcb.nck sloamor , Wetmoro , after almost encircllnc thogloDo , inglonously ended its career by running on tbo rouks on the Oregon ' -Oiist during a fog on the Stb lust. The Wotmoro was the tlrsl of the whale- backs built al Ouluth for Iho grain carrying trade on the lakes. For spccu and capacity they were unsurpassed , and shippers pre dicted they were destined to rule the wave in that line of business. The Wolmoro not only crossed the lakes but successfully buf feted the Atlantic , landing n cargo lu Liver pool. Next II sped around the Horn to tbo Pacific , thence to Son l < 'rancn > eo nnd Puget Sound , experiencing severe woalhor and suf- fonng many accidents. She now lies bat tered and bruUed on tbo rocks ul Capo Blanco , with no hope of getting her off. CIilnoHu I'ot A complaint comes from California that the Chinese uro ruining the llshlng in San Francisco bay. Particularly Is Iho shrimp ' business affected. Paying only $400 a year In licenses the Chinese fisherman a end across the Paclflo 1,000C03 pounds of shrimps an nually and half as much dried Ilsli , flounders , solos , etc. Groul quantities of youni ; tish are cnueht In their nets that are set all the year round , the result of which is thai Iho bay is being gradually empllcd of the HsL. This , of course , is in violation of the law , nnd the authorities nro ooglnning to oe- stir themselves The Chinese llshormen , it seems , are cxtondliiir their opcr.itions along the coast. Tbclr camps dot the shore from the Sacrumonto liver tp Uodwood slough. A Dakota Family. Near Yankton is the most remarkable family on this continent , perhaps In the world. It consists ot father , mother nnd Uvonty-fouv children , nnd the mother of the brood is not yol HO years old. She is a Nor wegian woman and her husband a Hooslor. The children were born in triplets and the eldest lol is under 13 years old. All of tnom are boys but three , ono sot of triplets bolne all girls , ffhoy nro a slurdy-looklng lol of youngsters. The gentleman who bus started In to bocotnc the father of his country Is a well-to-do farmer who is remarkably proud of his nrosony. Ho says if the good Lord continues to Mnllo uuon Dakota ho may yet bo nblo to furnish Undo Sam with a full company of soldiers. NuhniMlcu. A creamery association has been organized at Fullerton. Two Umber wolves and u coiplo of coy otes succumbed lo a wolf hunl in Scott's Bluft county. The corner stone of Iho now Catholic. church at Crete has boon laid witb appro priate ceremonies. Stanton county's sixth annual fair will beheld hold at Slanton , October 5 , 6 and 7 , with I every prospect of success. Lotta Leo , a Stromsburg young woman i who bus recently boon employed at York , has suddenly become Insane. A farm hand named West is in Jail al Plutlsmouth charged with robbing his om- uloyor , ICllas Sago , of $ * ) . " > In cash. A ir-months-oUl Plattsmouth babe foil Into a sink hole and was rescued by its mother Just in time to save its Hfo. While F. P. Conger was attending the fair at Syracuse robbers otitorod his house and secured 75 worth of wedding presents. A young man attending u drunkard euro factory ul McCook robbed a grader of $33 and Is now tryiutr iho Jail treatment instead of the gold. A. M. Swartionduver of Columbus , man ager of tl'o ' Western Exchange company , has loft tbo city and there are charges ot forgery und other crimes. A cow nnd some pigs , with a quantity of household furniture , were consumed with thu barn of Joa Westupal at WostPolnl. Tbo 11 ro was of lucoudlary origin. Churlt's Smith , a Pnnca Jocltoy , was so badly injured in u collision null u'toani that his life was despaired of , and bo was a ray ing munfao tor a oouplo of days. During n street fight at Dlllor ono man had hU thumb chewed up , unothci rocolvod a blow on Iho back of hU neck which nearly disjointed that member , nnd two other * bad their bond * pounded almost to a Jelh with n place of 2x4 scantling about two foot long. No nrroiU were made. A now brAkeman on the St. Joa & Urnnd Island road who din not know of the low brldgo near York wni struck on Iho head by the timbers ni.d fearfully Injured. Ho will recover. The ] ury in the celebrated Thornton mur der case nt Homlnpford fnllod to agree nnd was discharged by Judge Uartaw. This wni the second trial , nnd by the Jury's notions , n third is made necessary. While John Clark ot Ashland was tinning n roof the end of n long iheot of tin WHS caught by Iho wind and thrown upon him. The cdgo of the tin struck his wrist , cutting his hand almost entirely off. W. D. Mathews of O'Nolll ' , who wns nom inated by the republicans for the state sen ate and then withdrew. Is now n cnndldntn for resistor of iho O'Neill land ofllco to suc ceed 13. S. Qlllcsplo , who has resigned. A North Pla'to citizen was fined $10 for maliciously Killing n neighbor's horse. Jus tice Ponlston rendered Judgment and evi dently placed a low value upon the borso und failed to appreciate tbo magnttudo of the crime. Sny * the Thurston County Republican : Joslah Field , nn Omaha Indian , yesterday leased his Und 240 acres 149 Improved and nmoty-ono unimproved , to ( JborgoV. . South ard for u term of three years , from March , 1SD3 , nt t5S2 75 per year. .Toslah Field was the first Indian from either of the reserva tions to lease his land for agricultural pur poses. In 1838 ho leased his land for a term of live years to U. K. mid J. F. Myers at a price ranging from STi cents to f 1.50 per ncrn per year. Their lease expiring , now comus the result of the Improvement of the land Increased rental , and field realizes from his laud the next three years nearly f-UOO ! , while land adjoining lensod for grazlnir purposes still brings but 2.1 cents from Mrs. Farley wbo hns it flvo-vanr louse on nn I in men so trnot. Thousand * of dollars would now bo Jingling In the pockets of Indians had they all proceeded ns dlJ field. Smith Diikotii. Huron has clinched n bargain for a tow tn.UI.Tho The Black Hills School of Mines nt Hnold City opens September 21. Sioux Falls subscribed $30,000 to boast the projected railroad to Ynnklou. Deadwood Is short on school room. Tom. porary structures will bo built. South Dakota has ninety-eight Grand Army posts und 2,770 members. Flocks of Wyoming sheen arn lo bo driven to and fattened in South Dakota. Hot Springs shows an assessed valuation of $1,034,000 , a pretty goad record for a ti-year-old. South Dakota gets $25,000 as Its share of the money appropriated ty the last congress tor puullu surveys. Contracts have boon lot for the poslonlco. building at Sioux Fall * . The contract price for enclosing the building Is f.Hi,400. The necessary funds for tbo erection of a Masonic temple in Deudwood have been raised. The building will cost ? 30,000. Uhost Wall : , alias Klckod-to-Doath , proved his right to the tltlo by kicklncr his wtfo Daisy into the happy hunting grounds. Cihost Walk wni usilsted In making tracks to Jill. The Deadwood Terra Mining company has declared dividend Nu. 45 of 5 cents per share , URgrogatlni ; S40.UUO , payable September 20 , making $ ' .K > ,000 paid this year and $1,140,000 onld to date. Tbo Vnnkton & Norfolk grading contrac tors roporl n scarcity of men and tennis. There am 400 men now at work on the grades. The roud will bo completed by November 1 , and tbo same contractor will nt once ooglu work on the Yunlaou & Sioux Falls lino. At a recent meeting , the stockholders of the Uapld City , Missouri River & St. Paul railroad accepted the proposition of Ueorgo W. Hulst to lurn ever their sloci : to Hulst and associates , the latter um'oointr to build Ibo road lo Iho Missouri river. Tho'stockhold- ers Will bo reimbursed with bonds issued by the now company. Colonel J. H. King , a government official interested in rain experiments , Is diagnosintr the weather at Pierre. Asked when the experiments were to bo made , Mr. King suld : "You folks have been having so much nold rainy weather out this way that wo ican't make any experiments until this con dition of things changes , I am hero to lool ; the cround over , and will probably remain a ' week. If In that time I think tho'condltions nro favorable for experiments , they will probably be made u Itttlo later on.'Taken altogether , I hardly expect any experiments will bo mudo this fall , and the whole matter will bo postponed until next summer. " The campaign is so warm in the state that snow-capped domes are wilting. Laramiollos have organized an institute lo triple plato the victims of booze. Denver capitalists have invested $30,000 in the Medicine Bow mining distrlot. Tbo contract has boon lot for the erection of the College ot Mechanics on the Univer sity campus. The building will cosl $15,000. Wyoming rivals Pennsylvania lu coal , oil , iron and other natural resources , and now follows tbo Koyslouo state in organizing a coal trust. A Buffalo paper vouches for the intelli gence tbnl "tbo devil has a largo following in Wyoming. " The same uulhorlty iusln u- ntos that the following has given straw- bonds for good behavior. A special election will bo hold al Now- caslle on October to vote on u proposition to issue city bonds to the value of $2J,000 for Iho purpose of extending the water system and building a reservoir for manufacturing end other uses. ( Jtiih unit Iiliilin. Tbo smelters at Clayton and Uayhorso , Idaho , are idle and will so remain unless tbero is u rlso in the prlco of silver. I ICendnck , Idaho , is rising , Phomiix like , from her ashes. Brick buildings in almost every Instance will replace the burned wooden structures. The democratic candidate for governor of Idaho is not bothered with national ques tions. His groalosl trouble Is to cancel cer tain unpaid poker debts and provo bis resi dence in the state. The opening day of the Salt Lake public schools showed an attendance of 5,015 against 4,100 at the sumo tlmo last year. Improved educational methods and frco loxt books caused a lurgo drain ontbo private .schools. A pack train of thirty animals loaded with rich silver ore arrived at IColuhum , Idaho , from * Soufoum a few days ago. The mines of thul and ShoeD Mountain districts are yielding unusually well this year , bul , as Ihoro is no wagon road communication with thorn , they nro not working with tbo energy tbulr oxtenl and richness warrant. Up iti the Salmon rlvor country , Idaho , where there Is an increaslnc cold excitement ever leads and placers , dread is oxptcsscd by the agricultural class that rich lands in Lombl county would ho damaged bytillckonu. Tno manager of n olg hydrullo company lhal will operate tboro says this fear Is ground less. less.About About two months ago John Henry located tbo Edna claim , iu Beaver district , between Has Her Hands Full the woman who won't use Pearline. Has her hands full of work , and her head full of worry. Let her suit herself. If she'd rather work hard , and keep everlast ingly at it , it is nobody else's business. But that isn't all of it. The clothes that she washes , with her careless , tiresome , rub , rub , rub , are soon worn out. That's your business , if she washes your clothes. It will pay you to look after it. Pearline saves them. Peddler * nnd some unscrupulous grocers will tell you "this is as rood as" or " the same as Pearline. " IT'S KA1.SK Pearline is never peddled , and it it your grocer icnd * you MiiieUiiug In place of Pearline , du the honest thine ttnJ it l uk , . ' 4 JAMES 1'VLIi , Now " tilaho C ity ana Uarnt ) . Ho Immediately wont to work on It , niid now ha ) nstintl down Unity fed. On tlio fturTilcc tbo ere vein Is ciehtcrn inches wldoi'ftUn nt Uio bottom of tbo s bill t It Is lx tcot , , < Hopnted tests of tbo ere show H to bo worth , from $ JOO to $5'JU In gold nnd silver , silver1 bJomUmtlnp. A remarnnblo freak'bf nature , nnJ ono which U nttractlnR mubh attention from mu- ficum owners , hns been discovered at Logan , U. T , Sevrrnl days rt 6 a cat Rftvo birth to it Ultton wllh olpht lcp.4. Onesldoof the kit ten Is covered with oack ( nnd while stripes , while the ottier Is spotted nearly every color of the rainbow. The little imlmnl seems healthy anil will bo given to n local musnutr. . A loll ) ; till ) Co.nt. A bupo timber raft , Vioraprlslnp 5,000.000 ftot ana valued nt 175,000 was hauled Into San Francisco bay last week. Tbo WashmRton hop crop Is estimated at 25JOU ( bales , or about ono-lialf a crop. Oro- son's j-leld Is estimated nt 18,000 bales. Wntcr Is so low In the Ventura rlvor that Ithns been found necessary to put stonai power In the local Ilourinp mills. TbU la a thing unprecedented. A school of whales , estimated to bo four or Cvo hundred in number , were soon inortlnp their hugu bodies Just outsldo tbo surf on Lonif Bench , Ore. A larger nnd flncr speci men thau either of the ones which were stranded Is reported to bo washed nshoro near Ocean Park , Wash. The California Board of Equalization last week rnlicd the ban Francisco assessment roll 20 pur cent. Tills was Its response to the appeal of local ofticlals that the assess ment bo reduced 'M per cent. This Increase brings the assessed value well up to SO per conttof real value of olty property. In Novndtk it , Is proposed to protect the coyote because It is destructive of tluld tnlco and other small posts of the agriculturist. This Is as It should be. With California pay ing n bounty for oovoto scalps and Nevada mutiny a pramlum on raising the latter , nn interstate industry might bo built up lo vvnlch tbo San Jose squirrel tall enterprise would bo as nothing. Twenty millions of acres of land In Wash ington nro covered with n growth of wood which will cut nn average of 25,000 fact of merchantable lumber per acre. Much of tt In the vicinity of 1'ort Croscor.t nil ] cut an avcraco of 100,000 loot nnu moro to tuo aero , while single trees are common that will cat out 3,000 feet. The South Fork Indians attempted to kill their medicine man , lr. 1'otci Smith , the other day , because ho bad failed to cure ono of his pattontn. lr. Smith Hod. naturally enough , not being nny n.oro ready toUlothnn his civilized brothers of the pill box , but , when you como to look nt It the Diggers of South Fork were not nearly so Illoijieal ns it would seem nt llrst glancu. 1'otu is In the business of curing , nnd when bu undortnltos to euro nnd fulls , It naturally follows that hu has killed. The dense forests along the Oregon coast are u pHfnillsu for the humor. All Kinds of game can bo found roaming about , and to tnlco a few days' shooting nmonir tbo big trees Is much HUe ono reads about of tbo curlier days , when whlto men nero sctrco in this country and only tbo native Indian waged war against thu elk and boir. Several 1'lttsburg gentlemen huvo been spending the summer at and around Ciithlamet and U'cst- port , und raport u splendid result on their unrious shooting trip * . The preparations lor the celebration of the discovery of California. , , which will takoplaco at San Dlepo on the 23th and 2flth Insu , Indi cate that tin ) affair will bo : i noteworthy ono. The San Diegans hnvo'erjiored Into the mat ter \\Jth great spirit and every resource will bo taxed to make thn colouration QUO which will linger lu the minds of those who partici pate In It. The cruisers San Francisco , Yorktown , Baltimore nnd Charleston will bo In the harbor at the tnrio and assist in doing honor to Uabrillo's memory nnd exploit. Mr. Townbcnd of Annrortes , Wash. , who had a halibut line anchored out in Guemes channel , went to ralso/hFs / line and found , to his surprise , that instead of a nnliuut bo bad caught n shark.It appears that n. dogfish had swallowed the bait and hook , and the shark in turn swalloivod the dorjlish. The shark measured seven nnd a half feet long und weignod about 150 pounds. In appear ance it was very much-llko the man-eating species , but was profaonnced by some to beef of the species knowu'nstho "mud shark. " William Carter of Choba'lem vallov , Yam- hill county , Oregon , tbo father of the youuc man who captured Wilson , the murder or of little Muinio Walsh , wont Into the woods west of his homo last week and got Into ono of the quagmires so numerous in that sec tion , and for three days remained there , slowly sinking. Ho was found by a man who chanced lo pass that way und rescued. When discovered his head wns ull thut re mained above tbo surface. Speechless and almost dead , ho was taken homo and now , Dy careful treatment , ho may recover. Mr. William Moroland of Portland , Ore. , Is in Alton , 111. , on a peculiar n.lsslon. It seems that in the years 18G9 to 187t ; there lived atKorth Alton and thoadjotning village of Melville a German named John Jung , or Ynuncns ho was called , who , with his wife , hadnoltherchlldreunorothorrolativos. They were ordinarily well to do and adopted nn orphan girl , whoso name was Mary 13. Mur ray. In 1S73 they removed to Oregon and there accumulated a fortune which Is now valued nt ? 150,00l , ) . They have since died nnd the estate is claimed by Mary Murray , now a woman grown , on the ground that she was legally udoptod. Two thousand men are nt work alone tbo line of the Great Northern west of the Cas cades. The worn on the big tunnel nt the summit has not ns yet been commenced , but a switchback is being built up tbo side of tbo mountain. Only about ninety miles re main to bo built to join tbo two ends of the line , but as the unfinished portion is nil heavy rock worlt , the road can hurdlv bo completed boforp April. Everything used by the men nnd teams has to be freighted up on wagons from SnoliomUti. and costs enor mous prices. Huy is $100 per ton , nnd pota toes 0 cents per pound , with other neces saries of life nt simiinr figures. Lo ) W Ill's Sarsnpsrilia aostroys suoa poi sons us scrofula , skin illsinxsos , oczomu , rheu matism. Its timely use save ) many Ip DELICIOUS Flavoring NATURALFRUI , FLAVORS. Vanilla Of perfect purity- Lemon Of g'fkat strength- Orange Economy In their use , Roseetc. _ . v. . . . . Flaypr f s delicately and dellclously as thro fresh fruit Hyperopiioralgia ! All persons sulferW 'from HYPERO- PHOKALQIA ( hrt'jtlinlio from eye strain ) or any DEPKCT OF VISION , should consult our Uptlclan at once , and bs HtUul wtthi Buitab'o Glasses. All erroru orrelructtpij.corroctoa sclen- tilicaUy. Lenses 'ground to measure witiout extra charge. NO CIIABQE for THSTINQ. the oyes. OOLDSPKOTAOLES , or Eyetlassea from $3 upward. STEEI/ SPECTACLES , or Eys- ( ilosses , from $1 upward. Colored Glasses from 60o up MAX MEi'ER & BRO , COMPANY , Je volen un J Optlclnni. Kurnam unU Hlxtuentli Strooti. Oinuba. 'third Kioor , I'.UUm llloo c ' . " > . HlthivilFant amSti. A Jull t of loelli on ruti or lor IV. I'ur/eot H Ti-ctli without plotus ur rJaioTjUlo brljja uurk ju > t Itiu thlutf for t\n4in \ ur publlo npja' < ) tt , uorit drup down. TEETH KXTUAOT 50 WUMIOUT I'AIV Gold Ullliu ut raucn-iblu r.itoj. All work uurruutud. Cut thUutil for ui-uiUu. We sell > lnt3 , Extrn Special and sell them Bnrgnlns In cheaper than Cent's hat stores. Furnishing All the leadIng - Goods , . ' Always. Ing makes. * > / We re selling $9,00 , $12,00 and $15.00 suits at * " r"T ' . / < a Suit Latest shades in mixtures and plain checks , They are genuine bargains. You'll say so when you see them. Columbia Clothing- Cor. 13th and Farnam Streets. * Our Prices ! children's M. always the department is lowest for the most goods complete worth moro in Omaha. than the price. THE CHEAPEST AHH.BEST MEDICINE FOR FAMILY USE IN THE WORLD lnstuntlv stops the most ovi'melalini : nilns ; never falls to jlvo o iso to the sulTciorj a few applications act like m.iule , causlns ; the p.iln to InUiint'.y atop. A CURE FOR ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS. If only taken lu iloscs of from thirty to sixty drnus In half .1 tumbler of w.itor will cnra In a few mlnntus Cramps , hp.isms. hour Stomach. Oollo , liliilulaiico. llii.iriburn. l/'iu mir. I'alnt- Ivuness. CHOLERA MOKBUS. DIAHUHOKA , DYSENTERY , Sick llo.i-luouc. Naiistm , Nervousness Sli < uple < .4iiu > s , Mulnrl i. and ull Interim ! rnilns arising from oh jmo uf weather or other cause/1 BO CENTS A BOTTLE. SOLD BY DKUQaiSTS. WELL BRED , SOON WED"GIR LSW HO US SAPOLIO Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next House-Cleaning. Kcopcooll Tuo plngno can't reach jou If you do thorlcht thluBut the rlsht tlmo , LOOK AT THE SECRETIONS I Pee that they ore licaltliy nnd perfect. I'm tbo liver to natural nork Tills ( venurtis illuoMlon itnU nutrition. Avoid unrlpo frulln runt imnliuli-aomo mcitth. Cook every tlilnu , oven water. Clean oirtlio niumbruues of atunmdi and bon-jli ul ani , wltli Dr. Sclitnck's ' Mandrake Fills , Th07 carry nwny nil rllsenso cornn and nil polson- OU8 matter. Tuey assure perfectly healthy nnd imtnrul secretion * . They turn the liver to thu ac count of iltneMlon nnd nutrition , quickly , i-nfely. thoroughly. Keep lieud cool , feet warm , akin clean SCHENOK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. Imvobeen tested In many a Cliolernepidemic. They do for the. STOMACH , LIVER AND BOWEL Just wfmt unnltnry nclonco soys ehoiild bo done with ilrplru , clonou. rooms anil thu outer person. They clenn nnil purify the Inner IIOUHD nnd put the nll- uientnry channel ! * In perfect order. Avoid stlmulimti. Cl ir their i-ITpcti out of the system nt once with the MANDIUKK 1'll.l.S. I'ut tliii n'liiiontnryoliunnulaIII ' unlornnJ oil dollancejto Cholera , In cholera epidemics , mid nil others Involving Iho liver. Htomiichnnd liowult , moro t.isei of prevention and euro ifind to thu cro lit of Dr. Schonck' Man- daitku I'llls tliun to ituy other uxcncr or roino Jy. QUAIL BRAND HEALTH FOODS Parched Rolled Oats , Unequalled in Flavor. Corn Gritz , Sold only in 2 } pound package * Velvet Meal , For ruuillns nnd.gonu. lu ? RINT N Sold by nil Plnt-Clau ( Jrocnn. AMUSEMENTS 'C New I JUST O Theater' ' MONDAY AND TUESDAY , SEPT. 19 AND 20. A. M. Palmer's New York Stock Company , Under the Direction of Mr. Al Uitrmun , In Auituntus Thomas' 1'roiu Poem , ALA. 33 A. M A ! Interpreted by Mr. Krancl * Carlyla , Mr. C'linrles I * llnrrln , Mr , Kdward f. Abe-Ion. Mr , Jltirbert 3IIII- wnrd. Mr. J. U. Bnvlllo. .Mr. 1C. .M Holland , Mr. Wulden Haminy. Mr. J , II. Stoildnrd , Mr. Odoll Williams. MUi Junnlo Kuitacn. Ml Krnlly Howard. Ml l.lllleVol ton , Mlis Zuuuldu Vlalulro , MUs Ilnsu Montan. TIio Great Nozro Qunrtut The Kuvorlle I'laycri Thu ( iruatett of Ca t.Mo t llnaullful Heunery. Itox uliuuti now open nt following prlu3si 1'ar- quut and unit live to\n In circle. tl.&U ; Inat live rows In clrclo. f | .UU ; ndiulinlon to lint Uiior , 75o ; tlr t four rowii In balcony , ll.IWi lint lira rows In balcony , T..o ; Kcncral aduilolon to balcony , Uo ) ; t' l- lery , Z5o. fornam St , Theater Ono Wtck. Sunday Mat In DO , SopU 18. STUART AND BOOK'S ( Jranil Spectacular 1'roJuctlnu of Uncle Tom's Cabin. With u carload of Kconury , calcium unit me- cliiinlenl olfeots. Mutlueui Wednesday and Saturday , llliln Tor JIouiU. The vllliizo of Gordon will recolvo sealed bliu for (1,1)75 ) worth of water bunds. The liomls uro tluT.&O uncli , 'JO yours , with prlvlloKO of uuyliic uflerfiyit.irs. The bonds ure 7 pur cunt. Full Information eau bo obtulnuJ by uUilresslnn the vlllu u cluru K. I ) . MOUKISON , Sl&l't'M GurUon , tihurlditu Co. , Nub. NOTICK TO PROPERTY OWNERS AGENTS AND UiSSliKS. In ptiraiiiinco of ordinance ) No. 809.J , riqulr- Iti. sewer ( o mectloiis to bu made tu and wl th in 1 10 curb line ? on L'l'rt'ilu streets In street Iniprovuiiiont dlstrluls No * . ITi ) . 4r , 478 , 47U anil 4S'I , In the olty of Oinuh i , you : iru hereby notlllud tu nmko nil nocoisary connections with O\M rin ilns or Inltur.ils und to ooinploto such \voik on or before Octobur 1st , ItCS , us It Is the purpciM ) to pavis the streets In tbo s tld districts , and moio u.rtloulurly closer. boil us follows , tu wit : No. 475 Tbu street Ivlus of th' wott-'fi foot uf lot 7 , bloolc 'J.I : ) . oltv. from < uciUc htruot to the alley hoiitb of I'.vtllie street. No. 477 Twentv-IIist ftreot from Wlrt street tu Sponei'rslrt'ot. No. 478 houglnii street , from the west line of Kith street lu tliocist : , lln i of ' 'Jtli s'ruut , No. 4711 buicntuuntli strut't from tin noith line of Fun i ani strout to tno toutli line or Do go stitut. No. 48:1 : lrio ! : street from , the west line of tlin Omulm licit railway's rlVht. of way to the east line oftlio Chluazo , SU Paul. Mlnuunpo- lls .t Oinnliii railway's rlxlit uf way. You uro hereby cmluiud tu inalco tbo neucs- siiry iowur connectluiid on ui boforu tbu duto spijcillo'l In this nutlet' , or the B.UIIO will Ijo made by tbo olty authorities , unit tno cost thereof ut ossuil iigulnst the prnuorty op | > u- slto the same unit spnclully bonuUttod thuruby. D.itud . ut Omabu , Nen. , this loin day uf September. 1W- . 1 > . W. llIICKHAUSnit , Chairniiin of tbo HoarJ uf 1'nbllo Works. SI3-IC-17-l'J-3i-ai ' ) _ Tu tbo property owners uf ull lots , nurt uf lots und roul pstuto , : tlins Sow. rd street from Ililtb struct to3Ht , btroet : Vou nro hereby nutillod tlint ihoindor - slttiiod. Miroodlslnlurosled rruuliDldui-j of tno city ofumalm , h ivo been duly appointed by the inuyur. with tlin ui thu city cunnoll of xald city , to us oss the ilninufo tu the ( iwnoib icspoctlvoly uf thu prnpu'tv nf- f"cted by cbuiiKO of ur.i'luof Sowird street fioin ItOtb to Illst strouts. doel.iriHl nocosisirv by ordlnuiiro ISS , puubuil August 'Jib , aiiprovocl Almost nth. You are fnrthur notified , thut having uc- copted siilditnpnliitinuntl and duly qniiilllcd us iciiiilrod by law , wu will , on tno2ltli day of i-eiitonibor , A. 1) . .8 : ) . ' , ut Iho hour uf U o'clock In the forenoon , at tbo ollluo ot.Iolin R I'Muck ' , room r > 51 , Uhamher uf Uuininurco , within the cororAtu ] ) limits of said elty , niuot fur tbo purpose of considering und inn ( In ; the assessment of duin IKO to thn owners ro- spuotlvoly uf said pronurty. affected by Hiild clinngu of gnidu. taking Into consideration spculul bonollts. Ifiny. . Vnu are nntllled tu bo prenoiit nt the tlmo and place nfurustiid , und muko any objections tu ur stutoniontH coiu'ernlnc sild ussussniont of damages ns you nmy consider proper. Omulm , September 7 , H'J.1. ' JOHN l'VliAOK. . JOHN . UOIllllNS. S-12-d-10t ORUUQB J. i'AUU _ rpo THE OWNEKS OV MI , IATB OK J- parts uf lots , on U.'nd Btrcet , from Nlchulua street to Clnri < street. Yuu nro hnrohy notified that tbo under- slKiivd , three illnlntortHtod fruu huUlers of tbo olty of Omaha , have been duly appointed by the nriyor , wllh thu upproval uf the olty council uf Hold elty , tu assess the ( liunii.'o to tlio owners roHnocllvely ot the prupertr nf- fccted by urudtiu of said street , declared necessary by ordinance No. U'itl. passed Au.-nst 3JI1 , , 18 ! ) . ' , approved A opi t Ills t , Ib'Jj. You uro fnrthur notified , thut havliu ao- coptnd xald appointment , und duly ( innllllod us required by luw. wu will , un thu v'4tli day of rMjptumbor. A I ) liO'J , at thn hour nf a n'cfook In the afternoon ut thu utllco of Uuurgo J , I'nnl , luJS Kninuri street , wl'hln ' the eorpur- ntn limits ufHUld elty , mcot for the purpose of cunsldurlii ? and inaklni : tbu iiisossinent of dnniUKU tu tbu owners rcspuetlvoly uf wuld prupuity , ulfcnteil byuald L-radln.r , taking' Into cunnldorntlonHiiooliil Ijunellts If any. Yuu nru notllli-'d to be prusiint at ( be tlmo and pluco afoiusald , und nmkuuny uhjoutiuns toorsluteinonts cont'iirnlng said iisHussnient uf duni.ixos us you may cunHliler proper , ( iKDItdB J. I'AUI , \V > I. U. KlllllVKIl , JAMKS HTOUJCD.U , ! . , Oinnhn. bopr-onibcr iSlli. 1HIC. BIMlOt. GRADE ORDINANCE NO U27. An ordinance establishing the Krndo of 45th htruut from Military avenue to Jjuko utreet , In thu ulty uf Omaha. lie Iturdulnod by thu city council uf the city of Oni nil u : Hoctlun 1. The grndo of 45th street from Military uvonuu to l.itlio street , lu thu olty uf Umahu , U hereby established ut tbu following olovutlnnu tbo Krudu boliii : unlfurin Htrulitht lines between the points Kpeollled In tbOHtruets uvcnnos 01 alloys nainod In the rospuotlvu sections fulluwlng , tuwlt : Hcctloui' . Urudu uf 43tb streot- Ivlovatlon Elovutlou of West of lOasl Curb. Onrli. North curb of Iako Htreot..l 'j,5 zvi.O Smith curb of haku street. U'U ' XMt North curb ot KrsKInu at.'JJ2.r > 2U.5 Uuuth curb of Krsklne et . . . ' 'ij.0 North utirbuf Urunt street ( oust ) . . 155S ! South curb of Grunt street ( oust ) . . . . . . , . ' 'JO.O North curb of Military avenue. as cstubl'Hhod ' Buctlouy. This ordliuuico vliall take ulfuot nnd bu In fnrou from nnd after Its passage. I'uH&od September Cth , Ibirj. JOHN QltOVEH , Uity Olerk. O. I , . OIIAKKKK , ActliiL' President City Council. Approved Septum bur ! > th , Ib'X1. aifo. i' . IUMIB : , Uuyor. IF YOU EVER SUFFERED FROU If you are In position to take advantage of the laws re lating to you have taken up a piece ol If you have made an invantlon on which you desire to secure a You should communicatD with the Bee Bureau of Claims The object of this bureau 1& to give every person holding- legitimate claim ngiilnst the covonimont the ndvuntago on residence in Washington , whether ho live in To.\i3 or Alaska. It does rnoro than thut. Nino-tenths of the population of Washington would bo helpless if asked how to go to worlc to si-euro their rights through the dop.u-t- inents. TJIIC Bun Bureau of daiins gives the advantage , not only ot per sonal residence , but of thorough famil iarity with a I the machinery of the government. It oilers Absolute Security. * You do not know whether the uvoraga Washingtonoiiilm agon twill client you of not , although on general principle ! you would naturally suppose that ha would. But you know that the San Francisco Examiner , the St. Paul Pie ( ncor press and the Omaha Bicic cannot afford to cheat you. They gutiruntoo this Bureau , ana their reputation la staked upon the honesty and ability of Its management The buro.iu employes attorneys who Expert -Specialists for ouch of its departments. Its Indian doprodution cases nro care- ullyvorlcod un , with all tli3 ovidonca required by luw , und nrgtiod before the court of claims hi such u manner as to bring out most favorably ull the 033011 tiul points. Its luiul cases are handled in strict ao- cordancn with the rules of Iho Goner il Lnnd Ofllco , so that no doluys or com plications onuuo in the orderly nettle- mont of the claims. Its patent 0:1303 : nro so munu < , rol as to Insure the utmost possible bonelit lo.thu nvontor , by Rlvlii } , ' him the broadojt protection Ilia ideas will justify. Its pension CUBOS uro dlapojol of with the least possible delay und oxponsa to the vote run 9. Don't refrain from consulting tlin bureau because you uro uf raid of the cost. Its costs nothing to uot inforrimtion. Ask us many quostiona ns you pluuso , and they will bu unsworol promptly cheerfully and accurately , without chartjo. THE Bee Bureau of Claims Room 220 , Bee Building , Omaha , Neb.