Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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DellTtrea hy cnfrler to anr part of the rtty
I'l'l ri'itnvvxj "u * ut" Office. . . . . . . . . No43
"l-LEIIIO ? > *
- fclMght Bdltor
1C Y.
I'ounril JjluHs Lumber CoM
U The rcsuiar monthly mcpting of the school
board will be bold tonight.
Tbo city council and Board of Health will
bold aojourtitd meetings thin evening.
A number of the wicolmen of the city are
making arrangements lor a ' 'century run"
mxt Sunday.
.hidt'O Mac.v will render a decision in tbo
district court this rooming in tbe school lax
levy injunction case.
Tbo Olivette Danclrp club xvlll cive Its
c.r.cond partv of the season next Wednesday
cvenlnc ht the Hey l Arcanuui parlors.
A meeting 1 * to bo held tomoirow evening
tit the. Grand hotel lot the puronsc of orcxu-
ifcltie n World's fair club. Addrosscs will
be mndo by Miss lingers of Sioux City , Mr * .
Bnggi. one nf the Nebraska commissioners ,
br.d others.
llcv. Father Lonrlnus. O. S. U. , is con
ducting the annual retreat of tbo Sisters of
Mercy at St. Ueinurd's hospital. The ls-
ti'rs do not receive visltorn from today until
Knturday mornirg. vben they will wlebrats
the Uflh unnlvrrinry of the opening of tbo
A destitute \vavfcrcr was found at an
early hour yesterday tuorsmg fast asleep
in a cur nt the molor barns. U. R Chase ,
oneof the employes of the motor compiny ,
rnti across him an < l tried to reuse him. but
the sleeper refused to rllotv bi < possession
o ! thu impromptu bottl to be Interfered with.
Ho was accoruinzly bunded over to Ofllcrr
Covalt nnd token to the police station , wbcro
lie xvas churgcd with trespass.
When wean , weary and worn out , Hood's
Snrsapurilla IP Just t'bo medicine to restore
yoursliength und giveyou a good appetite.
Docs It 1'ny You ?
Docs , it ] iny anybody to pivo more
tlnui nn nrticle is wqrth ju-t because
you wr.nt to please somebody ? It ccr-
thinly dcefe pay you to give twice or
thi co times ns much for school shoes
Joi1 your children as we offer them to
you.Wo cim pivo you n pretty poofl strong
pair of children's shoes for 2oc , peed
enough for liny boy or girl to wenr to
For Hoc nnd 45c we give you a better
gnido than you have been uskcd S-l for.
And for 5Uo to "oc wo can pivo yo'J
footwear thtt : the hardest kickinp boyer
or girl cannot kirk out during the pres
ent school term.
Fathers und mothers of Council Rluffs
nnd vicinity who want their children
neatly and comfortably shod will find it
pays to look through our block.
\Ve have school shoss enc-uph for
every school chi.d in the city , und we
want to furnish them at one-third what
other dealers nro nsljinp. Saturday nnd
Wonday wo are going to make a little
i un on bfhool shoes , and nt the same
time we will i-ell nil other shoes at cor-
resipondinp prices.
S21 Broadway.
Judson , civil engineer , 323 Broad waj
j'r/i u.v.i x. IM IIA IA 1-11 s.
\V , P. Sapp IE homo from St. Joseph.
Locmvood Dod o has cone to Mussschu
Mrs. Kd Hospland is visiting friends in E
P-so , 111.
Justice Hammer left for Coin , la. , 01
Tagecrt , of bicycle fame , is attending semi
races in Kansas.
Miss Maie Chapman will spend tbe autumr
in Council Bluffs.
Mr. aud Mrs. C. C. Linger are borne fron
D visit to Chicago.
Frank Badollot and I. U. Parsons leavi
todsy lor .New York.
Mrs. E. L. Shusurt hat pone to Chicago
accompanied by her mother.
.1. A. Firrell of Bed ord. Neb. , is in th
city , the eucsi ol Georco , . IJrciv.
J. A. Barrott of Lincoln , Neb. , is in tn
city , the guest of his brother. H. P. Barrett
MrV. . H. Copson left last nicht for
month's visit with friends in Levincton an
Pcorla , 111.
Mrs.V. . H. Wukcfield has returned horn
from a summer's visit m Dsnver and otbe
western cities.
Mrs. T. 1C. Winter and children have con
to Lee county , lotvn , in response to a telcRrat
anuouncinc tbe erious itlniss of a sister.
Uev. T. MclC. Stuart is oat of tbe city nt
tendinc confeteuce ana there were no serv
Ices at the Broadway Methodist church yea
Carl Mayne , who has bson spending thi
vacation with his parents , Mr. and Airs.V
S. Mayne , has returned to Wesleyan collesr
at Ml. Pleasant.
Rev. Stephen 1'helps went to the Enter
prise church , four miles east of the city. 30 =
terrtay afternoon and preached a sermon i :
connection with a harvest homo service.
Mrs. Tnotnas Tostevin has returned froi
n western visit of several weeks. She is no
romuanied bj her daughter , Mrs. E. E
Harvey , who will remain in the Bluffs fo
bcveral weeks.
Charles Lincoln of Perry , la. , tpant Sun
day at hU homo in this city , lie has take
u position In the train dispatcher's offlce o
the Milwaukee at Perry , aad will move hi
lutnily to that place lu the near future.
The marriage of Elsie Pusey to Ernes
Thornton is announced to take place th
latter part of this month. Mr. Thornto
was formerly a resident of IhU city and 1
vrell known iu business and social circle ;
Ho now lives nt Kearney , Nob. , which wi
bo the homo of hirntelt and bride after the !
Disease never successfully attacks thesyi
tern with pure blood. Do Witt's Sarsapirill
icnkoi. pure new blood and unricbev
Wanted to Uuy.
Improved poperty.V111 pay cash i
price is low. 1L G. McGoe.10 Alain street
It Would Like u Monopoly.
A bankrupt excuse for a mornlne pnpei
with a name that is n broad caricature , ba
commenced ticain an effort It has been mat
Siif ; regularly for tbe past twelve years t
run Tnr. Hue out of Council Bluffs. It one
und some character and preillce , but for tb
past few years it has never risen above tb
plane of solf-ootifessed memlacancy. Wbll
linsinp us tbo sole und exclUKive defender an
Ltlvociito of Council bluffs. Inlt-reiti It i
neither tirinted uoroaitea in thU citv. Slxt
per cent of ibe reading matter It contains i
na up iu Oinuhu uuu furnished lorty-secon
land at one-tenth cost ot Jresh tvpi
\Vbllo wbuklnp Council Bliiflg neb pi
lor trudlup in Omaha It never print
un i uo that docs not contain big uc
vtr Irrineuts of Omubu merchants an
double-leaded editorials urgiiiR Its fui
readers to patronize them. H U a carici
turo in all respects , ana has been tbo caut
of more ridicule of the citv than any oltu
ono thing. H only has a few readers , uu
they do not tuko it for any purposes of
i c\v.-if)0ter , but only becaubc they uro ol
citiienK and ll was once a newspaper , The
contribute \vce.ltly to it just us they williucl
idutrlbute to korp t'-.e pruss preen on U
( . luvcs of tbelr friends , pay ing for an nuclei
irrmory not u prcsaut utllit.v.
Tni ; ftr.r. will ouutlnue to furnUh the ren
to thu people ol Council BluITt , uud pay ot
n cru money for t-uUrms unit evpensun thu
ihu little couutrv sheet makes , ucd evc.i
dollar ( if this nil ) find its ivay into tbo ill
of the Council Uluffk inorvbants.
The : . C. Cralp , oditnrund publisher of th
New Haven ( Mo. ) Notes , t.ny : " 1 hai
u ei Chamburlalu'iMr , Cbulera uu
/iurrhui Hemedy wllti preat talUfuctic
lor tha ailment * of inv children. For t
by drupclsu.
Duvlf , pure dtupe , bett palntt.
Saturnalia of Politics Promised the People
for This Weeb
DrmncrnU mid IVople'd. rart3-lttn to llnrr
Gri-nt Itnlllm l'ro pfct tor the Urmo-
, erntlc Conrrntion ItppuhllcHii *
\V111 Cnurun on
The present week promises to be lively
one so fur as politics are concerned. To say
nothing ot tbo quiet electioneering that is
being done on all sides by tbo candidates ol
all parties , a number of political meeting's
of various Kinds are boouea , and every one
who is interested In politics may find tome-
trine to hh taste If bo IOOKS for It. ThtE
cvenlnp tbc people's party tvill open tbs ball
by holdlnc a caucus to select delegates lo at
tend tbo county convention which is to be
held on Saturday at the county court .bouse.
Wednesday oveuir.p will be notable by rea
son of there beirp ttvo political speeches.
Udtnlln Garland , the well known writer , I ;
to address a meettnp. at the opera house IB
tbo interests of the people's party. Mr. Gar
laud has been brought prominently before
tbe public through bis writings for the tnapa
rlne , us well as a number ot noveis from hi :
pen , and there nro douotleis many who wll
bo anxious to hear him. In the Masonic
Temple on the same evenlnc the democrats
have a countcr-ntt-aetion in tup shnpo of at
address , by Hon. W. O. Warner of New Vorl
on tbe suujcct ot tariff reform.
Thursday occurs the democratic conven
tion. As tbe time approaches the interest
felt In the rutull is lucreasinp , &ud tbo candl
dates that arc clamoring lor u chance to go
the various oflices are becominc thick anr
vociferous. The number of odlces to be lilloc
is not larce but the convention which meet1
on Thursday will have some dimVulty it
selecting the candidates from too nan.i
names to be presented. Tbe convention wll
have to name candidates for county recorder
county auditor , clerk of tbo district court
countv attorney and member of the board o
supervisors. Not only because It is the tnos
Important oQlce but because they fear thi
republican nominees lu a pre. iuential year
nearly all tbe anxiety is felt for the uomlnci
for tecorder , nnd it will be over the name o
this candidate that tbc chief llpht in the con
vention will occur. The strongest candiasti
mentioned so fur Is cecerally conceded to fa- -
Sum D. UoLrer , orother of the ex-mayor
und it now looks as if he will be the first mai
For auditor Ira Hendricks will ondeavoi
to work tbe convention , and Ulerk Carnnbel
and County Attorney Organ will do'tbi
name for re-election. Orpan A-ill have i
powerful opponent iu 'Iboraas E. Casady
the law partner of Finloy Burke and one o
the bnchtest youne men in the citv. Judgi
Aylesworth bus also entered tbe race.
Sutiervisor Graham announces that he 1
not a candidate for re-election , and now n :
body UP to the present time warts the offlc
badly enouph to begin worklnp for H.
Saturday nicht tbe republicans will hoi
caucuses in tbe wards to choose dolepates t
the county convention , vrbich meets at th
court house a week from next Wednosdaj
On tno same evening there will bo a people'
party rally at which speeches will bo mad
bv F. W. Meiers , canaidate toe conpri'si
nnd Charles McKenzie , candidate for ai
tornoy general.
Too Much li-o Cream.
H. C. Rohrer. ajjnt ; of tbe Missouri P.icifl
railway , X.jw H avea. Mo. , sivs : "I suffero
a great deal one hot evening la t wuek. ( Jul
21. ) hud eaten ice crean forsuppar , an
tuercseomed to ba an internal conflict goln
on. A travelinp man snid he had somethin
in his priD at the hoici that he bsliove
wobld relieve me , and producing a small boi
tie of medicine pava mo u dose. I felt bettoi
nnd lu a few moments took another do f
which entirely relieves me. I balievo tha
such a medicine is worthy of recommend !
lion und thatu should ho kspt in the nous
during the summsr. The bottle was Isbele
Uhamnorlain' Colic , Cholera and Diarrnoe
Ilemedy. " For sale by druggists.
TolU tie"Trutli. ! .
The truth stands best is un old r <
mark , and never wus it ruore verifie
tliat it had for the past few weeks i
Council Bluils. Ever since the fir-
arrival of fall goods the Boston Stor
lias been advertising : special sale i
various deoartments. The wonderft
success they hiu'e hud is u sure guaran
tee that they h.ive tojd the truth an
nolhing but the truth.
We always have what is advertisec
and you are sure to lind it just as rej
resented. The sale for tne comig wee
i.i dress { roods , and we cull your attet
lion to show window displays , beside
htr o variety of bargains in this dc
partineuuVo are showing uow fa !
novelties nil over our store.
Window No. 1 Shows a line of ou !
ings in mixed , checked and plaid novel
ties , same goods retail at oOc n yarc
! > G in. wide nnd warranted all wool ; w
offer snme during s-ilc at 336 per yard.
Window No. 2 Shows a bettor grad
of poods , representing some of the fine ;
1'uropean productions , in French , Aui
trmn and German manufacture , as we !
as some exclusive dress patterns in th
latest weaves nnd effects , ranging i
price from SO.OO to 8-15.00 each.
Window Ko. 3 Shows , an entirely di
fercnt line. It is composed of blac
goods and black and white , amonff wbic
are some barg-ains. Wo call your attet
tion to our 42-inch cruhraeYo at 89i
worth 60c. Perhaps the greatest but
gain ever offered by us , or any othe
rnerchants , is our 40-inch Austrian het
li etta ( all wool ) , regular 75c grade , a
Besides the bargains mentioned w
have a full range of fancy weaves ti
special low prices , such as whip cords
poplins. Matehisso , India twill , Lan ;
downe , glorias , etc. , etc.
Window No. 4 Weoffor the choice t
this line while they lust at lOc per varc
Goods are n heavy homespun , ilium
nated in different colors , full HO inclu
wide aud well worth 2oc ,
Boston Sto o.
Council Bluffs , la.
Ullly Maililim Mluslni : .
Billy Mudden , the proprietor of the Paclf
bouse , is mlssiug , so H is claimed by h
friends. Tbe fact was reportsa to tbe polii
yesterday oftcrnoofl by a woman with who
he has been livlnc for some time pisl on cv
nuo A , near tbc ; Xorlbwefcterii depot , who su
tratshebad nctseen Madden kince 12 o'cloc
Saturday nlphu He did not snow up at h
saloon yesterday morninc nor all day. Of
cer BetwIcU , who Investigated ibocate&orr
what yesterday , stated that he saw Maadi
Saturday night about uildnipbt , and that I
was on his way toward the Kortnwestei
depot In company with a man whom the ci
ilcer did not recopuiz : .
I' rv llrrarrUxitr me Home.
Threeyeari n-o , while Ivis vUittng rel
lives at Hlgrlnkvllle , MJ. , I was sudden :
imen nllh colic and BOVLTO pains in tt
stomach. My rel ill e sent to the docti
for medicine , and he taut me a bottle i
Ctjumuennin's Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhu
Ucniody , telUng the oaarer that if , hut moi
icine did not cure ma be could not prescrll
unytblnc that would. I usedH and was it
mediately relieved. Hcsitr A. Tnoreus.
Mirpjih Temple , \o. J ) , Pythian Sitter
will jrivo ti clothcBulti social at Ivnlgh
of Pythias hall Wednesday ovouin
SepUjinber HI.
llrokc Ju | | Ht .
Sberifl Ucien received a telegram fro
tbebhrnff nt Martbulltown on Friday nu !
lying him of tne escape of Charles Tur
dell , one of the prisoners who bad been co
fined in iho county Juil nt ihai olace , at
asking him to look out lor the f ocitive , I
was rupposed to have como tbl * wav.
man ansivcrlug the description ran u't-rc
tbepkth cf Depnty ibf ? > rin O'Brlon KrlJnv
ItrrtiooD. bat uisnareJ to ciudo the oQlcer
> y hiding in a forrt of nunflowcr ? on the
lottomv O'Dnen dntcrmlnrd to hunt for
lit man in Omaha , and ran hlTi down Satur-
ny nlpht , although tbo on be finally
aught turned out to ba a different one torn
be one he bad at first spotted. Tbo Mar-
halltown shcrlfT wa < < notified of the canturo
ana ho arrived in the UlutT" . yesterday. Turn-
ell acrerd to po brk xvlthout n requisition ,
inii tboofllrer took htm back last cvoninr.
'arndell was In Jail for robbery and mode
: is escape bv sliding down from the ( .eoond
tory on a reps which had been passed Into
Itcinimnt Sale
) f the great Bankrupt shoo snle , 621
Brniidwny. Ladies' kid button shoos 75c ,
worth $1.50 ; Indies'donpoltibu'iton$1.2o.
wo'-th S2.50 ; Indies' dongoln button ,
latent letther tip , $1.23 , worth $250 ;
ndies' fine dongolu button tl.50 , worth
tf.OO ; ladies' French dongola kid button
$2.00 , worth $4.00 ; ladies' best French
donpolu button S2.60 , worth $ "i 00.
621 Broadway.
Genuine Round Oik , Radiant Home.
3. P. Stewart stoves and ranges , sold
exclusively by Cole & Cole , 41 Main.
Mrottn Prrferd HIP rrnitcntlHr.v.
John Brown , tbe colored man xvho was
arrpstod in DCS Molncs a day or two P.CO for
laying one tea many wives returned to
Council Blufts yesterday morning In cnnrpo
of SborifT llnzen. He ndmlts that be was
narrlcd to two women at the sume time ,
3Ut says he did not think bo wn ? aomc any
thing so serious ns he has sltico lounJ out
Ve.s. I done married dot woman , " said ho ,
n conversation about his matrimonial
iffairs , "but it wus because she wan't my
"kind of u woman. You won't have no
irouble with me , lor if 1 have to take my
choice between goltf back to mvfirit wlfo or
goln' to the penitentiary , I'll tuito the
iicnllentlnry obberv time , "
DeWiU'sSarsaparilla cleinses tbo blooa.
ncrois.05 the appall to and tones up the sys-
-om. It bus banetitoj miny people w'ho
jnve suffered from blood disorders. It will
help you.
Trains for Mtirawa nt 11 a , m. , 2J3 , 4.
, 7 , S 111J j 'clock p. in.
Gentlemen , the finest line of tall goods
In the city. ju t received. Raiter , the
tailor , 310 Broadway.
ICOpsople in this city U39 gis stoves
Ihe Gas Co. puts "em in at cost.
Land -Munntia nnd Oulrn SabrVliiTe N <
ttic Uvcr Iluhtlp * .
C , J. Blanchard of San 1'edro , Honduras
a former residen of Council Bluffs , is ID iht
city visiticg relatives and friends. Mr
Blanchard is arranging for tbo cultivation o
cocoa apd coles and is enthusiastic abou
the country , the clirnsite aud the opportuni
ties for making money.
Sneaking of the voyaco he say * it is ono o
tbo most delightful imaginable. It is mad
in four days , ths ve sol at nearly ah time
pissinp in sight of the coast. The first viev
of the tropics is one never Jo bs forgotten
In Honduras tha mountainb are clad will
foivsts , clear to tbe summits , while In th
vnlloys the vines and the trees and gra se
grow in s > cu profusion that the eye canno
ppneirate the thickets. In point of climat
Honduras is one of the most favored spot
on the globe , the temperature having i
mean ranpe of only 20 degrees in the year
In mineral wealth she easily ranKs her s'lstei
republics. Silver i ? found on tbeP-iciflcslop
anu gold washings occur in maa.v places
Agriculturally , Honduras is almost wholly un
aevelopt-d. Progress there , not only coramer
ciully but in every other W v. "has beei
greatly retarded by lack of facilities fo :
transportation. The covernmeut is offcrinj
some exceedingly valuable concessions to thi
buiidor of a good wagon road across thi
In tbe highlands of the interior thi
climate U uniform and healthful ; Americans
as well as the natives excellent health
Cholera , yellow fever ana other maligaan
fevers never prevail there : flowers bloon
always , tbe trees'and grasses are evergreen
while all about is perennial sprine. Catarrh
bronchitis and consumption are unknown
TUP oldest noople in the world live there.
Tno native Honduranian is n siow-roinf
fellow with a large appetite for drinlr and at
abnormally Developed capar.iijfor rest
Your native here never does , anything todai
which he can postpone until "oianana" 01
tomorrow , and tbe scnemes which ho xvil
aevise to win his point are often amusing
Speaking of morals , says Mr. Ulancbard
they are unknown , juiced irom our stand
nrd. Marriage is seldom solemnized be.
txveen tue natives thougn the vernal con
trcct entered into between the man aiu
woman is generally carefully observed. Thi
Cailolic cburcn here , as in all Central ant
South America , is the popular faith.
In the lorests of Honduras are fount
manocnny , rosewooa. Spanish cedar , prim ;
vera runner nnd other valuable woods anc
dye woods. Coffee is being cultivated mon
and more each year aud is making fortune !
for the planters. A coffee plantation 5 yeun
old canuot be purchased for less than $ GOi
to $1000 per acre. Cacao from which ou :
chocolate is extracted is being extensive ! }
cultivated. Vanilla , indigo , cotton , sugai
cane , rice , cocoauuts , tobacco aud fruits ot
every kind are wealth producers in this fav
ored country. Tbo government is mskinc
every effort to get agriculturists to sottli
there , especially Americans , and is offering
lands fres nnd exemptions from duties.
In point of revolutions Honduras has suf
fared less from this source tnuti her sistai
republics. Foreign residents are not mo
lestcd by the insurgents and tbe battles then
are usually foucht at long rauce nnd are generally
orally bloodless. One American behind ut
adobe wall in Comayagua u few years agi
dispersed an army of insurgents by keeping !
few Winchesters hot a bhort time , tirlni
them in tbe air. Ho was promoted to n post
'lion above the police fores the next day foi
All in all Honduras offers advantages note
to be equaled to young , active ana industri
r'lk Americans. A furniture manufactory ,
saw mills , stores and cpunllnss other Indus
tries would succeed. French opera nnrt snow
bails must not be expected there and mam
hardships common in all netv countries wil
have to be overcome , but tbe reward is cer
tain for those who stay n out. Mi
Blancburd will remain in tbe city Severn
days before leaving for the boulb.
About Die I'ropiist'd Air J.ln
Arrest tlic Ciiutlnriil.
DtTiioiT , Mich. , Sept. IS. Willian Dalit
of Chlruco , vice president and ecu era I mat
uger of tbe Atlantic k PaciQc Conttvuctio
company , who is in the city temporanlj
elves an interesting account of an nlr iln
railroad to b ? built batween New York an
San Francisco , which will be a shortening c
the distance of over & 'J3 miles and a propoi
tionate saving of time. In an interview b
said :
"Preliminary surveys bnve been made an
charters secured in Indiana , Ohio nnd Pent
Eylvanin in addition to the work nlrecd
done In Indiana. We are now < > ngaced i
survrylng the route tbroucb NewJersoi
Tbo cradinc for the reid bad and layiri
rails will commence in 1S93 end the rood wl !
bo completed and npration commenced I
the ypnr HOO , Tbe cist of tbo division froi
New York to Cbicnro will bn | loo.lon.oil ( :
nnd of tha Cbicaeo San Frauclsco end 500 ,
OJO.IMU Tuis includns everything ,
"Our main line will run within a fcwmlle
of end within fourtoan mifos c
Cleveland. Instead of turning out to tak
in these c-ilies , . wo will build track * to cot
nect th-ra with tbe train line. The sam
vMsv will DC folluwod with other cities an
"tt'ecMrulnteour road will pav for lue
lusiilo of six years.Ve wonld look for a
the throuih and local business between Ke
York and San FmncUco , nnd we tvill get
ivitbout Irouble. I ficuro that a ilividcnd c
5 per cent a year , ot f 15,000fKJ ) ( a year ivoul
tie cleaird. We will establish' f-JUO.OC
plant at Benton Harbor , Mien. , and tber ;
wo ( rill build enrlnffi , freictit and pationgc
coaches , tnnue roils , und in fact evorytbir
used in tbe construction and operation of tc
"The road will be built xvitb EnglU
capital.1' ft
made were duo to the people not betui : luui- acquainted with \vtntbnd transpired
Ourine tbo cirlv part of last neck. They did
not Ktiow a resolution , of.jrhich comes were
served ycsterany , bad boqn adopted on Tucs-
Iny Immediately alter Jbolnndlnc of the
Jorrnnnnla's p.i < * enccrs fltfd thnllho Isllp
iioard of Health bud wlrtntf a few hours an
nounced that no further protest \vonld bo
made. Suit * to recover a , penalty wilt bo
Dt-yun and the mutter taken to the crAtid
iur.r.Dr. . Volpht and Mutineer 1' . T. Wall had
th arrancomcnts so complete for quietly and
pleasftntly locating tbo new arrival ! that
within an hour nftcr landinp ovcr.vono had
possession of a room snd had dined. Even
Lho c who bad protested most against the re
moval bero express satisfaction.
No sickness among the passengers 1 > re
On - oft IIP Crew of the Nevada I'ound lc tl
mi tlir VciM',1 Sup | > n t-d to lie Clinlrri.
NEW YoliK , Sept. 18. John Knox , a fire
man on the Allen line steamer Stale of No-
vadn , which arrived here September 14 , was
found dead on the deck of tbo Bear , near ouo
of the hatchways. Tbo man had complained
of a bad attack of dlarrbcua early this mora
ine. When be was discovered dead the
health odcors were notified , as it was fearea
he might have cholera. Dr. Churles V.
Kobers , chief of the ouroau of eontaplous
diseases , went to tbo steamer , which is
lying at tbo toot of West Twenty-third
street , North river , and after tnakinp nn cx-
uroltiatlon , ordered the steamer thoroughly
fumigated , nnd also cleared off the pier and
quarantined those on tbo shu > .
Tbc Nevada was not detained at quaran
tine last Wednesday , having cxhioited a
clean bill of health.
How Can inIn It ill Mcht the
ToiioxTO. Ont , . Sept. IS At a conference
between the provincial Board of Health ana
the Ontario government it was decided to
tight cholera In Ontario by inspsctlon , disin
fection and isolation , nnd not by attempted
quarantine. Inspectors will bo appointed ut
Fort Erie. Kingston , Suspension 'Bridpe , Ni-
npnra , and at the latter station n dislnlectinc
apparatus will be erected similar to that in
use at Grosse island. In this way the cor-
eminent hopes to kcoo out cholera without ,
injury to business.
Mexico Taking Precaution * .
TAMPCO ; , Mer. , Sept. IS. Collector of
Customs Martinez has rocolro.l orders from
the City of Mexico to close thi * port of Tarn-
pico against vessels from all cholera infected
borts. None of the foreign consulates have
been notified officially. Several vessels are
enroute to Tamploo from New York , Ham-
burc , Antwerp and Livcroaol. Intense ex
citement prevails In official shipping circles.
Government otllcials slate that in case
cholera extends westward from New York a
rigid quarantine will be established on the
Troops Sent to Tii-p Island.
NEW YOKK , Sept. IS. Adjutant General
Porter at noon today ordered the Thirteenth
regiment to pot under arms as soon as possi
ble and oroesed to Fire island.
Great difficulty wus experienced drumming
up the mon us it was Sunday and they were
scattered in all direc'ions.
AtO:03 : p. m. seventy-five men from the
various companies reported for duty and
thev started for Babylon. It is thought that
1 jt ) to 2JO mere will be sent down tomorrow.
Losing lt.fiPom * in nns&lH.
ST. PcxcKsnuiia. Srpt IS. Forty-one
fresh cases of cholera were reported hero
yesterday und fifteen patients died from the
same. JMnety-two persons who bad been
under treatment were pronounced by the
physicians to have recovered from the dis
ease. The returns received bere in regard
to the progress of the epidemic throughout
Russia show a steady decrease in the "viru
lence of tne scourge
Cleveland juurantltie < i.
CLEVCIJ'D | , O. , Sept. JS. Ttio quarantine
against immigrants . -was enforced here lor
the first time today , the order having been
issued by tbe director of police last night.
All incoming trains were boarded by inspectors
specters at the city limits und no immigrants
were permitted to leave the cars within the
city limits. No suspicious cases of illness
wore found and the in psctiou was made
without delay to the trains.
DetalucMl ut Quarantine.
BOSTOX , Mass. . Sept. IS. Tbo Cunardcr
Pavonia arrived at quarantine this morning.
All the passengers but forty , who are classed
us emigrants , were brought to this city on
tugs. Bishop Phillips Breous was o 'pas-
seacer on the Pavonia. The steamer Boston
City , from London'also arrived at quaran
tine today nnd was detained there
Notes ol tilt ) i'lllCtle.
PARI ? , ? epu lfe.-In this city and su'jurbb
yestcr > iu > nfty fresh cases of cholera und
tlurtoen deaths from the disease were re
HAVUE , ? ppt. l-Tho of fresh : ases
In tli b cty today was six and the deaths
HKHLIN. opt. 18. A waiter who had formerly
been employed as. . an attendant in a luspltai
ut lliimbur. was yes.terd.iy sujclveu with
cholcr.i iu this city.
CJLTHiitii u. T. . Sept. is Tbo peop'e here
mo awuun to the aun-'er of u cholera epidemic
nnd the Territorial BoirJof Health lias or
dered all towns in the territory to clean UD
and make preparations to comb it the droaa
disease should It c-o.ue. It is probable that
quarantine will be established at the territory
line soon.
VIUK.NA. Sept. . 1s. Four deaths from Aslaf.e
cholera have occuired at 1'oJ oroe in Austrian
( ialicin.
LONDON , Sept. , IS. The Standard's Ilamburz
correspondent sajs : The cholera epidemic
shows no ttbiiteinont. Tlioflguros for Ertiunlay
are 7UJ new case--4 deaths , aud for Sunday.
UiS new CUSPS , ail deaths. The number of pu-
tlouts In the hospital * is 11.0'U. The epidemic
has increased In the suhurhs , Ctusbuttel utid
= t , i'uuly.
XEiri > or
The reunion of naval veterans at Baltimore
closed Saturday.
Gnrner. n funning community of Kentucky ,
is troubled with ua epidemic of the II nx.
Cyrus II. Tc-ud has huecucdud lu njitklns fov-
eral rich converts to nis peculiar creed lu
Lynn , Mass.
Troops are bclnz withdrawn from Homestead -
stead , und only about 3.0 will bo on duty there
lu a few days.
The Brotherhood of Locomotlva nnslnnojs
has deelareel a boycott ou tbo Huche lcr clotn-
itiK manufacturers ,
Oltr Attorney Ivluhl of Uoehestcr , N. Y. . hiis
fllucl notice of uppi-al tp tliu court of appeale
In the ! > e. from the rucuot
duclslon of the peneral'term BlUnulu ; : Judge
' v n- '
Kuinbcy'k decision.v -
Sydney Itull , the foolpSd whn required no-
torlety throuzh thosenfc tlonal trial ra.uit -
In ; In hie convlutlou U-r the uiurdnrol Samuel
Jacobsou , Uiu trunitpiiinuf.icturet ! of San
rriincibta. h-is. beou . enteuool on three
churces of highway rdlfl < W"y loan aggregate
of sixty years impn&aneenu
TheSp'inlsh eoyemmcwt has rnadnOctobir
12d perpetual luniUayalin cominunibralloii of
the discovery ol
AVima't AItvrr Anybody ,
NEW YOUK , Sspt-il t It was denied at
police headquarters today that Chief of Po
lice Morgauslclu of buffalo bdd como to this
city with u warrant foinbo arrest of n'mem-
her of lh Twenty-tt ofrd regiment who shot
Michael BroiericK liurmg the strike at Buf
falo. It u-nfc said thai Chief Morpaneteia
had been iu the city , but oply stopped hereon
on his way to tbe Grand Army of tuo Ilapuo-
lie encampment iu Wiubington.
They nrc for CASH osi.v at Mi : = ciiENi > oitr'B
Market. Ifil lire uway. Cuatjcll UiUlU
UolTlnr bouf. . . . . . aj Vual stew. . Ie
Coin Uet-f . , . , ' B'Veal ' roibt . . . . . . . fau
-houldi-r roa t. . . t ? Lea mutton . luc
r-ljoulacr hioulc. . . . ' ( . ( . "MniUin t-luw . 4
Bhouldt-r c : < kj. . . 4c I'ork cliopi. . . . . . . . IDo
Mr oin Uenk . . . bejl'orU butt . be
lilbroukt beef . . . . SeH'o'rk Buuenge . be
flr.oin rolU . . . . . KuiKuef ten Junoln. . . 15c
Slr.O'ti t-tr-n . . . . . & < Snlt juirlc . ] 0j
Sirloin buu . fw itJnm . 12'ic '
Lrs veal . . . . fsf llaeou . J2Vc
Vuui fctuut . 1 ciMiite rb ) . i.u
OleomarurinB und Iluttorlne , 1'ic.
At tlu-bo prices It wjil uny you to Uuy for
cufch only HiME CHi ; * DUUr"t9 Meut Market
wueroyuu cuu ulwuyk iut the bcit of tueut.
Which would you rath
er have , if you could have
your choice , transparent
skin or perfect features ?
All the world would
choose one way ; and you
can have it measurably.
If you use Pears' Soap
and live wholesomely
otherwise , you will have
the best complexion Na
ture has for you.
All sorts of stores sell
it , especially druggists ;
all sorts of people use it
, M. D
The Good Samaritan. 20 Tears' Experience.
f treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Bead. Throat , and Lungs ; Mi-
cases of the Eye and tnr Fits a ad Ajopieiy. Heart
Disease. Liver Complalut. l.lduey Complaint ,
Nervous Debility , Mental Depres
sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Weakness. Diabctss. Bright s Di-easc , St Vitts'
fiance , KfceuiLatisn. raralj-sls. White Swelling ,
Bcrofulr. . Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula in ano removed without
the knife or dravyins a drop of
blood. Woman with "ccr delicate ovens re-
Btorcd to health. Dropsy cured wuhout tapping.
Special Attention givers to private
and Venereal Diseases of all kinds.
S5O to S5OO forfeit for any Venereal Dis
ease 1 cannel euro without mercury.
Tape Worms removed in two or three hours , or DO
jay. II' morrhoiils or Piles cured ,
Will cave life and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or using
Tbo only Physician Tvlio cnn tell xrlint alia
a person irithont asklnp a question.
All correspondence Birictlv confidential. Medicine
sent ly express. Address all letters to
8SS Broadway.
Council Bluffs , Iowa
AIIU n 'sot Deln ? nnl Clean indone I
hi heststyioof me urt. P > dticl anl stainaJ
fabrics nuijo to k k as rojj us new
Work .promptly clone anrt del.verol in M
parts of ihe eojntry. Se.uJ for price list.
c. A. iiAcnAS. - -
-'IL. Bi"J Tj. lo ft.
Hi Council mutts.
Cnpibl stock fir.
Surplus and Profits S
Net cf.iiltal nnd sttri'liu S2I
DlrectorJ. . D. HJnunlccn. 15. t. . Simian , K. I )
OIUHkiin. K , li. llnrl , i. A MilliT , J , V. lli.iej'nil
nnd Cliurlcs U. llnnann. 'iriiiinsl ienoral Uitiit.
lug buftlnbiiK. l nrte&t capllil ! ana burpliu ot ua/
bunk In bouthwestwra luwa
Sealed proposals will ba reoeivoj by the un-
derslcned until \S3 \ : o'clock p. in , Sontsmbsr
U 1 L' . for the following kinds of paving mate
rial , Vlir :
Mitel asphaltum.
Sioux 1'alls or other : ranlt3.
Colorado siu : Jsloas ,
\VooJruff. Kansas , stone , and
Vitrified brick.
All iiscardlni ; to speuiQcatlons.
1'or pivln ? part of thu followrng streets In
the city of Omaha , comprised In strout Im
provement districts Noi. 470. 4i. 47H. 47 ! ) unO
41. oracrod Improved by ordinances ajS'l i ! 41.
UL'45 und : : H'J. und moro particularly describe
as follows :
No. 4fi ; The streotlylnc east of the west " \
feetnf lot 7. bofk ! 'J.tfi , uitv. from 1'ucilie t > treti
to th ; alley south of i'nclQc struct.
ho. 477 Twunty-Urst blioel from \Virtbtreei
to Spencer street.
No. 47o Iionclas street from tne west llnoo :
ICth street to the v IE ! ilne ofi'th stre-eu
Na 47 > i Seventt'enth fc reel from tno nortl
llnd oftFmuum slreot to sjuthJInoof Doclgi
No. 45'i Gnicu street from the west llnoo ;
the Omaha llelt rullway'k iK'lil of way lo tin
UHbtllnoof the Clilfuco. M. 1'uul , Mlnueupoll !
& Oniulin railway's risht of way.
Each bid to specify u price per square yart
for tliu pavb2 ! complete on each street In tali
linpiqrement districts. Work tn be done In av
corduncu witbnliiiit ana speclUciitlonh on HU
In the nflica of the Hoard of I'ub.loVurlci
Kuch proposal to b mudfi on primed blank
f uriiUhua by tbe board und to be accompanies
bv u certified chuck of ti.uuo puvubie to tin
citv of Omaha. ut > an evidence of irooU faith.
The board reserve ihe rilit to uwarJ tin
com run on all tbe uid chttrlcts together eon
on e cli district separately , mbjuct tn tlio be
lection of the material by the properly nun' '
ers or the mnyor mil clt7 uoiinoll. torejeci
any orull bldb , utid to waive dufeuts.
Chnlrman of the llo.irl or I'ubllc Works.
Omaha , Septumuer U'th , Is'Ji tlMa-iU-'Jj
An ordinance approvlu ; and unuo Inc Kulei
yi ana 4i udoiitoJ by the board of heaitl
mill piiiseuttiU to ihu city council and repeal
IiiKHuld rulet lib iiujetofore uiUUiii : .
lie 11 orcl a mod by the car council of tbe city
of Uinaha ;
Section 1. That Ruin UO adopted by tin
board of health of I lie. city of ilmulm as one o
Uiu rules of mid board utid piekeuted to thi
clly council Auust jaib , ISUi , lu lieu of talc
-5 CM"
ard ) it does ju l
1 "J ! t "
" - clairnsfor H"
YOUR Grocer lor it ,
ard ) INSIST oq Iavii7git. ]
Kimball Elevators ,
Best , Cheapest , Most Durable
in the world.
10 different styles. We are inyoui
territO'-y and can make quick deliveries. Send foi
- ' . ' '
KIMBALL BROS. , Council Bluffs , la
rule us licrrtofore cxlstlne be nnd the same Is
lu-reby uuproicd and enaciiu. the sumo to
have the force and uflei-l of an cirjlndneu ;
fcjikl rule * as utr.t'ndod bo , re 'ih foilowc ;
HuleUi. No perion. oompnnv. nssoclutlon.
purtricTKhlp. or other bustuess firm shall pro-
auee mill ; to bo sold to Uiu In tbe ty
of Omaha , or se'l ' milk In the on ibclr
own arcount or by any einn'oyce" ' * sellinc milk
for them , without flr-t olitalnlnp n llcenso
from the city for themselves ana each etu-
plovce cuiacod In t-elllnc mil * for tlicm nnd
liny pcr-,011. or any company , nesoemtion ,
partnt-1-i.hlp. or other business tlrm. nc-tlnc by
the raetntsor manngeis. convicted of produe-
Incnnlk to bi > sold 1n the city , or of sellinp
inllU In the city on their own account , or uj
any employee so llns milk for thfcin without
such licence , sliuil be deemed cuilty of n mlf-
aeineanor. und llne.t not less th n fifty nor
more than one liuuclrud do.lars for eiichof-
fenbt1 ; : mu liny person , eompany. nssoeiatioti ,
purtni'rbhlp or other business firm by their
Hgents or inannccrs conv clod of projucini ;
mllli to ijf sold , or of selllnz null ; In lliocltr
on ihe.r own account , or by liny einjiloyoe
sell me in Ik for them , not answcrini the re-
qulii'ini'iits of veptlon 1 of this ordinance shall
be ( it. cd not less than fifty nor more than one
bun red do'.liufor e.ich offense , or forfeit
their license , or botu. itt the discretion of the
j-oi'tion 2. That llule 41 adopted by the
bo ml of be-iltli of tlif cliy of Omaha us one of
ttornlfs of : hoard and presented totlie
c ity cojnc I Aucust IDlli. ISJ2. in lieu of said
rule us heretofore exit t n : . bo and the s unels
l.crcliy appiwel and ciricti'3. Ihe sumo to
have the for e and otrect oT an ordinance , said
T'lvltus amcuclHd beln : as follows :
Iule4l. ! Anv person. ; selk-r' ; or
employees on his own account , or any person
act np as iiKont or inunngcr for uuy compnny ,
p irtnership. ussnciatioti orotberbus ncssflrm
e'lip'ovln : sellers or employees to sell milk
for the n in the city , shall place cc.nspicuous-
Iv flzui-cs representing tlio number of Ihe
lictnse for each wason , dt-pot , ollice or other
place of sale where employed , tin
such wapons , depot b or olhces. and If the
seller delivers mllkoti foot , t lien ou abaclio
to be conspicuously worn on tbo person of the
seller or em ploy ee.
Any person , asent cr manager , employing
seHersor urnployecs to sell milk for them In
the city , not complying with these require
ments. shall be docineJ cuilty of a inlsdo-
tnuunor. und lined not less than fifty nor more
tliiin O'ie hundred collars for each oflense. or
forfeit his llconso , or both , at thediscre tlon of
tbe court , renter
or manager , toeil mill ; for them in ihc city.
whocomp y with thu-e reaulremciiti , sbail be
deemed as actin : by authority of a license rho
sumo < is If lit1 ha I procured it in his own name.
section i ! . Th't sutd Itulcs Iti and 41. as
heretofore exist ng. b and the same nro here
by repealed.
Section 4. That this orJinano sbill take
effect und bo In foroo from and after iti pass-
September Cth.
C ty J orlc.
C. L. OHAri'EE.
Actlns I're-ldent , City Council.
Approved September ' ? : ' '
fcj'jv'jj ;
( ) IJEMj5
An orlluarice orler'.ng ' the linprovlnz of Chicago
cage street from srilti street to 'Jiilh streel.
in s'.reet Iniprovunient Oistricl No. 44" ,
Improving 10 consist of paving with rod
C'o'ioruuo sunc'storie. ' und diroetins thu 'jo.irc
of p ablle worUsto takutbe ni < ceaary steps to
cause such wor to tie done.
Whereas , the lu'iyorund city conneil of the
city of Oniiiha have ordered the : of
Chicago sirct't from -.Mil street toSdlll htreot ,
in street itnprovi-meni district No. 4l'J , by
pavms the same and aio el thirty clays tn
nroparty o m-is .n wnldi to uesUnatv and
deteimino the m itcrlal desired to be used for
such pivln ? . u nQ
Whereas , the. said thirty ( lavs have expired.
niut the property ow nun. own ay tbe majority
of 'ho from use in s.ild .myoveincnt district
have petitioned for the paving of salil struct
In salu district with red Colorado sandstone
urid Whereas , In addition to such deslcnation of
mulvr ill bv Mild owners , the mayor and ulty
coun-11 of Maul city do heicby determine unnn
the mater a.1 so bp cllioa ai. tlie materlul to be
used foi'Buch pnvinc. therefore.
He it or-laiiicd by the city council of the clly
of Oiniiiia :
Section 1. Thatthat part of Chlcaro strcai
from 'J5th s reel , to 'JCth siroct. In s- reel lt -
uruvpinent district and the pu'iif.'t-
bercuy orduroJ liuprotod , said Improvumunt
to consist of paving with red Colorado Mind-
btoiiu , class C , accordUis to the spwlfli-atioLf
onilie lu the ntii'-cur the L-ourduf public works
Section 2. That the bo rd of pubilj works it
hereby ordered to eau .e work to bo donp
un.l to enter Into contract for the Sam's w.tti
the lowest responsible bidder under tuo speci
fications on ti.e , u the oil ) -u of aid board.
Section ! i thii oraln uit-i tule effect
nnd b n forcu from and after its passage.
1'assed September -i.d. isiti
city Cltrk.
Actlns President City Council.
Approved September 6th. IK'12.
GEU. I' . HEMla ,
An ordinance chnnInz the prude of 401) )
street fiom Hurt street tn California street
In the city of Oianlm. mill repenting MI mud
of Grade Ordinance No. 111 ! und so much o
all ordinances * in conflicl heronlth :
Ho it nrdiumtJ by tbo city council of the cltj
of Oir.uhu :
tcction 1. Whereas , it hiis been cleclurec
ni < ce > sary to cbanze Ihe crado of 40tli strfc
from Hurt siren to California Btreut ;
And whcrtnis. tbrredUtnterettoJ freehold
cr have been tippolnlud by the nuyoraiu
ron H THICK ] by the city councli to appraise tin
dutnac. utititu by rouson of tbo chuneo
grndt ) tierelu muutloued , and
Whertas , BnlJ iipprulsurj ufturduly qualify
IIIK RDc.or.lln ( to In w imd examining ihu prop
erty uflccted havu jeoorto i nu dama-'es , an <
Iheu ty council IIHB mhiptod ala report :
Therefore , the crude of fciild pnrls of 4Utl
street is hereby urinni ) und eitabiished s < thu ( iievutloru khull be u followh. tin
t'ruiie bet neon the points cltod belli ? Uflforn
btrulplit lines :
Cucllonl ! . Urudeof 4 uli s met
Eloviitl < n Klcv.itioii
of West ( if Eatt
Curb Oura
South curb nf Hurt strel ,
lib esliililislu'il . . . i7.5 l.'iS.O
Nortli nir j of I'upo street . - " > fij 'J-i7.0
Suuth fill b of 1'ugti ttrool 1153.5 U7.U
A point 1UJ feet south of
Vu.bfetrtiul . 'J.'S,0 20B.O
y-irth curb of California
.root , us established. . . .2M.O tL'i\0
jivllouy. MI much ot GruUe OrdliittucuNr
1 . J und o much ut all othnr ordlnanvu < detln
lir.'the grade * of the ubovti t-truots , HB con
fllcm with the provision * of tills ordluuuce , 1
heiehv lupi-ult'U.
becMon 4. Thx ordinance fchull take < * flec
and belli t area from and ufturlu passage.
1'ubbCJ i-epteiiiberlilh. Mii.
Ultv Clef It.
Actlntr I'rcfclueut O.ty Council.
Apjirovod geutoiubtiriilh , lh
CiLU. 1' , UtMIS.
UtMIS.Muyor. .
The want Bdvortlsemontsiipoarmg ! la a
newspiper nro often the most Juieroslluc
part of Its contents. They express the urgent
needs , the dally wishes of tbo ppoplo who
v ant something and who arc wil In. ; to do
r.oincthln ; .
TjASTt'HAGE for horses iina cntllo ; flrst
-L duns : il.oltu month. Inquire at OU -
nnd city lonns. Money loaned on
FAHM und craln. Heal ustulc tor sale.
Dwellln t nnd buslnoss rentals. Money loaned
for local investors. .LoUReo ATowlc'J3jl'earl
? ALE Hore. bucry and Inrness at
FUK s-ieriflce : KC-OJ ojtflt : ? oad well bred
road liors-e. Must sell. G. 11. Lewis , 12 1'oarl
fl5. ; OOitoek of inorcbiinlise In western low * .
Pwell looHtod. dolni coatl tius'm-ss , for sale-
ortr.ido. E. O. llartlott. 721 Hra.-idwuy.
t ) i of youu ; horses for trade ; Improved
'urouerly ' or lan-1. 11 G. itartiett , 741 llroud-
way , llouii"il ItlufTs.
t.nOOworth of dry coeds nnu not ons for ux-
$ thim.e. li , G. llurtlett , 7J1 Hroadway.
SALE-Cream cry , well located in No-
FOH . doln : coocf business.Y111 tuk <
urtn cr or sell entire business nt a burRiiit
C. II. Shtiafe.
PALK Improved JG ncre stock fant
FOR western Jew , til ; iSa-ucro farm , $ ij , liJ-
n c res. fu'tl. Johnston & Van 1'attcu ,
SALE Choicoet farm In I'ottawatta-
FOlt ( . . 4111 acroA , well locutud and Im
proved. 1'rlceltOun acre. E. H huafo.
I l-'YOU have nnythln ; for sale or trade setA
-A E. U. Shu ife. IlrnaJway und Miln straRt.
HALE On small payments , fruit and
garden lanl neir Council Ululla. E. II.
t'heufc. Broadway nn 1 Main street
ALE Albion Holler mills on Boone
nx-er. Neb. : nnast water power in tbe state
I doveloplnslij liorse power water entire yeari
dally c ipaclty , 1UO barrels ; mash nery and
iiFPurtcii'inccs complctuln every det ill. Goal
iratnurusl lenco ; 8 ucrosof lini. title perfect ,
price , $ 5'JJU ; will take unl nprovoJ oustera
Nobra Uu land. B. U. She ifo.
SALE Clean stocic hardware , well o -
FOK ' trrde , invoice about tl.ujj. Good
eason forellln ; . TtTnn CHSII , C. H. Shoafe.
TJtOH SALE OU HETGood coal yurd with
A- scales , etc. Greunshlxlds. Slcliolson & Oo.
TTiOtt EXCHANGE Hotel and restaurant
-L locuteJ at Shubert , Neb. , and Ifi lots lu
Denver , Colo. : will exchange for clear Ne-
brabUa lanJ. E. 11. Shuafc.
SALE-Hnrdwiire stone , will Involco
tM > Pu ; loc.ito 1 In an active rxcbrasKa town
of I..VKI jiopuutlon : business old cstub Ishuu )
will boar CIOSP invcsilKutiou. li 11. iJleafe.
OA ACIIE fnrin with Improvements , five
OUiniles north of OtiiiiiL-ll Itiutfs ; tjjun acre ;
u snuji bargain. FH. . Shu ife.
: No' ruskalHtid in exchunge for
YV coed work n. 11. Bheafa
AXTILLyou build n home ? We liavoaflne
i ice deuce lot whicti wo sell for f" > 0 If
t liken soon. Ureeiishlelds , yicholnon & Oo.
' section of unlncumberofl land In Ne-
hrHska to trade for city property. Greon-
shlu.ds. Nletiolsun V. Oo.
TJV cnorls stock to trido for IOWA laud ,
D71 ( . NlcliolsoQ k Co.
" \\71- have u nunrber of peed tenants who
' ' want us to fc'et desirable houses for them ,
llo you want to rent your house ? Green-
shields. Nicholson A : Oo.
fl Itroadway. C > reenshelds. ! Nicholson & Co. .
' -'real otato.
A GOOD live-room housa for sale on your
own terms. Cheaper thau puying rout.
Gruenshleldii. Xlcholsun ft Oo. _
seven-room house , close to Ilenton
- - > street. Will trull ) for vacant lots or land.
G rre n shields. Nicholson . * c Co.
OU KXCUANUb 4UO-acr rancn lu
Wheeleroounty , Neb. Will tuku merchau-
dlsu. E. H. Sueufe. _
I7IOU ? ALE -Hotel with fiirulluro and flx-
-L turus : 'J"i rooms , tarn , en1'rloe , (3,5'JJ. (
Locutfd In Douglub coutitv. Dilly receipts ,
f& I n vest Igute at once. E. U. Kheafe.
T7(7liSALK-CrBKinory outflt. comprising ao-
Jh. . p , , lU-h , p. enzlno. 2 llo Lavello
sepurators , Scream vuts. KID gallons uuch : ash
churn. 'Mi ca'lous ; newer butter woi ucr. beam
rculcs. wntcht can , water tnuk und other
fixtures. Wilt sell chcup for uubh or t ratio
forlun-1. 11 11. Bhi-iifB. _
IjICHsALE Smuil hotel In coed Iowa town
Itulldlns rnd furniture complete ; ut a
bargain. 11 H. Sliaafo. _
saddle pony for sale chuap. E , W
G 1H1. WANTHI ) Two in family : cooa
_ w iigos. llg Fourth Hreet.
if OK KKN'T HOUSH und burn , to/ethur or
M'liiirutoly. oornor Ttti M > Him 7th uve.
Carpets und nil u.ndsof household poodi for
halo ; iiUo. entitle fuiully liur u und pbueton.
liHju repii preinlit's or ot W. A. WiioJ.
\17 A young man to work , Apply
ut ofllce of l.ooniiid Kverelt.
\\7A.STiCU Oooa"BlrI for general house-
' ' worU , ut 41'JUlen avenue.
POIt"TItA I ) E Liutidi In IGrcely county Mid
Cuitur county. .Neb. , fur ttorl ; of jewelry ,
( irsiuib furniture or liimncss property m
Uouncll Ululls. E.11.I" "
ITIUlt BAMS Ooslruble resldnnoe property
- ' ou 1'nrk uvu. All modern linpruvemenu.
14 rooms , ono block from motor ; u bur ; a In if
taliHi1 itl once ; cuiy juyiiicnU or I rude 1II. .
\\rANTED-Youn5 Man for olllce work ;
' ' must be ROOJ puiimiin uud uccurute lu ii -
uros. Addreji J oxau4. Council UlufU.
LUt SAhn-'l wo zood youtiz horses. WIU
J- Hike carpenter work In payment for
Leoiiuid ICvtirctt ,
TT-liH tAIX-UoplU'rod ? A , J. O. C. Jeisey
Jwnv , I'livnlcit Nu. ID/JIC ; u snlenilla fauillr
row ; WUH freih Au utt1. . W , M. WitpirJ ,
'Jir. , M err I u in block , Council Il.uHk.
J Teujus to haul coul. Apply to
H , A. Oox , IU Main klruou
Attorney * at l w , 1'rao
Uoa tu' tue Btttte
federal vourti Kooini il.1 4 uud ! >
lleuro block , Uouucil llluffs , la.