Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Grand Opening of Onr Now Oloak De
IVo lixtcml n Corillnl Invllntlon l < tlio
l.ndlc * of Omnliit nnil Vlc-lnlly In In-
| iccl Our .MiiRiilllefiit
> Htnrk.
\Vo show u line unsurpassed In variety
nntl unequalled for choice Roods and
Into styles , lit low prices.
Black fur trimmed icofcrs from Ji.CO
(025.00. (
Colored fur ti 1 mined reefers from Jo.CO
up to $25. 00. . , , ,
Also plain colored nnd plnm blacks.
In fuel everything you want at right
priced. Second floor ; take elevator.
1 new eiibes of winter dress goods will
bocxhlbiti'd Monday morning at won-
dci fully low prices.
FOR 250
Wo will give you your ohoico of 25
pieces of 3i-inch ! widoohnvlot tiiid diag
onal atiltlngs worth -lUe.
It'OU 600
Your choice of 6U ditTcront p-iltorns llun
nol suitings , guaranteed every thicnd
wool , worth 7oc.FOR
FOR 7/5G /
An elegant line of storm serges , blade
und colors , worth 81.01) ) .
Don't mlhs our line of broadcloths ;
they come in nil shades , black , blue ,
brown , green , tans , modes , etc. Get our
prices before buying olsowhoro.
Our bine It poods department Is replete
with the latent productions of the. loom ,
consisting of camel's hair , serge , whip
cord , Bedfords , crepe cloths , cabhmoro
nnd honrlottas , etc. ; price' ? the lowest.
An oiogant variety of changeable silks ,
beautiful colorings , 8c. ! )
Something entirely now in crepes , all
Dlrndi ) * , only 50e.
It will pay you to get our prices on
flno dross goods before buying. Every
thing now and fresh from New York
Wo have just received 100 dpy.on
ladies' beanikss fast black hoao , worth
35c , our price for this sale 1'Je.
FOR 850
Wo will offer u lot of Wright Bros. '
seamless skirls which have been sold for
$2.jOwonly ( ono to a customer.
Men's furnishing goods bale Monday
Don't mtt > s it.
1,000 yards 50-inch table linen worth
lOc , ouv price only 20e. Linen towels ,
peed fci/.e , 80. COO yards 08-inch till
linen dnmuslc , excellent quality , only
Blanket and comfort sale Monday.
Sao our prices.
Will bo ono of the attractions of our
hloro Monday.
You may have your choice of our en
tire stock of Sl.0 , $1.75 and $1.00 slices.
, FOR $1.78
Your choice of all our J2 00 , $2.25 and
$2.50 bhoeb.
FOR $2.00.
Your choice of our ladies' $1.00 hand
turned shoes.
Gilt Edge and Raven Gloss bhoo polish
only 12jc.
With every pair of $2.50 shoos or up
wards wo will give a pair of electric
inner solos , just the thing for damp and
cold weather.
Dent miss our sale in
Read these prices for next week :
French peas ptr can , 15r.
Dr. Price's baking powder , -lOc pound.
The Bell Hour , warranted. &J.5U.
Wo will give as much bugar for $1.00
as any one.
Our block of groceries is all fresh and
now and ib being sold cheaper than any
store in the city.
In this department wo will make the
following prices for ono week commenc
ing .Monday morning :
Copper run wasli boiler , No. 8 , $ ] . : ! o.
All copper wash boilers , No. 8 , $2.25.
All cupper nickel plated tea kettles.
$1.35. .
Every kind and quality , special prices.
Come and got our prices on work bas
kets. lunch baskets.
C'ollco pots fiomouup ; large scrub
bing brushes only 5c ; iron handle bcrew
driver. , l > ecan openers , good qirility ,
: > < ; dish mop's , ! ! c ; bread cutting boards ,
l.Hc ; 7 do/on dollies pins for Cc ; a good
pnHcn ral e , lOc. Everything in this
dcimrlmcnl will be slaughtered.
From 50c to So. 00.
10 piece chamber sots only $2.25.
No. 2 Mower pots Ic.
No. . ' ! ( lower pots IV
No.I ( lower pots ! ! c.
Send us your mall orders ; send for
HI mplcp.
Dodge and 15lh streets.
( irmiilcHt > | H'jiliiK Dl rim > and
llnitit'htlci .Millinery
111 South 16th street.
Wednesday , the 21st , and Thursday.
Iho 22d.
iJurlncr these days wo wo will show
the following exclusive Parisian nov
elties :
Madam 10. Noole'n.
Madam Alphoiiho London's.
Eugene Depro's , etc.
Ne\v York styles of
MoM'H. Liehtensioln's.
Mi'bsri ) . Lord A : T.iyior.
N. lion-man , oir.
Chicapo designs by
I ) . B. Flbh & Co.
Wilt mover llros.
IMnon Kolth it Co.
Such an arlistlo display of pattern
hats and bonnets has never before been
on exhibition In Omaha and a vibil to
the Mom will nol alnnn illuminate yotu
head , but will impress you lhat we show
anything new from any quai tor of the
globe. Walt for our opening and
Opposite postolllco ,
Vllt llm " ( Ircut Iliuili iHlund Itntttc "
Abe Lincoln post of Council BluTstho !
guard ol honor to the department com
mander nnd the Iowa hjtato band , wll
leave Council Bluffs on tv special trait
Saturday , September 17 , at 2:15 : p. in
The train will run fiolld through to
Washington , stopping at till tno princi
pal points In lown to tnko on old com
nidus nnd their friends. Very low rates
have been made for this occasion
tickets on sale September IB to 20 , gooc
to return till October 10 , The Rock
Island runs four through express trains
daily to Chicago , mult hip close conneo'
HoiiB * ith all lines east. For rates , louto ,
sleeping car accommodations apply to
r'lniH , Kennedy , U. N. A , P. , A. 1002
Trcinent'ous Opening Sale , Linens , Drnp-
cries , Bed Spreads , Portieres Eto.t
ViMcr llrforo Wcro Wo In u 1'oittliin to
Oiler .Such IinniPiiiJo Viirlrty uml
So ( Ircut Viiluo lor Ho
l.ltllc .Monry.
10 pieces bleached und cream damask
SJOc , worth -lac.
11 pieces 8-4 double satin damask 85c ,
worth 81.S5.
6 pieces 72-Inch full blenched damask
08c , wet th $1.00.
Specltil prices on all our line lunch and
dinner sols , with do/.on napkins lo
Good Turldsh towels ; ! c , worth 80. .
Fine assortment 23o buck and damask
owels for 15c.
The large-tit towels on earth for 25c ;
vould be cheap at 50c.
Lot 1. Flno fringed cloth , 50c , worth
SI. 00.
Lot 2. Fine fringed cloth , 70c , worth
Lot ; ; . Pine fringed cloth , OSc , worth
Largo sl/.o Nottingham lace curtains ,
" 61) ) and OSoa pair , worth up to $1.50.
Nottingham lace curtains , St inches
vide , $1.40 a pair , worth $2.50.
250 pairs lace curtains , in Nottingham
ind imitation Brussels , worlli $5.10 , go
it $2.50 a p.iir.
Handsome Irish point curtains nt.1.50.
$4.50 and $5.00 pair , worth up to $10.00.
In chenille curtains wo will olfor an
elegant line at ? 1 OS a pair. These
; oods ate all imported chenille with
jeautiful dado and heavy fringe top and
xittuin. Regular pi-ico , $7.60 a pair.
We have slill a few pairs of very fine
chenille curTaius loft from Iho Cluck
stock al $0.25 and 30.75 a pafr , worth
Tapestry couch covers , with fringe
ill round , $2.25 , v-orlh $5.00.
85c white bedspreads , 50c.
$1.25 11-4 ctochot spreads , Marseilles
nittorn , 70c.
$1.50 exlra size , heavy , Marseilles
spreads , OSc.
1 ciioo imported Marseilles spreads ,
nrgost bi/.e , made to sell at $2.00 , go at
25 fine imported figured satin Mar
seilles bedspreads. Those are the finest
made and worlli $10.00. .Sumo are
slightly soiled. Como cailyandget a
perfect ono for SI..K
All colors , best quality y.ephyr yarn ,
c per ounce.
1,000 y.a-ils finest sllkeno drapery ,
worth 15c , for lii1 a yard.
Beautiful outing llanncls "ic , worth up
to 23c a yard.
Big lot childon's ) cloaks , worth as
iiigh as $2.50 , for 7oc apiece.
Big drive. Fine cotton batting lOc ,
'till pound package , worth Inc.
Ono large table heaped high with
'ancy handkerchief ? slightly imperfect ,
2 for Ic.
A.11 numbers good machine thread ,
white or black , Ijo a spool , some
slightly boiled. _
N. W. Cor. IGth and Douglas.
Our patrons show their confidence In
our _ doing just as we advcrtibo by their
liberal pationago.
Wo have always prided ourselves on
living up to our aJvortiscmcnU , and the
quick response wo get to any special ad-
vortibing assures us that th"o public ap
preciates It.
Remember anything in our stock goes
at one-filth ofT.
A $5.00 shoo costs you $1.00.
A $1.01) ) shoo costs you $ .120.
A W.OO shoo coats you $2.40.
A $2.00 shoo costs you $1.GO.
A $1.00 shoo costs vou 80c.
1515 Douglas street ,
Exclusive footwear.
Cir : < l elI
I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks
to the friends who so kindly assisted mo
in my late bereavement in' the death of
my wife ; nKo for the lloral tributes.
.Mini Aliru JHIIIICH
Has just returned from New York City
and is now showing at store , , ' ! 07 South
10th Bliool , bet ween Farnam and Har
tley , a complete new line of fall millinery -
ory uoocls.
Mmo. Ilicknmn lias returned with
liik'bt novelties in millinery.
I'.xciiriinn < lpiortunity |
Via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
Ry. , with choice of i-juloj of Chi
Washington , D. C. , and t-ftturn , ono
faro for tie ! round trip , on sale Sopt.
llith to 20th , good returning until Oat.
Call at ollico , 1501 Farnam Btroet ,
Omaha , or tolophouo 2bl for additional
C. S. ( J.Mtictcrt , F. A. NABII ,
Ticket agont. General agent.
Now York Board of Hoallh disinfoot-
r.nt , "Anti-Germ , " Slio'rman & McCon-
neil , Dodge street.
Disinfect your homes againsl cholera
wilh rcmedioh approvoil by Iho Ameri
can Public Health association. For sulo
by Snow. Lund it Co.
W. T. Seamaniv.igons and carrlagoa
A.irtlon IJniilnimml Cii'lL-lit.
At Phil Stlmmors warehouse , Oth and
Jones htrents , Monday , Sopt. lOlh , al 10
a. m. A largo lot of unclaimed goods.
Dry goodh , ooots , bhoes , slovos , hard
ware , whisky , tobacco , otc. All must
bo sold , iintt in anv kind of lots.
' l { . W ELLS , A UCTION E ER.
rri-c I'ulillo l.rrluri' .
J. G. Tate , grand mnbtor workman of
the A. O. U. W. . will deliver a public
looturo in the intorcslof that order at
Wabhlngton hall on Wednesday evening -
ing , Sopt. 2Ut , at 8 p. m. Como out
and hear ono of Nebraska's oratora.
Ladies especially invited. Admission
froo. '
l.onoat lliite to WnihliiKtOii itnil Hot urn.
Via Iho Chicago. Rooli Island & Pa-
cllio r'y. Tickets for thls oceislon will
bo on sale September 13-20 , good to re
turn untll , October 10. The "Rock
Island" runs four > daily express trains to
Chicago , making close connections wilh
all lines east , - Remember the number ,
1(102 ( Farnam street , nnd also that you
Boouro mifuty , stiecd nnd comfort when
ticketed Via the "Groat Ruck Island
Routo. " For rntoH , routes , * ueplng car
uccoininodatloiiM , etc. , uddienx
j CUAfa. KUNNKUV , G. N. W. P. A.
) ,00 , Pieces New Imported Dresa Goods Re
ceived This Week Sole Tomorrow.
tun UnUnrfiiilljr Cnnccilcil I'nct Tlmt AVe
do HID I.nrci'flt Droni < InuiM
ti lu Oiniiliii i\iTy :
Day lu tlio Year.
U inch herrlnfjbonoelTeellllumliialoil
Ircss r/ootls , new for tills fall , in navys ,
browns and reds , at 2 < 3e tx yd , or entire
dtess pattern $1.'J5.
liJ inuh all wool serge with slllt stripe
, o hni inonhe , in browns , navv blue nnd
jrreys. These goods will make slylish
street dresses and for Monday will ffo
it ; ! 5c ; a yd. Real value 75c.
Extra spoelal for Monday.
On eoiitor counter in the dross goods
xlnlo LO dross patterns of all wool storm
serge , in niiv.Mj.Scotch plaids or stripes.
These goods are 54 inches wide and ! to 0
yds lu each pallet n , and are $1.125 a
, -nrd , but Monday they will go at $2.08
'or entire pattern.
At4opor ! ) yard , 200 pieces all wool
cheviot suitines in chevrons and fancy
weaves.10 inches wide , nnd sold else
where in Iho eily for Too. Our price ,
Uc. )
OAtOOc. 10 pieces of ladies cloth , CI
Inches wide , in nuvyn , tans and browns ,
inanufaelured especially for English
walking suits ; for Mondny , G'Jc : worth
400 , GOO AND OSC.
60 pieces of all wool alligator weaves
ind Bedfoid coids , in nuvvtt " , browns and
nyrtles ; real value $1.00 ; for Monday ,
OOo a yard.
1,000 yards 40-inch all wool French
crapnelo , fancy cropons. alligator clolh ,
ottomans , whipcords , otc. Wo have
) laced this line all at ono price. The
inters aio rubsot browns , .sages , Russian
jluo , heliotrope , navy , in fact all Iho
.ending shades ; value , $1.50 u yard.
One nrieo lomor-ow , OSc.
In ore'or to introduce tlio now brands
of velvets , which are Iho popular trim-
ning this fall , wo will place on sale
tomorrow our 20-Inch velvet in Qvery
shade imaginable at olio a vatd.
41-inch black mohair brilliantinc , the
most popular and best wearing black
dioss goodb in Iho market , go tit oOc a
2,000 yards black , all wool , double
warp heavy hcnriotla cloth. This is
Iho finest grade , imported , and will bo
sold in dress lengths only , at 8c ! ) a yard.
50-inch black broadcloth , with a fancy
ivcavo , xig/.iig pattern ; real value $1.50
a yard ; Monday Too.
Wool serges in two shades ol brown ;
for Monday 12J .
Wool cheviot dicss goods in strincs
: md plain , 4'J inches ) wide ; for Mon-
ilay 16e.
1(5 ( pieces of double fold , o2-inch water
proof ; For Monday 22c.
Don't forget for a minute that Lap-
lam's entire shoo slock from under the
Palmer house in Chicago was sold to us
> y the sheriff nnd is on oalo now at
N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas.
Ciolicllu Tapeotrlos.
On Tuesday afternoon the Dewey &
Stone Furniture Co. will exhibit an olo-
.jaiit line of Ftonch tapestries Imported
by Mr. P. A. Simoas , who will be pres
ent to describe them. The ladies of
Omaha are invited to call and see this
grand free exhibition of the lineal line
of lapestrios ever brought to Omaha.
Persons & fieri-'K .Nmr Addition.
Prices upon a pot-lion of South Omaha
realty in homo locations have inct cased
$110.110 per foot within Iho past six
months. Watch the boom in prices upon
lots in Persons & Berry's now addition.
New scale Kimball pianos at IIospo's.
Wo wish to announce to the public
and our patrons that C. T. Taylor will
hereafter be identified in the lire insur
ance business with Martin , Perfect &
Samuel Burns closed his pitcher sale
Satin day evening , and will Monday
morning inaugurate a " .lardonter" sale ;
100 of them 4So lo $1.50 , formerly $1.00
lo $ ; t.OO. Doullon , Weilgowood & , Leeds , .
I'lill Opening.
Misses Kahl As Johnston respectfully to their display 1)f ) trimmed
hats and millinery novelties on Monday
and Tuesday , September 10 and 20 , 1S92
at N. B. Falconers
Artibtb' materials at IIospo's.
Thu lur hiilc.
Fine business chance if sold at onco.
For sale , the lease , furniture and lix-
luresof tlio Merriam hotel , Omaha , con
taining GO rooms , elegantly furnished ,
all routed , eighty permanent guostb.
Best private family hotel in Iho west.
Will sell bcciuibo of poor health , K < jr
terms npplv on premises , 2olh and
Dodge. Mrs. L. M. Tuttlo.
Now picture frames. A. Hospo.
Gas fixtures , electric and combination
chandeliers. L-irgest & finest stock in
cityi Prices gunraiHoc'd low as the lowest.
Don't fail to hoe us before purchasing.
Tin ; Ilussuv & DAY Co. .400-11 IS. 15ih.
Itdinnrliiilily l.tnv l istoru It.ile * .
Greatly reduced ratoa to Washington ,
D. C. and rolurn via "I'ho North west
ern Line , " Sopt. Ill to 20lh , inclusive ,
good reluming until Oct. 10th.
Choice of routes east of Chicago , with
liberal slop-over privileges. Slpoping
car berths can bo outlined through to
Washiiiglon. Call early at city lickot
ollico fur full information , 1101 Farnam
fell CPt.
G. F. Wisr. : R. R Urroiin ; ,
C , P. and T. A. Agunt.
Spoclaolos accurately HUed : refractive
examination froo. Tudor Optical Co. ,
corner Farnam ami 14th.
Frescoing nnd Interior decorating ; de
signs and estimates furnished. Henry
Lehman n , 150S Douglas slroot.
Vln thu WiilMnli I.Inc.
For Iho above occasion Iho Wnbaah
will sell , Sept. lath to 20th , round trip
tickets to Washington nnd Ualtimoreat
less than half farowith choice of routes ;
passing down the beautiful Shonandonh
Valley or crossing the mountains of Vir
ginia by daylight , within sight of many
famous battlefields. You have privi
lege of stopping at Sc. Louis to visit tlu
great exposition nnd fair also , view the
magnlilcont street illuminations nnd
parade of Veiled Prophotw , which will
Hiirpuhs in grandeur allulforta of former
yoaiH. For rates , tickets , bleeping cur
accommodations , and furtho.- informa
tion , call at Wabash otlico , 1VU Farnam
street , or write G. N. Or , xvi'UM ,
N. W. P. Agt. , Omalm.i , Neb.
Tbo 09-Oout Store , 1319 Faruam Street ,
in Hdliaay Attire.
New Unix ! * , New WylrH , Now I'rlcc * Ailnrn
i\ery : Dppitrtmimt uf Our SliiBiilllrcnt
Stuck ( IhnlfXn Cull N ' * Wock
Open i\cnlliBB Till8 O'clock.
f > 00 pieces genuine BtransUy blue ttool
onnmolod ware at CO cents on the dollar
of teal value.
Sattcp pans at 2c , 39clOonntl upward.
Kettles at 25c , a9c , 41)c ) and ( We.
Tea hollies at 0 Jc , S1.-I8 and H9S.
ColTeo pots at 7-le , 8Se nud l)9o. )
Tea pots at 7le88c nnd lic. ) )
Rico boilers IKle , ? 1.-18 and $1.08.
Dish pans ilOc. $1.2 ! > and $1.48.
i Vy pans . " > 0c , 40c , 0c. ! )
Cups and dippers at lc,25o ! ) and Me.
The nbovo are Iho best goods and are
positively one-half less than real value.
Look further at the bonanza bargains
for next week.
1,000 genuine Hunter Hour sifters at
12e cnoh ; sold everywhere at 2oc.
lOc packages toothpicks , sale price , "
packages 6c ; lOe packages toilet paper ,
sale price , ; t packages for lOc ; paring
knives , Cc , worth loc ; sponge racks , lOc ,
worth 2oc ; pudding pans , Cc , So and lOc ,
worth throe times the money ; 35o din
ner pails , sale price , ICc and Me ; Hour
filftors , sale price , 8c. Bird cages at
forced sale prices. Crockery and glass
bargains. COc bciry bowls , sale price.
lOc ; jolly glasses , 4c ; lemonade sots , sale
price , 40c. The balance of those fine
liYonch china plates , lOc , worth GOc ; 7oc
glass water jugs , 2e ! ) lor thin sale.
Leather goods , traveling bags , belts ,
etc. , closing out all our $1.00 , 7Go and
60e bolts at 2oc.
600 pockolbooks at 2oc , each worth
$1.00 ; traveling bags at-1'Jc , GOc , 75c to
Jewelry and silverware , all now goods ,
tit saerillc prices.
70c each for your choice of pieklo cas
tors , sugar dishes , creamers , spoons , otc. ,
worlli fcl.GO.
Rogers' lea spoons , 81.10 per sot.
Rogers' table spoon" , $2.88 per sot.
Rogers'knives , $1.10 per sot. These
tire warranted triple plalo.
Roirors'forks , $1.10 per set , triple
B25o | a sot for sterling triple plated lea
SOc a set for sterling triple-plated
table spoons.
1,000 ladies' pins Monday at lOo each ;
worth COc.
Solid gold bond rings lOc , 23c up to
Best rolled -plntcd vest chains 7oc ;
worth $1.80.
Dolls , dolls , dolls , a grand offering for
next week.
1,000 15-inch kid body dolls , with
shoes and stockings , bisk heads , llowing
hair , at 25c each. , This is the greatest
bargain yet on dolls
Make it a point to visit our store ,
whether to purchase or look us over ; it
will pay you.
you.TIIE'noCI3NT ' STORE ,
A roinci.osuuK AUCTION
Sulo rif Iloiitnholil < lmxls ClrtttelH
On our oru floor 1
nt 10 o'clock , Sept. 20.
Wo were compelled to foreclose a
mortgage and wo will on Iho above date
sell nt auction household goods consist
ing in part of bedroom suits , plush par
lor chairs and lounge , heating stove ,
cook stove ,
& 7C.OO Singer Hewing machine $59.00.
Organ and stool and many other
articles , all of which w'll ' bo bold with
out reserve to the highest bidder. You
should atlcnd this sale.
Take Iho elevator lo third floor Tues
day morning at 10 o'clock.
3502 to 1C14 Capitol live.
Latest sheet music at IIospc's.
Mr. mid Mrs. .Momml' * Dancliiir .School.
Having secured a lease of the Omaha
Guards' armory , Capitol avenue , forfivo
years , wo have made oxlcnsivo repairs
and our patrons will find this school Iho
most convenient aiftl comfortable in all
respects to bo found in Ihe city. No
staifb to climb , no pillars for children to
bo.injured against , and wo williibsuro all
who honor us with their patronage that
wo will retain Iho hiuli standard our
school has earned these last six years ,
being the only member of the associa
tion of teachers of dancing in Omaha.
All dances omenating from the iibsoetti-
tlon will bo laught in our classes. The
children will begin Saturday , Octobsr 1 ,
at 10 a. m. , for beginners , and ut 2 p. in.
for advance ; adults will begin Tuesday ,
Oclobor , at 8 p. in. ; opening assembly
Thursday , SepUnnbor 20. at 8 p. m.
Former pupils and friends coidially in
vited without further invitation. Cir
culars at the school or our residence ,
200(1 ( Dodge at.
Tor l.ciisi- .
lI2Xit2 ! : ,
.UIxH Aliru
Has jtisl rolurned from Now York City
and is now showing at store , U07 South
lUlh Btreol , between Furiwm and liar-
nay , u complete now line of fall millin
ery goods.
Domestic , Domestic , Domoglio so'ip.
> 7 O'oloukllll tlio lvunili ?
IB the limo tbu. fust Omaha-Chicago
train via "thei Northweslorn lino"
leaves the Untoni'Paclllc depot. Omaha ,
arriving at Cluotigo at U:30 : o'clock next
morning ,
V < dtlbnlod HloopoM and free parlor
oarfi. Clly liokot ollloa. Itfll Farnam.
At Phil Stimmol's warohouso. flth and
Jones Htroots , Monday , Sept. 10th , 10
n. in. A largo lot of unclaimed goods.
Dry goods , bootti , shoos , stoves , hard
ware , whisky , touaeoo , etc. All must
bo sold , and in any kind of lt > N
Domestic soap eaves time and labor.
Cnllliinilu KxciirttliiiiH.
Pullman tourist sleeping cuiv are run
daily on all Paclllu coast trains via the
Santa Fo route , the bhort''st line to
The enrs are furnished with bedding ,
mnirossoa , toilet articles , ole. Pot-torn
are In attendance. Second-class tickets
nto honored on those Jars.
In addition to the daily eorvico the
Santa Fo Route runs special excursion
partior with an agent of thu company in
charge , using these tourist ' ( deeping
cars , and leaving Kansas City every
Sunday noon.
For further Information nnd lime table
of the Santa Fu Konto nnd luforvlng of
sleeping car be.'tln , nddro * * E L.
J'almer. l.'l.'l ' l-'urnfiin
. pitf : > cuior agent ,
tree ) , uimiha , Ncli ,
Domoolie i-oip : S-UXM money
Brand Now Oigar , Tobacco anil Pipe
Department ,
Wo IIu\o Them In All ( trailer nnd I'rlrcs
frinu lo to nou llucli Our lo Ul-
n AInrirl for
HID 1'rlcc.
This lo cigarisnot.istoglo or cheroot ,
but a rcgulnr made cigar.
Next is our 2o cljrar.
Then comes ono at ! ! e.
Next our 4o cigar.
Then a very largo a'ml complete line
of Co cigars.
Them comes our lOc , 'I for 25c.
Our lOc straight cigars.
Our ICc , 2 for 20c.
Out- straight IGccigar.
Then our COe cigars , the best made.
Wo can give you bettor values for less
money than you can llnd nnywhoro in
the west.
Our line of pipes IB largo and varied ,
jnslarrived , all new nnd prices made
very low.
Wo began at-lc each and have a rattier
at C cents each.
If you smoke n pipe it will pay you to
look oiu1 line ovor.
Our line of chewing tobaccos and cig
arollcscitn't ' bo touched by oompotltorB.
Onr line of "Omaha Made" cigars is
largo and they nro toally oxtrn values.
Our brand now show caao and counter
is certainly a thing of boautyand a work
of art.
Come in and lot us explain the work
ings of it to you.
Have you got ono of these lOc dippers
for 'ie or ono of these lOc colTco pots forCe
Co yet ? If not , you should have ono
Every lady scorns to bo carrying out
ono or moro of these pillow sham holders
from our store. They only cost loc.
You should have ono.
In our drug oopartment wo have just
nut in additional help , so you can got
some of our bargains promptly. Ben
nett's patents are taking and holding
the load. Why pay $1.00 for an arliclo
when you can got the same for 7Cc'i ) and
why not go further and save lOo more by
using Bennett's uatontsi1 Guaranlcod lode
do the work for 05c.
Wo don't have stunting ! advorlise-
monls in every paper in the United
State1 } which cost millions every year.
Wo save this and irivo it to our cus
Wo have in this department a largo
and elegant assortment of toilet articles
and soaps.
Como in nnd get our prices.
IP our furniture department wo carry
a large and varied line of rugs , malts
and hassocks ; also mirrors cheap ; wool
dusters , window shades cheap.
In our wooden ware department wo
have a few refrigerators and water
coolers left wo will hell without regard
lo cost rather than carry oyor.
Our jewelry department is doing
wonders. Anything you want in this
line get our prices lirsl.
The largest oankruptsalo of groceries
over in Omaha.
The Holxol mammoth grocery sold by
the sheriff to C. O. D. Brown.
This stock \vasboughtfor GOc on the
dollar and will bo on btilo next Salur-
day.The slock consists of n full line of
groceries and will bo sold at less than
our competitors can buy their goods for.
W ilch Tun BII : for prices.
Don't forget tlio place. Stonchill's
old stand , next to the Boston store.
AIlis Allen lh.UK-8
Has just roturiicd from Now York City
and is now showing at htoro , ISO" South
l(3th ( slrcet , between Farnam and llar-
noy , a complete now line of fall millin
ery goods.
Millinery Opening- .
September 22d , 2d ! and 24th.
Mrs. II. C. Moses ,
3015 S. 7th , opp. court house.
The Fidelity Trust company has re
moved its ollico to 1702 Farnam , south
east corner Bee building.
Real estate.
Bargains only.
My word is good.
W. G. Albright.
& 21-2-3 N. Y. Life bldg.
Domestic is the besl harawater soap
Itnllciiiii * Work mill \Vorltcrt.
The OulliiR club of tlio Yomic Men's
ChuslUn association tool : a very plcnsiint
llttlo jiuat to ttio Florence water works last
Wcdnimlfty night. There wcro eleven in
the party and they coucrud the distance bo
twcea Thirtieth street and Araos avoauo and
Florence la forty minutes on foot. Tlicv
were Itlndly shown throush the Immense
plant by the obliplnc engineer uad caught
the I ) o'clock train lor Omaha. '
TUo Methodist churches of Omaha whlui -
hnvo bcun obliged to t-lmnqo pastors tins
year , nro anxiously awaiting the results of
the conference which is now la session and
c-lo-so tomorrow at St. Paul , NOD. Bishop
Warrca presides and will announce
the appointments tomorrow. The Hans-
cam i'urk church has calk'd Hov. F. H.
Murray of Pennsylvania , and if the bishops
ugioo toltho will come. Tlio First church
him called Hov. Frank Crnno of Hloomiim-
toil , HI , nnd it is understood ho will coinu.
Thoothor churohos will probably take the
pastors sent them by the bishop without
making u special call.
The rovlvul soi-vlcos ut the Fir at Christian
church continue with marked FUOTCSS ,
The Current Topic club begins Its rocular
work of tlio winter at the Young Muu'a
Christian association tomoriow night.
Vnry hniloiiH
Yesterday afternoon a nourois giving the
namu of Molllo Wnpplos appeared at the po-
llco station Bbklng for a warrant for Charles
F , Head , the Tliirtctmlh street , loan agent.
She says that stiu has boon llvliiir with
Head lu the relation of man ana wife for the
last Kix years aud tbul she has boon about to
become u mother on four Ultluroat occasions
when Head IIUH procured criminal operations ,
The lubt oparulion boveiuly Injured hor.
and Head paid her J50U and secured another
colored mistress.
A warrant wns sworn out and served by
Olllccr Kuynor upon Head , who uppi'iircd
yesterday nlternrou before .ludgo llorlcu
and gave bonon In the sum or ( IJiW for hit
uppouranco for trial.
Tno complainant lives at SSH South Sev
enteenth street ,
At tlio People's ' Mnininoth lustnllment
House Tomorrow.
an.OOO IliuuUnino Souxptlrs Will Uo Il -
trlbntcit to VIMloM Miio All i\i-n.
till ; With n HplniulK ll iilny
The long-lookcd-for fall opening of
the ] ) opulnr nnd widely known People's
Mammoth Installment House , KMo-liM"
Farnam street , takes place all day to
morrow and during the cnliro evening.
The whlo * ) building from root to base
ment will bo at Iho ficedom of Iho pub
lic. Great preparations have boon made
without regard to expanse for Iho on-
lei taitiment of all visitors. Twonly-llvo
thousand handsome bouvonlrs will bo
given away. During the evening Prof.
Auorbach will give ti grand display of
fireworks and balloon ascensions from
tlio roof of Iho building. The Fort
Omaha Military band in full uniform ,
consisting of 22 pieces , under the lead
ership of Prof. A. Wodomovor will ren
der the following selections :
Overture "Fra Dlavolo. " Aubor.
Solreo The Limo Kiln Club's.
Selection Opera "DoFroichut / . "
Gavollo ROOVOB.
Wnltz Wine , , Women nnd Song.
Ovorluro Nnbticco. Verdi.
Medlov Plnnliillon Songs. Coutorno.
Seloclion II Poluilo. Donlzolli.
Musical Melange Moy relics.
Danxii Mcxicuna Roses and Thorns.
Episode Mllitnirc Dod worlli.
Galop Good Night. Latmr.
No cards of invitation have boon is
sued but the public in general nro cor
dially invited to bo present. Special at
tention is called lo the opomnir nn-
nouncomcul , oiupago 10 of today's issue.
Now china for decorating at Uospe's.
Auction Unol.ilmutl I'mlght.
At Phil Stimmel'b warehouse , Oth and
Jones streets , Mondny , Sopt. 10th , at 10
a. m. A largo lot of unclaimed goody.
Dry goods , boots , shoos , slove , hard
ware , whisky , lobaceo , otc. All must
bo sold , and in anv kind of lots.
The Fidelity Trust company has re
moved its olllce to 170J Farnam , soutk
cast corner Bee building.
We mined 10,000,090 barrels or salt in " . ) ! .
The railroad dining cars m this country
earn moro niotioy than the sleeping aim bag
gage c.-.rb together.
French llorlsts are cultivating a plant
which bcars a ( lower that Is whlto In the
morning , red at noon and blue nt night.
The highest viaduct In the world has just
been er cted in iiolivia , ever the Hivor Lou.
' .I.SIM feet above the sea level and 1UOS > feet
above the river.
\Vlthnr the memory of men now 1 1 rim ; ,
we've from the " "
pasted "prntrio schooner" to
the Pullman car , and 'from the tallow cundlo
to thoolcctilcllKht.
The latest form of steamship propeller is
an English Invention anu is designed so that
when in motion there is no weight of water
ou tbo bludcs on the rise nnd f.ill of the
propeller due to the pitching of the vosel.
Platinum vessels for conuuntr.itinc acids
are now mule on an improved plan , the now
fculuro being that of coating the platinum
with gold. Such a coating , it is feuna , adds
materially to the life of thu ve bol.
An engineer icslduot in Glasgow hns , after
nineteen ycaib' labor and experimentation ,
dovneu an airatigcmcat In an engine bv
which ho returns nil the steam bade to thu
boiler after doing Its work in the cylinder.
A pair of mowing machines made In 1S22
wcro the Ural manufactured In this country ,
and there were only two of the original
torn built. One of them U still in the barn
on Samual Woith's lunn at Marshulllon ,
Chester coimtj , 1'a.
Steady pi-ogress Is now being made In the
construction of u railroad uctoss the Andes ,
which will eventually connect the Argentine
and Chilian system : ; of ro.iiK lv tliii con
nection passoiigcrs and freight will oo car
ried from Valparaiso and Uneiios Aytcs In
seventy-two hours , while nt present the
Journey by steamer throunh thn strait of Ma-
gollon occupies twelve days. This opening
up of a rich country which hns hitherto de
pended upon pack mules for the transporta
tion of Its pioduc.s shoulu inure to thn
benefit of commerce , nnd will doubtless cxorl
a healthful influence upon communities that
have .so far been cat olT from civilization.
7.V Till ; 1..1IHHI FJl.'l.H.
A Texas woman runs a 700,000 ncrc ranch.
The biennial convention of the liiulhur-
hood of Locomotive Firemen Is in hossion in
The 8,000 coal minors or the Hvnr tbstrl ct
near Pittihurg htrucU nccauso of ono-half
coat reduction a ton. One-third of the mines
had been working , but the atriliu closes
A laborer named Iloltzman has celebrated
his 101st birthduy at liiiodingcn , In H < 3 > - > ia ,
und asserts lhat ho is as spr > as bo was forty-
rears aao. Al any rale , he hub not yet gix eii
up work.
The L'owly elected ofilcora of the National
Association of Loiter Can lors are : I'lesluont ,
FrunU E. Smith of Hun Francisco : vice-
president , M. W. Malonov of 1'hmdolphlu ;
sccrotuiy-tiuabuior , J. 1J. Victory of jNew
The recent adlroas of Chlof Arthur of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers at
Toronto contains some Inuis anu suggestions
lhat dcscr'o the careful consideration of
worltlngmen everywhere. Ho n'pioxcnts a
labor oivnnUntion that has nrovod to bo n
complcto .success , And hu tells how and \vliy
It has succeeded. It has been in oxlstiMu-o
twenty-eight years ; its inoiuboislilp aggrc-
cates : : rillJO , ( ; It has paid out over $ . ( ,000,000 to
the widows and orphans of deceased cngi
nefirn ; and It Is so much rospucled by rail
road corporations and by the public that
the coiicesjloas which it inks from tlmo to
time are toadllv granted. The main secret
of Its strength lies in the fact lhat It pio-
nmtes the oluvation of labor oy ojutcmallc
iir.d practical mciuns.
( iriinil iNluiiH \ \ III llu In.
E. L. 1'ujno of ( jrand Island , who WHS
last your u piomlnent bcomor of thuNobraj
kit advertising train , \\as in the city yester
day and looked over the cars beintr jn-jpared
for the second edition of Nobrasliuon wheels.
Ho Buys that ( Jrund Island cannot afford to
htuy mil und that ho will malm one of the uf.
foils of his life to sou that thu city of ; lu HU-
gir bett fuotorj U leprodcntcd ,
i : FOR
< onlr.
VI ) Hlllll I * k-OOU.
W U Allirltrlil ,
tai ; -J .NIJW ior < Life. MO ;
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard I
lor .Mnnilnj- .
100 pieces standard drosb prints , 3o }
1 case hoar/ unbleached iniislln , oo
fill pieces unbleached Canton flannel ,
4c yard.
50 pieces extra heavy nnblonchod Can
ton llannel , only Oc yard ; worth 15c.
50 do7un gents untaundricd whlto
shirt1' , slightly Boiled , Mondny25c | each.
Gents 1'ply linen collars 8fco eaoh.
100 do/.on all linen buck and damnsk
towels , with fancy boruets , slv.o 18x30 ,
Monday only J'c ' each.
100 do/on satin damask towels , wilh
knotted fringe and fancy borders , only
100 0-4 chenille table covers , 76o each.
50 0-4 chenille table covei-J , fringed all
around , only $1.25 each.
Special bargains Mondny In wool
dross goods.
20 pieces ivool brllliantlno 40 In. wide ,
worth 75c , Monday 25c per yard.
.lust arrived , second shipment of storm
? oigos In all new fall shades , also na\y
bines ntOSo , 85e nud $1.00 pur yard.
100 do/.en ladles' fancy bordered hand
kerchiefs Monday oc each , worth 10i > .
200 do/.on chlldtens' fast black stock
ings , tii/.es 0 to 0 } , only lOe per pair.
Visit our cloak department.
Wo can save you money on Cloaks.
Don't ihink of buying anything in
Cloaks until you have scon our lino.
100 lndios''faU weight jackets , odds
and ends of last bonbon , They are all
wool. Take your pick no.xl Mondny
$1.50 each.
Don't forgot out Carpet dop.irtmont.
Wo can interoslyou in Carpels and
Como in Monday , bargains in every
department. BENN1SON BROS.
Silver \\rdilhiR.
The nlo.isnal homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam
Uojiioy. corner of Twenty-sixth street ona
Popploton avenue , was tuo scoao of n very
pleasant gathering List Monday night.
Twuatv-llvo year * ago the worthy host aim
hostess were m.uln nun and wife , nad a scotu
or more of their many friends decided togno
them an aunronrialo romindur of the oo-
cas on. They Hccordlnplv droppad In casually
on Moadiiv ovonmir until thu spacious uar.
lors were llllod. Mr. J. A. tlnko Uien cnlliid
tne btlde nnd Kroom of quiir.ur of n century -
tury nco forward mid lu his usuul
happy inunncr presented them on uchnlfof _
their many friends nu elcKnnt silver
tua sot. Mr. Gosnny , uithouRti eomplotoly
surprised , managed to respond la an equally
liaj py voiti , after which refreshments woco
scrvud and a most enjoyable evening was.
Among tuosp proso/it were : Mr. and MM.
.T. A. Ilalto , W. n. iio\\ \ \ , James Friuior , Ab
Waggoner , H. S. Adams , Dan Murphv ,
Chnrlos CofTinan , M. H. Muiphy , W. B.
Walworlc , Alum .Taokson , Thomas D. Me-
Phorson , .1. U. Blanchnrd , .Tamos Foley ,
C. E. Bogart , J. II. Whlto , Frank Uorsoy ,
Hortcrc , 11. Korty , Dan Shall and T. N.
Nanuaiii ; Mesdnmes I' rls , Hughes , Dyball ,
Alexaiitler , Honch nnu Moffut of Nebraska
Uity ; Misses iSllii aud Anna Gosnoy , Mabel
and Madge Haiti * , Joslo Itaverly ; Messrs. Ju-
nas Talmago , I * . J. McGrath , W. E Denny ,
\Vill Uosney , W. L , . Norm. U O. Hoolnc-
ton , Willmm , Charlob and GvorgoUyb.ill and
Hov. Mr. Kuhn.
Irop'u lioin Von Ktuixv. ]
Mrs. II. T. Clurko , it was thought today ,
would linrdly llvo tliroiiRh the night , so rap
idly has the disease from which stio is sufler-
inp ndvancod. Her son , Will Clarice. Is nKo
conllncd to his U d with typhoid fever and
yostiiruny showed no sirns o't itnprovoment.
An expert who hns been pivlnp the matter
of shortening the lungtli of format dinners
some attention says : "All are agreed that \
tin1 modern dinner .should oo brought to a
lumpy end within n hour , nnd -
dced , fix forty-llvo ininutos as the moio cor
rect limit. Now , to obtain cither oo-
ject , tlio simplified inonu lends powerful
assistance , but it is not euouch m ituclf to
insure success. It becomes absolutely IIOCCE-
sjry to consider when ordering a dinner
the limn thai tin service of oucli
thing will probably occupy , and now thu
can oo.reduced to the narrowest point. Any
proposal ttial U calculated to ncrolcrnto
imutois without ncu-cptlblc hurry must DO
worth consideration , lor it nend not bu said
ttint wbllo anxious to secure sorvlca
wo do nut wunt to bo galloped ttiroagh a
int'al as if uo were all Into for the train.
\Voil , the simplest wiiy to obtain what wo
dcslro is to abolish , as far us wo cn , the
banding round of difilios from which our
guests have to holi > themselves and to soiva
the various component pirts of the dinner
ready helped from the buffet. "
\vvsmvfM'o.v , i > o. . AV ; > ii'uuv. :
Vl.i the -MUsoinl I'tiulllc.
The Missouri Pacific will sell round
trip UcKols lo Washington or Baltimore
and rolurn from September 18th to 20th
at a very low rate. Choice of routes
cast of SI. Louis. For rales , tickets or
further information call at city ollicos ,
N. E corner lIHh and Farnam or depot ,
loth and Webster.
Tiun : F. G ) JJ-IIKV , P. & T. A.
J. O. PIIILLIITI , A. G. F. & P. A.
Nearly every new house htnrllng hi
biibinosH first announces the fact that
they have "como lo &t-iy. "
Scolleld waiilH to stay.
He tlceidedthat _ , after an hour's walk
nbotil Omaha on his arrival hero eight
yeai > ago , and in los < than twenty-four
hours had made a biiHliicst engagemunt '
that resulted in hih becoming a boict ii'
lido resident a month later. ? !
Scolleld will make every olTorl tn May ;
He will keep a select stock of cluaKs ,
suits and furs.
lie will novel' biicrHlco quality for
Ho will keep only such goods as ho
can recommend.
Ills stock will always roprccont the
latent mvus. !
His materials will loprcbont lliu latf-bt
Jlo will have but one price for all
BeolloldntikB this :
Ho wants every manwoman and child \ .
in Omaha to hla store.
Th day ho OJIOIIH his more for business
will bo announced later. Watch for H.
1619 FARNAM 5T OMAHft' '