Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1892, Page 15, Image 15

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Widening Fields cf Usofulnosa , Activity
and Renown.
IliljiCnl IllnU llpgiirilllij ; Homo Ucoiiomles
Autumn Colon unit Vnattimrft A.
I'UK'S I'Ti'ttj1'iirtnnr The
{ 'million Notro.
The woo.nn who complains that she has no
place In tbo world has only to open her o.vos
anil In most Instances she will roadlly see
' what. Is waiting for tier. The /not that she
docs not IIUo that particular Hold Is no nrcu-
mcntngalnsttts usefulness for her. Patience
Strong , detained- homo by an untoward
Accident xvnon tlio long wished for European
four was about to become a reality , found
opportunities by the score for useful service.
If no homo duties call the sign Is plain that
in some broader fields there Is. In a happy
ncnsa of tbo word , n career to bo sought.
'Jho cultivation ol somn talent may DO des
tined to bring pleasure nnd pro lit , says
Harper's Ilazar. The student lias n bound- Held lieforu him. To many n secluded
ono the Cunutanqim reading courses have
proved sources of uutold , almoit unending ,
delight. If the necessity of self-support
exists there Is u largo place for the stnglo
woman. ( Jood nurses , touchers , artists ,
inualcians , writers , dressmakers und workers
In a dozen moro lines of industry nro atwavs
In domoTid. Nona hut the Inefllcicnt or the
unfaithful ordinarily need complain of lack
of employment.
With some there is grant unxvlllingnojs to
accept the place for which they tiavo special
lltnoss. The adopt in Iho womanly art of
needlework who , dosplsing her talent ,
aspires to the rewards ol an artist's sKill ,
while lackltiv lltnasH for such a position , has
ro.ison tollnd hotself without a position.
Buccess Is to bo expected In tbo 11 tm of onu's
nullities , not always In tnu line ot one's de
sires. Discontent because genius or great
power has boor denied is simply an Impious
fuull-fludlng with the Creator's plan. If all
uomou were great musicians , wbcro were
tboucedleworkorsl If till excelled In minis
tering to tbo sick , where t > hould wo seek our
works of Urt and tasteful decorations ) Will
ing to tie placed wfioro ono can accomplish
most , always means happiness nnd content
ment. The oft-qiiotcu apothegm , "Tburo Is
nlways room at tbo- tow , " Is worthy of the
author of proverbs. ' 'Place nux dames" Is
thu watchword of tbo contury. The single
woman , better than her murrlea sister be
cause , ordinarily , she has greater freedom
Is In a position to reap tlio advantages of tno
Dour. tet her exult In her heritage and net
t llow a complaint to pass her lips , In thu
closing decade of tbo nineteenth century ,
that there Is no placa for her.
Miss Grace Llvlngsiono Is the youngest
nuthnress at Cbuulouqua. Sbu Is an only
daughter of n Presbyterian clergyman , and
bas been accustomed to spending her sum
mers there nlinon sltico the beginning of
Cbautnuciua. Iler patents , fearing that
llteraturo In the fumllv might run to mad-
ncsa , proposed a radical change in the future
of their dauchter. Jn accordance with tbU
determination url was selected as the most
pleasing ptofossion for tbo younc la < iy , who
bad already developed nome talent in that
direction. Accordingly , EJO was sent to nn
urt school In Cincinnati , ana worked with
credit to herself , bin , love for the study was
not sufficiently developed in her soul to make
her Willing to duvoto her entire time and
llfn to It. This uho sensibly acknowledged ,
and In spite of the attendant disappointment
to.hcr friends renounced art and adopted
llteraturo as the only satisfactory course
open to her.
When this young laQ.v was about thirteen
shn wrote Her Urn story "Tho Esselstincs , "
consisting of eight chapters , which her fond
und o'lcouraginuauntlu iigrced to ouy at the
exorbitant sum of ten cents per chapter.
IVw have found such a ready publisher , for ,
unsolicited , In a spirit of mischief bor Aunt
"Pansy" encraftcd the serial in a book of
Christmas stories with the note that should
any of the readers wish to hear moru of the
rturacters they should write to Miss Uraco
L , giving her address.
This book was presented to Miss Ltvlng-
ilono at Christmas , open at thU story. The
consternation of tho" young authored was
highly ludicrous. Already she had out
grown her ronuinco ur.U was ashamed to
- own it. Voprs passed without any attention
\l being paid to the footnote tolling where
\ ?
further Information concerning the char
acters could bo obtained , but lattilf Miss
Livingstone has rccoivcu quite u number of
very embarrassing notes , for she doesn't
think ' -Tlio "
Hssolstincs" wortbv of a sequel.
An interesting youui ; woman is the petite
wlfo of bruwny Jim Corbbtt , nnd as pretty
as she Is Interesting. A prorounced Hondo ,
looking not a day older than the J years she
ctnfesscs to. urtn | a wealth of vollow-goldan
huir piled artistically on a queenly llttlo
head , largo gray-blue eyes , shaded b'y long ,
dark lashes , n fair complexion , and a ilguros
whoso contour Is perfection , It seems
pretty bard to imagine her a pri o lighter's
C'orbott's marriage wan rather romantic ;
In fuel. Included what might bo called an
elopement. When the now famous lighter
was ono of San Francisco's amateur tithletos
he mot his wlfo , a Miss Ollio Lake. Mr.
Lnko , Ollie's father , wns a wldowpr who
hud eomo to California from Amsterdam , N.
Y. , in 1MIO , when the girl was still a b.ibv In
her mother's arms. Miss LaKe was study
ing for n school teacher's position In the ,
State Normal school when young Jim mot
her. An affection sprutiir up botwcon the
young folks , but Corbett's pninU would not
sanction an engagement , tbo Lukes being
CongrccntlnnalUls , whllo the Corbults were
stanch Homnn Catholics ,
Tbo sueutheurtb were perforce obliged to
wait. In 18Si ( Jim traveled to Suit , Labo
City to llpht Duncan .McDonald. There
Miss Lakojoined him and n Justice of the
peace made them one. A second ccrumony/
was porfonr.od when tbo hnupy pair re
turned to Sun Francisco , Mrs. Corbett em
bracing tbu Uonmn Catholic faith to concili
ate her imronU'lu-lnw. A school loucnor's
certificate to Urn Stain Nonnul school awaited
MU Olllo Liiko in Sun Frnncisrn whllo she
was bolnif murrlid In Soil Lake City.
HoinoilrcsBn.aklng'is a favorite oraploy-
mcnt wlin some women to whom deftness Is
o giftnmountiug to genius. And never may
moro wonderful burifulns bo found in cotton
goods than now , when cloths nnd allies nro
crowding out cambric * aim muslin * . These
reduced fabrics , If muuo up slmplv , nro
ready for another year's morning wear , nnd
often very delightful to have on hand for tbo
first hot wave which
, always come * ns a sur-
prlso nnd Hilda only the wisest of wUo vir
gins cpared with cool
pi and comTortablo gal--
itifiitH. Ono of the prettiest of thenti bimplo
dresses recently nmdo Is of n remnant of cool
looking ereon nnd wluto chrckod zephyr.
About the bottom of the plain skirt u band
of line sheer niualln , plain white , laid on over
71 lining of p'nln green , is llnUhed on either
pdjro with three rows of white lace heading ,
threaded with i-reen ribbon. A llttlo close
counvo jankdt of tbo zephyr finished In the
tnmn way , nud crossing ovi > r the chest to the
ihouldfr , nbows below it a full wnlbtof tbo
tint ; whllo muslin which appears nunln in full
sleeves , gutlioivtl to a uand of preen ribbon
juitt'bolpw thu elbow aud capped with short ,
leqvci * of zonhyr , finished with the band of
trimming , iitittons of curved pearl clo-io the
Jacket unu skirt at the side. Tbc wbolo coit
of tbo was loss thun H ) , and Its effect
, was , froth and dainty enoligh to rewura nnd
delight lu ' '
A St. Paul school toucher for n llttlo diver-
tiAcmvnt , bad nsked tier class for tbo bust
original definition of "wife , " und thu boy In
the corner had promptly responded : "A
t\o. \ "
She looked at htm reproachfully , and nod-
Sea to tbo boy with dreamy eyes who scorned
inxlous to say something.
"Man's guiding stur und N guardian angel , "
10 tald In rcaponio to thu nod.
"A hblptneet , " put la u flaxen-haired
I "One who soothe * man in advertlty , " sug-
tented a demure llttlo girl.
s "Aud s | > end bis money when bo's tluib. "
added the Incorrigible buy in t'a < * corner.
There was n lull , and the pretty , dt.rk-
eyed girl id tonly :
"A wlfois tboonvy of splnitcru , "
"One who makes a man hustle , " wns the
next suggestion.
"And kccpi him from making a fool of him
self , " put In another girl.
"Someone for n man to find fault with
when things go wronsr , " said a sorrowful llt
tlo maldon.
"Stop rluht thoro. " said the pretty euhool
lonelier , "that's the best definition ,
Later the sorrowful llttlo malden sidled up
to bar and nskcd :
"Aren't you polnff to marry that handsome
man who calls for you nearly every dny ! "
"Yes , dear , " she replied , "but with us
nothinc will over eo wrong. Ho says so
himself. " f
One of the prettiest autumn dancing toilets
of French rnako appears \Vattoau preen
bongallno , powdered with pompadour bou
quets. At the foot of the skirt Is n pointed
rufllo of silk muslin , upon which , at inter
vals , swallow-winged bows of old rose and
moss-green velvet are sot. A wide girdle of
Krocn velvol Is caged on either sldo with
light , very delicate ercou silk lace , the same
garniture draping the shoulders.
Hugo grecti puffs are placed on the top of
tbo sleeve , which continues to thu wrist.
straight nnd very Hunt. From tbo elbow
down nrtlsllu rollings of green velvet give an
air of chicnesa to the sleeve , und tbo tall ,
slender swallow-wing bows which polsoupon
the shoulder * are nlso very unique.
Noaily all the modish dancing toilets for
autumn wear are made with high necks and
Bloovcs to the wrist. Just how long this will
continue Is n question. At present society
buds appear to have abandoned decollete
dress for something tnoro in keeping with
cool weather.
If a man does not bubavo as he should dur
ing those tj. Instill beloro-marriago days U Is
very certain he will not bo managc.iblo after
that solumn ceremony has tnkcn plutv. If
your Intended Insists upon nutting eyes ut
girls when \\a \ \ is out with you you may rest
assured that ho is not going to DO thu loving
domestic husband you so fondly dcsiro him
to be , but will id all probability Und others'
society preferable to vour own , oven before
the honeymoon has fairly wauod. Don't hug
to yourself tlio delusion tnat once you are
married you will DO able to reform him of all
his crll habits. This is the roclt that lee
many matrimonial ships run aground on.
That happy period when the bloom is still on
the poach.'tho illusions and delusions of life
not dispelled , Is the time to oxorclso the in
fluence that will bo potent cither for Kond or ,
ovil. If you cannot intluonco him before
marriage you i > evcr will afterwards.
Nature Is very kind to the October bride ;
she brings the rare-it fruits , thu richest blos
soms and tha most glowing foliage to en
hance the beauty and add to tbo happiness
of tbo occasion. So much can bo dona with
tie autumn leaves ulono ; how much , ono can
hardly appreciate unless given a chauco to
watch the clover woiltof the exports , who
know just how to manage these mellow-
tinted woodland treasures. The girl ( riends
will soon bo nard at work upon n unique
fancy wbich is in a few weeks to appear ut a
very swell wadding. Upon n square of bur
lap has been drawn by an artist friend a
skutch in charcoal , which represents n pair
of lovors. These are to bo cleverly covered
with carmine-tipped bronze-brown leaves ,
the effect , wbon the work is finished , being
closely akin to that of the richest tapestry.
This forest art square furnishes a lovely
background for the snowy garments of Iho
Bread and mtllc bowls in ivory , fluted ,
with plato complete nru pleasing novelties.
Onenf the new flower holders Is in a light
rubv gloss , llutcd , and in the srupo of a for
ester's horn with yellow rope shoulder
The now flower vases In crystal and col
ored glass nro very nrtlstlc indeed , especially
the patterns having throe brunchiH. The
latter are in crystal rustic decoration ; the
flower holders are so arranged as to hold
flowers or fairy lamps as desired.
A usetul squaro-shnpod teapot has tbo
boay decorated after the style of the oriental
blue china , nod around the eilao ot the lid
run the words , "Wo'll Uk a cup'o' kindness
yet for auld lang syne. "
Candelabra of silver with brancDlng arms
supporting small glass lamps instead of
candles nro very attractive , and some persons
prefer these to candles.
. * *
Banning , Mont. , is tbc residence of ono of
the inost capable and successful of business
women in tno west , where to win the medal
of excellence is not easy , owing to the great
number of women who havo. made marked
success in unfamiliar lines of work. When
In October of last year ( Japlaln Fraser of
Banning died ho lott an extensive estate ,
consisting of Hundreds of ncros of bay und
grain , orchards and vineyards , and a Urge
hotel. His wife , n quito nnd modest litllo
woman , is now carrying 01 the buslncsi en
tirely by herself , spending il.ivs In the saddle
from 0 in the morning uutil 7 at night with'
out dismounting except for lunch , oversee
Ing the Indian labnrors who do the work ot
the vast estate , and. half an hour Inter ,
changing her habit for nn evening gown ,
she entertains her { 'uesls in the hotel parlors
tbrough tbo uvenlng as gracefully as if Hfo
for ber meant only the ordering and wearing
of Paris gowns aud bonnets.
The original Roman mother is popularly
supposed to have been a wolf , from wbose
breasts Iho founders of the city received
ttiQir infnntllo nourishment. This process
has been reversed , according to a story now
current. A Hainan mother of tbo present
day , the wlfo of a shoemaker , had noticed for
some days that her supply of milk was ex
hausted ovcrv morning , although her Infant
had not nursed during the night. Finally a
fatsunku was discovered under the bed , and
the mother is now convinced that tbo rcptlto
bad been regularly taking ber infant's place
wlillo she slept.
Chicago promises next year to bo tbo Mecca
of woman throughout the world who talto an
advanced position in regard to their sex.
Mnv Wright Sownll of Indiana bas just
issued nil address on behalf of tbo World's
congress auxiliary , nxplaming fully what
the big Woman's congrosb is to bo for. abe
says It Is not for the purpose of advocating
any onu cause or of promoting any one doc
trine or advancing one prooaRanda , but for
bringing together the rooredentntlvcs of all
worthy organizations of vtomon , whatever
their nationality or tboir specific object.
I'listiiiin Note * .
Velvet slcoves will bo seen In many dresses
nnd always of n contrasting color.
A very now fabric 1s allied sublo cloth , ami
is covered so olosoly with line hairs us to ro-
scmble fur.
Narrow tics nro worn with bonnots. out
hats are worn minus either strings or
London tailors declare that the street
sweeping skirt train will disappear with tno
opening of the winter season.
For a traveling costume for n young girl
eitbor Scotch pluld or balgo clotn can bo
used. The bat Is of stiuw , with wavy , nar
row brim , and trliumeu with velvet knot und
flower spray.
One of tun most popular materials of the
moment is bungallno , and the figured benga-
llncs , both rti sillc und wool , seem to ba quite
as well llkud as the plain goods. Surahs and
shot silks also show novel effects.
The Uton Jauktit still continues popular ,
though many of tbo style oallou tiy tbar title
nro Kton in name only , tbo cut bolng very
alfferinii from tbo so-culled Klon jacket ,
which Is inudo with small tailor-cut , close-
tilting bloove * .
Narrow Rtr.inds of felt and of silk elabor
ately braldcJ uro utilized In bonne' . * and for
the trimming of hats ; scarfs of beaver uro
twisted about the crowns of velvet nnd of
felt hats. Cocouuut liber und felt , curiously
wtougbt together in u ribbon pattern , is an
axttunio French novelty.
Oitricb feathers , almou every species ot
bird and of birds' wings are trimmings par
excellence ostrich plumes distancing ; the
smaller tips In popularity. As u roiUlt the
disposition ol hat trlmmlugs is somewhat
lower than heretofore , nriTl tney nro spread
moro evenly ov r too crown , with a tondeuoy
to mass near the front.
A new Knu'llsh skirt , called the Ounmoro.
u after the style of the umbrollu skirt , and
is out in two parts , the gored portion seamed
on toward the bacit , the immediate cantor of
the back having a seam. Five yards of fabrlo
of medium width is nocejsarv for making ,
Thoakirt is lined throughout'and bound or
frilled at the edge with velvet.
Many o ( the new Modlei collars are very
tnucb sloped la front. This , wlillo conducive
10 comfort , also enables the wearer to Intro
duce a plotting , or a fovr toft fold * ol chiffon
or l.tco. The airy fabric , wbon of chiffon , is
carried around tbo throat , iwattalng It , la
'act ' , and tha style suits very many women
better thnn it Introduced In Jaoot form.
Never did fashion plvo Its rotnrlet n bnt-
ter opportunity to uUIU.i remnant * of vari
ous dross fabrics for the matting of not only
simple costumes , but those of the richest de
scription. Ono gown U very frequently
made up of a rich combination of velvet
sleeves and collar , silk nnd wool skirl , crepe
do Chlnorost front nnd silk passementerie
It Is Imposolbla to deieriba the manifold
varieties of the bonver hat. A comparatively
smooth crown Is joined to an exceedingly
rough brim. In some examples only prt of
Lho brim is In the rough , nnd the rough sec
tion resembles an appllqucd band rather
than u continuous woven surfncn. Another
style ti distinguished by a long silky nap
Ironed smoothly in ono direction , but not so
smoothlv as to dlsgulio tha unusual Ion gin
of Iho bnlr.
lied warm , glowing , glorious rod has
over a revival with the coming of autumn
days. It Is worn in dark shades , rich and
deep In tone , br tno fairest of blondes , and
in daringly dell < int brightness this , the
rebel's own color , is chosen ns a framing for
tbo plqunut charms of Drunctts beauties , and
In all the softer shades ot rose nnd crimson
the brown-haired , fnlr-sklnned womenwhom
the Germans call brown blondes , llud their
most becomiiiK color.
In millinery violet shades seem to bo prirao
favorites. A bonnet for an elderly Udy Is
made of violet velvet and cannry-ynllow velvet
vet folded together in u skillful manner ,
with a jet ornamant and n yellow feather.
The llttlo boat shupo is ono of tbo now
models. It bos a very low orown and turns
up on the sides. It is trimmed with a mr > ss
ofirldoscont cook's feathers in front and
embroidered Iridescent ribbon twisted
around thn crown and forming bows.
An ntnbor street costume blending blue ,
salmon , pink , and grcnn , has a Hussiiin coat
of < larlc blue clotn with n jabot front , collar ,
nnd ilflovcs of velvet. The cent differs from
the familiar Russian blouse in having no ful-
ness gathered ut tbo xvnlst lino. The back Is
simply laid In two folds from shoulder to
belt , at anch side of tbo center. Iho fronts
without darts do not quito meet the silk
jabot , uii'X are edged with u very flno blue
aud gold galloon. Tbc bell skirt Is untrimmod.
Tilt : Tlll.ATlSllS ,
All Indications paint to an amphatlo suc
cess for Davis & ICoogb's marry musical
farce , "Tho Hustler , " oa the occasion of
its ono-ulgbt engagement at Boyd's New
theater this evening. Since last aeon In tbo
citv "Tbo Hustler" has been brightened In
dialogue , quickened in movement and fresh
ened with now songs , dances , medleys and
other material. Tbo piece is now pronounced
to bo very near tha summit of perfection in
its peculiar spacre , and strikes tbo prevail
ing public fancy squarely in the cantor. In
"Tho Hustler" the typical Amancan schemer
is pictured with singular vividness and niucn
grotcjqua humor. Tha hustler-in-chief
"Con" McFaddon , Is a sort of politician ,
bunco stocrorand lightning rod agent rolled
into ono , and as portrayed by that Infinitely
witty Hibernian , John'Kornell , the cnarae-
tor assumes a flesh and blood reality that is nt
once unique and irresistible. Tbo manage
ment promisus tha snmo elaborate reproson-
niion of "The Hustler" bore that signalized
its brilliant engagement at the Boston
tboatcr and its more recent triumph ut the
Bijou theat&r , New Vork.
A dramatic treat of no common order is in
store for our tboator-goors in the perform-
ancj of "Unolo Totn's Uaoln" by the Stuart
& Hoc It combination. Not slnco the ilrst
dramatization of Mrs. Slowe's immortal
work took the public by storm has "Unclu
Tom's Cabin" 'boon presented in such mag-
niticont style. Numberless stage adapta
tions of this Intensely interesting and thrill
ing story have been produced during the
pasuthirty years , but It Is universally con
ceded that no dramatization approaching in
merit ttaat used by tbo Stuart & Bock com
pany has boon seen.
And tbo play is interpreted by a carefully
saloctod company of artists. As for the
scenery It is by far tno most elaborate and
costly used in any production of "Undo
Tom' * Cabin. " A more startling place of
realism than the rivet scene , with its cakes
of frozen Ice , over wnlch tbo hunted slave
makes her escape with ber child , was never
seen on any stage. This company begins a
week's enpapomont today at the Farnam
Street theater.
Augustus Thomas' idyllcplay of the south
land , "Alabama , " which so charmed
the largo audiences that attended
its performances at Boyd's now
theater last year , on the occasion of tbo
opening of the house , will begin a t vo nights
engagement at thu sums house on Man day
evening , and It will bo something strange in
the experience of tluS most popular piece if
it doas not play to unlimited patronage dur
ing its forthcoming engagement here. A d -
ligbtful. restful , vet inspiring , pure comedy ,
rich in poetic coloring and vital sentiment ,
btrongly nuuiau In character , the tnoro fas
cinating for being markedly unconventional ,
'Alabama" is a pli $ quite in itself , a new
deoarture , nod ono altogether welcome , and
Mr. Thomas has DOintou to skeptic critics
that American life has its romance , a-id
American place its picturesque beauty for
stage use ; that we have Ml the necessary ele
ments to tbu inaKing of drama , and that , too ,
without the sensation of Inttlgue , witbout
the bmo of unholy p&sslon , witbout tno
startling devices of realism and witbout evun
the ordinary aid of situation and climax.
"Tlie Texas Steer" will bo given at the
Bovd , beginning Thursday , for three nights.
Tbo pleco Is described as a cornedv , not a
farce , and in its composition Hoyt has
proved himself capable oC taking n 'promi
nent place among American dramatists.
"A Texas Steer" is in a
prologue and three acts.
Tbo prologue shows
how , in Texas , n catllo
king Is elected to congress -
gross much ajnitiit bis
will. Tbo remainder of
tbo comedy exhibits bis
political career In Wash
ington. Tbo cattle king
has a bright , plucky llt
tlo daughter , who has a
military lover In Toxas.
When ho encounters her
at the capital ho is somewhat ashamed of her
unsophlsllcatod ways , which sbo quickly de
tects , and adapting : heraetf to her surround
ings soon manages to hold her own in tbo
best society. Tim .Murphy , Flora Wnlsh
and the original company will bo seen hero.
"Nlobo , " the fantastic American coraeay ,
which was handed by its authors. Harry
and Kdward I'aultoii ( authors ot tbo lib
retto of "Krmlnlo" from to
) manager m na-
gur in the hope of getting it an American
production , und which was eventually secured -
cured by Bdn Teal for tbe llrm of Abbott &
Teal , will bo soon for the first tlma in Omaha
at Bavd's Now theater on Monday , Tuesday
nnd Wednesday , September' ' , 27 and 23.
The DonvorTimes has the following to say
of tno .Iciinfo Winston Opera company.which
come * to the Farnam Street theater for ono
weak , commencing October- :
Nearly every scut wus taken and by the
vor ? best people of tbc city , too , and the
Jucnlo Winston Opera company pleased
them very much. "Fra Diavolo" wus never
in batter bunds , and all the good work of the
company wax warmly appreciated. In the
leading role , MUs Wl iston was surprisingly
successful ; surprisingly because lUe graceful
deviltry and dash she tnratv * Into the part
Is sucli a tborouzti realization of tbo autaor'a
Ideal as would seem almost Impossible of
performance by any but a man. And her
smslng i * superb. The rest of the company
was up to the avurase.antl the choruses were
strong und well sustained.
( ! u l | > of thu .StHgH.
TamuctioU the loading tenor at thoTbetter
Ueclo , Madrid.
X.iror Scharwenka wai in quarantine on
Pauline Luccn Is giving vocal lesions at
Jbchlu , Bohemia.
Coroott will try to portray a gentlemen in
u play entitled "Uontleman Jack. "
No le * than nineteen opnras have been
written about Christopher Uolutnbus.
Lottu will return to the taga and li re
hearsing a now play entitled "Clytlo. "
Wagner's widow hus refused to permit tbo
performance of "Partial" at the World's
W. T. Carleton will take tbe place of
Tagllapletru In the Lillian Hussoll Opera
Stuart Hobson wilt make "Sho Stoops to
Conquer" tbe chief feature of bu repertory
this teaion ,
Miss Annie Boyd hut bean rehearsing In
Chicago to UUo the place in "The Daxiler"
which Kate Cai laton vuu to fill.
John Lv. SalllTan wilt make his first np-
pearnnco in "Taut Mari > from Boston" at
I'rorldanoo , it 1. , tomorro y night.
Sir Edwin Arnold say bis new play ,
"Adjutna , or the Jnpapojto Wlfo , " is to be
produced In America bv.Upnry , Irving.
Frank Porley , pro s agent for the BarnuM
.V Bailey circus , will b rujlneis ] manager
for Madame Modjotkn UH\coining \ season ,
Charles Frohman la said to have olphlcon
companies under his management , but ho has
n great many silent partners to divide the
Camilla d'Arvillo. ' aftqp ber coining season
with the Bostonlniis , will enter the ranks of
comic opera stars , with u'now ' work by Plan-
Miss Maude Peak of Cedar Uaplds , In. , hat
boon engaged as nn Instructor In the Chicago
Musical college. She had boon abroad several
years studying tbo piano.
Pnyno Clarke , who was announced as ono
of the singers in tbo Omnhaoporatto festival ,
hns made an engagement to accompany
Sousa's now band on its fall tour.
Miss Mattlo Vlckers has left the "McFoo
of Dublin" company. John T. Itcllv had
boon subordinating her work In order him-
Rolf to shlno with brighter luster.
A proposition has been made to Lillian
Husscll to go to Paris in 1S94 to create there
tbo leading female role In tbo now opera
which Aucirnn Is going to write for nor.
Tihe Cnslno , Now York , is no raoro the
homo of comlo opera. Next week it will l > o-
cln Us career ns n muftlo hull modeled some
what nttcr the European Institution of that
Frank Perloy , press npont for tlio Barnum
& Bailey circus , assorts that the big tent
will seat uithln n few hundred of 14,000 ,
people. Uo says that 3r ,000 persons at-
lundPd the performances In Omaha and the
cro\vd at. the evening performance , which
lllloor the tent , wns 8,000 larger tnau uvor
before sat under tent in this city.
Manager Wilkinson will take Alexander
Salvinl to the 1'u.cillo coast in October. The
nctor will play a four weeks' engagement In
San FrancUco , appearing In the scenic re
vivals of D'Ennory's aod Dumas' romances
in wblctfbo bas boon so successful. During
his comlne engagement nt Boyd's theater
Snlvlni will bo seen in the dramatic vdrslou
of "Cavallana Kusticnnn. "
Manager J. M. Hill was asked what he
supposed caused an immense flame of green
colored flro that shot up Into the air jnst
after an explosion In tbo center of the Metro
politan opara house during the recent fire.
"That , " replied the manager roacllly , with
ono of his peculiar smiles , "was simply an
outburst of tbo pont-up jealousies ot all tbe
artists who have sung Upon tbat stage. "
I'roo nrc Ilcforo Loivinij limit P.
Three years ese , while Ivas visiting rela
tives at lllgf Insvtllo , Mo. , I was suddenly
taucn with colic and severe pains in the
stomach. My relatives sent to tbo doctor
for medlcino , and ho sum mo a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera nnd Diarrluoa
Kumody , telling the bearer that if ' .hut med
icine did not euro ma he could not proscribe
anything that would. I used It an J was im
mediately relieved. HESIIV A.
A ItiniiuiK-alilu Mineral.
Litho-carbon , which is n mineral
somewhat reserablinjasphxlt , is the
must rcimirkablo mineral of its class
known. It is elaiineJ , 'sitys Iron , thut it
miiko u perfect inbulrttor ; that ns a paint
it will resist heat oi'V"1809 of anJ' kind :
that it Is capable of being rolled into
tissue free from odor nnd prac
tically indestructible when employed
in the production of mackintoshes ,
canvas belting , waterproof tents , etc.
It POSSOSSCH peculiar powers , enabling it
to enter and fill the pores of ateol , rendering
dering- those inotalo impervious to
acids , etc. It Is also said to make com
mon leather waterproof , and it can bo
applied to wood pulp for the transform ,
ntion of that inatermlinto what looks
nnd acts like ebony or horn. The
saturation of a ship'&i plates with hot
litho-carbon frustrates the attack of
barnacles , and thes plate will nei
ther rust nor foul.tA portion of the
smokestack of the s'toaraotDean Richmond
mend , where the heat , through the use
of a blower , rises to 800 ° Fahren
heit , was painted with lithb-carbon
several months ago , and remains undis
turbed and tinblistorcdwhile ether parts
of the vessel hnvo necessarily boon
painted many times. A piece of shoot-
iron covered with litho-carbon japan is
stntca to have boon subjected to an
actual heat of115 ° Fahrenheit ,
without crack or blister , and remained
so tenacious that the iron could be
bent at any angle without disturbing
the glossy surface. For varnishing rail
way and private carriages , p.iinting iron
bridges , roofs , steamships , houses , etc. ,
this material acts as an insulator , ana
it is reported that it will neither crack
nor blister under any known atmos
pheric temperature. At great boat ,
litho-carbon will softnn , but it will not
take tire at any point. If all that we
hear of this mineral be true , it will form
one of the most widely useful substances
of its class known.
Oermint l'nper > .
According to foreign papers there are
now 3,538 journals and magazines
printed in Germany. In 1891 there were
3,143 ; in 1690 , 3,204 ; in 1889. 2,982 , and
in 1888 , 2,729. There has been an in
crease since last vonr , therefore , of
9b , and since 1888 of 809. Gorman edl- ,
tors nro proud of these statistics , to
judge from their comments. The list
promibos to be greatly increased
within the next twelve months ,
as the conditions for founding
papers nro moro favorable than over
before. The freedom enjoyed by the
press in Germany is today greater thnn
it was u few years ago. Strange to say ,
no ono nan aided more effectively in
bringing about this state of affairs than
Prince Uisma'-uk himself , once the in
veterate enemy of independent news
paper mt'ii. Gorman editors nro clover
men and will not lese the v.tntngo
ground , which they have already
gained. They hope that the day will
como when tlioro will be no such thing
ns u. "muz/.loU press" in the fathorland.
It is probable , too , thut their hopes will
bo fulllllod.
J1JCNT. a ipacLlij for llrnuiTVJ > liiln i , t'lti , Nu
ralvla , Ha.iiUciio , Xerroui tfourtoa ciuso'l tir
alcoboior tob ooo. Walcurtlfiuii , iluntil Dauroi-
ilon.HottneMof ttio llraln.otuilndmanltr , mlsar/
deci .daath , I'ro.-UTturo O1J A40 , llarruaun , l < on
oll'owurln eltliur i x , Impotijnor. I.eucorrhoi anil
allFcnjuleVa kn jjjj. lurfjlunurr Loaiai. bpor-
oiaturrbaacausal br oror-atartlon of tit ] brtln
Sel-aliuiaorer-lndiiIi8Dca. , A. muntb'i trsatTjjat forli.liwill. . Wu8Uar4titeaali batoi taojr )
Kactiurda roriiboxei , with 1 } will H3t wrlttai
KuarantMto r f nod If not C4ri ; Oiiarantag lnau-1
onlr br Tht'odare. t" . I.eWff ( IniiigHt , iula ut [ -
outbgait corner lotbaud VArnam at * . Uinuba
Anew at Comploti Troatmaat , conilitlair ot
Eupnoiltorlot. Ointment la ( Upiiilei , alia In llax
andl'llli ! a I'o.ltlvo Cure ( or Uxtvraal. lutaruat
bllndor tlluediniltolilni. Uttronlo , Itaoentur UerdJI-
tary film. Tnl Ittmejy baa uarar bsen known to
Iall.ll per bor ilforlii aentby \VoyiutTerfrom
tliU tarrlulu illiotn whan a written ituirantai U
vuiUlrelyiilran wltUdboxdtorrarund tharouneylt
not cured Sund itamp for fr bainple. ( Juarantu )
Inuod byKulm A Co. . DruzKlitt , bole Airon'.i , corner
1011' and Uuuiriai itroiti. un..ha. : Neb.
v _
that Dr. Bailey is Making foi
They are beauties , look just like natural ones , and every set fits
perfectly. Those that he made for people five years ago are as good
as when they were first made.
Why go to other dentists an i pay
so nuicli for teeth when you can
get them so reasonable and good
of Dr. Bailey ?
Remember , also , this is the only odlco
in Omaha where you can got the "Thin
Elastic Dental Plato , " ns thin as paper ,
tough as leather. A thin plato hns all
the advantages of a gold plato without
the expanse , as they can be had for but
a trlflo tnoro than ordinary vulcanite
The only ofllco whcro you etui got the
Throckmorlon Patent Romovnblo
Brhlgo , or tooth without plates that can
bo removed by the putlcut and cleaned.
These bridges are just the thing for all
who hnvo lost a part of their natural
tooth. Call and examine specimens' .
Tooth tilled and extracted without
the least pain. Gold fillings , gold
crowns , porcelain fillings , porcelain
crowns and all work pertaining to den
tistry executed in the latest and most
approved m minor.
Office , Third Floor Paxton Block , 16th and Parnam Streets.
Take Elevator or Stairway at Sixteenth street side block. Telephone 1085.
. -g r
By Purchasing Goods Made at the Following Nebraska Factories. Ff you
cannot find what you want , communicate with the mannfapturers as
to what dealers handle their goods.
WcJtness ,
Calarrli or
lllicumatssm ,
Chronic ,
Nervous or
Di seases ,
. Searles & Searles
Consultation Free.
Acknowledged to bo tlin most succosf ill specialist In
111 ! I'lllVATK , I1LOUD. NEI'.VOUS , SKIN AVI > Ulll.V-
( fonorrluca In from 3 to 8 days. SrplillU cured
without.Mercurr. All manes for life
STHKTUKH pormaneiitly cural. complete -
pleto , without outline cuntlj or dilatation euro
affected at lioina by patient wltluut momsnfj
naln or annoyance.
riLBS. rirtl'ULA AND IIKCTAL Uf.CBHS curol
without pain or detention tronl lnnlnon.
HVPltUCiiji : : ANO VAIllCOi'KljK porminontlr
and luccesifullv cured .Mcthoil netvaaJ ilnfalllaj
( VITALITY WnAIC ) , Madoia by too cloji apptl.
cation to business or rtudr ; v8r inonttl strain
orKrlef ; HKXUAL KXCKSSKS In mlddlo lUo , or
Irom the ertecH of youthful foillai.
YOUNG and MIDDLK AI5K1) ) ; lack of vim , vigor ,
and itroiiKtu , with sexual orxaus Impaired and
wi'akenened prematurely In approaching old uo.
All yield roadllr to our noiv troatmunl for lots of
vital power. Call on or uddruis with stump for
clrcuiari , fraa book and receits ,
Dr. Searles & Searles. '
Nuitto I'ontOfltue.
In Iho treatment of
Tlio iloclur'j enllro tluio anil attention far ttio
poit eliil'turn yeiim IIHI boon idreu to tliu tronlment
of all icirnm of nrlrutu ilUentea ruici ull dlaordur *
m ] ( H'lmillui of VOUTII nnit A1ANIIOOI ) . Durlni :
all theio year * uf iirnctlco and Kiperlcnco tbu
doctor lm porfectvd u r > tom of Irvutiuaut fur
tlioto dUouin which ti ted y one uf ttie tiioit > uo-
co.mul foruii uf trcatuiunt known to tlio medical
profeitloa. Illi roinnrkublo uuccti In tlio treat-
uioot of thli cUm ot ille Di U bait prurua t > / tbo
unlrrrtul tcitluiunr of tliou anO wlio liara nuf-
fered und beea cuicit. blrouiieror mote abtoluto
proof uf ( kill anil fair and uuuorablii troatucnt
could not be \Vrlteforclrculariglvlntcall
iiartlculart. ItTll AM ) FA1INAU bTB. , OMAUA ,
This institution , under the direction of the Sacred Heart , is sit'jatud on th
corner of St. .Mary's Ave and S. U7th street. The coin-so of instruction pursued
develops the mental , moral and physical powers of the voting ladies. Special : tt
tenlion is also given to Iho cultivation of graceful miuinoru and refined tastes
Music , PaintiiiEr and Prawinfr , receive special attention , whilst French and Gcr
man are included in the curiculum free of extra charge. The aeademv is ploiw
antly located , with all modern improvements , and easily reached by the inotor on
Loavanvrorth at. l'-or terms and further particulars apply to the Lidy Superior.
The Hot Springof America ,
Hot Sprini. % S. I ) .
Finest lloiort Hotel In tlm West , btrlctly First
Clans I argo Kooms , Slnjlo or Knsultu , Now
Open. All Modttrn Itnprovunients , Table u 3po-
clalty. lloasonable Itates for Halancu itf Se.nnn ,
Orchestra and llanulni ; Kvory Kvonln ln thu Mu
tic Hull. Kluuit I'luiuo Hath In the Unltoit
States. Uoautlful Mountain Scenery , Splemlld
Climate , C'ool Nlxhts , No Mnsijultos 3tWJ Tcot
above the Sen Tno South Dakota Hot yprlnm
are attraction attention all over tlio world , and
are cnilntf a larger percentage than any Aprln s
In the U. S. Tor r.itej , biths , etc. nnd othur In
ormatlon. address , O. < MAIIDKN.
lIotSprlnxs.Houth Dakota
All persons suU'erinz from HYPERO-
PHORALQIA ( heiuichu Irom eye
strain ) or any DEFECT OF VISION ,
should consult our optician at onoo.
and be tittcd with Huitab'o Glasses.
All errors of rjlraction.corrected gclen-
tlfically. Lenses ground to measure
without extra charge. NO CHARGE
lor TESTING , the OV-PS.
GOLD SPECTACLES , or Eyeglasses
from $3 upward.
Ulasses , from $1 upward.
Colored Glasses Irom 50c up
Jewelot and Optlcluns ,
Kurnnm und blilconth tftruotH/Omahii ,
1-1/1 iiuilfiuNt , titntiliit ,
Tim place lo bar u Itockaway und famlljr Carrlaifoi
1'ba'tiinor Iluiluesi IIUKKr. ( jualltr bt-it
prlcci o lowed Klnt tlais.wotk ,
Cotton Mops ,
Linen Nops ,
Floor Brooms ,
Sponges ,
Chamois Skins ,
Etc. , Etc.
Jas. Morton & Son Go ,
1B11 Dodge Street ,
Baby's cheek Is Ilka n peach ,
Is it Madame Ruppert's blo.ach ?
No ! but baby'H mama's cheek
Volumes to its praise doth spoalt !
Cull for Mmu. Ituppurl'a book , "llniv to be llouiitl'
N , M , RUDDY ,
i'lli.-oiitli St. , riirnaniM- 1 lioator.
tllnmcs Klttotl to rumuiiy alt dofuoH of oyu-
sight. Steel . Hnuctaulus of K'lar.intoed ' mi.ifity
tl and Hi )
hollil ( jiiM SporUsItM an I Kjroli * > 3i , 11
and iiMwurl. OucuUst's pre < > uriiUoii4 | for
KlBBMis lilted correctly name day in rujulvu 1
Parched Rolfed Oats ,
Unequalled in Flavor.
Corn Gritz ,
Sold only in 21 pound paclcajjoa.
Velvet Meal ,
For mulling and getm.
" 1 BIST ! l
Sold by nil I'l Unman ,
OXLV$1O L'Aril.
Bliu > 8 oti ] > ' $3i5Of oaoll
" ii !
4OO North lOthStreot , Omaha.