THE OMAHA DAILY UK Ms Sl'NlUY ; H WPEMHKIl 13 , 18.i ) > T\VElSTY PAGES. SPEG1RL NOTICES. Hill TIIKHi ; COI.L'MNH AIIVKUVIfllMrtMU will tin Ukcn until \1m p m. for Itmprtnlnit unit until 81SO p. in. for tlio raornlnK or Similar * ? ill All ndvcr'l ementi In tlionnrolumns ll < cent word for ( Hut Intcrtlon nnil I cent c word for cnch mbK-quenl Inncrtlon.or II.M ) PIT line ppr month , ho ilTprtl cmcnt tnken for lo i limn J.'ioenlfi for the nrnUnnertlon. Tcrmncnsh In ndrniicp , InltlnlK. s. rnibolii. etc. . each count n * . n word. All lltPmcntR must run coniecuttvcly. AUver- , l > r roqiiPMInR n numbered clieclti run nnvn the Inner * aihltctfcil lo n numbered Iclter In euro pflllKHnK. Annwern no addres ed "III bodcllT. rrcil on prefenlntlun of the clieclc. SITUATIONS-WANTED. _ " " " ( ; ' ' . H ALP LOT ON CHICAUO slrrcl In business part of city at n great sacri fice , Only M.OUO cash required. ( Iood reason for felling. Ho trade. Must bo sold at once. ( ; llnl room OH N. Y. Life building. 34 19 V-WANTKD. SITUATION 1IY IlLAfKSMlTH. , J\had experience In country work , Ilkn place in foundry or machine shop In rlty. Address , Jo . P. Hcdlvy , 18th ami O. South Omaha. .li'.Hl * " * -PHIN'mi JoircOMI'OHlTOH AND CYLIN- -Adcrpri-fsman want * , n fllUOto JI8 situation nil working foreman In large country onice. No trm- porary Job need apply. Address L3. lice. MMI ID * -WANTKI ) . SITUATION AS 8TKNOOHPIIKII A by young lady. II. 15 , lice , Council HlulTii. ftil-ai WANTED-MALC HELP. - . A L1VK WIDK'AWAKK HKPIIK J-WANTKD. rcprosenlin In every locality , ono with vim , vigor , pluck and piuh cnn easily maso fill ) per inoiilhi nO puddling goods ! something en tlrcly new ; staple as Hour ; nonil for full particular today. Artrtrem "Manufacturer , " postotllo box Km. lloM , MI.I7 VJ' -WA'NTKI ) . SALKSMKN ON HAI.AIIV on COM- mlsidoii to hMiillo tlm new imtent chemlcnl Ink rrnslnB pi-ncll. Tho. rentcst sellhrn novelty over produced : erui.cs Ink tliorouuhly In t\vo pecondsi no nbriisloii ot pnperl 3X1 to WJ per ecnl prollt ! one KRrnl'n miles mnoutitoil IH'W In six iluyn , another IM 111 two hours : wo want ono oncrKctlo irenernl nBent In each stnto and territory. For terms nnd particulars address .Monroe Urascr Mfit to. , xM l.n Crease , Wl . M _ _ _ _ _ 1 > - WANTKD. A IMIACTICAN MAN WITH POMB J'cnpllal lo toke n watur mill. Address boxM. Lincoln , Neb. _ r ° . - WANT HA.NVA8SKU3. w. & w. PAHI.OI1H , > r > i4 eoiith Huh st. Mb5t ) 0:1 : J-MKN WANTKI ) ON 8ALAUY TO LKAHN OUH > city business ; experience not necessary , ( -all > -WANTKD MAN TO T IKK OHOKHS nililrcss mnnufnctiiror , box 3J7 city. 11 AdKNTS WANTKI ) FOH 01 : llWSHKH AM ) JJllrcklndlcr. Samples and pirtlcular * for two cent stump. T. .1. Trew A Co..Macon. Mo. 101 20 * U-40 ( JOOD PHACTICAL MCHKIIS AT FOHT J > r"rook , near Hellcvii" . Waees VUc to 2Wo per hour ; day board f 1.50 per week. Ke'efcl 4 MclJarvey. -WANTKI ) , UA1LUOAD LAUOHKHS FOH Wyoming and South Diikotn. Wages , f'.OO and f ( .riper day. Sleady work. Albright Labor on co , " - Farnam slreet. M272 OlO _ \VANTKD-LAUIUKHS ; KOK UNION I-ACIKIO lly. , between Cheyennii unit Osden , Utah ; coed waees nnd fred p.-iss. Krnmor & O'llcarn. liibor ncency 3J3 South llth street MI3J IB * TJ-WA.NTKl ) . MKN TO 3Kl.\ \ , GOODS ON IN JjBtnllments. Temn furnished 2 to collect and rell. American Wringer Co. , IBM Howard. 850 13 * TJ-WANTKD. WJO TKA.MS AND SOII-CONTHACT' IJiirs. Vrce transnortatlon on the K. I. Lincoln , .Neb. .McCormlck llros .V Co. 37104 B WANTKI ) . AN A 1 ALL-HOUND WOODWOIIK- I nu machine hand ; steady Job. J. A. Slurphy MfK. Co. , Xltlit nud 1st nve. , Council llluns.M3W M3W 21 J WANTKI ) . 1'IANO I'LAYKU , 118 SOUTH DTII 'street. 44C-ia * 1) WANTED , AliKNTS TO HANDftK UAI'll ) I 'setlln ciimpnlii'i novelty. Knorinotis cominls- ( Ions. Address 1' . O , box NO. 7 , Canton. O. 440 M * B TA1LOUS. OOOIM'OATWAKKUS AT COLUM- Inn , Nub. ; prices 87. OJ to il'i. C. A. l.lnslruin. U-ii.- ! ! ' AIM : SKKKIXO A iiiiiii UHADK I position In any pnrt of the United States write to Westcin llusln-Bs ARcncy , Incloslim stamp , " . Minn. TJ W.VNTKD , WIDK AW.Mill WUKKKIIS KVKUY- .Dnlii'ru for "Sliepp's I'hotOKruphs of the World" ; theKrenteitbookoneiirtli ; costing $ ll.OiW ; lotall nttl J.'i. mill or ln talliiient : mamtuolh llltistr.i- ted circulars and terms free ; dally output over I. MX ] volumes. Avcnti wild with success. Mr , 'Jhos. L. Martin. Centorvllle. Tex. , clcnred $711 In U < 1a ) ! > : Mlis llosn Adams. Wooiter. O. , til In 40 mill- iituK : lii'v. . I. Howard MndlHOii. Lyoim. N. Y. . tlUl In 7 hours : a bftnniwn ; miL'nlllcont : oiltllt only $1. l'ook on crcillt : frclulit p.'ild. Address lilobu lllble rubllxhlnirCo. , No. 72:1 : I heslnut ht. , I'hlln. , 1'a. , ori.'t8 ! Dearborn St. , ChlciiKO. HI. M43S * ii * T > - WANTKD. TO TAKB LKSSONH KYKN1NGH Jljfrom practical telegrapher. Will pay reason- nlilu price for Instructions , limtructor faiiilllnr nlth cipher rode preferred. Address II. 11. . Sten ographer , box ii.i , city. MI50 Is * p WANTKI ) , AN IjNTKLI.ICK.NT HOY Foil Jiltlcu work ; must Klvo references. Address K C5 , lice. M4M lil _ _ B-SALICBMKN. KOUTY.F1VH 1) < ) II/1 IIS WMKIC- ly will be paid lor one order dully. Something new in the book line. Address "Avent 1'itpnrt- incnt , " 6 Kant Nineteenth street , New York City. M4i'J I'J _ T ) WANTKD , YOUNl ! MAN AOKD 17 TO 22 TO J 'work In collection department In city bank for moderate wngci. Addrcsd KOI , l.'oe olllce. M467 IS "IJ-WAN1KD , AHK.NTS TO SKLL KINK TKAH , J'CotTees , fplces , extracts and sundries by sample to families ; no capital required ; e.xcluslvo terri tory ; coed pay ; gel our llbernl trial oirer. Cj. W. l.overlu .V llrowno Co. , CblcoKO. .MliiS-o-IC * - WANTKD , AT ONCK , KllOTl i'OUNK'15-MATc" ers or Un roofers ut Knitlo Cornice \ \ orks .John Kpcnlcr. 4i7 VI _ IJ-WANTKD , A NO. I IIHV ROODS SALKSMAN J nl L'oslon Store , south limuha. No other need npply 4'.K ) la * i - WANTD. J'umlve himself iibcful around 111 > house. I'eycke llros. 43il in * _ -WANTKD , TONKJIIT , YOUNC MAN UK 11USI- iic Hfjifalllcrtlnns. ! tnkf chario ol tct of books Oct. id , J. II. Hmllh , 5.7 Slu-ely block. 46.1 1 6 * 11-WA.NTKI ) . DKTKITIY1W IN KVKUY TOWN J 'In Hie United Slates ; experience not required : send for particulars , l.'nlvcital Detective Aucncy. box I.OW' , UdniKO , III. i5 jj. ' 1)-CAN OKFKH A STKADY SITUATION TO A J'jewcler who cnn nork at bench and piny rlarl- onet. cornet. Hoxaplioiiii or Mniro drum In band ; fli-rrann preferred. Addrcn Frank ttullioll. Slnr- ling , Nob. 47Cjj ; T-WANTKI ) , A llllinilT HOY IS TO IS YKAItS JJto deliver huts and clean store. Oberfnldcr's , IU3S lllhst. 511 | S BWA.NTKD. . IIOOKKKKI'KKS , CLKltKS.CAS.lI- ler , stcnoeraphcM , talusmen , t-acheri. portcrfl. mrclninlcf , cooks nml all portions iTanthiK work of any kind to call or address with MIIMMJ , chl- cnco Kiuploymcnt llureuu , IU8 Hfth ave. , room 1 , Chicago , HI , _ SI8 [ j * IWANTKI ) , STONKCUTTKIliT AI'I'LY AT I'iBril.Slxthuud Jackson. YunCottrt X Dennlnon. M5IJ 1 * _ n-WlHTKUS WANTKI ) ! SHOIlr"STo'lllKS. . J > > kelches , travel , poetry and mlfcolluny suitable for newspaper use ; coed prices paid , Address , for particulars , The Kvuiu I'ress llur.'ttu , 'Iroy , o. . S.'l 18 * _ _ _ _ IJ-WANTKII.A ItKLIAOLK I'KHSON TOTAKK J'tho BKfncy In their lown for ono of the hen nay lint article * on thn market , lletalls for Za cents I'uysllU per cent proHt. Sells to every'fnmlly. In- clotettiimp. HoborlS. West , l.'luveland , o. . _ _ 619 IS * B-SOJ I'KII CKNT PHOFIT , VH1TK LKTTKHS. door plates , house iiumbcrsi tliipst mndu ; eiclii- lvn territory ; samples 4c. , IlellefouUlne M f g Co Cincinnati , . . . . * . . y'i 5AJ IB- B-AJKNTS : AUTOMATIC IIOTTLH S'lOI'I'KllH for saloons , hotels. drut'nUts , home line , ui , Lalcsl Invention , it.i-fiil. ornaiiu'iitnl. s mi lo prepaid , Me. Cliculnrs free , ( ilobe Novelty itiL > o.'JQ llowaul t. , New York , 6J7 is' II 1 WANT A' YOUM1 MAN WITH I' rnili. tu lake a one-half Interest In „ | iiinoi. , | WANTKI ) , YOUKO MAN FOU OKI'ICK ) MUKT JJbe Kiiod penman and accurate In tluuros. Ad dre Hoi -JU4. Council Illuns. 673 IK ODD T > -WANTKI-ONK OF SMITH'S OMAHA HOOK 4Jkeoi > r . keep books and collect ; .alary I/O / Ad. dress Hardware , llee otllcc , Council llluii.f 670-IU > -WANTHI ) . HIIIOIIT 1WANTHI YOUNO MAN A11OUT 18 J > old. Kobr k yeari Clotlilim Co. MS 13 B-AdKNTH. WOO MA1IH MONTHLY HELL1NO our n w cutlery i.uclally. Write for term , Jl o lioar & Co. . llilh and Walnut , Kao.a. t'Uy t'Jl IS * nTO IIS I'KII DAY AT 1IOMB. HKLLIN ' LlKhluIng I'lator and platlDK Jewelry , iatchc. iBblOHare.etc I'liteitbo anvil or Jewifr/Vood uuwon all kliulior metal wltu uold. ilivcr 01 nickel. No cxiicrlcnce. No capital. Kvery hoiii lias itoodi ncodlUB plntliif. U , K. Ueluo .V Co. LOlUUIUIH , U. yj | B. ' ' * " " - * 11 4VlA3IKO < * irf * * * 'ifl\lfDBFn - > ol oncrnetlo n i and wuuiuu open for perma ncnt work.V ilrneicluslvo Icrrliory , Wuguar nt t > good workern : iO u wuek. Wu furnish ottJca f nrnllure. delivery tesm und uowspapor mlvertl.- Ing Our artlclu Is a monopoly. It will suvii Viper cent of Iho coal bill * of evoryoody. Full parllcu. lurs by mall. Lithographs , iiamplilets , Ho. freu uiiou rooiilpt of po.laiiu. A ill res. Uoal--par Co. , fcjllllTer.treel. Ho.tun. Mass , M4M IB * B-r8ALnMKN. TO HKLL IJUIt C ( ) TTiiNATION duor _ clieck boll and bumper. Particulars fivu. tliiUy Door Check Co. , Dopt. IT , Unity lluildlnir , vlilcago , l nj | 5 1 } HA.STKlV A UOOD IIIIMillT YOUNii 11OY * > at Kuhu's Uiug sturd , lilh * ud Duuylas , (7d la WANTKD-MAI.E Coiil/liilfiC / H-TIIAVKI.1.NII HALKSMKN TO HULL IIARIMJ puirdcr , To Ihn right man liberal salary nnd com contracts will bo nindt * . Kxpi'llcncn not nee- nary. If you ausiter nny nil In 111 Is column nnnwir thl * one. 17. s. Chemical \\orks , 810-840 Vnnliitrcn , Chicago , M 18' ' _ _ nWANTKI ) . S'ALKSMKN WHO VISITTHK IIK- I'lall grocers to sell an arllcU as n shlo line , a rapid seller , good communions. Address Puhl A Webb , 157 Klnilculicft. ClilcngO. fiOO 18 * _ -AIKNTS WANTKI ) TO SKLL "PA1NTKHS" JJIcad. Nooiperli-nco npce ary. Fiitlcuaranlro nnd 6-unncn sample. McllHKOOdi on sight. Snvcn dealers JI2U per ton. I'rclirlil prepaid. Commlfsloiis liberal , F. Hammer PnlnlCu. , St. Ixmln , Mo. 1WANIKD , MAN TO no TO TUB PACIFIC J 'coast and take charga nf permanent branch for large Chicago home ; will pay nil running expense * . and salary of * JvO per month and allow a percent age on nil Hie bujliic.M done : llveor leu yeais' con- tr ct Ifilcilrcili must Invest $10,1)00 cash In good- nnd merchandise carried there In stock and mint give cntlrn attention lo the buidnois. Henry Vor- non.ooi Home Insurance Uulldlng , Chicago , III , ( IJ-SALKSMKN ON SA t.AUV OH COMMISSION TO J'handln having ponder , ilood seller. Kncloso stump. Keiiwnod linking Powder Co. , mu Harrison ttrcct. Chicago. 4VS Ib * _ _ _ 13 WANTKDTTTFFICK MKN WHO HAVK HAD J'years of practical orperlenco with Jobbing houFCsnr largo corpointlon In the rapacity of checking oilenslons. Must ho rapid nt llmirc * . only hustlers ni-cd apply , A 1 salary to clerks having the necessary qualifications. Addrcis L 15 , lU'e , T WA.NTKII. KNI'.IUIKTIL' MAN OF JJcxperlcncollo mcel merchants Salary or com mission. John (1. Mcliuvor , IUO Caxton building Chicago , III. MM ! ll > * WANTED-FEMALE HELP. COMPKTKNTOIHL FOH OHNKHAL HOUS 0 work , liOi ) Sherman nve , 20-i -A HKCOND IHUL-MUSr HI ! WKLL UKCOM- mended. Mrs. J. H , Dutnuul , 'Mil Lafayette avenue. l WANTKI ) . I11IIL foil (1KNKHAL ( 11OUSK Owork , three In family. Apply at 1105 N. 25lh _ st ; C-YOUNfl ( illtL FOH CJHNKHAL HOUSKWOH1C , family of two , .113 S. 2Cth nvo. 37U-1S * C-WANTKD , A ( llltl , FOlt OBNKUAIj IU1USK- work ; small family. 1113 I'jirk avcnno. ( OTIS' 1-WANTKI ) , CO.Ml'UTIINT Illlllj KOll OK.V- 'ernl ' hoiuework nt liKI North 20th t. MI5I IU * -WANTKII , ACUMI'KTKNT Olltlj TO NIHIHB and Mfslst In second nork nt iiood WHKCB. Apply nf.'UI DoiiKlnsst. 4532.1 * CWANTKD , A WOMAN wno LS A GOOD cook nnd Inuiidress , t o In family , nnccs f.'i.U ) per week. Apply ntUlU DoUKhis. M3JS P--IHKI , WA.NTBI ) FOll IIOUHKWOIIIC ; SMALL wfiimlly nnd uood vMiB''s. ' Cull ut ouce nt''IMH 'list avc. 473 13 -NimSK WANTKD , KOll 4-YKAK-OLI ) OIIILD. Must be well recommended und lead ICiiKllsh. Apply at llio I Mel rimu. ' 550 la * _ pi WANTKD A IYOUNO (51HL TO ASSIST IN MnkhiKcaroof bft'jy. au7 lloilim. M'J U _ 0WANTKD , KXl'KlllKNOKD WOMAN COOK and laundress. Deferences required. Only com petent persons need upply. 221 North ISth.MMU C-WA.STKD , K.XI'KltinXCIJI ) SII1UT , I'A.NTS and ovcrnll makers at M. li. Smltu .V Co.'s , cor. llth nnd Howard streets. K Ib * _ p-ClHL KOUGKNKItAL IIOUSKWOUK IN KAM- V IIynf four. Apply 3IW Jaccson street. M5IO H-WA.NTKD , YOUNO WO.MAS'TO DISl'KNSK A 'proprietary article to the grocery trade ; export- mce nn advantage. AilJrcssJIS llnrkcr hotel , city. fiUJ 19 H-WANTIII ) . AT ONCK , LADIICS AND YOUNCJ V-'mcn. receive Instructions , keep books ; Rood sit- unions. J. II. Smith , 517S-hcely block. .Mi2ili * 1 .MILLINBKV ' ' - - TltlJlMKIW AND Al'I'llKN- Otlces nt3U7 so. KHh street.'J 13 -V-WANTAI ) , LADV AUKN'l'S TO SHLL THK "HyKChi KU'Ctrlc Curncts. Best sclllin ; nnd most irolltable. Kor terms eall or send to Western Cor el Co. , St. Louis , Mo. W > Is * r1 WANTiill-I.ADIKS TO DO WltlTlVC I-'Olt v 'mo ut their hoiuei. Send aldro49cd slumped en velope. .Mra. Violet ( Jordou , boxllU7 , Chlcimo , 111. 4UJ 18 * ( 1-L.\IIiS : TO INTKOIltTK AN Allllt'LIJ OK V fpcflal Interest to niurrle.l laillea. Just nlint la.y want. Full pnrtlculurs lUctu. Daisy Lo. , bj Jcurhorii Mrcot , Culcn o , III. CJ7 IB * n WANTKI ) . A OIIIL FOU ( iKNKUAL HOUSK- wwork , small family ; KOOd waKUJ. Call nt ? ( . ( ! )0uiu street. 57a-lb * if OR BENr-HOUSE . D-FLATS , DWKLI.INCS COTTAOKS IN ALL pans of city. Kilkenny &Co. , Cttnlluenlal blk. Oil D 'IOIIKNT.12-IIOOM HOUSK20TII AND DOIir 10 Btreets. All modern coavonhMicett. 1'ossesalon Klveii Iniincillatcly. Cull or address M. L. lloeder , Itoom { U.I , 1'axton block MtUj D -rou iti.NT : , IU-HOOM IKIUSK , ? jii CASS , { JO.IU. lleedAS-elby , lionrd of Trade. WB D I-LIST YOUK I'llOl'KHTY. UKNTAL Oil SALU wlthlieo. W. r. ( .oates , hill Farnaui. WJ D--F01I HUNT , ONK OFTIIli JlOjT COMl'LKI'K convenient and comfortable nine-room houses n Omaha , with hath room , laundry and nil modern conveniences ; also nlcj yard , ; it nK. cor. Jones nnd > th streets , between at , .Mary's avo. und Leaven worth street. jut ; - - IllllCIC HOUSH MOD1SIIN D-10-UUOM , CONVKN- Icnccs , S. Tenth st. . opp. Ilrowueli Hall. In- quireNcthetton Hall.oUJS. UtUst. V.V.I I'J , HOUrtK , CKNI'HALLY LOOATKD ; 'furnace and all Improvements. 7uO N. 1'jih St. jar D-LAllOK I.1STHOUSKS. 1'AUL , 1U'J5 ' KAIINAM Mli4ls''il * D-SIXjUOOM COTTAliB , WITH 1IAIIN , LAIKiK hallcd Ian n , line location , bears , Uk" New York Llle. ji | ; D-l-'Oll ItKNT. SI.X AND ' KVK.N ItOOM bTKAM m-nted tl.its , Si..V : ) toIJ.UUper munth. Inquire Nethcrlon llnll,8'J5 S. 13lh. UTii li ) D-KOItJIKNT. TWOl'IUST CLASS DKTArllKD nine room IIOIKCS , mudern : nclRhborhood bent ; nlthbarn. 11. C. 1'atterton , Kauiue block. D-FOIt IIKNT , ' . ' 3-ItOOM HOt'riKS , I'ASS street , between ' . ' 1th and ir.tli. H. T. Cluike. LTJ Hoard of Trudo. riiono 1HS. 410 D-1VHUOM HOt'SK NKAll Hlfill SCHOOL ; steam boat : stable ; modern conveniences. Tlio. . KJhill , OI71'axlon block. ; ) ; - - . IIOOM COlTAliK . : ' D--.1 , l.NQUHU 2513 C.MM'IOL avenue. M31U IS * D-1I-IIOO.M ( HOUSK , ALL .MODKUN LMI'IIOS'K- meiils , ' 'III ChlcuKO street , tlU.UJ per mouth. I'ercy II. Kord , McCu uo Investinuiit Co. , IJth and a iul _ I luilKrb Irpel K. ji-'t D-FOll liKNT. H-llOOM HOUSK. ALL "MODKIIN couvonleno.-s , nlth lariu barn , ZiUil'opplulon live. lmiulrontai7S. ISth t. I''O D-KOIl HUNT , it FLATS IN l.l.NTON IILOCIC. 1.1th und Mason streets , U rooms each , water unl KIIS. heato J by steam , In goo.l repair , rent krv. Inquire - quire ut'.U" In tha block. John Hamlln , a e it. it..M78I D-KOll HUNT , TWO 13-IIOOM IIUUSKd , ALL modern conveniences , on lieor li ave , 1 bloc'i from street railway. Apply room : i5. , lice llulldlnj , J. M. Mineral , receiver. 151 D-NH K TKN-HOJM MODKUN 1IOUHIC .taOriO. 17th st. und live-room cottage W' > ho. 34th il luqulre li.'t So. 17th st. Jolin H. F. Lehmann. 763 n - HUNT , a NINK-IKIOM 1IOCHKH WITH modern I'onvoalenci'n , ) u t llnlsheil , at 3Jlh and Ciiss streets. Price , f.U per luoiith. li-rooni lhit,2d slory,2lt'J Furimm htreut- Slorerooms''ll'-'JHU Karnam streut. 10 room house , nil uiudurn conveniences , N , R. cor. 23d and Chicago strectD. UI per inonlli. Puller .V ( iuorge , , M204 18 leth nud Fnriiam btreola. D - HOOM HOUSK. OKOIirilA AVK , HATH cistern ele. t-'J. Kmiulru ' . " . 'III ' Farniim , WJ 18 * D-FOU IIKNT. 8-HOOM HOUSK , MODKUN CON- venleiices , HUI Cass street. W. N , Nason , . not D - 7 AND ONK I ) UO'J.M COTl'Af.K. 142J 8 , ilhare. MM4-2J * DFOU IIKNT. FUHNiailKI ) HOU8K , CH1JAP , fur Ihu Inter. Apply 5'JJ South rjth ava. ava.M.HSJ 21 * D-FOH UK.NT. IIOUSKA IN ALL PAHTS OF clly. TIIQO. F , Davis company , liOi Farnam 81. , 4H _ D I U CO'lTAtiK , NKW , PHKTTY. FUHNACK. ' bulh.elo , , Hi miles from P , O. , 125.00. 1'hlolltv 'Irust Co. , UO1. Farnuni , ui 4 , . ' ' HOUSKS WITH . . ' .i.'iillmodi > rncoiivenlciiccH nuur lliui.eom park , P lonUli .neighborhood . , high and hoallhy locallun , (10 lo M per wuiilh. Hicks , 305 N , v. Life. _ _ _ M430 ID D-ONK OF THIS KI.NKHT HKSIDKNCK8 IN THK city ! 10 rooms ; every Improvement of it llrst class house ; furnace. Imiulru 1510 South luih. luih.HiD _ _ HiD in 1 --4-HOOM FLAT. BTKAM 1i } HKAT. FIIIST-CLASH. -i Ueturciices. 8111 B. Xnd ! slruet , room 0. iSS D-FOH IIKNT. ONK OK 1)11. VAN CAMP'S brick icrruce , cor. 20th aud Websier sts. _ M455 HI * D-I4J1 PAIIK AVK.NUK , KLKdANT U-IIOOM moilorn brick BUUSUI 3 room brick houses LOO K. C. ( larvln .V Co. . 2Q.S Shooly bile. . _ M IH ) | -KOU ItKNT. CHKAP. MtOOM IIOUHIC WITH or wlilioiit barn , yu . 87th slreel. MIO-J-IB * D-A DKS1HAIILK HOMK OF U HOOMsTTuTT. n nhi-d ur unf iiriiUhed. Parlies going to Cull- forntn , Apply on prumlsui , 1112 South 'JcnHi street. _ _ _ _ _ 55J IVON'-V ' TWO LKFT OK THIj"UUOJM COT. -'luges lu l completed , Have bnlh. hoi and cold water und modern coiiveuluuccs. Daslruble heinus for buslncu IUKII In bvaiillful Stanford circle. Fur particulars .apply to Slur l.ovi unit Trust Co. onunta , i. Nuw York Lltu Uldg. jjj . . uJk2U01CapltoUvviiuii. 630 Ik D-A la 11(1 ( U NUMIIKIl OF A NO I HOUSK.H. stores , tun. etc. . lor rent very cUc-op. Call fur lists. ucork-B I'uul , 1U)5 ) I'urnuiu. Mi. i'ou DFOU IIKNT , ( HIOI/NII / KI.OOII , 4 HIMIMH , modern Impruvomt-nK un Capitol Hill , i-iiltnM.i for hotiockeeplng. llorerenco li'iilred' | AiMreL II , llc . M8 l > D-KOIl IIKNT , A SI'LKNDII ) COTTAHK , r rooms , rlty natcn nil In Rood ordnri 118.UO per month , Al o n linn rotlnio , 7 ronmn , clly water , etc. : I.MOJ prr munth. T , C , lirunncr , room I , Ware block. ! > ' . ' $ IS * - ! ! NliW 4-UOOM COlTAdl'.y. flO I'KIl MO. , cor. Klavo. \ < . nml llrl'tnl si. MM ! > tV ) I FOIl TTl-'NT. SKVKN-llOOM HOIlhKi MoT ) . cm Improvomcntd. Apply ll > No. Kth St. MBIO SO * D-lMIt HUNT , SMALL HOTKL NHAH bT. PAUL depot. nu. ( per month. Park A Iloyn room I , N , Y , Life building. Mil.J HENT-FURNI9HED KOOM 3. 17-FUUNlSllKI ) HOOMS TO IIK.VT WITH ALL Ijmodcrnconvcnlcnces. 1Z strjot. fM I7--FOH HUNT , FUHNISHKI ) UOOMS , HKF- IJrences. No. S4J3 Dodgj l. MIB.I NICKLY FUIINISIIKII UOOMS. ALLMODKHN nTcnlencc , nlth ( r without board. I'OT N , tli. 130 21 * HOOMS WITH Oil WITHOUT HOAUI ) . 3KM : MftlS 21 * in-LAHlK , N1CICLY FUHNISHKI ) FHONT HOOM 1 Jfor four genllcmen. All modern convonleiices. ( .nil nliia North akl. ' -S.1 E-NIOKLV FtllNISHKI ) FUONT HOOMS WITH ur wllhoul board , 6M North ll'lh ' street. .M44S ll > * _ E -l'OH IIKNT , FUHNISHKD HOOMH. 810 foiith Hill st. _ _ MI27 HI * l/i-MmVIHUKD HOOMS , WITH OH WITHOUT Aboard , 1707JJkilgo. _ 4.17-18 * fp-IIOOMfJ VBIIY LOW TO PAHTIK8 FOH THK JUwlnlor. ( lentlfimcn only. Knqulro ICKI Howard tlrcut , second lloor , MIUI alT : _ * T ? NII'KLY FUHNIS11KT ) IIOOM , PHIVATK I family , near molor. WU S. 2'illi avo. M < Uii-i * 1-TWO FHONT UOOMS WITH ALCOVK ; ALSO Jonu Hitiall room , ( jtm , bath and furnace heat. touth 2Uth street. (31-18' I . " ' -FOU UKNT , KLKOANTLV FUUNISHKD heated roomi , ( X)1. ) S. I3lh nt. 4SU 23 1,1-YKHY LAHCK AND COMFOUTAIILK HOOMS. i-JOeiitleiuen preferred. UHJJ Cnpllornvenite , 472-Olfi * | 7-HiN Li3 on KNSUITI : , nor AND COLD -Jivnler In every loom , bath , gas , furnace heal. m5 Hurt si. , on ; i car lines , private family. 647 : li * E-PLKASANr LAIttlK AND SMALL NICKLY furnished rooms on cur line , IIJ So. 20th street , 54 ! , " -KOll HK.NT , FL'll.M9HKD SOUTH FHONT IJrooni nith modern conveniences , llcfercnccs required. 2ltl4 Capitol uvenuu. 1'ill IS * E-SUITK OF HOOMS FOH HKNTLKMAN AND wife , or three ucntlemcn. 113 So. i'ilh street. s Mbs : > 20 * 17-STKAM HKATKD HOOMS. FUUNISHKD Oil l-Jiinfurnlshcd. 17IU Nicholas street.M53I 20 * BURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. If-HOOMS WITH UOAllD. 172. CAPITOL AVK. L M573 b27 * p-220JFAUNAM , NICK HOOM AND HOAHD. . IIKNT , SUIT OF FLMtr.'IsHKD HOOMS with hoard , steam heat nnd bath ; references re quired ; r.'j ; . s. 2ith et. 374 in * 17-KLEGANTLY FUUNISHKD HOOMS. FIUST -L class board , ot "The" Uolan , 23'J and''ll N. ISth street. .M MB IT'-FOH ' HUNT , KLIXJANT HOOMS AND HOAUI ) atjlm Wehater Slli and SIB N lUth si. MSH'i 20 * 1FOU ItlCNT. NICKTYrFUKNISHKI ) FHONT J- room with bontdA Steam heat , Utopia , 1721 ? ) avt'Uiorl | ttreel. ' : ii.i-su * 1-HOOM AND HOAHI ) FOU 2 , F1HST CLASS ; Jell convenlcncea , D2J S. liltn st. lit ) 21' IS'--1 rill- M170-10 * J1 FL'UNISIIKDHOJMS WITH UOAllD ; HKl-Bll- cnces. 2211 Farnam. 43J J * IJ'-I-THSV ' CLASS HOOMS AM ) 1IOAUD , 1S1II C1I1- - > -casu lrect. Mill 21 * 17-UOOM AND HDAlll ) FOH TWO CKNTLKMKN Jf i.JO per week llrit clans ; Unglo room at f li 00 per month. VI8 North I'Jth street. Ssi : IS * FOR ItKNT UNFURNISHED HOOMd. G -1 TO 3 HOOMS , W .V. 13th St. 41'-SII * G -.1 L'NFUHNISHKD HOO.MS TO COLOHKD family. Price 510 , 203 N 13th St. 1WJ G-R UOOMS FOU UK.NT , Ul'STAIlis. J7I3 NOUTH 14th street. 471-lb * G-FOll ItKNT , 3 U.NKUKNlillKI ) UOOMS , 1UZI Doiiflas at , sin G KOll 11KNT , 2 Oil 3 DKSIKALK U.VKUK- nlshed room * , modern Improvements , conveni ent to tint-class hoard , near Jllidi school , liefer- enccs requlrutl , Address L 11) ) , llee. C57 lij * G.1 PLKASANT UNFUUN1S1IK1) UOO.M8. 2ol2 Huruoy. &t4 ! Ib * - - WKIISTKH STHKKT 3 G--17I7 FUHNISHKD OH unfurnished rooms for housekeeping , In iirlvate house ; 5t ) IB * FOB RENr-STORE3 AND OFFICES. -oitKNT , 'tiK I-H riiY imc J-'JH ! Furnaiu st The bulldlnx has n llrcproof co , meiit basement , complete steauiheathiK tlxtiires ; water on all the floors , gus , etc. Apply at the olllcj of Tliujleu. _ 1)18 ) 1-LAUNDIIY III/ILDINR NOW OCCUIMKD in- New York Steam laundry , most central In the elty. Locution Improving lor nil time , cheap to re liable parties. Apply Immediately. U. Tlzurd.24l North 2lth street. : ; IB * f-l'Oll HUNT , A KINK UIIICIC BTOIIK , WKLL J-'ocutcd for n bakery , hnrneds Miop. shoo hhop or moat any kind of Inislnim. lient very low to rl ht party. Also n nice very light corner bate- munt , u tiuod place for shoe or tin shop. $8 per month. T. C' . lirunncr , room 1 , Ware block. C.2MS I -DKsK ItOOM CI11CA1' . ADDIIKSS J , 4 , 1IKK. Ml IS * POll -FOU HUNT OH SALI--iOUI ) PIANO. Mill fenurdal. J-FOU IIKNT. A STA1II.K NKAll 27TH AND Doughtti Htrcetf ! , room for llvo lion * ? * , carriage room , city water ; will -ell eheau. Inquire .Milton Hogeri .V EOIIB. Mfi'jl ' 'JO WANTKD-TO KENT. X-WA.NTKD , y OH : l UXFUHXISUKI ) HOOMS , convenient to hoard nnd iletlrnLle location. Ad dress L9 , I'ee. 6j | HJ * K WA.NTKD , A MODKUN H Oil H-HOOM HOIUU In goood loc.itlon , three In family. Address Itoom IU , Mlllard hotel. il'J Ib' WANTD'UltNISHKD APAUTMKNTS FOlt light honiiiKccplng ! by man and wife ; must he II rut cluiia and centrally located , Aildretu L .i. Hee. * K-WANTKI ) . TO SKCIJIlr ; FOH THK WIXTKH a nicely fiirnlahed hoime. Mini ) family. No children. Deferences. Address L I , lieu. iJ Ib' K WANTKD , UOOMS ANDIIOAItl ) LV PHIVATK family , sulluhlo for one or two cjiiploi. North part ot town preferred near cur Hue. ddros L U , Hee. uu Ml * BTOKAOii. M -IHY'CLKAN A. I'HIVATKLY hTOlt t > FUH- nllurel'07Uouulai. unuiliasiovo Itepalr worki. -SIOUAIJK CIII'iAP CLKAN - fill M , , WKLL-J , 1 aniain slrrul. n ; ; , TO IS J T-KUHNITUUIJ UOUUI1T. Wells , llll tariltttu at. AT WK WANT A LAIUSK LIST OF FAUMS AND 1 > wild lands tu soil. Uuarsa Paul. IU)5 ) Farnam. ' MM7 24 * AT-WANTKI * . A FINK si'KiiDi.vri WAOON. IT J- > mint uo In tlio ht'st conUlllon and irulgh about 1WJ lo I.'J poiindi , H axel , n > hirgcr , mid eliuap , ad dress J. Hoop , M , I ) . , hux 121 , Illue Springs , Nub. M.W4 i'O * AJ-ONK ONK-HOIHK LILMHKU UK K.M'UKhH -I'2nd hand wagon , or exchangj for mihllo poijjr. Addronii L S. Lawrence , .Sli n , < btu mruvl. 600 IT JOK O-h'UllNITUUK OF A TKN-KOOM FLAT AT A uarKnln , Itooiiicru and boarders \lu Hie hoime. lleanon for selling , III ho.Utii. lle i looatlon la the city , AddremLb , leu. 6.1 } IH * 0-FOlt HALK , ALL Oil 1'AHT OK FUll.MTUIIK of tea-room IIOUBJ ut a LaiKalii , l injiirii | ut 1017 Capltul Ave. ' iKJi : VI * 0- MUsT HK HOLD IN NKAT TJIIHTY IIAVrf , .191 heaters , hard nud > ofl coal cook ttovesuiui ranges , now anil iceonil hand , 3U ! N , Itlih tt. L Hruniell. J1JI3 24 * aALE-IIORSES , WAUON3 , OiTC. | > . -FOUSALK , A SIXTY-DO JAIl'lS ) ! ' L forlJJ.W. H. K. Cole , Continent il bluc't. n-KOUSALK. A liOOD YOUNII HOllSK ATA L hurk'alu. hnqulru ut Windsor stables. 430-Ib * P-WKI.L IIHF.I ) . WhLL IIUOKKN. 0-VKAU OLD , -L light driving team uf horses. Addrest K 07. UIK. : 107 ) B 1J-FOUBALH CHKAP. OH WILL KXCHANIJK i. for new uprltlhl pluuo twolurgo onbhoises and two ililvliik'nur e , all yoiiiuund soiiud , liwner leuvlm ; clly. Inquire Ueonetl's barn , Capitol uve , 47 , IS * f OH SALE Q- HACKS. P1H1CHAUD , DOUGLAS IILOCIC. Q-FO MALIC. THOUOUUIIllllKIt PUU PUP pics , Apply 2JIU Harnuy sUJel . MUM Qi Toll SALK CHKAP. UJ.'JJJ ' H.iICK IN JL'AN tliii tu suit , tiuUUrteu , llarkur block , M.UT FOR Q I't'lttrillT 1'IAWUIIHAI' SITS. IHTII HT. Q-KO MAI.i : . -oX .i UAMt.l.N UIUIAN nlmi lioiincliuUI iftArtl * , nt 27i& I'lnckncr t. , til } ) AUDI 18 * _ \ Krm SAM : , fti < (5 ( > Ni > ttANiiTri'HWiiiTnu nnil niiriillrn. Krhflk U Hell , : W S. Intli t. t.MS 2I Q -itKnt.isit il < iK > nnd l'upilcij | Tinlna | oilt prlrn. llnx na. rKliUHAMJniJbAP. . I CONN AM ) I ( lU.NKKli vxrnlrotrumhono. Dill or mMrou Jno. Cnincrnu , room II , t'roiircr lili.cX , MIS \ * QNH'KI.K IMiATKll HAJI1II.KU bo rlililcn liy Indjr ur Kent : must soil ; J7. " > cn < h. AililruMl.ll , lire. H',7 18- _ ' -flo'liTKUM , 1'AY.MKXT KOlt A LOT IN Oiinilrn'o Intt'ft itililuiun , IrlnK liotnron ( Ininlm nnd now I'ort Omnlm , 'HitI' the prlro up In n rcrlnln inuntitT of liitn. Yon o.Jimet liny thorn nil for Unit. No luortunu ) on thin lirnpertrVrltefor pint. Him. 1 * . Uenjmnln , I.V > 1 Doduo t. .Mil IB * MIiCEILA.NEOTJ3. 1)TIN VVOHK. ( JKT IT DON'l ! 11V THK I1ATI ! Ivcitytliinerii. 821 North Rtli U , good work nml cheap. < V1U 18 * OLAIKVOYANTS. S- V. WAUUKX , I.AIltVOVANT. reliable liiulncsj nicillinn , Mftli jcnr nt II'J N ll'.th , S-AHItlVAli KXntAOltDINAllVi , rcvclnllons. Uinllpnues the norlil. .Mr < . Dr. M. Ie rnvu , ilend tranca elnlivoynnl , nitrologLit , pfxlinl t and life rumlor ; toll ) your life frotn the iTmllu to univo ; CIIMUI innr rlnituwlth thu one yon love ; lulls wbaro yuu will Biicci'ccl nnd In what huslnc. " best it litit | < > < l lor ; liai the CL'lelir.Ui'it Kityptlnn bronttplnto fer luck and to ilu'troy bart Intluciicoi ; cnra . II ti. liitcmperanco nnil nil prlrnto complaint ? wltti tna 'tuo , bathn nnd alcohol treatment , ton.l fi.OJ , lock of hair , niiine nnd dale ol lilrth and rocilvo accuratu 1 1 fo chart ; Sv'ualii Instnmpi for circular ; ulvu Initials of ono you will marry ! also photo ) of H.imo. Olllce 417 Htmth llth street , tlrsl Hoort liotirj , I ) n in. to ' . ) p. in Come one , comu nil , and bj coavlncoil of thl' min- dorlul orncle. .M 4r,7 1 * MA33AQEJ BATHS. KTC. TIUOAT .NrrsxT a 1 nml baths , scalp nnd hair treatment , inniiUnire .l'oitiKlH'ri ; lolli.Wlthaullldk CKU 'P- MADAM STOWU , MAQNUTIO IIKAI.lUl JL W)2J ) I'rntt street. K I JO 23 * MAIIAMK SMITH 131) OAIHTOI , AVKXUi : -L 3d Hour. Alcuhol , eulpliur ju > l sen InutH. St 151 S3 * i : . ! .A IlL'E ' , MASSAliU , 111 ! SOUTH I.Vl'II ltrcct , third Hour , lint 4. M .177'I * _ PERSONALS , CUT THIS OUT AND IMUMIINT AT COWAN'S photo studio , 212J Uuinlnii St. , nnd yon will bo entitled to n cabinet photos uf yournclf , xntln llnl'li. KlIt-edKeil cards , and one SxlU fur framing , forjl.c.i , without this $1 , fu'rlOdnys only. .M453 IS * U-A * OINO ) MAN OK GMl ( ) MOHAI.8 DKSIItKS the corrosponilonccof n nice yon UK lady between the nco of IS nnd ' . ' 1 ; one wliu Is willing to live on n farm ; means not necessary ; onu who IH cuiplujeil us a domestic preferred. Address U. K. Ilolnics , llltfgB. Cnl. 478 Ib * _ MUSIC , ART AND LANQUAOE. TKAUHKH , , N.W. corner l.ith and Ilnrney. | ) U \r--MHS. K. A. HOI.YOKK'8 SOI1OOI , KOll ItOVS ' nnd plrls. SIS' South Tldrtysecond live , will re open September 15 , ISK , 400 13 * MONEY TO LOAN BE AL ES TATE. - i _ j - - . . \\7--MOUTdACiH LOANS LKSd THAN 7 I'KIl CT. > ' lacludlns all clmrk'Os. Charles . llulnuy , 'Jiualin N'r.t. ba \ir-7PKUOKNT MONKY-NKT TO I1OHHOW- ers on Omaha city property. No extra chargas of nny kind. Why p-iy fiUh rate * ? Monuy It cheap. You can get lull bonullt of low rates from lilubu Loan nnd Trust Co. . Kith and Dad e. 070 \\r-LOANS. G. G. WALLACE. 312 IIIIOWN IILK. U 07i _ Yir ANTHONY LOAN' AND TUUST CO. . HIS N. Y. * i Life , lends at low iiilcs fur choice security on Nebraska ur Iowa farms or Omaha city property. . ii72 Y\r-C. F. HAHU1SO.\92 ; ! N. Y. LIFtf. \V-CENTUAIj LdAN'&iTllUST CO. , IIUK IILDO. 22 t 074 \-\r-CHKAP MONUY ? BritTtL W. P. COATKS , > IUU Kurnani. 075 " -LOANS ON IMPUOVI5D AND UNTMPHOVKD city property. ? 1,000 anrt upward * . , li to S percent. No delays. W.FarnamSmllh Jc Co.lJth and Hnrncy. HEAL K8TATB LOANS , ti TO7 I'KIl CKNT ; no additional charges for commission or attor ney's fees. W. II. Mclkle , First. National lluuk bhlg. IJ77 \\r-PUIVATK MONEY , 1ST AND 31) MOHTOA(1K i loans , low ratcH. Alex Moore lleo bhlg. 1178 \Xr-OMAHA 8AV1NU8 HANK MAKUS LOANS < > on real estale at lowest nrirket rates. Loam made In Kinall or large sums for short or long time. Nocummlitdon Ix charge * , and the loans are not old In the cait. but cin always bo found at the bank on the corner of IJth and Douglas streets. liTO \\r-MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPHOVKD CITY it property , low rate. A. C. Frost , Douglas bit. CSO T\F ' ANl ) 2-YKAIl LOANS ON CITY t _ _ ' ' mortgages , Heed i Selby , XI J Hoard olTrtht xn I ' -CITY AND FAH.M HKAL KSTATK LOANS nt lowest rates ; cotmilt u before borrowing. K. C. ( inrvln A Co. . A 3 riheoly block. 2IU \ \ r-WANTKD ATONCKUl AI'I'LICATIONS TOIl 'I louns. < ! co. J. Paul , HIJj Fariiam btri.'et. \ \ 7-LOANd. LOW HATKS..I'lTLK.llllOWN HL ' ' HiJ U5 \\II.L IIUY FI11ST MOHTUXUl ! . NOTKS. C A. Starr , lice bulliilng. : I5I 13' \ \ TheMONKY To LOAN AT I.OWKST HATUS. i The O. ! ' . Davis company , l5Ui Furimm street. \V-TI1K FIDELITY TllUsT CO. . HKCKNTLY ' removed to S. K. corner Hco bulldlni. . Is pre pared to close loans on city real estate promptly and at lowest rates. Submit application. 4)1 Oil \\r-FOIl HAL-K.KIIl'.TMCIUTIS AH KSHriJKITIKS 'I nn Omaha nnd Douglas couifty property. Deo. N. Hicks , : < ) j .N. V. Lift ) . SUM 11 ! MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. -1)6 YOU N KKI ) MONK Y ? V TUB FIDKL1TY LOAN OUAHANTKK CO. , Iliiiiui 4 , Whltnell block , cor , I6lh and Ilnrney ts. , WILL LKND YOU ANY hUM , FHOM flU TO f 10,000 ON THK DAY YOU ASK Foil IT. Wo make loans of any size , large or small , on household good * , pianos , horses , wagons , warehouse receipts and personal property of all kinds. 111 any amount , without delay , pub licity or removal of property ; cheapest rates nud catdi'fct payments. SKU US 1'lltSI' . m _ _ _ "V WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF SK- /vciirlly ; strictly contldonllnl. A. K. Harris , room I , Continental block. Hi ! - I'lllTLHAUD , 61 1KUIAS ! IILK , IU X DOIXiK. Hit V CHATTKL LOANS MAIIK ON KUHNITUHK , Vpianu. . livestock , etc. , without publicity or re moval properly at the lowest rates and thp vaMunt payments , Uun Ureen , roomn a tc'j Darker block. UtD -L'JANS ON CHATl'KLS. ItKAfiONAIILK IN- toresl , ii-irtlil I'.iyaunti 1 to li months. W. U. Duvls. U. ' 'J Continental block. Klovator iitli st. 'JIJ X-MONUY AT IMVf UATKfl ON ANY KIND OK security. Keystone MUa. Co. , 303 Shculy block. ' 'ill ) 120,000 TO I/OASr'-O-1 * OHAITKIj H builuesaconUdontlil. U. 55J lluurd Tra'le. O.I * V--'HATTKLLpANM ANY AMOUNT ) LOW -A-rale. J.I ! . Van UlUJer , room VJ7 , Omaha Na tional bank. , MIUJ-uT v io ) YOU WANT MONKV ON -A-furnlturu cud plum ) ' , horses , wagons and car riages ? Warehouse receipt * or personal property of nny kind ut the lovrest possible rates and In Ihu ( ( iilckckt po.ilble tliliu without publlclly or re moval of property. . ' ' i You can pay any part Of Hi- ) loan at any lime and la lhl > way reduce thu cant of carrying the loan. OMAHA-MvitiHAIllv LOAN CO. . -TtOom II , rreluhtun Illix-k , I6th api'4ppuglu > , no Jit to rosloltlci ) . ut X-MONKV MMNKil OIIKAI' AT VOUIl < ; WN lime. Nebraska-Loan Co , . 1JIO Douglas si. . 4l'J ' BUSINE38 CHANGES. _ _ Y FOlt HAl.K. KLKVATOII. FOU INr'DIU.A- lion aildrjis W. J. Illalr , Llnwood , Neb. 7l > 7 IS * Y-PoiT HALK , IIUTCHKIl HHOI1 COMI'LKTI ! al your own prlco. Nebrnsku Loan Co. . I3ID Douglas .ireet. Ml IB _ \r WANTK-T ) , A IHKD ) rAUTYWII'll A1IOUT 1 fi.WO.OOwho uuduritaiids Ihu grain and lumber butlneis , to take Hold of that business un Ihu line of the C. . II. A ( , ' . It. It. un Ihu I'huyenne illil.lon , where pur. y can do a banklnir and farm lobti , gruln und lumber huslnes at u .mull station , and plenty of bu liiu Biu keep a piny thoroughly eiupluyud und turn elf nt much Iiuslii0isa I. lour time i thu uni was Invested , ( iood HvliiK looms In building above the hank deparlmenl with lUluroi already for huslnvai , 1'lnatu uddrur all communlu.-illon. to IL C. I'almer , fclerllnit , Col. 134 81 * _ YCANADIAN K.MI'L'MIJNT OFFIOK. hSTAII- IMiedMynars ; buitpuylmf Uu lnu | u i > nmhu. om I , liOJ l-'nriism slroul. .M.Kr.'l ) V CHOI' IlllUtll' . ' IN J.1NCOLN FOIL bALK 1 dolufu gyuJ Uu luj i. AUdrust / . Ouuhu llou Lincoln , Mib. MII4 _ -I Oil HALK.HAUNKSS " STOCK i IHisT TilUA- llJnlaclly : treed Iradu ; must eel uut ; poor health. J , 11. NcB , Norfolk , Nub. UJ la * BU8XNK83 GHANOI58. Y-Klll SA.K. LI'MMii YAlll , COAL. I nnd DTP stork. Hood location doing n good liusl- hem. Address r , J , Hal llalllo Crei-k , Nnb. V-'INi ' ? 1HWINKSS CIIANCK IF SOLD AT .1 unco , r'or sale. Ino lease , furnlturo nnd tuturei of IhnMerrlam holnl , Kiiiahn , tonlnlnlnilU rooms , elegantly furnlnhed , nil rented , eighty pcnr , .ioiit uue t , , llc l pilvntn family lintel In Ine west. Will sell hec.tusa of poor health. For lurnu apply on preml > cs , 3Jth and Dodge. Mrs. It. M , 'futile. M5 IU * V'-IF YOU AUKPKKKINH A 1IUHINF.SS Ol'l'ltl ) . -1 lunlty In nny linn of huMn" * . ' wrlto for our bul letin , Inclo'lneiitnmp , Western lluslness Agent , Minneapolis , Minn. " Y WANTKI ) , tiOOD DOCTOIl , LOCATION FAS' ornble. olllco free , In Mrst-clim drug More. Ad- Orc Lock box L , , .Neb. M.Hil 1 * V-WANTKI ) . AN KM'iilllCNT.I : ) HUILIHNU -1 nnd loan solicitor , one who can put A board ofKK ) shares , , v In Omaha , nnd loan f.'O.W ) ) at'ouca. Address A II. Mctircgor , lleo olllce , Council lIluiTs. V-'l-OOOTOINVCPTINKHTAIII.I.SUKDl'AYINtl L business with services , Address L7 , llee.f.V f.V I8 Y-llOOTS'ANI ) SHOKS. 1 WILL 1'AY OAMI for a good clean dock of boots and nhops. T. J , O'Ncll , South Omaha , Neb. 613 18 * VMO. ( . < ' 0 STOCK DIHKIS AND .1KWKLHY KOll X land nnd cath. Splendid opening. Cull on or address K.tevcns , Durclienlcr , Neb. Ml 18 * Y-FOIl MAI.K , HOOK , HTATtONKUV AND WALL paper More with kindred llnci In ir nourishing railroad town of 4.IIOJ lulinbltaiils , nlll tnvolco about'iO.lH ' ) ! last year's snlei were over f.-l.UOOUU. Hare chance for pualiliig soungnmn. Address K (3 , llee. 617 IS * VIF YOU WANT TO 1NVKS1' TKN DOLLAIIH ' nrlle fur my plat nud full Information concern ing the loin I nm lulling at ( IU each. 'Ihei-e lots urn liicuteil between Omaha and new I'ort Omaha , nre fren from mortgage , every lot n nice building lot. and fill In full iiayiue.H. Kncloso ' 'c postage for more Information. Lliurlc * 1 * . lienjamln , IIM Dodge street. MJ-18 * YOU CAN 11UY A NICK LUVKL HIllLDINC. LOT lying helncen Omaha and new Foil Omaha , free nnd cleir rrom mortgnge. for n $10 bill. Hera Is your only chnncu to own n hoiuu lor ex-iclly SlUi send | ioita < e lor plat and full Information ; sale nil this week. ( haries 1 * . Hcujamln , sole agent , l.'iOtt llodgcsticel. 6H.I-16 * \ ' -FOIl SAllK , AT A lllll DISCOUNT. FOlt > cash , n stock of nlnlcr clothing ami furnishing goods. .V splendid opportunity to go In the clothIng - Ing hiKlnc' * , only one other small straight slock In lonn. y.uuo Inhabitant' , rich farming community. 1'oor health cause ot n.-lllng. Address J. C. llet/.el , AVUCII , la. .V.675' ' ! ' KOR JiXUlIANOE. / FJi xciiANoic-wi STOCK ln maniifHCtiirlng concern doing good buslne s In Omaha that no will trjdj In whole or part lor good work hursc.H. American Fuel Co. M3.VJ y WANT LAND CHI CITY I'llOl'KHTY FOlt TWO stallions. One trotter and one .Norman , llox ' . ' ! < < . Khcimndoah , In. .Mo'JT ] U * V 'lOTUADK FOU CLKAH WKSTKHN LAND , ' -'tnclvo head of marcN , cells nud llllli > s ; also reg istered 11-year-old Ktalllon , lull brother to Field- mont , the pacer. For right kind of land n good trade can bo made. Call on or address C. N. Km ery. llpnlrlco , Neb. 414-24 * y-CLKAN STOCK OK ( iKNKUAL M'D'S'K ; WILL S-nakc real estate A money. Uox 2'Ji , Frankfort.ln.l Ui7 / FOU 3ALK OH KXCH AN(5 ( K , COTTAI5 K / fronting south on ( 'timing street. In Carlhnzo addition ; seven rooms , pantry , closets ; force pump cistern cesspool , comontcd cellar ; well built and llnlshedln hard pine und oak. 1'rlcc J-i M. Apply to W. L. tJelby , 3.)4 Chamber Commerce. tisJ -CLKAUOMAHA UKAL K3TAT.1 ! actual valuation. Money to loanUox 513 , Onrilii M327 /-I'LKAH KA11M , IlOUSi : AND LOT IN OMAHA ' -'and ciiih for u good hurdnaro stock In good lown. K. F. Hlnxer. 1516 Farnnm. llH-iS * y-FOHTHADK , 4.0JJ ACIIB i LAND NrtAH CI1K Y ' eniieVyo - , ali fenced nnd watered ; will lake- Omaha properly , vacant or Improved. Ames , 1507 rurnum st. 3IH13 y WILL K.XCHANCiK FOH ( iOOD NKIIUASKA / Jliinil , a line Ill-room house with all modern con veniences , good barn , cic. Address , U .VI , Hee. 1177 ! S * _ _ / 'nVKLVK THOUSAND MKHCIl7\NOlSK , FINK ' - running Mock. Five thousand cash balance , clear properly. Lock 'jox 2ii , Mu-irl , Neb.M.7.W M.7.W 21 * y-COOD HKNTAL I'HOPKHTY IN OMAHA AND ' -'eastern Nebraska lands for a stock of milni > . John N. Frcnzur. MI52 : W * Z Itt ) ACllF.S IMI'UOVKD I'AHM LAND IN central Neb. for exchange for clly or lown prop- elty ; price 510.00 per acre. Also Iti acres Improved for J7.UO per acre. Co-operative Land nnd Lot Co. , Alj No. Kith tt. 4S4 23 FOU SALK Oil THADK , STANDAUD HHKD horces , one-half brother to Nancy Hanks. Can be seen any time. AlMi f.irms and wild lanils. II. F. Dalley , illU N. Y. Llio bldg. 475-22 * ILAHUK HKSlDKNCi : AND LOT. ONK .MILK ' ' 'from postnillco , for tlrst class land In east Ne braska. Addresi LO , Hee. 6il IS * y-WILLKXCHANUKI'NINCL'MHKUKDOMAHA 'rcul uslatc , logelhcr with a line lot of bugglcn and carriages , for good Nebraska unimproved land. Address K 11. llee. Uf , 18 V-TO THADK , $8,000 DKNVKll CITY LOTS FOH * Jn good farm or lands In Iowa or eastern Ne braska , mines , Blocks , elc. C. F. Leltucr , real cu- late , ! Curtis street , Denver , Colo. MIT' ' 2J * Ji'OR SALE-REAL ESTATE. . Solhy , Hoard of Trade. Hill . 1 BA1KJAIN--OOOD COn'AliB , HO11MS , 1JAT1I , cast front , H. w. part , na-ir molor an 1 pavement , nice location , S-.WI.OJ , worth ; i,5)j.OJ ; terms eaiy. U.Hulls. . JOdo. 17th si. 4XJJJ4 pHOICK I'AHMS FOH SALK IN IIAUUISON v 'county , lown. Send n.iaie with slaui | > to our address , all , ! receive full d lerlptluiii. A. A. Wil liamson \ Co. . iVoj.l hu , lo-.v.i. " . ' < s3 ! * 17OU SALK : SIX ItOOM HOL'-SK ) IMIM'LKTO.V avenue. Modern conveniences ; mo lei home : fl.WJ.W. Ueed \ Selby , Clumber Cummurce .MITll lllSALK I1YT1IK OWNKl'J.OJJ ArlKS OF I Nebraska'n llnest farming land nt a great sacrl. lice. (1. H. lytciMin. Hll'.S.I.ith st..Omaha. KS o'J l70HHALK-iOODL'T : WITH. I-HOOM COT I'AOK X 35th and Hurt streets prlco (2,7JO ; smatl cash puymcnl. h.ilnnco monthly. ( iood reshlencHluts within 2-H miles of postolllco , from f.'i.'i to f IJO ; one-tenth cash , balance monthly at 7 per cent. Acre property close to South Omaha , from I2.VJ to fl.VOO per acre. 1'otler & ( icorgo Co. , ICth and Farimm. _ _ _ .Man : tu IPOHKALKCHKAI' , LOW I.NTI5UKST 1AT11 1,1 hlock23 , Omaha View , fachr ; sonlh on Lake St. ; grade Just right. J. M. Ourslcr , Council Illuirs. Mllil ) _ _ _ _ _ rPWO LOTS WITH 6-HOJM COTTAI1KS KACH , 1 clieap , on monthly paymcnls. J. K. Yau ( > llder , room 207 Omaha Nail. bank. 415-ls * TVT1CK LITTLK COTTAIJK AND LOT. ONLY 4 1 > Mocka from High school , within easy walking dlpt.tncu of business portion of city , $ I.50J. ICICgant new modern built house near Hnnpcom park , nil conveniences , uplundM neighborhood , all ready for occupancy. Kasy terms , n.vtu Two nice ii-room Hats on Weit Ciimlng streel , only (7.0 < jeucli. tico. N. Hicks , MJ5 N. Y. Life. _ _ _ 41718 1 'OH SA1.K. 10'IIOOM II1IICK IIOIIHIC , MODKUN .1 Inipiovemeuls , good barn un T.'mt slreot near 1'ark , Must be told , at a big sacrifice , K. F. Itlnuor , _ _ t 4IMU * fl'IIHKKFOHTY-FOOT LOTS LV WILCUX'H AI- 1 dltlun. two blocks north of Krug's new Hroncry. (400 each , flu do n and ( IU a month. Heed & belby.Kll Hoard of Trade. 48-.MD E' ' I 11AVI1 three very nho moilurn hullt houses for sale In Haiiflconi place , near Hilrty-becond street and Poppielon avenue. 'I'llKsi : hoiikcn are new nnd modern builtnlth all cunyenlcnccK , lucludlug haiid > emu Lath rooms , fur- nacj. splendid brick cellar , etc. NKI'llHOIIHOOI ( ' ) Is all Hint ran ho iloslrod. nnd the locution la one of Ihu mosl pleasant and healthy In the elty. IN OIIDKH lo ollccl A OIMCIC.SALIC I will olfer these houses at a very low ilgtiro for thu next ten dii > s , Cull at my olllce , ; uu N. Y. Life building , nml let me slinw you tlienu lionsen. Key * mnyaliolin ohlalned at HW South Thlrty-llrst utreet any evenIng - Ing Iroaiii to 7. lllll IIAIU1AIN IN IIKSIDKNCi ; LOTS , Three beautiful re lduncu lots near Haimcnm park , covered nllh line iiliaduaiid frull Irei'K ' , villli HC-A erase , water ami gas ; uplendld nidghhorhooilr high and hrallhy location , Lois are cheap ut t'0i ! > , but If sold iiu'ck ' cnn olfer for (2.400. UAIKiAI.NS IN AIJUi : PHOPKHTY ( 'LOSK TO OMAHA. FlVKacretnoarclty , ntilundld Ir.ict ( 2.SOO TKN acres clone lo Hull Line railway dWJ TKN acre ) . Weit Omaha , elecBiil tract , only Vi minutcii drive from poitonicu and ' 'J mill- uti'H rhlo lo foiith Omaha , will lake vacant lot or farm in llrst payment t'.MK ) TWK.STVucrc-s close to I'elt Line rullnuy. . . . 10,000 TWKNTV-FIVK acrus , Weil Omaha , elegant garden Irucl 7 , 00 l-'ollTV acres , llnvst tract of nero pioporty iiround Omaha , close lo and overlooking new fair grounds , nlth largo IIOIIKV , ham , rlcgaul gruve , drives , ele. . will plat Into 'Ml lieaiitlfiil lols , New molur line lo fair gtmindu will make the property toll for three llmcH the price asked. Call midget FOHTY : icreV , Wesi Oiiiuhn'niiiir Hull rallvray , only KM per acre. KlIiHTY acres only 5 mill's from the iiljst- olllo. ' , u splendid bnrgnlii at J.'Tl per ncru. . . . 2' . ' . M Parlies calllnit ut my olllco III I'O show i ; properly utunv time. lil.O. N. llll KS. Hoom : iui .New York Life hiilldlni. . 4 IT-18 17011 SALK. HKALTIFULLOT.40 FKi-.T FhoN I' . I < 2llhst..houlh0maliu , near C. f .000. Apply to owner , lldom II , Hushmaii blk. Omaha. 411 ! OIU .l' . MMJTII- /eiut front , f > 5il'iU. un fnvurablu turms to good imrtlu t owner le.tvlngelty ; B ruiimsaiiil barn ; all iiiopurn Improvement ! ! rare chunte ; liive.tlk.-ate. Addre.sL _ " 12. JU-o i olhcn. _ WU Vl _ tiriHTr ! "toil PLAT A.N" | ) FI'L , INFOHJIATION > i cuncernlng loin I am ktilllnti for (10 each , lying bclweuni mahnuiid new Fort Umulia. You will wuiiiunu. 110 Is lull piDiiu-nl fur a lot Irre from mortgage. I'p lo a curluln number we will sell these luts ut f 10 ejtlu L'lm . P. llvujaiulii , solu Bgtul , iijO Uuunu t. WJ Ib' LOST. .K.V , ON 8KPr HTM , KIIHM 'Wlhand Paul utrrnM , n Inrvn Imy horsn. Light tiiilid , ha < n xiinlmrn mark on hip nnd side , wan hitched to an up"ii pn > 1 uprliiir huif'y. Upon hrldal , A reward for Ihn return of same lo S.ti. stcveinon , 8.114 Frond * ulrool. Hd N FIIOM SOUTH DM Ml A 'O.\ng , ? o. ono bar nitilc , wrUhlnu 1.01 pnundf , while iio o. "bcr..l row.iril for rolurn or Informa tion , ocn . . .OK. 4IS-2I * _ K KA7TliVTAm Hnrgaln * onlr. My word H vouil , W. ( I , Albright , . 621 Z-3 .New York Life. M4I7 _ I OST-IIITWIKN : : FOUUTKKNTH AMI Tiim- -iJty-llrst IroeMon Farnam. n | inlr of cold rim- mcil oyp Klaesr-M. Will Under kindly leave the same nt the olllco of the Amcrlc.ui Lonn ami Trust Co..lia.Fnrnnm ) st. iJOj-lS * _ OTUAVMII olT STOIiKN A UKI ) . DKIIOIIN hi ) cow with piece cut out of ear nnd scnr on hip. Liberal reward for her return. I ) . L , Johnson. 17 N. Y. Life Illdg. iV.l IS * DRE33MAKINQ. l ? MlAHKMK.VTfl 'I'D DO DIlKSniAKINO IN families sollcltcil. Miss Slurdy , 3D SlMth st. \VANTKD , DUKSSMAKINO IN FAMILIKS ou 'I at home , prices teasonnbla , Mlu 8. II III. WJ y. sotii m. > HIS _ _ _ A FllFsT'ClaSS DUKS.SMAKKUVI.IIKS SKW /Vlng In families after the 18th. Address K 03 lice olllco , 421 \\r A NTICI ) , KVKUY LADY TO KNOW THAT tHIK ' can learn llvo iirofes < dons free nt : HI New York Life. Wo te.ich yju how to cut garments lo lit without trying on. With ur nltliunl > i > atuj , > cnm- less knrim > nl9. Madam Aherly , vcprenuillng Prof. Delnmorlon , Paris , France. UopresuntntlTes wanled. M411 2i * _ T ADIKS , FOH THK NK.VT 10 DAYS WK WILL JJmako line tailor BiilH for ftUJ. ) Mrs. Maine Uogom , 1717 Webster street. 691 Ib * _ DANOINQ SCHOOLi . . lANCIN ) ( Armory Ave. , will rj.op.Mi for the sen on on Saturday , October 1st for children , and Tiii'sday clobor 4th for adults. Circular * , nt Snow , Lund A. C'o.'s druz store , IMh and Farimm. Private lesotn can bo taken now nt their resi dence. 2.HHI Dodze St. IW ! 07 DA NCI Ml CLASS FOlt CHlLDlllIN SA'iritDAY aflernoons nt Z'M : , Idlcnlld hall , 21th nnd ( irnnt. For terms apply lo Mies NellleCamplon , 2814 X. ll'th ' avenue , oral hull duringclnsK. M'.l is * THE SlIOKThSf LINlfTO CilloAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , as represented on this map. (3CEDAR RAPIDS | Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave * Omaha daily at 7:05 : p.m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a.m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- , nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. .IMG TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGBATH STATIONERY OO. , 1304 Furnnm Struct , Omaha. Union I'licllle System. Auction. The following iinela nicd b.ri axe wilt bo solil at imiillo iiuvlloii at K Walls' Auction House , 1111 Kartiain street , Omaha , Nub. , ciiiu- incnuliiK at 7D : ! D. in , , Woilnesday , October 5 , 18JX' . anil continuing nt the s.tmu hour unch sueeeedliiK < ltiy until sold : X.lne I'ruiiUs. inarUed N. J. Nlal. Lon niont ; Onlur Lcdfonl. lilillilruss : James O'Uo'lly. KilcnsbiifR ; W. .7. Kunucly. Kist SaKlnaw : lieorjc Walker. . ) . W. Newell , eattluV. ; . J. IJoylu. I'ortliiml : I'hll Holmiss , I'red J. Italj- coek. C. A. Stand , V It. lla.lirHoury Sliur- 111:111. : W. 1C. Iveeinan , K. 1' . Adams. T. K. C'.ir- ' pnnler , Krank 11 ilennnn. Orion Tlinyor. A. W. Coininnt. W. 1' , Wells , Julin Uitnnesoti , Jlaiid Kd wards. Itussut Triinus Ida llarvoy. Georso K. Har ris , Charles Kannnll , .Mlx.s W. I'unnisun , Itoxos K O. Anderson. Suit l > il\o , Leather Trunks 1'crey Warren , K. W. Itltick Vtillscs I' M. Knrll. Jesses S. Chow. IlutiUlo Miss Laura Hiorluml. Also BOO pieces of inlscullaiicousnrtlclcq cori- slstini ; of KIIIIS. bundles , blanUuts , valises , trunks , bu.xcs.chcslM , ote , not. marUen. A. TltAVNOll. SI-ll-18 ' - ' " > . Gonoial Ha Kiiuu Agent. RHILWRYTIMEGHRD n ni tUJ n ni | l.'JUpml Oeiivor LlmlluJ II.V.'i p in LOJam Fast Kxpruii | -.OJ n m l'.UOam.KnnsiiH | CltvKxcont ( Hunday ) . . | il.iO : p m 0.0'J p m | . Ml. Paul Llmllod hlOUX CITY A PACIFliT"A7rlvS7 | Traniforl Union Depot. Council IlluftV iTrnnsfor TJi'tt'iiin.Sloui City Accommodatlo"ii.H.oo | \ > m k.'My jnL11..h'l' | ul Kxpr.n . . . .I il.IJi m I-cuvei ICHIUADO , llt/UL.N A gUl.S'UV.I Arnv Jl Tran f r | _ Vlic'l'l L" " ' Council Illulli iTrauti Clilcazo Knpruii' 6.10 pm 1000 pm Chicago Kxprmi lUi a in 7.0J p iu Crmlon I-ocnl 7.11 n m Leaves I OM A" | | A VbT. UXltfl. lArrlvji OinahalU. P. ileiml. lOlh uml Marey 8li. | omaha mtUPOSAt.9 J'Oll kllKUTION OrSOUOOfj .1. liuliilltiRfi. U. 8. Inilmn Hamnp. Oninlift nml Wlintoimito Auonojr , Noli. Wlnnotmuo ThtiMtdii County , NoKi Aiiisiiit ' . 1SK. Hculoil iirnio | < iaii. ! anilnrtcil "I'rnptmlii for Krnct Inn u ( School Htillillnjji. " ami uililro'.soil ' tnttin iitulMUiioii' ( ! WinnolnKO , I Iniriton County , Noli , will bo received at tnli n onoy until ono o'clock p. in. ( it Soptonilx-r ' .Mill , IS'Ji for tlio furnish us of nil noctm.iry labor nml material * anil crpcttiu noir tbo Wlnnolmno A < * , onuy , ? oK , Ihrooft ) IWusto.'jr lir ol < school iHillillnv1 * . ni pnrllin plans nntl stmollloalltms which iiinv Ito uxuniltif.l itl tbo ollUo of thn "lloo" of Omaha. Nob. , llio " .lnuriml" of Sioux Oily. Iowa. nml t this nyotiey. IIM- ilors nro roqulro'l ' to follow llio "form of uro- pojal , " ncoomiianylii ? tbo Rpccllluiitlons nj cln ov : as tholr bid. * will permit. HUU RiHHiltl stnto tbo urato .n I . of uarh tiulld- liu niul for tlio Kro.ipof linlltlln . Tbo rlRht Is iMprveil to ro jet nny or nil bids or neiy p-irl of any bid If duoinun fiir tbo hint lutor- o lof tlio sorvlco. Cnrtlilud oliooUi.IC.icli bill mini uoneoonioanhM by u portlllol olu k iirilinfl uuiin snnii ) lliiltcil States dooosltory orsolvont national bunk In tlio vKMmty of tin ; residence of llio blildnr , nniilii tityaliin lo tlioordor of tlio L'oinwis-tloiior tif Indian Af- fnr. , for nt lo.'ist llvo per cunt of tlio amount of llio propostil , which chock or draft \nil us forfuitml to ttio United Hiatus In eiiso tiny bldtlurnr bldilon ro-olvlne nn uw.rl shall fall to promptly oxuauto : i contract with KO.I nnd siilllulent. sureties , olhurwlso lo bo 10- tnrnnil to tbo blildor. Bull iiceiiipli inlo.l by c.isb In lion of a cortlflnd cho l < will not bn icmsldorecl. Kor nny furtb r Information , 119 to bnililln ; situ , moans of transportation , etc. , npnly to UOIIKKT II. A91IL-UV. U.S. Indian ABCUI. siil'JH. _ " Slip-riir * .sail. ' . Under nnd by vlrtito of un order niiido by tlio lion. U U. Scott , nno of llio JmUes of tha illstrictccurt within and for PuimUs county , Nobraslin. In llio following nctlon p.MHIlim in silil : court , towll : Tlio Slamlaril Stumping eomn.iny vs. J.ovl ( , ' . limrul and I'r.inu .1. llol/.ul ( OooUotJCI No. 7l nnd to nu > dl'Oi'to 1. I wilt on llio 'Jtsl day of Kipti < inuur. A. 1) ) . , ISC.1. roiiiinenolnir at 10 o'clock In tbo foionoon of s.ild day. nlKii North intli street ( n tbo city of Uiiiaha. DotlRlns conntv. No'miska. ' suil at null lo auction to the blbcst and best lilddor.s for < "islioroii ( tbroo inoiitlis credit with an- lirovcd security ) tbo following BOO. Is'lrtt- ti'ls borotoforo lovloil upon by nio by virtue of un order of nit ichiniMit Imuoil hi tlio abitvo ( "Hilled nctlon , towlt : "A stoi-u of st.iplo anil -ncy crocorlos. Hour nnd otlierniorehantllso. " Tlio umlorslKiio.I reserves thu rUht to su 1 this property us a whole , or In sopiratn u tr > cols , nsln bis jiidetneiit shall bo for HID boat Interest of ull pr.rtlos eoncurnuil. UCOIIIIb A. llKNNBTT. SliorllT of DoiiRlus County , Ncbr .a ia , lly JOHN Linn , " , DoMity. Oinalm , Nour.isk.t , tfoptcnibor 10 , IS.1. ) slJil lit m o for Sellout llnlKllii , propoaata will bo rouelvo 1 by tlio siM'i-etar.v of tbo Uo'irl of udnc.illon , until 4 o'clock , p. in. , Monday. Sept lUlh , ISU. . for llio const motion of u two story lO-room brlok school bntlillnK , on tlio Citntur scbojl .site. In accordance with plans uiTfl sp.iulllcatlons on Iliu In tluiolllcnof .lolin l.atonser. Ar.-liltcet , room (105 , Merchant's National Hank Hnlldlns. boiionito bids will bo received for carpenter work Including all work nmtor cnrpuntar specifications , and for mason wori , InoiiidiiiK uxeavatlni ; , ooncrotlin ; anil onts'ono work. Illclsfor boiitlns with not air and stoum , will bo received. Each bid must be accompanied by n cortl- tied chock fori'.OO. Tbo board reservoa tbo rlKbt to reject any or all bids. lly order of tbo Hoard of Kdncatlon. Eocrotnry. OUAKTEItMAbTKK'S OKK1CK. vy Omaha. Nob. , boptemlnir Kith , 18y. ' . Sealed . In trlplleiite , it III bo received nt this ollli-o and ' ' by 1'ost Qnarlertniislor , I'ort Nlobrnrn , Neb. , until two o'clock p. in. , cent nil time , October iitb. : isjij. and then opened , fet l.SOO cords soft wood and a,4Jii.iHO Ibs. bltiimliions coal delivered at Kort Nlobrnrn , durliii ; current INc.ilyunr. I'ropoinls for de livery nt otlmr points will bo entertained. II. S rusurvus rhrht lo n-jwt any and all bids. and to iiceept less iiuaiitltas than above stated. All information furnished on appli cation to this olllco or Test iiiarmaster | , I'Ort ' Nlubrara. Knvolopcs c-intalnlii ! ; pronosuls to bn marked " 1'roposals for fuel , " and adilrosned as abm'o Indicated.VM. . 11. Hi ; 111 IKS. Lieu tenant Colonel and Deputy ( jnnrturmiuilar Uenenil , U. S. A. . Chief Quartermaster. sl-IiUlo'l-T _ II IKK QUAItTEiJMASTKIf-T'oi.-iril iT Oiriiihn. Neb. , Sopleinbor l.'ith. WJi , Sealed jiroposaly , In tnpllcati- , will lie rece vtvl at thlsolllco until two c' tlooK n ic. , ( ) i < lier , nth , 1MU , and then opencil. for fninlshlim Shollcil Corn , reiinlrod In tlie Dcp irtment of the I'latte , during ( Isoal yo.u- I'li'lin.Juno ' auth. ISUJ. Tbo U. S reserves Huht to reject any or nil bhla. All InforriKillun fiinilshed on application hero , or to the 1'ost f Depot Qiiurtermastors. Knvoiopes containing \io- \ : liosala to bo marked" I'ropositlB lor - at - , " und adilres < oil to WM. It. HUOIIICS. Llcnleiiant Colonel and Deputy Quartermaster General , U , S. A , , Clilof ynr.r- termaator. s"xlltoi-i. | ! I'riipoHals lor Furmif'efi. Scaled iiroyoaals will bo iocoIva-1 by tha secretary of the board of u luuatlnn until I o'clouk p. in. Monday , Supt. lUth. 18J" ' . forplao- Ini ; furnaces In tbo Dodie school Uulldln ; . Tiio board rerorvos the right to reject any or all bids , -y orJorof the lloar.l of Eilncatlon. OIIAULGS CO.NOVER , s'diat Secretary. lildH lor HtinilH. The vlllazo of Oordon will receive sealed blcis for SI.U7. i woitb of water boads. The bonds are $11)7.50 ouch , ' . ' 0 years , with prlvllcgo irf uayliiK aflero years. The bonds are 7 per cent. Kull Information can bo oblnlnoJ by addressing tbo village cleric. B. I ) , MOUKISON , SlIlaTt'.M Gordon , t-borldaii Co . Not ) . DOUQLAS COUNTi"3 ANSWER. .South Olniilm'rt Seliool Levy CIIHUV1I1 He Fought In the C'onrts. The mandamus case brought against llio commissioners of Doulai county by tlio city of South Omaha for Iho purpose of cotniit'll- Ini ; the oommlssionors to levy a school tax ot l--j ' mills upon the taxublu properly of tlio school district of South Omaha will not tia decided by Judge Irvlno next Monday mornIng - Ing , as was his intention. In tbo early part of the light it looucd ns though the county would Ho down nud not mnlso any showing , but yesterday , utter consulting with Iho loners , County Attorney Mahoney do. cldcd to fllo bis answer. Applica tion was made to the court nnd lenv grantutl lo llio ihn dociiir.out next Monday. Tills will throw the woclts , us the attorneys will now argue the case. case.The answer which Mr. Mnaonoy will llio admits that it will Do necessary for the city of South Omaha to raise $25,000 to purcliasu sites and for thu erection of buildings lliura on. It admits that there was u mooting of the Hoard of Education ol South Omahu held on Juno 0 , 161)2 ) , wheu a resolution de claring the necessity of levying a tux of 1'J'tf ' mills was adopted. It admits that on .luno 18 the board demanded that tuo cnmrnis- mlssionors refused on the grounds tbiu tbo school district of South Omaha bad not com piled with the law , and hud failed to report to tbo commissioner. ) on estimate of tbo funds that would bo required lor the support of the bchools , for the purchase of sites and for the erection of buildings. lu addition to this the ainwcr BOtsuptbo fact that the oallmuto filed wltu the commissioners did not show the umotinr. of money needed , but purported lo convoy the Idea that the sum of KiQ.OOO would hnvo to oo raised by lovy. When the corrected estimate was ( Hod the tlmo for making the levy bad passed und the couimlsslonors were powerless to not. In the district court , YY - ' Hoolnson hat brought suit against the Omuba Huso Hull association to recover f ! )0 ) which , ho alleges , Is duo on a ground lease. The plaintiff alleges that in 16S7 , together with Jo mi Hardln , ho look a twolvu-yoar lease on tlio buso ball punt and tLon sublet 11 to thu mno ball association for an annual rental of I'M ) per year. Tbo plaintiff aslts foru lion on the fences , crand stand , buildings and Beats thai are now upon the ground ) , GLEAN YOUR ALLEY. The 1'ollce Tuko u Hnnil In Alillni ; tlio llo ril of Heiilth. Tbo Hoard of Health has commenced IU raid upon the filth of tbo city and promise * tliat tbo fight shall continue until every Luok yard and alloy smells arswcot an a rose. Briifht and early yesterday Cnptala UormacU , who is acting chief of polloo , do- tolled Bovon mon to report to , and worlc uudor , the directions of Dr. Sonieri , com- \ mlsslonor of hoaltli , The mon ut oncu wont to kerving notices , Instructing pcoplo to clean up their premise * at oaco , and In coat * pllance "lib tbo terms of the health ordi nance. Thov wilt bo given n roasonnljle longlh ol tlmo In which to do this. Whoa that tlmo has expired , If tbo nuisance * have not beuu nbstoa o&ob and every offender will bo arrested. The board doei not propose ol purpose any half-way policy. It will force I ho mutter to an Msnuo oud treat all allUo , whiHher tboy bo rich or poor , princes or pauper * . Uo\ViU' Barsapurtlu u rouanlo.