Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1892, Page 11, Image 11

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Omaha's Jobbing Trade Keeps Up a Lively
The t.ocnl Itotnll Trnile liar * Not Improve
Very ftnplilly Memo C.iiln In tlio
Number of I'cuplo Employed
In tlio City.
After an nctlvo summer's business thcro
wcro tboso tunonc tbo Jobbers who looKed for
some decrease In the volume of trade durlne
the present moutli. It did not urpcor hardly
possible that the demand for nil classes of
merchandise In a Jobbing way would lieep up
Its mtdsumt.icr paco. So far , However , these
Jobbers who wcro anticipating u decrease
linvo been , for the most part , happily dlsap-
polntcu. Everything Is moving In n niost
satlsfatlor.v manner n Jobbing circles and
complaints from tbnt source are unheard of.
Dcnlen In dry Roods , hardware , boots and
shoes , ute , , say that business is Rood because
thcro is plenty of money In the country. Con-
Bumota want the goods and they have the
money to pay for tbom , and they Indulge
themselves to u grouted extent In what , might
bo termed the luxuries , thus Increasing the
demand for tbo bettor grade * of goods. Dry
K'oods Jobbers -say there has boon a peed de
mand for heavy flannels and other winter
Grocery Jobbers hnvo or.othor reason for
the good trade which they are experiencing
in addition to money being plenty in tbo
country. Tbo ( allure of the fruit and vege
table crop leaves Itio people with only corn
unit , which , though very handy to
turn Into cash , becomes rather monotonous
ns u steady bill of fnrc. Accotdinglv there
is nn orortnous demand lor all kinds of
canned fruits and \egelables , dried fruits ,
cereal goods and in fact for ovcrvtblug that
would naturally help malto up for a lack of
Irosn fruits nnii vegetables. I'riccs in thcso
lines are fltm and thrro Is no ptospect of a
Uccrcuso in the demand until another sum
mer season rolls around. For those reasons
jobbers of groceries are Invariably predict
ing the Lont'nuancQ of grod trade thiough
the present jear at least.
Ilotiill 'Iradi * ,
As tbo Jobbing trade depends entirely upon
Ibp retail trade , it Is hardlv necccssury to
H-.d that uuslnoss in a retail way in tbc
ic.imry is very satisfactory , us otherwise it
\\3Uldboirapdsslblo to report tno Jobbing
Dado us ubovu. The' largo crop of Nebraska1 ! .
staple farm products last year , together with
u fair crop the present season , has nluccd the
formers in very ensy circumstances finan
cially , and they are bujing freel * of the
country merchants und paying with reason-
bio promptness.
The retail trade in Omaha continues quiet ,
i1th no immediate prospect of any verv great
Improvement. Tbero Is , however , some rea-
ion lor nntlclpatlne some improvement.
There Is mow woik bulnpr done in the way of
public improvements , am ! there has been a
little moro activity noticeable In the building
trades. Taking ttio city as a whole , Ihcio
tro probably n teed many moro peoplo'cm-
ulojod than thcro weio u mouth or six weeks
ipo. This would naturally make some dlf- to the retail trodp. The ocly ques
tion is as to whfilber enough moro mcu have
l/aen gi * en"ork to maUo any very decided
linpiovemcnt in trade.
.M'niuf mining lntcrest .
Business with nil those mantifacturcri
who Job goods out tbtough the countiv is
very salt ; , factory and tbo niajonti of tbo
loctories uru qu'to busy. As u rille tno man-
olacturcts are anticipating a good business
during tbo present fall and thu coining win
ter. They will make u stroi g cftort to increase -
crease the si7e of their business and If they
can see tholr way clear many of them will
increase tbcir plants , boveiul Hi ins have
H ! ready announced that they are considering
V tlio advisability of puttin , ; in moro machin
ery. This will us u matter of course necessi-
lalo the employment of moro factory hands
Which would bo of gient help
to the retail Undo. Tbo manufacturers
lav great strops UDOU the home patronage
movement and say that if the people waut
factories in tlio city all they huvo got to do
is to buy their product and tbo manufac
turers wll [ bo only too clad to build iiioro
nt.d larger factories. The only way to solve
the question of dull times in Omaha retail
trade Is lo increase tbo manufacturing inter
ests , of the city and thus furnish moio work
for luooring people. ,
Omnhn' * Locnl Trailo Viirofully Kovluwod
lj mi ixicrt. ; |
"Tho cholera scare has pushed sugar up and
possibly stimulated trade in that article , but
usldu from this the wholesale grocery trade
goes on boner than ever witn collections
f.urly good and prospects for the fall unj
winter trauo as bright ns could bo wished. "
Tno speuitor > vas W. H Kobcrsun , the
Omaha macngcr of I { . G. Uuu fs Co.'s mcr-
cuntilo ngfiicy , and tbcn ho dropped the fol
lowing additional observations regarding
local trade :
"Tho dry goods houses continue to bo
crowded with aiders. The boot and shoo
men Laio u belter Undo than last week. In
hardware circles everybody is busy , though
Ihe dealers in heavy hardware sny tbcir city
trade in not so good and collections are
Mower than last mouth. In leather and
.findings the fall trade U well on and brisk as
could oo expected. Drugs lira in food de
mand , esncolally lor the country tiadc , nnd
lints nud caps , ( .lathing , harness and mil
linery wholLsaleis are in excellent spirits.
Lumber trade Is quite as coed as last wool ;
mm batter than a j oar ago , but tbo orders
uro mainly from tbo country. The city
trade Is not Improved. Liquor dealers , both
\vholosalosnd retail , complain of dull trauo
und the cool nights of Soplombor uro reduc
ing the consumption of beer.
"I am carry to say that retail trade In the
city continues very dull. Excepting in
boots una shoos the season has been excep
tionally hard on the omallui lotallor" . Tney
ore keeping pretty close to shore ,
however , as a rule aid are moreover
than usually careful not to over-
buy. Nothing can rosuscltato this
branch of tbo city's commerce oxcop1 an in-
crease In the number of wage-employing In
"Heal estate is simply flat so far as sales
ore cancelned , though what are called
snails'on tbo street arc not often offciod ,
und when offered do not go begging for
"Tbo com mission trade for tbo week has
been rather moro quiet than usual nhd oper
ations have been largely confined to ( jolly
fornla Irultn.
"linn Hers are not agreed ns to the state of
tbo money murkot , koine claiming to KCO evi
dences ot u bettor demand and others hop
ing , but not expecting , an early change in
the situation. Money is still cany und Intoi.
crest low.
"At South Omaha trade was qulto nctivo
the llrst part of the week but fell off the las )
few du\s because prices on cutllo were ham
mered down. The packing house Improve
ments aio approaching nearer completion
und everything Is being done to get ready
for tbo good fall and winter business contl-
dently expected.
One of our travelers writing fiom the
Republican Volley noya : 'Crops In the
Valley buvo boon unusually good this season ,
wheat uvuraglnir twontv.ilvo to thirty
bushels lo tbo acre , sotno pieces running , as
I'luh a& forty bushels. Corn la also aiinx
itfllent crop und sufu or nearly to. Fiult Is
very scarce. Considerable laud U cbaucln )
Landi at prices 5 to 50 per cent abo\o tboso
uf ono year ugo and farmers an ) happy
1rudu and collections only fair. This .soar's
irop hits not jot been felt by the trade.
Wheat Is very low and farmers are protf
Linorally ablu to hold for belter prices.1 "
\\Vlsh Presbyterian North Twenty-fifth
* nd Indiana sireots Kov J. Morlnlc Uii'h
eras , pastor , Services : Morning , at 10UOa :
in. ; ovenlni ? , at 7:80 : p. m. , * vben Mn. Dav
ics , Hachcl O Fou , from Wisconsin , * vll
preach ut bnlh meetiiib' * . This grout uomui
is rcuurkablu fur her preaching and \ol
known throughout tha United States as wol
tu in tbo nativa homo of the Cymry , Wales
Sunday will be u grand treat to all the
' Wt.Ua folUs of Omabo. Cordial invltutlou I
plvcn to Ml. HeaU free. Wednesday evening -
ing At 7 itO will Ira n prayer meeting.
First Hnptist C'tiurrh , corner Piflo > ) nth nnd
iJavonnort streets -Kov. W. P. Holllngs , U.
U. , pastor. Prcnchlnp sorvlcn * Habbitth
mornlne nnd evening , at 10s30 n. rn , nnd 3 p.
i. Sunday school nt 12 m nnd 3:30 : p. tn. Thu
regular prayer meeting of the church Wed ties-
av nvonlni ? nt 8 o'clock. The younc poo-
do's society meet * cvety Friday evening. All
eats nro free nnd ovmv one is cordially In *
irltea to attend ouch service.
FiMlChrlstlun rhurch. corner Twentieth
nd Cnpltol avcnuo T. iZ Cram blot , pastor ,
'reaching at lO.IH ) a in. and 8 p. m. Services
n chsrpo of Bo > er nnd MiClosky , the evnnc-
INts. Meetings will bo continued tbrough-
iui the week. Many are uniting with the
liurch , An invitation to all ,
Ullfton Hill Sunday School-Corner
Clifton street anil Military road. Classes
meet at il p. m. , including senior nnd Junior
hlblo classes. Younp people special1 ! ? In-
vltcd to Junior blblo class. If nnv church or
Suiuluy school have Sunday school hymn
woks to dispose of thov.mlcht ' kindly com-
mumcato with Mrs. 'Mi'Dill , 4.JI5 Grant
treet ,
Ullfton Htll Presbyterian Church Corner
it Clifton street und Military road.
Services at 4 p , m. Will bo conducted on
Sundnv by Mrs. Dr. Swcltaml uf the
city ml lon of Omnhn. A cordlr.l Invitation
extended to all. The special gospel moot-
ngs will bo continued unothor wceh. Every
body uelcomo.
Uraco Evangelical Lutheran Churcn ,
rv\cntv-sixth street botwonn Pooploton nnd
iVoolwotth avenues The castor , Uov.
uthcr M. ICubns , will preach at II n. m. on
'A ' Forward Movement , " and at 7:30 : p. m.
on "Tho Inspiration ot the Scilpttires. "
Clifton Hill Baptist Mission , Forty-fourth
md Grant strools Picachlnsr service at
0:30 : a. m. Sabbath school at close of service.
Grayer meotlnr TuesUav evening nt 8 p. rn.
Strangers welcome. Hrlnp the children.
Southvost Presbyterian cnurcn , corner of
rwrntit'th nnd Leavcnwcrth streets , Uov.
J. H Shields , D.D . pastor Pieachiue services
vices morning. 10:45 : ; evening. 7:4) : . Young
'eoplo's Society of Cbtistiun Endcavor,0:45 :
\ cordial Invitation Is oxtcndud lo all.
Immanucl BaptUtChurch North Twonty-
'ouith nna Uinney streets , Kountzo Place
{ ev. Frank W. Foster , pastor. Hogufar
orviccs nt TUliO : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m.
Slindav school at 12 m. Younp People's
ncolingnt 0:15 p. m. The pastor will have
"or his morning theme : "Tho Greatest Ques-
Ion. " For bis evening tbemo' "Tho Lion
leaned. " Public cordially welcomed to
nil our services.
First Congregational Church Corner of
S'metccnth nnd Davenport streets. Ilov.
Joseph T. Duryoa. D.D. , pastor. Preaching
) v the pastor nt 10 I0 ! a. m. nnd 7:45 : o. m.
Sunday school nt noon Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening ut 7:45. Sunday evo-
nine ; Dr. Duvea will cill tbo youne mo'n nnd
women together for thb purposo.ot formtnR
n young pooplo's society , nt which it is de
sired that nil of the 3 ouup pcoplo bo present.
First Unlversnllsl church , corner Nlno-
tcnnth nnd Lotbrop streets ( Kountzo
place ) . W. Franklin Smith , pastor. Ser
vices at 11 n. m. , subject , "Some Hesults of
Faith-Doubt Conflict. " Sundnv school nt 12
m. Younc People's Christian Union at 7 p.
, n. beals free. All arp welcome.
First Prcsbvtenan church , corner Soven-
iconth nnd Dodco streets. Hogular ser
vices at 10:30 a m. and S p. rn. , conducted by
lev. C. Sloan. Sunday school at noon.
Younc People's Society of Christian Endeavor -
doavor meeting at 0:45 : p. in.
Both UJen Baptist church , Park nvonuo ,
near Leaven worth Kov. C X. Harris , pis
or. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Ser
mon bv the p-istor. In the ovonlns ut 7:30 :
nformatlou concerning the Omahu City Mis
sion will bo given bv a member of the board
tiundav school at 9:45 : . m. Seuts are all
ftce. Young people's mcetinp at 0.30 p.m.
St. Mark's Kvatigollcal Lutheran oh" jh ,
corner of Twenty-first and Burdotto s , . ju ,
lluv. J. b. Dctvveilor , D.D. , ptstor. Church
sctic b at 10:30 : a.m. and S p m. ; Sunday
school nt nojn. Young people's prayer meet-
m nl 7 P m.
Qvntbiu Chn tlan Church 4313 Nicholas
street. Joseph Shields , pastor. Pioacbing
morning nn J"ovonmir. Younp People's So
ciety of ChiiEtiun Dndoavor at 0:30 : p m.
ifd'iy school nt 12 m. Mornlne subject.
10:30 : o'clock , "Jesus and the Illch Mm. "
Evening subject , 7:30 o'clocic , "Thp Apostolic
\V'av of Salvation. " All scats frop.
Ml Saints' Church Corner Twenty-sixth
nnd Howard streets ( take Fuinam street
cars ) . T. J. Mackay , rector. Morning serv
ices at S and 11 o'clock. Evening service at
JO o'clock Sermon topic , morning , "GodN
Wet k and God's People , " n pastoral. Ser
mon topic , eveninc , "Amone the vVoeds. "
Sunday school at 9:30 : a.m. BIolo class and
service Wednesday at7:3J : p m. Young men
and strangcts always welcome.
ninth nnd Mason streets The pastor , Kov.
John Gordon , D.D. , will preach at 10:30 : a. m
and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 12 m.
Meeting of Young People's boclcty of
Christian Endeavor ut 0:45 p. in.
Kountzo Memorial English LiUtborau
Church , corner b'.xteonth and riarnoy.
Kov. A. J. Tuikle , the pistor , will preach "at
10:30 u rn. anil b p. m. Subject in the
moinlnc , "IIolp From the Highest. " Even-
in p ; . tooucg people , subject. "Tho Sacrot
of Struncth" Sunday school nt noon.
Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor -
deavor at 7 p. m. All nro invited to these
sot vices.
Contra ! United Presbyterian Church 113
Noith Sdvonteonlb street , between Capitol
avcnuo and Dodso street1' , Kov.VJohn Will
iamson. D.D. , pastor. Services at 10:30 a.
in. and b u. m. Sabbath school ut 12 m.
Young pooplo's meeting at7. p in. Subject
of morning sermon , "Invitlnc Opportuni
ties , " and of ceuinf"Lessons | From David's
Kelgn. "
Paik Avcnuo United Presbyterian J. A.
Henderson , pastor , will prc.ich at 10:30 : a. m.
uiid 8 p. in. Senior O Y. P. C. U. at 7:15 : p.
in. Junior O. f. P. C. U. at4n. in. Tbo
theme of the morninir sermon will bo "Wis
dom or War , Which ? ' In tbo evening the
pastor will sneak of "Hlnurances to Djs
cinlcship. " EvervboJv welcome.
Knox Proibytorian Church Corner Nine
teenth and Ohio sireots. Preaching in the
morning by the pastor. Rev. Asu Leach. A
missionary concert in the evening with an
nidress bv Miss L M. Cart.
First United Presbytnrlun church , corner
Twenty-first "and Emmet. Kov John Al.
French , pastor. Services at 10:30 : u. m nnd
fa p. mv ith preaching by Kov , II. P. Me-
Oluskm , D. D.
Trinity Mctbodlst Episcopal Church Cor
ner Twonly-llrst and Blnnoy ( Kountzo
Placu ) . Kor. W. 1C. Moans , pastor. In the
absence of the pastor to the annual con
ference there will bo no morning or evening
services. Sundav school ut 12 in. Cnworth
league mooting at U p in.
Park Avuiiuo United Presbyterian church ,
J. A. Henderson , pastor. Preaching at 10:3J : (
a. m. and S p. in. Young people's mooting at
7lf : > . Strangers made welcome. Sc lb all
Unitarian church , Savontoonth nnd Cass
Htreets Service * will bo resumed tomorrow
morning. Kev. J owton M. Maun , will
preach u sermon marking the third anniver
sary of bis settlement. Sunday school at
12 o'clock.
People's Church , on Eighteenth street , between -
tween California and \Vob > tor Kov. Charles
W. Savidgc. pastor. Prcucblng by the pas
tor at 10:30 : u. in. nnd 70 ! p. in. Scats
freo. All uro welcome. Sabbath school at
2:3'J : p. m.
The Chinese Sundav school Women's
Christian Tompeianco Union will meet at 3
i ) . in. nt the Fii-bt Presbyterian church ,
corner Seventeenth and Dodge street ; ) . A
cmdiul Invitation Is extended to all Inter
ested in mission work.
St. Matthias Church South Tcntn street.
HI. Kov. BUhop Wortbington will oftlciato
ut ull the services on Sunday , September 18.
Trinity cathedral , Eighteenth and Capitol
avenue. The Very Kov. C. H. Gardner ,
dcun. Holy communion , 8 u. in. Sunday
school t U:45 u. ro. Morning prayer , lltanj
and sermon at 11 a. in. Evening prayer and
sermon ul7:4i > p. m.
Churcli of the Uooti Shepherd ( Episcopal ) ,
corner of Ohio uuiJ Twentieth strouts J , P ,
D. Llvvyd , roctor. Holy communion , 8 a. m
Sunday school nnd youur pooplo's blblo
classes , UM5 a. m. Morning set vice 11 a. m
Evening service 7:30 : p. in. Seats free to all.
St. John's Church ( Episcopal ) Corner
Twenty-sixth nna Frunkllu streets. Services
Sunday at U u. re. and 7:45 p.m. Sun
day school at 11:45 : a. in. ; dullv services ut 5
p tn , , except Wednesday , at 7:45 : n in.
bt. Andiovv's Church ( Eplsuonu.--Corne )
Forty-second unit Nlcholus , , Walnut Hill
burvtcosSuudny ut 7:30 : , U , 11 u. m. und 7:4.r :
p. m. Sundav fcchool ul 10 n. in. Dall * service and Fiiduy ut745 ; p. m.
St. Paul's Church ( Episcopal ) -Cass
* * out of Thirty-second street. Services Sun
duv ut 7:30 : n. to. , nnd 5 a m. Sunday
school at IU u. m. Friday evening at 8 K. Palton , floouiorJ , 111. , wrltosi
t rom peruonnl ouperlenco 1 can rocommonil
Do Witt's baHuparilla , a CUM for linpuro
blood unit t'Onoral uobillty "
All the Sappers Were Gunning for Leopold
Bloom Yesterday.
\tlilc Ironi tlio lllddin Kpl'odo All the
Trailing IVm Very Dull nnil Prices
lU'iichcil the llottnm figures
for the 1)HJ- .
CIIICAOO , III. . Sept. 17. The ealplni crowd
irnctlcatly all going cunning for ono mini
.conoid Illoom vras the spectacle afforded
oilix > on 'change. They worn working on the
theory that the 500,000 or 0 0,000 bushels bought
vcster.luy by Humsoy A. Ushtner for Illoom
s almost sure to come upon the market If It
remained weak , nnd they were Inell.ied , so
conflJcnt were they , to antlclp lie and help
the realisation of their belief. The scalpers
wcro not qulto certain whether 1-03,000 bushels
or so of wheat which came through Counsel-
man & Day , Has or wns not \iurt of Iho
lllonm line they had been looking 'or.
Asldo from the Hlocni oplsodo all the mar-
pts were very dull und prices tonight were
nt the bottom figures for the day. The de
clines amount to 'ie In wheat , J 'c In corn ,
oats from 3io to ' c , lard 74p for .Innuary and
ribs for the same month ic. The tccllngwus
n sh irp contrast with the temper which pro-
uillcd nt the close yesterday. Then there
was u coed demand und appearance of
strength ; toduy there WIIB little Imiulry , frcu
selling nnd extreme weakness.
Uablcs were oisv. Thu estimates of Ileor-
bolm telegraphed jcstcrday that the wood's
wheat supply was 18,0)0,003 ) bu. In excess of Its
wants tended to discourage holders. The
ongs begun to liquidate and ns there was no
demand , prices were steadily reduced and
showed very llttlo rallying power. As the
wheat traders hue in some iiiomiiro been do-
liendlng upon llio d imago to corn to help the
lirko of their specialty , the absence ot further
'tost was u weakening factor regarding wheat
is well us corn. Heavy local receipts also
continued , as they have sonin time back , to
oxorolso a dispirit Ing Influence. * *
It was u scalping murkot In corn most ot tlio
se-ston. It WHS larpoly u local market also ,
as the country was doing but llttlo except
sending in conflicting ritmois. A few of the
private vvlro houses bun bullish nows. Ono
special correspondent wired thut the frost of
thu 14th did gio it dumage to corn on the line
of the Nortliwo-aern railroad through Ne
braska und ud * Iscd grain men to t tUo a trip
und sea for themselves. Other private advices
wcro equally bearish , saying that frosl did
no dainaco nnd that with the bolter weather
indicated for the month the crop Is as good
as .s ived. The 1'rlce Current comment was a
llttlo mixed. It reported little dainaco but
said thut : my hard frost tn September will
jive n great qu tntlty of softiorn , The move
ment continues heavy to this market.
' 1 ho oats market was narrow and cull , rul
ing weak through } mtmtliy with corn ,
'llicruwus considerable changing from Oc
tober to Jlay , l"e d Iforence.
The provision trade was u time affair , weak
In sympathy w ith corn nnd Influenced by the
fine weather , \\rlglit was rcporlid to bo
doliu what he cou d to supoort prices , with
the p LcUnglnterosts for the mo-t pirt np-
p irontly inUlned to take a different * low.
I'lcUhts weru rather quiet Kates to Buf
falo rein lined it5c for whiat und -Uc close
for corn
Monday's estimates uro- Wheat , fOuc.irs ;
coin-IliJ car ; oats .101 ems , hojs , .n.OU head
The receipts estimated for bogb for the entire
week 1110 UV'OU ' liu ul
The luudlnj futures ranged as follows :
UITIII Es Ol'i.S. | llllill
Win \T .No _ l
inter 72-i $ 72
October 72 U
December . 75H 7MC 75) ) S
Cons .So t-
October . . . .
ii r
OATS .No 1
October . . .
MasSIfs 37' ( 37H
SIf-s 1'oiiK
October 10 10 10 10 1U05 10 OS
Junuar } , 11 SJ n 75 11 "H
October . . . . 40 1 40 7 3S 7 40
January . . .
September . . 7024 7 65V , C2
October 7 f,1\4 \ 7 ( , . " < 7 (
January . . CIO 0 10 i. ( ;
Cash quotatioiib were lib Collowa :
rwiuu Quiet : tin spi-cial chansosj winter
patent , iKlK > ® I UO : stnfzhts , $ ! 40ii.l"0 ; spring ,
SIOi4fOj spring stiaU'hls , ! J.jj.G ( ! ) .
\\IIU\T o. 2 sorlns , 7-'ci No. a sprlns.
C4JiG07c : No 2 rod. 7'e.
COIIN Lower : No. 2. 401ic ; No. 3 cash , 453i ®
4Cc : Nn. ! l yellow. 4Cc.
OATS No. 2. .u' ' c : No. 2 white , J3'4tt 3'ic ' ;
No. .1 white. J2jic. :
KvK-No. 2. Vi'ic.
llAin.Ki .No. . ' , fi7a ; No 3 , f. o. b , 4. > aoJc ;
No 4 , f. o , b. IK.349S.
PI.AX Snrn No I , $1.0- ' 5'ai.03. '
TIMOTIIV fcEtD I'rlnie , $1.70.
1'oiiK Moss , per bbk , J10. ' 51MO : lard ,
per lee Ibs , * 7. J7i57.40 ; short ribs , sides ( loose ) ,
* 70U < a" . < > . > : dry salted shoillucrs ( Doxedi. Jfi.53
fllH ) : short clear sides ( bo\eil ( . $7.0aSSOO.
\ViiisK\-IJIstlIlers' finished goods , per gal. ,
$1 15
fctmAiis-Cut loaf , f a : > 's3 ; granulated , ri'.c :
Standard "A. " Ti c.
Kotelpts und shipments today were as fel
ons :
Hour , Imrrela 13,000
Wheat , bueliclB . . 853 WO
Curn bUBlicIa 82J OJO
OntH , biiBticls JIO.OA )
Hyo. buslu'Is , ll.OU.
lluiloy , bushel * MOJO
On the Produce exchange ted ly the butter
miirkct wns eisler : funcy creamery , ly WJc :
Hue western. llk&J'te ; Ono dairies , 'Jiii.'lu ; or
dinary , loaiOc. L4zs. tirm ; lili' for selected.
Xeu lurk HuriieU.
NEW YOHK. Sept , 17. ri.oun-nccolpts ,
SO/-Uj pkgs. : exports , n.'ll.'bbts. und U73 sacks ;
dull und ste uly ; sales. 5.1UU bUs. ' Low uxtra ,
$ J.llttJ.OO ) : w Inter wheat , low grades. J..owa. ) 01 ;
fair to fancy. J.IOOI 01 : patents , Jl.liicl 40 ;
Minnesota clear , l.OJgkJ ) ; str lights. * UKt
4 . ' ' > ; putuuts , ir&Ul.'j ; rye mixtures , J.J.OO ®
3 50.
steady ; yeilnvv western ,
\Viu.AT Itccelpts. 281,75) bu , : exports , none ;
sales , diO.OOJ bu. of futures , ij.oijbu of spot ,
fcpot steady : No. 2 red , 7dc In store and ele
vator ; " 3' iilloal : TSUc f. o. b ; No J red , TJ'ic :
iiiik-radcil led , < U37b'c : No. 1 northern , b5o ;
No. 1 lmid.83 ; No S northern. SIJjiNo ' 'Ohl-
cage , 8J'4c ; No. 2.Milwaukee. 7br,7dUo. No. 3
surln ; , 7U. Options were vary dull and 's'it'.ic
lower , wlin business entlruly looil ; No J red ,
fcoplembcr , 78o : Octobur. HViii9c , closlnz nl
78' o : November. Wi'ifthO'gC , oloslns al bO'4c ;
December , 81 -lG2Siiic. . closing al 8'c ; May ,
. .
U * P. Nominal : wcslcin.
COILS Receipts , JO.iUJ nu , ; exports , 1JI.OOO
bu. ; sales , .UJ.U'O bu. of futures. 2J.OjO bii. of
spot , bpots quint and wo ikcr ; Na 2 , Sl' ± ( &Y > o
In elevator : WiiSli c allo it ; un rudod iiiuod ,
' Uptlonh uru "jft'j'c lower , with the
west and reallrln- ; trading local. .Sejitember ,
51iiaVe ( , closing lit 5Hjo ; October. 54 ! ® V5c.
closing ut 5l'e ; November. 5" > Sf& ido. closing
utrj4'ei ? Uooembor. WitiMi'ie , closing utSO'jc.
May , 67c.
OATS Receipts. 61.KKI bn ; exports , 1,200
bn. ; balus , 83.0UO Im. of futures. Kt.wi bn. of
spot , bi > ot market dull but firm ; options
quiet and weaker ; Eeutember , .I7"iio : October ,
JS' e , closing at J'o ; No * < miber , 30'fj yiic ,
closing nttti'ic : December , 40' ' c : mlxud vvost-
ern. 37'ittai"ic : vvhlto wcbtern , 3s'Ono ' $ ; No.
2 Chicago , as'.ttWVc. '
HAV Quli'l ; bhlpplng , 03 < J70c ; good to
choice , buGi c :
llorh Dull and weak ; state , common to
choice , ISii'J.'e : I'aelllc co ist , IV ® . ' .c.
buOAH Uuw , linn : quiet ; fall refining , U
3SCI contilfu4ulg , IKj test , ? ( ( ( 11-lbu ; ru-
llntd firm und In good demand.
- 1'oielirn , nominal ; SO test. lOe ;
Now Orleans , dull but gtoudy ; common to
fancy ,
HICE Active and linn ; domestic , fulr to
extra , 4'tr.Co ; Japan , r > 5fr. > 11e.
Cildti Qulul bin steady ; vvostorn. prime ,
2liift22o ; western , poor , porcabf , $ lwxit > uo.
HIDEH bteady uud ijulot ; wet suited Now
Orleans soloeted , 41 lo Oi IbB , , ' > a7o : Texas
selected , M to uo loa , MJ7c.
I'UIIK Dull hut ate uly : old mess , til 00 ®
11.23 ; new mess , III.7.V81J.OJ : e.vti i prime ,
! > I2.0J ; cut me its quluf.picklud bellies. SitS'4e ;
pickled shoulder * . uad.l'e ( ; plcklud IIIUIIH ,
lUVtllc ; middles qnlut ; bhort Clear. Jl.lJ' ; .
Lara , dull , nominal ; vvoaturn stuim elosuil
tJ7.70 : beptembor idascd ut J.os bid ; Octo
ber. J" 0 > asked I. It-lit dcm ind , ste. lily ; western
dairy , HliiiI'Jc ' : woslurn creamoiy. I74JJ ! jc :
wentcrn fai'tun. H'titlTc ' , Klgln. . . ' a''i ii.
( 'iiKi-sK-yuw-t. uiibtutlrd ; p iit kiin , , tit7c
1'ui lito.s Dull , bteady ; Amur can , J11.0J
CoiTEit-Oulot. vvrak ; luke. { | | .oi@io. | |
LKAI > Dull , steady ; domomio , tl ; . " > iil 10.
TIN Steady ; btruU'lits. tJO 2jft JU30 ; plutcs ,
quiet , btuady , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
> x , Cotton Murkur.
NKW OIII.EAN ? , La. , bopt. 17 , to uly : mid
dllnctf. G n-lte : low HitdJIIntr. Dliu : ki ( > <
ordinary , Oc : net receipt * . 11'JWbiiles ; itxpurts
coutlwlbe , 751 bulei ; Bales. CM ; ktock , 50,17
_ _ _ _ _ _
Omitlm I'roitiiCH .Market.
rotii.Titv Old few B uud bprltu c'lilckfiit
Cct rooHfiu , ta : ueiuu uud ducki b.ow , Thu
glut In Ilia gooio market hixi bcoti rollovod
oinowliHt by i * shlpnipntto Now York.
IlUTTKit Pucklng stock , M314o ; choice
country , lM82i > e.
I'OTATOMTOiVOe. . imltcitlons nro tlmt
mtatori will bo scarce ithls noison. Many
cctloni which usiutlly Are heavy ehlopors
will bo buyers this ycnn
Koos Uoncrat mnrkctlTe.
St. Irfiuls 4Mnrkct .
ST. I/oui , Mo , bdbt , 17. 1't.oun Un-
ch mgrd. *
WHEAT Cs h , stoadv nt CSHc : but options
drooped and o osi-d NU < ' under yesterday ;
beptonibor. Oj'tot ; May , 78JIo.
C < iliN Went down witH > nnd ilnlsurd
i563 c below ycstcrdayiScash , and Scploiuoer ,
JVo ; Octobur. 4IU niio ; Doccmbor , 4IHC ;
ycur. 4mc ; May , ll'tc.
OATS Kollowcd othoraraln and closed H ®
ic under yesterday ; cash , JOc ; October. 2u'jc ;
'lay ' , J3\jc. f
IlYE Lower nt 51c.
HAHI.EV Quiet ! Bamplo lot Iowa , 03o
HIIAN Quiet at COitOitio.
HAY Dull and unchanged.
LRAii-Qnlot : chumlciil , Jl
I'I.AXSHKII I Inn ut JI.O.L Quiet und unchanged ,
Knas Quiet und titichangci ) at 12'lc.
coitv MKAii btoady ut ( J.1&3J.2J.
I'IIOVISIONS rirm but not quotabljr lovters
oMy u job tr ido done ut orov ions prices.
KKCBti'iS-Plour. 5,0 bbK ; who it , 103,000
bti , : corn. 33.0JO bti.t oils , 27.00J bit. ; rye.
none ; barley , none.
blllt'Mi'.NTii-riour , 3,003 bbK ; wnoat. 77.-
OOJhu. ; corn. 1'J.UA ) bii. ; oats , 1J.OOJ bu : rye ,
3OjO bu ; barley , nona
n City .Muritets.
CITV. Mo. Soot 17. WHEIT
Steady : now. 0)flVtViO ! No. 2 red. OIQlte.
Coux-Woak ; No. amltud. 304o ! ; No 2 vvhlto ,
Steady ; filr demand ) Na 2 mixed ,
J"J'-iaUic ' ! ; No. 2 white , J Jit lie.
KM5 Wouk : No. 2 , GJc.
Pr.Axstrti Steady at OiVUftJc.
sllliAN' Weak ; sacked , fiJtiMe.
HAY Stoidy a-id uneuMi od ; timothy ,
{ . 'iiaooo ; pralrlu. J4.00S7.0J.
llurTEH Creamery. 'JlOJ.'o ; dairy , 1218c.
Eotis Active , llrni , IVJe.
ItiiCKti'Ti Wheat , l > 2,0w ou ; corn. 10,000 bu. ;
oats , none
, Silll'viE.NTS Wheat , 01.000 bu. : corn. 3,039 :
oats , none. _ _ _ _
Oil .Market.
NEW YOIIK. Soot. 17. I > KTIIOI.EUM Dull nnd
ste uly ; crndo in bbls. , 1'arkur's , W53 ; crude
nbulk.Uu'i ; United , no sales : red nod. fG. 10 ;
rniludolphla and -IJ iltlmoro. o. 5 ; 1'hlladol-
phla nnd llaltlmoro In bulk , $ -1 55&J.GO.
CorroNSELi ) oiL-Uull and steady ; crude.
2S32Uc ; jollow , HOiic.
TAM.OVV Quiet anil steady : city ( J2 for
pkzB I 4ifilt U-lGc
Hosi.N-ln fair demand ; stralnod , common
to good. JI.2T } ll.27i4.
TUiubMiM-Qulot mm firm at205J3)c. )
Oinnlin 1'ritlt .Murknt.
GitAi'E * Homo crown ConcorJ grapes are
irrivln , ; In llheril ou mtlllcs They are
quoted at30.l o per I0-lb-babkot ; 8 to 0-lb-
uaskcts. 2J(2JC ( ,
CALIFOIIMA GHAPES 1'er crate , tl.23JM.59
unseats ; $1,73 ToKays
CALHOIIMA I'EACMKB Per box , $1 r > > .
CAUKOIIMA I'EAUS Uartletts. source , $3.00 ;
thor varieties , tiW.
I'LUMS I'.T bo8l.f > 0I 7 > , scarce.
APPLE * Per bbl. . tl.oo ; fiinoy , i.53 ; Qo bbl.
ots 2ju less.
_ _ _
Cnlfcc Market.
NRW YOIIK. Sopt. 17. Options opened firm ,
031" > points up , closed llr.ii ut 13 ® JO points uo :
sales , 10.750 bugs. Including September. Ila.u > :
Jatober. Jli.73aiJ.8l ; November , JH.ti5SlJ.7' ;
Dtcember tl. < 50U f > 5 ; January. IU 5 bpot
Itlo , qulul and sto idy ; Na 7 , SH.7JO14.87i ;
Liverpool Murknts.
Ltvnnpoor. . Sopt. 17Viin * T Stoadv , de
mand poor ; holJcrs offer moaortlolv.
COHN steaay , demand fair : ml\cd west
ern. 4s 74 ! I per cent il.
LAUD I'rinioesteriii37s per cut ,
COMMO > UOSIN J7sO'i' parcwt ,
Trailer ! ) ' talk.
CHICAGO , 111 , Sopt. l7i Counselman A. Day
to Coo'crull ' llros Commission Co : Whu it
was very dull and Undiluted within nirrow
limits , closing ! Jc ] ouirj. TUu iri'inedlato cause
nf the decline was the unloading of about
.VJt.POJ bushels December by u local spccul i-
tor who believed whclit to bo low unoimh
for a sit o Investment , but whoannarently bc-
t'ainc discouraged by dec-reused v.iokly ex
ports and the prospect of another lirgeln-
erease In thu vlblblo , siipply floured on
Monday. The prospect of 4-COOiOi ) )
v slblu for the nprlng who-it movement
has fairly commenced to move is Ihe depress
ing Influence. Corn declined 'ic and closed
weak on line weather und prospecl of In
creased receipts next week , bhlppera from
Missouri river points reported u scirclty of
cars to mo * o the amounts of offerings and
local open tors mit lolp-Ucd considerable lliiil- |
dul'on ' of Octoburcorn next week boucbl for
thu southwest on the recent frost scare Oats
eased off < 4c with other gratu w th u fulr busi
ness In cnsh lots nt tlio dccllno. Wo should
regard the whole list of provisions as a good
purchase for u turn except foi the spconlailv o
lines of October. Laid nid ribs held nl high
prices , the liquidation ot which would un
doubted ! * * depress other product , though In
eonsldcrablv less proportion.
CUICAQO. Ill.hjpt. 17. Konnett , Hopkins A.
Co. to fc. A. MoWbortor : In who it nothing of
Interest bus occurred today. Earlv In the sos-
slon local bearb were Impressed with the Im
portance of compelling u big Hebrew trader to
drop 5AOJO bu. bought by him yesterday.
They hammered the murkot pretty
Industriously for a couple of hours.
bul w.thout apparent success. It is many
years slnco a crop was marketed so freely us
llio present onu und the iradu Is beginning lo
re illze th it there Is golnir to be u letup before
long. In corn and oats line weather and moro
liberal retclptbcaui-od miny timid holders to
* e\l \ out vviih thu expect illon of buying
cheaper ncxl week. Though there Is
doubt. In the minds ot m mv as to
how scilously the corn crop has been damaged
by frost , all admit that It bus made no per
ceptible progress towaid maturity for u week
or ton days. On account of coin frosty
"either the dimmer from fiost Is us great us u
neokiigo The shipping do'nand for corn IB
good und Iho visible supply not ovpuc od lo
show a * ery large Increase ne\l week. Pro
visions wore dull und featureless during Iho
entire session.
CIIICAOO. III. , Sopt. 17. P. G. Lozan i. Co. lo
Duncan. Holllnuer ! > . Co. : Thu wheat m ir-
Kot bus boon fairly active today. December
opened ut7 > 1ic und sold HS low as 7i'Bc. The
closing Is 7ViO. riieru Is a bettor tone to the
murkot. bonio of our good monled mon are
biiyln ; for investment \Vo do not look for
any rapid advance , but we belle vo In
higher prices. Corn was less ae Ivo
und sold us low us 50aaO und us high
ns 50' c , closing at M ) > 4VI\c. Our
advices are thut the crop Issuilonsly dam
aged , especially In Iowa nnd Nubiuska. Until
the crop is secured wo think it advisable to
buy on declines. Wo feel very friendly to outs
at present prices. The only fcituro to hog
pro lucl is llio support Wright al * s It Char
ters of wheat , IO\Uv'J ; corn , 170,000.
New York Money Murltnt.
H iby utliJ per cunt , last loan ul.l per cunt ;
closed offered ut3 per cent.
bTEiu.i.Mi KXCIIA.NQE Quiet und easier ut
Jl.SOU for siMj-duy bills and * IS7'j for de
1 ho closing quotations on bonds :
U. s. ( s ri'u . Ill Mutunl Union i , . . . 110
U. 6 Is coup . IIS N. J. C. Int lert . Ill
U. b m nx- . . . . 1UU North. I'licltlc tats tlMf
l'nclflct.8 of 'Hi . . . IOT NorlhiTcitern Con. . 1311
Louisiana Btmu'il JH. VI t.N. W. Con Hat ) . ' , . IU8
Tumi new nctbs . . . 100 bt. K A. 1 M. ( ieu . ' hS
'lunn new net&i . . . 100 'S. ' ! . , * & . K. Oen M 10J
tlenn. now not J . . 74 bt I'nul Consols 127
CanaiU So 2nils. . . 10I' { at. r. , u. & r. ist nu
Conlrnl 1'aclDo I t . lint for. I' . I. li/lr llcti i.
flan. A It. (1 , Iflln. . . IU Jux.lMI.C.'lr. Item
tllcn . * . U. ( i. 4 > . . . . HI Uilon ) I'utltlo Uta lJ < i
Krlu'JnUn . 101 * Ve t Shore 1W ]
SI , K. A. T. < ; cn Is 7 V U O.V 7H
.M. K A. T. ( ! tn f 1
bid t Bi
lit Sc < urltlcMYcro In u Firm
YOIIK , bout 17. T'lp ) operations In Wall
street , today rellecloil only thu clearlne up of
accounts tnor the end ot the week and Indi
cate thut many nporaloisvho huvo been suc
cessful on thu short side have either covered
their contracts anJ nltbdruwn from
thu markut or havq taken the long
sldo for a turn 'finny professionals
who buvo been prom.iip.nt In tliu docllne
wcro conspicuous in bldcjiusloa | , s uu. but thu
forces at prooontaro HO * < inly balanced that
thoio wub * ory little progress m idu In either
direction , though the continue 1 cuverlnr of
shorts gao tlio markut u firm appearance ,
und the final thuiues were generilly small
To tli'i result thu bank statomuntcoiitrib-
titi'd inaterlully , us It wr , the tlr tone
ono In ninny weeks wh ch showed
a gain In the surplns reserve , nnd
oven though this vvis iiccomplUhed
bv u heavy withdrawal of deposits Kupplo-
mentcd by u douro i e In loans noarl v as giu it ,
thu fouling inVuii \ btrtu < l IH thai thuro Ib moie
money to In in on sto kcoUluri , und u dis
tinctly uuttiurtonu wis noiuJ In thu money
market. The strong featurea weru InJuUriala.
ospvclully Uiu und CorJ'i-o. tbo flrit uiuiiud
being buet'luliy ncthu. No other fuitnro
niiir ied Ihodeillii s , und thu olojo was qnlul
und firm ul about thu bcsi ( Igurua of thu day.
Government bonds have iieen dull und
stiiidv. btalo bo nils huvo been ont ruy nu >
Thu I'osl suy t Toduy'H brk'f Kioek murkot
nivi'iled suiirculy 11 ir ice uf the "L ho uru
6CHIO. " vrhlch bus been sh ikliu thu Wull
btruut llniiuiiiont aliuuVoJiie \ < 'tuv. 'lha
klovk tneuuUtory who ui > < | > liyln
ut oni keep ilio giimu
up thiin ruil unea lne s
will lukt , but oven thu presence of thu terror
prows woiirl omn nt tlmo * The hUlory of
the Inst three days oitiihl to bn iiiofnl In
oncnlii ? tha ore * of phlln nphors whu look lo
Wall street ns a mirror of financial condition * .
No c irefnl observer ilouhM that tlio Inllucncu
of tbo lnrnpoin ? I'pldomlo on ccncrul trade
and llnnneo will bo ilopicsslnR In innnv wajs.
Such results mlsht huvn bocn , nnd wore pte-
llctcd vtlth the progress of thu plnanu , two
months or moro usn. lint to take this vvcek' <
convulsion In prices seriously , M the rellec-
.Ion ot anything but ntures ot more or Icsi
unscriipuloiis traders would bo to show grcitl
aol : ot InsUht Into \Vall sticot's recent
eccentricities. The dny was as c iltn ns If
holcra ha 1 never boon hero. Prices chanzol
III F. llio chniucs being , as vvus natural ,
chlelly In nn npvv.t d direction.
The folio win i are Iho closing tiiiotatlom for
.ho lo id Ins stocks on tbo Now York ttock e\-
cliangu todav :
bid t nukeil } ox dlv
The total sites uf stocks today wore HI.WI
shares lnelndln : Atchlson , 7,7 > 0 ! Chlei.'o
CiUS. , J,0.Erie. ) : , 2ViJ : I.oillsvlllo X , Nasli-
v lllo. aSOOi Missouri 1'uolllc , 2'JOO ; Northern
ruclllc preferred , WVX ) : Now Kiuland. .U" > ;
Huadlnj , 1U.HO ; bt Paul. 11,550 : Western ,
4.COU. '
1 .Notes.
NEW OIIIUA > S La. , bopt , 17. Olearlnzs ,
$ IM , OC8.
HALTJ.MOIIE , Mil. . Sept. 17. Cloirlncs t2a"0-
478 ; balances. -3,023. . K ilu 0 ncr cenl.
MCMPIIIO. Tenn , bupl. 17. New York ex-
ch iii-"o sailing ul $1.50. Clearings. 8107.370 ;
balances , $77.1101.
NEW YOIIK. Sopl. 17. Clearings. $ UIOiC03 ;
biluncc9. $ \ai2S.J. Tor Iho week , clearings ,
JOa7GJ.l ) , - balances , ? . 1111,701.
CI.NCINN TI. O. Sept. 17. Monov. 4a per
cent. New YorK cxch . - .
in.-e , pir. Clearings , A-
SIH.w" . Tor the vveorf , 81Cl . ' , 'jr > a
I'IIII.ADLI.IMIH. Tu. , bopt. 17. dealings ,
I14,0:0.'JI7 : balance ? , tlOV.'i:0 ; the weuk
cloirlns 8i'iijrBI7 ' ; balances , $10IJ1,211.
Mono- per cent.
HUSTON , Mass. , Sept. 17. Clearings , ? r ,85J-
fiG'J : balances. $ l,7l'i)7l. Money , finer cent.
Exchange on Nev ? York , 2JSJ > c discount. Kor
the corresnondln. weuk lust year , elo irlius.
J1CJ.IH ! , I67 ; b ilnnccs , SJ.U05.75.
CHICAGO , III. , Sept , 17. CIo irlngs , U7Ti7.05 ;
for the weuk. Jl i-"ill.b-'ii. nnd for tlio corres-
sponlng weuk lusiyoir. JJiOIO.Old Now York
exchange sold at .Me discount. Money llrni
at A pur cent on c ill , U pur cunt on tlmo.
br. Lot-It , , Mn . bept. 17. CIo irimrs. SI 840-
filO : balunees , Sl .lsO. Clonings this weuk ,
. ' 4 UV.IO ; balances. J'OM.I < JCIo irlngs lust
* * cou , iJI.'tU.U ) . ' ; liiliinces. j.l.7M > .r > > Clearings
corresponding wcoU lust joar , J2.M ) ' , J77 ; t ) il-
uncus if . , ! 4i.'ai. Monuy ( inlet at b7 pel
cent. Dxchuuse on Nuw VorU par.
Status of thn TrailiIn Omaha nnil the In
fluences . \neetiiie It.
OVIAHA , Sept -Uucelpts for the past week
com n i red with those of the week previous
show u bii docrcise in cattle and ulmost us
big an Increase In bogs and hheep , and tbo
sumo remark applies to a compirlbon with
thosimo week of Suptomler last year. The
llgures are us lolloub :
Cattle. Hoes. Bhcop.
Hccclptsllils week . . . l.l.Utl u'l.OIS will.
lust weoU I'l.74 ? ' '
Hucelpts 1S.HI1 . .OjS
bamo week lust v car I'J.Sj ? 10 , IU < MJ
Throughout the entire week the course ot
cattle vulu > - lias been upward. There have
been no sensational advances , but with u
good healthy demand from ull sources und
only model.ito offerings the fouling of wouk-
nuss following the heavy lucolpts und bud
bruuliHot the weclc pluvious h is given place
to ono of ttron th. While the ad
vance from d ly to day bus been
scarcely quotublo the fulr to good
beef cattle are soiling from Iftu to L'\o bettor
than at the close of lusl week. Thu choice fal
cattle , both natives and rancurs , have sold
well ull weok. but llioso uro alw lys bcareo ul
this E > 'uon of thu year und gunuriilly brin ;
gou I llirnrcs. Inferior stuirot ull kinds has
not boon so verv hard to move us It was a
wouk ugo. but there b IH been no noticeable
advance In prlco" .
The nuirkut for butchers'stuff and cannora
Iris also shown considerable Improvement ,
und u goodfahnroof the decline of the week
pro * Ions huB been ru.-alned. Knir to goo 1 cows
and heifers are selling at from Mo to 'i'ie
hither than ut thu low tlmo last weuk und ull
I.lnds of mixed Htnir have scored
u proportlonato udvnnce. Old und
thin tows are sill tno plentiful
to admit of any upward tendency In prices ,
fclockurs anJ feeders have alsobh irod In thu
tenerallv Improved conditions und u fair vol-
iimo of bus ness has been transacted. Coun
try orders have been good and u number of
extensive feeders have been ImoRtnu heav-
ll > . The tone to the trade IH decidedly belter
und prices iiiounywherufroiaJ.'Ucto. ) o higher
than u week ugo.
Thu wuok closes with the lightest run since
the Ihth of Auzust , when oniy 5J3 cattle vvoio
lucolved. Although there vvcio few desirable
cattle hero , either natives or westerns , thu
fcul ng was very strong und buyers not vury
exacting. Pair to tolerably good iiirnfod
steers vvulKhliu from 1,071 to I10 Ibs. soul ut
from tltvi to { I - " ' , while In the western cattle
the i an lu w us from S,0j to J-1.4J , It was a
goo I , btron , uetlve. healthy muiliul n.iJ
ubonl uvurything hud chiin.'ed hands by noon.
The ollcrlng * of cows and mixed Htoch wera
largely vvustoins , but In general they wuro
pruttv good Htur. : Sales weru luigoly al from
iOJ to 1 4) ) with extremes iles at from fl.U'i 10
I. , 0 Jlulls , oven and stajH were In good de
mand und III in. fulveswero in mua-ter Hiip-
ply und iinotuhty lioiu on Iho b n > U of f rum
rir > jiot-73 for vuurlmgd and from $1.50 lo
Sl.uo for veiils.
siu Ian und feeders wore slower than
they huvo been anv time during the vviok ,
but the trudu Is uuver very brisk on Bitui-
duy. There was no noticeable weakening In
prfios. ; nn I uverythlng ut all deslrublo was
tiiniiy held , h lies were ul from * iOJ lo jluJ ,
largely at 8-ia und ubovo , Uoprcsentullu
sites ;
I > | ll B'KIl IIBU
No. AV , I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'.r
t-o. l.'lli 4 M JI..1UT1 423
Id. 1071 U bi
COM 8.
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
U. 778 l U3 10 1'IJ ' tl UO 4. . ICU ( J 15
1. . 7 J ' . ' UJ U .10 ! ) ' „ ' 10
U. 35) 1 75 l.JO.'O UO )
1. . 100 4 03
2. . 40J 2 75
lO .1J03 200 W..10H 243 ' 1..1450 300
f22. . ' . I llftl S 43 1 JCC ) 30)
4HU SJ3 I .12,7 U IK )
I sprlnscr 21 00 t cow and calf 2."i 00
I sprlnacr . . . . 8J (0 Icowandcilf 2JOO
I cow nnd calf 'M 00
No. AI'r. . Nn. Av , I'r.
stcoM . . .100J M V3 W stcor .ltJI
4V COW . IOJ7 2 23
1 cow . . . W ) ? VO 15 Rti-i-rs .1100 340
17 cows . . .10111 2 20 n ) cow i . . tin 2 10
5 cows .JIM 215 85 hclfors 1001 201
2flenw t . . ins * a aa si MOOM . , un ? : i
2 feeders .l-W 340 4S Moor . . U'7i 3.Vi
II cows . . .10.U 240 1.1 billl . , . .USi ICO
Ilio ) < . The hoj m irkut has lieon a "sway
lack" aitiiln this wei'kstroiii at both ends
mil wo ik In the middle. Asldo from thu Ini-
procd demand for heavy houn for tlio Mo\i-
c in trade no new teal tire havu been ixddo I to
ho trade the unst week. With rnthnr llbor il
'ccolpts durlnj the fore tnirt of the wouk
hero was H drop ot about I.V , but with re-
lileo l suiinlk'S durlnj the latter half this itii-
cllnn was uliiiost entirely roR.ilnod und the
nurkot for the wi'ok closes stroni with prices
n * cry no ir lust Saturday's nouhus.
The run Of hoes wan nearly 31 pur cent
Ichler thiiii tnal of lasi Sutiird iy , und tbo
limllty about the poorest of the week. Nearly
ill the buv cisviinted hoe . ami with only a
small supply und f-ivorable ronorts from uast-
urn murketho trade * was brisk from start to
Inlsh prices ruling at fiom r > o to t c
ighertl : n 1'rldity. Kxtromo sties ot very
common light ml\cd to very peed he i\y luus
vuru at train J"iO"i to t * > 30 , with thu bulk nt
ho fair to good hops of nil weights nt from
> .15 to t.VJ.i , imalnst at from f' . l.'i to i * < 20 1'rl-
luy , and < il from tVA ) to $ VJi list Saturday.
Thusoneral uvuriijoof prlc 4 p ild wasj I'l1 ' } .
isulnstIJ ! , { I'rlrtuv anil K-'JJJ ! liibt batur-
Hy. KuprcsentalUu sales :
No. Av b'h.II I'r.
4 . II
* o OJ
71 . . ' in 40J
71 1UI ? 10
I I Jl I 5 r >
GO . 40 r > 15
01 8J : > n
01 . . .S 0 1GO : n
8 . an 5 13
70 . 5 n
5.1 , 12J 5 ! , - >
0 .SI 8,1 5 15
41 KO 5 l'i '
47 100 5 13
01 . . 'u SO fi n
71 .24- . in ) r. i-i
41 ill ' . ' 40
7 % 24i I''O 5 I7'J
211 sj r > 2i
SllUl I' Hciulpls for
xurv liberal but common and unevenly dis
tributed. 1'rlccs In gonuinl have buen well
maintained und nro nol qtiotnbly dllTeronl
from lust wi ok ,
i'lieic w is nothing fresh In thu line received
loduv , but some coniiiionlsli Mil IT hold over
from I'llduy bold i.t good prices Deniable
muttons uru lu good demand und stroll.I'ulr
togool natives , fl7. > Q4 40 ; fulr to good westerns -
erns $ .L. > ( > ( i-M ) ; common and stoclrshuup , } . ' ' 0
CJ150 ; good to choice 4 I to ! lj-lb. Iambs , * l 5Wft
. ' ) . . " > . Ituprosuntatlvo sales :
No. Av I'r.
, ilM > Mexican mixed. . . . . . . . 71) fJJ
12A Moxlc in mixed . . . 70 3 2)
101 Mexican lambs Mi ! ! M
100 Mexican lambs < fjl. CG u uO
Iteeelpts mill Disposition or Stock.
Ofllelal receipts and disposition ot stock us
shown by the books of thu Union Slock Vi.rds
uonipdiiy for thu twcntjfour hours ending ul
5o'clock p m , , hrcptembei 17 , 1SJJ :
I.Ui atonic II irkct.
Ciuctno. III. , fcopt. IT. I'pei' Tclocram to
THE HfcB ] The vtittle trade w isxurj qnlct
today , but few c ittle belni w niton clUmr for
local or sblpp n ; account. Thuio w is no lui-
| > ort int cluiiuo Inalncs. . thnu h the pioj-
ject of a moderate run for Monday Induce , !
a sninowhiit tlrnior fcolln ? . I he rcculuts of
n ul\e3 amounted to about I , " 00 and thoiuwas
about an equal iinmUoi of I angers The
former wei en noted at finin i ! 00 to $3 W. or at
from il.O ) toi.-5 for poor to extra cow und
holfers and at from $ J7 > trM.VJ fnrhtcors )
westerns wore from il.VJ
to $1 15 and Texans were salable at from $ ! . - >
to * J.)0. '
Uocnln ? prices for ho s were us .rood ns pro-
Milled on 1 rid ly. The market siow wtnUer
us the morning ad\anccd and the closln ;
s lies were gcncr. ill v ati Tiu oil upon a basis of
from 84 5) ) to J" > . " > 1 for he.ivy anil ut from ! 4 7" >
toi' > a.foi llcht. Ihcre were bonio eariy sales
ai from J > " > 2"-5 to KV > for iiasorted ho ivy and
ashmius5. > o was paid for fancy light.
Trade In bhrcp was iinlct ut iiiiulianccd
prices. Good to chok-u sin-op were ut from
J4 7 > to } " > - " > and poor to fit r at fro-n $ LIO to
J4 00. L imbs were steady at from If ) 30 to $0.0 1.
Western ran u slit-op wuro quoted at from
j.V ! to Jl 40 and Tuxnns at from 8 0) to Jl 23.
Receipts. Uatt.e. UOi.O : hojb. l..OOO ; bheep ,
1.10 1.
The \ . ' \ enlnz Journal reports :
OATTM : Hecoipts. I.VW head ; Hhlpmonts ,
none : market stonily. Today's ha os : Nu
ll * es. Il.7yi5l.73 : cows , iilVi-.U ) : no Texans on
lions Hocolpts , 10,000 bond ; shipments 5,001)
In1 id : market optmcd brUU , closln. weak and
H'OW Closing pilcos ! KoiiKh p ( & . " > ' 'J :
good inlxeu and prime puckers , * 3 20543. JO j
prime heav nnd butchers' welshts. $ " ] .JjJ 5.5" > ;
11 Jilt. J-S.liOi&5 40.
hiiKLi' UcLOlnts. l/iOO hendj Bhlpments ,
'JOJ held ; market stci.dy and iiiichiuiKod ;
natives. JL.'ilW ) 4J ; wcsluins nnd Texiins , il JJ
© I -5 ; lambs , 6O5JOO.OO.
KuiittiH City I.lve Atuck Murlcut.
K\Nsb OITV. Mo. Sept 17. OATTI.E-RO-
cclpts , 4'UUi shipments. J.400 ; the n.arkut
for cool eattlowus steadjtosuons , otheia
dull and weak tliiouiiliout ; sleors. * . ! 4JCi4 IM ; . ' 'i ; TOMIB arid Indl in steers , 41.75
® J.73 ; stocKoisanu feeders , JJ.203J.OJ.
Hoes Koeoiplf , ! l KB : HhlpmcntR , MJ ) : the was 53H'e ' hich-'r. eioaln. with the
Rain lost ; ull grades f I 'iJB" ' J5 ; bulk } \ . >
siuni1 Kucelpts , 3JO ; shlpincnts , 7uO ; the
maikei was Bteadj ; muttons , fl. 23 ; lambs.
S3 OJ. _
St. I.ouls I.lin Mock Market.
Sr Louis. Mo. Sept 17 OATTI.E Ilecolpts.
60J bead ; shipments. 2 , . ' n head ; market
steady ; native steers , $ J 004 SO ; Texans , W 23
lions Hecoipts , 1 , S3 ] he id ; shipments. 1.7JO
head : market Wtllic lower ; liibldo mixed to
best heavy ranlni } 4 7.VI43. 10
hilBfci' Uocolpts , : iXI ( head : shipments , 400
lioad ; market firm ; natives ra
Tuo .Much Ice Crrain.
H. C. Kohror , agant of the Missouri Puclllo
rallvvuyNow H nvon , Mo , siys : "I suffered
a great deal ono hot evening last week , ( July
21. ) hud oaten ice cream for sunpar , and
tboroseomod to bo an internal conlllut gome
on. A traveling man said bo bid somotblng
In his crln at tbo hotel that ho bolloved
would relieve me , and producing u small bottle -
tlo of medicine RUVO mo u dosa , I felt bettor ,
and In a few moments look unotlior doio ,
which entirely rollevoo mo. I ballevo that
buch a moaicino is worthy of rocoinmoudii-
lion and that n should L > o kept In the housu
during the summer. The bottle was labeled
Chamberlain' * Colic. Cholera ami Diarrncua
Homedy. " For sale by druggists.
JOIK-M of Illinois ; i | iliilutel In u
KOOIII lit t.'io ( .llHIIi/mn.
The Gault house homo at Eleventh and
Farnain street furnUboa the lutoit addition
ta the list of names of thoio who blow out
the cas.
A young man arrived at the house Friday
night , registered as Jamci S. Jonoaol Illoom-
inton , III. , und uub shown to bis loom.
At II o'clock yesterday mornlnc the odor of
escaping gas was noticed and the door
broken onun. TUo gas was turned on at full
blast aud tbo stranger was dead In bed.
Tuo coroner wub called and tbo body w.u
removed to tbo tnoivuo. Tbo viutimbadfi. )
ID money in his pocket and letters and papers
GslaDllsblnp hU identity.
Iilontlllutl UIH Vlotliu ,
Patrick ( Jrinitb , the man shot by the "col
ored man Montgomery Thurjday nltihts wns
yrHtorday morning Identified by Mr. . Ed
Prlnlv of ll' J > 'orth Tvvtinllutn street and
Mr * . Thiicuory of 1TU ! Nicholas street.
Tbo deuJ man lias been an occasion' ! !
boarder ut bath placjs tor the lust four years.
Tno women KUV be ulvvays had money
but never dl'J uny work and never did much
taluliiLHe would disappear from the huuau
for two or three davs at n tlmo and on hU
return would claim that bo hud been working
up u case as a detective. Ho bud been uwa ;
fiom Omaha for u ytar when bo was seen on
the street on circus auy by Mrs. I'rinly.
Disease never &ucccafuiiy nl tacks tbo urn
torn with pure blood. Uo Witt's Harsuparllla
tnnkos pure now blood uud ourlcbci
ILilliiun AiLuniloii Today.
Prof. Beldort will make another baleen us-
consloa Buuday afternoon and perform hi
vondcrful evolutions In mld-nlr. The olil
a * Ing U that , what \yhnt ROM up must co mo
on n , Prof , Uoldon In con'lnc down tnkos
ho Rliortost path and Jumps trom the cnr
cvorol thousand feet nbovo the ground , nnd
vlth the hid nt a barachuto lands vafolr on
no ground ,
t.niA.I'ut.ntcs. .
Miothrr Sliontlni ; Sent pa Urimlni ; out of
the Ulinnnvr Nation Trouble * .
I'uns To < c. , SopU 17. The political
roubles In the Chootnw nation resulted In a
hooting Rcrnpo ntTallhlim , I , T , , list night
U the election in August tvv.i JaoKson raou
ttompted to vote there , but were forced ta
oivo by the Jones raou and given rough
rentmonU This caused b.ul fooling. Yes
crdar afternoon Judiro A.V. . Dunes inol
no of the men and began to remonstrat *
\Uh him In n vary \ltrorous manner. Th
inn ran and Uukot fired on nlm breaking
no ot his lees. A wlilto man took the man
i Ins house nnd cared for him. During the
lent n largo bed v of armed men were soon
olnglntho direction of Iho homo of tbo
thor Indian and It was foaroj that they
ncnnt mUchlof. As ho lived govern ! milo't
rein n railroad notnlnp run bo heard from
im.WASIIINOTOV , D. C. . Sopt. IT. A moj < niro
rom Indian Agent Ucnnott of thoCboctow
allen , dated Thursday , states that tbo situ-
tlon there Is critical , that hundreds of
ones' men , hoavlly nrmod , had appsarod
hat nitcrnoon and doinntuiud the surrender
f the prisoners , which was refused. Two him-
led .lonos men congregated two miles aoutb
i command of Oicon Mi.Curkluo. They
x pressed dissatisfaction with Iho poaca
freemen t nnd declared a determination note
o nbido by the samo. Unless tbo force ilia-
lands tomorrow ho will have to appeal to tin
nllltnry for aid.
The * . 13. Uraic , odltorand publisher of the
Now Haven ( Mo. ) Nolos. says : "I bnv
iso'l Cbnmborlatn's Colic , 'Cholera and
) IarrnBi Homcily with croat satisfaction
or the ailments of my children. For sala
y drugtrUts.
Cnstnin UOIIKU ItrcnlpU ,
Following nro the rocolpn nt tno Omiha
ustoin house for tbo week ending Scptom.
lorl" : Fourteen cises of rough shells foi
Cilnatrlck-Ivoch ft Co ; tlilrly-llvo cnsci
* hskyand ! wines for the Alto club , Salt
vike ; one case of bulbs for C. Ulsso : two
nrlouds of toi for I'nxton Uullnghor ; on
arof tea for Siegfried A : UtanJenstolu ; oni
Arlo d of tin pinto for fjeo-Clarke-Anoroosea
luuluaro companv ; throe cases of earthen.
vuro for U. A. Mauror ; four urntcs of earth.
uv.aro for Gatch & Laumnn.
"Lnto lo boa ana oany to rise wilt shorten
ho road to your homo In the sklos. But
arlv to bua und "Ltttlo Eirlv Hlser."tti8
till that m 11(03 lllo lati iir aud batter anl
The City Hall furniture.
The agent of tbo ICotcbttm Furniture com
mnv claims that ho has compiled with bis
ontract for furnishing tbo city ball. Ha
tnt < > s to nt the furnllilre is all In place anil
eadv for acceptance. At Uo next moctlni ]
10 will demand that the cou oil instruct tin
ommittoo on puollc pronurlv and buildings
r some other committee to check up anil
ind out if all the ni tides covered by the
ontract huvo been delivered. If that com-
nittuc Unas things ns tliov should bo , then
ho agent will demand the monoy. *
DoWitt'sSarsamrilliruansBj tha UloaJI.
Anutlier MliRU lpU | llrltlgo Opnneil.
CLINTON- , Sept. 17. Todav , two year
nnd iiins davs from the diivinp of the tlrsl
pi c , the Clinton nad Illinois high bridge wns
oiicne'd to the public without nny
demonstration or displuv The budge U
neanv 5,000 feet In length including ap
proaches. The weight of Iho structure la
l.bOO.OOU pounds.
Tlio Applu Miirltut.
Mr. Pi.xloy , who Ins boon packing appleg
or Branch & Co. , In Ark \nsis nnd Missouri ,
bus returned. lie icports the quality of the
, pples in those states us very poor. They
ro woimy and will not stand tno present
vurm weatbor. Tbo apple ci op Is reported
is poor In all the stiles , aud prices are likely
o bo high tblssbason.
S.ij TUMI ( Ins lircn Iti-cnllnil.
ROMP , SopL. 17. Hovoral papers today
publish statements to tbo effect that Baron
vai the Italian minister to tbo United
States , has boon recalled by reason of bis ac-
, ion in taking sides against the Italian con
sul general of Now Yorit In the differences
oT opinion which exist in the Italian colony
l' < Tk riruiln Nut Ctlllty.
AI.IIANT , N. V. , Sept. 17. Lubor Commis
sioner Peck and his stenographer pleaded
tot guiltv to the charges made against then
> y tbo anti-snappers , ana wcra released ou
J1JOJ ( ball till boptouiborSO.
Drcrcasu In thu H.llllc llcsorvc.
Ni. * * Yoiti : , Sept. IT. The weekly bank
tatomont shows tbo reserve has decreased
$ UT,000. The banks now hold tlS7'J,030 lu
excess of legal requirements.
Ofttjuburc 3Ii'tiinrliil Onirem.
GETTISIIUUO , Pa. , Sept. 17. Tno old
olllccii. have been. 10 eleclcd at the annual
meeting of tbo battlolleld memorial asso
fatal \Vr ik In I'ortngnl.
Lisno.v , Sopt. 17. A heavy mineral train
ntho Torrai r.illroid , loidoi with navvlos ,
ivas derailed today , Six were killed and too
TNSTKUMI3NTS placed on record Sept . 11 ,
1 IbJl : '
13 .Stevens und husband to li 3 Koln-
bdll , u Jifuot , lot 5. blouk 10 , Heed's 1st
ndd . . . . ( 1,031
I II Mnnos und wife to J M Woslcrlluld ,
lot J. Missouri Avenue 1'luco , G01
lluns K lamus and wlfo to 1'airlok Mc-
Ardic , ur , sw H 20-15-1J ( ux 40a In sw
cor ) . , .
J bJuhiison nnd wlfo lo I ) II Johnson ,
lol J , block il. llauodorn's add , w 'A ' of
ni ! lot In , llubcull .V linker's subdlv ,
lots 2 , .1 and 4. block IU. .West Albright ,
Inl 1. und w 40 feet lot II and o l foul
lot II , block "It , " fchlnn'HSd add
I , 1' Olsun und wlfo to Charles Hwans'in ,
lot7 , Krod'n2d add 1
Charles SWUIIKOII to A W Olson , same . . . 1
KidolHyTrUbt company to 13.1 ( Jodso ,
lot IS , block 1 , Avondalu park 1,301
i ; K I < eng loh A Cutler , lot 4. 1st ndd to
Lul.o Vlow , CM )
I , U hnunsburv to William Mot' Fuller ,
u 274 fuel lol 'A block10. . Iliuibcom
I'liuo 1,510
J 13 fctovuns nnd husband to li H Keln-
boll , lotb Uund 7 , blouk C , Eikcrinan
1'litco 1.000
13 M lluckiiH to triiFteos of Methodist
Kpmcop il churcli of Yulluv. lei H und u
4U feet lot 7 , Uurdlnor i. IluiKUi , ' uod
to Valley , 5Q
VT llulloy lo AH I'owull. lot B. Mux-
vvull's subdlv , COO
It T und A MMuxwellto VTUIloy.suma UO
13 A Mel/cod und husband lu Josef
Kolowratuk , lots 20 und -I , ulock 10 ,
Drown pink . . , CGO
Josuf Koiowrutuk to Ado pn Bvohodn ,
lot 1W , block 10 , Hiniu CO )
I ) I. I'lioni'isand wife lo Hunrv Sonnun-
Bchoin , w'i ' lots I und 2 , block 12 ,
Oichml Hill . 4M
/T l.lndsey and wife to til i M Jeffries ,
exchange of propony ulfcutlng n 4 foot
lot y and s I Uot , lot 1. bio k 1U , High
land I'lacn „ 1
II ( i Woodward and wlfu to Hnnnuilta
Hdi'ii , lot.V blnuk2 , Ijlnwood I'ark . . . 450
13 13 WlllinuHor to W II bhorraden , lol 10 ,
block 18. llaiucom place 3/iOO
ridulily T. Co. to Myni I , iltuo , Bii lot 4 ,
block d. KlrUvood add 2.030
O h Maurice ut ill. extrs , tn (1 ( K Ilennw.i ,
hits l'i and II ) , IlliUldo aduillon No , : L. . l.OJO
J W Curr and wlfu to U J Colby , lot & ,
blo.kU. hvurottpltico , , IM
II K Wells und wlfo toOuorge bnilth , lot
5 and w 10feel lol 4 , Hiulth.park
A I AlbrUhl to public , lot l'i. blouk ( I ,
liiUU. It ! , 17 , IS , blucU , f. ' , lofJI. block Ul ,
Albrlglil'b L'huke , lots 4 and S bioukl ,
In biib nf blnolc . ' 0 , Alhrl.'lil'sUholcc.
lots l und 2. blouk 1 In sub of block U ) ,
AlbrUht'w Choice , lots J. 4 und 8 , blook
2. llurton's KIIU , lots I , 21,15 und 10.
bloox 4 , Juff rlos ro-p at , lot II , block 'I ,
Mutthovvb' sub.ull in AlbriKhl'N Cholco
Mrs A Kluu to M 1 < Mooru , lots 8 lo 17 ,
hi JCK 11 , Moihn & limner's add
U H Wilson to W li McCaa'uulots2 and U.
blo.-l'4. Mr" ' -
OVMilts. : Biieolal nnstnr. UOO Wai-
lucu , lot i. block 4 , Monmouth park. . . . 28i
Total uiaouut of train fern. t 1B.14H