Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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More Tioublo in the Hall Range and Steve
They Thlnlt Tliry Wore DiiinnRPil to tlio
' I ol-
Amount of'I MrcMts-rUnllmmiiiKl
Inrn by tlm Conduct of Thrlr
Connor rnrtncm.
LINCOLN , NCD. , Sept. 10.-Spcclrtl | to THE
UKB.J Another scnaatlonul duma o suit was
commenced In thu iliHtriut court In tills
cuunty this morning. 11. J. und U. 13. Hull
uuvobued J. II , Mocitottund Wlllluin Ulurk
for $ J.UOO dntniiKO * . The suit arltoa out ot
tliu tccont embarrassment of the Hall llaiiRU
nud Steve coiniiatiy , In wnlch all four of the
purtlus wore lutoro tud. Messrs. Mookott
ami UlurU nppllud to the court tor Iho ap
pointment of a rocaivur on the ( -rounds that
the Hull brothon wuro oxtruvux'iint In thi-lr
inMingoinont of llio works. The receiver
AMIS apnolntod and the works subsequently
sold. Tlio Hull urothors now sue Mooitott
nnd Ulurk for d-unngo-i. Their petition
nllc'seu among ether things that MoeUett de
stroyed the ( Jredit nnd roptlt.ulon of the
Messrs. Hull by frequently ussortlnR that
tbo plulntitTs had stolen Mnd froui the
compuny and thut the company was Insolv
ent ; that sueU allocations , together with
the proceedings In court for u receiver anil
the iilk-gatlocs contained therein , wore wll-
lullv nnd maliciously mudo with tuo Intent
to 'itijuro their reputation ; thut Mochutt ,
with that object In viuw , publicly staled thot
"tho Hulls H-O mieuks and tuiuvoa. 'ilioy
huvo stolen our money to purunuso property
nnd have put It In the tinmus of their inoihors
nnd wives , und huvo stolen from tlio copart
nership ; " that such Htatouionts wisro lalao
und known to bo ful o ut tuo lluio thu.v wuru
made ; ueucc the suit for dnmnRos.
\Vunts llcmy l > iitimiu .
Jos ph II. Golldlnp , formerly an employe
of the 15. & M. nillroad , lnn commenced u
Biiit for damages in thu district court In tuls
county , iilnuinj'the iimuunt ut. U.UJO. Ho
nlle es In his petition tnut ho wus umploycd
by tho-coinpany ut I'l.ufeinoutli unit mat on
IJecembcr y , Ulll , Uu wus ongUKud in his
rejjulur duties ol switching cars ; that by
rensou ol tlio improper manner IP which u
tnnoiid of lumoor been loaded , the lum
ber fell from the car und burled him beneath -
neath it ; that ho received Injuries tj Ills
back , him and other purls ol his oody which
have permanently incapacitated him Irom
work of liny kind. Ho hus u wlto and two
children to support und thinks luut ho is en
titled to pecuniary redress horn tlio com
J'rogreitA or tliu Hock Itfluml.
Another long train of supplies for the nnw
extension through this city to Jensen nrrlvcd
In Lincoln this niorniiiK. Sixteen carloads
of scrunura and tools are collected at Horton ,
Knu. , nud orders wore sent out from huro
tuii morning for four CJrs to bu shipped to
Junscn , tvvo to DoWitl via IJeiit.ieo , two to
Cortlnnd und the rest to this city. Flftren
liundrcd men uro at work In Lancaster
county alone , nnd an equally largo force of
men will bo employed all nioi. : : the now line.
Work is expected to commence on the now
passenger depot at the cornci of Twentieth
und O streets within a few dujs. It will bo
one of the largest if not the largest paasen-
ficr depot In the state. It will cover over
10,000 tquarc feet of ground sp.ico und will
bu built entirely of Colorado red sandstone
nnd pressed brick. It will bo10 feet long.
with a tower rcachiiiL' to thu height of bixty-
11 vu feet above the top of the second story.
Hiittlu ( iii'-i to ( itiiiurii.
Judge L&nslng decided this Icircnoon thnt
Martin , the vounu' ludv referred to In
Tin ; Bui : this mornlne , tnus.1 co to Ueuovu
foruponod of two yeais. The trial was
continued from yesterday nftornoon until
thU iiKiniliig. nnd when tbo ciiso wus culled
D alu tbo court room wus crowded with a
pnug of men nnd boys which Lad gathered
In the expectancy of hearing some salacious
testimony in regard to Huttio's character ,
'J'lioycru disuppolntod. A number of wit
nesses wcro called to prove that tbo girl nad
been In the habit ol receiving company of
young men at unsoabonablo hours of the
evening and tbut she had lost several posi
tions on chntr uernunl. On the olbcr linud
llnltlo culled witnesses to prove thnt she had
always berne a goud reputation. Hho nnd
her mother Joined Issue linen the question of
ber ago , her mother insisting thul she was
but Hi nnd the girl claiming. ull tuo tlmo that
alia wus 18. Jutigc Lunstnc ; llnnlly dccidnd
to glvo the girl's mother the bcnollt of thu
doubt nud so Hullio goes to Geneva.
Lincoln In llrli'l.
Hon. John fiuperald returned from ] IiU
Bummer visit to Ireland at noon today. Ho
arrived ut Now York on board thu City ot
Now York und was dotulnod ut quarantine
but ono day.
Over bOU students nro already In uttouu-
nnco ut thu no.v Western Normal college
upcnod In this city this week.
11. I ) . Uosenfeld , u Uusslan who reached
this country several wooku nco , wns lined
f'JI.TO this loronoon. Ho was found ut a dis
orderly house lust night in u drunken uud
boitterous condition. ,
A largo number of Grand jiVrmv veterans
left for Washington on this afternoon's
F.V. . Tuylor , a Lincoln gentlomun who
bas been detained for so longu tlu.u on board
tlio Hlcnmshlp Normannia , telegraphed his
friends in this city this afternoon us ( allows :
"Safely ushoro , U'Hl bu homo Mond.i ; or
'Tuesday. Meet mo with u baud nnd a
hcnr&u. "
Hpculiil Inlurxtiitu CiiliHiMirco
AKIIIII Krolrliiuur 'luri-jlni ; In Oiniilia.
Frunk G. Kretchmor , special ugentuf the
Intorftutu Commerce commission , who hus
worked up ull the cases against shippers und
railroad mou tried for alleged violation of the
Interstate commerce luw , has arrived In
Omaha again , Personally Mr. ICrotchmcr Is
an umlitblo young man whom it is a pleasure
to incut , but whim It COMIC. * to u discussion
of his mission ho Is ruthcr Indefinite in his
explanations. He tilts about the uountrv us
iilmlessly in u bird of passage , If his sonic-
whut ovuslvo itaiumunts aru to bo buliuved ,
nnd hit reiuous for bobbing up In any
tlctihir locality nro singularly Inadequate.
Mr. Kretohmur auys this visit to Omahn
tins no blgnlllcanoe. Ho went to St. Joseph
to meet Commissioner McDill uud could not
11 nil n pluco to sleep. Ho started out looking
for n bed , and he kept on going until mornIng -
Ing , when bo landed in Ouiahu. Hut if Mr.
ICrotuhmor la tin unsutiMcctory subject for
rcportorlal attention Ills busluest require *
that hti cunfldo In others , und the secrecy of
his mission is not always maintained us dark
and iin'fittUoimiblo as ho would buvc It.
Ou arriving In till * city ho at oucu sought
llio pri'sonco of A. O. Snlford of Washington -
ton , nttornoy for the Inters Into Commoruo
commission. After consultation with thut
Kcntluninn ho inquired for United States
Attorney Uaker , hut of coursu nil
thU had no blgnilicanuu , nnd these
call wore incicly of u xoclal nnturo. It is
learnuil on llio iiUbnwevor , thut the cases
ugulnst curtain Oinuhn r.illroud uniciuls for
ullogcd muulpulatlon of rates will come up
before the federal grand jury ut Kanbiis City
nt thg comlni ; term. In explaining the toason
for thu transfer from Umnhu u federal of-
llcliil nmtlo tbo Htntiuuent thut tbojury which
wus to Imvo tuKon up thu cusos In ibU city
lust wlntor hud lour railroad nttonuiy.s on U.
Ho Intimated that thai Jurv had boon
"Jlx'ed , " und the triinsfcr to KUIIBUS City
wn to provcnt thu srlootlon of u Jury predisposed -
disposed to favor the railroad ollldais ,
AIniinul Truliilinc School ,
Prof , J. 12. Wlpman of tbo nianiiul train ,
mi ; school la endeavoring to crcnlo u greutoi
lutureot In the merits of bis dupnrtment o
oubllo BoUooi luttruction. Ho tbluks thut 1
parents would consider the pracllcul bunollti
of iiiaiiuul training they would ruqulro
their boys to talta loss of vocal muslo , pansy
painting , Greek or Latin , and moro of man
ual training. Tbo Improved facilities for
Imparting Instruction In tills useful branch
nro Buuh thnt practical results arc within the
touch of the uvorugo pupil. The professor is
very anxious to Increase tbo number o
pupils. Ho can boudlo 100 very icaaily tnU
DoWlU's Sanuparilia ci-junsaj ittu uioa I.
Lapliam'a Celebrated Shoo Stock From
Under Palmer House in Ohloago.
of tlio I'liu-it I.lnos 'Mi'iiV , T.n-
lli > n' nnd Ulillilrrn'H Sluicn .Miuniliic-
turnl In Anu-rlrii Solil liy thu
Slicrlir to tlio llosto.i Store.
Hoforo givinjr you the wonderful
> rieea nt wfiiuli tliuso shoos will bo sold
wo wish to present the lollowiny to
your carnoht notiuc :
There is hardly u single person who
: ms ever visltod Chiongo tliitt did not
tear about L'.iphiun's Palmer Ilouso
shoo Htoro.
Lijhuu'tf ; : shoos are today the best ,
inost , modt porfoot littlni , ' and ilurablo
thnt inonoy and artlhtto shoomaldiig can
; > ut to 'otlior.
Laliniii [ ) failed.
Illrt atoelc was sold hy the sheriff just
.ho same as any ether bankrupt stock
The Hoston Sloro bought it.
The way wo bought tills magnlflccnt
.ot of slioos enables u ? to ollor you suuh
.roniondous bargains that no matter
what ether shoo wtoros can offer you the
nllnito difference , the great disparity ,
, lie immensely bettor bargains that Tlio
[ Joaton Store gives you leaves no doubt
n your mind that
Hero are some of the figures :
Infants' Too rod gout shoos , 'toe.
Child's high out French gilt kid and
russet shoos , Lapham's prlco $1.50 , our
irico fi'Jc.
School shoos , in bright grain , with
icol or spring heel , bi/.os 3 to 11 , G'Jc. '
J'ho same fiom 12 to U , 71)o ) n pair.
fyuliod' gold oinbroldorcd ttirlcish
nnulolr s'ltidals , Laphaiu's jirico 81.60 ,
our prii'o S'ic.
About 2,00 ! ) pairs of ladies'oxford ties ,
.oe slipor.s ) and ono strap s.imlals. all
tand turns , in almost every style there
s , ( none worth loss than $1.50 and from
that up to $2 fl'J , fs'J 00 , J 1.00 and $5.00) ) .
i'liis onliro lot will go at 7oe and 31.50 u
iitr. : Tnlfo v ur ( ihoice.
Laplmm's ladies' $1.50 dongola shoos ,
Lanharn's $2.00 dongola slioes , 9c. ! )
Ml the ladies' line dongolii button
shoos that Lapham sold for $3.00 go at
91.6 ! ) a pair.
All the line hand-turn dongola shoos
undo by Brooks Bros , for Lapham , and
which ho sold tit $1.60 , go tomorrow tit
51.OS a pair.
All the imported French kid and don-
HoKi shoes , in hand-welts and hand-
urn * , which Liplmm sold for $5.00 ,
$0.00 , $7.00 and $8.01) ) , go at 82.50 , $3.00 ,
Jli. O , $1.00 and $1.50 a pair.
These como in A , B , U , D , E , and P
widths , in opera , common .soiibo and all
the now style lees and combination heel
tnd toes.
r.apham'H $ , ' ! . ( > 0 moil's flexible solo
f.ilf shoos , $1.75
Lapham's $3.50 ealf and cordovan con
gress and lace shoes , $2.00.
Lapham's $3.0and ( ) $11.00 men's French
calf , cordovan and kangaroo shoes go at
11..7o , s.00 ; ! , $3. 5 and $3.50.
Ivipham's $7.00 inerr's shoes in calf
mil patent leather , $1.00 a pair.
Open until 10 o'clock Saturday night.
N. W. Cor-lOth and Douglas.
Real estate.
Bargains only.
My word is good.
W. G. Albright
521-2-3 N. Y. Life bldg.
llcudiimirtcrs on Butter unit Cheese ,
Wisconsin full ci'catn ehccso , 80 and
Ik' ( , Hut/.ol'b price , loe.
lei'soy full cream ehccso , 12e } ana
Swiss ehocbc , I5c and 17je.
Mrick cheese , I'Jjc , He and IGc.
Tlio linost youiir { Amjricafull cream ,
Llmburgcr , 12Jc.
ImiHKa diiiries ana eruamcrioa.
Country butter , loc and 17e.
Croainory , ! ! ) and "lc.
Our Dodijo Separator creamery , 23c
and 2.jc. This is the llnest butter made.
Tlio Hcoand Mtimtnoth grocery stock
now on sale. ,
rrritoiiK Jt Ili-rry's NunAdillllon. .
810.00 caflh payinontB upon lots in
Person's & Berry's now addition to
South Omaha and $6.00 per month
thereafter until fully paid.
The Fidelity Trust company has re
moved its oilico to 1702 Purnam , south
east corner Bco building1. : , TUAI.N TO WASIIINRTUN.
Via tliii " ( ircat Uock Islum ! llouti- . "
Abe Lincoln post of Council Blullstho
guard ol honor to the department com
mander and the Iowa , Sutto band , will
leave flouncil JJlull's on a special train
Saturday , September 17 , at 2:45 : p. m.
The train will run bolld through to
Washington , stopplnir at all tlio princi
pal points in Iowa to take on old com
rades and their friends. Very low rules
have been made for this occasion ,
tickets on sale September 13 to 20. good
to return till October 10. The Rock
Island runs four through express trains
daily to Chicago , making close connec
tions with all llncri oibt. : For rates , i onto ,
sleeping car accommodations applv to
( . 'hus. Kennedy , G. N. W. P. , A. 1002
Ftirnam street.
to i > Ht ItiiU'H to WiKlihiKton anil ltdtiiri ) .
Via tlio Chicago. Rock Island & Pa-
eilli ; r'y. Tickets for this Decision will
bo on Bile ; September 13-20 , good to re
turn until October 10. The "Rock
Island" runs four dally express trains to
Chicago , making close connections with
all lines oast. Remember the unmoor ,
1G02 Farimiu street , and also that jou
secure snfoty , sneed and comfort wbou
ticketed via the "Great Ruck Island
Route. " For rules , routes , s.ooping ear
accommodations , etc. , address
Ull AS. KINXII > Y. ( i. N. SV. P. A.
l.nvKy I'rlduy lor llnil Hliint.
ST. Lot'iM , Mo , , Sept. U ! . Uud Ulunt , the
desperado who was to huvo boon hungod
toduv ut I'litovillo , lias had hU sentouco com
muted to llto luiprUoninoiit.
Great Grand Advance Cn'o of Ladies'
Jackets and Oloaks Begirs Today.
To Itnih tlmSrmon Wo OITor 100 Alt Wool
llcuvor ninth iliirktit * With full Slmul
Notched flrniiliii * A trnclinn I'ur '
LmlluM * and misses' tloublo breasted ,
upon , bound mid Inp scum jackets , in
tans , blnulc or bluu , cither beaver or
inoHoii cloth , with pearl buttons , extra
lonu , trout fo.OS.
Liidlos' tind misses' bcnvor jackets ,
ill-Inch , in tuns and browns witli Imita
tion mink trimmed collars und facings ,
Ladles' > > lnck bo.vvor trimmed jackets ,
nil alms , $2.50.
Ladies' all wool black beaver rectors ,
full shawl collar , 4 handsome fastening
ornaments. $1.50 , worth $0.00.
Ladies' jackets of diagonal cheviot
trimmed in black opossum , half silk
lined , $0.00.
Ladies' top coats , extra lonp , in plain
and nuvoltv ujoth , blaclc and color9satin
lined , tit $ 112.00 , real value $125.Ott
Ladles' navy blue reefer , half silk
lined , full shawl opossum collar , for Sat
urday , $12.50. . \
At $15.00 wo will pivo you most ex
traordinary values in fully 20 different
now styles In Indiov jackets in
plain or trimmed silk lined gai'iuonts ,
all lit inches Ion p. Many of these be-
ins sold for $2.5.00 right hero In Omaha.
Plush jackets , satin lined , all sixes ,
$7.50 Saturday.
Extra long pluah reefer jackets , full
shawl fur collar , either in astrachan ,
krnnmor or oposaum , richly lined , go at
"Ladies' "Walker nlush"clonksg ar-
antecd for their wearing qualities , hand
somely satin lined , extra long , sixes
from 112 to 50. at Slo.OO. never sold for
loss than $2o.OO during the season.
Ladies' very long capes , in black or
tan , plain or braided , $12 50.
Our stock of misses' and children's
roofers and cloaks has never been
equaled in Omaha , cither in size or
quality. For tomorrow wo make most
remarkable prices on these. Don't fall
to look thorn over.
Additional payments at your conven
ience. Hy paying a deposit wo will lay
aside any garment you may bolcct. You
can thus take advantage of this ad-
van no sale.
N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas.
Unilrruronr anil Fiiriiisliiiivs .Sprdiil dirTo-
One cate of gents' line' British J hose ,
come in black , mode ? , tans and browns ,
at 12jc per pair , worth 23c.
Gents' cotton j hose , modes and tans ,
only 17c per pair. 15 pair for 50c , worth
3oc per pixi .
Iferchiofs , initials , only 15u oieh , woijth
Our entire stock of gents' summer un
derwear to bo closed out at loss than
All our 50o Negligee shirts to bo
closed out at Me u eh.
100 do/.on 7onts' 8-ply linen collars in
all the now shapes , 12je each.
100 do/.on gents' tt-ply linen cuffs , only
12ic per pair , worth 25c.
Gents' line took scarfs , this season's
styles only , 2oc o.ici , elegant trooJs.
1 case gent * ' fine camel's hair i hose ,
only ! ! ) < . worth
Gents' white moriiio underwear.hcavy
weight , pmrl buttons and ribbed tail ,
only 50e each , worth 7oc.
1 case of ladies' jersey ribbed vests
nnd pants , natural gray , only 50c , worth
75 e.
e.In children's underwear wo carry the
largest and cheapest line west of
Chicago. Special prices will bo made
on this line tomorrow.
Best quality of ice wool L'lc per box
One thousand pounds of Gorman knit
ting yarn , only 19o per hkcin.
Childron'.s cotton hose , fast black , Sc ,
12i } ! , lee , and 2oc per pair ; bplondid
100 dozen hovs' shirt waists reduced
to 25c. '
Special sale of corhota for tomorrow.
$1.00 corsets reduced to 75c.
75o cot-facts roJucod to 50c.
Don't forgot the sale of children's
Wool underwear , commencing to
The Fidelity Trust company has re
moved its oilico to 170.2 Farnam , soutk
cast corner Boo building.
Via tlio Witlmtli l.lne ,
For the above occasion the Wab.ish
will sell , Sent IJJth to 20th. round trip
tickets to Washington and Baltimore , at
less than half fare , with choice of routes ;
passing down the beautiful Shonanuoah
Valley or eroding the mountains of Vir
ginia by daylight , within aight of many
famous battlefields. You have jirlvl-
logo of stopping at Si. Louis to visit the
great exposition and fair ; also , vlow the
inagnlllcont street Illuminations and
parade of Veiled ProphotH , which vill ;
surpass in grandeur all efforts of former
years. For rates , tickets , sleeping car
accommodations , and further informa
tion , call at Wabash oilico , 1502 Farnam
street , or write G. N. Cij.VYTO.v ,
N. W. P. . Omiihaa , Nob.
Kumiirlmlily l.o\v l itsturu
Greatly reduced ratoa to Washington ,
I ) . C. and return via ' 'The Northwest
ern Line , " Supt. lit to 20th , Inclusive ,
good returning until Oct. 10th.
Choice of routes east of Chicago , with
liberal stop-over privileges. Sleeping
car berths can bo obtained through to
Washington. Call early at city ticket
oilico for full information , 1 101 Farnam
fatrcot ,
C. P. and T. A. General Agent.
Spectacles accurately fitted ; refractive
examination free. Tudor Optical Co. ,
corner Farnam and l\h \ ( ,
Used in Millions of Monies 40 Years the Standard
St. Louis La Royal dlova StcrA Must
All Bo ; Sold ToJay.
.Mint Ho Clinpil ntiDncc , No AtnttnrVlitit
1'rlro or Vulno llniislit ut u Ilnr-
cr.ln , It One * nt ItlR Suo-
Under oxlsting clrcunist-innos wo are
forced to close out this dcslrablo stock
of kid gloves ivt u moinonl's notlco.
Our own direct fall Importations of
P. & P. gloves are already here and
ciuinot ho placed on sale until the pres
ent stock Is out of the way.
Wo have never allowed n , Ir.uikrupt
stock of any kind to interfere with our
regular lines , nor will wo now , no matter -
tor what the rule will cost us.
Wo therefore make the following
prices , which will undoubtedly clean out
the whole Royal stock of gloves by
nightfall :
Royal $1.00 and $1.60 gloves , 31)0.
By this wo mean to o'.oso out all the
small lots of gloves in the whole
Royal stock. There are some of all
shades , some dressed , some undressed
kid , hook , button and mousquotalro ,
and of every size from SJ to 7 } . Those
sold up to $1 60 a pair in St. Louis ; close
out price , 3c. ! )
Wo will close out at 40c all the flno
tan mousquotatro , black kid and Biarritz
shopping gloves which sold from $1.25
to $2.00 in St. Louis. All sixes , to close
At 75o wo will sacrifice every pair of
black and tan kid gloves and flno un-
aroBsod moutquotiiiro which the
Royal sold at $1.75. This wrico in
cludes many elegant white gloves.
Lo Royal's $2.50 black and un
dressed kid gloves will bo cleared out at
81.25 today.
Tomorrow winds up the clianco anu
stock of ever 1,000 pairs of Lo Royal's
derby ; dogskin , mocha and castor gl'o vos
nt $1.35 a pair , the o sold in St. Louis
for up to $2.75 a pair.
At 81.5' ' ) wo close the last of the
Royal $2.76 black , tan , mode and
gray , tindrosssd mousquotalro gloves.
No gloves lltted today.
Extra salespsoplo on hand.
No waiting , no matter how big the
rush will bo.
N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas.
i In pnrltyof qualify , delicacy
of fla\or and richness of
bouquet it has no equal.
Settled Only at
Excelsior Springs ,
sKFORir Missouri
Richardson Drug Co. , Agis , Omaha , Neb.
flrny Imlr nr wlilslcrrs clmiiRril Io
black by a slnglo triplication of tlil Ilyo. It
jinpiirtN u iiiitiiral color. aetH Instaiitaiicons *
lyniul ciintalnsnotlilnInjiirlniis to llio lialr.
.Sold by ( IriiprtjI'ilH , or u III lie m-iit on receipt
of prlcSl.UO. . OHicv , U'J 1'urk 1'lacu , K. V.
The name bestowed upon'a certain popular
earoe of cards , IB a tame , unlnlerestlni ! aHalr ,
couiparcd with thd Imponancu attached to the
uafo , speedy , aclcntlflc and psrmnta'nt euro of
IDU abovo-named diseases , as perlormnd hy
those wnnilerlnlly skllKul and Justly celebrated
Kings ot Specialists ,
Who , In the treatment and euro of such
dolioate maladies as
Syphilis , Stricture ,
Seminal Weakness ,
Hydrocele , Varicocelo ,
Female Weakness ,
Piles , Fistula ,
Rectal Ulcers ,
Sexual Diseases
And all kindred Ills , have no equals In America.
Bend 4 centi for handsomely Illustrated 120-
page hook. .
Concu'tatlou fiee. Cull upon or addreu
with tarue ,
cutli Hth Bt. , N R.CornurMth txnJ
KIB. , Oiunlin , Nob.
An Object Lesson Taught by the
Indians ,
Lot tbo Wny Eo Simple nnd the Remedy
If you nro ailing , not exactly sick , but
net feeling "just right , " have a drowjy ,
dull feeling , bad taste In the mouth ,
variable appetite , occasional pains In
Iho joints and'miisolc' " , and ether signs
of impciidinir sicknnss , why not do as
the Indian does drive such symploms
out of the system by the judiulo'us use of
their vegetable remedy ?
Don't neglect such warning.
That pulii In your shou dor may de
velop Into rheumatism , and a month's
scikncss deprive you of the income ol
your toil.
That furry tongue denotes your liver
Is out of order , and typhoid fever would
easily take root In your system.
What could you do then ?
Think of your business , your homo
and your family.
Seek safety 'as you would fly from
cholera or smallpox.
You nro In danger if you neglect
thcso warnings. They may pass olt but
the chances are against you , and oven
then the poison in only latent in your
Do not , however , put your trust In
the so-called " "
numerous - "snrsaparlllas"
wltlv which the marfet is flooded.
Bnraaimrllln bark li not ft niollcln ? , It li n Itivor
Init , notliliiKiiiorc. Thi * * llon of nmny of tlio o
decoctions cumiM from mineral polVIMS tliity con
tain , such in morctirr , nrpcntc. stryclilne , bismuth.
Icullile of potiislutn , ami the tike , niul nny tlrui : . < t9t
will toll > uii , If ho tells yon truly , thnt this I ? BO
KlukniHio Inillnii S.imva niul other Klcknpoo In-
dlnn inoillclnc * contain only llio product of tlio
Hold anil forest , nntura'n nnn TCKCliblo urowth of
roots , turkH mul licrhi , nnd o ( necessity nro free
from nil mlhcrnl pnlxoiu wlintovor , bccnuso Ilia
Iiullnii ! ) Imvo no knonlcdKO of them , ilepundliiK
wliolly tiponnntiiru'.i Inbomtory for thulr rcnonrcen ,
niul upon their nklll , born of conturlai of exper
ience , In prcpurliiK tlicm.
Kleknpoa Iiidtnn Hnwa. niniln by llio In
dia MS from roots baiks nnd horns ( if thelroun
( lathorliiK und enrlni : . IH ohtilnubln of : iny
ilruceial ut ono dollur per hottlo ; six liotllos
for flvodollnr-4.
"PTC3 T "P Pond thrco two cent stamps to
* .MJJJJJ puy piist'i c. und wo will mall
you frco a thrlliln : und inleroslliu book of
l"'lpiirs. : ! entitled "I.lfo IIIK ! Scones Ainon ?
llio KU'UapOd Indluns" Tells -ill uliiint the
liullnim. Adilrcas linAI.V .t IIIOKl.OW.
Histrllniiliiu Agents , 5.1 Ur.uid Avo. , New
lluven. Conn.
, kiin a 4 iBej
k EiasticStockings ,
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
WaterBottki ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies.
1\ \ 114 S. 15111 St. ,
Buy a Wilcox Derby
and you will never have
any other. Self con
forming. Nothing
better made. Price
A obby yo ' ig men's hat
in full , cJtiff and flexible.
Price for Saturday :
n I
Buy the best whi'e
you are about it.
I am
' Today tomorrow till Saturday
'night we have arranged to hold one of
our old time suit sales , when we will
place on sale thres styles of suits , two
hundred of each style six hun
dred suits in all at the popular
price of a ten dollar note that are made
of better goods are better made better
trimmed and have finer linings in
them than were ever sold before ( or
less than fifteen dollars.
These Suits are Mil Wool ,
They are made of one of the best heavy
cassimeres manufactured in the whole
United States. They were cut by tailors
instead of by steam. The coats are''Ti'n"e'd' ' '
with an extra quality of Farmer satin
and the vest back is of the same mater
ial while the sleeve linings and the
vest linings are of fancy Gilbert silesia.
The two front rows of our large Doug
las street window , show you how
these suits look and its an easy matter
to step inside the store and see how they
ft el We will guarantee that you can
get more good hard wear out of one of
these suits thafa you ever got for a ten
dolJnr bill before in all your life.
We will also offer on second
made of stylish tan Melton ,
lined with good twilled lining ,
sizes 34 to 42 ,
At S-4.SO
They're the seven dollar sort.
Alallneo Saturday.
A iiowcrftil compinyl I'.lnBorato scpncry ! Don't
fall to oo tlio isrunl llnrlciu Kallro.iil llrliUu tronul
Dnvli nnU Kcu h'H llollleklnu Hatlllmt , Illi-Hoar- |
Ing .MiMlcal Kureo ,
TU.MCl ) Ul' TO DATI5.
lllli .
Ocortto I * . Mnrliin. snill i Klrliy , ( Jus Mill * , Mamlo
Mnjro , Lemiaril Somcrh. llnrry Watson. Annlu Illack ,
, ! ohn Cllroy , Jullii Taylor , llnrncy Kollly , Jolin Kei-
iiL'll. . \ IRM Duly , .lumt-H llradluy , l.llllu Hnyiuuiiil ,
ChuilnH SVallack. Jlllu Aidraii. : Clura llullu , llainll-
tun Ailanis , Cunlu .Norton , ( ioorgu I.lovil , Sc'iiurltn
( Diiclilta.
Tlio rnnidiii llustlur QinirtPtti' . tlioio-uoou Itea
tlups'im nnil thu Oil . .InulVIUov
ILuiou" ( 'omnifont.
To IIP prosonicil lu-ru I xictly t s-on at tlio IIIJiiii
Tin-liter , Now Vurk-lf Jim want fun , uo nlioro tliu
fun It. S iti iio _ oii aalu at iisunl price" _
New r ' jU5T TWO"
Theater' . NI IITH.
A. M. I'alincr's ' New York S'.onk ' loiiiiuiy ! | ,
Under tlio DIrt'ctliiii of Mr. Al ll.ivuian , III Au imtus
Tliomii.11 1'rosii I'ouiu ,
A IA A T3 A M A !
liuoriirotud liy Jtr Plan ! < Carlyli. Mr. Clnirlus
Ij. llurrlH , .Mr IMwunl f. Abolui , Mr llurlirrt .Mill-
nr.l .Mr. .1. C. bavlllu. Mr K M. llulland. .Mr.
\\'ii Men Itamsny. Sir. .1 II S-tml'Innl. Mr Oil -II
Williams , MlMtJuiinlu KiiBtnco. MU Huniinl.
Mlai l.llllo Wolaton , MUs y.onalilu Mululru , Mlsi
lln-o MurKiin .
Tlm ( iru it Nouro OuailotTlio Kavnrllo I'laycru- -
Tliu ( ; rpiito t ul ( 'aits-Mont llunutlluififi'iit-ry.
HIIX iiliuuti no ( ipt'ii in fullunlntf iirlcvn I'.ir-
( iiiL'l niul llrM live riw In clrclo. Jl M ; lust llvo ru M
In clri'lo. ( I U ) : Ki'iierul ailniNslon lo llrit tlnor. 75c ;
llrst four rows In lialconv. { I.IW. lunt llvo rows In
balt'ony , ijc : uuiiural admission lo balcony. Me ; pil-
Fwst , Thaaler
One Wueli , Mind.iy Mutlnoo , Sept 18.
( Urauil Siipului'iiliir L'ru.liiutlou of
Uncle Tom's Catoin.
With u uurloiul of hiioiHiry , calcium mi I me
chanical otlci-tH Mutluuu4 Wed lusduy and
Saturluy. _ _ _ _
l.'illi un'l Uapltol Avunue.
WCB' ( ofSciitoinber r.'tli.
nll.\MA-KOi K ! H K
2:1.0 : p. in , ; bIJ : p. in. Specialty UIS. 4 : ) ' . 7 : 5
i.v. ' 'Ji1. : uc. ui'iiio n.M.i < ritun.
Th. 11.1 Spring of A. . . !
Klni'Bt Itomrt Hotel In thu Wrf l. Htilctly Tint
Llum I..irxo llooni" , Hliiulu r llnitillto , .Sim
, 'liiblu a Siu-
Oui'n. AIMI'i'tuniliiiliruruiiunn ' ' |
cl'ilty. Iton'iimt'lo It'itm Mr llnlviouof rijitiin.
Orelii' lrttuii.llUiiii iuKvo.y Kvunliitfln tlm Mil
tic Hull I Hunt riuiuo Hull In thu llnllail
hliili'4. llJnutlful Mciiiiilaln hcenory. Hiilunlll
CIIIIIUIU , flll NUlltH , NO JIlU'lUlllH . 'I.IWJ I Hit
nbovu tlm M > II Tliu Huutli inkola lint 4irliu | <
monttniftliu iittuntliiii nil < irur llu wtirlil , unit
urucurliiK n larvur in'mintiixo tliiin liny nnrln < i
In thu U 3 Knr r.itoj , U4thi , to , nii'l ntlur In
orinulloii. uJilroi- * , O. H. .MAItlllCN
Hot Sprlnu" , South Dukotji
Parched Rolled Oats ,
UneqwilleJ in Flavor.
Corn Gritz
Sold only In 2J pound paokn oi
Velvet Meal ,
For mulllns and ( 'omv
' 11 BESUliilPI T
Sold by ull l'lnt'Cl.113 ( irjcari.
DR. J. E , McCrKEW ,
n the ire itinmuot ill forintnf
PRIVAE DISH 4.3 3 , and all elUor lor
anil dehllltlefl of youtii in I munhool. ITyuars'
expenenro. HU rosnureos nnd f.iollilliM urn
pnu'tlc.illy nnllinltu I. tlio Doutiir N rernm-
niondod by the provi. anil endorsed In the
Btron.-esttormshy the pcoplo for fair trmt-
nient and honoU profdsunnil udvloo. Tlio
mist pjwerfui ruiiullos known to innilom
Rclonco for tliu snceotHful truitmunt ot tlia
followln'jdlsuasos :
OONOKIIIIO K A I'linioali'.to rollof. A com-
p'.otumiru without the lots of im iionr'a tliuj
frniii l .
GLEErOnoof tlio most coinpleto nn I 1110.
cossfnl trmitniDiits for Kieat unit nil annoy nj
d'osTot known lo the mo profui-
blon. Tlio roinltsurjtrn y wonilurfiil.
8TRICTU1U2 ( Jro aost known ruiioly for
the tro itinentof stricture , without p iln , out *
tliii. orcl lutlnr. A imntrmnark ihlo ro
SYPHIIiIS No treatment for this torrllilo
bloo.l dlsuaso hai ever boon nmro sn 'ous-ifiil.
nnrhiulstroiiKorontlnrHoinenls In tlm liKhB
of inudurn sulnneo this d su iso U positively
cur.ili uaud ovury trace of tlm polsun ontlruly
roinnvu I frnin the hloo I.
LOST MANHOOD , and nmliltlon. norvotn-
ncss.tlinlditv. iluipun lonoy und all wo.iUnuii
und illsorJon ot youtii or m.inhoiiJ , Kullot
oljtiilnod at once. -
DI3EA-1ES OF THE K'DVKYS , mill nil
dls.inlur.snf . till utoma-n. blon 1. liver , sldii.
und bladder , are iroitml snueosifnlly wit'i '
the KroiUost known ro nudloi for thu Ul -
Wrlto for dreiil ri.
14tli niul Farniiin St. . Oiniilin , Nob.
. . . Tf3l'H"yY'TO/5r Slori'lllnn Hub.I
.KPULTCJ j a. r..iioi , _ Mo 2
_ M nopay tlllcui t J.DU.J.UT
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are unoil In the
preparation ot
irlilclt is abinliitcty
jniro and tolitble ,
J 1 1ms marnthnn three I ( met
tliottri'H' Cocoa inUeJ
with Btarch , Arrowroot or :
Off * HuK-'iri and Is far more cco- -t
nrailul , coitlny leas than one cent a cup , -
It In ucllclouH. noiirMiliiL' , and UASIUV
Sold byCrmorn fifrjnhcrt.
W. BAKER & CO."Dorchester , Ma s.
I'or I ll hcr ( ftfi l.lo.
oil I ! > UlAIIONt. |
f.lul .nl YOUNU
\ < lirr | l Itri.T. I'fTtm
ut , l.o ilnttQPi Ulnoutl.
kM'clnl. | uillriilutu , iiiilviir ltjr | > it'mrHtorr | nnu x
inmt-uruiluula mr t'ii. rlno luii'lrnl doiirtra nN
Unujiiiil fiu'llltlri ( or vf.ltlnn llio Worlil'n ' Fnlrloc '
iitiuly with roitimtoiit | t iifhorn. lor flrciilnr : arl(2. (
MRS. I. M. WIIS9N , l'rlii,4Mi Ilrtuul Him , , riilwn
wwir / /
IHtli Killtliiu I'uslpuld lor''S uH. ( ontamui )
Why It I'nlU OIT. TIIIIM Drov , and tlie remedy
lly I'rof. UMllhY I'AKKKlt , K. 1C , A. 8 , V.
II. A. I.ONO A ( ) ( ) , , \
1013 Arch itrooU I'hlladolphla. 1'a.
CTcryuuoibuuldreaillljIi llttl * b'j'jk. AtLcuteuu.