Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1892, Image 1

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L\ lobn L , Wekter nnl Family and Y/illiam
A. Paxlon Safe In Now York.
Well Pleased to Eo Libsrated from the
Floating Prison of Pestilence.
They Talk of Their Trying Experiences
Wile They Were Quarantined.
l.urril nn lionrd n l'l < mtlit ; I'eit lloiup ,
und Thru Krpt Clo o 1'ruonori by
Crude Oiniriiiitliiu l.n\v Very
ItoiiKli Linos.
NKW YOIIK , Sept. 10. [ Special Tcletrram
to TUB BIK. ; ] Tin : liur. iniu found John L.
Webster and his wife imil daughter ut the
Fifth Avonun hotel. They bad Just arrived ,
looking as If llioy had had a Jolly coed ttmo
ofi \ Instead of the now familiar "awful ex
perience. "
William A. Pn\ton , tholr shlpmato and
follow clllzan , Is at Iho "Gilsoy. Ho hud lust
got out of his oath whan your correspondent
J was usbcrcd In. Air. Pax ion was
% lightly clad and n glance was
only necessary to show a mold
that the now chnmploa might envy , Tbo was blttor in his denunciation of
the Hamburg-American company. Ho dis
covered the ilrst day on board Ihov
were lying by the f.icl of tholr sending tholr
Blcnrngo pnisoncors aooard. Ho wns the
tint to lenrn that cholera was doing Its
aoadly work , and ho Itopt It secret ralhcr
than couso fours , 'lo wns uuior ugiiiusi.
Jlnallh Ofllccr JeiiKlns for keeping them
from the Saturday they arrived till Iho fol
lowing Tuesday without a doctor , supplies ,
water nnd medicines or provisions.
"I micht Imvo uioJ for nil ho might have
known ot it at this period , " ho said. Ho and
Mr. Webster received uoout 1 percent of the
communications soul them , and ttoy bultcvo
some ono hnd established a censorship on ull
communications sent or received by thorn ,
hence the fact that THE BEIJ min's efforts to
reach them were thwarted , and not until hist
Monday did they receive his dispatch.
They tried to answer then , but when they
tried to wire un answer they cot , "Wire cn-
pngod by Governor Flower. " This of
course vijns possible , yet the query presents
Itself : "Why were they debarred from com
municating with their fuendsl"
liTi'l\fd ill London.
On the last night on Fire Island the two
gentlemen sat down and togaluor got up
this statement for Tun Bun :
- I'No nmn Knows the barharisrps under the
present syslotn'of quarantine when ho Is not
, -STW , _ thqifoxRorlencos _ of Iho passon-
* " * w * { tors of the Nonnuntilu. . Like many others
we went aboard the Normnunm at South-
uinptou under assurances troru the London
oRIco that no steerage passengers were lo bs
cnrncrt on lhat ship. When wo found we
had been deceived in till * a fooling
of nervous anxiety came over us that
Bcumed an omen of avll and dancord
concealed. When the news hud spread that
the steerage was full of people from Ham
burg bitter denunciations xvero expressed.
'Wo had bud wo-athor at ttrst , then
came quiet and sunshlno. Tint pro
duced cheerfulness , as the fact , of
cholera having broken out on the ship was
concealed. Now nnd then It became known
that u dead body had been dropped overboard
nl nlghl , but wo were told lhat death had
resulted from other causes. This kind of
news hau u distressing effect , as such burl-
nls wcro too numerous to bo attributed to
ordinary diseases.
rirnt Lriirmtd of It nt Oimrmilliip.
"Whon the ship was anchored nt quarantine
it wis : Ilrst ollleluHy announced thai cholera
had boon doing Its deadly work. The effect of
this news wns like u shock. Wo wcro now
prisoners and no man save the heuth
oftlcnr was allowed on board , und
_ - no permission to communicate with tbo
outsiilo world by teller or telegram
except under thn supervision of
this ofllcer. Near by the Normauniu lay two
other ships , under like restraint , and having
the plague on board. There wns no way to
shut Out the sight of these pest ships. Each
morning the Crystal Walor came alongside
all the ships to carry away tba sick und
dead , anddrcadlng _ how short tbo lima might
bo before Iho fatal disease would llnd Its
wny to us , wo hop'id ' hat each dny
would find us removed from the Normannln ,
but found only disappointment for seven
successive days. Each morning ovury cabin
passenger would gaze up thu muln mast to
ECO If the yt'llou lUg wus lloutlng from it.
If so It WHS the signal to como and carry off
the sick mid dead.
"Itvas a horrlbto anil eruol sight to sco
the sicir , who hud every reason to expect
dentil , pl.iced on the boat with the dead to
bo curried to tbo island. Humanity should
havit dlntuleJ a hotter way to do these things.
"Eiien morning Now Vork piipors would bo
tent aboard and eagerly road , detailing the
number of now cases und now deaths , nnd
then the 500 cabin passengers would sit in
lolonm quiet about the snip for hours ,
Kept Vlime Trimmer * .
"Wo were as well and healthy as the pco-
plo of Now Vork city , as tlmo has demon
strated , yet wo were hold us prisoners under
tno ci ucl enforcement of a crude qmmmtino
law nnd In n pluco in deadly and dangerous
B3 Llbby prison. Dr. Jenkins said to us that
lie could not got u ship to transfer in. Wo
then sutucrlbod a fund of { 100,000 to buy a
boat. Tneu came the news tbat Mr.
Mori'au had bought ami tendered the
Btonitigton. Soon wo wuro made to fnco
now hnrJithtpi. There wcro not s'uniflBiit
ilorplnt ; rooma on llio Stoniiipton , The
looUli'g ran co was out of order and ono was
IM good luck to got a piece of braail ,
* belled egg and a cup of colTos.
J'audemonium was uduod , There were
no light * save small kntoaouo
Umps , and a committee would not
rllow nntioiicora to iightthom In their rooms ,
for tear of a lire , as the boat wai ui'r.aunrrd
as a tlnuer box. Wo uuro parked together
Ilko tlicop. Wo ilopl In u email room with a
ftompunlon ; no window , no light , no air. Ono
of us ha-.t to go out to give room for thii other
to get Into cr out of bed ,
Tiikuu uu thti tvphnui ,
"The next day tboCephcus came ulongsldn
mid nnnouncoU that all tvero ordered to KO
aboard at once. .JJafgago was unpncucd nnd
scattered , many children wcro uiloep and
ntarty womou were at rest end umUesiod.
Bouio got t&ir bugifHja tram-
fcrrod , eomo not. Hero \vcro _ men
who had not Blent the night
before , nor scon a tlmo or place toehango
clothing , put on board the Ceolioiiit without
oven hand bairgage. It was said that tlmo was
too short to permit rnoro delay. Wo wcro
all too anxious to get awny from the Stonine-
ton , as it had become tiltby , Tliero was no
arlnklng water on board.
"Hero was a condition of things I will not
describe , as It was too horrible , " continued
Mr. Webster , "for doltcato cars to hear.
Tlio Ccpheus moved out to sea. It soon
began to plunge nnd roll. There was a high
wind. In n few minutes seasickness over
came most of the women nnd muny men.
They lay nil over the floor and decks In rows ,
as there wcra no rooms too to , and tha placa
became offensive with filth. The darkness
added to the horrors , Thcro were
few lights in the saloon and nonn on the
docks , Mon kept holding out hope to the
women ,
Mr. Webster stood leaning over the rail
watching the waves rush against thorn , trv-
\aa \ to forgot that ho had had no dinner and
was hungry.
Iliul No Pilot Alianrd.
When ho hoard tlio captiln hnll a passing
fishing boat and ask , "How far Is It to Plro
Island I" the answer cnmo , "Fifteen
miles. " lie thought to himself , "Does the
captain not know wharo ho isl" Soon
another was hailed and the captain asked :
"Have you u pilot on board I"
The answer came. "No. "
What , In a rough sea , In it frull craft , no
pilot who knows bow to get the boat to Fire
Island ! Alas , It was true. Alarm
spread over the wbolo crowd of men as well
at women as soon as this b.'camo known.
'I he captain was requested to taka no risk.
The dread of this aangc'r wns creator than
the dread of the cholera. Strong hearted
men tried to calm weeping women by rous-
surlug thorn.
Soon they were on the return trip. It was
after 7 o'clock In the night when the
Copucus again headed for Sandy Hook.
All were hungry. They had had
no provision , no adequate meal slnco
leaving ttao Nnrmannln , und many had not
tasted food since they bad taken on egg and
coffee for breakfast , nearlv twenty-four
hours boforo. It was 11 o'clock at night
when the Cephcus again drew up alongside
the Stonington. This time was only to go
aboard to llnd it dark , beds ull torn up , sheets
and pillow cases gene and no lire to cook
tood. The Stonington was bad enough the
night before , but now it wns terrible. A
pleco of bread und cold moat , a skirmish for
a shoot and pillow and tuc company sat about
the dec ! : .
ltoii)7h TrtMit incut Indi-uil ,
Nearly all were American citizens und in
sight of American soil , yet were bolnir
treated worse than prisoners in darn cells.
Mon who loved tfib olil Hag were heard to
condemn the nation for all the 111 protection
granted them , not that they wanted to
bo released to cimlumlnatn or en
danger their fellow citizens , but be
cause they wcro not receiving the same pro
tection that was granted to all other Ameri
can citizens in conformity to tno dictates of
humanity. Here was Now York , with
power to sol/.o any ship in this emergency
In which to s ifcly quarantine these ppoplo.
The nation bad at its command every ship In
the Brooklyn navy yard , and yet no one
seemed to have the cquras0 J ° resort to
" " * " *
The severest hardships were yet to come.
No sooucr was a breakfast of bread , coftoc
and eggs eaten from a beard table , amidst
personal scrambling , when it was nit. Jo
known that the Ccpheus would try again.
This time they were assured that all baggage
would be transferred from the Stouington ,
but it was not , and much of the baggaia is
yet on the Stonington , Sandy HOOK or
olsownero. It was a trying thing to many
to undertake a second trip on tbo Cepncus
after the trials of the trio onforc.
Krnm I-'ryln I'au to lii' .
Many vomen went with tears streaming
down th'ilr checks. Kind hearted men
cultncd them with the assurance that another
pilot was aboard and the captain of the
Stonington also was along tn add his ex
ponent. The sea wns qulot und the sun
suonu brightly , and thn druad and gloom was
for a time dlspillod , and brlgnt hones
sprung up , to ho soon scattered.
They had read in the press that
' Fire island would
tbo poop'.o at >
rasUt their landing , but none boiiovod such
n thing could como to piss. They could not
conceive how any man could be so heartless.
As the boat steamed In a man inn yacht
came alongside nntl warned the captain not
to land , sax ing they would tia resisted by
forco. No sooner did the boat near fie wharf
when a hundred angry voices from a mob
yelled threats , brandishing clenched lists and
swinging clubs. Clam diggers and ilsher-
mon thronged the dock and refused to lot a
ropa bo brought or fastened to Iho pier. As
soon as the boat eamo within touch Iho mnu
used force to push her uwuy from the dock.
The only alternative was to anchor the
boat there or force nor up against the wharf ,
leaving the passenger * to light tholr way
ushoro through the anuod mob. Many of
the passengers xvero In favor of thus Ught-
Incr Iho mob , but others wcro not , on ac
count of the personal danger and danger
that might come to the women and chlldron.
It wus also fourod that If a landing was
forced the mob wonld burn the lunol. Then
came an order to anchor the boat and aivult
uvonts , Thcro was no food on boarl and no
dinner bad been served ,
ItcEtsmiitiK ultli Wild liri U.
A yawl was lowered and sunt along shore
with a spokesman to reason with the mob.
Ilo soon came back , lie had only mot with
throats , The growing hunger of the passen
gers and tba frailty of many womou mid
children compelled another effort to have tbo
mob allow tno women , children and old men
to bo landed ana quartered ut Iho hotel for
tbo night , but this was denied , Tboro were
no sleeping rooms or beds on the C'opbojs.
Another attamot at relief was niado as night
bud como on. This tlmo the mob agreed to
fliind some inuttresios und lunch on board ,
The lunch was limited and cold , end there
were not half enough enough mattresses tot
the women ,
Afierso many hours of hunger and anxiety
anil woarlnosn , the SIX ) pa onirors lay down
lu rows until every upaoo In the cabin was
filled. Mis , Webster sat all night on a stool
for want of room to Ho down and she could
not endure too exposure of uiu upper deck ,
Ml 3 Flora sat up all night tu u chair on tbo
hurricane deck as she could not ho oi tbo
hard rout without a mattress , and tblsMr.
Wubsu'r could not got for her. Ilo wrapped
hliiHclf m u Steamer blanket und slept a
few hour * on a life boat which lay outside
the railing on the hurrlcono deck. Ho hud
his arm for a pillow and the sky for a cover'
lig .mil u strong cool wind to fan him to
Siuiiiloi | of thu Milterlnc.
I mention the manner In which my family
nnd I spent tbo night , as U well Illustrates
the condition In which all the other tint
cuhln paAscugera from the Noriuauuia put lu
thu night , " salt ! Mr , Webster. "Tbo sceuo
ou lu lower deck , whore tba leoond cabin
passengers were , was much worse and fear
ful to bjholri. This pinco was wet nnd the
crew and stewards wcro confined In the
sumo place. A policeman said to mo that ho
was familiar with the worst hardships on-
durcd in the poverty stricken districts ot
Now Vork , yet ho uevor saw so pitiable n
sight as this. "
The captain of the boat said to him that It
made him sick to look nt tbo nnd
children In this horrlblo condition. Ono man
looking over the scone said : "Truly this is
a very hell. "
All this dreadful nlcht the mob kept re-
Hooting lluhts burning all alonu the bench to
enable them to detect any attempt to us en pa
Itrllcf Wat Long Coming.
Daylight was welcomed ns it wns never
welcomed before. The mnn gazed around
the horizon to cntch sight of sorno boat
bringing rcliof , but none could bo soon com
ing to the roscuo. Again an npponl wns
miido for food , nnd some coffee , nnd
eggs were sent thorn. Doing thus revived ,
but unwashed and hair uncombed , tljo pas
sengers sat In stlonco about the decks wait
ing for news from Now York. A bravo
newspaper boy got some few Now York
papers to then which told of troops on the
way , and that the Infamous Injunction was
set aside. Papers svero delivered to the
mob and made many lose courage , and the
crowd began to sculler awny.
Tbo afternoon catuo on nnd uo relict wns
In sight. TUo pisseugors now begun to bo
determined not to spend another such a
nlL'ht < 5a the boat , and it was resolved to
effect n landing before nightfall at any
hazard. About 3 o'clock a tug boat was SOPH
to corao in sight nnd In a few mlnutos
another. They supposed they were bringing
troops , but. when they came up they proved
to ba representatives of New York papers.
I3ut they hailed them with nowa that troops
wcro on the way by son and land , and they
announced the snmo thing to tbo mob. The
passengers cheered , the boats blew their
whistles and the band of the Normnnnla ,
which was oa board the Cephous , began to
play and the mob scattered.
l' ' ° limlly Allnucd to T.nml.
The men did not watt to follow the walks ,
but put olT across the snnds nnd How to their
boats nnd pulled nwny from shore as if they
expected nu Immediate attack from the com
ing troops. The way now being clear the
Cepheua pulled up to the wharf and headed
by the bind Iho passengers , marching in
good order , were mot by u hearty welcome
by the servants of the hotel , waving flazs
and handkerchiefs. They were soon seated
at n peed supper and taken to their rooms.
The Wobstors will undoubtedly leave for
tlielr home tomorrow afternoon , aad Mr.
Paxton Monday.
Dlrovturn oftlin Hiunhurf ; l.lnc Dullliurutoly
.MlHlrad Tlielr IVitniiiK.
[ Copyrighted IbX ! by .Inmus ( iunlun Heimetl. ]
LONDONSept. . 10. ( Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tun BEK. ] The afll-
davlts made by seine of the Normunnia's
passcncers that tbo London agent of the
Hamburg-American line had told them his
line was not carrying steerage passengers is
not born of imagination. I know that people
who were hesitating about going oy the Nor-
mannia were informed the day before she
left Southampton that the company had tem
porarily ceased carrying anything but cabin
.passengers. . A. tclogrum to this effect was
received bore hero from the directorate at
Hamburg , of which a copy was shown to in
tending natrons. I was told of this telegram
at the time. When the Normunnia arrived at
Southampton from Hamburg she hud steor-
njjp passengers on board , much lo everyone's
surprise. I um certain that Corting , the
London agent of thu line , has not been
guilty of willful misrepresentation , mutual
bo acted under Instructions from headquar
ters. I asked him today what ho had to say
about It , but he declined to discuss the mat-
tor. BLUMKNfCM ) .
ONI : MOKI : ri' > r smr i.v POUT.
llcrt'ii llvatlii on Iticmt tin : Jlolirnilti Hc-
turt'u lluinliiirK mill- > < > Voi-K.
New YOIIK , Sept. 10. Another plague-
ship in the port and another story of alscaso
und death on thu voyacro. Eleven moro vic
tims added to the long list of these who have
died of cholera between Humburg and New
York. This U the story of the steamship
Bohemia uhieh reached New York last
night anil anchored In the lower quarantine.
Her coining bud been dreaded as much as
tbo coming of her slstor ship and sister
deuth-houso , the Scaudia. She left Ham
burg , the fruitful hot-bod of the cholera , at
tbo time when the pest wus at its , ami
her CS1 steerage passengers gathered from
the Infected regions of Germany and Uuxslu
wcro confidently expected to bring cholera
with them.
The Hoiicmlix sailed from Hamburg on
Septeuioer 1 , and was duo yostcrdav. On
\Vcdnesday \ morning , 350 miles east of San
dy Hook , she was passed by the Travowhich
arrived hero yesterday morning. The Bo-
iiouim was expected hero buioro nightfall
yesterday. Notwithstanding tbo anxiety
with which the hnulth oflleon waited for
her. sbo WHH not reported from Fire islund ,
which she passed at 5 o'clock in the after
noon , i.or Sandy Hook , which slid reached at
U. Half an hour later , aho was nddd to the
rholer.i llcot in thu lower bay , dropping her
anchor near tno INOW uutnpMiire.
Klmi'ii Deaths on lln.iril.
Tin' tlorald tug , which had been waiting
for her Inside the Hook , draw up alongside
as snu stcnmeu in , and Captain Suhroeder of
the IJohomlu came to tbo rail to toll mo aoout
her voyitKO. HH was unable or unwilling to
say anything nbout the deaths on board until
ho bad reported to the health ofllccrti , but ho
admitted the essential facts of the mis
fortune tbat bait befullun the company ,
"Wo have had eleven deaths on board , "
said tbo captain , "They were nil of little
children. There Is no sickness ou board at
present. "
"What did the children dlo of ! "
"A dlarrhuul disi-'iBO , "
"Was it cholera 1"
"I cannot toll , The last death was llvo
days ago. Nobody baa been ill on board
since , "
"How long after you left port did the Ilrst
death occur ) "
"About the fourth day. The children woio
all vury young. The oldest was between I
nnd n. Tnov were all in the steerage. No
udult pasfienirtu-i have Li'en sick. "
A row ot beads projected from the port
IlijhlB ol the ktoamur us thu tug run along
side , and some of the paibengors who owned
the heads were willing to tulk about Iho
Ono man , who suld ho was an American
citizen and lived In New York , told mo there
was very llttlo excitement on the Hohumlu
over tbo deaths that hud occurioil , though
nearly everybody know that there wus
cholera on board , The Htoainer bad been
c.xrefullv disinfected and tbo sick children
had been Isolated.
Wouldn't l.nt I'li''UMij.-i'i-n Talk.
My Informant hud proceeded so far whuu
n ship's otllcor da&hoo Into the room and
hurled tbo passenger bauk from the window.
Then ho uttered some liort-o orders in Ger
man and stood in the doorway to sea that
they wcro curried out. That ended the con
versation. The other neadx along the bhlp's
aide were violently withdrawn also as the
tug passed along , and unbind each baail up-
pearod an ofllcor us vehement of manner und
as decisive of command as tbo flrt , Knough
Campaign Opjnod at PlattsmoutU 'Mid
Great Enthusiasm.
Prep Trade Advocates ( llvi'ii Something to
Scrloiiftly Contuiilplnto UU Illl'orts Ito-
cclvttil with Iltmiiit * of Applnuso
Nobrnalm ii'olltlciil No M.S.
PI.VTTSMOUTH , Nob. , iaopt. 10. [ Special
Telegram to Tim ) icu.j Tonicht was the
republicans' nightIn Plaltsmouth. Ttifcy
came from all ijunrlors of the city and llllcd
Hockwood bnll to Ih'o doori. They were of
all sizes and conditions and carried wttu
them tin Immoiso- Amount of enthusiasm.
Hon. Lo M.Voodruft ot Michigan
was the orator- and ho handled the free
traders without gloves. The great Michigan
orator was at his ? bast and hit frco trade
loino dizzy rap . iHo alsolohod tbo
"forco" bill liowlbra up i the most
approved style , and by his ole ]
qucnco aroused gfoat enthusiasm among
his nudlonco. Ever ; touch of nls otoquont
words was applaudolt to the echo and bo
was frequently dopipollod to stop nnd wait
uutll the noise had subsided. At the close
of his speecb tno gcat * crowd gnvo three
checr.s for Harrisou > flud Held and Allan \V.
Field. V
This meeting wns.tyut a tnsto of what the
republicans buvo prepared for tholr oppo
nents this fall. Tbov-aro working up their
voters into n moattonthuslnsto ! pitch , and
from now on they will gain votes. It looks
ns if Ur.ncrnl Hnrrlson will receive the votes
of Pluttsmoulh's Prosperous laboringmen
without any perceptible division.
Cplnni'l.Jo'jH'3 ut hut ton.
Stnrott , Nob. , | Sopt. 10. ( Special Tele
gram to Tile Bec.j' Tha republican cam
paign was inaugurated this evening nt Sutton -
ton by an eloquent speech by Colonel A. A.
Jones the colored orator from North Care
lina. Tha marching club with torches
escorted the honorable speaker from his hotel
to the club ball where was assembled a largo
crowd of the best citizens with a few demo
crats and alliance , inon. As the speaker
warmed up a drunken democrat called him
n coon , when ho 'dioppod his theme fora
short time and must everlastingly scorched
the democratic pavty to the mllnlto amuse
ment and cdtllcntlon , of the members of the
audlonua who went , ' wild. This insult put
Iho speaker on his mettle nnd thereafter bo
made splendid homo thrusts clear to tbo fin
ish. This episode has awakened an interest
in politics ut Sut on.
Mnny IEepiil > llcnii I'rrscnr.
DAKOTA Cirr , Neb , , Sopt. 10. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BK.s.JOno of the largest
political Catherines over helJ in this county
was called to order by Z. M. Bnird , chair
man of Uie republican county central com
mittee , in the court iiouso last evening. The
Dakota City brass tand wr.s out. Tbo
speakers of the evening were 11. B.Daley ,
Prof. Hopt and Mr. B. Sloculb of South
Sioux City , aiid R , Evanr , Judge William
Warner , J. T. " SbRocor and Mell C. Jay of
this place. Sound nrghmonts on the tnriff
wcro made by each speaker and the meeting
did not adjourn un.'ll nearly midufght. Several -
eral times dqrinx" tao evening J. .1. Mc
Allister , county ajcfcrhcy , a ) democrnt , in
terrupted the spo.V-tera and was .so severely
drubbed tbat ildemocrats in attendance ,
assisted In applauding b'lm down.
Iitdepcmlmitif I.osiii Interest ,
BE.VSETT , Nob. , S pt. 10. ( Special to Tun
Br.i : . ] Juromo Shauip , the Independent can
didate for congress f.'i the First district , wus
advertised to apeak here last night , but did
not appear. Two professional agitators ,
however , wcro on band to dllata on the
wrongs of the "poor farmer , " but only a cor
poral's guard turned out to hoar bow badly
tbej wcro abused. A very thin attendance
is noticeable at all tbo independent meotini : * .
Yesterday a widely advertised "alliance pic
nic" was "held at Panama , six miles south of
here , and less than two dozen poopls. men ,
women and children , wuro ptcsent during
i ho day' . Panama and this precinct wcro al-
Only 1'ew Voter * I'rrsi-nt.
CEN'THAL CITY , Neb. , Sept. 10. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : HBE. ] The Independents
had tbclr great blow-out of the campaign
toaay , nnd ovprvbody who could got away
from the hay tields came in to hoar General
Van Wyck , but ho did not corne ,
und Poyntor and some local talent -
ont comprised the instructors. At
a llttlo after 11 o'clock the clans
ocean to eathnr Into line to KO to Iho fair
grounds , where the speaking took place , and
inado u grand parndo , which had In 1 1 exactly
HI ; ] voters and about 20(1 ( women and little
ulrls. It could not compare with their
Powers demonstrations of two years ago.
Opnncil liirtliD linlitpiMiilriitii.
FKCMOST. Nob. , S < } pt. 10. [ Special to Tin :
BKE.J Huptnin It. Trevolllck of Detroit.
Mich. , arrived in the city this forenoon frDin
Wuhoo , where bo made his ( speech
yoslorday after arriving in tils state. Ho
said ho expected to spend the remainder of
this and all ot next month in the northwest
ern states speaking for. the people's purtv.
Ho spoke In the court bouse In this city this
evening to a fuir number , opening the cam
paign for the independent party.
llurtlnetun Krp'ihllciuis ICnlliiiHl.mtlc.
lUimsaTO.v , Neb. , Sept. 10. [ Special
Teloirram to Tim Iliju.J The republican club
opened the campaign heio yeUerday with a
which thuv ga'.herrd ut the club room anil
were addressed by Attorney B. M.Vcnd
andJohn Andres of Hartlucton und W. O.
Chappel of Randolph. ' Tne mooting wus n
lurge ant ) enthusiastic * ono and started ttu
music of tha campaign ; in a lively measure
nnd to the tuna of victpry.
Movement * ot Volltlrlnnn ,
BCATIUCB , Nob. . Sept 10. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB BBK. | Jfop. J , Sterling Mor
ton was in the city tliU. nftornoon on his way
to Fulrbury where he spoke tonight. Mr.
Morton will speak at the Paddock opera
house In this city tbu evening of September
liT. Tno Fourth dtstrmt congressional com
mittee announces thot'Iion. , C. J. llulnoi and
Colonel Frank T. Simmons will speak In this
city September ? : ) .
Kipert to ICrcn Ilie Hall ( tolling.
Urn Ci.ot'p , Neb. , Sept. 10. ( Special to
TUB BIIK.J Tlio republicans of Webster
county opened the campaign in Hod Cloud
lust night at the opvra houu. A : oed crowd
was In attendance und the following persons.
addressed the rueotntr : J. II. Wllcox , J. S.
Ullhain , and Kauanlnh MoNilt , candlduto for
county attorney. From .now on things uro
expected to boil.
Allen jillot Xomfiml.Ml , , NebrSept. . 10 , [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BISK. J The republican sena
torial convention tnei hero today and nomi
nated Allan KHtotof lliidan county for slate
senotnr , The nomination Is a strong ono ,
Mr lOlliol served one uvui In the legltluturo
and made a splendid record.
Hurt-Unit Homily Hu
Misf-ouitt VAU."IT ! , la. , Sept. 10. [ Special
Telegram to Tili : HIK. : | Thu ropublicuu
cojtity coavculjon today selected delegates
to attend tbo Judicial couvoiillou at Sioux
City , September ' * . ' . Harrison county will
jitvoonl tha name of Hon. J. S. Oaivoll of
IhU city us a candidate.
ut ricliujtrr.
Sciiuvi.Eit , Nob. , Sept. 10. [ Special Tele-
grum to TUK Bee. I Tbo opeulus PJOOUDC of
the republicans last evening nt Schtiylcr was
n genuine success , notwithstanding many
other allrnctions lu town by reason of its
being fnlr week , The meeting wni ad
dressed bv Hon. II. C. Ktissoll ntid .Illdgn J ,
W. Brown , who wore handsomely nppluuOcil
for their well limed remarks nnd nrruign-
mcntof democratic nnd Independent theories.
Nnw York * * .Stittlmlrlun Is Now Sull'urlni ;
for Ills Tninerlty.
Al.n\NY , N . Y. , Sept. 10. Police Jtistlco
Guttmnnn Into this afternoon Issued warrants
for tbo arrest of Commissioner Pock of the
State Bureau of Labor Statistics nnd his
stenographer , A. Uoilgers , chntglng them
with misdemeanor In burning public docu
ments , consisting of circulars collected by
htm , from which bo prepared his report on
the cfTeot of the tarilt on wages nud produc
Tholr Mlsulou Wax 11 rutluro.
AMHXT , N. Y. , Sopt. 10. A committee
sent by the nntlonal democratic committee ,
comprising Hon. Nelson Smith , .1. Schocu-
hou" , 12. Ellory Anderson and Edwnrd F. Me-
Sweeney , called on Commissioner Peck of Iho
state bureau of labor statistics this afternoon
nnd labored with him for over an hour to so-
euro the names of tha manufacturers report
ing to him Iho effect of the tariff on
tholtreapecllvo industries. They also asked
to see the individual returns , but Mr. Pock
held to bin orlclnnl statement that ho would
show nothing but what was contained in his
full nnnunl report , which wus hnrdly what
the committee was after. Mr. Smith acted
ns spokesman tml when Mr. Anderson Inter-
rup'-od , Commissioner Peck said lhat : f Mr.
Anderson did not keep quiet ho would refuse -
fuse to have anything to do with the com-
mittco. Ho would uot. rccocnlzo Mr. Ander
son In any way , The cross-lire be
tween Mr. Pock and Mr. Anderson at times
was very hot , the latter telling the former
not to bo insulting. Finully Mr. Smith rend
n list of questions regarding the preparation
of the tnrifi report , which , ho mild , If
answered , would satisfy the committee.
Mr. Peek said most of the questions could
bo answered by n reference to , his report ,
but he himself volunteered no answer to any
of tbo questions. The upshot of the nnttor
wus that the committee loft for New York
this afternoon without llndlug out anything
ut all. _
I. oral Political Notrs ,
Mr. J. J. Gibson , \vho withdrew from the
councllmnnlo race In the Sixth ward , desires
to explain that the reason ho did so wns that
ho was not on aspirant for the odlco , but that
In bis nbsenco and without his consent some
of his friends circulated u petition in his behalf -
half and as soon as ho roturncd to the city
and found they had done so he pulled out.
Just now ofllcescchers nro the bane of
fohu Mntuloson's llfo. Mr. Mnihleson is
tbo superintendent of the city hall , and ns
such ofllcer has the zlving out of tha position
of night Hrommi nnd watchman nl a salary
of $05 per month. The man is to bo ap
pointed by nnd with the consent of the
mayor nnd confirmed by the council. Up to
data eighteen men have asked for the job ,
und the end is not yot. Mr. Mathleson will
name his man next Tuesday , that the con-
Urination may reach Iho council the same
C. .1. Green nnd W. IT Gurley nddroflsrd a
largo and enthusiastic meetlnir of th'o West
End Republican club of the Sixth ward lust
oventntr nt tbo club rooms at Clifton Hill ,
T. 1C. Sudborough will bo at the central
committee rooms between the hours of ; t nnd
1 o'clock toany nntl 11 nnO 12 tomorrow for
the purpose of paying the judses and clerKs
who ofllclated nt the republican primaries
An enthusiastic meeting of the Fifth
Ward Democratic club wns hold al their
headquarters ut'Sixlceutb and Izard streets
last night. Speeches wcro made by l.J. Dunn
and T. F. McNamara. A resolution con-
dninnlng tbo action of the congressional com
mittee In attempting lo postpone tbo con
gressional convention wns unanimously
ndopled. Tbo club adjourned lo meet next
Friday night.
Nominated lor Coiizroxs ,
SALT LAKE , U. T. , Sapt. 10. Frank J. Can
non , son of ox-Delegate nnd President Can
non of the Mormon church , wns nominated
today by the Mormon republican territorial
convection lor congress.
I ) lu of Iliirlno lor Srnutur.
Wi-cox , Neb. , Sept. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB 1SBE.1 The independent sena
torial convention met bora yesterday and
nominated W. F. Dale of Hurlan county for
staio senator.
OP 'inc. jiu nut.
Onioliil Stutenifiit of thu Miortuxo of thn
I.utoV. . II. hliryock.
LOUISVIU.K , Nob. , Sept. 111. [ Special Tele-
cram to Tin : BBH. ] At a mooting of the
Louisville school board Tuesday evening Iho
following resolutions were adopted :
Wliercus. Certain slutnmenU have been In-
boitod In the i.idln joiirnulH of onr state
und county , purporting to Imvo been written
under direction nnd reaolut'on or thn l.ouls-
vllle school board , anil said stater
incuts no utterly mislcndhr * . mid whereas
the said school bourJ bus nullinrlzed no ono
to make u report to thu nubile for It , but on
the contrnry wcro averse to buvlni ; anything
said , preferring to ullow the matter to settle
ItHOif dulotly. therefore , bu It
Itrsolvrd , Thnt It U with feelings of pro
found ruerut tbat wo llnd our position mis
represented to the nubile , und
Ite-olved , Thut wo do herewith glvo to the
public it truu statement of the ueeonnt lie-
tueen tl'ls Huhool board und the luloV. . 11.
t-hryock , dx-truasuror of this school district.
At the annniil meetlm ; of mild school district
Treibtiror Shryoflt reported ll.W.ti In the
tiuacury , subject to thu oricr of the school
hoard upon iho ehin : e from u prlmiry to u
high si-lioolors.tnl/allon. Treasurer Shryoek
nd Director KlIU uero oaeli dofuuled for a
re-election , tlieiehv ncuossltatln ; ; a hPttle-
iiu'nl of thu booUb of the oil trunsuior , Hliry-
ock , und a triusfurof tno fun Is. Ono of Iho
exut'iitiirs of the estate convened the new
bour.l erj Hi-y ueru periiiiinently or anl/ed
nnd to d them thutthuro WIIR not a dollar In
tbu treasury for Uiu school board nml Intl-
tnnioil the ni'CCHilty of lonklnx to tbo bontls-
innii of for the f niiiN ) owing to the pro-suro of
publlo oplnlim thu new board secured the Hur-
vlersot uu u.xpoii to OVUIIIIIID inn noons or
thu Into treasurer. resnltliiL' In llndln ushcrt-
im ijfilS'.i.'Ki. ' making f.l.l * . ' ) . ! ! ) due iho district
ox-Director J. 1' . Kills
of which hhnrtnuu - con
fessed : i knowlcdiru of $100 loHoxuinl nioinbiirs
of the new bo ml , lint ho did nolt > tnte who hud
received nil .of the flOJ. The full uniount. ,
* .I7.VWI , has been received from the attorney
for tbo Dondsrnen.
UfHOlvud , That wo do fully oxoneratn Wultrr
f'litfdith.iino of iho member : ] of Ihoold bo-nd ,
from iihur eM Imp led by Mr. Kills In his reeenl
Hi-solved , Thut a copy of these resolutions
bu furnished thu papers for publication.
.liiHtlmi MliortViii Uutoriiilneil.
PLATTSMOUTU , Nob. , Sept. 10. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEI : . I Several of tbo crim
inal cases growing out of the recent sales of
accounts bcro tu parties across the river lu
Iowa were sot for hearing before Justice
Short today , nnd the attorneys for the defense -
fenso tiled nfllduvltb for a change of vunuo ,
alleging projudlito of the justice. Short daily
refused to grunt the chungonftera long
wrangle and ivont ahead , while the attorneys
for the dofunjo were oiigmrea In t'tilting out
n writ of innndumtis , mid bound ono ot the
defendants over to the district court. The
defendants' attorneys immediately secured u
peremtory writ frjih Judge Chapman of the
district court nnd compelled the judge to
craul the change desired.
Two ItiiruUli'M linuiipud ,
BCIIIMI.BU , NOD. , Sopt. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Baii.l Two men Indicted for
Qurclarj- . George Waysigbt nnd Alfred
Qulnn , broke jail last night by dlgglne
thtough the brick pariltion to the attic over
their cell from which the ; escaped through
u nolo made through the plastering to the
btnlrwny lending to the court room and
thence lo the open hull. Frunk Heldt. In
dicted for atlomptlng to wreck tba Union
Puclllo train , escaped the same way some
yours ago. _
Hurclur * mid 'f liluvck nl U'nrk ,
Nr.ninuKi Cfrv , N b. , Sept. 10. [ Kpocial
Telegram lo Tun BCK.- ] The residence of U.
H. Douglai , B , < t M , local agunt , was entered -
tered by burglar * lust ovenlntf and two re
volver * , a quantity ol ulverwara nau other
smaller articles tnksn. Thieves nho nt-
lemplcd ( .o untor Cnrl MffjTji's rosldpncc1 ,
but were frightened nwnv. \ plokpctuots
wore run in yosterdnv. OIM " 5-'tmod Frank
Smith , nneil ! , " > . wns held to \ t < jut net court
in the sum of flK)0. ) ' * j !
- \M\ \
Hurt Count } ' * fiilr Si-til.
Tru sun , Nob. , Sopt. 10.-4 , * icinl Tele-
gr.un to Tim BKI : J The Burt2. \ . jnty Agrl-
cultuitil society closed its iiniitr * * * iiir today ,
hnvitiir held ono of tno mo3t sui v fui meet
ings In the hls'orv of tbo j4'v. . The
weather was nil tint coual hnvo'uuU. desired
anil there tvns f. linllv nttcndnnoo of from
nfiOO to 4.000. Eithuse.l with victory
achieved nt the state Inlr , there was n general -
oral Interest manifested from nil parts of iho
county , nud thu farmers and citizens In ecu-
crnl vied with each other In preparing ex
hibits that should do honor to the b inner
county of the etntc. The display of fruit is
deserving of special mention because It
demonstrates the fact that Nebraska Is soon
to tnko n front rank among the fruit growing
states. The r.ices wcro nUo nltrncttvo.
thn Cnsr.
MAUISON- , Neb , , Sept. 10 , iSpoolal Tele
gram to Tin : Bcn.J Tlio cnso of John C.
Grlswold ngalust Drs. Iliituhinson and
Foolo , which bus boeu on trltil In tbo dls-
trict court for the pust tbreo days , was dis
missed by Judge Alton Ibis mnriilnir , no euso
having boon made by Iho pluiuiill. Notice
for nn appaal was tiled.
Mitti. i.un ;
Another Oprriitlon round Xccoiiiiiry to
( Jive llrr Ki'llcl.
LOON LAKK , N. Y. , Sept. 10. There wns
no particular change in Mrs. Harrison's son-
oral condition today. The ru-uilt of this
morning's operation for the removal of the
lluiil In the chest cavity has given tha at
tending physicians BOUIO slight cncourago-
incut , as. the quickness of bar recovery from
the shock of Iho puncture indicates iho pos
session by the patient of considerable
strength and vitality , The previous opera-
lions were performed under the most mann
ing conditions and wcro resorted to only as
extreme measurus , Ou both occasions the
patient's system sustained the shock with
dillluully uud her recovery wus slow nnd
Ono of tbo physicians present at the last
operation remarked today that ho would not
have been HiirnrUml ir ciw > h .i < , . , , . , , K..I
during its progress. It was , therefore , re
sorted to today with considerable misgivings
and thu great success attending It caused
corresponding gratification. While the dan
ger of n fatal termination of the case is npl
altogether removed by the successful iroal-
meut of Iho plcurtc complications , the latter
circumstance , of course , adds considerably
to the ultimate prospects ot the patient The
ntlack of pleurisy mubo overcome , but then
11 will still be necessary to clear thu system
of destructive' Laccill before hope of recovery
can bo rcutonubly entertained.
It is nn open secret that nemo of tbo physi
cians who nave attended Mrs. Ilurnson will
venture n publ'c ' prediction that she would
certainly recover. The bo t that the most
sanguine will say b that mires uro recorded
In cases wheio the same symptoms are pres
ent , Urs. Gardner and Doughcrtv are each
OP record , however , us saying Hint
there is no danger of immcui-
ata dissolution except in the event ol
unlooued for complications. The president
was so much encouraged nt the success of
loday's operation tbnt ho went for u short
wolk'in the mountains w.tii Mrs. Dimmick.
This is thu first lima for ROvernl days Hint
ho has loft the cotlngo except to 'pot his
meals. Ho received n large number of tele-
crams nnd letters today from all over the
country sucgcsling all Forts of remedies for
Mrs. Harrison , und .turned then * aver lo Dr.
" " *
'Gardner. "It is sato to say that none were of
a character to change the present of
Tola-grains of sympathy nnd Inquiry were
received from Vice Provident Murtuii , Mar
quis Imprrall of the Italian legation , und
General Palmer , comuinnder-lu-chlof of tha
Grand Army of the Uopubliu. The latter
expressed the sincere hope that Mr.s. Harri
son's condition would improve snillciently
to permit the president to attend iho en-
cainpincnt In Washington next week. There
is , however , no possibility of his being able
to lonvo her for a week nt least.
At 11 o'clock tonight it was reported nt the
president's cottugo that there had been no
ctraugc In Airs. Harrison's condition.
1'ri'cil Iroiu Any Clmrt i In Comici'llon nltli
tliu IlPitth of ( irlllln.
Yesterday afternoon at S o'clock Coroner
Maul held an inquest on the body of William
( Jriflln , the man shot by Isaac Montgomery
Thursday nlcht.
Tbo Ilrst witnesses wore the police ollljers ,
Jackman and Fisko , who nrraUed Montgom
ery , and they told the same story as pub
lishea in T m : Bun yesterday. All of the
other vitncssos called testified that they had
seen Griffin banging around tha place bo.'oro
the ntlcmiilcd robbury.
After hearing all of the evidence the core
ner's jury returned n verdict that Urillln
was killed by n gunshot wound inllictod by
Isaac Montgomery while the former was tin-
lawfully effecting an entrniuo Into thu stable
occupied by Montgomery. Furthermore , the
Jurv exonerated Montgo'inery from any mull-
clous intent.
Immediately after the jury's verdict wns
signed the prisoner was arraigned befoto
Judge BcrKa in tbu police court and wus dis
Montgomery , who nil Iho tuna hnd main
tained tha p.irl of un Innocent man , s luted
the judge , and with n "Thuuic you , blr , " left
the court room u frco man.
Old Tlmo Ti > Ingr , < | iliun < ( livnii u linn ty Will ,
oouio III Hoiitur. _
DK.VVWH. Colo. , Sopt. 10 Tno members of
tto Old Tnno Telegraphers association nr-
rlvod hero this morning from Oiiiiliu nud
were escorted lo the iirown Palace hotel.
After breakfast Mayor Plait Hogers deliv
ered an address of welcome to the Old
Timers , to wlilnh A. II. Bliss of Chicago ro-
plleil on behalf of thu telegraphers. ihodav thu parly wns driven nbout
the city und toniu-ht visited the theaters.
Tomorrow limy wilt mnko the trip around
thu loop near Georgetown and In the evening
will sturt for their homes.
.MovcmmiU of Slo nutlilpi.
At New York Suovln from Hamburg ;
Bothnia from Liverpool uud City of Chester
from Liverpool , ull for Now 'York , wcro
sighted otr Fire Innnd | al lji5 ! p. m. tmluv
At London - Sighted - Frtoslunu , 'from
Now York for Antwerp ; Umbrlu , from Now
York lor Liverpool.
At Brow Heuu-Passod-Oallia , from Notv
At Philadelphia -Arrived - British King
from London.
The United States nnd nrnx.ll line steamer
Seguranca , Captain Boers , sallul from Kio
Janeiro September 10 for .New York nud wuv
ports ,
TlMi Ditnlll Itoll ,
MoNrnoucitr. Alu , , Sopt. JO. ICx.Gov-
ornor Thomas H , Wnlla dlod suddenly thii
mornjng. Ho was attorney general lit the
confederate cabinet , nnd also governor of
Alabama during tha olvll war.
LoxnoN' . Sept , ill. Cardinal Kdwnril
Howard Ul > > d at Brighton today of pnouv
Notillieru tvindiVIII Illotv anil It Will Uu
i' Toiliiy It Nthrahldi.
1) ) . C1. , Sopt. 10.For No-
bruska-Fair , gcnornlly warmer ; south
For Iowa Fair , warmer ; aouth wind * .
For the Dakota * Fair , wurtuer , oxc pt In
weal portion ofNor h Dakota ; touUt wiuds.
Eiituusin'itio Gathering of Ropnblioaus al
Buffalo , N. Y ,
iTolin .M , Tliurttou t\pniiuiU : Iti'pulillrnnUin
Sli-vii Klldns Opens tlm Cai
In U'mt Vlrulnlii , V I'cw
1'olltliMl rolntors.
Bt-ri'Ai.0 , N. Y. , Sept. -Chairman
ClHHtsoii called the National Uapubllcua
League convention to order nl lh o'clock ,
Iho moclltig of cominltteoi dolr.ying
the opening for nearly an hour.
The commltleo ou tlmo nnd placa
reported In favor of Louisville as the plnco
nhd the second Wednesday in May us the
tlmo for holding the next nnnunl convention ,
Milan Gallagher moved that Cleveland bo
sitbstiltitcil for Louisville , After n spirited
discussion Louisville was chosen nnd the
rcco.nmendnllon ns to llmo endorsed.
Tbo report of the committee on resolutions
wns presented by General F.ilrohlld of Wis
consin. It endorses a nil commends iho ad
ministration of President Harrison and
approves' thu platform adopted by
Iho nulional convention at Minneapolis ,
The resolutions also appeal for the support
of nil Ilrst voters , slulltig Hint tbo republican
parly bus been from Us birth the party of ad
vancement nnd progro's. The republican
proas of the country is declared to bo ono of
the tnojl potent ngoncles tbat can uo em
ployed to promote the principle ! of repub
licanism nnd to bu worthy the lienriy encour-
ngomonl and support of all republicans.
The resolutions werounnnlmoustv adopted ,
us were ntso resolutions declaring that In the
futuio each stulo nnd territory ahnll ba
entitled lo six
and four from each congressional
district nnd each college republican club
shall bo entitled to ono deloento.
By n unanimous ruins vote. J. S. Clarkson
of lown was re-elected president for the en
suing your.
A committee wns nppointod lo ratify
Chairman Clarkson of his election , and t'n '
election of secretary wns declared In order ,
A. B. Humphrey was unanimously re-elected
auuiuiuijr iiuu j.ruusurcr Ljuunbuurry wiu
also re-elected treasurer. When Clnrkbou
re-entered the hall ho was greeted with deaf
ening cheers and made n brief speech ol
t linn Us.
Now Onioi'rs Kclnrtnl.
After the election of executive ofllccrs of
the league Iho convention proceeded to elect
tno stntu members of the executive commit
tee and the vice prusidontb of ino .state or
ganization. The election was conducted br
t'acn state separately nnd then cnnllrmod by
iho league. Some states did not have a rep
resentative to make a report , so the blanks
loft lu the following 1IU indicate the states
Hint did not report. The couimittcomen nru
named Ilrst :
Alabama Colonel U. W. Stcne , N. P.
Tisdall. Aritansns H. M. Cooper , Logan
Uoots. California Asnlh Tremble , W. H.
Seamuns. Colorado J. f , SaundntM , Wil
liam K. Burcr.inoll. Connecticut Edward
L. Lindsay , John SV. Howe. Dolnwnro D.
( ! . W. Marshall , A. M. ICuox. Floridn J.
D. Bucuy , Harrison Hold. Georgia
. Iduho . Illinois C. N. Norton -
ton , James Horace. Indiana G. W.
Patched , J. J. M. La Tallott.
Iowa G. B , Pray , S D. Marsh. Kansas
M. C. Morre. Ell Chandler. Kentucky
William E. Ely , Albert Scott. Luulslnnn
A. Hcrsch , F. H. Gjnchard. Mnlno .
Maryland Thomas C. Hidgson , S. 11.
Mason. Mississippi J. H. Gould , Julius
D. Gill. Michigan . Minnesota
Montana , Virginia
Missouri J. Long , A. Nelson. Nebraska
Jimn M. Thurston , G. J. Woods , Now Hump-
shire . NewJorsov John P Lacariti ,
Tnomas D. Mills. Now York James A.
Blnnchnrd , North Curollnn H. G , Gusson ,
C. M. Bonenrt. iSorth Dakota ,
Ohio W. 2. McDonald , W. J. Squires.
Oregon . Pennsylvania William
McCleury. Everett Warren. Ilhodo Island
Henry E. Tiopke , D. H. Brown. South
Carolina-- , South Dakota
Tennessee Li K. Corbctt , E. G Camp. Texas
S. C. Hem , A. B , Norton. Vermont Gil
bert A , Davis. WoU Virginia-S. Peck ,
Thomas Lowry. Washington . Wis
consin George B. Burrows. Pnul Boehtner.
Ar'uona George Christ , K S. Gill. New
Mexico , Oklahoma L. Guthrio.
Utah Hoyt Sherman , Charles Crano. Dis
trict of Columbia J. A. Hny , J , M. Clay.
Hoard Wliltrhm Ituld Kpuuk.
Shortly before 1 o'clock Wbltolaw Hold
wns escorted Into thu hall and alter the ova
tion which gruetod him hail .subsided made a
brief speech concrnlulatory of the good work
of thu Republican Lougiio clubs throughout
the country ,
A mass mooting wns huld In Music hall at
1 : yo o'clock which was ullcuOca by thous
ands , standing room boini ; al u premium.
The meellng was called lo order by General
Clarkson , who , In n few words introduced
Hon. Whltelnw Hold. Aflor Iho cheering
which greeted him hnd subsided , iho vice
presidential candidnto made a short speech ,
mviowinc tbo present po'itlcal ' situation.
His remarks on Iho tariff , currency nnd other
important questions of the day were listened
to with Interest and he was frequently Inter
rupt eel by enthusiastic applause.
lion John M. Thurston of Omaha was tha
next speaker , and treated his audience to a
short speech replete with eloquence nnd wit.
Ho wns followed by Hon. A. J. Lustar of
Illinois , George Gtiutor , of the Social Econo
mist , und Uuprosoi.tntivo Allen of Michigan.
Tonight there was n grnnd parade with
0 ( ) ( ia men In lino. They were reviewed by
Hon. Whllelaw Hold , General Cinrksou ,
Hcprcsuntalivo Allen of Michigan , General
Fuirchild of Wisconsin , Henry Glcason ,
father of the loiiguu. and others. Tbo street *
wera brilliantly Illuminated and thousands
tbtnngcd iho line of parade.
Af'cr iho parade a party went lo the
'roquolh hotel and called -loudly for Mr.
Ucid , whu mada u short lipucch.
Niillmml U'otmin'ri | ( < IHI | > I | < MIII Annonliilloii.
Bu-1'u.o , N. f , , Sopt. 10. The National
Woman's Republican association met this
morniiiB1 , Mrs , J , Ellen Foster presiding ,
Many of the most pro.nlnont futnalo repub
lican workora ol Iho country occupied a oats
on the platform. Mrs. Foslor made a
Blirring speech in behalf of republican prin
ciples und urging the womou of iho country
to do inch1 part toward contributing to re
publican victory In thn coming campaign.
Speeches wcro alao mndo by Hon. John P.
Dolllvor , Mrs. Sluurt Collln , Gunorul Clark-
son nnd O. H. Still. Cards were distributed
for blgii.iiuio , bearing the following i
Enrollment-I nm willing to bu enrolled
with othurs for the purpose of glvliu my la-
1U.IMIUU to support the republican pally.
Optiueil In U' ' t Virginia ,
WIIKKMNII , W. Va. , Sopt. 10 , The repub
lican campaign was formally opened In this
stulo toulght by Secretary of War .Stephen
B , KUcliis ut Davis. A grimt crowd gruijtod
tilt speaker , and his suooch , which was do-1 *
voted mainly to n discussion of tha inrltt
und Us bonellls lo iho country , especially tg
Infant Industries of ' .ho uouth , wus listened
to with great attention. The speaker car
ried his audience with him and that his ro-
muiks loft on Impress upon nnd curried con
viction to the minds of his hearers was
limply testified to by tha frequent outburst *
of applause which Interrupted iho dUcouiee.
In cloil'ig ha made a brief reference lo the
' force bill" bugnboo.
( Inivcr Will Hlunil I'nt ,
Buy./.Aiu > 's BAI , Mnsn. , Sopi. -Editor K.
S. Morns of Indianapolis wns the only caller
J ui Gray Gables todnv. Mr , Cleveland's at-
million was called to ttui published reports
, regarding hl attiluduln relation to hit modi.
lledlion of tbu tnilff plnnk In ln forthcoming
, letter of accoptiinco. Tno cx-prualUont Blrt
that the niiwipupoiit hnd nn ground what
I ever for sued a ttntfincn' and no eau
been uuthcrlivd to fore < ; & t uch a