Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Cape of AArraa County's Br-ltepntj Treas
urer Glrin to tfce Jniy.
Inntrartfon * of tlm Cuart CanrtmfHil Within
Twenty .Mlnutrn IVorH of Btirslnn at
Sjmrn Sehranha Crtip Cnii-
itltlon * I'rnmifllngv
JTub. . Kept. 14. rSpeeiol Tele
gram , to TUB BBS. ] At lust the latu of
Emanuel Flat ts in the hands of n Jnry of
his Beers , It having been submitted about
5 ; 1 tnta afternoon. Theordar of argument
as sttVBir In today's BBB was followed. M
A. Hartiuan closed for tao dafensu and
Judge R. A. Batty foe the prosecution. As
5 o'clauu Judga Qtmll bagan rending bta in
structions to the Jury , and twontv-aix mln-
tues later zava a sigh af relief as he finished.
"h i Jury was given two verdict olnnlis , ona
dndinir thu defendant guilty as charzcd of
aiding in the embezzlement of. bluuit Italian
and the othur acquitting thu accused.
Deputy Bord took charge of tno twelva
men and conducted them to the juryroom to
deliberate ovnr tneir verdict.
AC 1(1 ( o'clock ' the Jury wan still out. Judga
Euftll and ail thu attorneys bad tuft ana the
court ; was about deserted. Bailiff
Hntnpshero wits mft m charge of tno Jury
nmt ml sottlcd down to maitu an all-night Job
of it. No conjectures arn hazarded as to tnu
result or thn present status of thn Jury ,
Framnner Sute * .
FuitMOTT , Nab. , Sept. II. 'Speclul ' to Tua
BEE.J Gnatavo Euwa , n brouier of William
Ruwe , sold bis farm In Germany and with
bit family will ma lea this their future home.
IThey wore detained a few days in quaran.
tina at Baltimore and wens sunjeeted to In
spection tn Chicago. Thu brothers nan not
met for thirty-ttvu years.
Judgu VV'ilUttin Martin celuoratcd the an-
ulvHMury ot tau victory won by thu United
Etatan at thu buttlu of. Cbapuitepec , Me : . ,
Yestrtnlav , and the onu at tnc City of Mexico
today , by iwminnir tba stars and stripes to
the gentiu zephvrs at bis residence.
Prof "V D. Ualtastraw , superintendent of
the Instuntc for the Blind , was in thu city ,
\ returning from Neligh , wbera hero to bad
been for pupils. Hu reports muro pupils en
rolled now than ever before.
Han. R. F , Travultclt , the alliance orator ,
will apeak : In thu courtnousu in this city
next Friday evening.
Sirs. Hitchcock , Rav. Tate and several
others from this city arc attending the
Omaha Baptibt association at Springfield.
Company E , under Captain E. D. Percy ,
gave their annual drill today for thu braent
of Colonel Jonn P. Bratt.
> HhmHtct Crup CnnilltlimH.
WOOD RIVEH , Neb. , Sept. 14. { Sperial
to TUB BCE.J Threshing- n-junnR com
pletion. Oats will average forty bushels
per arm and fall wheas thirty to forty-five.
The buy crop is lighter than averase. Cora
is mnturine all ri bt with an avera a crop.
CUHTIS. Neb. Sept. 14. iSnecial to Tns
Bus. ; Crops of all kinds ara escellunt in.
this ( Frontier ) cauntv Tbe farmers aru
rroiperinif and land buvprs are quits
iiUinarmisi. Lanii is sellinc at from $ j to 31-
nerjcraand stuadiiy advancing iu value.
There la very lituu calamity tailt heard hero.
The farmers burn ceasmt to believu tjat they
Bra an the road to the poor bouse , and are
coming cucR to tbe foul of the old purty.
Iiijurril lu u WrKclt.
Gmnos , JJeli , , Sopt. 14. iSpecial Tele
gram to TUB Bci.j Ibis aveninv wben the
eostbound local freight was about a milu
west ; of this place it brain ) in two , and atop-
oinir , the rear part af the train collided with
the part attached to tbu engine. James
Leonard of Wood River , who "xvas in tbu
cupola or tbe cabnose , was thrown , by
the concussion through the ioas lookout and
ra sired a dan rnus cut on tnu Jaw and
neclc about ilr inches in length , i'btt cut
severed several arteries of thu neck. Just
inissmp the jugular vein. He was removed
ami the wound dressed. With proper earn
hu will recover.
Curtu KiiliTt-iinlnc Velorrinu.
NOB. , Sam. " 11. [ Spooml to Tun
Bnn. i Thu rcutuon at tha sou'-hwestera XB-
brobka vuttsraus huirm burn rebterray ana
continues to tnu lilOi. Tha ciUzcas uf Curtia
znudu every arranixeraeut tat a lur o aUier-
inp. Thu grounds ara in a beautiful natural
srava adnucnt to the city and lake. Tno
bars huvu curao in From all oarta af lauth-
wt Jtern NebrasKa. Thant aru suveral pram
incnc SDuukcn to spcuximunur ; wham ara
Gt-ncral C. S. Dilwarth o HuatlnCT , who
spoliu to'lu ? , and.Hon. . . W. E. Vnuraws. ro-
nublican canOirtatfi far coazrcsa from thin
district , wna will aaiiraaa thu old aaldiurs
Fine of tlix Crop.
GRAND r taxi > v rab. . Sunt 14. fSaccial to
TUB Ben. ; Thn flrst sugar bcuta wcro
brought to tha Oxnard auger factory tnua/ .
A superintendent of Urn camoanyaaid tnia
mornini ; tbar thu crap was much nutter this
; ear than in IS'Jt ' anil li'.Ki. Tnu climatic con-
Ultiuna aave , on thu whole , been mara favor
able , and the apouurancu of an in suet , ivbich
did not mane a visitation in thu former years ,
seems not ta have caused much damage.
Tbu company is very well sausiied with tha
crop and expects a larger ruu than on eithur
i oCthu two previous y ura.
. /Miri-rtim Cmmty'i F.ilr.
FiinBCur , i ub. , Supr. 14. iSoecml Telu-
pram to TUB BEE. ] Thu JViffersan county
fnlr oneneu toiluv and biutfaic to bn quita a
success. Thu attendance anil , exhibits aru
much larger than anticipated. Charles P
won thu 3-year-old trotting race , tlmu J.4II.
Con ICunney won tha half-mile running race ,
nniu SO1. , . Tomorrow is rt publicans day.
Colonel Junes will do tbu talking.
Thinvci uc
Stn-ictrsE , Xeb. , Sept. IL ( Special Tola-
araot tnTnu Ban. ] Thiuves gained an en-
trancu into the residence ot Ira Concur this
aftemoun whilu tha members oC thu family
\varaactbufairand3tolu u set of diamond
ear ringa bekm flag to ilr. Cor gvr's daugh
ter , ilrs. Charles Armstrong , and with sev
eral other articles arlesd value , madu his es
r i in ii LiMt.
ISLI.NU , Xeo. , Sept. It iSpeciaL
Tele-jram to THB BBS. ] Ed Baldwin ,
colored , pleaded guilty to grand larceny he-
font Judtra Hamson'i sitting m chuniben
tuilay , und wo.s sontunced to tad punt tun tiary
( oreighUitm muntna. Baldwin xvas arrested
Suturuuy , hnd his nrallminary examination
Mouday and goiut to thu ounitunUary todior
uh. , Snot. H. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BuxOdv ; Ely of Red Cloud
411 this mornlnir mamud Mz. Arthur Davis and
Miss Mvrtlu Sawyer. Mr. Davis Is onu of :
Inuvatu's most puuuiar young men aud MUs
oawytr is Uiu daughter of H. O. Sawyer , tha
.euiiiug merchant of tiiu placu.
Itallt-ltlt Hull.
' FAJUMOXT , N'eU. , Sept. M. ( Special toTus
'Bus. ] The wedding of B m ICont and Misu
Cora Rudiail , both of thin puce , was cele-
braied ut noon today , Ruv. Mr. Ashuly of-
tlitmtlntf. Tha.vauntrcouplo took thu naan
fljertor Virginia to visit Mr. Kual'n parents.
Myntcrliiuii U utJi at nu Inlaiit.
Mt-CuDL JUSCTIOJT , N a. , Sept. 14. bpeoial
ta Tint BBK. ] Cpon awaUnuw Uiis morning
Mr. and Mrs- James Whitu of thu placa
fauud that tuuir unu tncnth old oube , in bed
with them , hint diud during tbu ni ! ic. Thu
cnlla waa aopurunUy in gaod beutu.
In LAS D , Nab. , Sepr. IL iSpucialto
Tua Ben. ; Tba Grand Islana ttaiitistcal-
loga vv u turmaily aoened ytuturduy with
over nftjr stadeuU euroUud. Tbu ouildings
am oluguntly furnished , especially tha girls'
dormitory. _
M.i * uuhu tt *
BuxTiKf , Ma * * . , Sopt. H. Tba ropuollcan
tatii uouvanUuo. was held in Tramont Turn *
Tie. Khan S. Draper wu * Uiaporary choir-
XHR : Bring this paper with you and ask for taese b-irj.iins ,
: TI
, uii mil uUUUo
] UP Chenille Curtains ,
Gin ! udl&dili lO Everything of this sea
Iu ' S4.68 pair.
son's styles , not a garment
Tliorsilay Friday and Si ynnla Inny. 48 imnes ; wide , I
, , ? Hflf ment from lastyear.ancl frincv t t unit bottom , rich dndoa.
yj it
10 we are- making prices to Chenille Curtains ,
We have on hand s'o'Jt 2I'U ' pairs of i
4 ODD . bl.tnkela 'ti.-nples.pcrf-H't in . every . EANtheST $5.75.
AXJD wny. exccnt some - > f them nro al.irhtly j i
soiled. Before oncninif our new stnolc |
. this month Worth .oOr
we are desirous of sell.nT ( very pair n-e : ?
have on hand. To effect this wu have
DRESS GOODS out the prlcea to almost half rt > iulnr Chenille Curtains ,
< lMng price. Wo have divided the en- '
xive iot into"FIVE LADIES' JACKETS $7.75.
We have New Goods FIVE LOTS.
some Special Bargains in , Worth sro.oo.
particularly in our Dress Goods Counter ; Those consist of White Blankets only , S3.50. Chenille Curtains
and are thu product of thu best eastern ,
we are making prices to sell them and Cnlifbrniaa factories : These are a great bargam
and are selling- fast , the real S8.90.
Lot 1--50 pairs at $1.75 $ t
value is 55.00. Worth $12.00.
Worth. 9ioO.
All Wool Dress Goods Finest Ail Wool LADIES' JACKETS Lace Curtains ,
The greatest clathincr bargain of the Lot2--50pairsat$3,50 $ , 68 cents.
year. A.I wool. styl like the cut , two
39 cents. Tricot Serges piiira imctd. Whole thing for J3. Worth 24 "ill. 85.00. 3 . yards . lonjr , tsipud adjru , iMiu , worth
i 31. U3.
Lot 3-50 pairs at $4.50 $ Anewstvlsh cut garment Lace Curtains ,
These are stylish plaids , 50 cents. 54-IKCH
. Worth iO.OO. just received , bought to sell
Si. 15.
stripes and mixtures in fine all for . . . .
A great bargain , plain colors Lot 4--50 pairs at $5.50 $ 56.50. i
wool dress goods , positively Worth $1.65.
ors , fine all wool serges , soft . .
Worth K. 00. ' Lace Curtains ,
worth 650 a yard , will be and beautiful for wrappers or LADIES' JACKETS
closed out at 390. street dresses , 500 ; worth f5c. Lot 5--50 pairs at $7.00 $ S2.75.Worth
Worth 510.01) ) . . Worth S4.oor
You can carely bulieve that these are Your choice of three different
( ,3) ) Lace Curtains
the sime ; quality that sold far $2 last ,
2 Toned Wale Diagonals BEDFORD CORDS season , but they are ; all new colors CRAY BIMETS , ferent styles of long and short OO. DO.
' jackets , worth 30.50 to $12
46-INcH -Lotl-lO'OpairsatJl.50 mixed tweeds and plain cheviots i Worth 54.75.
58 cents. 75 cents.
Lace Curtains
Worth iiOO. iots , all at $ 50. ,
The latest stylish fabrics , Imported French Bedford Lot 2-150 at $2.00 $
cords , fine quality , worth $ i , - pairs . LADIES' COATS $5.75.
thread wool , worth , . .
every 750
Worm i Worth 57. oO. These : ire Irish rom
75 cents. ! nc anil a ruat bur oin at 3-3. 75.
an opening bargain at fSc. C. Lot 3-150 pairs a [ $2.50 $ S15. Window Shades ,
Plenty of navy blup anil black. These Worth $4 00 such 5S cents.
Being a popular price
are verv deai able ; rejiaar ! it quality ; .
. Goods will be found second , floor ,
HENRIETTAS alt colors. on
have made leader of
. a
8 Diagonals Ibth street ivinfr. we Opiiquo shades , 7 feet lonj , 3 f-ct
Ladies' Jackets fc.$15 and offer wulu , ready . to . hang up to the window ;
r > 5e ; worth
85 cents. 46-INCH Comforts 51.50. fer choice of styles that will be Dado Window Shades
50 cents. sure to please.
The genuine silk finished all Whipcord worth 20 bales iti , this of chintz siuo 51. ,30. Covered comforta , 57 cents.
Fine worsted two toned diagonal wool henriettas , worth , '
Children's Cloaks $150 $ Worth Soc.
nal serges. 36 inches wide , at all colors , S c. Bed Comforts $2.00. $
. . ' Fringed Holland Shades
joe , worth 650. 10 of autme covered comforta in Children's ( Ms S8.00
All wool , the newest and best style , rich , patterns , a regular 42.30 quality 85 cents.
nlain. gcods scluv they a.-c extra strouir for 52. Children's ' Cloato
54-IMS TWEEDS and ffo'od , ? ! , worth ? L i. . Worth $ : . co.
Agents far Dr. Jaeger's ' Underwear , Towels 25c. Children's CMsSiO.OO Dotted Swiss 22c
Butterick's Patterns an1 Hall's Bazaar $1.25. SOLE AGENTS \Torth toe.
> We have made a positive reilm-tion In All
zaar Forms , a line of 5 and 40 cent knotted fringe new stylish garments
A new line of novelty Scotch For DC. Jaeger's Underwear. flue diaper . damaslt and hucu , 25c. xvortli and very cheap. Dotted Swiss 37c :
' Jiii ! and 4c. ( )
tweeds , one and one half yards Butterick's Patterns , ' Worth 7oc.
Morse Dry Goods Co. wide , $1.25 ; worth 52.00. Hail's Bazaar Forms. Morse Dry Goods Co. Morse Dry Goods Co. Sflorse Dry Goods Co-
man and Charles H. Allen permanent
chairman , Thu platform adopted opno&ed
tno inflation of the currency , wither by incon
vertible paper moony or thu free coinage of
silver. Tbt demand is mode that a legal
barrier be Interposed against indiscmninato
Nathaniel P. Banks and John D. Lonif
were unanimously nominated for electors-at-
_ _
Ca of ii OcmentMit Lincoln \Vuuiun Cmlln
Ollt tllH PllllCH.
LHTCOLS , Nun. . Sopt. 14. [ Special to Tnu
BEU. ' Soroetbinc of a sensation was caused
at the police station this afternoon by thu
receipt of a teieuhonio messaifH ataUn that
a woman had been discovered in the act of
mhing on infant. The policu hurried to the
sccnu and found that thu report was but
purtiallv correct. A warmin who has lonir
bo rae an unsavory ranutatlun and who for a
year past has lived on Seventh street.
between M. and L. streets , ? avn birth
to a child at an early hour this
moraine. This afternoon sha was detested
whilu tryinff to dron thu infant in a vault.
Examination revealed thu fact that tbu baOy
bad been dead far several hours. A police
man was at once detailed ta laalc into thu
casu. Hu discovered that thu child lived but
an hour or so after It was born. The mntnur
la a half demented woman who bnarj thu
sobriquet at "Old Cnzy riilie. " her nial
natnenein Tillie Laber. Shu is between 'M
and 4U years old and has been , known as a
Inosi * character. Thu physician who exam
ined thu dead infant guvo it as bis ooinion
tt-at it could nave livud not moru than an
hour , and thu casa baa tnerafora been
Sim ir e < l .1 Guru
A colored woiran named Pees ? Johnson ,
livtiiifon B street , was sent up to thu county
uil Una morning far crantini ; a general dla-
turuancu in her neighborhood. Vesteraay
aftumoon she Decumu involved la u quarrel
with soina neiinhurinff vomen , and after
sbu had. been worsted iu tan verbal battiu
which followed , ran into thu and ut a
uu wbictt shu bair-in dnnff into thu crowd.
Sha drad s veral hota. all uf wnicli duty
wida of the martc They at once reirtstsrod
a cumolainc at tnu policu statlau , cbar inir
her with shootinir with intent to ItilL This
mornHif thu cnar/u was withdrawn and shu
was A cuwid of aasauiC and battery. Upon
this churctt shu was convicted.
UUponeit of City Uonita.
A special meetiiiir of tha city council was
beid this evemnir far tbu purpoid af dlspos-
mir af tbu bauds vouid al thu ruceat city elec
tion. Hvpreitentauves of auvenl easura
bonuici ; bouses wen present and for a umn
thu bidding was animatud. Finally thu
council voted to reject all bids and place tba
bauds up at uucuon. Nelson C. Broca at
this uity otTarud ta pay our ( or thu Dondi and
pay tha citv thu accrued mturaat from dau
af tba bunds ta duu uf dellvury and also puv
HIM ) premium. No other bid waaanTorud and
Drocu's bid was accepted. Tha banda dis
posed of ta fiTH.OOU.
Vraiu tliM 1'ultcn Ciiurc.
Michael Shea wan this maraioir Brou nt
Into court upon cumolaint at ilary Culyor ,
waa accusus him af ueiatftbu futhfr at her
nn bora child. Ha was buuudovur to tha dis
trict court ;
Harry Bustard and \V. N. Cross worn each
Hoed * L20 fa ? telntf drank contrary to tha
municipal coda.
1 Tha police maau two novel arresta last
nlaht. They woru coiled to thu Wuir dlvu
whera Uuiy found , two Tadlan womuu
lairto tnc Omaha tribe and a man who wai
so druntc that hu was unable to pranouncu
bis name. Onu of tbu Indian women Mut 3
papoose strapped to nor baclr. B6th pleaded
their innaceuca of any wrane doing and they
were released upon their promise to talie
their blankets and go bacli to the reserva
rr.i.VT-E J < > atnr IB.E
OuuuftliH Leaillnii Attntcticma In CerUllii
> York Circle * .
New YonK , Sept. 14. fSpecial Telegram
to TUB BEB.I . sroup of. srunninjfly at
tired yirls stood chatting toijethur on tuu
corner of Twenty-second street and Fifth
avnnua this erenlnx. Suddenly Maria ex
claimed , "Oh. Alice , see that delicious mc-
turo in thu wtnduw of tha art store , across
tha way. " They all tripped over to scan it
more closely , discovering in modest and
tasteful lettering thu word . ' -Compliments
of Uadey's America's First Maimzino. " They
becamu frenzied with a desira to iret the aic-
ture. to sea thu maitizinu that could present
sucn u rufcolcndent gem as u gitt. "Lots go
tn Breutunos , " tau v said. Around tha sales
man at that store six girls soon chattered.
They were charmed with the masaiacent
picture , "Gauey's ideaaf thu World's fair , "
and thu surprlain ly bnlUont fashion me-
I tures than set forth acurately in colors four
I of thu lady loaders of tha " 400 , " and they
1 simply wanned to buv the dealer out entirely.
"Keep your aye an Godovs , " as onu of. thu
snris said , "I deiy you ta taKa yaur eye oil
that Klariaus bevy of American oellei. " Thu
furor created in certain circles by the brill
iant portraits with tbu autoi aon of thc.-
Naw York society belles in their lal * st Paris
ifowna is Indeed
CuntllilatM- ) fur I'oiltlnal Ifuiion I'rusunt
Th ir VIuwi.
Thu Wast Ouiaha Republican club bald
a very successful meutiuif last nl ht , which
waa addressed by all tha leading candidate
af tha Durty.
Among tbu speakers were E. it Bartlett , -
Judiu C. fi. Scott , R. W. Brecklnnd e , laaau
Adams , Philip Winters , ' .V. W. blubauga ,
Jamus Walsh , John Williams , H. L. Day ,
County SuperintendontHUtaaud A.C.Troop.
Mr. Bartlett admitted that hu w as a candi-
, datu for congressional honors , but feared
| tuat hu waa not tromir to accomplish much In
WeaC Omiinu for hu sa-.v beiora him moro
candidates than voters , tiu bad traveled
through , tha precinct 3 faw days before and
from tba evidences at Droaourity hu
j saw hu ima infd that tnu praanct was ru-
I publicuu. Hu won proud that hu belouvud
{ ta tna repualican party , tba party wnicti
i could point wita pnuu to iu suuisman , ora-
i ton and prenauuu. Ha wound up ihu pea.
i pin's party and very ablv exoiulned ihu tantf
I principles ot ihu republicans.
I Judca Scott said tn > ichu waa a republican
i bec-ausu that wan tbu purty which lupportetl 1 |
tha homes af tbu cauniry and thu country
' was founded ou thu aoiuu. Hu did not want '
to ralit politics , but ninpiv ta aiaue acquaint- '
anctsi. Hu waa apcoauUto tbu union of uaurcn ,
and state and told'of haw bn would miraducu 1
cuiisUuitional amunduiuim > whicb would
suva tha conutry from various impending
dlh4&Ura if bu wora senc to coo resa.
Ii. W. Brecumridtre mada a vnry iutarokC.
iuir and witty syctcb. plainly selling-forth
bis grounds far the faith that was m him
but refraining from an * reference ta bis aau-
aiducy for thu county attarnavsbip. Hia ru-
marku wuru well raci-irud by tha audluncu.
Other snaticues in a similar vein held tha
audiunca until nearly midalyttc.
South Dakota. Democrats Lookine tD tie
Populiata for Comfort.
Dumoiirata Flint Cnnnolutlun ill
Vlctnrl ) i > "e < r . .feriy l > mii < : ritii UITH
SL Hat TimiluHSiicIintett Ui-publl-
cann Futiticil Pulntnr .
.f. S. D. , impt. 14. fSpecial Tele
gram to TUB BEE. i Thu eseoitiva commit
tee of the South DaitnM democratic central
committpu met in secret confarenca with the
candidates on the dumocranc slata ticket in
this city last night la formulate plans for tnu
campaign , and to discuss matters af Import
ance to tha purty In this state. ChtefesC
among tha tooics dismissed was that effusion
fusion with the independents. Ta this suo-
Jectsaverai hours were davoted. It was prac
tically decided that tha democrats could not
fase with the independents unless tna lust
named party la wiUing to divide thu auto
ticket. A committee of four was appointed
to confer with a similar committee from
thu InduDrina uti and arrange matters.
The letter of C. L. Wood , wbo M thu
democratic nominee for congreis declining ta
maku thu race , was talten up and discusHuii ,
but 110 action was taiten upon it , thu under
standing being that if tha iudenendcnts
ayrea ta 'usa tbe resignation will bo ac
cepted and tha tnduneudent candidate for
caugrain , Lanner , of tnu Blaclt Hills , will nu
eudoned ana his uamu placed on the demo
cratic ticket.
A cnnvention or tha democratiu clubs of
stata wa.4 ualle < i for ( Oc'Wuur 7 in Sioux
Falls , thu basis orrepresuntauon being onu
delegata for uvory nftesu clue members.
Burtjetl Trepo ODena tii { < iimpaign at Water-
town on September -t.-suaaiinix at ElUton on
tba 41IU1 , at Madison ou tha : ! 7lb and at Can
ton on
Coloruilo D < * miioi-tu liv Triiilllle In I'uiitl-
Iny SnlteililM fCJtfltitiitloiiH. f
Dis > JVEn , f.'olo , S pUiWj Thu First con
gressional district democratic convention
was held here today , Senator Gunnell being
oilmen chairman. Rav ; Myron W. Rued ,
thu peuplu' * party uomineaIor , congrosa from
this usu-ict , was nominated by acclamation.
Woun th'i matter of njipninting a commit-
tea an r iolutiuns carau up a soilt In tha con
vention uccurrud. tha Cleveland democrats
baiting. Taer desired tha appointment at
such a cmmntttue , while tha Vveavur durao-
cratu would not permit It. Tba Dulling fac
tion iiumudlatelv cailud auotaar convention ,
of w'lich John T. Buna was madu caiurmnii ,
and after endorsing Beed's nammauua
adoptud r * ilutjond pledgtugSilulity lu tuu
duniocraUu failh ana. principles. Thealnu
uadonu Uiu plattbrm iriiucandidiiui.t at tba
Chicago conventioc. pr-Jltrti faith in tlm
stute.tmansbin ut Clovufund and ratify thti
piutform ana uauiiualiona at Puubla ,
Hail i M.iuUuy uuil k'urruc Tluin.
Tnsa-MN , X. J. , Sopt. i4. Tliu dema-
antiu state convention met huru today.
'Chura was a lengthy itrugglu between oa-
toiting deluguUons from Pasiaic county , ra-
a victory for thu 4 boett winij.
Nominations for governor wera then made.
Judge Wertz and Edward F C. Young being
placed m nomination. During a ipu ch of a
Wertz man some sharp comments from thu
audience drew forth a bitter retort and a
trucendoua uproar ensued. For a timu it
seemed as though tha convention would
break UD. but after a lengthy roiv Balloting
proceeded and resulted in tna nomination of
Tha platform endorses tha national declar
ation and defends m detail all alleged parti
san legislation.
In UtM ! * nctatH : Elcurinnii -ijirii-i-itlo Cinl -
er Think They ! -Vagnry uf > npcni .
Nsw YOHK , Supt. 1L The democratic
national committee has issued the following
address :
MITTKE. KV Fijrrn ArBMDK. SBW Yomc. sept.
U. To tnu feuDai at tin : ( Tnlted > tituTlie
dumueraUu uamm < tUu euniratiil.iu.ii
Uiu country an tliu'r sii. i of Uiu rm-unt
u.eeiiunH In Maine. Vermont anil Ar
fu Arkansas the curiihineit uoomitioa.
many extravagant cl. u us , full sburt over 'iJ. -
Ouu ot tun votu at tliu demnurauy a. onu. Tills
has brought 1.3111:17 ta tnu combination tu the
south : inci Its manipulators 111 thu north.
In Malnu and Vurtuiinttliu canteit w.iHuon-
dnetcd dlLtinctiy oil natiunul msui"i. Tim ru-
punlletin manager * upiiiialed f..r voun In
tiiL-aa 4Latus ou tau ground tnat thu "size uf
the pluralities ' ,1011111 u'turta 3r uc moral In-
Iluenc'ii un wiu campaign in otlier stilus. " and
that Uiu poll would Uu practically j. vote fur
ainiiliir anp : n iiimraoniMl to the aid all tlm
piitencrecuurctitiif their nidlonal ornui- :
uon. wan it u.xliau.itlu-rs treubiiry and Its
spunuiiil uiiiiuinuiit | 'if oritors uf niitinu ,1
faniu. Wjui uvury tivncinfurvu at ihulr
command. u.tuupL publiu omniini. with no
( jr.-nnizatioii uiipunwl , except thoKti in.iilu
no within tlm stata uy a minority
party wliiuh has bt'un out ot powur fur
a JunwraUoii. and wuieli w is unuidud Irtjin
witliuut , thu aainpalgn uf our adreriiinus for
a triumphant tuit votu In the suit H. < o
cnrufiulv Dl'innud amiK > thonnuh.y and
furoufuhy u.tucuuid , bus ended in a conspicu
ous itis.uitiir.
Our rrluiidsoverywhera are entltlud ta taka
fresli uocini-'rt fruni UIIMI rusiKt-H.
They niuan that tlm ttron.tunilunuy of DHU-
iJu Hiintlmunt Is with Uiu dmmx'rauy. and tun
PI.-OIHO uf thu country are prepared tu unforuu.
nitni'r ttinn ravenu. thu vHrdiut vhluh they
rvndurau In IKH. if. li.tuiirrr.
Chairman National Cammlu.iu.
Do * M , DiUKinrwiiT.
Chairman Cumoalgn Committee.
Tbny MBHC In Slut Cuiivuntiuii anil Kllilona
C urgn Cliirlf.
Four WoitTir , Tex. , SHUI. ! . The republican -
lican staui convention convened at 1 < ) : ; MI this
morning. Thu permanent organisation em
phasized thu Ctarlr advanuga whluh was
evinced on tna election af R. B. Eawley as
Uimoararv chairman yasterda/ ;
At noon thu oonvunUon adjouraud until 2
p. m. , at which hour u waa announced tnat
tbu committee on resolutions would bo ready
t > > raport.
Onu of tha Incident * of tha convention
this morning was tha opening prayer of a
nugro praachor , wbo praved Uau ta blusa
Uuurgu Clark ; a dumouratiu canuidalu for
governor. Thai brougntdown thu bousu and
thu euiivontian retired tor a wbilu.
Ttiu report af lau rekolution aammlUua
willcondiunn Uiu udmlnutradun of RflKtf
und enducau thu uandldacy of ClurU , a dem
ocrat. This will gtvu ClurU at lujiat iKJJKfJ
autut a po& iulu lU.liao Mpuollcau votes.
The followers of Judgn Claric aru la high
ipinu , walla thu Bags followers are la tha
and ara denouncing tha ranubucans madi ! tnu principal addtess. which was a
and tha negrau an all side.- * . patriotic , eu'.nuaiaatiu hpeecu. Thu room
Thu business element iu tnis citv , rigard- was crowded and thuy listened with great
less ot political dltfuruncns , M for C'ark and attention tu ihu truths of thu prc&imt situa
a kind of Juhilee ia beinir indulged in by all tion. Thu republicans of JtmiaW , bath gun-
kinds of puopia. tlemen and ladles , mean ta hold this tawn-
Clark has naptarnd the republican party shio in tha front rank and keep it tha banner
and he will have 7j.UUU democratic voters b - township of Adams county
iidus. which almoht Insures his clucuon. an-
le s conditions change. ItmlVlllo < r Ciiunry Cnnvuiitloii.
Immediately an reassembling the commit ItDtANOLi. Neb. , Sept. 14. [ Soecial Tela-
tee on resolutions brought in its report , gnim to Tus HUE. ] The republican county
v.-hich wasraadat length. After cial
convention af Willow met this afternoon
preamble it bu ini by declaring ullugiancu to
tha principle * of tba national reoumican and nominated E. M. Woods for representa
platform. "It condemns tha statu law dis- tive ana W. K. Starr for county attorney.
cnminating against colorttil taacners of tha Mr. Woods m a urominant farmer , an old
public scbunls , favnri itat reiruJatlon of tnu soldier and will anlv flll tha seat vacated by
railroads and demands thi > po sa Q of various Mr. Modi of upreinu court fame. Mr. btarr
biHn of state only. IH also an old soldier and ana of Uiu abluic
Thu olatforui was adopted , and tt was dc- and ninai nranimunt attorneys in suu'hwest-
cidud to abandon tau nomination of a stnto era Nebrdiiltn. RupnulirauH are proud 3
Qckut aud to recommend to tna republicans their ticket and confident of success.
of Texas thit thuy mpuort Clark contubtiug
democratic candidate , for tnu govvniarchip. D m < nmc elit : Country TlcUnr.
Thu otu on thu proposition resulted Sil'J ta HrupunHT , Nua , S pt 14. ( Special Tel .
170. An adjournment lolloxved.
grain to THE Bun. j At thu democratic
> 'G * STATE CONVE.VTIOX. county coi.vannon huld in this citv today J"
M ; Gondi'yng of Columbus was nominated ;
PlaiiH | n > < iininitlnii : . for county attorney and P B. Bunder ot thia
Tlckoc : ic L.II-IUIIU. ciy for teprosuutative. Delugitu la senatorial -
Wyo. , Sopt. 14. Special Tele torial and tlcut couvuntiuna weru selected.
gram to TUB Bus. ] At thu republican atata
MalvornN IUipiililii-tii : Ditlrig-irt * * .
convention held huru today Edwarti Evanson , la. , Sept. It. [ Special to Tna
of this citv waa nominated for governor , BUB.J Thu following delegates were elected
Hon. C. D. Clark for congress , C. H. Farm- yesterday from heru to attend thu republican
lea for the bench and W. H.
supreme . Kil- county convention at UlunwoniL next Satur
patnck , John H. 13arrou and John C. Djer day i J. E. Skadden. C. C. Uuid. A. Hersaar ,
for presidential electors. A very cruditablo John Balrd. J. S. MHtur , Kime. M.
platform was adapted. Tha convention was Lewis , D. U. Thomas and Ed Cleaves.
tha largest and most enthusiastic ; aver held
Stuvenmm in North Curtilliiu.
In Wyoming- any poliucal par'y. Thu re-
nublicans were never In b tter bapu in A3I1KVU.I.B , H. C. , Sept. 14. Hon. A. E.
Wyouiinif and will snow tncnsaiud majorities StKveuaou arrived beru today from Biiiomi
hia yuur. _ ington , 111. Hrf will ipeak buru tomurravv ,
Imixiiuiiiliintit UtHmttlHtlMit. leaving at .7 p. m. for Ealciga. Hu will maki
ALMA , K D. , Sept. 1L { Special Telegrnm ilvu speeches m the state.
to TIJK BRE.J L'hu indep ndunt3 today nom Wo. 1. 1 Itlvur K | iiillMiiini .
inated Hon. S. Fulton for runresentativa Wann Rivien , Xuti. , Supt 14. [ Special ta
and U. Ttiainos for county attorney. Not THE Ban. | Thu repualicans hav < > a wimj.
n.ora than two-thirds of tnu delegates wera awak luuguu hero of 1UU muinbera. Thu alii-
present. t < iu ones present casting thu vota for amu members aru not in iu Tha crond am
thosii absent. Many independents aru dis- too qoud.
auustied with tha nominations and concudu
tuaf it Is a wuuj uciiat. especially Uiu couutv
attomuv , who has mid no practuu wbatuvur. "
A > grn Lynnlinil In ICiiiHUitVlio Ulilil'l
Tha following ara the delegates ta the
KXHIIC | til UxUllll IlfllVHIl.
tanal convention to uo held at Wilco uimor-
L.\ns2D. Kan. . Sjpc. 14. A
ruw : Theoiioro Mahn , t ) . McCulluch , A. b. nearo
WatoD. b. Fulton , D. Eennan , L. A. Ma- Jamas Thompson maau a orutal asNauit an
U U. H. B. Dow , J. V. Whitney , J. W. MUM Manel Wilson at bar boarding hautu
Oluan , F. Zuicli.
yesterday morning. Shu fought him ror two
Ptitnii iirci hours and hu finally dad. La t tin
Cni.uinics , Z > ob. , Supt. Ul. iSpucial to was arcuMUul m a iwarap. A faw hourn later
hn xvas taltan tram jmi by a mutt and bunyHit
TUB BBS. | Last nignt tau
dumocrata of this
Ui a Utlugrann pnlu. Hu contented , his gui.5
city organized tba Coiumom Doraocratiu and said hu aoul would go tn hulU
clua with a membership of about forty. O.
F. Davis was uluctud president and J. T. , , June i.'i. 'a
Cox secretary. Tha meeting wau addrasiiud Mr. JV a , Moora. 5Iy Dnur ble-l hav
by County Judga Hunsluy. It was decided beun sutjectto icU buailiuiha all air a.'u
to gut Hon. J Sterling Morton tu ipttul ; at Over two ymir ago I bugan uwng tSt1-joff
thu HluUu county fuir on tnu aftoruoim of Trou uf Lito" far it and aavur hud a ooau or
Thursday. SepUimour iO. whuu Juduo mole beuaouht ] amuu , . 'xu ul when . .iiu
Craunsu and Senator Vn Wyuu will nau > mudloiuu was at onu od ot Um poad aiut I at
speak. It is expected that thin trinity of thu atner. ItU worth mara Wan munu' < Q
oraun will draw a very lurgu crowd to thu mu. L hunrtiiy ntoomuiund it ui all
lair grounds. I ofhoudauau. Very tcuty youn * .
! W. B. Lita.
Elltllilnlaiilii at .
, toept. m. , Spaelal Uj
BEB. | Thu UontliHnun's and LadluV 2 < nl ilruy eUti'lc wanUd by a
liuan ajiibn Suld a ru-ualnu muuUng M dittQ dcu < / h wu. Konu but ex-
alegant olut room , wita ttau ladlus' proaidunt B rieBU l nuim iipiriy. AdJpeaa F. u.
la thu chair. Judga Burloa of Haatings box 1-tSO. Lincoln , jfiib.