THE OMAHA DAILY HER : TIIUKMA\ ) In , 1802-TWELVE PAOKS , THE DATTA' BEE r. < < nrtn n. ivKiiy MOUNINO. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. T IlMHUK8Un CHIPTIO.V. * r lly 11cn ( flthnulHun < lnrUno ) Yen * . . . . . r S U ) I'nllr ' nnil Similar UIHr . . . ID 00 FIxMOntlis - MX ) Ilirrc Mnntli 2 M Hinclsj lice , line Vrnr 2 III nlimlny lleo , Onn Your I M \ \ ckly Ilco , Utio Yt-nr . . . . .i . 1W Omnlin. Tlio I'm IlnlMlng. Pnnth Omnlin , corner N nml Mill Btroon. Conncll Illufls , 12 I'enrl Hlrppt. ChleitROOHIre. SI7 < 'lininhor if Commerce. New York llonmt 13 , 14 nml IS. Trllinno llullrtlnz \ \ ( ihtnuinn. CIS Fourteenth Struct. All commimlrAllom rolntlnz to npw nml tdltorlnlmntlor KliouliI to mlilroisM to tbo I. i- Itcirlal lp | > ; irtmont. 1IUSINK.49 l.l'.TTKIl * . All IniMtiPM letter * nnil rnmltlinccM olinnlil Im clilrcatcd to Tlio lloo I'ublWitnif Oominnf. Oinnlm. Drnfi * . checks nml iiontninrci onion in bo innilu pnrnblolo tlm order of tlio compinjr. THE BKK PUBLISHING COM PA N BWOH.V STATKMKVr OK C1HCU1.AT1O.V Etrlrof Npbrnikn. I ( niinlr of I > OIIEA | , I fror o II. 'iMclinck , upcrctnry of TUB 11 'K Pub llrhlni ; I'mnpnnjr , does folcmmlr linear Hint tlio ctlinlclrcnlntlOM cif THK IIll.V IICK fur Ihowpok ( ndlnRHrptcinlicr 10,18 r ! , was n follows : Snmlnr.Poptomhcr I . sflOVl Mondi\jrSoitPtnbprA | aiWH rnrFitnr. HepluiulKiri ; 213'IT Woilnpiilnr , fceiitPnihorT ST.'IIT lliiiriKlnr , ti'plrmliiT 8 , lll.STi Krldny. J'CiiUMnbprll SI.UI littiirilnr , bcptumlicr 10 21,15 ; Aein BBS7B ( IKO. 11. nWIIUCK' . Fworn lo bnforo nip nnil tnlmcrlboil In my prcs- cnco tliln lUth day or Hfiptombcr. ISM. N. I' , I'M ! , . Xotnt ? 1'utllo. Av riin Circulation Tor August 'JI.IIIO Ii-'C'oitiir.TT IB olcctcd to con gross llmt Miilncnt body should ut otica UlRchnrgo Iho Borgdnnt-nt-nrniH. Tin : Tninmany tlgor has ut lust got Siilnt , ( Jlovolund In its clutches und will ainsltuiito him at leisure. PUOK. BAUXAKO of Columbia has liscovorod the tlfth silullito : of Jupiter , but whnt does this hnvo to do with the iloction of linrrioon ? lion' the country towns of Aniunogii and Gouiioll Bluffs would hnvo the liuigh on the city of Oninhii if G 17. Scott iliould bo Hcuiclun tally elected to con- gross. WHIN : the demoi-riits announce pub licly that they will carry Illinois this your , tlioy labor under a grievous error that the American people is ti race of marine : * . THK presence of many orators from ntuotul in a state does not accomplish mueli in compiriBon with the value of thorough organization and frequent local meotinga , Hiipplomontcd by the powerful agency of standard newspapers. AIi , citizens will observe the request for a meeting at the mayor's ollico at ! l p in. today to take action in the cholera situation. It is of utmost importation that a representative gathering of citi zens bo present to advKo with tlio Hoard of Health at this crisis. Tins in no time to stand on legal tech nicalities. If the council docs it * duty it will appropriate a sum sullli'.i'jnt to clean the city thoroughly , and the people ple will back Iho members in that act , which is Homuthinir the people ate not ready to do very often. Till' magnificent nnd worthy dcdica tion of the great tin plato factory at Elwood , Ind. , on Thursday will servo to illustrate the fact only a few months ago democratic newspapers were Baying that "no tin plato has boon made nr will be made in America. " THK incorporation and thorough or ganization of ttio Western Art associa tion in this city was a moat worthy act. In the love for art and appreciation of works of art Omaha lias an enviable rep utation and It is a great satisfaction to lonrn that this city is loading the west ern cities in this matter. THK Reading railway claims that its business has been unprofitable , but that does not explain why it should attempt lo make up its losses by raising the price of coal. The real reason is that it virtually lias a monopoly on coal , and by defying the law it will make up Its losses most easily on ooal. M. S. Qt'AY is no saint , but tlio attempt of democratic papers to Und his "lino Italian hand" in every polit ical complication in Pennsylvania is as silly as the ory "It was the James brothers" hoard often twenty years ago when throe robberies occured on the same night in places hundreds of miles apart. Tin : proposal to incorporate tlioWost- Qi'ii Art association of Omaha la wise. The plan suggested for securing a fund to continue the art school aim purchase works of art as the nucleus of a collec tion in this city appears feasible. Tlio char.iotor of Iho gentlemen intrusted with carrying tills project into olToct gives assurance l > f Its success. A coitroiiATioN's nerve is colossal. Iloro is the Pullman Car company which him fought payment of its taxes in Iowa for suvon years and lias at last boon compelled to pay alter irrcat cost to the Rtato. Now it comes up and promises to pay promptly in the futuio if the back taxes for seven years are remitted. Tlio poverty stricken condi tion of tlio company is probably its justification. Tin ; crop bulletins Issued from the weather bureau * of bovunil western ututcs nro of n n encouraging character for the greater part , though in sorr.o localities corn is not Hulllelently ad vanced to insure its safety from frost Fora week past thu tempor.itiuo 1ms been several degrees below the average in the greater portion of the corn belt , but no killing frosts have been reported. It ia now estimated that the corn crop in this atato will fall 15 per cent below tint of last year. As last year's crop way very largo this falling elf is less than has been generally expected and tlio fu mow nro wull satisfied with the outlook. Fair prices are now promised und ttio now crop , with the addition of u portion of last year's yield that U still in the Imiidu of tlio farmora , will bring n largo amount of money into Nebraska this full A DISAPPIJI&TIVI In Ids speech at the opening of the republican ( "tnipaign in Omaha last week , Governor Mclvlnloyrfaul that one thing about the democratic party is that when it does got Into power It la 'i disappointment , and to honest and well * moaning democrats a humiliating disap pointment. The campaign of 1800 , said * , ho governor , was a pile of woes which were tojollow the dolngi of the fifty- first congress , mil notably the tariff law. The domoijr.tcy won on the p'o- diction of these 'woes , by alarming the people and pledging tliupirty to loir up root and branch all this evil legis lation. Kvoroho'Jy is familiar with what the party has undortakjn to do by way of carrying out this pledge. \Vhon the house of roprosonlatlvoa of the nrosont congress assembled the great democratic majority in that was bound by promises made on the stump and in Iho p'irty platforms lo do certain things. It had told the country that the Mi'KinloytarllT law watt an outrairo ; that the rates needed thorough revision and reduction all along the line ; that the curreiicv of the country was Insulllclont in volume ; tnat bounties on sugar-grow ing wore unconstitutional and should bo Instantly repealed ; that ocean mall piy wnb a steal : that thu nopartinonts of the government wore honeycombed with corruption nnd recking with fraud ; that the Fifty-first congress had boon most reckless and extravagant in expendi ture , and that the duty of thu now con gress was to move at onoo mul wild all its power against all these abuses and wrongs. This grail democratic major ity claimed in season and out that the pcop'.o had given it that mission. What is the record ? The solo effort of the great democratic hvijority In tlio present house to lo.sson the burdens of taxation they told the people they wore unnecessarily boirlng was directed to a change in not more than half a dozen itouid out of the ; ( ,5'JO embraced in the tariff law. The great body of the law _ was not attacked at all. Is it not en tirely fair to s ; > v that either the charges made against the McKlnloy bill wore false or the house signally failed in its duty to the Hoopla'/ / This majority wont lo work with tlio assurance to the coun try that it would cut down the expenses of the government $100,000,000 or moro. It proposed to show tint Its charge against the "billion dollar" congress w.iet well foundo I and that its denunci ation of republican extravagance was just. But hero again it failoJ , for it made aupropriations exceed ing by over 810.000,000 these of the lirdt jossion of the preceding congress , among other thinirs passing a river and harbor bill which carried a larger expenditure than any other measureof the kind in the history of the govormjtit. The rec ord of the house uf rop"O30i tUivo3 of the present congress , extending over a period of more than eight months , with an overwhelming democratic majority , does not show a single promise of the democratic party redeemed or any effort made to redeem one , with the solo ex ception of the pledge to give the coun try free and unlimited coinage of silver. What is true of the present demo cratic liou'-eof representatives is equally true of ovorv other democratic house since 1H7. ) . All of thorn have boon a disappointment , and the explanation is found in the fact that the deimcr.icy as a parly has no settled convictions aiul woll-Uolinod policy regarding any pub lic question which is at this time an issue before the people. It is divided on the tarilT , on the currency , on the re- monotization of silver , and it is united on nothing but the purpose to keep one section of the country sjlid for the de mocracy by denrlving the colored citi zens of their right to a free and unre stricted ballot. IN THE PIVOTAL STATE. Last week Mr. Cleveland made a brief visit to Now York city , in re sponse to the summons of Mr. Whitney and other party managers. On his do- pirturo lie stated that lie hud baon suc cessful in the object ho had in view. Immediately after the dop irture of the candidate Tammany hull hold a moot ing and adopted resolutions plodding that organi/.atiou to labor earnestly for democratic success. On that occasion Mr. IJourko Cockran , who mtido the memorable spet-eh in the Chicago con vention opposing the nomination , deliv ered an address in support of the demo cratic candidates. Tlio object of Mr. Cleveland in his hurried Visit to Now York from ills Massachusetts losort is thus made plain. It was to reconcile Tammany and the "anti-snappers , " and it would scorn that this was accom plished. Such a reconciliation moans the sur render of Mr. Cleveland and his friends. It signifies that the e Hidldato.lias given a pledge to Tammany that the patron age , in the event of his election , shall bo controlled so far as Now York Is con cerned by that organizillon. The situ ation had become Horlous and was grow ing steadily moro so. Senator Hill had not made a sign as to what he intended to do. The men who Ind fought tlio battle for Mr. Cleveland's nomination wore disaffected because they hid not received the attention which they thought they deserved. There was un certainty regarding tlio real sentiments nnd intentions of tlio Tammany loaders. Whitney rind Dickinson found them selves unable to do anything because they had no authority to uriko plo dgos that would bo binding. Nothing short of the personal assurances of Mr. Cleveland - land would do , and hence lie waa brought from Biu ird's H iv to moot in secret consultation the men whom ho has most lioartlly hated for years and to make a compact with them that wonUl Insure their support. No other rational explanation oin bo given of the appearance ot Mr. Cleveland in Now York and the action of Tammany Im mediately following. Everybody who knows anything about that political organization knows that it is not in tlio habit of giving something for nothing , certainly never twice to the anmo bene ficiary. Mr. Cleveland bus been favored oncn by Tammany and failed to recog nize his obligation. Tammuny doea not Intend to allow this to oouur again , and therefore , as all the signs clearly Indi cate , it hua exacted from the candidate such pledges with regard to the control of the federal patronage In Now Yorit My us will justify it in supporting h in. In other words , M % Cleveland , in his overall dowlng aixloly to bo elected to presidency , has surrendered to Tain- many and accepted the terms ot tint o.'ganl/.r.Uoti as the price of its support , .lust how much this will Improve the damncralic situation Ills dllllcult to do- lormlno. It is to 1)3 oxpaiHo.l tint it u-ill have a tondenuy to harui'miza the democracy of thu K npiro at-xto , but It also may have Iho effect to drive from the support of Mr. Cleveland a great many independent voters who cannot approve auch a b.ivg'iln , in well as these people who are not willing to SJQ the federal ofllccs in the chief city ot the union handed over to the control of the most unscrupulous politic il orginlzi- tion that over had an existence In this country. There can bo no doubt of the Inordinate ambition of Air. Cleveland to bo again president of the United Stales , and it Is evident that ho is prepared to go lo alnust any extremity In further ance of his ambition. Suoli being the case , what bo . ' 011133 of tlio claim of sturdy honesty which his supporters make in his behalf'No compact made with Tammany can bo honest. A SUGUKiiTirK COMPARISON. It Iris long boon apparent thai Ameri can business mothoJs are more fruitful of results than thoto of Great Britain umlor siinilnr conditions. A comparison of the life insurance business in the two countries illustrates this. Of the total sum of $112,000,030,000 of life Insurance In force in the world at present the United States has $3,500,000,01) ' ) . In ISJO Great Britain had flvo times as much life in surance In force as the United States , the business in this country having been com ] > , natively in Us Infancy at thai time. But in 1890 , after thirty years ot continuous growth , this country hid 81,203,000,000 in force , while" Great Britain haU only ? 3,503,000,00 ( ) , a portion of which had boon underwritten by American companies. Between 1880 and 1890 the amount ot life insur.iuco issued in tliis country exceeded by $1,503,000- 000 thai of Great Britain , including Canada. The explanation of this is to bo found in ttio greater activity and energy of'tlio insurance men of Ihis country and the bolter ability of American citizens to boar Iho expense of insurance. Per haps Ihe 1 liter ciuso is the chief one. In Great Britain the proportion of people ple who can afford to pay for insurance is much smaller than in ibis counlry. In Gtoal Britain Iho very rich and Iho very poor predominate. The former care little for life insurance and the lat ter cannot afford it. In America the majorily are in moderate circumstances and can boar the expense of life insur ance in a modest way. It is with this class thai the underwriters do tlio bulk of their business. Considering that lifo insurance had its origin in England and was c irriod on in that country loa j be fore it was introduced into America , it is somewhat significant that it now flourishes so much more extensively hero than in tlio country of its birth. The cause of the difference is explained' Iho facts above stated. A DKSPVHAri : IXDIOTMKfCT. Having proven to its own satisfaction that the cholera was dirootly causnd by Iho protective pjlicy of tha republican p irty the Chicago Jferald nov applies itself to the lisle of proving th il protec tion is a twin brother to slavery. It must bo fought , according to thai paper , as slavery was foaght. and it must bo utterly uprooted and destroyed. "Protectionism , " says the lfei\tld , "has baun tried , convicted and condemned. Il is incorrigible. II has retreated Into the last ditch. Like u tiger at bay , like slavery at b.iy , it cannot safely bo reasoned with or exhorted. It will not , it cannel reform. It cannot bo modi- nod. II cannot , il will nol resloro to anafllicted people Iho millions tint it has stolen or the llvos that it has taken. " This remarkable indictmonl ot pro- lection , absurd as II may sesm , is pi' < 3- sontod wilh Iho ulr.ost sjrlotuncHi. Thoargumonl is simply overwhelming. Wo had hoped that the Ifir-tld would stick to the cholera charge , which wis cert linly damaging enough , bul it hiu abandoned that altogolhor and now undertakes to show that protection is the real twin to slavery , it must bo crushed as slavery was cru shod. Wo still believe that it was a great mlsl'iko in our wild-eyed Chicag o con temporary to abandon the oh oiora ar gument. It Is too lat o now lo prove that protection caused slavery , but it would bo impossib'o ' to find a moro favorable tune ( or Iho charge that -it caused Iho cholera scourge. What the free trad ers need Is an argument that will pre sent Iho republican protective policy in Iho mosl rovolllng Hghl possible , and there is nothing worse than the cholera. To bo entirely serious , what does tlio intelllgonl reader lliink of Iho case winch Iho advocates of free trade are making out against the protection of Atnoriutu industries1/ its whole his tory Iho democratic party never has been reduced to such desperate straits before. Mit. D. II. WIIIIIKU : wants to got back into tlio city council and is work ing day and night to got an endorsement at Iho hands of Fourth ward republicans. Mr. Wheeler was shelved two years ago because ho had forfeited the confidence and support of his constituents. Ho had made his nlaco in the council an auxiliary to his business and allied him- bolf with the old Tammany Twenty- olghtors whoso membership was chiefly made up of boodlemon and ward heelers. While ho was posing us the "watch dog of thu treasury" ho never scrupled to help tax-eaters and contractors. Mr. Wheeler la competent but not trust worthy. Wo do not HOC why the re publicans of the Fourth ward should again foist Mr. Wheeler upon our oily government. Tin ; democratic con volition at Fuoblo , Colo. , WIIH so demoralized by tlm beating of a largo number of Weaver dologatea that all of the Cleveland men bolted , leaving the people's party In control of the Hold. The latter endorsed the pres idential electors of the people's party and authorized the state central com mittee to nominate a state ticket. The democratic mvty In , Colorado Ims boon thrown Into grout ijoiji sloii by the ell vision wlilcii h is b < ought nbout by thu notion ol the fr Illvor nion who luivo gonn over to ift'or. The Intlor claim they have a right to control two political parties , und jis matters now stand they are in tbjj anomalous position of belonging actively uj the democratic party while repudiating Its national platform and its pnftlH jnthil candidate. WITH everybody agreed as to Iho no- onsslly ot milling Iho clly In a thor oughly clean condition the question of securing the money necessary to do this , which il is estimated will nol exceed 810,000 , oughl jiol to present an Insur mountable dlflicully. In the meantime the authorities should firmly and Im partially oxorclso the authority given them to couipol all persons lo pul Ihoir promises In u salistactory sanitary con dition and keep thorn so , and It this bo done il will go far lo solve Iho problem. A few arrests and lines of property own ers and householders who neglect their duty in this matter would bo very likely to have a salutary offccl. Or ATn Iho heavy oaros and burdens n'sling upon the president of thoUoltod States tlio grcatesl is occasioned by Iho serious illness of Mrs. Harrison , whoso condition al lust accounts was pro nounced very critical. The president is constantly al her bedside , and though ho looks after such matters as urgently require his oflicial attention , ho in giv ing his thoughl and c.ire nlmosl wholly to his wife. The sympathy of tlio Amer ican people will go out to the sinking pationl , lo the troubled president and to all the members ol his household In this time ot unxiely and apprehension. WHAT Inspired idlol prompted Iho democratic parly's attempt in their platform to revive all the miseries of state bank money and wildcat currency republican Ingenuity has failed to reveal - veal and democratic shrewdness is ashamed lo confess. Cnlil Comfort. New l"oc / Ailvtrtlser. In trying to obtain comfort from the Ver mont election returns , Iho mugwump tol- lOwers of Clovuland sot mi oxatnplo to Uioso who would aook to oxtraot suubunms trotn grcon apples. .Mighty llurilmi. u 1'ost. Perhaps the wlclced nowspjpor corresdon- dents will cense prating about Washington's lack of hospitality wliun wo Inform tbomthat next weak wo will entertain in the neighbor hood of 400 brass bands. Striuielu The sDoctncla of n'subcommittee ' of the democratic national committee attacking the report of u democratic la'bor commissioner upon the ground of dishonesty Is ono of the singular features of the Cleveland campaign. An linprovmnimt Iinpiistllilo. i ( ii. ft will natunillv bo askcl by every voter of In tclli gonco , \\'hv" cBrfiigo tbo national policies and the administration under which the qi-on.l malarial Interests of tlio country have flourished nnd are still flourishing ) Why not lot well oaontjh ulonoi Where thn Siirplim Went. Globe Dcmncrnt. When the democratic orators ask what has bccon.o of the surplus * lhai existed nt the time of Cleveland's roUtomant from the praslacncy , the answer Is 'to bo found In the fact that the present administration has paid off SiJ'J.OOO.OOO ' of the.public.dabt. Tlio Il > rim In Commerce. Aci I'nrlc Jt'Cnnlcr. Ttio advnnco from CD to 10'J par cent in the sclllntr price of ( lislnfcc-tants in this city in dicates an nvnrlco on the pa-t of the dealers that almost surpasses undorstnndliiK. Under the circumstances such n proceeding In trade- Is as reprehensible us ttio cornering of food in a famine. It is In ono sense a speculation in death. The persons instrumental In forcing this extortionate ndvnnuo In thoprlco of dis infectants sbould call a null. Til HUTS. Wnslilnston Star : "Ooluinbns discovered America , didn't ho ? " "Yo-es. Hut ho didn't know It when ho saw It. " Chicago News : Messrs. Corbott , Sullivan , nixon and MuAiilIM'o lire all solus to appear In now plnyH upon thostaeo. The Ainurlrnn dr.itna apparently can dtnnd almost anything. Sornorvlllo Journal : Ono seed euro for con ceit is to iisk your omploynr forsiralsoof salary , and try to convince ) him that your merit makes you deserving of It. GhlcnxoTr.bniio : It Is n ploixsnro to note that there was no Idtoshupcd triek or pnuu- inatlu-tlro omholllilunont In connection with Oorbott's victory. Now Oiloaim I'leayiinn : The ornis-oypil man h is the best of It at a doilblu-rliu circus per formance. ' Itoston Transcript : "A very unhealthy oc cupation , " romirkod llrown , as ho looked upon the nrlcKmnUors wilding through the wet clay , "Voa , " siild lllaelc , "It Is i > Hnlnn worU. " Now York tler.tld : Hobby Tlioro nio no Jllrscm von. anyway , Atr. Kullnr. Kallor tin von moiin. Hobby ? Hobhv The ndliusslvo iinpur yon uro sltllnt ; on hadn't been In the chair lonp onon li to catch any. Washington Star : "Ah. " fiho mnriiiuroil , as her father hnstlod two wonld-bo visitors from the frontdoor. "I think 1 Iho rustling of the loaves , " Lebanon Hoport : It Is a humlllntlno : confos- slon to iniikii to the editorial fraternity , lint truth compels us to say that wo hnvo nomiio ( on cholera. Ynnkers Salesman : If thu orator Is referred to us it weird imlntor , why not refer to the luo- tnrorlna duuf-und-dunib Institute asaHl n painter ? i-omervlllo Journal : When n man Kels tbo Idem Into his head that ho IH a pond conversa tionalist , houvun help his friends ! Illiuliainton Leader : A man who had an untcnnnicd house at thu end of the Htreet WIIH accustomed to rotor to It us last lint not leased. IMIlsbnry Times ; Oolonnl Lti'or line been arri'slod In Ilnenos Ayres on u cha r.-e of com plicity in a plot to start u revolution , lie Is foa mfnt . ; _ < _ ! I Dallas Nous ; The lilinb.ind who anticipates every want usually riluS'Olt to town before his wife aslia him fur It.f' HRITUMIIKII. Aititntannitttut ( < m. [ lo In pool ' ' ' ' comes un' inllln' , an' ruatlln' through thu trees , , , , , i That summer's buen . bp-ullln' ho shakes na .nrn.j out u bretvo : The HUH , thouzli brightlyboamm' , a mollnwod lory yields. 10. , , An'tlio luiipur's sons is droumln' In nil the k'dldun Holds ! > ' ' ' ' An' all that's left of August , laid out In muslin nice , . Is ono.well-done tharnVometer nnd bovcrul tuns of Ice. bo t < 11 MRS , HARRISON'S ' CONDITION Information from Ljon Lnko RccoivoJ wi'h ' Fiofound Sorrow. HUNDREDS PRAY FOR HER RECOVERY Minty Inquiries at tlio U'hltn Iliiutn lur the I.Hteit Nn n iroin tlm I'rrslilcni'it IK Wllo tt'nulmiRtou Niiun Nolen , WASIIIXOTOV HtmiiAU OF I'm ; Tim : , ) nil ) I'YlUllTKKNIlt STItr.r.T , } WASHINGTON , D. C. , So.t. | 14. ) The bulletin from Loon Like this afternoon minounclnp thu result of the physicians' ccm- situation over Mrs. Harrison's condition wus received nero with profound sorrow. \Vhllo the latest dlngnosU would , to a lar o degree nt least , dispose of the theory that Mrs. Haril.soti may bo suffering with cancer nf tbo stomach , her most Intimate friends fear that sotno other disease of equal quality bns fastened Itself upon nor. There wore mmy inquiries at the white bouse during thu nitornoon for further news of her condition , and ninny nra thu prayers offcr'jd for her recovery , for Mrs. linrrlson is beloved by ovor.ybodv hero who knows her. Tncro'U the most profound und uni versal sympathy for the president , who nas upon several occasions Hliico ho entered thu white house extended bis protecting arm and condolence to friends who Rtood In the shadow of tbo terrible iiflllction wnlcli now threatens his household , Mrs. Uussoll Harrison , who Is nt tbo ox- ccutlvo mansion , Is looking splendid nftnr her summer by tbo sea. Lltuo Marthonn has rosalned her strength nnd is now us'on Ka lne a specimen of sturay llttlo girlhood as can bo found. Mrs. Harrison says sue lott Capo May because It was so quiet tboro , but finds It almost as lonely in Iho white houso. Dr. Scott remained in Philadelphia to visit with friends. IIo is In oxc llont health , the best for years , the seaside having almost rejuvenated him , IIo may not return hero for sotno daya yot. Miscellaneous. W. T.'ARorwIll bo rcappomtod postmaster ot Heaver City , Pumas county , upon recom mendation of Senator Pnddock. This oftlca was raited to the piosldonllal rank July 1 last. Tbo appointment of W. Il , Ferris to bo uostmnbter ot Harbino , Jefferson connty.was upon Senator Paddock's recommendation. Horace Sctiddor , the ncnnto messenger from Beatrice , loft for his homo yostordav. Senator Paddock's force has been sending out a vast amount of cammtlpn literature to Nebraska the last two weeks. William O'Lioary , postmaster nt Palisade , S. D. , bns resigned. S. Hnrvoy was today appointed postmaster nt O'Loary , Plymouth county , In. ; Mrs. I. Johnson at Lava , Bins/ham county , Illnho ; J. B , Anson at Unrntfoik. Sw'ootwator county , \Vyo. , and H. S. Philpot at Ibapah , Toolo county , Utah. P. S. H. Western I'OIIHIIIIIH. \V\siiixaTON , D. ( J. , Sept. H. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bcu.JThe following list of pensions granted is roportoJ by TUB BEU mid Examiner bureau of Claims : Nebraska : Additional Steward Burrlpht , William L. Pruott , Ellas W. Wells. Stephen Mlllgato. Ueissuo August Hichter. Oriel- ual widows otc. Klttio E. Sears , Uilberl P. Prindlo , father. Iowa : Additional William C. Johnson , Charles Acklcs , Malacbi Qnlnlon , Franx Nowak. PatrickCrlniean , William W Whitc- nuclc , Houry U. Cusick. Increase--William Benson. Solden U. Whitchor. Martin \Visc , William H Ucillv , William T. Ogle. He- issue Samuel Nichols. Oiiglnal widows , etc. Mary E. ICnntt , Louisa E. Hude lll , mother ; Susan Sharp , Elllon Swangor , Su- snn C. Uiohardson , John W. Sapp , father ; Clarinda Yount. South Dakota : Increase John J. Hough , Samuel Stonor. Original widow Whlto Hone , woman. NEBRASKA AND BEET SUGAJl. \Vliy tlio.jStiita Jtminty Hlinutil ile llostor- oil PnctH to Dr.iw Conclusions Prom. MiMAiin , Neo. , Sept. 5. To the Editor of THE BBC : Will the next legislature restore the bounty on sugar raar.ufocttned In this state ? is a question Hint -should interest.uv- cry citizen of Nebraska. IIo can take the fuels and figures , do his own ilgnrlugand draw his own conclusions , "for tbo way is so plain that a wayfaring man , though a demo crat , may not err therein. " The beet sugar factory tbat Ibo Oxnnrd company built at Grand Island was originally planned to bo built in California , but before tbo plans were executed the ofllcers of tbo company wore approached by men from this stuto who urged thorn to locate bore , und as an inducement they Informed thorn that the state bounty would positively bo retained , Tno Oxnnrd people being favorably Itn- pressed with the state and the inducement of tbo bounty concluded to canvass the situ ation. They wora mot on every hand with with tbo assurance that tbo bounty would be retained , loading citizens all over tbo stale assuiing them that such was the sentiment of thn people , oven the state ofllclals pledging .themselves that the bounty would not bo repealed , and so thn company finally concluded to chiingo tb location from Califoinia to Nebraska , where sugar was I'j' ' cents to IJf cents lower than It was In Culltornin , nnd what was tbo rosnlU After they bad laid down over $1.000,000 in Nournslia the next legislature ignored the people's plcdtros nnd ropudlatod their contract under thu pretense of pro tecting the people from a monopoly , while the fact is that the Oxnard company is dis tinctively an anti-monopoly company , being the only company In tbo United Stutos thut does not oolong to tbo sugar trust. I am advised by Mr. J. U. Hamilton , secretary ot tlio Oxnnrd company , tbat his company proposed building ton factories < n this stale , if Iho bounty bad not boon re pealed , but that they positively can not and will not , build another factory unless the bounty Is rostorod. The restoration of the bounty then moans ton sugar factories for this state , It moans tbo investment of 11 cool $5,000,000 to build them ; It moans the cultivation of 50,000 nerds of beets ; It means an influx In popu lation Into this state of at least ! > 5oi)0 , ) people to do the work ; U means that a farm that now onlv supports ono family will support ton lumiliiis ; it menus that the farmer , in stead of raising corn that will only rot urn him tDglll per aero , can rniso beets that will uturn him WO to $80 per ncro , nnd in stead of paying the freight on bis corn to roach the eastern markets and then paying freight baeit again on his sugar , ho can pro duce bis sugar richt hero at homo , nnd If there Is any freight lo bo paid "lot the oilier fellow pny the freight. " It also moans mi Increase in farm valuoi of from 5J to 'JUJ pa cent wherever u factory Is located : It means employment for thousands of dependent women and children who cannot earn as much at anything oUo ; In short , It mounti spending $1 to inako 810 ; It means Nebraska to the front I In flvo years from now sugar can bo manufactured In ibis state without u bounty , because the ma chinery that Is now comparatively crude will bo perfected , tha farmers will bo experi enced , their laud will bo In bettor : hapo , they will raise u better bcot with less expense- the manufacturers will Improve their facill ties , their machinery will bo made In this Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report country , they will build cold storngo vaults that will enable them to run six months In out ) season , Instead ot tbreo months. Dot al present , wbilo the Industry Is largolv oxpurl mental , It costs tbo wholesale price of sugar to produce It In this sfilo , so that the bounty is all that tlio manufacturer has to depend on for nrollls. Hut , and lot It bocarofully noted , in flvo years from now sucar can be produced In other states without n bounty. nlo. There nru other states that know n coed thlim when they see It , nnd alroinly I boy nro moving In this direction , nnd It Is pretty safe to predict that there will bo n bounty offered in several states nt the next session of their rusppctivo legislatures , and If Nobnulla falls to restore the bounty she will bw rolegatcd to thti roar In this growlm ; and Important industry. If wo ileslro to bold the fort ami take Ibo lead , If wo whh to bo the center of at- triiotion In this great Industry for capital and Immigration , there Is but ono course to tiurnuo lot the coining legislature offer n bounty of 1 cent per pound for nil stigur manufactured from baots grown In this stntu , said bounty to bo divided equally between thu manufacturers nmltho farmers that grow tbo beets , such bounty to bo glvon to the inmo factory for n imitcd mimbut of years onlv , but new fac- ones to bj entitled to the bounty for the same period of tlnm. in this wnv providing n constant , attraction tnrapiUl and nt thusitmu time give ouch fno'ory a limited nonus. For oxninplo suppose thorn Is 5,000,000 pounds of sugar manufactured in Iho stnlo , the bounty would bn $ ,1),000 ) ; the manufac- tureis would ot fW.ODO nnd tbo far morn S-J5UOO. Suppose thnt&Vl farmers hnvo fur nished an equal amount of beats , ttioy would cn'ch rccoivo ? ll)0 ) for their sbntti of the bounlv. Why should wo "send f 150,000,000 abronJ annually for an nrliclo wo can produce ut homo ! Whv should wo thus discriminate agnlnstthb farmer nnd laboring man of this country In * Invor of the fort-lgnor ? Why stiould Nebraska "go llshlng" whllo her iiL'Ighrors "nmko bavl" Lot the suirar bounty ho ros'orod ' , Justice demands II , prosperity requires It , Immigration will court it , Tbo best interests of tbn laboring man , the farmer , the merchant and the state In general are nt stnko. It will bo the mag net that will attract the nuggets of guld and ho polished stool of labor to its center. It will stimulate trade , oucourneo labor , ad vance values , redeem pledges , multiply our resources , Increase our wealth and "jcnellt all. Yours truly , J. F. VYinimtuirr. M1OUIM ItKAl'rtlJ } HKUOItn Of > tifi. ICnportH 1'roin Smith unit \Vtttt 1'ropliiMy Itcpuhllritii Victory All Alont tlm IInc. WASHINGTON' . D. C. , Sopl. II. [ to Tun Buu. I "If wo can got the veto out wo will beat tbo record of 18SS. " This is tbo expression of observant republicans arriving In Washington every day from alt suctions of the couniry. "If wo can only got out out voters" is the ono and solitary a'lipllllcalion of the positive statement upon ovorv bund tbat there Is to bo u .sweeping republican video this voar. It thin , according to bo nest ronurU , rests upon tlio leaders them selves to determine whether the victory shall bo nn ordlnarv ono , or overwhelming , or a victory which will in ultimate effect bo u defeat. From nine-tenths of tbo .status comes the report that the tariff U the piovnillng issue , und that while tnu desertions from the re publican ranks on account of the protective principles of the rupu oilcans are exceedingly few and ul.nost witnout the knowledge of any ono in manv communities , these who are Hocking Irani ihu democratic column lo resist the free trade platform adopted at Chicago are numerous und personally influential. The reports from Nobrasita , Soutn D.ikolu , Kansas und ono or two other northwestern and western states which promised fusion upon the part of the democrats and Inde pendents and destruction to the republican cause , are baini ; followed by others which uro for the republicans most encouraging. In most- Instances fusion has failed. In four ciscs out of llvo the result has boon the nomination of separate und distinct ticlcots. The repub licans have been wonderfully successful In bhowmc the farmers that fusion was onlv Intended by thu domnciats to use tlieir co oper.itors , the farmers , to pull tbo chestnuts out of the llro ; that the furmeri were to veto ofticos for democrats und tint re.itlv none of the agricultural interests were lo bo elevated. Tbo natural gas towns and cities of Ohio and Indiana huvo sout to the friends of the administration hero the most encouraging ruports of the effects of tbo new tariff law. The population of those places has Increased from democratic states or democrat ic si long- holds of republican states , and the men who have como in to work li ivo been toadlly con vened to ttio principles of protection. They hnvo had tnoir wages raised by the op oration of the new tariff law , uro prosnerous , nnd will support Iho party and piinciples which give them thrift and happiness. Your correspondent within the past month visited u number of tactories nt Muncie , Ind. , and other great natural gas manufacturing cen ters , und talked to unskilled laborers who have for months boon regularly receiving from $4 to $10 n dav not for the simple labor of their bands , wbilo skilled laborers iron- puciolors , glossblowers , etc. , said they made rocularly troin $14 to $18 u dav. Many of them were met and talked with who regu larly got over $300 soml-inonthly for their labor From this tboy pay helpers' salaries ranglnir fro-n $75 to | 20i ) , leaving the head workmen thamsolvcs from f 133 to $300 each for txvo weoits1 work , not. Those men wora not rare , but frequent. Tbo lab orlngmon were never so prosperous. A leading nanuor at Anderson , Ind. , sold Hint bo had not loaned adolljrtoa farmer for six months wbilo half of his bank's deposits which now exceed thobo of any time In the past by a lanro amount were from farmers. In North Carolina nnd Tennessee some surprises nro expected , i'ho "solid" south is already broken , not alone by the alliance , but by republicans. Tno bourbons in suc tions of the south bnvo run affairs with suoh n high hand tbat taxation nnd society bocnm * almost unbearable , nnd the bouo and sinon of the old party hnvo taken up the cudgel and are lighting for any relief whatever. There the is on outgrowth of tha bolter elements who do not want oflloo , but n betterment ot Individual conditions nnd tha health of their state * and the country. In the west and northwest , 'vncro fusion Is thn nlm of the democrats , and the alliance is oraanlzcd ana supported la political way bv democrats , the political wine of the nlll- nneo Is no bettor than the bourbon party ol the south. Uoports Indicate that there will bo a great gain of congressman for the ro- pub'lcans In the south , whllo the allUnea there , supported by the property men of the old party , will send a lot of farmers to con * gross , Men arriving from New York nud Penn sylvania declare that the republicans will gain largely In these states whoa It comes to congressional candidates. The Issues are with the republicans. Voters bavo been given nn opportunity for nearly two years now to study this campaign hi a ditpasslon- ntoway. Their prejudices have boon out asldo. Business Interests nnd business pol icies of the pirtlos und the irov- oni men t are concerned. Men hnvo been con fronted for the first time In many years ulth a business Issue , or n scries of bunlnoss Issues , rid of all sectional or war fonturoi. It is free trade ngulnst American protection , and according to reports which are being brought hnro every day the American spirit , as it has been shown ninny tlir.os by Presi dent Harrison , Is coming to the front , nnil If the result In November does not give the re publicans the largest victory thov have had since tha war It will be tbo fault of the man agers , locally as well as nationally , In the opinion of Washington , I'our CVIrfttlnl * CoiiRlitVltniirftttnmivctuil With n Hull ) ( litn . ST. Lotus , Mo. , Sept. II. United States Deputy Marshals Atkinson and Knoll lute last night made , whnt they believe , are four very important arrests In the persons ol Fonir Hey , Uon Vac , Al Hun and Lee Young , Celestial Inumlrvmunnl Eighth and O'Fallou streets. They uro charged with being the St. Louis atronts of ono of the boldest gangs of smugglers of opium in the country. A small quantity of opium was seized. The ofllcers rofusofurtlur Information until clews obtained lost nlu'bt are traced up. They thereby hope to catch larger triune. Are the llriiellU Worth thn I'rleo ? f/iteiuo / Tilltune. Whllo every ono will rejoice that the Peary party has ivlurni'd sifely , thu old question will como up again cul bonof What U th u e of these nrctie expeditious ! Do they nay for the nnxlotv , time , money , arid loss of llf tbov entail ! Is It not llmo to Mop them for coed , or nt least until tr.ov can bo made In balloons In the future' The game as It Is at present puisuod on the snow and Ice Is not worth the candle. Until some now method of conducting them is found polar explora tions liad bolter bo abandoned. Tlio danger which nltcnus them is too great nnd the re. suits too unimportant to warrant n continu ance of the riskv i > uslnoss. The Ponry ex pedition should be the last until some abso lutely safe method Is found , nnd oven then it Is doubtful whether the Information ncqulrod would bo of any real practical value to tha world. lloslou llei ft Itir Qiiurtnr. llmtnn Glalie. It must bo no'od with pain that certain sections ot tbo nubile press are manifesting n craven disposition to get In an ugly foul on Boston wbilo she is down. This proceed- tnu U a dellanco of the boasted American spirit of fair plav. It Is directly contrary lo tbo tlrst great law of chivalry. AS 31 \ VXCI.K Vii > Tit ft.IV. mini. I'vo thought ii power on men anil thlngx , As my uncles nstto siy. And uf folks don't wont us they pr.iy , I JlnRal Wy they ain't no tiso in pray ! I'f von wnnt sninupln' . and Jest duad-sdt A-iiloadln * for It with both eyes wuU And t iiwon't hrliu II , 'y. you try , As my nnelu list to say. Tliey's miinn don't Know their A , II , C's , As inv uiu'lo list to s iy , And ylt don'l waste no candle grocse , Isor whistle tholr lives away : Itutef thov'turlui no book , nor rhyino No i Ingln' tong fui to last nil time , Thov can ! > l.m > tlio way for bo march sublL'MO , As HIV ( inclc nsl tosav. Wboover's roroiiuin of all things hero. As my uncle list to sav. He. i. unns o ich Job "at wu'ro best lit fer. And our rmiim-un ! il lit and ( I iy : And a-sl/lu' Ills \\url. , e.isl and west. And north and south , and must and best. I ain't cot inithin' to suggest , As my undo nsl to s.iy. NATURALFRUIT FLAVORS , Vnnllln Of perfect purlty- Lemon Of great strength- Oranfjo Economy In their uso. Roso.elc. Flavor as delicately and deliclously as the fresh fruit. & GO. I.irgost Manufacturers and Dealorj of Clothing In tlio Wo.-ld. Sports Return " 1'lcase send me one of your $1.65 hats. I've go got a stave-ing good suit , " was one of many orders we received yesterday from dead game sports who backed old man Sullivan. Our double-breasted suits in checks and stripes that can talk ] and modest check5 anl stripes , and plain black goods are so far ahead of anything heretofore brought out that we name the price and away they go. The fine business sack suit or the elegant cutaway will please the most fastidious taste , not only as to style , but also as to fit , quality and price. A fall overcoat is about the W \ nicest thing to own just now. Our variety is endless. BrowningKing&Co Our store cloies at OiM p. m. . oxoopt Sutur1C . W . ( 'fir 15ttl & lflll''l,1 ) ' ' < ! S t , when HO uloso ut 10 p. in. | O. tl. tUl 1 < UU U l/UUalil3 O I