Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Oily Officials Don't ' See Funds in Sight for
Gleaning tbo Oily.
Cholcrn In Almost Sitro to Como nnd In
ClvnnllnrM in llio Only N.ifcty 1'lnim
lor Ititlftliif ; I nmli for
the Worlt.
The prevailing sentiment In all branches of
the municipal government is .that the city
needs n general cleaning up , and that It the
money nocosiary to accomplish It cannot bo
raised In ono way It should bo In another.
The amount rcoulrod Is variously estimated
nt from > ,00J ( to $ tl,0K ) ) , and the general fund
is so depicted at the prosonl tlmo that It Is
said to bo out of the question lo sccurj It
That , however , doss not chnngo the exist
ing statu of affairs about the city , out only
( loinnnstratoj the nocaulty for raising the
money some other wny.
Mayor Bonus said yesterday that there
WAS no room for doubt that n thorough con-
oral cleaning of the city win the only thing
that would put It in shupo lo undergo a slogo
of the cholera with anv degree of publto
ftafcty , as tbo projont condition of certain
quarters would Insure a frlghtim mortality
rate. Ho Vhought that It would roqutro from
$3,000 to ttO.UJU to do the woric as It should
be dono. How the money was to bo raisoa
no could not say. Ho did not Know whether
Ibo council had a legal light to inauo an nn.
proprlatlon for the purpoao or not. It had
'inado ' nn appropriation for a proper observ
ance of thu Fotirlh of July , and tbo people
bad not klckod about It , nnd bo was Inclined
to think that popular demand mlebt perhaps
make similar action all right tu ibis caso. It
bad boon suggested to him that the wealthy
men of the cliy might solve the question If
they chose to do so , by guaranteeing the
necessary amount , -and trusting to Provi-
dcnco and the next legislature to reimburse
thorn. Popular subicrlptton might bo tha
moans of securing the aucouiplUhmont of
Iho work , but ho could notsco how It was to
bo done in any other way.
l.ugiil AspvctH of tlio Cnsu.
Judge Ferguson said that ho could not ex
press an opinion ns to llio locality of any act
of the council In milking nn appropriation for
this purpose , as ho was not familiar with Ibo
city charter , and furthermore was unwilling
lo opross an opinion in advance on a matter
that might como before him at some future
limo In his judicial capacity. While ho
linow nothing of the legal aspect of Iho case ,
nnd therefore could not express himself on
that point , ho said that bo was very much in
favor of tailing all steps possible to piuvrnt
disease. Ho bad cleaned up bis own nroin-
noi and thouahl tlial tuo health matter had
been looked after very generally in his
neighborhood , and ho hoped that a public
cleaning would not be overlooked.
City Attorney Council expressed the
opinion that tbo council could make an up-
piopriation If they had anything to appro
priate , but said that unfortunately the con
dition of the general fund precluded the
possibility of securing any assistance from
that source. His Idea wus that the bust way
of cleaning up th < ? city was to huvo every
man and woman self-conslltutod a committee
of ono to sco Unit their own premises were
put In goou condition , and If tnnt was done
the city would uo put in tip-top shape. Ho
believed that tbo police should uricst nil
property owners wno did not clean up their
jnemises , and sco thai Iboy were prosecuted
and lined.
Dr. Clnrku Canon , cx-commisslonor of
heallb , said Ibul It would require $10,000 lo
clean the cllv as It should be none. It would
require that amount if Iho money was placed
where it should bo undoxnonued judiciously ,
but nol if a day's wages was paid for half u
day'n work.
Chcilcru'H ComIn- , Sure ,
"If Iho cholera comes to Omaha , and
I have no doubt tnat It will , " said the
doctor , "the llrst places that it will strike
are the wretchedly llltnv quarters in
the eastern nan of the city. It is in
Just such localities as those thai tha disease
thrives nnd Increases , and It is there , lee ,
thai Its mortality U the greatest , l do not
expect to sco any great run of the cholera in
turn country this year , mid for thai mailer I
do not tbluU Ihat it Is half as bad in Russia
as it will Ko next rear. It never has as big a
run Iho llrit year as It does the second. It
seems to sort of break thu ice , so to speak ,
the llrst squsoii and get Iblngs in readiness ,
ud then it cuts loose tlio following year and
gets in Us Hardest work. The trouble Is going
to be with the clothing of immigrants from Iho
infected districts. It will bo almost Impos
sible lu disinfect It nil thoroughly , and thu
disease will bo brought on vessels on which
It did not manliest Itself ut nil. Cnolcra is
not so fatal as diphtheria , but it is not so
common aud pauplo are more afraid of It.
Tbo treatment for It Is to give iho saline * * , ns
tbo tendency of thu disease is to take the
Rcrutn out of tbo blood , and drv up thu life
lluld. "
Dr. S. K. Towne , deputy commissioner of
health , said that much has roen done in ibo
way of cleaning up the city , but that much
81111 remained lo do ; that the garbage piles
had been gotten In very fnir.shnpu , but thnt
Ihero was still a great dual of innnuru loft In
tha alleys , and that there were many wells
that ought to bo condemned and tilled up.
Ilo thought that { 10,000 would put the city
In llrst rata condition. Ho said that iho con
dition down on tbo south bottom was indeed
frightful , fully as bau us shown by Tnu Bni : ,
nci ho was certain that tftero would bo nn
nwful nest ol cholera llioio shortly after its
arrival in thu city.
I'lciilc Auditing tin ) 1'lagiu' .
"Cholera does not thrive in a dry locality , "
ho buld , "but. down tbero whom It Is low ,
dump and win , it would develop ulurmlnglv.
U'hu personal habits o ( tbu donl/eus ot the
Mums are so lillhy Unit it would invite the
disease , and after it gnl among tliein It would
curry them oil by scores , us their systems
lire not In condition tu successfully combat
it , 1 dun'l see how It Is possible to keep out
tbo disease , us In order to do so a perfect sys
tem of qimr.intlno and Ihofough disinfection
of u'.l ' clothing must bo kept up until winter
nets In next year. It Is almost sure ID get In ,
and the thing for us to do , therefore ,
is lo have our city no clean nod nil
our surroundings to unfavorable for
disease that wn can prevent Its
spread in our midst. U will gobnruwith
Chicago , for that city Is In a fearful condi
tion. They had over 1JO ) deaths from tv-
phonl fever last year , wbllo Now York , with
ever u third moro population , bad but ilTO ,
In January Chicago baa Ull deaths from the
disease , nearly u many us Now York had
for the year. The run of that disenso shows
tbu condition of thu city. The trouble with
us has boon and U , thu if card of Health has
no authority to go nhcad and do cleaning and
charge It against iho property ns u tax or
special ussebHinont. A roiolulion has now
boon prepared and will bu introduced nt the
next moating of the city council that \v 11
elvo us power so tar us ell
ting weeds is concerned. Then wn
can compel properly irwners to cui
the weeds , not only on tludrlots , but on al
lidlolnlng streets nnd ullorti , or pay us for
doing iho work. 1 his will help us u great
deul , as u lot of garbage is now thrown Into
the weeds unii till knowledge of it disclaimed
by property owners , and bosldes this tbuic
lire many eases of this kind thnt wu are un
able to 11 ml , which of coutso Increasns the
unhealthy condition ot the city. If we uro
given the authority to owners
rouiovo ibolr refuse and garbngo ana cut iho
woods surrounding their properly , wo cun
cleanup the city and keep It clean without
public fcxnonfip , and put ourselves In shape
to combat the cholera vury successfully. "
WHY Hi : IS TlllKD ,
It an Sellout T lt ol 1IU llnuvnlllin ; KllorU
Tu ALmtB H MiUunci ) .
Imagine a soven-foot onbankniant above
thn grade of tbo street on top of whlob U a
Binull barn , which could not uosulbly contain
jnoro than two animals properly cared for ,
but wbiub now has from four to six in u I us
uud liorsos ; tbo manure of tnoso poorly ft'd
bud uoycr cleaned auluiuls piled , up from four
to flvo foot cbovn tbo embankment for n
period of from fourteen lo olRhtcon days
before removal ; /.lotof olJ bnrreli , crates ,
and rofuio , rotten lumbar , n swlilbarrol , onu
a cesspool thnt has not been cleaned for six
ycitrs : nncl a lot of Ulrty wuRons Kent imy
nnil iilcht wbon not In uso' upon the very
dpnus sot oslilo for sidewalk purpo os ; nnd
you have a picture ofvbt t the roMdant * of
South Thlrty-nrat street Uovo to look upon
from day to tiny.
iKimrml by Ilin Authorities.
"Complnlnti Imvo been mndo from time to
time. " said Mr. .Jenn Schons of KM South
Thirtieth street , who wan discussing the
nuisnnco referred to , n barn at fiW South
Twenty-ninth street , "but the health dopart-
rncntbas paid no attention lo tbo complaints ;
In fact , 1 nm informed thnt one ot the In-
spi-ctors has nimounccd that the department
would not intorforc In the matter ut nil.
Other steps have been Inlion to stop the
nulsunro but without avail , as tbo owner of
the property scorns to Imvo sulllolunt Inll'i- '
cnco tostop nil proceodinps having In view
the cleaning up or grading uown 01 v. . " cm *
"A resolution lor the luylnc of n sldowalk
nnd nn ordinance Jor the sloplnp of the em
bankment , prepared by the city engineer
and Councllimui Spot-tit , early In the sprint- ,
huvo been spirited away nnd no Irnco can bu
found of the documents. Tnl" . shows whnt
Inlluonco will do. The laylnir of the walk
nnil the grading Uown of the ombnnktnont
would bavo , in n great measure , abated tbo
nuisance. The handling of the wagons ever
the sidewalk space has complete- obliterated
tbo puttcrlnc nnd in any ruin the water can
not How freely , but , forcing Us wny uuross
tbo stn-ot , seeks nn outlet by sinking tbo
scwor ditch , which has already been repaired
thrco ( lines b > the city nnd U now cpon
ngaln. sliowine that the cntlro Icnctli of tie
ditch is undermined and will doubtless causa
n serious ncuidi'iit unless st/acdllv ropairnd.
1'coploVou't I.Uo There.
"For the past few years It has been almost
Impossible to induca respectable peonlo to
live In such n nclshborhood nnd especially
now as another family has taken It upon
themselves to use tbu street fora cow pasture
uy tying the cow to tlio grade stakes or to
the burn windows directly unucr the noses
of the rcspoctablo families In thn neighbor
hood. The property lu my charge , located
near there and In other parts of the city , be
longs to army ufllear * nnd represents nn
aggregate value of SS'J.OOO. The properly was
purchased and partly improved with llio ox- ,
UfotiiUoii that about 0 to S per cent could bo
realized on the Investment , but during the
last six years it bus been dcnioiutratott that
tnis could not bo dorio. The general nnd
special taxes have so reduced the revenue
thnt under the most favorable circumstances
that amount could not bo realized. Improve
ments hnvo boon mado.HUch as grading , sew
erage , paving , etc. , with nn expectation that
It would chnngo thu condition of affairs , but
on the contrary It has been hurt nil to the
property owners on account of the inactivity
of our city olllclals in seeing that the im
provements are properly kept after wo have
made them. Their recklessness nnd utter dis
regard for the interests of the taxpayers is
proverbial and so long us the shilling , of re
sponsibility cannot bo averted pronorty will
become reduced in value , nnd in tbo Dost res
idence districts unduslrablu
honin Queer rri > cneilliifs.
"Somo time uo I piid for filling a lot on
Hawthorne , under contract by the citv , 23
cents per square yard , and , by enet-
ticerlni * skill , had to pay $171 , the
total for lining the lot being JTSH.07 ,
wbllo a year afterwards my neighbor's lot
was assessed with but fl-il for tilling and
the price was but IT cents per square yard.
It took mo almost n year of hard labor to induce -
duce the council to refund mo the $174 un-
Jtistlv assessed against no.
' The property on South Thirtieth street
ban been duniJKcd by gr.ulmir through roclt-
loafinosb only and after sotuo heroic clTorts on
my part the sum of ? 3l was paid mo for the
damage only a row nuntlis ago. I lost last
venr at least $401) ) In renton account of the
barn nuisance , and at present , with the runt
below what it xhould bo , it is almost impos
sible to liecp rospeutablu peoplu in the houses
in that locality.
"I urn now preparing a correct nnd truth
ful statement of the facts in the case and
will forward them to the owners of the pro
perty and also to the eastern nowspapjrs for
thu purpose of warning Innocent purchasers
of the disastrous effects of mfiklng pur
chases in Omaha at thu present time and to
wait for reforms that may prove bctiollcial
and inny inako investments more dosirublo In
"Thanks to Providonoo n hoavr load of
manure was removed from the barn on Sep
tember ? a'lor it , had been allowed to rot
there about eighteen da.vs. Hulo-18 of the
Board of Health makes it compulsory to have
innnuru removed twlco u week ami rule 41) )
covers the obstruction of the frco lion' of
water along any ditch or gutter. Hulo 51
prohibits anv ono to deposit manure on nny
bank , etc. The board is now miklngsomo
noise in tbo papers requeuing people to clean
up nnd report unclean places , but tbay never
pay nny attention if responsible parties make
complaint nnd ask them to enforce their au
thority. Hiithor than do this they rush into
print trying some funny work on complaints.
Why do not thooDlcors of the board ? ctupon
some of the numerous complaints nov on file
In tlielrofllcol"
Talto Uood's and o.ily floo.l's. bocaus
Hood's Sirsapartllu curus. It , possosso
inarlt peculiar to itself. Try It yourself.
The Fidelity Trim uomnuiyhtis ro-
movcd itsotllcoto 1702 Fiimum , south
oust uornur IJco building.
< S. A. 1C. i.VCimsION : TO AV.VSIIINUl'OX
VI.t tlio U'lllmsli I.Inc.
Kor the ubovo occasion the Wabaih
will sail , Sont. lUh ! to UOth , round trip
tickets to Wuslilngton mid UUtituoroat
loss than half farowith olioioo of routoa ;
pasting down thu Imullful Shonanuoah
Valley or urossu g the mountains of Vir
ginia by daylight , within sight ot many
famous bivttlotiolds. You have privl-
logo of stopping nl St. Louis to visit the
great exposition and fair ; also , view the
magniliuont Btroot illuinliiations and
parade of Veiled Prophet's which v/ill
stirpabs in grunduur allolTorts of lorraor
years. For rates , tidcots , bleeping car
acuoininodntions , anil furthur informa
tion , call at Wabash olliuo , 1502 Kurnam
ritrcot , or wrilo G. N. CLAYTON ,
N. W. P. Agt. . Omahtm , Nob.
Kunmrli.ilily I.nuClstrni
firoatly ruduced rutoj to Washington ,
1) . ( .1. and return via l'Tho North western -
orn Line , " Sopt. lit to 20th , inclusive ,
good returning until Oat. 10th.
( Jholco of routes east of Chicago , with
lilioral btop-ovor privileges. Sleeping
car berths can bo obt'iiii'jd through to
Washington. Call early at city ticket
ollli'u for full information , 11U1 Farnam
t ; . F. Wisr : , U. R UITOIIIK ,
C. K midT. A. General Agent.
< ; . A. it. x
* ; ii)0 : ( icuunil Trip to Niitlmml l
iiiiint , liiuliuliiiK Sli'iipnr.
Many ot the coinrados of George A.
Cuator , U. S. Grant and George Crook
posts ut Omaha have engaged berths in
a tourist sleeping car for tholr-oxelusivo
use , to luavo Omaha v'u ' Chicago &
NorthwoHlorn railway at 7 p. in. Friday ,
Se'pt. U ! , from the Union depot. A Urn
Itcd amount of HIKICO id ntlll untold and
can bo buuurod at hondquartorn , MU1
Fai'iiam btroot , on early application.
Hailroad faro is Vlti.W round trip.
Sleeping car $1.50 round trip for double
Union Pacific OfBjinls Very Inuiffjrent
About Union Depot Matters.
.Mr. Tlturston Say * the Company \\llt Itillld
a Depot for Its Own Duo It the
City Docs Not Co n 10
to Time.
Haprosontntlvos of the city nnd the Union
Pdclllo olllclals mot yesterday nt tbo city
engineer's ofllco In conference upon points of
difference between tbo municipality and the
railroad looking to a completion ot tbo union
depot. Tbero word present President Kim-
ballot the union depot company ,
Solicitor Thurstou of the Union Paelllo. City
Attorney Council , City Engineer Kosowulor ,
cx-Muyor Charles 11. Drown , Councilman
Sol 1'rlnco , Peter Klsassor and EJ IIowoll ,
City Attorney Connell contended that the
railroad had on many past occasions violated
the ordinances under which they hold lands
lu the city of Omaha , to which Mr. Thunton
entered a general dental. He stated that tbo
courts were open and bad boon open for
yours to test tbo realtors at issue and ho had
no hesitancy In saving that tbo railroad bad
performed ovcry contract which It hud
ngrcod to.
Then cntno up the Ola Man of the Sea tbo
bridge question and tbo attitude of the
Union Pacific company toward tbo otber
loads attempting to ontcr tbo city of Omatin
via tha Uuloa 1'aclllc brldgo. Mr. Council
then read from the grant uiviug to the Union
Pud Ha the right of terminals provided the
company would bring other trains of other
roads across the bridge , at compensation
mutually ngroed upon. This Mr. Thurjton
bald buil boon done oy his road a.s the papers
In thu Uock Island and Milwaukee would
Thurston .Stiltua tliu-lHsiio.
Mr. Thui-ston said in a running tallc : "Tho
situation about tbo union depot is this. Wo
arranged to allow all roads deslrinir admis
sion to come In on the ground lloor for CDIU-
ponsnttou , and wo ijnvp the building of tals
depot to an Independent company. At thu
outset wo wore mot by the proiiosltion that
wo could not convoy the aopot grounds to nn
Independent company. Of course wo were
willing to allow the Durllnpton company to
build n depot on our grounds , but thay were
not Inclined so. It the city of Omaha
wants u union depot the title to thn ground
will huvo to DO cleared up. Wo can go ahead
nnd llx up n depot there that will
bo commensurate with our needs.Vo can
shut the UurlliiKton out under our franchise.
U'e do not nsk anything at the hands of the
city , but if the city is desirous to buvo the
uepat completed the course to bo puisuad is
very plain. "
Mr. Connell stated that while ho was not
authorized to nmke any proposition he hud
made a proposition to Mr. ICelloy lu order to
get nt some o.isis to work upon :
The city to walvo its call tor the bridge toll
arbitration bond" .
The city to walvo its call for the depot
maintaining ooncts.
The city to convey the union depot grounds
to the proper company.
The railroad t to waive the ? loOOUO depot
bonds voted by the city.
Tbo railroads to rolniqutsn claim to the
land known us the IVluspcur triauglo aud
fenced In by the city.
Mr. Thtirston s.ild that his people wanted
to build tbo depot and had gone to work in
goou luith to build it , had torn up the old
depot and bud received from tbo citv
encouragement , but they were Hindered by
private pjrtlos through Injunction. Ho
wanted tbo title to the grounds to be cleared
up and thought that If this was uono'nnd the
suits withdrawn tbo dopnt would bo built.
Wane the Tltlo Cluuruil ,
As to the accretion ho was willing to glvo
the citv the land , resorvlnir n reasonable
right-of-way through it which is given by
ordinance. But to do that bo wanted tbo
city to contlm the title to tbo bottom
tom lands , that whtlo bo had no
doubt nbojl tbo title vesting in the com
pany bo wanted to avoid the periodical
cry through the newspapers that the Union
Pacific was holding land that it had no
title to.
Mr. Connnll generally thoucht tbo proposi
tion u fair ono , although bu expressed a
doubt about tbo bottom lands and particu
larly the blades L , N. O , P , Q , as to con-
llrmlne tboTitlo of the road In these.
Mr. Thnrston replied ihat bis peonlo had
always these blocks In vlow for future use ,
but Ihought that they were not tbo key to
the situation. These blocks were convoyed
in ISO'J , with n proviso thnt "in case the eastern -
orn terlnlnus ot the Union Pacillo railroad on
tbo Missouri river shall not bo located and
continued within onn and n quarter miles of
iMirnam street In said city ot Omaha , than ,
and in that case , the nremisos hereby con
voyed shall revert to , and become reinvested
in said cllv. "
Mr. Brown in speaking ns n citizen said
that ho understood Mr. Tburston's proposi
tion to mean that the title to the depot
grounds bo cleared up by being quit-claimed
lo Iho Union Pacific railroad , In order to
nvola the condilioiis of the Suunders deed ,
lie thought that lo quit-claim would hardly
ho a business nroposltion , for bo held that
the stipulations in the Saunders duod were
vital to thu Interests of the city.
He said ho would not make
a contract or in anywise glvo to the railroad
any forloituro of rlghl which would work
against tbo best Interests of the people. Ilo
contended thai to divest tbo deed of its
revorslduary uluuso would simply allow the
railroad company lo do what they ploascd
with the grounds. He thought the easiest
wny out , of the diniculty would be for
tbo Union Pnclllc and Burlington to unite la
j building tbo depot without tbo formation of
n uopot company.
l.llllo HOJIO for bottlomnnt.
Mr. Thuraton. however , cracked the nut
by saying thai llnancial reasons would prevent -
vent the two companies Iroin building a
depot us originally planned. He suld Hint
his pcoplo did not propose to erect a depot
nnd furnish crnunds Jor other roads unless
compensated , that under the Saundars deed
the Union Paelllo was not compelled to con-
etrucl a depot for use other thuu Itself ,
City Engineer Kojoualer , after listening to
tbu talk , said that as bo understood it the
Union Pacilic wanted u quit claim deed to
the depot K-ounus In oruur to got u clour
title to go into thu money murltct for the snlo
thcbO bonds , mid ho wuutml lo Know why
Ibul could nol bo dono.
Mr. Tbunton said that his people did not
want to abrognta the terms cf the Uuundors
deed'but wanted a conveyance to the rail
road company relieving It of any action In
iratisfcrrin ? ibo depot grounds to the depot
Then the gentlemen drifted Into a desul
tory tnlic about "title , " "reversion , " "quit
claim1 "legal conveyances , " and other legal
plir.ibos to the exclusion of the proposition in
But Mr. Connell llnnily said : "Why not
release on tha triangle nnd lot tbo other
questions go for u luiuro tiiiii ) or tor the
courts to settle. As it looks lo mo wo are
fartheraway than over from reaching n con
elusion. 1 have thrown out several sugges
tions and they huvo nut boon favor
ably considered. Now I 'am willing to
lot tbingj go as they have pone iinO
lot the Injunction suit come up for adjust ,
went. "
Mr. 1'rlnco wanted the attorneys to got to
gether privately and decide upon u basis
of settlement , but Mr. Connell thought
It would bo useless as Mr. Tbura-
Uscd in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
on's proposition was a J'lg handled
iITnlr anil virtually overturned the
former which Mr. Thurston
reipondcd , "I nnvuscolilng nothing nt the
r/nndsof thoclty Intnls matter. If theydon't
want a union dopotmvo will build n depot for
More talk followoil until It was llnolly ar
ranged that Mcssn. Connell nnd Thunton
should got toRotbenand arrangetbo details
( or Iho convoyanoa of tbo propnrty to the
Union Depot company , and there the matter
The Cnbto has Arrived nnil Will Iie0ln
Working Hlinpo Todny.
The street car company is making nn ener
getic effort to got the Twentieth street cable
In working order In tlmo for tbo circus. The
old cable has been spliced but is considered
ton weak to stand the strain of running.
Thonowcablonrrivodyesterdttvnndls Doing
splk-ed ta the old rope which will bo drawn
out thus placing the now ropa In position. It
Is thought that tha cars will bo running by
noon today.
Stubbed by IIU IMiiymnlo.
Fred Mnlonoy , nn 11-yoar-old youngster
living at Sixteenth and IzArd , got Into a
qtinrrol with Con Enrlebt , n boy two
years his senior , nnd was stabbed In tbo
hln with n nockot knlfo by the latter.
The cut was a narrow ono but about two
inches aeon nnd savored nn artery. The
wound bled furiously and for a tlmo it
looked as if the lad was going to bleed to
death , but Dr. King was hastily summoned
nnd tha savored blood canal was tied and ilia
patient put to bed , rnthor weak nud
frightened , though really but little the worse
for his oxparlenco. Young Eurlght was not
Sillily Tor limtranco.
Joseph Bookman , administrator of the
estate of Helena KlofTnor , deceased , has
brought suit agalnitt the Homo Insurance
company of Now York to recover the sum of
.ou : ) .
The defendant , the insurance company ,
had n policy on a building at SOU Marcy
struot. The building burned on April ! M.
181U , and now the company refuses to pay
the loss.
Think lltoy Are Thlnvcs.
The detectives yesoorJay brought in
three mon from South Fourteenth street
whom they comlder good catches.
They give the nainos of Dan Quinn , W11-
linin Slovens and William Henderson , nnd
ono of thorn after being nrrested stooped to
tie his shoo lace. While doing so he slip'ped
n line pair of opera glasses uuucr Ihc fence.
Stevens bad In his pocket a light lady's geld
( "old Mines Onncil l > y Omnlmim ,
HAWMXS , Wyo. , Sopt. Kl. [ Special to Tun
BEI : . | J. C. Hankin has returned from
Jnru-Crcek placer mines , thirty-six miles
southeast. The comnany has 2-ltlj foot of
thirty-inch bedrock lloor In ground prospects
llg , gold coarse , ns largo ns wheat
grains. Omaha capitalists uro backing tha
ontornrlso. A number of now loads are being
dally located ,
Miiy Mnrt Thin Your.
Plans for Ibo nawpublic library building
ill bo completed early next week nnd bids
will be nskcd at onaa. The directors are
anxious to got the work started and to got
.ho foundation completed thh full : > o as to bo
n position to rush the structure to a speedy
completion next season.
Good Things
Among the good tilings that
help to make/ enjoyable our
puddings , creams and pastry ,
which have been used by
millions of housekeepers for
years , is Dr. Price's Delicious
Extracts of Lemon , Orange ,
Vanilla , etc.
These flavors drter ; from all
other extracts in their manner
of preparation , quality of
fruit used , their freedom from
all injurious substances , their
superior strength and delicate
and agreeable taste. One
trial proves their worth.
Ntryomi /Chronic
The name bestowed upon n certain popular
came of cards , la a tame , uninteresting adnlr ,
toinuarod with the Importance attached to tha
tare , speedy , scientific and permanent cure of
Itio auovM-nameil dleeaseb , as performed by
Ihoke wonderfully skillful and JuitlT celebrated
Kings of Specialists ,
Who , In the treatment anil euro of luch
delicate lualaaies at
Syphilis , Stricture ,
Seminal Weakness , ,
Hydrocele , Varicocelo ,
Female Weakness ,
Piles , Fistula ,
Rectal Ulcers ,
Sexual Diseases.
And all kindred Illi , hava no tquiUlu America
Bend 4 osnt for uaiidboraely llltutrated 120-
p zo lioolc.
CousultMlon free. C ll uppu'or d < J ni
Sotilh Htli HL , N K.O omt'i-J-llli and
Douffliis St . , Ouinlia , Nob.
a w 4r o > - B
Is superior to all other preparations
elaiinlii } , ' to be blood-imrlllors. First
of all , because the principal ingrcdU
cut used In It is the extract of gen
uine Honduras sarsaparilla root , the
variety richest in medicinal propcr-
Piirnc Pniai fh tics. Also , be.
kures i/atarrn
/ causc lhc ycU
low dock , being raised oxprCssly for
the Company , is always fresh and
of the very best kind. With equal
discrimination and care , each of the
ptlicr ingredients are selected anil
compounded. It Is
because It is always the same in up-
pcarance , lluvor , and effect , anil , be
ing highly concentrated , only small
doses are needed. It is , therefore ,
the most economical blood-pttriller
in existence. It
p t
LUI'GS makes food our-
< 5PRflFin A 'sll'"t''work ' ' l''cas- '
oUnUrULrV)1 ) { ( sCCp ] refresh
ing , and life enjoyable. It searches
out all impurities in the system and
expels them harmlessly by the natu
ral channels. AYEK'S Farsaparilla
gives elasticity to the step , and im
parts to the aged and inllrni , re
newed health , strength , and vitality.
I'icpnrcil byIr..T C Aver S : Co. , Lowell , Mn .
KoUl byull UrucslBta ; i'rlccl , nix bullion. * ! ) .
Cures others , will cure you
Ho'ob's ' Are tha Gest on Earth.
Act gently vet prompt
ly on tbo LIVKII , Kll ) >
N/318 / nnd IIOHELS , dls-
pcillnfj Headaches , Fcv-
01-3 mid Colds , thoroughly -
LITTLE ly cleansing the system
of disease , and curea
habitual constipation
They are sugar coated ,
do not gripe , very small-
easy to take , and purely
Tcsctalilc.13 pills In each
vial. Perfect digestion
follows their UBO. Tlioy
absolutely cure Mi'k
ncho , and artirecunimcnil-
ed by lenainS r- i. For Bale by leadlnt ;
drupqlsls orient by nm ; ' . ; 2" > rt . uilul. Addrtsa
HOB ' 3 MEDICINE CO. , Props. , San Franco rr
F uhn & Co. . Cn.r ISlh < ft Houcloa Pt .
J .A Fuller & Co , Co ? . 14tli * DouRla'i Sti.
i l-i Foster A. Co. . Council inuOs. la
lave Your
E ves tested free byanEXPEUT Ol > noiAN
Perfect adjustment. Superior lonso * . Nerv-
onshoadauho cured by usln ; our Snout lolcs
and 03 t'llcei low for Bwt elasi
114S. lothSt-.d-oiirhtoa Qloa1 , : .
Ir7 Paint
the best is cheapest
Pure White Lead
is best ; properly applied it will
not scale , chip , chalk , or rub
off ; it firmly adheres to the
wood and forms a permanent
base for repainting. Paints
which peel or scale have to be
removed by scraping or burn
ing before satisfactory re
painting can be done.
In buying white lead it is im
portant to obtain that which is
genuine , strictly pure , and
properly made. Time has
that white lead made
Eroven "Old Dutch" process
of slow corrosion possesses
qualities that cannot be "ob
tained by any other method of
manufacture. This process
consumes four to six months
time , and produces the brands
that have given White Lead
its character as the standard
arc standard brands of strictly
pure Lead made by the "Old
Dutch" process. You get the
best in buying them.
For sale by all first elms dealers In Paints ,
If you are Rolnp to paint , It will pay you to
send to lib for a Look containing Information
that may snve you many a dollar ; It will
only cost you a postal caru to do to ,
St. Louis Branch ,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Street ,
St. Louis , Mo.
EiasticStookinji ,
Trusses ,
Cm tclies ,
Batteries ,
Water Bottki ,
j } Syrinyes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies.
114 S. 15111 SI ,
Kcxi toPe ) fuj ;
Today tomorrow till Saturday
night we have arranged to hold ono of
our old time suit sales , when we will
place on sale thres styles of suits , two
hundred of each style six hun
dred suits in all at the popular
price of a ten dollar note that are made
of better goods are better made better
trimmed and have finer linings in
them than were ever sold before lor
less than fifteen dollars.
These Suits are Mil Wool ,
They are made of one of the best heavy
cassimeres manufactured in the whole
United States. They were cut by tailors
instead of by steam. The coats are lined
with an extra quality of Farmer satin
and the vest back is of the same mater
ial while the sleeve linings and the
vest linings are of fancy Gilbert silesia.
The two front rows of our large Doug
las street window , show you how
these suits jgok and its an easy matter
to step inside the store and see how they
fegl We v/ill guarantee that you can
get more good hard wear out of one of
these suits thari'y'ou ' ever qot for a ten
dollar bill before in all your life.
We will also offer on second
made of stylish tan Mslton ,
Alined with good twilled lining ,
sizes 34 to 42 ,
They're the seven dollar sort.
RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and Y
k. j the blood to take safe
purify , are pleasant , ana
always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness. Blotches
on the Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation ,
Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered
Stomach , Dizzir ess , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence ,
Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives ,
Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite ,
Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash ,
Painful Digestion , Pirn- pies , Rush of Blood to
the I lead , Sallow Com- plexion , Salt Rheum ,
Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin
Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling ,
Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every
other symptom or dis- ease that results from
impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their
functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given
to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each
meal. A continued use of the llipans Tabulcs is the surest
cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be
injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross § 2 , sample bottle
15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
The amtnftnt ipeclnllit In nervous , rliioMr , private , Moo I. iklo m1 ummrj itht > anei A rojBl'U * r > 4
le liliToJ itrnduatolu muilclno , in 'lliiKminn nml ivrlillnitonlmn. Is HIM ( return ! with Iliugra tiin aucros
I ] . ipermutorrh'ioi. losl inanlioo.l , lomliml woakuim. nl bc lou.n , linp.ituncjr s'plillli. utrlciuru. iton *
orrhuen , uleut , fiirlcoculc.cto No mercury usoil. .Nan tr iliniiit forlostof tltii POWIT , I'nrtlss tinnblo ta .
lumnr l > a IrdHleJ at licnno lif corri'"pi > ii lunc . Me.lli hit or IntcruninnM lent b ; unul or eiprfii i
curulr pacitxl , no marks to Intltratu contonti orsunjcr. Ono iit'rsonal ftitttrrlu" prefunoil. CtmiullHKon
fruo. Corru'pimJuncu strictly private , lion' * OlrJlorliH ot Ufo ) Mat tt . onion hour * ! * . i . W 'J ' f. < o ,
Buniinis Ula. in.tx llm Soinl siniuii for rvolj.
- 'Ncrvo Sootla , "
r iH-it
HOnK ? I B , the , ,0jj nomltirful , , | t | , „ rvmtictr , Trlt.
innnintp , , to rurq , lll ncTTous.illn.njcs. . iicli n IV * ik..Mpiiiorr.
Foe silo In Oinulm by Shorinnii & AlC'oiinoll , IClo Dodnostroot.
! U U O ATI O N A.Lx.
f Pur tlio blfiutr . uu l < ii > trul hUuiatlon nf
I anil ) UIIIIK HUUI II. bpcclultlrt : Miulc , Art , Kin *
jcullun , rhslcul Tralnlni ; , Hiram lirnt'old (
I nml licit watrr , lulh rooms , tie. , nn rarh floor.
JUli H > * s < lnn tfiilns .kfpl mh. ISM ForUalaloeut
MISSOURI. ailJrcos A ItCIII IIA LU A. JONIA , 1'rcat.
_ YOUNG _ _
ouch. Mum al nml \ rl ilrparluiriili hlsheitonler' lonchrri of Hie brut AintrlCAa
anil Kiiropi-nn rnlln v , lure. ' nml lx-aiitfu | | erounJi , nrw ttillillngi , rooms well
Ti-nlUMf.l. IlKliliii hx cu Opuin hi'ptcmtier 7tli Kor mtalocuc a < lili i
- - - v T. W. HAIIIIUTT , 1'ira. fULUMIIIA , JI > ,
( | Mit l , MUrurr , flclrntlflc Conrire of iluilr In
fnnlrx ami Artillery drill nil ncliul CMtlrr
Olilrut JSMIIiirT Mrluxil In flu. Cnltlvrilc ,
6. ' f u dr * . I'rriuiriiioix.rollriflato , lluilc anilln Alt
( ) , .iir . > r < ' ! < _ irur\Vrlic l..y , Hrmlfoi lllu > lmirilcititluviii >
K. I' , HU.i.Altl > . A. II , I'liu. Jutkiuuvllli ; , 111.
U J. Wr.itlit , II. & , A.M. . Corn will I. N.Y
AMI rUolir.tvr' . Knvllih llUinunil Iin.ii.
/-'ITX Orliiliiul nif lnlr ( Jmuliic.
/ " *
* '
rc. i j > rrlUUf. i cm , . , *
l lit OlllAci'tr'l inalttk Il
0iaiui | u Itaij ft'il liolJ n > t4ll ! <
. It-tied "llh l.luw fllitwrt , 'I'wLc
, *
for pirllouUi * irillioonlili to4
far I Htltt , " In lillir.ij \ rttttu > < l'aftr.
Parched Rolled Oats ,
Unequalled in Flavor. X.
Corn Gritz ,
Sold only in 2j pound p:1 :
Velvet Meal ,
For mulling and
\ > r all Orocori ,