r THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WE6&ESDAY , SEPTEMBER M , 1802. SPECIRL NOTICES. Mlt ) TIIKSK COLUMNS ADVKIlTISKMKftTH 13 : J l > m. for the Pvonlnit nnd until 8uO | i , m. fur the morning or Sunday odl- All ndrrrtlsement * In Iheno columns IK cents it word for tlr t Insertion anil 1 rent K wnnl for ouch utttireqiiPnt Insertionor II.fO per line per month , No advertisement Inken for less than S.ici'nl for the Una liiM'ttlmi. Term * cash In ndrnncu , Initials , flrnros. ymbols , etc. , each rnnrit a * nnord. All MTPttli'mpnt * must run connecutlvely. Adver- liners , by reqnostlni ! n numbered check , enn havp thfl letters nddroscd' to n numhcrpd letter In t-sro of 1m ; lii : ; Answers so addressed will bo dollv- r-rrd op presentation of the check. BITUATlJNS-WANTBD. " WA isTB 7T OSITl't f 11V 1 < ADV "STKNOOUA- plicr. Kxperlenced In rnllrond nnd legal work , llcstof references. Address KM , flee. 8l4 II * HT'KCtl7ATnTNi ) ) IIA1.K LOT ON rillfAUO trcot In biirinrim part of rlty nln rpnl sacrl- flee. Onlr | .1,0iw cn li roinlri'il. ( Jmiil rrnnon for Piling , Ko trodp. Mnotburold nt unci * . Cnll ( nt loom l ! ) N. Y. Llfo bulldlnu. 1113 19 WANTED HELP. -WANTKI ) . A I.IVB WIHK-AWAKB UKI'KK B > pntntl to represent us liniri-ry localltr. ono with Tim , vlifor. pluck nnd pu h can nnslly mnko UWp'-r month : no pedilllns itunilsi uninpllilnKoni tlrely now ; staple as flours send for full particular tnitny. Addrrsi "lUnufactiircr , " poitotllo lior KIO" , Huston , .Vnin. MfilT ) .f _ . --WANTKIli SAI.KS.MU.N ON HAliAUV Olt JOM- mission to handle thn new patent chemical Ink eriislnn pi-nt-ll. The Kfpatpst splllnR novelty over produced ! ernscs Ink thoronirhly In two Bcconilsi no nbrnslon uf paper : 21X1 to , W ) per cent protlt : ono acent's snip * amounted H1OT In six days , nnothor f.i'J In two hiinr i wo want ono nnernctlc ppnurnl aitent In cacti stnte and territory. Kor terms nnd pnrtlculars nddrcss Monroe lirnsur Mfif iiiM l.n Crossc. WIs. I" " T3w A NT K iTX iMiArncAii MAS WITII OMI : J'c-nidtnl to tnko n water mill. Address box id. Lincoln , Neb. _ CM t WANT CANVASSKUS. \ V7&V. . I'AUI.OItrf , I lOtll St. MBi-i O3 n-MKN WASTKDOS SAI.AUY TO 1HAHN OUIl JJ clly htislnt'ss ; oxperlvncu not necessary. Call , nj I.MIi Doiinlj ! . MKH 1'J l > WA.VrKI > MANTO TAKI5 IS IMTV. J > aildress nmniifacturer , bnxgCT cltr. ItflOli T -TfTlTNTTw ANTKiT 'KOUIli UWn IIKIl AND JJllrcklndler. Humpies nnd parllcnlnrs for two cgnt > tiiinp. T. .1. Trew A Co..Macon , Mo. 101 2U * 15-WANTKI ) , MY hAIMlT : CIIICAHO , < 1.OTI11NO .Illinnso , llrst olnpsdry Bonds palnsmen to ipjire- cent Uieni In Kansas , .Scbrnskn nml pmitliurn Mis- aourl. Only thusn with larKO trndo who feel contl- ricntof hnlillnit sumo for our line need npply , Ad- drn-iB. with lists of towns nnd ninount of sales. Lock IIP * No. 7ZI. Chicago. 111. _ IV1 i : > T'UAHVKSTISIl IlKKTrf Wtl.IjCOMMK.VlllS AT JJl'latto Center. ( Jimoa. Stnntnn , I'lereo. Wlsner nnd lleoiucr on September 17. IMenty of work for IMioil 'earns , boys , clrla , men nnd women. Norfolk Je ! t Siiuar Company. M173 II ) V .H ill1 } WANTKI ) , Tllubl ! SUKKINd _ Ulllll dHADK . 'I'pOBltlonsIn the weft , nsotllco work , snlosmen , teachorsv etc. Address with stamp. Western 1'itislness hurcatl , Iicnvcr , Colo. , itcneral delivery. | | 1'JI 10' _ _ _ -4H COOl ) I'ltACTlCAIi IIKIHRIIS AT I-'OIIT Crook , near llellevuiWnuiB Wo to 22Hc per hour : day board li.M per week. Kecfet AMcnrvey. ( ! MS47 20 p-WANTHll , HAII.ltOAI ) I.AIIOHKHS I'OU J > WyninlnRnniVS < intli Dakota. WBKOS , * S.OO nml U.S. , inn-day. bteady work. AlbrlKht Labor Otlleo , 1 ISO Knriinm street. M22 O10 T--A SINdl.i : MAN TO WUUK INTIIIJ COfNTKV J5:0 and hoard or would hirn man wllh n fnmlly. Apply to .M. V. Mnrtln , 704 N 17th M 301 1VANTll : > I'Oll I'ltOllfCTlOX IN OMAHA OF JJ"l'olumbns nnd the Dl iovcry ! of America. " with llnrnnm , V Ilalley's > liow , two biindrcd tall- supers. Appy nt dhow 4'runnds nt ono o'clock today noon. ! WO l -WANTKIJ-STKNOOHAIMIKH. . ML'ST HK I'llrst-clais man anil ( rnoil penman. Have no time to ti'noh nn Inexperienced mun. Address K. 1(3 ( llco otllce. 317 U * _ WAxTl-II ) . A COACHMAN WITH dOOP KKK II erences. Aililrcss. K 51 , ! : ollico. 30111 TR-WAXTiiA : J > oed wanes paid. Adilnisn. Fremont Foundry A Mnelilnu Co. . Fruniont. Neb. 811) ) II -LAIIOIIKHSFOIIHAILIIOAII WOKK IN IOWA ; waxes , f2.00 tier day ; te iu tcrs , SM.OJ per month and hoard ; free pais. Kramer X O'Hearn Labor AKCiipy , "m South llth street. M3SI 11 * n-WANTKn-LAUdltKHS FOlt UNION I'ACIFIC J'lly. . between Cheyenne nml ( ) den. I'tah ; nooil wanes nnd free pass. Kminer .V O'Hearn , labor ftKunrv. IKI.1 South llth street _ .Mi'l2 : 15 * 7 > - WANTHD-A TIHWOirdllLY KXl'KKI KNCK1) .1 > snle lady for silk department : must have best of references , nnd have Illloil n like poilllon HIIC- iCKSfnlly before. No others need npply. Tlio Jloston Store. Omaha , M3'3 15 .T ) WANTKI ) . MKN TO SKfT7 dOODS ON IN J stnllmcnts. Team furnished 2 to collect nnd roll. American Wrlnuer Co. , IWJ Howard. MO lb * BWAXKH1) ) , NldHT HOY , HOOM 222 , I1KB pMOVri ANI ) OlltLM WANTKI ) AT MUHPHY , I JWasoy A Co.'s chair factory. 319 l. ' > * 7IIOV AIIODT 17 VKAIIS OK AJH WANTED J'to work In shoo factory. .Morse-foe Mioo Co , , llth and DiniKlas. 317 13 "O WANTKI ) AT ( INI'K , 'I'KN ' TKA.MH TO HAUL Jlnuibor. Apply at C. L. Chattco'ts lumber yard , Wlh and U. P. tract. 351 14 73 If YOU AHK SKKKlNCi A 111(111 ( (1HAOK ( Jpooltlon In any part of thti t.'nlti.'d Mates wrllo to Western IlindncM AKcni-y , InclosliiK stamp , AIInm > iiiolli | . Minn , RVATTUDONK I'LtJMUKIl ANI ) TIIUU K LA- horers , : it Frec's , 1I12U Ciipltolnve. 'J II 1 > WANTKI ) , THU NAJIKS AND ADDHUSSKS I'of ouergetle men nnd nomen open lor permn- nvntnork. WoglveuAclnslve territory.Vognur - r nntepgood worker ? f : l a week. We fuinlsh oillce , lurnltiire. delivery team and newspaper advertis ing Our nrtlcln Is n monopoly. It lll save I''i per rent of the real blllh of everybody. Full pal Hull- lur.i by mall. Lithographs , pamphli'ts , etc , frco Upon roi'C'pof ptMfage , Addresi Koul-Spar Co. , I-S Oliver street , Huston , Mass. M jj ; II * "IJ VAXTKD MKN TO KKLL me MONKY JJmnklng articles nt fulrs nnd elsewhere. Ad dress Souimurs Prc Company , Itli Urondwny , Now York. M3UI hi * 1 > WANTKI ) . TODAY , FIF'IY MEN AND JJtwonty-llvo tiiams at Cn und 2-'d streets. The llarher Asphnll I'avlns Co. M3M 15 BWANTKI ) . LAWWKIIH WITH KHOVHLH , also carpenters. Curlier ( 'nu-n unit 11 IH nts , ' htnndard I'nvliiK Co , XIBS'I 15 * B-WANTKI ) . A FlllST-ClaSS COOK OUWAITKH nl .ir.i : CnmliiK street. MSfll 1C * / 1 WANTUO. liOOII ( illtl , KOIt dl-.NiilAL : : * > hiiifloworkKmiilr | nt lnt aid Laku. Met * . Kit- ward llaydcn. 43 ! -WAN'l'l-i : > AT UNCK. A ( ! iHTT TlKLIAllLi : tli-rninn Klrl for Kdi''ral huiiKuiriirk In n small family , f-tondy phicn to tlio rltfhtulrl. Apply at SHU * Half I lonurd nlrccl. biU l-COMl'UTKNTdlltLKOIl ( iKNItllAL HOIWK k , Km Sherman me. 'Mi - \VANTK.II. IHKL I'Oll dIC.SKKAL HO1ISK- 0VANTK.II. ( 10th ctri-el. ; iOS-ii- : I 1-WANTKI ) . A YOU.Nti ( HIILKI iTTil 11 TO III TO VyuKslst with chlldrvn and lU'lil hniiauwork. IMS Cnpltol uvr. ,113 l.'i " " . 1-1)11 ) ( ! KNKTlAL""lloTwiWllIC ; ) IN A C.d mlly of two. Iniiiilrn IU2.'i Couth 10th iivti MSH 14' -WA TBI ) , A WOMAN WHO IS A liOOD i-ook and laiinilrent , Withes fj.liv per ' ' ' pply'iitUIQ P SKCOMliTilllLMUHT III-I WKLL lll-ICOM- dcd , Mr . ,1. H , linmout , ilCI'j Lnfayelto vcnr.ti. M.'tCI A'OU RENl'-HOUSES. , , iioijsi : , MODiutN , CINTIIAL : TO J-'liii > liit > > s , KUOU ruptilrn. . Apply I" . S. Kluntler , IIOOIII 4 , : t.Ji. l.lfO blllWlMK' . IVU 1 > -r'LATR. DWILUNIS"COTTAIIKS : ; IN ALL J-'partaofulty. Kllkunny \ Co. , Conllnt'iilal blk , D-.MODKHN , NliWC-IIODM COfTA'iHS. IlKADV in finrdays. In iiciiuilfnl htunford circle. Apply I ) , S. Kliiutlnr , ro'jin I , New Vor f bldir. ,11 , iS-'M ) llKNTJ3-IIOO\t llUrlV ( : ami ANIlTloTTlTK J stiecti. All luitdern cinitenloncut. I'tnmtvilvir plvi'li Imiiii'illatJly. Call or addruo < .M. L. llocdur. lldiini 4U-I , t'uvlon block MU.VJ TNliOKTHK I city : ID room. uvery liiiprotemont of n um D hou i vat li . IlKNT. TWO l-'IllhT CLAHS DKTACIIKI ) J-/nlnr > room lioiiteM. mudt'nis neliibborhood lnt ; nllh burn. II , C. I'ulter on , Itiiinun block. M'.lli -l-Olt ilKNT , S a-IUIOM ilOUdKsT "CATS Btropt.liclwi-enVSlhiiiid wth II , T. Clwrko. aia lloiird of Trade , I'honu UM. jiij Tiroit , HK'.NT. Id-HOOM IIOl'SK , WI5 < ID.W ) Itccd , V Sclfay , liniinl of 'I ' radii. - IU-IIOO.M Illit'SI- : . I'KM'IIAI LV BIUIIOO.M nil Impnivi'iiiriUs Tlui N. I''tli -i. HIT . . . _ J IIOfHIINKAH Illlill I 'iiilro'0lil | t upliol vpnn . Mi'lT T\-KO.H HUNT. TWO KIVI : IIOOMID , AND ONI : J-Tonr-room rottaRt * , with wvll and i-Utiirn , Kn- qulroof Mrv , Ward. : i.M2 Hurl Mri'itt. Mill li' P-Nit'iiTniicK nwcM.iNii M mTmribTcu : ii- in'r'-'Sd nnd l.'iilir riil , fid I.uruii brick No. sn sd .in-clMO. r. A , hlurr. HIMiiulldlnir. . _ _ D .ISTVOUIII'IIOI'KIITV , HKNI'AL Oil BALK nlthCieu , W. I' , ( on tun , loll I'lirii'itn. ' VUU K o'nlMV ST COMI'LKTi : -I'convoulpnl and foinforlnblti nlm < room IIOUHPI In Oumliu , with bath room , laundry mid all modern i-onvi'iiluiicuni aim nlcu yaid nt K. forJoius and Kith ltvcl > , iH'lm-i-n HI , ll ry' avp. und l.uuvtni norlh troet. llni AD IMI'HUVK- iiiciiu. sill t'lilcaifo > triiut , tl'j.Ul ' vut month , * lt'IC II , Kor 1. Mi' < - ' -uj liircinumit OJ Ulli mid ud Dud | < 'ilri ' > t'U. v.'i FKnENT-HOSE3. : fS-IO-UOOM IIHIL'K HOUSI5 , MODKUN CONVKN- J-'lenccs. S. Tenth l. . opp. llrownell Hall. In quire Nethcrton llnllSOJS. i.tth st. 1M 111 D-KOH IlKNT,0-IIOUM IIOUSK. ALL MODFHN conveniences , with largo barn , n/an'oppleton nvc. Inqulrpatal , h , 1Mb st , 120 -FOIt HKVr. S FLATS IN 1.1 N TON lILOCIf , l.ttli and Mason strpeis.fi room * each , water and K.IS , lieate 1 by sto.tm , In BOO.I repair , rout lo-v. In quire nt B17 In the block. John Hanilln , nuo U.M78I M78I lY-LAliOKTl STTiotlFlCS. t'AUI ICUi KAIl N A M \J ilOII sM TJ-KOIt IlKNT , TWO la-UOOM HOUSKij , ALL * modern conveniences , on tJeoral-t nvc , 1 Muck from street railway. Apply room : > 32 , lice llullillnj , .1. M. Slmeral. receiver , 151 | 1 AN KI01IT-UOOM llOtf.tKWITI ! I1AHX , At.ti J nii > dornpon pnli nco < , liurKlnr nlnrmv , olpctrlo liclls , ga , batli , fiirnara , rtc.t pussfBslon Inimnipdl- ntclr Apply on premises , 101 .North I.owu niu , on K. llnrk nlow , Wl " - KtATd IS TI1K I1. H Her block , cor. Ifilh and. Inck'iin Bis. Tlio sum mer rntp. for second nnd third floors Is tJOM for Inildo tints , steam heat ill ) UU extra ; they have nil convunlpnees nnd nro In lint clnss repair ! helnit centrally located and contain- Inu only the Terr hest of tcnnnts makes tlu > m de- lrabla , Wo will rent to families only. Call nnd renthem ; Inqiilro atllGS. loth at. b' > ! " ' " " - . ( niioiTKIlX I1OUSK BW BO. 17th st. nnd live-room cotta o W'i0. ) ( . aith st Inquire C-.M bo. ITtli st. John II. K. U'htuann. 7M . _ _ -SIX-ltOOM NK\V FIjAT , MOIIKKN IMI'IIOVK- monts. HUH , llth atrpct. M14015' lA FO1MIKST , 9 NINIMIOUM HOl'SKS WITH 1 'modern conveniences , Just finished , nt ; wth nnd Cii ! slrpi'tn. I'rlce , M ) per month. li-roum flat , ad story. 3IIH Knrnam street. Htori'ri > oiiis21i-2ir.i Fnrnnm street. ID room lioii'o , nil modern convunli'nces , N. U. cor. 23d nnd Chicago slri'fts. t XI per month. I'ottcr & liporiio. , MK4-I8 K'th nnd 1'nrnnin atrcots. - HOOM IIUUdK , ( IIIOIKIIA AVK. UATH D cistern , eto. f. . " > . ICmiitlre 2'JH ' ) 1'nrrinin. : w 1H * D-KlUNIHItKI > IIUUSK , KOUNTXK 1'hACK. Wlrt street , ll room ) , modern. J. J. ullxon , : tjf | Vlrst National Dank billldlnt ; , ' . ' 17 -FOll HUNT. 8-HOOM ioUHH. [ .tiODKItX CON D vanlenccs , KWI Cass street , W. N. Nason. 320 D-SIX-ltOOM COTTACI5 , WITH MAUN , l.AHdK shaded lawn , tint ) location , bears , ' . ( if .Now York Llfo. M.'ltt FOR RENT-FURBISHED ROOM3. 7 KIJllNlsiTKD HOOM8 TO IlKXT WITH ALL modernconveniences. til ? Douglas slreol. 17--FO11 HUNT , FUHNISIIKO UOOMS , HI5F- Ijronces. No. 842.i liodgo st. MIS3 \ 17 < UOOMS KOlt KK.NT , KUIINISHHD. STBAM -Ijlii-al. 201 ijoulh 24lh U34 E NllilSLY FUHN1SHKD HOOM , 1'IIIVATK family , near motor. M.I S. Mlh nva. 328 lfi E ; i UOOMS Foit HousKKnui'tM ; FOU MAN and wife ; rcnl taken In board. 319 N , 17th ot.78'J ' 78'J _ _ J ? NICKLV FUIHSIIKD UOOMS , HAST FUONTj Jirlvnlu | faintly , all ) N. 19th street. MIOi ) II * NICKLY FUltNISHF.D UOO.M9. ALL MODKUN convcnloucci , with or without board. Ml" N. I SOth. I3U. 21 * Tri-FtTltNtSHUD UOOMS , WITH Oil WITHOUT iJboard , 1707 DodKo .III IJ l.i-ltHMS WITH Oil WITHOUT 11OAIID. 5:103 : JjpouglasBlrtcl. M2I3 17 * FUlt.NISIlKD UOOMS. MODKUN 113 S. JJthst. , opp. tbo Merrliim. 2'JI I3 J --IAKIIi : FRONT HOOM ANI ) FHONT HIOD- Jroom ensutte , steam heat and all modern con veniences. 1817 Leavenworth st. ; top tloorleft M-.W5 111 * I-FOll HUNT , J2 HO. 13TII STHKICT , 2 UN- IjfnrnUlicd rooms and furnished rooms. M3lO : U * -LAHii , ( : . NICKLY FUKNISlllil ) FltOXT HOOM 1 Jfor four Kentlemun. All modern conveniences , rail ntSlS North 2Jd. } 1. < 21 ID -XU'KLY FfHXIrtllKD FHONT ItOOMS WITH * Jur without board. 52U .North 1'Jtli ' street. H48 15' 1-URNISHED IIOOM3 AND JiOARD. I KOOMS WITH HOAHD. tlii OA1MTOL AVB. JL ' M573 S27 * If220J FAHNA.M , NICK lioOM AND IIOAUD. A | M.VM s' 7' -KLHOANTLV FUIINISHKD UOOMS. FIUST 1 class board , nl "Tho" Dolan , 201) and all N. ISlh slreot. M 'Ml F-D1SIIIA1ILI ! < : SOUTH ItOO.MS WITH IIOAHD , JS33 Cllk-nKO. M'34 J4 _ 17 TWO I.AHCK UOOMS ; IIOAUD IN 1'lllVATE I. family. 2701 Woolworlh avenue. .M23 17 * 1 ? N1-AT ! FUIIMSIIHD ItOOMS WITH IIOAUD. charucs reanonablu. 417 N. UHli slreel. 3U7-I4 * I , ' ' TO IlKNT , bUIT OF FUKNIallI.'D HOOM9 J with honnl , stt > am heat and bath ; references required - quired ; 205 8. 24th st. aU'J Ifi * IfFOll IlKNT , KLKd ANT HOO.MS ANI ) HOAHD JL1 at thu Webster 5IU and SIS N I'Jth st. M3U2 20 * 1-FUHXIS1IKD HOO.MS AND HOAHD , t'A9 , X'bath. 2II7 Fnrnam i-treet. M3 0 15 * FOR RENT UNJFURNlSHliD KOOMS. G- TO 3 KOU.MS , H X. 13th St. 436 24 * t'I ItOOMS. IIW9 LKAVKNWOIITH STIIKF.T. Mi-.m Hi * 1-3 irNFlMtNtSlIIID 1100.MS TO COLOUKD 'family. 1'rlco flu , 208 N 13th St. 301 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. r Fo1uiicNT. TiiK 4-srbTiY'iiiack 'uuTij'wNir- J-Ulli Furnamst The hulldlnu has a llrcprouf co , ment bnseuient , complete steamheatlni ; ll.xtureii ; water on all the iloora , k'us , ete. Apply at the ollico ot The llee. UI3 _ - IlUILDIXd NOW OCCUrlKD HY I-LAUXDKY Now York Steiim laumlry , most ccntrnl In the city. Locution Improving lor nil time , cheap to re liable parties. Apply Immediately , il. 'll/ard. 2JI North 21th street. KIT IS * FOR RENT-MISOKLLANEOUS. I KOH HUNT , A STAHL1 ! XIIAK Z7TII .VXD > ' DoUKlni Bts. , room for IIvu hor.ics.earrlaio room , city water ; will ell cheap. Inqulro , Milton HIIKLTS A HUMS. 301 II 1-KOIt HUNT OK SALU-dOOD 1'IANO. Sllltl 'Sewardst. iloti7-20 * WANT D-TO BENT. KWANTED. . A If imXISIIBD IIOUSK. S Olt 6 rooms , KOOd and healthy locality. If sultublo will neud It until sprint ; . Address , with full par ticulars , . ] . H. HIaku , Iti l Wnzeu st- , Denver , Colo. JU 1.1 STORAGE. M -DUY. CLKAN A rlllVATKLV bTOItKD FUIl- iiiluro.UWDouiilui. onnihuStovo llupalr works. M -ti'IOIlAdr ! CHUAT , CLUAN , WKLLS , 1111 Furniun slrcet. io.i ; \Yvlln , 1111 I'nnmm FOK SALE-FURNITUKE. O-KUKNITiniK OK ll-KUOM t-'LAT mil SALK. lor ciuli , ISIT Lu-wuntrorlh alri'ut , top floor to loft. 47l-p''J' _ SALK KITC1IK.N AND HASH IIIMtNHK stove ; , tnldlnu biMl und dunk nt 1817 Juckxin st. X ! 17 FOB SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETO. "iT OKSAIjK. A SI.V1'V-DOLAK ; ! 'Rl il7d7rv -I lorMi.OJ. H. 11. Cole , Contlni'iital block. 'Jl.i P-A KA11K CHANCK KOH TIIK ItldHTMANi L UnvInK l t my nyimlKht am dli | iiiillucil from mini ; my in'iit and ronvunUmt outilt fur n man ro eldlnx In tliu oiiuklrta or niibiirli of thu city. I will Bull thmn cheap forcami , oroxclinniio ihcm for ac'iuap bill tiood nnlnciimbiired lot. It i-oncbtB nf inn fuvorllo wi'll knoivn family liiirm' , .luu ; uliio hiiKKy nnd linrncHs , onfl-liorno iraxun nml liuriions nnd nn i'li < vaut unttur , nil In oed iitaldu vouill- tlon , moally im uood an now , noiiiii entlndy ium- . Cull nt I1W7 S lth nt. Wiirrun Cochrnn. 31. 1:1 : * -KOi SALK. FlsT CLAt-.S Ill'dlJ ' v 1 tounil und ucntlo. l.'un ho handled liy a nuvcn- year old child , In or out of rtnble. Will aluo ull pliu-ton nml hurnuia If deilred , Inquire ul A > drew Allies ut Nubrauku tiavliius li.uik , Hi and 1'aruaui. .illMn * FOR SALE-MISOELhANfiOUTS. Wc'hoap , nini'ojt n w. l-'ldellty Truit Co.'l7Ui i-'ur- num. yt > \ \ CKS. I'UITCH HID , DOt'liLAS HLOCK. Q I-KOlt SALK , THOIIOlKiHUUKD I'Uti I'Ul' . pies. Apply SUI'J Hnrney struel Midi Q-FOli SALB. A STAHLK NUAIt 27TH AND Douglas ulroPU , llooin for tlvu horses , farrluuo room , vlty water. Will ivllvliva ) ) . Inqulro .Milton Itoiierii , \ Hon , : J-I4 | . . "AuTcK TNQIIAN- i ; toiuH. Dutr Uri-cn , llarkorbldj , ' , * UST OtiAlIiyOYANTS. $ AUHIVAL KX rilAOHIllN'AllYt WONDIIHKL'L kJrutc'Ittlloiiii. t lialluuiiui Ibu worlil .Mrs. Dr , H. l.cirravpdead trance 1'l.ilrvorant. nilroloiMut palinlut und llo readori to I , your life fro 11 ho cradle to Kravei uiiHo. tha . p raledt "suioi mar- rlavu with Iho onu you lovui tvll < where you will upcopd and In what builiie bun u lapled for ! has Uu cclebrntod Kuyptlan breailplito lor luck and to ilcitriiy bad Intluoni'inj curci tin. Inloiupuranco and ulf prlvatii rouiplulnt. with mu..aei. balhs and alcohol trjituienl , ton.tlM. \ . lock of hair , uamo aiiUiUtour blrtliand roculvo accurate llfoeha-tt Sec-nun .lamp , for circulars Kirn lnltl U of one jouwl inarryi nl u photos ot ainv. ilillcu 4II Mtutli Illli ttrvrl , nrit Hour ; houri. | i a.m. to ll i > .ni I'oiiiu onitounmll , aj UooonrlaouU cf thti Aon- deriuloriiCl * . 11774U- CLAIRVOYANTS. CnntlriudJ. - . NANNIK V. WAHHKN , I.AIHVOVANT. S-MHS bnilnciii rao.llum , fifth year nt 119 N If.tli. MASSAGE , BATHS , KTO. riV-M AS5AHKI TirKAT.MIINT , 4 mnl liath , scalp and Imlr trcatmcnl , manicure nml chiropodist. .Mr.vl'oit,3lf , < 4d I.Hh.Wlthin'll Mk. iwa _ ' 'I' MADAM S'foWK , MAONKT10 HKALKIl i 3uJ 1'rntt Btrcet. ! 171 Hi * rp-MMII. LA llt'K , MASSAtlB , 410 SOUTH I6TH -L street , third floor , Hat 4. MIMIC * M'-MADAMK SMITH 1S5I (1AP1TOL ( AVUNUH J 3d floor. Alcohol , sulphur .mil sea ti.-uln. M ISO ! " " MyaicARTAND".NQUAQE. . V- < > - * > KU KNHKCK , HANJO TKAC1IKH , ' with Hospc , N.W.corner i.'lh nnd Hnrney. ai'J \\r-MOUTUAUK LOANS I.KS3THAN T 1'KH CT. II Including nil charges. Charles W. llalney , Omaha Nat , bank bldir. OKI \\r-71'iiiiCKST MONKVNET TO HOIUUMY- ' ' rrs on Omnlm city property. No ntlru chance ) ofanyklnd. Why pay liluli rales ? Money Ischenp. Von cnn net lull lieniillt of low rales from Ulobe Loan and Trust Co. , Hith and Dodge. 070 Vir LOANS. ( ! . . WALLACI5 , 312 1IUOWN HLK. \ \ C71 \V-ANTHONY LOAN AND TIHIST CO. . 318 N. Y. > ' l.lfpi lends at low rates for cluileo security on Nubraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property. 072 lf-C. F. HAIUIISON , IMS N. Y. L1FI5. AY r-ni.NTIlAL : LOAN AiTHUST CO. , HKK 11LI)0 IT7I \ V'mAIMON1IY. : . SKK U.W.I1. II 1(114 ( Farnam. Ii75 \\r-1.0ANS ON IMI'ltOVKI ) AND U.NIMI HOVKD ' city properly. $ IW ) und upwards , Hlo 8 per cent No delays. W.Fnrniun SinUli A : Co.lilh nnd Hnrru > y. \\r-HKAI , HHTATB LOANS. I ! TOT I'Kit OK XT ; i' no additional charuos for commlislon or attor ney's fees. W. II. Melklu , First National Hunk ' hide. U77 V\r 1'IIIVATK MONKY. 1ST ANI)2I ) MoTlTljAOE ii loans , low rates. Ale Monro lluo bldjj. 073 \\r-OMAIIA SAVIN(18 HANK MAKKS LOANS 'i on real eslalo nt lowest market rates. Loans made In Bin.ill or Inrxo sums for short or lonn time. No commUston Is eharKcd and the loans are not sold in the east , but cnn always be found at the bank ou the corner of I3tli and DoiiKlat streets. Ii79 _ \\r-MONiV : TO LOAN ON IMI'HOVHI ) CITY i ' property , low rate. A. C. Frost , Douglas blk. 660 -1ANO2-YKAHLOAN8ONC1TY AND KAHM W ; mortgages , Heed , t Solby , 3.11 Uoard ot Trnne , \\7-ClTY ANI ) KAHM UKAI. KSTATK LOANS > > at lownst rates ; consult us before borrowing H. C. Cnrvln & Co. , 203 shcoly block. 24U \-\r-WAXTKD ATOXCKIII API'LICATIOXS FOU ll loans , deo. J. 1'uul , HOi Fnrnam street. 1Ar LOANS. LOW HATKS. ZflTlJ llltUWN 1ILK > V ww ta AIT 2 I'KH CKXT AND 3 1'Kll CUNT LOANS. it Send for particular ! ) , deorno Paul , aKont. H0. > Fnrimm. .Mil : I 17' _ \\f-\\lLL 1IUY F1HST MOKTdAdU NOTIW. C > > A. Slnrr , Ueo bulMliiK. 1 18 * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. OMAHA MOKTHAdH LOAN CO. ( INCOIH'OHATHD. ) IF YOU WANT MONEY MONKY ON UOUSKHOLD FUHNITWIK AND I'IA.N'03 , 110I19KS. WAISON8 ANDCAHIUAlllW. WAHKIIOUSH HICCKH'TS Oil 1'HHSONAL I'HOI'KllTY OF ANY KINO Wo make loans In any amount from $10 to 110,009 attho lowest possible rates nnd In the quickest possible time without publicity , and with the privilege of keeping your goods lu your own pos session. Hemcmlier lhal yon can pay any part of the loan at any tlmoand In tills way reduce tl'j cost of carry ing the loan. 'Ihero will bu no oxpsnne or oharso kept out of the amount wanted , but you will receive tlu full amount of the loan. OMAHA MOUTOAOK LOAN CO. , Itoomll , Cralghton niock. 15tli and Douglas. Next to I'ostolHco. Till ! LAItlSKST ANI ) ONLY INCOIll'OllATKD LOAN COMl'ANY IN OMAHA. C32 -DO Y4jlt NKBD MONKY7 TIIK F1DKLITY IOAN OUAHANTKK CO. , Itoom 4 , Wldlnell block , cor. 15th and Hartley bts. , WILL LKND YOU ANY SUM , FHOM Sll ) TO JlO.tXX ) ON THIS DAY YOU ASK FOlt IT. We makn loans of any Hl7o , largu or miuill , ou household goods , pianos , hornet * , wagons , waruhouse receipts and personal property of all kinds. In any amount , without delay , pub licity or removal of property : cheapest rates nnd eaelcbt payments. SU1S US FlltSI' . 352 WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OK SIS. X cnrlty ; strlclly confidential. A. K. Harris , room I , Continental block. W y ' UITC11AUI ) , il DOUCLAS HLK , Y-CHATTKL LOAXS MA UK ON FUKNITUKI- : , jVpiuuoH , llvo stock , etc , , without publicity or re moval property at the lowest niton nnd the entdest payments. IJutf lireun , rooms S A U Darker block. iai -LOANS OX CHATTHLS. HUASOXAULK IX- terest , partial I'aymonts I to U months. W. K. Davis. K. 2U Continental block. Klevator ISth st. UIU CHATTKL LO VXS , WJ N. V. LIFK. J1OHKI } . WUSI4' V MOXKV AT LOW HATKS ON ANY KIND OF - < vsecurity. Keystone MUu. Co.,203 Shcely block. 2ii _ X tai.UUU TO 1XAV OX OlIA'ITKIj SKCUKITV ; bustnutsconltdantlaL ll. K'i Hoard Trade. .M UQj O.4 * V-CHATTEL LOANS ; ANY AMOUNT ; how A-rntu. .1.11. Van dlldcr , room 207 , Omuhn Na tional bank , MIUU-o ? -DO YOU WANT MONKY ON IIOUSKHOLD furnlturii nnd pianos , homes , wagons nnd cur- rlauesT Wurchonso receipts or personal property of any kind at the lowest possible rates nnd In the quickest possible time without publicity or ro- uiovalof property. Yon can pity any part of t1i loan nt nny time nnd In this way rednco thu.cost of cnrrylnu the loun. OMAHA MOKTdAdl- ; LOAN CO. . Koom II , Crcluhton Hlock , 16th nnd Doiik'lns , next to I'ostotlleo. 341 BUSINESS CHANCES. _ _ Y-KOIl HALU , HLKVATOK. FOll IXFOHMA- tlon nddress W. J. Illalr , Llnwood. Neb. 7'J7 19 * \r-KOH SALIJ. HUTCH Kit H1IO11 COJll'LKTK Jat your own prlcu. Nubrasku Loan Co. . I3IU DoiiKlus street. Ml 111 Y A CLMAN riTOriToFliKNKHAL MUHCHAN- dlse forsalo In ono of thu bent towns In No- bruskn. Adilrens A. Ycltli , Helvlderu , Nub. M237 14 * _ V TAILOIl HUSI.NKli * FO1S ftALU UUKAI * ON 1 account of sickness o , LnnduJii , Fullurton.Xeb. 17i ( SI7 * _ _ Y' WANTKI ) , A HOOD I'AHTY WITH AHOUT f i.WW.UO who Understands thu uraln ami lumber huplnets , to tnko hold of that business on thu line of the C. , II. .V Q. K. II. on thu Cheyeiino dlvl < lon , whom party run do n bnnkliiKnud farm loan , craln uiul lumber Ininlnes nt n small Btutlon , and plenty of business to keep u pirty thoroughly employed and turn oil us much huslnnsau ! ) If four times the mm uin Invested , doiid llvlim rooms In butldlnx ul/ovo the bunk department nllh ll.vtiirc'j nlrendy for buslnes * . I'leasn nildruss all cummuiilcatlons to 11. C. I'nlnier , Merllnu , Col , I ill 21 * YCANADIAN KMI'LOMUNT OFKICK. hSTAII- Ilihed n years ; boa puylni ; bualnoii In Onilha. Iniulro | at room 1 , I'jUJ Fiirnnui street , M3D ; 'J Y CHOI' llOlISr ! IX LIXCOLX FOll 8ALI- ! doliiuu KUUII buslncaj , Address X , Omaha lieu Lincoln , Null. M7H V - \ V A X TKD.OXK OH TWO io.\ll'KTKNTjfKN : 1ilth mnull capital to eiiKaitn In n manurnctnrlui : builnt- In Omahh. Fur Inlurylow uddress for two days KM , llee oltlco. M82D 14 * V10KSALK , IIAKNIISS BTOCK ; IIKST LOOA- J. tun In city : need trailu ; must Kot out ; poor liealth , U II , Ned , Norfolk , Neb. 1163 18 * Y - FOK ? ALK7Tu.M Illllt YAKD , COAL , dltAlN J and llvo stock , deed location doliiK u iood : biinl- ni-ji , Addu s K J. Hulo , Hnttlo Creek , Neb. 310 20 * _ VIK YOU Alii ! BHUKINd A HIISINKSS OI'J'OK. -1 tunlty in tiny line of butlness wrltu for our bul letin , Invlosliiif stamp. Wcntorn Htnlnees Aconur , .MlnneapoMr , Minn. CHAXCB IK POLO AT om-e. For nnlu , tlio ICIIBU , furniture and llxtures uf tluilerrliun hotel , cuinhn , contnlnliiKUJroumi , elegantly furnished , nil routed , elithlr purinaiiDiit Kiiests. Kent prlvuto fnmlly hotel In tliu west , Will fell becuusu of poor health. Fur tornn apply un premltes , 2Jth unit Duilge. Mrs. L. M. Tuttle. M8 | 3 _ _ r/-m.KAK r-TOCK OFliHNKHAI , M'D'S7 ! ' . ; WILL //Inke / real citato & monej-.llot Wi , Frankfort , Iml ta ? _ _ _ y-KOII KXUUA.NCiK. r..OJO.OJ STOCK OF ( JKX- / > i'rul moroliaiidlse fur Iior c' , Addrusn box d d , llurwoll , darnold county , Neb. ' . ' ' . < li * yYLrTAH OMAliTilKATrKbTATK FOll MDSK /Juctunl ruhtatluu. Monuy to loan. Hot 618 , Omaha M.127 _ _ _ _ _ y FOlfSALK OlT'J'IIADK , KTANDAKD IIKKU 'Jlior en , iiuo-half luolhi-r to Nauay Hanks , Can bo t > n miHum. . AUo fiirnu and wild lands , II , K. Dnlley , 910 N. Yjl.rfo bldir- S4S-IS * r/-\'m K.VCIlANdK-WK UAVK W.OOO HTOCK Jlo aiauufucturlnKCoiicvrn doing need bu lnu In OnmliH that u will trad * In vrliolu or part fur notk Lur > f > , Amerlcun f'uul Co. MilU FOR r/-VOll 8ALK OK O.XCIIANdK , COTTAt'K /Jfrontlna south onfnmkiw street. In Carthage nddltlont seven rooms , piMUrf i closets ! force pump , rlntprn cesspool , cenient ; ) , rcllar : well built nnd tlnlihcdln hard plno nndjiji . I'rlro f J.200. Apply to W. U 8olby.334 Ohnnbjfjommoroo. / . laj /-rollTKADK. 4W ( ) ACine < LAND NBAltTlIK Y Alenno. Wyn. , nil fpnrtd"Wnd watcredl will lakn- Omaha property , rncantioe-linproted. Ames , IW7 Vnrnnin st. nt i SI * 13 HAL ISESTATE. . I'UltCll AS.M11 ' * Wnntfd , pnrclin'er ror | yercpnt mortitago , Wntited , housn nnd lot for clear lots. Wanted , choice ( . Wanted , hnnsn nnd lot > for ncro In Weil Omnhv kVnnted. ncronui' for n lease paying 15 percent. Wanted , cheap lot for vnlllnMc city lot. Wanted , for cash , lot near Davenport and 40th. Wanted , MO acres In Snrpy or Douclas county. U. F , Harrison , U12 N , Y , Llfo. S18-14 _ BAlKJAlN-tlOOD COTTAdK , II KOOMS , HATH , enfct front , s. w , part , near motor nnd pttvcmect , nlcn location , $ . ' , .v .lJ ) , worth U,5)J.UJ ; tormsoaiy. tl. P. lliltts,2JOSO. 17lh t. CII01CK FAKMS FOK 8ALK IN HA UK ISON county , Iowa. Send nnmo with stamp to onr nddress , nnd rocelTfl full-descriptions. A. A , Wil liamson .V Co. . Woodbine , Iowa , 7J4slB * OK SALK , S. IITH , COlTAdK IUMB , $ J,0X)00. ( ) Heed .V Selby. llonrd of Trade. li'Jl ' _ DUKINd TIIK MONTH OP SKin1. WB WILL otter the last but prettiest of thoseLnfnyutto Place rot tsKcs at crefttly reduced price. 7 rooms , nil modern Improvements , delightfully situated , terms easy. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1703 Fnrnam , _ IU7 I& _ iroit BALK ! SIX HOOM HOUSH | I'Ol'l'Ll-iTON 1nvcnuu. . .Modern conveniences ! model homo ! SI.OOO.UO. Heed A Selby , Chamber Commerce _ MI7B HOlltJAI.K-.nr TIIK OWNKU 10.0'JO ACKKS OK i Nebraska's finest fni'mlng land nt n great sncrl- llco. d. II , Peterson , 1412 S.I Hh Bt..Oinalia. 1SS u T7AKM OF 147 AOKKS IN DOUdLAS COUNTY IID miles from Omaha. 1'rlco I7..VW. nnely Im proved. lies well ! Inrau grove ! living water ; good housu ; good barn. 0. F. llnrrleou VIS N. Y. Life. 31SH IT'OKHALK-dOOO ' LOT W1TH5-HOOM COTTAHK A 85th and Hurt streets , prlcu ! 2,7UOi stnn'.l cash payment , balance monthly. deed residence lots within 2 < < miles of poitofllco. from ( T > 5 to flUUi one-tenth cash , bnlanco monthly nt 7 percent. Acre property closeto South Omnlm , from S2.V ) to ll.WO per ncro. 1'otler , V dooruo Co. , 10th nnd Fnrnnm. \12ii. ) HO 8VO ACKKtf riNH LAND IN NANCK COUXTY , 600 acres cultivated , good farm houiu of 7 rooms , two tenunt honse < < ; riinnliif water. ( ! . * > per ncro. 0. F. HnrrUoii 1112 N. V. Life. 313 14 I70H9ALH C11KA1" , LOW INTI5HKST , LOT IS X block 22 , Onmhn View , facing south on Lake st-J grade just right. J. M. Outlier , Council HliilTs. 3IH3S ID" TllACKAd LOTOX I'AVKD ST. , f7fiOO. TrnckagB lot on paved tt. , corner , fS.OOD. Hrlck buslneHs block paying 10 per cent , f 12,000. 40 ncrei , JI..VJ per acro.-worth ilOUD. Central , corner , east of High school , (17.000. Douglas t. property , near new club house. JI2.000. Smnll business property , near new r. O. . J5.6UO. Full Improved lot , near new I" . O. , $ lf.W)0. * Full ncro , West Ouiahn , near Milton Hogcr's , 4U acres , nearly In heart of city$120,000. Cholco Improved business corner In Omaha , fS.'iO , . Oi ) . 40 acre , Smiles southwest. 12,000. , Finest Improved 2IU acres , Sarpy county , f 18.000. 0. F. Harrison , UI2 N. Y. Life. 811 K > FOR RENT PASTURES. OKSKSV OjiLTS AXI ) CA1-TLK FKKI ) AND eared for the yuar rpuml. 1 liavj 2VJ aero * of good pusturo , 50 ncreS goo.l grass , 20) acres of good oats Htubblo. IJnrt ot tbo Miibbli ) Is Btaudlngrlpo oats , which mnkos the bast pnstnro In thuworld. A iioo.l faifi. nlns frajli running waternud burn room for 5'lj head Inc.iia of storm. I have the l.irgejt hoMO raivS'i In Douahu and Sarpy county 1'lc.i-ijcill an 1 ttia my stubla room and feeding yards and pututftjipo you will bu satlsllod. Icnllfornnd dcllvur frejof chr4is. . My prlco on pasture Is fl.OJ pr uionth , unit In winter feel hiy , grain , out fea.l and str.ur , u r.1 2JJ airei standing cornstnlki. ICupt In Imru l hts , prlcu from fl.O ) pcrmonthup. Two miles spilth of South Omaha , 1 inllo from stroat cars. Addrcis deo. d. dans , 1' . O. box 130 , South Omaha. Nvli .MJ-aH. DANCINO SCHOOL. Mil. 3t MllS. MOUAND'S SCHOOL FOK DANCINd Armory Capital Avo. , will ro-opcn for the season on Saturday , Octoberlst for children , and TiieBitayOctobcr4tli for adults. Circulars at Snow , Lund A Co.'s drug store. 15th and Fnruam. Private lessons can bo taken now at their rest- denue , 2JOii Dod p St. , I2'J ' 07 LOST. LOST SATL'UDAY AFTKKNOON , 8EPTKMIIKK loth , bctnecu Douglas Jtieet nnd 1C2J Sherman uvenue , an oxpresi packaguaddretrad to Mrs. H. Kl- Icn Kaymond. Tun doljnr ? towurd wlll bo paid for lliu return of tUi > same to 2SD7 Dodge street. M3S5 WANTED TO BORROW. T71YE OK THOUSANiDOLLAH . SKCUK- -L Ity second mortgage on property valued ono hundred and live thousand. First mortgage tblrty- tlvo thousand. Address KM , Uou. MllS 14 * DRESSMAKING. ENdAdEMKXTS TO DO DKBSdMAKlXd IN families solicited. MUs Sturdy , 3iO S2Uh st. i U SJO * REM I N C TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEG-EA.TH STATIONERY CO. , 1304 Farnam Street , Onialiu. THE SIIOKTEST LNE ( TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , as represented on this map. } CEDAR RAPID ? I'DES BIOINES Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed V'fSibiled ! * ; trains leave Omahti daily at 6:20 : p.m . , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a.m. City Ticket Office , [ 501 Far , nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. fl'rade Ilurk. ; | p Z & KID GLOVES Thonbovo braiula oti jflovoa tor ealo by TheBoslnStorB N. W. Cor. 10th Wil Doufhis Sts. ' Qtnfthti The Latest CHICAGO STATIONERY Nothing Better. Our Writing-paper and Envelopes ; Wedding invitations ; Reception Cards are sent , at reasonable prices , anywhere in the United States. Send for samples. METOALP STATIONERY COMPANY , Il4t Colli't Library Co. ) 136 Wubash Ave , , Chicago. eoeeeooe EXCELSIOR MO.Is Is 25 miles N.-E , ot Kansas City , on the C. , M. A St. ] Hallway. THE" ELMS Is tlic most charming all-year-round resort ho.a ) In America , CAPACITY. 500 QUESTS. SITUATED IN THE MIDST OP A PICTURESQUE WOODED ESTATE OF 1,000 ACRES. SPLENDID MUSIC , DANCING , DOWLINQ AND BILLIARDS , PERFECT TENNIS COURTS. PICTURESQUE WALKS , DRIDLE PATHS AND DRIVES. SUPERB BATHS. AN IMMENSE SALT-SULPHUR SWIMMING POOL. MARVELOUS TONIC WATERS. ABSOLUTELY NO MALARIA , NO MOSQUITO8. Write for Illustrated Pamphlet. Address EXCELSIOR SPRINGS CO. , ExcelsiorSprings , Mo. 60 O O Richardson Drug Co. , Agis , Omaha , Neb. HUMPHREYS' Ur. 11 iiinplirrv ' SiiprlIIc nrccclentIdeally nnd circfutl } ' liroparol Komedles , UM-d for yi-iu-s in jrlvnto practice nnd for over thirty jours by tlio peopla with I'Utlro success. livery Mngle Spcciao u special euro for tlio dlwoso uamrd. Tucy euro without drugging , tiurKliif ? or rcduclnn tlio system ami nro In fnct auuuccu the Hou-rrlcn llvnirdlc * of tlio World. UBTOI-rRlNCirAt , NOB. ClftLf. l-Hlctt. 1 Fevers , Congretlon.1 , Inllamivmtlons. . , 23 2 WnrniH , Worm Fever , Worm Colic 25 3 Toi-tliliiB ; Colic , Crying , Wakefulucs-n .25 1 Ulr.rrlicu , of Children or Adults . ' 25 7 CongliK , Colds , HroncliltU 25 8 NournlBln , Toothache , Kaocnche 25 It-Hpiidaclu's Headache , Vertigo. . . ' 23 lO-Dyspepitliu BlllousncasConstipation. . ' 25 11 Snppreiiscilor 1'nlnfiil Periods. . . . 'IS 12 V.'hIll's , Too Trofuso Periods ,23 I.1'-Cronp , linryiiBltlH , Hoarseness " 3 i-1 Salt UUcuni , Kryslpelnn , Eruptions. . .25 IS Hhouinntlmn , niieuuuitlo Pains 23 1O ninlnrini Chills , Fever andAguo ' 23 la-riles , Ulina or Dlecdlnpr 23 ID Cnlnrrb , InfluenzaColdln tlnllcad. . ' 23 \\linoplnprOoiiBli - ' 25 ar-Kiilni-y JIlHpnsns 23 2B-N < "TTonn l elIIHy l.UO 30 Dvlimry WcnUiio i , Wetting Bed. . .25 SoM t > y IViiKRlsU , or Mnt poslpul 1 on rrrfl ) t of | Tlca , DR. Hi'Mi-nRRYS * MANUAL ' 14 imff , JIAILRH rntR. 91En.rO. , 1114113 VHI'lsmSI. ' , JCmTork. SPECIFICS HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Minors and Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE RUSSl&H SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water RRILWRYTIMEGRRD Going I CHICAGO. U. I. A ; I'ACU-'IC. I From Kast. I Union llopot IQlh , t Marcy Sls. | ICast 1)-Alpin ) I Denver ijliiilled U.'l p m l.Oinni Fast KxprJH 2.00 a m 0.tKlani.ICansa | CUrJtxoont ( Sunday ) . , | ii.3J p m WEATHER CROP BULLETIN Weekly Statement Issued from the De partment of Atrriculturo. EARLY CORN IS NOW SAFE FROM FROST l.ntr Crop * In ( limit 1'onilltlon ami Thrrn \Vrpun .Mllil Wimtlu-r Will IMiiL-M Tin-in llryoiul lt > Jin.v Itcpnrtn from Many Mutes , WASIUNOTON , D. 0. , Sept. Ifl. The follow- IUR is ibu woitlbcr crop- bulletin Issued bi1 tlio xvonthor bureau : The week has boon cooler thnu usual on tbo central uiul southern Catlfornlu coasts utiil Funcriilly In oil districts cast of the Hooky mountain * , with the exception of Ued Itlvor of the North , the upper Ohio valley ntuf portions of the Inlto region wtiora the tompuruturo Wixs tiornml or slightly above. Tuu aotl- cloncy In temperature tins uvoragod frotn y degrees to 0 ilccreoi on ho north Atluntiu const from Norih Uiirolitm tuid Mussnchusotts and ever the greater pnrtlon of the country botwcoi : tbo Missouri river nnu the UocUy mouutnlns. Over the plutoiiu district nnd north 1'aciilo coixsts it was w.trinnr fiun usuul nnd along the const north of California the wccK w.is oxcepHonully wnim , the excess of toinncraturo ntnountttiR to frotn ft to dourecs per diiy. Frost occurred In the upper Mississippi , Missouri nnd Ohio vntloys , Now England unit in ; thn northern portion of thoiiiiildlo AUtuitlisslulos , but the reports inilicala nn .seiiotis in jury. Freezing totupofaturo prevailed in Wyoming unti northern Montana on tbo ll'.h. Kurly corn is now reported an sitfo from In jury oy frost In tliu principal corn producing stairs nnd ll' late corn escapes injury during the next throu weens the crop will bo safe. Mora than the usual amount ot rain hits fallen in the upper Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys and lowur Arkansas and east Texas , and ulotitr tbo Atlantic coast from North Carolina southward. 'Ihero has also neon u slight excess or ruin lull in the Dakotns and In portions tions of Pennsylvania ntm Now York. Un usually heavy rains fell along the const of South Carolina , Georgia nnd eastern Florida. IN ILLINOIS. Ill-ports Iroiu the Stuto lliu'oiiu of Agrlcul- tllrn on C'rop Coiiilltliins , SridNOFiCMi , 111. , Sopt. 1H. The Illinois weathar bulletin for week ending September 1U says : The temperature of tbo pjst woclc was slightly below n seasonal nvcrugo throughout the stnto. At the control ofllcc , ifpriugllcld , tbo daily dellcteney was about U degrees , nn average amount of sunshiny pre vailing during the week , The rain lull for the week , except in the southern counties , has been generally above ; ho normal. The Heav iest amounts reported wore , Sangammon'J. 14 inches ; Schuyler , .71 inches ; La Snllu , U.W ! inches ; Brown , 'J.ou Inches ; Randolph , l.bT inches ; Kendall , 1.1)0 ) inches ; Cook , 1.17 inches ; Piuo , 1.1U inches , anil Uond , l.U'J incQes. The weather conditions of the past week have , upon the whole , been generally boue- llciat to corn , the early planted is reported as maturing rapidly and will soon be out of the roach of frost. Light frost was reported in n few counties on the Utb , doing slight , injury to corn on low ground. The reports indicate that the Into corn , while growing nicely , need' * about three tnoro weeks of seusonnolo wonther to put it beyond Injury from frost. Ttio Douglas county correspond nt reports corn so badly lodged that but little wheat will bo sown in corn ground. 1'lowltiR is still progressing throughout the stnto and it is prouaolo that owing to the copious rain which foil on the 10th and 1Kb the ground will bo in excellent con dition for work. In some southern counties wheat Is being Relieved me of a severe Blood trouble. It has also caused my hair to grow out again , as it had been falling out by the handful. After trying many physicians in vain , I am so happy to find a cure in S.S. S. O. H. ELDKUT , Galveston , Tex. SCI IPFS Hyforclnp out perms of ills- VJv-l-4j casoaml the - iiolsou as well. g C3-H Is cntlrelyve _ ctablo and liannless. S Treatise on lllood nml Sliln mailed frco. SWHT Si-Ecmo Co. , Atlanta , Oa , Anew and Comrdoto Treat nont , con litlnz of Suppoiltorloi , Ointment In Capiului , also In Hoi and I'tlls ; a I'ailtlvo Cure for ISitern-il. Internal bllndorUleedliiK Itching , Chronlo. Kooontor HoroJI- tary Piles. Tills llumoJy lias never b'on known to full.It par box. ii fori ; sunluy mull. Why sulferfrora tills terrible dliann whim u Mtlltlu KUirantai Is uosltlvoly given with 0 Doxei or refund thomoaoy If notcuredSonJ stamp for fn > o Mainple. ( Juarantoa Issued by liuhn , VCo. , Dru/xUm Solo ABL'II'.I , cor.ior IStl' und Douglas f.trOQt . u.ha , Nob. DK.K.C , wr.S'd XUKVK AND BIlAINTKKAl' MKXT.nspjji.lo fur llyimrli. niidnaji , Flti , Xtt ralula , HoHdaeno. Nervous I'roitratou c.tusol by ulcolioior lobioji ) , Wakofulnuis , Montil Duuroi- tlon.Sottnuisof the Drain.ciudnlni.inlty , inlur/- Uecny.ilj ith , 1'ruarilnru Oll Ave , Harrdiiun , lou of 1'owerln olthorsm , liupntenoLuuoorrho.i auJ nil Feinalo Wo ikniMi is. luvoluntiry l/o ioi , Spur- iuntorrlio.1 c.usoa by ovor-atorllon of tli ) briln r-ulf-nbuaoavar.lncliilRoiica , A iiionUi'4 trjiilnurU 11,0 forf'i.by mill , VVok'ii ir.mtosnlt baxai to cur * Kieliurila fonixui ; , with $ > will Mil wrlttn Kuaranteeto rnfuniilf notcurJj. UuurjiHeo Ij3ii.il only by Theodori ) . K. Loirls dmsRlat , unto iii soutbuast roruor lUtlinnd Farnam sts. . Omaha ARE YOU SUFFERING ? KKOM Wtuhncss , Catarrh or Chronic , Nervous or Private Disc ascs. IF BO , OALU ON Dr. Searles & Searles Consultation Free. Acknowledged to liu HID moil xuccoiful upocliillst In Illl I'llH'ATi : , lll.DUl ) , NK1IVUUS , tiKI.V A.VI ) UHI.S- AIIV DlHEAHLH. duiiorrhin.iln from 'I to 0 day * . HyphllU enrol without.Moruury. AllHtiiKet forllfo. M'HKTUIir. permanently cura.I , romoral com. plete. irllUuutcttttliu. oiuitlo or dllutatU'n I'nru HtTt'i.-todHt liomu by pntlantrltU3ut a moiu'jnt'i i > uln or annoyanco. I'lLKS , KISTl'LA ' AND IlKCTAL IILOUKB euro I without pain or ( Intention frum bulniM8 , IIYDKOL'IJLK ANO VAKICOCKLK pormnuunllr and iim-Mfnllv cnr-'d. Mt-thoil iintvniul nnfdllliu. WEAK MEN ( VITAL1TV WISAIC ) , Madj o by lee oloi > nppll. catloa to huilnuai or study ; novoro moiiul "train or urlor : HliXUAL KXCKdSU.i In inlddltf llfo. or Irom thu elfucU of youiliful fulllui. WKAK MKN AUK VICTIMS TO NKKVOU3 DK. JllLlTVor KXIIAU.STIO.V , WASTINd WKAKNI S INVOLUNTAKV I.OS-JK with KAKLV DBUAV In YOUM1 and MIDDLK Adl'.D ) lack of vl-n , vlvor , and utroiiL'Ui , will ) noxutl orxnns Impalrod xnd woakitnuMvdpramitturoly In approaclilnitold n/u. All yield rcadllr tu our nutr troatmoat fur Inn ot Tltal nuner. Cull on or a'Mruii ' wltli tl&inp l'ir clrcnlarii , free hook anil rucolnti , Dr. Searlcs & Scarles " * ' | - . , ? ; : , , ( . Neittol'aUOmcn- HO\TH. P MurM vrlll bo prcntly benofltod by rains of thn past few Unyn. The report * show no Improvement in the condition of fruit. I'riini .Mlivitirl. Mo. , Sept. 18. The wnixttior crop bulletin of the Missouri wenthor ser vice for the xvcoit curling Soptonibcr 10 sny t Sunshiny tla.vs nnd cool nights , with hotivy rtows , clmrnctcrlzod the week until the 10th , when ono of ttio most Konornl und bunntlciiil r.ilns of the son cn tiptnti , cQntlnulnir throuL'hSaluriln.v nlcht ntitl aunilny. A ino.it consurviutvo 04tltnnta pliicoi the uvcrata ; fnll of rain In ttio stnto ut ono inch , nntl , con- siitorlnc the iirouth , the rcstilli of tlio recent - cent i-itln urn obvious. Plowing cnn no v bo fo.sii niLHl nm ! pushed to Rood ntlvnnttiRp , nml the smull whuat muvago weviouslv rcporicd will bo incrx-usi'd to nl least uu itvontpo. TliU rain ( ins ittlvnnced late corn beyond nil daiiRor of drouth conditions , but nn early frost of suniulcnl Intuiisity to ilainiiKo the lowland crop U lii'cntly feared , ns ninny tanners nliu-o Octo ber 10 us the earliest , tlntu of ssiurcil satolv , Theoitrlv plant bus tnnturcd llnrly and cu't- tlnp hns ulrcady ontntnoncnd in tnnny of the southern countloo. Under the Inlhionco of cool weather nml heavy duw'.s pustnros nnd stoclt hnvo unproved silk-Inly , nnd the recent ruin will proclndo what pYotmsou to bo a dellcloncy in full pastures nnd consequently early fccdlni ; of htoclt. Jrlsh potntous nro very poor. Sweat potntous nro very po r. Tobacco , cotton mitt xnrchuin ate lit fair con- illtlon. Frin * . prospccis t'onttnue to il cell no , nml ti vorv siniill j-lelil Is expected. Thu nereaiio of clover seed la below that of las * year. Xi-lirasliit Prc > | ii'rti. CltHTn , Nob. , Sent. Ill , | Special to Tun 13it.JVcathtif : : crop Imllctln No. J.M of tlio Nobrusla wenthor service , Issued from Its central olllco , Hoiwoll observatory , Do.uio college , Crete , for the week ending Tuesdny , Sent , l.sa.ys ) : The week hns hi < i n rather too eopl for tlio host rliiDiiliu of eiirn , Tlio toiniioiiuimt luis bran ovi > fv hero low , iivonifflnii aliout . ' 1 = l , ltw ) tiio normal. Thuro linvo bi-on silent , frosts over tlio slute KPtiur- uliy. but no iliiiiiHsn has I OLMI roporli-il , HID rainfall has lieeii Imlow the ttvi < rii8U In nil sections , unit wllh few oxeulitlons bus boon less tlinii half n n lin-li. l-.Motidi-i | spoi'ial n'liortN from u Inrue iinm- horiif repnrturi Intlluiitu the followliu fuels with re-'iird to the corn et-ons There Is on the whole a very sllcht Inureascil neioaizo us L-OIII- pnrnd with last year. Iliiilnunmsolielnij pHitel- jmlly In tlio nortlu'iiMlmiil hotilliwt < st see lions : tliero was u Hllihl ilouroa u in thn soutliuast nnd northwest : the ustlmiauii yield | iur uuro If not Injured by frost will averauo from twenty-live to thirty bnsln-ls. resulting In u tot.tl docro.iso of tho. crop fur thu state us compared with lust your of about l.i per eont , the finuiest decrease bontK In the oasiern sec tions : thn avcrnitu tlmo yi't roiiulrod to niii- titro the bulk of the eroi > Is about two weeks. Onii | lirpnrt. UBTIIOIT , M lch. , Snpt. til. The weekly re port of ilio Michigan wouthcr service bureau issued today snows that no decided improve ment has talten place In tlii' crop conultions In the southern counties. Pastures are mill in poor shape , and corn , potatoes und buck wheat nro not much better. 'Later crops buvo been sliphtly bnnclHcd by tveent lifjnt rains. Oats are reported "smutty" in some counties and Irom Lemiwo coui.ty comes thu report tbut Uio worm Is desiroyitifj tpo tomato crop. Some corn Is bclnn cut In ihosouthnrii see tlon anil threshing of small Krnln Is almost dono. l ull sowing Is back ward on account of the mound boini ; too dry to work well. In the northern nnd central counties the condition of fruit and coroaU Is reported excellent. Corn nnd potatoes are in line Bhnpo nnd nro bcuif ! bnrvestod lu some localities. Frosts occurred In all soo- lions of the stuto durini ; tha week , but only slight dnmago is reported. lawn's Krpnrt. Dns MOINKS. In. , Sopt. lit. The last weather crop bulletin , Issued this morning , states the tomperaluro has been U3 or ! l = below tbo normal ; rainfall plentiful. Corn U progressing slowly , nnd the bulk of It will bo safe by the 2f > lb. The soil Is in ex cellent condition , nnd u creatly Increased acreage in being planted in consequence. Pastures and Into potatoes are much Im proved. J'ho weather report Indicates dnrn- ajjlng Irost Wednesday. WIIKPIXO WATKH , Won. , Oet , 23. ' 1)3. ) Dr. Alooro : My Dear Sir I have Just bought the third bottloot vour Tree of Lifo. It U indeed a " 1'rco of Life. " Doctor , when you so kindly pave mo Hut Ilrst bottle my right bide was so lame and sere nnd my liver en larged so much that 1 could not llo upon my right Hide at all. There was a soreness ever my kidneys all of the time , but now that trouble is all ovor. I sleep just ns welt on ono side as on the other , and my nleop rcsU and refreshes me , and I feel tlio best I'vo felt In llfteoii yoars.and I know that it U nil duj to your Tree of Llfo. Yours very truly , D. bV Uuni.ur. For sale by all druggists. ' Auiztiii/i' . > Aiiiiiinl Jtrport nl tlui Tcrrllorliil liovitriiDr Alailo I'lilillr. WASIHSOTON' , D. C. , Sept. 13. The annual report of N. O. Murphy , the governor of Arizona lotritory , snys : The population of the territory has considerably Increased dur ing the last year , and numbers about 70,000. The immigration has t > i > cn of n most doslr- ublo character. The total assets vuluo of the property of the territory i ? I'-JT.Oill- 102. The rate of taxation on every 8100 is $3.27. The governor insists that tno present system of lovr valuations and high rates of taxation is misleading utid Injurious and cal culated to create fnUu impressions with in tending immigrants and Investors. 'J'ho cat tle raising business of the territory has not been prosperous during the past two yours. On the other hand , there has been a steady advancu in the parmnnont Interests of ttio territory , especially in tbe agricultural anil fruIt-raislDgdlstrluts. Agriculture , Horticul ture and irrigation are rapidly increasing everywhere throughout the state. Nearly KiT.OO'J ' acres of public land weto entered last year tiy persons seeking homos. Mining hns uoen exceedingly prosperous , and , contrary to general expectation , the silver product hns not materially decreased. The total mineral output is vnlucd at SK)0,000 ! ) ( ) , which is on increase - crease of ubout $ ' 2,000,000 ever last year. The governor earnestly r ceo mini ! ml a that the urla lands of Arizona bo coded to her. The governor further recommends that tho' mineral and coal lands on the San Onrlos reservation bo opened to development by white settlers. Congress IH nskod to nppro- prlato rcuBonublp sums for artesian well- boring , and to properly equip the territorial militia. It : concluding Ins report , the gov ernor nuiKfls tin earnest pica for the prompt ndmlsilon of the territory Into tbo union. Too .Miuili litn Orciini , H. C. Holircr , agontof the Missouri P.icllo | railwayNow II nvon , Mo. , says : "I auffcred a great dual ono hot ovonlug last wouk , ( July Ul. ) hud nnten ice cream for supper , nnd theroscoincd to bo nu irilurnal conflict going on. A traveling man said ho had something In his grip ut the hotel that lui.bolioveil would relieve mo. and producing a small bottle tlo of mculcmo gnvo mo u dose. 1 felt batter , and in n fi.-w moments took nnothor do-io , which entirely rellqvoo mo. J bollovo that such a medicine is worthy of rccommoniin- lion und that u uhould bo kept lu the housu during the summor. The hottlo was labeled ( Jhaintiorlaiu's Colin , Cholera nnd Dlarrhop Uoiuctly , " For Halo by druggists. .lli'xlun .Mum Jcoiioiiil/n. ; CUT oi'iMr.xico , Mux , , Hopt , 1 ! ! . At the opening scsjioit of congress on Tliumtlay next , after the president's niognugo has been received , HID minister of tlimnou will proton t u proposition embodying n llnanclul plan , tha culmitmtlngobjoot of which is the iv-onnb- llshinontof the cqiilllhrlum of thu budget. Tt.u oiilimco. it uppBiirK , bus boon lost through ruin of crop * and the ilucllnu In silver dur ing the past .year. Thoroforri tuu uovorn- liiont liaa deciiUnJ to ec.onoml/.o and U preparing - paring to Impose froth titxe * on Imports , und It is tlio intention by no means to In- crur.sn the public dnbt 1 cent by fnish loans. rroiniru It Iti'liii-A l.niivini ; llmnr. Thrco yoarj a < ? o , wtillu Iv , \ % vi iting rola- tlvos at Iligirlnsvlllo , Mo. , I was suddenly t Ken with colic and Hov ro pnlnn in the atomnch. My rcUtlvei sent to Uio doctor for madlcltio , und ha suut mo a botllo of ChutniK'rlaln'ii Colic , Cholera unU Dlurrhiea Hcmody , tolling the Dourer thut if ' .but medIcine - Icino did not uuru mo ho could not proturlba nnythlng that would. I mod It una wu < t im < modlatuly relieved. lltsitv A , TuovmiM ,