(5 THE OMAHA DAILY MKE ; WEDNESDAY , SBPTEMBEH II , 1802 , THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Unmoru of Treat Advanced Corn Over Two UeuU Ymtsrday. OTHER CERFALS ALSO IMPROVED \\licnt Wu n Hlmde rirmnr ill llm Opin ing on tlio Ilicri'iiMIn the yimntllj il rioin mill Whi'iit mi Ocrnn l'i niir < 11. A bulRoof over2o n CIIICAOO. III. , tijpt bn. wllb n.uuli atlf ndntit cxulluinuiil wus wit- tiUKSitd in llio corn tilttoday. Thoadvalicu was largely duo to tlio report of frosts last nUht which It was thought mint have materially Injiiiod the crop und that nnd nuvuiufrosts wvro roared tonight. 'Ibis , lakon' In ijnnifuo- III n with Iho l.ito .ovurninunt n iwrtiilaiiiiu whorls and Marle.l a blx liit'i of cm-urine. AII thuotlKir markuts on Uiu ll.mr were nforo or le.s alfcctiid by thu action of Ihueurn mnri.ut. Jnipio emrnUov ir yoilur.lay's clinln * wuro oireclod as foll'nsVtifiitabout \iV. \ o .11 ? 4' . ' . lie Thnro wuan m'lHiiUon in | nirk from lie to lliusoud murkot , tSmnlhy Kalnlim I7o per bu. diiu loiinf.nor.iblu ciop nuws. Thei'hnrlers wirulioivy , nmo'intliK I ) lll.iOJ bu. uf whoa und . 'il..WW bu , of oorn. \Vhoit : wus u shade llrmor at tbu opunlni on tlm ducruiisii In HID iiiantltv | of Hour anil whi-atoiiocimii II.IHIIW. Tlm iipwunli tend- riiey was iilduil by lliu nx'U.pts ul Llii K" lwliia foiiBldorably under HituiiliniiHi' ' ' , lury co'.il wuiither reported in thtr nortbwcsl. iid- Hint thu loci'lnti nn 1 v con from Minneapolis fallen off consldur.ibly dnrlnt lliu I jt WUI-K owiiu to wet weather , HID sl nal scrvlcu pru- dli'llons of froht In lliu northwest and the " ' ' ' ' ' ' 'Vl'if'illitiii'S'l'iix Inlluijiicoi wuii ; ( lovurnor rowi'i'snrilur Uml tliu Blxty-iiintli luicliiiuiit Mioiilil nrojuxl tol'liu iHlnn.1 to uniililc lAs- fct-naiTi fiom KIIIIIIIO to l.iiiit lliciis. lliu li"l " ; l . III -III tllU I'.tlLlllll UHl " 'I 1lH'tUllH-l.WIW ! | ) ) Hiiiinly iiiul tliuuiniur touo of curly hn.ilMli fiiiili'H. I hu voltiniuof tratllnx " < " " * " 'Ol1- ' NUWH WIIH Mini In ftuin Iowa tlint tliu uvor- n u ylulil of winter whuiit in tli'it slutu wus liliii. . uml liifoii. of sinlinr. Wlillutliosu WUP.S nut niiiul to HID lilK y.iildi of IUHI l'ir. : ' inu I'.iilii'r uliovu thu iiv : r.iiu ; for 11 surlu > ) of 'in ' corn , oponlns truilrs t-ru at from \v to Vuiiilviinijiuml nnilur mi tir unl ili'iiinnn mill Iliulluil oirnrlnvH tliu niurltut m'.il n | > with KOIIIU tuuullon ? ( o. this louii Htiilu niporl wliluli Ciinio In uuiislni : tliuuurly Hullers to tuiu miy- iiri , 'riHHHtiitcinunt wiisqiiiln InilllMi , Hiiviu tliu im \\cuk wttH cool , uml llttlu proijriiia iiiiidc , mill reported .tlio uoiulllluii ut iA pur cunt ituruiiauinll ( * pi-c ri-nt ylulil. uimiit ( .1 pur luntof mi iivuniK" crop , r-uvi'iu fruits Du- torn Iho itttli uoiiiil miliicu llm outlook niulu- Hiilly anilU ! iiuruunt will ruiiilru | lliu wlmlo month to inntiiru Tliu wuiithur Ijiiiiiau nrciljctlnz liuavy frosts InnlKlit In Wlscons'ii , lowii. NuDrajKu. mid iiioli.ihly ll'-'hlln K 'iniiM. norUiorn Missouri mid norUicrn ll.lnols , cruuloil ixn incniaHud < 1cnliinil , tniikliii ; Hliorts nolii llttlu nurvous , uml in ii n v liiiMioni'il to eovurj llm niiinlluroH- tliniil for tomorrow of .IU oars also linvliiK the sumo Inlliiuiu'u. Tlio imirkut rtilud 14" lower nflur Uiu liulgn , changutl some nml elovd with n K'lln ' of If jo. Oats wiirooulul toilay. tlii-m irUrt following corn prnttyolotiilv. Trade waaconllnod nrln- cllially to thu Muy option. > 'lliu provision niurkut was iluprusiuil for n lion tiiiiii nu.ir thi ) opi-mii i by lliu Imiivy ru- culpiR of IIO H. hut lutiT tlm hL' udvmicd In cm n. with a proipi-cllvo fnrlhiir nilvanci ) . hlionlil frost inaturliill/i' tonl lit , caused seine roH'Hn : hy Nliorls ni.il In llinfiid tlm iiiniKut fopcnnii ) iiiitu | Htion/ mid i-lmutl Buiu-niliy ) illici tli.in on the day hufurn. I'orn N luu In lior for UctolH-r and ISc for .lantiuiv. Laid for October Is inicliaiiufil , hut l' ' ' c Idxlivr for Janiiuiy Oulobur rlln am nnchaiuud and .liiiiniiry 7'ir ' lilchor , hti-miur was u buyorof rllmon MifiHpolH. The Ciiilahy I'.iokliiK coin- jiiiny urni sulllii'- ribs , l.nd and IMIIK for .lan- umy dnllvi-ry. ll.ililwln W.IH a bnyurof .Ian- nary porK , which ho sold out later in lliu KCS- CIOII , I'liuii ) W.TH a fnlrilomiinil for \ussuls mid a firm inailiot nt.'J'jU for whc.it anil.c for coin to llnll'alo , mid "u fcr corn and 1' c for oalH to Port Union. Knllmalcd rcculplH for tomorrow : Whu.it , 410 cart ; corn till earn ; oalu , 'Jiu cars ; ho , , i".iuOU llUJll. Thu iradliiK futures ranucd as follows : Aiiiiri.r.s. OI'P.V num. Cl.osi : \ViiH.\r M > 'i h < > | iteintjcr. . . Octulier . . . . ; tw ? ' . * 74K , 7IH.HK l > icuml > cr. . . " "sdOt I'OIIN M ) , t hrpti'iubvr . . 47'g ' 4SH Octnl.cr ( S Wny C/lriNo. ' . ' hi'lilcinlicr . . IlIU , 31) ) , ( ( < > < DitnliiT. . . . illft.'liu , Mity JIlHH I'OIIK - October U W II 1.1 10 20 Jnnnnry , . . . II 'i 12 10 II IO is o ; > u l.AIIII- October 7 ( VA .Innunry . . . . Ii H it C 75 blinitT Kins Hcpti'Diber . 7 ? : , 77.1 7 75 7 TS October 7 M 7 70 7 U 7 70 January . . . . U 17' ' , Ii Wi U 17- ! , U Wii t asli ( [ notations Mere nh 'OO\VH | | : Kl.ntlli hteuily. uiiehauped ; winter pntrnt , MbWCJ.wi ! ntrlnhts. ja.4Wl'0 : sprun ; . $1.0 it , MJ ; hpilnk'HtiaUliis ; . ; , < ; ur , > . WMKAT-NO , 2 spring , 7IIVi5t7a'c ; No. a iprlnR , CMti'Hc : No. 2 tod. 7i'i''i.7ij. : ' ' ( ; COIIN Sleiidyj No. . ' . 4bicNo. ! : a , yellow , 47to 47 'sc. ' OA'IK No. ' . ' , i4 ! > < ( ; No. 2 white , a.'ii ! } ! : No. a White. : cH9lle. IHK-No. 2. Sfi'Sc. ' lUltl.KV .No. 2 , fpJ < ai.7c ; No. . ' ) , f , o. b. , 40 ® C4c : No. 4 , f. o. b. , , .l/i:4.'ic. KI.AX HIKI : > No. 1 , * . ' 7. TIMOTIIV t-nKi--l'ilmo , fl.fis. I'oilic-.Moss , per bbl. , jlu.islftio/j ) ; Inrd. per llinibH , $7.l ' /ift7.l.'i ( ; short IJK | | , sides ( loosol , I7.7uii7.7."i ; dry salted shiiuliieis ( Dovi di. liiOJ Q.7.IHI ; .shorl eleal sides Ihiixedl. JT..l'iys.U , ! . Wiilstiv Distillers' llnlhhed noiidM , per ial. , tl lf > . SlIllAHH-Ciit loaf , VQl.1it ; ; Kiaiiulated , 5V ; Btnndiird "A , " ft' . . ItuiolptH nnd shipments toduy neiu as fot- lowt : tn ) the I'ro'luen nxc'han : o tod.iy tlio Inittor nuiilict. was iiilnl | : fanry rro.imury. 2l5W5c ; line niiuturn , 2t'iS.'ai ; ; oullnary , n ' ( [ .lhu ; line dalrk'i ) , 205tJ2'ie. ' KIUH. Nloady , 1SW kyv. NIIW Vurk Unmet I. NBW Vonu , Sept. ia.-rLotiu-lieoulpu. Hlluo pkKH. : oxporf : , H.iHl bbiu. and : niw : acliK : salosII,2.o bbls : Htoady , bolturunnianil ; MlnucHUIa clear , MOOQa ft'Jj patents , tl.251Jsl.75 : rye mlxliiruH , W004W.ri ) . COIINMKAI. rfleady but qulul ; yullovv west ern , tao.tta 10. WllKAT Itt'celptH , 027,201 bu. ! uxporlx , 250.HOO bu , Mules. l,4il..ntu hu. of futuien , jui.o.lj bn IlHpiinir. 77o Options modurataly actlvn' and Irnuular , opunliiK ICf. ie up -furelmi buy- liiK nnd ou Dm doorcase In 1'nL-llsh anil fieo recolplH. upviinieil , wu with corn , hhorls cuvciliiK , loiutud ! | 0 mid closed Hiendy at Itvi : Nomln.il : wunti > rnniC08u. lltiu.uY M.ti.r Nomlnnl. Coit.N Iti'i'Olpls , IH7.Wbu , ; lupnru. 7. * > 00lin.i Miles , IVIKO | ) bu. of futures. 2r'o 0 hu. of sntit KIIOIH iiiorii uctlui , Ilrmi No. 2 , AllliWiTu In elevator ) i.Ko nllo I ; un''railed inlMid , ft7 > i'i fiOc options mlVamiMl | it ; i4u on ivporls of frost and deereiiso In ainiiunt on piibnatc. dii- ollni'd U'tOSoon roall/ln. ' , oloilnc ilrm at | i4a lu over yi'sli'iday , Hui'tciiibcr , ftDJifiD'i'U1. cilimuiu ut ATSut Oulobur. fa'iUATUe. L. OMlm ; , , t . W1S ; .NoM-'iiilur , fwi.w 7Ue. e mine at ft7 ! { : Deiembei1. ftilMtMUl' . oloslnu at ft7U ! May bT'tiC-'ikWu. ' eliiiliis iituS o. ' OA1BIteeelplK. . 15I.IKH ) bu , : uxporlx , OJJ ; iil : n , J''M't'U ' bn. of futnrus. 2o.voo ! bu or liut. HputH iiotiMi nnd llrnu ri options , fairly net vi > , troiueu riuoloinhor , U.si.ffuti. , ' u oniiu at a-y : octobur. : wi6 ( a.0l | ulosluit at aOo ) Niiviiinlur , a'J'iQilne , elus- lint al 40u bid : No. ' . ' Ni'ut , wblliN ao' ' . WJUo : inl-xt'il wcBli'rn. MHiti'J'.Ju : whltu wt'sturn , : UIB 4 fin I INo. . 2 t'lilcauo. a-JUU.l\i'c. ! llAV Hull and ktuadyi uood to cholci' . HOCt I ) ' c i lloi'H Quiet , omlorj 1'iiulllu uoant. li > Q.2.'c , htuiAii Uaw , linu , uulut ; n- lined iniidorutely nrtivc , llriu. MIII.AHII'oiel n , nomlnuli Now Urloani. rtuil , Ktuiidy , KICK Hloadyt fulriy aetlvo , lllirTiii--.Modiiriilely : ilrniuri orcnincry , ' . 'ftii Sft'sct ' ivluln. v.'Kifajji- , CIHIKI'a : : : | rilun ami and tttundy , I'm IIIDNHtundy und ijulot : American , ClII'I'ttHVVl'UU I III k , f 11,25011.40. IIAI ; > - Mtuidyi domoKtlc , * l.ii5 TINICaalor _ ami ntuatly nl vtralts , 'UuiiH-Kiilr , Ilrm domundi wonturu prlmo , l'UiU2' . > ot v ltirn , poor , pur cabc , ( | . ) .4Jftw. } KecolptK , 11,20.1 puvkiiuui. Wi ill1'iUrly nolhu. II r ml domiiytlo llouco , 1'tff.aftoi pulled , 2 < Kiti'.V ! TOXIIH , IMC''Ic. roiitt Dull but tlrm , cm luuntii dull but ituudyt iiilddliti uuloli Jurd ijulott wcnturn ituuui olonod al li.TiRikeUi nului , 490 tlurcv * nt I"7"7.7M option * alpn. 7.V ) tlcrcfj * : Pep- tt'm'.ori'ljvilutli. ? ! ) : zn tierces October , 177 : Ul ) tlclci't January nt 17 15. SI , t.miU 'Mnrkrti. PT. l.ouii . Mo. , Copt. II I'tMUn Sto'idy and , . , WIIKAT Illabor. nnd thoii.'h all the ml * vanee w.-n not mulnt. lined , the closn was UW Jitf ubovo ve tenlny ! c.isu. Oiici October. elosuil at 70Uu ! December , TIUOTPict May , on-W.n higher and firm closed IftlSu abovn yc lonlnv. ensh , 4) ) ' < i'i September , 4i4 : October. 4ic ! ; Docetnbur , I5ici ! year. 41'i'- ' ! May. 43Sc. OTi < HlKlicr biitniow : cash. .Tic : Septem ber , 3iUet Oulobur. aicl M.-iy , . ! 'iic. ! Kin-rirmor nt n ( V.i' . HAUI.KV Market not f ilrly opened , small dales of choice Nnbr.iskj at t/ic. HllAN ' ( . 'unit ntl7JC. " HAV I'lichuiiKi'd : prulrl < ! , 17.001 timothy J8.51 tt2.rn. ! J.KAii-Sti'ady nt M.rt ! I'l.AXttRI'.DJim ( I at ilm. Htmrii I'ncliMiisiid atvta7. > o. K < iis-llotterfit In1. C/mx MHAI. .guiet at 111532.20 , \Vin itv rtK'iidy ntSI.'u. lUdillNil Unehuiued lit r.'tQ-'Vc. lltox l inoi T1K * UtiuliHnJcU atll.10. ritoviHlii.NK Hlondy-hut Blow , with only a job trnnde al pruvloiM iiUDt.ntliiiis : pork , Job- Ill in. , I M.7.1. lilril , K.iMit * . : * ! . Iiry salt tn'-alB , loosHloln , . < houldor.-l. Ji.lW : | cn s and ribs.f''S : Hbortp , tr.pn ; Inn oil lots lric tniiro llncon , Rhouldur < it7..Mi tonin nml rlb , t .uiiii shorn , WVi. rTtiar eurwl Tums , } 1I.ftJ il2.5j. Ur.OEli'lH I'loiir. 4,0-fl bbln i wheat , 114,000 bu.i corn. M.ooo bu.i balk , 44,000 bn i rye. II'OIIDI b.ulcy. notio. Hiui'MK.NTrt-riiiiir , 1'I.OOJ bbh.i wlieut , 61.- Offlibu.i r.orii. 17irw bu t bats , .ia,00 ! ) bu , : rye , fi.O o bu : barley , mine. KIIIIIIIH Oily .M K'ANR R CITV. .Mo. . ' Hupt | .l.--\VnmT Moro autlvi ! . Bloaify ; No. 2 I'ard , old , Mo ; now , ( XJU 4Kiijci M ) 2 red. lil'iB. ' Oc. Cnit.v- Dull , but Htioiu nnd lo hlK'hor ; No. 2 fnUod. 4lu ; No 2wblli > , 4 > rtrj > ; p. ( ) ATt > I'll m aii'l In fair demand ; No. 2 mtxi'd. 2iW. ' > 7Uc : No. 2 while , ajli KVK I'jrin : ftlUittftlo. Kttxiiii > Htrnnu al ( rJ llllANS'eak \ ; SMCkod , M. | ! AV Stumlyi pr.ms unclnnjed : tlniolliy , tJ.ftW.tMi prilrii.1. tl.UO&tr.U ) . * Ilirrrnu In falrhitppy : ; croamury. ISU'-'Sci daily , I''niSi- . KiiH-Moro : iD'llvc , llrnj ; cnniUud ; , 1'e. HRUKii > r < Wlieut , ii.oouuu.i corn , 21,000 bu. ; nnlii , 4ixiO 1m Snii'Mic.NTX Whom , : i5tuo bu. : corn. 0,003 : dais , inme. NIMV Voili Dry.Oiiinl , .Mifliol. NKW VitltK , Sept. ia.--Thn mnrket for dry Koods wits ijiunt on llm nuot , but there was u good mall recorded tiadu Thu ucst continues lo send In nuniuioim and liberal teipiusls for replenishment , Indicating an aetlvo d.htrlbu- lion of business. The market Is probably more bare of uood/ " than a week IIHO , as tbo movo- nient has been laiuo of into. I'rlcus remain Ilrm Kcnui.itly und theie IH si. 11 an upward tcndcnuy In certain Huollons. Thu llurkely No. Ul canibrlUK weru advanced bv agenls today from b'4 to 8MB. Thu print cloth mar ket Is a so mure Ihaii Ilrm. 1'rli.ei wuro less acllve. Oinahii rrnlt . .Mnket. . ( iltAi'EH Home Krown Uoncord Krapos nro jnstvoinmenulnv to nirlvu In liberal qiihn- tllles. They aio iiioicd | at Siftc ) purlo-lb. buHkct. ( 'AMKIINIA nitAl'd Pur cr.ito. { 1.25. ( 'Ai.iKiiMA I'UACiim Per box , Jl.ftOiJI.Ol. CAi.H'oii.MA I'KAtts HitrllctlH , > uarcc. JJ.UO ; olhor Varieties , tJ.ft' ' . 1'i.ujyPer box , $151 , source : Washington plomsiiro commeni'liit to arrive , 1 ! . . " ) ) , Ai'l'l.KS Pur bbl. , I4(0. ( I.Hiirpnol .Murketn. I.lVKiti'OOi , . Hept. la WincAT-Qiilut : bo'd- ers olfcr moderately ; No. I California , I > s4'/4d ' itds ftd per cental ; So. 2 reil winter. 'islld'Ji 'is ll"d ner cent il. Uo eiplsof wheat for lliu past three diiyi , ' 'l'tWU ' ) centals , Including 18J- UOO Amcile in. ( 'DUN riim ; dumind fair ; mixed western , Jsii'.iu ' percent , ii Ituculpls of Ameiluan coin for llm pasl three days. 2. ' , 101 centals. PDAS Canadian , .Is 5',4d per cental. ( Jitlli'tt .Marliel. Ni.w VOIIK. Hcil. | ia. Stfadv. nnclintiKCil to 5 po tils up at oponliiKi closed steady , un changed to 10 points down ; sales. 2a..Vj ) II.IKS. Including ri'plember , 114.110 : Oi'lober. trt7.fil.LUii ( ( ; Niivumbur , fli.l" : > ill.7U ; Ducuniber 5iar > 'i < riia.'n ; . .Innuaril.i 4.Vi6ri. ' > 5 : .March. Jia.l'Wiia.5.i. Hpoi Klo , more active , steaily : No. 7 , JI5.0J. Oin.llni rrnilncii MurlioM. I'OTtroKH7.V3H5c ; swui-t potntncH. 11 , ? % . IliiTiKit I'uui.liu hlouk. iI.Hic : ; choice dairy. I4&2IU. Poinnitv rii'cki'ns. Ou ; old hens. fifi'VJe : rooslurs , ftUilo ; KOCHU and iluciis In poor de- mnnd. Kiiiis-tJencral market , Ili' ' c : somu salus at | 7c. _ ( III .Unrkiit. . Nr.w YOIIK. Hoiit. Kl CoTroNSKEiiOll. Firm and ijnlcl ; crude. 2sU20c ; yellow , .ilc. TAI.I.OW K.rm , qulul ; ciiy ( VJ.Oj forpkas. ) 4 ll-ioai' , ! ' . ItosisQuid , easier ; slrafni'd , common lo Kind.l.22'.J < ai.:7i. : ! Tuitl'i.NTiM : Kirm ai.d ( iiitnt ut23820ic. ! \\ool .Murlict. LONDON. Sept. I.I , The wool Hales opened today. Thuie wnru olfcred I0tii7 bales of mo. Hum ijuu.lty. The attendancu was vurv Inrco anil Iho competition was actlvo for Iho best months of scoured und greased. ( Jotloii .M.irkct. Nr.w Oiu.KANi" , la , , Kupt. ia Stoiily : rald- dllu. . "c : low mlddlln. . djjc ; Kood or.llnary. I'e ; mil ifcu.pls. ' ,714 balus : ross receipts , I.2JU bales ; sa. OH , 2,10) bales ; stock , ij''J'i.l b.iles. HiiMtnii Siiiir | .tliirkct. HAVANA , Hept , ia. h.vchauo , oulet. Suirar. IU | Ut. _ Trailum * lalk. UIIICAIIO , III. , Hupt. III. K U , Koaa & Co. to Duncan. lli > Uliiier tt Co. : Thu wheat markut h.is beun Ilrm from thu oiicnln until the close. Hucumber opumU nt 70'jc ' , und sold ut 7liV' , IIH blub n * ' ( lii , iiiul olmed ut 7ii5 l57iil ! c. While wusuu nothing to rucoinmund bnyln- . wi ) think the pi leu is bafu for InvuHlinciit. Thu end of this month will see lliu heavyweight of receipts from the spring wheat districts , and tills over wu look for lilgliur prices. All tbo contliiKone.es aru In f.ivii'of it. Cables are steady , tliu'llKht Indian shipments shuuld irlvo hUhor jirlccs In the nei.r future. Wo suu Knslish whcatsullin at abontaic , whluh Is relatively higher than Wo me by son.u eentb. Corn has been Iho allr.iullou today. Oclobur opened at 4H'Hc , Mild up to rJiic , and el HUI | at l'JH'iJ4'i'1 ' ' ' i' . Muy opuncd ut 5IHo. BO' ( | up loll.'i , and cl sed ut.'i2J6. Ilell- nblu advices from lliu corn Imlt are that tliu crop will require at least twenty days to mntnio the uuily plaiito.l , und this is lliu IlKhlest p.nt of thu ciop With thu uarly planted In danger tliu latu | i. anted. It Is s.ifo to assnnii' , oannot use ipu serious damaxu by frost. At Dili uritlnn llm outiro ciop IK du- layed by ruins. Our lem.irks of yeiteiilay aru Kood today buy on all wuali markets. Oats have been IIISH active , but they nro Ilrm and wu bu.luMi Kiilnis hUhi'i uiiilhiifo to buy. Heavy receipts of ho-r , uptut ull ealculalloiis of the bull inrty , but the advance In corn huld thu whole linu . Oilli'Aiio. III.opl. . ia. Counselman .V Day to Cockrell CumiiilMi on Co. : Corn wus thu loader mi 'ehaiiKu today , opunliu 3o hluliur , udvanolni : to4'J4ii ' foi Oclobur and ft2ii < ic52ju ior .May , with uullxu Hpeoulatlvo buying on pii'dluiloiu of frott tonight alom ; thu upper I'K | < ) of tbo I'orn nult , but oloiln a lllllu lop- huavy after BhorU covuiud , Whuut oiened Uu hi her nnd In thu face of lliu itunurally benrlsh liilluiilicu ot compar.illvu ruuulptH null shipments and lowur closing l.lverpt ) ' ) ! cables mo\ed up 140 further In sym pathy with othur craln , bill was shiKKlxh thiuiuhuul iiiul non'li'i'ied l < y the scalping uluniunt , h'omu consurvallvu Invosimunt buy , Inu and covcrliiK by local shurts lifted prices as noted , In thu face of uciieral huilliu by lu- cu vt'is and elevator people acahut nutual re- coluti. OatK wuru ijulut but vurv Ilrm with u iruiiurat tnoderato ilumand , anil clmcil 4,0 higher all mound. Pork oliHod from I5u to2au hlKhnron bnj Im ; Indiieml by thu belief In an early uold xpull which will kill both cholera nnd corn. Itlns and laid wuru quiet , with both local and country p.iuUur * soiling siead iy iiKiilnst vtoukHon liiinil to bii made , and the bull uiow.l do L'udly alxorblir offer lift to iitotuut tliulr nea u.Vu think thai Hopiom- lior futures may bu maintained against u much further bioak , but thu Oclobur loud of Inrd und ribs lee > s hu ivy and wu imaln cau- tiim our friends analniit the loiii ; nKlo. Pork Is low onouuh la thu face of the outlook for corn , hut wl I biu.ik honmwhut , Cliltnuo. III. . Sept. II. Kuunutt. Hopkins it Co. to ! - . A. MoWluirlur : U hunt HUH shown \ery little Hlreuijtli cunsiderliiK Iho sharp ad vaiicu In corn , llouvy blocks utohtill too much of a burden lo our uirrow trade to per mit of u bull move , but conditions nru u'lutantly K0tlln > moio favorablu for hulilcis. Ui-coiptH promlbu lo fill oir betuio lonit and ilm bhlpiiiuntit from othur exporting I'uuotrliM nru no lUbt that forei.'n- ori may Imvd'to coino hero for nuarly all tholr Imports. A L-radipilly lurdunliiK markut ls lee ud for. I'roiU It Nubr.iklia and a very builisk. .4 aiu rupoit from low * . uhowliiK Initui iiei- cent of a ctop. opunud pi Ice * ? 4'u hljhur tor I'oiu , but oiU'iiiiKt vtuiu bo llb ral thai a reaction of fa fo Uiwcd. Ton ant noon prt'dlutloiiH of from for tou lit in e > orul I'orn IM { utartud llm markel up iiinlil. Unu did not Hull frco.y nun sliurls hud to cover nlT mull othur , which loaves the in irkut In shape for anolliur boom tomorrow. If tbo fiiHls occur. It louku un If corn would suit 1,01110 hluliur , ProvUloiii wuru r.uhor llrmur.but iiutsliovrliik' no uly as mncli slrunutli as they oiu'ht lu Thuy will probably move up If corn Voiitliiui' * toudvancc , hTOC'KH AMI IIIM.S. Itulliivis lu lliu ( ii-ii < ral l.l tViii Sharply JMnrkoil. NKwYoiiKHupl.l3. Thu took market w s BOtlro In fcpott today , but the dullnvitlu tliu Hit B J won woruiUarvly wtrkcd limn usual of Into , nnd outsldo of the loifllne shares Ihoro wn nothln * in the market Prom the ultor.uices of these In author ty there WAS less prospect of a slrlke on the Heading lines thnii npponrud ycstc-rdar , nut the bears laid special strees upon the | Hisil- blllty of n strike HS well ns choiir.i. the grow ing scarcity of money and the eerier.il belief that further hu ivy shlpmonls of sold will bu til-mo us tiHin us tlm inlcrriipllon lo tr.ms- | Krtntlon olTerud by the quarantine Is re moved. D'l'ho f.-ict thai stocks Imvo burn so well huld In tlui absence of nny or anljod fuipport mill thu evident sl/o ot tno short Interest , which U largely iimonir light operators , cncoutnjod hu bulls , however , nnd every oim"Mlio.i wn the result of siifol.il pressure. Wi stern Union WHU the only prominent stock to show special woaknois. and liven In Ituiduunnd St. I'nil I , wh.ch Rcrn the loadliix active Monks.tho Hue- tn.illoiis weru coiillncd to small fractions utter lliu early rlso of % per cent In Itc.iUlni. thu direct rujiilt of urgency of ihudomand to cover shorts. 'lliu strength In llcadln ? , llurlltizlon and Now Kn land In Iho i-ry dnillu/s soon coined to havu nny uHcut upon the let I of the list. 'Ilm forces nt work In hu n : irknt remained ntilto oyunly bilanced until thu dine nnd fuw chaiiKcs of nolu wer.i ost'ib- llshi'd , except lu lliu Hlooks inontloned. Thu market dually o bsed r.ilher unsattluil on a inoJurato volume of business. The Irnnsnc- llons roachoJ 2'illl < i llHlutl and 11.214 unllatnd. KcHilliig rnnlrlbuted \M < ) , tiovornniunt bonds dnl and slnlo bonds on- tlroly m. ' lecled. The Post nays : Theru was some Irregularity lu the movement of foreign exchange Io'l y. h'erural local bunkers rodncotl tholr posted hterlliu rales for llio IlrU tlniu In many weeks , the K renter casu ! 'i ' oxcli.iiuo lieln : < iuo appnr- oiily ; to an Increase In thu supply of commer cial bills , consequent on the rustor.itlon of ruiiilar tr.ms illanllo Mourners. Notwith standing thu export of more than JA'O ,000 In Kohl since Uiu opunlni : of AuuifRU the govern- inont gold supply , which then touched 111 minimum , has gained slnco th it llinu nearly IIdoi.OJO. The baiikH , which have bcuu paying K'old to tinIroasnry hi exchange for currency lo iihlp wi nl. have nuliirally bcnn depleted In surplus by this vury process ot treasury re cuperation. Thu following are Iho closing qiiotiillons for tbo leading stoc.ts on Iho Now Vork Stuck ox- chaiiuu today : AtcFilfon. uo pid II4 - Ailnins ISxprcsH. . . . . UU . J. Lentrnl Alton , T. II .Norfolk , v W pfd ill ) | iri'fcrrcd IV ) N. American 1 o. . Amcrlcim Kxin | > . . nn Nurthrin 1'iiclllc. . llnlllniora.V Dlilo. . . do pfd , I'll mu In 1'iiclllc V. I * . Den. A. llnlf . 1TK Cnmiilnouthcrn . , Nortlmenlern. . . . 111 ( Vntrul I'uclllc. . . do pfl 141) ) Clii'n , V Ohio 22 K. V. Central CldcuKU Alton . . . . Hi N. V i.V , hint . . . . . lid Iliirgillncjr. . Ontario \ \Vcat . . . Clilcaifi ) tins Oli'Von Imp ( 'unnolliliiti'il ( ! HB . 115 OrvKOti f > iiv 71 f. i ; . I . .V St. I. . . . . . - \ * > . I , . A IT. .N 20 Cole , funl , v Iron. , I I'nclllu Mull lotion oil Ccrtlt'B. tl'.i .IVurlu irc. A. K. . . . 18 Del , llinlHon I'l'lttibiirK 1M I ) . I , , ft W I'ulliunn 1'aliice . . . 7(4 ( llciullni ' ' " ' ; I ) ! A.O. P. Co. . . . . . . Ml-J Itlclitnond 1 cr Kntl Tvnii 4 du pfd. . . Krlu lib ) ( Jrnndo Went. . iln pfit do pfd Furl Wnynu lluck iKlnnil llri'iil Nortliurn pfd. IJ7 ht. UAH K. lalpfit. U. A I ! . I. pfd ' t. I'nul llnrlthiK Vnlh-y. . . do pfd Illinois I'enlriil St. I'unl A oninlia. . 4SU ft I' Alhilulh ill ) pfd Kun. , V Tux , | ifd. . . . honthern 1'nclllc. . . l.uko Krlu , V Weal. S1 * . . .or Itctlncry do pfd Jonn Coal A Iron. . I.nkuHliore I3UM Tttinn 1'oclllc I.i'nd Trim ft' . &O. ( .rn. pfd. . . . fcO I ou my. A Nash . . . ati Union I'aclllc ' I ) . S. KiprefB Manhattan Con. . . . W. B. ! . AT Memphis AO Hi do ptd SlH Mich , i cut 101 Wulln fnreo Kip. . . Ht. .Mliiuiirl l'uc \v > nlurn union Ht.w llohlleA Oblo . . . . 37 Whccllni ; A U K. . . . NitdlirlllH Cliatl. . . . ilo | ifd w Nutluiml C'onlm e .M. A St. I. bid tnnliiiil tcxilU Thu total salus of slocks today were 2C..a81 sliurus IliulnilliiK : Atehlson , 2.70J : Krlo , 10.0JJ : I.iinlsvlllo & Nashville. 4,800 ; North ern I'nclllo preferred , h.f.M ) : Now lai laud. 7.JOO : Iteadlnv , 40,00'J ' : t't. Paul , a4l.M ; West ern Union , J.tui. N uv Vorlt MiniF } ' Miirkpt. NEW VOIIK , Sonl. la. .MONKV ON CAI.I , K.iHy : it 4J45 pur cunl ; lust , loan , liiurui'nt : uloM'd ollt'rcil ut 4 nor cent. I'IIIMK MI'.IIIA.VIII.I : : I'.M'Kit I'SUO per cent. STKIII.IMl HxriUMIK yillllt Illlt Mlollll.V III li.hd'i foi sUty-diiy bills and Sl.hj for dc- iiKind. ' 1 lie olosliiK qiiotiitlons on bonds : bid. lliiMton Mock Ouiitllllolif. ItosTON. Muss. . Sont. la. Tlio following tliu closing Htoolc ijiiotiulons : Sun Kriinclnco .Mining Quotations. SAN KUANCISCO. Oal. . Supt , 111. The ollloml floslng iuiitalluiis | for mining Htocks toJay were us folloWH ! Nuir York .tuning Oui > lulloiH. : Nisvr YOIIK , t-ojit. U. Thu following are tliu clostiiK mining quotations : Crown 1'ulnt M I'lyniiintli 6U Con. Cal. A Va 810 Mi'rrn .Nuvada 175 DonilHuoil 20 Standard 140 ( iiinlil A Curry 85 I'nliin < on 1M ) HnluA NorcroM. . . . 'M Vullinv Jacket 45 llinnuKtiiku Ill ) ) Iron hllvor ia .Mexli-iui 125 ynlck hlUcr SOU Nnrtli htur I..VI do preferred IUX ) tlntarlo ; i',0 tluhvcr SO ( Iplilr. . . . 2iO Ht. l.cniU .Mniini : Stiieli . ST. Louis , .Mo. , Sept. U-.M.nlnc stock ouota- tlont , ; Block. Hid. A V ( > d. Hock. Hid. Asked. I'.it Mnrpliy. . 2 KllZllbftll . . . . 41) 41 Am. Netthi. . ( U < 2h , Cranlto .M..750 775 lllinclulllc. . . . 1000 40 l.nniloii Kliiiinvliil Itnvluw. ( CopyrlKbtfd \ by JauiDs Cordon llonnott.l LONDON , Sept la. I Now Vork Herald Cable [ Hpuolal tu TUB llctl The settlement uhlully encased the atlcnllon ot thu Stock oxjhiniu : today. It lv 9 cause for lltlo an\lely , owliic to the severe depreciation In llio valtioof mint sueunliitlvu becurlllos dur- IIIK the piiHt fuw ( Iay4. Bo far no dUlloultloa havu transijlrod. .Money baa been In uood Hiipply , so tli.it rates for continuation havu been unsy IIH a rule. Consols , ufior flvlnn way ! i pur com , have rocovoruil to Inht nl hl' lirlciM. ludlin rupuo p ipor Is 'i pur COD losvur nolwlthstaniilnc Iho further slight Imt provumuut tn thu line * of silver , llomu r.ill- wiiytt oloso Hat. tlio stock Imvlni ; been In but ter hiiiiply than wiu oxpoutcd , hhowliu that a tiiod diiaT of SDII | | | { has boon donoon account of tlio buna Mile holder * . Nearly a general decline is established , Ini'ludlmr Ifi P'r eijut In llrhihton deferred , 1'i In .Soutlioastorn deferred , H In London and Northwestern. U In Croat Western , and 'n lok \ In olliuiB Amerlu.in railways folloned thu couibo of tlm Now Vork market which ap- potirnto hoeomp etely controlled by a par ticular puny thuro , ut present everything bulii'j In their favor. Thuru has been very llttlo Inniilry for money. Short loans have boon obtained in ! J percent. In the discount mm kot bills have been scarce , thosuoftwo mid three months bu lu iiuotud U to ? i per cent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HAVANA. Rupt. 1:1Hp : inlsh Bold as KANHAS OITV , .Mo. , Kopt. Utourlu.citl.lV'- . ' , - NKW OKI , CANS , ha. , Bopt. , la. CluariiiKs.tl- I'AIIIH. Sept. 1'J. Three percent rentes , lOJf We for llm aeconnt , YtntK. tiept. ia.-CIoarlnss , Hai,700.0IOi balance * , JVIABSJ. IlAi.Tiuoitr , Mil. , Hepl. 13 Oloarlnss. K'.aOO , . 4S.I ; balaucea. JIOJ.2.7. Kato I ) uer cent. I'llil.AliKi.i'ilM , I'u. . t'ept. U-Oloarhus , Ill.'JJ.aoS ; baliiiicui , II.71M.U. Money , Uif I per cent. I.ONIIOX , Copt , ia. Amount of bullIeD Keno Into thu Hank of I.'n lunJ ou baluncu today iU.OX ) . i , Ten n , SopU 13. Cluarlnzs. Iifl | . 118 ; balances , gUl.SH.'V. Now York uxchatuo nt t0. . CINCINNATI , O. , Kept , la. Money , so per cent. New York exchange , * . } u dUeotiut , Hi. l.ui'i.s. ' Mo. , Hnpt. II llalnncec. * MWIOa Monuy qulot at I io7 pur cent. ICxchiuiKu on Now Vork V5o proiulum. llnf-Tux , MUBS. . Bupt. it-OlourltiC8. : tlO.IC3- BUj ) biiluncon , JIM7fU , Monuy , Upor cent. ' Now Yoru , 20a.1o discount. YaiiK. Sopt. IX-lSpuolal Toleuram to Tux UEL--Uichuuio ] ) ; wut guotcU UK follow * : Chicago. 20o ( llicoiiu ) ; Ilouc/n , S5SKOO d I couiilt HU I.ouln. 1 tnin-tnliiiii. CmrAoo , lil. . So pi z auio rJnes. 20.tvi.OMi ( New Vork cxcliatMtf/r-j'c ilitrnunt. Monry llriii nt mttvporconu HterlltiKP.xcliiiioc , Ilrm : GO.day blllx. tl tfl.Ul 'ilbtnbild , tl.fc Jf | Q . i.ivi : .vrot'it .MAitKKTs. llcnttlilnr Tone to , ( fin ( Iciiernl Cattlc-Trndn MOBS Act no nml I.itunr. O * IIA. Sept. It ifccolptsof bplhcaU'pnnd bogi wi'ro ciille | liberal mid iliorower no fresh recidplsof sheep , fiimp.trcd with Monday anil Tnevlny a weak , aso , supplies for Uiu inst two dnvs Dhow a decrease nf 1..VK ) cnttlo mid nn Incro iso of ever 2,000 hogs and 2.0.X ) . Theru wn u nrinur. licnltblcr tone to tliu pcnur.il cnttlo trade.isii/cclnlly vr.n thli trno of thu Bond to cholcu.cirn-fril ( cattle , of which the iiffcrlnsH woro' more liberal tlrih for wi-ous. rililppnm weru lonklliz around and did M > : ne Dlddlnunt loin I linusos , n't usual , did about all the tr.idlni and eio L'odd buyers of nil decent cattle. Nearly 200 head of line fat beeves , averaging 1,4Qnlbs. nnd ilpwnrds. no'd for J..00. and a blK string of fair I,2UO-lb , bee VPS bronjht tl.4lt. Among llio westerns there wcio mil a great many iteors th it could bo called nvtlor than fair , but Hid tr.iile was miHloralcly brtik with prtes ; te uly to HtroiiK UiroiiKhOiil. S-Ies wuro ut from I2.W ) toMSU. A \ cry fair clortranco was finally effoL'tril , Conoidcrlns the rather llbcril rocoldti , tbo proportion or COWM and tnlxod stock wus not e.MessUT ? . 1 hero wuro upward of llfly loads on mile. I'rlcc * ruled nlHiui a dlmo hlxhor Ihaii tlm clone of lust week on all crudes , yales of poor tn prime cons und Im fern wrro .it Irom II.QI tot..W , the bulk of HIM fair t-j good ntuir lit from * l f > 1 i"J0. < . Iliilli. oxen Hiid staffs worn In uootl dumuiid unn Hlriing at from ll.2i to I ' .7.r > . There was no particular chnnuo in the niurltet for calves. H lion of pool to iiod SUIT wcro at from tl.2. * > lo I. SO. Ill thu Btockcr and feeder 1'no llio fcolliiK WIIH < | IIO | HlroiiK nnd all eood olferliiKs mut with a ready snluat KOOII llpures. Ilolli out- HldorSjiind rititnl'ir den er wiinted thucalllo and thu trade wns brlAk. I'oor and under uuluhl Htiitr fhowed no Improvement. ales wuru largely at from 82.25 to (2.75. Huprosonta- No. Av. J'r. 2. 1275 tl 00 HUT.VJ 4 V , OXEN. 10 , 11C7 1 75 hTOCKEItS AND FEKDKIII. UTAH CATTI.K. 4cows 020 140 70cows. . . . 010 200 NKIIIIASICA UATTI.U. II heifers . .10.E ! 2 CO iastocr3..1I75 a 25 tailings. Hoes Thu supply was ralher llhoral , oven for a Tuesday , Uiciu buln uioso lo IbO curs on sale. ItecelptH so far this week ha\u been l.utO he ivlur limn a week a i ) . The quality was about up to Iho usual ivcrauu. KaHlerii ail vices weru bearish , and the mar ket WUH lower from lliu start on all but thu K ul ( to choice huavy hogs. On account of a fair .shipping and specul.itlvo item.mil , UICHU Mild early ut nearly ste uly prices from $5.20 to W.I' ' . I'.iukurn bought the bulk of Iho fair tojiood ho s of ull wulilils at from M.i-5 to { 5.Ior.'io to He lower than Monday. The iniirl.ot rather uruw worse as thu nioinliiK advanci'd , unit ut llio cli o tuo p.iukoi.s weru blddinc from J4..l ) toJ'i.O.'i , or lliu biK-c.st kind ot u lOo lower than .Monday. Mvoral loads wuro mill unsold at lliu close. Thu bl bulk of lliu sales ueie al from f-'i. 5 to $3.20. a aliiht tJ. 15 IOI5.2U Monday. The Kcnoial averano of pi lees paid \vab J'l.il ? , , uuliibi | ; f\0J , Monday and (5.07U last 'I ucsday. Itepicscntatlvu sales ; .WANTED .ToUl l < u. . uf CITIES , 1 COUNTIEB , SCHOOL h * % 7 H 1 W > Jl.PISTRICTO , ZWATER COMPANIES , b. n.R.OOMPANIEO.Mc. Corrrtpondenco nollcltcd. N.W.HARRIS&COMPANY.Dankers , 103-100 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. 13 Wall Street , NEW VORK. 70 State St. , BOSTON. Nut Iff. To nil whom It m iy concern : Tnko notlco that on or about Aincunt 20. 18:1. : ' , I Hovered my connuilloii with t.u : Ilrm of Cotrnian , rimlloy it Co , Uvo utoo. coiiinilhiion mer- ulianlH Ht Hoiith Oniiiha , Neb. That vlncu s.ild ditto 1 liuvo huld no Interest whatever In nald Unu orlts bininens. and vull not bu ro- spoiiHlulo In any way for the debts or contracts - tracts of HHld Drill. T , II. H.M IMJV. rifpt. U. lbU2. HUd at * llliU for lloiuU. The vlllauo of Ooidon will rocolvo Minlod bio for JI.'JI.I worth of walur booiU. The bondh nru f I'JT.M each , 20 ynars , with jirlvlluxu of payluc after.1 yt-iirn. Thu bunds are 7 pur cunt. I'ull liiformutlon oiiu bo obtained by addressing tUii village oler * . MOUIUSON < BlUd't'M Qordon , bborldau Cu , , Nub. lotno nntlvo biros hold over from yo tnrJn.T sold forM.DO ( iond mntton4 nro In fnlr dp- instill nnd steady , I'nl to Rood nntlve * . UTS Stl.tOj f ilrto cooil wcstornn. I..V > 34.20i com mon nnd Mork ilieeo. f--'OitlM : Rood to choice in to Oj-lb. Inmbu , l.waj..w. Itcpro- Rcntatlvo salts : Jf > Av Pr. JOj 01 till ) I0i , in a oj ICrri'lpts anil Disposition of Stork. oniclnl receipts and disposition of took as shown by the booki of lliu I'nlon Stoek Vards comp injr for the twenty-four hour * cndliu at 5o clock p. m. , September l.'tyas \ ni i > oHirioN. Clnr.ic" I , lt Mock Murkrt. III.opt. ! . iL-lSiocl : | l Tulusrain to TIIK llr.E.1 I'r cos on cattio nzuin rnlcil stronn to I ly. Tin * ruculpti were Unlit nml nlthoiicn tliu ilcnnnil wna not IIH actlvu ai wu havoscan It. most Krade.1 sold a lltllu nlRlicr. The i ancral market was fron > 15o toIOc hotter tliur. nt thu worst tlmo last \ruok. Thcru were u number of trades at heltc" than ? * > .S5 mid a few nt from ! . \5J to 83.01 thoiiKh the supPly - Ply of natives all told did not exceed 4,000 lioail. The rpin.ilnilur o' the T.M3 heart ru- culvcil cunslstcd of Tcvnns mid westerns In iibont cnual purls. Tin rixust'ib sola strong , wcslunis huliiKiinotcd iitfrom J1..VJ totl.S.ruinil Ti-xuns at from tl,40 tiitl.'J.\ l.ltlln or iiotlilnK was < tunu In alockur.s mid feeders mid lliuy in n y foe quoted us mvii'ii it at from JI.O'i to I.l.l.Ualvi's were not so plentiful ti forsomo tlmo provlons and HITO ( Irmly hold. They were ( [ noted at from f I..V ) lo J.VHI. Ihoro wus u dccllnu of from 5o to ICu In tlm markut v.ilnu of hojjs. The freedom with wlil-li Iho anlmnl u belnz Henl In uml the Mirirlilir'ly | KOOI ! quality of the current urrlvali iiruvealc - unliu InlliiuncL-s tint tlm m.irkot was tin iblu to resist. It was very Imavy nt tlm dccllim. closlne nt from li. " > tou : foi avor.isos of f rum 150 to l'J.i Ihs. , and at from HU ) to M.l W for Imavlor avurnses. Theru ncro two or thruo trailos nt hlirlier llfiires anil sonio sualpltiK In Inferior stnlT inclining co-irao pr.issors. eiilis and cholera piss nt from 4.ui tol.Vi. There WIIH a llzbt ntipply of t > licep on to day's market , mid a xnoil local mid shipping demand exlBlIn ? , thuru wus a stretiKtlmnlnK of prlet'S. d'ooil to rholuo natlvos weru quoted nt fiom il.M to f" > . .H in | poor to fair sorts were mlaho : at from M.-'J to RO ) . 1'riees for luinlx were a. ion ; also. They rniued fiom J.I.M to } : ) .T : for thin stntr to from J600 to tdijfor cholco. Western slieop wcro 'looted at from JI.'Ti to ? 4.nJ und Tisxans at tiuiiiKIOUto tl.SO. HccelptHi Uattio , 73.0CO ; hos U'.OOU ; Hhoep , "p.OO ' . Tlio Kvciilii Journul reports : OATTI.K Uecidpts. 7.MU head ; shlpmonts , . ' ( .UOij head : market to.tdy to 1 o hUher : extra native's. V > .i VZ6t\y > ; others. W.T.Vil..i.'i ; nlouk- crs. liS'S2.BO ( : Texans. f..Uua--.D'i ; ranirerK. tl'X < a.l.'S : feeders , J-t OJi&.U ! ; cons utU belters. JS..V 2.7 : > . llo 8 Hecelpts.ni.OXlliead ; shipment" . 0.0' 0 : niurkut uctlvo and iV&luc louur , wo.ik ; rouili anil common. ? "i.'ii.fto.l."i ; mixed and pnckun. J. " > .2 ft5.(0 : prlmo hoavv and bntclier- . ' weights , B.t.Vi8"i..V : ) : Ii jlit. $ i.O iti3.Ti ! KKis-urs. tt.y VM. iIteculpls. . 1 .0 0 bead ; shipments , 1. . " ! ) he. til ; maikct actlvo iiiul hi her : rm- ilvuN 9li > ui"i.iJi wcstoins and Texaus , { 4 : tt ; lambs' . M.5aJ. < ( . - ' . - > . Nru \ rk I.UnStocu 'Murkcl. N'r.w VOIIK. Sopt. 111. HIIVESHuoelpls. : : . 1,7'r , liiMd. nil for oxpor ers mid sl.inchtcrers. No trni'.o ; feolinit linn. Dirs'-oil Deef steady at 7@Mo per pound Shipments , today , 7ll'l hi-oses ai.d 1,4U ! ) qnartur.s of beef ; tomoirow , HI bi-oves : md 1-nU qnirton : of hoef. OALVKItccolpts. . 01. head ; market steady : veals. $ j.OO30J per 100 pull'iiH ; sr.issers. t-.uU ' ' . Slir.CIAND IjAMIIS ItcCCltltS. 1I4'I llPJlllj market dull. Sbcep. J4.OuQri.ou per 10J lls ; ; I'liiihs J4..V'i4.r ( ( ; > Ui drui o < l mutton steady at 7i ! 'u per pound ; dressed lambs dull nt ' > ' < . I ii'c. Hens llci-eipts. J.MUhetd , consigned direct ; nominally steadat $ l..r > jtl.oO ( pcrluO Iba. KHIIKIIS City I.lvn .Sloclt Murltot. KANSAS CITV. Mo. . Sept ri CATTLE Ile- culpts , < .i.3)il : shipments. O.KJU. : Miirkul gen erally steady to strong : Texas steer1) sti-ady towuak ; dressed 1icof anil hhipplni ; steers. f-'i" SI.7."i : cows and Imlfeis , ll.'lCdt..dU ; Texas mid Indian s-teers , $ . ' . lO'it' . ' . ? . ' ) ; stouKois and fceilera , fi4Jtt'J.-U lloos Kccoipl" , 7.t : 0 : shipments. nnno : market weak for common mid nmdluni , cholcn heavies stroiu : uxtiumc rmi u of prices , il.'M < & : > I ) ; hulk. W.roiavJi SIICEP Itcculpts , C30 : shipments , nonu ; mar ket steady ; muttons , f I.MVIil.T.'i. .St. I.oulK I. l\n Stock Mitrkrt. Sr Ijoui" . Mo. , Sept. 111. CATTLE Receipts. J.-'UJ head : shlpmuntMd Imail : nmrktjt htrous : fair to cbolcu native Hloers , $ . ' ! ' . ' .Mftl.f.0 : fair to Kood Toxus und Indian stuci.s , } J Sj44 8.I.'J. > . lloos HecelplB , 4,10 } houd ; shipments. 1.7CO head : markut .Vitluu funt-r : huavy , $3.u.ft 1.ju : ; pa kliis.tl.Sitt.2l ! lU'ht.tVO ® i. 3. SiiBlil' Itetrolpts , ' . ' .IIOO bend : shlpinontH , 2 0 lucid ; market strung ; fn.r to best muttons , ' Thos. U. Cralz , ojitor nnj publuhar of tb New jluveu ( Ato. ) Notes , kavs : " 1 havu used Clminnoflnin's Uollc , Cholera and Diarrluua Itcmeiiy with grcnl satisfaction for thuailniunts of ray children. " ForsulB by druggists. The Fidelity Trust lioinpitny lists ro- movccl its olllcc to 1702 Kirmiin , fioutli- ciiBt corner Bee I'oii can't br- Ucve some ilcal- crs nlwnys. Tlioy \vnnt to tell the medicine that pays them the Ini-Rcst profit -v'lat' ' J'011 wwit to buy is the ono that does you the moit BOOI ! . Which ono is It ? Sometimes , it may ho A matter of doubt , lint in the cao of Dr. I'icrco's Favorite Prescription , thci'e's nd room for doubt. It'u a matter that can bo proved. With the facts before- you , It's nn insult to your intelligence to liuvo something OM ) offered as " just as good. " And hero's the proof : AmonR all the incdlcinos that clnim to euro woman's JH-CII- liar weakneshos , irroKtilaritios. and discuses , the " Favorite Prescription " is the only 0110 that's { fuai-anleeil. It it doesn't do all that's claimed for it , if it doesn't benefit or euro , in every case , you'll hnvo your money buck. Tliero'ii strength and vigor for every tired nnd fecblo woman , health and a now life for every dclicato and ailing woman aud if there's 110 help , there's uo pay. SOUTH : OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. llust cnttlo , hoi ; and suuop markut In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & FRAZIER LIVJ3 bTOOK Tiiic JIADKKS. : S ) 3 tlus H ] , Wood Brothars , toutb Omaha Tolcphouo II > 7. - Chleago J. 1) . DADISMAN. i W. Ii. WOOII. fSUniWOH. Market reports by mall aiiJ wlro chourfiilly fnrnUhcd upon appllc.itlon. _ - TH B - Campbell Commission Co. ChleiiL'o , E'lblHt. Louis. Kansas Clly , South uinalu , Sioux Oily , Port Worm. A. D. Boycr & Company , Maud .VI KvulriiKO llu lldlu ( , South O n tu k CorioipoiKlem'o sullcltoJ n4 iiromptly miiworJl hpeclnl mtuniliia tu or.lurJ fur ctuciuf .V Imilur ) . KdatilUlivd , 1881 , - IncuriiorutjJ.IJJI Capital f ullr I'id.l . , I.M.WJ. Waggoner Birney Company Wrltuor wlro u for prompt au.l rolbtbla Perry Brothers Company , LlvuStoj'c Commission. Uoom H l zuliango llulldln ; , buutb Omalia U'uiuphuuo 1707 , OMAHA AWNINGS AND THNT3. Omaha TcflU.\\vning \ \ Co Wolf Bros , i Co. Trnl , nwnlni * . tarpnti * Flac * . lmmniook ollnn.l Mm. OOTCM of nil klmli. rubber clothing. Son I . bnnner , etc Son I ( orcafeuo. 1113 Kitrnnni iH. Ittlli 13ACS AND TWINKS. UcmisOniali.iI.ii ! C3 Importon nndtnfn.Moiir aacka , burlnpa. ( nine. HICYCLK3. M. 0. Daxon , Hlcyeln . ' " 111 on innnlhlr pnymonU. I JO V. litli s BOOTS AND SIIOUS. Morse-Coo Shoe Co. 1IOJ Howard Stroel. Factory corner lltli nmt Doml-mtrpjU. \\onroni-ulnytclon ) prlom to . 'uhbiroM .in I nro allliiiraclmi of voojt trhlc'i l < vorjr s.ilo.v'jlj nltli nicrchiati. Kirkcndall Jones & C9..lnipr.llinJScweiISi9cCo | , ! SH'fiJlKr ' $ SS " - ' - "Wr ifflbbj7i ? 11UJ UUl-llUi ( HArncr-3 I I-ll KOUu . . ( ItiUj 1J1U Ilnrnor-st. CLOTHING. Blotcky & Cohen t' , notion , furnli'.i- INK * ( lire in n trial. Bntnplci prep-ill ! br or pros * . IIU llnrnur. COAL , COKE , COUNICK. Omalial'oal.Coke.Liine Co Eagle Comiw Works Mfrf. fralTnnlzcd Iron Hard nnd sOftcoaU P. U. , cornice window , caps . Ititb and cur. . . mctnllc nkjrllulits. etc. nreeti. 1110 , 1112 DodKC-st. GOODS. JL K. Smith i Co , ick K'och Dry BOOJs , notloni , fur- Ory Knoll Co. Notion * . nlnhlni ; iioud * . Cornier Rcnln * fiirnlatiln ? ffjoJi IItil iin , ] Howard-its. Cor. lltli aiJ Hoiv.irl. FURNITURE. Oraalia UpholsleriDg Co , Ilccbe Ilunyan p'JiNtHrul fiirnltiirt ) , Furniture Co. . ( Jruco an 1102 I 1UI v'lcbolni Utlntroet. \Vliu leaalo only. GR3CERLI35. | I ) I J J 5 , E-'J. - D. 31. SICC1C& CO. like , Bruce & Co IOtU uml llurn-jr str U.nalm 1 > ; tO0. [ AIS KOU LlUX'TION OP FCiIOOlj -L bullilliiKS. U. S. lii'l.an > urv lui > , Ou : ili.i nn \Vinnobaxo I Aucncy , Nc.- ' ) . \V Innob.igo 'I linriton County , Not ) . . August 2J , 1 J. . Se.iled proposals. 3nilorsoil "I'ropjsals for Kroullnn -cliool lltilldln.'i , " und aildrussuU totlie niuk'r l niid at WlnnobH o. i linrston County. Nub . will bo rscolvu 1 at ibis -onisy until one o'clock p. in. ( if Seiilo.nber'-'ltli. ib'J , fur thu fnrnlsli nxr ( if 'ill nncusjiry labor an I and erurtlnr nuir \Vliinulri''o Agency , Nob. , tlircj < ai tWu story br ck school bnlUlliiK-- jiur lliu plains nn.l si * cllloitlons : wlilcli iiiuv lie examine. 1 lit the oilluo of Ibo "Hoc" of Oiunlm. Nub. , tliu " .loiirnal" of Klonx City. Iowa , anil at tills -lucney. Uld- dara mo ruijnlruil to follow Ibo "form of uro- posul. " iiueoiiiii.uiylnx the spoulfluatlons us clo elv us tbolr blib will jicrmit. Illds should btato tlio urnpoiu 1 jir.eo of uaub bnlld- Ins and for tlio cro'ipof bullUIn s. Tlio right Is icsoi vud to ro Jot any or all bids or any p.irt of any bid If ileeim-u for Ilia bo < t Intcr- ust of tlio sorrlcu. ( . 'ortlllud ulieclvi. Ivieh bid must bo acuointiaiilu I by a ei'rtlllnd enu.-k ordruft noon sonio Culled dtait-s depository orsolvcnt nalloniil bank In tliu vicinity of llu1 residence of llio bidder , made pay.iblo to Ibo order of lliu Commissioner of Indian Af fairs , for at lo.ibt live pur eentof tne uniount of the propos tl , wliluli obeuk or dr.ift will be forfultuil to tlio United Static In ou u any blddei or bidders receiving an uw rl sbali fill to promptly e\c2iite a eontr.iet with t'oj.l and stilllelent .sureties , olburwlao lo be re turned to the bidder. Kids iiecoinii inled by e lah In URII ot u corlllled fho k will not bu lonsldered. Tor any further Information , us lo buildln I site , inuaiis of transportation , etc. , npnly to KOIII'.IU' II. AS1ILKV , U. S , In ll.in A ent. SliUlt. TO Tim OWNIUS : OK ALL LOTS ANO parts ot loin nnd luul estate aloiu > liplo street fiom aitb avenue to 'IIsL street , and Intorsec'tlns slrouton account of a pio- posed ulian u of Kl : lln. | Vou are hureuy nolllled tliat tlio tindi'r- . " l ued. three disinterested freuholdurs nf Ibo oily of Omalia. liavo b on duly imp ilntutl by the mayor. lth lliu approvnl of lliu city I'oupcll of said city , to asiess tbe daiin.-es to llio owiu-rs , ii'spt'C'tivi-ly , of lliu piopurly allccted by pridlii. lliu above niunlioncd stioet and InlorseclliiJ HI routs , dcc'lareil noc- i".sary by Ordinanuo No. IIU. p issod August Klrd. ih'jv. ui.-ovuilAiiitust2Uli. | | IS- ! ) . Vou lire further nntllled. that ImvliiK ac- ceplo I said appn ntmcnt , and dulv niialilled us roiiu red by law. wulll , on tliu 1'Jlli day of Hcptumbiir , A. I ) . IS : ) . ' , at tlio linnr of ten o'clock In the fiirunoon , nt llio ollb'o of it. W ( iibson , 2iU N. V. Lift ) Hit Idlng. wiililu tlio cor- poiate llmils of Mall uliy , muut for llio pur pose of eonsldenni ; and making tliu iihaess- mem of damage to tliu owners lu-spt'otlvcly of said properlr , alfouti'd bv s.ild Kiadlin : . tak- Inu' Into ( OMHidnr.itlnn Npuclnl brnellts. If any. Von mo notillod to bu pieMint , ut tlio time nnd place ufdiesald , and iniiUo uny objections to nrHt.itnmuiits con-i'inlnt ; bald assessment of darniiKCS as you may conslili-r proper. M. \ \ . ( M I1HO.N. .lAMI h'lOOKDAJ.n. \V. 11. ( JATEs- . Omaha , Nob. . Sopt. 7lli , is'.t' ' . s d0t ! Notice nl AssiMKinrnt 01 I.imiii ; < > 3 fur To tun owners of nil loin an.l parts of lots and real liblule uloiii ! Viiiton ulrout ( loin 2llb btrcuHo the west Him of alluy In blosk.ll , \S HCOX'H uucoiiil addition. Vou aru hereby nnllllud tli.it tlio nndur- Klcned , tlueu dUintoiesled friialio dors of the city of Omaha , liavu liuun duly appointed by tliu mayor , with the npproval or the city council otsald oily , to IISSOSH the Uumn.'o to thu owners respectively of the property alia ted by Rradlnit of stilil hlrout. duoliirt'il nucess irv by ordiniince .N umber a.2W , p issu l AiicustiiJrd. Ib'Jnnd ' approval ! Auifiisl4th ' 1 S' ' f * Vou are further iioffloil. tliat h ivlna ac cepted Hild uuiioliilinuiii.unn duly 11 in ml i lul us leiiiilied by law. wo will , on lliu l.illi d iy of " bur. A. I ) . . ! ' . ' . at llm hoiir of 10 r"Jl , uk in llio foroiioon , t tlio olllcoof Hhilvor Ivulv of milil projiurty. iiiieciou nv HIIHI Kru't- . spocl.il Dune- In , ii'kinS ' , Into coiisldcr.illon " " ' ' . tobu pros.int . at the II. . no and nlacu afoici. ild , mid make niiy o ijoctloim toorbtalemonHconuuinlnx said a-.suHsmont b of UamiiKCS us yon may iin liiur 1 ( : > .1. . JAS. Sl'OdKDALH. Coiainltteii of Apr. liters. Oinahii , Nob. , Supluinber aril. ISJ.1. H 3d U NOTICE OP Al'I'RAIHB.MKINT OP JMMAOKS FOR THE OHANOE OF GRADE OF DOUCLAS STREET FROM USTII STREET TO THE WEST LINK OF IIOG'JS & HILL'S lil ) ADDITION. 'J'otlie owners of all lot * , pirtsof lots nnd run ) ebtato alonuOIIIIH | ) | : street from 2bth street to thu west line of llomt IIIH's''d addition and liitiimecluu uvenues nnd blruots. Vou uiu hurubv notllled Dial thu under- blKiiud , three dlHlntcreHtcd ( reuholuuiK of the city ot Omaha , linvo beun duly uppointud by the mayor , with lliu approval of Iho uity council of Hold city , to listens the daimiijit to the owners lunpuullvuly of the property uf- fectuit by Uiu cb.Huo of Krado of DOIIKI.IH fclri'ul from 2dtb mreet to lliu wou line of llo ub ( V Hill's addition and InieinuclliiK uvo- lines mill streets , deuluroil nucesinry by ordi- iiiincu Ibo , piiKsed An .list 2:1 : , I fc'J , ' , approved AuuuktUI. IhU. ' . You uro further notillod , that havlnit no- copied BUI | | iiipoliitiiiciil. | anil duly iiuiillllcd BM required by law , wo will , on tbo iTtu da } uf HARDWARE. llcclor i Wilhclmj Co. l/ibcck & Lino. Corner 10th nn1 Jackion Dealer * tn hnrdwnro and > trcct > . meclmilciv tools. 1401 lo < ul.i < Uteot. LUMBER. Bias. II Leo. John A. Wakefiell llnrdnooil lumbar , nnail IriparteJ.Aracrlnn J'ort- carpcti itn.l p rujl l.in IcJ n Jut Mllir.iukii Honrln . hfilr\'illc iM-nant nij S'lh ' and Douglas. wlilto Una LIQUORS. Frick & lltrbeii Whole * il > llTi'nto\lf 1UUI K rnnm st. MILUNKUY. J. Oljerfeldcr & C ) . Importers ami Jolibcrs of lul llncrr. Notions. Mall orders prompt. prompt.llth t. PAPER. I OILs. I Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. i Carrr n fait itock of prlnlhiB. wrapping nnil llenneil nml lubrlontlnt wrltlnif pnpur , carJ pn- oils , ntlij itrcasa , utc. pcr. otc. OVKRALLS.I3TC. | OYSTERS. King & Sincai David Cole 4 Co , MfnofK A H" p nt Wholesale o/BtCft , fancr nlrts nnd orurnllii , etc. rvlcrv. : II9 S. lutl ) ilruot Cll-lSSoutli lltlint. telephone 713. PRODUCE COMMISSION. Uranch & Co. Wliiincy & Co. Pruduco. fruits of all lluttur uncouth , p m nnd l.ltbst. poultrr. kinds , oysters. Jas. A. Clark & Cx Uuttcr. . poultry and uamo. 317 boutli UlU st- STOVE REPAIRS. OmaliaSlovcRepairW'ks ' Steve rcpaln and water nttaclimuut * for any Line ! of atOTO madu. 1M7 SASH I TOYS. M.A.Disbrow&Co. II. Hardy & Co. M.inufacluron of a-\ih , Toy * , doll * all ) llm I , tloo r H , b 11 n dn nn I fancy uoo li. IIOIMO fur * motihllnirrt. JI ranch of- liblilMK' k'oodi , cllll- I lice , IVCIi nml UarU ats. dron't c nrrluji lulu L'.irii.un it. September. A. I ) . IS.1 ) , at the Hour of IGo'ciOck In the forenoon , al thu oilicu of I' . ( . ' . llriinncr , room 1.S'uro block , within the corporate j lluiitbdf B.I Id city , meet fur tlu jmrposaof cons derlir ' nnd male n , ' the as us < munt of ( iHinaxoto the owneis respectively , of salil property , affected by ltd ch inso of trade , taking Into consideration special benullts. It any. \ ou are notified to be present ut the tlmo nil ma cu aforoiald. nnd in.iko any objections oor st ate nients concerning , s.ild asius > muut f da in'SO3 , us you mav cnnsl lur proper. _ . T. O. IIKU.NNr.K. WILLIAM O. SllIUVKIl. OKOUOIO J. I'AUL. Cammitteo of Appra'scri Omalia , Sept , 0. 1BOJ. SOolOt NOTICE TO SELECT MATERIAL FOR PAVING. To the owners of lots and Innl fntitlir-upon Blruo. Improvinont dlstr cu numbered und do-ii-rlbed un follows : No 47li The street lylnz O'ist of the west 28 f set of Iol7 , block 2J1) ) . city , from 1'acillc street lo llm alley south of I'uclllc street. Mo. 477 2lHt street from Win street to Spen cer streut. No. 47.1 Douzliu slrcct from the west line of IGth struct to oust Him of 2uth strcpt. No. 4711 lltli slrcct from tlm north line ot I'arnam street to south line of Do l--e street. No. 4W-Oraoo street fro n the west line of the Omaha llelt Ky's rllit of way to the east linu of the ChlciiRo. ! ? t. I'll ill , Minneapolis t Omaha Kv'a rljlit of way and subject to assessment for the puv n or rop.ivlng of thu .snnic. You nro hereby notllled In pursuance of or- rtlnancesNoi. 32.VI. IiW , a.Ti and a.'ia. passed nnd IIJIDIOTOJ Hrptombcr lith , InD. ' , to select und ( leternilno upon the kind of material to lia iihed In paving said improvement dlblrlcts on or liufnri Iho lith day of O.'tobor , lbor ! ) the city eouncll will duterinlnu said material. If sheet asphalluni U pcllthmcil for by property owner1 , they must Btato In their petition for pavluir. wlmlher pitch la Ice , land or ovurllow , or California asphalt Is to bo used. Dated .tt Omalia , th h 1 ib dity ot Keptembor , Ik'Ji ' V. W. HIKKIIAi : < IJt , Chairman of Hoard of I'nbliu Woiks. bcplI2-ia-U Notice of Assossmnnt of II mi i ( , ( " ! for Ki'omi striKtllni ; tliu Sixteenth Street Viaduct. To the owners of ull lots und p irts of tots uml real estate aloiiK the sixteenth btreol via duct und Iho approaches therein. Vou nro huiuny notillod that the undnr- sl nnd , three disinterested freeholders of the city of Omaha , have been duly appo.ntud by the mayor , with the approval of thu city coun cil of su d ellv. to nssi'vi thodamavo to llm ownois ruspeotlvoly of thu proportv allVotud by thu construction and loeoiiiti iicllon of thu Slxti'onlhslrnot viaduct In the city of Omaha lit. doclarud nucnssary by or lln incu .No. 3172. passui ) .Inly 21st. 180. , unproved July 211. I80i nnd as proposed by plans duly nppiovcd by thu mayor and council of said city Vou are fiuther notillod , Unit h ivlnc no- cuptudsild appiilntinunl , and du y iiiiaiillod us required by law. wu wilt , on Hatuid.iy. the ITihiliivof Huptombur , A I ) . 1812. nt tbo hour of U o'clock In thu fin unoon. nt thu directors room of tliu Uoiiiinurul.il National li.m'c IfWI rarnamslruol , within the corporate ll'iilta of said cltv. moos for the purpose of consldurliiK und mnkliis tliuasuchsmuniofdummu to llm owners roMmotlvolv of H.ild property niruotpj by Huld rouonstriiutlou of s.ild vla.iuct ami Its appro elms. lukliiBinto conildor.illon Huolal ] ) liiini'llts If nny. Vou .iru notillod to bu proiont nt the lima anil pliicu aforesaid an I inuku any objection to oral iluiiiunlH concerning said assussmun of tluniuBCH as you may eons.ilur proper. AI.KUKIJ MIM.AKI ) . September 3J , 1802 , Omaha , No'or.kxka.H.VllOt H.VllOt To the property owners of all lots , part of lots and nml imtalu , ulo-iK HoWaid slrecl from 'iutli hlrnut to 31st blreol : Vou aiu burouy not Ili-il that thu undur- Nlvnud , Ibrcodlulnlurustod freoholdon of t'lo city of ilinahn , havu buun duly appulntod by lliu mayor , with thu approval of thu oily council of aald city , to IIS-.OM the damasa lo Iho ownurk rospucllvely ot the propu'nr af- fi'cleil by chmiKO ot .1 lo of Suw.ird stroul from aoth lo 31it blreol i. doolarod nuuussarv by ordinance IBS , paused Viuusl Dili , approved 4 Aiu-ust lllh. Vou aru furtbur nolllled. that havlni : ao- ceptod ald aiipolntmenti and duly qnahllod as required by law , tvu will , on the 21th day of rJeiilunilinr. A , 1) . IHO. , at the hour of ID o'clock In the forenoon , at thw ollleo of John K , l''laul ( , rein 551 , l/'hambur of Uomiuuruu. within the corporate limits of nnla oily , incut for thupurpotu of consldurln.1 and ma-diiir the iissossiiiunt of dimiiu to thuownern ro- siiecllvely of Bald properly , a Hooted by n IJ clianuu of itrado. lakliu Into consideration apodal bunulllu. If nny Vou aio notillod to bu proaonl at thu tlmo nnd place aforesaid , an 1 make any objections iii"ir"Hi7it iiioiTtVcoiiiiurniiifisild'asinssmuntV ! of damages as you in iy consider proper , Omahu. Heptombur 7 , IMJ. ' . juiiN R rr.Auif. s JOHN V , . IIOIIIIINH , H-2.il-10t UKUItniiJ , 1'AUU Tor I'alnllnu uml I'liioiniif ICIuu. tlou lloiitliH , Foaled proposals will Im received at tlio ofllcu of the ally comptro.lcr , Omah.i , Nub. , up lo I | L in. , Boptombur 20. Ih02 , for thu paint * lir ofWulil nooihs nnd lloorlnt ; of M bootbu. Hainplu of Huutlon of lloorliu ruqulrod. Kioli bidder lo furnish a cnrlltluil chock for tlOJ Thu rluht U rukorvod to nccupt or rujeet any " or all bid * . Turn OLSU.N , Comptrollor. / boot iQdOk . '