Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WWDXl DAY , SEPTEMBER t-t , 18)2. ! ) 3
by onrrlcr lo any part of the city
11.V. . T1I/TON. - MANAGER.
llin'npMOfllce . No < 3
Kdllor . NoXI
Ml.\Ott . 'l/i.VXVO.V.
A' Y. Plumbing t
Oounril Bluffs Lumber Co. .
Thomas Hodson was arrested ynstorday
for creating a dlsturuanco In Justice Swcar-
Inia'ti's court.
Superior court will convenn this morning ,
and mombars ol the petit Jury uro expoclud
lo bo on hand.
Jinci mprticnt. No. 8 , Union Veteran Legion ,
will hold n roculnr meeting at Knights of
Pythias hnll this evening.
licgular Hireling of Bluff City council , No.
7 , Jr. I. U. A. M. , this evening In Orand
Army of Iho Kepublic ball. Business of itn-
Miles Scoflcld was nrreslod jostorday
tnorlilng for discharging a revolver In n dis-
01 dcrly house nnd threatening to kill ono of
ils Inmates.
Mnrrlago licenses were Issued yesterday
to Krcd Brown and Loura Kobyison , both of
. Weston , nnd lo James Van Clove ot Kansas
CIlv and AUgrotta O. BlucK ot Council
Flora Marie , adopted daughter of Kov. and
MM. Thoonoro Wcegu , died ycstorduy , ngoJJ
U mouths. The funeral will occur this aftar-
nonn nt 4 o'clock from Iho residence , 027
.Seventh avcnuo.
The roguinr council moellng of "Potlawal-
tnmlp trlbo No. 21 , Iilioroved Order of Koil
Men , will bo hold thlsuvoalnp. In their WR- !
whm. corner of Broadway nnd Main street ,
nt the eighth run.
Charles Barnett and Mis * Mary Simpson ,
both of this city , were married Monday
evening at the rosldonco of Mr. and Mrs.
Knlpb Simpson , Hov. T. J. Mnckay of
Omaha ofllclaltng , They will rcsldo on Avo-
line A.
Frit/ , the slx-months-old son of Mrs. Henry
Mclolz , died yesterday morning at 1 : ! ! ( )
o'clock after 11 two weeks' illness. The
, funeral will take place this afternoon at 3
p , jfi'clocK from the family residence , I'.WJ Soulh
ICighlh street , and the remains will bo in-
tcrrcd in Fitirvlow cemetery.
Over a year neo u riot , teen place nt Big
lake Sunday afternoon In wlncb several men
.uero nonndod up badly. Several arrests
were mndo , among tlioni being that of Henry
Jeffries. During the fray W. A. Still lost a
watch ana had no idea where It had uono un
til a short tlmo ago , when ho learned in .somo
way that it wns in tho"l > ossu.slon of Jeffries' ,
Ho'had Jeffries arrested on the charge of re
ceiving stolen poodn , and Jeffries lay'ln 'J&H
ncvoral days. Ho finally confessed 'to tno
theft of the watch.nnd tbo case against him
has bcon dismissed.
A row took place nt the beer garden on
unner Broadway yesterday noon , In which
A. Oroto received a heavy blow on the bead
that almost bun. Tbe pollco wera
notified and when they arrived Ihoy found
( Jroto running around wildly , hunting with a
mallet in his hand for Iho man who baa
struck him. Jiimcs Hiibcrg. the propnolor
c/f tlio place , hnd dealt the blow and managed
to elude him. but Iboy were both placed
under arrest. Chris Schusler , alias Mci-
Ahln , undertook to run iho pollen off , and he ,
Ice , was arrested. McAbln and Unbcrg gave
bond ? , but Urolo Is still in jail.
Willlnm Showcls of Philadelphia , n deaf
ind dumb man who udverlisp.s himself as
the "Llvlns Volcano" on account of his abll
ity to shoot ( lamps of tire out of Ins month ,
Ulno off of rrdhot pokers nnd do other
equally interesting things , arrived in the
city yesterday afternoon from Kearney In 11
Brut condition. Ho foil asleep on the train ,
nnd whiln aslenp some ono picked his pocket
o'ld teen hl.s ticket und purso. Ho applied to
Chief Scanlan for assistance and througn the
local lodtro of tnu Knights of Pvthlas , of
which he Is a member , ho secured a ticket
for Kookuk , whcro ho gives hlx next exhibi
Judsoti , olvil onjjinooi1 , 3'J3 Hi-o.tdway
is.i rns.
A. M. Jackson of Sioux Citv is at the
Grand hotel.
A. Lolpold loft last evening for a two
weeks' trip to Clear Lake ana Chicago.
1C. I. Woodtmry , jr. , will leave tomorrow
for Chicago to resume bis medical studies.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tilton loft last even
ing for a ten days' visit with retail 7os in
JunesvlllcVis. .
Herman Anderson , who has been visiting
his old homo In Denmark , sailed from Ham-
burr. AiiKUst 28. Ho was dntnlncil twenty-
four hours in quarantine nt New York und
v 111 probably arrive in Council Bluffs on
. .lintVliut In IViintiiil ,
The c.xcltoincnt which has heon goincr
on nt 401 Hroadway finished up last
nielli with trretit HUCIIOSS. 'I'ho sale of
blnnkcts at tliu Uoston Sloro for the wuelt attraittod much intention , and
to keep iho good work ffolnt ; on thuy
will follow with iinotlior ton dnya' sale
of drcBH jrooda.
Never was such an arrav of popular
fabrics and wo.ivos shown liy any atorc
in western low.i as Is shown by us at the
present timo.
For full particulars of goods and
pices BCO daily .paper , commoncinjr
Thursday and conidufus for tun days.
The immense stock of dress /joods / wo
litivo opened up iho past wuok has hucn
much admired and spoken of by tul-
inirors ns hoincr just what I want
Wo hnvo paid moro attention this
BOMSOII to exclusive dress patterns , nnd
Hhovv over fill patterns In foi-oifii
fabrics , no two alike.
Council UlulTs.
niimlo itoeltnl.
Monday evening was the occasion of a
very oujnyablo affair at the residence ot Mr.
James It , Boll , on East Picrco strict.
W. H , CSroontt the St. Louis pianist , In
Jn passing through tbo city on hU way to
Boston , was persuaded by his friends here
five a piano rocilal , The double parlors of
jMr. Bell's homo were well tilled with nn
utlrntlvo and well pleased auilicncu. Mr.
Orcono played iho "Moonlight Sonata1
by Beethoven : ( Jntlschalk'a "Tromolo , "
Chopin's ' 'Military Polonaise" and several
olhur selections with Iho feeling and precisIon -
Ion of it true artist. He Justly occupies a
very hlgn place in his chosen profession.
Ho was ubty assisted by the tulonted young
lluto player , Mr. Frank Bauoloti.
'Jo W ill's .
S.irsapirina aaurays snob pol-
ions nsscraful.i , skin dlsuasoj , oczomi , rhoj-
mutism. Its timely uso.savoi many H/os.
Gontlomon. the llnostllno of mil Roods
In the city , juot rucuivod. Hoitor , the
tailor , 810 Broadway.
K.Opooplo in this city IHO gia stoves
'iho Oas Co. puts 'nin in ut cost
Council liny * lime.
The council mot yo torduy mo'ninir M a
oommillcoot the whole , as was decided Mon-
any nlirht , for iho purpoio of looking al iho
tuniplc * of tlio Hit ! hose that were put In by
tbe vauous bldduru. Altar a careful cxjun-
lnui Ion it wan decided lo award tbe contracts
to the Now YorU Plumbing company anil
Hurl & Thnnms of Akron. O. , for 500 fret
eai-b. the prices being 8J conia per foot for
Ilio Ilrst und 7fi ceuls for the Inner. Both
nro cotton hose , und the council moans to
make a test with a view to seeing which an.
f iwm the purpotes bolter , cotton or rubber.
f The hose coincB fully wurrautcd to stand it
' of VM pounds tor four yean ,
Mothers will llnd Mr * . Witnlow'H Sooth-
InirSynio tnu boil remotly for tholr ohlldron
" 6 cents a bottle.
\Vunt il to liny.
Improved property. Will p-iy cash if
price in low , II. G. MoGee.lO.NIaln btroot
TraitiB for Maimwit at 11 a. m. , 2 , 3 , 4 ,
U , 7 , 8 aim U o'clock p. m.
George Davis , drugs una
Business Men Suffer from Their Faith hi a
Plausible Stranger.
C. A. Dltmnore , Alter Itttntilnc Up Nutit-
cluiM IlchtH , Silently Stciil Awny
l cnth of J. J. Siilllvnn The lux
Levy In IVdvrul Court.
( J. A. Dlnsmoro and family , who h vo been
IvltHf atCJU Ninth avouuu , have fadea away
rom the public ( raze , und If their numerous
creditors can bo believed , they would oo
given n surprise party nnd anything cUe they
wanted If they would only return. They
blow into town ubout ton days ago in a very
unostentatious manner. An emigrant wagon
oadcd down with the usual number of pots ,
tellies , blanKets , and dirty faces comprised
tnclr outilt. After sottllnR In the house on
Ninth avenue they visited various stores and
proceeded to lay In n stock of household
; oods , sccuiltiK credit everywhere , they
wont ou tbo strength of certain largo
hiariclal expectations they had In
leu of tnonoy. Just how much
property they secured In this way cannot bo
learned exactly , but U must have amounted
to several thousand dollars. AnioiiK those
who huvo placed themselves on record a < hav
ing been bitten arc UeorRo H. Mayer * &Co. ,
the fnruituro men on upper Broadway ;
Nouim . the butcnor ; the Metropolitan In-
Btallmcnt hnusu on Mum strcot ; 1 ! . M. Bar-
Kent , the bhoeniHti ; I' . Uounuoudo , the
Brocir , and S.V. . Williamson of the Do
mestic SewinK Machine company. The latter
sold them a second-hand safety bicycle and n
Bowing machine. Ilo recovered the sowing
machine , but Iho bicycle In still mmln . At
iho Metropolitan installment house about
ftU ) worth of stuff was purchased , and al
though it was covered by a chattel mortgage
for thu purchase ptieo the family removed
it with them. At Meyers' the amount of
furniture purchased wns about f' 00 , but ns
it was almost entirely heavy articles that
could not bo cattily moved It was lolt In
the houbo and "seized on the chattel
mortgage. The ether amounts raiiped from
110 to ? ; . " ) . The departure took ulaco nt tin
oarlv hour Sunday mornluc. Which direc
tion they took Is ii matter of conjecture , but
Sheriff llniron has bones of catching thorn
yet. Ilo sent postals In every direction , giv
ing descriptions of the party and offering a
reward of ? )5 for their capture. It has
boon learned that nt sotno of the places
wuero the tra'nuiK ' was done Dlnsmoru eave
his name OB J. A. May ben , while at others
Mrs. Dlnsmora gave bors us Mrs. It. M.
Ma.vhen. All tbo bitten ones unllo in saying
tliAt the members of the family with whom
they had dealings were very intelligent and ,
to all appearances , perfectly honest and
straightforward. _
JX.JOINKU THE sui'imvisoiis.
No Tux Levy .11 IK In In Silt | < ! of thu County
Attorney' * Opuilun.
Yesterday morning at 11 o'clock the opin
ion of County Attorney Organ was proionted
to tbo Hoard of Supervisors with reference
to the legal points involved In the contro
versy over the school tax levy. It was us
follows :
visoiiK-ln the mutter of the luvy of ta.ieb for
tha Indupi'itiitmt school dlBltlctof Council
Ilinlls. 1 Dug luavo to report that In inv jndR-
intnl the duly of thu lloar.l of Hoporxlsors la
nliolly nun sturlal , and It U tiolulthln thu
pruvlnei ! of * iKl hoar.l to Inquire Into : inl ( do-
luriiilnii the leKiillty of thu nets of thu School
uo.ird of tlieclly of Conncll Ilinlls or their
rljlit , to preMint tlietr certllicntu of their esti
mates. Mich heln ; tlio eiiso anil t he s.ilcl .School
lioir ; > l having cuilseil their ' ertiUuulu to be
Illrdltli thu county uiidllor .mil said School
board Insisting tliat they h ive conipllud with
tbu ln , yon uiu powuiless to avoiil compll-
tincii with the ileniiuuls of s-ild cliuol hoarJ
oven llioiiuli you believe thu levy ulll bo void.
iuil : In my juilsment you blionlcl makn the
levy. Thu validity of thu luvy Is u question
Unit must ho determined In the courts. Re
spectfully , JOHN I' . OnnA.v ,
County Attorney.
But In splto of ttils opinion the tux luvy U
not made yet , and thu members of the board
do not seetn to uo inach nearer the end of the
difllculty than they were several davs ago.
For all doslro on the part of tne members to
hottlo the trouble either ono way or the
other wn * effectually squelched a fuw min
utes ho fore the opinion was read , oy the ap
pearance of u deputy sheriff armed with a
writ of Injunction , issued from the district
court upon u petition tiled bv W. II. Warn ,
restraining the supervisors from levvlnc tiiu
tax. The hearing was sat for 4 o'clock in
iho afternoon bsfora Jndtro Macy , but when
the timu arrived .1. J Stewart , the attorney
for the School hoard , asked for n continu
ance until Thursday tnorrintr , which was
granted. The supervisors adjourned ut noon
lo meet ngaln this morning al U o'clock , but
as matters now stand nn business is likely to
be transacted before Thursday. Court.
Judge Woolaon will open the September
term of iho United SUtoi district and cir
cuit courts In Council Bluffs ou thciJOtti.
To ere nro about 103 cases to bo disposed of.
The Juries , grand Una petit , are commanded
to boon haml ut 2 p , in. of the 27th. They
ate composed us follows :
Grann Jurois II. U. I.olm , Donlson ; .1. H.
.luclfson , ( irlswolil : John Slonuwutl , W. C. Nel-
son. Muiiduiiiln : N. I * . Nelson. Conwuv : Ham
Hunter , II. V. Kviini. MiUvern : Wlllliini Mu\-
wull , Mount Ayr ; J. .M. 1'utton , Vllllsca. Ueor e
Copp , Micthy ; ( ieor e Coltruil , lieniiniloiihi
A. iV. CHinpliull. Kust N'oduiv.iy ; A.V llur.-
ness , Huek Uiovu : W K Itllllii''sly , Nod.iway :
.1. F. Iteeor.l. lilcnwood ; H .1 Fremmiii , Ailtln-
hon ; II. T NlAfton ; J. I ) , .l-jiies. Clur nda ;
Tlmtnas Wuldniun. Uud OaU : Oeoro C' Cilc- !
Ins , Cornlin : ; ,1. C' . Tipple , T.thor : Murk U itnch-
nril , Crcslon : Muudu Johnson , L'ollesu .Springs ;
.lesse L. Atkins , 1'iuscott.
1'otlt JIIIOIHV. . II. M. I'nsov , Council
llluirs ; ( ieoriro Millur , Council Hinirs ; Tliomus
llilUwin : , Coin ; I'reil l.oron/on , Corley ; John
KritA ll.irlnn . ; It. K. I'.inl. lie'lerlon ' ; W. II.
UverH.lilennood ; John Miirin , Sidney ; IMwnicl
llntulier. Ciuhton ; V. ( J. Svveiirongon , H dncy ;
John ( Ji-Miit , Aflon ; John llocnull , Coilc u
HiiihuH ; J. ( ! . Vorhius , Anita ; II. C. Itobhlm.
llii illin.'Hi T. M. O. Lajrnii , Itlvur S 0111 ; C. K.
( J.isaily , Dontfion ; W. I' ' . Potter , ( iiloden ; A.
II. C'halfit. ( 'ornln ? ; Hobcou John-on , Viola
Centi'i ; J , r. Merrill , .Mount Ayr ; Rob
ert I'oril , Kurilns : hlcven Dnincisnn , Creston -
ton ; I ) . Reo.l. Coon R.iplds ; I' . I'lonrnenconrt ,
Uniroll ; W. II. Illackinoru , Illookton ; W. 1C.
Illlnkorhoir. Audiibon ; Samuel Kowluy. L'li-
r'nilu ; C. II. 'J'ownsi.'iid , Kunilo'ph ; John R
ilull , Mnlvern ; N V. Stnrglss , Carroll ; Jiiniea
Kdinunds , Lenox : 11. ! ' . llr.iyton. I'er.sln ; Jacob
Itohb , Mount Ayr ; ( ieor.'o Roy. Don' City ; Kd-
waid I'ish , llarlun ; .1. A. Overholt/ur. Aiidii *
lion : John Iteuder , .Maple Rtvur .lunetlon ; L.
W. Tublis. Knierson ; John T. llryt > on , Vllllssu ;
1'ninl ; ( Sleason. Andiibon ; . .IcssoVI oy. lluuk
llrovu ; Wllluun J. Walker , ll.iinllii , K. J. I.onu' .
Delphoi ; Kohert Hull. Hell pustolllcu ; J. C ,
Mllllniun. l.oiran ; II , I. Cody. Uurnlim ; II. M.
llnir , Missouri Vulloy ; W. F. i\-ans : , lludford ;
Joseph lloarihnun , rorUnioiuhi W. J. liur-
niond.ahelby , _ ,
lli'inocriitlo rrliiiurle * .
The democrrtilo primaries for the election
of delegates to the county convention , which
Is to bo hold In Council I ! I tiffs Thursday ,
September 2.1 , will bo held tomorrow , Tbo
poll * will remain open I rom fi to S o'clock
p. m. The following uro iho place * whcro
the primaries will bu hold In cuch ward :
Tliht Wind-Wheeler. * Hurala'soHlco.
rueoml Ward Walter Ainy'dtlnshop , ' 'I llry-
J N. Schurz's olllco. 0 South
1'uiirth Ward Superior court room , court
Fifth Wurd-Fhluld'.s storo.
Sixth Ward John Coylti's place , llroadway
Letween Twentieth unit Twuiily-tlrni itrcuts-
Will Kluct u Uoiutuhlts
Townstilp Clerk J. I. Lutz received notice
yesterday from County Auditor Ilcnd.'icUs
Informlni ; him ofllclally of thu resignation of
Cotibtahla Evans nnd notifying bun that tbo
Hoard of Trustees should proceed to ul ct
a successor , l r'iduy has been Kclo'otPd us the
day u hen the election will tuko place anil
the hour will bu duciued uuon later. Owing
to tbu dratti of J. J , Sullivan , who wus a
member of the Board of Township Trustees ,
thu duty of making the selection will devolve -
volvo upon tlio other two members , L . 1C.
Uodiou und Max Mobn.
Hyou uro bilious ! Take Beoohama Pills
Hloln ( rum i'ap-i.
Johr. Luca , wno llvos at 1UJO Ohio xtreet ,
wus nt thu police station Monday with a re
quest that the police would help him Jlnd hu
Uo ear-old son , who had appropriated tiAoul
of tbe parental coffers and bad como to tbU
tide of tbo river to mule hu lubilaaco la
feasting na riotous llrlnif. Watch Wis ( Uept ,
and yeilcrday rooming Oftlccr Kemp was re
warded bv cotchlnc a sight of the runaway
on Broadway. As soon ns the boy saw tin
man ot the brass bultons he started
down fourth street at H lively paco. but n
"Stop or III shoot" stopped him to suddenly
that the peg * In bis shoes strucic Uro on the
pavement. Ho wns tnk n to tbo pollco stn-
; lon , where ho insisted that , tils nnmo was
not LUCAS , but Johnson Walter Johnson.
In his pocket was found rah lo the amount
) l $33 which ho hnd not spent. Ho was
ocltcd np on the charge of holne a runaway
boy and his parents were no-tilled. Hols
said to bo 14 yc.irs of ne , but if so his np-
nearsuces are deceitful , for ho Is no larger
than most boys of 10 or U.
UoWltl'sSarsaparllla ' clo.inaos the 'blooa ,
.ncroasos the nppotllo nnd tones up the sys-
: om. It has benclltod many poopln who
: iavo suffered from blood disorders. It will
iclp you.
Como to Broadway M. E. church
Thursday ovonlnp und be happily outor-
felncd by the young Indies of lII. .
Orcutta' Sunday 4uhool class. Tho.v have
nreptifcd it line program for tholr soola-
hlo on that evening. Admission 10 cents.
.MarrliMl'ln Ohio.
Hon. N. M. 1'usov will bo married today
to Miss Anna Wright , sister of Ed B.
Wright. The ceremonv will take place nt
the residence of Iho bride's parents In Cadiz ,
O. , nt 5 o'clock this afternoon , where
Miss Wilght bus bocn vUltlnsr for
several months. They will soon return
nnd receive the congratulations of their
friends in Council Hluffs. The wedding will
bo very qulot. Tno groom is ono of Iho best
Known attorneys of Council Bluffs and the
brldo has a best of friends who will extend
congratulations. The fact that the wedding
would take tilaco at all was kept n dead se
cret so fur ns possible , only Iho most Inti
mate friends knowing of It ,
Dlseanonovr&uccesituliy attacks the sys
tem with pure blood. UoWltt's Suraaparllla
mnko.s pure now blood and onrlchcv uloo.l.
Genuine Hound Oak , Utdlant Home ,
P. P. Stewart stoves and ranges , sold
exclusively by Cole & Cole , -11 Main.
Urn til ol J. ,1. Sulllvilii.
Jeremiah J , Sullivan , the well ki'own
grocer , and ouo of the oldest residents of
Council Bluffs , died yesterday morning at 4
o'clock after an illness of several mouths of
rheumatism of the heart. Ho was born nl
Cork , Ireland , in 1SII3 , and was therefore 50
years of ago at the lima of his death. Ho
came to Council Bluffs from New Haven ,
Conn. , in 1MJ3. Ho leaves a wife nnd six
children. The funeral will take place Ttiur.s-
day f torn the St. Froi.cis Xuvler Catholic
church at an hour to bo announced later.
Oo Witt's Sarsaparilia la rotunlo.
lieport oT the Expert Who Una llccn I0xim- ;
IIIR tlm Hooks ol VurliiiM C'lty Treasurers.
J. J. Points , the export accountant who
ban made a thorough examination of the an-
counisof the different treasurer ) since the
organization of South Omaha as a vlllagu up
lo tbo present time , buds thorn showing the
following stale of affairs :
"Tno taxes of i-oulb Omabn levied for tbo
years 1SST and 1SSS are collected by tbo
county treasurer. For some cause , wbether
through the fault of the local assessors or of
Iho county clerk , the personal taxes of your
citv for Ib87 have not been placed on tbo tax
list nnd you hnvo bDon entirely deprived of
that portion of your rightful revenue. As to
whether at tnis time you have any remedy
lor IbU omission your attorney can bast in
form you. The amount which should bo col
lected for these two years us shown by the
boous of the countv treasurer Is about ? - ! ! , -
400. Of this amount , $2:1,11)3 : ) 78 , there remains
still on the treasurer's ' books , uncollecled ,
about $12,000. Of the J.'U.HIU.TS collected by
the county treasurer $21,1) ) 10.27 has been
turned over to your city treasurer , receipted
for and entered on his books , il.03. " > .7u has
bocn charged as foes for collection and held
out bv the county trcasurcraud about { OJ1.7G
remains as a Dalanco in the county treas
urer's ofllcQ. Of this amount still unco- !
looted a considerable part is for Iho personal
tax of ISbS , so that tha ravonuo from this
source In the future will bo slight.
"Your attention is called to the foes
charged by the county treisuror for collect
ing this tux. The tre'asurer's fees are fixed
by statute. Having mndo an estimate of
the fees which the county treasurer Is en
titled to charge for collecting this tux , I Jind
the same to bo JIS1.93 , leaving a bilanso duo
your city on fees retained In excess of the
amount allowed by law of ? jti : S3. "
The other portions of the report bavo been
referred to in Tnr. Bun. The mianco com
mittee and Attorney Van Duson will con
sider the report nnd conclude what action it
is best to
Ili > I > iilllc ii UlulM Will Meet.
Thursday evening there wilt bo a meeting
of tbo You ni ? Muu's H 'publican club at
Knights of Py thins hull , to transact impor
tant business. The club will mcot in the
lodge room anu all members uro requested to
bu pre&ent.
TheSoutn Omaha Republican club will also
moot the same evening at the Knights of
I'ytaias hail. Tha club will hold Its session
In the reception room. When thu business of
both organizations hat been completed the
two clubs will join together and have a rous
ing meeting. Several speeches will bo deliv
ered and a general good tlmo bad.
Tire Kohliurlrft.
Two robberies were reported to Iho pollco
yesterday , aud the booty secured Is larco.
Post & Click , on Twenty-fifth street , between
N and O streets , are looking for u top buggy
which was taken from in front of tholr place
of business nnd has not been returned ,
Some tnlof also stele from the isiand south-
cast of the city u bav horse belonging lo P.
B , Burroughs , who resides there. Tbe police
uro working on both rmus , and think they
uro on tuo track of tbo guilty parties.
I'l'll on lit Ills lloroe.
Charles Lee , an Albright citizen , Is cpn-
lined to tils homo with a broken log. Lee
was riding n horse Monday night and tbo
animal slipped and fell to the ground. Ho
was thrown under the horse , und the full
and weight of the animal broke ono of his
logs , aud it will bo some tlmo before be is out
again , _
Not eg u i nl I'orHiinulH.
A young bo.ioi Councilman Bulln Is seri
ously ill with typhoid fovor.
Miss Cob 1C. Hunt Is very ill at her homo ,
Twenty-sixth und 1C slroMs.
Mrs. U. S. Clark loftyosterday for Lincoln
and Superior to visit far several week * .
The ladies of the First Motbodlst ohurcb
cleared $500 from their "country store. "
W. A. Norris of Trenton , Mo. , Is in the
city visiting with bU brother-in-law , Will
iam Wilton.
UUev. C. N. IJawson loft vn terday for St.
Paul to attend thu North Nebraska Metho
dist conference. .
Captain J. W. Cross and wlfo and John
Condon will attend the national encampment
of the Grand Army ol tbo Hepubllc * to bo
ho.d at Wellington , D , C.
Wallace Uvan Iris been buforn Judge Fowler -
lor three times In as many days. Twlco no
was permitted to go , but yoitorday tin wus
given thirty days in iho county jail for his
ttilrd drunk.
Murrluict ! I.HTII H ,
The following marriagu liconsu * were is
sued by Judge ICIler yesterday :
Name and iiddruba. Ago.
I CImr'.cs Klrschenlmiier , Omaha . VI
A .Mary 1'oegl. Unuiha . , . ift
Wll linn MeCormluk. Unrilia . 21
A. McOuuo , Uni hi K'orr. Onmlm.- . as
I Anna M. Albert , iluttiiK . ao
Dr. Charles U , U.ivls of Chicago , one ol
tbo most prominent physlciana In tlio United
Slates , urn * who has aunt u largo number ol
invalids tn Hdnr , Now Mexico , during tbo
pant year , writes to Mr. U. O. Shields of
that city :
"I must say that without exception every
patlont that 1 buvu sent to tbut ue lUhtful
country has iniido wonderful Improvement.
I am dullchtod with what your ell in a to has
done for them , und shall certainly eend you a
a lurjio colony next wlnWr "
The Pucos valley , of which ICddy Is the
principal town , U attracting the uttontlnn ol
| ) hy lcidus everywhere- having the most
perfect clitnatu tn bo found on this continent
for persons suffering from lung or throat
trouble * , catarrh , astuinu , rheumatism , etc.
Mayor Bemis Has a Fo\f. > ords to Say Upon
Thuir UieftiljUss.
[ c
lluMihttloii Adopted N.bl1 ( o t'ny tlio Crane
Company Until lite Ulfjriiion Are 1'lnccit
lit ( Jooil Condltlou-A I.ol of
lluslncis Transacted.
There wore sixteen members who nllondod
last nlphl's mooting of the council , and on
account of ttiu absence of President Unvis
Mr. Boohul presided over the deliberation * .
The question ot city hall elevators wns
itbout the Ilrst thine that \vns discussed. The
discussion was brought about \vhon Mayor
IJoruis bunded In this coniuiuiilcalioti :
I'rom .Mixor llomls.
" 1 again rcspcclfully call your attention to
the ulavnlors la tuo city ball , and 10 the faot
Ibnt , as now operated , with the capes and
doors In their present condition , surlous ue-
cldenU are liublo to happen at uny tlmo
which tuny result In rendering the city lla-
blc lor lurgu damage * . 1 also ctiil your alten-
lion to tuo Inefllclont sio ot the water pipes
u < iL'd In furnlsnlng power to the ulouuors.
Those pipes arc only six inches In diameter ,
When It Is conceded Uy Mr. Coots , tbu con-
truntor , that they ought to bo lit least seven
Indies in dluuictcr , which would result In
Increasing iho power inoro thim one-third of
thattiow existing. If these pipes ure to bo
changed , and It Is certain that tlioy must bo
changed to glvo the elevators the speed and
capacity required by the ecu tract with the
Crunu Elevator cor.nmny.such change should
bo inndu without del y.
"In a uommunlcatlon from the architect ho
states that In the specifications ho spcclllcd a
ilx-luch plpo , and tbut the Crane Elevator
company know this at Ihj tlmo that It miulo
the ustlmuto on thu work , aud If ll believed
tuo pipe was Insufficient It certainly llgurcd
on Increasing It. If this statement of tno ar
chitect It correct , It Is plain that the archi
tect not only specified the plpa of insufficient
dlnmuter , but that the Crane Elovutor com
pany knew suuh fact and Hcuicd on the dif-
lorence bctwecu u six-Inch und a seven-inch
plpo. I am at u loss to understand why the
Urano Elevator company failed to hnvo iho
ploo Increased to Iho size necessary to run
its elevators according to tbo tortin of lu
contracts , or why , knowing that such pipes
were insufficient , the architect permitted the
same to bo put In. However , the situation
must bo Accepted as wo find it.
" 1 jupgosi und recommend that tha Crane
Elevator company be notified to Immediately
change the pipes referred to so as to give tbo
required power , and that until Its elevators
nru capable of carrying the weight and run
ning ut the speed stipulated In Its contract ,
that such elevntors bo not accepted and that
no payment bo matlo on account of such ele
vators. "
Mr. Prlnco remarked that ho was sure
that the supply plpos were not largo enough
to ivo the elevators the contract speed.
Mr. Luivry thought tub-was a pretty state
of iifTnirs and one Hint demanded immediate
action. If something was not done , sumo
day ono of the cars would full , several peo-
ple-uould bo killed ur.d the city would bavo
u heavy damage suit on Its hands.
The communication went to the commlttoo
on public property und buildings.
VcloeN by tlio Tlliiyoi- .
The mayor held the cdiro for some time , ns
ho had several vetoes , \vliich were i-onsld-
ered. Ho started tbo bull to rolling uy veto-
inc. a resolution ordering two eiossivalks in
the Sixth vvurd. For u reason for withhold
ing UU approval he slulqu that the ward lnui
laid all of the walks made "at the uliottmout
Councilman Spocht said that the statement
was not trua. This settled the mutter and
the council ovariodo the veto.
There was u vote on the bill of John F.
Coots for SITU for placing three washbasins
in tbroo olllcas in the city hull. The mayor
said this was ono of the extras , and tuat
there was no competition in ordering tbo
work. Once before , said the ibiil hail been
vetoed and tbo veto was sustained. The
inayjr thought it wai a display of considera
ble gall to run the bill in utter it baa once
been rejected ,
The veto was rejected , all the sixteen
members voting that way.
Then the rauvor went for John A. Wake-
field's ' Dill for 11,000 foot of sidewalk lumber ,
tie said that the bill did not show the dimen
sions of tno lumber und that it was all
churned to tbo city at tbo ruto of Jit ! per
1,000 foot. Tbo contract price , ho said , was
f 14 per 1,000 feut.
Mr. Prince said ho did not believe that it
was true that U'uKolield had overcharged
the city.
The vote was sustained by a vote of 8 to 8
and the bill referred to the uoinmllteu on
sidewalk und bridges.
The comptroller bad included two salaries
for \Villiam Cobun1 , member of the flro und
police commission. The items wore f i. > each ,
and ono of them the mayor vetoed. This
veto was sustained , and tlio president stntoU
that thu error was ono on Comptroller Olion.
The people doing ouslncKs down on Jones ,
between Klovcnlh und Thirteenth streets ,
protested , ugnmst having the hucksters'
wugons in that part of tha city. Just then
property owners at Eighth nna Farnam
slrcols asked to have tha hucksters located
with them. Their request ivas accepted and
finally the vegetable men found n place
whcro they can stop Ihoir wagons und deal
out their goods.
The Hoard of Public Works announced tlio
names of tun tnon who had bscu appointed as
inspectors on paving , curbing and sowers.
The appointments were- confirmed and the
men will report for duty. Of the ton inspectors
specters unpointed , City Engineer Uosowater
announced that live were competent ongln-
eoia , and that tbo others were practical men
who tiadhau considerable experience.
WnutK u I'est Hound KatulilUliuil.
A. n. Somors , commissioner of health ,
asked that thu council lake some action to
ward the establishment , of a post house , to
have In readiness should cholera break out
In Omaha.
People in the south onrt of the city pro
tested against tbo closing of tlio Eleventh
itrcet viaauct. They say thai tbo closing of
the structure was injuring their business.
Tlio petition to open Thirteenth streat ,
from tin ) old city lurlts north to Onlostreet ,
was referred.
The commlttoo on public property und
buildings und the city engineer were in-
htruoted to designate- what windows in the
city ball should bo supplied wltn Venetian
'i'tic commlttoo onpublic proportv and
builainga was instructed to confer ivlth the
Library hoard and ascertain what changes
would bo needed on th'8fifth floor before the
library moved into the building.
The contract , with tho/Morso Dry Goods
company to furnish Dillon carpet for the
council chamber was presented and ap
proved. '
The n embers of tbe'cpuncll were requested
to report the nnino.s'of registrars from their
respective wards nt next Tuesuav night's
council meeting. Tneno men will sit prior to
the November election.
There was but on bid lor furnishing the
city wltb lumber , grade slakes and cement.
This was from John A. Wakollolcl , who HI
contract was canceled u couple of weeks
ago. There Doing no com petition iho bid was
rejected and thu comptroller Instructed to
again Invlto bids for tno supplies and
materials. f ,
The resolution adopted last Tuesday night ,
In which the Omaha \Street \ Hallway com
pany was ordered to iuk up Its track on the
west end of 'ho Walnut 11111 line so that the
contractors could grade Military uvonuo
moro conveniently , was reconsidered. The
trucks will romuln In place and tbo oontrac-
tor will do bis grading us bait ho can ,
The gas Inspector , having 100or moro miles
of strout to cover , wiw allowed 8J5 pjr month
to pay horse hire ,
Mr. Hruner oppasrd , saying that the gns
Inspector was tha oust paid man on the city
pay roll.
Mr. Chuffeo thought that owing to the ser-
vlco slvou bv the Metropolitan Si rout Light
ing couipanv , the Inupoctor could save tbo
clly moro than $25. each and every weak.
The committee on viaducts and railways
was instructed to report un ordinance order
ing u bVbtom of trankferti to bo uccoptod and
aifnptud bv tbo Omaha Street Uullwuy com.
pauy. Counollmou urged that transfers
bhould be clvun at oiieti Intersection ,
Being upon the subject of ttroot railways ,
a resolution wan adopted by which , In the fu
ture , street car conductors will bo required
to call out the nnraa of each street along the
line over which their cars pass.
The flro nnd police commission was au
thorized to purchase a Ilnlo water tower at
n costof Jf.iVX ) .
\Vlll.Mrot n n llimril at Kqimllznllou.
September 23 wns the date fixed upon or
the council for meeting as n Ho.ird at Equall-
ration to assess lot * along vrblch poniur.ont
sidewalks hnvo been ordered laid.
The request of the Hoard of Health for
$3,000 to b used In putting the city In u first-
clnss sanitary condition was discussed and
law over for or.o week.
Mr. Jacobson , chairman of the commlltco
on finance , said that the board needed the
money , but ho did not know whcro it would
como from until the county turned over the
city's share of the road fnml. Ho bud mot
the commissioners of Douglas county and
hnd learned that there was fully & )0,0'00 duo
tbo city. He hnd every roaton to bollovo
that ho would bo nllo to secure $18,000 be
fore tbo nuxt. meeting.
Mr. Jacobson was given another week in
which to look up the tlnanctul question.
"Loto to boa ana eariy to risa will shorten
tbo road to your homo In the iktos. nut
early to bed and "Little Early | { Uer."tuo
pill that makes Itto loajor nti'J bettor an 1
A v.UK.M /.v fa.
Today John T. Kelly and his company of
comedians will glvo two performances of the
Isughublo comedy , "McFoo of Dublin , " at
Boyd's ' now theater a tnatlnoo performance
ntviilOand the evening performance at 8.
The engagement tm.s ocen very successful.
On Monday and Tuesday ovculngs next
A. Al. Palmer's stock companv will appear
' In the southern "Ala
nt Boyd's great play ,
bama. "
"Foegs Ferry , " ns presented by the Illjou
stock company , matlo a decided and positive
hit nt Wnnaorlnnd tbo 12th and will continue
For the week. Tun specialties , Including the
Lavolles , nionnrchs of the air In their dar
ing feats ot strength and skill , Including the
famous slldo for life. Jalvan , the jiuglur , U
clever. The dog circus is a wonderful ox-
hloltlon of canlno sagacity. The greatest of
all the colored dancers , \VhoiUhors nnd
his clover partner , Havry Euon , nro far
above the nv rngo. The cheap prices and
continuous now , with Mnilamu Eiles , the
soap modeler , In Curio ball , make Woiuler-
land well worth a visit.
Mrs.j. . U. Patton , ItoauforJ , III. , wrltoi :
1 E'rotu personal oxpsrionco I can recommend
DoWitt's Sarsaparilla. a CUM for Irapurj
blood and ganoral oobillty "
Hiiltdlni ;
Tbo following permits were Issued by the
superintendent of buildings yoitorday :
M. Martin , two-storx brick KIU ! sti > no
tcnemunt house , tlJBuuth Ninth street. ? 4,000
M. Martin , two-btory brick und stone
tenement house , ll'J South Ninth street ( ,003
M. Martin , twn-storv brick mid stone
tencn.cnt house. 114 South Ninth street 4.000
Standard I'avlng , two-storjr
frame factory , Eleventh and Grace
atroi'ts . i,000 !
Seven minor penults . 1U. ' ; >
"I take plonsuro in recommending Cham
berlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhcea Hctn-
edy , " > = avs Oeo. C. Bankston of Mill Creek ,
III. "It is the best meJiolno I have over
used for diarrhcua. One dose will euro any
ordinary case. " For sale bv druggists.
Agreeable soap for the
hands is one that dis
solves quickly , washes
quicldy , rinses quickly ,
and leaves the skin soft
and comfortable. It is
Pears' .
Wholesome soap is
one that attacks the dirt
but not the living skin.
It is Pears' .
Economical soap is one
that a touch of cleanses.
And this is Pears' .
All sorts of stores sell
it , especially druggists ;
all sorts of people use it.
The Hot Springs of America ,
lint Sprlntri , S , I ) .
Finest Itosort Hotel In tlio Wast. Strlctlr l-'lnt
Cl.ii-i Ijiirvu Hounii , rtllxlo or KuxuHo , .N'o.v
Open. All Mudt'in liiit > ro7i'innlH. TAble u 9pj.
cltitty Ito.ii'inailu ! Itot3 for Hal moo ot Smiin.
Oicheitra nml Dnncliu Kvery Kvonlngin thu Mil
lc Hall. Klnuit I'liuuo Hull In the Unlto.i .
Htati'.s. llf.MUirul .Mounfihi Hcuniry , Splonlll
( "Ilinntff , Cool NI''lltB , No MuflrillUoi. : l'WJ ' Fuel
Hliovn tlio MM Tlio South Dnkuln Hot Hprlnut
aruiittractliunttuntlon nil orrr tin world , nml
lire curing n lariter porcvnluxu tlin'i nnj nurln.ii
In tlm U. H. For r.itus , bull ) , rtc . an I otli'Tln- '
onnntloii , uJitrc'M , U. H. MAHDICN.
UotSprliiKd , South D.ikuti
NO. 5SKi ( > rr.Miinit )
More than ' . \.093 \ loiiduu nou-spjpcr.s buvocom-
pllmtinteil this nun Qnartnrly unu pronounce
it thu spiciest. eluveiuH' . muit entertuln n ;
pnlilicatlon of thu year. Short , aiiuis ir , ' , r.icy
storiuK. slu'tulus , poems. Jokes , eta. A com-
nundluin of wit and fun. Ask nowsilo iler for
It. IU < em prounre It direct 'r , > in in ; News
C'uinp.inie ! ) ilu not xnpplv It ; or heii'l 51 contx ,
stamps or postal note , to
TOWN TOl'ICS. 81 West ! 2d St. , Now York.
United htutcs .Mur liul'M hulc.
Dnokot No. Sill 0 In tlio circuit court of the
United States for the district of Nebraska.
The I'lrst Natlonul bank of Oniuba vs . ( . T.
( irlfllnut al.
1'nbllu natiue Is hereby slvcn that In pursu
ance ami by vlrtno of u wilt of execution lu-
sneil out of dhove nrune'J court in ubovu en-
tlllod OiiiiiO. und bourliu the date of Aiuiisl
10. A. I ) , IS'J. ' ' . I. llniil I ) . SlaiiKhter. United
Slates marslml for the district of Nuhrnska ,
will , on the ltn day of yiiptoinbor. A , 1) ) . In'j' ' . ' ,
at tli < ) hour nt II o'c'oitk In the forenoon of
sitld day. ul thu north uoor of ilia United
Suites courthouse and pnilolllco bnlldlni ; , In
the city of Oimilm , Doijiiliif. county , st ito unit
district of Nubraak i , Kollnt pu'lllo ' auction UN
thu law dlructs to tbu hluhost anil hil bidder
thu tf Intcri-Ht of tbu defendant heruln. J. A.
Urlllln , In and to thu follow nu dcscrlbud
property , to-wlt ;
All ihnt lot , [ ileeu or par -el of land holnu u
portion uf the wustiUt 1-lti feet of the tw 't of
sv4 of bo i4 beet Ion X * . township l.r > . ran u 1.1 ,
us followH ! lleulnnliiK UU feel south of thu
center of suction X' . tliencu niHt HH7-10fent.
tliuncti south I1UI feet to 4Urioru cornur on hilf :
Hvctlon II ic , thence wofit S.M 7-1U feut. thuncu
north : i.'ll feet to huidnnliu ; ln-lni : thu
Huutti iiuaitur of wnstS.1 U-IJ acre of nw'4 of
bo ! of suld buetlon : tl. contalnlii ) : 0 17 ! 1-RO
iiorun , nioru or-lvsn. Ago. beginning W.t feet ,
south of tlio center of Hcutlon . * . township | A.
rilllilU ii. : tllOIK'O AL-ht " , UIO fllUt U ) till ) WCht
line of Hald nut : on , thuncu botiih ail feet to iU-
IUTU corniir , tliL'nuu ( > UH | . i'IO ( ) feet to
half suction line , tliunco noitli 'Ml
fret to hoxliinlnir , buliiii thu N U
of n'iof svv ijuurlur of HiUil settlun UJ. buinte
twenty uurcs inuiu orii'Bs , A IHO a portion uf
tax lot 4 , in w'i of mi U of section ono ( P ,
townthlp It , r.umu I' ' , : m fo IUWH : llo.'innlntf
IXl'.H'j.l foul north of center of seotlon I ,
tliuncu north ltJ.KS.ri ) foot , lUonuo eavt A7J feet
to lllt-i ) I'apllllnn vreuk , thence Kontiinny
iiloni ; siild crook to u point oisl nf boilonliu ,
tliunvD went At feet Ui nliieu of hulnnlnc ,
bulni : the north 1UJ.KS feet of u.ild tux lot ;
continuing S i ncrus inuroor lcs .
llavlni ; tieon her.'toforu levied upon by vir
tuenf fciiltl writ of execution to a.ithfy a
judKinent of natil oonrt otiialnud at Its Muy
term lH70ln f.tvorof thu i'lrst NHtlonitl hunk
of Oimilm anu iiKit'nut ' thu mild J. A. drlllln.
HUM ) I ) . Kl < AtJJIITiil. ( ;
Unltud Htntei Miirshul , DUtrlct of\uuruBka.
W. A. HKUltK , Attorney Mr plalntlir.
AUK. 17 , M , ai , Bept. 7,11.
Twin City Steam Dye Works
c f , sortop : r > v 3 c , p > i iiii3
Omaha Oflluo , Io21 l-Vrnam St ; Tolopbono lo'Jl. Council llluirs Ollico and Works
Cor. Ave. A and S2oth St. ; Telephone 310. Send for circulars and prlco list.
of lots on 3'Jtli struct from Urand uvcntio to
Ames uvcnne.
Von lire hereby notillcd the nniler-
Fioneil. throe UNIntcrcHted frouholdurs ot the
ultrofOm ha. h tvu bucn dnlv nnpolntfil by
the mayor \\ltli the iipproval of the city coun
cil of sild alty. to ii Hots thu damage to tbo
iwners r.'spoctlvoly of the property a ( To i * tint
Dv criidln of said struct anil t'io crust stiunts
declared nuccssiry bv Ordinance No. .till ,
pinsed August 30lh , IS'.U ' , iipprovod Augiut
list. 16' ) . ! .
You are further tiotlllcJ , that havln : ne-
cnpto I s-tlil iipnointincnt , an I duly qua tiled
reunited by I-w. wn will , on the twunty-
'ourtti day ot Scptomnor , A. I ) . 1M ) . ' , ut thn
hour of three o'e oek In the afternoon , nt the
olllco of Ueo. J. I'.iul , liuii F.miutn street ,
within the orporato limits of said city , meet
Tor the pnrpoHii of considering and making
Ilio iiS'io < siiiPiit of damage to thoownuri re-
spo t.vo.y of said pronui ty , alFcclcd liy said
irallni tikln Into consideration spuelal
tiunellts , If unv.
You are notllled to bo present v.t tlio time
nnd place aforesaid , anil make any objections
to or Htmu'iieiits con.'crnlni ! s.ild assessment
of damages us'you niay consider iirnpor.
< i I1O. .1. 1 A ITlj.
Omaha , Sopt. 12th. ISU2.
rno THE OWXKIIS ori , \ , LOTS OH
J- parts of lots , on'ml street , from Nicholas
street to Clar.i stroot.
You tire hereby notlflod that the unilor-
slKnod , three dUlnturustcd free holdiirs of Ilio
city of Om.iha , have boon ilnly appointed by
the mi.vbr , with the approval of the city
council of s ilil citv. lo assess the d.inmo to
thu owners rusueotlvoly or tlio properly nf-
feeted by irradliu of Mild Htreot , dceliircd
necessary by ordinance No. ysn passi'd
Aiuustaitl , , IWU , approved AiiRiistlllst. ISOJ.
You uio fuitlicr notltled , that havln : : ic-
cept"d s.ild aiipolntinont , und duly iintilllloil
as iurUlrcil | by law.o will , op the 'Hii ( lay of
i-epteniber. A D 1-92. nt tlin hour of L' o'clock
n the .iflcrnoon nt , tne ollluo of lioorgu J.
I'linl , 10 5 Km n IIM utionl. wl bin the corpor
ate limits of5 il I c'.ty. ini'oi for thu purpose of
considering nn 1 male nt ; the assessment of
ilaiiKigu to HID owners respectively of said
property , affected by nuld r.idlntaking Into
considerations-led il Inmulits If uny.
You nro notllli'd to l.i- present nt the titno
and plui'o afoios ild. nnd innko uny objections
tnor statements conci-rnlnc said nssi-ssnient
of dum.iiu > asyou muy consldi-r proper.
\V.M ( i Siittivnn ,
Oinaba. bcptcinbcr ISIli. 18t > 2. SlildUt ,
Under nnd by vlitno of un order mndo by
tno lion. O. II. Scott , ono uf Ilio judzus of the
dlslrlutcrurt wltti'u ' and for DIJIIB ! s ijoiintv.
Nebraska. In th | ! followmi : iicllon ppiiiilnu In
said court , towit : Thu Standard Si'implni ;
comninv vs. l.evl Ii. lintzel und I'r.inK .1.
Hot/.el ( IhioKpl.'CI No. TO ) nnd to mo dl-oetu 1. I
will on tlio ilst ! duy of September. A. 1) . , IS' ' ) , ' ,
roinincnclii' ' ut 10 o'clock In the foienoon of
s.ild duy. at.ri.'J North Kith street In the city of
Omaha. Unnglus ronntv. Nebrasku. sell nl
nub ic unction to the hl.hnst und best bidders
for c.-isb ( or on tiiren months credit with ap
proved.s-cnrlty ) thu folIowinsrcooilsnndolKit-
tels lieretoforo levied upon by me by virtue
of an order of utt ii'hment Isiucd In the ubovo
ontillud ncllon , towit : "A stoci ; of staple nml
funcy crocurlus. Hour and other merchandise. "
Tlie nndersl'inoJ reserves the il.'ht to bell
this piopeity us u whole , or In supirutu
cols. us In h.s judgment shall bo for the best
Interest of all pi.riles concerned.
PlinrllT of DonsliiB County , Nubr.isita.
Hy.IoiiN KKWIH , Doijtity.
Omaha , Nebrask.i , freptombcr 10. 19) ) ? .
slO d 111 in o
SlivrllfH Sale.
Under un I by vlrtnu of two souurnto onlors
inndtiby the lion. Frank Ii-vlni' , one of lha
jnduehof l.iu district ronit wlth.n nnd for
Uoiigliiouuunlv. Nobrn'-ksi. In the fotlowlnj
actions puiullng In sil.I court , towit : I'
& Ciiill.i hcr , a copartnership coniposo.l of
William A. I'.iMon und llunjiitnln OalUuher
vs l.evl G. UoUul ( docket 'IJ , No. IT ) an.l Mc-
Cord , Ilrn Iv company , un IIH-OI poratlon. v <
l.nvl C > . llctznl ( ilojkot : il. No ISi. 1 will on the
Hth duy of September. A. l > . IK' ) . ' , coniniuncln ;
ut 10o'clock In thu forenoon of sud day , ut
No. IKiSoulli liith streetIn the city of Oniiih.i ,
Don tf las county , \obrislca. neil ut pnbllo u nc
llon to thu highest nii'l best bldilors for c-ish.
the following goods and chattels horutoforo
levied upon by me by virtue of orders of at
tachment issued In thu above entitled actions ,
towit :
A complete stoelc of stupln and f.m ly sro-
eeilos , Hoodfiiwiiro. tinware , wlllowwaro , Hour , house fnrnlsliln ; goods , slorj
fiirnlliiio unu ether merclnndifO.
The tin InrslRiied recurves the rlslit to soil
this properly its a whole or In snparntu par-
celh , us In his jiidKinont hhull bu for tlm bust ,
Interest of nil parties concnrnuil.
HICOKOI : A. moNNiriT.
Phcnll'of Dourlns County. Nub.
Omaha , Ncbi.isku , .September ; ii-d.
ieal and Siii'fi '
He ill Si2i5ll
llo lfncllltl inin-iritiiiniil | rnnollqi fori n-mifi
tro itinoat in imTjr funnnf ilaiia | rui | ilr-
Mlioili furimtlunH , hoirl in I iil'u i Inuj. 113,1 113
coinixlaUon' In tlm woit.
Write for clrciilum on ilofnriultlix und hriicoi , Imv
o' , dull fuut , ( urv ttilroi nf | jnu | , | illiii , luiii'irt , run.
< er , t'utirrh , lirouciltli , InliaUtlon , nlooTlt-lty , ptr.
nlril * . opIliMny. klilnoy , bin IJur. o/o , uur , tkm an I tin lull > iirj-al | iy ) ratl > iu .
Wiiiiii-ii Hlii5. ; iVn lisvn I'lti'ly ncl lol ii lyliii-ln .lo-
linrtiiiunl fur wniuvn ilurlim iiuiilliiuiiiont , ntrlvtl/
jir ruto. Dnl ) Hfllublo Mulliul lint.tulo IM < | IU it
bpi'dnltyof W
All Illooil lljen ) p ji-o'3 < fnll ) ' Hnihlllth
1'ulwiinrumiivu'l fnun lliu y tu u witliuul inuriir/ ,
Nuw Itiuinrutlvu 'I'm u I'cjiii ' fur I/M ( nf VI I'VI , I'oriniHiiriiiii'o ' to Tlili in niiix liutnittul
Bt IKVIIO bjr c.irru uun 1 ja-o. : All C'MmnillloiU. ) 11
vuntlileiitlm. Mu lli'lnuoirlitttrn iiunl < jatii/iii ill or
iinpr. msocutalf pacliel , no nurkj to Inllaitj vit-
tuntsor BII ler. ouu p r unil Inturrluv prolorrjl.
( all mill coniu.l ui or no ml liltiury of yuur cu > 4 , 11
wo will mill I In ( il.ilii wrjiiuar ,
BOOK TO MEN HK | "p < "l > rlvltlu
, , ) r .sur , < ) H
lniiiii'ii07Ij [ | > lnH , ( iluJt nut Vurlo'jsula ' , wlt.i i
llrncvi'AiMillunvut fur Dofur.nltle * a'll Truxai
Only umautmlor/- ttiu HUH uf
Omaha McJical and Sur ici ! Inslitutc
2Oth uad Broadway , O-unoll Blulfj.
Ton mlntuei rUa ( ram center of O.-u U ua Ou U *
d couull liluitt vluvula mulur llua ,
The want advertisements uppuarltijt In 'a
nownpipur nro often thu most Interosiliijj
part of Us contents. They evpiess the nr enf
needs , the dully wishes of tlio puoplo wld |
xvnnt 5onietlilnx and who urj wll Itu to do
A OKXTS WANTKO-Tusoll the host ilotiblo
f Vronsllnit and b.ik nt p tn In the market.
Steady work. Oin provn to have nuonU who
inalin over Jil u wnek regularly. Addroji
Churlos SelinltheUs , Counc I I' , ilfs.
\V ANTRD-don.l Klrl for ho lisa
Mworknti'l : i'1-ilnnrstroul.
AI'I.I'ASANT room or rooms for rent ut ? 0d
for horses nnd o ittln ; Ilrst
- clans : tl..VI u month. Imiulre at (114 llro ul-
way. _
FAHM nnd clly loins. Money loino.l nn
stock nnd train. Huil cstiitu for sale.
Dwelling and bnslnuss runlals. Moncv loaned
for local Investors. LOUKCO .VTowle. i3i 1'eari
street. _
Foil SAI < K Horse , biiKzr an.l h irness at
big mieillloo : ceo I ontllt : good wall bred
road horse. Must sell. U. U. Lowli , it 1'o.irl
UJS.iOOsloo'f of mcrchun.llso hi wentorn Iowa ,
Pwcll located , dulni ; 70.1 1 bnslnuis , for salu
lQ he .id of youiii ; horsss for tr.iilo ; Imnrovod
'property or i.urt. K. U. Itartiott , T4I llronil-
w y.UujiJi. [ ' i lllnjTs. _ j
$1.1)00 ) worth of dry uoods un < t notkms for ox-
change. 1C. C. ll.irtliut , 741 Ilroadwny.
IjlOlt SALU-Oreaniery. well locutud In No-
JL brasku. doliu KOOU business. Will fikrt
itrtn or or sull entire business at a bargain
K. II , Shjiufo. _ _ _
SAf < K Improved - mrj stoe'i f.irm
In wcslura low.i. iJI ; ISJ-ucrw furni , $ i ) ; 12J-
n ores. IW. Johnston & Vuti I'.itlen.
, i-ri'ir.lwnro stoik In Nob.
oiotii.iH K | | _ shinfo. _
" " S A Ijl' Choicest . '
1i""OK f.irm In I'ottiwiittA-
in o l'o. . 4111 ticrosveil lou itud an I Im
proved. I'llco JIJ un uoro. II Hi jlm.itn.
1KYOU liavo anjrthln ? far silc or tr.ido s s
_ IX II , Slio 'fn. Itro il\r iv un I M'il'i stront.
1/OKIllSNT nwolllii.-s In : ill p trts of tha
Jclly Ii. 11 , Sho-tfi ) . Hr.ttil wa v 'iiul .Main.
Ii'OR SAIjE On sirri I puynionts. fruit and
garden Ian I noir nouncll HlnlTi K. 11.
Slioafc. Uromlw ly un I Miln : strutft _
FOIt SAUC Albion H-ilior mills on
river. Nub. : tlnost w ilurpowur In tha state
I developing ! . ' . " > horse power witer ontlro ynir :
i dally cipacity , too birrls ; in luhincrv anil
n ppnrt em nccs complete In every dut , ill. fljal
frunio resilience : 8 ncrosof Ian I. title uarfot ,
price , $ ! > , 'IM ' ; will t'iko nnl-nprovo I o.iator.i
i land. Ii. II. Hho ifu.
FOR SAM3 Clean ntosu hur.lwaio. well os-
t.ibllshu.l . trrdo , Invoice about Ii.'JD. ' OojJ
unson for sullliu. Tertm cish. K. II. Sho.ite.
i 771011 S.M.K OH KRST-Ooo.l coul yurd with
I JMialos. . etc. iiruonslilnldi. Nluholbon Oo.
FOUKXCHAN E-llotol und rostnurant
located ui o .ubort , Nob. , unl 111 lots In
Donvur. Colo. : will exchange for clear Ne-
br sui ! land M U. Sheafe.
iriOK SALK Iliirdw.iro stoelc. will Involoo
-L i.fl"U ! ; loc tteil In an active Nebraska town
of I.VIO popiilntlon : bililncssold est.ib Ishont
will ho. ir ci ojii Investigation. II. 11. Hhciifo.
ACKIC firm with Iniprovomcnta , Hvo
lles north of Council UlulTs ; Jllan aero ;
afi _ n n pb.u-Kaln R H. Sliuufo. _
W' ANTED No' rusku lun.l In oxuli ingo for
peed work liorios. K. II. Shoafo.
f ) T - A ruifTar nTiJVSian ueTe If 'sold wllbhf
Jtbn d-i vs. Location seven miles from Coun-
chjlnfrs. A mini hurmlii. " \ ' . II. dlmafo. _
\\7'lljl < you l.ulld u lioniuVu li.ive a linn
TT res dunce lot whleli wo sell for * " > 0 It
tnKunHOon. _ Oroenshlulds. Jlulio con A. Oo.
| _ f A I- ! ' section of iinlnoiiinburod land In No-
1 ' bnist.a to Uvulo for city property. Urcon-
shlu IH , NlelioiHon A Co.
DY ! ! snods stoolc to trido for low i lan.I.
( ircenshlelils. Nicholson & Co. _
\\ru have n iiiiinbor of Rood tenants wheT
T want us to cut dt-slr.iblo houses for thoin.
Do you want to innt your House ? Ureun-
shields. Nicholson & Oo.
O'l llrouilwny. Oruonhhlolds. Nicholson .t Co. .
real estalo.
AiOOIllvo-ronni liouso for H-ilo on your
own terms. Cheaper than paying rent.
( iiecnslilelds. NIolioKull & Co. _ _
N'KW seven-room house , close to llenlon
street. Will tiu'lo for lots or land.
( iri'iiiishlulds. Nlcholstii & Co.
nwin-olur count v. Nub. Will tuko merchiin-
illso. K. II.Khuufe.
IJtOK SAMi-Hotel ; with fnrnlturo and llx-
J-1 tinea : 'J"i rooms , Irirn. et'1. I'rlce , ti,5)0. ;
I.ooiilcil In Douglas county. I ) illy receipts ,
M'i. Investigate at onco. K. 11. Sliuufo.
"IJIOKSAfjK Crnjimcry ontllt. comprlslnn 20-
JIi , p. hoi or , 10-b , p. enu'lne. U Do l/uvello
HOP irntors 2 cruam vits. .iJOKullons each : ash
churn'IJJ Ka'lons ' ; nouer butter worKur , boom
scnlcH , wnlshl oin. ; water tank and othur
( Ixtnrus. Will neil cheap for cash or tradu
for Inn I. K. U. Sheufo.
ITIC It SALE Small hotel In uood Iowa town
-L. llnlldln' , ' PHI ) fnrnlturo complete ; ut a
bargain. 'U
fOST ( fountain pen with tin cap ; u prus-
Jiint reward If rnlivncJ lo Justice
llainmor's court I'll tries Whlla.
SMAM , s.Klillo pony for nalo cheap. K. W
- J.ieliHon ,
W7AXTKD A youiiB man for gonorul hotiso-
1 worlc. Trumont liouso ,
G MM , WANTKI'Two In family ; cooa
1 " I'oiirlli street.
IO.-.T Iemon and wlillo pointer do . nno
J mil u half yearH old ; hud on strap collar ;
end of tall Mini. Kctnrn to 1017 Hlxth nvenno
nnd u'et toward.
LOST Near It. I , depot , pair of teloruph
pole cllmberi. : Hvtnin to lice.
LOST Slender cold chain , Imart ,
eniinioUiil forrfut-mu-nols Itutnrn to Uoo
Ot Council Itluirs.
Cnpltal hloiik $1. ) ' > ,01D
Surplus and i'-ollU 81),0lj ) ( )
Net cnpUnl nnd
Dlrcctnrs-.l. I ) . I'.d nuri IMII. K. U hliiuirt , K I )
( lluuinn , K. K. Hurt , I. A. Mlllor , J , V.'riMi .
nml Oliiirlua It , llnriiiiin. Tr.iiKUt uuit r4l bmik ,
IIIK hiiKlnuHi. J.urtft ) t ) uail Burplu * ut an/
bunk In bniithwtiitora luru
Tnoy nro for CASH ONLY ut Mr.sciiuNDoin's
Mnrkul. iUi llro.idway , Council HUHfe