8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 12 , 1802. PEOPLE MUST HAVE WORK Eoasona for the Quiet Prevailing in Retail Oirclcs. OPINIONS OF PROMINENT MERCHANTS NOT InihiPiirlci .Mint llo Introduced Tlml Will Ulvo impl : ( > ymunt to .Muro I'ooiiln lltfjro Ittulncss \\lll lln Acllto. Entorprlfos of.n mirnly local character In Omuba have suflorod moro or loss from dull- lies * UurltiK the past two years or moro. II maltus llttlo dlllurcnca In what alroctlou you ' look , wliotlior to ttio rcnl citato uustnc , tc 'i building oiitcrurlscs or to the soiling elI gooiU at rotnll , the conditions have been I I practically the same , with few executions , j Even whoti the volume or business Inn boon ' fuirly Inrpo there lias bcun a tioiovvorthy ob- ( scnco of that snap which lends puoplc to oh- I serve , "buslnou Is peed , trwlo Is uutlvo. " } Wiillo those fuels have been only too appar ent to those Interested In the wolfuru of the , city , llttlo has been said openly ropardlnK j the subject. Tnero Is , however , apparently | n KrotvltiR feeling that the tlmo has como j when the facts must ba ndtnlttod aud a prue- | tlcal remedy devised. t Publloprldonndthofo.tr of Injuring thu 1 cit > 's reputation hove led many to endeavor to cover up the true facts. Thi-ro 1 , however - | " over , notlntic In the statement that local I , enterprises arc dull of which to bo ashamed. Other western titles linvo experienced and f , arc experiencing tno snmo thliip In a greater or less Ucirco than Omuba und are malting Btronuous iflorts to better tholr conditions | It Is far bettor for Omaha to admit tbo facts and work out n remedy than to deny them aud do nothing. A great many business men of. Omaha nro la.vliiR something must IQ dona to brinp nbout a change , but what thls 'aotnethlnc" " tbull bo Is the question to bo "settled. Per haps tlio most in lcal way to hundlo tbo subject H10 Jlrst consider what are the ociuul conditions , and when they uro agreed upon to consider If there is any available ri'inei'y. The Introduction of electric motors fur- nlsblni ; rapid transit from tno suouibi to ttia ccutnr of thn city has hud a cuiitralizlnc cITocl upon the retail trade. Pcopln residing In the outskirts of the city , wjio formerly purchased tholr supplies from the small neighboring stores rather than walk down town , nro now quickly can led by the motors to the renter of the city , where they have the advantages o ( select ing their purchases Irani tbo slocks of the largest retail establishments. The coming of the electric motor , accordingly , lias rendered tbo suburban store a thine of the past , especially tlioso lying midway be tween the center of the city and tbo extreme end of the motor lino. No ouo will stop to trade at n small store ball way down town when three or four minutes' longer ride will land them at the dnorj uf the big r all houses. Tliti explains , to n very great de gree , the number of small vucantstoio build ings scattered all over tbo city , but docs not explain the reason for the general dullness In rotall circles. With the centralization of business It would ho only natural to expect a heavy in crease In thn business of tho"Inrpo centrally locate I establishments , provided the ijcop'.o have continued to buy the same quantity of goous. A curolul inquiry among Iho retail merchants will disclose the fact that some of tbusu establishments liuvo gained , and that business with them is better than before the advent of the motor , but tbo gain made by the largo establishments has uy no means kept pace with the decrease of too smaller places , showing that there hai been n decided dccicaso hi the volutuoof business. In other woras , it is easy to be seen that , the people of O in aim uro neither buying.so freely cor , In many cases , as expensive goods is they were u few years ago. Even the lurco centrally located stores , many of them , com plain of dull times. Jn order to prove that the condition of th rotnll trade In Omaha is as outlined above o number of merchant * have been interviewed , representing tbo different lines of business , BS boots und shoes , dry goous , t-lolh- Jnp , groceries , eln. The merchants Inter viewed nro these who are supposed to bo doing as goou business as any in tholr line auu are proprietors of largo und cen trally located stores. H will bo noted that thodo linns thatspo.ik of a good trade men tion that they are gcttine it from the coun try. This corresponds with Iho experience of thu Jobbers who have enjoyed u splendid country trade , but not much from the city. Itt-tall .Murc.'lmiiti 'lulk. . Hero Is whnt r.omo of the loading retail merchants of Omaha have to say regurdliig tbo condition of trade. Mr. y. Gamble , ninnnircr of the Continen tal ( Jlolhlng company U'o nro having the best trade that wu have experienced since 18bT , but wo are getting It from tl'o surround ing towns in Nebraska. Well-to-do farmers come in and spend iO or moro at a tlmo In Butting themselves llxcd up for thu full and winter. Puruly local trade , Unit Is trade that comes from Omnlm people , is It any thing duller than ever. Omaha is not pro ducing anything for a city of Its size. Thuio nro not factories ciiouirh. Ton many ncnplo liuvo depended on real ostatu and that is dull nnd will roiualu auil until wo have moro mou and women nt work In factories. As an oxniuplo of how dellclcnt wo are m manu facturing onlQrpilscs , tbero Is probably clothing retailed in Omana to the vnluo of Vi.OOO.UOU unnunlly.nnd not ono dollar's worth of It is uiadu hero. All this munoy Is sent uwuy to eastern cltle.'i. Mr. Levy , manager of the Nebraska Cloth- Inc comtun.V Tlio retail trade so far this fall has not bo entirely satisfactory. In vol. Hum It has amounted to about the eumo as last year , but wo had expected something moro. Wo uro hopeful and cannot sco any reason \vlty business should not Increase from Uio'siiiToumHiijj country , nut wo do not expect a very active business from Omaha. Why Is it. thut the local Omaha trade U not bettor ! It might bo liurd to give all the causes , but the main reason la to bo feu ml In Iho fuel that there Is not bo much work for Iho people as there was nt one time. ' ' 1 ho city has not been pushing the publlu Improvements and factories are not being started. Wu notice a gcod trade from houth Omaha. When wo spend money for advertising in the country wo get good return * but wo cannot say as much .for tbo city. Omaha ought to have more pco'ple em- \loycd who would lltoii have money to spend. \ Vu havu got to got manufacturing hero tuo Bamo b other cltios are doing. I do not bo- llovo much lu trying to luduco factories from tbo outstdo to locate in Omaha , but If our local capitalists would turn their attention to manufacturing they would do themselves nnd Iho city goad. Men with immoy in other citlcb arc stalling factories every day and nro making them pay besides building up their cities. Tnero are many things that can bo in.uto in Oinnha to advantage. N. II. Falconer The dry goods trudoof Iho city It blow in a general way , though In dividually wo havu been well satUllud. 1 look uiior. the present quiet prevailing In ro tall circles as duo to natural causes , a sort of reaction alter the boom. Tburo is not enough money lu general circulation ana the only peop'a who have inonoy are the workers. Property ownort > nave tholr money tied up and uro forced to bu very sparing In thuir expenditure * ) . ICvcry largo store U forced to do a coiisulorablu credit business oti'l collections uro alow. 5 P. Mori * of thu Morse Dry Goods coin- puny Since September 1 , or , innru correctly peaking , since Iho advent of coolur weather there bus beau a decided awakening of the rctull trado. What are commonly called the uilddlo classes especially have boon buying moro freely tuna was the rue n low \v ok uu'o. This trndo oouios largely from tlio country and people have bsou In hero from towns as far west at Clmdrou und have bougnt largo bills ot goods , The purely local business , that li the trade that cornea from the cooploof OmnhaU not aotlvo. The people ot Omnlm must bo loaded up with real estate for they do not appear ts have uuy moi.cy. A treat many ot those whodo liavo raonoy ipond It in other citluu tbuu Omaha. Hu.vuen Bros , were now Inclined to talk Very ( rcvly ou the subject but It could bo easily gathered from their conversation thai they did not tnko u very cheerful view of the null lrad of tbo city , Tliojr expressed thomic'ivos as fully conlzan . of the fact thai something must bo done to tntroduco now In dustrle ? nnd plvc employment to moro people plo Do fore the general local traJu of the cltj will bo active. They were very liberal In their pralso of Tin : Br.K for whnt it has done the paU year In favor of homo Industries. In boots anil Oroxol & Hosonzwolg--Trado shoes during the past summer hffs been only moderate , though , wo loolt for something better this fall. People have boon buylnp sparingly for some time ami will be com' polled to commence purchasing shoos soon. Ono reason wbv trndo bas bean light ts tc ba found lu Iho fact that laboring tnoa have boon nut of work and consequently out ol money. This makes raoro ( Inference to the retail' Business than people outsldo of the trndo imagine. Laboring men nro among the best of customers. Tuko bricklayers , pla torors and others who earn gooJ wnuoi nnd they buy the best of everything. When work Is .scarce , as It has been , wo tiotico n falling off. In the quality of buttuoss. People who have been uuylng shoos costup ) M.OO to $ (1.00 ( now ask for something wortli fiflO to $ J.O ! ) . There nupears to bo more work In the city this full than during the .summer , caused by an increase in the number - bor of buildings undergoing construction and bvtho commencement of public improve ments' . This ought to cnuso some iacreuso In the rotall trade. In our business nn early nnd cold fall would bo ndvuntugoous. We' weather Is not much hell ) , as It onuses a do- mind punctually for rubber goods on which ladles' rubbera for ox- there is llttlo prollt. , nmplo , being bought at 'Jl cents and sold at - . " ) cents. Norrls ft Wllcox There is some complaint regarding the retail trade , but wo do not know ns dealers nlways huvo Just causa. Wo havu Just been taking stock , nnd find that wo have not nona back any , The fall trndo Is opening favorably , and when the weather Is men there is n fair movement of gooJs. Wo look fur tnido to bo as good .lib fall ns last. People are buying moro economically than they did n few years ago. Ladles nnd gen tlemen , llvo or six years ugo thought noth ing of uavlm : $3 for n pair of shoos , wbllo nt the projont time S5 Is about the standard nrlco for the bettor class of trado. However - over , competition nmong both manufacturers nnd retailers has lowered the prlco somewhat - what , and f5 wl 1 buy a much prottlor shoo now than it would at that time. Wm. Klemlnp , grocer Trade leapt up well In July and August , though It ts nlways quieter then , as our customers are many of them poranibul&tor * who do not kocp house during the bet weather. Wo expect a line ir&da from now until after the holidays , nnd see no reason whv our expectations .should not bo voilllod. Our trade , however , is of n kind that would not bo alTeutcd by tin lack of building imlcrpriscH , etc. , in lha city. As it general thing the grocery trade of Iho city U In bad shape , us is evidenced by the num ber uf failures in that line during the past year or tnoro. A great many people have had an Idcn that lharo was a mint of money in this busiuoss and could not get it out of their heads until they had tried U for thumsclvos. These without capital and oxpciionco have boon getting out of the business pretty rapidly for some tlmo bncii and , I believe , the grocery business is K Uing down to u hotter basis. Mr. Fleming nlso called attention to the number of vacant store build ings in the city , which ho ascribed ns being duo to the process of con- trullzaiion of trade mentioned In the first pavt of this article , ns well as to Iho lack of utnploymont for laborlne men who formerly supported the small retail establishments oc cupying these stores. Thu Cuuso of Dull TnlUo. Business men are almost unanimously agreed that the causa for the decrease .n the volume of retail trade , when sifted to the bottom , is duo to u lack of employment for thn people. There are not enough uooplo sicauily nmploycd In Omaha to keot > tno wheels of trade moving freely. There are too many idle man in the city for whom no " work Is provided. They nro "without work anil without money , and trade , under tboso conditions , could not bo othorwisa than dull. \ \ ith thej-io facts well understood , It is easy to bo seen that the only remedy llos in sup- plylnir moro work and the whole subject Is then roduccu to the question , 'How cruato work I" liuslncss men say that manufacturing must bo Introduced Into the city nnd woric furnished for additional people. To Induce manufacturers to coma heru from other lo calities is n ditllcult matter as It usually re quires n bonus to tmrle them and they are apt to close down or Icavu uftor the bonus runs out. The only sure way , business men declare , U for the pcopto of' the city them selves to turn their attention to manufactur ing. The capitalists of other cities nro building factories and emnlo.ing pnoplb nnd besides making a good prollt on their Invest ments they uro bcnetltttng their cities. The great trouhlo lu Omaha is that the men who have money have IJCPII satisfied with being moro inonoy loancrs or real estate owners Instead of turnliifr their wealth into * channels where it would do some good. L-i t winter a strong effort was mndo by Tin : Hen to develop tlio manufacturing In dustries of tbo clly oy creating n dumaud for tlio goods produced by Uio local factories. Manufacturer sav th t several hundred moro p-oplo ao omolovcd as a result of the efforts put forth by THE Bcu in fuvor at homo patronage. lUisincbs men also soy that a united effort must bo made tba coming fall und winter , not only to Increase iho sue of the factories already In existence but lo Introduce now lines of manufactures notyot , represented in the city. Othci' cities are doing this , and almost any Oailoapcr that wo may melt up will DO found to contain notices of new oniorprbos that nro being sot on foot by the wldo- uwako capitalists of other cities. No ono asits that money bo donated for the public trooU , but only that the idle money of tbo city bo invested where it will do some good. Citizens oven of moderate moans can nrgunlzo .stock com pan os and conduct a largo and successful businfs.- without any ono in dividual being obliged lo invest any great Bum of money. a prominent business man : "Every ono of us ought from thU time on to keep our eyes open und our thinking caui on , and whenever wo learn of anything that can bo made to advuntugo in Omaha make that fact known and if possible got local capitalists Interested. Wo ought also , as business mete - ] , to do everything wo can to encourage ' .la innnufactureis already established In tbo city by pushing the sale of their goods. " Mothsrs will llnd Mrs. Wimlow's Sooth ing i yruu thu best roinedy for their children 25 cents n bottle. ( i. A. It. KXCUKSION TO WASHINGTON Vln thu WahiMh I.Inc. For the itbovo ocuiulon the Wubash will soil , Sopt. Kith to 20th , round trip tickets to Washington and Baltimoreat less tlittti half furo.wltli choice of routes ; pushing down thu bountiful Shuiiuiuoih ! : Valley urossii.g the mountains of Vir ginia bydaylight , within sight of ninny famous battlefields. You have pi-lvl- logo of Mlopnlni ; lit St. Louis to viblt the grent exposition and fair ; nleo , view the iiiagnlllueut etroot Uluinhmllons nnd parade of Veiled ProphoU , which v/lll / burpiibs In grandeur nllotTorts of former yours. For niton , tiulcutd , sleeping ear accommodations , and further Informa tion , call at Wabash olliue , 1502 Farmun street , or wrlto U. N. UI.AVTOX , N. W. P.gt. . . Oumhaii , Nob. The entire stool ; ol horse ) owned by A. J. Ponploton. including the st-.tlllons Kulu , Royal Oalc and TruvopHO , will bo sold at uuutlon at IClkhorn , Neb , , on Thursday , Sopt. 16 , at " p. in , The Fidelity Trust company has removed - moved Us olUco to 1701 ! Fur num , south- otiHt corner Ueo building. TEACHING THE INDIAN YOU I'll What tbo Govemnunt is Doing in the Matter tor of Education. EFFECT OF CONGRESSIONAL PENURY Work of the Itnrenu Ahrlilgoil by Koilurcil Aiiproprliitlon How tlui .Monuy I * Aiiroprliitnd Opposition to Cuntiiict Sellouts. The work of education amonpr the Indians curried on by the United State ? government will bo seriously circumscribed during tin current llscal yearowln to the reduced np propriattons made by congress , Cdmmisslonoi Morgan has found It uqees ary to abridge the work and out down both lha amount al lowed the government schools nnd the contract schools for the year ending JutuO ) , 18113. Tha amount appropriated has been apportioned impartially as the following olllcial figures will show : Koman U.aholle . J.W.'UT ' rreiiiyterliin . --'li'1 ' ' C'onx'io utloniU . ' , ' ) , . , I ! Kplseop.il . 4,8it ( ' Mennonlte . . . tjiilt-.irlun . < > , rx liulliuran. WittonborgVls . 15.12C Mrs. l > . II. DasRUU . 0tbO Mint llowar.1 . , . S.5JH l.liiculn Instltulo . 1H.4I.C Hampton Institute . VJU.04C Total . jO3.S3l General T. J. Morgan , cominlsilonor of ml Inn affairs , ontcrod upon his duties July 1 , 1MU , and nwnrded the contracts for the four succeeding yours. Tno commissioner was oDiiosod or principle to the policy ot ap propriating money from the public treasury to sectarian use * nnd gave public notice at the beginning of his administration that ho would not make contracts witn any now schools. Ho has steadily adhered to this policy , although numerous application- /a been'mado b.v various religious bodies for tbo nuthorlzaliou of new schools. At the sumo tnno ho announced that although ho was opposed to the policy In question , yet it was not his DJrposo to intor- lure with existing schools or In any manner impair vested rights or to discriminate against any denomination. During Iho past ihreo years several con tract schools have been voluntarily surrendered rendered- by the Catholics nt Djnvcr , ono by the I'resoj tenons nt Albuquerque , ono by the Fi lends in North Carolina , ono by the Methodists on tlio ( Jsago reservation aud two by the Episcopalians in Minnesota. Tlio school at Duvil's Lake , formerly car ried on as a contract school by the Catho lics , was In n building belonging to the government and when the training school was established by the Indian ofllco nt the abandoned military post of Fort Totton the sisters' school was made u part of the Gov ernment school , but the sUtors were retained ns teachers under govern mont par. Ono small Otholio day school in Now Mexico , which was practically u failure , hai bpon discontinued by the Indian oillco. No other changes whatever have been umao In tbo Catholic schools. There has boon a steady , rapia , astonish ing growth in public opinion during the last three yours regarding the on tire matter of appropriation of publla moneys for sectarian uses. The three great denominations the Methodists , IJaptlsu and Presbyterians have publicly condemned it Bud "thcro has been u change of sontlmunt in the sumo di rection among the Congrcgatlonallsts ana the Episcopalians. The lip ins have novcr drawn any of this uionoy , and the Method ists have now entirely abandoned it. All the BuperlntondonU , touchers , matrons and physicians for these school * are In the class- lied service and arc appointed on the certifi cation of tbo civil service commission. It is Impossible to apply to thorn miy partisan or sectarian tust , they being appointed so'.ely upon the mat-its of their examination. KUnuiitloiiiil Notes. Mrs. A. E. N. Robertson of Mincogcc. I. T. , has been made a doctor of philosophy by the University of Ohio for translating tbo now tostamcnt out of the Greek Into the language uf tno Creek Indians. The Cnautauqua Literary and Scientific sircle , class of "J. , will record between ii.SUj J.OOO graduates. With the addition of thlB class to tbo ranks the whnlo number of grad nates will exceed : > 0OGO. Seine idea of the wida field which is being reached by tbo Chnutauqua circle may bo rained from Iho fact that durliig the fourteen - teen yo.irs hinco its organization more than iOO.OOJ persons have been enrolled as uctlvo members of the society. One of tbo most useful of the branches of the Stanford university is the marine Inuora- tor.v which has been established on Iho Chores ot Monterey o. y. The waters of this coast are rich In marina Ufa , and with the line equipment provided by the gilt of Timothy llomdns this laboratory will soon larfo its place among the groatoU seaside schools of the world. The Chautauqua system of education an nounces as thu subjects for homo ro.iding [ luring the coming yt'ar the "Diplomatic Relations of the United States with Foreign I'owcrs , " the "History , Literature and Art uf Greece. " The required volumes have Daeu prepared by Mr.Villi.ini E. Curtis of the State department , Hov. Alfred .J. Church n ( London university , Dr.V. . C. Wilkinson , Mr. Jam-s II. Joy uuU I'rof. Oeorgo 1 > . Fisher of Ynlo. Tbo Kloctrlc.il World calls attcntiou to the growing interest In the study of electricity which Is being shown in our educational i'i- btitullons. Tno number of students in tins department at ino universities and tcchuio schools is incroasniL' with unexampled rapidity year by year. There are now no less than M such students at Cor.ioll alone , against only twunty-olght eight years ago. And in other quartern the same dcgrco of en thusiasm is manifest. Great preparations are being made uy the authorities of the ancient University of Padua for the colabration , on December T , of the tercentenary anniversary of Galileo's In stallment as profoasor of mathomntlcsat that Institution. On the occasion lo ba com memorated ho delivered the discourse which laid the foundation of his famo. An album containing , unions : other things , documents relating to Galileo's Ufa in 1'ndua , together with the annual report ot the institution for Ifj'J , ' , is to bo pudlUhoil In connection with thu celebration. _ _ DoWltt's Sarsaparllla cleanses the blooa , Increases Iho appolllo and tones up the sys tem. It bus hcnetited many people wtio have suffered from blood disorders. It will help you. Itimiarkiilil- litatoru Itnlus , Greatly reduced rntoa to Wiuhlntrton , D. C. nnd return via ' 'Tho Northwest ern Line , " Sent. 13 to WHh , inclusive , good returning- until Oct. lOtli. Choice of routes oust of Chlcaco , with liberal stop-over privileges. Slaoplng1 cm ; berths can be obtained through to Washington. Cull diirly ut city ticket oillco ( or full information , 1401 Furmun street. G. R WKST. R. U. UITCIIIK , C. IJ. and T. A. Gunoral The Fidelity Trust company hits removed - moved its oillco to 17UFuniam , south- oiiut corner Lee ! bulldlii } , ' . . Spootuolos accuriitoly fitted ; refrnotivo o.xaininntlon free. Tudor Optical Co. , corner Fa rim in and 1-lth. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard SarsapanSia Is superior to all other preparations claiming to bo Ulood.purillers. First of nil , because the principal ingredi ent used in it is- the extract of KCII- nlno Iloiiilnras-sarsnparilla root , tlio variety richest in medicinal proper- Cures Catarrh low ( lock , being raised expressly for the Company , is always fresh ami of the very best kind. "With equal discrimination and care , each of tiio other Ingredients are selected and compounded. It is luperior because it is always the same in ap pearance , liavor , and effect , and , be ing highly concentrated , only small doses arc needed. It is , thcrefore ( the most economical blood-purifier in existence. It P UUI Co makes food nour SCROFULA ishing , work pleas ant , sleep refresh ing , and life enjoyable. It searches out all impurities iu the system and expels them harmlessly by the natu ral channels. AVER'S Sarsaparilhi gives elasticity to the step , and im parts to the aged and -inl'inn , re newed health , strength , and vitality. I'repnrcd liy Dr. J. C. Aver & Co. , Lowell , Ma § . Bom bynlllriiiglsta ; rrlccl ; all bottlesf5. : Cures others , will cure you Keep cool' ' Tlio ptnKiiocnn't rcnch you If you do thu rluht thlHK nt the rUlit tlmo. LOOK AT THE SECRETIONS I Sec Hint they nro licaltliy nncl perfect. I'nt the liver to imuir.il work. Tills milllin illucstlun unit nutrition. Avolil linrlpo fruits nml lunrliolo-iomu muntH. Cook o\orythliiir , even wiilor Ll"an lf tlio int'inhrntics of sttitnnch nnd bowola at one * , ultti Dr. Sell nek's ' Manflratc Fills , They carry aw.iy nil illsuiiiu itorin nu.l nil iiolson- Diis mutter. Tliuy nsnuru porTvctly liunllhy nnil initiirnl cecrotlon . They turn tlio liver to Iho ne- L-ount of ( Iliiestlon nnit nutrition , quickly , unruly thoroiiKhly Kcop lionet cool , fcut iriinn , Bktn cluan SCHENCK'S MANDKAKE PILLS. linvo Inuti tosloit In many a Cuolcraoplilemlc. They : lo for Die. STOMACH , LIVER AND BOWELS lust what sanitary science onys shoulil bo clone with ilrjlni , clo otK. rooms nnil the outer person They slunn unit purify the Inner nounn nncl put the ali mentary clmmiuU In tii'rfoct nrtlur. Avolil Ftlmul.intCloir thlr olTocti nut of thn njrnti'ni iitoneo with the itANllltAKK I'll.l.f. Put Lfic n'lmo.itury channels In orilur nntl bt.1 tluttanco lo t'l oli-ru , In fholern cplilomlrs ; iliul all olliars Invoivlnnlllio liver , Htomncn mid b'irel . more ut4pn ill provt-ntlon mill curusttnit tirtlio croJIl of DrjiSolionrk'n Mun- ilaako rilli than lo nunothiT nxcncr or romoJy. D It. B.C. WKS'3 NBItVK ANI IlltAI.VTUiC I. F HENT.aspojlilo ( or llystorlo. UU tnj i , flu , Naj ralk'la. He la.icll'j. Morvoui 1'rojtrnlon ciusol by > lcohoior tob.ico ; ) . \V.-\iotiilnesj , .Modtil Uonroi- Blon.auftnosjortlie llr.ilii.ciu < ln < iiiviiitr : , mlurr dcc yilo.ith , I'ra niituro OKI Ao , llirronon , J.OM of I'unor In elthar sar , Irupotencl.aucorrUjiniiil nil Fenialo SYtiiknms ; ! , Iniroluntirr L > osiJ < , Spur- matorrhc.iciiijja by orar-oxortlui at fii unln Holf-nbuseovor-ln luleenoa. \ mont 'i trjjtiunt 11.0 for $ i.by null. Woauirantoiolt borjj to c-.in Knell orJo foruu.it'ii. nltli f"i will sj id wrIUin sunrantcoto refund If not our J1. ( Juirantoo Isuul only by Tlicodore. F. J.owls ilnui.1't. nota axunt , Boutliuast corner Itillinnd Karnniu bt * . . Oniabn V ( Dim , Tlio name bestowed npnn a certain populnr eamo or cards , la a tame , uulatereatliiK affair , coinparcil wltli tlu Imporinnco attached to Ilia safe , spi-edy , Hcleutltlc and psrinam-nt euro at ttio above-named diseases , ao psrtormed by tliosa wonilerlully ekllHul and Justly celebrated DRS. BEXTS & BETTS Who , In tile treatment Mid cure of mcb UeUcato maladies aj Syphilis , Stricture , Seminal Weakness , Hydrocelo , Varicocelo , Female Weakness , Piles , Fistula , Rectal Ulcers , Sexual Diseases. And all kindred Ills , li&ve DO equilsln America. Bend 4 csnU ( or handsomely Illustrated 120- PSKO uoulc , DRS , BETTS & BETTS Comu'Utlon ( rev. Call upon or addreii nitti Btamp , 03 outh HtlJ Ht. , N F.CurnurHth and Douglas Sta. , Omttlm , Nob. Why is it that . Strictly Pure White Lead is the best paint ? Because it will outlast all other Paints , make a hand somer finish , give better pro tection to the wood , and the first cost of painting1 will be less. If a color other than white is wanted , tint the Lead with the National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors These colors are sold in small cans , one pound being sufficient to tint twenty-five pounds of pure White Lead the desired shade. Be Careful to use only old and well- known brands of white lead. The market is flooded with adulterated Paints , and "so- called" white leads. The fol lowing are strictly pure "Old Dutch " process brands , and are established by a lifetime of use : "COLLIER" "RED SEAL" "SOUTHERN" For sale by nil first class dealers In Paints , | If you nre golnc to paint , It will pay you to send to us for n book contuinlng in formation that may nave you many a dollar ; it will only cost you a postal card to do so , NATIONAL LEAD CO. , St. Louis Branch , Clark Avenue and Tenth Street , St. Louis , Mo. O'rudo . & KID above brands of jrlovos lor sale by The Boston Store N. W. Cor. 10th utul Doujrlus Sts. Oinahtv DEFORMITY BRAOES EiasticStockings , Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , Water Bottles , a Syringes , Atomizers , Medical Supplies. ALOE & PESFJLD , 1148. 15th St. , Next la I'jj ; ) v. QUAIL BRAND HEALTH FOODS Parched Rolled Oats , Unequalled in Flavor. Corn Gritz , Sold only hi 2 } pound Velvet Meal , For munins ivucl BKTlBAPBT Sold b.v nil t'irU-CI isa ( J Ur. Bailay , 8r " ( The Loadln Dentist 'llilrcl Fioor. I'.i.xlou Illoj4. rolopliiino 10S5. Kllli ii'il rarani SI ) . A ( nil put ot tvutn on riihlior lor $ " > . 1'crfust sit rJinovablo lirlJu'U iror < Tcrtlillhout pliiton r Ubt tlio thlni ; lor dnturj or publla BiunKur | < , nuvjr Irop ilon n. 'iKi-vru nxruACTEi ) wirnour PAIV Gold Illlliu ut ru isoirililo i-.itm. All work ivurraiitucl ( Jut tliliuul for u ulilu. & * * * , TUouitndi lay tliey will wear o Other Shoo. Wear Dili Shoe during the Summer Months. DO NOT SUFFER WITH TIRED or TENDER FEET. Thu Shoe EXPANDS with KVKRV MOTION of . ' the Tout. Alwui irllllll III | niltillli > | ' < 'Jbl ADJl'sr.UII.U Iciture nitkci It | > uinOi ! > to wet uarruMir lUue. THE PERFECTION Coiti no more , laokt belter , wear ) longer , ftiul ivri 100 times more comfort HUM > nulhrr nuke , rrlcca. 33.00 , $3.GO , $3,00 $3.60. .CONSOLIDATED SHOE CO , MTrs , LynnMan. , : uruulout Uio lloslou Sloro.lUlh and Doujla EDUCATIONAL. . VOHK MIMTARV ADAMUMVI coi. N ( r.w J. J , Wntflit , II. 8 , . A. M , . Coriiwull.N.y. MILITARY a 6 ACADEMY : 'l iiic l. i.lltrarr , Hrlentlflo rnuri'i of iludr ' In. lauirr ami Artlllerr rirlll ml elu l < \ lr ; Illilral Mllllnrr HliiM > l In Mo. l' t li > inn , rtuJur M. atitUlia , tl. * . , I.exlUKtun , Ha , _ _ PEMALE ACADEMY , I'rriurtiory , ColUcUto , Undo > mlIn * All Oo.ir.V. MufurWrMikloir Bfiilforlllu-UHfJc ttaiu t. V. UUIXAllU. X U , 1'iiu. JackivUTUo , 10. Today tomorpow--till Saturday night \ve have arranged to hold 'one oT our old time suit sales , when we will place on sale three styles of suits , three hundred and fifty of each style six hundred suits in all at the popular price of a ten dollar note that are made of better goods are better made better trimmed and have finer linings in them -than were ever sold before for less than fifteen dollars. These Suits are All Wool , They are made of one of the best heavy cassimeres manufactured in the whole United States. They were cut by instead of by steam. The coats are lined with an extra quality of Farmer satin and the vest back is of the same mater ial -while the sleeve linings and the vest linings'are of fancy Gilbert silesia. The two front rows of our large Doug las street window , show you how these suits look and its an easy matter to step in side "the. store and see how they feel ; We will guarantee that you can get more good hard wear out of one of these suits t h a ri"you e"v e r"g o t for a ten dollar bill before in all your life. We will also offer on second floor , 2OO FALL OVERCOATS j\made of stylish tan Melton , lined with good twilled lining , sizes 34 to 42 , At They're the seven dollar sort. lilOUOA ( For the hlfth.r and l.lhcrul EJnrntlen of * lr1 | I and rotine women HpiTlaltlcn. llualc , Art , Elo. , 1'brilcul Training , btritm ln-nt , t.'olfP I Anil hot watrr , bath rooma. rtc , on ckch floor. 21th Kcfulon brrltm l-rpt Kill. 1R'I2. ForCntaloKU * LEXINGTON. MISSOURI. addrrni AUC1IIII.11.I > A. JOXKS , 1'rcit. flnperorailTBiita | Mfor due tliiB CouraeofrHid tlior. ouch. Musical \rtdfpnrtnientn higheaturrier tcaclicrnof thehebt American atut Kuropo n cnltiiT , Inrgu nnd l > autiful Krounda , nru biilldlnRB , roomavrcll Tentilnleil , ll hlcd by JJHJ < Opetm fefpleniber 7th for catalocuo Atldrcis - MOT T. IV. ItAltHKTT , l > rcn. COI.UII1I1A , MO. TELL U5 hQW flAMY PACES YQU5EE 111 THIS ADV. AND WE. WILL SEND YOU A BEAUTIfUL PICTURE ZOXZ5 FORFRAHING ; MARSHALL CCHEilSCAL NANIJFACTURIHG CoHAHSASQTVfl ? ; .jyiSvIVn.-a 1lilll-/-n" " < " 'fr7fl'iHiim il5U Is remarkable among whlskloo for Its Purity , Rich Quality , Smoothness arid Delicious Bouquet. Sold only at High-class Drinking Places and Drug Stores. If your Dealer does not keep it in stock , Write to 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Th eminent pecl llit In nervoui , tlironlp , prlTiile. blood , liln and unnnrr dltciiit. A r ( l r nV .niitVrofl ur du * ! ) In modclno. ui dlplumai "J curuncutci Bti < iw , U Mill traallnv with tha irittoit tucceiiX itnrrli iiii riiiKlrrbue . luiimanbaoJ.samlnal Wuaknuii. iilnht lonot. liupotoiicr. trpbllu. itrlotur r .HOiv 'k rrtioB iiUvt. fKrlcooBle.cto , No mercury uieJ. Nan Irontin.nt forlouot > lul POWIT. r rli t uni b ! to X lilt ia iiiuy bo inialea t huiuo br earrvuponileucu. Medliln * or Initrumroti lunt nnlloreipru . ii'iiiiirkitoludUatucauluiiti orinuilvr. Una iivrional Inturrlow pnrurrtd. . Conull Um " " arulrpackeU. " " ' " ' ' oc. Corte' p'JiiJeiirt itrtctly url t . lluoli lilr l rlM ( it Ult ) "ioul Jl i. "UIUo 'l > u'un - . "au"w f.'i uudmi VI . m.tn ilin Hvndiliuup ( ur ri'U'/ ' . ? the "Korvo Seoclo , " - - - - SIP iviu WIIH k writ * rii unurmi < vo to euro All nrrvuui ilKonui. > ucli ai Weak Memvrr. ] / iur llruliU'oirir. Hiitilncliu. Wukelulnuti , I/o l Manhmxl , Nlihtlr Uul > lon . Ncrvouii.cn. l < a < Uuilvall(1riln > nnd loss of pnworor tlioUcncr llr . , - iiiiinr nnii M iiruirtk yifiranHf Kxurv i i iij uvi-if v , . „ . . . . . . . _ , . . . - . . . , . v , , UUI > W .V..VM VI Clriutor Uuo. Aildrtu AcrxiHoeatii. , Cblcniuj 111. For s.ilu laOmuha by Sliornmii & .MOoiinoll , 1515 Uoilt'e stroot.