Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Ut-llvcrsa by carrier to : mr P"t of th eltj
llu . 'ni ' > Offlrc , No 43
. . )
t rt'tmvrt.
1 IT-II1O ? > T > 1J Mclit Editor No3
J < V. Plumbing Co.
I'OuT.cll Blufls Lumber Co. .
Fhcro urns no service yesterday at the Con-
Erejjatlotial church.
St. Albaos' lodce ICtilRhw ot P.vtblm will
inccl this orcninc in tbe hall on Pearl fctreot.
Justice Concn will render a decision toJwy
la the case 0 } Oscar Uixon. charpod with as-
mult with Intent to kill.
The council wilt tnoet at ! i o'clock this
otlernoon as n committee of the wbolo lor
"Paul ordl-
Ibo purpose of consldorine the
cunce. "
Ur. Darren will lecture next Trldn.r even
ing nt the First Presbyterian churclt for the
bcne.1t of the Council Bluffs Humane
Krculur meeting of Excelsior lodpe , No.
C.V.I , Ancient Kroe and Accepted Mason * , thU
cvenlnp. VUltlnfi broihron snrdinllv invited.
By order of the worthy master.
Wanted to excnanco , farm land In Pntta-
watUimle countv , Iowa , for smooth farm
land in Phelps or Oosper county , Nebraska.
Onto Knox. 80S Avenue G. Council Bluffs.
The city council will hold n nicotine to-
mjibt at which &atno further action may pos-
iltilv bo taken with rcferenrc to the Union
Land und Improvement company' * ilpht of
nny ordinance.
The preliminary examination of Oswald
Prtorton on the charpc of tna sodnntlon of
Nellie ChriklouKon is booitca for this mornIng -
Ing at' ) o'clock before Jjfttlcn Ilammer. A.
Biomberc will ulso have n heaiinp on the
ibnrpe of nssaultitip C. 11.Vhltc. .
Kobrrt Stephennon was the name civen bv
t inun who tried to raise n disturbance at the
"Miforiilu hou e on Lower Broadway and
lucccodcil bo ivoll that it took four men to
bold him utml nn oBlcor arrived. Hbas
sharped with aiiturbiuc the peace and
Mrs. .1. M. Metculf of Omaha entertained
t. number of friends nt a tea party la-t Fri
day cvotilriR in honor of Miss Sinclair of Ha-
cine , Mlhs Lorton of Nebraska City ana tno
MiBscb Abbott and Barlicr of Chicago.
Amonp tbo o present were Miss Jessie
Furnsworln nnd J. L. Paxton of Council
The missionary society of the Contrrepa-
tlonal church will hold a patnerinp of pouinl
Interest next Thursday atttrnoon at tbo
home of Mrs U. G. Uice , to which all arc
Invited. Carriapes will be In vvaitlnc nt the
cburcn at 2:30 : p. ra. to curry those who
oesire to attend , and upaln at 5 : SO o'clock.
Tea will bo served at 0:39 , and the gentle-
tnrn are invited to partake.
Hey Spmicer. a boy living in tnevestern
part"of the city , WBK arrested ynsterday af
ternoon on the cbarpe of malicious mischief.
J.V. . Lund , who has i melon patch at the
corner of Thirty-flfth stiret and Fourteenth
avenue , claims tbat he , u number of
small companions , has been helmni : himself
to the fruit rather too fi oely. Tbo boy will
Lave a bearing in poHuerourMhis morning.
] { ev. Clurk , city missionarv of Omaha ,
prenchca yesterday moniinp nt the First
Baptist church. In the eveninc the audito
rium was Riven un to tbo children of the
Sunday school who cave a harvest home en
tertainment. The teem was decorated with
Jlowers nnd tne various fruits and grains of
nuturan. A fine program of sonpi. recita
tions , etc. . was presented by tto members of
the school.
A younp lady from Omaha was arrested
about iniunipht Saturday night , while Uriv-
Inp with a luale companion , for indulxinp in
some vocal pyrotechnics that a kind-hearted
policeman was afruid would disturb the
iloep'nc ' citizen * . \Vtjea she crrived at the
police station she explained that sbo was
merely sluplnp , anl said that she belonged
to a very respectable family. An investiga
tion sbowod that she was telling the truth ,
tud sbo wus discharged. Sbo gave her
Irtitfto as Ssrati , Ton < ; s.
Gontlemon. the finest line of irill poods
In the city , ju = t rocuivod. Tteitor , the
tailor , 310 Broadway.
rmliPtt Cnino
And pivo an exhibition in Council
BluHt.:1 And will the uttondtmce bo uuf-
ficient to justify liio doing soV How
ever that tnay be it will justify all to
cull at the grout bnnkruiit shoo snlo nnd
bee for how little money you can get n.
peed , serviceable pair of hhoes. Ladies'
donpfola patent Iruther tip button go at
Sl.JUi , woi tli $2 7 < 3 , and the fine dougolu
kid button that Ftll for Jl 57 are well
worth S3 00. Gents' calf , shoos at il.29 , S-li.50 , and K ° ' > U > ' kantraroo hand-
tewca shoes nt W.OU , worth & ! i.OO.
Thousandb rao.-o harpains too numer
ous to think of. 621 LJ'-ondw'y. :
j'iitox.iL i' tit.iau.ii-Jij.
Rr-v. T. B. Ciroenlee Is visiting bis father-
in-law. Dr. E. 1. Wooabury.
Miss Hope of St. Paul is the puost of the
Misses Oliver on 1'ark avenue.
Mrs. J. C. Mitchell and son have gene to
Marlon , la. , for u visit with relatives.
Miss Nellie Dodca has rotdroed to Wellesley -
ley , Mass. , to resume her School work.
MUs May Tulluys leaves tomorrow for
La Sallo seminary at Auburntliilo , Mass.
Mr. and Luman Pryor of Minne
apolis are in the city visitlntr their brothers.
Miss Stowo and Miss Lotilo Sto\vo of Mu
Plcaenut are cues-Is of Mrs. \ \ . S. Mayne
on Park avenue.
Miss Liorton , Mus Abbott. Miss Sinclair
and Miss Baker , who were the uosls of iho
Mifsos Farnsworlh several days last week ,
lef I for Chicago Saturday raonilnp.
Rov. L. A. Hall has returned from bis
vacation trip in tbo east and occupied bis
pulpit In the Temple Baptist cuurrh yester
day. Services are being held in Hughes'
Postmaster 1. M. Treynor leaves in n few-
days for his annual tour of inspection of the
poMoGico * of Po'tawuttatulo county. Dur-
inc tbe Journey ho will cover soraothlne over
S < )0 ) mllefi , and it will take him about two
weeks. A port of the distance will be
trcvnlcd by bicycle II the condition ot the
roue's will permit.
1.r > 0people in this city 1193 gas stores
Ibe Otis Co. puts 'am in ut cost
Wanted to Ituy.
Improved property. Will pay cash if
price is low. II. G. McGeo.lOMain stroet.
I.i .t Ilnr Aiple , Imt Sar il HIT I.Iff.
An old lady named Anderson , who lives in
Iho country , had a narrow otrapo from seri
ous injury and poisitilo death under thu
wheels ol a Northwestern freipht tram Sat
urday. She was atlemutinp to cross the
tracks on Lower Broadway when u passon-
pcr train catno in from the north. She
Ihoucbtsho could cross Iu front of the train
by hurrylne a little , and iho whipwutap.
plied tn tier horsy , and old and shattered
relic , with a gusto that had the desired ef
fect. When * be hud crossed tbolrocksho
_ ftuv to her dismay thai a northbound
freight trun was cominc to
wards her on the tame track upon
\\blrb she was standing , nod uut a khorl di < -
tan re awav. Sue evidently ibougbl that It
would not du to c urnlpbt ahead , aud pull
ing tbo rolii , Eturtcd up the track , appar
ently hoping to outrun lha freight. A
moment later her hnrie shied ana made a
wild break over u pile of rock and railroad
Iran two or thruo lent blcli. How the over
pot off the rocU pile allvo was a mvstery to
the bjitaudurs. Her crealcsl lijury wat
the lots of ksvnrol bushels of crub apples
\i which shn hud in tbe back of the wacou , and
whlcb Uroku out und rolled in ull dlrocllous
when Ibe vehicle mounted lha pile of stone.
The harness was ready to fall from iho horse
lit the end of the encounter.
Juduon , civil otiinoor } , 82S Broad way.
Gonulno Round Ouk , Rndiant Home ,
P. P. Stewart stoves und runce ? , bold
exclusively by Cole fc Cole , 41 Muln.
, George Duvle , druguua paiaU
Mayor Lawrence Buys Soms of His Office
Furniture in Omaha.
Soinj at Tlirlr rrtrnltnre Wa Levied Upon
lijr I lie Alujur.Vlio Agree * to
ICfturn 11 Tudny A
Icnpnt Trinpcit ,
The ( locliino of patronizing horns Institu
tions had Us nock wrung most cruelly Satur
day , nud at the bands of no less distinguished
a pcrftonapu than Mayor Liwronoo. Howl
after howl has gone up from tha oftlrlal or-
pan of tbe oily covcrnmant at the residents
of Council Bluffs who parslited in buying
_ pooJs In Omaha instoal of at , nome , but the
ronyor disregarded tha howls and went to
Ouiaba , bought n table for his new office In
the city buildlnc-ia ! hil It delivered Satur
day morning.
There was a slight unpleasantness be
tween the mayor and the mernbsra of the
police foros Stturday morning , arising from
the fact that the miyor tootc a fancy to
some of the furniture that had adorned tbo
room that was formerly used as the private
ofilce of the chief of polios , but more re
cently as the mayor's otUca. When Mayor
Lawrence moved bis quarters last Saturday
to iis room in the new city bslldlng hs took
out all the furniture excepting the stove
anil the carpet and put it In his
own oflice. The furniture had trcea
bought uy the policemen with the proceeds
of u number of bills that they had given
during tha preueuing administration , and
they vorr naturally telt that the mayor was
tatting n good many liberties when bo under
took to remove it. They did not say any-
thlfg to him , however , for none of them
cared to resign on uocount of an incomDati-
bllity of opinions between themselves and
the mayor. But in some way the mayor
board of the dissatisfaction , and when
tbo patrolmen gathered In their room
lust evening , just before the night
shift went on duty bp told them that ho had
been led to bsllevo that the furniture was
the properly of the city and ho had no lde.i
tbat bn was treading upon any one's toes
when be took it away. Ho ass'ured them
tbat he h&d no desire to take anything that
did not baloug to him ana that the furniture
would bo put back In its old place by O.tioer
\Vyatt and tils chain gang this moraine.
Tbo gnashing of teeth that was done by tbo
pnliremon nas ceased and all 1s again quiet
upon the Potomac.
Nugget ! Nurget ! Buy Big
Nucget bakirir powder. ! i- oz.J cents.
I.atc.Ht News.
Iffmipht bo of interest to the people
of Council Bluffs , more especially to the
ladies , to know about the crazy idea of
making wrappers out of blankets.
The craze seems to have struck the
masses judging ; from the quintity sold
by tne T3oMon Store during the blanket
s.ale , which coirmeneed last Monday
nnd will close Monday evening , Sep
tember 12.
Wo phew three special values in
wrapper b'.ankets , m-ido sing e and
bound nil the way round , at SI. S3. } 3.0U ,
84 50. Evo.y blanket in our store at
special sale price. See white blankets
from ( i"4c to IT 13 00 , rod blankets from
Si' . 00 to S3 75.
Gray and sanitary mixed blankets
from 07 0 to S3.00. Don't miss show
window display.
Our sale of blankets only lasts a few
more days. If in need of anything in
this line , which most people will when
weather gets cool , would advise them to
invest now and save money , as pur en
tire stock of blankets is at special sale
prices for this sale. Monday evonincr
the sale will close.
Boston Store , Council Blutls , la.
A Great Sain
Of fine shoes and slippers is going on at
the bankrupt fehoe bale. 521 Broadway.
Shoes are next to given away , and you
can save money by getting some of 'the
greatest bargaips ever heard of.
For rent , a modern 7-room pottage on
North Scott street J. C. DuHaven.
Trains for Mupawa at 11 a , m , , 2 , 3 , 4 ,
6 , 0 , 7 , 8 ano 9 o'clock p. m.
You Are In It
For shoes and slippers at half price at
the bankrupt bhoe sale , 521 Broadway ,
Council Bluilti. Ladies' shoes from 75c
up and men's s-hpes from BJO up. Come
at once , as the sizes are rapidly being
in Clic-np.
A local paper tries to make a great
political point on a recent s'-icht ad
vance in the wholesale price of tugar ,
but it failed to tell it readers that
neither the McKlnley bill nor the
qua-antino'aas raised the price of sugar
at C. O. D. Brown's grocery.
Three Or.ind UtcurMons.
Council Blulls to St Joseph , Mo. ,
Sept. 14 , 15 and 10. One fare for tbe
round trip. For the accommodation of
people living in or near Council Bluffs ,
who wish to attend the big races at St.
Joseph on these dates , the K. C. , St. J.
& C. B R R. will run special trains be
tween Council B uffs and St. Jo.--eth ) ,
Soot 14 , 15 and 10. These trains will
leave Main street depot at 7:3J : a. m.
Returning will leave St. Joseph at 0 p.
m. Go and see Nuhcy Hanks trot
against time Sept. 15.
O. M. Bitow.v , Ticket Agent.
Mrs. J. A. Gorhatn will give instruc
tions. In oil and water color painting ,
pastel , etc. Loss-ons , SOc. Studio over
Riley & Shcrraden's art etore. Class
from 9 to 12 u. m.
Nrw HUtrlct * Cruuted by Order til the
Ilnuril of I'ulilloVi > rl ; .
Tbo Board.'of Puollc VVorks Saturday iisued
orderi lor tuo laving of 5,030 sguuro feet of
permanent tide walk. Of this amount about
four-tlfths will bt ) of Mono and the balance of
artificial stone. Tha walk * will be laid along
Mason , batwoon Teutb and Eleventh
siroctH ; Chlcapo , between Sixteenth
uud Seventeenth streets ; Twenty-
fourth , between Farnam and Dodge
streets ; Capitol avnuue , between Eleventh
and Twcltiu streets and along Twunty-
fourtb street , bc'.wren Nicholas and Paul.
In the matter of laving stone walks , tbe
members of the board claim that they huvo
had considerable troutile with J. VY. Furntis
ii SOLH , the stone contractors. Tuny clulm
that they are behind with thulr work and du
not muUe auv uttompl to get muterlui on tno
c round. Owl UKto till * deUv tbu nork on
the cast aldu of Sixteenth , between Jones
and Leaven worth si reels , wus liken uway
trom thorn and turned over to Fora Si Huse ,
to ttp lull with artificial ilono.
Tbo board nUo decided to relieve
l unms & Sons of one ol their curbing
contract * . The contract was uwaraod In
May. li covered Mlchlgnn street , from
Twenty.third to J'vventv.fourth sticet. oud
wus to huvo b ; en completed uot later than
July 1C. AR yi-t nothing bus been done
toward curbing the street. The board will
LOW uuvo tbe wtrk performed by private
contract and will charge the oxpunse UK"n ! t
the contractor * and the boadkmen ,
UoWUt's Sanaparllla cjeunsej the OlosJ.
l > i'Uti I'luelou lluit |
The m&ny friends of Mr. and MrV. . M.
Muupla will bo pained to learn of tbe death
ot their Infiul Cuugbtcr , LouUe , who dloa ut
Ihelr rosldencn , 205 South Twentieth street ,
at 10 o'clock yesterday moraine.
Thouch not yet two years old , the child
wns wonderfully bright and lovable and her
parents nro almost broken hcarteci ovnr their
IOM. The remains will be sent to Mlndcn ,
Neb. , for burial at 10:30 : this forenoon ana
funeral services will be held at the hohso
ntS:3 : ° -
suocESHFtrii.y X.AXTNCHED.
Opcnlnc rroml c of tlip Oinnlm Trrnby-
terlun llicotuclcnl Scinliiiirj- .
A little over o year aio the first formal
ttcp < were taken in Omaha for the establish'
mout of a theological seminary. A meeting
of representative Presbyterians from the
states of NebrasKa , ICunsas and Iowa was
held in this city and It was the unanimous
opinion that the time had arrived when tbo
Presbyterian church In the creat central
wqst should make an aggressive step la the
direction of providing a school for the
education of young ministers of the gospel
hero In tbo .Missouri valley metropolis.
Tbis conviction was followed by a united
and harmonious effort all along the line and
In a very short time the theological Bomlnnry
of Omaha was a reality. In September last
year the school opined with an attendance ot
nine young men. The year'swork
was very satisfactory both to the
faculty in a the young man of the firs
class , and the wisdom of the effort to estab
lish the school is proven now at the opening
of tno second year by uti attendance which
is almost double that of last year.
Tuo Obcnlng exetclscs of the seminary for
tbis year were held at the First Proibytcrlan
church lust Tuesday night and were attend
ed by u lur e and interested audioucc. Drs.
Harsha , Phelps.Sterllnc.Suxton nnd Lowrie ,
all members of tbe faculty , were present.
Dr. Stephen Phelps opened the meeting by
reading a Diusatro ot scripture. Dr. Ster
ling offered prayer nud Dr. Matthew
B. Lcnvrio aoiivcreJ the nadress.
The address was very appropriate
and imcrcssive , touchlnc the Import&nco of
tbo work thai the young men had undertaken
and impressing upon them the necessity of a
thorough preparation for the many duties
tbat devolve upon the successful pastor.
The Omaha Theological seminary , although
btrictly Presbyterian as to church polity , is
open to youug men of uli denominations who
desire to prepare for the ministry. It is the
only Presbvterian seminary of the kind between -
twoen Cbicaco and San Francisco. Dr.
George L. Miller of this city generously do
nated to the seminary twenty-five acres of
land in his beautiful Seymour park. Upon
this superb site a handsome buildinr Is soon
to be crectea. The school will be conducted In
the Second Presbyterian church this year.nnd
in all probability the new building will be
ready for u e by the opening of the school
year in tbe fall of IS'.W.
Tne course of Instruction covers three
years of seven months each. Lisycarnll
those who entered were enrolled , of course ,
in the first year.
Following are the names of those 4n the
beginning class this year : C. N. Armstrong ,
S A. Beravek. H. A. Carnahan. Joseph Fnl-
tonsh , C. A. Mitchell , G. T. Noyce , David
Ostler , Charle , E Uioe ,
These are in the second yetr class : C. H.
Bandy , E. A. Eaders , AlexanderLltherland ,
Huph McXinch , E. W. Symonds , B. C.
The list comprises younc men from Mis
souri , Kansas , Iowa nud Nebraska. Joseph
Faltoosh is a native of Syria.
'iho laculty consists of : Kev. William W
HarshH , D.D. , L.L. D. , professor of didactic
and polemic thoologv ; Kev. St < "pb"n Pbelps
D.D. , profei ior of ecclesiastical , nomiletical
and pastoral theology ; Hev. John Gordon , D.
D. , professor of biollcal and ecclesiastical
bistory : Kev. Matthew B. Lonrie , D.D.
professor-elect of new testament literature
and exegesis ; Kev. Charles O. Sterling , in-
s'ructorln ' Hebrew ; Kev. Thomas L. Sex
ton. D.D. . lecturer on home missions.
The oQIrers nro : Prof Harsha , chairman
offuculiy ; Prof. Gorlon , secretary of fac
Ofliceri of the Board President , Kev.
Stephen Pnelps. D.D. ; secretarv , Kev. W.
K Henderson , D.D. ; corresponding secre
tary , Kev. K. V. Atkisson ; treasurer , P. L.
Pernnn , e q.
Executive Committed Kev. Stephen
Phelpe , D.D. , chairman ; Kev. Asa Leard ,
D.D. , J. C. Denise , M. D , Kev. E. H.
Curtis , D D. , Robert McConaughy , M. D. ,
Hon. Warren Switzler.
Pmanod Committee Kev. R V. Atklssou ,
Hon. George L Miller , M , D. , LL. D. ; Rov.
John Gordon , D.D.
To Much ICP Crenm.
C. H. Rohrer , agant of the Missouri Pacltlo
rallwby , New Haven , Mo ; , says : "I suffered
n great deal one hot evening last week , ( July
21. ) I hud eaten ice cream for supper , and
mere seemed to bo an internal conflict going
on. A traveling man satd he had sometbing
in his grin at the hotel that he believed
would relieve me , nnd producing a small bottle
tle of medicine gave me a dose. 1 telt better ,
and in a few momosts took another dose ,
which entirely relievee me. I believe that
-such a medicine Is worthy of recommenda
tion und tbat at should t > o kept in the bouse
during the summsr. The bottle was labeled
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrncei
Remedy. " For sale by druggists.
lr. ( ieorte U Miller WantB to ScpMore At-
trntlori IJUi'ii tollilk Crop.
Dr. George L. Miller is very much of an
onlhusiust on tbo subject of winter wheat
for rsobraika , and has worked up tne execu
tive committee of tbe Columbian commission
to tbo pilch of starling out to make a very
extensive eitiibil la tail respect at tbe
World's fair.
"Ihrre is no reason , " said tbo doctor ,
"xvby Nebraska should not raise 100WOOOU
instead ol lbUOO,000 bushels of this great
cereal every year. It is a staple crop , and
tno fertile prairies of ibis state will yield a
return of from twenty-fivo to forty
busheU per acre. 1 will admit that corn
is klntr , but that Is .simply another
arcumcut in favor of wheat , for with a rota
tion of crops land wll ; give greater returns
than U will any other way. Take oui- thous
ands of acres of corn fund throughout tbe
state today , and go out wilb a drill and drill
iu the wheat between the rows of corn. Tbo
corn roots will bold the moisture just ns tbe
roots of trees would do , and be of material
benotit to the sprouting gruin. Then after
the corn in husUcd in the fall , crush down tbo
corn stalks and tbe wheat is there with but
little expense. In two years out of three it
will inane a good crop , and oven if it does
not tbe lund i > better off than it would bo
without it. There Is any amount of land in
this state tbat would pay a big return for
thU kind of cultivation that is now yielding
practically nothing. My advices go to show
that tbo crop that is paving off tbe
mortgages in this state today is wheat. I am
confident tbat the great advantage * offered
by this slate as a wheat-raising section are
uot thoroughly up-roolated either ut home or
abroad , and I hope that our Columbian com
mission will make It a t < ppclal feature at the
Worla's ' fair. We not ouly ought to be rais
ing more wheat , but tbe great water power
of the state should be utilized to run big
flouring mills that would fullv equal those at
Minneapolis. The state of Nebraska Ua
garden spot and lucre Is no reason under tbe
BUM why H should notbeoioof tbo richest
states In the uuiou. Half of the farmers in
this stute today are notfurmlncintelligently ,
bat even as It IR they are csiting rich. There
nro many thlnirs to bo Improved upon.
With tbo development of the cauntry will
come Ihe quadruplingof thostocK yard's , and
there will be found un immense rnavs of fer-
tillrer that \vlll Und its natural rusting spot
on Nebraska farms. 1 bis laud will soon bo-
comn too vuljaule for farms of the elie that
we find today , and then wo will see farms
of about eighty or u hundred acrop , aud cul-
tlvutlng them a eel of farmers wonting more
intelligently than they do now. Ail this
talk about tbo farmers being a lot of paupers
mr.koi me mad. Such a thing is Impossible
on the ft rtlle surface of ibis stuto. There
never xvas another spot on earth where God
smiled so generously with sunshine und ruin
as He does hero , urd a man on one of those
furtns , if he bus any energy at all , will con
tinue to gioiv rich in spile of himself. "
Nugget ! Nusjet ! Nu jfttl Bay Big
Nupt'otbakmg powder. S > oz. 25 uetiU.
V. M. 0. A. Xoti-f.
"Parson" S. A. Humes , commercial trav.
elcr. addressed tbe men's meeting at 4 p. m.
He spoke In u most stirring manner on "Tem
po racco , " Illustrating with the in OH prom
inent topic * current today.
Tue branch Youoc Mou'i Christian asso-
cia&lon at Fort Omaha wti ) 'tfnld service at S
p. m. Monday. .
General Secretary Obir" ! remarks nttho
4 p. rn. meeting vc&Urda&ttcre of a nature
eurprUlng to many mon.w p had formerly
contented tnom civcs wh'h.slmnly ' entering
ihe building and never Tlllnklng of doing
any good within IU A few.6t , them woke up
to their possibilities. '
Mr. Pickering , who hh4 his thlph dls-
Iccxtecl at tbo foot ball gam6 , is ImproUng.
TJO business men's clitss In the gymna
sium will be held at 5:1.X This Is free to
beginccrs as well as those , \\hoso biceps are
" " * '
The boys will begin their cymnaslum work
Wednesday nt 3 p. rn. The boys ore going
tobnvo n bettor year all'around than has
ever been given them In ( bo bistory of the
"Late to boa and euny 10 n o will shorten
the roail to your homo In the skies. But
early to bed and "Littlo Earlv Rlser."th8
pill that raaitcj life lon ar anI boltor aaJ
wiser. _
t-UUTll U.U.1/1.4.
Knconmcint ; Outlook Notrd In the Itrnltj-
The realty market is looking up somewhat ,
movement Is good , many transfers being recorded -
corded and ma > iy trades are on the tapis.
Values are Increasing and almost everything
sells nt a fair advance. The outlook for roil
estate In the Magic city , more than holdinc
Its own and steadily becoming more valuable
each aay , is very bright aud cucournglni : .
The real estate accnls and dealers are uot
Idle and if Ills not a large trade they arc engi
neering , it Is one of the smaller ones , and
thcru are n suBlclont number of those to keep
them busy. The inquiry for desirable prop
erty is very largo and many strangers nl'o in
the city each day seeking Investment. The
$1,003,1100 expended bv the packers nnd stock
yards company in Improvements , besides the
hundreds of thousands of dollars from other
channels , bus begun to show Us effect upon
the prosperity of tbo city. The confldonco
In the future of South Omaha seems to bo
stronger and more general , and those with
monev more oacer to Invest It hero where the
returns cauuot fail to be but satisfactory.
Tbo rental agencies ure beseiged-every day
with inquirers for houses. 1 here is n great
scarcity of both houses and rooms for rent ,
and hardly n vacant dwelling house or doilr *
able storeroom IE lo DO found vacant. A
profitable Investment would bo in tbe erec
tion of a number of good houses and coltnces ,
for which tenants could bo secured without
number. Tbe supply bns never equaled the
demand , iiolwilbstanding Iho hundreds
erected during the last two years. Rents
arc high and desirable dwellings bring rood
figures , and money Is to be made by the
erection of houses tor rent.
ISinl Arcldpnt on Twenty-Fourth Street
Another collision on North Twenty-fourth
street last night about 9 o'clock gives addi
tional strength to the claim for more lighten
on th&t thoroughfare. A team of horses
drawing a double-seated carriage going
north and a single horse and bucrgy coming
south on the east halt of Ihe street , which Is
paved , came together with a terrible crasb.
badly wrecklne both vehicle's aud tpilllng
the occupants all over the pavement. Both
vehicles were badly wrecked and the horses
silently injured. Both drivers were sending
their horses along at a pretty lively speeu
and Ibe darkness maoo it impossible 10 see
uny great distance ahead. They gathered
themselves together and disappeared before
any names were learned. Each blamed the
other for tbe accident. * _
Collisions of ibis nalure are of n frequent
occurrence on North Twenty-fourth street ,
and that tbey do not result more seriously is
n wonder. But one-hall of tbe siroet is
payed und the other wiuiils weeds is uitnosl
as impassible ns un African jungle. Con- "
frequently the hundreds , of vehicles passing
uiong that thoroughfare use the half of the
street which is paved , and on a dark ulght a
driver has fairly to pink his way , else he
collides with a vehicle cominc from the op
posite direction. Thren or four more electric
lights are needed -01 Twenty-fourth street ,
ns there none north'Of J sireol , and me
nine blocks north 10 the city limits are in
lie IlHd.J'uitU In bully.
Ei-Policoman Jolin Fallen has removed to
Denver , and if Sullivan end Corbett bad
never met in the Olympic club ring at New
Orleans It is probable tbat the ex-police
officer would still bo a resident of the
Magic City and conducting his business at
the old stand. Mr. Fallen firmly believed
that the big fellow would knock Pompadour
Jim into oblivion , and he sairt \vhenever
tbe subject was discussed. The King boys ,
ouo of whom was Fallen's bartender in tbe
Q street saloon , thought just the opposite ,
and they said so loud and often. Tbe result
of so much certainty on the outcome of the
contest was bound to bring about some
thing more than talk. Fallen offered blc
odds and wagered his saloon against a sum
of money which the King boys put up. They
ure now the proprietors of Ibe saloon , and
feel greatly indebted to Corbett for ending
tbe pugilistic career of the twelve years
rmijiht Over a Doc.
Two small boys , Frank Loverldce and Er
nest Johnson , quarreled over the ownership
of a worthless black cur yesterday afternoon.
The Johnson boy plotted up a largo stone ,
which be burled at bis junevilo antagonist ,
striking him on Ibo head , laying open the
scalp for tbrce inches , making an ucly
wound , whlcb a physician was compelled to
sew up. Both boys' parents reside In tbe
Third ward.
Notes ami 1'erkonaM.
J. W. Smith left yesterday on a business
tnn to Wyoming.
D- . Martin of Chicago was the guest of
Dr. Siggins yesterday.
Mrs. William Laavitt and Miss Helen
Leavitt have gone to New York to visit.
Miss Sadi : Coursey of Piattsmouth Is vis
iting her brother , Fred Coursoy , of this cil3' .
Berl O. Wilcox leaves today for Ida
Grove , la. , where he will spend his vacation.
J. H. Eggers has purchased from Persons
fi Berry forty feet on Twenty-fourth sireet ,
belweon L and M slreeu , paying for the
same $ -.000.
J. V. Stout was In the ciiy yesterday rail
ing on friends. Mr. Stcut was formerly
prescription clerk at Seykora's and is now
engaged iu business at Tekamah.
DeWltt's Sarsupuruia destroys such poi
sons us scrofula , skin diseases , eczema , rheu
matism. Its timely use savji many lives
People idea how
crude and cruel soap can be.
It takes off-dirt. So far ,
so good ; but what else does
it do ? J"
It cuts the skin and frets
the under-skin ; makes red
ness and roughness and
leads to worse. Not soap ,
but the alkali in it.
Pears' Soap has no free ,
alkali in it. It neither red
dens nor roughens the skin.
It responds to water in
stantly ; washes and rinses
off in a twinkling ; is as
gentle as strong ; and the
after-effect is every way
All sorts of stores sell it ,
especially druggists ; all sorts
of people use it.
We sell Hats , Extra Special
and sell them Bargains In
cheaper than Cent's
hat stores. Furnlphlnar
All the leadIng - Goods ,
Ing makes. Always.
We can't say "never bafore in the history of the
world did we buy such a fine fall line , " etc. . be
cause we haven't been in it till this fall , but we
are in it now with as good a line of men's and
boys' fall wear as money can buy. You won't
get old stuff here for we haven't got it. Fall
suits and overcoats in every immaginable
style , color and price. Come and see what
brand new goods look like.
Columbia Ciothin
Cor. 13th and Farnain Streefs. . .
Our Prices
children's always the
department Is lowest for
the most goods
complete worth more
in Omaha. than the price.
ln > > tiintlv stops the most cxcruolttinc piliisrwevor f alii to give ease to the sufferers a few
applications act like mairic. causing the p tin to Instant ly i-u > p.
If onlvtftken In of from thirty to sixty clrons In half * tutnblor of wutor will cure In
n few minutei Crumps , fep'isms > oar rflouiaph. Oolio , l < 'litulencp. ! Hoirthurn. liinzuor. Kiilnt-
Ivcness. CHOLERA MORBU3. DIARHHOJ3A , DYSSNTEilY. lck He-iJitcho. Nnnsea
. Nervousness upoplc | > npis , M'llarK. aud nil mtprniil mini iinxtnz from ch.iu o uf
weuther or other ciusos.50 CENTS A BOTTliH. SOLD BY 1)RTJOGISTS. )
Twin City Steam Dye Works
O -A. SC-HOR S V ' C. PR ) l5 11E f > 1.
Omnha Offlco , 1321 Farnam St. ; TelepUono 1521. Council Bluffs Office nndVorks
Cor. Ave. A und 20th St. ; Telephone J10 Send for circuhirs und price list.
Are Quickly Married Try it on your next
J sJL \ . vy > ) JL \ . J J
is a good -ways off. So are the prices on th
real estate bargains we offer this week. You
can buy now at one-fifth of what is asked for
property no further from the center of Omahn ,
Ills River.
Snap at these snaps , for there's big money
to be made. It won't cost a cent to investigate ,
and if we can't prove that we can make money
for you , you're nothing out.
621 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la.
Or tlio Liquor Ilaiilt Io UIlj Cured
by itduiliilalrrini ; I > r. IluiucV
Uoldcii S | trill' > *
It otn be ffiTen to CUP of oofloe or tea , or to food ,
withoutloefcnowlf-flceoilne patient. Inabsolutely
bar ml CUB * and vrtli eflnct a pvrm&nrixt and tnctd *
cure. wlieUicr Ibe patient it a m Disrate drinker &r
an aloobolin wrcwk. It hk been plven in tboutanili
pi oiuer. and in every Intunoe a poHect cure hat lol.
iowd < It nrvrr KMU * . Tuetyfrtvmonceiioprrenal d
with tbe Cpoino * t baoonrti an utter imunaa.billty
lor the liquor appetite to exUt.
UOtlieN hrAClTriU CXI. , hrop'ra , CUHnnbtl. O.
- " -i boo a of barUoulara ! r e. 1o b iiaa of
Kubn & Oo. . IStbaudDoujtm Sit. , 1Kb und
CumlneSU. Wholesale , Illuke. Hruuo . & Co
uua nichurasoa lrue'J3.OmaUaNo'j
Tney nre for CASH ONLV ut M
.Market , ; tu Ilruadwuy. Cuunuil lliullk
OUvomur.'uriiie und llutturliie , I'M.
At tlifko prlrc-k It will uny you to buy for
c-hkli only ut JllXJUK.VDuUK'S Mout WurUtsi ,
wliure you cua ulwuyv ttt tbe bo t of uiitut.
Tlio want advertisement appearing In a
newspaper nro often tliu most Interesting
part of Us contents. They e\pru s tbo urgent
needs , the dally \vislio of iho people who
uant something and uho are wiling to do
coinethln ; .
GENTS WAXTKD-To Bull the bt-st cloublo
roasting und biking pin In the mirknt.
Pteudv TNork. Onn prove to Iriro neonts who
make ever Ml u week regularly Addren
Charles SchullheUs , Oounc I I' , itVs
\V"AXTEf > Lutly or cuntloman to lioarJ by
' ' u urlvati- am ly. Addruss C' 12. Hue.
STr.NOCJUAl'UEK nnJ bookkacper n anted.
I3l\-p rcfereiu-e. AC Iress XX iJHcu , Ooun-
c. . 1J1111 ITs
\V ANTED Goo 1 Ctrl for goner ii house
1ork ata'l Plainer ( tioet.
l'LE.\ANT room or rooms Tor rent at ? DO
Tlr-tt ave.
IJVSlL'ltAQE for her 9 iincl pittf , first
el iss. fl.'i.i u month. Inquire at Gn llro id *
w ay.
F\HM anl pity loin * . Money IOTIIO ! on
sttjl ; ut-.J irr'iln Ueil pstitr for suo.
Dwuiliii ! 'in 1 business runtali. Money lo'inui
fi > - luj il Investor- * . JvOtisi'O \-Toirc- , .ail'uarl
si rui't.
Fult \I.E Hor.-o , buirv an1 l > < rn MS u7
tilps it-title ? ; sc-olOJtfH : coil wml breU
ro.ifl hor-ia. Must sell. U. II. Lew.s , ill Po irl
jjj'i iliastio > or mo-clmn llio In westi-rn lowi.
P A oil lee ( ted. Uilni oi I bm ness f ir saia
or i ruin. HO lUrtlult. 731 Hro tdw.ty
ty bo d of younc hors > s for trade , Imnrovod
> nroiierty or 1 m . 11 G. llariiett , 741 llroad-
w av. C'oun"ll ltlutf < .
Cjl. K > wortti of dry sooJi "net not'ons ' for exP -
< P < -h-m-e. li. G. llartlett,741 Uroadwuy.
ij > i > K &ALE-Creamery , well located In No-
tirasUa. doln ; cooJ business. Will take
arln cr or soil entire buMuuss at u bargain
1" H Shoafe.
FOU SALE Improved JC'-acre stock farm
In.western low.i. ? M ; ISJ-acro fann , Si ) ; I'D-
I nores i.'O. Johualon & Van 1'atten.
FORSA1.I5 Hardware stoalt In Nob.
Willlnvolco Jl , 0l E U hnafu.
FO1J bALD Ohoicest farm In rotta atta-
m e To. . 4ia a res , we 1 located anJ im
proved. Price 81 ! ) an acre. 1111 Mioafo.
ITYuO have laylhTii ; for site or lrade se
E. 11. Slid .fo. and M tin slrent ,
/iOIl KENT DweillDTi In all p-irts of tha
L1 cliy. 11 11. shoafo. ltrjj.Jway and Main ,
T'OH t = M.E On srr.a I paymenls , fruit and
crardcn nut I nuir Council Hluffi U. U.
. llroaclw ly an I Main struct
ITtOfTfeALR Albion ItolTer mlllR o'n ' Doons
Jriver. . Nub. ; tlnest w ilorpiwor in the state
doveloplns li" > horse power w itur entire yo ir ;
d.itly eipacitj1U ( IrirroU : mah ncry und
appuiti'n'inces ooiuploteln every < 1 Jt ill G > il
frame ri > slJoiice : b ncrusol lanl. iltto uorfen ,
price. I fi/iJO ; will lake unl-nprovuJ oa-ttora
Nebraska land. C. 11. ? ho ifo.
S VhE Clean Bloc-it hardware , well os-
) labllshotl trrJe , Invoice about J'lun Good
sonforae ! In ; . Term ! C'isii E. II. Shoafo.
ITIOH SALE OK UBNT-Good coal yard with
-L' scales , etc. Groenshliilds. Nicholson & Co.
OK EXOHANGE-Hotol and restaurant
located ai cliutiart. Nob. , aud in lots ID
Denver. Colo. : will cxrlmnio for clear Ne-
1111. SlmafR. _
Kprii : 5ALE Hirdwiro : slock , will Invoice
Jti,0'U : ' ; UiOilo.'J In an active Subraslia towa
of l.WJ populutlon : buslni-tsold iisl.ib Isliou ;
will bear o o i > in rustlgut Ion. K. II. Slioafo.
OfV ACUE farm with linprovoruoiils , llvo
Ov/inilcs north of Cnuiu-il Hluffs , $ JJ an at-ro ;
u snup batgaln 11 H. SIio ife.
\\7ANTii : > Nu'ruskulnirl in oxclianee for
' i peed work her us. II II. Shuafo.
9V. teWJ u FTiiors If hold wlthlS
Jlend-ivs. Location mvmi inllcs from Couu-
ell U uflK. A Bnnu burruln. II II. Hhuafo.
\\7ILl-yoii luild u home ? We have a linens
n-s ut-nce lot wblcn e sell for ! ' < 0 If
tai < ensoon. Oreenslilelds. Nicholson & On.
J _ [ ALlVecllon of unlno.iniberud lund In NB-
I bniKka to trade fur city property. Greun-
slilo d Nicholson & Co. _
D1IY goods stor.U 10 tr-ila for Iowa. land.
tirci-iisliloids. Nicholson & Co. _
\ A7 fc have a number of good tenants who
i ' want us 10 net dtrslr.iblo huunus for the-n.
Do you want to rent your house ? Greou-
Khloldh. Nicholson & Do. _
C.'l llroaclway. ( Jrueush'elds. ' Nicholson i Co. .
rual uslatu. _
A GOU1) uvo-ronm house for fc-nu on youi
-CXown tumm. Cheap.-r than pnyinj : rent.
UrecnshlehlB. Nlcliolsun & Co. ' _ _
"VTE\V seven-room linum. ulin'o to llenton
JHtrcut , Will trtilo for vacant lou or laud.
( Iriieiislilclds. Nleholsc n & Clu. _
( ; \LE OK UXOHANGl--4no-acro ; ranch Iu
t JWhfolor c-ounty , Nub. Will lake merchttn-
( IHf. E. II. tliuafu. !
T71OU HALE -Hotel wltn fnrnltnru and 1U-
JtnriB. . 'J."i roamm burn. otvPiloo , HfijJ.
Lociitod In DuuKlas count v D.illy reoi-ljilB ,
f.l'i. Inrestlcato ut once. K. II. tiheafe.
lilOH tfAIjE Ornainery o-tat comprislns 'JO-
X1 u ] i bol or. I'J-li p. enclnu. Du l.uvcllu
s.-j ) inilor-i , 2 creatn rat-s .tiUgallonv uaob : ash
churn , Mi ira'lonu ; uuucr butttir woiUer. beam
ec-alch. wrlrlii OMII. wnier l-tuk mid other
llxtuiuv. Will koll clicitp for Oi-sh or trade
for Inn ' . _ _ .K.jj.Miej f o. _ _ _
IjACH aAhE biimil hotel In eoad low a town ,
-L IlulKllin ! rnd furniture oo in [ lie IB ; at a
bursHln. 11 U. bbuafa
( ) ST Tountaln pen with lln cant u present -
- < ont l.lliurtl ruwanl If returned to Justice
r H court. Wlilto. _
T O.-T-not\ \ \o. 3IBo Sliilnst. . and Epls-
* -copal ulinrch , runduy moriilnn , IRUIUS' told
Miitcti i-.nit ch.iiii wat h iniirkud n back ,
" 1 run Till her. Feb. li' . hi-t , " Kindc-r ulo no
ri'tuiulo % o. Uli Fourth ave , i < nd receive
rcw rd.
Ol Council lllunx
Cniill il hlocl : . $15f,0'JO )
.Surplus ittiil 1'collU. . . . . . SO , 000
Net rnitUul mid Mirplui S2aO,0 J
Illrectorii-J. It. Udoiunlnoo. K. U Bliuzirt , K ft K. K. jlijrt. I. A Millar. J. V fiii.oUiiuu
nud Uliitrlut U. Jluurina. i'r iii cl Kenuntl Imnlc.
Inkiubinu | . ( Arircii ; ouiilul uua uri > u > ot nur
tuuk In buutUwent rulu u