Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1892, Image 1

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TtrriMe Eenilt of the OoJ idcn on the
Bead Saturdjy KighU
Ho PostiF.e frsm the Oar Into
hioli the Engine Dashsd.
FkinsB Eapidlj Pollew Upon the Crash
Thtt Eronght Dettb to Many.
He RHJ-S the Signals Showed tbe TrscU
ltu Clear und Then Ills Mm-hlne
btmcu tlie Tatrd I'akki-iiRfr
Truln I ne to Ilic I'of.
BOJ.TOK. Matf. . . Sept. 11. The horror of
tbe crckt Quinrj accident was recalled last
night when a through freight fast express
train , wctt bound , on the Fitehburg railroad
run into a passenger truln standing on tbe
outbound track at West Cambndce Junction ,
telescoping the rear cor , killing ; six per
sons outngbt und injuring pocrly lorty
D'hers. Tnree of tbo injured hove since
Ptstcngcr train No. 181 , due to leave Bos
ton at 10:15 p. m. , started on tiina Wben
West Cambridge Junction was reached the
ruilnre" found it necesrary , owing to the
dense fog. to run close to the crossover in
order to see if be had the rigbt of w ay Irom
the signal nwer , which is located close by.
Tbe passenger train was seen to ho five nun-
ules late , and about the same hour the local
passenger train from W altham , scheduled to
leave tbere at 30:80 o'cloilt. was due a' West
Cambridge . ( unction also.
TbH westbound train which left Boston
had come to a luil ston in order that tbe east-
toond train from IVkltbnm , xi hlch had the
rleht-of-\vav , could pass thut point before it
crossed over to tbe Watertown branch.
Mrurk Iroin tlir Hear.
While standing nes.r tbe crossover the ex
press Ireicht train , which was bound west ,
came thundering along and Just as the pass-
cnror train started to cross to tbe Wuter-
towu branch tne frolcbt train crasned into
tbe rrar cor of the passenger train with the
result above described.
Tbo passenger train engine and forward
truck of tbo smofcicc car , No. 72. had crossed
o\er on the branch track , whica left pass
enger cars 8s and 3S1 on the crossover ted
US , the fatal car , standing ou the main west
bound track Engine Slfe , to which the
ireipht train was attached , was a powerful
tigbt-arive wheeler of tbe mogul pattern.
Wiien tbe engine struck tbo rear car it
terfd like a wedge , splitting Itinto two
parts. Bach of which fell outward upon the
traclu , while tbo rcar cf tbe cwx lodsred
" lcpof * /dcbmoSvcT "The rocoil"froia tne
collision drove tbe heavily loaded freight
cars backward , and although the two car *
nearest tbe engine , which were n refrigerator
rat and Burton stock car , were not injured ,
tbe ten or twelve cars behind them were
unasbea into kindling wool Several of
these were loaded with lumber , and this was
tlrewn Ul along the track.
ninrl.i-il Uotli 1 racks.
Tbe cnrs were piled upon oneanothcric un-
ciscnhable contusion , campleiely blocking
bulb tracts lor fully 10D vtrd * . As soon as
tbo Occident occurted , word was dispatched
b > telephone to the various police stations in
Boston , Somervllle end Cambridge , asking
them to t EDd surceons to tbe scene. Among
those who quickly responded were Drs.
McCurtnv and Dwyer of Cambridge Tbe
train dispatcher's office in Boston was
notified at once. Superintendent Adams was
quickly on bane and gave instructions to have
ml the medical-assistance available sent by a
s-peoial truin.
Drs. Dunn aid Collins , both of the north
end , wont out on tbe fpeciEl train vibicb
left at 11:55 : p. m. Firtonn minutes later tbe
wrectinc train , cousistinc of tbe tool car
and derrick curs , ivas cent out , but owing to
the fact lhat a man wus forced to run on
fcot in advance to do flag duty , the relief
tnd wrecking trains were sloy in reaching
tbeir destination. On arriving at the scene
they found that Eix of the bodies bud been
removed from tbe debris and were laid out
in tbe W st Cambndgs pas enger station.
TtiD'-e bodies were moved to tbe undertaking
roams of A. E. Lonr , 2as North uieauc ,
Cambridge , as were tbe bodies , of tw o otbers
recovered later. By 1 o'clocu this moraine
nil visible bodies bad been removed from
the wreck und tbo wounded bad been cared
for by uillinr bauds.
Ilorrllilr SrcnctVllncn. . < d.
Tbe pilot end cylinder boxes of the freight
engine were poked underneath the forward
truck of tbe rear passenger car , which made
il almost impossible for any human belcg to
escupe without injury , wbo occupied stiLts in
tbat cur.
tn tbe rear end of the ill-fated car t >
man's legs were dangling , tbo trunk being
found u quarter of ix mile down tbe track
The prevailing impression \VBS tbat U was a
tramp Moiling a ride on tbe pilot of tbe
freight engine , or tucked away on tbe rear
truck of tbe passenger car.
Tbe rrar brakeman of the ptssenger train ,
vrhn shortly after the ncddont was sent
puck about ( i'JO Jeet to notify the'engineer of
tbe freight trulu ahead , st&Uis that be went
back as directed and signalled ibe freicht
train and hi * slrual was answered by two
whittles , which is the usual uuswer ihst all
ngnuls ht\e bwec t-oou and noted. The
reason for the collision , he fowls cure , was
Ihn engineer f tbe freight tram could cot
control bin train , which consisted of thirty
car * , the greater pan ol them oontaininE
lumber , all very heuv > The train wai the
regular Saturday htavy freight , which \vas
unusually heavy lest night.
OolllU nltli Grvut I'orrr
train is scheduled to leave Boston
about & o'olorK , bat last night did not leave
tiutil after 10 o'clock , and wus running at the
rite of kt > ut twenty miles an hour when tbe
cotillion occurred Engineer Goodwin of tbe
frrlcbl truin U iu tne Cambridge bosplla !
tuft mug from a bad shaking up , but is not
seriously iujur il. He stld. I wss running
thr trip last sight as a mutter of ucoooimo-
datien for an an < rbo wanted to be off H
was the Erie frolf nt tud was very heavy.
We wtiro two hours late Jeav.i.g Boston tne
tad the right of way. Everything was ul ,
rirfit until we get to West Cambridge. Tbe
licoals were nil right beyond tbe station for
tit to hare the track. We vrnre goiuc about
twenty miles uu hour Wbou 1 saw the sig
nals were ail rigtt 1 whutlM and
Utcrwirdi ssw the roar oca of the
senprr train. I was only n tbort alliance '
DWI.V from U ttm.
Could > ot Control the Train.
'As soon as 1 saw the signals on the rear
ol tbe passenger train 1 rcverst-d the engine ,
rat tbe momentum of tbe freight cars cor *
rica it into tie passencer train. fireman
Sugcne Alexander ccd 1 stacE by our engine.
. ' f-nw PO sign&l or flagmen oa tbo tract
whatever. ' ' Alexander beloucs in Boston
and escaped witboat it Jury.
.lost at tbo point where tbe accident hap
pened there is u straight stretch of trccR
tir&rly a mile long and under ordln&rv cir-
cnmslances the red Hphls ea the passenger
train COD Id have been seen , tmt tbe foe ,
which was very tbic-K at tbo time , tnac U
impossible to t.e tbe most brilliant light
even a quarter of a mile.
C F Lawson , the enpnecrof tbe passen
ger train nca one of the best tr > en on tbe
Fitchbarc road savs'e : \ left Boston
promptly on time s.t 10:15 p. a. Wevere
dela > ud at Cbarleslown and made our usual
stops. At WestCaraorldgc station ive were
beld to wait for a tram. Tbo rear brcakman
ivas sent back according to order * . 1 am
F nre he wcnl back and 1 myself went back a
couple of cars to mace sum
KmliarraflKrd b tlif * I"or.
"It was a fory nlcat and 1 knsw be could
not talre too many precautions. Tbe branch
train had come on tbe main tract and we baa
Just started ahead when 1 foil ths shock of
Iho frelcbt trusbirg into us from the rear.
I think i\e must have been a couple ol
lengths from ibe Wesl Cambridge station.
Tbe shock forced us ahead tome and then I
stopped. I can't account for tbe accident
except that tbe nicht was so foggy the
cngitiCLr of the freight did not see our brakeman -
man utiUl it was too late to stop his train.
It must hare been that the freight was under
such headway that she could not stop in
time. "
The passenger cars , other than the rear
one , werenot verv aamr.god. nut the shock to
their occu pan is was only u little less severe
than tbat sustained by those in the last car.
II is believed Ihsil hod Oil tars 03 the frcicht
been cs solidly constructed LS the two for
ward ones , tbe locomotive of the freight
would have oren lorced through ttvo or tbree
of the passenger coaches at least , but as it
wus tbo crushed trsiebt cars acted as a sort
of cushicn and lessened the force of the
I'ranDo Icu aud VI oinin
As soon as the crash came there \vas at
once a wild rush to cet ont of the cars.
Frantic men and women rushed uboal
shrieking and crotninc. Those wbo were in
tbe station and residents of tne viciuitv
ghthered with surprising rapidit. . All
aiopglbs track these people ran to and fro ,
scarcely knowing what to do. Bat soon an
other source of "danctr developed. Flames
b ctn to burst fiom tbe wrecued freicht
curs. Two alarms on hre bells w-ere hur
riedly sounded and the whole fire depart
ment of Cambridge responded cromptl } and
soon put out tne flames Membars ol the
police force tl&o aop ared atd order becan to
bs evolved out af cnaos
Then the work of res-cains ths dead and
ir.Jured WES begun. The windows of the
rear car hud to ba broken in und portions of
the side cut tbroach in orJcr to reach them.
The station wus turned into an emergency
Here those taaen from the wioctt were re
moved and cared for. Oue br one the dead
bodies were brought in and piucad on the
floor. Mangled by the crash of ibe timbers
tcalded by .slecra and blackened bj fire , tbey
-n-eicfcenr2il-Hppeara.ncirTlrei'1 '
groans of the injured and the cries of those
who were searching for missinc fris ds and
relatives added to the horrors of the scene
Llt-t of thr Rilled uud lujurrd.
The complete list ol the tilled and injured
us lar as known is ns fol.ows. Killed :
S. . -rLLIVAX aged "lOje rs , a. pmrn-
brokernl No. it' > orianu streut , llcisum
LEON O. UAVMONDoflcljtndon , bral.e-
tiinii on the frelcbt truin.
Juli > . HVIjN. . URI I 51. of AVutertown.
leuics n v Idow und eiit rUlltiron.
JAME ? LA NT of Eutateiujwn. .
J > iHII llAUNE-i Mupleslreot. Newton
Ml KETT'V ' I IM'LtK of Wa iliaiii.
BENJAMIN TCCK a.n Ola man of W altham ,
di I ou tin1 wny to Oiiiulirldcu hospital.
Mis * MM.'OAUilE ADAMs \\ultbain.u
wun-h fuctoiy eiup oj'i1. d.od toduy ut the
' *
11. 11. MEItfiiriELU of Wateriowu , died
loduj ut his bomu.
Injured :
CuKVCLirs Dorir of Walthtra. lef arm
brokou acdsfevere injuries , probablv fatally
JOHN RCOAJ ; of Wutcrtpwn , sprained Knee
and arm.
Fi.jivK MIIJ.S of Watertovra , scalp wound ,
bands cut and sprained.
AMUIEW Done of AVatertown , bad frac
ture of tbe leg , severely scalded on the side
and hip , scalp wounds.
EHMOXP DOILE. sea of above , scalp wound
and cut near tbe right eye.
G. M. SHLiis ol vValtbanj. fractured rihs
and bruises.
Ti o\us O'CovNia.1. of Walthura , scalp
wout.d and contusioas.
FKUD WAUUCV of Wu'.iham , slighi face
wounds and hadiv sb&kcn up
KOIILKT Oiin of Newt n , fractured collar
bone and painful t-ci-lp wounds.
THOMAS HINDE * of U ultbum , scalp wound
and badly bruised up.
HUUIEIIT 1 * . Goupwix , engineer of the
colliding freight train , rib broken , slight in
MtiiT DAWMB of Walerlown. shghtlv
bruised and cut
El.LA Ott O'HciRV , bead injured and
FIXIKIXCLE. PAKE of Boston , lees and
feet injured.
K TI : WHITE , Cambridge , slightly cut and
G. S. Mrurar of Wallham , cul on Iho
head and luce.
F.XIUENC-E Ci. iu : of Boston , both legs in
jured below the knee.
EMMA O'llEAUv of AVaterton , cot. on tbe
head and ( light iaciul injury.
PCTEI : WIIITXEI of Watartow n , bin in
Joiis McFEE of Watertown , side and bead
PATIMCK Dowvci. iujured about tbe bead.
THUMAK . BEIIIIV , head cut aud budily lo-
GDOIIQE Goop , ribs broken.
_ M. > . FABIT. friicbt injuries.
JAMEB SMITH , slicnt injuries.
C S. HAIXO ! kVblthuni , bead out.
Mus. GboucE Wiuein ol Conoord , slight
Mlis. MAIII As.v Eiuarrot Newton , badly
shaken up aud cut.
HAiia : LU-HITT of Boston , cut aud l-rulsed.
THOMA * . KANE of Watertoxrn , painful
bodily injuries.
TiiouAb LfcVNON of Watortotvn , cms and
Jou * M. CotoJ-N nf Watertown , slight in
MICHAEL Mna-ix of VV&tertown , badly
hurt.Mi.s. . STEVENS , painful Injurltts.
Mus. WEIX-H of W-itertown , back injarea.
RioHAitit HOIOJ. of \ \ alaruiwii , side anil
chest hurt.
tlir IX ud.
The f ci of the dead were revoreutlj cover -
er d UP witb clothes u bich ( row uiucioume
wore lifted in order thai searotMirs inlcbt
buve another oppartuuily ot idacufring
thaui. Most of those on tbe passenger truiu
wore rmidents ol pluoas ou the hue ol the
Wutertown branch , aud nearly all of th m
w tre working people.
Lxaminrr swan trrlvod sbortiv afuir the
ucoidont and exaunued tbe uoataou of tbe
poekWk of the dtxwusttd iu ordw to diMorar
borne means of iaonUncatiac While this
sud SC BO was b iu { ; witneKswl iu tee rull-
roBfl station , a throng of puruuifc tmMuited
obteUy by ouriuUty borwed ureuud the
wrtxk ouulde. A tire was sSiulei no the
uaosof the roud wbtub cast avwrd Ugbl
UPUU thesurrouudiopi. Tuetvomol utuu.d-
luc 10 tbewftuUof tb uuunuvu * suflwrws
was quiekljootcnioaced Vehiol s oi everv
dbipiiptlju were presst-d itito service uua
tff a hurriedly to transport the itjurod Ui
tie L'iuibncife ut > Lo iutu.
Burglars Eaid a Benaingtoa Bant witi
Poor Swreass.
Fotrdir rfns Di-pd , bat I'mlnd to ITrfortn Its
J'onrtlituii Hearing's Tracfdj ' till
Attracting tbe Coroner * * At-
tcntion > rl > rn k > .cvr .
BSX.VISOTOX. Neb , Sspt. IL ISoeclal leTHE
THE BEE 1 Between the hours of 1 and 4
this morning barglar * brolte iato the Man
gold ii Glandl bank in this vllUre. Tuey
viere evidentlv quite aew at the business for ,
although thev were undisturbed , they did not
succeed in opoaing the sale. Taty stole a
blacksmith's tools to work with and man
aged to knock the Knob off the door of the
safe , drive tbe bolt -bsck and drop bias tic ?
powder in , but without effect. They itole a
revolver beUmclng to II. B. Waldroa and
J1.50 in postage stamps , and they stole nwoy.
I'rrn'n s-chools OpnnMl.
PERU. Neh Sept. 11 jbpsaial to Tnc
BLE 1 Wednesday opanod the school year
at the State normal The outlook for a pros
perous year Is very encouraging. Tbe first
day's enrollment wai larger thun for several
yetrs pust. Over 3DD have already entered.
Tbe graduating cl s is the largest in the
history of the institution , wbile ths other
clashes in tbo normal course fall but little
short in propnrtlon. Since lust year the
faculty has been somewhat changed. Prof.
Henry Dnncaason of Lincoln has been
eleced to nil the vacanc caused by Ibe res
ignation of Prof. Taylo'- , and Miss McClain
of Denver will taucb ceocranay and United
States history in Miss Hubbard's place
All neera weU pleased with those selec
tions. Prof. Dancaason is well known in
educational circles having been assistant
slate chemist and also chemist of ths Grund
Island baet sugar factory. He was graau-
utefl from tbe State Normal in 15o5 and has
since taken & course under Prof Ingersol nt
the Unirerfcity of Nebrasirn , Miss McClaln
is a graduate of Fort Collins college. Cole
rado. Since being rraduated at that insti
tution sbe uas studied in Europe. She comes
to Peru from Denver , where she has been
teuchiuc German in the public schools.
The military drill at the normal , which
heretofore has been in the bands of the stu
dents , has been made u part of the normal
course and placed under tbe supervision of
Prof Duucassoa It will be compulsory for all
malextudants over 10 years of ace to tnke
tLlswoik. Throe companies will be orcau-
ired , one ol which will b < s composed of boys
in thr practice department. They will be
armo3 witb seven pound muskets Prof
Dnncanson has had four vears of military
training under \Ve.tPolutcraauate and is
thoroachly competent for this position.
s-hrltoa Sw Notes.
SBCLTOX , Nea. , Sept. IL J pacial to THE
BEE. ] John Fines aud w'ife nave returned
froio New York where he has bssn purchas
ing coods.
Miss Maud Beecher ol Omaha is visiting
friends in the city.
Crops are looting wrfL Oats averare from
forty to sixty-five bushels , and wheat from
bftern to thirty bushels pf r acre ,
Trade is beginning to improve and the
mercnauu. are expecting the best trade in
four years.
Tnero was to have boaaa , horse raca losl
River norse fora purse o1 fl.OJll , fJCD lorfeit ,
but .1 M. Brett , otvner and backfr of tne
x\ oed River bo-sp , puyed tne baby act.
Brett is from Omaha and claims to be a
Amused 1 be in st-M with a Gun ,
KriuvrT , Neb , Sspt. 11 'Special ' Tele-
crata to THE BEE. ! Last night two yoanc
men emplo\ed at the cotton mill came into
town and some purchases. Including a
revolver. O.i tbeir way home at a lute hour
they pecan shoatinc ostensibly for amuse
ment , resulting in the loss of two ,
carried awav by a bullet , which lodged in
the lungs of the other. Carngan , tne in
jured man , is reported diing this evening.
Tne police of this cjty captured a man this
eveninc from Gathenburg by the name of
McDufheutid loteea tain in ] ail. Hois an
allccwd forcer , bavig passed tome spurious
paper sicned Huch Hoffmua , a prick con
tractor of Gotnen burg *
Vcw * from rrcmout.
FiiLMivT. Z\sb . Spt. IL ( Spscul to THE
BEE J Tbe contract for the coistr jction of
ths iroverument pastoSje in this city has
been uuurde.1 to Rose .V Hf.ckattof Colorado
Springs , It will bs.built of blua sandstonp
and w-ork upon the same will probab.y com
mence very soon.
Tbe presses , engine , paper cutter , etc. , of
the lute Flail Pualishinc company were sola
yesterday to John \V. C APbott to salisiy
executions. The Fi-st National UHQII may
bm to wait a long liin-j for i\s claim of
S-ITTi and so may Hon C.V. . Hvatt for bis
cluim of $3'J3.
llopuood'tt Uruth.
i , Neb , Sept. 11 [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE | An autopsy was held
this df tern ton oa tbe body of J. M. Hop-
wooa , who died yesterday from B wound in
the eve from an umbrella point , which was
thrust by Dr. G. W. Kern. Tbo coroner's
jury is stlil ia session None of tbe pro-
creanigs have been aivulred.
Tbe funeral will be beld tomorrow under
tbe auspices ot the Grand Armr. Sympa'bv
is expressed on all sidds for Dr Reru. He
Is a prominent Mason i.nd a member of Ml
Hebroa communflcry of this place ,
Important . 'l < * lliodii > t
NCHK .U * Cm , Neb , Sept. 11.- [ Special
to THE BEE j The annual conference of the
Moiboaist Lri copal church for the Ne-
biasku district will moot ui the Piri < l Metbo
dist church in lhi > citv Sptumbr und
remain in sossioa one week. Five bundred
delegates i.nd lu'-jner are expscu-d to be in
attendance. hrrangeinsuU for whose onter-
laiameut are noxv in progress Ths confer
ence premise ; to be important aud of un
usual interest iu A lew of several vital ques
tions which are to came before the delegates
for consideration.
It U IK u
BS. Neb , Sept. IL 'Special ' to Tar.
BEC.J The big allianca meeting hilled for
Uiys.ts ye terday proved Hue most of their
meetings of late a fuiinie. Not over ten
or fifteen alliance mtm cojld be per uuded
toco the opera ball uJter an explana
tion bv the speaker , A. M. Tuotnpson , of nis
past conduct , so tbe isoetiug adjoi > rsed.
Farmers are too busv to listru to calamity
howls with their good crept ; in fact , they
are gettinr to see tbu is not the worst
country after all.
Miot tVlnlf
GKCMWOOII , Neb , Sspu 11. ; Sp oial to
THE BLC. i A numbsr at youug oleru * were
filktd with olrdihot wbile raldiug Father
Bow'b melon paluh lust ulcbt. The old muu's
tun explodtid during the oxoitvoieni of the
occasion. Ttioj , were uet serieasly injured.
TrrrlulfrcitlrHi Ht lr iufl * < d.
u , Nea. , Sopt11. . St > Msii > l Tolc-
j to THt Bet J-Tu l.-yeiroJa t.on pf
stpouo fwl faora * a niek t latioe
uftwuoan aUout i o'utoek ue t&ru oot
his ttulmls.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l"r kt lu l > uu * fc Oouut .
Ci. . r ioi. Neo. , Sept. 11.- [ Special Telo-
grctu t * THE BEE. 1 ThU SUBURB < tif > ril i > a d
a bsiv ; frofcl lust uirhu Coi * tias u t t-uf-
fcit d loryaucb , but tne viut * . utc. , are
hu -
I.M'CllliC ( .rulu Urtutors
Hoti'KC , toio. Sept 1T - Special to
TBE Brtj The new C.CV&VW ivr
grain erectea by Ir nn & Oo. at this place
was opened Jo the publiCTnterdiiv , taking
in over X.lK'it ' bc&bels tor the Crt day's
nork. Hoskics Bros , ot tbi place are erect
ing a power tferator for handling small
trrain at Hasten , a town laoated In the west
part of tbe county.
Htrinn is rigal in the midst of a prosper
ous boom and In thp midst ol one of the most
fertiln aUtru-ts of tbe county. At a public
meeting of 1hec3tttens , of that town a few
day * since , $ ir > J was ratted to aid in estab
lishing a newspspcr for thnt part of the
Thr Phillips county agricultural and horticultural
ticultural fair will bs held at Holyoke ou
October 5 , C and T.
Pbe York ( Jaunty Nebraska Settlers so-
doty of this county will hold its annual pic
nic at this plaoaon the first day ot the fu\r.
Workmen Will ttpsrnt the Reading's Attl-
tudp Toward Ut-jranlrcd Latter *
TuinnEU'iitx , Pa. , Sept. 11 A strike oa
the Philadelphia & Raiding road in consequence
quence of the delori&ne-d attitude of tbe
corporation against j labar organizations
( eemsnow to bainevitable. Tbe committee of
employes , who beld an-unsucceksful confer
ence-.vilh President McLeod yesterday , are
still in tbe city at ths St , Charles. hoteL
That is , all tha metnbB'i of U except the
representatives of tbo hrakemcn , who hare
gone botne. The representatives of the Fire
man's Brotherhood expect to leave tonicht ,
to be in attendance it the annual meeting of
tbe Brotherhood in Cincinnati on Monday.
Tbe different organizations still repre
sented are those of the locomotive engineers ,
tbe conductors , the switchmen and the tele
graph operators , Todev tbe engineers sent
for P. M. Arthur , the chief of tbe Brotherhood -
hood of Locomotive Enriaeors , and he will
lave Altoona for thls-city tonight , trrlving
hers tomorrow moraine. P P Morris ,
chief of the brakemen * union , S. A- Wilkin
son , chief of the ttainrnen's brotherhood ,
Chief Rstnssy of tbe leleprapherj orcauiza-
tion , and Chief Clark of the conductors'
orcaaiz tion nsve bean * at for. Ramsey
is now on bisway hera from tbe
west. F. P. Sargent , the bead of
the Brotherhood * f Locomotive Fire
men , was telegraphed lor In Cincinnati ,
bat sent -word tnat be could not come here
on account of tbe business of tbe annual
conventions Ibe chiefs of tbe various
orcuniz&tloas tent for -nill all be here an
Moaday and developments are looked for
next week.
General Manager Swelgard is reported as
saving that not a single member of anv labor
organization bs permitted to remuia in
tbe employ of the compunv.
Cnairinan Clapp of-The railwav employes
committee , wbo presented tboir grievances
to President McLeoi , tonicht intimated that
in tbe event ol tan conference with the rail
road officials , bred for Monday , proving un
satisfactory to tbe men a strike nucbt occur.
At t bo same time , be said , this outcums was
City Emploj-et ol thr Lombards In
M-none -onlilr.
CITT , Mo. , SspL IL The grand
Jury of this county Jins returned indict
ments araint H. W. lj"c Russell , formerly
treasurer of the Laaibard Jnvestmant com
pany of this city , and Moatgoinerv H.
Lewis , formerly office auditor of the com
pany , charging them tvitc the embEzrlemant
of J6 OUD from tbe company. Both men re
signed their positions wiin.the comp&ny last
spring and went to the jCity of Meuco ,
where they boughtibto The 'Kdvvard Butts
Manufacturing contpa of that city and
where they now rcsif-s. Measures have
been tuken for their extradition.
, AaCJui3inJitim jfiHlbo mpany's books ,
is being muda "E. P. Mory anfl Andrew J.
Keilly , expert ccoountiLnts from Pbiladel-
ptio , were pat to .vork on the backs. One
result of their laoars was tbe discovery that
L ° wis and Russell had embezzted fJG.OJO
Another result of their dlscoverv w as made
known tonicht when Expert Moxy in un in
terview staled that althouch tbe examina
tion of the books has bean in progress for
twelve \veeks it is not nearly oompletoa yet.
Other embezzlements , he savs , cave boaa dis
covered , mncn larger than those of Lewis
and EusselL
Tbe grand jury yesterdav indicted two
more emploies of tha companv and issued
bench warrants for their arrest. Their
names are net known. Mr. Moxy says lhat
the last discovered embezzlements arc heavy ,
cucipared to wnica be described the former
to be a mere drop in the oncLet. The of
ficers ol tbe company said today that tbe
money stolen \vas nil from tbe profits , as
the * were made so that tbe assets of tbe
eompani bave been ic'io ' WBV impaired.
An official of the Lomaard Investment
company sta'ed positively toacy thai no n-
dlcinu-titb other than those artinst rf W.
Lee Rasscil and Montgomery H Lewis have
bsen louriJ on behalf of tnat cjmpanv Oy tbe
crand Jury. Adduloaal items have been
found against Russeil and Lewis , out none
against otbers , so he slates. The examina
tion of the bjoks should be finished early in
October when the facts will be made PUPIIC.
Wben tbe announcement of tbe embezzle
ment became Known , friends of Russell and
Lewis wired tbem in tbe City of Mexico of
the facts and to leave lawn. The aetecuves.
however were on thaouUuDK for such En
eme'-cencv , and word was received hera to
day thut Montgomery jjwis had b en ar-
re'ted. It is also supposed ibat Russell is in
IlmiV-cr Ljlle of WrsMrn I'nder Arrpst
ttl ArkHUkHk.
KcMinx. Ark. , Sspt. 11. J. W , Lytle , a
former resident of Cumden , this siaie , was
arrested last night. Thi arrast was made
ov Sbenfl Hamilton of this couatv and an
officpr from Nebraska , They made the cap
ture without trouble , and returned
to Camaen with tbeir prisoner.
Lytls has been living here under tt
licutious name , his real name belnc J. W
Lttle Tbe oBic'er from Nebraska staled
th t several > ean i > go at Western , Neb.
Lyile wus president oi a bunk und that he
conspired with his cashier and embezziod
HIU3 , which was t > 03a lost speculating.
The pair got ont of J roach before the
dcfUculion became ktiovru. The cashier
has never been beard _ of. Lytlr came to
ArKiinsus and cmbuiked in the rubber stamp
niuuufacturiug business. Ho was eaccassful.
and ftfiDOrted his family well. He moved to
Cumcen. then returned' to ibts place. His
wile wrote a letter to relatives at Western
and the envelope bora Lor name , requesting
a return if not ctllwS for. TMS Proucbt
about Lyile's arrest. Tic officers departed
this morning fur Nebraska wilh tbeir
prisoner. _ _
Itrllri IZvjieditWn Arrlvrt at St.
, luhn .S. II.
.Haii , PH. , Sept. 11. A Special
to tbe Lodger from St. Jotius , N. F. , ssys :
The Kile arrived here Uiis afternoon from
North Grenlnnc ) , Irom wbeuoe il
sailed on Aucu&t 34th , On board is
the euure P arv relief expedition , in
good h , with HoVfoaut and Mr. . Pdary
and purtv , except Mr. Yoorboot , wbo is be
lieved to bave lost his nfe shortly rJtr the
return of tba partf f am * inland by falling
into a crevasse at the head of Robertson's
llniri-it f'ouud In J' rli.
Nc YOIIK , Sopt. 11. Ettiot a Burrctt ,
oarnbce cloih oorou'iinon marotani ot this
W. < tiid Warsaw , hi , who disappeared Irom
the iy itttvitic Jiiieililies of f 10U.WB , hat
beec Ibuud iti Para He effeovtrd a sbtUe-
Btwit itti JoiuTltJt & Co . af War.uw. 111. ,
hi. lnn ; * t oredhjftix t > y u-tn .f rrlac his
riir Hr.ll. Hull.
UAJ-UI Cirr. S. D . S pt. 11.rSjcialT le > -
to Tut BTL.M L Onines a promi
nent } ( -fcr ! tuu Kiiclt of F.ULiu * , Cied
here i > { Br. ht's oisrusc twJty
Armed Men Prevent the Laadiag of tbe
Kormannla's Cabin
All ArrnDfrrmpntu for the Trnwt-for Had
llcen 31ndr vpirral > hli ) .Vrn c w Itli
Clrun llllK of Health Situa
tion Ht
N. Y. , Sept. 11. Sanday
morning at quarantine was quiet and up to
Ronnse the beaitb officer aud his atsittants
erjoyed the first nlcht's undisturbed rest
tinco the dreaded cholera lavadcJ the shores
of New York bay.
The first arrival in port this morning was
tbe steamer Martello. No sickness being
found on board she was at once released.
Sbe was followed by the Proncb liner La
Champugno tt 0:115 : a m. La Champagne's
dock was crowded with anxious faces all
eacer to know their fate from tbo health of
ficers tntj all expecting to be released xvith
little delay , as the steamer had no sickness
of any kind on board. She carried SIC saloon
Bnd thirty-two second class pastenpers , bat
no Immigrants. Their hope was net of long
endurance , however , for the health offleer
ordered the ship's detention atthcugb all
the passoagers' baggage baa been shipped
aboard Had inspected and fumigated , affida
vits to that eSect being presented to the
quarantine officers by tbe United bsates con
sul at ber part of tttllinc. Dr JenKlns or
dered her detained for an inCeiinilo period as
a precautionary measure Late in tbe morn
ing her mail was fumigated ana sect to tne
Jtcleaspd the Anrrnlo.
About 0:30 : a. m. tbe big Cunard liner
Aurenta came up tbe bay with JM cabin pas
sengers and seventy-nine bags of mail on
board. No sicKness was reported , but tbe
death xvas reported oiVnlie G. Jlamsay.
tbe 10-year-old child of Robert Ramsay of
Baltimore , from ocuto tonsilitis Tbe cbild
died at 5 p. m. Saturday. Both the child's
parents were passengers on the steamer It
bus been decided to bold the steumcrs
\Vvominptad Moravia for at least ten dsy
after all trace of sickness on boi.rd has been
Dr. Bvron reported that outsiae tbo new
cases of tbe sickness all patients ut Swin- ,
barne island are doing well. Dr. Jenkins
himng reeived word of opposition being
tbroatened oy tbe residents of this island to
tbe landing of tbe detained passengers on
board tbe steamer Cepbeut. at Fire island ,
telegraphed Governor Flower , requesting
hiofto notify Dr. Bulcn to oroceaU with tbe
landing under the direction of that execu
tive.Later in the evening tbe governor replied
tbat tbe landiac would be done recarJlcss
of tbe people of Babylon , und . : Dr.
Jenkins thut be would be at tbe Windsor
hotel tomorrow morning.
Arinf > d Drjmtlrh Jiitrrlert d.
1115 p. m. Dr. Joakins has just rereivod
word that passencers on the Cenbens were
forcibly -prevented from landing at fire
island by c fore : of 15U armed deputies from
Bnoylon , T . L He has wirad for particulars
11:37 : p. m. The steamer Cecuecs passed
Sandy HOOK at 10:10 : in the night. Dr.
Jcnlanswill .probably go down tonipat. The
I ; ls-lbeialcst.ditptttch of.ttiB elf ht
received by Dr. Jenkins from awinpnrne
island "Vi.SUp m Have just been uround
tbe ships. Ever.i thing O K-
Nothlng more will liKely to De receivoa
here tonight regarding tbe C.PPtieus. Tbe
news from Sancn Hook bnjsFheisiu tbat
vicinity. Tbe Stonmgton is ut .bower Qnar-
antine. VVhetber D. Sanborn. wbo is in
rnarce of'tbem. will return tbeai to tbe
itonington or put them on board the Nor-
maunia again no one Itnous.
1 bey cannot remain on board the Cepheus
with anv safety , for allhouch she bus some
provisions on board , fhe has not anvtuing
like the uccommodatiou necessary for tbe
large number of passenger removed from
tbe steamer. Tbe wiao is olowlng fresh and
it would be a verv difficult , if not impossible ,
tbinc to get the Cepbeus aloacside the Nor-
mannia tonight.
Cltlrenc In tlieVIclnitj-of Tire U'uiiti J'rt-
jidr lor 1 roniilr.
Srnr HOTCU TJUE ISLIVD , "C. Y. , Sept. 11.
There has baen more excitement in tbe
lost twelve hours at Fire island than during
tbe whole summer season. The sale of tbe
pluce to tbe state for quarantine purposes
has created a great hubbub among tbe people
of tbe towns of tbe uland who predict all
uinds of calamities as tbe result of the laud-
inc of tne passenger * from tbc vessels infected -
fectod with cholera upon the beacn. Lust
night tfter tbe news was received thn4.
Governor Flower bad civen orders to buy
tbe island tbe Board of Health ol the town
of Islip called H mass meeting of citizens of
tbe town to protest against the landing of
passengers at any pluco within tbe town's
SuftolUdttle , where the meeting was held ,
was crowded. Supervisor H. Young ,
the president of tbe Board ol Heuth , called
it to order.
Spaocbes were made by ihe many prom
inent residents , who denounced tbt. pro
posed use of the island , predicting grout in-
jniy to tbe property adjoining and tbe ruin
ol tbe oyster aud fisn industries if the great
South bi.y. A committee was appointed to
goto Fire island with twent * deputy con-
Mabies to protest agaiust the use of tbe
island for quarantine purposes , tad resist
the lauding of passenger * . They left In sail
boats lute bt iiight , arriving tbere in tbe
morning Tbe deputies were placed on
cuard , when President Charges W. Wilson
uud Dr. Cyrus EJ on of the Now York
Board of Health , wbo bad noun to Bt.uylou
by a spbcial train , arrived in a sail boat at it
o'clock in the inoming.
y the
They wtre surrounded by the
deputies , wnn made demonstrations ugaiust
D. S S. bamrais , owner of Fire , mak
ing all kinds of threats against liim if be
sold lu 1'resident Wilson informed mm thut
Governor Flower hud autborized tbe purcbttse
Sur IJ10.0U3 and that he bad a certified check
for K > UODU to pay as soon as tbe pipers w ere
signed. Mr Sammis 1 bun turned it over to
Presidsct vtilson a tbe representative of
HKultb Officer Jenkins , all tbe guest * and
most of tbe sere unts baring left jeftteraat
Rfternocm. When President tVilsoa ap
peared at 10 o'clock this rooming utter
DreaUfasi tbc local Board of Health and some
otbers from the mainland , inustlv boys and
rutm , made demoustratioah , using threats
ecalust tbe state , Mr. Surnmls md every-
bodi coocernod.
Coroner Moore of Bay Shore couUnualiv
turraucufd tbem At 11 o'clock Prasiduut
\\ilsoumttlheBourdof Health , explaiuod
all tbe circumstances of the purchase and thn
intended use of ibe island. Supervisor Young
aod DJ. Baker stated that it would rum the
pruiitriy aud industnoc and eudaugsr the
of tua oommuuitius und
httUita adjoining & > -
surted tbat the local board of Jurisdiction
wsv paramount to the stute bo.rd and would
rjtUt unr attempt to land > .
rrt-purcd tu i : - < ut I urtlirr.
At the sondiug of thts dl.jmtoti aauirs ate
tn-uininj a ttwioui. asptwt at Fue it4and. Al-
tbuutb only T.HU o'clock in tbo evooicg , tills
wil ! nkcly b tbe lust word toiiitcuiirbi , us it
bus transpired that the lounl Beard el Health
hum boaii ttiundtti-lcc the leunbuur of CJt-
t4tg ofl ml tulfcrajiuic co muuiciiU&u bo-
fMoau Fire isiaud and ibe riiy
Tueioen frutn Isiip tnd MLer points on
the Uiiu& shore tpjifar to utvt ticked lo l > id
defitcce both to tbe bll M ; of Governor
Flo rr and tbe innrunlb'of tbe state
board ol health. Ta v seen'Sibave ' tiecoms
utterly lawless a well a ragpkless. As it
grew dark men wbo had be g ciiicealed in
tbe shadows of putt > uildlnq in to move
nbnnl more freeiy , as if they V * certain of
oonceolinc their JdenUty. V teu wera
posted und n regulation mUi , < 4c > iaU
was arranged There was ri , JIUng the
exact bttmbcr of nieu thus enyJ Sfl en the
island , but tbrro rortucly oould pot hive
been fewer tbun fifty aud there taay have
been don Die that uvtrbrr.
Mould Ilmr Tired tlit > llolil.
A search WAS deemed advisable and piles
ol inflamtaatile material bave been found
heaped up against tbe ramshackle hotel ,
which if Mcbtea would have destroyed the
building In u vprr short time , lor being < Ad
and dry it would burn like tinder \ \ ben tbe
uarbinations were folly understood , Mr.
Wilson promptly divided his associates of
the health department and tbe newspaper
men into watches of six men c-acli who
tbould patrol tbe bulldlnc through the night ,
each watch beluc on dutv three hours ut a
stretch. Even President Wilson stood his
turn , and wben this arrangement was ef
fected all bauds fail more coxfortabla
Tnc first news of tbe Cepheus had been re
ceives a l.ttle after 5 o'clock in the aftrr-
uooti , wben a dispatch came to hand saying
thut the Iron oompauv's steamboat was ofl
Point Lookout witb U ( > 7 cabin pasupngers on
board. Tnis was a great snrprl'e and an-
noyonre to MrVilson , wbo bad sent
special orJers to have the Opheus arrive at
Fire island us neur nnon us possible and in
no event to leave quarantine later thin the
noon hour.
Could Not Li nd tlie Jlont ,
Mr. Wilson hud already arranced with
Captain \Vicies of the Fire island lifesaving
saving station to pilot tbe Cepbeus across
tbe bav.Vbon the Cephens appeared cff
tbe bar at 0-4J Csptala Wicicos did not turn
up. Itvns quite dark wben be appeared
tan salJ it wu impassible lor him to bring
ia the Cepheui. or even to eo out and explain
tbc situation In spite of bis protestations
it was evident thut Captain Wickes had bnen
intimidated. An nour later word carne from
Fire island observatory sating that tbe
Cepbeu licbf were disappearing and tbat
sbe hud evidently put back towara ICtw
Yoru. Mpaatime too watcher * coucenlod
in tbe shadows about tbe hotel kept up their
vigilance , while Mr Viison , after sending
appeals to New York for spacial policemen
to bo sent down on an extra train , had tbo
fire buckets placed nt handy points on the
piazzas and tbu w atchers in-ranged foi the
. \ . i > MGUT.
Atirtnpt to Krinovf tlip Not inanulu'f. Ins-
f-oiii-rrt tliHt Tallrd.
QrAT.Avrpcn , S 1 . Sept. 1L A number
of steamers arrived during the cariy luora-
ing hours and droppad anchor in tbe lower
bay to await the arrival of tbe health of
ficers alter snnrisa Among tbe nrnvnls
weretxvo crack vessels beloaging to the
fleets of prominent transatlantic lines.
These were the La Champsrnt. Cantuin
Boyer , pf tbe Preach line , ivhich sailed
from Havre and Cheroaurg , and tbe
Aurenia , Capialn Walker , of the Cunard
line , from Liverpool. The Li Champagne
xvcs tichtod south ot Fi-e islan'd at 4OT a
m and the Aurenia at 0:53 a. tn. Thov
thowea clean bills of health , and after being
inspected bv Dr Taimare were alloivcd to
drop anchor off the quarantine station.
Tbe other arrivals were the British steamer
Martello. Captain Rea , from Hull , which
passed Sandy Hook at 3:23 a. ta , and tbo
British steamer Clintcaia , Captain Bulman ,
from Shields , which arrived in quarantine nt
Inspected and tt H is found tbat cholera has
made its appearances board of anj of them
they will be treated in each instance in a
manner similar to that adopted in the case of
tbe infected vessels ivuich are at present un
der oiag quarantine.
Il ki * H > tlip Obdi.tu
Tbe steamer Obdam was released from
quarantine at C a m. Dr. Jenkins has been
as active as urunl todav , going the rounds of
tbe steamers ut anchorage. In addition to took passaco on tbe
Cepbens and proceeded to the Normannla to
superintend tbc transfer of passengers to
Fire ibl and. He returned late in tne after
noon on Ed Stoik's yacst and tocn afterwards
sf-nt the following telegram to Governor
Flower in explanation of his movements :
"Have possession of Fire island and have
transferred first and second cabin pabsengers
of Normannia 1 placed them on bourd of
the iron steamer Cepaeus at 33 : ! this after
noon. They are now on thor wav to Fire
island. I am awaiting telegram announcing
tbeir arrival. 1 will keep you informpJ of
my actions. Will be pleused to hear nna act
upon any sugcetions you make ; have tn.t-
ters in control and believe I will be suuooss-
ful in keeping out tbe disease.
Olllterfc Grnclujll.l ( > < > tttng Control.
"Wo have been successful in stopping it on
tbc Moravia and cbeckipg n on tbe Hucia
and Normaucla. The Scaudlu is being disinfected -
infected and the new case : ren < oveJ as fast
as tbev develop I have a competent sltif ]
aua will emitlor pbteiciaus Ublbo emerccucv
demands. 1 bave accepted all ashistauce of
fered iota from local and national author
"The steamship vVtomrugis not definitely
iufected with cholera , but will hold b < r until
we are peifoc-tlv satisfied ol her condition.
Batch has acted on your telecruin. Tbe
Stonincton , offered by Mr. Morgan , was tbe
cuuse of cousiderab'e ' complaint. Tbc New
Humpsbire , given me on application by Sec
retary Tnicy , is ancborod in Lower Quaran
tine this olternoan und will be used until we
can complete arrangements fur reception of
passenger * . At Fire island 1 bu\e placed a
competent hotel man in cu&igeof ibe Surf
hold und a conipsienl mun to inspect and
look ufttr the pmserigers. I buvu ale up-
poiuiud tliirtj-hvo special pjlice lo patrol
Fire iolaud. Tbe committee from tbe
ChamDsr of Commerce waited upn me this
uftcruoon witb a consulting nuurd of pby-
slclauk appointed oy ttem and said thut
Camp Low , at bandy Hook , will be proff n < d
to me as touu as complete for the reception
of well pnciple. I sbull tlto request and act
upon any sucgo > uons by tbe medical con
sulting committee appointed by the Chamber
ol Commerce.1'
llijlinid CMUkli.g Trouble.
The above talegram states definitely that
tbe'passengers would be landed shortly
Tbere appears to be borne doubt in tbe doc
tor's mind , although be dnus not say so , as to
whether tbe Cepbeus can go In over the bur
with tbe present wind blowing Tbo
per of new case * of cholera today on the
Scaudia are three. Miry Jauowiin , nod "
year * and six months , uho e leather u'jcom-
puulcd her ashore to the island. AunuOlstm ,
aged 5 years cua Mulke Mirske. ucod 1 ! )
yuan. Tb re u us only one dumb , that of
TD ted ore Uisac. a 8-year old child , wbo ivas
taken il1 ut C o'clock this 'worulu and died
at B There wus auotber death on bourd tbe
Scundia , Put it was not from cholera , that of
Mar ouia Bursa , a nursing infant.
UIIAM.1CU Til I. J H A 110 UK ,
Cutiln Iiikhriijr < < r nt llif Kucl li
to HU Old l'rlc t ' -
NEW YoKii , S pt. 11The old irigata.
New Hampshire , Uft her dock at Habok n
ctooen today , and in tow of twj tuzs pro-
cuoand on htir var to Letwjr VuiruuUD to
take apaard tne llasu's flrt cauiu pusmu-
per . There was great dispatch inudti ID
petUag h r laudy. uud sov&ral voluotMirs
uskUUid ID the tvork of filllBg up h r s-taui
roDais for the pwple t.b is to uoouiuuioduta.
UIXIB br urriVHl at Lower QjuruuUuo it was
fouud tbut Htwltn OaUMii.ittuktns hud juu
guue off ana the work f ronvvui uud ta i *
OHluyed. The Xvw Huuniilr was quit * uu
pbct of luteittst ciu uucoui > t ol bvr lurtr *
bull , resitmuiiup a bouse to whirn u > err
ON It COM ) JiwC ,
Dictator Mcndon of YsueEasla Att-mptsd
a Bold Gums.
When thr tSnni Wrrr Ciewd lor Artlon
tlip I'I-I OII < T WITT KrtrAM'U and the
IVdldriit IliiktllT Uixlcnrd
lie Was . \n T Mourj- .
mti GorilDn lnn > al
PAN.VA ( via GalveUoa , Tex ) . Scot n.-
iBy Mexican Cable to New York Herald
Special to THE BEE. J further new * .of the
nnarchial state of uSairs cxmlnc in Vene
zuela has cooio hern. General Pepper , Men-
dozu's commander alLuGaayra , on the morn-
me ol Septembar 3d , received order from
Sarucas to squeeze n lar a sum of tnoaey
from the merchants of that place General
Eebevenl , Pcpprr's najulanl , at once mn >
nuinoa til tbe leading merchants of that
place to the governor's office and when they
were assembled Informed tbem that they
nvre prisoners until they paid in sumi rm-g-
ing from fjUDto JI.OJD. "The German , Dutca.
Swedish. Norwogiun , Ro'eian. ' Argentineans
Coitn Rlcaa consuls ana American Viro Con
sul Goidlnc , the agent cf tbc Rod D steamer *
and tbe manager of Boultons from here , were
also BI rested.
An appeal was made to American Consul
Hanna f or protonlloii. Mr. Hanna at oaco tbe Spanish , British aod French cen
tals , Icid tbo facl before them and they aj
ncroed to act together Tbe commanders ol
tbe Dutch. French , Spanish and German
warships also promised their hearty co-
oprrutioa. With this bucking Mr Hanna
Tormallr demanded ibo unoandilioaal re
lease ol tbe other consuls and the foreign
l'rrjiar nl tu I'lcht.
Pepper hesitated. Tha foreign warships
trot ui Mourn , Uic Yeaezulans bat to arms
and tbe puns at Tort La Vigia were run ont
Tor & w bile tbe situation was serious ard it.
loffkbd at tbouch a collision was uuuvoid
able , but Meudora bearinc of the situation
telephoned from Carac-us for Pepper to com
pl.v n ith the dctnuad une to do auj thing mic
ossary to evert ttoub.e. lie then called hii
lieutunants to tbe C'asa Orra vlila and re-
s-icuing tbe dictators-tup , proclain-ing Gult-
lermo Tell Villegas Pulido , a nephew of cxl
President Villegus , as president and a mem
ber of tbe Jeaenil council. Pulido at once
began tne formation ol a cabinet leaving
Mcudora out. It is balievod lhat Mendcza
wih attempt to escape from the republic wilb
tbe booty bo has secures from ibe plUage of
tbe capital ana from forced loans.
GeuBruu Pepper uud Kfbeem called tbe
consuls together at ibenoase of tbe Spanish
consuls nna informed ttaem of ibe chance oi
ndministration and informed I'lem tbal here-
Lfler ttiey uoaiJ respect foreicn interests.
Consul ilanua is generallv commended for
the nerve and backbone be displayed and tbo
* uccss of his firm stand In behalf of the im
prisoned men nl n time when ha was com
pletely shut off from telegraphic communica
tion with Minister Senegas or tbe Stats
Krqimtts of tJir Mate Ix-partinrnt lit
iiictcm CliofrlclljKranlrd. .
"tCojij-rlclitea IKS bj- Janus Corfluu Mcnnett.1
VjHj-Aua.iQ.UhUl ( via Galveston , Tex. ) ,
Sept. 31. [ By Mexjnan. Cable to the JCexv
VarE Herald Special to Tnc Bcc.1 At tbe
request of tbe State department at Washing
ton tbe Chilian covernmont w ill aflord every
facility to the astronomers who are uoming
from the Lieu observatory to view the
eclipse of the sun oS Valcnar near tbe port
of Huasco.
So far no claims against the
United Stipes ara known to eilsl
by the foreljru offloa atSonttaca An of
ficial telepram to tba Chilian government
suys tnut Pern xvlil send a corfideattal ccent
to Sintiago to treat relative to ponditic
irntters. I am told that Pera shows a
probable disposition to cffroe to tbe arr&apo.
tnents made in regard to tbe question in.
volvecJ , and will also endeavor to arrange a
commercial treaty with Cmlt
Tbe Hbralu's corre paaaant at Buenos
Ayres says an enthusiastic rcceptian ES
given to Vice President Uriburn on his
arrival tbere from ghili. Tbo Arcentine
foreicn minister denies tbe existence of un
ailianco between Arcentine. Peru and
rJoIinu apainst Ubilj. Continulnp , b
says. ibat relctionE with Cbili are
friendly , and ibe boundary question niil be
satisfactorily settled. Minuter Errnrurn
tcarte a Mmilar statement in tbe Chilian con
gress a dav or two ape News from Santlapo
del ] > iero , Arpentine. savs tbnt a revolution
is imminent tbere. 7 no Herald's correspond
eui ui Kio de Janeno says that tne nttional
feast was celebrated there with great pomp
and there \vns a prauJ ailuary parado.
Cluliun > aval OHlcialu .Anxious to Itv un
I'rJrudlj Trrnikriilj Aintirirun ,
rrojijrljhtefl Iflj : Iiy Jumef Gordon Uutinett '
V Li'Aim o , Cf.lli ( , ria Galveston , Ter. ) ,
Spt _ 11. [ By Meiicaa Cable to the Me *
Yorlr Harald Special to TUB Bsi
Chilian naval officers are loot : nc forward
with much interest io the visit to the Amer
ican warsbipi under commana of Admiral
UberardL Tnev will they say , be glad to
ra et the United States offirers on friendly
tei ms now that Mcssrc. Egan and Mc-
Creury have left Ubili Active preparations
are bum ? made to role brave tbe national
holiday next Sunday.
According to papers received here by the
last mails it uppaari that Mr Egan , Presi
dent Harrison and Secretary of Stnve Foster
claim tbe credit for the settlement of tbc
Baltimore affair. Tbe autbonties clirm
tbat tbe honor belongn to Minister of For
eign Affairs Krn.zunz and Secretary Baicu-
nnn. Both advised tbe settlement by tbelr
government , us is shown bv letters pnntod
In tl.e official piTtVc liombull hts isf ued
a pampulet , which no claims proves con
clusively thut Mr. Ecan was implicated In
McCrean's speculation. It sa\s tnat Ecan
contrived to control boms of ice American
newspaper representatives here. It ex'Ois
tbe herald for it < fuitbful reports of occur-
re-news in tblt country.
Commercial circles here are mcrb ait-
turl > d. Owing to tbe failures of exchange
; iecDl tious they are unable to meet their
drafts. Tbe government will declare D quer-
antiue bgulnst nil arrivals fiom Infected
ports in Europe wbicn sailed . nca
August 17. Vessels will bo Mopped ul Punts
Areims and undergo txuuilubtion ,
Ttierc is tnui-h exutomuul in J > D" tlcil
oirclos nt ScntiBpf. owing to tbe vo put
ititerloreuce of thts clergy with vrterc in the
oloction. The senators allece tbat priests
havb refused uonfcisbion in Chili to auv one
Toiiug for Isudore Lirtiunz The H era d
correspondent at liumios Ayrus stys that
liuou ( ; cartridges Cestiuefl for tbe rarp ; nt
Sat > tu Colahna bave dlsuppsared wbue on
tbolrwuy Tbe police tre mve iicatt ! e
Souie of Ptiuu's fbUowftrs are disoonlentoa ,
owing to tbe fact tbat tbttre are not enough
oittotts Ui go aroantt. 1'hu illegal uc s of tbe
of Kittens ure now bting .D-
ri I'ullt-rt.
B. C. , S Pt 11 The s&tutg
W. H. Suywurd trrlveJ tore frou
r M > U ar > 9 ri | > oru ttiui tue liusiiuu i-uU
t live si tori three iri [ > ontr ' burling
Ik. ll.g l.iLt & .DL.