THE OMAHA DAILY BEE- SUNDAY , &EI TEI\IBER 11 , ISOS-SIXTEEN PAGES. HOME OF ENGLAND'S PEES Wanderings Within and Without the Rojal Oestlo of Windsor. WHERE DEAD DOGS ARE HIGHLY HONORED The lloj-nl Turks MpinnrlPS of Milton unit ( Iniy Coiitrniplrttlnc tlio Cmintnph of tlif I'rlnco Consort Clinnce Mr-cling wild tlio Wisnson. Et.e. , Aug. 31. | Corrcspon- denco of THE UKH. ] If ono could wholly dlv nssormto from the mind the roynl and his toric Imprcsstvonois of Windsor cnMlo anil , standing upon the battlotnonts of its great contra ! Hound tower , uiToly nonlcmplato the plaoo and its surrounding as a bit of English scenery , the color , fesllng mm sug- Kostlvonoss in all within the raneo of vision would still proro engaging to a wondrous degree ) . Almost at the vary odeo of the castle walls ire the gleaming curves of the winding Thames , hero a pure and crystal stream bo- Iwecn velvety , oroerald banks. "Winding fcjhoro" the locality was anciently called ; whence tbo present corrupted name of Windsor. The silvery surface threading fcway to the west -underneath flno old stone bridge hints of the river's source , far be yond classic Oxford , among the hills of Berks nnd Gloucester. In its eastern way through broadening tncacls , past noble demesnes and through quaint and iloepy hamlets , it carries the ttioucht past hugo old London nnd the ( learning aandrciichcs of Maplin nnd Mar gate to tbo wild North sea. In this ono little itripol England as much potential history has had its origin as along the Tiber from Ustia back to the crags of Aqullone. Just across the pleasant stream , it > rod roofs half hidden beneath masses of centu ries-old trees , is olden Eton town. Thnt mass of low battlements o " turrets Is a vision of Eton college , ono of the oldest schools of England. You know tbo picture tbcro if your oycs can only ECO tbo setting ; tbo low oaken rooms , dark and rich with ttrango old carvings ; the masters gowned an it grave ; the brasses and tablets com memorating the famous and great who once were "Eton boys ; " nnd , beneath hundreds of cops aua tussols , the fresh young fuces of luoso who will rule England In thought , and net xvhon the twentieth century bos cooio. In every Direction irom Windsor tno eye Inlls upon meadows like lawns , great parks and forests of gigantic oaks and yews. You can count nearly 100 scats of the gentry nnd nobility from whfcre you stand on the tower. Interspersed nro the quaintest of old-world villages , primitive tnrrnhouscs , nvcnucs of limes and elms , luxuriant hedges , gardens flaming und lush , quaint arched bridges , ancient mills , grayer or white turrets breaking through masses of trees , roadside inns ana cottages buried iu vines and ( lowers. It is all a vast panorama of pastoral England , centering in , uouilnatod by , this royal pile of historic stono. lliinor to Ii-nl ; Dog * . On tbo north , eust and south the royal parks of Windsor close in snugly upon tbo town aua castle. The Home park , so named from its immediate vicinity to thu castle , Is nearly four miles in circumference aud com prises about 500 acres. It is beautifully studded with clumps of forest trees. There are many avenues of stately elms planted during lh"o reign of Queen Anne , and George III. annually coursed hero for hares. Be sides numberless , cascades , nrtificlai ponds , grottoes and picturesque Bridges , Homo park contains structures and appurtenances pecu liar to royalty. Some of those are Adelaide lodge , the royal kennel , tuo quten's poultry houses , the nrjnldairy and the royal gardens. T&cj lougo consists only of two rooms and a page's residence , but they are sumptuously ilttud up with furnishings from the royal lodge. A short distance from this is a hand some cottage in tbo Gothic style , tlio resi dence of the keeper of the park , and In the rear of this are oxtenslvo kennels for the fancy dogs of tbo queen. There is not a hospital in Victoria's dominions so perfectly arranged , ventilated and appointed. The queen is very fond of tneso dags , especially of tbo collies and fox terriers , fiequontly In spects tno kennels , and lavishes goriulno affection upon her favorites. Tbo burying ground of tbcso canine pots is Indeed a plao for reflection. When tbo dogs dlo they are laid boncalb the turf ivbero they were bred exorcised and came to royil dogs' csuilu. An in scribed stone tablet marks each cunino grave. It tnny be there are thnso who loiter in thosu avenues of thu dead , pensively conning such inscriptions as , " 1'nnoic. Scotch terrier. Brought from jlnlmoral , Juno 14 , 18(15. ( Died _ February 0 , lb 4 ; " "Maurice , favorite Mount V St. Bernard of U. K. H. , the prinre consort , aind November , 1SS4 , " and "Nellio ( collie ) mother of Bess , Flora and Sailor , died Octo ber 12 , 1SSC. " My companion , a qutto noted English clergyman , rcmurked with some bitterness , "Bettor a dead dog in this kennel than our Maxtor's striverouislde this royal demesne. " I thought not , und told him so. "Then you belle American principles , " ho retorted. "And you the manhood of n manly Englishman , " I could not but answer. "You are railing at tbo womanly suntimcnt and tenderness ol a good woman and your queen , " "Ah , " ho rejoined , prodding "Pnnclo's" Iioud3tono viciously , "you Americans uro very queer people , very. " I'ernaps wo nro. But wo don't ynp elocu tion and roach for bombs because wo discover tenderness In woman. Dairy und 1'oultry House * . The royal dairy is as beautiful as some of tbo Ludy chapels of tbo old Engllih catho- _ , orals. It is about thirty foul square. Six . octagonal columns support thu roof. The reservoir through which constantly Hews a stream of cold water is built of encaustic lllos. Tbo windows nro of slalnod-glnss , bordered with designs in buttercups , blos soms and urliuroses. Too walls arc lined with t'.elicatoly tinted tiles , bordered with green , wltn bas-relief agricultural subjects and medallions of the queen and the rovul family. Thu poultry house is on clcrent semi- ( Jothlo bulldl.ig with n central pavilion * ! , crowned by a suporo duvu-cota completely lined with full length plain mirrors. On cither Hldo of the pavilion nro the roosting- bouses nnd nests. An immense area of lawn IB divided by wlro fcnca into wards or "ruus"forlbo fowls , of which there uro neatly every Known blooded spt-cics , anil In- Bldp those wiirus are gravel wnlln bordered by pruhs plats loading to the poultry bouso entrances. Tbo roynl gtmlun contains n area of thirty acres. Its total nuigo of glass-cov ered structures N about 1,000 foot. Tboro is a luxurious residence for lliu bead gardener , with two sumptuous apartments forusoof the queen. The vineries are each upwards of UK ) foot in length , besides two pine- bouses , Ml feet IOUL- ; two pi'achhousos 50 Tcot IOUB , a conservatory M fret in Icnctb , whllo u spueolNi feet wide by 1.U77 feet long X * > "ls dividcu Into three hugo pits for forcing * A. tnolotm , cucumbers , nupuragus end the Hue. The ( treat park Hot to tbo south of Wind * tor. It contains 1,800 acres. Snvoral magiil. tlccnl road * intersect it. The Long walk , three tulles in lungltr , and bordered by the llnost ohm In England , Is Ihu most famous. The royal farms uro in till * park and wore converted to this use by Gaorgo III. and Uuorgo JV always inudo the present Itoyal lodge his summer roildonco. i'tio noble ttructuro called Cumberland ldto , built by Willinm , duke of Cutnbsrlaud , uncln to Gcorgo III , is near Ihu Koyal lodrc. and Is ' the present residence of 1'rinco ami 1'rlucoss hi/ L'lirwtiuti and family. / Other interesting features of Great park are Rhododendron nvunuo , a ir.llo In length , the great obelisk voinruaraorattnir Cumber land' * victory at Culloden , whcro ( ho house of Stewart fell , the Chapel Hoval of All Saints , the equestrian ttatua of Gcorgo 111 , ind the Koyul schools , founded and main tained by thu queen for the edu- ration of the children of tbo employes connected with the royal domains , and Virginia water , winding nroiit cbHrrulnjr sconcry , una ald to bo Ibo larsc&t arltllclal body of water In the world. I'orrtt I'rluicvHl. Ju t west of Great park , aloni ; thobisb road to Reading , llctwrintrerr.alna of ( indent Windsor forest. Its circumference w - originally 130 miles. In the northern portion the forest Is sllli primeval , and hcrnnro found onks rivaling In t-lrlh the most famous of Ho bin Hood's land in Nottinghamshire. The King Onk. ovorSOO years ago the favorlto trco of William tbo Conqueror , Is still stnnd- inp , ana Is livoniy-Mx feet In ijirth throe fcoi from tbo ground , Tl.oru nro also four other famous oaks bora respectively known us thn oaks' of Qjocns Anne , Charlotte , Adelaide and Victoria. Hosldcs tbcso and mnny other features of Immediate and present interest round about this royal residence , there Is a pcnulmi fascination , whllo hlRb up licro upon the liueo Hound tower , In scanninc the tnnascapo and recalling objects and places mellow with the traditions of lonp nga , or spots famous In the world of today , .lust over beyoud Urcal park nro Ascot heath and race course. Tbo course Is the Illicit In the kingdom , Tbocrand stand rivals In splen dor and extent the noted Epsom boitlae stand ; and tbo races are always honored br tbo presence of members nt tbo rojal family ; who are Invnt-luUly driven to Asc.ot through the royal parks from Windsor. Wlnklleld , near Ascot , abounds with nearly two score gentlemen's seats In parks of tan greatest scenic beauty. At Cbcrtsuy , but nine miles distant , once famous for 1U abbey , lived and died the pootCowlor , whllo Albert Smith , author of "Christopher Tod- nole , " many other worm of Ilctlon una many books of travel , whoso genius barely fell short of that of Dickens , was bom In the satno quaint old village. Uatchot , on the Thames about a mile- from Windsor , has the remains of n very ancient monastery ; wbllo Dalcl'Ot Mead was rendered famous bv SbnkcsDcaru in his "Morrv Wives of Windsor. " lint four mites distant is the quaint and sequestered villageof Horton , In this , nt BuTkyn manor nouso. lived Milton , with his father and mother when they retired from business In 1C.2 ! ; and hero wcru written "Comus , " "Arcades , " "Lyeldas. " "L.'Alle gro" and "II I'onseroso. " At Old Windsor , two miles down the river. Is ono of tbo moat Impressive old yow and cypress-shaded courcliyards In England. Its Moat farm was the hunting seat of Saxon kinsrs. Mrs. Kobinson , the al'lhorass , aud tbo unfortunate Perdltn , is buried here ; and its Beaumont lodpo was the former home of Warren Hast ings. Wlndmir Town and I'cuplc. Bray is but five miles distant up the Thames. The "Vicar of Bray. " ono Symonds , was tu&t spiritually vivacious cleric who changed his religion four times , In successive reigns , thnt be might live and die in his "livlutr. " At Beacons- field , to the north of Wilton pork , was the homo of Waller , the pool , and BurKO , the statesman. Hero at Slough , two miles to tbo north , Is the bouso occupied so long by Sir William Horichol , and vou will sco bore n part of his great forty-foot telescope , wbllo two miles further , beyond meadows green , nestling in clumps of yew and oak , is tbo olden homo of tbu Pcnns , near which is tno mossy old parish church of Stoke I'ogU , where was written tbo purest and sweutost elegy in the English touiruc. But coming closer to roval Windsor is Windsor town Itself. Scarcely moro than n vlliaco , it straggles up to the castle walls lllo a moss of dependent relations fawnIngly - Ingly creeping clo o to the source of favor und bounty. I may alone fancy it , but the folk , the bouses , the sireots. all sights und scomings , possess a cringiuir , servlio air. It is drowsy mid ancient enough surely. You can find many old naif-timbered houses here ; almost every hnme.and ttov uro chiefly humble ones , has its little square grass plat , of tbo ancient timein front of it ; nnd the very names uf its few aud oua old inns , such us Adam und Eve , Hand mid Glove , nnd Merry Wives of Windsor , are redolent of the swords , rutls and wigs of Elizabethan days. It scums to mo that aftur ono has grown a little familiar with this most famous of all royal residences , Windsor castle itself , its inmates and all its present splendor lake less and less hold upon the visitor , und that the wraitbs of historic associations and memor ies conjured up by wbul ono cui < not but see and foci grow moro and moro imperative of recognition. Within I lid Cnitln Koyul. To many visitors most. Interest is found In the state apartments , the Zuccarellt room , the Vundyck room , the Hubens room , the guard room , the audience and presence chambers , St. Georgo's hall , the crimson , green and white drawing rooms over the cast terrace , aud the Waterloo chamber. The stern simplicity of the guard room , the great hull emblazoned with the ar morial bearings of the Garter knights and lined with portraits of British sovereigns from tbo time of Charles II. to the present , and tbo historic Waterloo chamber , where the beroos of the battle assembled aunuully on its anniversary , uro by fur the most striking nna impressive. Moro keenly attractlvo to mo have always been the two cbancls of Albert nnd St. George , and ns the former was the place of a chitiicc meeting with a memorable ocrson- ago , it cannot but possess lor mvbelf the strongest hold upon feelings and remem brance. Both cbupels are doubtless , for their size , the most famous treasure houses of royal mausoleum and memorial in tbo whole world. The enrichment by every known form of memorial art is sumptuous and macnilicunt beyond description. In front of tno chancel of tbeAlburtchapol is the cenotaph to the late consort. It is an altar tomb by tbo lute Baroa Henry do Tnijuoti. Its base is of bluest and gold Tus can murblo. At each angle of tbo tomb is tbo flguru of an an eel , tboso at tbo front bearing shields , ono ivllti the arms of the queen nnd the other with thoio of the prince consort. Around the tomb , in niches , ore statuettes , tbrne on tbo south side represent ing Charity , Piety and Hope , and the throe on the north , Justice , Honor and Truth , At the east end is tbo mournfully interesting statuette of the queen in her younger days , and opposite U a statuette of Science weep- Inc. An inscription runs around tne grand antique marble of its cap. Upon the latter lies tno recumbent figure of "Albert the Good , " iijncniticently sculptured , wearing the armor of n knight of the Middle Ages and clothed in the inautlo of the order of tbo Gcrter. Onci'ii unit Widow. On a recent occasion whlio standing before this memorial , my attendant having ex cused bimselt for n moment and disappeared throtuti the private door loading to tbu deanery , two luiMeu , ouo an elderly woman and her companion a fair-faced wotnan ol HI ) , quietly cntorod and walked straight to tbo cenotaph. They were both dressed plainly but richly , and without bonnets , and at tbo time I thought them visitors staying at some gentleman's sent or near hotel. My own great interest In the rcannlflcent sculptured efliey attracted tbo attention of the old Indy , and , seemingly from some Im pulse of creat self interest in the figiiro I could not then understand , sbo accosted mo as friendly as though I bad not bean a stranger , and almost ongorly , with tuosianlo inquiry : "Does the work please- you as an Ameri can } " "Thank you , madam , " I rejoined with some hesitation , "It noes ; but not so much at ibo heroic equestrian statue of Albert in front of St , George's hall , In Liverpool , which , in my judgment , Is tbo most splendid memorial 1 tiuvu over seen , Tbo prince consort was uuova all eUo a manful man. This flcuro * ucgcst3 Unlghtbood aud its trappings. The Liverpool statue is majestic In its cxurossioi , of manhood , " She seemed burled in thought for a mo ment , and noddoU nor gray head silently. Finally bur eyes filled with tears , and , gra ciously bowing to tno , she said , sadly : " 1 thank you as on American , with ull my heart. " Then tno two ladies turned away and pasted out of the chopol. At the sumo lt > stunt my attendant returned In apparent great excitement , "My God , sir ! " bu ox- clolmod , "you hnvo hosti spoaUing , without a presentation , to her majesty , the queen ! " EnnAii L. Wr.rnxo WATKII , Men. , OoL 23. ' 90. Dr. ' Moore : My Uoar Sir I have Just bought the third bottluot your Tree of L.lfo. It is Indued a 'Troo of Llfo. " Doctor , when you so kindly gave mo that lint bottle my right ildo was so latno and sere and my Hvor en larged so much that i could not Ho upon my right kldo at all. Theru was a sorunosi over my kidneys all of the time , but now that troutilols all over. I sluop just as well on ono side as on the other , ami my Mi-op rusts nun refreshes mo , and I fool the best I'vo ' felt In 11 ftoon yearsmid I know that it 1s ull duj to your Tree ol Llfo. Yours very truly , 1) . V. Uuuutsr. I or sale by all druggists. The "No. U" Wheeler & WIUou with Us rotary movement U the lightest running niiichlno in tbo market , and U unequalled for pocd , durability and quality of work. Bold by George W. Lancaster & Co. , 514 S lOtti si. CATALOGUE -OF- On Farm of A. J. Poppleton , at lilkhorn , Nebraska , to be soli at AUCTION AT- 7 Elkhorn. Nebraska. Way , Sept ! 5tli , 1892 , At 2 O'clock P. M. TIHRMS OA.SH. Oakland Farm is a mile nnd a hnlf north of Elkhorn Station on the main line of the Union Pacific Railway , aoout twenty-one miles west of Omahn. Trains leave Omaha ( Union Pacific Depot ) for Elkhorn daily at 7:55 : and 9:50 : in the morning , aud 4:15 : and 0:40 : in the afternoon. The horses are now at Oakland farm and can bo examined there at any time. Mr. Fi cd. R. Sticknoy is in charge of Farm. I. Zulu I'.O. record S.TOlj , bar stallion , fontctl IS7P. by llnrolil J13. trotters and 3 pacers , ami iruTiit lre of fll In S.SOor butter , dnm Miss Dura ) br Huvnl'.i Mnmbrlno br Mambrlna Chief. 3. Trnverve 1112. bsy stallion , foilinl 1335. by Zulu a m N-Itlo Klllot , br Maitnn Cliirta 1U > . slro of 5 Iii2.n0niid urnmlslruof 21 In 8.3'J "nil bettor. 3 Itoyal Oak 11610. bay stulllon. fouled 1S3 ? . by Nutwood GW. slro of Ol trotters nnd 5 pacers , nud crnntl-lroof 13 in 2.U : nnd tic tier , dnm Nvttlo/.ulu by Xtihi fco No. I ) , gramKUm Nolllo Klltott by Mann Chnrta 103. 4 llentwood l.Ult , bay stallion , foaled 183 ? . by Nutwood ftj > . Hire of tit ! trotter * and 'i pacers , and crandslre of 43 In 2.33 nnd bettor , U.iiu Nettle1 Zulu by Zulu ( ef No. 1) ) , criuiJlmu Nellie Hlllott by .Manila Oharttt 103. t > . Mnmlnn. tmy colt , foaled 161)1. ) by Snliiam 7347 by Onward 1411. sire of .17 trcttors nnd 0 purer * , nnd Krnmlslroof 2iUa3.3'J or better , dum Nettle Xulu by Zulu ( BOO No. 1) ) . C. Box Kldcr. bay colt , foaled 1S9I. by Salnam 7SI7 by Onnard 1111 , Mro of 37 trotters and 0 pncers , and imindslrr of'J In : . : x ) or bettor. Uam Nolllo Zulu by /.ulu ( see No. I. ) . , 7. Nettl Zulu , bay ninro , loulfil ! & > , by Zulu ( sec No. Idam ) Nulllu Klllott by Miunn Clinrta Itt'i. 8. Nullio Zulu , bay mure , foalc-J 1353 , by Zulu ( see No. 1) ) dam Nolllo Klllott by Mitciia Cbarta 105. 9. Dorlndn , bay mare , 153I , by Zulu , dam Nettle Klllott by Macna Cbarta 103. 10. Morredii , bay mnrc , foaled 1S3.1 , by Zulu , dam Merccdc-v by xituni 2G'JJ. slru of " > nnd crandslro ofo _ In 2.S3 or better. ' II. Nellie Klllott , tiny mare , br Manna Clinrta 105 , tire of In 2.1:0 : nnd erandnlro of 21 In SM or better. I ! . Molllo lint-Kin , buy mare , fouled 18S7 , by Hector Wllkes WIG by fieorge Wllkes 519 , record 2.22 , dam Alice by Jnclnto IVI8. 13. Watch Kyt1 , blacu mnre. foaled 13J7 , by Oriental dam daughter of Charles Caflroy 1043 , sire of 3 In 2.SJ. 14. lies ? Uashnw. bay mare , by Heck , dam Illack Nell. 15. Merri'doi. sorrel mare , foaled 1639 , by Urldcer by Maxi-y Cobb , dnm .MereeJn ( see No. 10) ) . in. llermlnle. brown mare , foaled 1S5. > , by Zulu ( co No. 1) ) , dam Herman maro. 17. Coal , blnckiioldlnz , foaled ISSX by llrldver by Maxltt Cobb , unui Hens Ilaahaw. IS. llock , bronn m.iro , foaled 1S3J , by Ilrld cr by Mnile Cobb , dam llfta llnih'iw. 19. 1'atty. brown tllly. foaled 1337 ( will prod'jco standard. 20. Nancy , liny mare. foaloJ JbSG. hy Alarm ! C2I , sire ( if Dancer , record 2.2W , by Will kill Llilef 330 , sire of.fin ml k'ramUtre ot 10 In'M or better , crnnrt- dum .Miidni ) . 21. lllldn. bay ally , by Traverse ( oo No. 2) ) . dam MndEC. 23. Adaltna. bay niaro , by .Ultimo by Allraont 33 the croat brood lunre sire , dam unknown. 2-3. Colt , by Traverse ( see No. 2) ) , dara Adnllnc. 24. MaK. brown mare , by Alarm Wilt , nlre of Dan cer , record 3.2vj" . by Wnlklll Clilaf 330 , Hire of 5 and KramUIro of 10 In 2.30 or better , dam Mmlgo. 2J. lllnck colt , byuln ( see No. I ) , dam .Mnc. 26. Ida I'cck , liny mare , fouled 1335 , br Hyrus 3512 , by Knfleld 128. slru of 3 nnd Krandslro of 20 In 2.30 or better , dam MndKC. 27. Doll , bay mare , foaled 1833 , by Zulu ( sco No. 1) ) . dum JlnE ( " < No. 24) ) . 23. Colt , fouled 1S1KI , by llrldger by Maxlo Cobb dnm Hall meo No. 27) ) . 23. Jennie , tmy tllly , foaled 1838 , by Traversa ( sco No. 2) ) . rtnm Idn 1'pck ( sco No. 2 ) . 33. bullie. black marc , by Chnrlcii Caftruy 1013 , sire of 3 In 2..TO , d-mi Ma , ; ( see No. 21) ) . 31. r-orrcl Illly. foaled Iw'J , by Zulu ( see No. 1) ) , dam ItODit'J'cmutiT. 82. Brown colt , foaled 1S39 , by Zulu ( see No. II , dam Miss Mount. 33. Zulu Mnld , bay mure , foaled I6W , by Zulu ( see No. Drdara Dulllo Wilson. St. torrol Illly. foaled I83J , by llrlJ.'or by Mnxlo Cobb. dam Zulu Mnld ( sru No. 33) ) . 33. Kitty Crounse , blaik maro. 'M. Colt , by Zulu ( teoNo. I ) , dam Kitty Crounue ( MSO No. 35) . 37. Maud , brown mare , 17 years OKI. 3S. Kllly , by Zulu Isco No 1) ) , daiu Maud. 3 * . < . Armada , bay innro. foaled I&3Iby Alarm IOJJ4 , slro of ll.incor. record 2.2JV. by Walktll Cblef 330 sireoffinnilKrnnd > lreof loin 2.33 or better , dnm Ncttlu KlllotlbyMnBimCharla 103 , slro of $ nnd Krandtlro of 21 ln2.3Jor better. 40. Cell , by Traverse ( seu No. 2) ) , dam Armnda ( see No 3Ji. 41 Miss .Mount , bay mare. 42. Collen. dun ninro. 4.1 liny roll , foaled IB'by Hrldnor by Mnxla Cobb , dnm Cohen mare. 44. Hired , bay maro. 45. flora. bUck mare. 40. Ncnn , buy fitly , foaled 1301 , by Salaam by On ward , dam Nellie Zulu ( see No. 16) ) . 47. Dorothea , bay tllly , foale : ! (991 ( , by SaUatn by Onward , dam Donnda doe ilo. 9) ) , for Balaam BOO Nu. C ) . IS. Mlnncllabrown filly , foaled 1831 , by Traverse ( see No. 2) ) . ilam llermlnlo ( see No , 1C ) . 49. Hun , brown Illly , foaled 1891 , by Salaam by On wnrd , dam Burette by Zulu ( see No. I ) , 50. Don. sorrolooll , foaled I&9 ! , by Zulu ( > oo No 1) ) . dam Ida I'eck ( eu No. 20) ) . 51. Jlollle. bay tllly. foaled 1891 , by llrlducr by Maxlo Cobb , dam Mnud. 65. May. bay tllly. foaled 1831 , by tialaam by On- nurd , dam Merccdn ( see No , 10) ) , U. Qrover Cleveland , bay colt , foaled 189t > by Balaam by Ouward , dun Dull ( sco No. 27) ) . M. Drown colt , lox.fl 1441 , by Traverse ( see No ) , duui Miss Mount. M. Urown nlly , foaled 1331 , by llrliUer by Maxlu Cobb , ilum Kitty Crouiiso. M Drown tllly , fouli-d 1S91 , by Zulu ( see No. 1) ) , dam Mac ( seu No. JO. iT. Dun nlly , foaled 1391 , ay Ilrldi-cr b ; Maxlo Cobb , dam Cobun maro. M. Ilron-ncult , foaloJ llrldeor by Maxle Cobb , dnm lluss Uailtow ( see No. II ) . W , Hay Oily , foiled 1691. by Salaam by Onward , dam IIo o Tt-mptur. GO. liny Oily , foaled 1S9. , by Zulu ( see No , 1) ) , dam Adallnu ( see No. HI. CI. Urown cell , foaled 1393 , by IlrUter by Maxla Cubu , dam Kitty t'riiunso , Aud it number of work Uorscs , luului , pa u IDS , tie HO IMPROVED tH All the farms described below have improvements , and a portion of each farm has been under cultivation. Many are well improved. These farms -were selected as being of the bestas , regards the richness of the soil and lay of the land , in the locality in which they are situated. The titles are perfect and patent has been issued in every case. All taxes paid to date Warranty deed will be given free of any encumbrances. They are now offered for sale at the low prices named , until November 1st , 1S92. Information will be given on application. NEBRASKA. BUFFALO COUNTY. No. 33. W i s o } son 80 , T 11 U 13 , SO acres ; 10 miles to Gibbon on Union Pacific railroad ; till tillable ; 05 ucros hnvo been cultivated ; sirmll house ; prlco $1,000. No. 80. N e i sco 10 , T 12 R 17 , 1GO ncros ; 10 miles to Miller on the K & B H H K HO ncros tillable ; 00 acres now under cultivation ; small house ; price Sl.SOO. No. 1O3. N o i nnd s o i u w \ and n o } s w i see 19 T 11 U 13 , 21u acres ; S miles to Gibbon on U P U H ; all tillable ; ISO acres under cultivation ; acres fenced ; good bulldlties ; price $4,000. No. 12D. S i n o } , n w J s o i sec 10 , nnd s w i nv J sec 11 T 12 R 18 , ICO ncres ; 8 miles to Miller on K & B II11 R : 140 acres tillable ; 40 acres have boon cultivated ; price $1,000. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NO. 105. N i n w i , s o i n w i sec 21 , n o J n o t see 20. T 28 R 49 ; 100 acres ; five miles _ to Ilotningford on B. < fc M. R R. ; nil tillable , 25 acrns have boon cultivated ; price SGOO. CU3TBR COUNTY. NO. 62. N i n o J sec 20 , T lo R 19 ; SO acres ; six miles from Borwyn , on B. & M. R. R ; all tillable , 40 acres have boon cultivated ; comfortable building's ; price $ SOO. NO. G4. No } se'5I25 , T 15 R 24 ; ICO ncres ; five miles to 'Gallawny ' on K. & B. H. R. R ; 140 acr'ertiliable , 40 acres have been cultivated" ; small house , a well ; price $1.200. NO. 65. Einoiawinojso } n w i sec 12 T 17. R 20:100 : acres ; six miles from Broken Bow on" B. & M. R. R. ; all tillable. SO acres have' ' been cultivated ; comfortable building's ; price $2,200. * NO. 66. S i s w 49 1 s o } sec 32 , T 14 , R 20 ; 100 acres ; s'tx miles from Olax , on K. & B. II. R. R.VIJBO acres tillable. 40 acres have boeri'tuHivated ; small buildings , a well ; piiee ; , * 1,200. ; NO. 88. W i o i sec 5 , T 15 , R 21 ; 100 acres ; 11 miles to "Broken Bow , 8 miles to Gall a way otl'K.&r B. I Rl R ; 150 acros-tillublo O aces-cultivated , 20 ncres fenced ; obinfortablo tbuildinps , wol' , etc ; price $1,600. NO. 106. E } o i sec 33 , T 10. R IS ; ICO acres ; 3 miles to Ansloy , on B. & M. R. R. ; 140 ncros tillable , 00 acres have been cultivated , fair buildings , a wnll , etc. ; price SI,000. NO. 1O7. W i s o } n o i s w i and lot 3 , sec 18 , T 17 R 23 ; 1GO ai-res ; 10 miles to Callaway , on K & B H R R ; 140 acres tillable , 40 acres hnvo been culti vated , small buildings ; price Si,000. NO. 108. E i n o } and lots 1 and 2. sec IS , T 17 , R 23 : 100 acres ; 1C miles to Callawny , on Iv & B H R R ; 130 acres tillable , 30 acres have been cultivated ; price SSOO. NO. 117. Sine } und n i s o } see 24 , T 20 , R 19 ; 100 acres ; 20 miles to Broken Bow , on B & .M R R ; 145 acres tillable , CO acres have been cultivated small buildings ; price $1,300. NO. 122. K is w } 3 } s o } sec 1 , T IS. R 22 ; 100 acres ; 0 mlles to Mornn , on B & M R R ; If.O acres tillable , 05 acres have been cultivated ; small build ings , well , otc , ; price $1,500. No. 123. N 1 s w 1 s w } n w } s o i s w } w i s o i n w } sec 33 T 10 R 22 , ICO ncres. 0 miles to Callaway on 1C & B II R R ; 140 acios tillable ; 40 acres hnvo been cultivated ; comfortable buildings ; price $1,000. No. 125. E i s o i o i n o } sec 31 , n w } see 29 , 1 17 R 21 , 320 acres ; 3 miles to Broken Bow on B & M R R ; 300 acres tillable ; 200 acres have boon culti vated ; buildings , a well , otc ; price $4,000. No. \\M9wlswlnwiscc33 , B o i n o i sec 82 T 14 R 21 , 100 ncres ; 5 miles to Olax on K & B H RR ; all tilla ble ; 75 acres hnvo been cultivated ; com fortable buildings , otc ; price $2,000. No. 127. E i s w } s w i s o i sec 11 , n w } n o i sec 14 , T 19 R 19 , ICO acres ; 15 miles to Broken Bow on B & M R R ; 150 acres tillable ; 40 acres hnvo been cultivated ; price $1,000. No. 128. S o J sec 22 T IS R 25 ; 100 acres ; S miles to Arnold on B & M R R ; 140 ncros tillable ; 50 acres have bcon cultivated ; price $1,200. No. 15O. S w i sec 22 T 13 R 18. 100 acres ; 11 miles to Miller on K & B H R R ; all tillable ; 75 acres have been culti vated ; comfortable builuings , n welletc ; price $1,200. N : . 152. W i r. w } , o i n w } , w i n o J sec 20 , s i n o i bee 27 T 13 R 18 , 320 j acres ; 12 miles soutli of Mason , 10 miles j north of Miller , 3 miles nortli of U P prado on Soutli Loup river ; 300 acres tillable , 70 acres in crop , 20 .icros young native timber : 200 acres bottom land ; large sod buildings , well and mill ; liv ing water in Elk creek ; school house on farm ; price $3,1103. DAWSON COUNTY. No. 15. N w i sec 34 T 12 R 23. 100 acres ; 8 miles from Cozad on U P R R ; all tillable ; 80 ncres cultivated ; good buildings , wind mill etc ; price $2,400. . No. 68. S o i sec 20 T ! l R 2 ? , 100 acres ; 7 miles Eustis on B & M R R ; all tillable ; 130 acres have been cultivated ; good buildings , wind mills , etc. ; price $2,400. No. 6P. N o J sec 24 T 10 R 23. 100 acres ; one-fourth of a inilo fro m Cayote on U P R R ; all tilmblo ; 70 acres have been cultivated ; wind mills , buildings , etc. ; price * 2,500. No. 104. S w } see 20 T 11 R 19 , ICO acres ; 7 miles to Miller on K & B II R R ; all tillable ; 75 acres have been culti vated ; price $1,000. No. 11O. S o } n w } and lots 3 , 4 and 5. sec G T 9 R 25 , 100 acres ; 5 miles to Farnham on B & M R R ; 140 acres till able , 50 under cultivation ; price $1,200. No. 153. S w } see 2G T 12 R 10 , 100 ncres ; o miles to Miller on K & B H R R ; all tillable ; lavs line and rich soil ; 100 acres under cultivation ; good well , small buildinsra ; price $2,000. FRONTIER , COUNTY. N ? . 124. N i s o i n 1 s w } sec 8 T 8 R 21 , 100 acres ; 3 milds to Eustis on B & M R R ; 140 acres tillable , 40 acres have been cultivated ; price 81,200. GREBLBY COUNTY. No. 2O. N w i sec 0 T 10 R 11 ; 100 ncres ; 8 mlles from Greoloy Center on B & M R R ; all tillnblo ; 100 ncres culti vated ; good buildings , windmill ; prlco $1,000. No. 20. N w r s w } soc 11 T 17 R 10 , 40 acres ; ! 1 uiilos from Brayton on B .te M R R ; all tillable ; all cultivated , small house ; price $500. No. 84. S w i soc 7 T 17 R 10 , 160 ncres ; 1 tnilo to Brayton on M & M tl R ; 150 items tillable ; 7o acres under culti vation ; good buildings , well , wind mill , etc. ; price $2,400. HOWARD COUNPY. No. 13. N w } soc 10 T 16 R 11. 100 acres ; 0 } miles from Elba on "U P R R ; 140 acres tillable ; CO acres cultivated ; comfortable buildings ; price $1,000. Nc. 23. S w i soc 23 T 15 K 11. 100 acres ; H miles from Elba on U P R R ; all tillable ; 150 acres cultivated ; good frame buildings ; farm well equipped ; price $2,500. No. 32. W i n o i o J n w J sec 28 T 1C R 10 , 100 acres ; 7 miles from St. Paul on U P and B & M R R ; good buildings ; 140 acres tillable ; SO acres have boon cultivated ; price S2,000. KEITH COUNTY. No. 115. N w i sec 8 T 12 R ItO ; ICO acres ; 7 miles to Ogalalla on U P R R ; all tillable ; 40 acres have been culti- vnted ; price $ l,00u. No. 116. N o i sec 31 T 14 R 40 , ICO acres ; 8 miles to Ogalalla on U P R R ; 40 acres have been cultivated ; all till able ; price $1,000. PHELPS COUNTY. No. 35. N w J sec 24 T S R 19. 100 acres ; 5 miles from Elm Creek on U P R R ; all tillable ; good buildings ; 100 acres cultivated ; price $2,000. NO. 73. Sosecl4 , T 8 , R 20 ; 100 acres ; 5 miles from Overtoil , on U P R R ; all tillable , 120 acres cultivated ; 7.000 trees , all fenced ; good buildings and windmill ; price $2,400. PERKINS COUNTY. NO. 114. S w J sec 27 , T 9. R 41 ; ICO acres ; ' 3 miles to Vonango , on B it M It R ; all tillable ; 40 acres have been culti vated ; pricn $1.000. SHERMAN COUNTY. NO. 16. N i s e i B i n o i sec 10 , T 15 , R 10 ; ICO acres ; 8 miles from Lotiu City on U P R K ; 150 acres tillable , 50 acres have been cultivated ; comfortable buildings ; price $1,500. NO. 21. S } sec 2 , n o } soc 10. loss 17 acres in s w corner , T 14 , R. 15 ; 403 acres ; 5 miles from Loup City , on U P R R : 400 acres tillable , 150 acres nro under cultivation ; 320 acres fenced ; wells and windmills ; good buildings ; price , $4,500. SHERIDAN COUNTY. NO. 52. N w i soc H T 28 , R40 ; ICO acres ; IS miles from Hay Springs , on F E & M V RR ; 20 miles from Alliance , on the B & M R R ; all tillable ; 50 acres have boon cultivated : small buildings ; price , $1,030. NO. 22. S e 1 soc 4 , T 80 , R 42 ; 1GO ncres ; 10 miles from Clinton , OP F li fe M V R R ; nil tillable , 50 acres have boon cultivated ; comfortable building ; price , $1,000. NO. 83. N o i soc 10 , T ! 13 , R 42 : ICO acres ; 5 miles to Gordon , on C & NV R'y system ; all tillable , 40 acres have been cultivated ; price , $1,500. NO. 97. 12 4 B o I s 1 n o } soc 14 , T 28 , R 40 ; ICO imros ; 18 miles from Hay Springs , on C & N W R'y system ; ail tillub.o ; . ' ! ( ) acres have been cultivated ; price , $1,200. SIOUX COUNTY. NO. 30. E i n w J o 5 3 w i sec 23 , T 33 , R 57 ; 100 acres ; 14 mlles to Harrison risen , on F E it M V R R ; CO acres tim ber land , 100 acres tillable , all fenced , springs and rich soil ; small buildings ; price , $ SOO. No. 111. S J s o J soc 24 T 33 R 00. w i s w i sec 19 , n w 1 n w J sec 30 T 33 R 55 , 100 acres ; 8 miles lo Harrison on Chicago it Northwestern railway sys tem. All tillable ; 50 acres have been cultivated ; price $1.000. THOMAS COUNTY. No. 1OL Lots 2 and 3 , s e } n w J and n o J s w i sec 31 T 2 : > R 20 , ICO aoros ; 5 miles to NMtick on Chicago it North western railway system ; all tillable ; 40 acres have boon cultivated ; price $800. VALLEY COUNTY. No. 11. S } s o } soc 32 T 17 R 14. 80 acres ; 9 miles from Loup City on U P It R ; all tillnblo ; 50 acres cultivated ; com fortable buildings ; price $900. No. 17. W i n w i w J s w i sec 1 i T 19 R 1. . ICO arrus ; half inilo from Sum- tor on B it M RR ; ail tillnblo ; 70 acres cultivated ; good buildings ; price $2,000. No. 79. S w i sec IS T 20 R 15. ICO ncres : 7 miles from Ord on B it M R R and U P R R ; all tillable , SO aci-CH under cultivation ; price $1,200. NO. 113. Lots 1 , 2 , 3 aud 4. sec 20 , T 19 , R 14 ; 100 ncros : 3 miles to Ord , on B & M R R. 150 acres tillable , 75 ncres have been cultivated ; comfortable buildings , otc ; price , $2,400. SOUTH DAKOTA. 1CINGSBURY COUNTY. NO. 24. .SwJsec21T 110 , R 57' ' 100 acres ; 5 miles from Mtuiccstor , enC C & N W R It ; all tillaole ; li0 ! acroa cultivated ; good frame buildings ; price , $1.4011. NO. 9. S w i soc 25 , T 110 , R 50 ; 100 acres ; Oj miles from Do Smot , on ( ' & N V R R ; are tillable ; 40 aures cultivutcd ; frame building ; price , 81,000. NO. 99. Soisoelo , T 11:2 : , Rr > 7 : 100 acres ; 8 miles U Do Stnet , on C & N W R R ; all tillable ; 40 acres have boon cultivated ; price , $1,400. NO. 100. X w } sec 12 , 1' 110 , R r,7j 1 ( > 0 acres : 5 miles to Do Smct. on C iV N "W R R ; nil tillnblo : (10 ( acres hnvo beoa cultivated ; price , 81,200. HT P. O. BOX NO. 2837 , DENVER , COLORADO. Anew ami Oomploto Treatment , ronilstlnir of Supposltorlei , Ointment to Hipiuloi , also In Dot nndl'tlla ; a 1'oiltivo Cure lot Kiternal. Internal bllndor Uleodlngltohlnv. Onronlc , Iteoentor llerull * tarylMlui , T.ils llumoJy hits never been known to fall llporbor. liforlijsentby mall. Whysutlerfrotn this torrlblo dlsoiso wlmn a written cuarant J Is positively Klron wltliO luioi or refund tlio money If notcurej unj slamgi tor frea Samplo. ( iunrantaa Issued by Kulm A Co. , Druicclits , Solo Atcnu.cornar IMI > and I > ou2la > street * , umaha. Neb. QUAILlRAl HEALTH FOODS Parched IMled Oats , UnequalleJ p ; Flavor. Corn Gritz Sold only in 21 pdund Velvet Meal , p. . * For mulllaa uhtl f Sold by all l'IrU-Gla s ( Sr.icnn. 14th1OT Ullillll " UPPER ALTON , ILL. tSTERH HIUTUT AG1DEIY. A thorouch ( school. I'rc-'aren for Colici'e o ' - m.Vlthln Similes of St Ioiils. AtWr - fl fjOL. WILLIS BROWN , Bupcrir.ti c v DR. C. GEE WO Theonlf lajillr ; r tiist3l chlneo ptirilcli-i r.ljdit ypnr ' mudf Tea yoarJ iiracticil uxpar' . encewltli nil kno/fn Ultoiiej. Treats mccatiiinllr allolirunlcciHaKl7Cn up hy other iloctori C.ill anil BOO lilraor write for quntlon blank. Ilo not think rour ciio lioiiilou lu.iim rour elector Ult.i you no. buttrrtha Chtn < i > e doctor with lilt new ail wonderfulrumodlui , umlrosalvonoir lio.-iuao mil iiermancntouru whulotuor iloclon otnnot Klrj. llvrlm. Itouti and I'lnntu-naturu's riimudlai-lilt mi'rtlcliKu. TliH world hl < wltoe i. Una ttiouniU IvitlraonlHli In thrao yo\u' pr.icilci. No Injurloai dt-coctloni. no narcotic * , no poUuo. llatloail treatniunt and pcrnianunt cure. Following cases suecsstfully traatal anl curst flven up by cither doctors : Thoe. CouKlilln. IIJ llarnny street , olirnnlorliou. tnatlsm ti years , klduuy and liver troublej. Thos.UuIvort.l2lh nnd Karnvn utruati. icenarit debility. Inillifuillon , lost of slranitti Hud vlullt/ . Took medlclno fur years but not no rollof , M. U Andenon. I Jit Cuminstrjot , citirfi asthma and broncbltls of Of teen years standing lias for sala tbo following prepiraJ ron ; > 1lai nt II.UJ a tottle. sir boltloi for IJ.'JO ' , for Ibi euro of Autumn. Catarrh , Mice lluj'liclia , IndlEottloii llloodl'olsonlni : , llheuinatliiu , KuiniloVeiknesi. . Kidney und l.lver Compliant. No UKcnts. old only by Clilnesu Modlclnu Co , Capital , ITJMIJ. ice , lit aoJ Califoraii Sti , Oaiibi , Xcb , MDUOATJONA.Ii. SACRED HEART DAY ACADEMY. This institution , under the direction of tlio Sitered Heart , is situated on the corner ol St Mary'u Ave and S. 5.7th street. The course of instruction pursued dovolopstho mental , moral and phj'bical powort ) of the younK ladles. Special at tontioa is also yivon to the cultivation of graceful initiiuerti and rod HIM ! tastes Music , Painting and Drawing : , roc-olvo special attention , whllnt 1'Yoiiflt and Our roan are included Iu the cui-iouluiii free of extra charge. The academy is ploaa antly located , with all modern Improvements , and easily reached by the motor oa Loavonworth sU l''or terms and further jurticulara apply to the Lidy Superior. DR. SNYDER , THE SUCCESSFUL OBESITY SPECIALIST Mrs. Alice MatilBOrrcon , Mo. Wrightllifnrotrcat - Uicnt.Mibs.j alter treatment , lOiJbj. Tbo following persons have taken treatment of Dr. rilirilcr , with loss of Helithl IIH irlviin bilow. They will cheerfully answer ull Inquiries If tiauius are Inclosed , Wclcht Wc-lEht llcfori ! . Afer Loss. MKS , ItArilKI. f.JOII.VKO.V , rndncjuiu'tlon , IOHH . Mi I til. I471bs. ITHIln Mllri. .M.lci ; MAI'l.l : , Oregon , Mo 320 " 1(3' ( B. II. Corn , Oinro.Vls 310- BIMKO.V VAN WI.VKI.K. rrunklln. Ill . 424 ' ISO' Mils , < itnit : < ; E I-'IIKUMAX , Ft. Illdwell. Cnl . 278' 100' MIIK. HAIUII IIAICNKII , 1311 fo. mill-Hi- . IxHivonworlh , Kas . 275 ' 70 105' PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. 1.0 starving , no lno" < i , tiarmlBM mid m > bed .upcti btrlrtlr caDUdoDtUI. I'or circulars und ten. tiuiouUl. mldrw. . with Cc , In stniaj.s. DR. O. VJ. F. SNYDER. MoVIcker's Theatre Bldg. , Chlcaoo , III. ON SALE , YOUXG MEXICAN PABR0TS ONLY $1O KAC1I. Y O UN O MOCKING I3ini > s onlySS .50 , occh PK1 | l [ Uliiloijimo uiiiu \ : 408 North IGlh Strost , Omahn. DR. J. E , MC&B.EW. THE SPECIALIST. imfcsdcl .11 the itninntot all form-iot B DISEASES , nnd all dliorlon --ties of youth an-l inanbooJ. ITyoar1 Mpcrien-a JIN ronmrcos nnU f icIIJlloi ar * practically unllmltH'l. The Doutor N rucnin mended hy the pre , and endorsed ( , , tlia stronjo t uirim by the puoplo for filr : trit - inont and hunou profuiimn-il ndvloo , The iniist powerful remedies known to modurn scinco for the huecosjful truutinenl of tlij followlnjilmoafos : GONORIlHOIiA-IimnodliUo relief. A com. jilotoouru without the loss of un nour1 * tlm from biiKlnoHs. QLKKr Ono of tlio most co'iiplolo nn 1 suo. cos f ul treatments for glout ami nil a.itniyii't d bchur.'esyol known lo tbu mullual profoi * klon. The rosultunro truly wonderful. faTHICTUKE ( Jroitost Unowii fur thu tru it mi in of btrlutnni , without p vln , cut- LUlHil'Jr'l l"tln , ' A Hionriiniiirk iblo ru itudy. SYPIIILTS NJ tnuitinnnt for this torrlula bloi ) . | dlsonno has ever buan inure mi o > - ful. uorlmd stronger endorseniiiiits In the IlKht of modern HC/OIKHI this dlKonti : U pos tlvoly cur.ib uaud ovury tnu-e of tint poison entirely romovtil from the blonl. ! LOST MANHOOD , nnd nmblllnn. norvoui' nos < , timidity. dn p'ml ' nuy and ull wu.iknon and dl&or.lcr * of youth or munhoii.l. Kullat oht'itiii'd ' atoncu. DISKA-iKS OF THE KIDNIJYS , and all ( llmirdurHof th ) nlomaon , blorhj , llvar. skin , and bladder , are troatud &uueu fully witti tliu Kruatost kniiwn ronedlm : for the Ul- Wrlto for Mth and Kariiam St. . Omiihn. Nob. I INTEREST , PAID OH I [ DEPOSfTS