Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1892, Page 11, Image 11

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Quito a Lively Eobonnd "tt us Witnessed in
Grains Yesterday.
Mlille 1\ drill OjictiiMl l.ntrrr mid Wcnk on
Ilio Id purl iif it Case of Miolcr *
In Clilc-HKn , 11 Quickly
CIIICAOO. III. , Hept. l\-Qulton llToly re
bound was witnessed In He srnln prices today
nf tor depression on a ulioti < rn HCIITO. Wliont
closed ? , c iilnhor than nlKhU Corn ro-
celvcd u tresh Impulse from another fruit pre
diction , and ciHiipircd with yeotordry'sclos-
In : pilce In about Ic hlcliur Provisions were
lury dull and rather weak. October pork , 20c
lowers UUuber lard 7ic. ! and OeloLor ribs , to
( iH.
Whllo wheat oprnc'l lox o and weak on tQo
n port of n cnso of cholera In Chicago , and the
ficth outbreak In Now York , It o.ulckly ro-
f covcri'd , tbo Chicago UIIRO boln nuthorltii-
t \ely denied. Then there was u gradual re
covery , and the mar..el bold practically
tloiuly the rest of tbo tcsslon ut
the advnnce. llrudstrect's ropurt an In-
cioano of 10 er cent In exports
fiom Loth consts for the weeko\er these of
thu previous wcok , which teemed to izlvo tlio
friends of wheat somu rotilldence , the trudo
BI omlngly Ignoring the Lear sh iiart of the re-
jinrl whli'h uavo the tottl l.urupruii and
AmerlLiin iiv.illuhlo supply at lll.WJO , 00 bu. ,
thu laiaoit on record , ifi , < uij.OOU bu. inoto thin
a yriir ngo and 40.0 O.IOO bu , moro than two
, tonrs iiL'o. M tchell , Scott and other ptoint-
nent , scalpers were acttvo buyers , with the
t > nvrlii'S | Ilk-Ill , and corn miikinit a sharp nd-
? nnoj about iho tlmo. 1'ioe tea Irlng
nnd KhortBotllng iut tlio jirlccsbauk some , hut
thu feeling was venorally linn.
Com wasdiroiii iilmoit from the stirt , and
lOiloued up yu from jesterdav's o oie. and
nilhniiah n wus not all hold , the general tone
was linn. The rain was retfarilcd us a stioni ;
fiietiir , 8 It would retard the rlponlng and
might cut oir receipts. 'Iberevas also a re
port that act Id wave was behind the rain
iind inlcht hilirj fiost. nnd this causoJ eon-
Eldcrablo alarm nmoiu thu shoils. Schwartr-
Dnpto had a dispatch predicting frost In the
Kuiithwcst lomiirrow nl.'ht , and wore heavy
buycis on the strength of It. llomor Asholby
borghl fruely ,
Uats weio strong nnd higher. Inllucnccd
lurgoly by the htien tb In corn ,
llo products opened lont-r , mainly on the
lai 'o receipts of hogs , but It Improved
ElUhtlv In syinpatby with the strength In
corn , but on tinu hole was life.ess.
I'stlni ited receipts for Mini Hy : ! > 2i5
cars : corn .Ml cms ; oats , 251 cars ; hivs. i'.O u
1 no lending futures ranged as follows : ,
quotations woreas 'olious :
I'l.-iuu steady : Wlntor I'.itont. ? .lft.VJW 00 ;
riilphts , si.40Qi : ' 0 ; sprms. JI.O 4J4 50 ; spilng
BliaU-hts. i.t.-i 4t.CJ. : !
WHEAT No. -Hiring , TlPjc ; No. a spring ,
OSliilije : .No 2 led. 7ic. :
CoilN No. 2. 8c ; Jio 'Icnsli. 4fl c.
OATS Nn. " . lUMa c ; No. 2 wnitc , S5c ; No.
C white. aj > { ® UJ > ic.
HVK-NO.V , .iil'nc.
lUur.Kv No. 2 , < fa ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 45 < ao7c ;
No. 4. f. o , b. : nV3)Gc.
1'c.AX SKI n No. I , I1. (7.
TIMOTHY S-KKD 1'rlino , $ l.r,7ffll.(9. (
I'OIIK Mess , per bbl. , i 1(1.01310. ( 10 : lard , per
1011 lls.$7.07i ! ; short rlb > . sides ( loose ) . $7.7uW
7.7.1 ; dry salted shouUiers ( boxidi , jn.uo7.00 ;
hurt clear sldos ( lioxuill , fHuo8.U.1.
WniisKV Distillers' ilnlshod Roods , per BII ! . ,
I' ft
Snalna Cut loaf , . " > ; Kranulated , 5ic ;
bl. i nu. .id "A , " unchatiKcd ,
UecolptH and shlpineiita todny were us fol-
lous :
On the I'roduco oxchui-'o : tod.iy the buiter
Jnurkct was excbanuo I. hiu's , nlow ; I'li
Nuiv Vurk .Uiiriiuts.
NEW VOIIK. t'ept. 10. ri.ouit Uecelpts ,
40IWJ pKga. : exports , lO.njo bbls. and 2uSiU
Biicl.s ; very dull bulstoiidler ; bales , U,2iO hhls.
COIINMKAI. Quiet but steady ; sales , 200 bb s. ;
ycl'ow ' wi-8teiii.l,9'Bi.lO. ' ( :
WllKAT llecolpts , : U5WK ) bu. : exports , S.tOO
bn. ; Halc'H. 280,00i > bu. of futures , 50,0 > u bu of
poU bpolH dull iind nrmor ; No. 2 red , 'Be In
loio und elevator ; 7U2i < &bOe nlloat ; H'itHJ ' c
f. o. b. ; No. : i iud , 7.1e : nnuradcd red. 75as2J4'c :
No. 1 northern , ( j'4o ; No 2nortliernb2J4c : No
1 Intnl. MV ; No. 2L'hlcafo , hJe ! : No. 2 Milwau
kee. 71' ' iC' No2 llilciio ! , 77c. Options WDIO
dull , opcnlni ; weak and d--cllnlng ' . | C on report
of cholera at Chicago , eontlnued free receipts
und Unlit cloiiiances , ndraiiced Vt5iC ! with
the wubt , and local oovorlnxs. reached ' c nnd
olnsnil steady at 'aOi'ic up Nix 2 red upot , 7Uc ;
October.7c.lvat > U'cl ' , closlni ; at hJe : Nmom-
bui , Hlc ; llcceinber , KUK.idcclosing ? at
SJ' e ; Slay , bHa.ftsic. ! closing at 8i7 c.
HVK Noinlnal : western , ( ilUO'e.
JlAiu.KV Nomlniil.
llAiii KV MALI Nominal.
COIIN ItecolptH , ' . J bu. : exports , 22.800 bu. ;
lalen , 210,0 0 bu. of futures , „ ( ' . ( . ' 0 tin , of spot ,
ipots steady , qnlut ; No. 2 , Sdijo In elevator ;
Ji'tSt-'Ho alloit ; uiu-r.iOud mixed , 5.V < J.17o.
Options ndvaiiceil ittlo on reports of cold
vriilhoi : hl har west ; tr idlns null , boptem-
ber , .mWiUliu. uloslnc ut rli/o ( ; Ootnbor. ' > ©
fific , e oslni : ut Wlu ; Noveml.or , 5U'i"iOiic ,
i-loslnu ut 5n' c ; Doconibor , M.SiilO'.c , olos-
lim atMic ; Mav , f > 7'i-7Kc , closliiK ntftT'ic.
OATH Kuoelpts. 13iOUJ un. ; oxpoits , 1,200
bu , ; sales , IS.iit'O ' tin. of futures. 5swx ) bu of
upot ? . Spots firmer but dull : options ijnlot
nnil strouKur ; t-onteinbor , 3He , : October , M' . ,
Ct-lS'.c , olo-liiK at USS'o ; Novrmurr , ifJ'je : 1 lo
cum her , 4UHC ! spot , No. 2 white. MX&lOc ;
mixed wosturn. NBlOo ; uhllo western , a lj ®
to : No. y Chicago , .IUit | ( 3IUo. !
HAV Quiet ; shljipliis , Cj70e ; good to
cholco. fconie.
lloi'H-cJulet and steady ; I'aclllo , 20 ©
"r < tIAK Itnw , linn and quiet ; fair demand :
rullnlmr. : io hid ; centrlfiiKals , 00 test , : iu-liio
bin : rc'llnuil , llrini fair deninnd ; No. 8. 4 7-lliffi
411-ICe ; No. I ) . 4 ? ® l'ic ' ; No. 10 , 45-lil ( 7-llic ;
Kn. II , .ia4 W7.e : No. 12. U'.e.l c : No , 1) ) , HS-th ©
! )7-lic ) ; ; oir A. 4 ? , < a4 l.'iIOi.mould ; A , 53-10
6.1-ICc : stand nr.l A , 5 l-IMi.13.lCo ; confeotlnn-
IIIH A. 4 )5-ii.1 ) | ( ( l-ICc ; cut lo.if , f > ? , iWo ! ;
crushed. ! > \ & 'ILpowilored \ ; , f > Uo ; Rranuliitod ,
b l-HQ5A-lic ; i-iiucs. fi.i(2.'ii4c.
MoLASsui KoielLMi , nominal ; 50 test. lOo ;
Nuw Orleans , dull ; ttouily ; common to fancy ,
2 © Uc.
HIUK Htondy ; fairly active ; domestic , fair
to extra , 4li5Jic ! : Japan. Mi'i c.
I" H1H Qiutit ; linn ; western prime , 2Iffi2lJc ) ;
veHturn , poor , per case. W5..W. |
Ilinrs Inactive : Htuady.
I'ouK-Qnlol ; steady ; old mess , JI1.CKKBII.M ;
ftsw mo-is , Jll 7.I2.2.1 ; extra prime , 112.50 ;
cut nioatK n mo active ; Htouily : p'cklod
ImllliiS 7li&714Ci pleliled ahoiililors , OSci
j Ic-lv ed hams. Jia.lidsll.Oi ) ; middles , Inuctlvoi
i liortuluar , ( fhM. l.ard.Hleiidy ; western htojin ,
17.70 : hiilos , I. ISO tier i-s at } 7.ti7Jtt7.72j ( ! : op
ium suit's , none ; tcptomhor ol350il at J7.70 ;
October at * 7.7ii.
Iltn-rni-r nn : fa rly active ; western dairy.
14ilfe ! : woHtein on-uniery , ! 7.Me ; wouturn
riiMory. ! 4 > iiCi7e ; Klxln. 2l"i :5c.
tsK MoJoratu demand ; llrmj part
. |
IMO iHON-Qnlot. steady : Amorlcan.
-Quiet , wrak ; In lie , $ ll.2011.40.
IKAI > Moiidy ; doiiicittle. il.iuicl.i2ii ,
TIN Quiet , i-loiidyi straits. t2u.aoa > 20.40.
Kiiniut City .Muru tn ,
KASHAS OITV. Mo. . Sept \VnEVT-rirm. .
ii.i. MI ; Ho hi. her ; No. 2 l-nrd , old , CUe ; new.
' .tiJillUc' : No. 2-red , lllltWio.
C'oiiN-Htoady. uliislnu woaki No. 2 mixed.
4 'Jll0i Nil ' - ' whllo. 4fQ4a'c.
OAT * Htuady : No. 2 mixed , 20KB.27c ; No. 2
white. :
Kvi-HlouUy : ; No. ' . ' .
UIIANVuuk : uukoJ. fti5i.ioc.
HAV Sto.idy. unohunired
IIIITTEII Oroamery. U'tt'.Uoi dairy , 154
I ; < ! (18 I lr M at 1-Hie.
HhCEilTo-Whcat , 21,0001)11. ; corn. Jf.OOObu. ;
oatii , none *
hiiii'MUNTH Wheat. WUObu.corn. : 8.0.0 bu , ;
outs , I , oft
Micrpoiit .MarUi'tn.
I.iVKiirnnu Hoiit. lH-WilKAT-Stoiuly : de-
ni nd poor ; Im deru offer nioderutely ; No , 2
inn w Inter. 3s lld&Vi I Hid PIT cental.
UoitN l-'lrmi demand fair ; mixed weitorn ,
ItAil percental ,
( IIKF.KK American fluent wlillo and colored ,
JJbOd poruwt.
\\onl Market.
LONDON , rJept. 10. Tlio Impnrtaof wool dur-
Inu tlm pum wcok'wero : 1'rom Nuw South
\Vule , 3.W1 balui ) VJotorla , 11WW | bouth
Auitrnlln. 2,771 : Now Xonlnnd , 3.500 ! Oapo nf
( Inod llopo nnd Natnl , 1,100 : Itussla. lS7i ) :
from various ether places , 2.27,1. The total
arrivals for tlio next series ls.CKi.4ll Dales. A
skin s.i.o will bo hnld Soptainhorwj.
St. 1.1.ills MnrUets.
PT. Iot't , Mo. , SotiU 10. ri.otit ) Unchanged.
WHEAT Dropped 'ifc early , but soon re
covered and uloiol ' 4'0\o nbovo ycslnrilav.
Sentcmhi'i-closed at C'J'tCi October , 70Ko : Oe-
cetnbei , TJ'rfiTIISc.
( JOHN Killed llrm and hiahcr nnd dossd 'S ' ©
lo nbovo iiHtcidm' ; o.isli , 4 < e ; Heptomiior
closed ut 41'ic : October , 4Pic ; December ,
44ic ! : yc-ir. 4.i > ic : Mny , 4So.
OATS followed corn and whont nnd closed
Jtffl'ii' abi\e yoitor.lay . : cash and September ,
lU'u-i Octuiicr. , ilu : M iy , : iuc.
IH u Qu'ot at fi.-'ilip.
UMAXVonk nt B-JBCovJc , oisl tr ick.
IlA\ Dull nnd unchanged : prairie , $7.0 : ®
B..U : tlmo'hy J9.uol2.CO.
l.r.AD-Dull nt Mu.1.
I'i\\ her nt 11.03.
UUTTKII Unuhnnzed ! creamery , 20Jt".1c :
dit'ry , lfin22a.
Itdos unchiin ed : H4c. !
COIINMEAI/-itaady at * . ' . l,12 2il.
\ \ MISKV Steady at tl.ll ) for finished poods.
lUniiiNn-Uiichatwcd at r.cfS ic.
COTTON TiKs-Unch.itiKod uttl.lJ.
I'novisiONs Pork eislor ; ) obblnr. JO.7.1.
Iiiird nominally lower at $7,207.21. Dry salt
meats and bacon nulot with only a tuiiall job
trudo at previous n not it Ion * . Dry salt
incuts , Inoso lots , shoulders. $7.00 ; Icius nnd
ribs , J7.7J ; * . ) iorti , K.IM : boxed lots Uc moro
lliicon , shoulders. } 7.5I ; longs and ribs. SJ.liJli !
shorts. t-i.SJ. Siuarcurpil h IKS , $11.5jffll2.5J.
UcCBlpts I'lour. 4OX ) bhls : , I'.ll.OOO
bu : corn , : iijo ( ) bu , ; o.ita , 41,000 bu. : rye ,
tinna : barley , none.
SlIII'-MKNT-t-l'Inur , 14.003 bbls.i wncnt , I'll.-
0'iibii. : corn. 20OjO bti.t oats , 11,000 bu ; rye ,
3.0JU bu. ; barlov. none ,
Omaha I'rnlt MnrUnt ,
Gini'KS Homo grown Uoncor.l itrapos nro
jiistcommoncliiR to arrive In iiiun- |
tllles. They are quoted at JJr > o per K-ll ) .
ba-l > ot.
OM.UOUMA Oiui'M Porcrato. JI.2S.
l'At.tK iNiA I'i\CIIK : Per box , Jl.r > OIil.fij.
CAMKOIINIA PKAIIS Hartlctts , scarce , $ .100 ;
other varieties , tJ..V.
i't.tni.Per box , J13J. Bcaroo : Washlnston
plums nro commenrliu to arrive , il.AJ ,
Al'l'l.ES Per bbl. . t4.lO.
OH .Miirlfnt.
NKW VO'IK. b-OUt. 10. Pr.TROI.BUM Dull.
sleaiiy : crude In barrels. Parkers , fl.5.1 ; crude
In bulk HOI ; Unltul c osnl nl.VOio for Octo
ber. Hellnod , J0.0. a3.10 : refilled In bulk , 1.1.31
© .I n > .
( JoTroNsiEiiOir-Qulet , firm ; crudo. 23'tt20oi
yellow , , llc.
TAM.ow-Qnlot. llrm at 4 7-10 ® c.
Kosi.v-Dull , Him ; siralnnd , common to
good. $ l.2.'il.3l.
Tuiil'U.NTt.Ni : Quint , Orm at 28'iia20e. !
CI > UF .Market.
Nt.w YOIIK. Sopt. 10. Options opened firm ,
unchanged to 15 points up : closed llrm 5 to 1.1
points tin : sales. 21.200 bugs. Includlne Sop-
tumbui. Jl.l.0,1 : October. ! U80 ; November. * ia..Vi
fel UiU : Decombor.JU 4'U..11 ; Jnntiurtl.l.RU :
Miui'li , * ll.40l.l.r i ; May. J11403U4J Spot
Ulo , dull , Urin : Na 7. $ M.OJ.
Oiniha : I'rciiluco "MiirUots.
POTATOKH 7.V3S.1C ! BWOct pOtutOOD , $1,25.
Kdis Mostly lie.
HUTTKII I'auKlnz stock. 13313 0 ! cholco
dairy , Iac. ( )
PoUETitv Chickens. Oo : old lions , 8S4c ! :
ioo--tei3 , uOOo ; gccso nnd Uucus in poor do-
Cotton .Miirlcot.
Ntw Oni.tAN.o , l.a. , Sopt. 10. Qiilpt : raid-
illlnz. 7o : low nilddllnz. li'io ; good onllnary.
lie ; not receipts. 1,108 bales : uross receipts , 1.443
bales ; exports to Great llrltala , 2Ui ) bales ;
eoastwlhu , 3W ) bales : sales , 1,350 bilcHi stock ,
OJ.JbT bales.
Trailers' Tin It.
CHICAGO , III. . Sept. 10. Connselman ft Day
to L'ocUrell CoinmNs on CoYheat : opened
with some shou ot weakness on fru h cholera
news , hut the wnsot Mhoitdiiration ,
ollerin.'s bi-lni ; very inoderito. The opinion
K'nlniiu' croniul that today's guvornniont re
port would bo a bulllah docuir.ont brought
buyers to thu front , and win u the market has
not been piutlcnl irlv acllvo. it lias shown
intuited rlreiuth. as it closed linn at the top.
The tenor of the new In circulation WIN
bearish All of Itradbtroei's ( l-rures fivorcd
the boars , but theie was not oiiouuh wheat on
sale to bacU up these ad\ Ices lo the ovtent of
turnliiz tno ctow.i from huvors to sohers.
Crop movement shous about iho same u\or-
ac prebimderaiico of recelptsoverhhlpinents ,
but the 1st was not completed , neither did wo
IniM ! all the eloslcir cables when our session
clo"oJ OMept Liverpool , which closed un-
cbaiiKcd , Tlio market dauends now on tbo
goxtrnmi'iii report. Corn wasstron/ly allccted
by frost ni'Wb , the predictions bulng for frost
biindav nlpht In Iowa and Nebr.isk.i. Itot'olpls
were ijnlto liberal and estimates are also lib
eral. The old corn Is on the move now and
probably will msl some time. Oats uro
Htronirnn good denriiul and In sympathy with
corn. Provisionsouenea easy on receipts o\-
cccdinx the estimates and on liberal receipts
estimated for the C3inlni weok. The closing
was weak at bottom prices duo to bc.itlorliiK
unloading by parties who did not cine to hold
stnir oxer Sunday.
UIIICAUO. III. . Sopt. 10. F. Q. Lozan & Co. to
Duncan. Iloilln or & Co. : In wheat , the
llrst weakncf-H was caused by thu arrival of a
sto iincr with rholt-r.i and tlic report of a ease
In this c-tty , which was later ilenlod by the
health department. I-'iom the opening wheat
gradually advanced. A local operator ,
.Mitchell , wus perslstanl In buying und bid
ding , but ab a buMs for the advance a good
uahii uomaiiii was inn uir.imouni 10:1111 : ro.
The clearances were Iluht fium Now Vorlc ,
but charters from hero were 2SJ.OOO.
The market has a Ht-jady to an up
ward tendency. The eminent report may
Incionso thai or counteract It. The crowd are
now wtiltlng for tno result. In corn there
was consldcrablo coverltu by lee il traders
around the openini ; price , then the nruket
lapsed Into iiulutnubs until the local woatliei
olllco predicted frost In both coin ntateii and jumped , with few trade" . The
goviinmcnt report mentions possibility of
frost In niuthorn states nnd the sprint wneat
country. Oats ruled stron ; partially In hvin-
palby with corn , but mainly on good biiyhu
by commission houso" . Wo boliovu ihoy are
goo.I properly. Piovlslons opsncd easier or ,
moro lion * than expected. Prices ruled
weak and closed at about Insldo pr C".H
CiliCAno. III. . Sopt. H. Konnctt. Hopkins &
Co. to i > . A. MoWhortur : The opening-
wheat was vroak on easier cables. Dismal
cholera news from Nuw York and repotted
death fiom cholera lust oxonlng In Chicago
helned It. The weakness was not lastlnu and
the ( jnlot undertone of Htiongth wliluhhas
been manifest forsovoral days gradually ad-
vanco'l tbo iiiuri.ot lit'Iho trade will
bo bulllshly Inclined because the price
Is low compared with former yu.irs
and lltllo serious attention is given to tbo
statistical situation. The f act that slocks are
lar-o every where , that they increased at
homo and abroad l.,4S5,000 the month
a'-'iilnst 7G-OR ! ( a year ago. that the Hprlng
who'll inovument Is Just hutting In atatlnio
when foreign markets are overstocked and
depressed by the cholera pliigno cuts llltlo
( Ignro with the avornxohpcculiitor , who Is IMI-
prcssed with low prices current. Ho buys
now on soft snots without rellectlng tint
existing conditions may hrinu' about loner
prices If roculpls do not diminish in itorlully
and toon. The corn maikot hu been buoyant
on apprehensions of frust and bullish govurn-
nii'nt luports. l.oo 11 shorts c-ovcreJ freolv.
tbo leadllig rocolvms houses supplying the
duinand on sharp rallies , Tlio short Interest
seems to li.ivo been pretty well eliminated.
Piovlslons were rithor oas'cr , hut the
trade WHS llight and without special foattirui.
Nu > r York Miinry Alurlict.
At 3U4 per cent ; lust loan , 3 per cent :
closed olTcied at 3 per cent.
PIIIMK MIHOA.NTIII : ; 1'Ai-Kit 44jjfl ! ( per cent.
hrniit.t.NO r.xt'ii\NOi : Uulot but stonily at
Jl.hUlJ for sixty-day bills and Jl.MUU fordo-
ma nd ,
The closing quotations on bonds :
r , StiRiir anil Nmv KiiKliind SerurUlvn
XVnru In III" l.i-uil.
NEW YOIIK , Sopt. 10. The stock market today
WIIH saved from utter Hta niitlnn only by the
activity developed In Ko.iiUnz , riu .ir und
Now KiiKlunii , with some llttio liolp from tho.
irraiiKorH. There WHS u revival of riiinoin la
regard to trouhlo between tlio Itoidlnz und
Its employes , the story having It that an ulti
matum will ho puhsed in h.v the men on Mon
day. Such rumor : ) mtiir.iily unsettled the
marliut and a heavy temper iniirlcod the
IIIKS almost from opening to olou , thoiiKh
there was no apparent probsure to uell Btot-Ka
even In the f.ic-oof thoromarkahlo wlthdruwal
of fun da from thu center shown hy the hank
htutomont , for tlio prlc-ea nettled down only
from lauk ot support. The opening was nen-
c-r.illy Hiiiall fraulions lower and whllo tlin
heavy t jinit-r ) waa developed iiiimo < lliitely in
Keadlnit and some other * , thu uenerul llstilia-
lilayud an Ldvunclii ; tendenoy at lirtt , uhlch.
liinuiviT. wus mu ) checked , thouuh Huirar was
adv.inced fractlon.illy aiU closed ctoso to its
hlL-host point.
Now I.iulund went olt In compnny with
Itoiid UK and thu | rrnniorii ; letlrod sIlKhlly ,
nnd the Ilvuiiavllln & Terre lliuito loat ; i per
ent from Its hunt prlcoof yesterday. Noupe-
lal feature inurkt-d tliedoalln.H , und dullnc-tia
a'ld narrownex beeniuo tliu mostconspicuouu
vUurucloriiUci ot the uurkot lu the lute
trnillns , the close liahiR fairly steady at the
frartlotvtl concessions.
Government bonds were dull and steady.
Htato bonds nc tcotcd ,
Tlio Post says : Dull professional stock
m irkot Saturday Is traditionally the occasion
for ftvoraKltiff up small sjoculiitlvo | trades.
The u.irly tr.nllnn [ the week hnvlntf InrRoly
taken ttie sluipn of luiylns for the rHc. It was
natural th it to.l.-iv'a market should bo mido
upon the R ilu of numorotis gmall holdings.
Traders not cncnmbcro I with otosk for sale
took advantage of tlin pravalllnK tnovomont
to push tliu iloellno further , but mot with no
great SUCC03S.
The followlns are the closing quotations for
the loading stocKson the Now \o\h toek ux-
chatizo today :
hlilt n koil. { nt illv.
Tliototiil sales of stocks toilsiy voro 07,034
slinres. Including : Alchlson , 4,1GO ; Krlc , 4.1.10 ;
Missouri I'aelllc , 2,103 ; Now Kiulnnd. O.OVii
Kcaillng , lU.SOO ; kt , Paul , 0.103 ; Western Union.
I.otiiliin riiiiinrliil lletln\r.
[ CopyrlKlitcil ISU2 by James ( lortlon Itcnnott.l
Ij'Ni oSept. . 10. I Now Yorlc HeiuUl Oublo
Special to Tun Hr.K.I-Hustings on the Stuck
cveliiiiiKC tod'iy bus been on ti reiluceil scale ,
ns is usual on Saturday. Tlio Hoar npuroaeh
of tlio sottloincnt bus nlao tended to check
now ciiKUKOiiionU. riiiuls arc unahutiRoil.
I nil Inn riinoo paper Itnprovcd u fraction , duo
to llnner tondunov In slUer. Home railways
close dull , duo io few ro.ilbatlons counted
with tlio Rloiimy weatlu-r letioit A full of 5' ,
Iti Ore it Western. It's ' In Midland and
NotthuiMlcrn uccunod Clianios In others
nro slight and fi.voi.ililo , tlio cxcDptlnn bolus
Caledonian and Northeastern , which uiiuU a
small linprovcnient. Ainorlcnn r.illwuvs ,
aftorboIiiK u'onerally firm , closu soinowhnt Ir-
rc'4iilur ; at the s.tmo tlmo do illn u luivo boon
almost at a standstill. Tlio cb estab
lished were of no Imuortiincn ox-
rnpta rise of ' 5 in Atcblson Inco'iio bonds and
as In Atelilsou ordinary. There has bison 1'ttlc '
or ilo demand for nionuv. t-hort loans hi\u
been freely oETurnd at IJ per cont. Tlio dis
count market has been equally qulot. Two
and three months bills were quoted .it U'-IG to
7 § percent.
Now York .Mining Quotation * .
NEW YOUK , bcpt. 10. The following are the
closing mining quot itlons :
St. I.Mils .Alllllll rttlll'lts.
T. Louis Xlo. , yopt. 10. M.nliiK stock iiuota-
tions :
NRW Oitr.EAss , La. . Sept. 10. UIenrinKs.SO.ll.-
1C' ) .
_ KANS\S GITV , Mo. , Soot. 10. Clearlnsa$1,4.0-
Ncw YORK. Sept. 10. Clearings , 8101,8i,002 : ;
balances , $1.011 , , ) .
I'Ains , Supt. 10. Thrco percent rontos JOJf
S7c for the aucount.
IlAi.TlMOKK , Mil. . Sept. 10 Cloarlnss. $1.03.-
< U4 : hilanees. JJlui7. .Money , U jier eont ,
LONDON. Supt. -Amount of bullion sono
Into the lluukof Cn'laiicl on balances today ,
iiJ , OJ.
MKMIMUP. Tonn. Sept. 10. Now York ox-
chun-'O soiling at $1.50. Clourln s , $ :08UJj
balances , ill4--- ! } .
I'IIH.ADKI.VIIM , Pa. . Sopt. 10. Oloarluirs , : halancos. KIf.05,7bJ. Per the week :
Ulearln.-s , $7I,470jX ( ! ) ; balances. $ J,004OJ2.
iMoncv , : i@l per cent.
110STO.V , Mass. , Sept. 10. Oleurlnis , $ I4SO.I.-
U" > 1 ; balances , tl.DM.sSI. .Money , 0 per cent.
Kxchanzo on Mow York , 17it2."io discount. Kor
the week ; C'loarlnxs.'S ; balanci-s $ D-
I > r > li8. ( . 1'or the sanii ) week last vcur : Uluar-
iiiKS J8I,2I2,47J ; balances , Kn7.MI.
ClllCAOO , III. , Sopt. 10. Oloarhiiis. tl7.i47.294 : ;
total for tbo week , fosH 0ll7 , nnd for the cor-
rospomlln ; week lust year , J iS,9Vj,17Now
York oKclmnKu. 40c discount , money In jjood
dumaiid at "itoil per cent. Sterling e\ch 1111:0
Urin ; CO Uay bills , , * l sdy ; sight ,
ST. Louis , Mo. . Sept. 10. Ulotrliiirs. f.74V ]
748 ; balances , $ " > m.viisi. Uluarlius this week ,
If.4.JU 1,002 ; biiliincos. iJ.7SM30. Clo.irlimn labt
wuol. , J.,84n,4 > I ; n.ilaiicos , ti&sj.Ilil ( J'
IIIRH forcorriisuondlii ! ; wuak List vu ir , i.'I.OJ'i.-
221) ) ; b.ilances. f.,7.H1.1. ! ( ! Money quiet at US7
per cent Exchange on Now York par to B5e
Nuw YOIIK. Hept 10. The exports of spcclo
fioni theportof Now Yoikl.istweek amounted
to f.'iJl.l'JI. ' of which $11,0 ' 0 was uold and fVM.l'JI '
slher. All the iold and il.S'JI silver wont to
Miiith Amoilc.i and $ "il'.WO ' ) In sllvor wont to
Kuropo. The Imports of sp"clo amounted to
l2 > .Sal , of which i."JlKJ ! was gold and $ U'JM7
Conilitlon of tlio Ciittlii Tr.iiln Uimntlstao-
tury H Kt Unrcrtiiln lint Higher.
OMAHA , Sept. 10. The prlncli ) l feature
about the receipts tlio past wceU. has been an
Increase of o\or (1.000 ( cattle compared with
last wcok or last year. CinipaiatlvorccelpN
C.ittio. 1 lois. Sheup ;
Hcceluts this week. . . . 21,747 1S.UI1 AuuS
Uaculpls last week . Ifi.irJi ) 17,041 'i.iii'J ' . l.VJJJ I'J.-.U 1,51 1
\V Ith an Incrc.iio In the number of cattle ro-
colvoil of ubontd.ouo head compared with last
weoU , u bieak In prices Is not to Do wondered
ai. In Kuneial , on all but the best rlpo steers ,
theio has Uuuii a decline of from -Do to.Oo
this WUCK. About ! K ) per centof the cattle
coming now a ro coiniiionlind niedliim grades ,
and It Is on I huso that tlio brunt of the duullno
falls , llu'l this Incroabo In lucolpts boon
Kridual , or even ro.ibonubly so , tint result
would not h.ivo been so uUastious.
AH It was , a run of over 4UJJ ( on
Monday was fol owed by the roeolut of
0.1178 ho id Tuesday. Tills was the heaviest
i nil bo far this yoar. and a bis drop In prices
was liiuvltubiO. As bun bcnn the C.IHO fora
month past the demand for beef steers has
been almost enlliulv from local slaughterers ,
but this diMiianu has been very L-ooU rindiom-
paratlvuly few cuttle wenton thniuub to Ohl-
ciijjo In Hist hanili ) win o there has boon no
bblppliiKorspuQulatlvo demand whatever on
nccountof the narrow margin betwocn Chl-
uaRoand Unaha price ,
I'orhaps the worjt bieak has been oxporl-
enied : by the cows and mixed elouk. UwinR
to the liberal proportion of rcculptxof this
kind and the entlro absence of ontsldo du-
inand they huvo been > n easy murx for hny-
IMH and in Ices aroiiOc tolUe lower than , i week
or lun days luo. 1 1 taUcs r.ittllir : i-'ooil COUH
iial liuiforn to hrliiv over 42.0J now , bile on
last b ituiday tlio same anlnialx sold fruolv at
from * . ' . 10 to il.l'i. ( . 'miners , old and thin cows
have been a drug on the market all week ,
There has booiin very fair business done In
tlioHtoul.ur and fcoaer line , but It has been
at what looked UUo very low prltio-i. Any-
thin'4 of decent woluht and h\io \ sold nil rlunt
but the LiMieral run of biiuil . lU'ht stock
cattle Imvii boon h ird to move at any kind of
Manufactory priei-s.
Olturlnnsof culllo today were the lUhtcst
of the wi'ok but they lneludcds ino very coed
cattle , both nutlves iindr.intjor , The market
was about Hleady. CJood u > choice htuir wus
picked up itiudity at fully stondy prices ,
1.18U and I . .174 Ih , cornfcd steers bull UK at
1 1,40 aild tl.OJ. with food to cholco westerns ,
weUhliu l.VOJ-lbs anil upwards lirlnslnc JI.2J
and.I..V > . On the onllnary run of stulf thcro
WIIN no Improvumi'iit , either In lone or price ,
Tlio market in jonural rnle.l wonk ut the pro-
v ousdcoilnoof about 2Jo to 4Jo from lust
neoli's clinliio prices
fottsund in xodstulTwero slow nulo at prices
fromJUctoiiio lower than n week UKO. 1'oor
to Kood cons hold at mi oxtrumo ruiiKo of
from t .00 to 1' ' - ' . ' > . Hulls were slow and Ion or ,
around tlM and Kl.Wl caivoa dull ut from
(1 Si to M.IO.
Theru was no clmiiKo In the stocker uiul
fourter trade. Smooth well-bred stock wus
o.islly salnhlo at nooil ( luurcs , but undur-
wnlKlit Htnll wus In heavy supply and adruu
on liio muikot. loireseutatlvosulc ( | ;
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. 1'r.
41..I1SJ * l JO 01. . 1-7 4 (4 UO
il nil t 40 i 'tntnnfj 4. . OS 103
i r > 43 11,0
IIoH ( Kecalpts for the wcok bavo not boon
hoavv and conditions Imva iindcriiotio no
radical cluinqc ? I'rlccs are about lUe better
than a wcok IIKO , but the market has been
very uneven all week Tbo miirknt for tlio
wcok opened uultn , strong but U ; the mldillo
of the week prices bad dioppod lUc to l ! > u.
With lUbtcr supplies ( InrhiK tno latter part of
the wcok nu advance of 200 was scored and
tbu close was at the hluhost point In nearly
tbreo weeks past. There Is apparently no do-
pondlnKon tin ) pcrlnunciicy of tlio sblpplnz
iloiii.uui , and while local houses are all good
buyers , packers especially are very bcaiMily
Inclined and never lot nil opportunity p.iss to
pound prices. Tbo foolln ? In the
trade Is one of uncoltUlnly , not to s.iy woal-
nus , tbo advancoor decline of prices boliiK
larcely If not ontlrelv itiiuostltin of receipts.
Tbo week closes with quite a liberal run , and
the ofTorluxs Included an unusually large pro
portion of iood to cholco heavy IIOKS. There
was a Rood shipping Imiulrv for heavy hoxs
from Iloston and Mexico , and local specula
tors also look a band In the trade. Till" with
Very fair buying by alt local houses produced
a Road uctlvo market , with prices on nn nvcr-
; u'o a nickel blKher than Krlday. Tlio irood to
cholco heavy ho.-s went sorted to shippers at
? . ) . ; ! ) to40 , while the bulk of thu fair to ( 'ootl
IIOCH of all weights brought from J\'JiJ to T.V.M
Medium and common lUht and mixed stuff
sold nt * . " > .10 to t.1.15 The close found tin- pens
practically emtily the bulk of the salcj ut
JV2Jtoj.23 asalnst $5.13 to S.I 20 Krlday. The
general average of prices paid was J\2.l'i
a.-alnst $ il7y Friday and J3.143i last Satur
day. Representative sales ;
. . .a o IG3 520
. . .23.1 120 5 .0
. . .an 10) ) 52) ) '
K ) 5 20
' '
. .241 100 5 2)
. . .2.IG l.'O r. 2J
. . .28.1 8'J 5 20
. . 218 120 .1 2.
. . .258 2JO 533W
2'G 80 5 2iS5
. . .248 ! I20 5 a-Ji
. . .264 ICO 5 22Vi
rjos AND notion.
' '
250 20) ) 3 . 200 80 475
110 4 50
SiiKBi1 Receipts tlio past week have boon
very fair und remarkably ovunly dlstrlbutud.
Some sheep have been received every day Iho
past week and everything sold , prices remain-
ins practically sto.idy tnrouchoiit the entlro
week. 1'our doub.o decks of good western
wethers were received today and thov io'il
roadliv at W."C. Kalr to peed natives , , W7.1 ®
4,41) ) ; fair to eood westoms. W.505J4.20 ; com
mon and stock sheep.U3..VJ ! ; gixid to
cholco 40 to W-lb. Iambs , J4.5U2.3.5 ' . Hopro-
hontatlvo sales ;
No. Av. 1'r.
Ills western wethers . I'll 1400
75 western wotbuiH . 1J4 4 10
Kfcolpts unit Ulipositlon of Stoclc.
oniclal rocolits.ind | dlspoaitlon of stosk as
shown by tbo books of the Union Stock Yards
compiny for the twenty-four houu eiidiiu at
5 o'clock p. in. , September 1 > , IMti :
l.lin Stock .ll.irltot.
u ii . . . .
CuiCAno , III. , Sept. 10. iSpoolnl Toloerain to
THE I1KK.1 There as aluut the usual batur-
day's run of c.ittle and In Its ether fuaturos
also tin * market waa not unllUii mat of other
Saturdays ThcTo was not much Inquiry from
any class of luiyins , md there woio moro o ittlo
than woio iicodi-d. Quot itlona lonialn uu-
chaimod , ran 'In- * from 11 ' 0 to f. . 0 for Inferior
to cholco null vu eons , from ( J7."i to J35U for
Hteors , from J1.4J to fl.UJ for wcslorn ranso
oattlo and from Jl.-'i to f 1.00 for Texas.
'I ho host market \\as cinlto strong when It
nuonoa. yiilpper had fair orders In hiiiid
thov did not huillato to pay a llltlo stiller
pr c-t'H th. i n were current yesterday. Loo.U
piickurs were not M > llhoral , and after the
shlppoiH had Illlod up the markut sauced a
point. Itelosod dull at from J"i.0 lo JVIW for
poor touhoico heavy ana at fro n $1.8) ) to i'lAtl
for llKht. Thee were sales anyuhero from
JJ.uo to I l.SO for cholura pma und culls to J5.CO
for extra ahsortod ho\vy IIOKS.
Sheep and lamhs were In Ik'ht simply and
llKht aem.ind and iinchaiiKed , 'Ihoy wuro
iiuotud at from $1.00 to JTi.5u and at from WSO
teaM lospoctlvuly. H.ilosof wustorns were
on a hash ) of from IJ < "J tofl.Si , and Te.v.inu
\\oro quoted at from $1 tl.V'S ,
Kucolnts : U.ittlo. MM ho id ; hoxs , 14,000
liiiad ; uliccp , I'i00 liiiiul.
The l venliiK Journal rc'uorti :
OATTI.K Hocolpis , ! Jqou , head : Hhlpmonts ,
1.4UU hoadi inurlcut uleudy ; uuod demiind for
export Kr.ulen : host until on.
uliolcu , JI.'i ( ) < iil.Hi ; olhnra ( t.7. ' li ; ! . - " > ; wi-ateniH.
t.l.UOIiJ DO ! To tans , J.V. . > A'l 11 : xtocUerii and
feodeis. J..UOit'.T.i : cons. i.rOi42.7.'i. |
lions Receipts , ll.Mg head ; NhlpmontH. fi.OCO
lieiul ; nmrket htn idv , closed nnal < ; roiiiili and
common , tl.M.Vl5j ) uadilni ; and Rhlppliiir ,
fcV-'vai 40i jirlino hoavv nnd hutchura'
welshts , * .V4VU > - > .M ! llzhUll.'JWl 41.
HilKEl1 UocolulB. l.fUO head ! bhlpmonts , 400
head : market lifeless JUK ! : T.u lowur than
Thursday : wolhnrs , lL.'Jl ' ii."i OJi mixed. H.uu ®
4.f.0 ; fat owes. J-l. ? . " > iCI. ' ' > ; . ( < > d Tuxaus , tL7.V/il ' . ' 5 ;
Tuxana. L'.r ai.U ; l-vnstoiiiu ) , jj.7Kil.U3 ;
lambs , $ J.5'jit.'i.5J. ( V/t- .
KUIIIUH City l.lvii jiui It M irUct.
colptu , 4.1U ) ; Hhlpmuot l.QWi thu miirUot
wasactlvo and strong ; cou f ailio hliihur :
steoru. t.f iM.lOi cows , tl.M&i.'Jai Tuxuv and
Indl iiikteorg. JI.7-'i4J.-.OJ ; EtocKura and feeders ,
j.wxai .v
lions Receipts , &S Oi Hhljimcntii , ( VO : the
market wax antlvo und 5ftio. | mostly lUe ,
hl.'hor : allKrailes , tl.i5 < au > ; hulk , t\l > ® ! > . 'M.
riiuKi' : ItecolptH. I'.snO : shipment * . 1'U ' ; the
market was about steady at the late decline :
ninttons , ( | , ( U | Imiilii. . * ' > & .
St. I.oiiU I.Uo Stock .Murk t.
PT Louis. Mu. . eepU 10. OATTI.KHocolpU ,
fiUj huadi Hhlpmciiu , 1,0 u head : market
KH-'iily ; fair to choice niillvo "teurH , (1'jiKQ )
4bU ; fair to i ) ( > J Texas u ml Indian stoem ,
' .
llOH-Uccolpts. 4Q ) head ; hhlpments. 80
head ; market btron : heavy. < iKi43 , 5i paek-
ini : . Jl Wia.\W ) ; il.'ht , t-YU.xa5.UJ ,
hiihi.-lut-clpts , ' . ' .vj head : Blilpmonta. 500
head ; liT.irket Hloudy ; fair tu KOOU muttons
run o ut MO.&I.5) .
Mr * . Li. U. I'uUuii , UootcCorJ , III. , wrltoi :
1 From personal oxporlenco 1 can rooominonJ
Do Will's Sanaparilla , a euro for liupura
blood and goaoral aobillly "
At St. Joseph , Mo. , Sept. 1Q 1 /I K 1Q 1 V7
Here is What You Will SBB Each Day.
FIRST DAY'S RACING 2:38 : Class , Tro'tlnnr , Purjo 81 ODD FOURTH DAY'S RACING
$500 to first , S231) to second , Sl'iO to
Tuesday , Sspt , 13 , third , $101) ) to fourth ; thirteen entries. Friday , Sapl , 16 ,
Three MinutD Oln-s , Trotting , Pu'Bo Running1 nice , purse $250.
' . 2:22 : Class , Pacing , Purao 81.OOO
Ql.OOO , Bigh'oonEntriOB.
$500 to lh-st'JoOtosocoiHl$150 to third , ' $500 to ttrst , $250 tosci-ond , $150 to third ,
. S100 to fourth liftuon on trios.
8100 to fourth ; tlvee in flvo in hnrnoss. ;
Running rnco purse 82oO. Thursday , Sspl , 15 , Throo-Yoar-Old , Trotting , $1,6BO
2:35 : Close , Pacing , Purse 85OO , lipiblo to the 2:40 : class , July 1. With
Thirteen Enlrioa. 2:37 : Class , Trotting , Purse fcl.OOO
$500 additional if 2:20 : is bciUon by the
S250 to first , S125 to second , $7o to third , $500 to llrot , $250 to second , $150 to winner ; $750 fliyt , $376 to second , $225 to
$50 to fourth ; thrco in five in . third fourth fourteen ontrios.
third , $100 to fourth ; sixteen cntriuJ. , $150 to ;
2:2Q : Class , Trottlig , ParsD $1.000 , '
Midland GofTbo Purse 2:15 : dnss , Trott'ng , Parse $2OOO
Sovontooa Entries.
With $500 to the winner of hcut in
$500 to first , $2.jOtosooond , $150 to third , For two your old. trotters , eligible to the nny
2:12 bolter. $ to drat , $500 to
$100 to fourth : tlirco in llvo in htirncss. 3CO : class July 1 , 1802. Purse $1,000 , : or $1,000
second , $800 to third , $200 to fourth ;
with $500 additional if 2:25 : is beaten by
nine entries.
SECOND DAY'S RACING the winner ; $750 to llrst , ? ; 175 to second ,
Running race , nurse $300.
$225 to third , $100 to fourth ; cloven en
WednssJey , Sept , 14 , tries. -
Sa ita Po Rout3 Purse 2:24 : Gins' , Trotting , Purse $1OOO FIFTH DAY'S RACING
For trotters of the 2:19 : class. $1,000 , $500 to first , $250 to second , $150 to
twenty-two ont ies. third , 8100 to fourth ; eighteen entries. Saturday , Sept , 17.
Groa1 ; Back Is'and Route Purao
Nanoy Hank , 2O5 : 1-4 On this tiny nil unfinished rneos will lo
2:15 : clnss , pacing1 , purse $1,000 , with
Will gtart Thursday , September 15 , to trotted off , nnd there will alto bo sov-
$ .500 additional if 2:10 : is boiUon ; $500 to
first , $2.50 to second , $150 to third , $100 beat the world's record , her own. Shu eri ! first class running races for purses
to fou.-th ; ton entries. will bo driven bv Budd Doblo. ( 'JT a pr ' 3,000.
$50,000 IN PREMIUMS-
S3OOOO for Speed nlono. $ | OOOO , in premiums for Ilorpos , Ciltlo : , HOJJ , uiul S .eon. S50O in premiums for
Poultry. Hnlf fare rates from nil points. Remember the D.it2S Sept. 13 , I 4 , 15 16 a V.H7. There will ho more ntid
better racin , r in one day at this grout fair than has ever been scon in a whole wjok at any fair over huld in the West. Two
street car lines to the race traclt from Union Depot , and Chicago , Hurlington & Quini-y trains every few minutes from
Francis Street Depot.
11 Kit A/.V J-'O 7.VIlKK
A Supposeil Kxcmpliiiy XVIfo nnil Ilor I'lirii-
iiionr I'olsoi.nil nnd Killed.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Sopt. 10. Mrs. fingonin
Shorrill , wife of Fr.inK Shornll , traveling
salesman for U. E. Avery & Co.Mrs. ; Emma
Austin , keeper of an assignation bouse , nnJ
nn unknown man were found dead In
Mrs. Austin's Uouso. Shcrrlll had pouo out
Thursday on a trip nnd his wife spent luo
nliht at Austin's with an unlcnown man.
All ate Icecream anil deatli resulted from ar
senical poisoning. Mrs. Sbarrlll bad boon
married but n vear and belonged to ono of
the best families in the state. She moved in
the best circles and was regarded as an exemplary -
emplary wifo. _
Jim Hums' Attempt tu Outrage n l.lttlo
Srlionl ( ilrl In a l.ninhor Yaril.
Jim Burns is in Iho police station charged
with making an indecent assault upon Mary
Braucr , a 14-yoar-old daughter of John
The little girl was passing tUrough the
Chicago lumbar yard on her way homo from
school when the ruftlnn attacked her. Her
cry attniotoil tno uttcntion of her futhoi who
was working in the yard and who captured
Burns and took him to the police station.
Mnnlont tlio Park.
The Seventh Ward Military band cive the
rofiulur weekly concert nt Hanscom p.irk
Sunday afternoon , commencing at 8 o'clock.
TUo follo'vinir program will bo presented :
March-Tho Thunderer Sousa
The Hoivens uro Tolling ( from the
Creation ) ll.iydn
Solectlon-l'rom Opera lolantho Sullivan
Overture linntor and Hermit Dilticv
Solectlon from I'aust Gounod
IValti S'lslons of a Bountiful Woman. . . .
Iluno'llctlon ( from 12th Mass ) Mo/.irt
Selection Prom Dtwn to Twilight . .llonnot
KeinlnUcenscos of Moynrbeor . . . .nr llonlolio
March samoset Club of Omaha btoliihauser
faoluctlon Hollirlous i'rendyvlllo
Solectlon , I'ltatcsof rcn/.iuico. . < i-nUlvan
DeWltt'sSarsAnarilla cliianso * the DloaJ.
Oustoin Ilonsu KccnlptK ,
Following are the receipts at the Omaha
custom uouso during the past week : Toi
cases extract of meat for Klchardson Drue
company ; thrco bales Sumatra for H. Koson-
stock & Co. : car of sugar machinery for
Oxnard Boot Sugar company ; car of nco for
Iho Nebraska Cold Storage company ; one
case of woolens for P. Barrett & Co. ; case
of woolens forO. O. Lindciulst ; two cases
of glasswnro for Gutch & Luuman ; two
pinions for Davis it Cotvgill ; ono cur tinplate
plato forCudahy & Co. ; ono box Sumatra
for H. Kojcustoelt A : Co.
Tu .Mile 11 Ice Uruiim.
C. H. Rohror. agantof the Missouri Pnclllc
railway , Now Mavou , Mo. , says : "I uuffurod
n great deal ono hot evening laii week , ( July
21. ) I hud eaten luo cream for supper , and
there scorned to bo an inturnal conflict gem > . '
on. A traveling man said ho bad something
in his grin at the hotel that ho bnllovod
would rollovo me. and producing n small bottle -
tlo of inedlcino K.IVO mo a doso. I felt bettor ,
nnd In a few moments took another dose ,
which entirely rolioveo me , I believe that
such a mcdlcmo is worthy of recommenda
tion and that it should t > o kept in tbo housi <
during tbo summer. The boltlo wan labeled
Clnunrjorlain's Colic. Cholera and Ulnrrhiui
Uomedy. " For ale by druggists.
lloliuiiiliin liirncr .
The Bohemian Turners held their monthly
meeting last Thursday and arranged for the
winter campaign of entertainments. Charles
Stolgor was appointed utaao director und an
interesting program for tbo season wus ar
ranged ,
'J'ho finplnir section will give two per
formances under the direction ot Prof.
Bchuosslor , ono by the grown persons and
ono by the Junior turning claisei.
DoV/IH's Sarsaparllla cleanses the blood ,
Increases the appetite and tones up the sys
tem. Ik has bonutltoil many people who
have suITm-ud from blood dlsordurs. It will
help you. _
7 O'clock In the levelling
IB the tlmo the fust Oiimh-i-ChlcHjo
train via "tho Northwcstorn lino"
loaves the Union Puclllo dopot. Onmhn ,
arrlvhit , ' at Chiuu o ut 0:30 : o'clock next
morning ,
Vi.dtlbulod Bloopers and free parlor
cura. City ticltot olllco , 1101 Furnata.
unless you secure a suit of our elegant school clothing.
Our stock is brimful of the most beautiful outfits for school
boys ever shown in this city. They are the cutest in design
we have ever seen , and they are trimmed in style to make any
boy happy for half a year. By that time he will need another
suit , and so he can be kept happy the year round. Parents ,
you have no time to lose , come on and buy school clothing.
agp.s from 4 to 13 , range in prices
as fol'ows :
55c , 75c , 95c , $1,25 $ , , $1.50 $ , $2 $ , $2,25 $ , $3. $
ages from 14 to 18 , three pieces ,
coat , pants and vest , at
$2 $ , $2.50 $ , $3 $ , $150)$5$6Srti1trPt $ ) $ , $ } ,
Genuine St. Louis Jeans Pants at $1.75.
All our $2.5O Stiff Hats this week only $1.25
Men's sewed congress and lace Shoes , war
ranted solid leather , at $1.25.
01 * ? " We also call your attention to our Men's Clothing and
Gents' Furnishing Goods Department.
J. BAMBERGER. Proprietor.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tb * eminent i | > erlnllit In nerTOUl , chronic , prlrnlo. blood , tkln and nnnarr dlieniei. A rarmltr n9
rentiterod itr&duitnln mutlolneJlpKinm nnd ctrilflcntei nliow. liitnl truillnu with lliar atoit mccett .
cnurrli , ii > riu torrhoi-a , Ion manliooJ , mln l wi0kui ! i. nluhl lonei , lioiioieucj , i pbllii. itrlclure. MOB.
orrliuek , Kleut , THhcorulecto. No mercurr u § il. Nen Irvntinuat ( or Ion of vital IIUWI.T , l' rtl i unnblo V3
y | ll mo m j b Ironlel t liomu by oorroiiionUeuciMe'lltlut ' or laiiranmnti out lit iu . II uraiprun >
ouruly packed , nu muki to ludlcnUj comunt or iniKJur. Ono uuriunu | Dtet l prtleiioj. ConiullkUua
free. Corroipoadenra ttrlctlr prlfato. Hook ( MjriltrlM ( Utj Mul ut * . ( XDgw hour * Vt. H. M 'i 1. in.