Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1892, Page 10, Image 10

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How tlio Monarch of All the Muscovites
Looks , Acts nnd Talks ,
Eix Feet Four of Perfect Physique and
Wonderful Muscular Strength.
Kindliest of Husbands , Witbal , and the
Trustiest of Friends.
I'tirionnlltlcH oftlio KtnproM null llnr Chil
dren The Czur ut IIU Nur o'n I'uncrnl
"Cnrp" KiitlinnuK on 'lhl I'littrrn of
ST. PETKIHIIUJIO. Aue. 20. [ Spoolat Corro-
cpondonco of Tim Bic. | Ttio Cnr tins returned -
turned with bis family from n visit to Don-
inaru nntl ho is now dividing his tlmo between
Ma two favorite suburban palace * of
Ontschina and Potorhof. Ho never spends
his lummors In St. Pctoriburc , but bo
comas to the city iibout once n weolf , nad
it will bn surprising to Americans to know
that ho drives about qutto lluo nn ordinary
oltizon. 1 saw blm OH ttio JNovskol Proipokt ,
which Is the Broadway of St. Potorsburp , a
few days ORO. Ills carriogo was a rich
dark-blue landau and ho drove with
out outrlUcn , the only sign of his
rank being his Itvorloil coachman and foot-
nioii. Lo\7ti at Gatschlna you may see him
almost any afternoon walking ubuut the
) mlaco grounds , ntitl now and then taking a
ntroll outsldo of thorn. Ho may bnvn u guard
about htm , but , if so , It is Invisible , ana as
fur an I can sco hit majesty has fewer at
tendants than the other monarch ) of F.uiopo.
'Tho most of our Information conoortiliip the
czar oomos from Enizland , and the English
newspapers disseminate moro false reports
nbout public men and mnttors than any other
newspapers In the world. TUoy representtlio
u/.iir us spending Ills wbolo tlmo ( rambling in
111 * paUccb.J 'L'noy sav bo Is n nud u
tonsualist , and tlmt ho never has u poauafu 1
moment , The truth scorns to DO Jmt the re-
verso. Of all the people I hnvo mot In Kus-
ila , including many uncmics of tto cznr , 1
tiuvo nol found ono who could say anything
icninst his private uuur.icior. All say teal
ho is a bruvoand conscientious man , and his
relations to his wife and family uro the
models for ibo empire.
Tlio Sultan u ml thu C/ur.
1 saw the sultan of Turltoy at Constantino-
pie a year or so nno uml thu contrast between
[ mn and Alexander 111 Is striklnc. Tbo sul
tan Is a lean , sallow , nervous follow with u
fiamo nnil a face for all the world lluo those
of Jay Gould. Ho lacks , huwovu r , .lay
Uould's nerve , and as I looked at blm I could
100 by tbo way his eyes restlessly wandered
from ono pan of tbo crowd to the other tbit
liu wn * afraid of assassination. Ho had a
troupe of about 7,000 soldiers around him and
Usman Pnsho , the hero of Plovou , sal in tno
carriage by bis sldo. Kovurtholoss ho trem
bled n ho passed along on the way to wor
ship at the mosque , and ho luspiroa mo
ratbor with pity than rospoot. I wus told at
Constantinople that ho feurod to go to bed at
utght una taut bo often -sits up until day
break. Ho has his watchmen uluuys about
blm , and in the towers of bib p.Uuoo there
lire guards who are ever on the lookout. Tbo
czar has nothing of the coward aooutblm.
Ho looks like a monarch , and every Inch of
his * ix feat four it Kingly. The Uomanoff
family from which ho comes bus always
boon noted for tbo splendid physique of
Its members , and Alexander III. is a giant.
Ho stands six feet four Incnes In his stockIngs -
Ings , and bo weighs " 50 pounds. His biceps
nro as b\g around as tbo ordinary man's log ,
and bis strength is prodigious. Ho can tnUo
a horseshoe , 1 am tola , and tend It double in
lila band , und bo can take a gola coin tbo
Bizo of a dollar and fuld it hi halves with his
ilnirori. Hi * head rises above those of bis
suite , and tbo Russian costumes which bo
vro.irs make htm looit even taller than ho Is.
Vv'lion I saw him tbo other day at Gatschlna
bo hud a visorlats Kusslan cap on bis bead ,
and his maasivo frame WHS olad In'a long
overcoat and bis trousers wore thrust into a
pair of lop boots. Ills uniform was that of
ono or bis reclmcnts , ana bo wears different
uniforms from time to time In compliment lo
nucb companies of his soldiers as most see
blm. A regiment considers It a great ( lat
tery to have the czar wear Its uniform , and
this is ono of the ways in which ho shows
Ins approval of tbo dtlll of bis soldiers. Ho
Is very fond of his soldiers. Ho addresses
I bom as bis children and they call bim the
"father czar. "
How thu Cznr KxiircUos.
The daily Ufa of the czar is simple In the
extreme. Ho keeps his great frame In good
: ondfllon oy rccular exercise , and llko Glad
stone bo often goes out and cuts down trees
in bis own forests. Ho sometimes saws
Iheso trees Into lonmbsvllb a crosscut saw
ind ho does all sorts of manual worn. Ho
> s an athlete of tbo 11 rat order and ho is fond
ftf playing with his children , and aurlue bin
itay at Donmaili ho had a number of
rvrostling mutches at the palace tborc , in each
sf which , I am told , ho c.imo out victorious.
Ho U fond of horseback riding and bo has
IHO saddle horses in bis stables hero. HU
itnd contains some of tbo lluost horses In tha
world and bo known all about horses and is
anxious to impiovo his stock and is very
careful as to tlio character of tlio horses
which are brought Into tbo army. Hn often
drives himself , with bis wife bo-
slilc him , in u phaeton about Gal-
china , and ho bolus bis reins with his
orum stilt , In the Husslan fashion. 1 visltod
the museum In which the Imperial carnages
uro kcDt the other day and spent hours wan-
lie ring about through the bundicds of golden
coautics and gorgeous landaus , ouch of which
Is uorth inuuy , many thousand dollars. 1
handled harnrsti which wns Inlaid with
precious stones ami the motul work of which
WHS of solid gold or silver. I saw harness
cloth embroidered with pearls , and tlio total
value of these trapping * and coaches run
hlirb into the millions of dollars. As I
looked ut thorn I could not but think of tbo
kimplo carriages \\hich the czar ro > illv uses
und how far his spirit ls removed from that
of ostentation. Ho leads a moro simple life ,
in fuel , than many of bis nobles , and bo
cores nothing wbatnvor for stylo. Ho Is one
of tbo hardest worxod men of his empire
He rises at daybreak anil takes u cup of
colToo , says bis pruvars anil then
work , looking over bl state papers. At 1
o'clock bo takes broiktast with his
wife , und uftor breakfast bo exorelsei for a
while before going back to work. Ho iioeps
tils system In porfoot condition and
Ills stomach never goes back on blm. Ho has
Ills dinner at 0 o'clock , but , lluo many big
moo , ho uals little , ard bis drink Is cnntlnort
to u glass of Uurgundy. Ho always dines
with bis family , and bis family relations uro
In Lyvi > with HIH M'llf.
The czar of'Kussia is In love with bis wifo.
This In an extraordinary thing for a Kusslan
monarch , and botb peasants und nobles have
spoken to mo in tbo highest , terms of bis
purity in this regard. Ho spends bis oven-
ingi wltb bis family and often reads to bis
wife wbllo sbo embroiders , und there are a
number of stories here which Illustrate this
part of bis character. It is now iwenty.ilvo
years slnco ho attended n court reception ut
I'tirU and thcra met Kmureos Kugonio. All
tbo beauties of the Paris court were present ,
und as tbo euipiess chatted with him sbo
inked him to point out the most beautiful
lady In tbo room. Tuo futura czar replied
IJiat ho was too much of a barbarian to-think
any woman nioru beautiful than bis own
> vlfo , n d hU antloni toward nor from that
tima to tblt have shown that bo has
continued of this opinion , Still hli marriage
to her was ouo of diplomacy rather than of
lovo. fcjuo Is , you know , tbo daughter of
CbrlitUn IX of UeninurU , and her numo was
the Princess Pugmar. Shu had been ou.
CUKOdtolho czar' * older brotbor , who died
at Mice , and In this way tha present czar became -
came holr to tbo throne , Tbn Prlncois Unu-
mar was much In love with Alexander's
brother , Rud ibo did out want to bo married
to her present huihnnd. Alexander himself
had n sweetheart whom bo WAS nnxlous to
marry , but > tate reasons made bo'.h these
young ucoplo giro up their cherished Ideas ,
nnd Alexander 111 wooed the Princess Dae-
mar and married hnr. Love camp nftor the
marriage , and , though thU was ovorn quarter -
tor of a century ORO , they are lovon still.
Tlio l.mnrcM ol IttuMu.
The empress of Husslu Is the reverse of
her husband In appearance. She is aislotulor
and petite ns ho is strong and masslvo. She
Is not beautiful nnd not homoly.
Hur noio Is slightly retrousse , but
her feature * are otherwise wMl
formed aud her o > os nro urlght and kindly.
She Is ono ot the most beautiful dancers In
Russia nnd she is as fond of dancing as n
Danish countrv eirl. At the winter palace
In St. Petersburg are given each your some
of tbo most wonderful balls of the world.
Savon thousand pcoplo can live In thli pal-
nco , and the thousands of dnncors trip the
light fantastic too over floors of ebon" , of
rosewood and Ivory , Now and then tbo empress -
press appears at these clnnrps In her royal
robos. She wears a gorgeous crown which
fairly bhuos wltb diamonds. Her necklace
Is of many strands of tbo purest noaris and
her vest Is a mass of rubies , sapphires ana
diamonds put together so that they blaze like
Uro. Uno of brr gowns Is of omurold
velvet wllh u train of white velvet
which Is fairly covered with gold embroid
ery and the front , of which is linked with
strands of the purest coral. The JowoU on
ono of these robes would in alia an American
Vlllaeo rich , und tbolr value surpasses com
putation. In the treasury at Moscow I saw
the cmpioss' coronation robo. The train of
this was of woven silver , nnd there was
enough of woven silver cloth In the robe to
btivo carpeted an ordinary parlor. 1 noted
the shoes that sha were at this tlmo and I
can tell jou her majesty's foot bus a high
instep nnd that her slzo is No. U 13.
The cmnross Is the member of ibo Imperial
family who most frnrs the Assassination of
the c/ar. She Is In suspense whenever her
husband Is u\vay from her , and every tlmo
that bis life Is attomntcd her nerves become
shattered. She worries nbout her children ,
and I doubt not that she often longs for bor
girlhood llfo lu peaceful Uonmark. It is
for this reason largely that she Is BO
fona of danclncr. Sbo can forgot
herself when she is on tbo lloor. and as long
ns tlio mad galop gees on she docs not fool
the nrusonco of the specter which contin
uously bungs ever the Russian tlirono. The
czar narrowly escaped assassination at the
funeral of bis father. Ho 'know ol bis dan
ger and ho wont away wltb his wife and
children down to Gatsuhlua , talking about
other matters as though nothing bad hap-
ponod. It was not until tbo children had
gene to bed und that ho was out driving
nlono with the empress that ho told her of It.
She wus torrltlod and she wept bitterly. Ho
told her that ho looked upon it as a mutter of
destiny nnd .said ho was ready to do his duty
and ho would do It whatever happens.
Tlio Criir.iml Ills Nurse.
An Incident occutred hero at St. Potnrs-
burg a short time ugo which illustrates tbo
character of tbo ciar and which shows his
bravery and kindness as u man. His
Cnglisb nui'tte , whom ho loved greatly and
who taught his baby lipb to prattle in tbo
Anglo-Saxon tongue , died. This nurse wns
living nt the winter paluco. and I think she
rtled thoro. The czar nnd his brother came
to see her while .she was sick ,
and after she \vas dead tbo two lifted
her with their own bunds and ulacod her in
the coflln. At the time ot tlio funeral tbo
czar arrived live minutes late. Ho cumo in
walKlng mid said1My : friends , 1 nm sorry
I have kept you waiting. " It was tbo Eng
lish woman's desire that she bo buried after
tbo ceremonies of her own church , and Ihc
services were hold at a little English chupel
on the Nova. In going to the church the
empuior walked behind the coflln with his
hut in bis hand , and ho took his seat In tbo
chuivb during the services. While they
wcro being pronounced bo seemed greatly
movrU und hold his handkerchief to his eves
\\ltli but in hand ho w.illced behind 'tbo
hoarse in tlio middle of the street to tbo
cemetery. This was quite a long distance.
The streets wore lined ivitb crowds of poo-
pie , und such policemen as were present
must have been in citizens' clothes. Through
those musses the czar murchod without nny
visible guards. When ho reached tbo come-
torv ho kneeled down in front of the grave ,
and tbon ho und his brotbor loxv-
eicd the cODln into the crave. This
is only ono of a number of funerals
ho has attended in this way , and whenever
ho goes to a funeral bo walks , after the Rus
sian custom , behind tbo hearse. Ho Is pro-
nminentlv n religious man , ami ho believes in
tbo Greek Catholic religion. Ho gees to mass
every morning nod crosses himself often and
prays much. Ho gives u great deal to the
churchand ono of the chief troubles with him
is that ho is too much inlluoncod by tno church.
The church is the millstone around Russia's
neck. It drags tbo people to tbo earth and
grinds them financially to powder. Tbo
priests of Russia are continually blooding
Ibo people. They are opposed toeducation
and advancement and their whole tendency
is backward. The czar Is the head of the
church , but ho is influenced by its nriosts ,
and it is largely through thorn that tha per
secution of the Jaws and tha restriction of
frco thought comes. Tbo czar Himself is very
kind to bis pooplo. They call him their father
and bo looks uoon himself as such. He gave
a large part of his imperial rovcnuos to the
famine nnd millions of dollars went from his
own pocket into the hungrv districts. 13oik
ho and his wife are very ch.irltablo. They
visit the various Hospitals and they are
always giving.
Tlio C/UI-'H Children.
I don't suppose there is a family in the
United States which has n moro Impoy homo
Ufa than thutof the czar. Ho has five chil
dren thrco boy and two girls. The eldest
is the Grand Dnko Nicholas , wbo Is uow 24
yeurj old , and who shows himself to bo u
bright , aggrosslvo young prince. Ho has
bad cbargoof tbo wbolo of tbo famico fund
and ho has worked as hard at this as his
father docs ut governing his ommro. Ho is
a far different looking man than bis father.
Ho lakes uftor bis irothor , nnd his slicbl
form and delicate features look but little
like these of ibo RomanotTs Ho is of a
xludlous tompprnrnont and his manners are
pleasant. The second son , Ounrgc , who is
now junl iil years oldhas moro of tbo Roman
offs , about him. Ho is said to talto nfter
his father , and Is ratbor obstinate and
capricious In hi * disposition I'lio olden
daughter , Grand Duchess iCenlu , is u beauty.
I bud a present of u obotograph of her from
ono of her friends this afternoon. Shu looks
a little llko her mother , and bor form , though
small , is beautiful and * bor fucu Is a winning
one. She nus 17 years old last Mureh , and
the question of her mirrlaco is ono that Is al-
reudy whispered about hero in St. Peters-
bur ? , Shu is piobablv destined to marry
ono of tbo great princes of Europe und she
will not likely have much to say in tbo mat-
tor. Sbo Is very bright and .sho is said to
have ono of tbo sharpest tonitues in St.
Petersburg. She knows a number of lan
guages ana slio has considerable urtlstin tal
ent. All of the czar's children speak Eng
lish , Kronen , Russian und Danish. Tbo czar
himself speaks a half-dozen different lan
guages , and the empress cuu talk in frenoh ,
German , English , Danish or Russian eoually
HU Simplicity.
With all his grcatiips tno czar Is more Him-
tile in his innnuorH than any monarch In tbo
world. There arc no frills or furbslows
aoout him. Ho talks in a simplu way to his
friends and to his oftlciuls , and though ho is
the czar In ovcry sense of the word ho Is not
puffed up u lib concolt. Ho is probably tlio
richest monarch In the world , Ills Income
amounts to moro than 810,000,000 a year , and
bo own3 moro land than any other person in
the world. Ho bus moro than 1,000,000 square
inllos of cultivated land nnd forest , nnd bo
has gold and silver mines in Siberia , und bis
receipts uro no large that no ono knows how
largo they aro. Ho uses his money just us ho
pleases. tMoonoh < is any Hunt to criticise
his CBS n account , and his will is law ovnr bis
bubjcctf ) . Noirmtc" wmittholuwsof Russia
may bo tbo czut'nill or the c/ar's word
Is ubovo all law and tilings uro i igbt because
bo &ays they uro rU'ht. I wish 1 could de
scribe for you bis wonderful pulucos. There
are nothing llko them on tbo face of the
oaitb. I uaw n single crown In the Winter
pv.taco which bad moro than a million dollnis
worth of jewels In it , and tbo treasury at
Moscow rontuln * cartloads of gold und sliver
plato. The Winter palace U BO largo that It
covers neica and there Is a story that whoa
it wai burned notion ) : ago a cow wus dis
covered In ouo of tbu unused rooms wboro n
Boivaut had been koomue U und the
ucoplo of the palace know nothing about it.
Thcra are 2,000 acres about ono of the eum-
mer palaces near hero , and ft tones 000 men
to keep the o ID order , and the palace of
Potoruof surpasses In Hi boautlos those of
Versailles. FIIANK G , CIIII-BSTKit.
Aak your grocer for Cook's Extra Dry
Importul Champagne. Us boquotli delicious ,
und It U perfectly uuro. Try It.
We sell Hats , Extra Special
and sell them Bargains in
cheaper than Cent's
hat stores. Furnlshiner
All the lead Goods ,
ing makes. Always.
"We can't say "never before in the history of the
world did -we buy such a fine fall line , " etc. . be
cause we haven't been in it till this fall , but we
are in it now with as good a line of men's and
boys' fall -wear as money can buy. You won't
get old stuff here for we haven't got it. Fall
suits and overcoats in every immaginable
style , color and price. Come and see what
brand new goods look like.
Cor. 13th and Farnam Streets.
Our Price3i
children's M. Hellmao always the
department is lowest for
the most goods
complete worth more
in Omaha. than the'price.
At Last We Have It. The Most Sensitive Tooth Filled , Without Pain , by a NEW PROCESS.
No necessity now of losing any decayed toolh. All can bo saved by this wonderful process of lllling which works like
miiKiu , is plonsant for the piitiont and faimplo and hurmloss tts water. J3y this PAINLESS PIIOCESS wo mount bountiful
I'orcoltiiii Eimmol Crowns on roots of front tooth. By this JIKW PROCESS wo uttitch pure gold crowns on the bicuspid and
molar roots without pain. By this wonderful process wo restore by contour gold lilting the original slupe of a broken or dc-
caycd tooth. DO NOT DELAY these important organs. Have every tooth preserved. THINK A MINUTE. The beauty
of'tho mouth and face. Tlio sweetness of the breath. The comfort in raabticatlng food , and your health demands that you
care for your mouth and tooth.
To those who have lost their natural
teeth , or part of them.o call attention
to our method of making TEETH
movable Bridge Work.
Call and see the Morris Thin Elastic
Dental Plato , as thin as paper , elastic as
whalebone , tough as leather. With
this kind of a plato wo can successfully
( it mouths that have failed to got a lit
from any other method. These plates
are pleasant to wear , feeling soft and
agreeable to gums and tongue. Cost no
moro than other kinds.
ofTootb. , on Hard P.ubtaor ,
Tooth extracted without pain by
means of our wonderful local aiuuathotic.
Nitro oxide or laughing gas and vital
ised air kept constantly on hand , and
administered without danger.
Remember name and location.
DR. R. W. BAILEY , - - - DENTIST ,
Office , Third Floor Paxton Block , 16tli and Farnam Streets.
Entrance on Sixteenth street , Elevator or Stairway Telephone 108 > . Cut this out for a guide.
By Purchasing Goods Made at the Following Nebraska Factories. If you
cannot find what you want , communicate with the mannfacturers ai
to what dealers handle theirjoods.
Klnjrs , hnmmocks. olland
riiliborchnltlnK. fond for
Cr.tnloKiio 1113 t'arnnm
Our hottloil ciblnat bo'jr tinarantoa 1 to equal out-
ilulltornil to anprut oldo hrandi Vlonni
of the city. Kxport lintlloj liaic ,
UK ) * Jackson btroat. clellvoroJ l < > fa-nllld ; .
Nulled and dovinullnl
boios. Capacity f'.WJ
day , K st Omnha'loi
( U. I1. O bordV > .
INQ Co. ,
24 ! Uouuliu Stroat.
lieu llulMltu.
. ,
flit remit of jo ; our > ' ei.orlouu | > la
treatli ) kUndl etioB. } ornlebT lrvr *
ililt , or MUI by [ mil for JUr. 1 M
i k or o i > aim HI | i to book on Her.
llliutriioilontkln.t ! < l | > , M > nroui > iul
Blood Illiuwi Allli Illiflnuicnienll
Ilka Wrtliniartl. ilnl i , W rU.ln'U
Ink ml J'owj.r Uarkt ; Hrari. I'it.
tlnitl. Iteilmii of NIII. < I , HuHrlltious
Hair , rim | > lci.KacMI > eitl. ) | > i30ut , etc
ioii nluil m fit * l tlllrf or I'Irllrr ,
JJHN H. WOODBURY , O.I. , 123 W. 42rtSt , Now York Clly.
at Low Prices.
Stock nnd Design
Tiie Latest mrJ Best ,
Send us 1. 0 and we'll lend > ou 100 engraved
cardilrom a new copper plate.
Send us DO elf. anil your present plate ( to be held
aud re ittered ) and we'll tend you 100 eu-
Wo pay cxprcis charges.
( U > t Cobb't Ubr ry Co. )
136 Waboih Ave. , Chicago.
iJN. . , H.
l-ttl multilist. tJinnlin ,
Tlio placa to Lily a lluckaway aqd fnuilly Currlaifua
I'liuvtonor Uu lnu < lluwy , Quality bust
thu prlcui Iu e t--l-'lr l clam worik.
Mouldlnim , ntalr mils ,
c. Tolnpiionu'JJ
lilh nnd Miuoy bta.
ollldi. I'niiurrni , Mlnoi Muniiractiirori of Union
.Moulnnd Anpla lliittur , noup.
tyriuo. .M in"I' 115 lIlukoryatraDt ,
bontli rtovu li at.
All klnd iif ilovo rupalri II. II. MAUIIOKK.
on hnnd. llaHOllriu
> toro riipalrud nnd .MTitrunki , Ir.iTolIni
ktor.x ttonid Jnmui iuiuilucii | < u
IIu .iui , W7d. UtliSl IMl Uouiiliu at
N , M , RUDDY ,
"Idh'oiitli 15th Hu , I'urniuji HU Tlioator.
G'aasoa Klttoil to rumody all tlofocti ot oyii-
Steel siiui't.iuloi of KUiiraiiloud ullty
tluuil Ui |
h'ullil ( iol 1 Siuctiil3) ] an I iyo'lnui : , .U
und iipw tr.l. OoculUt'n pruioniitluin for
KlusKoa Illloil correctly nitinu duy H roulvol
Baby's choelt 1'J lllto a peaoli ,
IN it Madame Ruppart's bleaoh ?
No ! but baby'a mama's olioolt
Volumes to its jiraiso doth speak'
Call tur Muio. lluiipart' * buok , 'll'iv-lo ba Heautl-
( ul'
Grounds at 20th and Paul Streets.
Toptlisr with Imre KirjlfyM Giorion ; aid Manifu3it Historical Spectacle ,
And the Discovery of America.
8 Clrousses , 3 Riiifrs , 12 Elevated Stupes , Horse Ftlr , 12 Monngarins , Olyinpin IIlp-
podromc , Miiirlc Illusions , f 0 Aori'ilnU , 120 Clowns , 120 Animal Ac'tor.s , Porftirin-
iiitf Cuts , Dons , Pigs , Stoi-lcs , Sliucp , Gceso und Wild Bousts. " Herds of Hlu-
] ) liints : , 2 Droves of CDinols , 100 Chariots. 1,1200 male and loinalo I'orfnrmorsj
100 Horses , uU Cngott , G > Caiv , I Trains. C'nlumbtis Stiigo leO foot loiiff.Vator -
proof Tent , fioO feel lonrr. An Ania/.insr and Astounding , ' Exhibition. Capititl
Invested , ! jioOt,0IO. ; ( ( Daily Mxpoiibcs , S700. ; !
P. T. BARNUM and J , A. BAILEY , Eq ual Owners
Illustrating the lifo , trials and ii'hunplis of tlio } ; roat discovorur , and the hiatori ,
cal events connct'tod tiioro\/ith. 13uttles of tlio urobb and crcbent. Toiirnn-
inoiitH. boipcs and sorties. Dance" , soups and fetes. PnKCiinlH , triumphs *
tableaux and displays. Ships in motion , Shiun litfMs , Rovitl rceoptions yOfl
bountiful danciii ; , ' pirls Feidiimnd and Isabella's Splendid Court. 'I romondoua
now historical street parade never soon before this season , illtHt-utinjj Arabian
nights stories , childron'.s fiblos , nuisory rhmes , , and the history of tha
United States , at I ) n. in. on day of show.
Fv/o / Performances Daily , at 2 and 8 P , M , Doors Opsn an Hour Earlier.
Admission to a' , 50 Coats. Ohildron under 9 years , 25 Oonts.
Reserved numbered south at repiilar price , and admission tickets at usual slight
advance at J. T Kiiibler's drujj store , lUlh and Farniun Sis.
Will Exhibit at Nebraska City , September J5th.
'T'HE ' RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and
* * r w purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe ana
always effectual. A icliable remedy for Biliousness. Blotches
on the Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation ,
Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered
Stomach , Dizzii ess , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence ,
Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives ,
Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite ,
Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash ,
Painful Digestion/Pim- pics , Rush of Blood to
the Head , Sallow Coin- plcxion , Salt Rheum ,
Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin
Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired F e c I i n g ,
Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every
other symptom or dis- ease that results from
impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their
functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given
to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each
meal. A continued use of the llipans Tabules is the surest
cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be
injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross § 2 , sample bottle
15 cents. Vor sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid.
that the
Behr Bros. & Go's.
anil Ilio lii'-h ' pralio Ilioy liuvo ollcllol 'nun tlio mirlil'.OIOST HI !
NOW Kill ) AKTISI'S. from this pros * anil from a pulillu Ion ; ; pn'jmllcoil In favor ol
ilcr innkis , it iiafit to aHiiinio flit tin Imlruma it mint bo pmsaml of UNCO.M
Sole Agents , Omaha , Nebraska ,
E stablished 1866 ,
CHlOHCGTiirS ti < atlCH. I1 D CROSS
9 IM td ' H BfcaiAV.
THE OHICIN ALAND CCNUIIJC Tin nnlr Mllfr. Hurr.ulnlMllflll for ol
ImOlM , Prucilil l"i CAfdkultf i CngUi * l imti l JlraaJ In Itml 4 UM nitltlllg
t ( iMMlH vllhUi.r.UM/u T ( . ' * llu wth r Lllid. AtfltH jtvltlttvUont mtul ymUaliottl.N
' ' . r Juiiffrroui oount rriltA. it l > rul li , or B4 ul
4r.lo > uuii , " ' ! "llrllrr far l.oillri , " ( n tttlif , i > i return AIulL
lU.IIOIITull < iu > nl > li ! ' > x/Vixr. . CHICHtBTtn CHtMICAI , Col ( , < ] | . , .u Kgimro ,
14 br all ivcal UrvmiliU.