Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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It Wru Almost Ct-gat tion on the Board of
- > Trade Yes'orday.
Iltnvjr llxportu Strengthened Whont n I.ll-
tin Tinders lr < incil Absorbed I"
Wntrhlnctlir I'jroKrrmof Choi-
orn Stock * mill Hnnili.
CtllCMlo. 111. , Petit 0 It wns nlmotmsna-
tlnn today on the Iln ml of Trade. The Kcn-
cnl fcotlnir ncctnod to bo tint whllo tlio
cholera Mittdow It hinzlns ; over tlio nmrkot' '
thorocan ho llttlonctlvlly mill no inutcrlul
Improvement. Whont closed with nboul ' ( c
Kiiln. Corn with ! jo lo s. Outs nro about So
hlrhcr. Provisions moved up several points.
Wheat , vvhlih wnsstrcnirlhoool u lltlln by
heiivy exports , Iho fullliu oft In the local re
ceipts nnd the small pioporllon which ended
contract , was extremely s ow nil through Iho
ncsslon. The traders scented to bo absorbed
will hint ; the prosross of Iho ohol-tri. The
bit Ictlni from New York weroclosoly stutllod.
Outsldo tr.ide Eoomed to have coma ton st'ind-
Btlll nnd' commission houses complained of
unusual npafhy. 'Micro VVUR no dlsposlllon to
riild nnd vnlnes liolil verv stody. . The entire
flnetu itlon fortno rtav covered a rnnru of
onlviC with business of llzht volnnio. Tlioru
was a report from thn northwest th it farmer *
woio storing tholr wheat rather than soil nt
pro'unt prices.
Corn wns vvonk and lower oarlv. mainly on
tlui nbsetico of frost last nlnlii nnd report"
that tlm crop urn unit urine mnldltr and would
BOI n bo out of danger. This led to f rue wiling
of long coin nnd short sellers \\aia pii'lty
nctJvo for n tlmo. caimliu a loss in prko of ' { o
fiom onrlv flames , l.ntur. hnrls lool % ml-
Vanl.U'L'of the Inoiik to cover , mid , as there
WIIH not much for siile , prl'es qiilcMv stlli-
oned. A llrni rlpplo In who it nbout the s imo
tlinu hulpcd tliu corn mtirket and the early
decline wus recovered , lint tlio cereal turned
Week ng tin duilnc thu lust hour.
OnlssYinpulhlrcd strongly lth corn. fm-
Jouliis ( hat ( oruul closuly all day. Thoio w is
a f tlrlv pool trade In provisions without any
vlo'ontnclton In prices. The lowest prices
were niadoon n lltt'ti dip .vlth Bruin markets
noon lifter the opening when the eholuri dls-
j > , itMIIIS wurn reuolvud , lluylnfbv ' 'uililiy
In ribs and by Iho I'ticklnc and 1'rovlslons
conipanv and thu Anrlo-AMiorlcnn In lurd ,
RIIvo prices ti locov cry. The feolltu bccnino
More bullish and prices ndv.imed stoailllv
Commirol with last nluht. purlds IT'iu limber :
lard Is from "lie to 5e up , anil ribs from T'Jc to
There wns a good ( Ionian I for vessel room
nnd not many bo its offered Ilntos were
llrnici ata e for wlio.ttand fiom''o to J'ie for
corn to IlulTu'o
Tlie ostlmaled receipts for tomorrow are :
ftRftonrs ; 5U curs of corn : : a"i ears of
oats : 10,000 hogs .
The lending futures ranged ns follows :
t'.ish qiiotulions were ns follows :
1't.ouit htendy. iinclinn. ( ( ! .
WIIKAT No. ' - snrliiK. TUSit ; No. 3 sprlntt ,
tSOlUMut No 2 mil. 7J'4o. '
COIIN lllKhur ; No 2 , 4Tc ; No. 3 , yellow ,
4S'Je : No I , cnsh ll'.c.
OATS No. 2 , .u'.c ; No. 2 white , 4 @ > 5c ; No
P white. : i-BJnSc. ( :
It r.-No. 2 , MH5c. ,
lUlii.i.xNo. . 2. ( ilQifuj ; No 3. f. o. b. , 40fl,00c ;
No. i. r. o
. . .
TIMIITIIV bfcli ) I'rline , 81.61.
1'diiK Mess , per bbl. , HO..oaiO 21 ; Inrd. per
100 Ibs. t".41 : short ribs , sides ( loose ) , * 7.7.va7. ° 0 ;
flry suited shoulders ( Uovidi , } flUJ@7.00 ; shott
cleur sides ( bmcd ) , JH.OUJ18 01.
WHISKY Distillers' llnlshed goods , per gut. ,
tl ID
BunAits UnchunRod ; cut leif , .VilSJjc ; Rrnn-
Ulntcii. i , c ; fatnndiird "A , " SUc.
Oons No. .1. 4ic. ;
HeielptH und slili'nicntstodny were ns fol
lows :
On thu I'roduco ex ( hnnzo today the linitor
rnarUet wns ( inlet ; fnney cro.imory , vii5.4c : :
Ilno western , I'lMll'J ; idlimry. h ( ,8c : llnudu'-
rlcB. it ) a22c. LKKH , flriu ; strictly fresh , lt-3
liJJc. _
St. I , ( > nU.Miuknt _ .
ST. T.OUIH. Mo , bent , ft ri.oUlt Moro ilolnz ,
bul pi Ices unchniiKid.
Wiuur t' asliudo elf ut 01So. Options
finny , cholera repotted , u verv unsettled
fcolfnz , nnd prices wont off n fraction , but
later there WHS n rcucllon. nnd Iho close wus
Uc nbovo ycsturdav. .Scptemhui linlshiul nt
ftsyu. October , 7i ) ' o ; Uocumbur , Wi'iiJ'1 c ;
OIIHN Wns luwur nnd woulc throughout the
Ecsslon , nnil closed ! iiiale unilor lostoid iv ;
cnsh and heptcmnei. lilio : October.t43 ©
14'iCj ' Duccniber , U'j'c ; ye ir , 4J1JO ! Muy ,
f'c.OATS I.o nor. except for Mnv. which took on
Ww e l cash , : ijc ; September , SVSc ; October , yujjc :
w ay , a.i'.c.
K i : Dull nt 502e.
IlliAN 1'lrm nt dc. .
HA\ Stonily ; prnlili17.0 (28.5) ( ; timothy
tO.Otl..f ( ) .
, - , .i
IlUTriii ble dy ; creamery , 205o ; dairy , 10
Bc. .
Kaos-rirm nt 14V4C ,
Cons MKArtJulot lit f J.15&3.20.
'V ' Sli-nily at SI. 10.
IIION ( Juno.N Tn.N-UnchaiiKuil utJI.10
1'ltovihioNS rirmor nnd boiler Pork , In
lob lotx. 10.7' ill.OO. l.nrd , f7.0. : ! Oiy suit
meat , loose lots , shoulders , $7.0) ; kims und
ribs. # , . ; S ; shurtn , Si.iM ; boxed lots mine
Jlueon. shoulders , }' ' , lenis und ribs. H.d-i ! ;
llmrf. J.S.SV Sii.-ur cured liaiss. @I2.5J.
l ( Cl ll > Th riour. fi.UOO bills ; whoiit , 2011.000
bu. : corn , 41,010 bu. ; rye , U.COO bu. ; barloy.
' '
'Bll'll'MtNTH Klour. 10 COO bbls. ; vviio-it. 70-
BOdbu. : corn , av.u o bu. ; oats , UO.UOU bu ; rye ,
18,0 0 bu. ; burluv. mine.
Nim York .Markets.
NKVV VOIIK. Sept. . l'i ouii-ltecelpls.
Sfl.'Ui pl.L-s. ; exports , 1,4 U hbls. und HtUull
acks : ( inlet , about steady ; sales , ID.uOJ bbls.
Ooit.NMKAi. More notlve. atenily.
WIIIAT : Uccolpts , 4jivui bu. : uxports , SI8.-
COO Im.i miles. IFh.OOU hn. of futures , , ' > hUJJ bu
of spot. bpotH moderately active , tinner : No.
E red , 78Vi 67ayo In store nnd elevator ; 70'i ©
70 o iilloat ; 7JsQ8JJu ! f. o , b. ; No. .1 red ,
74Ve : unirradcd Ten , 704lb'o : No. 1 notthern ,
l.'o ; No U northern. 8J'4c : No lliar.l. 6834'i ; No. ' . '
lhteaio ) : , HJ'.fc ; No. ' . ' Milwaukee. TbSfth'io :
Na : i surln.74Jc Options were very dull ;
Ipccnlalors walling fur thu government 10-
: > rl due tonioruivv. Opunliu vvo.ik. ikcllnlnK
R ® ? u on loports of new cases of uhulor.i In
10 bny : vvuaU cubles und foielKii
iclllni : , ndvniued JiiCic 0:1 : lar u
Dlea ranees. hlu'lier won nnd local
rev critic , ulOHlns llrm nt Utt'-Je ndviincc. No.
t rod. r-eutumlicr , Te'je ; Oelobei , 71) ) -liU
rO l'-10c , closlnu ul 7U7ic ; Novemboi.0' ( , ©
Ijlic , o osln. nt bl'ie ' : Decunibcr , K-'U-lwaS-Pic.
ut H.l'ie ; Muy , tHliii h''iiC. closing ut
Itvt : Dull , nominal ; wostein , 04HC7u ,
lUiit.iv .M ALT Nominal.
COIIN Kccolpts , 47.00) ) tin. i exports , n.000 bu. :
mleii , 0Vllv'0in. | | uf futures. < M' 0 bu. of spot.
hpolHdiill butsUuidv ; No. 2 , .Mltfe In elevator ;
7tu ulluit : uiiKrudcd niMud. fiVftihijc. Op
tions weru diil' . duollnlnvifiirly Jt Suand nd.
viineliu 'iWiu ns fulloivlim whuut , oloslnir
itoiidy nt U ® c below yosterdny ; September ,
KViiUu. cloilni nt S5\io ; October. A4ii4
M ic. u oal nu' ut file ; Novimbor , filiiiViUi'l | |
closing nt MUot Decomboi. filSUlOUc , elos-
Inir at M , a ; May , ftOHi4i7Uc , cliuliis iiiWI'ie. '
tAis ) Uceelpls. 1I.10J bu : exnoita , 11,700
bu. : a ilon , U7\tiuO bu , of fitluros. IKIHJJ bu of
itHitB. Kpota fairly uctlvu. mixed liiwei. op-
lions mo leritulv active , Irregular ; buutein-
lior. JITtiiWHiclosliiK nfll''t'.1 ! October. fo\
CK'j'c , u losing nt .me ; November , Wlil'JSe.
closing utlOUo : Documliur , : . ' < J1 ( iii > 4e. elimnt
KI 4ic : HI-OU Na ' . ' while. Il't-iiluc : mixed vvust-
orn. MHQft Olio : whltu western. ! > 0i l5ui No. 3
Ohlcuvo. .W > 4'jiM ( e
11 AV New nnd old , ( | inct and steady ,
lliirH-fllull and Htnudy. HUH. tlriii , fulr demand : sales. MO
tons muscovado , 65 tent , Jcj rctlned , llrm , bel
li rdumiuui ,
MoiMtiHi : < rorulyn , nominal ; New Orleunu ,
llcuily und quiet.
KICK 1'nlr ( luiuund , stondy.
CnOK 1'airdemand ! uholcu , firm ; recolpti ,
fi.i : u pK'jg ,
llllil'.K Oulot and bteady.
U'ddi , I'lrin , KOOI ) iluni null domestic lloocc ,
t.'Ct'-'C ! pulled , ; ia3Ve ! Texan. IKK'.Me.
lltiTrr.ii I'.rmi fulr ilenmnd ; western dairy ,
Oili.itti2 I'lriui fulrdomand ; part uklms , a ®
I'KI liiON-limctlve ; American. tiaoO(3tS.50. (
I'IIKK Avthu and limit cut inouta ntuudvi
Xilddlcudu lit iliort clour , J3.W , Lurd , itoudy
- . . . . . .
but oull : western sto im closed nt ! 7.ifl : sn'os.
55M tlorcrs nt jrfMilTTJ : Olition sales WO
tierces : October. f.7o. closlns nt J'.W nikod ;
September i-lssed nt fr.Tf ) bid
Udi'i'Kii-U'rnW : Inkp , Jll.Zvail.lO.
I < KU > Meidyt domestic. II.KKfCI I2J. !
straits , '
Cot tun Market ,
CINCINNATI , O. , Sept. l-Stcidy ) ; mlddlln ? .
' ic ,
UAi.vr.STov. Tex . fopt , 0. Strons ; mlddlln ? ,
C'Jc : low mlildlln. % ! % ; good ordlnaiy. \ft
nut nnd cross iccolpts. 1.208 bales : si'cs. frl )
li ilus : stoclc.Jli.Mil tunas ; weekly net nnd cross
receipts , l , i * ! bales : o\i irts coastwise , 5,000
biles s ilot , 2I.OJO bale ? .
Nt.\vOitt.vANs , I , a. , fcopt 0 Irroiulnr : mid-
dlln. , Tc : low mill. . Him. ll'ic ; Knn.i . ordinary ,
'Ci not rcce pts. I.3s8 lales ) : ttross n-colpts , I.Viii
bales : " i'iles. SW biles : stoak. lll.'IU biles :
weekly not receipts , tn,4.1i b.ilcs : cross re-
cnlj ) ! , 11.171 luloi : uxpjru to Uroit llrltil n ,
" : | . . , . ' ! ) . n-Hiny : mlddllns.Tel
receipts. 4 li bales : stock. ! M,4ia bales : ship
ments , ] . ' * ) bales.
Kaunas Oily Market n.
KAVS\I CITV. Mo , Sout 0. WiiKA
to lower : No 2 1 anl , old. f8J ! now ,
No. 2 red. "
N Ste7idy"niil ( In fair demand ; No. 2
mixed I , 4 'llillo ; No 'J wiiue.ITU f'li : .
j\Veul < nnd sold slower ; No. ! ! mixed ,
aoH'n.'j'c ' . : N'o. 2 white. iii'lttilc. '
H\t : Mo idy : No 2 , M4' > .
I'l.vxsi iMi 'itronif nt WVHc.
llliA.s WonU ; s.icUo t , RIWc.
HAV MrnnR , but unelianscd
llUTTRit-Croiitnaiy , I'-'i-J'.c : dntrv , uaiac.
I.nns Morn nctlvo and firmer nt 1 lJc. !
Itiicr.ti'M Wheut , 4J,0'Xibu ; corn , (1,000 bu. ;
oats. l.'HO. ,
Siiii'\ii.NTs-Whoit. M.OOO bu. ; corn. 0.000
bu , ; o its , none.
Cincinnati Mniktts ,
CINCINNATI.O , Sept. 0 l > 'i.otm Quiet.
WIIKAT i : isy ; No 2 n d. 7IQ7I'Su ' ; lecelpts.-
1,4(10 ( bu. ; shipments , 1(1,0(1) ( ( ) bit
OoilN-Stu.idv ; No. 2 inlxod. MlJc.
OVTS Sloiv ; No 2 mixed , illc.
Hvi : Nominal : No. 2. . " > 7c. ,
I'oltit Nomliril : held nt Jia.nO. Inrd-Qulot :
! Mii. ( llullt Meats-Steady ; 87. > J llneon
. .
Winsitvto uly : sales , OUlibls.s M.15.
lltliTilit- nn.
MJdMt Pirni.
Kdds rirnit l.e. '
on Mmi.iit.
Nr.W YOIIK. cout II I'KTHOMJUM Onlotnnd
stoutly ; Unllol elosol la.i.'i'ii ! for October.
CorroN'-Ki'i ) ( Jii < Qiili't. II run crude. 'J tisnoi
T\I.I , > I'lrm : city ( tiOO for p.ioUtuesi ,
4 7-tOrtlVie.
HosiN-rinn nnd nulet ; str.iinnd , common
toiiiind. $ t.rift'.li.
TiniiMiNriMJ IliRhor and quiet at2S'4iiS'c ,
IiONDOS , ' ODt , ll.-0\llUITA LlNSKIJO Oil ,
hi'itum I'KIHOI.KUMO'iOiyd uor gallon.
PINK HO-'IN Ss par owl.
\ Vni.u on.7'a ' 8 nor ton.
LUrrpool Miuliuts ,
IiivKtiPOOi. . H.ipt. 0 WIIBVT Ucmind poor :
Btciidy ; ho dors otter moluratoly : No. 2 run
winter. ! > s lld@1s 11 id per cent il. Hccolpts of
wheat for past three days. 'I'lAOOJ ' centals. In-
oliliHnu' . .ll-.030 American.
COIIN Oulel : demand poor : mixed western ,
444 11 percent ll. IlcecluU 01 American coin
for p ist llireo dajs , . 0.70J centals
I'KAS Uaiudlan , Ss ( id per cental.
Otnillill Trull AliiiKer.
OiiAi-Ki Homo Krown Concord crapes are
jnsl commenting lo arrive In llboril qu m-
tltles. They nro ( guoted nt 41o per IC-lb.
C'Ai.ttoitMA fu\i'iw I'ercrito. fl.r > 0fflt 7" .
CAI nntiMA I'liscnt : I'oi .
OAliiMiltMA I'tAiis llaitlelts , $ .1.00 : other
v.nlollcs , JJ 7" ,
CAMIDHMA 1'iiUMS I'or box , ti OJ@ . ' 5\
Oiniilin I'lodiKu MarKets.
llUTTEii-Tho nmrket romnlns .ibout Hteady ,
with picking a'ock isolni at lie. The best
crudes of country bultci br 114 IC i 80 and 2no
iHoue.islfmallv obt.ilne 1 fiirsoinulliliu o\tia.
KIKIS I ho bulk of the stock went at Idc ,
\Mtli some s ilLb rcior ; e I it IV.
I'oin.TUV ' prins ehlcUens. oailc , old lions ,
Pu : roosters fiStio ; uce o anl ducks In poor
demand. _
Colleitl u .uir.
Nr.\v VOIIK. Sept. 8. Options oponud steidy ,
n to 11) ) points hUiier. eloiL-d qulul : > to l. > ) ) olnts
up : s-iks 21.20) D.IKS , liifluilln . nptombor ,
fUSTilMHlO ; Outobor. JH.amil.TJ ; November ,
H/iO : liecember. Jll4ilin : January ,
* l I , J.VQ1M 4" bol | Itlo , llrmor. better demand ,
Na 7 , tl.'i.OJ _
London MiK r Market.
LONDON. Sept. " 0. Cuba no test.
l.VSirm .Id per cnt. ; Cubi niiibuovudo , fulr
rellnlu : , Uiiiuad per ewt.
'trader * ' talk.
OiucAoo. III. . Sept. ! ) . P. O. A ; Co. to
Duncan. llollltuer&Co. : duo to largo
bo.ibo ird clearances , anxious Miort Inlortst
on choler.i latU and rouil c.ish dem ind , ruled
steady to llrm. The No 2 bard winter who it
Is bccomlnc ( juito .1 faxorllo with the nbliiplns
liousea , and ther are acfiimul'itiiu It. Tliero
la a rood foiel n alul mlilliu demand for
It. The undertone of the market Is
II i in. and If cholor.i hid not Intimidated
the friends to wheal ' o believe prices uoi'ld
e.isllv worU hlcliur. Hocelptsat Minneapolis
an I Oiiluth are aboutM pir tent lesi thiiu
last yc'ir at th s lime. Soiuoird clearances
\vere"7S,000 bu. of wheat and Hour : Chicago
charters 114,000 bu. Coin , due to no frost.
rule i rasy. There was a moderate amount of
lou il loillzliiK ' " > U on the bro ik two promi
nent Hhorts cmero'J. li was largely
n looil m.irKet , e osliiK st.-ady. The
cash dem mil In food. In oats
theio was considerable covering bv
n house which yeiter.lay made a drive nt the
market , but ilio Kenorul undertone wns fairly
Btu idy. The cash donrind la Rood Wo bc-
llove they are coed property on broiks. In
provisions undo Is fuily actl\i % with : i end
local demiind , nun opilins of ribs and lard
belnii voided by the speculate o tr ule.
CniCAfJO. III. , Sept. II Konnott , Hopkins A.
Co. to t. A. MeWhorter : The Ktrun tli today
WIIH u reaction fiom nn oversold mnikot ,
Shuns colored on clo irancoj nl tliu fiu'ilio ird
of nearly 1,1) ) I MIDI bushels of wheat and Hour
and a rumor tliat ton vessels ueiu loadliu
with wheat n Chicago and would t.ilio a cool
share of the contract ti.iln In
Hloic , Other nous w is not oncour-
ilii ' . The Iiheipool , London and 1'arls
maikets were nil lower , with incroihitiK ie-
eelnts In the northucbl. The ho ujni'si of iho
Knullsli iiiarkotH Is doubileis duo lo their
liu o stockx. Coin and oats were easier on
tlio ul enco of fiost mil fair lecelpts.
Tindcis fellbo iilsh an t wo 1 1 doubtless lm\o
piibhed prices loner bul for a wholeHomo fear
of the M > \ eminent report. The rains Imvu
colored so wide an .iron In tliu west nnd
nortliwost that the coo or we itlier approaoh-
liu Is II ely toirns \ \ fie t before Monday
ininniiu' and this , If any way Koncrnl r
bevero In the prlnclpil bt.itey , would
adv.inco pilous t > h irply. Traders who
bold riCs Fhoit In expectailon
Unit the principal holder would have to drop
his line and perlfips "po broko" were not
exiirosslns so much sympathy for him loday ,
owliiK lo the nnexpeiled btronKth In pro-
vis. out , and ribs In particular.
New Voile .Money .Market.
ut 4io.'i per cent ; lant loan , 5 per cent :
closed ottered nt . " > per cent ,
I'uiMi : MUIIOAMII.K I'Ai'i'.it 4V45ZO per cent.
bTiiin.iNn I'xciiA.sui Onlot but nteudv nt
tl bU'/i for bl.xty-day bills und il.hs.'i ' for du-
III i IHl.
The closlnc quotations on bonds :
AM ) 1OM > $ .
Trading In hecurltteMVns Conllncd I.iireuly
to I'rorusHloii tin.
NKW YOIIK , bepuo. Tliu stock ninrUot wns
uguln prlnuluilly professlontil todny. New
KiiKlund became less prominent In the iniir-
rfct , nnd thuru was no liKht thrown on the
Intentions of the maimuement , bt , 1'aul
iruvo no response whatever to the declara
tion of Ulv IIIUIHIH , while kcupliu within thu
nnrrowusl limits dnrlnuthu day was ullonud
to full bo.'ow ' 81 , even In thu fucu of thu
strength dlspluvud by otlimpromliifiit
stocks. The leultn , ' of tUu coal shares wan
better ; Jersey l/'cutral was nguln pnshod
upon Ihilit iraiibiictloiiH. whllu Iteudlin ; htlll
led the list in point of activity , nnd Kuthcrud
HtiuiiKtli IIH thu day uoru away.
Onu of thu most prominent features of the
day was Uio revival of Interest In Richmond
A.est I'olnl , some activity In It Puln/ accom
panied by u fruetlonnl advance , utit llko
olhur movements thu day It wns
spusinodlo nnd soon died away. AIIIOIIK thu
Induntr.uis dUtlllcrs , ulectrlc , lead und uuuur
wcio puld most nttuntlon , all rlbliu about t
percent , but Liter slnkliu Into thu ucnura )
dullnuBsund btuKnutlon. The oponln ; wus
Kuneiully nt lovvei tUurea thun these of Iii.t
uvciilui ; , but thuru WIN no pressuru to bull
I'veii thouicb foruUn houses weru bullets und
Lundiiu ( iiiotiit ons vvurulowui-iind whllu dull *
ness\iiid stiwiintlon oary beqnniulhe prln-
ulpnl fuituras of thu Kuueral market , the
strength of Ihu loaders soon imparted a llrm
tone to thu vvliolu list. Aiming the sueclaltlua
wlilili ncoiuil cnliiH were Kvnnsvlllu ft Terre
llanto. which ro > u from 14 to lit Minneapolis
AJ rU. I.ouls aim New Yorlf & Northern pre
ferred. ,
auvurninoiit boiidu have bocu dull and firm ,
state bpndt dull und fo.iturelets.
Jhuro t ayYlmt : tlio cour u of todny'a
lock market cluloUy laaloutod wni the f ot
thit the nitiirnl tipwird rcietlon from Inst
week's extreme demur ( ll/.at lou Is pi oil v much
coiiiplcted , U w is In the stocks most easily
Irindlcd by second rnto tradori th t the
Ktroncth nns most pronounced. Now KnRland
for 1 nil H nee. was In Its wiy , the bull curd of
tlu market , while St. I'nul by way of contrast
wns heavy from first to ln < t. In thu last half
hour tin ) sll/lit iilncli In call money ciused t ,
nat ro ictlou In a few of tlio nctlvo In
The followlna nro the closing iinotntloiis for
the leadliu stocks on tlio Now York block tix-
The total sales of stocks todnv wnro I'lI.mT '
slrii-us , tneludlii : AtchNon , 'I'UI ' ; Ki le. ! i.liiu ;
Mlsiourl I'nelllc , 4.400 : Now P.iuland. 21.100 :
HcadhiL' , .M.VjU ; Ulchmond & West I'olnt. 7.DJO !
M. P.III' ' . li'.OJOi ' Texas Pacific. 4,0 0 : Western
Union , 4.0J3
I.iniilon I iiiuuitinl ICe\ln\v.
[ CopyrlKlileil I8J' . ' by Jn'iios ( lor Inn Uunnott 1
IiONOON , Sopt. D I Now Vork Herald C'iblo
' pedal to Tun lltt'-Very : ] lltllo aclivltv
h is bcensho\Mi \ In thu stoul ; cMdianuu marl -
l > ots today , fresh operations bo tu lestrlclod
In view of the no ir appro ich of tliu fort
nightly settlement. Consuls are uii'diaiued ,
Indian rupee piper deollno I 'i ' pur cunt ,
tlioiuh no chan Jo Is reported In thn price of
silver. Homo tiillwuys have mot \\ltli lllllo
attention , llrluhtim oeforred has been offered
In lliu coui' < o of the afternoon , resulting In a
f ill of Sa deollno of \ is also markoil. Mel-
lopolllau dlslilct , Creat Western. Midland
Southeastern dufui re 1 ate fractionally Inner
American railways bcon Inacllvo
and\ close dull In Iho absoncu of
support , ihonnnonncomcnlof the dividend of
the Clilc.ico & . Milwaukee caused lltllo dlsap-
poliilmeul : Indeed a few ronllr illons In lids
slock caused It to lvo way \ . Chances In
other ( lc cilptlons are only frictlounlly.
Canadian lines cl'iso , especially Grand
Trunk Issues , llrst preference havlnc ( lecllned
\ and other issues ! B to 'i. There has been
\erylltllodomnndformon2y. With the su
perabundant supply of im capital short
loans have been f reoly olTetod nt 'i per cent.
Not many bills have been brought forward.
Those at Iwo and Ihrco mouths were ijuoted
at 'i per cent.
I'.DHtllll StOCll IllllltSitlOlll.
HOSTON , Mass. , Sept. 9 1 ha following nro
the closliiK stock quotations :
A tuli'i < i | . .IT1nlmiiut ( .V Itecln
Mniton \ Albimy
ilu M ilno . 71'nih'rinklln
C. II A. Q
Noiv VorU Mining Onotatlons.
NEW Vdint , kept. 0. The following nto the
closliiK mining itiot | itlons :
St. f.onlH Alniini ; .Storks.
ST. Louis Mo. Sopt. D M nlnp stocks castor
todny Quotations on c ill :
Mockl lllit "Askcil. Mock. irni Afckeil
lllMictalltc - 1100 Klliabvth . . 45 W
Aui n .Nettle. 45 1'nt Murphy j
( irjiillu M..I.7J 750 small llopeM. fll'f
f iiinucmt > otcs.
KANSAS CITV , Mo , SopU 0. Clearlnss $1G > 7-
20 ! * .
NEW VOIIK. Pent. 0 Clearings , $ IC2,70J,143 ;
bulnnccs , r > , IH.nn. :
I'AIIIS Sept 0. Three per cent rentes 10)f )
6" > c for the i.ccount.
llAi.TiMOitE , Mil. . Sopt. 0 Clearlnss. { 2,010-
UITI : bil.incos. $1,8.578. Hate. ( > per cent.
I'llII.AIILM'HIA , I'll. , bopt. 0. OloirlllSP.
" .7JUlli ( : bnlnncos , 11,410,174. Money , aai per
MKMIMIIO. Tonn . Sept. 0 Clenrln-s , $ (0n.r ( > 4 ;
b.ilnnees , i'.l.ll1. ! New York csehaiuo sell UK
I.OMION , Sopt. fl. Amount of bullion with
drawn from ihu llunlv of UiMlund on balance
toduy , JUIO.'OJ.
llosii N , Muss. . Sept. 0. Clearings , $ M,4G"i-
7i"i ; bilnnccs , * l,7 > u.l.i > . Money , ( i per cent.
Excli in.'o on Now Yoil ; , 17l2Jo dlsiount ,
WASIIINOTO.V , 1) . O , s0pt.0. Tlio ninount of
silver ottered fort ale ted ly w.is7T CO I ounces ;
the amount purchased wus 1 O.UJJ o'tncui ' at
tt S0 ! to $ J hJj' .
ClIIUAdO , III. , Popt. 0 OloirhiRS. $17,08.17rS ;
inonny. Him ut 4" 'iiJ per cent Now York
exchange , u © 7t'o diSLOinit. bterllng o\clijni.'u
dull anil un < > hun ed.
New YoitK. fcopt. 0. [ Speclul to
Tin : HEI : 1 i\chiinzo : wns iinoted us follows :
Clileito. 70Cio discount ; loton,2017u ) dis
count ; Ht. I.ouls , 2 < u dUconnt to par.
1.1 vi : S.TOCK MAitKirs.
i\ocHshe ItcceiptN Can si ; a blow .tlarket
und it Mllit Hocllni ) .
OMAHA. Sept. 0 Kecolpts for five duys foot
p 20,107 entile , 14.1115 lies nnd t'.to ) sheop.
L'.iliibt 1I.2J7 entile , l.XISJ lio's and : iICO alieop
the sumo II vo duys last week.
Thu c.itllo tr.iuu w.ts dull nnd slow nt the
decline of thu foru part of thu weu t. Supplies
have been cvcesslvo ut oiibtorn markets ns
well us bore , nnd with no o iblorn outlet ttio
trudo hud little chnnco to recover so lon ns
receipts continued so heavy. With u letup In
receipts toduy the dowiiwurd couino of thu
muiKctwasIn n niuusuro ( bucket ! , und nl-
thou li business wns very noun there
wns no ( | uolabc ! decline. A Koud sized
bunch of very Kood cornfed beeves
welching li.'il : pounds broiiiht fl.Vj , but tlieie
were scnrcoly uny rlitht Rood beef cuttle lieio
either nntlvus or runuers Tliu westerns us u
rule were not fut und sales vvero ut t..GO to
$ .IOJ. lluslncss wus slow throughout but
, M1I.KBII * AM )
1 cow und calf. . . . 33 0) * 'cor'snndculvc iOCO
1 cow und uilf.i . JJ 00 1 cow und calf. . 18 OJ
1 cow und cult. , . , 31 ou 1 cow and calf , . . 1500
' 'cows mid calves 23 uo ' 2 sprint-urn 2UOJ ,
No , Av. I'r. No. Air. I'r.
6 COVTB 8W tl 3 11 COVTS 1033 12 05
cowa 850 1 50 1 Ulcer 78J 2 25
U cowa 1115 1 UO is klOcri2U ! ) 3 10
Zt cows U9J 2 10 15 ulcers. . ,1'48 3 U )
teun.ll40 a 00 10 sUer . . . .UU ! U 00
llnna With only n moderate supply on sale
nnd favorable ndv Ices from eastern in irkels
the trnJoouuncd nctlvo nnd stronger on ull
crudes , llttylnit wns nbuut nil by local houses.
shippers and speculators flndln the supply
too small to Interest them. As u rule prkes
avurnliod about nuicKol hlffhcr th in Thurs
day , Iho bu k of the fair to coed hogs of all
wouhtssulllnx nt from $ .1 15 to $12) ) . The top
price wus * ! , K ) for a lo id of oholeo liuavlo * .
un I the bottom M.0tor a lo id of very com
mon lUht mixed stuff. It ( lid not t ike Ion ? to
clo ir the pens , and thu m irltct c'.oso.l up
Htmn at the ndvnnco. S ilcs wern lur'olv nt
from ? .1.I1 to Jl 211 , nuulnst M.IO to * A.I1 Thurs
i1 Hecolpts wore three double decks of
western wolhers the s nno us these iccolvod
yestiTdiv. t'ho murkol win active but the
sheep so d 5o lower than ycsterdiy nt J4 0' )
The dumun 1 continues br sk foi desirable
muttons ut iuot'ibly | unclianm.d prices.
Quotations nru ns follows : I'nlr to t-'oo I
n i lives. M7.VItl.4a ; fulr to Rood westerns.
MfiJl.2J ; comnion nnd stock sheep. JJ-lOiJ
.IM ; good to choice 4) to ! ) Mb. liinibs , SI.30 ®
lEoeitlptH nnd DtsiKMltlon of Stnetc.
Ofllclnl receipts nntl disposition of stock us
shoivn by thu books of the Union Stock nrds
comp my for the twenty-four hours ending nt
.1 o'clock p in , , fceptem'jorli , IW1 :
Hund Cam Head
l.l\c stuck Market.
O. 111. . SepLlL-lSpec'nl Tdlosrini to
TIIK lli : < i. ] A soiuou lint sta idler feu In ob-
Inlno I In the cuttle in irUot. Devond tint
there Is no Improvement , the ( nchu
llnillcd im I pi Ices not n whit more sntlsfic-
tni v tliun before. Choice slilpp'iu nnd export
stems ore ron Illy'salnblo. whllo foi othur
desirlptlon triulo wa * oxtioniely slow. Thu
unroof vnlnes for n'Jtlve out tie was from
f' . ' o to $ > "iO , cowi bUlllJ ; quoted nt fiom $1.03 lo
> -.T'i mid steers nt ffoill * i" " > ioV > 0 with sales
lamely nt from { | .IM t < i titii for the formei null
nt from'f 121 to SllOifor the Inttoi. Western
innio cuttle wore ( [ noted ntfroiu $1 ( J to Jll/0
and TOMIIIS nt frotri'JUM ' to fJ.'O.
I'rlcos for KOIK ! hoC wore nbotit IOc hlclicr
than nt the elosn of ynsterdnv's trul nv.
They were wnnioU 1 oth by shippers nud thu trndc. nud evei'v-tlilns nnsworln ? tlint
description wiibclcaroa up In KOO I hcuson.
I'oornnd coinnior.zl-.ldeH were more or less
< o\etoly disci Iniluittd n a'nst nnil (111 not
slriro In the ndv.dice , nl least not to nny
( jnotnblo o tMit. ' bnles iveio prlrtclpally nt
fiom J > it ) to ? " 45. und closlila iiuotiiilons were
fromSiOO toS'i.UJfor pdhr to extra nssuitcil
heavy , nnd from M 80 to $ \ < 0 for llzht wuUhis.
Grasb IIOKS sold from 'J. > o to. > 0u under tneso
quolntions , nnd cullh nnd elmlern pls wore
almost uns ilublo nt from * J.OO to SJ 31.
Apart of the recent decline In vnlnosof
sheep and icmbs 1ms been recovered within
the lust few days , the former lmIIIR ml vnnced
from I3c to .Tic , nnd the I liter from HVj to 'Oc
per 100 Ibs. 1'rcscnt quolntions , therefore ,
lire 'lorn J-t-'JI toSwM for poor to o\trn quali
ties of sheep nnd fioni Jl'nto { G'JTifor Inmbs
The "upturn" In iirlces wns c.iuioil by the
marked decrease in the nrrlxnls , there nnlnir
.1 dltreroiu'o of 3.00 IKIKI. Oregon nnd Utih
wcio eredito I with n very lar/o pirtofthc
ncek'H biipnly. The rnn o of quotations for
western sheep Is from Hto ? 4.V > . Only n
few TOMIIIS were offered. They so'd on n busts
of from J.I 00 to $1.23 for poor to coed lots.
Homo choice fed Texnns fetchol from $ I.W to
f 4 ( a. Hocclptb : Untie. H.ilOu ; hogs , "J.OJO :
sheop. r > ,000.
The Kvrnliis.Tournnl reoorti :
OATTI.I : Hecelpts. P.OOO hund ; shipments ,
. " . ' 'DO bend : innrUetsttoiiK ; best nntKeS'nOfo
Q.'i.jO : ( illicit. . i.7V&I.OJ : Toxnns. J..Viffi..Si ;
wcstorns. ! f..avS4 00 ; slockcr- > . fl.T.Val.T.'i : cows ,
i Inns' itoeclpts , .O.OM liead ; shlpmeiitp. 9 IM
bond ; nmrKet Pxlit. neglected niul heaxy.
closed .Oc lil hci ; roujhanl ( omuion , $ l.flu ®
fi 11 ; pacKinc nnd nit\oil. iT-'OS1 ! 40 : prlinn
heavy nnd butchers' , J3 41G5.7J ; li lit , } . " ) .0.i&
bl'lKKP Kecolpts. .1.000 hciidi shipments , 030
held ; siieop lower , 1'inibsteady : vvetheis ,
UMia-lO ) : w ( .stems. 5MW3431 ; fed Tc\ ins ,
S10u4'Jl ; Inmbs HOOgfl OJ.
Xe Vork l.lvu Stuck Market.
Nivv YOIIK. fc-ept fl. IlKivis-ltecolpls : , 1'loS
head ; Including .8 cars foi Mile ; maiUiiL slow
und tishndo easier on common piudcs ; n.i-
ilvu steers. ? . ) .4 ( > a . ' . " > per 100 Ibs ; bulls nnd
cows. fr-MVEsIb3 : dressd beef , sienuy nt 7ca c
per Ib. bli'pmcnts toduv. .1401 ( | iinrters of
beef ; tonioiio , 3JO beeves und 3040 iiuurturs.
OAI.VI.S Kucelpts. ! ) J ) bend ; market e isv.
\oals. Jl.tOTilO.0 per 100 Ibs ; ( jrassers nnd but-
toiinllk calves , J.1.01fiO. )
biil.Pt' AM ) l/AMiis Itcceints , 4.II2J bond ;
sheep Ktu.uly ; lumbs. Uo pot lb. toiver : shion ,
il.Vl&fiiO ( par IOJ Ibs ; limbs. $ i.000 33 ;
dressed mutton , sloadv ut 7(21)2 ( ) pur lb. ;
dics-ed lumbs. v.'cal. nt HuSld'ic.
lions I'.eiuipto. yll ! head , consigned di
rect ; nominally btoady at J3.-'C ® " > .OJ per IOJ
UIIIIKIIK City l.lvu SUM Ic Marliot.
KANSAH Ctrr , Mo. Sept. a CArn.E--Ko-
colptH , 2.i ( II ; shipments , 2bUU ; the mnrliut
more nctlvo und stroiur to Ilio hluher Koner-
nlly : co us. 11 2.VJIJ.21 ; Texas nnd Indian steois ,
tJoiQVI.J ) : slojuersnnd feedeiH..20t.21
'lloon UecoiptH , 4.20 : shipments , .lull : the
murliet ncllvo. operln ; fittlue hi.her und
e oslni ! 10 ® ro higher ; ull grudes , $ l.lfi < as.2.1 ;
bulk.0 ( it5.15.
MIKRI' Receipts. 800 : shlpnionts. 010 ; tlio
murket was qnlot and .V31UO lower ; muttons ,
4. > ® l.75i lam' " "
St. l.iillls I. l\o hlurlf .Mil diet.
ST I.ouii. Mo , iapU 0. ClATTi.E-Hocotpts.
: ir > 00 head : BhlpmuptM , 11,0 0 bond ; nuirkut
steady ; fnlr to cholvu nntlvo steers. * l.'J.'i ©
4 bO ; fnlr to good ' 1 uxiiiis mid Inclliin stueib ,
JJ 2 & 1.81 =
Ilons-Kecolpts. mw head ; shipments. 2..VO
hcud ; market 100 hlher ( : hciivy , i.\10fW,4 ( ;
linuUliiu. * l S 3iWttli.Mil. . VlUi. tj.
hliKl'i1 Koculpts.l'.OOJ hrnd : fihlpmonts , 1,8:0
bond ; mnrket slioiir ; fuir to choke iiatlvo
muttons WO © 1.75. , 'jj
Clneliiniitl 1U" Mock Mnrkot.
C'iNriNSATi. O. , bept. U. lloas In iroocl do-
iniuul nnd hlu'liert/i-oiumoii nnd lluht , tl.OO ®
f > . r > : pi ( kins nnd Ijuteliois. 4N.NVi to ' ) ; roceljits ,
-.GO'J : h pmenlc. ' . ' .liiiOi
OAITI.U Stcndy ntl.Miai.CO ; iccelpta , 000 ;
shipments , 'ntu
hllUK.pVonk ji reiulptn. 2.500 ;
BhlpmentK 2.400 ; , In Unlit demand ;
common to ch < itce.fljfsV { ) > . ) ocr 100 Iba.
Aiuerirnn iUi/ncuriitnr licet ,
I.ivi.nroou r-opt. I ) , American rofr.ccrntor
beef forniuuitois ; 111' ' per lb. ; hlnu iiuurtcr ! ' ,
0 id p r lb. '
l.oMiON. Hwpt. P. Amorlu n rofrlscr.itor
beef , foieiiuniters , 2d 4d ; hindquarters ,
per U | bs. liy the uurcuts.
May depend upon the way > o i treat ( he warn
ing * which nature gives. A few bottles of
S. S. S. taken nt the proper linio may insure good
health fora > eartrIwo. lliereforeuctatonce.iorlt
that nature be assisted at the right time
nevr falls to relieve the system of Im
purities , and Is an excellent tonic also.
He Wants to Add His Name.
b Permit me to add my name to jour many other
certlhcatesln commendation of theltteat curativa
woreitieJ contained In Hwlft's Sjx-clfic ( S. S. b. ) It
! s certainly ono ol tliu best tonics I ever used ,
" W. JiANIiit , Andetson.b.C. "
Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free.
SWIFT Sl'ECina CO. . A'.JsmU.Ga. ,
Mujnr . Incnue , flilcnco Itouiul , U'nlkd Into
Oiniilm from tliu I'nclllo Coiifit.
It was not old ITathor Tlmo with bis
scythn and liourglnss who blnw Into TIIK
linn ofllco yesterday anil nt oncccallrd
for n reporter. In many respoctn tlio Indi
vidual resembled rather Tlmo. It was , how
ever , Major Jo < oph Magono of Canyon City ,
Urnnd county , Oro.
This man Is on his way to Chlcaco for the
purpose of taking m the World's fair. Tlioro
ts nothing peculiar In that fact , ns oven now
there nro man v , men Journeying In thnt direc
tion , but tu Major .Too's cnso tbero 1s some
thing inoro of Interest limn the trip. After
the western cyclooo had been seated , ho toots
n paclt from hia shoulders nnd laid bnro his
schomo. The old Roatlonian ts now
lit hU 8M vcar , nnd on July
4 left .lobn Jay City , Oro. , with
the llxcil dutormination of tnuUitiR the trip
to Ctilcnco In ninety days and vvnlkltiR ovcrv
foot of the dlstnnco. So far ho has suc
ceeded. Ilo has walked acrisn Iho moun
tains , over the plains nnd yesterday icncbod
Oumha , covcrlDtr moro than three-fourths of
the disinnco in sixty-flvo davs , leaving but
5'j ( ) miles lo mnUo in tu only-six days ,
Ttio old man is to und ns n nut , Ilo has a
ruddy complexion , n grip llko the cholera , n
ham strlnc like a horse , clear blue ovcs anil
snoxv whlta hair and board , the latter reach
ing to his bi'lt.
Ho does not dress In the height of fash
ion , but wears heavy walking shoes , blue
dunlin overalls , a conrso ctieclt shirt ,
black fiock cant anil a whlto
slouch hat. Ills step Is ns ulustlu as that of
a danelnc master und In his head ho has a
toiiKUo which is hunc on n BWtvol.xiillowIne ;
both ends to work nt tlis sumo time.
Thill ho Is a perfect picture
of health tlicro can bo no doubt ,
as ho novcr hns been compelled to have u
doctor attend any of his aliments. In speak-
Inc ; of his physical condition , ho said , "You
will notion thai I'm tongue-tied , but I hopj
to net over that before I am old. "
Tha old man U totnpcrnto in the oxtromcT
Hu never drank u drop of utiv kind of liquor ,
never smoked u cigar , pi po or climatic , uor
cheucd tobacco. Ho cast his vote for
Iho llrst republican president and will
rotutii to Oregon In tlmo to vote for the Harrison
risen electors. In the luportoitnl rooms of
TIIK Hir. to : i crowd of poucll pushers ho dis
located Ills pack nnd relieved bluuolf of some
surplus reticcnco which ho had stored
In crossing the plains It was after this
stvlo : "I don't huvo to walk , for .it homo 1
have a good farm , a string of blooded hnrsot
nnd u llttlu hank account , but I want to show
the people of the country a man
past S'J ycats of ngo can ho ono
of thu boys If ho was to tuko caru of the body
n id health which God and nature has given
htm. "
"Don't think I'm strong1' ! said the Cy
clone , ns ho exhibited a forearm inu's-
clo which Cot bolt ralsflit euvy. "Suppose
you get up then , nnd ride ) Don't want to ?
Woli , lake hold of this , " said ho , as ho hold
nn arm out to a reporter. The man of pen
cils grasped the vvt ist and was jerked about
the room until his hcols cracked together.
Having given un Intimation of what an Orj-
gen man of SO years of ago could do , the
cvclotio talked some moro. Ilo said ttiut he
would not rldoa fool of the distance to Chicago
cage If ho was presented with $1,000 in
cold cash. Ho went \\cst in lbl nnd
crossed o\er Nebraska in command of n
replicpnt of United States troops. After
celling out of the nrmv ho settled
down In ono of thu fertile valleys
lending out from the I'uciiio const ,
where ho domed up a line farm , after which
bo mart led and has rulscd a firmly of bovs ,
nil of whom , like their father , are g'iants.
On this trio Major Magouo stops nt the
host hotels in the countrv , and on
account of his unique appoarunco attracts
conslderablo attention. Mo carries many
letters from ofllclals nnd prominent citrons ,
which prove that he * is not un impostor.
The old man stalled to gho a few pages
of his early history , wnen suddenly ho
stopped short nntl remarked , ' ! must bo
going If I roach Chicago on time. " Then ho
wus gone , and going down two stoT5s at a
stitdo was ru the sidewalk bofoio tbo re
porter could take an elevator down aud
catch him.
LruvEX\voiiTH , K , June 13 , ' 03
Mr. J. il. Moore : Mv Dear Sir I have
been sutjcct to sick hcadauho all mv llfo
Over two vuaro ngo I began using "Moora's
Tree of Life" for it anil novur had a case of
sick hoaaacha slnco , except wbon the
medicine was atone end of the road and I nt
the other. ItU worth more than money to
mo. I heii'tily recommend It to all sufferers
ofhoadacuc. Very truly vour ? ,
W. B. LILE ,
PastorFirst 3apttst Church.
niilldinrormlts. .
The following permits were issued by the
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
Mrs ( A O. Ilurn , onc-siory frame cottapc ,
" 0 0 .North Tvventy-eljlith street . . f 1.000
Mury A , Armstrong , onu-storv frime
eottnso , Thirty-seventh and Urovo
stioets 80J
Geor o II I'rlch nd , repairs on dwcll-
Itu. "lit Cass sucot 1/00
Tour minor permits TOO
Total J : iTOO
Marriage l.ieen us.
The following marriage licenses weio Is
sued by JttU.c | Hllcr yestciday :
Name nnd nddie-s. A''c.
I Hern ir 1 Mntqunrt , Omaha i7
1 Ma.'BleGhrom. Om < h i si
j Thomas T Batten. Omaha
I D.Uboy O.tmbroy , rrcmont - '
The smallest is
the best in pills ,
other things being
equal. But , ith
Dr. I'iei co'h Plcns-
nnt Pellets , noth
ing cko f < cntmL
WiThey'io the Ixst ,
' * ' not only because
they're the smallest , nnd tlio easiest to t.tko
hut because they do moro good. They
clcanso and regulate the liver , stomach nnd
boil els In a way the hugli , old-fnshioncil jull
doesn't ilruani of. Tliinlc of trying to rcim-
latc the lyElcm with the culinary \lll. It's
only good Cor niiscttlni ; H.
lueso nro mild nnd gentle hut thorotigli
nnd effective , no pnln no griping. Ono
little pellet for n laxative thieo for a ca
thartic. The licst Liver Pill known. Kick
Headache , Bilious Headache , Constipation ,
Indigestion , Bilious Attacks nnd ill derange
ments of the liver , stomach and bowels uio
prevented , iclievcil and cnicd.
Put up in sealctl vials a perfect vest-
pocket remedy , always convenient , fiesh
und reliable.
They're- the c/irnncsi pill you can buy for
they're uuaranteed to give satisfaction , or
your money is returned. It'n a plan of eala
peculiar to Dr. Plcico's medicines
Union Stock Yards Company
llest cattle , ho : nnd sheep market In the west
OMAHA , | ( Write rect Miritat to thl
Wood Brothers ,
( outU Omuha Telephone II > 7 , - Chto.iso
J , I ) . DADISMAN. I . .
W. 15. WOUl ) . fMonauori.
Mnrkot reports by mall utU wlro cheerfully
furnished upon uppllc itlon. _
Campbell Commission Co.
Chlcuiro. KastHt. Louis , IvnnsasOlty. South
om ilu. Sioux Cltv , I'ort Worth.
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
Maud VJ ixeli : uuj llulldln : ,8outhO u ill v.
Corre j > ojuuiH'0 ! ullcltoJ nnJ ur.jiaptljr
fc ( ) il
d , 1631. . . . InourpurutJj , 13JI
Capital fully I'Mil , J.V.UJJ
Waggoner Birney Co Tip any
Write or wlro u § fur prompt and rullntila markjt
ri'i'orlii. '
Perry Brothers x Company ,
Live Sunk Commission.
Koom Cl L'ichaiiKO llulldln , ' , BoutU
TulupUouo 1707.
lcraisOmalMll.i ) Co
Importer nn < l nifr , notir
sacks , burlap , Inlnu
M. 0. Daxon ,
Illcycles olil on inonl'ilj-
paymanlii. 120V , 15th n
Morse-Coo Shoe Co.
IIWHowinl Hlreot
Fuctorrcornor llth anl lo ulin
We are in uln i clo to prlcji to i n'i b 1/4-1 , an I
cl.m of BUD ti tr itai U varr
with mcretiiiti
Kiikcndall Jones & Co. Anier.lbISowcJShoeCj
Wholeinlotfrs Aitonti Hoots , Mmcu , rnlit'r ,
lio'ton llutiber shouJo fait uoadi 1301 UIO
1IOJ llUI-IIUiUInnicr-s
Blolcky & Cohen
ClothltiiMiotlon furnli'i-
Ink'i ( ilro us n trill
Simple * tifp ilil IIT express
press , IIU Ilarnor.
Carahj Works
Mfr . cnlranlted Iron
Ilnril and soft conl.
cornice , window caps ,
cor. Kith and Uu luetullo akylUlits. etc
atrcct , 1110 , 1112
M. E. Smith i Co , Kilpad'L'k - Koch
Dry Koods , notion * fur1 lr ) fJuodi Co Notions ,
nulling couil * Coriur coats' furnlahln ; itoo li
llth and Howard ! > t * Cor. tlth ai I llowir 1
Omaha Upholstering Co , llecbc & Ilnnyai
piolstnrol fiirnlt ire I'lirnltiira Co. . Graca in
1102 HOIVIchnliis strjjt l.lth slroct.
D. 31. Stcdc&Co. Bhkc , Bruce & Co
12J1-I201 Jones , tOth and Ilirn ly str
On ilia
Parched Rolled Oats ,
Unequallel in Flavor.
Corn Gritz ,
Sold only lit 2i pound packujjoi.
Velvet Meal ,
For niulllns nnd gorai.
Till ? DllM lo UlMlliM
Sohlby nil l-'lrst-Clus ( JDsiri.
pirtsof loth and real oilito uloiu .Mnplo
strict from .llth nveniio to .list street , an.i
IntQrscctlni ; stieuts , on actouut of a pro
posed uhiiimo of Kruilo
You nru huieoy notified tint the uiidur-
sUnud. tlirou dls.iitcrostcd freeholders of the
city of Omuha. have b un dulv uppjlntud by
thu mayor , with the of thu city
council of said ilty , lo ns > u > s tlio dam i.cs to
the owneis , rc'iicctively , of the piopeity
nllected by ruiliu the ubovo meutionud
stioet und Intersectltu sir ( its. doeliucd noc-
essiryby Ordln moo No I'W. p s > od AiiKnst
.Mid , IK 13. npprov. oil AiiKUsl 24th. IMIi
You uru fuithei notified. Unit havlnij ae-
ecpto.l said npuo ntmcnt. und dulv uualiUcd
ns reiiu red by Inw wo will , on the I7li ( day of
b-plembcr. A. I ) . IS' ' ) ' , nt tlio hour of ten
o'clock In the forouoon , at the oil ! u of It. W
( iibnon , 2.0 N . Llfo Hiiildln . within thotor-
poi.ilo limits of said cliy , meet forthopur-
pose of consldcrini ; nnd milking tliu MSSCSS-
mcnt of d ima o to the on ners ronpeutl vcly of
said piopurtv , ullected bv s ltd srudluir. l-iU-
lii.- Into to isldcr itlon special bcnellts. If uny.
You are notified to bo present , ut tlio t'lne '
nnd place a fores ild , nnd mal.e any objections
to orst.itomunts coucornuu suld as-essment
of dnniuKOs us you may consider proper.
.lAMi- : > -'lCKIALU )
w u OATIS.
Omaha , Neb . Pept. 7th , ltW. sSdlOt
puoi'osAi.s roii LttnorioN or g
J bulidliiKs U. ti. Indlun &ui vice , Oinah i
nnd Wlnnuhu'jo Auoiioy , Nob. Winnebi o
'I liurston County , Nob. , AiiKtist a ) , 1VJ. .
Scaled pioposils. endorsed "I'roposals for
Krcctlon -cliool llnllilln.'b , " nnd udilrcsso I
to the iindeisl.-nud \Vlnnnbuno , Ihurston
County. Nub , will bo received nt this u oiiuy
until ouu o'clock p , m , of beptu > iibur2lth , lh'J2 ' ,
for tliu fiiiulsh nn of nil nomsiiry luLor un I
m.itcrlulH and ereetlu : no ir the Wlnntibmo
Agency , Nub. , tlnoo ( l ) twnbtory br ck ujhool
bnlldliiKs. us per the plans and spuoille itlons
which niuv bo exniuliid I nt the olllco of tlio
"lieu" of O iiuhu , Nub. , iho "Journal" of
Fioux ( 'ity , Iowa , nnd ut this uRuuoy , llld-
dors uro required to follow the "form of pro
posal , " nccompnuyln tliu Htiocllluutlons us
closutv us their bids will permit. Illda
sliould Htuto tliu propose I prlco of each butld-
liiX nnd for thu uro ip of btilldlii s The rlKlit
Is reserved to re jot uny or nil bids or any
pirtof any bid If doomed for the Ijmt Inter
est of the service. C'lirlltlud chocks U ich
bid must bu nccompuulu I by u cut tilled chu ! (
ordiuft upon soinu I'nltcd Status depository
orsoU cut national bank In the vluln ty of
thu icslduncc of Iho bidder , made n lynlilo lo
tliu ouler of thu Commissioner of Indian Af- , for nt least llvu per cunt of thu umoiint
of ihu proposal , whlcli cliodk or drift will bo
forfeited to the United titutos In cnso nny
bidder or bidders ru-ulvmt ; un nw irJ sliiitl
full to promptly oxounlu a eontrnel with p.oo.1
and sulllulunt urutleH. otherwUo to bu ru-
turnud to Iho bidder , lilds iiecomt ) uilod by
uihh In lieu of u certified uhu k will not bu
lonsldurud. I or any fiutlinr Information , us
to biiiUlln. slto. muiiiis of truiiHportnllon , etc ,
npply toltOllKUTli. ABtlLiY : , U. H. luilluu
Ayunt. SliUlt.
Mlellll'K halo ,
Under nn I by vlriuu of two xupuruto orders
Hindu by ihu lion 1'iaiik Irvine , one of tliu
Indues of ilinillstrlul court within nud for
loii ) liiHCoiiutv. .Nebraska , In the following
actions pundlim In Hild court , towlt : I'axtiln
& . ti'ulluuhur , u copartncrihlp compote I of
William A. I'axlon nud llunlamln Ualluhcr
vsLuvlU. llut/oldockut.ll ( , No 17) ) und Mo-
Cord , 111 u ly comi | my , nn Ini'orporatlon , vj
l.uvl ti. lleuel ( doukul.'il. No 18) ) , 1 will on ihu
Hth day of September. A , I ) , IM.1. coinmunuliu
ut 10o'clock In Ihu foiummn of xild day , ul
No. IHIbuutli lilth hticet/ln the city of Omaha ,
DoiiKlaacounty , ixobr.ska. soil nt public unc
tion to Ihu hUhett nnd bust bidder * for unsh ,
tlio following nooils and eh ittuls buroioforj
levied upon by nm by virtue of orders of at
tachment Issued In the aliuto entitled actions ,
A complete stock of ntuplo nnd fun ty uro-
curlcs , woodunwuru. tinware , wlllowvvaro ,
Htonnw.iie , Hour , house fiirnlshln ( Koods. sturo
fnrnltuiu nnd other inuruhiiiullKu.
Thu uii'lurslKiil'd rohiirvui the rUlit to soil
tliU pioperty UK n wliolu or In Nnparalu par *
culs , an In hlj Jud niout uli ill bo for the boat
Intoreu of nil p.irlhis concuruud.
HioilUi : : A. IIRNNK'IT.
ShurlirofUoiiL'las County. Nob.
Omuha , NobrunUu , tioutuuibcrUrd , lo'JJ. '
' >
Hector & Willielinv Co. 1/ibeek & dioi.
Corner 13th nnil Jackson lntnrit < ririniit
itreott. mechinlcii tout *
Chas. 11 Lea John A. WdkfprlL
I llanlwootl lumbar , wooit tnipirtoil Amerlnn I'ort
I carpets -mit ptnUit ] Ian Ic3tti3nt MlhTiukii
I iloorliiff. lifilrxiilli ! OMUIH nnl
Cthnml nountiv Quluc } ' trliltu II in
Flick & llcr'ocrL '
Whole * il > lli i > r it itir
1001 t'urnnm st.
J. Ojcrfclilop & Co.
Importers and jobbers of
mllllnory. notions .Mill
untors prompt.
prompt.llth t.
Carpenter Paper Co. Stamford Oil Co.
Carry n fnlt tock of
lirlntlni ; wrapping ami Ucflned anil Inlirlrvi
nrlthupiipor , carj pa oils , ii\IUKrot9i > , ole
per etc.
Kin & Sincal DM id Cole i Co ,
Mfrs of "K A. 8" punti \Vhole ali ojrstefs ( nncjr
ftlilrta nnd orurnlln , etc. colurr lilts WtU street
Gil ISSolltli 11th st. tulcphiiu71.l
i : > tatill9licil 19H.
Branch & Co.
Whitney & Co.
Produce fruits of all
Ilutter , kinds orslcrs
l.ltli st.
Jas A. Clark & 0.
lluttcr. olieesj , am
puultr > and itina
Sl'auutli IditnL
Omaha Sfovo IlcpairW'ks '
fctovo rcpnlrs and water
uttuchtnunta for uur
kind of MtoTO undo
I''JT llunzlai
M. A. Disbrow & Co. II. Hardy & Co.
Munnf icturers of aisli , Toys dolli nl burnt ,
d u o r < blind ] anl lanty cou It lioMefnr-
moulding llrnncli of uUhlni ; ironti , c nl-
tlcu I.'th and Uurd stj drcn M irrluii's
UI'J Kainiiui L
To the owners of ull lots , pirtsof lots and
roii I cblnto along DoiiL-l is ktrcct from 2Sth
street to the west line of llo is . Hill's-d
n Idillon nnd Intcrsocttn avenues and strccib
You uio herohv notltlcd the under- -
sleucd. three disinterested ficoholuers of the
city ot Om ilm , have been duly nppointed by
the major , with the upprov il of the c ty
council of said city , to nsmjsa Iho damage to
Iho owners respectively of the property nf-
foctcd by the ctniiBo'of irado of Douxlaa
street from 2btb street to iho west line of
Ito xs A. Hill's nddltlou nnd Intoricctlnt ; uvo-
nues nud streets , declared nucess iry by ordi-
nnnco 18' ' ) , pnssod Anlist 2,1 , 1BJ.1 , approved
Air'ust24 , Ib'X' .
You nro further notifio I , tliut having nc-
ccpted said uppolntn cut. nnd duly iiunlillcd
IIH required hy law. wo v\lll , on Ihu 7th day of
Heptemher. A. I ) . 18J.1 , nt the hour of 10 o'clock
In the forenoon , nt the olllcu .if 1' . U llrnnnor.
room 1. Wuro hlock. vv.thln . the corporate
limits of said olty , meet fur the purposuof
cons dorlni ; nnd nuiK.nK the assessment ol
( InniaRu to the owners ic uectivoly. of sutd
property , nffocted by s ilil ch nice of grade ,
tal.liia' Into consider itlon special boncllts , If
nny.You are notified to bo present nt the time - \
ml | u ace aforoa ild. and nmlco any objection ! T '
o or statements concerning. s > ild iis-es > mcnl
f da ina e > , as ion may conshlnr proper. t
T. a uituMK. : . N
GioitO. : J. I'Al L. f
Coiumlttco of Appr.i'aert
Omnhn , Sopt. C , IS'Ji '
Notice of ARRos < iucntot Uiini if-ci Tor lice nil
HtruotliiR the Slxtoanth Slicot VI idiict.
To the owners of all lots and p irts of lots un 1
renl estnto iiloiK ; tlio Sixteenth street \ la-
duct and the thereto.
You nru horuoy notlliol that the undor-
bl nod. thruodlslnturostud freeholders of : ho
cltvof Oinnlia. huvo been duly nppointed by
tliu mnyor. with the npprov il of the city coun
cil of Hid city , lonsiu-ts tliu dnm.iro to the
owiidia ruspeotlvoly of the propurty affeetod
by the eonstrnutlon und reconstruction of the
MMconlhslrnot vlnduct In the city of Omuli.i
IIH deolnrud nocossury by or Iln inco No .117- .
pnsr.ou .Inly 21st. IHJJ , npproved .Inly 2)il ) , IS ) . ' .
nnd as proposed by plans duly nppiovod by
the mayor und council of said city
You nro further notified , that having ac
cepted i ilil appointment , nud ilu y qualified
MS iciinliud by luw. wo wlil. on Haiurd ty. the
I7thduvof September , A 1) . ItfrJ. ut Iho hour
of II o'clock In the forenoon , at Iho directors'
room of the Commercial Nntlonut b ink IMi
I'nriiam slrcot , within the corpor ito limits of
s ilil cltv. muus for thu purpose of considering
nnd iniikliu tlio ussussmunt of dnm 11,0 to tlio
owners lospoctlvoly of s ltd proportv uiruutoil
by s ilil rouonstriictlon of s.xfd vlu luct nno its
nppro dins , taking into consideration spoclal
buiuiflts , If any.
You are nouflod to bo prownt nt the tlmo
nnd pincu uforusnld un I in iku nny onjoctloni
to or btitumunls concerning Hild ubsussmcul
of dnmimes us you may cons der proiicr.
W. u. .siiuivnu.
AM'iiii ) MI I , I , A HI ) .
September 3J , 1803 , Omaha , Nobranlca.
Notlcn of Assesmnont ai I ) 1111ifO tin
To tlio owners of nil lots und purls of lots nnd
luul ( istuto alonx Vlutim sliuut from 24lb
mrcot ttt the west linn of ulloy In blookJI ,
Wlliox'H second nddltlou.
> You nru hornby nolllied th it the undor-
Hluiiuil. thtoodUlntwTcsted frecho'dors of Ilm
olty of Oinuhii , huvo been duly uppolntud by
thu mayor , with tlio upprov , it of thu cly
r.ouncll of mild oily , to ussuu'i the d 11111140 to
thir owners respectively of thu property
nllo ted liyKrudlnu of suld Htroet. ducliirod
neicsiiirv Uy ordln inco Mnnibur 3,2.1) , p isso I
AiiL-uat'JJrd. 18'Ji. und approved August J4tli
You uro further not fled , that having nc-
eorpor.iui limits ot siltl city , maul for the
purpose of coiuldorlu.nnd mnkliiv lha
aK < e smcnlor daina.'u to tliu ownoiu ro < peu'-
Ivuly of Hiild propuily. ullectou bv said ura'l- '
ln . tiklni ! Into consideration speel il hene-
HtH. If npy.
Yon uru notlflo l to ho prttiunt nt the tlmo
nnd pliico uforcmld , nnd miiku any o'ljoctloni
tooratiitoiiiunticonuurnitu H-il' ' ' utsunsinont
of duniuKU4 uByou may consider propiir.
\V (3 ( HII Ul * l.ltp
OKI ) .1 I'Al'I , .
JA1 ! bl'Ol'KIIAM ) .
Commlttoo of Apralsers.
Oinuliii. Noh. . RopteinDor .Ird. IHJ. . H 1U IU
Healed propoHiiIs will ho roeelvod liy the
niiilornKiied until lilOo'elook p. in. Hiiptonihor
2.lrd , forgrndloK Martha ulrent from 2Jtli
Htruot to2ltliHtreot In thoeltv of Omuhu , In
nccordniioo with plans und spin Illcullona on
Ilio In thu olllco of tno board of public works.
II dn will ho made on prlnloJ blanks fur-
n hhod by the huiril , null to bu neuompanliKi
by'ucerlllluduheek In thusiim oftWJ. pnyublo
to the oily of Omaha us un ovliluncu of good
f ii llh.
Thn board reserves the rlht to reject uny
qimlrmnn ilounl'of"Y'ubiio Works. i
Omuha , Nob.Hoyt , Uth , lb'k'MO10ll '