Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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Lincoln Pcoplo Tfntoh a Onrd of Pivo
Events Hotly Contested.
Whu tlio rron-liir-AII-Ulorrliinil
bc Huitio Itcoonl SnmililiiB-Ollior
Itrkiilln Nntliinnl I.PIIRUO Itnll
( Jnmus Sp.irlts of Mpnrt.
L.I.VCOI.X , Nob. , Sopt. 0. [ Special Tole-
Rinm toTiiB BRK.J The closinu day nt the
Btnto fair racoi wns marked by itood weather
nnd the usually largo atlondanco. The card
was an unusually Intorosilnit ono , nnd com
prised four rncos , besides the unfinished
2i"i : trot of yesterday. Tbo nummary of Iho
nftonioon ovtnls Is as follows :
MrM , rnco , trolling , 2:25 : class , purse JOOJl
iinllnlsliod icslurdiiyi . .
lluriy llurly - ? 1 J t
Jim Iliinii * v * „ 7
J.idy S irafio. I JJ J ? S
Prnnk ! ' „ ; „ ; . . ; „ - . - . . " . " . .ov"
Second r.Ycf. runiil'nB"tiilio mill n. half dnsli ,
liurio J25) : Vnlrdlelorv won , Warwick. Jr. .
.Bivond. Uillns tluril. Onion fourth.
Third nice , troltliu , froo-for-all , for foals
of ihsl ) , purse f.lJ ) : . .
Aliimlli * ' '
, , ,
XmiuuJ. . . . i - r.
Jlllly I , < ' '
Clmrios K ' * i
Jlcduothorn n u u
Tlmo : 2.K : > .2 : : iy.28. ! ' . . „ .
ronrlh r.ico. trotting , 2:3T : > olnsn , purse JfiOO :
Diuty llculs f > 1
cimrios iiniiiwin : i J " , 5 H ;
' ' '
riii-stor Allen } * J
.liiolf thollllipur 4 I ) 0 B fi 4
Ctllinrliin * * " *
> * * fc
8 7 S 8 Oils
7 .1 7 Ti 7ilr
0 3 8 7 BUs
fl t'ounloHS u.8'8 } !
f Liidy llutlur ID 10 dls
1 F.ilrvwooil 1U
| Tlmo : 2:31 : , 2.W : , ' 'saiii. 2132'J8 : ; : . 2:23 : .
J ' ' . ' class $000.
I'lfth ruco , trollliu 2'U , uitrso
Uiiolpii * * :
litnls Kiituus J > V
Kitty Vnra ° 2 *
Kobbla l > 225
Tlmo : 2 :
KlngntiMi Won thu Flight.
.1 SIIRKIWIBAD HAY , N. Y. , Sept. 9. About
1 fi.OOO spnclaloM tbls nftornoon saw the cole-
. [ liralcd Klncslon win Iho Flight stakes from
JJr. Hnsbrouck nnd Fairy In ono of the most
exciting conlotts of the season. Kingston
nnd Dr. Hasbrouok each carried 127 pounds ,
whiln Fairy had 107. She sot a fast clip
from the very start. Joekoy Dogijott , who
rode Dr. Ilaabrouek , used very bad Judgment
in keeping the Doctor alongside of Fairy.
Tnrnl laid back with Kingston nnd made Ills
'run In the homo stretch , winning after n
desperate 8triisrilo , bv n neck. Hod Dr.
Hnsbrouck boon ridden In the snmo manner
nnd not used up with Fairy , ho would surely
hiivo won , as It took every ounce of King
ston's opcud nnd Taral's strength to encom
pass his defeat. The talent , led by Plunger
Allchaol Dwver , were upset in the first race.
Tuey made Dagonot n 0 to fi fuvorito , but
the ' black colt was not. even phccd , Batsman -
man , a 10 to 1 chance , taking the race In n
drive from Fred larnl , 5 to 2.
Pint men. sovori furlongs : Ilutsman (10 ( to t )
t A von. Krod T (5 ( t "I second , Helen Hose ( l ! >
g1 tnl ) tn r < l. Tlino : 1:27 2-T.
second tliu Plight staltos. suvon fur
longs : KltiL'iKiii ( uvon ) won. Dr. Uiisbrouok
(7 to 2) ) Kcconcl. T.iiry ( . " > t o 1) third. Time :
1:202-5. :
Tlilid ruco , the Autumn stakes , : i-yoar-olds ,
eolllnit. futurlly tMiirse : Lniirn Gould colt ( I !
to I ) won. So'irtin (4 ( to 1) ) second..ornl7iii :
DosKott (3 ( to 21 third. Time : 2tJ : 2-5.
Fourth rare , ono rnllo : Slolpnur (4 ( to ! > ) won ,
] ) erfirL'nrhiUii : C ) to I ) second , Kuclaro (10 ( tu 1) )
third. Tlino : 1:402-5
Fifth r " 0. futurity course : Stononoll ( t to
fip won. Sllvur Fox (5 ( to 1) ) socoml. Oxford (15 ( to
1) ) third Tlino : 2l.'l. :
Hlxlh ruce. ono mile on turf : "tonomiison (4 (
to 1) ) won , ( I to l.miuoml ) , Woodorjift
(7 to 2) ) third , Tlmu ; 1:4,1. : 1-5.
< TrcitthiK lit Oluvulnuti.
Ci.KVKiAND , O. , Sept. 9. Thcro was great
- npood at the driving park today. The track
l | was in peed condition. In the froo-for-all
| | trot KvBiiKolino crunted a sonsntion by win
ning the last two heats and rnco. She wont
the last mlle nt 2:11J : bunting the world's
record on a regulation track. Records were
lowered in all the classes. The summaries
-follow :
2:20olnHS , pncliiK. uurso $750 : WIIUlo Kno.x
won , Ovid second , TUXUR JnoU third. Victor
fourth. II II 1' tlfth. King Medium sixth.
Mnry WllUns drawn , I'rlneo Columbia nnd
J.cflllcdlst-incud Time : 2:1S : > 4. 2:183 , 2l7ii.
Froo-for-all trottlne. purse tl.OUU : Hvnn-
collno won. NUhtlni ; ilrhucoiid. . LnKtiwood
1'rliico third , Nulllo W fourth. I'nra on Hfth.
l- | .liiiinmontn sixth. Time : 2ii : : , 2:15. 2I5U. :
2:14 : . 2ll .
OIUHS s 4. trottlnK , tiurso $1,000 : Ineonso
Is Avon , OllloVIIKuH si-conil , Htollii third. Daisy
fourth. Alux llfth , S.ini ll.issott sixth , Franklin
novnnth. Answer distanced. Tlmnlij : : , - ' :
l''ruu-for-ull pueln ? , pniso JlO.fOO : Hobort J
won. Wliihlow Wlilios second , Vltol.o Ihird ,
Cntsur fourtli. Dullus Hflh. Tlmo : 2llli. : !
Sl'W.3sUi. :
( Mass 2:21. : trotting , purse JI.OOO ( nnfliihhoil ) :
Gertrude won. i'erslc.i second. Kouohoo third.
Time : i'li5i : , : l8 ! , ; . UMU'i.
S ItCHIlllSHt I.iltlllllll.
* * 1 i Cixoi.N.MTi , O. , Sopt. 0. The Lntonla
track was very fast today and good time , as
u rule , wns mado. In Iho fifth race , i'orlor
ou bis llrat mount , Pearl N , foil lu the
strolcb , Imt neither horsu nor rider was
1'lrst raco. selling , seven furlongs : Krlktna
< 4 to II won , Kloru McDonald ( I u > 1) ) socond.
Comedy (4 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : lW/i : ,
tiuoond race , sulllnir , mm mlle : London CJ to
Jn 30) ) won. 'I onny jr. ( i ! to 1) ) second , Urltlc (0 ( to 1) )
third. Tlmo : : : ) ! ,
Third raco. six > iud u half furlongs : Olvoa-
9 I xray ( even ) won.OorputoiK to llsucond. Melody
( in to 1) ) tlilrJ. 'lime : l:2li. :
1'onrtli r.icc , live furlongb : Diieontion ( S to
1) ) won , I'uy H (15 ( lo I ) boconil , Shadow ( J lo S )
. third. Time : lOCr : ,
; . Klflh ruco , four and n half furlongs :
Kunluoky Ially ( tl to 1) ) won. llauii'lful Hello
C. lo I ) second. Hay On to to 1) ) third. Tlmo :
Ml { .
blxtli race , soiling , suvon furlongs : Jack
ItlchnlliMi d' ! lo II won , lllpponu | 2 lu I ) aouond ,
leurosl 00 lo 1) ) third. 1'imo : lw. : :
ItttMllltH lit ) lllllOt < Ht r.
t GI.OUCKSTIMI , N. J. , Sept , ! ) . Wonluor
clunrj track fast.
First race. nlno-Hlxtcontlis of a mile , selling :
) Mnyor 11 wiin , Aiikoulu hiieonil. iMoonrnkor
, third. 'I line : f > ll > / .
' Seeond race , nlno-slxtnuntlmof n mllti , soll-
int : Wnn. won. Mttlu Nell suuond , INtollo F
i ' third. Time : 57.
1 Third race , mllo. Belling ; Jim Mulhollnnd
won , Dnlrsiiinn second , Maoitonzlu third.
Time : 1:4 : ° > 14.
Fourth r.ieo , flvo-olchths of u mile , golllnir :
Hob Arthur won , lluwliejo lucond. l.uo llrlnol
third , Time : 1:03 : > .
Fifth nue , thlrtenn-slxteenths of u mile.
Kolllna : I'llmr won , ( jiieon D'Or second , llar-
rUon third. Time : li2J.
yixth raco. llvo-olihths of n mile , telllni ; :
Blumbur won , l'le < lmoiit becond , OutrUlit
third. Time : luay : } .
Tip lor Today.
Following nro tbo horses the prophet looks
upon as probable winners of the events mon-
tlouod :
1 , MoiilnRiio DUKO.
2. Misery Cluronco .
D. llciiliiniln Tom Knrl ,
4. Ix > rd ll.irry l.njun ,
b. Itiiy NululluH.
0. Klmstonu-Slr Wlllluin.
1. Itoia Il-Melunle.
2. Uorreullon Tormentor ,
! l. Montiiui * Sleliiner.
4. Don Alou/o Kolon Nlckoli.
t > . DoimtUi TouTmy ,
0. Uloanilnf-Tom )
Ittmilt * nt Diivviipurt.
DAVK.M-OIIT , In. , BouU U. [ Special Tola-
jrram to TUB HUE , ] The uttoiidanoa nt tbo
closing day races at tlio Davenport fair was
about t,000. ) The trotting nno pacing
rocordi of the track were both broken.
Following are the rtmilU :
Trottlnr. S:33 : oluii : Flora II first , Deb
ocond. Ulolmrd third. Uei tlino : 2JI : } ( .
'irottlnif , froo-foi-nllt I'oom nrst. 1'rlilo
ocoud , Madorndlitancvd. lle t tlmut 2'JJ : .
i'aoliiv. frpo-for-all : Alnumt lUsUiw lint ,
V'lofttfoot , Lulu , McOnrdy ami llollmont dli-
tnuood In ooond liuut , llosttlmo : ttlJ ,
jtcutlt at llnwtliornc.
UIIIOAOO , III. , Bont. O. Hawthorne rare i
First racesix furlonsii Lookout won , \Vam >
jiuioneoond , AlilemorrU third. Time ! lf.7U.
bocond iaoe , tovuu furioniii : Harry Aikow
won. Artistic tuoond , Orr third. Tlniu : ItTJIi.
Third ruct , noreu furlonvn Kern l Klu
won , rontont iicoond , Vlcoroy third. Time !
'Fourth rnee. | T furlnnpsi Lnclnda won.
Indim second , \Vcslovorthlrd. Time : 1:174. :
rifth race , ono nd ono-sixtrcnth miles !
Clinpmin won , I'uklrsocond , St. Alhnns third.
Time : 1:504.
Sixth nice1 , six ttirlonjs : Hilvor.ulo won ,
Iloval I'lusli second , Out of Hliht third. Time :
Tolpiln'R .Mcrtlnc clnsnil.
TOI.F.DO , O. , Bopt. 9. Thi. Intcrnntlonnl
Short course mocllng was cotnplotod here
I'lrst r.U-o. tMHIIns , purse JJ.OMj JtiUn won ,
Corr.nna second. Seinlur llilrd. Host tlmo :
2mv. :
Second mco. frco for nil trot , purse WW : Jnl-
Isco won. Independence socoml. bllvcr Cloud
third , Hum tlmui > . ' ! 2. . , .
Third race , sifi : : piico , purse $ 01 : Hod Oloud
won , Itupcrt second , UooriO S thl.-d. llest
tlmo : S.-ai'i. .
1'ourtli race , . " -yo ir-old trotting , purse $100 :
Kntn Until won , Oistor second , llcsslo Wllltes
third. Host tlmo : 2il. : :
Fifth inco , rillinltiic , mlle heat' , ptirso * 1)0 :
Oleo liny won , Illll Ill-own second , King S
third. Host time : IMO'j.
Sprlnillclir Ulunini ; Dny.
StMUNiriKi.n , 111. , Sept. U. Uloalng day of
the Snngamon county fair races :
2ai : pice , Oonsnlallon. rnco : Fuphony won ,
Illlly V second , No I H third. Host tlmo : Si'J.I1 .
; i.0trot : . : Mlnnlo lironn won. M U second ,
Hunter third. Hesttlmo : 2L"jy. :
I'aoe. foals of 1831 , mlle diiuli : Joniilo Green
wood won , 1'iorlk second , Hiy Kock third.
"Tlmo : 2:57. :
NATIONAL LiVltli : .
Now York .liiinps Onto Clinmlicrllii Very
llurd In Oun Iniilni ; .
New Yoitic , Sopt. ' . ) . Too Now Yorlcs
caught Chnmbcrlln out of wind In the fourth
Inning 'ind the IIvo runt , scored won them the
gimo. Attendance 8S7. Score :
New York 0 00500000-5
Oluelmi.itt 000120010-4
Hits : Now York , 7 : Cincinnati , 5. Krrors :
Now York. 2 ; Olnelnnatl. I. K irnuu run * : Now
York , 2t Ulnolnnatl. 1. Httlerlusi Kuslo ami
Uoyloi'U.hamuorllu and Vaughn.
.Set till ) .IOII.UIH Illlfk Ono.
NEW Ytiitic , Sopt. 0. The IJrooklyns de
feated the Pittsburg today nt Brooklyn In
the Bovontli Inning. Attendance ' .127. Score :
IMttsburs 0 2
Urooklyn 0 0010040-5
lilts : I'ltlsburff , 7 : Urooklyn. 7. Errors :
IMttsburc. I ; llrooklyn , I. Kirnod : runs : I'ltts-
burir , 1 : HrooUlyn. 1. Batteries : Smith and
Mack ; Kennedy nnd Klnslow.
itcn hnnilnrs Old the Trick.
WASIIINOTOV , D. C. , Sept. 9. The Wash-
Ingtons failed to hit Sanders nnd wore shut
out. The Uolonols bunched their hits in the
second and sixth and scored the winulng
runs. Attendance bOT. Score :
Washington 0
Louisville 0 1 U 0 0 2 I ) 0 * II
lilts : Washington. 7 ! Louisville , 8. Errors :
Washington. 1 ; Louisville , U. Karncd runs :
Washington. 0 ; Louisville , 2. Hatlurlos ;
Abbey and MHI'nn ! ; Sanders iiiul Merrltt.
Viirj'SloTonly ( Jiinic.
BAI.TIMOIB : , Md. , Sept 9. The game between -
twoon Baltlmoro nnd St. Louis was n slow
nnd poorlv played ntl.iir. The irnmo was
called ut the end of tbo ninth Inning on no-
count of darknoss. Attendance , (113. ( Score :
Ilaltlmorc 0 0 0 0 II 0 1 2 0 ( I
St. Louis 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 U 0
lilts : itiltlmoro. 7 : St. Louis , 0. Krrorj :
II iltlmore. II ; SU Louis. 3. I' irno.l runs : Bal
timore. 2 : St. Louis. 1. llattorles : Gobi ) and
Gunson. Hnwkoand Huckloy.
i'relty ( iainc , l > nt Unrlu Li .t.
PIIILAIIIM'IIPa. : | . , Sopt. 0. Today's
Philadelphia-Chicago game was one of the
nrottiost tinllng contests of the season.
Attendance , 1.3S7. Sooro :
Ohlonco 0 0 0 n 0 0 1 1 0-2
IMillndolphla 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 * 4
lilts : OhlcJKO. 0 : Philadelphia , n. Errors :
Chicago , 4 ; I'hlUdolphln , 4. Kama I runs :
Ohio mo , 1 ; I'hllidolptila. I. ILittonos :
llutchlnson and Klttrogo ; Kuofo uud Oloni-
Clnvcliiml Won Kiislly.
BOSTON , Mass. , Sopt. 9. The coming
champions played nil nround the champions
today. Attendance , 1,8.20. Score :
Boston 0 . 2
Cleveland I 0 0 II 0 ' , ' 3 1 0 7
lilts : Boston , 0 ; Clevol mil. 11. Errors :
"Boston , 0 : Cleveland , 4. Earned runs : Boston ,
2 ; Cleveland , 1. llntterlos : Nichols and Gan-
zel ; Young mid /humor.
Mundliii ; at the Toil ins.
OunlMon'K Sturdy Chuinpluni Still \VliiuliiK
from Oiiiiiliu Trnnn.
DF.NISOX , la. , Sopt. 9. jiSpocial Telegram
to THE UEE.J The Crane ConiDauya of
Omabuinot defeat today at iho tmndf , of Ihe
DoiHson cba'iipions , The score slood 0 lo 2.
Mcller , Iho colored pitcher , was in the box
for Omana nnd Movers and Holmes were the
battery for Dcnlson. Damson KOI HIP load in
iho first Inning and hold it throughout the
game , The Omaha team was clearly oul-
classcu. Tno score by innings was :
Oinuhii 2
Donlsoil 2 OOOiaOO * 0
lilts : Om.iha , : i ; Uunlsou , 7. *
Dcnison will play the Nonpareils of Omaha
next Tuesday nnu Wednesday. A guaranty
fund Is bcinK' raised bora In order lo cot a
series of utuncs with LiCinars for iho Iowa
championship games In bo played wllhin
two \vcoks.
ii ylor NiMvimm ( iro. . |
IMuwMA.vGuovn , Nob. , Sopt. 9. [ Spoclal
to Tin : llKU.J The Tilden and Newman
Oro/o loams mat on the grounds of the lat
ter yosterdav. lo piny Iho last of the series
of three iraraes all resulting In favor of
Noivman Qrovo. The feat urn of the unine
boinp the ballory work of thu McKay brolh-
UM. Pllobor MoICay striking out iwolvo
mon. Tilden only tnuUlnz ono safe hit. Mr.
Winder of the Tildons wlnuiuK Iho laurels
for kicking. Score :
Tlldun . . . . : i 0 0 0 0 4 0 I 0 9
Nowtmin Grovo. . . . 1 U fl a : i o II 'I 0 1- : NOWIIIHII Ginvo , Mi'ICiiy llrotliur.i ,
Tllclen , lluovi'i-iind Winder. Umpires : Smith ,
ulxon und O'Sliea. Tlmo of Kumo , Iwo huu
und II f lee u in I nut OH ,
Toot Hull Oainu Tuiluy.
College boys who nro spending iholr vaca-
lions In Omaha will have u K wllh Iho
crack foot ball loam of Ibo Younj ; MOII'R
Chrisllar. aKioclallon al Ibo baseball grounds
at half past 4 o'clock this nflornoon. The
association loam bin the championship In this
suction , having had no serious dlfllcully In
defeating all tbo teams lhal hnyo raal tlioin.
Some of thu college boys , huwovnr , are slurs
al Iho g.i'mu and have got a loam logolhnr
thin they expect lo win. Admittance frao.
The teams will bo In the following positions :
Y. M. U. A. Positions. Uul.ox'o Hoys.
Ilucliiiniin Loflend Hotiitliind
I'luUurln . . . . . . . . .Left tioklo DOIIIIO
lliMin.iif Loft guard I'olcur
IX riioinas Center J. Mor.smiui
Volkluirt HlKhtKu.ird O.TliomaH
YOIIII : Hluht tnuklo" , It. Hrown
AbbuU Right end . .VYIIhon
Klioldon QuarterbuoU Ilrouioh
I'urnuhiiii l.i-fl half back He ill
Wiillomoycr .Itlulit li.UT b.iok KiiHtln
Osgool 1'ull back Uitrnrt
bubvtlluloi O. II. Vounis. C.inieron und /.1m-
iiicriiinii for llio V , M. U , A. , und Uuwln. Kd
Murkiiiiin , Alslnkiind I'arinaluo furlhocollouo
7.1 in lluiiu .Nancy lliinkH.
BrnisoriKi.ii , Mass. , Sept. U. Another
day of record smashing has passed lulo Iho
imlory of blcyclo racing.Immorinan ilrst
Blurted for Nancy llanlti' ruilo record with a
( lying start , Ho did not suocood , but estab
lished a bloylu record o ; 'JUS-ri. : ! ! Wlndlo
next tried Iho Hying start , liulf , making It in
1:00 1-5. Ocnrgo F. Taylor lowered /Imtnor-
IUHII'J Hying mlle to 3Uj : l-.l. The Now Jar-
BOV rluur wus ihun.sent uftor Nancy IIunits
a second timo. ecllmlug her record made on
a rcRUlntlon traok by oiiu-Jlfth of a second ,
ills time wus tUU ! : 4About ! tltx ) spectutors
wltnosiud the feat nnd nearly wont wllu
whoa the result was announced.
Johnny ( Irllltn UhuliviiKU * IMxon.
New OUI.BANS , La. , Sopt. 0. Jlmruy Car
roll today posted (1,000 forfeit on behalf of
Johnny Uilfllii for a mutch with George
Uixou for n bet of (10.000 and the largest
purse offered under the snmo conditions that
governed the Uixon-Skelly coutost.
Thou. 12. Crulir , ojitor and publisher of tbo
Now Haven ( Mo. ) Notes , says : " 1 biwu
used Chamberlain's Cello , C.'holera and
DlarrliiDi Itomedy with great satisfaction
for the ailments of my chlldroo. " For ialo
Her Eopublioan Hosts Trno to the Princi
ples of Their Party ,
Harrison nnil Ills Ailmtnlstritlion KntliiiM-
nutlrully Connncnilcil IN'ok'n Itrpiirt
Will Ho Imc.Ulciited liy DomucnUs
Co ! cliiinl Iteturns tM
Punnt.o , Colo. , Sept 9. The ropubllcnn
stnto convention completed its work today
by nominating the balance of the ticket.
The complete tlckat Is ns follows1. For gov
ernor , J , C. ftolm of lil Paso county ; llou-
tenant governor , J. M. Downing of Pltkln ;
secretary of stnto , K. J. E lon of 121 Paso ;
treasurer , Hurry Mulnlx of Las Animns ;
Auditor , Hnrrv Tnrboll of Montrose ; attor
ney general , C. b. Llbby of Chafloo ; super
intendent of public Instruction , U. U. Tim-
borlako of Phillips : regents of university , J.
Tomnlo of Boulder and Prof. Knapp of
Arap.ihoo ; olnctors-ut-lnrgo , D. II. Moffatt of
Arnpahoo nnd Thomas E. Bovvon of Ulo
Ornndo. First district B. II. Elton of
Weld. Second district J. W. Ilnnna of
Monlczuma. Chnlrmnn of the state central
committee , W. II. ( .irlnith of Arapahoj.
After adopting the following resolutions
the convention adjourned slno die.
Hosolvod , That the republican p irty of t'lo
state of Colorado , In convention assembled ,
ntiln plodto4 ) its Hiippoi t to thu prlnul-
plu of the party us presented In the national
ji utform adopted at Mlnno.ipoljs.
Wo hourtliy endorse and commend thu able ,
clean , pntrlotlu and thoroughly American ad
ministration of I'lusldeiH llairlson.
Wo believe that his wise conduct of affairs
nt homo and his dlsnlllu.l conduct of our for-
olKii nlfalrs has strenz > henod our Million nnd
IncreiiHi'd respect for our HIIK In nil countries.
Wo nlllrm our iinsworvlng devotion to the
national constitution and the Indissoluble
union of the states , to tlio autonomy reserved
to the states under the constitution , to the
personal rights and liberties of citizens In nit
the Hiatus and territories of the union , and
especially to thu supreme nnd sovereign rlnht
utovery lawful cltl/.im , rich or poor , natlvo
or foreign Horn , whltn or black , to cast ono
frco ballot In pnhllo election ! ! mid 1m vo that
ballot duly counted.
\Vo hold Iho fruo and honest popular ballot
nnd the Just and uiinl | representation of nil
the people to bo thu foundation of our repub
lican novornmont , nnd demand uh"ectlvo legis
lation to secure thu Integrity and inirlly of
elections , which nro thu foundation of nlluub-
llc authoilty.
Wo charge Hint thu present msijorlty In the
hotiso of represontntivcs ones Us existence
not to the supremacy of the ballot , but by n
erlmlna nulllUeatlOn of the constitution nnd
laws of the United States.
Wo tire In favor of a piotoetlvo tariff.
Wo believe It Is necessary to duvolop the
diversified Industries of tlio west. It Is no cs-
sary to protect the miners and mining Inter
ests. the farmer mid ranching Intuicslsns
well aa thu mumif'icUirlnc Interests.
Wo look foiw.ird to the time when , under
tin1 piotoetlon of the lopublle in part } , Oolo-
i"ido will bucomo ono of the greatest ma nil -
fnetiirlng states In the union.
Kcsolved , That wo condemn the action of
Iho democratic parly in nttemptlnz to tnko
tun duties oil load ore and wool. And wo de
nounce thu nctlon of thu democratic house of
leuroM'iitatlvciH In the nllemut to remove the
dntv on load ores as u move Hint would oblige
thu miners of Colorado to compute with Iho
ppon liborof Mexico
Resolved , That every republican of Colorado
rado Is now. us ho nlwnys hits been. In favor
of thu frco null unlimited colnnvu of silver
The republican pirtv of Colorado calls at
tention to the ( net that Its senators nnd mem
bers of congress have nt all times worked for
anil advocated frco coinage.
We , as free coinage republicans , believe
tli it wo can establish true republicanism
much sooner by Keeping within the purty.
than by snppnrtlnz any Hat money theorists.
wjio nro In favor of demonetizing both gold
and silver.
ItohOl veil. That the ri'publlonn party of Colorado
rado believes that freu colnngo of silver at
thu present ratio would bo n great benefit to
all of the producing elates of this nation.
Ills Vlslf to Nii\v Yiirl.tXls.hiild I'ro.
llllo Of CiOOll Ul'HIllU.
NEW YOHIC , Sept. 0. Ex-President Cleveland -
land loft this city for Buz/.ard's Bay this
afternoon Ho was accompanied only by his
private secretary.
Mr. Whitney who called upon him Just before -
fore his departure gave a bopoful view of
the prospects. In an Interview bo said that
within the past forty-eight hours ho had
cone over the reports from sixly counties of
this state with Lieutenant Governor
hnn and everything was looking very favor
A few words were had with Mr. Cleveland
us ho made his exit from the hotel. Ho was
asked if ho had accomplished the purpose for
which ho came to this uiiy.
"Yos , most certainly,1' no replied very
cordially. "I simply came here for the pur
pose of mooting a number of my political
friends , and I have succeeded lu tout pur-
nose. "
Being asked if the prospects Inthostato
and country looked favorable Mr. Cleveland
replied in the atUrm.itivo.
Ho was looking remarkably wall and ap
peared well salisliod with tbo results of his
visit ,
It Will Itu Investigated by tlio Deiuocriitlis
Committee on Literature.
NKW YOIIK , Sept. 9. The democratic cntn-
palgn committee on literature today decided
to investigate tbo recent report or Liubor
Coiimlnloncr POCK in vlow of the foot thai
President Harrison made use of it in his
letter of acceptance.
Chairman Quiney of Ino committee sent
this letter to Commissioner Pock :
NKW YOIIK , Sept. 8 , isui-llon. Charles V.
rock : In conformity \\ith your olfer , as re
ported In the press , to submit the methods
nnd dutn employed by yourself in prelim-lux
your report no in the nulijuut of "Tho Ulfeet
of the Tiirllt Upon Labor nnd Wines , " of
which n summitry has recently been made
public1 , to the ox iiulimtion of committees
representing the different political p irlloi , I
now uslc you on behalf of the democratic na
tional committee to dlsaloo these methods as
ftthy ns possible to Messrs. J , Hohoonliof , 12.
Ellerv Anduison and Udw.ird 1" . .Mcriiveeny.
who are uuthorl/ed by us to oxamlno Hits
matter nnd repot t upon ll to us.
Mr. Anderson is authorized to institute
legal proceeding by way of mandamus to
compel the production of the returns In Mr.
Peck's possession , and sucli proceedings uro
already on foot. _
uliaii at Arupalum.
AiiAi'vilOR , Nob. , Sopt. 9. [ Special Tplo-
gram to TUB IB. : | Congressman Mo-
Kclghaii of the Fifth district addressed an
Independent rally here today. His speech
was a curious mixture of doinocrutto-
Indnpctidont dootrlno. Ho spoke for nboiit
two hours , dividing his tlmo about equally
between doloudinu bluuolf , Van VVvck and
thoalliunco presidential ticket. Ho' scored
the republican parly und Indulgoa In the
stereo typo arguments In favor of free cpln-
ago. The allondnnco numbered about 151)
voters , largely republicans. Fun-as uounty
will give tuo straight tloket it safe repub
lican majority.
Now York' * Colored luiiilillc | nii ,
Tiiov , N. Y. , Sopt. 0. The colored ropub.
lluuim of the state concluded their conference
today In this city. The convention adopted
resolutions endorsing the wise , patriotic nnd
grandly successful administration of Presi
dent Harrison , und especially uominondiug
tlio nomination for vlco president ofVhlio -
law Held , "the editor of too great news
paper which waged such relentless war for
llborly. "
Iliimn ot Ad n inn Noiiiliiiiliul ,
Bi.t'i : HIM , Nob. , Sept. y , [ Special toTiir.
BnK.J The republican flout convention of
Adams and Webitor countlos mot at Dluu
Hill yoilorday nnd nominated William Urown
of Adanu county.
.V TH.
The company that will present ICutlq Em-
melt's well known piny , "Tho Waifs of Now
York , " next .Sunday nt the l\irnatn luoludoi
tucb well known artUts as I 1 iii Mulvoy ,
who Is rocognlted as oue of the best impor-
onators of Doy ehnraclor upon too stage ;
Sadie StrliiRhaui , who road ? such n success
as Ablgal Prue In Nell Bunions' "Coutuy
Fair ; " Andy Amaiui , the clover Gorman
coroodlnn , who will bo icon as the German
saloonkeeper ; N , D , Oonnlois , tbo well
Uno'.YQ churuoior aolor wtio will play Plotro
Duma ; Miss Florence Hobortn , n benullfiil
nctrbss , Iho toadlh lrolo of Alice Baldwin :
Miss Josonhlna A'tihnn. the Uormnn saloon
' dnuRhtorlCatrlno. The child's
koepor's . part
of Lltilo Oorllo , ttiawalf , will bo played by
Ir.iogcno Wnshburno , ono of the ortchtou
little chlldron ttijt tins over appeared before
the public. Allss tMulvov will sing sovrnl
songs , and also Intffiduco her famous dnnclnc
Incidental to the play Miss S.tdlo Strlncham
nnd Josephine Atnnnn will nlso bn henrd In
sliming spoclnltloa.j The sconcry Is all now
this season ,
The nltractlon nt Bovd's now theater for
the four ntghto'lcoilitnonclng next Sundiy ,
will bo tbo populn.1) ) Irish comedian , .lohti
T. Kelly , who wll , | nrosont for the llrst lime
hero the now musical cotnodv , "McFeo of
Dublin1 ' wrlttorv'byctiarlos ' T. Vlnoont nnd
himself. Mr. Kelly is too well known here to
need nn Introduction to our thoatcr-conrs.
The now play is said to bo , the best plcco In
which ho has over appeared , nnd his part of
"McFoo" His him to p.-rfoctlon. Among
the principals of thn ( in ( nro Mnttlo VlcU-
crs , who tins boon Keen here frequently at n
star In her own plnj's , nntl Florrio West , n
charming nnd talontc'l soubrette Irom Eug-
Innd , The piny will be handsomely staged
and costumed , nnd the production will bo
perfect In every detail. Seats are now on
I'rnnk Wntnon'n I'oiicliiint for Writing Other
Men's Nninm Miikm Hint Trouble.
Yesterday afternoon too poltoo Arrested
Frank Watson for being n auspicious char
acter. A little Investigation on tbo part of
the detectives proved Ihnt Watson was h
much wanted man. ll is claimed by Iho ofll-
cluls that the prisoner is the man who has
been passing bogus checks on business
tuon about town for the past two or throe
weeks. Not long ago Watson lot up on his
game nnd wont lo work In A llvorv stable ,
where ho staved fora wcokthus throwing the
detectives oft the track for tlio time bo'.nc.
As went didn't agree with his constitution
Watson returned to his old tricks , iiml the
resiilt was his nrrost. Ills case will bo
thoroughly looked Into today.
Orunvlllo Wade was yesterday bound over
to the district court for sboollni ; ut George
Wellington In a Ninth street dive about u '
week ago.
A water pipe near tbo Windsor hotel ,
Tenth nnd Jaolcaou streets , burstod Inst eve
ning uud Hooded the Intersection. The stone
pavement appeared to bo undermined nt Iho
crossing , and Iho nohco stretched a rope
across Jackson street In order lo slot ) loams.
The water works company shut off Ibo water
nnd will dig for the broau today.
Ancopt tlin linker Itollor * .
During the oftornoon Iho city council committee
mittee- spent several hours In the boiler room
at the city hall cxamlnlnc.tho machinery and
equipment. The pumps were run nt their
highest rate of speed nnd stood the test to
the satisfaction of 'cominltlootnon and con
tractor. This mornlnc Iho plnnt will bo
lurnud over to Engineer Austin , who will
hnvo full charge.
This notion Is not intendjd to rolonso
Baker , Smith & Co , , but merely relieves
them of the expense of furnishing a innu to
run the bailors.
Very F.xponslvo Drink.
Thomas Bonnatu-caUoi for n drink at n
saloon at Fourteenth and Dodge slroots
and aflcr disposing of Iho liquor de
clined lo pay for it. The ba tender , John
Holmes , reashod' over nnd struck Bennett ,
a blow on the facto , causing him to fall to the
lloor. As Bennett' fell ho struck an iron
railing nnd out n'cuiop gash over nls right
eye , which Dr.'J Tbwno was called upon to
sew up. Both men were arrested , Bennett
for being drunk and Holmes for assault.
Will y < > , te for Iloml * .
Mayor Bomls Uas approved the ordinance
passed nt the lost nipoting of the council , "
ttiorlzmg Ibo suUinj slou at Iho November
election the of quesf on of v.oll"K ? 100,000of
paving and $100lXbof ) ( scwor bonas.
It is estimatedtthal tbo proceeds of the
sale of $100,000 of ) intorscitlon paving bonds
will pav for paving intcrsoclions along
flvo mile * of streets. ' '
The revival 'at itho * Central Christian
church Is nightly Increasing In attendance
and interest. It is.anticipated soon to sccuro
n larger room to accommodate the increasing
audiences. Mr. Dover possesses a superior
pulpit power , a wonderful memory nnd for
tuity of thought , and the people bang upon
the ( gospel utterances us under a revolution.
Itasult * of thn Urpiilillriin Witril Conn rl
llnlil l.nst Night.
bust night Iho republicans of Omaha nnd
South Omaha caucused nt the places dostg-
nntod by Iho counly commltlco for the pur
pose of nominating tickets to bo voted upon
at the primaries next \vcok , when delegates
to the counly congressional nnd county notii I-
imllug convonllons will oo hold , The results
nro here sot forth :
* Congrcsslonnl Jonnthnn Edwnrds. P. M.
Bncit , S. A. Cutter , John Mnttblson , John A.
Butler , I. P. Henderson , John Uoslsig , Wil
liam Hotzlcr , E. J. Cornish.
Counly John Pioriotu C. F. Hoodtnnn , II.
Van Duzon , Leo Eslollo , A. M. Buck , W. F.
Bales , John W. Honza , V. L. VodlcUa , Louis
WAHI ) .
CongrosslonnlWllllnm Ontewood , August
Soliroder , J. L. Wolshnns , William Alstadt ,
Ouoruo Uond , William Nicholas , H. J.
Banker , W. 1' . Leo , A. F. Corncor.
Counly I. Frank , J. C. Batcholor , Joseph
Kavnn , Clcorgo B. Slrykor , W. C. Cloud , W.
C. Kelly , W. U. Wilson , John Toralt , T. L.
Von Darn ,
TlllllU WAItt ) .
Congrosslonnl Sol Prltico , Thomas Swobo ,
Nalo Brown , Frunlt Houcook , J. C. Hub-
bard , George Pavnlor. Thomns MoVlllio , S.
B. Smith , Seth P. Colo.
Counly Sol Prince , J. C. litibbnrd , W. U.
Pnytou , .1. B. Smith , Seth P. Cole , Onorgo
Payntcr , Nnto Brown , Charles Urovos , C.
Hay ncr.
roUKTII XI'Atlll.
Congros lonal-.T. H. Blair , T. A. Croigh ,
Ed Hanoy , George S. Smith. T. K. Sud-
borough , W. J. Broatcli , C. H. Turnoy , E. E.
Zlminerman , J. A. Powers.
County U. W. Ambrose , W. F. Bechol ,
Elijah Dunn , T. W. Blackburn , C. A. Goss ,
F. B. Konnard , W. A. Andowon , C. P.
Hmllgnn , W. F , Gurloy.
nrrii WAIUI.
Congresslonnl M. Bllby , A. Vurner. J. H.
Kynor , W. N. Nnson , Ed lirown , Thomns
ElllnRWood , H..IC. Uurkot , C. Buumnn. E.
D. Van Court.
County E. Bonedlot , W. Soars , L. Wil
liams , C. J. Wostordnhl , W. II. Mnllorv. J.
Hodman , C. O. Lobeck , William Christie
and William Buchanan.
SIXTH wvun.
Congressional George B. Johnson , U. G.
Uppincott , W. II. Stephens , E. D. Pratt. Jr. ,
P. O Hanson , John McLnrlo , S. O. Ben
nett , B. U. Bull , S. G. Ernst.
County- . C. Whnrton , H. T. Loavltt ,
B. C. Smtlb , Carr Ax ford. Louis Lilllollold ,
Henry McCoy , John Hanward , Isaac Syl
vester , Georco Wilson.
City J. S. Bennett , A. P. Grnrn. George
Elliott , F. W. Lossentlno , H. H. Ncal ,
Nathan Stevens , H. M. Waring , T. J. Lund ,
Fred Lunuler.
SEVHNTII wuu > .
Congressional W. If. Alexander , J. W.
Carr , Dr. L. Brown , Louis Borkn , I. H. An
drews , Isaac AdAins , J. II. Taylor , J. W.
Ellor , George Snblno.
County J. C. Isb , C. M. Daily , A. S.
Churchill , G. S. Ambler , J. C. Thompson ,
John . ) . Holler , Thomas Carey , H. E. Cochran -
ran , John Norborg.
Congressional H , LBurkot. . A. G.
Knapp , L. A. Blnf-lc , James Allen , A. F.
Clark , ,1. H. Schneider , J. 11. Etmningor , J.
J. Savllio , J. N. Pmllins.
County J. T. Clarke , T. S. Crookor. U.
P. Dohlmau. T. H. Fitzgerald. Ir.Lozior ,
M. Ci. McLood. J. W. Nichols. 11. W. Koy-
nolds , M. F. Singleton.
Congressional C. E. Miller , N. O Ton- !
cliff , John Lewis. G. G. Iroy , Wllllnm Gaff ,
William Anderson , Alvin Motzlor , Arthur
Winter nnd Ulchard JJlickensdorfcr.
Counly J. H. Chapman , J. W. Harris , P.
Scbwnnk , S. M. Sadler , M. Free , E. K. Per
fect , Henry Llvsoy , John Flnjk und N. M.
Congrosslonnl- . 1' . Savnco , J. O. East
man , A. C. Powers , E. O. Mnyllold , A. H.
Murdock. Phil Brayton , L. Carpenler , M.
Boukal , D. McGuckcn. D. Anderson , A. H.
Kelly , K. W. Carey , Howard Mayors , F. M.
County W. S. Anderson. J. E. Hart ,
Bruce McCulloob , W. M.Vood , D. C. Will-
lams , C. P. Miller , fi. S. Daniels , Alex
Schlegol , Scotl Konworthy , George Thomp
son , Nels Peterson , Thomas Peterson , N. E.
Acker , Samuel Davis.
The caucuses endorsed the following
named candidates for ward assessors : Fifth
ward , George F. Franklin ; Sixth ward , F.
B. Manville ; Eighth ward , Silas B. Lake.
Aside from those there were scatloring en
dorsement of various aspirnnls for oOlcos
ranging from congress to members of the
Board ot Education.
Sixth Ward Democrat * .
The Sixth Ward Democratic club mot nt Its
club rooms , oornor Twenty-ninth and Spnuld-
ing streets Thursdnv evening , for Iho pur
pose of appointing delegates to Iho counly
Mr. C. O. D. Hrown , rnmlidnto for the
city council , mndo the sucoch of the cvonlnc.
The club will bo rnnrosonlcd. nt ilia slalo
league mooting nl Lincoln next week. The
following were named ns delegates to county
convention : Grorgo W. Tlornuy , M. T. Mur
phy. Frank Patrick. Ed. N. Hrown , C. 11 ,
McEnchron , E. A. Stinxv , T. F. O'Brien ,
Chnrlos Sttivonson , E S. Perry , J. D. Uus-
tin nud Frank B. Brayton.
The democrats of the Seventh ward hnvo
selected Iho following named to ntlond Iho
county convention : George L. Dannls , An
drew Murphy , George Sony. Anton Inda ,
M. II. Ish , John Evnns , J. J. Mnhomiy , E. 15.
Hawaii , James Sohtioldonniiu , J. S.
P. W. Blruhnuior.
Mrintiors ot the Oiiiiiliu lru s Cluli Knjov
an i\onlni- : .
The press cnng were "at homo" last night
In their now rooms hi iho Pallorsou block
nnd a mimbnr of iholr frlonds wore present
10 enjoy ihe exceptionally line musical on-
torlirtnmoni provided by iho nrltsts of the
city for tliolr onlurlnlntncnl. The rooms nro
nicely furnished , provided wllh nil ihu Into
magazines nnd newspapers , nud there nro
Just enough card tables to Interest ihoso who
uro Inclined to a rubber of whist or high
11 vo. For several years tlio Press club of
Omaha has boon lu a statu of dosucludo of
which the fni prophet of William street
Miokoso olouuonlly , but new men came Into
Iho organization nnd cnvo il now life. As n
result of this Influx of newspaper men the
club once more bocnmo nn ncttve factor in
Iho social doings of the metropolis , and last
nlk'hl celebrated Us phu-nlx-liko rise by giv
ing n pleasant musicnlo.
The Sutorlus Mandolin club , n well bal-
nnced and llioroughly well rehearsed musical
organization , played n number of selections
during Iho evening , over ready to assist in
furthering Iho good fellowship which pre
vailed nmong the ladlm nnd gentlemen pres
ent. There Is something particularly Inscl-
imting about the music of the mandolin und
rosliienl olchlngs of tropical countries uro
suggested by Us dreamy snnsuousnoss. The
gem of tholr ploying was the "Angels' Soro-
nade. "
Mr. W. S. McCuno. the baritone of Trin
ity , sang two bcnutifut songs , "Love's Sorrow
row , " by Shelly , uud "Anchored , " by Wil
son. Mr. McCuno surprised bis audience by
the musical quality of his voice , his tonfis
being swool and clear , and his method was
the subject of much favorable comment by
tbo musicians prosont. In addition to n line
cultured volco Mr. McCuuc has n pleasing
personality which won him an audience from
iho beginning.
Mr. Charles McDowell , the lenor of All
Saints choir , sang Nelson G. Smith's dainty
love ballad "Entreaty" in excellent style ,
bis upper notes Doing particularly sweet und
From n thorough musical standpoint Iho
distinctive ovcut of Iho evening was Mr.
Bert Butler's plnying of Wlonawskl's Po-
Innniso in A , a brilliant violin solo which
Ihe young violinist nlaycd In n thoroughly
imislcinnly manner. Mr. Butler's advance
ment In bis profession bus bce'i wonderfully
dorfully rapid , and lliero is decided
promise of n brilliant fuluro for
Iho leader of Boyd'.s orchestra. Ho has line
technique nnd shows in every movement of
his bund nnd Ilnirer n close study of the ro-
qulromonts. Assisting Mr. Butler lu tils
personal triumph was Mr. Mm tin Calm , who
played the accompaniment wilh a nlcoly
lhat was thoroughly commotidatory. To nil
onoaro Mr. Butler plsyod Mnscognl's tonal
poem , the Inlorniczzo , from "Cnvnleria Una-
tlcanu , " and It has not been butter pluyod in
Omaha , not oxcuptlng ils rendition by Mr.
Theodore Thomns.
Mrs. Percy Ford was prevailed upon to
sing the words of the exquisite writing of
the cleverest composer living , which she
henrd but a short lima uuo in Berlin , Mr.
Butler playing Ino violin obllguto , Mr. Ciihn
accouipnnylug. Mrs. Ford is not henrd often
enough lu public , her volco showing the hlgh-
osl measure of cultivation. Later she sang a
sweet love song from the opera ot "Gene-
vlovo do Brabant. " by OITentmch.
Mr. J , E. Butler , Ibo organlsl of Tr.inly
added not n little to tbo genuine pleasure of
the evening by plnying the accompaniments
of the vocal soloists In a manner that loft
little to bo doslrod.
There was a punch and re fresh men Is served
and Iho gucsls were enthusiastic In praise of
Iho evening and Iho pleasure afforded them
of mooting the boys who write iho news In
the papers upon n soclnl footing. To the
Max' Meyer Muslo company the thnnks of
the club nro extended for the ttso of the
I'lnno which was soul to tholr rooms.
T/IHV nmtK
Dxprrss Kohlpr I'ollod nnd Ono of Them ,
n former KinplujT , Cnpturi'il ,
Nr.w OHLKANS , Iv\ . , Sept 0. At 3:30 : this
morning the Southern Express oDlco wns
entered through the door on Iho Pnrido
street sldobv three mon , who put n pistol to
the wnlehmnn's head , forced him ngninsl n
post , nnd were tlolng him ihuro whim Mr.
Pcclt , nn omployo of Iho comtmnv , ndvniu-ed
upon ihoin. Tbo burglars llrod nt him and
then turned to run , but ns Peck started In
pursuit thny llrud unoUiarshol nt him. Ono
of thn burglars wns captured. Ho proved to
bo Clifford , n former omployo of iho com
pany. _ _ _ .
X.II * I' lll.HUS.ll'll * .
Mr. C. W. McCuno of Iho IJullor County
Press , David City , called upon Tin : BIK. :
Mrs. F. W. Boolol , who has bcon .spending
thasummor visiting her sister , Mrs. J. U.
Brtinor. returned ycstordnv lo her homo nt
I'OtlSVllIC , I'll.
Mrs. Brnd D.Slnughlor nnd family have
returned from n mouth's visit wllh Mrs ,
Slaughter's sister in Denver. Miss Grace
Slaughter Is also homo from n summer vaca
tion nt Storm Lake , In.
W. S. Wnrner of the Doadwond ( S. D. )
Times , nccompanlod by his wlfo , wns u
visitor In the clly yoslordny. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Wnrner were returning Irom nn extended
tour of Iho east to thulr mountain homo.
Mr. David Ilolbrook , 01 plain of the foot
hall team of Iho lown slnlo unlvoMlty in
lownClty , Is in the clly making preliminary
arrangements for ino contest bolwoon his
loam nnd Unit of Ihu Nebraska slale uni
versity , which will tnko plnco nl Sports
man's p.itk on Thanksgiving dny.
INBW YOIIK , Sopt. ' . ) . [ Special Tologrnm
to Tin : Bin. : ] Omaha : Mrs C. Ansdaclior ,
Albcrmurlu ; S. Ivroalg , Morlou house.
Uncolii : E. C. FltzgernliU E J. Flt/irerald ,
HolTmnii house ; | Mrs. F. C. \ \ . Kornnlo ,
Metro potitnti.
Jfr. A. 1) . Lconnrd
01 Uticn , X. Y. , suffered severely from Liver
and Kidney troubles , causing greal piln nnd
_ . . Other medlcinfj
-p. i r- )
That Tired Feeling nnejto do him
any good , bul so successful and sallsfacliry
was Hood's Sarsaparllla that lie has tal.rn no
other medicine and U now well The best
known hidner nuil Hrcr rcmffdles are so
happily combined \vltli tonics and alteratives in
Hood's SaE'saparilla
that it H an unequalled remedy for all troubles
with these Important orpins , overcomes
Tlrod 1'ecllliR and umUcn Iho Mrati ulrony.
HOOD'S PILLS cum ll.ililtiul Constipation by
' ' canaL
Tfttn * ' - n oiirnontnry
WoiHlortuI S | > i > iil8li
llfincdy , Id mlit with n
Written Cunrnntoo
I'iciirc utl Ncivutin Ills.
< i .fl , BIII.II DJVoalc
Mdiinry. Iti-a t. ( llraln
1'owcr. Ilcnilachc ,
XVnkrrillllc , I.oil.M.iii
liooil , Ncrvounnrv. Laj
ulluilr , all ilialni anil
Bo'oro& After Uso. Ion of | incr nf lha
riiotocraphcd from life. ( irncratha Orpan/i / In
cither BOX , causin by
otrr-rxpillon , jollthfill llnilfii HIIIIH , or HIP "cinilvj
a.1 of tel ncto. niluiuflr | Bllinuliiiils , ulilcli nltlmnlily
lend In Innnnlly , Cin uiiiitlnii | niul ImnnltV 1'ut up
inrniitriitrnt form t i-irn lu llicxp't imkit rntc
51 a 1'iicknfp. urOfor JS.lthcvciy fmiiln i-Rltn
written Biinrnntou to euro or refund tlio
enonor. ftcut l > y mill lo nin nililr s. ilrinlnr lite
inialll | | cnVHlope .Mflillon ( Ills | 'i | er AiiJctM.
HAD.1ID CHEMICAL CO. . limncli Olilcs.'oi U.3 A.
3M IXniliorn Str.Tt , ClIK'AfiO , It.U
Ruhr A Co. . Co r 1MU 4 DouKlaa KU
.A Fuller & Co. . Cor HUi * i Do-jaluSta.
Everybody will be at the
Men'sFine Worsted Suits$12.75.
We will place on sale Saturday morning , 200 Men's Fancy
Worsted Suits at $12.75. There are 125 sacks and 75 cuta
ways , elegantly made and trimmed , perfect fitting goods , which
retail every day for $ JS.OO and $20.00 , , Every clothing buyer ought
to see them. All sizes. Sale begins Saturday morning.
Cassimere Suits , Price $9.75.
To make this sale more interesting , 150 suits of Fancy
Cassimere , single breasted sacks , will be sold at $9.75 , which
cannot be bouht outside of our store for less than $15.00.
75 styles JrX , of new Fall Overcoats to select from , ranofms : in price from $7.75 to $18.00.
g . . BOYS' SUITS.
OvJ ' at the Continental on Saturday.
You can save dollars in buying Boys' Clothing
$3 _ 00" Don't fail to see our $2.50 , $3.00 and $3.50 Knee Pant Suits , A score of styles to
\ JJ \J/
< Q C/\j'\ ' select from % ' * '
' SUITS $2.00.
: BOYS' , . .
We have about 75 suits , ages 6 to 14 , of Fall Weight Suits , the balance of last week's sale ,
which will go on Saturday at $2.00 ,
Boys' Hats , Saturday , 25 , 35 and. 50 Cents.
Continental Clothing House :