THE OMAHA DAILY TWENTY-SECOND YEAR. OMAHA , SATURDAY' MORNING , SEPTEMBER 10 , 1892. NUMBER 81 DEPUTY FIST'S ' DISCLOSURES Ho Pretends to Explain Where Adams County's Funds Went. ACCUSED PAUL OF TAKING THE MONEY \Vhllo KmmlnB tlm Affair * of tlio Olllco Worn Not lli-niR I'mporly Uon- tml lie Drcl ires Tlnit llu Could Do Nothing. f HASTINOH , Nob. , boot. 0. [ Special Tele- Krnm to Tim Br.c.J At lait ex-Deputy Uounty Treasurer Einanunl fist has glvon to the pubtto tils statement of the county treasury tnudillo , nnd to nay that It Is sensa tional Is to put It In mild language. If ho can provo ono-half of what bo alleges as true , the AUnms county treasurer's ofllco was the Bcono of corrunllon almost boyonil desovlp- tlon. tlon.Tho morning session was partly pant In nn eiTort lo secure a Jury und after ninety- nine men had boon oxamlnoo as to their fit ness to sit as Jurors , twelve were tol03tod to Iry Fist for tbo crlmo of being an accessory to the embezzlement of county funds. County Attorney Hooppnor made tUo state ment of tUo case to the Jury ou tbo part of the prosecution. Ho exooolod to provo Ibat n shorlagu In tbo treasury during the admin istration of Charles H. Paul had been con nived at by fist acllng as his deputy. Attorney M. A. Hartigan for the defense followed. Tbo defense expected to provo that Mr. Fist was not Paul's deputy during the last term , but lhat Paul handled the moaoy himself , Fist acting merely as bis orvunt. The whole scaudal began while the now court house was being built. Paul was Interested In a brick yard and Mr. Hartigan said that before the bond * votoa by the su pervisors had been negotiated P.uil had drawn out f-JS.OOO for use In the yard , nnd this turn had never boon entered on tbo books or returned tnlo Iho ireasury. When ho look the oQlco Uo had but little property. \Vliurn llio Money \Vi-nt. To show where the money went ho snld It would bo proven that $ WOJU was sunk in Iho brick yard , $11,000 had gene to H. Bost- wick , president of tbo defunct City Na tional bank. $15,000 had been lost in real es tate1 .peculation during the boom , 1,000 had been lost in Paul's Mexican mlno which had been loft htm liv cx-Congrosamati Laird and that from W.OOO to fs.OOO bad teen loaned lo political friends. In order lo cover up his iracks Paul , bo al leged , burned In Iho furnuco all llio checits for u considerable period representing all the nbovo sums. Fist wjb all tbo time kept In tbo dark HS to Ibese Iransacllons , but twice lie protected tlio county by telling Paul fr.muly that unless certain mailers were mndo fight bo would dlvulgo Uiu discrep ancies to the proper authorities once at the failure of Iho City Ntllonal bank and the other lime ut Ibo'llual settlement with the supervisors. In the uflernoon U wns agreed by stipula tion that Pjml was treasurer fiom 1SS8 to Ib'JJ , nnd that Fist was his deputy from I8SS to 1MU , tlio state claiming that ho continued BO duiluir the tv\o other joars. Mr. Paul was broughl up from the court house Jail vvhrie ho is tontlned while awaiting aclion of iho supreme court on his motion for a new trial , and was called on us a witness lor Iba BtHlo. Ho simplv deposed lo inn fact that he bud known Mr.-Fist for ton years , and that during the vcan from ' 1888 to 1893 ho had served him as uoputy. The defense wished to question htm ou his connection wllh n Mexican mine and the Hnsllngs Pressed Brick company , but Iho court re- refused to allow ihequcsllon lobe answered. now rut Ai-tvii. On redirect examination thu ssml-annual Btalon.ents incite lo Ihu Board of Supcrvis ors were nbown to bo In Mr. Fist's hand- u riling. Air. Fist had nusoluto oonlrol of the books , as Paul was physically unable lode do any nf iho clerical work. On redirect cross-examination the dnfcnso endeavored to show that Fist was but a hlicd dent and did not have any authority to act as deputy. The checks ho issued , and which were re turned by the banks on which they wsro Issued , were destroyed , ns they were very voluminous , nnd Incumbcrcd Iho office. Mr. i'lst know lhat Iho checks were to bo do- Mroyod and interposed no objection. Mr. Paul said that at iho tune the chocks were issued ho bellevod that ho had the stubs , but afterward ho could not find them. Jay Chcrrv wis tax collector for Hastings in Ibb'J and Indcntlllcd the chocks and re ceipts in what are known as the "Cherry Items , " the receipts being in Mr. Fist's handwriting. The chucks were produced nnd shown bv.tho defense to bo onnorsed by Mr. Paul. The Litllo Blue township Items were then explained to ihu Jury. Expert J. It. Kntclifto , who made Iho examination of the books , was called on behalf of the state. A discussion arose over an objection made to n question us lied tlio witness , "What actual amount of shortagQ did you find I" tho'do- fonso claiming that tuo verdict of the Jury which tried Mr. Paul was Iho best evidence. After nuthniillcs had been Inlroducod reaching back lo England thu court ordered the quosllon answered und Iho defense failed in Ihelr ofl'orl to fix Iho shortage at 57,10 , the nm unt Mr. Paul was found guilty of om- be/rUng. Judge William Clasllu has associated him self with Messrs. Harligun , Tlubets , Moroy end Ferris of Ihe defense. Mr. Fist stales in a conversation that il permitted to go on the witness stand he will show whcro i O.OJll of ino county's moiioy has gone , Ihu $ > , OtO additional being tees , etc. > arrow lUcapn Ironi u TorrllitK Dmtli. Ni'iiu SKA CITV , Nob. , Sopt. 0 [ Special avicgrum lo Tnu DmWhilo ] handllnc n can of schctluo at iho McEllilnny Manu facturing company this uft.'ruonn Hardy JiuKcr , a young employe , had a narrow escape from a horrible death. In some way tliuLontfiils of Iho can bccamelgnlted and ox- Vlodcd. The burning lluld wns thrown over the boy nnd bo wns covered with llamc.s. Fellow workmen oiaingiilshed the flumn& , Ixit not until ho WAS badly burned. The boy wns must seriously burned about thu eyes , but phvbicUus say Iho sight will not bo'dc- mroycd. J , H. I'ippert , a clear manufacturer of thla pity , loft lown very suddenly a low weeks ngo. Ho was last heard of In Chicigo. where it Is bald hu was in a demented condition. I'lt'iiioiil rumoiuilH , FIIKMOM- , Neb , . Sopt. 9.-Special [ to Tun BiU. ! | Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Murphy and tbelr triplets , two boys und ouo girl , have returned from the state fair , where they re ceived iho blue ribbon for iholr chubby aud healthy triplets. Prof. Hornbergor , democratic candidate f or Btato school supjrlnlondeni , was In the Cltv today. Mr. IILU Mrs. Hny Nye have returned from their extended trip oast. Tlicoiioio Iluutio and wife have returned from Stieuoypun. The member * of tuo Woman's Christian Toinnoranco uniop inct at Mrs. E. C , Ush- ri' this ufltnnoon. IMnill.-Hcu'llll. ( liUMi ISI.AXP. Nob. , Sept. 9. fSpcolal to TUB BKU.J The marriage of MUi Emma Uoelln to Mr. Charloi Monlk tunic pluco It this city last night. Both the young people uie prominent In nodal rlrclos. Afier Iho oeruinony IK ihu homo of the brldo'H mother Mr * . C. Ott , a committee of the LlcdorUrutu eociety stepped Into the parlor-i ana Invited fhe couple and companv to tbo largo hall Where a reception was tendered. It. II. Dli'Mim lll'lrn rd. O'NKiu , Nob. , Supt. U iKpeclal to Tup lieu.In ] the celebrated Und oata lu whicl tbo Ute of South Dakota prosecute * U , It. Jickson , nnd In which case the Rovcrnor of < obra ka R ran ted a requisition to extradlto Mr. Ulckson , und in which Mr. Ulckson ap- tiled to Judge IClnkald for n writ of habeas corpus , in deciding the ease on the nppllci- Ion todav , the court said : "My decision In his case Is that , Inasmuch ns the purported copy of the professed tmUcimot.t on vhlch the governors of Soulh Da cota and Nebraska respectively have acted and on which this requisition was grunted docs not contain the naino of the ororaan of the grand Jury or Indicate that ho orlclnal indictment was signed by the foreman of n grand Jury , and without which no Indictment can bo created or pivon legal Uallty , that the ron.ulsltlon granted In this case Is an absolute nullity ; and tbo fact that his may have been un oversight wllh the ittornoys of Soulh Dakota for the prosccu- ton and the respective governois cannot niter the result. " Wont 1'olnt Novvn Notm. WFST POINT , Nob. , Sopt. 9.-Spoclal [ to Tnu Bui : . ] A dolljshtfully party was ; tven ut thu residence of Mr. aud Mrs , D. J. GlfTert , Wednesday ovomnz , In honor of vIss ! NolT , u nteco of Mr. Oiftert'.s , from Chicago. A dance pavilion was erected on the lawn , and n string of electric llghls were suspended from Ihu residence to Iho ilatfonn , tnus Illuminating the surround- ngs. The muslb was furnished by the Juvenile band. Later In Iho ovenlng iho party , numbering Dfty , ropahed to the residence , where n bounteous supper awaited them. The balance of the evening wns taken up In games , etc. Miss NelT re turned the next morning to her homo in Chicago. The llramen's picnic , which was held In this city Tuesday , proved to bo a gloat suc cess. Delegations ot firemen came from Fremont , Scrlbnor , Wlsnor nnd other points , and were met at the depot by the reception committee and escorted to the llretnnn's icudquartors in the city hall. The business louses on Main street were handsomely decorated. At ! i:30 : p. in the hose races L'ORan on Main street. The West Point running team and the Scrlbncr boys cntorod. The homo team did the act In twenty-nino seconds , while the Scribner boys turned on water in ihlrty-llvo seconds. Immediately Ojftcr Iho racing thu parndo began nnd marched from Lincoln to Main street and Uionco to Uivcrsldo park , wboro F. M. Franso delivered an eloquent eulogy on flro- mon in general , nfler which the Jolinek's stnnp baud commenced the ball by plujinc the firemen's dance. The picnic passed off pleasantly and the visiting llremon were loud In their praises of West Point's ' hos pitality. Close of the fall Term. HKMiNGroun , Nob. , Sept. . ' . ) . [ Special Telegram to THE Bin. : ] The fall tortnof the district court closed loJay. The only trial of much Importance was the Thorllon mur der case nnd on that the Jury tailed to agree. This term was presided over by Judge Alfred Burtow. Company O In Uiiinp. BnvTittcr ; , Nob. , Sopt. 9.-Special Telo- pramto Tun BnK.l Company C , First regi ment , Nebraska National guuras , wont into camp today for Iwo or thico day's drill at the Chauluuqua grounds. The company will bo inspected by Adjutant General Vifquain. OUT Tire H.I > ifiii'n oiait.iriss. . llnnl .llailu by Tr.ilu Koblirrs In the Cliaro- l - > o Strip. GuTHitiF. Okl. , Sept. 9. The southbound passenger train on the Santa Fo was late In arriving owing to Iho fact lhat it was hold up by train robban at Wharton , in the Cherokee strip , a station twenty miles north of this city. Tno robberi bad their hor.-ios hitched near tbo depot , and after atloiuptmg to rob the train remained there for some time. WharloiLU n little unprotected sta tion In the Cherokee strip , where a tyle- graph operator was killed two yours ago. This is the third lime trains huvo been held up thoro. When the Irain arrived at this citv nine bullet holes were counted on the west side of tno express car. The conductor , Ed ICiteh- Ing , stales that when bis train stopped to take water ho walked down the track and was met by his engineer aud llreraan with tnreo other men. Revolvers were leveled at him and Iho robbers wont on until they reached Iho oxprois car , when they de manded admittance. Thev were refused by Messenger ( Jeorgo Wagner. The robbers then opened fire nnd a fusilado of shots were tired. Wagner uud his assistant mood their ground. The engineer gives this account of the hold-up : The train arrived at Wharton on timo. Three masked men mounted the en gine and ordered Fireman Uossand Engineer Shocnaughcr to stop down. Then they com pelled Koss to accompany luom to the ex press Ooor and lold him lo batter It down. vVhon the first blow was struck on the door the express messenger lirod through it. The fireman stepped back , but the men with cocked Winchesters again commanded him to continue work. "For God's sake , boys , don't shoot ; they are making mo do U , " yelled the fireman to the messenger , and again the blows fell on the door. 11 was soon leueu , unu uiu ruuuurs en tered und ut once Pro it o open iho small safe , but it was oiLply. Tno expressmen bad ompllcd it while tbo door was being burst In , nnd hidden moit of tbo canlonU. Failing tn lind booty there , the robbers paid ihnir rospocls lo the larger safe , but found it im possible to open it. Not being prepared to force it , they backed out and left , tailing wllh Ihem two baskets of grapes as trophies of the mid. no effort was made 10 rob the pagsongors. Ono of the robuar.s was sta tioned at the roar ot Iho car and uhot when ever a head appeared at the window. Many shots were llrcd , both by Ihoso around Ihe express car and .ho guard nt the rear of the train. There Is no clew as lo the gang. I'KRi'Kttii niirn 'iu a.OM ; TIKM Uorgiimn hnys llo Will Kill Himself Itiithur Tlinn Si'i-vo Over Ten Ycnix. PITTMIUWI , Pa. , Sopl. 9. AnarchUt Bers- man , who attempted Iho life of H. C. Fricli , stated In an interview today lhat If his sen tence was moro than leu ycar.i ho would kill himself. There was not enough In llfo , ho said , to spend twenty or thirty years In prison , with the proipccts of a few years of liberty nftcn luo tfliitonco had expired. Said ho : "I fully realize tbo consequences quences of my attempt on the life of Mr. Frlck. I did so when I attempted to kill him , and -va * prepared to suffer the conncquonces had ho died. Moro lhan ten yours In pri on would bo worse than hanging , and if I had my choice 1 would prefer to hang ralhor lhan spend a lifetime in prison. " Bergman coolly talks of his erlino and ex presses only ono regret that his mission ( ailed. Ho does not glvo Mr. Fnok credit for Iho coolness and nerve claimed for him wnen tbo assault took place , uud says : 'Thcro is no use talking to mo unout Mr. Frick not being frlgutoiu-d. Ho was the worst scared man I oversaw saw and I don't ' blame him much for it. Ho believed I meant to kill htm , as I certainly did , and be had a right lo bo scared , as ho certainly was , " In ull nib talk Bergman steadily refuses to speak of nnyor.o else In connection with tha auMiult nml'sbouluora Ibo wuolo responsloll- Uy himself , I'ldully Shot UN Hnt'tilhriirt. SioohTOY , ( Jill. , Sept. 9. Anlono I'attl , on Italian of bad character , was arrested yester day for shouting a young lady named Mabel Wheeler in Coppur Polio lust nlflii. Ho bud been endeavoring to piv some attention ! , to her but shu refused to have anything to do with him. Ho met bur on the slrmil last night und tired iwo shots at her , ono of which look effect In the buck and will provo fatal. Mlis Whuolor h tlio ( laughter of a physician in Sun Francisco. One ol Cioiilii'it Murilnivni III. JOMRT , III. , bopt , U , Martin Byruo , one of the convicted Cronln murderers , it ill , and while uo Immediately fatal results are an ticipated it is iicknowlodged that bis condi tion It serious. Hu liui boon growing weak for tlio pan four uiouthi. STAMPED OUT IN ENGLAND Authorities Olnim tlio OhoUri Does Not Exist in That Country , INOCULATION AND THE PESTILENCE It In llclng U cilvllli ( Jritirrliir : ItosiillH In 1 nglUh llixpitiiln Jlr. Jlorli-y nnil the i\iclliui : l.i\\--riiiui'liil Tronblcg Notes ami ( losslp. [ Copyrlitlitpd 1953 by New York Associated I'rciu. ) LONDONSopt. . 9. Ofllcial reports show that the cholera has been absolutely stumped out of the United Kingdom. The local government boatd , the authorities at the chief ports and the greatest populous cen ters concur in tbo statement that no cases of real cholera , but only a few choleraic cases , huvo occurred. Experts say that though the disease was Drought to Knglund at a dozen different ports It has been limited to persons arriving from Infected places. The medical press assumes a triumphant tone at the success of tbo sauitnry arrange ments. The Lancet admits , howsver , that the defensive mcdsuros are in two respects defective. The system of keeping people arriving from Infected places under in spection for only a few days does not sulll- clcutly provide for immigration , aliens not knowing where they would lay their heads next. The fact that Hamburg ships replenished their water from Iho cholera polluted Elba was ever lookod. Still the re- null proves what the Lancet says , that the EnglUh system of Inspoclion is In support of the ordinary quarantine regulations. It is not certainly infnlliule. Ulbcase may tiller thiough the mihos of sanitary administra tion , but given general cleanliness nnd at tention to sanitation , no quarantine is neces sary to repel an Itiioadof cholera. The louo of tno Lnneet accurately repre sents the feoltng of the country. The local government board keeps vigilant. It has sent to the provinces a staff of traveling inspectors specters to arrange every where for the treat ment of patients. In the event of death oc curring cremation is oIlMally approved as the mothoa for iho disposal of iho bodies. Inooiiliittiiii ARiilnxt Cholrrii. Inoculation ngulnst cholera Is being prac ticed nt tue hospitals upon voluntary patients. It is reported to bo effective , Involving only slight fovorlsh symptoms. After unuor- t'olng the protective process for a few days perfect immunity fiotn iho dlsunso is al- laincd. Mr. John O. Now , Amsrlcaa consul general here , told the reporter of Iho Associated Press that there wa.s no icason to suppose that the steamship com pan lea wore trying to evade the regulations l&ic down In the presi dent's circular. Ho hiul consular reports of each vessel sailing and lie found tho" cessa tion ol steerage traflic general. Where In stances occurred llko the Marathon , the steamer dispatched by the Cunard company to carry immigrants , ho was duly apprised and warned the agents of the companies to take tbo necessary precautions - cautions against , infected passengers or ling- gaco. Ho knew of no instance since tbo circular camu Into operation whcro a ship carried both saloon passenger und emigrants. Tlio saloon passengers now embarked sailed with Ibo assurance lhat the vessels did not carry emigrant * . Uoferrlng to the question discussed in London.daily , that. If the as Mir- , . nnce Is bioien nnd the cabin passonccrs arc detained in quarantine , or othur"'U6 suffer , have they n claim for damages against tbo steamer companies , Mr. Now said l.c was decidedly of the opinion lhat they could so claim. .Mr. Morlrj's I'lrnt Olllclul Act. Among the first fruits of Chief Sorrotary Morley's presence in Ireland is the release of a man wno bad bocn imprisoned for con tempt of court by defying tlio decision of a judge on u question of eviction. Mr. Mtirloy liiib gene the whole length the law allows him in releasing this prisoner. Being nskuu if bo would reluso to aid tbo police in effect ing evictions , Mr Morley said ho had baon warned that hu was bound by ln < v to assent to ofticcrs assisting Iho shenlTln carrying out every eviction. If ho refused to give such assent ibon the Irish unionists would indict him for a broach of the law. Tlio convention of the trades congress In session at Glasgow is thn biggest meeting the body has ever held. There are in ul- itndancQ19.1 delegates , representing 4,9li- : ; (3I ( members The convention is attracting little attention , and many of IIK proceedings vcrgo on the farcical. A noted delegate , William Abraham , a working collier nnd copper smeller of Cwmavon. Wales , who rnpfoaents Hhondda in the House of Commons , volunteered to relieve tlio dullness of the debate nt one of the sessions by singing a song. The offer was grasped at by the wearied dole- gales , and amid loud acclaims Mr. Aorabam , who is a Welsh "bard" und is commonly known In his coaslituenoy by hH bardio name , "Mabon , " rendered with good effect in the WeUn tongue "Tho Men o1 Harloh. " This Innovation In the proceedings was a great success , iho members of thu congress enthusiastically applauding the voculistic efforts of Mr. Abraham and vociferously demanding an encore. Tbo political Influ ence accorded the congress seems to bo lessening. Iluostmrnt C mi inliM 1'nll. Tbo failure of tbo House and Land Invest ment trust ( limited ) announced today Is part of a scries of tlio Ulgantlu Bank and BuildIng - Ing society suspensions , with liabilities ap proximating i'O.OOU.OUO. The llrst failure announced in this series was that of too London nnd General bank ( limited. ) The next lhat of the Libcinl , Permanent Build ing and Investment society , and now comes this suspension. The nominal capital of each of these concerns does nn loprosent anything approaching the liabilities. The money which they ouo In chiefly duo to depositors and investors who have bscn Induced to participate in the nlTuIrs of the concerns by thu alluring li'gti ' rate ol Interest which they offered. The liabilities of t.'io London und General bank are roughly otttmatod nt .CI.OOU.UOO , those of the Liberal at i,50J.OUU ) , and those of the llousa aad Laud Trust t .3,000.000. Another great building and bank society Is involved In serious llnanclul dltntmlttos , but Its suspension has nolyot been announced. The collapse of this concern will shako the whole building < JD- cioty fcy&t'tm in Groai Britain. A run oo- curied today en the most prominent bank in London , the Associated Workmen's Building l''nnd. Although the suspensions must nfTuct the general Ilnnucial position , it U a singular fact lhat ( ho crisis cuiuos no panic orascare. Tbo Limited Building bank Invcsior.s are small capitalists .whoso llfo savings are swept away or are Imperiled by thu failure of the concern to which they Ifava entrusted their iconoy. The loisos which led to the suspensions are chlnfly traceable to Injudi cious speculations in London blocks. So far no suspicion of malversation attaches to iho olllojr * of any of the ruined concerns , although the holders charge thorn with concealing the true poililon of th'n In- sUtutlous. Thus a sharoholdur in the HO < IHO and Land Investment trust , otter repented applications to bo allowed to withdraw his money today , got a circular dated September II announcing llio trust's suspension. Al though llnuniu Is In tnu meantime uuatTuutcd , tbo ruin brouirnt on some investors must soon cause a sttatn on the t/i. banks , limn ral AniliiMiin t'rlllriilly III , Gcuernl Anderson of Cincinnati Is Ivlng critically 111 at Luccrnq. Hu IssulTcnnir from nnjnternal tumor. His son , bars Anderson , tiecoml secretary of the American legation in London , has been summoned to thu gen eral's bed < ldo lhat bo may bo with him In bis last moments In the ovoiiiof tun futul termination of his lllnen. Mr , Gladstone's address rend before the Oriental congress In this city has ucen balled us a proof of the adulator's ousrgy ana > . industry. Tbo manuscript covered 8,000 words , all In hi" own wrmng. Every extract tract and reference contained in iho address was mode by hunsolt nnd the address was chiefly complied durln ? tbo progress ot the lute election. The race ween at Doncnstor , wbloh In cluded the great til. Lodger , lacks Its usual social brilliancy. Many of the loading coun try families were nbjcnt or were only thinly represented. The largest party attending the meeting was thitt of tbo duke of Port land at WcIbLck nbboy. It Included the duke ol CumbrldRO , the duke \\istinitis- - tor , Uuko BeaUfort , Eirl nnd Countess Cadugan , carl of ICnlsUlllt'ii nnd Lord Chur chill. The party of Lord Hougbton at Fry- stone hall comprised thu duke of Devonshire , the duke nnd duohess of Mont rose , iho 'nor- quls nnd marchioness of Londondiury and tbo eait of Chostcrllcld/ Tno uuko of ConnnuchL and Priuco Henry of Biittenburg , shot five stugs In onu day recently , while btalklag lu the queen's forest , Unlqtio I'rcsout from the gnncn , The queen will present n unique wedding present to Princess Marie , daughter ol the duke of Kdiunurgh on the occasion of her inainagoln October .to Prince Ferdinand , the heir apparent to ho tnronoof Houmanla. Thu gift is n pleasure barge , tasbioncd In the form of n Bwan.i The neck and head form the prow whlcfi is eighteen tcot high. Tbo body forms thp cabin und the feet uro employed in propelling the boautlful craft. ir. ) Pienton of Philadelphia , who omcl- atod In Mr. Spurgcoii's pulpit in the Metro politan Uibornnclo during iho tatter's Until illness bus been finally accepted ns the per manent successor ot Ur.Spur con. Murdered u United btutcs Stillnr. Ucxoi. Italy , Sept. 0-J-l'ho United Slates steamer Newark arrived here several days ago to take part in tbo Columbus fulcs here. Among her crow was d'sailor named Frank Hcllly. Ho was n liberty man yesterday , and In the course ol his journey about tbo city ho visited n lodging house last nlgnt and was killed. The details of iho affair have not been mndo public * but , it Is sbid , ibat iho murJor ol Hellly was eiiliroly unpro- VO'rfO.I. It appears that the ' murdered man was ono of nine sailors frdui the Newark who bad stayed lee long ii-tuoro und applied for rooms nt the Hotel Universe at half hast 2 In the morning. A hclitcd squabble with the landlord ever the price of lodgings oasuod , and a waiter employed . .in tbo house , bellov- : iug that his employer was threatened with violence , stabbed Kojlly , twice , killing him. The waiter has burn arrested. .Moro Cumtlilaicn'hir S.ttntxIilpH. KOMI : , Sopt. 9. Thb ( oto of the nativity of tbo Virgin Mary wns'cdlobratcd nt ' .ho Vati can today by the usual religious ceremonies , and by the promulKatio'n' of decrees declar ing Unit examinations had , confirmed the vir- lures aud established 'ihe authenticity of the miracles attributed to Blanchi , the liarna- bi to s Baldlncccl , the Josmt ; Marlulla , also u Jesuit , and Loopold'of ' , 'Gaichls , the Fran ciscan , wboso names had brien submitted for addition to the c.ilcndui'Of " the saints. Be- nliticatlon will occur omtho' occasion of the popo's Jubilee. Now Jfork cardinals and deputations of Jesuitic ' .Franciscans and Barnubltcs were present ttt't.ho promulgation of ihu docrecs. The pop'oA'lvhois in Iho best of boallb , delivered an ; allocution , eulogizing these who nad just" been bcatillua , aud , especially , Leopold of Gaichts. A\ ill Tatio 1'arflu-tlii ) 1'rten. GUNOV , Sept. 'J. ICin IIumbort and Queen Muigorhlta arrived here 'on bo'ard the yacht Savory for rtio p'urpnso of 'tauln't' part in the Columbus fetes to bo.hold. ioro , LONDONSapt. . 9 ihiSSorman o'niperor has decided to _ ODto ifii acht , the Matcor , .1 ff Tniili ; Steams of I.ocau , la. , In Serious Trimble. Missoun : VrAi.r.iv , la. , Sept , 9. fSnacial Telegram to THE Bui : . ( Trade Stearns of Logan was arrested today for forgeries to tlio amount ot several hundred dollars. It was la tno shapn of forged notes purporting lo bo signed by"responsible men und which ho bold easily. Gambling and heavy losses are the teasons ho gives. Ho is a graduate of the naval academy at Annapolis. larrlllo Klectrlo Sturm. DimrquB , lu. , Sopt. 9. A torrlflo electric storm , accompanied by wind nnd bail nnd torrents of raiu , passed over the city this morning. The streets vVoro flooded nnd con siderable damage was done by the wind and lightning. Tbo Mathodtst church , among oilier buildings , was struck and considerably damaged. Rain fell nearly tbreo Inches , Shlulilx OjieiiK tliu Cmnimlcn. UUIIUQUB , la. , Sept. 9 The democratic campaign In this district was opened by Hon. James Shields of this city , candidate for congress , uv two speeches In Hnrdin county , ono at bUdora , and ono at Ackloy. Ho was greeted by an immense crowd at each place. ' ! CniHlicil ti Dentil Jlotweru Cur * . CP.DAH HiriDs , la. , apt. 9. ( Special Telegram - gram to TIIK Br.K. ] Ij'otor H. Warwick , a Butlington , Cedar Uaplds & Norihorn br.iKo mar , was caught between a couple of freight cars in tbo yards thU fiftornoon and crushed to death. . ArrungoinentH JVIailo to l.iiy tlio Oimlicr I'oot In HIM Last ItciUiii ; 1'liiue. AMIISIHJIIV , Mass. , Sept. 9. The arrangements - monts for the funeral of thn late John Q. Wblttlcr have hosn completed. The body was convoyed hero from Hampton Falls this morning and taken to tbo poot'pforincrboino on Friend stroot. Tto body will llo in state between 13 and 2 b'clocK tomorrow. All stores and plucoa of business will bo closed from 2 lo I o'clock. Many buildings are ul- roadv draped In mourpiug and Hugs every where are Hying at h'airnmst. Mr. Whlttlor loft a will containing quite a number of bcqncbts to'charitable institu tions as well as 10 relatives and friends. The document will bo given to the public in duo timo. Tb3 Item wnlub'-refers lo his funeral , is , bowovor , made public. His : "U Is mv wish that my funeral be 'conducted in the plain and quiet way of tbbSodoty of Frioudi , with which I am counseled , not only by blrlhrlchl , but also oy apsottled conviction to the truth of its principles and thn Impor tance of Us testimonies..1 ! The following requcdtMs' also contained iq thn will : " 1 ontru > t my'innnnscrlpts , lotion und pnprs lo Samuel T. Pickard of Port land , Me. , and rcijuest'nll who bavo letters of mlno to refrain frcfia puQllshlug them unless with his consent , " It Is expected that Mr. PlckarJ will super intend iho preparallou'pt his biography. .Mliilxtftr I'ol'liT'J Ursliriiatliin. SVA9IHXOTON , 1) , C. , ' Sept. 9. 1'bo an nouncement contained-'In the message from Homo , that Mr. Porter'tlio American minis ter to Italy , had rpslgned , will not surprise persons in official ciroloj bore If the report should bo voritiod. It has boon expected for some time that Mr. i'Qrt r would resign us soon as the Incident with Italy arulng out of the lynching of iho Italians in Now Orleans had pKBS d siilllcloiuly Into the history of bapplly ended International diniculllos to permit ol his rosirniulon : without any hue- gostlon that U was duo lo the entanglement arising while hu w ยง n United Status minis ter to Itulv. It has broa undorstooa fuir some time that Mr. Purtor would , before long , tender hit resignation uii'l color politics. y Sliot Hyii'\Vlld Went Ciniliny. UotKniiin. 1U. | S'sui. U. During the performance - formanco of a w'ld west bbow here , Mra , James. Fisher of O irand , 111. , was uhot und iHtnllv wounded , Shu was looulng ot iho cov/oovs ilrlni ; with supposed blunu car- tr > dtes , when a bullet fioni ono of their pis- toU puseod through her body. The entire company U unJer urroit. Arrival of the Ecnmlia from the Pcsl European Port , FREIGHTED WITH DISEASE AND DEATH Twenty-Nino of Her Pnaiengera Died on the Voyage Across the Ocean , CHOLERA IS AGAIN SEEKING ADMISSION Europe's ' Discnsj Spot Trying to Dump Its Scourgj Afll'otod on Our Chores. PRESIDENT HARRISON TAKES ACTION Ho Orders I'urt of Sandy llnolc Sot Aside for the Itecoptlon ol rnnsoiiKora on Cholorn Slilpn I'lujuo Notes. QIUHVXTINI : , Sept. 10. At I o'clock this morning lr , Jenkins had boon sleeping forever over nn hour nnd a half whou tbo telegraph operator called htm to deliver a message from the long uwaitod Scandla , whlou was expected in momentarily. Uoportcts hud been standing around waiting for him , hopIng - Ing against hope to got news of the safe arrival of the Scandln , whtcji had left iho plague stricken port of Ham burg on August -2" , loaded with 1,080 souls. She had the enormous number of 931 steerage , twonty-soven cabin and seventy- seven members ot her cr'w. Before she bud been many days out the cholera had uroicon out , and before she arrived the pest was fairly raging on board of her , thirty-nine cases occurring in half a week. Of these thirty-two succumbed before before she ar rived nt the lower quarantine anchorage. Consigned til tlio Deep. One by one , by couples and by throes the bodies of the unfortunate victims were dropped overboard. Dr. Byron boarded all tbo vessels at mid night. He found all well on board the Nor mannla , the Hugla , Moravia and Wyoming , but when ho leached the Scandi.i bo found this terrible tnlo of disaster and trouble. Thirty-two deaths had taken place , of which twonty-nino were in the steerage , two in the crew and ono in Uio cabin. There were still seven virulent cases on board and tbeso Dr. Byron removed to Swinburn Island. The Scandln Is Iho first vessel to arrive thoroughly infected wllh cholera. The Moravia , Hugia and Nor mannla had brought it in tboir tiocrageft , nnd in the case of tan. latter it bad worked among the crow. The Senndla has it from her bow to her tor n , from her main deck to her kelson. Cabin passengers , crew nnd emigrants nil have it In their midst , and she will prcoably bo iho hardest cholera importer to light of the lot. As though the Scandia was not enough for ODO night , another horror was added to tlio situation. Yesterday thu Wyoming was Iho only ono on Iho suspect list. Now , at 2 in the morning , she can bo classed as a cholera ship. Mrs. Person , the mother of Iho iwo liltln children , Ellas and Adelaide , who died yesterday of a suspicious disease , has herself succumbed to the dread disease. She with throe moro were removed from the Wyoming during the late forenoon yesterday. They were placed In the hospital nnd Mrs. Person died during the night. Thn removal of the seven cases to Swin burn island was successfully accomplished at 2:15 a.m. wn.fc AII > TIM : AuriumiTiis. : MouttiiRiir tlio N'mv York Cli unlicr of Ciiiu- ini'rcit to Dixrust Mm C'liolimi Sltinition. Nuw YOIIK , Sopt. 9. A special mooting of the Chamber or Commerce was hold ibis afternoon to co-oporulo wllh the authorities In iho cholera precautions. A communica tion was received from Dr. Jenkins , iu which bo appealed for some arrangements by wtiicli it would bo posslblo to remove to the shore no detained on vessels. 'JCacli our imperils them , " bo said. Secretary of the Treasury Foster made n brief speech , in which ho said ho was con vinced that both tlio federal and state au thorities had up to this time done ovary- thing posslblo to piovont tbo oulranoo of cholera. Resolutions were auopt-d commending Iho ofTorlsof authorities ot the state and federal government and deploring tbo necessity whlcb cumpollca Ihe passengers to bo detained - tainod on the ships , und siaiing that Hu manity demanded that arrangements bo made for thuir removal to isolated spot on ihe land. > After the mooting the committee prepared nnd sent a loiter to Dr. Jenkins , informing him of the appointment of the comniltteo and notifying him that tiiov hold themselves ready to co-operato with him and await an expression of hU views. They urge the doc tor lo avail himself of the use of Sandy Hook immediately , end suggest that he oalist the co-operation of iho Now York academy of medicine. These Miigo.stlons are made , say thu commlttoa , not to emtiarrass , but to aid the health ofllcer. nsTii.i\ci : ; : I.ADICN suirs. THO .Horn V ' HI'K | Arrive In > \v Vurlt llurlior tilth UlioluruIhoard. . Nuw YOIIK , Sopl. 9 Tbo Hamburg-Amer ican steamship Wicland reached tbo lower buy this morning nnd anchored und hoisted the yellow Hag , indicating thai who had &ick- ness , probably cholera , aboard , Thu vYlolun.d , llko the Itugla , carries both oahln and Etcerago passenger- * , and has bur full com plement of the latter. There huvo been two deaths aboard the Htcamor Wyoming. Dr. Jenkins thinks the deaths are suspicious and has sent the mother of the two children to S win burn Island for Investigation. Dr , Jouklns luu also found two childi on and the mother of another family sick with cholera symptoms tied sent them to the Inland. The imuilgratiu canjo from Uuoala. The Wyoming will go back lo lower nuaranllno und the slceraco pai on- gi > rb will bo landed on HotTinan Island for observation. 1 ho yellow llntf hus Mao been boiatod ou board the Nonnannla , whuro so many saloon passengera are detained In itplto of the fact Ihut Iheacourgo HOBUIS to bo uttacklng ihu steamship's crew and steerage passengers only.The The vollow flag is also Hying from the pole on Hoffman Ulnnd , i Though the news that two moro cholera B111ps were lu port Incrcagos tue gravity ol &P the situation at qunr.inllno , tlioro u. no ularm fell In ofllcinl circles nnd the ( . " * th authorities are still continent of I'r * ? nhlo to keep the dread \ \ \ \ * . ir from landing. Dr. Jenkins said \ t nUht thcro liiui buen no now cases nblS\il tliu Moravia for sovornl d lys an-l how ? conlUiont the disease hid been stamped * aboard that vessel. \ v The British steamer Joseph John , win loft Hamburg August ' . ' 0 , passed Saul Hook for Now York iilSi'JJ. The voss roglstois but 1'J'iT tons anil is of the team1 species of Mo.imor. She reports nil woli anil no sickness among her crow of twenty * two men , The White Star steamer Brlttannla arrived thli morn hip. She hail IM5 c.iblu and 711 st'orago passengers. All tire well. She will nrobauly go up tomorrow morning. The Spree Is expectoJ to BO up latu this after- noon. The Prince \Vllll.un , Saglnaw nnd Aisail wont un today. An appeal Is today addressed to Ciovornor Klower limned by a committee of passengers. Hist and second class , of the stcatwn1 Nor- niannia protesting nguinat being kept pris oners aboard that cholera Infected ship. The petition U signed by n commlttoo cou- slsilng entirely of physician * ) , and nmung other charges against Dr , Jonklns n the allegations that the health ollleori only visit ' the vessel uvcrv two or three days , ma'ko no systcniallo nnd regular Inspection , and that dead bodies remain on the vessel n dongor- ouslv long time before removal by tbo health uuthorllics , l'KiSlli.NT : : IIAIttaSON TAICKS ACTION. Ho ISSIIOA Oriliim Coiici'inlni ; I'litumiigcrii on I'lngim .Ship * , Loo.vLujK , N. y. , Sept. 0. The presi dent had a full day today. Ho diovo with Mr , W. D. Phillips to Sarunac , dollverou n bpcoch there and ni turned in time for dinner. At Saranno the president was the guest of L.V. . Fisnor. At noon ho daltvoroJ an ad dress to the people of the town , very briefly , in the public stiiKire. Ilothnnliod the people for the cordiality of his reception , llo would not , Uo said , attempt to discuss public ques tions or to say morn to his liumvri than that they could not escnpa tno rosponsjbillty as American citizens , a nil it well worth the whllo of each to think what conlrlbuiion he happlnojs of his neighborhood und to the glory of this great nation. Before leaving this morning the president was advised that it was desirable to a portion of the Sindy lloolc reservation as a camp for detained" passengers of vessels ( ju.irantlned in Now York harbor. Later , on tbo receipt of telegrams from the secretaries of tbo navy and treasury , ho sent this : TOTIIK ACTI.NO SKCliErAUV or WAII : In rlcw of representations in ido by Hourutarloa Kostur nnd I'r.icv I desire th .t u siilllclent portion nf the reservation at.Sandy Hook bo act apart for use an u e.unp foi quarantined steamship passengers. llisi.MIN : HAIUII.SLIN. The president advised the secretary of thu ticasury of this order , at the bumo time cau tioning htm as to the dlllleully of maintain ing n proper quarantine of such n camp if established , And also of a posslblo embar rassment Hint might arise frmn tlio removal of the passengers out ot Ilia jurisdiction of Now York olllcers. Both these quubllons must be loft to the judgment of the ofllecrs on iho ground and these who Know the situa tion. Ho nlso directed that noiico bo tnvoi : all steamship companies that if they per sisted In bringing immigrant * from infected ports that It ir.l.-lit result In their being de nied entrance to our harbors Will Itn Tulifii OIVToiliiy. Qiuu.vXTiyu , Sept. U. Tlio late afternoon report todav from tbo lowur quarantine was much moro reassuring than previous reports , . \Viili the exception of tlio "deaths and cases onboard the steamer Wyoming , whlcb , at the worst , are q ly suspicious 01103 at present , ' "tlio now ca' Edward Wolss and the death' of Carl Blessing which were reported in tbo early forenoon , are the only now develop ments of the dav. Dr. Jenkins was sosn tonight with regard to various subjects connected with the cbolera and the quarantine mailer Ho was asked thu alt Important question as to the loleaso of the cabin passengers on board the Normannia and liugia. Ho said that they would be talici oil tomorrow , the Slonlnglon receiving the former nnd the Now Hamn- shire the lattor's pissongori , If thcro was anv sickness on bo ird the Scandla her pas sengers would bo landed nnd kapt on tbo Hook. ICsripinl f l oin ) . MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Sept. -Soorgo ( S. \Ve.ivcr , the European agent of the San Francisco Tea company is here nnd says ho was 0110 of the passengers aboard xtha Nor- mannia. Ho savs be escaped from thu vessel and quarantine regulations by swimming surreptitiouslv to auothor vessel lying near In Now York harbor und from there getting to shoro. Ni\v : YOIIK , Sept. 9. The Hamburg- Aniorican ugonls hero looked ever iho lists of all passengers but found no onu named Weaver aaiong the .Normannla's pasbcngers , nor is there such a naino In ( he list of tno crow. They plnro no faith in the .story of anyouu's ocapu from the steamer. .tloro CoinplulntH ol I'li New Hvvr.x , Uonn. Sept. 9. Samuel A , York , jr. , son ol ox-Major York of this city , writing to Ills father from the cholora-ln- fcctcd ship , Nora nnia , complains bitterly of the manner In which the passengers are treated by the ship's oflloors The slek and dead , Mr. York says , are loft aboard from twelve to thirty-six liouri. Tbo boat Itself , ho asserts , is in a filthy condition , nnd the ofllcors nra olthor unwilling or unable to make iho men clean It. Oeorgo A. Butler , president of the Tradesmen's bank of this ally , writing to u friend , makes blmllur state ments. Ho says the situation is becoming dosporato. _ Inlrrtril ( Mill lillii ; \\iiHlu-il \7\tiiiiNorox , U. C. , Sopl. 1) ) . The Tioas- urv department he.s been informed that tbo bcddini ; which was cast nwuy by the Mora- vii on Its voyage to Now York , and which was thrown upon the Now Jurioy coast ru- conttv , has boon burned by the stuto health authorities and that a patrol has ueon ostab- lishud along the coast tor the destruction by tire of any artlclu found on llio s jashoro that , might po bibly contain contagion. In vlonv of the jirocautluns the Treasury department will t.iko no action in the matter. Tllll'iltt'iii'd VliilitiU't * . Nr.\v YOUK , Sot. | ) 9. An nxcltlni ; scene ivas created In inn ofllcu ol the Hambure- American company today by L. UolditacUor , a merchant of the city , who rushed in oxcit- cdly , hat In hand , and while toarj trickled down his cheokb lijrcolv demanded and then besought the rclotio of Ills mother and two brothers , who uro detained on the ul.nriiu ship Norinannla. Ho talked about Hhootlng lr Jenkins. Finally ho left , to carry tils uupcal to tbo qunrantlni ) commissioner. Mhiiimntu'H ( iiiturnor I'ninliiniK. Sr. ljvui , Mlnri. , Sjpt. 9 In vloiv of the danger to tbo Jtato from the spruad of chol era , the govnrnor has dotunnuiod that ovury- thlng posslblo shall be done to prevent Its getting a bold here , und to that end ho has Issund n proclamation calling on all cltloi , villages and towns In ilia unto in plncu thuir roipoutlvo localities in a stutu of Kanltarv do- fciiHO against the throatcnod invasion of cholera , _ Tlioy U II ! linn h inil > llixiK , I ) . 0. , Honl. ! i.--Actln Sou- rotary Urant thin morning toie-jrapliod Hoe * rotary Chailo > t'ostor at Mow Yor. < reluctantly - antly giving punnlssloii touuuho govern ment lands at Snndv Hook for iho qn.iran- lined cabin p.munKurs 0 ( tuo Atliinllo liners , _ Hull ) nod limn IJniiruiiilnr. Qi'tiuNTiNK , Sppt. 9. The Spree , from Itromcu , has been rclouseu. fiiivurnnr I'limrr lul iTxIcil , AIIUSY , N. Y. , Sept. -ovornor.I''iover ( ! has scot a toleifram to Iloiilth Onicur.lonklns , [ CO.TU.SUKO O.N 7UIIII ) t'AOL , | HELP ORDERED TO HAMBURG urgoom anil Mo.loil ! Oorpi of the Elev enth Army Oorpa Will Go There. PLAGUE'S ' VICTIMS IN THE FATED CITY Nilinlinr of Cm PS Now In thn IlotpltiiU- . Tliu Do.itli ( toll lor u liy Inuompu- tout Olllcliils .iHlccil to Itnslcu Words of Advice. [ CoiiyrliAitutl IStf IT .Inuics ( lor.lon Itctmott. ] CASSEI , Sent. 9. fNow York Herald Cablo-Spoclal to Tin : lice. ] Cholera In Hamburg Is Increasing In virulence. On demand of tlio local authorities tue surgeons mid medical corps of the Eleventh corps huvo been ordered there to give assistance. ilaiiitiiirc'it A fn1'llRlit. \ . HtMiiuito , Sopt. 9. [ Uy New Yonc Herald Cable Special lo Tim BKK. | Hovlsed statistics of the Statistical Bureau for the epidemic , are promised for Sunday next. As fur us the revision goes there Is no doubt but ibat the disease has steadily decreased since the end of August. The pollco convoyed yesterday 117 sick to the hospitals und ninety- two dentils are re ported to tun Statistical Bureau. Thord were 39,1 now cases and -1" > deaths , of wbicb IT ! ) sick nnd sovonty-four death * took placa previous to yesterday. The number of patients In the hospitals ul midnight , September n , were ' . ' , U8S , a ! mid night , September G,005. . The slate physician , Dr. Erman , In this morning's correspondence , convincingly piovos that the disease was not introduced by Uasslau Jews confined in the Hamburg- American Packet company's barracks. On the other side of the river I know positively that good health has prevailed right along. Few cholera patients have been tnUon from ihcso oarrucks , nnd they only between August " . " ) nnd September G , nnd they caught the disease here. Theio are now ever 600 people in tbo oarracks. The ) * are all well. Private contribution ! have run up to eve * 000,001) ) marks. Tbo Island of Heligoland la the 01 ly outside place ibat has sent money contribution so far. \ \ olds of Advice. ( Conyrliilitcil lJi by.lnmi * ( .union llonnott. ] , Sopt. 9. [ Now York Herald Caula Special to Tin : Br.c. ] It is proposed to dismiss all the supcilor officials of the Ham burg police who have failed so signally to rlso lo the height of thu emergency. ' An attempt will bo made nt Hamburg to organize a charitable icllcf soclctv , modeled on the plan of Ibo Neapolitan society of the Crccn Ctoss. Prof.'Pand Pckln , lo whom cholera is a common place affair , said to mo todayi "Cholora germs uro not dangerous unlit they enter the intestines. As Ihey usually reach intestines ihrouk'h the mouth iho greatest care should bo taken. Have nil water used boiled , not only iho water that ono drinks , but water used for wabhtng , bathing , clean * ing glasses , knives mid crockery. 1C this simple precaution Is observed there would bi no need lo fear thu cholera.1' MA.HIUr.G'.S IIU.VUTKK.NUING Vlntlms of tlio rincno Uiinippil Into tjriuei Without liUiiitlllcation. VinxNA , Sopt. 9 In an interview Dr. Wortmann , who has Just returned from a visit to Hamburg , said : "Only the doctors have bucn nblo lo Iho heartrending and , sickening scones lu Iho hospitals of Ham burg. The epidemic has reached such a pitch Ihoio Is no liino for provonlive meas ures , as every innntent Is occupied In attend- iiiu' lo the sick and dead , Idunllllcnilon oven is out of Ihu question. Very few names uro given und hundreds urn piled In nameless graves. Relatives can only guess the late of stricken friends. The common misery ap pears to have hardened Iho people. Nobody who accompanies thu dead Is ever seen cry ing. Tnoro is little doubt that many hoallhy persons , especially clilhlreu , have boon taken lo the hospitals on suspicion , und thcro have been Infected. There is no law providing for the forcible removal of sick poisons from houses , therefore I bollovo that the opldomlo will continuo spreading throughout iho win ter , 10 reappear wllh vigor In Iho spring. " The Jti'ciiril In Kimslii. ST. PuTEiisiiuito , Sept. U. The returns for the wbolo omplio show that 4,001 now cases of cbolera xvoro reported on Monday. Tua deaths numbered 2,510. On Sunday thu now cases loportcd numbered 1,779 , an excess ) ( 65 cases ovnr these reported Monday. Tbo deaths on Sunduy were 2,07.1. Monday's llg- urus show au Increase of 107 ever Sunday's returns , und 119 now cases of the disease were reported yesterday In the city ot St. Petersburg , This u n decrease of 19 casoi , compared with Iho returns of Tuesday , The doalh list was larger , however , than it wai tbo day before , yesterday's lolal reaching W , agauibt a total of 31 on Tuesday. llarionliif ; hcrnrs ut llumlnirg. LONDON , Sept. 10. The Morning's Hum- burg corrcspor dent describes the Ohlsdorl cemetery and llu route thither. The np. preach , ho says , Is now shunned except by an unending procession of hearses. Hq adds : "Already OU.OJ ! ) bodies have boon uurled In the cemetery. Two , bund roil grave diggers are working at increased wages day and night. The boJIbu nra buried on masse In truncho ) . A great num ber of corpses are lodged iu huts In tno comutury. Thu march from the hoarno to grave proceeds with togulurliy. Uororully there l u tine ot bcan > oi half a inllo long wuitlnir. Clioliirii nnd Itiotn. TBIIKIIVN , Sept. 9. Tbls cily has been tba scene of u iterlous riot , during whlcb a moo fiercely attackou iho local prison. So de termined was their assault that they gained possession of thu building. They then lib- crated the prisoners. A number of Jailer * were killed by rioters. The mortality from cholera hnro has av- orugcd twenty-one dully since u week ago. hriiiupii Won't Milt | lor LONDON , Sopt. 9 , The presence of uholora in Hamburg has frightened many seamen to such an extent that many of them refuse to ship on vjsiols bound for that port or in- lending to call there. Not only do Idle soa- mun refuse to alilp , but oven some of tuoio who huvo already signed articles dooljno to stand by tbolr ves el , whou they loan , they are loading for Hamburg. Moro Aliirm In Itcrlln BIUI.ISSopl. : . 'J.--A fresh cholera coio at the Moablt hospital yesterday , mat of a woman who arrived at the city only the day before , has revived alarm hoie. Tlio Inhab itants uro In a muteof beinl-pnalu in Bruns wick ami Wormgurude , A liumljurK court onVlnl became Insane yubturduv owiui ; to bib fear of cholera. Out'iuti on tlii < llnituriluiii , Duni.iv , Sept. 9.Tho Htoamor Uotterdam from Hamburg arrived lust iivonlng flylnif a yellow Hug , She was boarded by tbe health olllcur , who was Informed that ono ot the ic.uiion on board hud buon attacked with ciiulurn , The man was removed to a boa- pllul and tbo steamer was thoroughly luml- yutcd. _ .Sn riioliiiu lu < Ililtnln , l < osiuiv , Sopt. K-Tho local Rovornmsnt board stnti'H that iboro U not u sltiglo ease of cnolora throulivut the UuUuU