TALKING OF WINTER WHEAT Nebraska Farmers Show Something in That Line Woith Lee iag At , COUNTY EXHIBITS AT THE STATE FAIR Some I'hrmimcrril Yintilt nl tlio Corral llc- purli-il .SamploH Thiit Itrrrnrd 1'ro- inluiiia SlumIn tlio Dairy unit I'lili Uopiirtiiirnti 1'iilr Notes. LINCOLN. Nob. , Sopt. 8.- [ Special to TUB UKK. | A dark , cloudy morning , with now unu then u sprinkle of rnln , which throat- cncd to como down Iti cnrnQ3t , lusted until neatly noon ami prevented many from visit ing the fair grounds until lutcr In tlio day. About noon the skies brightened nntl the way the crowds entered ttio gutos soon made It iipparoiit that the lurgo attendance of yos- tcruny was lo bo discounted today. This evcnln ? the people of Lincoln have moro guesti than ever buforo entertained In" the Capital City. Last night the Pompeii box cfllco men sold over 11.UiW tickets. The tho- otcrs were crowded , Burllnpton Boaeh nnd Lincoln park wens jittninoit , nnd yet the itrcuts remained almost Iminssablo. But tonight the crowa Is still greater. Tim races attracted unusual attention tills afternoon. Tlio grand stand was literally Jammed , aim muny thousands fringed the quarter Rtrotch , whllo other thousands thrungt'd the high grounds outsldoor perched on the roofs ol buildings und sheds. TurliryVhrut nnil Tulmccn. Tbo main topic of conversation among tliR county exhibitors is the sum crop and pho- r.omlnal yield of the Ttirltoy or rod wlnlor wheat , which was brought more fully to the notice of farmers through articles published In Till ! Bm : last spring. A few worus about tbu lamplcs in agricultural hall may bo read with Interest. The lurgoslylcld , samples of which arc bhown Is In the Un"go countv exhibit , lu charge of C. M. Koot. Tlio samnlo comes Irom u lU'J-aero ' Held raised by John Wurrun , averaging llfty-ono and onu-thltd buihi-ls per acre , over the en tire Held , nnd weighing sixty-lour pounds per bushel. This is only the third year mat G'igo ' county limners have been rinsing thu Turkey winter wheat , mi U Mr. Hoot says it Is taking the place of corn as a crop. Tobacco raising Is also being tried with success lu various parts of the Btato. Uago has samples which como from a ono-hiilf aero lot on which the raiser says bn will have ? 100 clear profit. Ho Is an old eaxlcrn tobacco raiser ana claims that Ne braska will beat the o.istern xtntcs. lie will RO Into It extensively ijext year. Kearney county shows samolos of red winter wheat whiclt averaged forty-seven bushels per aero und weighs sixty-four 11 pounds per bushel. Tins satnplo took second t premium. John H. Maxon , one of the coin- mil tea In charge of the Koaruoy county ex hibit , says this is the lirsi year's experience with Turkej winter wheat , but that thou sands of acres will bo sown this ( all. Box Bullo county shows a sample with the blue ribbon on It , taken from a Held of eight acres , which averaged forty bushels per acre , and wolKhs sixty-four and one-tenth pounds per bushel. A. Sherwood , who U In clinrcc and is also president of his county agri cultural society , explained the laud on which this wheat was raised had boon In cultivation only four yours , nnd that there Is not a press drill In the county. All farmers ugreo that the yield of winter wheat is In creased from llftecn to twenty bushels per aero by using tha press drill. Douglas county not llrst premium on wblto winter wheat which wotghod slxty- thrco and ono third ponnds per bushel. Douglas has Iho largest exhibit In the hall. Hayes county shows samples of Turkey winter wheat from u Ilold of sixty acres , which uvurnpctl lifty-thrco bushels per acre , nnd weighs blxty-ihreo and seven-eighth ? pounds per bushel. Also win to winter wheat which uiado forty-sovon und one-half bushels per ticro and wolgns sUty-two end one-half pounds , haves county shows sam ples of blackhullesi barley , and also of Polish wheat , winch are curiosities. Illtchcocic county took llrst , prize ou red spiliig wheat. 1'r.ilso Tor liuticr and Flsli. The dairy department shows such a marked degree of advancement as to bo wortuv of notice. Especially does the farm dairy pro duct show Improvement. In dairy and cream ery machinery wonderful progiess has been made durlnir the past your. Butter working inucnlncry of a year ace has been supcrccdcd by appliances so much better that the old is being thrown uwav for the now. The ofllcors ot the Illinois State Board of Agriculture visited the fair today and were shown through the department bv Superin tendent S. C. liasbctt. lu words "of honest I crittclbtn they freely stated that they never [ before saw n building so largo , so well ar ranged for display und with such good re frigerators us this. They also Ireoly ad mitted that In ornamental butter they bad never seen the equal of the Nebraska exhibit. Ono of the most striking novelties shown In the gla s refrigeiator Is a mass of gratiululed butter , Just as it comes from the churn , pouring from a highly polisnod buf falo horn. The Stuto Flslt commission exhibit is , If . possible , more attractive thnn nnvlhlng clso ou thu Kioumls. About tnlrty-elght vari eties of food tlsh are shown , besides many ornamental species. At present the com mission Is propoguttng oud distributing ni streams of the state the brook trout , saunon Irout , rainbow trout , wull-oyed pike , "black ba < s , Gorman carp , yellow porch , croppies nnd pickerel , The three latter have but ro- cenlly been added to the list. They have been placed In public streams aim lakes and lu private ponds , always with success. There are on exhibition four earn from Franlclln Bros. ' ponds , near Lincoln which were received from Iho commissioner In Ib'JO , nnd which now weigh seven 'pounds each. M. K. O'Hrlnn , superintendent , says they oru having splendid success with trout in the cold spring streams ot the northwestern part of the state. The largest Us h on exhi bition Is a blue cat four feet long , wclgnluc forty-Iivo pounds. Olio Nplonillil Kxhllilt. The Linlnnor & Motcalf company leads in the display in the Implement lino. Thev bavo oreetod an addition to their bulldlifi : which was ono of iho largest on the grounds to muko room for their increased exhibits They display over llfty buggies nad car riages , anil four car loads of machinery. Mr 11. M. Witllls , general manager of the J I Cuio Plow works , Haeino , WIs. , is present , shaking hands wlih his many Nebraska customers. Mitchell & Lewis company , Kacine , \Vis. . show a line farm wagon , with a box llulshod equal to iho best piano on the market. U Is iho center of attraction. The Daln haystacker pcnplo are represented by their sccrotorv and mnuugor , Mr. llranh.ill. The celebrated cutaway dlsu harrow and listing harrow Is1 being bhown up by G. W. Whitmoru ; the Uarlow corn planter and chock rower , by Charles Vulk. nntl iho nll-stool Champion buy press Is represented by Mr Hoed of Chicago. All the members of the llroi and a full corps of traveling men are here to meet trade uid , customers. Thl Is the place they , each \car , meet brunch bouso imuingoiB to dovlso ways and means to provide - vide for tliuir Increase of business , and to consult on various topics of lutcrcot Among different Hues carried are noticed ; J. 1. laso , ! plow goods , and Mitchel Hi Lewis wagons , Haclnc , WIs. O'Brien wagon , liu- r D uu fcuullor , Hell City feed cullers , Brown culllvntorn , Olivet-plows , sulklea undiraDes , Victor feed mills , Diamond feed mills . cutaway harrows , Caieadan grinders , feed cookers und tank heaters T. T. Haydocit , L. ana M. Woodhull , HIIU Fojitorlu buggies Flint and Cli max spring wagous and carts nnd ullor Buggy company's buggies and cms. Bobluson Manufacturing compauv. spring uukoiu , Sucker Slate ruunor pioas drill , Hocking Yalioy Uvo-hoo wheat drills , Imy. makers , food cutters , elder mills , shellen niid horse powers ; Guto City nbovolliig boards , bast end gates , with stool sides. It U a grand display , worthy of the great com- . pauy making U. " ' Do Witt's Sarsaparllln aojiroys suoa poi sons us scrofula , skin dlsnasoi , oozonri , rhoii- mutism. Its timely usonavH many Spcctaolos aeuuratoly flUod ; rofrnctivu ixuminutlon freo. Tudor Optical ( Jj. , luraor Furnuui uuil llth. BOSTON STORE TODAY Another Friday Remnant Bnlo Pieoos and Short Lengths Silks , Velvets and FINE IMPORTED DRESS GOODS Tlioiimiml * of .1)1 II Itninimnls of Dninnstlcs nnd riiuinrls A -inniiit : Sulo of Vltiil Importation In the Iliifteinrnt Cliuiiiiioii | llnmn.iiit All the fancy drapery slll < 9 , hi tick silks , colored chituv Bilks , nil go now tit S.'c npicco. Larrfo remnants , from " } to 10 yards , In llfjtired uhinas , plain surabs nnd chinas , blade failluantl moire silks , which sold up to 81.25 u yard , now go at ; )5c ) a yard. Silk velvets in high colois , from 8 to i yard , go today at ! Io for enliro plcco. Itagulnr dollnr qualitv plushes In all colors , IM inches wide , Jl to 10 yards in pleco , co at 2oo a vard. ' REMNANTS OK' IMPORTED DRESS GOODS And heavy novelty fine flannels in remnants worth up to&i.UO a yard , goat "o , fle. lOc , 23c for ontlro remnant , nc- oording to slxo. Ono result of the tremendous success of the great dress goods sales now in progress is that wo have accumulated hundreds of remnants ( from 2 to 8 yards IOUK ) . Many of these remnants are just long enough for dress patterns and rem nants of almost cvory kind of dress goods in the house will bo found in this lot. They will ho placed on snlo'todny in our ctrosa goods aisle at from a third tea a quarter of tholr vuluo. FRIDAY IS ALWAYS REMNANT DAY. . IN THE BASEMENT. Todoy wo will sell 10,000 yards host quality unbleached muslin , 3jc per yard ; it's worth " 4o oil the holt. Mill remnants of Sic , I'u and lOc mus lin go at ! jo a yard. 1,100 yards cotton nnd linen toweling , in remnants of 2 to 5yatds , go at 3 jo n yard. 1 case of remnants of pants cloth worth 15o and 18c a yard , goes "c yard. 1 case of remnants of wool plaid"llan - nol , 5c yard. 1,000 yards host table oil cloth in remnants , 12Jc yard. All the machine thread in white , black and colors ( from the Gluck stock ) , will bo sold today between 9 and 10 o'clock at lie a spool , in the baso- mcnt. THE BOSTON STORE , N. W. cor. 10th and Douglas. Friday is the last day of the state fair at Lincoln. Are you going ? MIUASK v SI-ATI : FAIII. I'rld.iy tlio Lust und Unit Day OliI SolillcT.t' IM.V. The general satisfaction expressed on all sides by thoho who have buen there justifies the assertion that this state fair of ours is tlio greatest over hold in No- bnibka. There have boon no false prom ises. Everything luis boon justawipp- robuntod. The last and best day comes otT Friday. As to speed there is the free for all trotting race for 3 year olds for SHOO. A 2.35 and it 2.20 trotting race for $000 each , and and n milo and repeat running race for S3UO , that should attract immense crowds. The races BO far have been strictly first-class and as the bobt have been reserved for the last it will bo your best day to ire to Lincoln. It will alto bo the gala day of the exposition - position , as this day has been set aside for the pleasure of the old soldiers. Trains lonvo Omaha nnd Lincoln at till hours. Tickets are one faro for round trip. Children nroadmitted , free to the grounds if under 10 ycurj old. Friday is the hut day of the state fall al Lincoln , Are you goingV ICall uy N'ntrs. Tlio comtimnucr-tn-chiof of the Grand Army of tliu Republic and bis staff , with too ladies of the Woman's Itcltof corps , will leave for Washington at 8 p. in. September 1(1 ( via the Burlington. The fnro for the round trip is fiiS.fidaml tickets will bo put on solo September Ki to0. . Mr. I < \ A. Nasli of the Milwaukee returned homo from Chicuco yesterday morning. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the bes ot nil roincJics for children tcolbinsr.J cents a bottle. The ontlro stock of horses owned by A. J. Popploton , including the stallions Zulu , Royal Oak and Traverse , will bo gold at auction at Eikhorn , Nob. , on Thursday , Sept. 1C , at 2 p. in. Friday is the last day of the state f.iir at Lincoln. Are you going1 ; to MilUu u Nv Contract. Having cancelled tlio John A. Wnltofiold lumber contract , tlio city has advertised for bids for fiirnihliiinr luipbcr , grudu stalies , nails and cement durinu the balance of t.lie .year. All bids received prior to1 o'clock , Tuesday ultornooii , St-ptcinucr ) ! ) , will bo considered. Disease never iucccsstutiv attack ) tbo sys tem with puru blood. IJjU'ltt's S.irsupartlla pure now bloo.l and oiirlcbei ulood. TIIK ItllAI.TV .MAItKI-.r. TNSTIIUMKNTH placed on record Sent. 8. 1 JMU : WAUIIAM'V IIKUtlf. O W PowMI and Ifu 10 U A Powell , lot 4. lilut'lc III' ' . Kluiuuco . $ 400 Allii'rt Von Vrott and wlfn toschool dl - trlct of Omaha , iot II , blojk " 1C , " I.ouo'n mid . , . 1,500 Frank UliryBlur to Mattlo Martin , lot L' . blojlc 10U. Uniikha . 1.1,005 Kinll Meyer to.lohn I.lnilur. lot I , hlouk II. K V t-iiiltli's aild , pait o H hlocl ; 17 , H K Honors' add. and IU ncres In no cor- HIT. nu sw ( i-H-ii : . i Union 1'uulllu Uallwnv uoinpany to ( J E 1'urklns. nw nw 17-l.VM . a o osouli Slmrll ; to Mury Hhurlk , lots ' . ' und L'J , liluelc . lliown park . 600 11 U Hut to MiiK'lu .Murray , lot 7 , lilock fr. Uloverdulu udd " ! > ' Dullult to S O I'hbipi.Tots 11) ) u nil Vo. ' blouk II. H line , , , . , 1,200 South Onmliu l.uiiil coiopaify to 11 0 Humes. Im i ; ; , block II ; ' , south Onmlm. CT5 I'.inma Iliuwur und Inittband to O M I.eailur. und ! i lot 4 , bo'-k | ' ft , l.vinan ' l'lui'0 . 433 I' M lluntnr to llt-rllia Slovens , lot la , block IM , HiiiiHuoiii I'lauo Wuiisul 1'ivunUu and wife to Daniel llannon , bVU feel lut 4 , block 12 , Hoiilh Unuhu , 1,803 IJUIT CI.UM IIKHIU. 0 A Viu > Ilousen and hiisliiind to Frank l-hryHlor , ULV ) , lilooU 10. ' , Oniulni u.500 I , l > Hiiinimiml ilnd wife lo K II Ilnnc'iin. lots It , ID.-U and 21 , bluuK I , und lulu U toll , bioul- , .Muynu I'liico 100 Total amount of transfers , .JUV-IKl SKIPPED BY MOONLIGHT Mr. Abbolt of tbo Soutb Roynlton Sboa Co , Vermont , Slripa Out. CREDITORS WHISTLE FOR THEIR MONEY ' I ) . C. .tunes Aipnliiti | < il Itrcolxor t'o nrsslon of thu StncK Slilps It to Chicago nnd Order * It Sold Without Itrnervo. , LAPIIAiM'S PALMER HOUSE StlOESTOUE IN UI11GAGO SOLO 13Y THE SHEIUKR Two bifr ovcnU in Oinalut which will this wculc create u bi uar sensation than the Sullivan-Cofbott light. THE UOSTON STORE of Oinahtv HUYS ALMOST EVERYTHING IN SIGHT. Wait for the prcat nhoo sale SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER IOTII. This will be the most marvelous shoo sale in the history of the world. The Boston Store beats the best rec ord over inudo , and scores a , triumph in shoe sales. The IJoston Store bocures the built of both Blocks at a phenomenally low nrico. THE FINEST LINE OF SHOES made in America , was carried by Lap- ham In his celebrated Palmer house shoo Btoro in Chicairo. Tlio Boston Store has got almost all of Lnphiun's stoclc. The South Roynlton Shoo Co. carried an avcrago line of shoos such as are kept in tlio usual shoo stores catering to everybody's tradn. The iioston Stnro has got almost every pair of shoes they had. You can promise yourself on Saturday the biggest bargains in tno world , nothing so big ever before. Tlio stock of shoos now carried by The Boston Store is moro than three times as largo us that of any shoo store in Omaha. The sale begins Saturday. Don't forget it. THE BOSTON STORE , N..W. Cor. 10th and Douglas. Further particulars and prices in to nights paper. Friday is the last day of the state fair at Lincoln. Are you going ? O. A. It. K.KCUKSION TO WASHINGTON Via tlio Wiilmsh Line. For the above occasion the "Wabash will sell , Sept. 13th to 20th. round trip tickets to Washington and Baltimoreat less than half farowith choice of routes ; passing down the beautiful Shenandoah Valley or erossiLg the mountains of Vir ginia by daylight , within sight of many famous battlefields. You have privi lege of stopping at St. Louis to visit the great exposition and fair ; also , view the magnilieont street illuminations and parade of Veiled Prophets , which v/ill surpabs in grandeur nllolTorts of former years. For rates , tickets- Bleeping car accommodations , and further informa tion , cull at Wabash ollice , Io02 Farnuin street , or write G. N. CLAYTON , N. W. P. Agt. , Omahatv , Nob. Oma 1m Can MfgCo.campaign torches The Fidelity Trust company has re moved its ollico to 1702 Farnain , southeast - east corner Bee building. Friday is the last day of the state fair at Lincoln. Are you going ? ltciii rl < al > ly I. cmUiistoni ItateH. Greatly reduced rates to Wiishinsrton , D. C. and return via "Tho Northwest ern Line , " Sopt. 13 to 20th , inclusive , good returning until Oct. lOtli. Choice of routes east of Chicago , with liberal stop-over privileges. Sleeping car berths can be obtained through to Washington. Call early at city ticket ollico for full information , 1401 'Farnuin street. G. F. WKST , R. R. RITCIIIK , C. P. und T. A. General Agent. Friday is the last day of the state fair at Lincoln. Are you going ? The republican electors of the Fifth ward will hold a caucus on Friday evening - ing the Oth inst. at 7:30 : p. in. in Jaynes' building , No. 1402 Sherman avenue , cor ner of Clark and Shormun avenue. By order of the committee. WILLING Tc Clerk CiruvcK anil Councilman I.DM ry Trnct- nhluVltiio < iscK. At the session of tbo Heal Estate Owners association yostoruay afternoon to continue the Inquiry into the cause oC the delay in starting publio Improvements thU year , Messrs. Boggs and Cathers , of the investi gating committee , were present , nnd City Clerk Groves uas on hand with tbo abstracts of all the ordinances and committee re ports touching thereor. ihnt had any bearing - ing on the subject of public works for Ib'JJ. Air. Uiovcs gave whut information he could In the way of 'explaining tbo action of tbu council In reference to tbo papers sub mitted , und did all that he could to assist the committee In the work that luid bonn mapped out for thorn. Ho loft the papers In tbo pos session of the committee , and expressed n willingness to give any additional informa tion desired by thorn that ho might possess , regarding thu olllcial aots of tbo municipal body In tlio matters under consideration , Councilman Lowry also dropped In to say that bo had no inclination to withhold any Information that lay In his power to give. Ho felt hurt by the story that had cotio out to that effect , und ho wanted the committee to understand tnat ho was not endeavoring to screen any of his own acts or these of his colleagues. No now Information was elicited , and the abstracts were placed ou lilo uud the in vestigation was continued for ono week , I'moiiru It lleliirn IAMIVIII Homo. Three yuan ago , whllo Ivas visiting rela tives at IIIglnsvlllo , Mo. , I was suddenly liken with colic and severe pains in the stomach. My relative ) sent to the doctor , for modlciuo , and hoaunt mo a bottle of Chamberlain's ) Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhceii Hi-inody , telling the oearor that | f hat mod- icluo did not euro mo ho could riot proscribe anything that would. I used It and was inv mediately relieved , HKNHY A. TIIOFKHX. Unljillni ; rtirinltn. The following permits were Issued by the superintendent of buildings yoitorday ; O. .1. Andurbon , one-story frame cotta o , I'orlr-hftli and Knklnu HI roots $1,500 A. I' . Tukuy , ouu-htory frame cut I ago. Ollfl.m IU1I. . . . . . 1,000 Two minor permits -'ou Total J 2,700 Kcnsonl Hcochum Pills act like magic. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard It is a wonderful soap ihat takes hold quick and does no harm. No harm ! It leaves the skin soft like a baby's ; no alkali in it , nothing but soap. The harm is done by al kali. Still more harm is done , by not washing. So , bad soap is better than none. What is bad soap ? Imper fectly made ; the fat and alkali - ' kali not well balanced or not combined. What is good soap ? Pears' . All sorts of stores sell it , especially druggists ; all sorts of people use it. Largest stoclc of HUMAN HAIR cast of Chicago. Guaranteed strictly first class. MrsR , H. Dai/ies / , nn.E.C , WESM NKIIVI3 i.Vl ) miAINTIlK VP JIKNT.n i > aolio : tat Uyjurl.l. ntiiliUM , Fill , Nil raljjla , llo.i > iioi.j. ; Nervous 1'roitrnton cause J b/ Icolioior tob 10311Ynlcutulno4s , Mentil Douroi- BlonSoltnossorti3 : Hr.iln.oiailiulin.mlty , mlsory ( Jocuy.Uoitli , I'rjiuUtiro OH A-o , llarrenun , l < on of I'owurln cltlicraoi ; Impotonoy , hoiioorrl WuikncMs-j. lavoluntvr I.onoi , Hpor- mntorrhimcusu. ! t r orur-oxortlon ot t\jUr.iln : fcoir-nbuiooirjr-luil.ilKjnco. A monlh'1 trjitiuiu tlB for J' > , by mill. WuKUtrnntooaU buvu ) tu oiirj Knoll orrte for < ; hjvo < < wltli $1 will S3 ill wrltton. Euitrantccto rafunillt nota.irjil. Oiiiruitoo I ; onlr by Tlicoiloru. K. Lanrls < lni ut , polo n , . noutbeust corner liitUauiI l-'arnaiu u. ouiuuii For Suffering Women. DR , MILES' Restorative NERVINE , CUIIES : snoBB , Nervous Prostra tion , elclc ami ner vous headache , ( Its , otc. After four years treatment by the best doctors In the land- but without any relief. baVo uerd yoni Kervlno for one weels and bavo not bad tin nttnclc sinco. HunuC liiucuB. HealhvlllcPa. YourNer. vine lioa cured mo coinpIoteryfornervoiiBtroublea. iT.M.TATi.on. Lottv.O. Trial bottle free drugglstfe DR. im4ESMfcDIOALao.ElkhartTn < J. For sale by ICulm & Oj. Cor 15 & Douglas Els Bailey , Sr ' The Loadin ' Dentist 'llilrd li'loor , I'avton Itlo3c. Tclcpliono 1085. Iflth aul Fania-n SN. A full hot of tcetli on rubber lor SV IVrfuct sit Tcctli nltliout plato or removable brliUa wori Just the thing ; for eln.-urj or public Bpoultcrd , uurar drop iloun. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT I'AIX Gold flllliicr at reasonable rates. All work warranted. Cut this out DR. J. E , THE SPECIALIST. iiiul doimities [ of youtli siml tnunbooil. ITyonra' OXPLTIOIII o. Ills riMiiurrui mid f.iollHloi are practically iinlliiiltoJ. The Doctor U runout- nioiiduil liy tlio | ire , ninl endorsed In tlio strongest tnrmi liy tlio pconlo for fair triiit- niont niul notion profesnoiril uilvloo. The most powerful romo'lles ' known to modern Bclpnco for tlio successful tro.itmont of tlio followlnidlsonsos : GrONOKHHOKA Imtnodliilo rollof. A coin. p'.otomiro without tlio loss of uu hour's tlm3 from business. OIiKEr Uno of llio most complotu an 1 siio- cosstul tronttnunis for Kloot nnu nil autumn r (1 soliur.'c yob known lo tlio prdfoi- slon. The results nro truly wondorf ill. STRIOTUKE Uro.ilost known roinojy for the Iro'itmcnt of stricture , without p tin , out- tin1or ( I liitlur , A mostriiinurk iblo ro noilv , SYPHILIS No treatment for this torrlula bloo.l dlsciiso has ever boon morosu 'cusiful , nor had stronger undor.iumcnt9 In the light of modern ftulonci ) this dsoiso Is positively curab oiind uvury truce of tint poison entirely rpmovo I from thu I ) lee I. LOST MANHOOD , uml ambition , nervousness - ness , timidity , despondency und all wo.iknosi luul disorders of youth or inanhooj. Uollof obtained iitoneo. DISKA JES OP THE KIDNEYS , nnd alt dlsnrdurMof tin stotnaon. blonj , liver , akin , nndbla'ldor , nro treated successfully with the greatest known ro.nodloa for tlio dl - soasns. \Vrlto for circulars. 14th and Fartium St. . Omuhn , Nob. NEBRASKA National Bank. U , S. DEPOSITORY - - OMAHA , BEB Cnpltnl $100OQ ! ) Surplus $03 , ODD OCTlcornnml Directors Henry \V. Vntos , president It. C Cushlnir , vlco presldHin , C H. MnnrlcoV. . V. Morse. Jolm i. Collins J. N. II. 1'atrluk , l.uwls A , Uccil , cnshler. IRON BANK. . KIPANSTABUL6S reunite' v the 8toiiiRol , l\tr ! nail uom'Js. pull- * KAtr the blcoj , u , c mle imil effectual i J bo beft im iltclne know n for biliousJ. J. nem , contaipr.tlou , drtH.p l.i , CoulX breath , bradarhv. dcm tl.urn . , loia of ; A'jpeUte , nitnul rtci rciriun , iminful J V > > 5' dljruloii , | ilmi > l n. pillow r , ninlox-i 9 ear ! cu.tndf > crf ai r crojuuint-rioni 5 * l.nnure bloc IO-F failure by Uioftoinnch , li\cror It. < ' tcstlncn to perform tlieir proiior function ) I'creoLi } "trivon tnore.eaunfrarn benefited * ) jtaUlBconcr.ltu } iea. iimo-J. l ilel' mall , 1 ifrosn. $21 Kiuplp.lit. > 2 HUMS S OflKM/CAL / CO. , 10 Spruce St. . NOT Vcrk ' EDUCATIONAL. Seminary for Young Latllos. Onmhn , Nebraska Bishop Worthington , Visitor. Rev. Robert T. D. Rector . Doherty.S. . . , Fall Term Begins WcduoEda/ , Sept 14th. For Catulojruo and iiartlculars , apply to the rector. EHT ffilRTW M1MTABT O O 9JKMB WMiiBKl o ACADEMY riaiaical , Literary , Scientific ConrsM cif Bluily In > funtry and Artlllerv drill ftiid actual ( 'Malry. Olilrai Mllllnrj Krhool In BI . CntiloEVe. I.A. , Jcxlncton , do , N KW YOUK M1UTAHY AOADHMY. Col. O. J. Wright , H. tf. , A.M. . Conr.viill.N. V. BSKPUfSJfT& WHB B f& FEMALE sfr iiMltilaaWBLfeEL ACADEMY Kid [ rtiir. 1'repnr.itoiy , CollrKlate , Jlntlc uliil Una Alt Ouiirrrn ' 'tt-'f"i Wi-IUrtry Bciiilfoi lllu lmtcdc&tMovuu . V. IIULLAHU. A. M. , 1'ilu. JacUaau\Ulc , 111. I For the bleher and Liberal Kdiiratlon of plrlu land yuDiiK women hpi'cinltica : lluslc. Art , iin. ; jcutlon , 1'hytlcnl Trulnlnc. htcaui hrnt. Cold I nud lint water , liath rnoino. etc , ou r.ich ( luor. 24th bunion lieclim > rpt. Mh. IS'O. For CalalcKUo LEXINGTON. MISSOURI. JJr.6 A1SCII1UAL1) A. JW.Ms : , 1'rot. Superior a.ltantaKeii . for educating FOR YOIINd . , . - Younf ( | a(1M | c < ui eofrludy thor. ouch ; iluilcal anil Art dnpartmen li hljlie l order' teacher * of Iho heat Amerlraq and European culture ; largo nnd beautiful sromiiln ; neu bulldlnKH. rooms well rcutllr.tcil , li httd by cut. O | > en September "Ib > ° or catalogue adilress - Her. T. W. HAIIHETT , ! . COLUJI11IA , MO , TELL U9 hOW tlAMY fACES'YOUSEE IN THIS ADV , AND WE./ WILLSEhD YOU A BEAUTIfUL PICTUREZOXZ5 rOflFRAHING. nARSfAALl ClrlEniCAL MAMUmCTURISIG CoKAHSASCl7Y/1 / ? DH. 0. W. MAXWKLxLi , - - ( iruduittoof llcllovuu , lliui. . llil : SH'rtlcal CollcKO , Now York Cllr. 1GTH AND HOWARD STREETS. - - OMAHA , NEBRASKA. FOR THE SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF ALL CHRONIC PRIVATE AND NERVOUS DISEASES MALE AND FBMAT..E. . AcuroBimruntoolluo\rer/ca \ n un lertnkpn , TIIK BANITAIUUM U the luott conn-Iota mill hot o > | U | i"d | . liT/lltulloii of It. IfiiH In llio rullru w , t , II cunlHln. llfty rojiui for tliB " . < " . " . ' . ' "iliVm Lo lIUAHUIMi will tluiitK nliuiimyri'iiulrotliucoiut.'intulti'iillonof Ciliorloiiojil III | > IC.IHK | nii'l nurtn. ' " ' ' ' ' ' . . tru.ilr.1 nt liomo br correipondence. All C9mmunlcutl0ii..trlutlr oonlliluiulnl. Onn porional Inlorvlr.w profurrJit. 1'ilw ' , Phtiili , Flsiupo , an 1 Strlctiiro oflho Hculiiui iiBrfcftlnml i > ormmBiity : ! cura l wltliuut tlio ttio orkulff , Utfatiii-o or caustic. Al o , KC/OIII.I uul Ulcer lion of the Ucctiini suciTShfiiliy treated. QUESTION BLANKS ad BOOK ON DISEASES aontPREE onapplloatlon Address INT1SI3.N ATI ON Ala eA.NITA.RIUM , DH. W. C , MA.VKI.I * . rfCilUont.OiHBlia , Nub BenO 11.01 for bottle of ri.AI'INK INJKOI'IO.X. auir ale i to uftf lu tl ti to llT & * ) . Uuoufivo turcU bjr lutorontlooal toullarluui. > ' "THE NEBRASKA SPECIAL. " Today -we open our full fall line of hats. In the seven seasons that -'the " Nebraska" has sold head covers to saint and sinner alike , wo have seen this department grow and flourish seen its popularity become an established fact seen it's sales increase steadily season after season seen it pass its rivals in the race Tor trade one after another until todoy our hat department is recognized as the leading place for hats in the entire west. There is not a shape that's new there is not a shade or color that's cor rect for fall there is not a size not a width of brim or heighth of crown that you won't find in our hattery today and you'll find the price marked on the ticket inside from fifty cents to two dollars less than you can find in any hat store you're a mind to visit. A Leading Feature Of our hat business this fall will be a new hat which we show today for the first time. This hat is made of fine fur stock. It has pure silk binding and band. It has full satin lining and leatherette sweat band. It comes in all shapes and all sizes and is just such a hat as hatters get two fifty to three dollars for. _ This hat will be known as "The Nebraska Special" and will be sold for We are also showing full assortments of our popular lines a Derbys at 75c , $ r , $1.25 , $1.90 , $2.25 , $2,50 and $3. Soft Hats at SOG , $ i , $1.25 , § 1.50 , $1.75 , $2,52.50 and $ , j. Crush Hats at 650 , Ssc , $1.25 and $1.75. Boys' Hats at 150 , 3oc , 45C and 6oc. Boys' Caps at 25c and 350 ( soldier caps 250) ) . Your old hat looks tough. Don't it ? WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 14th , Grounds at 20th and Paiil StrBBts- THE BARNUM & BAILEY CONTAINING EVERY COUNTRY'S BEST ATTRACTION. Togetlnr v/ltli / Iinrc Kiralfy's ' filorioni aid Historical SneclaclG , And the Discovery of America. 3 Cirousscs , S Ring's , 2 Elcvutnd Stajres , Ilorso Pair , 2 Monatforins , Olyinpin Hippodrome podromo , Maffio Illusions , ol ) Aorlulists , 20 Clowns , 20 Animal Actors , Perform' ing Cats , Dotrs , lji8 { , , Storks , Sheep , Gceso and Wild UeastH. 2 IIcrdH of Klo phants , 2 Droves of Cnincls , 100 Chariots. 1.200 nmlo and tomalo Performers , 400 Horses , oO Cities , 01 Card , ! Trains. Columbus Stitgo150 feet lonp. Watun j > roof Tent , MO feet lonj , ' . An Amazing and Astounding : Exhibition. Capital Invested , $ .V > 00,000. Daily Expenses , * 7)00. P. T. BARNUM and J , A. BAILEY , EqualOwners _ _ _ _ te | MOORS PREPAR1HQ TO MEET THE JPAHIARDS BEFORE ( SRAHADA- GRANDEST SPECTACLE ON EAItTK. IllustratinL' the life , trials mid trii ihe of tlio ( jront discoverer , and the historl , cal events eonneetod there with. JJtittle of the eross ami eresont. Tonrnii. inonts Boices and norlios. Uiun-oc , HOIICS and fetes. Pageants , triumphs' tableaux and disnlayt ) . Whips in motion , Sham fights , Royal receptions , "Ofl beautiful dancing girl * Fei dtnand nnd Isabella's Splendid Court. Tremendous hihtorieal street para-Jo never boon before this 4011011 , illustrating Arabian nights now Blorios. children's fiiblcn , iiurbory rh.vmes , and the history of tin United States , at I ) a. in. on clay of bliow. Two Performances Daily , at 2 and 8 P , M , Doors Opan an Hour Earliar , Adml slon to nil , CO Coats. Children under O years , 26 Oonto. Reserved numbered seats at regular price , and admission tickets at usual slight advance at ,1. T Klpslor's drug bloro , lOtli and Pimmm Sis. CHEAP FXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILROADS , „ Will Kxhlbit at Nobraslca City , September 1Cth. - ' 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. iuudnr * Ul a. u ui , buui 0"NorvoSoods , " 'Iho wuuilorful reinoUr "Is iiulil wltU writ- l.r.cco.upluiu . urntluiulttiili HIIICJI teen umi in inn I iummy. rut uiicmin'iilmittucaw liiYuet Jioikt III . . . 'nuul < > inuilitifurtt. SVItli etiirx 1 order wo civnii ion ( ( < it ywiranttt tatur orr'UMitei.'i < ( iV' Circular ( run , AUdrouAervuUecU I'UM L'Utniiii 1U / For aiilo lu Otaaha by Shci-nwn & MConncll , 1516 Dodfo stroot.