k MIT i 1 * , " - . THE OMAHA DAILY Ulsj FRIDAY , SEITEM'IJI'HI 0 , 1892. THE SPECULATIVE BARRETS Wenkiitss Yesterday Followed oil Earlj Bulge in Grain. PROVISIONS CLOSED WITH A GAIN Itriiurts of fjltolcrit In Now Vork unused llulilrrs of Uriiln Mucli Unon liic s JJuII. Ktillled Later and 1'uilicU the 1'iU-o Ituck. CHICAGO , III. , Sept. 6. Woakneii today followed - lowed an early billitu In the grain innrUcti unil whu.it bold iio lowur than last night. CorncllniDod tip iftnrljr lo and then slipped buok to about thustartlni : point. Oats liuw n duellnuof from Wo lo le. rroYislons. after qnlto ti show of strength , saRKed neut thu close and quit w.th a KU > II of from o lo lo. l-'ioit talk was the main source of the Btrunitth und eholuraot thu weakness , A report of u uufcc of eholeru In Now York oily I undo the price of wheat go off lie. Hut thin report wus soon denied , and the Ulncln- n.itl 1'r.co Ourrent'tf estimate thut thu crop noiiln not exceed 600tM.OOU ) bn. bceoining Known , the bul.H rallicu and pushed the pi Ice buck to nearly the too Inures. Hut the an- iinunceiiicnt thut thu luo hteaniets which had been f.\icleil | ! tioin Kuropewuio In slijht mid bulh fb IIIK the eliult-ra llax pioJuved another ei'iiMm of depletion , Under hluh thciu was another iliup of lie. Mitchell , J.ouaii , Mud- hcni : anil I'lirdHdRu n ere thu luadlni ; solloia of wheat uariy , bntToni lletinett , Walker and bcnlijeisciu fu.r Luyers , especially on the brcakM. 'Die niaiket was exceedingly weak , dtirlnit the liibl ten minutes and e.osed within ! t of the buttom , allhonph the New York leiiint about t o new steamships iiirlvliiK was eou- trailiuted. Oniiii in tliuntoek innfnut was on bear laetorM , anil there waa u nunur.it dcslio by holueis lo unlo.ul. In eurn thu ciirii.n trades were at from Uc to lie advanue , unit after ruling steady for u moment , sold oil under free hulllnc liy loom operatoiii und IOHUH In Keneial from lie to 'ic. 'J he oIleiuiKu Mere wull nUsorbod. beliu taUen by prominent parties , and when the Indica tions of frost tonight in the noithwest became known'llietu wni < | iiltu n hcramhlu amoiu nliort , the result bollix a full Ic advance. There was a Kood Heal of lonx pioperty out on the iiiliy and the prluv workeU back , ' u , changed EOIIIII anil closed with a i > lltht Kaln. There Is an Impression th it thu Kovurnment report SaliiiMiiy will show somu reduction Irom the Aiiftnst stulciacnt. A purl but .lust how much It IH hnrd to ' llnu of iluioimlnu-of Norton-WottIllusions' t'eptember oatv nh.ehhas maiiu thoshoits very nervous < jr somu time , camu on the mat' ' kut touay , creating ; a weak feuliti and du- uii'siini ; prices. ' 1'ho hoillnj , ' wasdonu throiigli truliers anu thu ( inantlty sold wus estimated by MIIIIU trauers to bu only "j.twu bn. , while others placed It at 2/H.UUU bu. .Mucn of thu trading was In tlio May future. Thti provision tr.tde was not disturbed by much outside business. 'Iho re was goon sup port and higher pr ees for all products , but milih less action In the market th.in usual. l < ake rates wore linn , with a good ilumand for bouts ut " ! 4o for \\liout and ! ' for corn to Hniralo. KKtlmatod receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 4',0 iats ; corn , 4Sj cars ; oat , -7u ears ; ho s 2U. U > head. The leading futures ranged as follows : Ainict.KS. 1IIII1I. LOW. CI.OSK. WllKAT Xl ) . 2 hepleniber . . 8 7.15f October T4IJ 74 1 * DiMUtnbtM . . . 77)1 ) , I-IIN .M ) . V- 475i ! { ctolier l'.lt ' IS ( ' h M)6 UN .Mi ' . ' - ti'liti'iulier. . .11M < UOljIT. . . 87J | 37 Ottolu-r 1010 1050 10 01) 10 10 Jnnuiiry , . . . . II ! KJ 12 0-JJn 11 10 LAUD ( .ctuber 7117 , 41. Jniiiniiy UfeO Elinitr Ilins- 7 70 780 7 7J Ouobor 7 l 7 75 7 li ! ' Jiimniry li H i ; n 4 t ! 17 ! , Dash quotations weru .is follows ; I'l.iiuu hteady , unchanged. WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 73ic ! ! No. 3 spring , I.V } < ai > 7u : No. 2 tod. 73'c. COIIN Higher : No. 2 , 47je ! ; No. 3 , yellow , ISci No. 3. cabli. nilc. OATS No. 2 , a3.\i ti4'l : ' c ! No. 2 white , 32U ® I21JC ! No. 'I white , 32iJ3c. ! ltvi-No. 2 , 57e. ItAUi.r.v No. 2 , Clc ; No. 3 , f. o , b. , 4SWe ; No. I , f. o , b. . L 2il2r. I'I.AX KKKD No. 1,11.07. TiMOTiir SEKD I'rlmu. I'.filKl.C.'i. 1'oiiic Mess , iiur lilil. , J10.10310.12J ; lard , per ICO Ibs. $7. to ; short ribs , sides ( loos' ! ) . f7.7 , . < a7.J ! ( ) : diy baited shoulders ( lioxuli , iliU. ( 7.00 ; short clear sides ( bo.xedi. J7.0 ai7..V ! ) Wni'icv Distillerllnlshod goods , per gal. , H.IB. SuiiAits Cut loaf , "ifflS.'i ; ; grunulatcd , 5'6C ! Etiindt rd "A.'Ti.'ie. Kjcol | > tH and sinpni cuts todny were ns fol lows : On the I'rodncu CAchiur-'o today the butter ininkuliiiilul iinclianired , fancy creamery , . 'Uii , L'Jc : line western , - 'illiordinary. ' ; . 17l'J > ; i llnu da lies , : iiiJ.c. ( KKKS strons , strictly fruah , Nuiv Ycirk .tlnncuts. NEW VOIIK , Heiit. 8. 1'i.oim lieeclpts. IK.'iOJ pk s. : u\orls | ) , 2.1100 blilb. and IW.'uu bucks : IlKht ilumand ; uo.iksalus ; , 11,300 bbls. Uoit.N.MKAl. Dull , steady. \VIIIAT : Itecelpts. iHl.tOJ bu. : export" . 2il- COO bu. ; Hales , l.il O.UOl ) hu. of futures , ai.OiM bu. ofsiiiiU hpots dull , lower , steady ; Nix 2 led. r 7b' ' > u In atom and elevators 70o alloat ; W.mSjJ.c f. o. b. : No. a led , 74 'c : un- Brnded led , TnVic : No. 2 northern. bHSItSlyc : l ) 1 haril. t > S > 4ij.5S'jc ( : No. 3 noithctn , 7h'iiifi 7biic : No. 2 t'hlc.uo. 8- ; . ' (3s'J'.ic ( ' : No. 2 Mll- ATiinkco , 7b44c7l'c ' ; No. 2 surlii ! ; . 1li'i70'c Options opened steady , advanced \tWc on llKhtclcunim'Cs anil ( orck'n buying , declined Ji34U un I'liuiera touorts , lar.'cr ruielpts , wuaker cables and lonirs realizing , closed woik : at i\o undcrycslcrdav ; trading dull ; No. 2 rod. & ) | iluinucr , 'SJa O'aC , clo-liiK at 78' ; October. TliSUbOUu. closlna at 70'ic : Novemboi. blUGSI'/ic. ' u osln.at bUic : Ducom- bcr. b.'JJe. closing ntKi'ii Muruli , bi.'uc ; .May , bsiifnhti e , closing at bMic. Hvr.IJiill.nunilnul : wcston ; , OlQG'u. ItAtii.i'.v M ALT Nominal. COII.N llecolpls. 4)lOJ ) ) bu. ; exports , 17.000bii. ; Biilec , ( li.l.Ot'0 bu. of futures , ai.e.o bu. of spot. Hjiuts ItlKliur. inilut , Hold Utmly : Na 2 , BOJi ® fiiu Inulovntur ; 57tu ! iilluit ; ungraded mixed , D41i C.iSe ; optloiiH advanced early MJflle on ro- puitsof cold WiMithur wost-nnd predlctlunsof fruit , declined UCcSc on cholera reports and local ruallrliiir. u.oslnir kteady iiBi'Jc up ; Hep- temboi , 65.Hffl.We. cloiilnK at Mju : Octohor. t551Me. closing at ftliie ; Noviminr : , 55U4& M-Ue. cloblng at .W.iu : December , fu.'iiass'ie , ejoslng at Me ; May , ft7'iiioic ( ; , cloalnx at D I M C. OATS Itecelpts. lha.OOO bu. ; exports , 3l7.noo bn. ; miles , 23\d.o | bu , of fu turns. 115wj bu. of cniitf. Hpots inoderatulvactlvii. uaslur : op- tloiiHdull. lowur ; Hiutenil.cr , a7l QJbic. clos- Inuat : ? ? ; ; Uctobcr , : tejSiii'J.c ( : ? , cioilnir at BSJie ; Novuniber , 3'JUaiOc , c.iialni : at3ic ! } : December - cembor , 4 4C4utjc. cms ni at 4uc : No. 2 scot , white. 4Dii5nc ( : mixed western. sajiffi.Oo ; whllo western. ! > la42e. II AVQuiet. . llorH-yulct and stonily , KIXIAII Haw , firm and iiilot | ; sales , 20 hlnls. iniisuiviulu. 8'J ' lust , , le. und : WJ hhda. , 8J test , 2Uo ; rcllncd , Htuady and inudorato de- iiiund ; No. 0. 4 7-K4H 0-llo : No. 7 , 4kil41 > u : No. H. 4'ie4SeOIV ! A. 4SQill5. | e ; powdured f > ! iO5UKranulutcd : , S l-lbdSift-lGo ; cubes , 5SW bUu , Mtii.AHsr.i Korclpn , nominal ; Now Orleans. anil und btoudy , Itiot. Htoiuly and fairly active. KdtiH l > 'airdumaud ; wcsturn poor , per case , | 3..Vl i.4.H ) | receipts , ft,3iiO pk ; . Iliiucs Dull mid Htuady , I'OIIK Quiet und llrinur ; cut moats steady ! pluklcd hliouldurs , OUt liic ; salos. l..uotl Ibs. Liilllcs. 7li75 u ; middles , qulot. Lard , llrinur nut ijuloli wostcrn itoiini closud utt7,70 : sales , UonurTH at fT.ava7.ti7U ! iiutiun sales , nonos k-ptemliur idDsed ut (7,70 bid ; Ootobor , t7.72)i ) usked. lltn-Tiiii 1'alr dumund ; choice , tlrmt wost- jriulttliy , HJiftlfle. I'liKUMK Fairly uctlvo and flrmor : part ikiiiis. M I'm IIION Stonily ; American , Il3.00ffll5.50. ; lake , tll.25t 11.40. I.I.-AP Steady ! domcHtlc. f I.I04C4.I2K. TiN-Stuudyt itralls. KU27i44'.Uui ! ; ! , Omului 1'rodiico jinrkntn. The Runorul market wu qulot anil devoid of my bpvclal fen HI res. HuiTKlt Tliu inurkut ronmlns about stonily , nMth paekliiK Htouk Kolni ; at I3c. Thu bu t of cuuntry butter Urlng 10@l8o und 20o oblulned for > oiuuthliiK extra. I'oui/titv 'Ilio inurkut la very llbernlly up- piled ulih bprliu chic ons which Bold ut Uk' , ( .onio fuw lotK brliiKltiK IKo. Old lions are Hunted ut He i ml roobters .V2.no. It Is too uarly In the Mi.ibon fur iteenv und ( uukuJ'liero were mernl i-oopn of eecko on the m.irUot , for which thoiu wus l.ttlu or no ualu. ICudH I ho bulk of iho stock wont ul Ifio , with somu dale * icporlcd ut Ibu. Kt , I. on In .Market * . BT , I.OUIH. Mo. , Bcut. a ri.ouit Uuchanned , V"KAT Advuucud 'io uurly , but toouro- nctotl nnd closed ? JIlS'o below yesterday ! cash , G8'ict September closed tit CSHcj Oc tober , 7ou ; hoeomber , 73'ic ) Muy. 7Uic. Cons Uiish hl.'hcr ut 4lc : options advanced J4Wf > c , but this was lo-it mid the close was like yosterdnyiScptumbar llnlsha.1 at 44ci October , ithfttttet December , 44 cj year , 44c ; May , OAT.S Cash higher lit . ' , ? ( options closed loner ; September , 3icl October , aljjc ! May , 3. Hc , IH K Lower at fiS'lo. ' lliiAN-giilet utiW10c ! on ensttrnnx. IlAV Quint und iinchnngcd ! prulilo , 17.00 Q8.50 ; timothy , J'J.wviil-.M. ' J.KAD-ynlet utJa.tO. I''I.A.VSKID Steady at tt.CO. llDrri'.u Unchanged. , Kdlis Unchanged , COUNMIAI : , Qnlot at $2.1."x32.CO. W niRKV Stendy ut ( I.ID. tAniliNti-nciansod . I nox COTTON TIESUnclianizud attl.10 , I'ltovisio.NS Steady , with a gootl Jobbing triido nt previous quotations. 1'ork , tlU.740 11.00 for job lots. Lard , closlnff about $7.10. Loose shoulders , f7,00i Ictigs nnd ribs. J'.UM boxetllots I Du moro llacon shoulders , I.C2JI ! lon s and ribs , fj.Gt ; bhorts , IS.Sl' ' . Su ar curpd ha tux , $11.5 ( OI2.ftu. llECKU'is riour , 4,000 bhls. ! wheat , 171,000 hu. : corn. 40,000 bn. ; oats , 31.0UO bu. ; rye. O.OW bu. ; bailey , none. biili'iiKNTsi-l'lour , 1.000 bbls. ; whont , G8.- Ooo bu. : corn. 4Uo 10 bu. | outs , 17,000 bu. ; rye , 5OjU bu. ; barley , iinno. Knnsns City Murkrln , KANBAB CITV. Mo. . Sept 8. WIICAT Klrtn ; No. 2 hard , old , C8c ; now , OJiiQOlc ; No. 2 red , C45M50. OoiiN Dull and lower ; No. 2 mixed. 4Q'itt ! 41c | No 2 while , 4s l4lli ? , . OATS Weak und In poor dotniinu ; Na 2 mixed , 2iHi&27ic ! : No. 2 whlto , aj.'itotlo. ' UVK-Mundy : No 2 , KliSc. l'tAX KF.I ) Strolll ! Ill MKft03c. IIHAN Weak ; s.iekod , fl.'ie'iTc. llAV Strong , hut unohunged. Itu-iTKll Steady ; creamery. lSS23ci dairy , . htuis Morn actlvo and llrni nt iiiO. : ! KiiCKitTS Wheat , 4U.OOO Uu. ; corn , 14,000 bu. ; oats , none. , SIIIP.MIINTS Wheat , 1P.OOO. bu , ; corn. 13,0.0 bu. ; oats , none. Minneapolis I'lour .Haricot. iMiNKKAi'di.is. Minn. , Sept , -The North- wostoi n .Miller says : Thu mills keep up thu manufacture lit Hour at u tremendous r.ito. The output last wcuk WIIH 180.I5D ubls. , amiliibt lliOit > 0 bills , thu previous weok. and 1JO. IN ) bhls. for the ( . nriesDondliu tlnio 111 If'JI. ' Ono liuiro mill Is Rolui ! thiin WIIH running n week upo. Thu Hour market Is without much life. Foridiner.i nro comparatlvuly freu traders fur October nnd Novcin'oor bhlpinont for both patent and bakers , but they usually Want ilonron thu basis of UJc prices , und millers us a rulu atu unwllllni ; to suit in that Way. The direct uxpurts last wuek weru U9.400 bb s . upalnsl fi'.i-'i > J bbls. thu procuudlnz wuelc. i.on- doiiiinotations pur cwt , e. I. f. lire : L'atcnf , 2tb'jis ml ; bukurs , ll ) euttf.'OdCd ; low grades , lib Giia.l-9 Cd. New Yorlt Ilrj' ( limit * Alnrlcrt. NKW VoitK , Sept. 8. Thu recent upwnrtl tendency In b u iclied cpods , rr.tulng from low to medium K'rudes , was further lllnstratud In an advance today of ' c a yara In Illaekhtone , llopu and I'rltchvllk1 , 4 4 1)1 u died shirting ninklnz the price 'ic ' for thu two former nnd Gu ! for tliu latter. The print cloth market wus rjulet on account of thu scarcity of goods und very stronjr. Omaha Fruit .Murkef. GltAi'KS llomu crown Concord crapes nro Just commencing to aitlvu In lllicr.il < ium- : tllles. They aru ijuuted at 4jo per lo-lb. . CAMFOIIMA ( iiiAvcs 1'er erale. Jl.riP1.73. OAI.IKOIINIA I'IACIIU : 1'er bu.\ , * l.50ul. ) V OAI.U-OII.MA I'KAIIS llartlctts , J.LUO ; other varieties , W.75. CAMFOIINIA I'LUMS 1'er box , $200Q2.5) . Oil Mai lint. Niw YOIIK. Sont. 8. I'KTitnt.nuM Qulot nnd Bteaiiy ; Unllo I o.osud at.53iO for October. COTroNsClil ) Oil. I'litu. quiet ! crude. 20c ; yeiluw , aic. TAM. i w Pli-mor ; city ( JiOO for packascs ) , 4 7-loai'ie. Itosi.v ( Julot and stonily ; btralniid. common to ciMiil.l.2J ® .274. ! Tuiii'KM'iNK Scarce and firm ul 2Si223c. ! ( olli-o Atnrlcut. NK\V YOIIK. Sept. S. Options opened steady to unchanged , > po ills up , closed llrni 15 to 2U polntH up : sales. ib.OOO bugs. Including Sep tember. iia.l.0 : October. SU40ii.l3 ; Novem- bur. f l.l.a\iL40 : ; Uecuiubor. * 132i@ia.i3 : ; Jan uary. ia.ifii.25 : : March. i : ) . 15 0.1125 . : May. ? l.l 2i _ HIo , un the spot , llrni but ijulut ; No. ' 7 , SI4.S7 il , Ijlvorpuol Markets. LiVEiifOOi , . Sept. -WiiK T-Steady ; dc- m'lid poor ; ho'ders oiler moderatuiy. COIIN bto.uly : ( lumnnd poor. HACON Long and bhort clear , 55.bs. | , 40s 6d per cwt. LAUD I'rlmo western , 3's per cwt. Cotton .Market. NEW Oiir.cAN * . La. , Sept. S.-Kasy : mid dling. 7e : low mill Illiu. 0ic ! ; good ordinary , Cc ; not receipts. 5'JI bales : cross receipts , 744 : sales. a.O bales : stosk , a'i.4'JT ' bales. Trailers' Talk. CHICAGO. III. , Sept. 8. Kunnutt. Hopkins & Co. to S. A. McWhortor : The strength in corn h is dUeonr.iged thu selling of who.it , but the markut has shown a downward tendency must of the session. Winter wbe.it receipts h.ivu been lighter , but deliveries of spring \\hoiit aio Increasing. There Is every InJlcatlon thai farmers will con tinue to market freely , and stocks Incro'isu rapidly. Not only Is the official vlsl- blu supply plllnz up , but little Interior locnl stations arc overstocked , and there Is con st. int soiling prcaiurc , against which our nar- nor trjdu cannot contend. The sliuution Slows dally moro dlscour iglnz and lowur prices seem Inevitable. A sumi-olllclal prodltlon of frost tonight In N'obiaska and Ivans is t.urrlllo : ! shorts in corn and forced them lo cover , advancing corn nearly Ic. The full a I vincu : w.is nutsiislalncil. but thuro was no solllu ; prossuio. traduri pro- forrlng to wait until tomonow and sec If iho frobt matcriall/us. Kluvulur men say that. Ihu ctmsumpltvu dumunil for o.its Is very poor , us thu big TUAUS crop Is supplying thubutili em tr.ulu. It In bulluvud by many that Iho holders of I Ibs are In a critical po rtion and wilt bu forced to Ihinldatu , hencu traders ptofcr stantlliu aloof und looking for u turn. CHICAGO , III. , Sept. ? . Coiinsolinan & Day to Co--h.rull Commlss on Oa : Whuat opened dull and Hteitdy. Theiu w.is some buying by Now York people early on thu hultur tone to prlvatu unblub nnil thu 1'rlcu Ciinont predic tion ut less than a f.oO.DuO.to i bushels cinp. Thu weather was cold In thu nortnwcst , and Atliinllc Clearances nuro reported by jirlvatu messages to h.ivu been f.O . per cunt grualur than public postlii c. hut all this served to r.illy the nuirkot. ' 40 per bushel. After a ( lull session lliu early buyers sold out on MUIIO choluiu nuttH and closed the market u half- cunt lowur tli in yuslurday. Coin ruled strong on llghtur ru'-ulnlb and bomucon-urvatlvo In vestment buying siigzusled by thu 1'rlco Curient Btimmary and the sig nal soivlcu ue.ilher reports. Thu bull leaders semiied anxious to coax the op- IMHllion to Increasu their short Hum. and at thu close thuailvancu WHS about lOHtugaln , It Is Ilkolv to bo a weather market this mouth. U.tts weru weak undur an attempt of thu luj'durs to un oatl for buptumbcr and October delivery. Provisions were very dull and holders ready to soil , but no buyers ap peared , Th null clement marked prices uu nl out IDc all ariiund ut tbu close.VotlilnK that homo abort bulling of October corn wus done as a hudgu ugulnst long October lard and ribs , which wciu nuarly unsalable. CHICAGO. III. . Supt. K.-K. G , Loiran & Co. to Duncan , llollln.ur S : Co. : Wheat opened hlghur Insympiithy with other train , but was HOOII sold oil' on uholura repurts , Iliictuatlng bnck and forth on receipt of denials and now reports. Toward thu closu the se.-Utorcd long whont bought yusturiltiy and today uamu on the market. Thu export demand for dlruut shipment has bcui : fair ; I..O.OOO to 175,00 ( bu. was taken today. Thuru Is a good uush de- ninnd. The government , which will report on tn general wheat situation , llgurliig both spr ng and winter touihcr , Is expected tu sliuw HOIIIU rudiiclion. Corn was bought only by local trader * , and udvuncod on local sig nal bi-rvlco prud'etlons of frost. On the swull theru was eonslderabli ) reallzltu duo lo the ract tliu Hulled StHtes government wonthur rupert did not conllrm the local Oats was fctiong cany , but ilocllned on rathur llbcrul U iu dating by people houro taking prollts on the bet backs. Wo bulluvu It will pay to favor the long s1du. 1'mvlblons weru lulot iinU without uny btriklng fuatuio. bTOCliU ANU 1IONDS. Temper ot the Murliot Win IMtlior Utuot- tloit Yt-atoruay. NKW VOIIK , Sopt. 8-Tlio stock market today nng rather unsett ed In Its tomner but there wuru evidences of moru support to prices than the covering of shorts. The moremoiiu of Importunco , however , were still conllnud to u very few stocks , thu nurrowncnof thu market Loliip- still vary prominent und the changes In the quotations among thu gonor.il list nuwlaor tlmn usual of luto. A great Uo.il of llturaturo wus put out , Imvlng for Us objoot the allaying of thu uxcltoniuntu > or thu possible war but wcon tlivItuailliK uml thol'unnsy.viinliiandtosoino uxtont llwasHUcccssfui , as whllo ItoaUIng on very largo trantautlons was held comirtra- thuly llrni. thu olhur coalers were Jiguln roinurkably ail I IUut , iiuutub'u chuniu In prlccn. Moro was huurd about the expected increase I t e Ulvl. i'1 ' ! , . ' ) " „ w J rn Union. but I fiillcd to further advance ttiu siook or keou It proinliiunt In tbu duullngs after thu c ml of the toroncon. and thu ether Gould shares were again ijulet with thu slngiu exception of the Toxu I'uciUc. which scored komo linurovu- lueuu TUo mUuitrlals H ru IBM ptoia utmi in the dcnllnzi. hut Soncrnl electric nnil t.cntl were specially itroir. , whllo the fe-ituroot the rallrond list was Now Ungltind , whloll dis puted with Holding the leadership In activity und fairly led the market In thn intent of It ! iipitiird movement- The rest of the market wus throughout the tiny ( lull und without u ovomcnt of Interest. The tr.ullng was almost entirely profes sional throughout the day and u drlvo wa made at the list late In the day on the riimoi that a Inr o order for gold hail been received from Oortnanv. Tluro was no iipinreut sup port elvcn to pi Ices tinil lliu whole list. Includ ing Nuw Knitlatid and the Industries , yicldtnii to the prcMuro and tnu forenoon's calna wurc w pcd out , with something In addition In most CIIKCS. The uloso was llrni , however , on a rally ! evidently the result of eovurliu operations. Government bonna have been dull nnil Hteady. Stuto bonds have been dull and easier , The I'ost eaya : Thu evidence thut the be- glnnltm of this week found thu market largely oversold becomes more und more anpiircnl nnil goes far to explain Ihu present Improve ment In prices oven In the facoof some ail- rso conditions. The mnrket wus in o sus tained by thu strength of the London market. Tlioro was no doubt of heavy buying order * This was shown foon aftur the opunlng , when a partial micccssfnt attempt wus mttdo to sell stouks down , Lar.o buying orders entnu In uml the boars wcro forced to cover without dolav , Thu following are the closing nuotatlons fet the loading stocks on Ihu Now York Stock ux- changu totlav : ' bid. lexillv. { naked. The total sales of stocks totliiyero S51.f S shtiios. Incluillni ; : AteliNon , U.SI5 : ChlcuKO Gas. 11,00.1 : Erlu.fi.S10 ; Lotllsvlllo & Nashville. H.GIIJ ; Northern I'aelllu preferred , a.70j ; Now KiiSland , a..v.VJ ; Huatlll ) ! . * . 7ilr.'iO ! it. Paul. 7N)0 ; Texas I'aulUe , 6,0.0 ; Wcslorn Union. 14.00J. I.onilDii Klimnelal [ Coprlilitcd IfclC bjr James Cordon Bennett. ] LONDON , ept 8. INow York Herald Ctiblo Special to THIS HiK.l-Tliuro : utih nnchatiKu In thu bank rate , which remains at 2 percent. The stock markets today havn shown llttlo nioio aniniatlo i In one or two illtcetlons. At best thu business lias been far from active. Cense s n ml India inpeu paperaro unchanged , llomu raliwnvs tuol with nioilerato attention anil closu toieinbly llrni. Ca cilonlan reeov- orccl ' , , . Iniprnveiiicnt of 't/lo * * \\eru niarKcil In Norlheastern , Metropolitan district , North British anil a few others. Un tlio other. HrlKhton. after bo'iri 'i ' hlirncr. eloseil at H Uoullno of ' 4. wlitlo Uroat Northotn stocks and Northwestern also aru loner. American railways Irivti beuii fulny itutivo and uloso llrni In re > ipone to u strong tone re ported In Now York. Although llnai prices aru not qnliu best most , of the dosctlpllonu marked an advnni'o of < i to I , the le ul Ijoini ; taken by l.onlsviKo & NashvUo. Denver. Krlc , Atuhlsbn and I'hliadeluhla > t Heaillim Cana dian lines havu been ne/lec'id and close fulny Him , n nmdor.ito linprovcnient linrliii ; taken plaeo In ( irand Trnnu jn-efercnees and Ciina- dlan I'aeillc. .Money rumalns a perfectdiiin w.th scarcely any denuiud. Aceomniodatlona on short loans havu been frcelj olferetl at. Yt percent Kvun advanies for acok were ob- talnablu at tliu same figure , few bills have been brought foi ward. ThoiO of two and thrcu months bulnK < ] iioted ut 7i percent. Nvw Vork Money Market. NEW YOIIK , Sept. 8. MONEY ON CAM , Easy at UHQ4 pur cunt : la t loan , 4 per cent : closed ottered at 4 per cunt. I'lltMB MEIICANTII.E L'AIT.II 45 ! < < iG per cent. bTUui.iNd KxfiiA.NQK ( Jnlct liut steady nt Sl.hOW for blxty-day bills and $4.bbi ) for de- iirind , Thu closing iiuotatlons on bonds : Iloston Stock OuotiitloilH. IlOsTOS. Mass. . t-ent. 8. The following ore thu elo-ilni ; stouk quotations : Ni-tv Yurie .Mining Oiuitatlons. New YOIIK , Sept. 8. The following are the closing mining quotations : Choler W Ophlr CroHti I'olnt 45 I'bmomh 4D Con 'nl ft Vn SOS tlcrra NuvnJn I4J Inuilaiil HI fiuiild \ Curry 73 tjiilon l un U'J Ilnli-i Norcross. . . . bJ Yellow Jnckut t > 0 Homer tnko 110) Iron Oliver CD liulepcnilt'iico. . . . . . . t'5 ' ( Jnlcli Sliver .T > 0 .Mi-xtciin 115 rte proferreil 1703 .North Mur i O Milliner 25 Ontiirln S'JOI ) > UBkCll. Sun I'ninclHco .tllnliiK OncitulloiiH. SAN KIIANCIFCO , Cut. . Sept. 8. Thu ottlclul closing limitations for mining stocks today were as follons : St. l.ouU .tliiuni ; Ktockfi , ST. Louis , Mo. . Supt. 8. Alining stocks easier today. Quotations on call : * gtock. llld A keil. ttock. JJIil. Ankcd. Ain'n .Ncttlo , . 2.1 10 Small Jlopcs. B7H 87H ICIUabuth. . . . 45 t.l'.f ' rut Jiurpiiy. . y a llliuctnlltc. . . . 1175 -MltOH. Mo. , Soot. 8 , Oloarlnss f l.OJI- 1M ) Ntw YOIIK. Ftipt , a Clearings , $114,313,831 ; balances , t7,7il > .4W. IlAi/riMOiir , Mil. . Sept. 6 Clearings. J,57.V 6G5 : biilaneos , $ . ' 51,076. Itatu , 0 per cent. l'lill.Aiii.i : > iiiA , I'u. , Fopt. 8. Cloiirlngs. 111,110,213 ; balunces , l,42l,5Ub.Money , 331 per cent. MK.Mi'iiiHTonn.Sept. 8. Now York exrhunzo conuncrchil at (1.50. Cleurln.s , tZII.OWJ ; bul- unccs. iu7COJ. OI.NCINNATI. O , , Fopt. 8. Money , 4OB per cunt. New York exchange , 30'ti40c ' discount , Oparln's. t2,354,5f > 0. BT. Louis. Sopt. a Olourliigf , ( .6'3.270 ! | bul- nncrs , ll'.ll ' , 531. Money iiilut | ut ) ® per cent , Kxchungu on New York , pur. New OIII.KANS , Lu. , Sept. P. Clearings. 15CS- 8'it , Nuw York exclmnvu , commercial , & 0u ; bank , tlM port ,0uo premium , HOSTIIN , MUSH. , Sept. 8. OluHrlngs. 115,825.- ouoi buluiiccs , 1-M7H.UJ5. Money , U per luut. Lxchanuu on Nuw York , 17ft2Uu discount. I'AIIIH , Supt. 8. Thu weekly stutomont of the Hunk or l-'ranco shows an Incroaboot 4.475uojf , of Rold und a Uecre.mo of i',4i5,00.lf. sliver. Thico per cent routes lOOf 71)io ) for the ac count. C'uiCAnn , 111. , Bopt. 8.-Oloi : rings. JI8.C1J.3-8 ; miiney , domanu stromr. 4H' 3 per con ton cull. U per com on tlmo. Now York uichutigu. 7i'c illicoiint. Sterling cxch.uiu'o dull , UbJ for Hi day b. Us , tl.bdfortiK-ht. LONDON , Supt , 6. The bullion In the Ilaim of WANTED . Total Uturu of OIT ! 3 , I COUNTIFO. SCHOOL t DISTRICTS , IWATEff COMPANIES , BT.R.n.COMPANIEB.olr. Comopondenrfl ollciiod. 103-109 Doorborn Btroot. CHICAGO. ! G V/all Street , NEW VOrtK England ilct-ro.iied iSl.ifO durnit the pas week. Thu propdNkni of Ilio Hunk of Kne lanil's rcsarvtf , which last week was 50.41 jjor cent. Is now W.8tycr cent. " I.IVJ&TOOK MAUUITS. Onttlo Trailn CsJUipletcly Drmorallzcil- HIIRS tliilii > UKlitly In Ynlun. OMAHA. Sept. a-jyuppllce for four ilays fool up 17.UH catllo , t uv hogs nnd MWS sheep njiilnst I'.dnj enttlb , : iaUOI hogs nndi.lUj shoc | thu eortcspondlng lir days lust WCCK. To say tliHt the cattle market was com piutcly demoralized gives lint n faint Idea o the situation , ilutivy roit'ipts both hero an' ' atuiiBtcrn miirkutslimvo fully satisfied tin pro scut detiinnd upii no improvement need bi looked for until 'lrJe.ro Is u letup In tcculpls. Thoru weru no right XOotl natives oircrud. In fact fuw niitlvc stofra of unv dcscrlutlon tint ! thu big bulk of the westerns would' hiirdly PUSH fur bcttur than conn mon. With no outside dcmuud whatever an- , thu local demand pretty well supplied are. covery of any of tlm ground lost during th. oiii-iy part of the week was utitof tlio qnos tlon. llnslnes-i Wan dull from thu start , am : prices ruled unevenly lower. In gcucr.il tin ililr to gootl beef cuttle sold from .MutoiiUt lowur than balurday. Westerns sold Inrjelv at J..IU to KI.20 but the bulk of the ollurln K wuru on thu feeder order. llutchcrs'stock und ciiunors wcro on * from lOo to Ifio agiiln , u decline so far thU week ol ftomaie to t.c Thu trutlu was very null , with sales of poor to very uoixt cow- unit heifers at from 7. > o to * ; . . " > . " , tin bulk of Iho fair to good stun" going m from $1.20 to t-W ) . itulie , oxun uml stu J wcro slow salu ut loner prices , the laiigo bulny from il.:0 : to Ji.lu. Oaives were dull and uaslur , thu supply being heavy , ut fiom Sl.w to.l.f > o. In the stockcr ami feeder line n fnlrbusl- ness Whs transacted and wh.lo gootl to choice Htutr huid up ( | Ultu well the market wus vurv b.ui on thu general i nn of common light sttilfi tbu latter selling liuguly ul fiom * 1.7 ; > to S.-'j , ItLprescntullvo sulcs ; cows. COI.OIUDO CATTLE. 411 cows OOJ IOJ 4ftcalves. . 1 GO 2 bulls 1180 I 15 22 cows . . 1 tO WYOMING CATH.K. * talliius. Hoes Receipts fell over u thousand hurt of last Thursduy'H run , but the four days' snpp y has bcun about the samu as lust week In ( | ointlly mid quality , The markut opened' ' steady with Wednesday's strong close or about lOc higher than the curly tradoon Wednesday. There wus a modcr.ito specula tive and shipping demand and with pooI local buying thu supuly was exhausted by li ) o'clock. Thu market closed stroiu at the ad vance. Fair to good hoes it'nurdless of weight s.d at from 4"i.lO to i. > 13 with food to choice mod um and heavy lo .ds at from J.V.'J to 15.23. Very common ll htand mixed loads sold as low iis.0und ( * 3.07'i. ' Kvcrylhlnz sold and'so.d rjulculy , thu buU at from S5.10 loi.l.r , aKalnst , from 15.u to5.10 Wo.nesday. The senei-'il uveraiso of prices paid was 15.13U , axalnst $5.U44 ! Wednesduy nnd Sl.tS ? * lust Thursday. Representative sales : No. Av. Sh. 1'r. 4 ib3 84 8. ' . 5 Ifll 40 4 b5 fins AND noumi. i 210 a oj SiiKEt' Ko'-'ulpts consisted of thrco.donblo decks ofrood westerns and they chanced hands readily at fully steady prices , Thu do- nianil Is good and thu miirkut iiiotab ] y llrni. iMilr to good natives. . ) . , ' .VCMO ( ; fair to uood Dostum- ' , J..rilJS4.JO ( : coiiunon and block hheep , $2.5UiJ.I.5Ji ( good to choice JO to UJ-lb. lambs , 8l.WiJo.5J. Ituptcbontativo s.Ues : No. Av I'r. I'Mcstarn wethcis IIO $1 U5 llfiweHtern ucthers 10 4 03 205 uestern wotlieis 110 405 Itei'olptn unil lU | > osltl ii ot Sturlc. Ofllclal receipts and disposition of stock as slioun by the books of thu Union Stock Yards comp.my for thu twenty-four hours cmlhu at & o'clock p. m. , tcptoni'jcr b , 1MJ ) : ' ' . IH'CEII'TS. DIHI'OSITIO.V. Chicago 1,1 vj Moclc Alarhot. CIIICAOO. Hi. , Suife8. lpo lal Telegram to TIIK lliiiil The situation In caltlo Is unlm- pioved , Minnlluo wcri * oviirwhuiinlngiy In excess - cess of the demand null prices weru us limp.-is before. Within I ho- lust tun uuvs nearly 74.UJJ c.'ittlu have houii diimpod Into thu yards , Indicating a supply /or this week of fully BJ.OOO head , a number that has njvcr In on ruuched moro tlmnitwoor tlirco times before. Air. J C. Jones , ot Fulton , Arkansas , "About tonM-Mrs ago I con. traotoil a ecvcro caw of blood poi son. Lciiin | | ili > Hi-lan3 prescribed mcdlclno after mcdlclno , vhlh I took without any relief. I also tried mercurial and potaxh remedies , with unsuccessful results , bntvlilch brought on an attack of mercurial rheumatism that made my life one of agony. " ' After i four years I ( j'avo up all remedies and began using 8.8.8. After taking several bottles I Tras entirely cured and uhlo torcsumo work , i Is the greatest incdlclnu for blood poisoning to-day on the market. " TrcatUo on Illooil and fikln Diseases mailed frco. HWUT 8i-icino Co. , Atlanta , Uu. JOSEPH BILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889 , THE HOST PERFECT OF PENS. How values have l-.oen affected by tlio cnnr tnoiig receipts is plainly apparent in tlio pub llslicd S i cvhkh show a decline since In * Krlday of from 2.o to Wo per IW Hu. Then WHS n IxrunrMipp y of cholcucornfattod cattli lioro today tli.in forsoniotlmo p.ist , but untie u good export tlfiunti.I holder * \vcrocnahlci to unload lit nc.irly stonily prices. All utliui descriptions wcro wcuk. vary weak. Tlio ro- colpts consisted or about i 1,000 unlives iitir 10.0UO rungor * . The former were quoted at ftoir f l.oo to $ . ' .51 ror poor to choice cows imd liiill uiitl ul from 12.75 to M.1I for Moors. Western1 were saleable ut front $1.40 to Jl.oi. and Totim < it from JI.ZJ to U.OO. Tlio on If market wm ( lull mill woiik , the week's receipts having boot too In i go. At iho opening nf hustnc s n fairly steady fooling appeared to possess tliu hog marltot llicro WHS fioo buying for oaHcrn account mid locul packers nl o tuklng hold In an In < totcstcd way. There was tin hour's tr.idln ; on a hiiHls of Wednesday's quotations. llni Ihu steadiness of morning soon disappeared mill bi-foro U o'e ock salesmen weio workliu htird to unloiid at from f > u to .Uo oir , Thn ole i was dull and extremely wi-ak nt from fl.T.Mi S.VO for poor to prime fight tinil at from * l.s' to J. > .f > i ) for heavy. There was not much done ut bettor than JU5 , tlm moat common Mgiiroi belli ) ; from M.10 to J' > .4l ) . ( Irass hugs wotc neglected at from ' . ' . " > c to , 'iOc under tlio price paid for com fatted. Culls nnd cholcr.i Bigs were iiioto | I nt fiom J..UH to JI.M > . holk'ts experienced mi unchanged shoei market. There was u coed demand from loca Rltiughtcrci- it fnlr tiitilr.v for shipment , HelWeeil lllO tWO Cltl'HOS till ! HllpPlV nilB SOOIl au'orbeil. Iho market closing steady at fron VISA to J.'i.fHl lor poor to chulco sheep mid nt from &IM ) to ( ( Ur > for lnmb . Kuiclpls : Cuttie. 21,0.0 head ; hogs , 22 , ' < X hn.ul ; sheep. ili'iO ' litiiid. Thu Kvcnltig Journal report * ! OATTI.I : liecelpts. 20 , < X)0 ) hoiitl ! sli'pment- ' ) SMi hiniili markut steady test roni ? on natives westerns isnd TOMIIH. IDc- lower ; brat natives j : > .lO < ifit-.uO ( ! othor.s. K.7AJ.5U : To\nin.li XB -.Wi ; niiiiiiTi. t'.MMLV.l'Ol ' cows. JI.0 ! < a2.M. lltitls Itceulpts , 12.100 head ; shipment" . 701 head ; ninrket unlive mid f > o lowers rongl anil t'oiitinoii. $ l.t ) n.'i.lU ; packing mitt mixed J.VlOOri 3M prlmt ) honvv and liutchors' . Jl.lOil 8.5 1 : lull ! , gl.U.&jft ; skips und griissurs , J4..Y ( it.-.OO. HllKCt1 Hocolpts. 0.000 hcndt shipments , l.llll huad ; market active and steady : wothcrs ffiO.ir ! ; wcstcins. $ : i.U ® 1,511 ; fed Toxntl" , J.l.lX'5t.4Uj stock cues , j'JiiD.7r ; ) ( ) ; lambs , W.7J4J O.OJ. Noxv Vork l.lvti MucU Aliirkot. Nr.w VOIIK. Sept. 8. tlievKS-Heuult9i : | IOC lioud ; no trading , fccllii ) ; linn ! d ressid beof. . Htetmy ntsat'c ' pur 111. Shipments today , ' beeves anil 73 sheep ; tomorrow. (1-iX ( ) qtiartor. of Lcef. OAIVIS : Kecoipts. 7 : i head ; market fit in : veals , M3So i cr It ) . ; Krussera and bultcrmllli calves , } , ! .OUU.a.r ( > ( ) . S-III.CP AM > LAMMS Uocolntx. f-.SOO liouil ; sheej ) sto.uly at J ( . .tUi&l.TA : lambs dull und 11 fihiido uufiler at } l.ftU.r ( ) : dressed mutton , Hloidy at 7 < BUj pur lb. ; dressud lambs , wouli at ® ! ic. lions Kcceiptq. 11.400 head , Incliidlii ! ; twc e'irs for e.vle ; miirkot linn nt $ . " > . CC'j.Oi poi 1UU Ibs. _ Kiinsus City I.ixeStock j\lnrknt. KANSAS OITV , Mo. , i opt. R--CATTI.E--HO- colpts , 4.UOO : shlnmonts. 4i'JU ( ; tho- market wus ( | iilt 'ind iincliiitiKud ; Tuvas cattlu more actlvu ; steers. fi.CQ.t0l : ; ( : cows and hulfurs , tl lOav'.l.'it TOMIH mid Indian stours tHIGt " . ( ki ; stockcrs and feeders , fcVJT'it&.MKV ' , lloos Ileei'ljila. 4.r > 0 : shlpiaculs. I , MO : tliu innrkct wiisCtilticliUbcr : all Knules , Sl.l'y ® ! > M ; lmlk.ifl.il QS. 13. SIIIKI' : Kucelpts , SfO ; shipments , none ; the market was more actlxc.mh lambs lower aii'l ether hlieun stoaay ; muttons. $4.)7J : ! ; lambs , ? ' SI. I.onls I.lvo Storlr .Market. ST Jnui = . Mo. . Sept. 8. OArrr.'E Receipts. 3.7113 huad : shipments , 5 , lull huad ; mnrket steady ; fair to choice native Bteurs , W. ' . ' . > 44 4.SO : fair to Kooj Texans and Indian steels , . ' : i KB : ) . . 0. linns KccolutB. 1,003 lioad ; hhlpiucnts. iooj head ; iniirknt slron : ; heavy , J.VvllfC.'i.au ; paekliiL' . fl.hJiii.'i.CO ; il.'hl , { 4.IK-J. ) Slir.Ki' Kcculnts , I.5JJ hcail : shipments. 1.400 lieid : market llritier ; natlvu muttons runjo W..7j4.hO ; loxans , t..Tfy Thos. E. Cralir , ojitor anJ publisher of the New Haven ( Mo. ) Notos. says : "I have used Chatnoorlaln's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhan Hoinoily with ttront satisfaction for the ailments of ray children. " Forsalo by druggists. As sfta enters woaanhood , ev ery young girl needs the wisest caro. Troubles bo- gitininp ; then may make Tier whofo llfo miserable But tbo troub- lcs tllnt Iiro to I * fenml hnvo n jiobitivo remedy. Dr. I'ierco'a Favorite Prescription builds up and strengthens the system , nnd regu lates nnd promotes every proper function. It's ft generous , supporting tonic , nnd a quieting , soothing nervine u legitimate med icine , not n beverage , free from nlcobol and injurious drugs. It corrects and cures , safely and surely , all these delicate dermige- inents nnd weaknesses peculiar to the sex. A remedy that itora cure is one. that can bo mtaranteca. Tliat'a what the proprietors of r' Fuvorito Prescription " think. If it doesn't give satisfaction , in every case for which it'3 recommended , they'll refund the money. No other medicine for women is bold on such terms. Decide for yourself whether something else sold by the dealer , is UUoly to bo " juit as good " for you to buy. HEALTHFUL , AdREnABLG. CLEANSING. For'Farmers , Miners and Mechanics. A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATt-R. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water SOUTH"OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Cpmpany- SOUTII OMAHA. Ilest cattle , hoi ; and HUoop market In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & FKAZIER I..1V12 STOCK COMMISSION , THE UvAIMMld. lWrlto to this hoau for oor- reDtMirltat ; Wood Brothers , routh Omahu Tele-phono ll'J. - Chloaco J , I ) . I1AD1S.MAN. I . , . _ - „ , . . Manmrerj. \V. li. WOOD , f Mnrltot reports by mall un I wlro choorfulty fiirnluhiid upon apiillc.ttlon. - - TM. Li - _ Campbell Commission Co. CliIuiiL-o. n.i tHt. I.onN , ICansasOlty. So.ith Om.ilii. BlouxUity , Kort Worth. A. D. Boycr & Company , ftBund VJBxohin.'J llulldlns.SuiithO irth u Corru poiidonco ollclliil unit promiitlaanworil. . ful nttuntlua tu urdarj tor tuckon A. fuj K t blUlied , I6 ; ) ! . . . . Incorporate , UJI C'upltkl f ullr I 'J , f-UUJJ. Waggoner liirn / CDno any Wrltu or wlro ui for prompt and rolUbla mirkn Perry Brothers cc Company , LlvuStn U Uommlstflon. Koom (1 KzuhaiiEo IlulldliuBoutU Oiuuba Teiuuliyuu 1707 , OMAHA Manufacturers' Jolliers' Directory / AWNINGS AND TKNTd. OmaliaTcnU Awning Go Wolf llros. A Co. Teats , nwnliiK" , tnrimii- . Flnoi > . hnmmooln. ollnnd IhK , ri-itcr.i of nil kinds , rnlihor i-lutlilna. fi-nl llnir < , bntuior. * , ntc , on 1 Jorcal'Kiu. 111,1 t'arntiiii for c. < tiloviic,70i S. pith HAGS AND TWINES. BcmlsUmalulWo Imimrlern nnd mfi , Hour anck , tiurliu. | tnino. BICYCLES. BOOTS AND SHOES. Jlorsc-Coc Shoe Co. 110. ) Howard Stroot. rnctorrcornor llth nnd Doiulisra * . WonrnmtKln clom prlou < to cull b tyorj , nn t nro lolllnv n elms of ifnnJs wiiloli U very s iluublj with niLMclmiiti. Steven Crccdon. XInnufnptiirer' " nitent , lean supply you with ovcry- tlilnit In Kliousman's , MQIIU. ) mil chlldV u ! " , \\l \ .1 f'lc" > rj' prlu3 nail discounts. Intost itrlja. 1404 Kurnatn Jtrcot. Ilooni IS. Kirkcmlall Jones & Co. Amer.llanilScwcilSiioeCo Wliolcsnlo Mfrs. Aiicnti Moots , ntinos , rulilior lloston lluliber > lioe'o ! < , IIOMIOI-IIU ; ! llariioy-.i I0lt KOIIll < , KiOJ UIU llnnior-sl. CLOTHING. Blolcky & Cohen Clothlnif.notlon. furnish- lints , tilvu us n trlil. Sninples pri'p-ild br ox- pruss , 111 ! ) Ilarnor. COAL , COKE , | COIINICE. Dtllr GOODS. M. E. Smith Co , Kilpalrick - Koch s , notion * , fur- Dry Coodi Co. Notions. nlxhliiK irood' . Coriiur Kaats' furnlstiliK aoJ lltli nnd llo\vird-stt. Cor. lltti ni I lloiv.ir.i. FURXITURIi. U ROC Kill US. | DriUUS , Kl'O.- D. M. Steeled Co. ake , Bruce & Co street , 10th and IHrmy sir U mail a. U'liiih i. TO TUB OW.NKItS OV ALL LOTS AND putts of lots nnd real est.ito ulon-c Maplu stieot fiomaith avcnnu to aisi street , and Intersecting streets , on account of a pro- DosL'd ehaii''i ! of made. You tire hcieUy notified ( hat the iindcr- sluncd. tliruo disinterosfjd freeholders of the < : lty of Oinalia. h ive been duly aup iliaul by Iho mayor , with tlio approval of the city coui'dlof bald city , to ase s Iho damn , cs to the owneis , re.speetively , of the poperty : alTecU'il by prulln : thu abovu inunt loned stieutand Interseetliu htrjots. duel.ired nue- vssary by Ordin.inco No. I'M , p ssud August . ' 'Ird. isfl ; . approved AnKiist24tli. 1M ) . ' . You arc fuither notified , that hivlus : nc- cepto I said appo ntment , and < lu y iiuallllcd as rcqu rod by law. wo will , on the 17th day of September. A. I ) . 1 J. ' , at tlio hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon , nt the oil ! ' e of it. W Ulbson , 2,11 IN. Y. Life Huildln . within I ho cor porate limits of bald city , meet forthopur- pose of consider. rir and making thu assess ment of damage to thu owners ruspectlvely of said property , nireeted bv said giadln . lak- nr- Into < o isider I'tlon special bencllts , If any. You ate notllled to hn nre-ont at tlio t me and place aforesaid , and make any objections to or statements con 0111,11 ? bald as essnicnt of damages us you may consider nropur. It. W. ( JIHSON. W. It OATKA Omaha , Neb . Sept. 7th , .6'I2. ' BSdIOt IDKOI'OSAL'S rOH hKKOTlON OP SCHOOL Jbuildings. . U. S. Indian Service , Omaha and \Vlniiolin.i A cney , Nub. WmiiQli i o I'liurMon County , Nob. . August 2J , HJ. ! ) Sealed liiopoi.i.s. endorsed "l'roinsals ] for Krt'ction of School Itnlldlius , " and a < ldi'r'ssed lo thu nnder-jned | at Wlnnnbii ii. i litirsion County. Neb. , \ \ 111 bn recolvc.l at this a eney until onooVlouk p. in. of Sojiiomliur 21 th , Ih'.U , for thu fuiiiisli nsof all nd.ess.iry lai.or an I materials nnd ereetln : noir thu Wlnnnl.iio ) ; Agoney , Net ) . , throoCD IWt/bto.-y l.r ck school buildings , ns ] iur the phi us .nut specifications which n.av bu uxamliif I at the oIlL'o of the "lluo" of Onuiha , Nub. , the " .diurnal" of Hionx ( ' ty. lowi , and .it this : ipolicy. Illd- dors mo required tu fo.low tliu "foini of pio- pusal , " aecomp ihylnsc Ihu spuelllcatlons as eloselv as iholr bids will penult. Illda xiiould state t ho nropDHii.l pricu of each bnlld- Inx and fur thu uro ip of bnlldln s. The r.Kht is tcserved lo 10 jet any or all bids or any p.irt of any bid If deumea for the bust Inter est of the servlco. t'ortlliud ehoeks. II.icli hid must bu aceompii'ilu 1 by u eurtlllu.l cnu.-k or draft up > n somu United States depository nrsolvent nation.il bank In the vicinity of. the residence of thu bldilor , mudu nnvablu to the order of thu L'onimlsslonui of Inillan Af fairs , for at lu.itit IIvo per cunt of lliu amtiiint nf the propoail , which cheek or drift will be forfullitd to thu United Slates In ei.su any bidder or bidders lu'clvlng an nw..rl shall fall to promptly o.\euuto a i'ontrict with ( 'o.Tl and Milllclenl nnretles. oiliorwlao to bu ro- tnrnoit to tlm bldtler. lids iiecomi ) inled by c ish In lien of a certified ciiu k will not bo considered , rorany fuithor Information , ; IH to biiildln. site , means of transpurlatlon , utc. , apply toKOUKItr U. AS11LHY , U.S. liull-in Accnt. Sld.'lt. PROPOSALS FOR GRADING. Hcalod proposals will bo rucolvod by the undoiBiKncd until liWo'clock : p. in. Suptiimhur .Mrd , 18.12. for pr.ulliiK Martha street from 2nh sited , to'-'Ith.street In the city of Omnhii , In nccordanco with plans and Hiiocllleallons on Illuln Iho oflleoof tnu board of public winks. 11 tls will ho madu on prlntu'.l blanks fur- n'bhed ' by Iho bo.ird. und to bu acuompanlnd by n cortllled check In thusnm of r > OJ. paynblu to the city of Oinuh.i as un ovlilunco of good Thulioard roBorvos the rl'-ht lo rojnct any or all blU und to " * $ $ & } „ AUu , ; Chairman lloanl of I'libllu Works. Omaha , Nub. , tfept. Oth. I&UV. b'J-10-lb-l ! . Nlieriir Snip. Under and by virtue of two noparnto ordnrs mudu by the lion. I'rank Irvine , onu of tliu Indtres of thu district court wit un and for UotiKl'iHuiiniitv. ' .MiDraKka , In the following ucllons pendhiK In s ild court , towit : I'a.xton A ( JiillaiMiur. a eopartiiec lilp eoinposod of William A. 1'axlon and lluiijamln liiilla hur vs Luvlll. liut/.uldockotn ( : , No. 17) ) and Jlc- C'ord , lira ly company , an Ini'oiporalhm. Yit l.ovl ( i. lluuo , ( dookutaj. No IH ) . 1 will on thu Uth duy of rJeptumber. A. I ) . In.1 ! , coininonuliu- at lOo'oiouk In the fuienoon of H ml duy , at No. 111 ! .South JCth Htiuot , In lliu city of Omaha , I ) ( > iiKla > > county , obr fck.i. soil at public auc tion to tlm hlKtiuit and beut blddtiri for eash. the foiluwlim cooiU und ch.iHolH hurutofiiru luvlod upon ny mo by vlituo of iinlcm of al- taehment itstiud In Ihu uuovo entitled iicllon * . A roiupletontookof ittaplu nnd ( .in iy uro- curk'.s. woiidenwaio. llnwari ) , willow waru , fitoiiowjre , Hour , liousofuriilsliln JKoods. store furiilliuu and ether murch.indlbu. Thu un.lorslxncil rosorvm lliu rUht to boll this piopcrty UK u whotour In unpurulu par- eci , us in III * judRiiioiil Hlr.ill bu for lliu Dual Interest of nil purl IKS concurnod. ( iiOIJIJ : ( A. 1IKNNKTT. Hlioriir of IJoiulaH County , Nub. Onialm , Nobrunka , t-oploinljor'Jid. l I'rop > i il 1 > r ( In I'j SI i IHI i i 1 Li n ' . > or. Hojled bhlg will bo reculvoil ut Ihu olllco of thu city coinpi roller , Omaha , Nub , uu to 4 oclock p. in. Huptembur lath , iw. , for the fur- nUhlni ; of urudo ntulej , liimuur , iiulm and ccninnt for thu romalndur of thu yuur for thu oily of O.naha. Hpocl- [ IC'UlniiB on tliu at this ofllcu , The rl.'ht is ruiurvcd to nccuptor rojocluny or all bldn. ICuoh bidder U rciiulicd to unulosu cortillud chock of JO.UO. TllUO 01.SiN , ' ' " - - HAUUWAUK. llcclor & Wilhelnj Co. l/bcck ) & Corner 10th ftnd Jackson Dfftlcrs In InMwnro and street * . nioUiftiilrr tools. UJI Dciiulu struot. LUMflKK. Clias. II. l/c. ; Jo'ia ' A. Wakcliell llirdnooil lnn\ipr. ! wooit Imported.niorlcin carpet * na 1 ptriu l IAII lopiiienl. .Mllwa lloorlim. hrdraullu oimont mil I'th ' nail Doiidl.-n. Uiiln or whlto ll-nn. LIQUOHS. Frick & Herbert. Wliolesul ) liiiior | iloilir 10U1 Kirium t. J. Olerfcldcr & Co. Importer * anil lotibcr * of nillllnorjr.mitloiii. .Mull unlorif prompt , t. PA1M3U. OILS. Carpenter Paper Co. standard Oil Co. Cnrrr a fnlt itock of prlntliiit. wr | ) | > lnir nnil Itctlned nnil lubrlcntlnt wrltlnir pnpur , card pa oils , tixluitro.iiu , eto. per. etc. OVER ALLS , ETC. | OYSTHUS. King & Sineai David Cole i Co , MfrsoC ' ' 1C A S" naiiti . . Iilrlii nnil overall , etc. celery. HI ! ) S. luth slreul DIMS South lltlint. toloplioiiu 7ia. PRODUCE COMMISSION. Kstiibllslioa IS73. Hnuicl1 & Ca WHiuicy & Co. Produce , friilU of nil llutter , ecKs nnil poultrr , kinds , orators. IllliSuutli Uthst. Jas. A. Cl.uk & Co. Itnttcr. OIIOC43 , ot/ poultry nnd KRIIO. li 13th at , STOVE REPAIRS. Omaha Stove IlcpaiMV'ks ' fctnvereimlrs nnd water nttncliments for any kind of gtoro inndo. l'.M7 Dou lns. SASH TOYS. M.A.Disbrow&Co. II. Hardy & Co. Mnnnf.icturor < of slih. Toy , dolls , nlliunn. dee ri , bl I n ds nn 1 luncy oods. tiouio fur- luouldln ti. llr.inch of nlslilni ; Koodi , chll- fice , mil niul Iiard sti. droll's e nrrhi U3. UI'J L'.irn.iai it. NOTICE OV APPKAISE.MKWT OV DAMAGES FOU THE CHANGE OU GRADE OF DOUGLAS STUEET FHOM 12STII STUEET TO TI1H WEST LINE OF HOGGS & HILL'S 2D ADDITION. To Iho owners of all lots , pirts of lots and real estate alontr Dougliis stieut from 2Hh stieot to Ihu west llnu of llogzs& Hill's-d uddlllon and Inlcrscetin uvennusand streets. Von are hcrebv notllled Unit tbo under signed , threu disinterested freeholders of thu ellyut OmaliH , have been duly appointed hy thu mayor , with thu approv.il of Ihu city council of nuld city , to assess thu damage to thu owners respectively of the property nf > foeted by the t-hnnue of grade of Doir.-las stieet from 2sth street to the wuU llnu ot HogKs & Hill's addition und Intersecting live * lines and stiuots , deul.irud nucessaiy by ordt niinco 13' ) , passed Aillist 2a , ISO , ' , approved August21 , IS.1. ! ) Vou nro further notlflod , tnat having ao. ecpted said appulntment. and duly qualified us required by law. we will , on thu < 7th day ol September. A , I ) , 18) ) . ' , at thu hour of 10 o'clock In thu forenoon , at the olllco of T. U , llriinner , room 1. Ware block , within the corporate limits of s.itd city , meet fur iho purposoul eons.during and making thu asscsinii'iit of dumiiKuto thu owners resiiucttvoly. of said properly , airocti-d by s ild change of mado. taking Into consideration speulai bonetlts. If any , You are notified to bo present at the tlmo n d piacu ufurusald. and make uny objection * o or stiitoments ciinccrniir. . s < ild assessment f daiu.iL'cs , as yon mav cnnsl lor proper. T. O. IIKIJ vNIUt. WlliUAll (1. HIlltrVBIt , ( JKOIIUiI'AUIi. ! . ( Jommiltcu of Appraisers. Omaha , Sopt. 0. 1SU2. t-Ortlllt Nolle" of AsscHBUH'iltol Dalii.igim lor Kccnn strnetlntr the Mxte-cntli Stroul Vliiilnut. Tothoownursof all lots and parts nf lots and ictil estate along the Sixteenth streul via duct und thu approaches thereto. Vou aru horouy notified that the nndur- Kl-ncd , three disinterested freeholders of ilia city of Omaha , havu been duly iiiipo.ntud by the mayor , with thu appiov.il of the city coun cil of sa d cltv. to assess Ihodamagu to thu owners respectively of the property alli-eti-d hy thu construction und luconstrucilon of the 8l.\tconth struct , viaduct In vhu city of Omahu us declared necessary by imllnuucu No , ,1172. passed July list IM.1 , approved July 2ld , 1S'J2. ' and us proposed hy plans duly uppiovod by thi ) mayor ami council of said city. You are further notllled , that hiving ac cepted s ild appointment , and duly iinallllcd Hsicimlred by law. wo will , on Huiuriliy. the ITthiluvof September , A. I ) . IHJ2. ut the hour of I ) o'clock In the forenoon , at the directors' room of the C'ommi-rcl.il National bink HWJ l-'iirnum street , wllliln the corporatu limits of aad ! cltr , incut for the purpusu of considering and making the assessment of dam mu lo the owners respective.v of s.ild piopoitv alroctud by sulil roconstructliinof Niifil via met ano lt appio dies , taklns into consliler.itlon special benollts , If uny. Vou , ire nuiillod to bu present at the tlmo and place aforesaid ami rn.iko any oujectloiii to or sfitomontscDncernliii H ild assessment of danumcs us you ma v' cims < liir pioper. \V * I J. h 111C I \ J It * AHOI.I'II MICVKIt. AliKKKM MHiIiAUI ) . Soiitemboraa , 1892 , Uiniilm , NobraKkn.Kid Kid lOt Xotlcn ff AttuoAsnient ol l > .imiii ; M for rr ( Jrncllnc. To the owners nf all lots and purls of lots ami ruul estate uloiii ! Vlnlon ntiool. from 24th stieet to thu west line of alley In blookai , WIU-ox's sucund addition. Vim are hereby notllled that the umlor- slmuiil , thtoo dliinturi'Steil frcuholdurs of Iho ulty of Omahu , have been duly appointed by Ihu mayor , with the approval of thu cay council of Huld city , to assess the daiiuuii lu thu owners ruapoutlvnly ot the property ullo led hy grading nf suld Nlreot. duulared neei-ss irv by ordln.incu .Numbur a'J.IJ , p issud Aii'-'ust2Jrd , ib'jj , uml upprovud August 24th Vou nro further not ( led , thut having ac cepted mid uppolnlmont , ami duly ijmlilleil us roquliudhy law. wo will , on thu 15th d iy of rtopu-niber , A. I ) . , IS ! ) . ' , nt the hour ( if 10 o'clock In the forenoon , at thu olllcn nf Khrivur &o'liiniihin ) ) , 141)1 Kariiam strum , within iho corporatu limits ot mid city , meet , for lho puroso | of cuiisldurliu and making thft/ , ' iis4uvsmontof ilnmau to the uwnors rospoo'- Ivuly of said property , aireclo i bv n-ild grad- lii' . ti'klng Into conultlur.itlon bpccl.il bono- HtH , If any. You aru nullflu I to bu projun' at the time und placu afori'n ild , and make any o ijoctluns to orHUitomont-icoiicumln , ' Mid a simmont of dumugus us you may i' < 1'i''l'u ' ' ' ! , Ifl'.llillVi. ! W. U. nil HI \ I. li , Gill ) . J. I'AI'J- . HroolvDALH , Cominitteo of Apr.iltoM. Otnalin , Nol > , September ard , IHJ. . n .Id 1) SK\VKU 1'UOPOSALS. Healed proposals will bo rocuivod hy thu nn * clomliiiiuil until 1:3J : o'clocic p. in. Hcptember loth , Ib'l. ' , for tliu construction of a SUWIT In huwor district. No. 101. in the oily of Omaha , us perordlnuncu No. 3.21 , iieuurdlng to plans and Npecilluatlons on Ulu in thu olllco of thu boaril of inibllu works. Kiuh proposil to bu made on printed blanlin furnished by lh boird , and to bo necomp.i. ntod by u curtllli'd chuck In thu sum of IKK ) , payabiu to thu city of Oinuh.i , UH un uvldunuo of vood faith , , , Thu hoard reserves the right to rujcct uny orul. . bias , und , Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllo Works , Owaha , Nub , , Boptumbcr Ut , Ib'/J. S1-2-B-8