Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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on nil aides , nil the confused nnd tended to
confuxotiio bit : " "in of Boston. Ho never
bad boon so nuzzled before. The sensation
wns new. The lightning flush'llltn sciatica
of the voungor tnnn wns ft revelation to built *
van , who In hi * oo.t days had never pos-
ftOMcd such pupillallo elements. Then ndd
ton years dllloronco In npo Mid the condi
tion ! Hint confronted Sullivan hiwo boon
fairly stnloJ.
"Bu.IUld not run away , " the big fellow
nln'oit nobbed. "Lock us up In n morn Just
look mo in a room with him nnd sco what 1
could do with him. " . .
Than ho relighted the soddou olfear butt
which ho held between his nuv and swollen
lips."But ho licked mo yes ho did , ho ilckod
mo , nnd lot It BO at "that , " ho blurted. "I
Klvo him nil the credit ho wnnU. Ho Hotted
mo squnro enough , but tnm old , I nm. Let
htm go through what 1 have. Lot him knock
them nil out for twelve years nnd then aoo
If ho can do nny bettor than I did. Hut my
lather nnd mother put some sonsn In this
[ clumsily anoaiinu nt his tomplu with a liU
index linger ] nnd I know when I'm licked , I
do. Yes , ho licked tlo champion , nnd now
he's champion , Lot him tiiko care ofitn *
good nn 1 did , Hint's ' nil. I nln't UicUlnpr , "
utul no rambled on tbo defeated chumplou.
After n whileho" wont to lie down In tha
club house nnd felt asleep.
"Naii So Poor in ! > < > Him Honor. "
And how different the nttantlons paid him
now for those hourly bestowed upon him yes
terday. Then nil his friends nntl trainers wore
ut his beck nnd call. Knch How to do hi ? bid
ding nud to satisfy nny wish. Today ho wns
nlono among the Hlndly henrtod strangers nt
the club houso. Handsome Dan Murphy was
about the only one ot the Sullivan outfit who
wns attending to the ox-champion. Curious
scrubbers In the bath department at the club
stnrcd nl the unsteady fighter ns ho strolled
about the baths In las bathing trunks , listen
ing to his mnundcrings. Wakoly nna John-
sou nnd Moran , his bicker * , were blocks
nwnv nt n hotel ; whllo faithful Phil Casey
wns packing up for the Journey und JaoK
Ashton wns drinking in a party whoso oblof
occupation wns admiration ot Jack MoAul-
iffe , who wns ull about the bnrroom. Thus
shift the fortunes of pugilistic war.
At the conclusion the now champion
was surrounded by a crowd who
shook his hand until it wns sore. Ho wns
then carried off to his rooms , where ho
found tolcprnms awaiting him from all parts
of the country.
Ciirlixtt Drink * Only .Milk.
Champaign corns then began to pop nud
many healths were drnnic to the now lumln-
nry. Corbutt hlmsolf declined to drink ,
saying ho did not want to bo Hko
other pugilists ; that milk was good enough
for him. At 1 o'clock the now champion
wns permitted to rotlro nna dream of the
honors that liad been showered upon him.
Corbotl will join the traveling troou with
which he has been ovtilblting himself horo.
nnd will nt tonight's performance bo handed
the Olympic club's check for $15,001) ) .
A bunoflt to Sullivan Is botntr projected
to toke plnco In Now York. Corbott has
offered $1,000 for n box.
The exodus of talent from town has bo-
jrun that Is , these who are solvent.
The fact that these nro not
moro financially reduced is owning to
the nbsonco of Cornott money before
the light. Corbott this morning was ex
uberantly happy , receiving much attention
from the membera of tto athlolic clubs of
the city nnd tile talent. Telegrams continue
to pour in on him from all p iris of the world.
( . 'icorao Dlxon saw the light nnd enjoyed
the smashing that Sullivan got.
"Corbott ; made a monkey of Sullivan , Jusi
as I thought ho would. My wishes were
with Corbott and my money wont on him.
The winner is very clever. "
Torn O'llourko , who Knows n lighter whan
ho sees him , was in the zroatost of spirits
when the battto was Ho said bolero
the light that it would result just us It did ,
and ho outlined Corbett's tactics. "Corbott
won , us I predicted , und a clcnr head pre
vailed over brute force and vlciousn&s and
curried the day. "
Jnok Huvlino , who has spent a lifetime
' in the ring , could not toll bow it happened.
"I was on Sullivan , " ho explained , "and I
, hnvo not recovered from my surprise.
What Ilckod the big fcllowj Why , the other
mnn was too clover ; that is ull tlioro is
li to it. "
Llltlo Johnny Griflln scorned to bo pleased
with the result , "Tho profession will bo
ulavatod by Corbott's victory , " ho remarked.
"I'm ' glad ho won. "
I Oliiillriifi ) I rum 1'wte iIitcKRon.
Parson D.iviea came down to the press
stand whllo the crowd was cheering and nn-
, nouucod to n number of gentlemen who were
ficulod there that in a day or two ho would
issue a formal challenge to Corbett to fight
. Peter Jackson , the now American cnampion ,
to light to a llnisb for the chumploiishlp
of the world for a largo wncer and tbo
biggest purse that would Do oftiirud by any
American club. lit ; announced his chal
lenge in a business wuy. Asked his opinion ,
ho said :
' "As I said before , I thought it would bo a
short , light or u vorv long one , and that Cor
bott wns to win. It was a good light. "
i Police Captain JJarrutt had a bit of an
opinion to express. "I think n * everyone
else ; there is no ctinuco for a variety ot
opinions. Ttie battle was nil 0110 way. "
Joe Uoddnrd hud a special interest lu the
fight. Ho wants n chance nlmsolf at the
victor , und he did not seem beforehand to bo
, particular who. "I want to light Corbott
myself , " ho authorised the Associated Press
representative to sav , "for $10,000 u sldo. I
have my money here and am ready to put It
np iiovv. "
I-Tol < I-Yoii-So Tulk.
Hilly Madden must bavo boon pleased nt
tbo licking iho Dig fellow got , for bo pre
sented n big roll that bo had won and had his
opinion confirmed.
"I can't see how any one could have ex
pected a different result. It vas hardly
likely. Sullivan's day bad gone. As bo said ,
lie wont up n time too often. Everybody
knows that be has lived too fast. No phy.
nlquo could stand the clip. Corbotl is the
greatest man Sully over mot. People
laughed at mo years ago when I tried to got
him and called him a prince. I auiahoad
S'J.OOO. "
Walter Campbell , the lightweight , oskod
for bis views , said : "Corbett u one
of the greatest men 1 over saw , Hilly Mad
den told mo that ho thought ho was
clover , but believed ho lacked judgment.
I was ncicpnbly disappointed. tiulllvan
used bad judgment ( rum start to finish.
Whenever ho hit with his loft ho foil short.
Then when ho bit with his right ho generally
. mused Corbett. Ho Is a world-heater and
the bout I ever saw , "
Alt Kennedy wns sorry ho was not in the
\vlnmng class , but ho had n front seat never
theless. "It was n fine light , " Is what bo
liua to say. "Corbett's activity carried the
day over Sullv'A ago. Sullivan is n back-
numbor. Ho was too old to light , in fact ,
. none of thoio men have nny license 10 go in
the ring when they aio past SOaaalusta
clover young man wltb speed and tmduranco.
( 'orbott is the cleverest man that over stopped
Into a ring. "
ilnrkMoAulitlo C'umi-n Out A ny Ahenil on
thn ( Itmnrul Itimnlt.
Nr.w OUI.KANS , Lft. , Sept. 8. Many people
observed the livid appearance of JacK Me-
Aullffe as ho stood In Sullivan's corner and
DAW the irrout champion of old mowed down
in n pitiful miinner. Jack was as white as a
ehcot and looked moro Hko u marble atutuo
than a human bolnt' . Ho thoucht tboro wns
no man on uarth to compare with John L.
Sullivan and ho did not hesitate to back his
opinion with nil the money bo had on earth.
So ho guvo Dlclt Roche his chock on the
Dank of Commerce of Now Orleans for $18-
CM , all of which ho requested Uocho to play
on Sullivan for him. lie wns so confident In tbo
big follow' ' * , ability to win that ho oven went
BO far us to borrow $5,000 nnd put that up
lilmsolt against $ ' -UOO , consequently Jack
was more than mad when ho saw how tbo
tldo was flowing. It was hope against faith ,
nna each round brought the dreaded reality
to bis vision. Ho was worked almost Into n
frenzy by the tlmo the It nook-out occurred.
Jack felt that ho hail lost ovcry thine on earth
and that it was simply a ease of ( jolng back
nnd beginning life over again. A milt stone
\vus removed from his heart , howuver , when
> > o ascertained from Dick Itoobo that his $18-
aW tlli remained in the bank , na the longheaded -
headed Ilocho KUOW moro about the uncer-
tnlutlos of plunging than his young friend ,
to no quietly held back the cheek and put
1300 or * 40o on Sullivan for Jack , saying that
ttiero were no such odds between the two
teen ttud that u bint in the hand was worth
two In the bush. Ilocho did not bat ono dollar
lar himself , although ho won over $10,000 on
McAullffo whipping Mvor nnd loit n smnll
amount on Skcliy. Ho liked Sullivan , butho
is too old n gitmttlor to bo tempted to give
awnv to such odds ,
Sninn .Sports Who Did Ilrt.
The biegost loser of the day as fur as can
bo ascertained was smiling John Kelly of
Now York , the ox-base ball umpire , who
backed the great champion of champions for
$31,000 , nn amount thnt would carrv nn ordi
nary man through llfo very comfortably ,
John felt tbu loss qroatly , but It did not
brcnic his faca In the least , as tha snmo old
smllo II en tea up tm countenance as ho said
with n sigh : " 1 will have to commence nil
over again. " Ho wns not over the
situation , but took it in n sensible manner
nnd said n fallow iu the bolting business Is
llnblo to get It in the neck nt nny mlnuto , nnd
often when ha thinks ho has the blegost
chances of winning , or as the sports say has
"a cinch.1'
Ono of the heavy bolting member * of the
Manhattan Athlotloclub of Now York , who
bet on a "dead sure thing , " created no llttlo
amusement bv going into tbo pool rooms
about 0 o'clock last night and asking tlioni
If they would kindly cash his ticket for him ,
ns ho was going homo at 2 n. in. On the Man
hattan special train , und would not bo nbto
to romnln over until morning to got his
money , There was a supproaiud giggly nnd
n brond grin on everybody's face. Tha gen
tleman had put up $50 to win $10.15 ; ) , nnd ho
wns very anxious to get & > 0. ! > 0. "Big
Diamond" Bill Brady wns ono of ttio by
standers , and ho helped the heavy betting
Now York dirdo out of hli predicament by
offering to cash his ticket.
"Thank you. " said the club man , as ho
handed his ticket to the genial Brady.
The latter smiled pleasantly nnd stopped
back , saving , "Af tor tun fight , If you pleaso. "
Ho had to promlso tun * , ho would surely bo
on hand at the moment the light was over.
Brady kept tils word , but the swell Man
hattan man must have lost his way , us ho
had not roturnoJ up to the tlmo tbo special
loft for Now York.
No\v Yorker * Very Sore.
If thorn was over n crostfnllen crowd of
sporting people , it was. the Manhattan club
contingent of Now York. They cnmo nero
full of enthusiasm for bulllvan and staked
their money on the Issuo. They oamo on n
special train nnd counted on making It tha
banner train from Now Orleans to Now
York , nnd , ns Mr. IMnko of the Manhattan
AthltUlo club , who was in churgo
of the party , clulmod yesterday after
noon , they had bought up all the
red , whlto and blue lights to bo found in
Dow Orleans , and they intended setting
them off all along the roaa on their way
home. They were simply going to take tbo
whole country by storm. Mr. Sulllvnn did
not win and ft is fair to presume that this
celebrated display of fireworks dtd not take
place. Tbo Manhattan contingent will hold
their bountiful supply until July 4 , 1893 , or
quietly sell the stuff at n discount to some
second hand storo.
Arthur N Couway , representing a roll of
$ J,000 for ROino Saratoga mnn to bet on
Corboit , only got up SI.200 at 3 to 1. Ho
could hnvo plnced the whole S3.000 , but a
halt wns called on him until further notice
und the notice did not come , nnd Conwav is
cogitating over what ho coula hnvo dona
with tbo balance ,
CiiHmtt'H Gimorosity.
Jim Corbett showed his gonoroslty iu n
most remarkable manner last night at the
St. Charles hotel , when ho soul word to
Sullivan that ho would not only spar four
rounds with him ut his bonollt to bo hold nt
Madisoii Sounro garaon September 27 , but
would tnlto a box und piv $1,000 for it.
When Corhott went to Sullivan's corner
and helped aim to his chair , ho hold out bU
bund nnd bind : "John , will you shnke hnuds
wltb mol" nnd Sullivan replied , "Yes , my
boy. I'm ulad It wns you thnt won. "
When Sullivan reached the hotel ho said
to an old friend : ' Well , my rosebud , Jack
McAuliflto , tbo only undefeated nhamplon of
tbo three Uampsey , Sullivan and Me-
AulifTo will spar two round : , at my Madison
squnro benefit beptembor L'7 , nnd two dnys
later I will commence a week's engagement
with Hyde & Behman at their theater in
Brooklyn at a salary of SI.100 a week , with
the privilege of prolonging It three weeks. "
There was considerable tnlk I'm night of u
serious nature regarding the stake money on
the Sullivan end of thostring. It was said
bv some very prntuiuont sporting men that
while Churloy Johnson "and Jimuiv Wakolv
ROI credit for being the hackers of Sullivan ,
tboro Is good grounds for the belief that
ncltherono oftncm bud n dollar up In tbo
stakes , but that the whole $10,000 hud boon
put up by Percy Rockwell , who has since
died and there was a possibility of the estate
suing the stakeholder to recover tUo money.
"Pursoti" Davioa , who won a largo amount
of monov 011 Corbett , will issue a challeua
In n few days in behalf of Peter Jnckson to
light Jim Corbott for a stake such as ho will
then name , or that can ba agreed upon nnd
tbo Inrgcat , purse ottered.
( ioini ; Ituck toMrn.Jlm.
Champion Jim Corbott will bid adieu to his
Now Oileans friends tomoriow morning and
iu the beginning of next week the fistic won
der will ugaln bo In the arms of tils wife.
Corbutt pcnplo have engaged a special train
on tbo Pic'umont Air line , which will
leave hero tomorrow morning at 1 o'clock.
Corbett will bo escorted to the train by n
committee ot ttioSouthcrn Athletic club , anil
there will bo u rousing send-oft' given the
popular young pugilist , notwithstanding tha
carlv hour.
Delunuy thinks that Sullivan could have
boon wnippcd at any time after the first
round , but ho advised Corbott to bo slow and
Corboit followed his advice , although ho did
It with reluctance , desiring to show tbo
crowd what ho could do.
"Sullivan was ns fine as a feather lu the
opening , " suld Delancy , "und bolter thun ho
was over bofure. Corbott will never meet
Jackson again. You may make this public.
\Vo nro against fighting negroes any more ,
und wo uro particularly catering to the
wishes of our southern friends in this mat
ter. Besides Corbett has booted Jackson
already and nothing is to bo gained by fight
ing ngalnl Wo will nay no uttontion to Mr ,
Mitchell and for the present will ignore nil
challenges , us wo have engagements very far
ahead. "
Corbott cnmo down town Ibis morning and
visited his friends. Ho was cheered whor-
ovcr ho went.
Mr * . Corhott Almost Tlcldml to Dtmtli Over
llor llusliniiil'H Victory.
Nuw YoltK , Sept. 8. Tbo World says :
"As you don't happen to bo the wife of ono
of tbo greatest pugilists that the world has
over seen , of course you don't know how it
feels to sit in a room -.000 miles away from
where your'husbund Is lighting the man who
for years had boon rouognlzod as the man
who could whip any other human bolng on
earth. "
A pretty , fair-haired , dark-eyed woman
did that last night. There uro some people
who have wondered bow a woman fools when
her husband b taking part lu u big tight. It
is a frightful nervous strain. As nearly as
u man can compare , Mrs. J. J. Corboit felt
last night durint ; the light very muoh us the
novelists say the ancient young women used
to when their swootnoarts wont forth to moot
redoubtable knights.
Mrs. Corbott dnllues" lighting cordially.
But she Is proud of her big handsome hus
band , unr * . no onu among tbo thousands In the
clvllliod world who forgot everything else
over the big light wua so anxious for Corbett
to win as his tall , graceful wife.
It was n few minutes before 10 'ocloclc
when a carriage drove up In front of tbo
World building , and Mrs , Corbett and bor
friends allgutcd. She were u blue claret
goivn , charmingly made , nud a big hat with
f out burs ID it.
, Iu t u Trlllii VltlKoty.
With Mrs. Corbett was Miss Blanche
Howard , with eyes black as night and hair
to match them , She was drostoa in black.
Mrs. Mundoliuuui , In a' .soft light summer
dross , was with them. Their lutorost In the
fight was aouiuiugly as great as that of
Mrs , Corboit. Tha ladle * wore taken to
the editorial rooms and were ushered
Into u room prepared for them. Mrs. Corbett
sut on oue side of the table , Miss Howard on
the other , whlloMr * . MandobaUui sat ou the
Tboro was a quivering ana biting of lips ,
a trembling ol eyelids , n contraction of the
pupils and little norvoui movements of tbo
bands. There wai not a particle of fear
among them Underneath tholr
was a belief firm ai the bills that Jim uiunt
wlu. They tapped their feet and trembled
.j. . . . -
i-nr itft >
rts the shouts from the crowd * on the streets
reached tholr oars. But soon the raporls
began to como nnd the messenger rushed in.
A llttlo bo'.tlo of salts was placed' on the
tublo. Your wi o woman is ulways prepjirod
for emergencies.
Shn Wnntod to Im Hugged.
The ladles followed the different stages of
the light with varying expressions , hut when
the messenger bringing the result uf tno last
round entered the room there wns something
in tils fnco mat made them look nt htm
oxpoctnntly. The smllo of the mossoncor
wns getting broader nnd broader. The
woman wore dancing In tholr seats nnd blink
ing their eves nud smiling nnd looklntt as It
they wanted to scream just ns loud ns they
know how.
"H'snU ovor"sald
- , thomossonpor ,
very much out of breath , - 'He'sy ° n' " Ho
looked nt Mrs. Corbott ,
"Is it trueJ'1 exclaimed Miss Howard.
'True , true ! Of course It i- > , " replied
Mrs. Cowtot [ , nnd then tboy shouted and
clapped tliilr bands und hugged each other.
"Isn't it crand : Isn't It glorlousRlrls ! Hug
mo tlgbtl Ob , Jim , Jim 1 I know you would
dolt. "
Then they nil fell in each other's arms nnd
shed a toar'urtwo for pure joy. Then they
cried out nnd shouted uud Insisted thnt they
were the happiest people on onrth. They
would hnvo given anything to bo able to tly
tight off the roof.
It is a good thing to see people when they
are thoroughly happy. . Few people over pot
so haopy as wore those .women lust night.
They pitied and spoke scornfully of Sulllvnn
und said that Jim was the greatest man whoever
over lived nnd this all In one breath.
llntlicr Ito Oliiiiniilon Tlinn I'rpulitnnt.
After the first obulltion of joy had cooled
down they bqgan to roallzo their happiness.
"Just think , .lira Is tha champion of the
world , dear , " said Miss Howard In awed
tones ,
"Yes , I know ho would bo ; I just felt It In
HIV bonos. "
"Ho would not trndo with the president of
the United States , would hoi"
"No ; I don't think bo would. I hnvo
nlways hated fifhting boforj , but now , . I'm
glnd Jim's a pugilist , " &nld Mrs. Corbott
naivt ly ,
Then' she remembered that she must send
some telegrams. The first was to her hus
band. This is It :
To J. J. Corbott , Olympic club , Now Orleans :
Illess your heart , Wo were not overconfident ,
were wo ?
This was sent to Corbott.'s father :
To 1 > . J. Corbott. 518 llnyes street , Sun Fran
cisco : Jim non , bless his hoart. I know It
would bo so.
Up Curly to Son the 1'npora.
Mrs. James Corbelt , wife of the now cham
pion pugilist of iho world , was up with the
sun this morning , in order to got the morn
ing papers and road the accounts of her hus
band's ' victory. She did not , take time to
put on her reception costume , but clad In u
prettv light blue wrapper , fixed herself com
fortably nnd road nil about it. Not a comma ,
quotation marit , lotcor or "syllable escaped
her notico.
"Wasn't ' that nice ot Mr. Sullivan to sav
what he did ? " she nskcd , ana tbon , woman
like , she proceeded to commiserate with Mr.
Mrs. Corbott showed the reporter the fol
lowing lologram received this mornine , which
would tend 10 show that her very distin
guished husband is In a merry mood down ut
the Crescent City : "Cheer up. Cherries
uro ripe. Will bo homo Sundnv evening. "
'The expression , 'Cherries nro ripe , ' Is n
fnvorito ono of Jim's when ho is fooling
proity good. " said the pugilist's bettor half.
" 1 should judge from it that ho and his
friends are enjoying themselves this morning
und nre a llttlo mixed. "
Mrs. Corbett was ignorant of wuat Mr.
Corbott's movements would boon his raturn.
There was jov all through the Colemnu
house this morning. A majority of tbo em
ployes nnd a bet on Corbott , principally on
nccount of its being Corbott nnd his wife's
fnvoiito hostelry.
Corbett's picture In the corridor has been
ndarnca with a bi flag , nnd n sign in big
letters roads :
A telocrnm was received nt the hotel by
Mannger Brady , ordering n brass bind to
meet the returning parlv'nl. the Unpot aud
escort the victor in state to Iho hotel.
Sorry for John.
"Poor John , " Is the most frequent ex
pression In regard to the ox-champion.
While he has made many enemies bv his
overbearing nets when In nis cups , still
Sullivan bus boon looked upon ns the ono
man to protect the puclllstlo-championship
of thn world and keen it on our side of the
water. Doubts are freely expressed as to
Corbott's ability to i otain tbo honor nt long
ns the man ho has just dofcated. Said an
old sport , and ho voiced tho'majority of
opinion : "Well , so It'a Corbott. Ho Is a
good man ; but there never was but ono Sul-
liv.m , nnd there never will be. Poor John. "
Unit her Hurry \Viis III It.
SAX FIUXCISOO , Cnl. , Sept. 8. Corbott's
brother Harry was soon shortly after the
news of Jim's victory was received. Hovas
very much elated over the fight. On being
uskod if the result was anticipated by him ,
ho said ho had oxpeotcd it to tbo extent of
$10OUO and had won considerable moro than
that amount. Hurry Corbott runs three
largo pool rooms In this city.
Tlirun HtrnlRhU tlio .Story of AH the I'ln-
UhtHl i\cntn on Yfsterdiiy'H Curd.
LINCOLNNob. . , Sept. 8. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BEB.J The races nt the state
fair grounds were again largely attended
this afternoon. The summary of the niter-
noon events is as follows :
Plrst race , trottln ; , 2:33 : olass , for foals a !
ISS-i. uilMuiWJ ;
Kddlu lluyt's i i j
Shariolniid Acme 222'o Hello 4 ! 1 4
IJiy Si o U 1 a
Time : aMil. 2:31) : ) } . 2:32. :
Bo-ond rnee , trotting , 2:50 : olass , purse $ t)00 ) :
Fanny 1 J 1
Miss I'oxlo s a : i
Tlu Tyler. a a
Time : S:2Ji : , 2:3Ui : 2ajy. :
Third race , trotting , 2:23 : class , nurse } GOQ :
fjidySiviiuo i i 2
h'rnnlc I1 ! J 4 1
Ilurjoy Ilurly 3 y a
Jim Iluiin 4 a 1
Time : i':2l : > i. 3:23 : . 2JO. :
I'ourth i ace , puclnt , ' , 2:27 : class , purse JOOO :
J.ulii ( J 1 l l
AlinoJIiie 222
.Inrsoy ( llrl 3 A 4
lloimio 11 475
Davyg 5 li a
Kusunls 0 a S
bniltli 7 4 o
Lucy Smith 8 B 7
Time : 2:22:2. : : . ! , 2:25. :
lUmnlnn nice , unfinished from yostordnv ,
one-half mile .uul repeat , purse i-OJ : Koao
hud won , A. C. Tucker bucond , Charlie 1C
third. Itoli'oen fourth , Arklow fifth. Mok
HiikurslYth. Kud Ihin-.sovonth. The running
racoon today's program was not reached be
fore dark ,
Cloilni : Day at Atliintlo.
ATLANTIC , Iu. , Sept. 8. [ Special Telegram
to .TUB BUB. I The attendance at the closing
day of tbo Cuss county fair was reduced on
account of tha threatening , but the
truck was In gond condition. Uesults :
Glass 2:27 : , trotting , purse $ .100 : Ebony
Wllkcs won In threu straight liuitts. Ibis sec
ond. I teat time : 2:27. :
Cluss 2.V : ) , truttlnir , purse ( .100 : Lowdlon
won In three straight heats , Janus second ,
llrllllaut third. Host tlmo ; 1'MY ,
Miss Hlgel made n line balloon ascension ,
going through the rain clouds and remaining
out of sight for some tlmo.
Drlilni ; ut Uliivoliinil ,
CI.CVKMXII , O. , Sept , H. The bad weather
kept tbo attondanccnt the Cleveland driving
pant today dowjh U 5,000 nnd mndo the trnek
sticky. Hal PtlnrVir paced against time nnd
made a mlle In the bad track In 2:00 : * , break
ing the Cleveland track iccord. Midnight
Chimes equalled the 3-yoar-old record tn n
raco. Fi fl1
Threo-yout-old , , tfitnkci , 12,003 ! Midnight
Ihlmoi won , AiiUnlrtlMo Queen second. Trovll-
lan third , Anihro ° , lnJ Ulstunccd. Tlmo : 2:1SJ : $ ,
Gl.-isi .TJ ; . pnco. nurio ITSOi Ca lo won , Corn
CrnporeeoiilJ ! Atttio third , Sawtollo fourth.
Lucy II llfth. tiiullo II Mttli , llrown Krnnk sov-
rrith , Sce-iiiw oT htli. Tunei',10 : , S'.IW ,
'l''our-vonr-od's'tifccR. : ! $ ? .W)0 ) : Hulda won.
Mill , t iVIllioH qiMOiiJ , Itrootnnl third , IT ink
MM fourti.r ! . _ njgnlnu ll.fth. Jl.olr-at-I.uw
distanced. TlmM rhum , SI.V : ( < 2:15U. :
rren-fir-\ll ) trotlopurso Jl , OJ ( unfinished.
with NiL'htliiguIn nnd Evaimolltio tied for first
place ) ! NellfoV third. Time : 2 : IJIK , 8M ,
2lV ! { . 2M4JJ ,
2W olnss , picltisr , uur o J733 : WllUlo Knox
won , Uvld second , It n ) third , Viator fouith ,
TCVIIM Jiiek fifth , Mnry Wllkon sixth , I'rltu-o
Columbia nnd Leslie Cdist-incud , Time ! 2il8 < 4 ,
Mornllo AVI us thn Sen unit Sound.
BAY , N. Y. , Sept. 8. A
throng of 8,0(10 ( people this afternoon gathered
nt the bay for the express nurposa of wit
nessing the struggle tor the Sea and Sonud
stakes nnd the Bridge handicap. They were
not disappointed , us Morollo shouldered his
123 pounds jind won the Sea nnd Sound In a
common gallop. Lady Violet's owner
declined to send her to the ion
to battle with Morello , because , it
Is generally bellovpd , of Morollo's
known good form nnd healthful condition.
Englo Bird , backed down from 0 to 1 to a'f
to 1 , wns beaten n for the plnco by
Wormser , IB to 1. in tbo Bridge handicap
Lamplighter ngatn proved himself the
best a-yenr-old of the y-sar by carry
ing bis 127 pounds and taking
the $ ' 20.000 prize from Fidollo , and
Peacemaker In the last sixteenth. Lamp-
lighter's tlrao was 2 sasa-fi. Fidollo was ut
10J to 1 in some of ibo books. Yo Tnmblon
was not fancied by her owner , but. the stake
was so valuable that ho lot her run , In cuso
an accident should Improve hcrohauccs. She
was beaten at the end of a mile , her heavy
woiorht otteclually slopping hor. Azrn nnd
The Popper ran remarkably well , after trull-
ing for more than n milo. Summary :
li'lrstrnco , sovrn furlones : I'nrvonuod to
7) ) won , Nomad (5 ( to 1) ) second. Tlmo : 1:23. :
No other stunoN.
Second race , ono mile : SInry Stone ( i ! to I )
won. Humor (1 ( to It Rocuid ] , Count { fl to 1) ) th rd.
Tltnu : l:40i-3. : :
Third race , the Son nnd Sound stnkos , futur
ity course : .Morollo (0 ( lo { > ) won. Wormsor ( ! . " >
to 1) ) second , Kuulo lllrd i7 to 2) ) third. Time :
1:11 4-5.
Fourth racr. Ilridpo handicap , mile nnd
n iiilf : Lamplighter (7 ( to 2) ) won , Fidelia Hi ) to
1) ) second , A/r.i ( . " > to 1 > third. Tlmo : 2:111 : 4-.V
Kllth nice , mlle andoneeighth : Diablo (2 (
to I ) won. Now or Never (0 ( to o ) socoud , Key
West (7 ( to I ) third. Time ! l.ifM. :
. Sixth race , milo and n iit.irtor ] on turf :
Toin. Ko-'ors (25i ( to I ) won , Uloamlns (4 ( to I )
second , I'nnco fortunutus (2 to 1) ) third.
Time : 1:20. :
Tlnui lit Lntonlii.
CINCINNATI , O. , Sept , 8. Todav's races at
Lntonla were well attended nnd fast time
wns in order. ,
First nice , soiling , jmr'sc.a-yrar-olds and up.
slfurlonai : Dud Uuxhos ( . 'i to 1) ) won , Maud
U 111 tof. ) second. .Miss llallurd (8 ( to 1) ) thltd.
Time : 1:17.'r : -
second rice , puiso. for Il-yoar-olds nnd up.
soxon rurlon.i' * : sielln.i. 1) (2 ( toll won , llr.icohit
IB to I ) second. Oilhoun (4 ( to 1) ) third. Time :
: ' . ) ! ! . ,
Third race. Relllnir. purso. n-year-olds nnd
up. mlle nnd nn eighth : Hob l > < S to . > M\on ,
Jiiuurth i < to 1) ) ( .iNimcl , Llttlo Annie (13 ( to I )
third. Tlmo : l\4Sl. :
Fourth r.iue , free Irandlcap sweepstakes for
3-ypur-olds .ind up. line milo : Ida IMckwIck
(7 ( to Id ) wiih , HI Itpyo.iii to I ) second , Vulora iU
toll third. Tlmo : 1:41.
Fifth r.iro. sollliift. PUMO , 3-yoar-old , flvo
furlonirs : l'n v S ( ft won , Southern l.'itiy (2 (
to U second , Golden Hope , ( U to 1) ) third. T line :
lOIU. : .
Sixth raoa , solllnir1. purse , 3-ypir-olds : nnd
up. six furlongs : .SiUital.on ( a to 21 won. ICII-
( laro U to U second. Oiinoral Miles (10 ( to 1) ) third.
Tln.e : 1:13M. : , , , | _ t
His Ki-Clirit Stuixls.
PT. PAUL , Mmn.Sept. _ 8. Jay Eye See
paced a miloovchtbo Hatr.lino track this
afternoon undert/dccldedly unfavorable con
ditions in a. OS ) . H istltno nt Chicago , was
tnreo-fourths of a 'sbcoiid fast6rbut today
the track was"slow"arid''t'uncertain because
tbo wind was blowing diagonally across the
stretch and it was cloudy , and uisagreenblo. '
Animmensocrowd vvasoq bond to witness iho
raco. It\yns , a racjei.botvVppn.lime , Jay Eye
See and > the rpiiiTuo finish wns in the
oriler named , tbo r'ain bolng beaten by a
littto moro than the same fraction of u mln
ute that Juv Eye See was by the fraction of
a second. It uus a gallant struguln from
w.iro to wire and keen disappointment in tha
crowd that Ihe umo xvas not bettor. Time
by quurlera : 32 , 1 :04. : 1 :37 , 3 :09.
At D.tvi-nptirt'ii Fair.
DvvnsroiiT , In. , Sept. 8. I Special Tele-
pram to TIIK Bnn.J About 0,000 pcoplo saw
the races at tbo Davenport fair this after
noon. The wonthor wns Ono. Following
were the winners :
2:30 : class : Blue Hells first , Kentucky
Wllkcs second , Star 11 lot a go. third , licit
tltno : 2\jy : \ .
Trotting. 2:33 : cln s : Ludv Hare first , llur-
ir.ou I ( iccoml , Good Hey third , lleslitline :
2J4M- :
The y :00 : trotting race wcs left , unfinished
on account of darkness.
linwthoriio 'Still Going.
CIIICAQO , 111 , , Sept. ' 8. Hawthorne races :
First race , snvon , furlongs : Not Us won.
Content second. Stolnwny thl-d. Time : lil'.j. : :
second nn o. llvo fuilongs : llummlnc lllrd
won. Cininii second , Mlsi Spot third. Tlmo :
l:0. : " .
Thlid race , flvn fnrlon/s : , Helter Skelter
won. I ord Stanley beconil , Fred Flsbor third.
Time : 1II31 .
Fourth race , one mlle : Pat Conley won.
Consignee sucond , Kn.'arlta third. Time :
IMJy. .
Fourth race , Htoopleohiise : EvaiiRolIno won ,
Juliet second , Elphln third. Time : 1:4U'4. :
Hie Duy nt
SPitisoriPrn , 111 , , Sept. 8. Twenty thous
and pcoplo were at tbo Sangamon county
fair today. Haco results :
2-year-old trot : Uvson won , Hey Avorj
second , Itoxlo linshtiw third Best time :
3OJ : pace : I.udy Spencer won , I ) ivy
Orooliott seuoml , Lowemiirk third , lli-sttlino :
2:2 : M.
Novelty ruiiiilnz race : H.irnoy 11 won
third und fourth qu irtcri ; Dan Tncxer first
quarter , Kcd Oak second quarter. Time :
Thlril Duy ut Toledo.
TOLEDO , O. , Sept. S. The third day's
racing of the Intnrnutioiial Sport circuit was
completed hero today.
First nice , free for' nil puoliiK , purse $ ! 00 :
Mlkudo won , Horrel Dan second , Lodilnvstr
third. ISesit tlmo : : !
bocoml race. 2:20 : trotilnif , purse $ IJO ; Clown
Robert won , Jiid'jo McCord second , John L
third , llusttlino : 2:27 : ,
Thlui r.iuo , running , four furlongs : llllllu
W won. Holler second , ( lice Hey third. Itest
time : 5J.
AliiHon City Iti
MASON CITV , Iu.JSfiit. 8. Hosults todnv :
2ai : jiaoa : Jordirn Won , Albert second , John
Atnlid. Host tiniflj ! :18. :
2:28 : trot : Uumonii won , Mairglo N second.
Alden third , llest tttiVo : 2'U.
2M trot : Frunlfld yjilro on , Uoyerxcoond.
Dudu thlid , ; 2:31. :
DAITOV , O , , Sept. jS. Fourth dny'w ' racing :
2t40 p.icliiL- : IluuJ ) < Wllkcs won. Aloius suu-
oml , MUUK II thirdKustt.ruo. . 2:2Hi. :
Consolation pur&Onifur troiteiHi Ciuy Hey
won , J M K sucoii.qlfton ) ) third. Hett tlmo ;
: "f
Joiiuh * Tnl i u j.lfjmur | | drip on bucond
J'luuo ut NomVorU' I < xpoii8o.
Nnw YUIIK , SeptjW. King wont to pieces
in the second und'7flH ' | innings today and the
Pittsburgs won n pa1 ) In which Now York
bad a loud of 5 toOf Utondunco , & 9 > .
Now York. , . . ' . -2 aooooooo-5
1'lttaburc . I ) 4 0 0 3 0 1 0 * B
Hits : Now York , I ; I'Htsbnr- . l > rora :
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Now York , fis I'lttibnri , t , Enrnud runs : Now
York , 4i IMtubiirg. fi llatturioat Klnxand
lloylot Baldwin una Mlllor.
PiUi.Uinu-iiiA , Pa. , SopU 8. Today's
gnmo wns nn uninteresting affair. Attend
ance 841. Score :
Olmilnmul. , . , , , „ 1 3 ; i o 0 0 0 n
I'hlladalphln 1 0 5 0 U 10 7
Hilt ! Cincinnati. I0)l'hlla"a"ophli ) ! , 12. Krrori !
Cincinnati. 2 : riilluilulnlil'i , 4. KuriiPd ruin :
Cincinnati , 2 ; I'hlludulphtii. ' - ' . ( latteries :
yiilllviin und Vaughn : Knell , Dowse nnd
Montlipnw Ihiwlny Still tliMOlvnl.
BOSTON' , Mass. , Sept , 8. The champions
were not In today's gnmo. Thov could do
nothing with Huwloy. AttundnncubijU. Score :
lloston 1
St. Louis 1 * 7
Hits : Huston. Uj fit. Louis , 1. . Krrors : llos-
ton. Hi St. LouK 3. Kurncd runs : fat. LonK
4. llatiorlcs : stlvutls und Uunzol ; lluwloy
und HiiuUley ,
Thny'ro Until AVotulorK , Too ,
n\tTi.Mo n , Md. , Sept. S. Both pitchers
were hit herd , but the Orioles hltof tenor nnd
In bunches. Attendance"31. Scoto :
llaltlmoro 'I * ft
LotiNvlllo 1 u I 0 1 ( I 1 0 1 5
Hits : llnltlmorc. IS ; foulsvlllo , r.1. Knars t
ll.iltlmoro , I ; Luulsvlllo , U. Earned runs :
Iluitlmoro , "it Lonlsvlllu , i. llitorlm : ( : Vlck-
ery una Koulntoni O.iuison and Atorrltt.
Slttln Ulilcigo Agullu
NK\V Yoitic , Sapt. 8 The Hrooklyns batted
out todays gnmu nnd hunt the Chlcagos with
ousu. Attundnneo , 1,11) ) , ' ) . Score :
lliooklvn k. U o o ii 0 0 3 0 4
UhlotiKU 2 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 2
Hits : HrooK-lyn , 10 : Cnln i ! * . 4. Krrorm
Iliooklyn , 1 ; ( Jhioiigo , 0. Kinul runs : Chl-
uugo , 1 : llrooklvn , 1 , lliiLtor in' Uunilxjrt
und Sulnlvor ; Htuln und KhiH.uvv. .
Stlllllllllt ; ol tllO 1'lMllH ,
'il 1
: i7.o
l.iu'ri > s i C'luli ,
A meeting for the purpose of organizing n
LnoroRso club wns hold In the culo of the
Poxton hotel last night una attended by a
Inrpo number of former players. Mr. Ucorgo
li. LcsIIo wns mndo ohntrinnn and P. J.
1'cddlo secretary. After some discussion It
wns resolved to proceed with the organiza
tion of the club , nnd Messrs. K. Mullen , S.
Huth , M. A. Hall and Dr. Anglln wuro ap
pointed a fominlttoo to" draw up rules nnd
regulations nnd secure slides nnd pfaotico
ground ! . They will report nt another moot
ing which will bo hola at the Paxton tioxt
'inursday night.
if ! tiiiinn ut ISInlr.
BLAIII , Nob. , Sept. 8. iSpeolnl Telegram
to Tin : Bun. ] The Pats nnd Leans ployed u
cnmo of ball here .yesterday , in which the
F.its covered themselves with glory. It con
sisted of all kinds of plnyore and their uni
forms were of nil colors. At the end of the
ninth Inning the score stood 18 to 21 In favor
of the Pats. The Fnts will probably Join the
professionals next ynar. The Leans claim
the umplio Is tlio cause of their defeat. They
board some ball plujeri say so once und <
think It will npplv to them also. Umpire :
Patlon. Tlmo : Not known.
/.Im WiinlH 'Km All ,
Si'Hixornn.ii , Mass. , Sept. S. " .Torsoy-
Llghtniug" Zimmerman took three records
away from P. J. Oarncnd , the crack English
rldor , atHampdon parktlils mornlner. Ho
started for the llve-mllo record , and In BO
doing lowered the throe-mile , four and five-
mlle records. His tlmo was 7:15 4-f , 9:41 :
nnd IS : 13 2-5.
1'l'onn dull O
The Press club will open Its now rooms In
the Patterson block this evening by giving
an "at homo" to Its mon'Dors nnd a limited
number of invited guests. The program is
an excellent ono , some of the leading vocal
and Instrumental talent ol the city appearing
In selections.
"Lato to bed ana early 10 nso will shorten
the road to your homo in the skies. But
early to bed and "Llttlo Earlv Hiser."tno
pill that iruk'js Ufa longer and bettor and
Friday is the last day of tlio state fair
at Lincoln. Are you eolng ?
flint , o.v.i A i : i it A a HA ius. .
Henry W. Yates wont to Chicago lost
Carroll and Arthur Carter loft last evening
for their schools In the e.nt.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Taliaferro and son
Malcolm returned yesterday from their
western trip.
Plumbing Inspector Duncan und Ernest
Stunt nave returned from tholr outing at
Hot Springs , S. D.
J. B. Brown loft last nigut for Vermont ,
and will return homo with Mrs. Brown who
hns been spending the summer at her old
homo In that stnto.
Mrs. II. T. Clarltc , who has been seriously
111 for some tlmo was reported yesterdoy ns
slightly Improved In health with prospects
now favorable for her speedy recovery.
Mrs. Brad D. Slaughter and family have
returned from a month's visit with Mrs.
Slaughter's sister in Donvor. Miss Gr.ico
Slaughter is also homo from a summer vaca
tion at Storm Lake , la.
NKW Yoitic. Sept. 8. ( Speclnl Telegram to
Tim BIB. ] Omuhn : Mrs. E. Nash , Hotel
Savoy ; Mrs. C. Anspacher nnd daughter ,
visiting Now York , are staying at the Bar-
tholdo. Lincoln : II. B. Granger , ( jrand
A neat llttlo circular letter announces thn
co-partnership of Hon. Lewis A. Graft and
Francis P. Lafroy i t Los Augolos.
Ayer's Pills
Arc bettor known and more general ,
ly used tlmn any oilier catlwrlic.
Sugar-coated , purely vegetable , and
free from mercury or any other injurious - .
rious drug , this is the ideal family
medicine. Though iiromi > t and ener
getic in their action , the. use of theao
pills is attended with only the best
results. TheirelTcet is ( ostrengthen
and rcgulato the organic functions ,
being especially bcncllcial in the
various derangements of the stomach
ach , liver , and bowels.
are recommended by all the leading
physicians and druggists , as the
most prompt and cITcclivo remedy
for biliousness , nausea , c-ostivoncss ,
Indigestion , sluggishness of the
liver , jaundice , drowsiness , pain in
the side , and sick headache ; also ,
to relieve colds , fevers , neuralgia ,
and rheumatism. They arc taken
with great benefit in chills and the
diseases peculiar to the South. For
travelers , whether by land or sea ,
are the best , and should never be
omitted in the otttllt. To preserve
their medicinal integrity in all cli
mates , they are put up in bottles as
well as boxes.
-"I have used Ayer's Pills in my
family for several years , and always
found them to bo a mild and excel
lent purgative , having a good effect
on the liver. It is the best pill used. "
Frank Spillman , Sulphur , Ky.
Prepared by Or. .T. O. Ayer fk Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Sold by Druggists K\ciy\vhcre.
Every Doss Effective
Purely Vegetable and Strictly
on the ijivoi1 and Stomtich , rostorln ? the
constipsitod o-pans to healthy activity ,
ACHE , BILIOUSNESS , and all other
diseases nrising- from a disordoroJ con
dition of the Liver and Stomnch.
They arc the Only Hollblo Vcgntiblo Llvor
Pill bold ; They nro I'orfo-tly II irniloi ) ; Tiu
nioI'uroly'Vo otablo ; Try Them.
DH. Sclionck'a Hojlc on Coniutnpllon. Liver
Complaint nn I Dv-iouusln Suut I'raa.
3.11. SGIIENOIC A : SON. t'hlladolphla
Act gently vet prompt
' ly on tbo MVEU , KID-
DR. KOBB'S NR1S anil BOWELS , Uls-
poIllnR llcnilachcs , Fev-
n-s nnd Colds , thorough
LITTLE ly cleansing the system
of disease , ami cures
h.ibl'.uiU constipation
They are sutiar coated ,
Jo not gripe , very small.
easy to talto , and purely
vial. 1'crfjut digestion
follows their use. They
uMolulolr euro slrk liond-
nchi. aud nrori'niiiiuifuJ-
cl br For sale by loadlUR
sts orKi.ntbymu , : ; 2r cl . mlal. Addroa
F uhn A Co. , Co.r 15th & DuucHs fit .
J .A fuller & Co , Cor. 14th S : DoiiKlaoSta.
irLFobitriCt > . Council 1'luCd. la
Aae\r anl comolota TroatmonC , conilitlnz of
Bupposltorloi. Olntmant In Oupiului , ulao la llax
aiulI'ilU ; n I'oiltlvo C'ura tar KUi'rnil. hitoniil
bllndor Ulooillnn Hchlnx O.iroalo. Uooontor lloraill-
tary I'lloi. T.lH Ituinu ly ll 11 nuver Imon knoirn to
fall tli > or bor. ilforfi ; neiHliy \Vhfsunorfroiu
lUUtorrlbln cluoim wlijii n wrlttjn uuar.iut'Jl H
tioslllroly Klvou vlth 0 ooxot or rofuml tha inonjjr If
notcuruil soml Htiinii for frjo hinii > lo. Cvur.nitoj
laaueil byKuhn , VCo. . Druu lsH , Solu aor
litl' und Douirl.u Mroon onialM. Null
Farnam St , Thaater POPULAK PAIOI3
Tlmr li\y , Trldnr , Snt\ird y Motlnoo nnil Night.
10 sot * , of ipcclnl nconorjr. Kllslit of tlio tnct mall
Nlmmrn Knlls by mounlliiht , with linlllnit mt l.
I'mcllcnl nurklniipiiKlna nml 14 Tri'lulit cam , nllh
Illiuiilimtoil cnlionao. 'llio ilngu illvn. lloallMla
river KCOIHI nml uli-nintionl uxiilutloii , nml ono liun-
drwl uihorstartlliucitocK ,
BOYD'S TrtlgJ.i uis.
4 nlfihls cciu moncliiK Sundav Puptciulor llth
The Established Comcdlnn
Asstslctl by 1'ltirrlo West , JIiillIc VlrJiois
ami ol'irr-i. '
Written bv Charles T. Vincent und John T.
sulo H.itunlay moruliiK nt iiiual
Ono week , coniniphcltiR Sundny ( Matinee ) ,
Hoiitoiiibcr 11 ,
Tiie Waifs of New York
Ilnilor the ninin i > iupMl of Mr , Hurry Wlllliuns
A ponurtul i-iiiuimliyl Klnuorntu nconurA ! reiil
Uro cnulni ) nml triilnuil linmiti. Don't f.1tl to sfo tliu
Kri"U llnrluni Unllrimil HrlilKU icrnul Un Account
or Illinium's olrcns tliu nililnook niitttncn will Inhu
lilncoon Ti.umilar Instuul f Wuiltioxlnjr bentn
nu\r on niilo.
The Hut Springs of America ,
Hut Si'htir4 | ) , S , I ) .
rincot llo.ort tlotol In tha Went , Htrlcllr Klr t
Clnns I.nruo llooim , Mlnglo or Kinullu , Now
Open. All Modern Improvoinants , Tublo u Spu
clnlty. Honxmmlilo Itntnt for Uolnncoot Hoitnin
Drchostrnnnd DnnclnvK\cry KrunlnKln thu Mu
nlo Ilnll. HinMt 1'hniRo Until In ilia Unltvit
iitntuii. llouutiriit Muiuitnln Hcunory , Hpk'iulM
rilimiU' . Cool NUIitx , No Miucliltos. | , UUJ Kut't
nhovn the So.i 'IhaHonth Iliikain Hot Siirlno
arpnttrnt'thiKnttuntlun nil uror the world , nnd
nreourlni ; n lurKcr porconliiKU tlmn nn ; nprlnm
In thu If. ti. Kur r.iloi , bithn , uto. niul other In-
uruiatlun , mlilrom , U. H. 11AHUHN ,
llotSprlniin.South Dakota
Kvus touted free byniiKXl'BHT OlTIOIAN
1'orfi'Ct iidiiistniunt. Suporlor lonso ? . Norv-
otishcadaulio curud by usln ; our Snoot lolei
nnd nye liiHSOj 1'riuej low for first ol.m
HIS. loUiSk.Crulghtori 13 oik
Thoiuanili lay Ilicy will tar Mo Olhor Shoo.
Wear this Shoo during the Summer Months.
Hi * Foot Aluunlnnm Ita | nrkil ihapc. Iho
ADJUM'AIll.i : kuturi ! Inaliit It | Hi lbli. lo weir
a narruwir ilioe.
9 Costs no more , looks hotter , wenrs lougor ,
andg\\c \ * 100 times moro comfort
than any other innke
Price * , $2.00 , $2.GO , $3.00 $3.CO.
[ CONSOLIDATED SHOE CO , M'frs ' , LynnjMass.
Tor Milo at tlio Hoitun StoreKHli ami Douslx :
lr ( lie Llqnor IIal > 't 1'onlllicl.r Cured
by ndniltiliilri. w I > r. llaluc * '
< J < lllltll Spl11 ! ! ! .
It can bo Riven In a cup ol coflco or tea , or In food ,
without tbohnowlrdco of IhopatlciU. ItlKabaolutrly
bartnlefls , and TOlll olfoct n permanent and speedy
cure , whether tlio patient Is a mocleralr drinker or
an aloohollo wreitc. It Uai becnftlven In thousands
of caser. nnd In every Instance a perfect euro lias fol
lowed. It never Full * . TbofeyitemoncnlmpreKnated
K'ltb the becomes bn utter liupomlblllty
for thn liquor appetite lo exist.
OI.IIKM'KlllriO CO. . Frop'rg. Cincinnati , O.
48-paco book of rjartloulara froo. To ba had of
KuhnJfcOo. . nthandDoii UH Sti. . IHth nnil
limning .Sti Whoiostlo. Ithilcu. llrnoo .ft. Oo
and Uluh.iiUHoii Driu Uo.Om.iha.Nuh
I'nltiMl stittcH Jiurxh'il' .
In the Circuit Court of the United btutesfor
the IHstilotof Nohnibkn.
rortsiiiuiith SiivliiRh llfiil , ' vs. Kva M. I'riiKh
ot , ill .No. IS I'-
I'uliIU1 notlro It huroby itlvon tint In iiursu-
niicuund hyvlrtui' of n writ of oM-ciitlon Is
sued out of tlio ulmvo niiinrd court In nbrtro
uiitltloil eiiiisu .mil huurliiii d.itoot AIIKIIHI ,
lr < l. A P. IH'JI htvo levied upon anil tikon
nil the rleht. tit e and liitnn > stol thuuhav
mimed dofoiidiinls , Kvn M. I'riiKli und \\ult
11 1'iUKli In "nil to the following dusurlu
hinds nnd tenements , to-wll : , .
IottuoC. ' ) in bloolc two (3) ( ) , In Lake View add -
d tlon to thooltv of Onu'lu. DoiiKliiMcuunty
Nuhrn Ua , allot which I 111 expose for Hill
nl public unction us the lny : illrouti mid MOJ
the s.iinu to tlio highest and best blcldnroii thr
: iuth diiy of Soptcmber. A. I ) . IHttt. at the lion
of II o'clock In thu forenoon of auld day at the
north door of. the Uiiltod Suites court honso
and po'.tnnico Uulldlim In the city of Oninhn ,
DouulnH county , utatuand district of Nohrn -
's'ald Htilo Is to satisfy Judgment of s ild
court obtaliind nt Its Muv lorm. IS ) . ' . In favor
of I'ortsinoiith HnvliiRH bank , und uaiilnst thu
r nlted Status
Jou.vW. I.YTI.K , I'lalnllU's Attoriioy.
* *
We sell Hats , E xtra Special
and sell them bargains in
cheaper than Cent's
hat stores. Furnishing
All the lead ed to sell ; we Se// / Goods ,
ing makes. > r-T , to Always.
and Fall
OVERCOATS thnt ore medium In weight , not heavy
enough fop extreme cold weather , will protect your light
weigh : suit , besides enabling you to wear It Ion jji than if
you had no fall overcoat.
Weare now in racaipt ofa largo and varied line of fall ovsr-
coats in molten , kersayj , cnbla cords nnd cassimores , with oorga
orsllk linings , orsiik facing. The one we're selling most , of is a
mslton In 4 shades tan , gray , brown and blnck. sorgs lined , silk
facing , at $7.OO , sizes 03 to 44. It would bg exceptionally good -4
value at $1O.OO.
Short nnd stout as wall ai extra 31233 in light
weight ovorcs : > at3
in the most fashionable shades and
aoaso Table fabrics , not too honvv
nor toolight , butjU3trlTiht In prlcas. Displayed In east window
Wo fill mall orders subject to your oxaininn ion baforo acce otin j. '
Columbia Ciothim
$ t Cor. 13th and Kirnam jtreefs.
Our Prices
children's Homon , , alwayst
department Is owcst for
the most Coeds [
completfc worth more
in Omaha. than the price.
Store open till 8 P. M , , Saturdays until 1O. P M.