Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Baker , Smith & Co. Shut Down the Oily
Hall Machinery.
Clorntori Ccnio to Ittin nnil Much Incon
venience In Kxperlonceil by OlllrlnU
ml Vuitorn A Very IntoreU-
Inj * Situation , indeed.
Tho"hlr In und about the city hall tiiul n
bluish lingo nndn sulphuric odor yostordny'
caused by the blasphemy that Is bolnir seat-
torcd nbout In n most promiscuous manner ,
without any ropurd to who or wtioro It hits ,
1'ooplo having business In tbo building
discovered thli morning that the elo-
vntora wcro dead , except for ornamental
purposes. Choice epithets wnro first nppllcd
to the elevator boys mid then they wcro
nlmcd at the elevators themselves ,
The boys shielded thomsolvoj by saying
that they could nut run the machines unless
the hollers In the Imcmont furnished the
hoisting power. When the matter wni In
vestigated It was ascertained that the Kay to
tbo situation was hold by Baker , Smith &
Co. , the men who put In the boilers , pumiH
and heating apparatus. Whllo thcso
men uro nonresidents , they hava an
itgcnt In the city , who early this
morning called on Engineer Austin and pro
hibited him from putting the ilrcs under the
boikrs. The only explanation that ho could
Eivo was that ho did not propotothat another
fire should bo started until the city had
jqunrcd Its account with his company. The
hollers were put Into the city hall nlno
months ago and hud boon run by his com
pany free ot cbnreo to the city. Ho had got
tired of that kind of r deal nnd did not uro-
pose to submit to it any longer. It tbo city
, was not satisfied with the bolters It
should say so through Its a pen Is. If it was
itatisllod It should say so and nt once pay up.
The boilers wcro put In , started up , tested
by the boiler inspector and pronounced per
fect. The city had been farinshpa heut and
power for a number of months and U was
tlaio to call a halt.
City Attorney Conncll , who wns making
an attempt to climb four flights of stnlrs ,
stopped on the third landing to catch his
breath. As he did so ho made a few remarks -
marks , tbu tenor of which would
Indicate that a law suit might be among the
possibilities. Ho suid tnaVas far as tbo
legal department of the city was concerned
ho thought that It was about tlmo fur the
city to coma forward and assort Its rlchts.
If Baker , Smith & Co. did not sco lit to run
tbo hollers until It was determined that they
would do tbo work required , ho favored the
city hiring n man and charging the expense
to thr contractors. Tboro was one thing
certain and that was that neither the
boilers nor the oluvators were sufllclont to do
the work of the building.
There was no use , the city attorney held ,
of Baker , Smith & Co. trying to bulldoze the
city. lln would uovor sanction the paying
of a cent to the bnilor or elevator meu until
they could show that they bad lived up to
the latter of their contract. It was an out-
niRO upon the public to have such traps put
Into tbo city hall und it was only n question
of time. In Ills opinion , when the bolters nnd
rlovntors would bnvo to bootdcred out of the
building. Ho said that ho had no desire to
mnko the contractor trouble or expense , but it
wns a well Known fact that so far the ma
chine * had proven themselves absolutely
useless and unlit for the purposes for which
they were intended.
Rpni-liil Price" . , Spcclil : ll
200 dozen nil linen bloacl'od , napkins ,
( dinner size , at $1.00 dozen.
60 inch Gorman bleached table linen ,
40o yard.
64-inch turkey red damask , IGc yard.
Largo size white crochet bed spreads ,
60o each.
ll-4slzo Marseilles bed spreads $1.00
Wo place on snlo today the best
white marsailloH bed spreads over of-
fotcdby any house in Omaha at 82.-18
ench ; only two sold to ono customer at
this price ; this spread will compare
with , nny spread'ollorcd from Sl.OOjo
Today wo will close out a lot of
remnants ol table linens from I yard
long to 3 yards ; also remnants of towel
ing , luinnants of white dross goods ,
remnants oi black dress goods , rem
nants cf wash dress goods of every
description at prices still lower , in
order to close them out.
50 pieces French twilled zephyr at 5c
a yard , worth 15c a yard.
White blinker llannel 5c , 8c and lOc
a yard.
UutJlcachcd cotton flannel 3jc , 4c , Ho ,
70 , 8c mid lOo a yard.
Yard wide bleached muslin Sic , 5c ,
Ojc , "Jo , 8lo and lOca vard.
Our line Is now open , and if you want
a stove , come and bcluul one from the
biggest line of hoiting ; and cooking
Btovos over shown in Omaha. Following -
, ing aro&omo of the bargains :
The MMiol $2.95 , worth three times
as much.
The Putman 85.15 , worth 810.
The Coal Jr. O.ik ? ( > .4-j. worth $12.
Thj P. P. Stewart $37.50 , worth $50.
The Splendid 839.25 , worth $55.
The Matchless $10.20 , worth $35 ,
The Cannon $5.05 , worth $15.
The Emblem $ 'J.3l. ! worth Slf .
These are all heating stoves.
In coo\ing ! stoves wo can glvo you tljo
following :
The Cooking Emolom $7 , worth $11.
' The Iloarthaldo $9.45 , worth $18.
The Matchless $19.95 , worth $27.
The Signal $11).On ) , wo.'th 827. '
v The Stewart , tno finest cooking stove
In the world , ut $22.95 , worth $35.
f The above-stoves are all guaranteed
* /.to glvo satlflaotion or money refunded.
The guarantee is for 10 .years if noccs-
, Bary.
' ' ' '
' - A Ituttlun Mneimtu'n Visit to Omiilm Note *
anil 1'urnoiiiiU. j
Alexander I ) . Romanoff , who is connected
oftlclally with the Great Husalnn Uillwuy
iocioty nud professor In the Imperial Insti-
tulool Engineers at St. Potorshurg , was a
visitor to Union Pacific headquarters yester
day. Mr. Honmnoff , a lineal descendant of
the famous Homanoff family which has ruled
Kutsla for years , Is In this country to study
tha mt-thuils und manipulation of Amorlcnn
* railways. Ha was shown through the Union
T'ticilla shorn bv l o cniciaU und expressed
himself highly pleased with the excellence
of IhovoiU done and thu general condltlnn
o' ' Mm bhops , Mr. KomunolT will stop at
Denver eurouto to the I'.iclllo coast.
Mlm Traiiscotillnuntal 1'assoncor assocln-
lion is traveling a rocky road , If iho dis-
pfctobes from Chicago uro reliable , and it Is
likely to follow on tha huols of tUo freight as-
oclutlon and disbolvu. Yesterday a com-
. uilitau was appointed to draft new
laws and report nt 4 o'clock , hut the
committee couldn't ueroo nnd disbanded. It
Is now thought that uotbliig can bo doiu to
ucou the association from splitting un.
William Cadwcll , onu of tbo best known
railroad man In the country nnd as hig us
ho U gonulno. tha general western p.issenger
ngeot of the West Shore , Is In the city today
with a tin box allogoa to hold Iliuinif taoklo ,
which ho has boon unnblu to use ilucu atari-
lug out. Ho U K ° lug to Hill In the Lincoln
altlaka tomorrow ,
Pat Humphrey , traveling pamnngor agent
nt the Laka , ahora and all around hustler , U
lu Omaha , '
DoWltl'i Kartuparilia is roiianla.
Tool n liny oir , .Mnry Aim.
Tlilrty-ona of tba city oOlclaU , tojethor
with their wlvc3daughtor9 and iwcothuiirt * ,
; loiod 5p ihop voitorday Bud wont down to
- , . ' .r.t
Llncofn to attend the ( Unto fair , At a result
nearly all the city offlcera were closed and
ptople hnvlng city business to transact are
compelled to wait until these city ofllclftla
return from this pleasure Jaunt.
Speaking of holidays , this in the third ono
ttint the city ofllcors have had so far this
month. Their salaries , however , go on Just
the samo.
UoWltt'sSarsapnrllla cieansoi the blood.
I1AYUKN 11KO1 ? .
Ailtnncn Hnte
Of children's wool underwear , In scarlet
Inmb'a wool , natural gray and camol's
hair , at lower prices than any house in
the oltv.
Children's scarlet all wool , 10 inch
15e , rlso 6c.
Children's natural wool , 10 Ino'i lOc ,
rlso 6c.
Clilldron's camol's hair , 10 Inch 25c ,
rise 5u.
Ladies' natural gray jersey ribbed
vests nnd punts for fall , 60o each.
1 cuso of ladies' wool combination
suits , only $1.50 each , wortli $2.00.
Gents' whlto merino shirts and draw
ers , fall weight , pearl buttons and ribbed -
bed bottoms , only 60o each , splendid
1 cuso gents' double-breasted under
wear In natural gray , only 76ocaoh.
Wo carry the largest and most com
plete line of gonts1 ovcrshirtd In the
city at our usual low prlcoe.
Children's fast black cotton hose , 8c ,
12c , 16c and 25o ; special value for
1 case of gents' Imported British half
hose , in black , tan , modes and brown a
12c { ; regular price Sou.
Special sale of uoys' shirt waists on
Mason fruit jars 72o per do/en.
Tin top jelly glasses 2)u ) each.
Bultnr and milk crocks 2c , 3c , Go and
80 pur gallon.
Dinner plates 2c each.
Pie plates 2c each.
Cups and saucers 2c ] each.
Tumblers 2jc ouch.
Flower pots from le up.
Fine decorated tea sots $3,23 , worlh
Tea kottlcs loc each.
Mind. Strcotor's and Mrs. Potts' flat
irons , 3 irons , handle und stand , $1.05 ,
regular price $2.25.
Covered tin pails 5e each.
Now novelty and pepper , in all
colors. 2 for 6c.
Sealing tapers.a now thing for sealing
tin cans. You put the fruit in Iho cans
and lay the tapoi' around the lid and
the hca't of the fruit seals it tighter than
solder. 5c per dozon.
Gorman dolf cup , saucer and plate ,
finely decorated , 35o.
Special sulo in blue enamel ware ,
cooking pots and proaervo kottlcs :
1 quart kettles 23c.
2 quart kettles 35o.
3 quart kettles -lie.
4 quart kettles 50c.
G quart kettles 74c.
8 quart kottlcs 87c.
10 quart kettles DOc.
12 quart kettles $1.05.
Those nro the cheapest prices that en
amel ware has ever boon sold at.
Annual 1'all Hot-option of the V. M. C. A. a
IMeitfint ; Success.
The Young ulen's Christian association
held Its mini : a I full reception Tuesday night
and the success of the event was unparalleled
in tbo history of the association.
The spacldks reception parlors were
thronged with cultured and raliued ladies
and gentlemen , und during tbo ttn < e given to
the brief pros rain of addressed and music
the concert ball was completely filled. Tha
interior of the building bos been beautifully
decorated during thtr summer , und In ad
dition to ibo attractiveness thus created a
largo numoor of nundsomo paintings nnd
stuul cngravingH lout u.doublo charm to the
rooms. Secretary Ober and a score of oncr-
gotlu young men mot the guusts of Iho even
ing at iho ttircsholil of too reception parlors
and extended a welcome that madu every
body feel at homo during thu en tire evening.
After half an hour of social good fellow
ship in the reception rooms the audience was
invited to the concert hall , where 'President
A. V , Tuliey in a neat speech extended a
formal welcome and Invited the audience to
assist In opening tha now yearand the newly
decorated building. Ho introduced Key. A.
.1. Turkic of tbu Kountzo Memorial Lutheran
church , who snoko upon tbo relation of tba
Young Men's Christian association to the
churches. Mr. tllirKlu said the Young Men's
Christian association xvas a child of tbo
church , and tbo relation was , there
fore , very close. Ho thought iho
churches should encourage the worx
and in turn tbo associations should point now
converts anJ young man seeking u bettor
wav to the door of the church.
The Omaha quartet , composed of H. M.
Kuufman , W. fci. Marshall , U. W. Taylor nnd
John McKwIng , furnished the assembly with
some choice music.
Dr. Durvea wns then asked to speak upon
the educational work of the Young Men's
Christian association. Ha talked very enter
tainingly , as ho usually does , and sot forth
the literary aud educational work of the as-
sucmtlori lu strong light. Spanning of the
mission of the association l" r , IJuryoa said :
"Wo want none of your long-faced Chris
tians , going about with bibles under their
arms and stopping all the men they
moot nnd aslctnu' thorn If tholr souls
are saved. Thut kind of men
usually receive about the snmo answer from
every map.of good sense , 'It is none of your
business. ' Wo want young inen with tno
light of Uod shining right out of their manly
faces , young men with Christianity In
tholr bones nnd In their every uui and that
is the kind of n secretary this association
hr.s at its ncud. There is no nonsonsa about
Mr. Obor. Ho understands tha work this
association ought to do and ha Is pjshinc
right ahead. The Young Men's Christian
association should never attempt to do the
wont that belongs to tbo church. It will
onlv bo gottlng In the way when It does.
This association is Intended to look
after the physlclul , social , moral , Intpl-
cctuul and spiritual good of young
men , to sue that these who enter
hero uro bonclltud by coming hero.
Tuo work , f the evangelist Is not a part of
tbu workj'o
Dr. Uuryea wns heartily applauded. Mm
Ogden sniig a song that proved to ba very
accentnblo. Dr. Milroy offered a few very
timely remarks upon thu banoflts of the
physical training 'department , the gymna
sium. As u practical illustration of Dr.
Milroy's ' talk. Mr. Mnyors , from tba phys
ical training class , came upon tbo staita and
swung Indian clubs to tbo entire satisfaction
of the nudlcnce.
Mr. W , H. Alexander spoke of tbo com
ing attractions of tbo entertainment
rourho nnd tha advantage } of holding
n full iriuuiboralilp In the association.
President Tukoy Invited the nudlonco to ro-
p.ur to the gymnasium and witness a re
hearsal of physical feats bv tbo physical
.training cUss. Everybody "wont , und the
exhibition was well worlh tbo tlmo and ut-
tantion ofull ,
After the exhibition tha guests were served
with refreshments In thu reception rooms on
thiibccond lloor. The reception was o suo-
cess In every respect. The association starts
In upon the new year with brighter pros-
pools uud higher hopes than ever before.
Tremendous Opening Stile Now Pull Styles
Imported and Domestic Dress Goods.
Anil Hundreds Spcrlnl iclu lvo Novelties
Untight by llticl ! < fur Ills llcut Trade-
On bnlo Tomorrow Inimoiua llur-
tlz Valves I.Htlo 1'rlccs.
All the light and medium weight
jnclccU In the Glnotc Block , which were
to bo retailed In Now York at 33.60 ,
S5.00 mid up to 310.00 each , In blaok ,
mivys nnd tans , will go on ualo tomor
row nt $1.60 , $2.60 and 85.00. Those
jackets iiro nil wool and in the latest
stylo- ) , just what you ought to have for
the coming cool days and nights.
100 plocos all wool -10-Inch illuminated
cheviots that Gluck bought to soil in
Now York at Cc ! ) , go on sale at the Bos
ton Store at l5c. !
150 pieces assorted 49-Inch woolen
goods , medium weight , for early fall
wear , in camel's hair , cheviots , all wool
cashmeres , twilled goods with silk-
stripes , and all wool boucle cloths ;
goods in this lot that sold on Grand
street up to 8'Jo ' n yard ; choice of the
lot for UOc.
40 ptocos of our own Importation of all
wool -1'2-lnch dross suitings in changea
ble and illuminated otl'octs , ontlroly
now , 60o yard.
62-inch storm Borgos nt 40c. Assorted
shades of navy and two-toned French
sorgos , just arrived , go at 89o. This is
special prloo for Thursday onlyaml posi
tively the best quality aorgcs shown in
the city.
00 pieces 62-inch all wool Cleveland
serges , in plaids nnd stripes ; also fancy
weaves in navy blue sorgos ; thcso are
goods that Gluck had marked $1.75 a
yard. They go on sale Thursday at C'Jc.
Our own importation of ever 100 pieces
high grade Paris woolen novelties , ex
clusive designs In now fall colorings.
Thcso goods are extra wido. Your
choice of the lot ! ) Sc yard.
64-inch wide wnlo and whipcord suit
ings , entirely now , ourown importation ,
at $1.59 a yard. You need only four (4) ( )
yards to a suit.
30-inch all wool flannel dress goods
that Gluck eold for HUc , go in our buso-
inont for 12Jc a yard or 7oc for n full 0
yard pattern.
Double fold gray serge cheviot lOc a
yard. It sold in Now York for 25c.
40-inch 60c quality Fine striped cash
meres go at 15c a yarrt. Just the thing
for tea gowns and stylish drosses.
N. W. Cor. IGth and Douglas.
llpo ( irocoi-y liiiil < rupt Stock.-
Hayden Bros , buy it and will sell
their 25e butter for 17c ; this is line
creamery. Country butter they sold for
20c , our price loc.
Wisconsin full cream cheese , 80 and
The best eastern process full cream ,
12Joand 14c.
"Brick choose , lOc , 12-and 14c.
Swiss cheese , 15c and 17jc.
The best llmborgor chocso. 12c. }
The Fidelity Trust aamoiny Ivis , removed
moved its olflco to 1702 Farnain , sou th
cast corner Bco building.
Cut in Two.
5.000 acres in bodies of 100 to 1,500
acres , gilt edge wild lands at $5 , to $10
per aero in state of Nebraska , whoso
crops last year aggregated ono hundred
million dollars $100,000,000. Owners
must realize. Prices named are ono-
hnlf actual valuo. Direct freight com
petition , both B. & M. and U. P. R. R.
W. G. Albright , 521-523 Now York Lifo
building , Omivhn.
Oinn ha Can MfgCo.campaign torches
I'rltltijSoldiers' Dny.
The Nebraska State Eulr association
will refund value of admission tickets to
all old soldiers attending the fair Fri
day. The "Rock Ibland'1 fair special
leaves Council BlulTs 7:35 : a. in. , Omaha
8 a. in. , returning leave LinVoln 6:30 : p.
in. Passengers landed on fair grounds.
Ticket olllces 10 Pearl street and local
depot. Council BlulTs , 1G02 Farniun street
and Union depot , Oinuhn. „
G. N. W. P. A.
Spectacles accurately fitted ; refractive
examination free. Tudor Optical Co. ,
corner Farnnm-and 14th.
The entire stock of horse * owned by
A. J. Poppleton , Including the stallions
Zulu , Royal Oak and Travenjo , will bo
sold nt' auction at Elkhorn , Nob. , on
Thursday , Sept ; 15 , at 2 p. in.
Vlii tliu WitliiMli T.lne.
For the above occasion the Wabash
will sell , Soptr 13th to 20th. round trip
tickets to Washington and Baltimoreat
loss than half farowith choice of routes ;
passing down the bountiful Shominaoalx-
Valley or uroasii.g the mountains of Vir
ginia by daylight , within sight of many
famous battlefields. You have privi
lege of stopping at St. L'juis to visit the
grout exposition and fair ; also , view the
ningnillcont street illuminations and
parade of Veiled Prophet which--will
BurpiiBs in grandeur all efforts off former
years. For rates , tickets , stooping car
accommodations , and further informa
tion , call at Wabash ofllco , 1502 Farnam
Btroot , or write G. N. CLAYTON ,
N.-W. P. AiJt. . Omnhau , Nob.
The Fidelity Trust company has re
moved its ofllco to 1702 Fiirnam , south
east corner Boo building. .
Ill Pollen Court.
Antlumy Doan is in the cells charged with
assault with May Mayor , a resident oC'tho
burnt district , a * complaining witness. Last
July Demi is nllogou to tinvo nasacd a coun
terfoil 31 gold piece on Muy Johnson , a oy-
prlnn who Is totally blind. Ho left ibo city
tlion nnd returned Tuesday. M.iy Mayor
Informed tno ijltml girl tluit no was in town
and Dean blncucd Unr eyes to squuro ibo ac
A. U. Uoblnson , a colored porter employed
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
* * * * > * * * H' ' - -
< * t. . A..a tfmMMIMI . . . K t.v.j . ' . -
nt the Esmond hntql , was nttnokoJ at tbo
corner of Hutcoattilnnd Webster streets by
three men , whoubnockad him down nnd
wont through his jyiockcls , pocunne 15.80.
Jnmci Uunn nnd Mjimcs Johnson woi-o nr-
rcstcd on snsnlolonttiy Cnptnln Moitya nna
Uotcctlvo UnvaR0. . ( Dunn la an old-tlmor
whoM \ boon trlctljfor highway robbery In
Omnhfi boforo. A scarch of his clothing dis
covered n counto < tdlt(2J cold piece , which
wns sent to the United Stales authorities by
Uorgoant Ormsby.
I'linUlirnqnt "f n Trnltor.
PAHI. , Sept. TiT-A douUIon hns bron
rcnchod in tbo caso.of M. Uronlor , the cleric
In tbo Nnvy dopnr mont here , who wna nr-
rostcd In .Tune litsuon the ehnrgo of convoy
ing eocrot oniclnl doournonts relative to the
French dofonsoi to Captain Henry D. Dorup
of the Orilnanco dopartmunl ot the United
Stntc.s nrmy , who was nt that tlmo noting as
the military nttacho of the American loca
tion In this city. The Bcntcnco nronouticod
by the court on Qrcnlor was that ho rpand
twenty years In ponnl servitude , this punish *
mont to be followed by iwouty years banlsh-
mnnt from Frunco.
I'rntcctlnc U'uturion from Vlonit * .
The inombcts of the Hoard of County Corn *
nilssioncrs will co to Waterloo toilny to
loolt over the 1'jllthorn rlvor with n vlow to
straighten the bond Just nbovo the town.
Tbo commissioners flguro that by cutting
n ditch throe-fourths ot a mlle In length they
can pravont the rlvor from encroaching upon
the town of Waterloo. It the property
owners nlonp tbo line ot Iho propasua ditch
will wnlva diirrmtjoa it is more than probnblo
that the channel of the river will bachnneod ,
as the Union Piicillu Uillwny oampany has
agreed to bear the oxpcnsn ,
Nrhrnekn Ceutrul Survry .
The llrst survey on the Nebraska Central
enterprise is practlcallv completed , the sur
veying party working from the northwest
hnvlng reached Coon Kuplds , has boon to-
called , The party of onginocrs working
from tli 6 south nro within three miles of
Coon Rapids , nnd when that place is reached
work will ouaso , except that this second
party may bo itopt , in the Hold for u fortnight
longer to "accentuate tbo details.
Mr. J. H. Dumont , who has boon ever the
mi tire route , returned homo yustsrday inoru-
National Unl\or. < Ity I'lnm.
CntcAao , 111. , Sept. 7. The Northwestern
Christian Advocate of Chicago In Its Issue
today states that among the latest plans In
regard to the American university nt Wash
ington city nro 3 Lincoln hall to cost $500-
000. the raonoy for wblcb will bo raised by
dollar subscriptions , each contributor to receive -
coivo n Lincoln medallion medal , nna nu
Asbury hall , to cost $100,000 , tbo money for
which will DO contributed by Mcthodut
Until To-Day
It is admitted that more of
the flavoring principle of the
fruit is contained in Dr.
Price's TDelicious Flavoring
Extracts Uhan any other ex
tracts with which they have
been compared. Being so
entirely'free from the bitter
and rankjproducts of adulter
ation they have become the
most agreeable , valuable and
s economical flavors known ;
steadily4grqwn in popularity
Until 'tdrday they are used by
evetytiintelligent - housewife
for , truthfully reproducing the
flavor of the fruit in creams ,
cakes , puddings , etc.
" 8ANATIVO , " the
V/onclorful BiuMilsli
ltMnedy , In told nlth a
Written Guarantee
t'icuro 11U Ncivous lis-
eosi . eucli 113mle
Memory , Irira of Itrftln
1'owcr , Headache ,
Wal-cf ulness , Lo t Man.
liood , Nfrvounnesi.lJU-
Bltude , all dialna and
D of o ro & . After Uso. IOM of power of the
Photographed from life , Generative Oleana In
. cllhcr eer , caused by
ovei-exeitlon , .Aoiithful Indls < : rcllnn , or tlie eicrulva
-iscoftobatio. oiluinnr | dtluiiilnul' . which nltliiiKtcty
Irnd til Illllrtnlly , Oilnuiiiitlnn | mid Ili'nnltr. I'ut up
lucr.iiteiilent funn tui-urvlu the Mt pnckd. 1'ilce
| l a imcknte. or C lor J5. \ \ ith ceiy t'i order we h e a
written Bimranlee to cure or refund the
monay. Sent by mull to nny nildreu. Clrciilur tm
Ini'lalnenveiniic. Mention tills | < u | > rr. AdJrcsg , '
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , llrniith Office hi U. 3. A.
353 Dearborn Strrtt. ClIKJAGO , H.U
Ruhr & Co. , Co.r IJtli & Douplas 6le.
A. Fuller A Co. Or Uth 4Do'isbiaStx. .
Drs.Betts&Betts ,
4 cents
j'.ampa will
iccuro yun '
lltelrlllm- t m
tratodnon ,
bookot Call upon , or / / T > V > > A
120 pgo' . nddrcsj with btatnp , '
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
South 14th Bt , N RCopnorl4th nnd
a. , Ouiahu , Nob.
Ayer's Pills
Are bettor known nntl
ly used than any other cathartic.
Sugar-coated , purely vegetable , and
free from mercury or any other inju
rious drug , this is the ideal family
medicine. Though prompt and oner-
gctlu in their action , the use of tlicso
pills is attended with only the best
results. Their effect is to strengthen
and regulate the organic functions ,
being especially beneficial in the
various derangements of the stomach
ach , liver , and bowels.
Ayer's Fills
are recommended by nil the leading
physicians and druggists , as the
most prompt and ellcctivo remedy
for biliousness , nausea , costlvencss ,
indigestion , sluggishness of the
liver , jaundice , drowsiness , pain in
the side , and sick headache ; also ,
to relieve colds , fovcrs , neuralgia ,
and rheumatism. They are taken
with great benefit in chills and the
diseases peculiar to the South. For
travelers , whether by land or sea ,
Ayer's ' Pills
are the best , and should never be
omitted in the outfit. To preserve
their medicinal integrity in all cli
mates , they are put up in bottles as
well as boxes. * " "
"I have used Ayer.'s Pills in my
family for several years , and always
found them to be a mild and excel
lent purgative , having a good effect
on the liver. It is the best pill used. "
Frank Splllman , Sulphur , Ky.
Prepared by Dr.J.C. AycrS : Co. , Lowell , Man.
Sold by Uruggiiu ICvcrywhero.
Every Dose Effective
CllirKKItlMI HALL , CIIICUI.O. All brandies of Muilo.Elo-
cut Ion. Ik-lfcarie. Forty Instructor * . Normal department
fortcncliei * . Unimrpagsc'iliidinntnpeM. Kail term hcgltu
Vin. 7. Btnd tor catalomie. J. 1 , lUTTiTilUT. llniu
--fifftnictton In all rtennrt-
ImmtR of MiKlral Study , fine
Art , Ktc. WMll attendance lut
' . Address E. F.DULLAIID , Sui r. JocLsosvlllo , " ' .
UnTirpaB9ctlKtiulpmentiCArcful ; lloral And
Social trnlniOK ; p.cparefl for lluslness and
for any Collcije , Sclentlflc School or Unlrtr
fltyi n w ( lymn&flumt Wood-worklnc and
Military Drllli Highest tcitlmonlali ; 10th
yearinumbcrliiuitodlllii 5 Prlti. . * . ; . .VTIVKH. triitodcitiiloBue A. M. , |
Ullllllt. ALTON , ILL.
A tliorouch Fchool. Prepares for College or
Bu6til" i. Within 20 inllci-af SI. Louis. Aadre1 ! *
COL. WILLIS DROWN , 8uperlr.ter.cia. ' . , .
Save Your Eyesight
Eyes tested free bynn EXPEUT OPriOIAN
I'crfcotadjuatmoiit. Superior Ictisoi. Narx--
ouslicailiicho cured by usln ; our Suoctiolei
anil Eye litbsod I'rlcui luw far U t class
" -
114S. 13thSL.Croiirhto.-i Blosk.
lorpnlno IluL
WopaytlUeJlld. Dtt.J.
DIt. J. K McCrBiEW.
In thotro.itmontot all forrnsof
PRIVATK DISBASiSS , iind all illsor.lOH
iiiul ( lobllltlos ( iTyotitli unil inintiool. I" your j'
expcncni'o. ills rusuurcus iitul f.icllitlm uro
tiruutla.tlly tiiillinltuj. Tlio Duotor ii reno'ii-
nionduil by tlio jiroia , and ondurseil In the
BtroiKCSt t rnn by tins people for fulr tni'it-
tnont nnd huuuit profession il ach'loo. Tlio
mo-it iowcrful ruinudlos knotrn to rnndorn
clpnce for the suocosiful tro.itniont of tliu
OONOKRHOKA-Iniinoali'.to relief. A com.
p'.otoiiurc wltlioiit-tho lois of un Hour's it mi
from luislnos'j. '
GKLKEr One of the most co'iiptotg no 1 ana.
co ful troiittnonis for elect itna nil annoy ni
d.Bohurjcs yet known to tlio profjj-
Blon. The rosiiusiicu truly wonderful.
STBIOTtJIlE Oro.ilost known ro uojy for
the treatment of alrleturn , without p tin , out-
lliiir. ord Intln. . A Mioatrniiiiirk ilile ro iiotly ,
SYl'IIIliIH-No trpatinont for this turrliHa
bloo I dlBoiiao hfti ever buen murofiui-oaiidili
nor hail Ktranuorotidornoiiionti. In the lulit
of modern ajTenco thu rlboiso U poiitlvuly
.cur.iU o und every trace of thu poison entirely
remove I from the litool.
LOST 2IANHOOD , nnd ambition , norvoin-
ness , tliiiUlllv , iloaiDiulonoy und all vvo.iluiuji
and dlHorJera of youth or ui.uihoiU , Uullot
obtained ut onoo.
illrtnnlorKof tin stomacu. blon I. . I Ivor , akin ,
and blu Idor. nro treated mi-jcoMfiilly with
thu Kru.tto3t known ronuclloi ; for the dl-
Wrlto for circulars.
Hth und D'nriuim St. . Orniihu , Nob.
, Aik your Druegl' ' tot a ,
, uoitio of JHB , T 10 only' '
non-noiianoui remedy for nil I
( he uniiaturut ( llicliargfJ aad
f private illumes of iueu and the
tlebilllatliib' ivtukiius peculiar
to women. H cur In low
| da > a without the aid or
i publicity of a doclor.
L Thl Vntierial American Cure.
ManuUctured by I
TbsEvinsOhtmlcalCj , "
u , a , A.
, >
Today we open our full fall line of hats. In
the seven seasons that " 'the Nebraska" has sold
head covers to saint and sinner alike , we have
seen this department grow and flourish seen
its popularity become an established fact seen
it's sales increase steadily season after season
seen it pass its rivals in the race for trade one
after another until today our hat department
is recognized as the leading place for hats in
the entire west. There is not a shape that's
new there is not a shade or color that's cor
rect for fall there is not a size not a width of
brim or heighth of crown that you won't find
in our hattery today and you'll find the price
marked on the ticket inside from fifty cents to
two dollars less than you can find in any hat
store you're a mind to visit.
A Leading. Feature
Of our hat business this fait will bs a new hat which we show
today for the first time. This hat is made of fine fur stock.
It has pure silk binding and band. It has full satin lining and
leatherette sweat band. It comes in all shapes and all sizes
and is just such a hat as hatters get two fifty to three dollars-
for. This hat will be known as "The Nebraska Special" and
will be sold for
We are also showing full assortments of our popular lines oi
Derbysat 750 , $ i , $1.25 , $1.90 , $2.25 , $2.5ojind $3.
Soft Hats at 500 , $ i , $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $2 , 2.50 and $3
„ Crush Hats at 650 , 850 , $1.25 and $1.75.
Boys' Hats at 150 , 300 , 450 and 6oc ;
Boys' Caps at 250 and 350 ( soldier caps 250) ) .
Your old hat looks tough. Don't it ?
Graduate of Ucllcrue Hospital Medical Collcgo , Ken Vork City.
A euro guaranteed In every cnsn undertaken. THU SANITA1UUM la tlio rnoit eomplota nnd b i
equipped Inntltutlun of Ita Kind In thu rntlre wyat. It riintuliia fifty rooms lor the nccommOilHtlou of pa
Hunts bo uinyrvqulrotlip constant attention of experienced pliyelclaut and nurses , UOAHD1NU wlllt
turnlshed nt rensunublo rntes. I
1'orhoni unublu to visit us mny bo trontetl nt homo by correspondence. All communications strictly
confidential. Ono pornomil Intcrvli.w prcferroil.
1'llcs , FMul.i , Fissure , nnil Stricture oftlio Itcctuni perfectly and iicrnmnciilly cured
without thu use of knlfr , ligature or caustic. Al o , Eczema mil Ulceratlou
. .of tlio Itcctuni succrssfiilly treated.
llll. W. C. MAXU'JCLL , I'rcildent.Onmhn. Neb.
Pend timtor boltloof ri.AI'INE INJECTION. Guar.mtcad to euro In three to flro d y . Manufaa
ureil by lutoruatlunul Euultarlunx
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
TIi eminent apeclallit In nervotu , clironlr , private , blood , skin and nnnary dlieasea. A regular ant
registered graduate In medclne , ai.dlplorrms nnd certificates nhoir. H itlll treating with the greituit luoteii
catarrh , purmntorrhoui , lost manhood , lemlnal nrvakneia , nlnht lonoi , Impntency , lypblllt. itrlctnre , 0p >
orrliuea , Kleot , Tarlcocelo.ctc. No mercury tued. New treatmentforloiiof Tltnl puncr , 1'artlei untble la
Tlsltraemay lielroaiel at homo by correspondence. Medicine or Initrumnnti tent by malloreipres i
euraly packed , no inarka to Indicate content * or lender. Ono pcnonal Intorrlow preferred. ConiullallOE
( me. Correspondenru itrtctly private , llooi ( MyiterlM of Ufa ) Mat ftea. OtUoe
( undajilO v ui.tollm. Sundiuuuulor reou.
" orvo Soodg , "
tbo nondcrful rcranily
U eold with a ivill
ieii Biinrnntee to cure all nervous dlteaioi. ucli at Weak Mpujory ,
IosBif llraln 1'owi r. HftAdacba. Wakotulnoss , Lout ilanhoort. Nlditlr
tloni , Norrnuincss , l.asaltuclu.nlldralni and Ion of power of tbo Uon
Organs In iMthomoxcansed by orer exertion , youtbful f rrori. or nauilr
me of tobacco , opium or itlmuluuts which Bonn lead to InOrmlty. CoonunitV
tlon and Insanity. I'ut up convcnlon : to carry In TC5t pocket. 81 pcrpRCk *
IllelynlllDfoft5. | | every (1 orrter Wn irive a ivr/tlm / fuaranttt tifaft
or refund tin IrtOTWI/ . Circular free. Address ft ervotlocd C'o. > C'lilcagci , 111.
For sivlo in Omaha by Shorman& MConnotl,1013Dotlgo st root.
EiasticStoskin gs ,
Trusses ,
Cru tc/ies ,
Bat lories ,
Water Bottles ,
SyringeS ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies.
114S. 15tli SL ,
, v Next to PostDlfici
Parched Rolled Oats ,
Unequalle.1 in Flavor.
Corn Grit'4 ,
Sold only lu lij pound pu
Velvet Meal ,
For nnilUna and
r [ f [ WOT
! i Dlwl
nil I' ( Irjcon.
. .oir.Jt. . . . ! - . . i , - , ,
Tooth-Food , 1J
This medicine for babies prevents nnij
cures pains of teething qnd rejetiUinj
discuses , not by putting children to ileep
with an opiate , for it contains no liarm/uj /
drugs , but by supplying the tccth-forming
ingredients which me lacking in moji |
niotlicrs' milk nnd nil artificial foods.
It is sweet nnd babies like it. SLOP a.
bottle , at all druggists. Send for pam P
phlet , "Teething Made Easy. "
Jto LuriMt , Fattctt uA F/oMl In iho Werti.
lT i n eraccornnd .loniUnfictlle < l.
NK\V YOltlC , OlflTcA'lA'lSlt'nntl NAI'IJSS ,
' . .rucular Intorrali. . _ _
rntu oriliwo ttBrniiitii nd from fVnaeWt
DMitn. riiauin , isisn * ALL coitnimmi , IOWIB.
Kicunlon lionet. TallM.I to i.turnliy either the , pla-
tunmiue CMyile * North of Iroltnd or K'l'J'J Aali"JfKf
tain atl Vt r OtJiti f Air Anut it lc it B l ,
Apply to any nt our local ApenU or to v
KUiiUEUSON lIltuniKItd , CUIouBO , SV