THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE ; THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 8 , 1892. SPECIRL NOTICES. ADVBHTISBMBNTS OR THESR COLUMNS will be tnken until 13:80 : p m. for iheovpnlnR i nil until 8SU : p , ni. for the tnornlntt or Snndnr edi tion. tion.All All nrtvfrllscmcntu In lhn o columns IK cents a word for nr t Insertion and t cent word for each ub cquont Insortlnn.or 11.10 per line per month , No advertisement taken for Icsg than U cents for thnllrst Insertion. 'Jermscash In advance , InlUaln. flRurpK , KymbolB , etc. , each count nit a word. All advertisements tnust run cnnsecutlvrlr. Advcr * tlsorn , brrcqupstlngn numbered chock , can hnvo thd lottprs niMrcmeil to a nnmljcrod letter In cnro ofllir. I1F.K Answers so nddrc fed will bo deliv ered on presentation of tlin check. SITUATIONS-WANTED. A POSITION \VANTKI ) 11V COMPI3TKNT STKN OErtipoort reference clven. Address (29 Knlton St. . Kcniaik. la. M BI8 10 * A-YOUNO MAN WANTS POSITION AS BTK.V oitrsplier , boikknoper or omoj assistant. AU dross K I , llco. nO-B * -'POSITION HKNKUAL OKPICK ItY VOUNO lailyi throe rears oxpctlonca ChlcnRn refer- nco . Address 1C 37 , llco. M878-11 * -SITUATION ItUNSINO 8TKAM IIKATKK Oil coachman , oiiicrlcnccil. K. M , Mn or. 1410 ClmrloiiBlroet , U87-8 * WAKTED MALE HELP. WANTK1) , IIAUNK9SMAKKII3 STAY AWAY B 1 from K n a < City ; utrlko tlioro. M731 83' BB - , A I.IVK WIDK-AWAKI5 HKI'IIK J-WANTKD cntntlTO to represent ns In nvory locnlltr. ono wltlivim , TlRor , pluck nnd piuh can eaullymako US ) per month : no poddllnu ( toodst nomcthlnit en tirely now ; * taplo ns Hour : Bond for full particular * today. Address "Manufacturer , " poslotllo box 6303. lloston. Mn . .Mfl47 gj * -WANTl'.U. 8AI.K8MKN ON SAliAItT Oil COMmission - mission 10 linndlo the now pntonl cheralenl ink craslnu pencil. The ( ( rpatesl nolllni ? novelty over produced ; erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds : no abrasion of ( inner ! 200 to 600 per cent profit ; ono iiBciit's snlos amounted HJO In nlxilnys , nnotliqr J.12 In two honrs ; wo want ono onoritoilc Kcncral ngcnt In each ntntonud territory. Kor terms and .particulars . nddress Monroe Kraser Mfg Co. , x38 l.a CrossB. Wl . 57 B-WANTKD.A I'HACTlCAl * MAN WITH POM K capital to take a water mill. Adilross box.S.I , Lincoln. Nob. K8 B-W A N TKO , 200 MKN TO WOUK ON I'UllMO ImproTcnicnts. Inqnlra nt N. 27lu nnd llrlstol ts ) nnd B. ZDlh and Wiilnut l . MSM 8 J WANT CANVASSERS. W. A W. TAHLOHS , > M4 south Huh st M8M O3 B-WANT1CO. A SOHKH INHUSTHIOUS MAN with small family to work on small farm seven 'miles from Unialin. KTorrthlng furnished. Address - dross box t41 , Omaha. Ml-7 * _ - 8AL1CSMKN. WK OFFKIl TO B-THAVKL1NG ' n Eood. staple , hluh- toned sldo line : light snraploj. Rood commission. AVe wish only rollnblo and experlencod salesmen of ability. Address , with particulars , Huodua Bros , , St. T.onls. Mo. MKM8' _ WANTKI ) , OKAVEI. KOOFKIlB1.K TO ACT B as foreman , If nooesunry. Nichols Hoollne Co. , 407 S. 7th St. , Lincoln , Nob. 1'JM _ -MKN WANTKDON SAtiAllV TO IjKAHN OHH city business ; experience not necessary. Cull Bt'1516 Douglas. MB32 11 -F1HST CLASS HAHUEll WANTKI ) AT 103 8. ICth st. M9108 * _ _ T-WANTI0. AN INTIU.LlnKNT MAHIUKD J > man without clilldrnn to work on n frnlt farm. near Omnhit ; J10 or $35 per month ; house rontfrae Address K 211. Uoo. > l 7fi _ -WANTKU. AN KXI'EHT FILING AND 111LI- Inc clerk : oneNirlio has had experience with ngrlcultural homo profurreil. Olve roferoncos. Address K 25 , Iloo. M'.i771I * D.W ) I.AIIOUKKH ; JVAG1CB. H.CO VKK 'day. Apply nt corner 18th and Karnam streets. * MU74 S * J WANTED , A TAH.OIt FOH DUSHBLINO. > Call at onco. 1109 Fnrnam st S2 7 -WASTBM , HOYS AND GIHLS AT MUHl'HY B Wnsoy A Co.'a chair factory. 984 9 * -WANTED. A (10OI ( ) WOOD-WOHKING MA- B [ chlnost. Enquire at 23th and Davenport streets. -WANTED , A GOOD UHNKUATj BLACKSMITH , steady job , German iiroforrcd. Wm. Goldnor , Fulls City , Nob. US3-9 -WANTED. A IIAPID PKNMAN ACCOHATB f at figures for otllce work. Address. K ! 8 , llco. 937-7 U-WANTKD. HOYS , 8TBADY WOUK , OMAHA Jjfactory. Fast Omaha. MI03 10 T > -10 riil : WEEK AND EXPENSES TO MAW ! Jand feinnlo workers to act us rosldeut salenmon fora company manufacturing goods wanted lu OTcry hoii'ohold. Permanent nndf rolltnblo work. Terms nnd circulars frco. Address Klectro Novelty - olty Co. . 48 Armory street , llmton , Jlass. M105 B * TJ-WANTKD TWO FIHST-CLAH8 COAT JIAK- licrs , K Vodlcka , 312 STUthst. Mill in * B-AVANTHD.200MKN FOll UAILHOAVTOHKIN Washington. Cheap faro. 100 toe lown , IJ.OO a dny : tcamEtcrii f.'S.WJ a lupatli and board ; frco pass. Kramer * O'llcnrn Labor ABoncy,3U ( South Iltn st. MI1&9 * n-WANTKI ) , A YOUNG MAN TO TAKK CHAHGK JJof the collection department of an Oman a bank , stenographer preferred. Address K 31 , Uoo. B -HO * WANTED , ABOUT 17 , TO WOHK IN ; tore and workshop at I40U Douglas street. JII17 B -WANTED MAN TO TAKK ORDERS IN CITY , BWANTED > address , manufacturer , box 2u7 city. 103 O a - ' WANTED FOR DISHWASHER AND B-AOEN'18 . Bnmples nnd particular * , for two cent stump. T. J. Trew A Co.Mncon..Mo. 104 20 WANTED-FEMALE HELP. /S WANl'ED , ( VoOD OHIL FOR GENiaiAL V/hoiiBOwork' Enquire ntilstuid Lake. Mrs. Ed- wnrd Ilaydon. 431 /I WANTED. A COOK AND LAUNDRESS. MRS , \JC , W. Unmllton , 210.1 Lenvenworth stroot. M5U7 /1-WANTKD AT ONCE , XX. OOOD RELIAHLK V/Gcrmnn girl for general housework In a smnll family , btendy place to the right gtrl. Apply at SWS Half Howard street. b8J / ( -W ANTED , GOO ! ) GIRL FOR GENERAL VJhouscwork. 510 N. 19th st. MS02 10 * / " ( -WANTED , LADIKS AND GIRLS TO DO OUR V/miw work for us at homo ; $3 to $3 per week easily made : no painting or canvassing. Scud aolf-nddrossod envelope. Kcho Manufacturing company. 4 Liberty Square , Boston , Muss. MWJ8' -WANTED , GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. ALSO nurse girl , satisfactory wages paid. Call 2537 Cal- Ifornla street. . 1)11-8 ) -GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSBWOHK ; GOOD wages. Apply at southwest corner 18th and flrnco.Btrcots , MUI3 8 < WANTED , IMMEDIATELY , LADY STENOGrapher J raphor with experience , Ohio to furnish machine > nd to assist on hooks. Houionablu salary tosult- iblo party. Apply In own handwriting , Singer Mfg. L'o. , 15111 Douglas st. 818 8 * I-WANTED , GOOD GIRL FOH HOUSEWOUK. 3 G In family , no children , Apply 1112 S lUth st. | 1-WANTED , GIRL KOR GENERAL HOU8K- V work la family of three ; apply 3403 Jackson st. U7J 8 WANTED , A GIRL TO TAKK CARW OF ROOSI and Iiolp washing and Ironing , cun sleep at homo If inquired. 7M t * . Ittli t. /t .WANTED , A fOMI'BTENT GIRL TO COOIC , V/wiinh and Iron In faintly of thn ; wages $5.00 u week ; apply No. .1 Worthlngton place , opposite Brownoll hall. Omaha , Neb , l ! 7 7 * ri-WANTBD , ONB LADY FOUR YOUNG MKN lAncclvo Instruotlons keep hooks. J. B. Smith. 517 fihnely block. MOT-13 * CWANTED ! , UIHL , FAMILY OK J. U35N. I8TII ; it. JWttb * C-WANTED. A OIRL KOU OBNKUAL HOUSE , work. Must bo good cook , washer and Ironer. 2tm iniltol ; | avu. Mil ; 10 rt-WANTED AT ONCE. OIRL FOR UENKRAL WliousBwyrk good wages , small family , llSUt'o. list St. 100 10 J/OBBBNT HOUSES. -l-/tnutm < . guod ropulrs. Apply C. S. Elguttor , Hooni 4. N. V. Life building. uH Ti-8TORKS. FLATH. DWELLINGS AND COT- L/tugcs In all parts of city. Kilkenny It Co. , Contl- oontiil blk. ull MO'DKRN , NF.WO-ROOM COFTAUKS. READY lu few days , In beautiful htanford clrclo. Apply C. a. Klgutter , room 4 , Now Yur . to bldg. JH TV-FOP. RENT. TWO IJ.ROOM HOUSES , ALL . Jl/iuodcrn conronloiicoJ , uu ( Joorula nve , I block * from sirout railway. Apply ruum 'Mi , lleo llulldlnic. JBJ * uiti urn.1 rartftlvnp. M. tti J. tfil \-FOR HKNTJ 3-UOOM , CASH 'street ' , b two iiZith and ZulU. H. T. Clarke , 211) ) Ilonr < of Trttd" . 1'lionu 1M. 410 \-KOR HKN'f. CHOICE FLATd IN THE P. 1 { _ 'Her block , cor , ICth and Jackson sts , The turn- luur into lor second uud third tloors Is IJu.'jU for Inside Mats , steam heat HO ( XI oxtrn ) they liavn nil i-onvunlences and are In lint class repair ) being centrally located and contain ing only the voryliost ot tinianU uiakus them IB. ! strablv. W will runt to families uuly. Call and seatlUiui | Inqulru at Mil B. 10th st , bW w7b RKNT.IJ-ROOM lIOUdK 20T1I AND DOIMIK ' ( roots. All modern coiivonlonci's. Posiossloa liuiiiedlatel/ . Call or addruss M , K Rocder , ftfen IOJ , Paxtgn block MlUJ D-FOR HKNT , a FLATrt IN 1.1NTON IILOGIC. Ulh and Mason streets , n rooms uach , water and | M. heated by stonui , lu guod ruualr , rant la' * . In- qulm at BIT In the block. John llauillu , aga it. D -FOR KENT , A 4 HOOM COTTAOH. MTU AND Jones , MCU per month. Fidelity Trust couipany , lelt ITariiam s' , OB'J k-LARQlI ' LlEl'l'llOUbES. PAl.'L , | OU > FARNAM. MU44 . TV-NICK TEN-ROOM MODERN 1IDUHK , BTg'feO. .ty.Itb sU aud Uvo-rooiu cottage JiiTi fa. i li it. J Inqulr * nt'Uo. llthsu Julm H , h. .Vii'u. u i. V : w x- FOB RBHT-HOTJSE3. _ _ Continued. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -FURNISUBH ItOUSK. KOUNT7.B PLACH. Wlrt street. rooms , modora. J.J. Olbion , 307 yirst National Hank building. * T _ -9-ROOM I1HICK 110U3B. MODERN , WITlT good barn. Omaha Real Kstalo nnd Trust Co. , H. 4. llcolildg. _ M8illi-H _ -ONE OF THIS F1NK8T RKS1DKNCKS IN THE city : 10 rooms ! every Improvement of n flrst class hoti o ; furnaco. Inquire 1S16 Houtti 10th.Oa O-a O * -FOR RENT , A SIX-ROOM COTTAGE , 119 N. 37 St. . t | > ar month , atocttel , 714 8 IB. m -FOH RMNT , TWtl FIRST CLASS DETACHED nine room houses , modern : neighborhood best ; w I thbarn. 11. C. Patterson , Hamgo block. MiD5 -KOH RKNT-HOUSI ! NO. IIS S. 1HTII. FUR- nttura complete , forsnlo , 3oO , or by plcco for ten days. MU28 10 _ rV-10-ROOM HOUSE , ALL MODICRN CONVKN- -LJloncos except furnncs. Enijulro W5 8. 20th. 015 II n-1U-ROOMHOtI8R , ALL MODERN IMPROVH- JJments , JI14 Chicago streot. 11000 per month. Percy 11. Ford , McCaguo Invottmont Co. , 15th and nnd Dodge streets. 83 < - HKNT. KHOM OCT. , FURNISHED D-FOR , 19H California st. Inquire Dr. John C. Jones. I'M ' 8 _ -10-HOO.M IlRtUK HOUSB , MODERN CONVKN- lenccs. S , Tenth St. . opii. llrownell Hnll , In- gulroNethcrton llnll.303S. 13th st. _ i)59 ) 19 T4-FOR RENT. 8BVERAL NICE HOUSES NKAH J./Hnu com park. Ueo. N. Hicks , SOS N. Y , Life n-AN KIQIIT-ROOM HOUS1 ? WITH BARN , ALL JL/modorn convenlcncos , burglar alarms , olectrlo bolls , u * . bath , furnaco. etc. : possession Immmcdl- ntoly. Apply on pn-mlsos , 401 North Lowe nvo. Newton li Harkalow. P5 _ -4-ROOM FLAT , 1470 SOUTH IbTH ST. - RKNT , A FURMSH1CD U-ROOM IIOUSIC , D-FOH modern conveniences , 2tHh nnd St. Mnry B nvo. Kuhn A. Co. , 16th nnd Donglns. W > i 12 FOR i RENT , 10UOOM IIOUSi : , 2015 OAS8 , tlO.lFOR Reed A Solby , Uonrd of Trade. _ 9M TWOS-ROOM COTTAGES KOR HKNT CHEAP. flood condition. J , E. Van Ollilur , room 307 , Omaha Natl. Hank. Mill 10 * _ -FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. Inquire S518 Capitol .M120 II' _ FOR BENT FURNISHED ROOMS. ALL -NICK FURNISHED LARUE FRONT ROOM IW N. 17th st. M73J S3 * E FOll nKNT. KUUN1SHKD ROOMS , HKF- rencoi. No. 2123 Dodga st. M183 HOOMS KOIt RKNT. FUUN1SUKD , STUAM E heat. 201 Bouta 2UU. C2I -FUIINIBHKU ROOMS W1TU MAT II WOO month. I'JOa Farnam _ 870 E-T1IKUK HOOMS FOll HOUSKKEMl'INO M5A11 Kountte ploco , till. Address J 48. lleo. M695 E-IA11OU FUONT UOOM AND F11ONT BKD- room cnsulto. steam heat and all modern con veniences. 131 ? licarcnworth Bt.j top lloor loft. - UOOM WITH 11ATU , ONK block from motor , 1800 : 1119Georgia avcnuo. 740 7 - HOOM8 Toil HOUSKKHKI'ING KOU SIAN E-3 wife ! rout taken la board. 310 N. 17th st. 789 E-KOIt HKNT.-FUUNI8I1KD HOOMS ASM UN- furnlsliud rooms for housekeeping , ut lliSJ Capitol tel nvnnuc. -M8fi 10' -FUItS13IKM HOOMS KOH MGIIT41UUSK- keepliiK. 301 N. llith ti. None but resiicctablo pcoplo need iipply. Mdui 10 * E-I'Olt HK.NT , lCl.HaANTFUHN13HISDUO05l8 , MB bo. 10th street. . MDOJ 10 HOOM ! ) WITH OH WITHOUT 11OAUI ) . 2.W3 E Uouglns stroet. ' .MS9J 10 * T-N1OKIV FUHNISHUD HOOMS DHIUCTIA -IJopposllo the Jlorrlnm. 113 B. Sith street. aiS-7' NICELY FUHNISHKI ) HOOM , PHIYATE E family , near motor. foj S. Mill nvo. 9til 13 * E FOR RENT , ELEOANT FURNISHED HOOMS , Mi S. 13th st. 1 * > 3 12 * ETHHEK FUHNISHKI ) HOOMS FOll LIGHT housekeeping. 1S.M fnpHol nve. WO 8 * NICELY FUH1S1IED HOOMS , EAST FltONT ; private family. 210 N. loth street. M10J U * -JFUENISHED ROOMS AND BOAKD. - WITH HOAHI ) FOll TWO IN PHI- F-HOOMS . U215 Howard stroot. MCJJ 7 HOOMS WITH 11UAHU nti CAPITOL AVB. 1 ' ' S1578 B27' 17-220 FAKN'AM , NICE ROOM AND HOARD. Jj M5SO a ? 7-KUKMSHK1J HOOMS AND liOAHD AT 2013 ? Douglas. .MCU 810 * I ? KOU RENT , FURNISHED HOOM WITH JL board to two ladles or two gentlemen , private family. No ether boarders. Within ono block of Hnnsconi pnrk nnd motor line. For particulars address with ruforence , J 52 , Uoo oRlco. IBi F-ELEGANTLY FUHNISHED ItOOMS , FIHftT class board , * -The" Dolon , 20 ! und 211 N. Ibth street. - M W BOARD AND ROOMS. 1810 CHICAGO ST. 1117 1 ? SOUTH FHJNT HOOM WITH UOAHI ) . 8U1TA- i bio for two ; references ; 3214 Knrnara. U05 12 ( F-DESIUAllLE HOOMS WITH BOARD ; 8MAJ.L family : nicely rucated ; modern Improvements : terms roasouablo ; references oxcbanged. 437 llarney street. M9bO 8 * -NICELY FURNISHED HOOM , WITH OH without board. In a private family , by n young gentleman ; ntuto terms. Address Henry J. Koiwr , houth Omaha. , MIIOB * ' FOR KKNT trNFtTRNISHBD ilOOMS. Q- TO 3 HOOMS. 003 N. 13th St. - - . BASEMENT HOOMS FOR FAMILY. G--JI.AHOB 23:0 Douglas. Hit ) 7 * TO RKNT , UNFURNISHED FOll HOUSEkeeping - keeping ; six rooms with all Improvements. In quire at ail North Iblh street. M107 S * f FOR RKNT. THE 4-STOHY UH1CK lIUILDINfr -I-9IB Farnam st. The building uas a tlreproof ce , mtmt basement , complete stenuiboatlng nxturos ; water on nil tbo Hears , gas , etc. Apply ut the ofllco of Tlio Bee. V1U I FOR HUNT , PART OF GOOD OFFICE CHEAP. Win. J. Wclshuns. Ill Karbach block. it > 9 I FOR IIXNT. AT LOW VALUAT1ON.A GROUND tloor u III cu. Kulin .V Co. , 15th olid llouulas. U9I 10 3OR -GOOD IV.HN CHKAPAT3ITH AND JACKSON , Fidelity Trust Co. . I70.I Farnam. 6JI 12 WANTED-TO RENT. K WANTKI ) . t'UHNISlli : ! ? HOOM FOll LIGHT housekoopluK. Address 1C 22 , Bee office.Mll Mll ! S K WANTKI ) , A HJHNIS1IK1) HOUSE , 6 OHC rooms , good and healthy locality. If suitable will need U until sprliiK. Address , tvltu full par- tlcularn , J. II. lllaku , lu l Wazeu st. , Denver , Colo. , _ U8 U _ _ K-WAIJTBD HOOM AND HOARD FOR GENTLE- man nnd daughter In a prlvuto family where tbero nro no other hoarders. Blrlcily tlrst-class accomodatlons wanted Addreis "K2V" lluo. 1UJ b * " ' STORAQB. hTOitei ) " FUlt- iilturuI.M7Uoittlai. ) Omaha Steve Repair works. Ml M S1ORAGE CHBAP , CLEAN , WELLS , llll Furnuui street. uu T-KURN1TURH HOUUIIT. BOLD , STORED. * Wulls , llll Karuaui st , ,8 \T-WANTBD , A FRESH COW , APPLY 1318 FAR- - > num. 1W.1 7 FOB O-KUUN1TURU W IMIOO.H KLAT FOR dALB , for caih , Idll Loav"emtorth street , top tloor to left. 4Tt'ni * yORaALE KOK8B3 , WAOONS , ETO. T"KOR BALE OirKXCIIANnic , BOluflCLl-ACBR X gelding. 4 years old , 1 H liauds high , weight about 1.IARJ pounds. 3 whlto rout , sound nnd well muscled , 40 il ays driving und speedy : will make a tlnuKoutleman's roadster. Price , II.UOC.IXI. A lluo black mare , . ' 1 ) ears Old. li bands .1 Inches high , weighs lUut > pounds , whlto uc , forehead , per fectly sound and with CO clars handling shows a amliiuto gait ! nll | niako a > ory speedy mare If limullcil. 1'rleo , II.OOUU. Will tu' o good property lor onu or both. Henry C. Smith. caroLlndell hotel , Lincoln , Noh. _ _ uyj j | Tj > -nR.SAIKA aiXTY.DOLUVR IMP IIUJ < 1 Y J- formUQ. II. E. Cole , Uontluuntul block. WJ pGO Jll "O EN17 ! . ! ? ' 110 R8K7 TTuiN EdT ANu" A cart , with canopy top. K. ilohle , 151IH Farnam. * til l > rfll NTLh FAMILY 1IOH8B KOH BALE. 18Jl' ' JUlnuey streot. Mtfis H p-FORHALK CHKAP. MY PACING HOUSE JOE. J- tan pace lu J.40. II , 11. lr y. Co. Treai'otllce. ' IPO 10 FOB BATJE-MIBOBIiliAyEOUa ] Q . .VOlBALM. \ . A LAH(1 ( UAlTL 8AFK.K HY cheap , almoil new. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1701 Far. ? " ' " _ _ _ tU It. | Q-FOR SALK. 'lllOllOllnilllllEU PUO PUP. Ploi. Apply 1J&I9 llarnay atraa u Ji Q-FOR SALK. 1CK. CHKA ( lllbort Hros. . Council UluOi QTuCKb. . I'ttlTCUAltuT ] OLAtnVOYANTS. S-ARRIVAL KXTHAORDINARY ! WONDERFUL revelations. Challenges th world. Mrs. Dr. M. Logravo , dead trinco clairvoyant , aitrologltt , palmist and Ufa reader ! tell your llfo from the cradle to grave ; unites the spparated ! can csmar- rlago with the ono yon lovot tolls whom yon will eiicceod nnd In what business belt adapted for : has the celebrated Egyptian brcaitplnto for luck nnd to destroy bad Intluenroit cures fits. Intemperance nnd nil private complaints with maisago , baths nnd alcohol treatment , tan * fltM , lock of hair , name nnd date of birth nnd recolvo nccurato life ohnrtt 1 cents In stamps for circular ! give Initials of ono you will marry ; also photos ot same. Office 417 onth 11 111 street , flrit tloor : hours , SI n.m. to D ] > .m tVimo ono , como all. nod bo couvlncod of this won- dorttil oracle. M 774 Hi * O-MHS. NANNIE V. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. Orollablo business medium , tlfth year nt 119 N lf > th. IOT MASSAQE , PATHS. ETO. rp-MASSAGH TRKATMKNT. KLKCTHO-THEU JLmnl baths , scalp and hair treatment , manic nro and chiropodist. Mrs.Poit,3l3XS IJth.WIthiiollblk. ma rp-MADAM BTOWB , MAGNETIC HEALER 1302 ! ) Pratt street. M803 9' LA Itl'K , MASSAGU , 419 SOUTH 1STII -Btroo" , tlilrO iloor , flnt 4. . J181SIU' rp- rMAUAMK SMITH 1121 DOUGLAS 6T11UKT , JL r > oom7,3d llo or. Alcciliol , anlphur mil nen bnihl M 811 U PERSONALS. U AUmiKSS WANTED , Of UUAIILKY ANII Hnmticl ICInnamon by their undo , U. ICIiinanion of Sylvia , Kansas. When last hoard from word t Nobrankft. V3T-7 * MU3IO.ART'AND ' JLANOTJAOE. \J-0. V. GKLl-BNIIErK. 1IAN.IO TEACHER , ' with llojpo , N.W.cornor 15th nnd Harney. 944 \7-OMAHA KINDK11UAUTK.V. TUB PAI.Ij V term will commonoj Mondar , Sent. 5tU , 2GOtl Davenport L Ulroctrosi , Mrs. KralTn Qrtltltlis atnllnrd. IM 7 * MISS M1NNIR DAVI8' KINDKIUIAUTKN ; fall term commoncoi September U , Tuesday , 160G Soutli ICth. ncnr Caiitollar. MOH 12 MONEY TO LOAN-REA.1J ESTATE. -MOKTCMOlYLOANS LKS3 THAN 7 1'Ell UT. Including nil charges. Clinrlcs W , lUlnoy , Omahn Nat. bank bhlk" . 604 -7 1'KIl (3KNT ( MONMY NUT TO IIOKUOW- crs on Omaha city property. No extra charuos of any kind. Why par mull rates ? Money Is cheap. You cun cot full tonellt of low rates from Globe I < oan and Trust Co. , 10th nnd Dadxo. 070 \xr-LOANs. a. a. WALLACE , 312 UROWN ULK. > , 071 ANTHONYLOAN AND TRUST CO. . 318 N. Y. Llfo , lends at low rates for cholco security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha elty property , 072 yy-c. F. HAumsoN , 912 N. Y. I.IFK. 673 W CKNTKAL LOAN AlTHUST CO. , DISK BMIO. 071 CHEAP MONEY. SEB G. W. P. COATES , 1014 Farnam. 07i W IXJANS ON IMPKOVKD AND UNIMPUOVBD city ) and upwards1 , Bto 8 per cent. No delays. W.FaniniuSmHli A Co.,15th nnd Harnoy , 07 wMONEY. . LOWK3T HATB PAUU lOOi FAUN. M9S3 S13 \V-HEA1 , ESTATB LOANS , B TO 7 L'KK C15NT ; ' no additional charges for commUslon or nttor- noy's fees. W. 11. Mclklc , First National llank bide. 077 T PHIYATE MONEY , 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGE loans , low rates. Alex AlooroBeo bldjf. G3 W-OMAHA SAVINGS HANK MAKES LOANS on real estate nt lowest market rates. Loans mndn , In small or largo auras for short or long time. No commission Is chnrge land the loiitis are not sold In the east , but can always bo found at the bank on the corner of Ulh nnd Douglas stroots. ( i79 _ T\r MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY ' property , low rate. A , C. Frost , Douglas blk. W : 1 AND 2-YKAH LOANS ON CITY AND FARM ; mortgages , Heed A Bolby , 331 Hoard ot Trudo , 359 W CITY AND FAIIM HKAf , KSTATK LOANS allowest rates ; consult us before borrowing. K. C. Gnrvln 4 , Co.-203 Sbcely block. 24U w WANTKI ) ATONCKUl APPLICATIONS FOR loans. Uco. J. Paul , 110 } I'ariiam streot. MiiS-s29 : > f LOANS. I.OW RATES. ZITTLE.HROWN BLK UCO 05 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. x- CALL AT THE OFFICE OF OMAHAMORTGAGE IXAN CO. ( INCORPORATED. ) , IF YOU WANT MONEY MONEY' ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANO9 , HORSES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS OR PERSONAL PROPERTY OF ANY KINO Wo make loans In any amount from tlO to 110,003 atthe lowest possible rates and In the quickest possible time without publicity , and with the privilege of keeping your goods la your own pos session. Remember that you can pay any part of the loan at any tlmo and In this way reduce the cost of carryIng - Ing the loan. 'Ihere will bo no expense or charge kept out ot the amount wanted , but you will receive tha full amount of the loan. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , Room II , Cralk-hton Hloclc. 15th and Uoutflus. Next to Poitotllce. THE LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. _ " 682 xDO YOU WANT- MONEY ? TUB FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. Room I Wttbnoll block , cor. 15th and Uaruey sts. WU | loan yon any snm , From f 1000 to J10.000 * On the day you ask for It , We maka loans on furniture , pianos , horses , waitonn , warehouse re ceipts and personal prop erty of all kinds In any amount desired. At tha lowest possible rates , wtthoul publicity or removal of property. You can pay the money back In and amount you wish aid at any tlmo , nnd each payment will reduce the cost of the loan In proportion. THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO COC31 C31 X WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SB- ourlty ; strictly confidential , A. B. Harris , room 1 , Continental block , 033 -PHITCHAHD , 51 DOUGLAS BLK , 1U 6. DODGE. CSI V CHATTEL LOANS MADE ON FURNITURK , Vpianos , llvo stock , oto. , without publicity or ro < movul property at the lowest rates und the uatdent payments. Dud Green , rooms 8 JiU Barker block , 035 -MONEY IS CHBAP. 110 UP TO 110.000 loaned on any chattlo security by W. C , Wood , audit for Nebraska Lonn company , 1310 Douglas street , up stairs , kS'i ' X -LOANS ON CHATTELS. REASONABLE IN- torust , partial Payments 1 to < > months. W. It : Davis. R. 20 Continental block. Elevator 15th st. _ _ _ urn X-CHATfBL LO VNB , 1121 N. Y. LIFE. MORRIS. X MONEY AT LOW RATES ON ANY KIND OF security. Keystone MUo. Co. , 203 Bbeely blook. 10 _ X 120,000 TO LOAN ON CHATTEL SECURITY ! business conUdanllaL H. MJ Board Trada | M 1)09 ) O.I * _ _ CHATTEL LOANS ; ANY AMOUNT ) J-OW rate. J. B. Yan Glider , room 2i)7 ) , Om aim Na tional bank. JH1W-07 BUSINESS GUANOES. Y FOR 8ALB. AN B8TABUSUBD GltnUiCRY. Ono of best locations In city. No tradfc. Ad- dro < sN > 0 , Boo - J1101 V TAILOR BUSINESS FOll SALE CHBAP ON J. account of slcknuis , 0. Lundoim , Fullerton.Nob. ' nil H17 * 2 _ _ Y CANADIAN EMPLOMUNT OFFICE. ESTAII- lUhodlJ years ; best paying builuess In Omaha. Inquire at room 1 , IWJ Furnam slrout. M3'JI ' s0 Y -PARTY HAVINOTBNOHFOKTY THOUSAND dollars can tlnd aicood business openluK In stock company that will pay 93 pur cent dlvldaad. Ad dress J lid , corn Omaha Due. J ,8 11 V-TO CAPITALISTS OFOMAHAT THBRB 18 A JLjiaylnit business that Omaha as a point Is wall adapted for. Ihu enterprise Is fairly a now Idea , only tested end found thorouKhly good. Balnic liooil unctiomottlnir nuwnmt Icblllmatu , It will pay n Inriier pro tit than any ordinary business. To muiiof capital who w'll ' know n Koud thing when hownupand wantto to Into inmutbliu paying ad drvss J M , euro Uoo. mill' ' FOR BALK , HESTAURANT AM ) CONFKC- tlontiry store , good location aud itood trade. Address AUK. Menu , Scrlbner , Neb 747 W A GOOD PHYSICIAN , HEGULAH ( illAKI/- ate , van secure a Kood location In H KOCd rail road towoon the V. , K. A M. Y , it. R. In South Da kota. Country well populated. Address J 61 , Uoo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MOI2 bB * Y FOR SALE , ELBYATOH. FOR INFGHMA- lion address W. J. Blair. Llnwood. Neb , 7X7 la- -CHOP HOUSB IN LINCOLN FOR HALKT dolu anaod dullness. Address X , Omouti lluo , Lincoln. Nub. M7I4 Y GRAIN AND LIVE HTOCIC BUSINESS. GOOD opening , Address fur particulars , K 111. Uoo. vta IIOODI'AYNG BirmBit BUSINESS IN A lively town In Nrbreska. Addruss K VI ; Hue. UJ08 * _ _ _ _ Y-ou ; BAIJ : , BlrrciiBit BHOP COMPLETE at your own pries , Nebraska Loan Co. , ISM Douglas street. Mill BUSINESS GUANOES. ( JnnHif'l.'d. V VOn BALK. HALF INTKtlEaT IN A WKI.U i paying meat market In niufrn of 5,000 nooplo In Nebraska. Enquire of Hf.UnC A , LI or Co. . Ull I/oavonworth at.l , 1)57 ) 8 Y-FOR SALE. AN OLD. J5aTAIlLlRHKO REAI , pstnto , loan and Insuntmia agency In town of about & ,00i > . Address , K23iilon. ; 9i5 8 V VOHSALK.IMPLRMBNT. WAGON , BUGOY J-fenrn wire nnd blacksn > IMi and wngon trade will soil or lease building. Address box 3UI , ( Urn- wood , Iowa. rj OIB-H FOR EXCJflANQE. r/ FOR ICXCHANGK , A. . DKMRAI1LB HOME , located In ncnvor , Inolulilnir a modern nix-room brick hous o on corner low can bo secured In ox * cliimKoforrnstorn NebrasUaJaad. K. L , Illrnoy , 803 Ibth Denver , fol. 41 V2J-I2 * Z-n FARMS IN WHHAT 11KLT KOR A GOOD residence In Omaha ; also orange grove and line , clour residence In good town In Kansas for resi dence In Omaha. K. F. Ringer , 15111 Farnnm , MS3t I0 r/-CLBAN STOCK OFOKNKHAI.M'D'9'Kt WILT , < takorcat estate & money.llox 283 , Franktort.lnd. U37 Z-tXJIt SALE OR BXCHANOB-llAlHlAtN- Kbony upright piano. Address U 65 , Boo olllca. M78I r/-FOR SALK OR EXCHANGE , MY tl.W3.00 "equity In 640 acres of as nice land and good soil ns tlioro Is In thostato , near the west line of Per- klnnCo. Ton full years' tlmo on tlio balancn of II10 per acre at n per cent annual Interest. What have you to offer ? Address P , S. Casey , South Omahn. Neb. M7B9 8 rfOH BXCHANOB , 2,000.00 STOCK OF QKN- 'Joral incrchnndlsa for horseaj Address box O G , llurwpll , llnrllclil county. Nfb. 70fl 15 * y-CLiAROMAUAHBALEoTATHl : FOR MUSE , actual valuation. Money to loan , llox513 , Omaha , M.137 rA BUSINESS THAT WILT. NET FROM $100 JtofoOpor week Invostlgo. E. F. Ringer , 1519 Karnam. ) l 10 * Z-f20UOO GENERAL STOCK MEHCHANOISB , cleanest stock In the Btato : clear Omaha property or land , one-fourth caMi ; W.60J stock hardware , and 25 lots In Wostlnwn for cish midland ; f 10,000 conurnl stock , ono halt cash , baluucoland. E. F. Ringer , 1519 Farnam. MB31 10 * Z-FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE , OOTTAOK fronting south on Turning street. In Carthage addition ; aevon rooms , pantryclosets t forcapump. cistern cesspool , contented cellar ; well built and finished In hard plno and oak. PrlcoJ,200. Apply to W. L. Solby. U3I Chamber Commerce. * 683 Z FOR EXCHANGE , A STOCK OP GENERAL merchandise for land * and cash. Address R W.WutklnsACo. , Frankfort , Jnd. MM-slO * Z TO EXCHANGE , SFINB LOTS IN HASTINGS , Nob. , for Nebraska land. Apply 1318 Farnara. 1)0.1 ) 7 ifOK SALE-KEAL ESTATE. BARGAINS IN FARM LANDS- 310 acres , Howard county , Neb , worth $15.00 per acre , only JJ.AI ( 00. 100 acres. Gospor county , Nob. , cheap ot $12.60 per aero , only $1,120.00. IBd acres , Box Butte county , worth $12.50 par aero , only $ lmoO. 100 acres , Knox county. Nob. , a big bargain at llo In Kearney county. Nob. , $1,700.00. 100 In Jefferson county , Nob. , $2.000 00. KOIn Frnnklln county , Nob. . $1,00000. 100 In Frontier county. Nob. , Jitxi 00. ino In Hitchcock county. Nob. , $80000. 100 In liunalo county , Neb. , $ I.2K)00. ) 100 in Banner county , Neb. . $ . ' * K > 00. 100 In Brown county , Nob.$050 00. 100 In Cherry county , NoU , $05000. 100 In Harlan county. Neb. , $ l'iOO.OO. 100 In Miermiui county , Neb. , $1,00009. SOO acres lu Cn s county. Neb. S.'O.acre farm In Cuss county. Nob. OOO-ni-ro farm In Sarpy countyNeb. CO ncrp farm In Snrpy county , Neb. 1,200 aero farm In Douglascuunty , Neb. 240 ncro farm In Hurt county , Nob. LilfO ncro farm In Franklin county , lowm , 480 acre farm In Union county , Iowa. 320-acre farm In Union county , Iowa. 620 ncro farm In Union county , Iowa. 400-acro farm In Union county , Iowa. 210-acro farm In Union county , Iowa. Wo have wild Innds throughout Nebraska ranging Ir. price from $100 to $ . > ,000 u jiuarter. Also deslr- able stock fnnns and ranches. . In Iowa , Nebraska nnd Wyoming. Wrlto or collon Goo. N. Hicks , 303 N. Y , Llfo bldK , Omaha. Neb.J ; IWJ-7 BARGAIN-GOOD COTTAGU , ROOMS , BATH , east front , s. w. part , near motor and pnvomont , nice location. $ . ' ,59000 , worth * J,5a ) 00 ; terms easy. G. F. Hutts.2iQ3o. 17th St. t _ 130321 WANTED , HOUSE AND JLOT FOR CLEAR lots. U Wanted , $4 000 plnro near Hifhscom park. Wanted , $ .1.500 Dlaco near Hanscotn park. Wanted , lot on SCth st. near Lcavauworth , Wanted , piece of business | ) roperty on ICth st , Wanted , purclmiier.for 8 tycr cent mortgage. Wanted , cholco 0 per cent tuq'rtgaKO. Wantpil , cheap $ UO lot In Sofitli Omaha. Wanted , 5 acres closu In ! ohenp. Wanted , f.'a house for spleniHd p.tenant. . V Wanted , farm In Sarpy cuuply. Wanted , good trackagq prplierty cheap. C. F. Harr1sotK912N ! , Y LIJe. , ' „ ' - . . ' .i . .i . _ 9698 LIST YOUR UBAL ; BST/JTE.lrtR SALE WITH George J. Paul. ICUi Far attpit. : , , , M ! SI3 170R BALE-HYTUK OWNER 10,033 ACRES OP -L Nobruska's flnost'farmlni'land utiaerott sacrl- flee. Q. H. Peterson. 1112 B nth at-Omaha. UT IN 2-5,000 ACHES IN BODIES OF IliO TO 1,500 acres , gilt-edge wild lands nt$5to $10 per acre In state of Nufyraska who < o crdpa last year ag gregated one hundred million dollars ( f lOJ.OJJ.OOO ) . Owner must realize. Prlc named are one -half actual value. Direct freight competition , both B * Mj and U. P. R. R. W. G. Albright , 521-5-S N. Y. Life Bldg , , Omaha. M8.1I 10 _ INK FARM 10 MILES NORTH. IMPROVED AND all under cultivation , big bargain. K. K. Dar ling , Bsrker block. M707 1.1 CHOICE FARMS FOR BALE IN liARUISON county. lown. Send name with stamp to our address , aud receive full descriptions. A. A. Wll- llamson .ll'o. . Woodbine. lown. 7MslS * POR SALE. WE , ARE JUST COMPLETING l thrco model Hvo-ioom cottages , which wo will sell at a very low prlcoon'monthly payments. Two of them face cast on 17th St. . just north of Kountzo place ; the other Is at 2 th and A streets. They will nleaso you. and wo a n suit you as to terms. Fidelity Trust Co. . 1702 Furnum. 833 12 FOR SALK. 8. 14T1I. COTTAGE II-ME , $2,00000. Heed & Selby. Board of Trade. Wl DURING THE MONTH OF SEPT. WE WILL offer the last but prettiest of those Lafayette Place cottages at a greatly reduced price. 7 rooms , all modern Improvements , delightfully situated , terms easy. HJollty Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam. i7 ) 15 LAND , 3.080 ACHES ; WILIj SELL OR LBASB , good soil , good grass and good water , 150 miles west of Omaha. 225 acres In cultivation , balanoo pralrlo , no fence , all clear of Incumbrauco. $10.00 per acre ; will sell on good terms ; might take some good property as part pay. Henry C. Smith , euro Llndoll hotel , Lincoln , Nob. Wi 11 FOB BENT PA8TTJBE3. HORSES. COLT8 AND CATTLB FEED AND cared for the year round , 1 have 2JO acres of good pasture , 50 acres good gross , 20J acres of good oats stubble. Part of the stubbla Is standing rlpa oats , which ronkoi the best pasture lu the world. A good fence , nloo fresh running watorand barn room for 500 hold In casa of storm , 1 have the largest horjo ranch In Douglas and Sarpy county , I'leasocMl and sjo my stable room and feeding yards and pasture so you will bo satisfied. I call for nnd deliver froaof charza. My prloa on pasture Is f 1.00 pur month , anJ In wlntor food hay , graincut food nnd straw and 393 norm standing cornstalks. Kept In barn nlxbts , prlco irornlJ.Uj permonthup. Two miles south of South Omaha , Imllo from street cars , Addreis Goo. U , dans , p. O. box I .111 , South Omaha. Neb. SW-sl4. LOST ! LOST , SATURDAY , GOLiVHlNCJ , CAMEO" ting. Roturnor address WJ North -JOth street and receive liberal reward. Jl'JSJ t > * TOST OR STOLEN , $ S.OJ REWARD , BLACK JUwater spaniel , short tall , answers narao Jack , or for full Information ol his whereabouts , 1201 8. 2 tb St. T LADY8 WATCH AND CJIAJN WITH "SADA" JUcngravedon back , lost Tuesday evening between Levonworth und Farnam on south 23th or 2ub ! bis. Please leave at 7J2 uoutli 23th and receive reward. 101 riUKEN UP , LIGHT RED .AIULKY COW , 34TH , JLbot , Loavenworth and MnrtlT James Hurt. Tllill. U5B 8 IJ'OUND , CALF. APPLY'i(3JS. ( ami. Vl'l * ' POT FOUND ON 33RD ftKAHl'jCIIAHLES , (1AHNET breust pin. Inquire JU jjOwurd. MI1B B' WANTEO TO BORROW. TflVK OR TE"rraritOu7AvtH"CW , L7R 7sTOinr. J Ry second mortgugo on vi'ioporty valued ono hundred und llvo tliousnml./TKlm mortgage thlrty- tlvu thousand. Addruss 1C uo 'llou. AillJ ! ENQAG15MKNTS TO , itV.'jRBSSSi ' A KINU families solicited , Jll Emirdy , SID d''tith st. ° * is via the Chicagij/ Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , as represented on this map. Electric Lighted.f'Steam Heat ed Vestibuled 4 'trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p.m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a.m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l A enl. C.C.LINCOLN.Pass Agent. Telephone 1085. 10Hi and Farnam Sts. A full net of teeth on rubber for 15. Perfect set Teeth without plates or removable bridge work just the thing for slngurs or public spankers , never drop down. TEKTH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN Gold fllllnz at reasonable rates. All work warranted. Cut this out for a cutdo. I'roput.ll Inr ( ir.ulo St.ittsl mill L I ll' > or. Ho.ilod blclB will l > e received nt the ofllce of the city comptroller , Omaha , Nob. , no to 4 oclock p. m. September 13th , 180. ! , for the fnr- nlshlnx' grudo staliog , luniUor. nails and ceniont for the remainder of the year for the city of Omulm. tipool- tlcuttniis on IIlo at this ofllco. Tlio right IB reserved to iiccopt or reject any or ull bids. Eaoh bidder la required to onoloso cortldod cboclcof SJO.OO. THEO OLSEN , sSdTt Comptrollor. DH.-E.C , VVES'3 NEltVK AND BRAINTBBVP MBNT.aspaollio for Uystorl * . Ulttlnasj , Fid , Nea ralgla , Headache , Nervous Proitraton caused by alcohol or tobacco , .Wakofulnois , Mental DeDrei- lonSoUnoisofths Uruln.cauilajInsanity , misery decaydeath , Proaiuture Old A e , Barronoss , Lois of Power In cither sax , Irapotonoy , Loucorrhoa and allFemulo Wotknoisjs , Involuntary Loiies , Spar- matorrhoacausal by ovar-orarttoa of tha brain bolf-abuiaaror-lndulisuco. A month's troatmint 11,0 for tlby mall , Woguurantoaslx boxoi to curj Kactaorde foritboxai , with. li. will sand written Kuarantetto refund If not curjd. Guarantoa Issuai only by Thoodoro. F. Lewis drugftlst , solo nnoni. southoust corner llith and Furnara sU . Omaha CURE Anew and Comoloto Troattftpnt. consisting o ( Supposltorlai , Ointment la Captulei , also In Box and Pills ; a Poittlvo Cura for External , Internal bllndorUleodlngl telling. Chronic , Recent or Heredi tary Piles. Tals Remedy has uover bean known to fall. $1 par box. UfortU ; sent by mall. Why suffer from this terrible dliaiio when u written guarantee Is positively Kl'on wltliO ojioi or refund the money If notcurudSond ; stamp for frao bauiplo. Guarantoa Isauod byKulm A Co. , Druggists , Mole Agents , coraar I5tl > nnd Douglas straau , Omaha. Neb. -PERMANENT SIDEWALKS. Property Owner * .Must Promptly Comply with tlio Orders of tlio City , The members of tbo Board of Public Worltn , sourotury and all , Joined the Omaha cotninRcnt and went down-to Lincoln yester day for tbo purpoaa of looking at the mam moth pumpkins and the agricultural horse trot. trot.Setoro Setoro starting , however , thotarrlod about the olllco long enough to adopt this resolution 'with relation to purmuuunt sldo- wnlUs : WlieronH , Tlioro scorns to bo un Inallimtlon upon the part ot jioraom owning property wlioro pornmuent aldowalki hnvo been or dered by tlio nmyor nnd tlio city cuuiial ! to daluy the construction of such wullci by vari ous inuang , devlcou uil uxcnsi'3. auoli us full- Ini ; orrufusliiK to slitn H n.ipur lamed bythls boiirit , RlvliiR to aticli uropurty ownurn un op portunity to aoluot tbo miitjrlitl , or by alleging tint thay have pruvl- ously entered into cotitraoti with cor- lulu tillogoa purtlus for tlio cormtrtiutlon of sueli trullo , which allowed conlraots , us wo liuvo dlsuoverotl , nrn iHuitilv linutlnury aud show no existence tu fact ; now therefore , be it Kosolvod. That for the purpose of uomplv- lil with the Instruutlon ? of the mayor aim tlio city council , In the mutter of Iho construction of purmanont Hlduwulks. Oil * uouid will not recocnUu uny Biiuli itlloxod contracts or other oxuuaes. If tlio performance of tliu work sliull be delayed uioru than twenty days after sucli motion to tlia buurd , und lu future this board will urdur tlio ooiitruutors for the various kinds of m.itorliil to proceed In the construction ot nuoli walua us have boon , or may haruuf tor bo ordered by the mayor und council In uccordancu with the provisions of such Instructions. DoWitt'i Sarsapurllla cluuiuos the blooa , Incroaioa the fippetllo and tones up the sys- ' toiu. It has benefited many people who trnvo "ufferod from blood dUordurs. It will belp you. TAKE WARNING ! NEGLECT NOT TIIK SIGNALS OF JUNGKH. An Object Lesson Taught by the Indians , Lot ihs Way J3e Stmrilo and the Kemody SafOt If you nro nlllng , not exactly sick , but not fooling "just right. " hnvo u drowsy , dull fooling , bad Uisto in the mouth , varlnblo nppotito , ocumlnnnl pnlns in the joints nnd muscles ami ether signs of impending sickness , wily not do ns the Indian does drlvo such symptoms out of the system by the judielous use of their vegetable remedy ? Don't neglect such warning. Thut pain In your shoulder mcy de velop into rheumatism , and a month's sciknoss deprive you of the In Co mo of your toil. That furry tongue denotes your liver is out of order , nnd typhoid fever would easily take root in your system. What could you do then ? Think of your business , your income , nnd your family. Seek safety ns you would fly from cholera or smallpox. You are In danger if you neglect these warnings. They maymiss oil but the chances nro against you , and even then the poison in only latent In your system. Do not , however , put your trust in the so-called ' ' " numerous - 'sarsaparlllas" with which the muflet is flooded. Sarsaparlllabnrk Is not a mo.llclno , It Is n flavor ItiR , nothing nioro. The notion of ninny of these decoctions comes from mineral poisons tlior con tain , such nsmorcurjr , arsenic , strychlno , bismuth , lodldoof potaslum , and the Ilko , anil nny druggist will toll you. If ho tells roil ttulr , that this Is so. Klckapoo Indian Sagwa nnd other ICIcknpoo In dian medicines contain only the product of the field and forest , nature's own vegetable growth of roots , barks and herbs , and ofnccosslly nro free from all mineral poisons whatever , because the Indians have no knowledge of them , depending whollr uponn.ituro's laboratorr for tholr resourced , and upon tholr skill , born of centuries of exper ience , In preparing them. Ktcknpao Indian Sagwa. mndo by the In- rtliun from root * , hnrks nnd herbs of tholr own gatliorltiB nnd caring. Is obtulnublo ot nny clriiczist utono dollnrpor boltlo ; six battles for llvodoll\r ! < . "pTf TT1 Send three two cent gtninps to * * vfi pny pustnRO , hiid wo will mall you free u tlirlliiiu and Inturostlnj bookuf 17.lpai09. entitled "Llfu-nnd Scones Anionff tlio ICIvkupoo liulliuis. " Tolls all about the Indlnns. Address 11KALY & ItlGKLOW. DIstrlbtuliiR Asonts , 521 Grand Avo. , Now lluvon , ( Jonn , HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics. A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER , Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water TNSTRUMENTS pluced on record Bent. 7 I 189J : WAIIIIANTY DEEDS. William Schmidt and wife to IIA Aliens- ouch , lot D. Irving I'lac'o ( 1 II A Allonspuch to Kutlo Schmidt , sixmo l Simon AdamsUy nnd wlfo to Churlcs Mnrloy. lot 7 , Omaha Uulldlns nnd Havlni(3 nssoolatlou add 3,000 Uharlas Marloy und wlfo to Simon Adnmsky , lot 8 , same 3,000 Q I < Miller and wlfo to Aunn. Itlloy , lot B , bloolcS. West End ndd , rente 3.250 Tliomas Wood nnd wlfo to V tl 1'otter , lot8. block 8 , West End add 5,000 0 11 Kcbschuh nnd wlfo to 1'iuil Itch- sohuli , und Kn 40 ft of s80ftlot-4 , blook 1 , Klrkwood add 600 Loim Qulolc and huBbaiid to Lovott & Woodman , und ! -S fruatlotml section 15- 7.i-)4 , nw 10-73-U , so 10-75-14 50 Ohivrlcs Gilbert to C li Hnoarloy , part lot 32.8 R Hozors. Okahomu 800 A O 1 > Dal and wlfo to John Olson , lot 10 , block 2 , Lowe's subdlv 1,500 J M Woolworth and wlfo toO I' Wool- vrorth , blocks , except lot 1 , olock 1 , Oulcuurst add , . . 00.000 Isaio Hasaall to John Hush , w 1J2 feet lots 54 and M. n 100 feet lot SO , Oka- liomn. Iot3. Hnsciill & ICocors' yub , lot 22. J 13 Klloy's sub. lot 8. bfock 1 , Drox- ol'a sub , lot 10 , b'ock 3 , H 1C Hoirors add , lots , block 7. und lots 12 nnd U , block uVKountzo4th add 5 ElA Cobbund wlfo to Mikonnd Marv Dnvld , lot 2 , Jackson's sub In I'ottcr & Cobb'sVnd add 500 QUIT CLAIM niiiS. I'II Word on and wlfo loJF Flack , lot 20. blonk 4 , I'ottcr A Uobb's add to South Omaha l DEliDS. O A Dennett , sheriff , to Nnbraska Sav ings und Exchange hank , lots 4. S nnd 17. block n. lots 1 , 2,10 uml 17. block 7 , lots 7 and B , block 0. lots 13 , 23 and 24 , blook 12 , lots 4,5 nnd 19 , block 10 , North Omaha 1,053 Total amount o ( transfers , , , $ CD,001 WKKPIXO WATEII , Won. . Oct. 23. " 90. Dr. Moore : My Dear Sir I have Just bodgbt the tUIrd bottle ol your True of Lifo. It Is Indeed a "Treoof Llfo. " Doctor , whoa you so kindly gave mo that first bottle my right sldo was so lama and aero aua my llvor en larged so much that l could not llo upon my right sldo ot all. There was a soronos * over my kidneys all of the time , but now that trouble Is all ovor. I sloop Just as well on one sldo as ou tuo otbor , and ray nlcop rests ana refreshes mo , and I fool the best I've felt In fifteen years , and I know that it ti all duo to your Tree of Llfo. Vours very truly , D. P. JJuomr. For sale by all druggists. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. Formal Opening of tlm Institution for the Coming Yonc , Tbo exorcises attendant on the formal opening of Omaha's now Prcibyterlaa thoo- loRical so ml nary , \voro hold Tuosclay evenIng - Ing nt too. First I'reshylorlan churcb. After the opoainq services , con- slating of muslo , scripture reading ana prayer , an address wus delivered by Dr. M. B , Lowry ot the now Institution. His tnorao was "Tho Attitude anU Spirit of Young Men Preparing for thd Ministry1 ' nnd the largo congregation which Included all the Presbyterian clergymen of the city and several of otbor denominations , listened with marked attention to Its closo. The seminary now promises , with the financial support that may bo reasonably ex pected , to become a permanent institution nua to bo attended with gratifying success. U outers upon its second year , six students having completed the jlrstof the three years course , while olht more younir men will start In wboro did iholr predecessors n veer ago to fit themselves for this sacred calling , Procure It lleforu 1,04vine ; Hume , Throe years ago , while Ivas visiting rela tives at Htgglnsvlllo , Mo. , I was Bud4only UUon with colla and severe pnlns In the atpniaoh. My relatives sent to tbo doctor for medlclno , and ho sunt mo a bottle of Chamberlain's colic , Cholera and Diarrheas Rmnedy , telling the bearar that If thut mod- lolno did not cure mo he coula not prescribe nythlDir that would. I used It nud wo. tin mediately reliorod. HBNHV A. OTV 1 V\7P JlTVTfP t\T TPVIO SIX lYiNCHiSGS IN TEXAS Three Nogroea Hung nnd Thrco Eiddlcd With Bullets Near Paris. ALL THE OUTGROWTH OF A RACE WAR It llofrnn U'HH n Hnrso Tindo nnii tins Not Vet KiutPil AlllninKh u Nunilior ot l.lvcn Hnvo Alroniljr llren l.oit. PAHIS , Tex. , Sept. 7. A messenger nrrlved In the city .vtmerdny wltti the tntolllgottco that three negroes had been found hanging to n limb by the rondshlo nlna miles south * east of the city. Onicors ropnlrod to the scone ot the trnccdy at once niul there found the bodies of .John Hansom , Jncit Walker and Uill Armor , tlirco nottrooj , well known in the neighborhood , dangling frjm a troo. Justice Hunt of this city proceeded at ouco to bold an The tostlraouy showed that n party of twenty or thirty armed and mnskod men went to the liouso ot Ullbort Dmuols about midnight , solzca Hansom , put n rope rouill ( his neck nnd told him they wanted him to go with them and show thorn where the other negroes lived who bnd been doing mischief In the nolgbborhood. Abouto'clock ! tbo mob reached the place whoru Armor and Wnlkar wcro living , forced nn entrance , tiraBpcd them both out , placed ropes around Uiolr noclti , nnd in company with Htinsom marched thorn in the direction of the woodt , 'VYulkormadodosporiUorosljinnco nud shot at the crowd and it Is bollovod hit ono of the attacking party. Ho was ovurpowcrod , however - over , and taken away. That was the last known of them alive. Too bodies wore found about daylight bv a ncero boy who was hunting stock. Armor und Walker had tholr logs tied up and their Uncos wore almost touching the ground. All had alad of strangulation. , ' " Itcsult of Itnco Wnr. , The tragedy was doubtless the outgrowth of the killing of a notorious negro doiperaUo named Jarrott Burns by John Ashley , July 2 last. Ashley had sold Hums a horse which the latter had not ptud for. The her o cot to breakinic Into Ashley's ' field nnd Durns would not Keep him out. Finally Ashley took the horse and would uoti give htm up until the negro paid for him. Burns then armed himself and wont to Ashley's house to take tuo horse by force. , A dlffl- oulty onsuud , and Ashlov killed htm. This Incensed the negroes In the commu nity against Ashla.v and throats of violence were maao. A < few nights after the killing some oiio attempted to enter Ashley's house and was shot. On Aucusl 5 Emma Hansom , u sister of John Hansom , was brought bore by an urmed escort of nuproos. Slio stated that u mob of masked whlto cien had taken her out the night before nnd attempted to hang bur , but shu escaped them nnd as she ran away they shot her. An examination showed thut she had not boon shot. Tun bad fooling continued to grow. Ash- toy's horses were poisoned and his crops preyed upon. His Ufa was threatened and his neighbors guarded his house every night. Negroes rode about the neighborhood artnod with WinchoRtors and un open collision be tween the whites and blanks was constantly expected. JMoro ISlnoilBhett mid Exoltomnnt. Saturday night a week ago two negroes were taken our , and whipped. Last Satur day night two moro were treated lu the saraa way , and an attack was made on another negro , but bo succeeded In driving the crowa away , although ho was wounded. In a pocket ol ono of the dead " roon a document"was found which purported to be an oath signed by a number of uogroos , In which tboy hud sworn to Kill John Asliloy and others. A rumor reached tbo city last night thut the bodies of three more uocrocs wore found In the woods not far from the scene of the banging , riddled with.bullets. Tun report cannot bo verified. Tbo negroes nro greatly agttutcd bvor tliouffair , and every QUO in the vicinity of tbo trouble Is saidto , hnvo loft. It is reported that they hold a meeting in the city last night , but how they viewed the sit uation cannot bo learned , as they will not talk. The people wbotloploro the affair ana tbo authorities are doing tbolr utmost to ferret out tbo poruotrators of tbo crlmo. It is feared that there will bo still rnoro serious trouble before the end Is reached. uis HicAD mtorrKU ON HIS VL.A.TE. A Itusslaii Soldlnr Murdered by a Uownrd While nt Mosn. ST. PETKIIBIIUIIO , Sept. 7. A horrlblo murder has been committed at tbo Scbuvalovo barracks. Tno murderer was a bandsman of the Imperial guard , who was actuated by jealousy of his victim , who was n comrade. Tbo murderer stole up behind his victim wbllo the latter with reeimont comrades was at mess , and dealt the unfortunate - fortunate man a torrlHc blow with a saber , which completely beheaded him , bis head falling Into ols plato. Lynched n Wonld-Iio Itiivlshor. SXVANNAU , OB. , Sept. 7. A special from Eastman to the News says : Jcsso Williams , colored , who at the railroad four miles north of hero choked into insensibility und attempted to outrage Mrs. Grain , a respect able whlto woman , but who was frightened off ana escaped , was captured near Uroston ana placed in jail bore. Last nigbt not loss than 100 armed inon took the keys from the sheriff , entered the jail , bocurod thn prisoner and took him to Mrs. Qr&ln , who identified him. A rope was placed around his noclc and ho was banged to a tree and bis body riddled with hundreds of bullets. Arrofttcil for n Triple Murder. DKNISOK , Tex. , Sept. 7. A young man named McStalline of Fort Smith , Ark. , has been arrested hero charged with the murder of tbo wlfo of Dr. Hnynea. The dotob- , tivos claim tboy have positive proof of tbo assassin's guilt. MM. Haynes was murdered tbo some night as two other women , the other two being women of ill reputo. Great mystery surrounded tbo murders at tbo time. If tbo right man is found the detectives will reap a reward of $5,000 offered by Dr. Haynos. Killed l > y n Follow Oairboy , TOPBKA , Kan. , Sept. 7. IlSrlnn Lowe..on" Indian Territory cowboy , while oa bis way home last night , stopped out on tbo platform of the smoker to try a now rovolvbr , ana began shooting at telegraph poles as tuo train sped along. A. U. Harris , another cowboy , tried to roatraln him. Harris ran into tbo car with Lowe In pursuit , flourishing bis re volver , which ho suddenly brought to a level and tiring kilted Harris. L.OWO was arrested hero today , Hlidt Two Men and Kucnpud. DUMJTir , Minn. , Sept. 7 , Jack Murphy at tempted to renew a quarrel with Frank Hanck at Uoiran's aaloonr West Dulutb , last evening , when Hanck shot Murphy through the bowolt , Jack Haggarty protested , when Hanck shot him tnrougn the bowels and bead. Haggarty died ono hour later. Murphy cannot live. Hanck , escaped. To Much lee Creuiu. O. H. Itobror , agent of the Missouri Paolfio railway , Now Haven , Mo , , ssyss "I auffurcd a great dual ono hot overling last week , ( July 21 , ) I liud eaten ice cream for supper , ahd tboro sooinod to bo an internal conflict going on. A traveling man sold ho had something In bis grip at the hotel that ho belloyod would relieve me , nud producing a small bot- tie of medicine gave mo a dose. I felt better , and In a few moments took another dose , which entirely roliovoo mo. i bollovo that such a moalcino Is worthy of recommenda tion and that U should bo kept In the boOie during tbo summer. The boltlo was labeled UbamDorlaln's Colic , Qholora and Dlarruuea Koniody. " For ale by druggists , Wehrur Jleoovuriuj ; . Louis Wohrer , the Loavonwortu school janitor who trlea to commit sulcldo Monday night , 1s setting along as well as could b oxpoctod. The doctor thinks that be will recover if ho is properly cared for until the wound Is hpalod. ji" y that Wehrer must have boon temporarily deranged when he made the effort at coif-destruction , The Dittont has ooen removed to a qulel room * ua , Is receiving the r ry hesl of c r .