" - . 6 _ THE OMAHA DAM JVEK : TOUllSDAY , SEPTEMBER 8 , 1892. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Corn Was the Lcndsr and Scored a Pair Advance. FEAR OF FROST WAS A STRONG FACTOR Were , on tlio IVIiolr , VTenli , Mora 1'iirtlciilnrly an licRiirdn Oc tober Contract * V'cimot Houm In Gaud Unmnnil. CHICAGO. 111. , Soul. 7 Corn was the lender toduv unit ni u result wheat , m tlio fuco of news which cou a not bo cutnldorod ai favorIng - Ing higher price * , was very firjn nnd made a gain for the d ly of Ho pur bu. Corn has dis tinct loiit'OiiriiKontutit from various sources and scored it not mlvnnco of l ? o per bu. 1'ro- vUlotis wore on lliu whole weak , more part cu- liirly us rcL'imls October contracts. In corn , the four of frost \TIIB the principal Rtrongthonlni : factor lit the start , but tlio ud- vunic wns assisted latur on by the Kansas ( tutu report showing a dcero-no of nine points within tliu last month , nnil pluolni tlio condi tion iitW percent , Tlio ndvnnco brought out cnnsldcrulilo UIIIK property , uncl developed more ot IOBS excitement. The teinooruturo wns cool throughout the corn bolt , rannln 60 to AC3 , mid tn0 Indications wore for lownr toinpcrtluru In lowu nut ] Nebraska Thursday. Vi'-sol room WIIB In BOOI ! demand uml rutus firm at "U < : lor wlio.it itnd 'Jc for corn to Huf- fulaDUliivitod receipts fur tomorrow : Whatt , 620e irss corn , . ' 40 cam ; oats , iCJ ( oars ; 2SOOOIio.i(1. The tending futures rungcd as follows : A IITICI.KH. num. t.ow. CMXB. WllKAT No. Z Feptnmbcr. . . MM 7.IM51M 7 1 October 74M 7 ( ! > li December , , . , COHN M ) , J Hniiloiubcr. . . 47'l October Mnr (0 MM OATS No. l ciU'inbcr. | . . SIM Oitub"r. . . B4H 37 ileus 1'oiiK October. . . 10 ( X ) 10 ( K ) n 70 ii > January , 11 75 11 S7 iMIin- rloiuvmbor. . . 7 Ift 7 i 7 10 7 S' . Jnnunry C 83W Blionr HIIIH 755 770 7 55 7 70 October 7 50 7I.2X 7 40 7 l Jnnunry ( > I U 1TI Cash iiuotutloni were ns follows : FLOUII llnroly steady. WllKAT No. 2 soring , 7II&C ! No. 3 spring , CO © We : No. 2 rod , Wye. COHN Higher : No2.47Jicj _ No. 3 yellow , 47U OATS No. 2 , MJiei'No. . 2 white , 35c ; No. 3 White. Il-WIe. HVB-No. 2n"c. lUnr.r.Y-No. 2 , nriSCSe ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 4814c : No. 4. f. o. b. . aiOWo. " Ftxx SSKI > No. i , i.nn.vr. "TIMOTHY SEM > I'rlino , $ ' .r > 1. PoitK Mess , per bbl. , lO.D'OlO.cO : lard , per 100 Ibs , $7iu7.J.i : ; short ribs , hides ( loose ) . K.73 B8.0.I : dry suited shoulders ( ooxi d.i. SO flj7.00 ; hnrt elouf sides ( boxed ) . * 7.Sr > ffl7.K ! > . WitlKV--IUtlllors' Mulshed goods , per gal. , 11.15 StinAiis Cut loaf , 5JJi3 ! granulated , 6J o : Btnnd rd"A."fl.Uc. Km olptH und slilpinciits tod.iy were as fol lows : On the Produce oxchun'zc todny the butter market was wouk : fancy cre.imnry , 2iB'4o ; : line wpsti-rn. 20L' ; oidlniry. 17l&iOc ! line dairies ' . ( © 2.C. KITHS dim , irooa demand ; ttrictly fresh , l7 New Vorlc Uurkots. NEW YOIIK. Sept. 7. KLOUH Receipts. oono pk s. ; txporls. .1.400 1)1) Is. , 44.1UO suckn : dn- innnil Ik'ht ! .sales , 10.0 o bbls. ; low extra , ' . ' .OUi3 8.03 : winter wheat , low crude" , * 2.oua.l.ou ; Minnesota olonr.f I00'l.i5 : patents. $ l.'j.)34a\ COU.N.MEAI. Dull but steady ; yellow west ern. J.oix2uo. : WIIKAT Hccolpts. 4"9C03 tinexports. ; . 38J- COO hu. : sales. 2uo,00 : 1 bu , of futures , 81,01(1 ( bu. of spot. Spot market dull but stronger ! No. 2 red. 7b8yo In sloro and elevator ; 70io nllout ; SUi3t ? c f. o. b. ; No. a red , 7iic : un- dull und Irreirulur ; closed flrm. No. 2 rod , Bcptoinbcr , ' 8SO7UU" . cloilng at 7SUOetobor. ; . 'll QbOSJe. eloslns ut ftl' ej Dcconihcr , 8JHB HJic. closing at 6i : ? c ; May , 83WO89 1-lUc , clos- 1ns at 80c. | UVE Dull , waik. OOHN Hecelpts , UDO ! bu. ; exports , 71.000 bu. ; naluH , it'Mf ' 0 bu. of futures , : ! 5. , ,0 hit. of soot. Spots firmer , but dull ; No. 2 , KH.o In oloV.-itor ; . " .I HVJ. f > i , u utlllK IlL i > " u ; IICMMtlllUOr. Jt3A'U * 6 > ic. closing at f.Ou ; May , 5oia.V7&e ( , closing ut fi'c. OATS KeeolpK 178.00D bu. ! oxpoits. 1,200 bu. ! silos JUJ.niO bu. of futures , l.ll.uoj bu. of spotp. Kpots fulrlv native , und stronger ; nr.tlons fa rly nctlvu unU stron ; ; Septenil or , BH'iiffJSSI'loslnir ut : ISL > | October. 'Is iit.'UlJuC , clnslnit ntS'Pju ; Niivi-iiiUer. auyaiu c , clo > lns { nt 4 a c ! neccmbor , 4 © 4iyo. closing nt4iic : May. 4 : ' ® IJsei No.S white.October,40IJ4U > 4o : No 2 spot , white. ! iO © 40e : mixed western , iis ® il jic : _ white western , aOiHlc ! ; No. 2 Chicago , HAV Dull and easy. Hoi'H-Qiilet : : nd uasy. BtiOAit Klrm hiitdull : rcnriod. quiet and Ir regular ! N . fl , 47-l4 ( I-IOo ) : No. 7 , fUUX'io ; No. f. 4ii4Jie ! elf A , 4SI 1.1-iOc ! Powdered , " " " \i ; graniilatud , 3 1-11)443 ) 5-lCe ; cubes , 5Ji © ic. Mor.ASSB ? Koiclgn , nominal ; Noiv Orloaus. . Utcu Fnlr dumiuid and steady. Haas Fairly active and Uriu ; receipts , 8,045 pkis. I'OHK Quiet , Inactive and weak ; molded tellies , 71J@yo : plcltlod hhouldcrs , WWXi : ; p'cklen ham * . IU3i@lla : middles , ( inlet ; bliurt o ear. { H.I5. l.uru. dull und steady ; western Btoiim closed ut i7.M ) : sales , ( I/O tier os at $ : . .VJ i37.5'i : September option sales , nouo ; idssod ut 17.10 nsl.cd ; October closed at S7.U7 asked. llurri.u Moderate demand and llrm ; west ern dairy. lJiIUo ! ; westoin oreamorv , ise Jo : wostcrn fuctorv. 141417e : Klein , 2IH'i" c. I ; Light demand and llrm ; mirtsklms. . Iitox Dull and steady ; Amorloiin , ll'J.00 . . Coi'i'Kll-Woak ; likc : , . . . LIAI : > Kusy ; domestic , $1. 'UiDI.12 ! , ; . TIN Steady ; btraUhls. St. I.niiU BT. Louis. Mo. , Sout. 7. FLouu-Steady nnd unuhatuod. WIIUAT Higher all dny. and ttiough It did note. OHO ut u.i ) top. was Wo above yosiorduy's. ( Jiibli. UitioOci beptumbnr closed ut 6Ugu ! ; Oclolier. 7i',4e ' ; Uocembur , TJ > Jo ; May , 71) ) ? , ' o. 'OOIIN Foltowjil whoal. un I oloseil firm over ycEturduyi cash , 4Jso ; September ulosod ut i.llJu ; October. 44 , ' < 444Jio ; IJooumbor , 44Wo : JIuy , 47.V" . OATS Higher nil throuzh ; cash and Septem ber UJlicj October closed utilise ; May , JO We. Jt K Lownr utftlo bid. 1IUAN LowcrutUo on oust tracif. UAV Flnntr and unchanged ; prulrle , J7.0J G8.5J ; timothy , tU.JU ( ( i2. [ > a I.KAD Quiet at W.iW , Fl.A.XKKKU-KIrm ut f 1.00. . IKON Uorru.N Tiu.sUiichuiiKud at 8 MO. I'ltovimoNE Dull and unchangud , wltti only n Hiiiull job t ratio at , previous iiuotutions. I'orU , flU.f.van.uo for job lota. Lurd , oloshiL- ubonlifT. 10. Loose shoulders. $7,00 ; Icngs and ribs , * MH : boxed lots ISo more. Ilacon ahoul- ( lei-s , * 7.WVii longs nnd rlba. tj.03j khorta , ti BO. tin jar uu rod liair.H , ( ll.A Wi'iSJ. ItKCKll'ltt Flour , a.000 bbls. ; wheat. 17.1,000 bu. : t-oi n , 8oou bu. ; outs , 40.000 bu. ; rye , 1U.UOJ bit. ; bailey , nonu. BillI'MiiNril-Floiir , 22.000 bula. ; wlioiit , 127- 000 bu. ; corn. 1U.UJU bu.t oats , 20,000 bu. ; rye , 15,0.0 bu. ; barley , none. Miuichcitur Coiiiincrclul llovlow , MANCIIKBTEII , Sept. 7 , The Quarillan , 111 Ita commercial article , snyi ; The market IB bud for seller * . Ordure from India are at lower rates. There U n fair demand for tliu lighter inakoxof llnUhlnj oiotht. India scurfs of low ( ( utility , mr pan and checks , nro uot much uiikod for , liaitvy jooiU unchunised. Tli ore are few transactions. 1'rlutlog cloths YnriiH uruqulut. Oainliu Fruit Alurket. GllAvns Homo grown Concord grnpos are juBtcoiiimunoliix to tirrlru In liberal u.uun- tliloa , They uro quoted at JJu per lu-lb , OAMroiiMA OuAi'ta I'orcrnte. ( MLIinilNIA I'KACIIKS 1'or lOX , . . O * 1,1 fun MIA I'KAIIB llurtlett * , Moot other " ' 1'i.tmn I'er bo , Onuiliu i'rudiiio .Market * . The geiicrul mttrkot w-k quiet and devoid of any special foiiturvs. UuiTRii-Thu miirlcut remnlos about steady. w.tb pavklug utook KOIHK 'it ISP.Tim . bout t radi'b ut country buttur bring IftifitBo uud SJe in ociu.iKlonully oututued for emu thins extra. I'oui.TiiV 'I ho inarkut. U very liberally aim- piled with sprlnx chloHUiu which sold nt Kc. koino fuw loU brliiRlnif lOc. Old hens are quoted at 60 uhd roostumSOSo. It In too early lu. the toitiou ( or geoie uuU uuaki. Theis were anvornt coops of ccc.io on tha mnrkot , for wlilch thoru was llttlo or no ilo. Eons 'l ho bulk of the mock went nt Irto , with some itilrs reported at Itxs. Kninnn ( Jlly Aliirurtn. KAMUS Cur. Mo. , Sent. 7. WHEAT Higher. dull ! Nn. 2 hnrd. old , 13 Jl now , OJGCOHc ; No. 2 roil. aiHaC4'ie. OOKV Whlto traa firm at 40S4et mixed lower t 4. 'a4o. ' : ) OATS stondy ! fair demand ; Na 2 mixed , 20Wia27 e ; No. 2 white , JIJij ® lie. HVK-Iii fHlrdemund ; .No 2 , 5,1 lie. rnAX8Eii > Stonily nt 8 ® < ) lc. llitA.v Weak ; fiois'ilo. HAV Strong , but unchanged. lIUTTKit Oroiimory. I'JIW.'ci dairy , 1519e. Korifl-FIrm at MWo. UECBIPTS Wheat , 30,000 bu. ; corn , 1,000 bu. ; on Is. Ii.oo3bu ) , Siiir iBNTS Whont , 17.000 bu , ; corn , a.030 bu , i oats , none. Cincinnati .MnrkcU. CINCINNATI , 0. , Popt. 7. Ifi.nun Quiet. WiiKAT-Bisy at7ia72o ; receipts. 17.003 bu. : shipments , p , < hJO hu , OonN Dull nt Me. OATS-F.rm ntlUSittnio Hvu Dull nt r 'lc. 1'uovniON.q Dull nnd loner ; pork , 110.25 ; lard. M.7S : nulls mouls , I7.m ) , WIIIBKY Btondy uttl.15 ; sulrs , 623 bbU. ItUiiitu Steady. HH Firm. is atrong at t.ric. tt Steady. Oil Alnrknt. NKW YOIIK. Pout. 7. I'BTnnt.nmi Steady , quint ; Unite I olosud ntM o forOotobor , C'OTroKii ) oiti-Qutt't , llrm ; cruilu , 20o ; yo.low. : tlc. TALI , iw Firm , quiet ; city ( $ . ' .00 for pack- . . UosiN-Slo.uly ; strulnnd , common to good , $ I/J2HI.27K. TKiii'iJNTiNB Dull nnil weak LONDON , Sept. 7. htssr.ED On. 7s Od per cwt. _ Toledo ( Irnln . 'Murkutn. Tor.nno , O. . Sept. -WHEAT Active nnd firm ; No. 2. cash , 70c ; September , 70c ! ; Do- combiT. 7Slic. Onus-Dull : No 2o-ish , 48Vio ; No. a , 48c. OATS-Qulot ; oish. III ? . KVK Stuudy ; No. 2 cash nnd September , Ntei Nn. n. 48Uc. \ OI.OVKUSKIIII Dull ; prime cash , $3.03 ; Oc tober , Jo.7J ; Novnmber , J5.75. Itnvtow of Now York's Mnrknt. New YOUK. Hopt. 7. Huhbird. Price & Go's. lotlurmiVH ; Oneiiint pr.cos showed nn ud- Viincu of about 5 points on vostorduv 8 ciose , Huallrliiu- Rules subsequently can led prices buck n lit tie , but bv 1 o'clock the sellers of the mofiiln. had become nervous und the reces sion wus entirely reco\orod. Diirlns the af ternoon the m irkut became sllitbtlv easier and solu olT about : i points , closlni ; quiet. Cotton Market. CINCINNATI , O. , Sept. 7-Steadv ; middling ! 7JiC. 7JiC.NKW Oitt.EAN' , La. , Sept. 7. Steady ; mid- dllnir. 7u ; low mlddllnir. il4c ! ; good or.llnarv. Cc ; not receipts. Ill2balos ; gross receipts , 1,144 bites exports to Great Ilrlfiln , 2.75U biles ; coastwise , 8JS bulcs ; sales , l.CoO bales ; stock , 114,753 b lies. Con > ct Alurkct. Nnw YOIIK. Sept. 7. Options opened steady intl iinuhun cd to 5 points higher , closing steady utj. > to 20 points up ; sales. ll.V ! ) bazs , Incluiiliig Soptemhor. $ I.I.45U1. ) . ' . < 0 : October , 1 1 t.2.V/iii.40 : ; November , $ ll.01ia.l5 ; Docembor. $ iiOO : ® I.I 20 ; JanuurI1.10 ; March. 812.01 ® 1 Lin. Ulo , on the spat , firmer but quiet ; Na 7 , $14.75. _ I.lvfrpanl .Markets. IitVRHPOor Sopt. ,7 WIIE vr Quiet do- mind fallen olT ; holders offer mo luratuly. COHN Quiet ; mixed western 4s 4tl per een- I'oiiK Prime western llrm at 48s Od per bbl. LAUD Firm : western , II7s oil per cvvt. Now York l > ry ( looils Mnrknt. NKW YOUK. Sept. 7. Trade In dry goods was fairly aeilvo ut llrst ns well as second bunds. Them was more confidence uu.l u lur o clu- mand. _ Trailers' I'M Ik. OIIICAOO , 111. . Hopt. 7. Counselman & Day to Co jk re 1 1 Hros. . Commlss on Co. : Wheat opened 'ie lower on lar 'o receipts , advanced 7 c on poor gradlu : : of c ir lots , und bliorts cokorlng In syinp'ithy with the strength In corn , ilecllnod Jjo on llradstreet's visible supply liguics und disiiuplntlng second cnbics. but clotod llrm ut ! Je not advance on butter dem mil for ship ment. Coin was strong and Kamey from the stnrt. with some llrst class luvent- mont buylnr , Inlloeiu'ed by private receipts of frosts In the northwest. The local erond being oversold on account of bl.f rouelptH vcsterduy , opuosed Iho ndvance , but were forced to cover on the ICana is state crop re- ' of U points decline In the comltt'on ' dur- Rort August. The market closed Hie higher on predictions of colder tvcathor In the north west. Oals advanced on numer ous reports of poor yields ot threshers. Near futures closed l > io higher. Country shippers In many cases uro prepar ing to cover In this inaruet rather thun to for ward grain to (111 ( piovlous silcs. On curly attempts to unload liUli-prlccd September and October ribs threatened the market with u collapse. This nu essltated support from the long element , who turned Ddyers , and watching the chanuo when offers wore llilit bid prices up as tlio grain markets udviincoJ , Wo doubt If they could resell wnut Inrd ana rlos they were compelled to buy ut anything like the prices paid. CIUCHQO. III. . Sept. 7. ICennottv Hopkins & Co. lo H. A. McWhortor : Opening sales of wheat wuro easier , but strength In corn In duced tree covcrln ; , which rallied the market bharply. There was nothing else in sight to account for the bulgu. Heeelpts continue. very lar e. Mlnno ipolis reports tnom Increus- Ing In the northwest , und It U estimated thev will 10 eh 4uo cara duy by SaUiid'iy. Oablc. ; weru easier with u slack export de mand though clearmees hive boon good so far this week. Uradstioet's visible supplv showan Increase for both coasts of ; i,8l.OJO for the wuok. The Kuns.is state report Indlcutcs an IncrciiKcd yield In "the st-ito to 7Ui 00,000 liiHliels. Tlioio Iii8 been tin urgent demiuid from bliorts In corn based un the Kansas state report which reduces the con dition nine points for August. The trade expected u loner condition In Kansas but It Is believed Hint u higher condition in otliur states will make the general aver.ipo higher Hum last month. It Is thought that both corn and oats will bell olV fiom the host price ? mudo today , A suveio bruulcln October ribs and pork , fol lowing the Blimp duel no yosteraa.v In lurJ , showh the holders of cash nnd October property - erty uro not anxious to curry It longer. CiiiOAdo. III. , Sopt. 7. F. u. l.oz.in & Co. to Duncan , llollln er & Co. ; Wheat has been ruled mainly by local trilling. Tliu strength Is attributed to higher corn nnd oat marekt , coupled with llborul New York clearances. aiO.UOJ wheat und 4S 003 inokugos ot Hour. The cash dum md wun a itlafuctory. Soi.io of the oil grilles uro In buttur demand. Though Now York does not report liberal churtcrs for cxpoits , wo notice the clearances me fairly liberal. llraJstreot's vlsib o report , giv ing uii Incieaso of ; i.OJUOOj for the tlmo being , weukeuea tlio market. Wo would call the general undertone healthy und Arm with moro buying by thu better clatiS than selling. Corn was strong , duo mainly to the Kansas stuto report reducing tlio condition f rom 7.Q to l j. On tlilH outsiders us well us local traders were buyers. The cash demand was brisk. We look to HCO the Mny option IIH the full proceeds lese a part ot Its present premium uvnr October und Novem ber. With Btato ruoorts cuttlngdowii the con- dlt.ons Ilku todays , und with the crop late wu bollovo the long sldo should bo favored. Outs were .very iietive und attracting outsldo speculation. With thu small crop raised und specu lation taking u hand lu the market wo fool thlB adds one moro argument to the strong ones already on the bull side. Provis ions opened wualcowliu to ( withdrawal of the usual support to ribs. At the deollnu shorn began tu buy and the mnrkot ruled rather strong. A portion of the dcellni ) wus regained. Uermiiny bought a liberal amount ot lard for shipment. _ Now York Money Murker. NEW Yoitic , Sept. 7. MONKV ON OArt.-Kasy at Wtitper cunt ; last ami closed offered ut 4 percent. PIUMU MuiiOANriLC PAi'isu HiOO percent , bTUiu.iNU IXUIIANQK : Quiet but steady nt l. U'/i for sixty-day bills und gi.88U for du- m-.nil. The closing quotations on bonds : HTOGKH ANIJ 11ONUS , Muro Animation Wit * HUowu by the .Miirkot Youterduy. Nicw YOIIK , Sept. 7 , Then took market today showed ratner moro unlmatlon lu too general list , but the oomparattvu quietude of the In dustrials prevented uny moro business being done. The tiimnor of the trading , liowovur , showed a murkod ulmiice for the bettor , 'ihero wu but little now business , The mar ket , therefore , even while more uatlvo In rail road shares , wuv no wider thun usual of late , und na a rule the Important lluotuutlons wore conIInod to u few itooki. The coalura woio naturally the uioit proniluont croup of the trading , but only .Heading dliplayod any renl uutlvity. Thoiulu In oujo , > ceUUIos UUo Mlnuetpolli Si tii. Loula preferroil r < suohe u a per cent , but the Improvement lu the gcnornl llt wag confined to urn Ml frac tions. The close , while rtffected by the reali sation to seeuro profits on the flay s rise , wns ( still llrm. though quiet , gcnertlly nt small fractional sains for tlin day. I/oad. however , waiuo 2'is Western Union. 2 > ( t Mnnhiittnn , l' { ; Cotton Oil , 1'i , und Missouri 1'aolllo 1 per cent. Uovcrnmont bond * dull nnd easier , State bonds dull and steady. The following are the closing quotation * for the loading stocks on the Now York Stock v\- i todnv : bid. funked , The total s.itos of stocks today were 2SI.027 shares. Including : Atchlson , 14ii : ) ; Chicago OIIB. 7,101 : Delaware , Lsuikawnnna & Wnst- orn. 4.700 ! Loulsvtllo & Nashville. 1.411 : Mis souri 1'iicllle. n.lll ; Uoadlnz , 1)1,000 ) ; bt Paul , l..iSJ : Western Union , U,7U ( ! . London financial Jlovlnvr. [ Copyrighted IS'.rj by Jnmos llordon Hcnnott.l , rj'NlN ) , i > oit 7. I Now Vork Herald Cable i-'lipelnl to Tan lli-.E.- Business qn the Slock n\ehanto Iris boon almost nt a stand still. The markets closed Romowhnt lrrou- lar. Consols are U lower for the money ac count. Indlun runco paper , nftor uolnc frac tionally hleher , closed uuelinnKod. Foreign ( Toverntncnt securities close tolerably firm in enlto of little dolnK. Homo railways h ivo boon moro or less dull and heavy nil day , the weekly tr.illlo returns of loid'ns lines \m\n \ \ < r less fa vorable than wasoxpoolcd. Finally IlrlRhton deferred mid Great Northern tloforrod show n fall of K. Caleclonlitn and South- rastorn rioforrod JJ nnd several others H to ? lower. Amcrlcnn railways IIHVO boon extremely - tromoly Inactive , ulthou'uh the Now York market was reported firm several descriptions loavouff ntHllghtly lower values , Ineludlni I'rlo , Ijiiliu Shore. Norfolk & Western prefer ence , unn Philadelphia & Itoudlnz. On the ntlier liniid Cliloimo & Mllwaukos. Loulsvlllo fc Naslivllle , Northern Piiclllc preference and Ohlo& Mtssisslpnl close firm with a moderate Improvement. Very little demand for money 1ms boon experienced. Ovvliu to tlio plethora of llo.itlnt ! oiipital short loans have boon fieoly olTerud at ij percent. In the alscount market few blllR Inivo been brought forward : these of two and three months bohu quoted _ ut H to t per cent. ItoRton Stuck Onotatlons. HOSTO.V , Mass. , Soot. 7. The following are the closing stouk quotations : Now York Mining ( Imitations. NKW YoitK , Sopt. 7. The following are the. closing mining quotations : SUM I'mnclsco Mining Quotations. SAN FHANCISCI , Oal. , Sjpt. 7. The oflloUl closing quntatlons for mining stocks today were us follows : St. I.oills MIIIIIII ; Stocks. Hr. I.oui" , Mo. . Sopt. 7. On the Mining ex change trade wus fairly active. Tin. following quotations were made on call : Stock. liui. AskD.I"Mock. ! . filiT Asked FlUabotli. . . . 45 fti' ' Ulmotnlllc..975 1UJ5 Aia'n Xcttle . : i7h' 4i' ' < | < lraiiltu .Mt..iiJ ( ) KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Sept. 7. Clearings JIG > 2- Ii7H. Ii7H.NEW NEW YOUK. Sept. 7. Cioarlnss , 8131OJOOOJ ; balances. ill.hU'i.HII. ' I'AUIK , HeptAf. Three per cent rentes lOOf 75e for the neconnt. IlAi.TiMOlt" , Md. . Sept. 7. Clearings. 12,210- iljj ; biilancos. $ li7,7t. ( > . Money , 0 pur cent. 1'iin.ADKMMin. 1'a. , fopt. 7. Clearings , 51I.L''l , uJJ ; baluneoa , J1.703 , SUi. Money , 31 per cent. Sr. Louts. Sept. 7. Olourlni ? , fJ.7b7,55" ; bal- anoi-s , SI1.VJ , 119. Money quiet utb7 per cent. Uvchangu on New VorkJe dUcouul. ItosfON , Mass. , Sept. 7. Ole.irln.'S , $17,609.- MtJ ; balances , $ . ' ,187,114. Money , fla per cent. K\chauso on New York , Ijl7o disyouut. NKW YOUK. Sept. 7. [ Special Telegram to Tun IJ.ti : . ] I xchanco was quoted us follows : Chicago , allo discount ; Uoston , 17o to 15o dis count ; St. I.ouls , 25o discount. ClllCAOO , III. , Sept , 7.-OloiirIngs , $21,030.131 ; money , demand Improving , ft Tpor cent on cull , G percent , on time. Nu.v York oxchaiigo. Mo dlsconnU Sterling llrm but quiet , UJ Uuy bills U80i ; demaud. IO STOCK JMAKKITH. Cuttle Truilo 111 Had Shuiro Hogs Uulu Ton , Uvuts in Vulno , OMAHA , Sept. 7. Receipts of all kinds wore fair , thu three ( lavs' snpp y amounting to 111. Ml entile , u,4ll hogs und 1,410 shuup , against 8.V17 cuttle , 0,0 i I ho ; * und 2.UTU utoop thu llrat hu. tor lust WCOK. Thu general cattle market was In pretty bad shape. An Increase In thruu duyg or 5uuO cuttle unaccompanied by uny curreipondlng Improvement in thu demand necosnarlly mount it dull trade with lowur pi lues. In uenorul there wus adecllnuof lOc on ull but the best ripe beef steers. These , on account of tnoir scarcity , show little chiinge from dny to day. There weio very few outtlu of this class hereIn ; fact , decent native cattle of all kinds wore hard to find. A load of 1,124-lb , beeves brought tl.'uU , Good westerns Mold around U.'jO and 5.L2.V Medium and common stuir wus liar.l to muvo ut uuy prlcu , and thu murknt wns dull uud drugging throughout. Thu bulk of thu trading wus done lu thu iifturnoon und thu clomi found several loads of very decent cattle tlo still walling u purcuusur. Cows unit mixed mock bold lOo to I5e lower than Tuesday , u decline so fur this week of f rom 23u to 4uiv Tlio trade Wits demoralized , In fuuU Fair tu good cows und heifers seldom boll lower than they sold toduy. There wus nothing in thu situation to encourage sellers to hold on und the move ment wutf reasonably free ut thu decline. The big bulk ut the fulr to good stock uhiingod hands at prices ranging from Jl.to I ; . ! , > . 1'oorslull sold as low usil.uu and one or two prime bulfuis brought * uu. liulls and slugs wore dull und lower ut from 11.25 to ( . ' .0' , Calves woru alow but about steady ut from tl.uu tu (1,110 for common yearlings to choice , In tliostocUor and feeder line there wus llitlo cliuiigu , It uny , A fair country demand mudu u llrm market for thu more desirable grauus , but thu under grades were. m. usual. slow s ilu ut liidlffoiuut urlcou. Uuprubunta * live sales : UIIE83EO llliCr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 1..134J ( j M . " . ' . .ll.4 ft U ) - cows. 0 , . 782 1 40 " 1 4J uo : 1 40 W.1 1 45 U8J 1 45 . . 717 1 51 ,1WO ( 1 5J . .10IU 1 M 1 60 1. . I1UO 1 W 17. . 8ia 1 CO 1..UU 10J la. . 88i 1 tCJ 11 . 877 1 03 12. . W5 1 W 1 .1.-UO 1 U 1 ,1'J20 1 61 24. . b'J-J 1 US SS , 8b8 1 70 VO. . BU5 1 70 BTOCKBI18 AND rXBDEllS. 7. . 653 1 03 1. . 93) 3 2 } 2 21 i . pro 1J. Sffl t. . 7KO 2-i. , UI2 2U ! 2.71 O..IWJ 2 no 7 _ aw su : 37..10J4 tailings. lions Tlio supply fell 1.000 short of Tues day's run and about 50) ) shortof last Monday's receipt * . The mnrkot was very peculiar und the reverse of Tuesday's trade. At the open ing uncos rule l u coed doul UUo at Tuesday's wouk oloso , but under tlio free titiylng bv local houses , shippers and sucoulutors , the feollti'4 unproved nnd closlns prices wore 5o to lOo hlRliorthau theopoiilng. Everything sold be fore 10 o'clock , the oxtrotnn range bolus from . ! to520. the bulk solllns nt from { 500 to 35.10 against at from 81.00 to $1.1.1 Tueslny. The general nvoruuo of prices paid wus $3 04U : imilnst J3 07W Tuosduv and f.VU6 ? Inst Wednesday. Itopresontutl vo sales ; No. Av. Sh. I'r. Nn. Av. f 4 M 4 70 4 75 4 03 4 03 4 U1 4 1)5 ) f OJ 5 00 5 00 f ) 00 ft UO 5 03 A (10 l 5 00 11 ft 00 rti 5 01 ' 5 00 * 5 04 \ 5 00" r > no . , , 5 00 r > DOi 5 UO i * 5 00 < i > 503 5 03 ft 00 5 10 11 6 o a 5 OJt rids A D uoudiL 1 200 2 50 ' 1 420 250 Sinr.i' Two double decks were rocol voU. but they ttore billed < diri < ! t to u local iiouso and notoflured on thohiriurkot. Desirable mut tons ccontlniio ln".aiitlVo demand ut stoadv prices , Fair to'9rood ( natives. * J7.-4.40 ; fair to Hood westerns , fJ.504.20 ; common and stock bhtSep. $2.aii,5j : ; 'fiodd to choice 40 to l)3-lb. ) Iumb3. _ tl.filgs.5y J , Receiptsjanil IUpoiltluii of Stock. Ofllclnl receipts and disposition ot stock as shown by the books of the Union Slock Yards comp my for the twunty-four hours ending ut 5 o'clock p. m.i t < eptomhor 7,1S'J2 ' : RECEIPTS. DIhl'OHlTIO.V. CInciiRci llvo Stork Miirkot. OHICAOO. III. , Sept , 7. ISpunliil Telegram to TUB HKi-1 Tlieio .was not the uhost of a chuncu for uny Improvement In the prices for cattlo. Moro than 2D(00 head arrived , which wus u greater number by nt least ono-thlrd than wus nee led to meet the demand. Asa natural result them was continued wcukiu-ss In values. 1 hn only grades for which the market had so much ns the hcniblaiicu of linn ness was such ns mo sought for the better cliiss of eastern trade and for evpoit. That thuy H ere firm was by reason of ilio limited olTurings. The general run of natives und nil grades of raugo cattle wuro fiom lOc to 15u lower than ycstciday and from 15o to fiOo lower than on Friday last. Trade wns s'ow and a good many cattle hud to bo carried over , in iking the outlook for tomorrow any thing but cheerful. Sales ot natives wore lurgolv below JI.SU. cows and bulls selling principally ut from $1.G9 toJ.23 , and from } J.2o to JI.4U buying the bulk of the steers. West erns wore quoted at from J1.40 to $1.00 and TOX.IIIK at from { 1.25 to WO' . 1'rlees for ho s were stronger thun at nnv tlmo yesterday but were not materially higher thun ut the oloso of that day's trading. In vluw ot the very liberal character of the supply there wus u pietty general BUI prise ut thu degree ot llrmneos the mnrkob de veloped. Packers were the prlnclp il buyers though shlppuis bought freely. Tlio best of thu olTerlugs clrinu'cd liatuiH at fiom 'i.Mto . " > .U2'/i. At the outsldo quotation , only one or twosaluj wore elTcotol , the prevailing prices being from i5.U to S.i.25 for light and from S.VJO to$345 for hoivy und r.iodlum weights. 1'oor stulf WHS slnu at from J4.75 to JI.IK ) . nnd culls and cho'ora pigs t > o'd uny where from $2.10 to t4.f > o : closing quotutlons were from fl.ooto ? > .0a for heavy uml lauJlum weights uud from tiX > to $ . " > .4U for light. Thoqu illty waHgood , Quotations for sheep ran from &L25 to3.5'3 and iambs were snljjblo ut from S 1.50 to MO' . Thcro was u uood de mand from local slaughterers and enough competition fiom shippers to linptrt it llrm tone to the market.Wustorns were quoted ut from Ji'Ji to J4.5J uid.i-Texuns { at from SU.UJ to Ue'cclpts ; CattieT121,030 bend ; hoje , 2J.COO bead ; slieop , lO.WOhuad. The Ki'enlng Journal reports ! CATTUJ Kecelpts. 2l,000nlioad | shipments , 5. SOU bond : market stonily ! no natives ; westerns nnd Toxuns , lOo lower ; best native * . SI.7MJ r..M : good and iisuful.UOOJJI.SO ; others. ffJ.03 < ai.iO : ( ; Toxnni. fl.wa..tti ; runuors. t2.'J ' ( iil.25 : stookors and feeders ; t..00J.OO ; cows , l.uy < i a.oi. u o lions Itocolpts , t2,530 head ; shipments. 0,0)0 head ; market lOi hrilnor , o osnd weak ; rough nnd common , Il.ttjOa. 13 ; packing and mixed , S.V20QV40 : prime lipurv und butchers' welulilH. M.43a3.0JS } ; U.htvU } t340i grussers , W.555J tiiiKBlKocolpt . n'ibO head ; shipments , 1,100 market strong ; vrpthXrs. tl.iO4.v3 ; wvstorns , * l.coai.'Kj ; fed TuXiuis. ll.i'Ttl ' 41 ; stouk owes , H.2V6I.M ; feodlnir vBthors , 8),6uiWbO ; lambs , tJ.50450.00. . Now Vorlc j.JV | ° Btnok Slurkdt. Nr.w YOIIK. Bent 7. llucycs-llouolpts. 3.400 head ; actlvuand flrfM n itlvu elfers , ( Vl.2 fi.v ? . ; Tuxans und Coloriidos , t-LXiQil.'X ; bulls and cowc , * I.M > 1ft2J5 ; dressed beef steady nt 74i.o per Ib. tihlpiuonlH toduy , 200 beeves cures Scrofula Mrs , K. J. Itnwell , Medford , Mass. , eajs her mother haj boeucurodof Kcrofnla liylliousoof four liottlej of KKSSKM after havinc had lunch other tro bWjWsyn atiuentand hcliif ; reduced toqul " " ' tea low condition of health , as It was thought oho could not Iho. INHERITED SCROFULA. i Cured my llttlo boy of hereditary ficrofnla , which appeared alj o > er his face. For \earl had Klten up all hojioot Ida recovery , \vlien finally I was Induced to use flKFSfZB A f w bottlou cured him , and i [ * g i no sjinptouiiiof the diieaso remain. AIIUJ. T. L , MATIIEIW , Wathervllle , illfls. OiuUck ca LliwJ and Skin niietui milled free. bwirr i ci ic Co. , AUuu , Cb - Juki. nnd R.9IO qunrtors of beef : tomorrow , 2X1 beeves nnd 73 sheep. UAt.VRs Hocelpts. 1,800 hendj mnrkot no- tlve , sluido llrmor : veals , Jasu per Ib.i buttor- inllk a lives , * J.2V3.1.ir . SIIERP AND I.A.vin ? HocelnU , 11,003 liondi aheen steady nt $ . ' . ? ® \UJ | litmbi lower nt ( I.UIWJ.UJ ; dressed mutton stoudr itt per Ib t circled liunln wo.tk at naiOHo. llous-lteccipts , 5.SOO head ! market firm at A\MSTI5UN I'AOIUNO 1NTKHKST3. .Movement of Ho us hliylitly Decreased for the \Vook. ClNCi.NSATt , O. . Sept. 7. ISpoolal Toloiram to TUB HER 1 Tomorrow's Prlco Current , will says The week's picking In the west wus Ku.'JOO IKUI. ng < iliist I01.0JO the prooedliiK week , und m.PjO last ye tr. Vrom Murali 1 the total is ( V20VOOI , against " ' .uro.uj ) lust year. I'romlnont places now operating compare us follows ! CITIES. i if.u. i iTin. Hunan * City I.tvo ntueit Aliirltct. KANSAS OITV. Mo. Hopu 7.--0\TTtE llo- colpts , 0,3)0 ; Rhlpinonts. O.lliu : steers \voro dull nnd wo.tk lit f.1.00 : cows , sto-uly ut fl.-'i5fi S.11 : feeders weak at K.10 'JJi Texas untl Indliin sloors ? . ' .OJiJ..l ( > 0. IIoo4 KucoitiK 5.0 Oi shipments , 1.810 : the nmrlicl opened stoa-ly to 5o lower , and closed stroiw : allBr.idos , $ l.SJ Vil : ! bulk. 41.8 (35.U ( ) . annul1 Hecelpts , l.OJO ; shlpinonis , noiia ; the imrliol was actl\o and strong ; inutluus. JUJl.fJ ; lambs , JVOJOV5J. bt. T.niiU l.lvo Stock .Unrkot. Sr. Louis. Mo , Sept 7. OArrr.K Hooolpts , C.G'U lioudi shipments. 2,7 0 head ; medium to cholco u itlvo steers , $1.4 JQ,4.IO | ! fair to wood Toxmis anil Indian stecis. $ J 25'l.25. lions llecoiuts , : t,70J head ; shipments. SO ) head : m.irkut lee liljtior : liuuvy , W.iu.Uo ; iioklii.l ! .8j.i.8.l : lUht , wroa-.3) ) . HIIKKP Uocolpts. I.OJO head : shipments , none : nrknt steady ; fair to Dost native muttons , Clncllinati 1,1btucK .Market. OiNCiNNATf. O. , Sept. 7. Hoos-Stoady at f3.nfi&4l ; rocolpts , awJ : shipments , l.OUO. _ OATTMI Uusy ; revoluts. 1,1X1 : shlomeias , 100. 100.SIIKKP Steady : receipts , 2,700 ; shlumcnts , 2IUOi lambs , $ J.303lW. ) ( Thos. E.Tiral ? , ojitor nnd publisher of the Now llavon ( Nio. ) Notes , sttys : " 1 have u soil Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera und Diarrhoea Remedy with great satisfaction for tha atlmuuts ot my children. " For sulo by druggUts. Send Up tlio 1'rlcuH oil Silks. Durlnfr n convorsatlon with a BRB re porter last nl 'Ht a wall Ituoivn wholesale dry goods man sali ) : * ' SInce the Now York health ofilciixls have declared a strict quirnntlno on all passen gers and subjected Imported ioods to a long delay prices have risen rapidly. Ribbon * and all silk Roods have gone up 10 per cent and fancy Roods from 10 to 23 per cent. The stock In Omaha Is very low nnd merchants will bo put to considerable annoyauco on ac count of the holding nt quarantine of their goods for tha fall trade. If the bales and boxes : ontalnlnc ; line silks and\lacos nro fumigated It will ruin thorn , but I hardly think this will bo dono. Jobbers are prepared - pared to rulso prices np.ihi if the quarantine continues much longer. " "I take pleasure in recommending Cham berlain's Colic , Cholera ana DUrrhcni Kem- cdy , " * avs Goo. C. Uankstoi : of Mill Cteek , 111. "It is the best modiclne I have over used for diarrhoea. One dose ivill cure any ordinary case. " For sale by AIurrliiRU License * . The following marriage licenses were 1s- suea by Judge Eller yesterday : Name and address. A''e. I Hnrvov I. MelJoniild. Omnha . 27 I Josephine Jl. Noushlno , Omaha . , . , 21 I linns Johnson , Omaha . 27 I Ileloim C. Wo orstor , Omaha . 20 j Charles H. Simmons , Omuhai . 47 ( ClnraL. La renuo. Midi gun . U9 j William O. Gllloivay. Shannon , la . 28 I Allco It. I'.irk , Omnlia . 2J ) Kduar Moore , Johnstown , Neb . . - . . . . 44 I Anna llnm , Hurt Oak , la . U7 j Andrew Vouni. Omaha . 28 1 Melissa Riudro , Oinuha . 18 Arrested n Ivnnsa * Cltyan. Paul Andres , alias Simms , was arrested by Ofllcor Koysor yesterday afternoon and locked up for safe keeping. It is supposed by the pollen ofllclals that Andres Is wanted In Kansas City , ns do confessed to Having committed several crimes there in the past few years , among them Doing the killing of a man In 18SO. The prisoner will bo hold until Iho chief of polio , : of Kansas City Is beard from. ' Boocham's Pills soil well because they euro. Hud it Jokii uii tlio Jtiltr AInn. Robert Smith was booked at the jail yester- dav afternoon for horse stealing. The boy drove nway H. Allerman' * rag wagon and wns making for open country when captured. Ho had thrown the contents of the wacou , several bags of raga , Into a pile of weeds on South Twonty-llfth street. Smith had noth ing to say about the alfnir beyond treating it us a good joke on the rag man. A feeling of dullness , languor , and depression means that your liver isn't doing its part. That means impure blood , to begin with , and all kinds of ail- L incuts in the end. i Cut you can stop them iri nd vnnco. Doctor Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery invigorates the liver , purities nnd enriches the blood , nnd rouses every organ into healthy action. It pre vents and cures all diseases aiising from a torpid liver or from impure blood. Dys pepsia , Indigestion , Biliousness , Scrofulous , Bkiu nnd Scalp Diseases oven Consumption ( or Lung-scrofula ) , in its earlier stages , all yield to it. The makers of the " Discovery " claim for it only what it will do. They ptiaraiifec that it will do it. If it falls to benefit or cure , in any case , ihoy'll return the money. Nothing else that claims to purify the blood is sold in this way ; which proves , no matter what dealers may offer , that nothing else can be " just na good. " SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. Ilest cattle , hog and sheep market in the west COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & FRAZIER LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. TUB LEADERS. OMAHA l l1 .10 , thH hou" for ° ° r- | Markj ; Wood Brothers , touth Omaha Telephone Ifi7. Chicago J. 1) . DADISMAN. I. , . , W , K. WOOD , filmiwrorj. Market roportw by mull an4 wire cheerfully furnished upon application. - TL-1B Campbell Commission Co. Clilcufo , KislHt. Louis , Kansas City. South uni.ilu , tiloux Cltv , Fort. . Worm , A. D. Boyer & Company , Mmi'lVJ Exohinjj Iliilldliit.So.lthO iiiliu Correiiiondonco iQllcltod and promptly ntitworil. tpuclul nttuiulun tu orJur for ttoctmr * i fiwilor * . Kitubltilicd , Ibil . . . IncOfugratjJ , 13J1 Cuuttal f ullr paid , tiU.UJJ. Waggoner BirnsCotipany Wrltour nlro ui for prompt and rolln'Jla uarkjt Perry Brothers x Co.npany , LlvoStnVx CoiamUslon. Kooro 61 Kxohaugo Hulldluir , Bouth Omaha Tulophouu 17J7 , AWNINGS AND TKNT3. Omaha TcnU Awning Co Wolf Bros. & Co. Tents , nwnln , turpiti- Finn" , hntnraopks , oil nnd lln , covers of nil kinds. rubber olothlnit. Send nnis , ti.inncrs , Ptc. Son I f oroit'KUo. ' 11IJ Knrnnm for cittnloatic.'Qi S. HUh 13AGS AND TWINES. Bemls Omaha Big Co Importers anilmfrs. Hour Backs , burlnpi. tnlno. BICYCLES. M. 0. Daxon , Illcyclcs sold on monthly s. 1JJ.V , ISth B BOOTS AND SHOWS. Horse-Coo Shoe Co. llOUtowurd fUroot. KnctorTCOni3r llth nnd Doiulsistroots. Wonrnm-ildnifcloto prices to oxiUbifarj , nn 1 nro of eimli trhlc'.i U vursiluatila with morclmnn. Steven Crccdon. MnnufBCturcr'd n ont. leansiippljr you wllli every- thlnu In shoes IIIUII'H , wonun's .nn I chllilt' it Jowest factory prlcosnnddliojuntj. Litoit etylas. 1401 Karnnm ritreot. Hoom 15. Kirkcnilall Jones & Co. Aaer.lIanilSc\vcdSiocCD \ ! Wholcsnlo llOKtnn Itubtior Mfr . SliooCo Auonti Hoots , idioos , rubhori , fell Rood i. 1303 1UIO Ili.nior-it. CLOTHING. Blotcky & Cohen Clnthlnir.notlon. furnli'i- IIIKI. Olvu us n. trial. Stmplei prupild br ex press , 1113 Hartley , COAL , COKE , COWNICK. OmaliaCoalCokcLiino , Co Eagle CornicD Works Mfrs. Knlranlzcd Iron Hnrd and xoftcoal. ? . K. cornice , window cnpa , cor. 1Mb and Uougali tnctnllc skTllKliK , etc. tracts , 1110 , llli DuilKo-st , GOODS. M. E. Smilli & Co , Kilpalrick - Koch Dry KOOOs , notions , fur- Dry Roods Co. Notions , nUlilnit Rood' . Corner Konts'-fiirnlthlnK BOO U llth nnd Howard-Ms. Cor. lltli nid llowir.l. FURNITURE. Omalia Upholstering Co , Bccbc & llunyan plioMtrol furniture , Kurnlturo Co. . Uraco nn 1102 HOIVIchol u struct Ulb strjot. Wbolunnlu only. GROCERE3. | DRUGS , ETC. D. JKSlccle&Co. Blahc , Bruce & Co 12jl-iM" > Jones utreot , 10th and llnrn y itr O.uulia. Oui.ihu. PROPOSALS FOR PAVING. Sealed proposals will bo rocol voJ by the iin- dorslcncd until It0 : ! o'clock p. in , f-OBt.einbor Idtli. IS'l. ' ' , for Color , ido aiimlKtoiu * , bloux Kails crunlto and Woodruff. Kansas , stone , iiueord- IIIR to spoclllciitlons for 18'l ' ) for Diving the part of Intersection on the west bltlo oftfiv- toeiith street and Williams street. Each bid to specify a price per squ.iro yard for the paving complete on the Intersection Work to he done In accordance with plnns and spe.-llle itlons on ( lie In the ollleo of the board of 1'ubllo Works. And for the following kinds of paving mate rial , vb : bbeet nsphaltum. yionx Fulls or other granite. Colorado s.in Istone. WoodrulT. Kansas , slono , nnd Vltr.llud brick All uccordln ; ; to specifications of 1801 ; for pavlnt ; part of the toilowitis streets In the city of Oniah.i. comprised In hi root Improvement districts Nos. 4U > and 49. ' . ordered linurnvud by ordlnnnees Nos. : ir.KI nnd : respuutlvoly , and moro p irllciilnrly dcsurlbed as follows : No. 4K > Jackson street from 27th street to 23th street. No 43 : Erslcinc street from tlio west line ot 24th street to the east line of 2Uh street. E.ich bid to specify a pr co per scin.iro yard for the pi > In ; complete In the streets. Work to bu done In accordance with pinna and specific itlon * on file. In the ollljeof the bourd of pnblle workH. T. ich proposal to bu made on printed blanks furnUhod by Iho board und to buaccomp tilled by a curtlllod chuck In the sum of $ i > 'J , p.iy- able to the city of Omaha , as an evidence of pond fnlt.li. The bo ud reserves the rlsht to reject any or all bids , ana Ohalrmnn Itom-d of I'ubllo Works. Omahu , Aiwustyist , 18)2. uaisl-7-8 Notice of Assessment 01 D linages for Griidlns ; . To the owners of all lots und parts of lots nnd rcul estate itlonv Vlnton Etroct fiom 24lh street to the west line of alley In blockI ; ! , Will-ox's second addition. You ura hereby notified th ifflhn under- slu-no.l , three dUint.'iested freeholders of the olty of Oiniihu , liitvo been duly appointed by the mayor , with the upprovul of thu city couiH-ll of Mild city , to iihsosi the dam un tu the owners respeetlvnly of the pronortv allo ted by griuilni ; of suld Htreot. doulurcd neecssirv Dyordliruico Number 3.2:13 : , p isaod AiieustSJrd. lb'3J ' , and approved August 24th 'you are further notlllnd. that having ac cepted si Id appointinont. unci duly < | ii illllcd us lequlred lv law. wo will , on the nth day of September. A. 13. , Ib'li ' , at tlin hour of 10 o'clock In the fnienoon , ut the ollleo of Khrlvor fcO'Donnhoo , 1401 l''arnnin ' street , within the corporuto limits ot'aild city , meet for the purpose of consldorlnz und nmlilii , ' the assessment of d.iinuuo to the owners roipeo'- Ivoly of said property , uirouton bv suld Krad- jn : . t'ikliii ; Into consideration special beno- UtS If any. Vou are notldo l tobo present ut the tlmo and phic'j uforesild , and iniiUu uny objections toorstatemoiiticoncDrnlng taUl ussohsmout of damages us you may consider proper. oio : ! j. I'AuiV JAB. BCOUKDALK. Committee of AprnlserH. Oinuha , Neb. , September 3rd8'3sOdlO ' Notice of Anscstmcntor n.ini'iKOS for Ki > con Htrnotlni ; tlio SUtoontli hlreot Vlutliict. To the owners of all lots nnd parts of lots nniT real estate uloni ; the .Sixteenth street via duct and the approaches thereto. You nro herony notlllol that the undor- Bk-ned. three illsluterostcd freoholilorn of she city of Oinuha , have been duly appointed by the mayor , with the npprov.il of tliu city coun cil ot sii'd cltv. to assess the damaicu to the owners respectively of the properly alfuoted hy the construction und reconstruction of the Hlxtconth struct vlndnct In the ulty of Omahu us dcolarod necessary by ordinance No. III"- . passed July 21st. IH'J. . iiDproved July 2ld , 181) . ' . und as proposed by pliins ilulupprovud by the mayor it ml council of mild olty. You nro further notified , that hiving nc- coptud sild appointment , und duly iinailllod ns required by law. wu will , on tiainnl ly. the 17ih day of Buptotnber , A. D. 18J2. at the hour of 0 o'clock In the forunoon , at tliu directors' room of the Commercial National bank HiJ'i rariium street , within the corpor.itu limits of aid ultv. incut for the purposuof considering und iiiakliu tliu assossmunt of diiinauu tu tlio owners respective v of mild property ulToutoU by Hiild ruuonsiruutlon of suld vlu'Juct un Its appro ichea , tnklni ; into consideration npuelal bunellts , If tiny. You are notified to bo present ut the time nnd pliicu aforuxald nnd inaku any onjuctlons to or t itemonis concernln i H.ilil nsHussmunt of dumnuea us you may cons dur proper , ' ' . AI.I'KICI ) MIM/Altt ) . Boutunibor3J , 16C2 , Oinuha , NobraMfa.HJdlOt HJdlOt SEWER PROPOSALS. Boated proposals will bu received by the un- deriluned until 1UO oulouic p. m. beptembor 10th , Ib'.f. , for the lonHtruetlon of a Miwur In suwurdlsttlct No. 101. in tliu olty of Omaha , IIH per oriUiianco No. iitiiivLordliiiC \ t" plans and HDcclllcutloits on Illo in the olllco of tliu board of nubile tvorki. Kioh proposal to bo iiiiido on printed blanki furnished by the bo.ird , and to uo accompli- nled liy u certified chock In the mm of tiOO , payable to the ulty of Omahu , as uii evlduncu of I'ood fulth , The board reserves the rleht to reject tiny or ull bids , und to wnl vo def eots. I1. W. IllHKllAUSKIt. Olmlrmmi Hoard of I'ubllo Works. Omaha , Nob. , September lit , Ib'/J. sl-H-8-9 HARDWARE. Hector & Wilhelray Co. tabcck & Una. Corner 10th onit Jnckion Dealers In hardware and etrools. nieclmnlei * ' tools. 1101 Datults slroot. LUMB12R. Chas. 11 Leo. John A. WakelieliL I Hardwood lumber , wood ImportedAmerican Port * I carpets and pirquit Unleminent , Mllwiukia I flooring. Imtr.iitUn o iiatit .Mil Mli and taugl . hlto lino. LIQUOUS. MILL1NEUV. J. OliorfclJor & C ) . Importers nnd Jobbers of millinery , notions. Mall orders prompt , SUS-UtioutUllth U. PAPER' OILS. Carpenter Paper Co. standard Oi ! Co. Cnrry n fall itock ot prlntlnK , wrapping nnd Upllni-d nnd lubrlcallnr vrrltliiif paper , card pu- oils , nilt-uro.iif , cto. pur , ate. OVERALLS.ETC. OYSTERS. King & Snieal rid Cole & Co. , MfrsofK it S' ' pant Wholcunlo oy > tofs , sblrts nnd orornlls , cto. celery. : IIIS. ! lutli etrcel CII-18 South llth > t. tulupnuna 713. PRODUCE COMMISSION. italllshoil : 1373. " Branch & "Co. Whitney & Co , Produce , fruit ) of Ml Butter , CKX9 nnd poultry , kinds , oyster j. nth Mill ( , Jas. A. Cl.uK & Co. lluttcr. oio3. < 3 , OKI poullry nndunmo. 3l7Soutli l.lllist. STOVE REPAIRS. Etovo repairs and water nttnubmonts for any kind of Btoro ni.ijo. 1.M7 SASII TOYS. M.A.lisbro\v&Co. ) \ H. Hardy & Co. Mnmifnctnrari of nb. Toys , dolls nlbumi , doors , bllndi mil ( aiicy u'oo Ij. liouso fur- mouldings , llr.incli of. nlfliliiK KOOdi , chll- flee , 12tli and Itnrd at ) . drou'a c arrln m. 131'J I'.irn.un it. NOTICE OP APPRAISB.MKNT OD1 DAMAGES FOR THE CHANGE OP GRADE OP DOUGLAS STREET FROM . 28TII STREET TO Till ! WEST LINE OF BOGGS is HILL'S 2D ADDITION. To the owners of all lots , pirtsof lots and real estate alonn Iotilus street from -sth street to Iho west line of llOK-'a & UliraX'd addition and Intcr.soctiii , ' u\enncKiind streets , You are bcrobv notlllcd tnut the undor- slK'nod. three disinterested treoholuors of the city of Umah.i , hare uoon duly appointed by the mayor , with the npprov.il of the city council of said city , to ussos the damage to the owners respectively cif the property af- fcctod by tlio chnnec of crude of Uouglits street from 23th Htreot to the west line of HORKS & Hill's addition nnd Intersecting ave nues and streets , declared nuecssiiry by ordi- iiiineo 181) ) , piiKiod Au list 2.1 , Ib'J. ' , upprovcd Aii > 'U8t2l , 189. . Von are further notified , tliat Imvlni ; no- ccpted K.ild iippolntn cut. and duly 11111111110 ! us required by law. we will , on the i7th day of September. A. 0. 18 Ii , nttliu hour of lOo'clocU In the forenoon , at the olllco nf T. C' . llrtinner , room 1 , Ware block , within the corporate limits nf suld oily , niCL't for the purpoioot considering and makin ; ; the assessment nf diiniiiRO to the owners icsuectivoly. of Bald uronorty. nlTeeted hy slid clnnKoof urado. taking Into conildcr.itloli upecla. beneUts , If liny. liny.You are notified to bo present nt the tlma n d place aforesaid , and make nny objections o or statements ooneenmi.- . said ussossmont f d.un.iuod , as you inuv onusl 'or ' nroiKT. T. O. ' O. d OKOUUI4 J. I'A. Committee of Appra'bers. Omuha , Sopt.0. 18'Ji SlldlJt United htatrs .tlnrnliiil'K Siilo . InthoOlrcultOoiirtof the United i-tates for the District of Nobrnskn , I'ortsmuuth S.ivln s HcuK VB. Hvu M , I'rush ot. nl.-No n I' . 1'n bllo notice Is hereby el von th.it In pursu ance and hy virtue of a writ of execution Is sued out of the above niinicd court In uboto entitled cuiiso nnd boarlnc iluto ot August "Dril. A.I ) . 18'JJ , I h ivu levied upon nnd tnkeu all the rleht. tlt'c mill Inteiujtol thuiibov n.imed dofondiinlR , ! Cvn M I'rnuh and Wnlt , H. I'riiRh In nnd to the follow iiKdcscrlu landHimd tenements , to-wlt : J.uttwo (2) ( ) In bloyk t o ( J ) , In F.ako View ad dition to the city ot Omi'hn. Doiijlasconntv Nolir.islia , all of wh'ch L will expose for sail at public auction as the law illrouta anil auu the sums to the lnu'liost and best blddorou thr With dny of Soptcmbei. A. I ) . I8C' , at the linu of II o'clock In tlio forenoon of s-tld day nt the north door of the United Status court house nnd iirntoltlco bulldliu In the city of Omahii , Uoiul.is county , state and district of Nphras- \fj\ fjKald silo Is to siitUfy jiiduniont ot said court obtained at Its Mny tor-n. 1HJJ , In favor of 1'orlhiiiouth rJiivlnzx bunk , and iianlnst the said UvaM. I'rnirh and \Vnltor II I'riiBh. HKAI ) I ) . H/AimiITmF. United HtatoH Marahnl. JOHN W. LYTr.E. I'lainllir's Att' > ninv. a23sl-S-15.22.20 HIinrln H H.ile. Under and by virtue of two Hcparnto orders niudoby the lion. Krnnlc Irvine , one nf the indites of the district court within and for uoiiBliiBcountv. Nebraska , In the folluwlns actions pending In a ild court , towlt : 1'uxton fc ( ialtituhor , u copartuerihlp coinposoil of Wltlliini A. 1'nxlon and llonjamlii Unllaubor v 1/ovl G. Hut/.tl ( docket ill , No. 17) ) and Mo- Cord , llrii'Jy compiiiiy , un Ineoipor.itlon , VJ I.evlG. llouoldookot.'ll. ( No 181.1 will on ihu 14th dny of September. A. 1) , Ib'.l. , cominonelnz ut lOo'idock In the forenoon of H'lld day , at No. HOSoutlt 10th Htruel.'ln the city of Om.ilia , DoiiKlas county , Nobr ( .lea , sell at public auc tion to the highest and bent bidder * for caah , the following Koods uml chnttols hereioforo levied upon by mo by virtue of orders of nt/- tachmeiit usued In tlio above entitled hctlons , towlt : A complete stock of Htnplo and fumy fro- cerles , woodonwaro. tinware , wlllowwaro , Htonowdro , flour. IIOUHO fiirnlsblii ; Kiiods , utoro furnlturo and other inoruliundlso. The un lorslKned resortoa ihu rUht to sou this property u u whole or In Hopurato uar- colH. iiHlu hl Judxmont slrill bo for the uunt/ Intorentuf all purilps concerned. OIOHOK : A. IIKNNK'IT. Hheriirof lloiulim County. Nub. Omaha , Nobraiku , tJcptomberllrd. 1VJ- ! . BWIItmfra PROPOSALS FOR CURHING. Bealol proposals will bo rucdvol by the undiirslirned until It'll o'clook. p iiLboptombor lUlhlbl .forourbliis with white Oo.oradosand- Rtunu. red Colorado n tndntono and Heron Hunilstono , uoionlinit toupee ll'jutlo'is. the fol lowing street Impiiivoincntilistrluu : v No , 4U5 Juckeon street fiom .7th street to' No. 48. Kriklno street from the west line ot 24lh street to the oust llnu of tUtti Htreot. Knih bid to speulfy u price per lineal foot for tlio curbing complete on thoalreotn. Work lo bo done In nccorduniio with plans uml soeoltloutlonu on Illo In thu olllve of tlio board of public works , , , , , , . I'ropiis IM | to bo iiindo on printed blanks furnished by the board , und those accom panied with x curtllled cheek In the Bum ot 1500 , p lyublo to thu uity of Ouuh.t , an uii ur I dimuoofiiood faith. Thu bourd reserves the rUht to rojoot uuy f"1" " 'i" * . or till bids und f" Ohalrmnn llourdof 1'ubllo Work * . Omaha , Augmtaut , Ib'JJ , aUl l-7-