THE OMAHA DAILY Hhl3HUUSDAY : , SEPTEMBER 8 , 1892. COLUMBUS DAY CELEBRATION It Will' Ba Properly Observed by Ne braska Citizens. BOYD ISSUES HIS PROCLAMATION fnrdon or Adnmi County' * ] U-Treaiuror Hoqiimtoil by the Now KiiRlnnd Vet eran AMocmtloti Work of n Daring Crook In Lincoln. W , Nob. , Sept. 7. [ Special to THIS BBS. ] Governor Boyd this afternoon Itsucd the following proclamation In reference to the observance of Columbus day la the state of Nebraska : "Tho prosldentof the UnltcdStatos having nppolr.tod Friday , October 21 , 1892. as the 400th anniversary of the discovery of Amer ica by Columbui , by his proclamation n national holiday , ana recommended its ob servance ; and \ "Tho department of superintendents of the National Educational association having heartily endorsed the Idea of a national holi day , In the colouration of which the public schools of the republic bo everywhere the center ; nnd "Such a celebration bolng at once patriotic and crcdltabla In a stnto tvlth so splendid n record in educational matters 03 our own ; now , therefore , I , James 13. Boyd , governor of the state of Nebraska , In accordance- with the notion of the president of the United Stairs nnd in response to the wUho * of tbo National Educational association , do hereby aoHlgnnto und appoint Columbjs dav , namely , Friday , October 21 , 1 IU , as n public holiday mid recommend that It bo observed by thu dlffcnt schools throughout the state of Nebraska ; that business bo nuspondod ou that day ; that clvla and military organi zation ! take part In trio celebration nnd that the day bo dovotcd to the inspiring of the children of this land with the true appreci ation of the history , grandeur nnd dostlny of this nation. "This work Is specially committed to lion. A. K. Goudy , supirlntcndeiit of public In struction. " Snprnmn Court Matters , > At the September term of the supreme . . court the several Judicial district * of the state will bo called on the dales ru follows : First district , September 20 ; Second district , September2'3 ; Third district , Septembers" ; Fourth dlstrlut , October 4 ; Fifth district , October 11 ; Sixth district , October 13 ; Sev enth district , October 25 : Eighth district , October 27 ; Ninth district , November 1 ; Tenth district. November 3 ; Eleventh dis trict , November U : Twelfth disttict , November bor II ; Thirteenth district , November 15 : Fourteenth district. November 10 ; Fifteenth district , November 17. The case of Calvin and Eliza Burkor against Jnno E. ClarK nnd others was filed with the clerk of the supreme court this morning. It Is n bnltiio county caso. Another case lllod In the supreme court this forenoon was that of tno Homo Insur ance company of Now York against J. W. WInn & Co. , from Johnson county. dork Campbell mid his assistants shut up tbo shop this afternoon aud visited the stole fair. OosHlp at the State House. The stale house was visited by ever 1,000 people today. Tbo sight-seers Qllod tbo cor- riaors aud nil the big rooms and were on- thuslastlo at tbo splendors of iSobruska's capital. There has boon an unprecedented demand for passes to the state ponltontiary. Most of tbo visitors to the state house prefer passes signed by Governor Boyd , for in this manner they can obtain the autograph of Nebraska's distinguished executive. The governor in moro than obliging nnd ha * furnished his nutcgraph to ever 300 parties today. So great has bean the demand that thrco clerks bavo boon busy nil day writing the autographs. Uaculvor Gibbons of the defunct Couimer- .flluljSnd Savings bank of Kenrnov lllod his August report with the supreme court to day. Ho i opens that ho has collected to date upon notes the sum of $1,603.84. Ho also sold the burglarproof , tlmo lock biifo to the Exchange bunk ot Sulton for 9550 , of which 5100 was paid down. No disburse nients for the month were reported. It it slatori that there Is a strong prob ability that the State bank nt Crete which closed Its doors last week will bo reorganized on u sound financial bnsis. The receiver has not yet boon appointed , although the judges of the supreme court huvo the matter under consideration. Assistant Attorney General Summers wont to Fremont this morning , returning this afternoon. T. J. Fltzmorris of THE BEE was a caller ot the state bouso today. Church IIowo appeared before Governor Boyd today with petitions from the New England Veteran association of tbo state for the pardon ol Charles H. Paul. Mr. Paul was u soldier In a Now Hampshire regiment nd bears tbo scars of honorable service. Fell from a llrlck U'ull. J. M. Humphrey , a brick mason living with bis family In this citv , has boon at work for some tlmo past at Taicora , In this state. Monday ho hud the misfortune to fall , and in doing so received a severe ooncussion on the back of bis ncclr , resultintr in the almosl complete paralysis of the lower half of his body , and rendering him practically helpless. For a tlmo It was feared that ho would nol recover , but this morning he wan well otiougb to bo removed to this city. Ho was broucbt homo at 1010 : ! this forenoon on a cot in the baggiigo car. His wife mot him at the train nnd bo was taken homo iu-thu patrol wagon Ho will probably recover. llobboil a 1'oolnellor. liood'b saloon on Eleventh street , bolter Unown n "Tho At.boy , " wa the scone of a porvy robbery last night. A syndicate of iporty gents bavo boon doing u laud omce business selling pools on the state fair races and while selling combinations last night bad a big wad of greenbacks piled up on tbo dc k , which stands neat tbo roar entrance a the room. An uniinown individual olbowut bis way through the crowd grabbed the rol of inouoy und slid out the bactc door , i'ha robbery was BO cleverly done that no ouo could glvo n description of the robber and he Is consequently mill onjo/lug his liberty. Captured n I'ulr ot Crook * . John Sharp , the colored barber nnd all around crook , arrested hero the other day , wai taken to Grand Island lait night A woman who claims to bo bis wlfo was also rrosiod und tukon with him , as It is bo- tlovod that sbo Is Implicated. Sharp Is wanted at Orund Island for complicity in a number of burglaries committed in that oily during the state soldiers' reunion last week. The gang cleaned upsnvoral hundred dollars at halt a doion different stores ' during the wook. Chief of Police Otto wni notified of the foot that the members of the burglars lyndicato bad undoubtedly como to Lincoln to work the town duriiie the fair. The Lin- coin police buliovo that they have broken up l dangerous gang by the atrest of Sharp , from the I'olloi ) Court. The police wore called to Josslo Williams' ' fllvo after 3 o'clock this morning , whom a Dpbt among thu inmate * and visitors was In prorea . Josslo and ono of her girls were arrost'd and brought into polica court this morning. Tbo madam was discharged , but - tboelrt got ten duya. k A man who guvo hi * name as J. Frankfol- low was sentenced to ten oa.va1 Imprison ment for general crookedness. Ho is sus pected of having stolen some Jewelry found In hU possession , and which don't look as II It belonged to him. 'IhomasVado came up from the village ot Adams la t evening to bco the big fair , but ho wundorod Into a notorious dive across the tracks , and was gathered lu py the police a fuw bourn later. Ho was reprimanded by the Judge and reloaspd thin morniuir. Two rival Italian fruit vendors wore fined (1 und costs for disturbing the peaoc , Abraham Baylcss , a colorau boy , wll break stouo a few day * for the bmiolit of the city. Ho wus druuk and disorderly. Ilurlcil Uniliiru Uluy Hunk. NUIIIUBKA OITV , Nob. , Sept , 7. ( Spocla Telegram tn TUB HBK.J A. man mlracuiou wcupo from douolo fatality occunod a Dlckel A Sou's brick yard this afternoon Ftvo men were enirago t In buulitiR dirt train a clay bank to tbo brick maublao whan with out warnlnci the mass of olav weighing a cast two toils broke looio from U > f > o ho bnnk and descended on the men. Tbroo t the men escaped , hut John Boley and Ed ward Wllburn were burled under the mass f oarthi Work at rescue was at once com menced niul Boloy was soon found. Bo- end bad Drulsoshorras not Injured severely. Several minutes afterwards groans ware joard and Wllburn was found buried under our fcot of earth. Ha was blacK In the face vhon found. His right arm xvns broken nnd its body terribly cruised. Ho could not lava survived much longer. Physicians say ho will recover. I'roinnnt News Noted. FURMONT , Nob. , Sept. 7. [ Special to THE BEE. ] During the itoislon of the city coun cil lait evening the contract for the eowerajo of tbo otty of Fremont was awarded to Mc Donald & Ponflold for $20,830 , ns previously ogreod to by the Board of Public Works , tlcssrg. Sholcs & Stone having failed to glvo > ends within the llvo days required tholr > end of $500 vas declared forfeited and the money placed la the olty treasury. Hon. L. D. Crounso wires the secretary of ho Old Settlers association : "Please cor rect press dispatch error. No politics pro- > osocl. " Tbls rotors to the old settlors' moot- ng to bo held hero next Saturday on the grounds. Dr. C. M. Noble went to Washington yesterday , where ho condemned thrco horses and two mules that were afflicted with glanders , and they were hot , Walt Mason returned last evening after a ten days visit to the Buckeye stato. Mrs. Thomas Crocker , 43 years of ago , died yesterday with cancer of the stomach and was burled todnv , Hev. J. U. Qulnn , D.D. , has tendered hit resignation as Das tor of tbo Episcopal church in thin city. Arpad liurothy arrived In the city yestor- lay , having made the trip from Chicago since last Frldav on Ills safety. About ono voar ago ho lott hero on his safety for n tripe : o blt > old homo in Europe. Mrs. A. E. Williams , mother of C. M. , who Is cashiorof tbo First National bank hero , and Miss Kate C. Klslng , her niece , of Alnsworth left today for Jaouson , Miss. , where she becomes matron of the Presbyterian - i torian Marv Helm seminary and her nleco becomes principal of the nreparatorv depart- | mont. Frank E. Ilartlgan Is spending a few days n the city. The ElUhnrn run n special of eleven coaches nil well filled this morning to Lin coln. Among these who went from hero were Hon. G.V. . E. Dorsoy , Ci W. Hyatt , f. D. Bail , H. Bridge , Prof. . J. S. Curry , Jc-orgo Miinhnll , W. H. Golf , George Blue , Daniel Stevens , Gene Rogers and very many others. Grand preparations are bolng made for tbo Dodiro county fair to bo held hero from thu 10th to the 2'Jd Inclusive , this mouth. Will Mnniiluuturo liurbiul Wire. BKATIUCB , Nob. , Sept. 7. [ Special to TUB .I A number of Buatrlco capitalists bavo Just bad completed n machine for the manufacture of the Huffman double strand barbed wlro , nod will at once boglu the ox- tonslvo manufacture of the fencing. Their establishment will bo located In this citv. Five of thy machines will bj made , each with a capacity of live miles of wlro per day. i Tired All tlio Tlmo , " Is the complaint of many poor mortals , wbo know not whore to fipa relief. Hood's Sursa- puritla possesses Just these elements its strength which you so earnestly cruvo for will build you up , glvo you an uppotltu strengthen your stomach and nerves. Try it. Hood's Pills act especially upon the liver arousing It from torpidity to Its natural duties cures constipation and assist digestion. West Loavnnworth Want * Same Mori" . The West Lsavonworth Street Improve ment club has hold another meeting for tbo purpose of declaring Itself. Tbo committee appointed to loon up and report upon thu paving of West Leaven- worth street informed the meeting that it bad not found what it was looking for , but that it was on the trail. This was consoling , and ut iu own request the committee was given moro tlmo. The question of no sidewalks in that end of the city was discussed und Messrs. Sogar , Mank mid Wilg appointed a committee to find out what was the matter. The club eulogized Councilman Spocht , vybo , n member said , had interested himself und securrd the laying of several walks which bad been neglected by the councilman from the Seventh and Ninth wards. After dropping this subject tbo members talked about the poor farm. Several members said that Inmates of that Institution were allowed to run at large , to tbo great unnovanco of the people In the vicinity. Taking up the subject of sidewalks again the secretary was instructed to confer with the Board of Pub lic Works and request that the sidewalk on tbo north side of tbo street from Thirty- seventh to Fortieth street bo cleaned and the bxpenso charged uealust the abutting prop erty.Tho The next meeting of the club will bo held Saturday evening. Troops nt the World's Fnlr. A private telegram from the War depart ment states that preparations are being made tor a splendid military display at Chicago on the event of dedicating tbo World's fair opening on October 21. Thd following troops are to bo ordered to Chicago for the occasion : Two troous of cavalry from Fort Ulloy , Kan. ; Second battalion of infantry from Omaha ; thrco companies of Infantry from Fort Loavenworth ; part of Nineteenth Infantry ut Fort Wayno. All these troops will bo returned to their stations except the two troops of cuvnlry from Fort Hllov , which will ho retained nt Clilcaeo. The troops uro taken from points nearest Chicago , on ac count of tbo small appropriation available for such expenses , as the money must como from the contingent fund. KmiKiis HurvoHt Ituports. TOPEKA , Kan. , Sopt. 7. Keports form threshers in 103 out of 100 counties lu the state have been received by the state board of agriculture. They indloata n probable yield of 7,000,000 bushels of winter wheat , or 5,1100,000 moro than previously estimated. Tbo report of the board shows u doorcase in tbo condition of corn during August from 77 to 08 per cent of the average. Tbo con dition of oats is placed at the average with a yield of 3J bushels to the aero. Found u Kullo lu a .Melon. Deputy Sheriff Lowls has issued an order that hereafter all food , dollcacios or presents sent to prisoners In the county Jail shall be carefully Inspected by the jailor before do- llvery. This order wus brought about by tbo fact that a largo knlfo was found concealed In n melon sent to John Hanson , n thirty-day prisoner sent up from the police eourt , A woman was tbo party making the present , but she disappeared before the discovery of the knlfo was mado. or liiciimloauant . The tiov Omaha Thomson-Houston Eico- trlo Light company has commenced netting the poles nnd stringing tbo wires for its Incandescent - candescent system in the suburban districts ot the city , The poles have boon put on North Twentieth , Corby and Sixteenth sin eta in order to miico tbo territory bounded by these sti-eois one lighting dis trict. Ho Uiaturlfuil tli'o Army. Charles Peterson , a pollen court veteran , was locked up again last night for being drunk nnd disturbing the Salvation army mooting. Potprjon nnd his jag wandered into tbo army barracks end proceeded to run the intioitncr for a few minutes. An ofllcor was called und arrested tbo drunken mau > AT THE BIG STATE FAIR Many Thousands Attend the Excellent * Show Made by Nebraska. * BRASS BANDS BLOWING FOR A PRIZE Two Hundred Musician * 1'nrtlclpnto In the Stnte Association' * Annual Contoit Thirty Thousand 1'eoplo on the Ground Vcgtordny Fiilr Notes. LINCOLN , Nob. , Sept. 7. ( Special to Tint This morning dawned cloudy with heavy thunder , threatening rain , but the look of sunshlno did not prevent a rush to the fair grounds at an oarlhour. . The day's ' program began with a grand musical carni val by the State Baud association. The fol lowing bands were massed in front of the offices of the president and secretary of the State Board of Agriculture , and took part In the entertainment ; Konnard , Syracuse , Douglas , Unadillo , Humboldt , Tobias , Over- ton , Madison , Homlngford , Indlanola , Louis- villa. Genoa Indian band , Archer and Citi zen's band , Aurora. Two hundred musicians were in line. At 0:30 : this evening tbo asso ciation guvo a grand musical parade on the principal streets of the city , nftor which they went to Burlington Beach. Last night class A contest cnmo off at Government square , nnd tomorrow evening class B will contest for honors at the snmo place. Class A includes all musical organi zations , while class B admits brass bands only. The prizes will bo awarded at baud headquarters In' the city at 8 o'clock Friday morning. The Omaha train which arrived at Lin coln about 10:3U : this morning brought in a largo crowd from the metropolis , Including nearly all tbo Omaha city oQlclals , wbo are hero as the guests of tbu State Agricultural society. The attendance from all parts of the state U very largo today , oven greater than yesterday. As early as 13 o'clock the grand stand began to fill up , and by 1:30 : it was crowded to suffocation. The Tblrty-fourth Illinois State Veteran association hold its minuttl reunion on the Krounds todny with 100 members present from a number of states. The Nebraska State BooUooDori associa tion will hold meetings this "evening nnd tomorrow evening at the bee and honey ball. Superintendent Whilcomb says the proton t exhibit is the bestover made In tbls country. Muny different species ot bees uro on exhibi tion , and the latest devices for extracting honey and the actual process are on exhibi tion. ( Jundy and cake made from honey nro exhibited , and , it Is claunod. will keep fresh and pure mucti loncor than If mudo with sugar. Tbo exhibit as a whole is something of which tbo state may bo proud. Many of the individual displays were very lino. The grand s weepstaUcs premiums on cattle were awarded this afternoon. Tbo show ring and amphitheater were crowded with people to see the cattle , worthy of entry in this class , , and they were not disappointed. This is republican day , according to the program , and tomorrow will be democratic day , but politics does not seem to cut any Hguro. The mooting of various societies and organizations , tbo races , and the big jihow generally , occupy the entire tlina , to the exclusion of Dolltics. The Tenltonal .Pioneer Association of Nebraska met at tbo Sioux county log cabin ' this oftnrnoon , but owing to the 'absence of tbo president adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock. Tbo attendance increases rapidly. A moderate estimiito places the number at 30- 000 today , and tomorrow , should the weather remain favorable , will bring the largest crowd over at. a Nebraska state fair. Tbo olllccrs of the association are feeling good to day and all exhibitors are happy. While some of tbo counties , notably extreme west ern counties , bavo the llnoit' agricultural exhibits over shown at a state fair , agricul tural hall Is bardly up to Its avorago. Ex hibitors claim that the fair comes too early this year , v/lng to the late soason. The True J.uxatlvo I'rlnclple Of the plants used in manufacturing the pleasant remedy , Syrup of Figs , has a per manently benelldal effect on'tho human sys tem , wbiln the cheap vegetable extracts nnd mineral solutions , usually sold as medicines , are permanently injurious. Being well-in formed , you will use tbo true remedy only. Manufacture. ! by the California Fig * Syrup Co. A/IB COULU .AKK CAKE OF It Kit * ELF. Mnhel Carborry Has 1111 KxcitliiR Tlmo With n Vulso I.over. OTTUMWA , la. , Sept. 7. [ Special to Tnu BEE.J A few days ago a wonderfully pretty young woman stopped oft the Milwaukee train and Inquired for a prlvato boarding house. She win escorted by a young man whom she suddenly left , much to bis sur prise and the amusement of the spectators. Nothing further was thought of it until today , whan Clair Commons , editor of the Blaico.iburg Mall , told the following story concerning tbo mysterious young woman nnd the pontloman who accompanied hor. When Mr. Common * was approaching Blakosburg bo was surprised to have the woman approach him and ougago him in conversation. She appeared a little bashful and spoke with extreme modesty , rolino- mciit and good manners. ' Excuse mo,1 * she said , "Is thut a Knights ot Iythlas badge you wear ! " The editor answered in the afllrmatlvo. ' 'Then , " con tinued the girl , "I wish to speak to you. My brother is a I/nlght and has often told mo that should I over bo in trouble I could call on any Knight ol Pythias with assurance. You appear to bo a gontloman. I am a lady. Will you listen to a short story and can "I trust you ! " The girl was extremely pretty and attrac tive , which mudo tbo task of listening do- cldudly pleasant. The odltor assured her that ho would DO pleased to hear her , although ho was going but a few miles and tbo story would have to bo brief. "Very well , " replied thu girl , "I trust you as'u man of honor and as a brother in tbo lodge to wbliih my brother belongs. My name Is Mabol Carberry. I am an orphan and llvo in Kansas City with my brother. I oamo up this road yesterday. The other day a man with whom 1 had boon Hooping com pany asked mo to accompany htm on a short excursion to u suburban town. Ho took mo on the wrong train And wo came up to UttuimvH , This man h s twice asked me to marry him and I refused. The second tlu.o I refused him ho said ho still wished to bo friends. When I discovered wo were so far from homo I demanded to know why ho had brought mo hero. Ho said 1 could notoacapo him. If 1 wont quietly and oooyod him wo would go homo tomorrow and nothing further would over bo hoard of It. I told him I would take care of myself , and when wo got to Ottumwa 1 got off the train and went to t prlvato boarding house. Ho came after mo , but 1 looked my door and rofusnd to BOO him. This morning I gave u boy some money to pet rae a revolver ; I have It hero and will use it If necessary. When I cama to the depst to take tbls train ho mot mo. I told him I was going homo and it ho approaonoa mo I would shoot him. Ho went Into the nmoklng- car and I have not soon him since. I have telegraphed my brother to meet mo where- over ho can on this road. That is about ult. Highest of all in Leavening Power. 'Latest ' U. S. Gov't Report Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE 1 wanted to tell somq9/vo the story , because If man Interferes with mo there will bo Uoublo , nncl if nnytUnlg happen * to ma 1 want my poor bret > emo.know of It. " The editor supRostqdhat the man should bo promptly arrested , and that bo sbould too toil. ' No"repllodthoyonnRwoman"that ( would make me stop to appearneninst htm : I want no court scenes or publicity or any attention , Above all , 1 hope ihe'Uram oftlclals will not nollco mo. t only want to co homo to my brother. If that mnn goes to Kansas City mv brother will tn&ko short \vorit of him ; it ho docs not , I will bo SlUUttcd to bo rid of him. " i . When nsltr.d it nny.nld could bo rendered her. the girl replied ! "No , nothing but WWtt I have nskod of you ; say nothing of this aftalr bolero tomor row ; will you promlso mo that upon your honor ! " And tbo promise was givon. "I have nil the money I need , " she said. "My brother gnvo mo some money just before I started , and I happen to bavo it with mo. Tbo man made n throat that ho would not allow mo to pass two stations fromOttumwn ; I have passed two already , and I wanted to speak to you bcoauso I thought If ho Inter rupted rnc at all It would ho before the next station. I think now that ho has changed his mind. " Just at this tltno a sullen looking man oamo from the front car and walked slowly down the ntslo. As ho nenrcd the seat In which the mysterious Mabel sat she rose and staroa him sternly In the toco with her hand upon tbo pocket containing a pearl handled ro- volvor. Ho gazed at her n niomont and wnluod back as calmly ns ho bad cotno. "Thoro , " said the lady , "I know him well. Ho Is scared out. I foci qulto safe now. " As the young woman nroso from her scat , the nslonlshoil editor took ttroo to look at bor. Maool Is a pretty brunette about V ) ynarsof ago. Her whole manner Indicated that HUD is a lady , but driven to such an ox- trotno was forcoa to protect herself. As Mr. Commons left the train , Hnndsomo Mabol Carborry extended her hand nndsnld : "I thank you , sir , lor jour kind offers. To morrow I will bo at homo with my brother , lhat man will be gone , and none of the pas- seniors on this train will know that any thing unusual has happened. Qoodby. " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the best ot all remedies for child ron toothing. 23 cents a bottlo. An to Training School ! . Speaking the other day of the discussion now going on In the Omaha iionrd of Educa tion with regard to the maintenance of a teachers , training school a prominent educa tor says : "Both Cleveland and Dayton , compara tively small cities , are maintaining excellent training schools. They require of the candi date for admission not only a High school dlplomu , but also n cortltloato of the city board of examiners. The plan neither im pairs the credit of the High school nor re stricts its usefulness ; it gives to the training school the best material , limits judiciously Its membership and leaves It free to devote Its ontlro tlmo to professional work. " Apropos of the argument that ctttos payIng - Ing high salaries do not need training1 school * , ho said : "Sau Francisco with an average annualsaldry for principals of 31,741 and for other touchers of ? 3J3 und with a tonchinc force of SOU maintains a training class of sixty pupils. "Now York city with a teaching force of 4,200 and an average annual salary of $1,900 tor principals and $730 for all other teach ers has its city normal college with of 1G'U and list cf a membership , a grad uates numbering 291. The college has gradu ated 4,348 persons. ' ' "Boston , whoso schools nro models for the country and which with , a toaohtnc force of 1,331 persons reaches'tho high average sal- arv of $953 for all classes of teachers , main tains a training schooli of which threo-flftus of Its teachers are graduates. " Mrs. L. H. Patten , Rockford , III. , writes : * From personal oxperiMTCO I can recommend DoWltt's Sarsaparilla , a cura tor impura blood and general debility " Mr. Macombor'Upturned ' the Purao. Mrs. L. Shepherd , who lives at 1210 Howard - ard street null makoa OJJiving by talcing in ironing , lost , ' her pocketbook , containing (10 , whlla down' town yesterday , morning. She reported the matter to OOlcor O'Uorman , who in turn notiilcd the station oftlcors. Later in the day a gentleman called on bar and returned the pocketbook , refusing to ac cept a reward for bis trouble or to giv < 9 his name. Ho proved to bo Oeorgo Macombor of the Robert Downing company , tie had found tbo purse containing tbo money and Mrs. Shepherd's address and lost no time in returning it. Disease neversuccessiuliy attacks the sys tem with pure blood. DoWltt's Sarsupirilla makes pure now blood and onrlcbos bloDl. AVorklnc Women's Union Ilocoptlan. The Working Women's union will bo at homo Thursday evening , September 8 , at 1015 Dodge street. Vou are cordially invited to bo present. The Working Women's association and their spinning wheel made a bravo showing in tbo parade on Labor day , but they will have a moro effective ono this evening at their now homo , 1015 Dodge street , which BULL DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO IS THE EST. Both Sides of the Que Should be looked into. , tlje Intelligent smoker BULL DURHAM SN BL.ACKWELL'8 DURHAM l ill TuKfinyVVs * A Rlnglo < lmo priidum'H buniiflolnt rofc ) iloy nny of hotly lotwliloh > nil \\ero . . hefiiro u HlmiiKor. .fflioy rnjoy it poj ) . m ) uliirlty iiiiiunill < 'li'il. I'rlec , Bcta. TO TUT. OWNERS "OF' AljIjLOTd uarta of lots and rotiDcatato nlons Mnplo street froinaitli aveinui to 3Iat street , and IntcrsootliiK 9treot.-fuu account of u pro posed cti.muo of Krailor You 11 re hereby notllleo Hint the undor- slKned , three ( llslnterostcd freeholders of tlio olty o ( Onialia. littvo been duly appointed l > y tlio mayor , with tlio ( ' .pprovixl nf the city couucll of said city , to nsson * the < luiniiL'Oi to the oivnura , rokpflotlvoly , of the property atloctml by triilliu tljn uhovo montluned street and Intorrfeotlnp Hlrjeto , doclarud nuu- ussary liy Orilliiunoa No. 100. pinsoil Atixust Klrd. ITOi uiiprovoil AutruatSUh , 180. . You 11 ro further ridlltlod , that hnvlns uc- ccplol nulil uppoiiitiiivnt. nnd duly miiilillod an required by law , wo will , ou thu 17llt daof Hi'ptoinher. A. U. Ibli. . at the hour of tun o'clock In the forenoon , nt tlio ofll'-u of 1C.V. . ( llbbon , L'lll N. Y. Mfo UulldliiK , within i ho corporate - porato IlinltH of Hull olty , moot furthopur- JIOSQ of roiisldur'uii ' and run I ; I UK the : IBSOS + - inont of < linnnKu to thu owner * ro pootlvoly of mild prupurty , ulfoctud by sul < l uradlnir. t.'iU- Inv Into ronaldor itlon tpooliil benefit * . If nny. You are ninltlud to ba prefont ut the time nnd pltiou nforueald , and imike nny ohjoetlon * tonrat.iliuiiDiitH oon-urnln Bald ajjeaa of dumuKus us you niuy consliler nroper. ' W II. OATKd. Oinuha , Nob. , Sopt. Uh , lauO. will bo opened fora publicrocnpttonot ovorjr ono Intoroitcd In tholr efTorts , Cake will bo served , nnd tno rocoptlon commUtoo will toll tholr plans for holpln struKfillntj girls nnd women. They will nl o how their homo" end wnat It needs of furtbor furnishing nnd equipment , hoping for aupgostlons from tholr RUOSIS und that their guests will bo many. They want every ouo to know what they nro trying to do. Tbo roceptton committee will consist ot Mrs. Hart , Mrs. Minnlnir , Mist Hucrorty , Mrs. > Vllcox , Mlsa McUulro nnd MM. Jonos. "Lato to bed nna early to rise will shorten the road to your homo In the skies. But early to bed and "Littlo Early KUer."tbo pill that raakoi Ufa longer and batter and wiser. WHY THE CABLE DOESN'T BUN. Trouble the Street Cnr I'poplo Are Having Over n Strol Hope. While tha gouural publto Is thoroughly dlsgustoa with the failure of the street rail way company to start thoDodgo street cable , the pubho cannot or ny possible menus bo moro put out than tbo company , which Is losing thousands of nickels ovcry dny In not being able to opornta Its system. On August " 9 thu cable was shipped from WllllamsDort , Pa. , nnd Is overdue tbreo days at this point. Nothing can bo honrd of the missing cable , nnd tracers have boon aont out from both points m order to Hod the stool rope , which comes on two spools , 13,000 loot on a reel. Unless ono is used to buvlug steel rope , It Is Impossible to realize that the cable for the Omatm Street Hallway company costs 610,704 , nnd it takes two cables n year to operate the systom. Ton thousand seven hutdrod nnd sixty-four dollars , equivalent to 215,250 nickels , the number of faros the company will Imvo to take in before the cnblo Is paid for. And if nn estimate of ilfty pnssoncors is made to a train. It will toke 4,3U5 trains to haul that number of poo- plo. plo.Tho The weight of the steel rope is enormous , the two reels weighing 99,100 pounds , ever forty-nine tons , bigger than ouo of the o monster guns-whloh passed through Omaha recently for the Montoroy. The railway people nro quite ns anxious to got the road started its the public is to have it started , but from indications that will not bo accomplished before next week , a * It will take two days to haul thu spools from the station. It Is feared that tbo cars carrying tbeso spools have broken down somewhere onrouto , and should It prove so It Is hard to tell when the people living on North Twnatiotn street will bo again favored with street car facilities. Naturally fermented in the bottlc.porfectly pure , with a delicious boquot. Cook's Extra Dry ( JhampaRno can bo drank by tbo most dollcato. HELPED PAY A FBEIOHT BILL. Oltl Now Experience of a StrnnccrThllo Groaning tlio Itlvur. Two smooth confidence men got tn their work on a train yesterday between Council Bluffs and Omaha. Ono of tbo sharpers made the acquaintance of ono Gregory , who was onrouto to Cam bridge , Nob. Strange to say Gregory's newfound found frlond was going there to visit a brothor. When the Omaha depot was reached the pal of the "con" man appeared and demanded $125 to pay a freight bill. Of course Gregory's frlond didn't have that much , but ho did have a cheek for $1,000 , signed"Goodonough company , " and ho put It up with the Cambridge farmer for the (125. Both swindlers skipped and Gregory , bocom- inij nlarmod , loft the train and reported the case to the depot policeman. DoWltt's Sarsaparilia aostroys suon poi sons us scrofula , skin dlsnaaos , eczema , rheu matism. Its timely-uso nav s many llvoj. Schools Moving Along. . Tbo city schools are moving on In good I shape for tbo first week , . 'lbo enrollment I -will In all probability show an increase at J the close of the week of between 400 und 500 ever tbo ilrst week of last year. Tuc Kollom school heads the list for numbers with an enrollment of 740 , the Lalco comes next with 700 uud the "Long stands third with an at tendance of 000. / It is evident that something will huvo to bo donu to glvo the High school moro room. Superintendent Fltzpatrlck thinks lhat the Sixth grndo of tbo Central school will have to bo sent to sorno ether building to relieve the pressure. With that change accom plished tbo schools will probably bo In pretty good shnpo to push ahead with the work of tno year. Ho Would Steal. A colored prisoner named Ray Moore , who has been confined in the city jail for vag rancy for the past fo\v days , was caught yesterday going through the pockets of some sleeping persons confined in the same bin with him. Tbo charge on the blotter was at once changed to larceny , and Moore was locked in a cell by himself. Attention ! AlllKuion , Your immediate compliance with the re cently amended millc ordinance Is requested. A. B. SOMBIIB , Health Commissioner. And when this is done uses BLACKWELL'S MOKING TOBACCO. TOBACCO CO. , Durham , N. C. MY WIFE SAYS SHE CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF YOUR WANTS ITT CHSGK&O. THEGREAT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY Cure ? nil disorders of tho' Stomach , Ltrcr , Honrels , KLIoavj , llhilibr , Narrou : Diseases , Loss or Appetite , Ilenilnolio , ConstlpMIJii , t'osttrona , IinHgoitl m , Ull < ons ness , Fcrer , Piles , Etc , , nnd reuors ! thn syslo.u loss liable to conltMct dloua. DYSPRPBIA. . RA.DWAY'9 PILLS are cure for this oo-nplnlnt. They tone up the Internal soorotloni to hoalthyuotlon. restorostronuth to tbo .stomach , and enable It to perform Us functions. I'rlce. 2io a box. Sold by all druggist * ) , or mailed by HADWAV & GO. . 33 Warrou Street , Now York , on receipt of price. Every MAN can 1" ) I S'/KONO and VIG BEE OROUS In all retpcr.i ] J liy ushiK SPANISH N RVINBthegrent pnnl h Remeily. YOUNO MKN OR OtB suffering fiom NimVOUS niSHII-ITY , KOST ot FAIIvINO MANnoOD.iiiRlitlycr.iljstonsconvulsions , ncivctu > pioilratlon , cnusid by the use of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wakefulness - fulness , mental depression , loss of power m either sex , cpermator- BErnoRi AMD AFTKR USB , rlima caused by self sbnsn nnd over Indulgence or anr personal weak' ness can be restored to perfect health and the NOIlJvU VITALITY OP 3TUONO MEN. We glvo a written guarantee with 6 boxes to euro any cnso or refund llm money. $1 a box0 boxes $ j For * Sal3 In Omaha by Snow , Lund & Co. V I i f ) J 3 J7r E RING ? FROM Female WcJmess , Catarrh or Rlieumatssm , ยง Chronic , Nervous or Private Diseases , IF SO , CALL ON Dr. Searles & Searles Consultation Free. Acknowledged to lie the most suecosf ul specialist tn Ull I'lllVATE , I1LOOD , NBIIVOUS , SKIN AND UltlN- AitY DISEASES. Gonorrhiet In from 3 to 0 day * . Syphilis curoi ] withoutMercury. All stage * for Ufa. BYltlOTUHK permanently curod. removal oom- plclo , wltboutcuUlnK. c.uutlo or dilatation. iuro : affected at homo by patient without u moment' * pain or annoyanoo. riLKS. KI3TUI.A AND HKCTAIj Of.CEUS curoJ without pnln or ilotcntlon from builnois. 11YIHIOCKI.K ANO VA111COCKI.K permanently end Buccculullr cured. Method notrund unfallln/ WEAK MEN ( VITALITY WKA1C ) , Mnda o by too olo3 nppll. cation lo buslnei * or study : aororo in on til strainer or BrleT ; HKXIMI , KXCISSSKS In mlddla Ufa , or from tlio effects of youthful folhei. WKAK MKN AUK VlCTlMfl TO NBISVO03 OW- BILlTVorKXIIAUSTION , WASTING WKAKNKSS INVOI.UNTAIIV I.OSSKS with KAIILV DECAY la YOUNU ana MIDUhK AOK1) ; lack of Tim. TlKOr. end ttronsth , irlth sexual oruans Impaired and weakenoiiedpramaturoly In approaching old aze. All yield readily tu our nuvr treatment for los * of Yltal power. Call on or uddrais with stamp for circulars , free book and rocclpti. Ur. Searles & Searles , 1Is8litA\iAthNEsut.roetl * \ : : Next to Post Onioe. TDHOl'OHALS KOK EttEOTlON Ol ? SOIIOOi , Jbuildings. . U. S. Indian Service , Omaha and Wjnuou.ixo AKonoy , Nob. Wlnnobugo Thurston County , Nob. , August 29 , ISOi. Sealed proposals , endorsed " 1'roposnls tor Kroctlon of School UulldliiKs , " mid addressed to the undoriUiiod ut Wlnnnbugo , I luirston Comity , Neb , will bo received .it this money until one o'clock p. in. o ( tioptoiiil < orS4th , Ibu2 , for tlio furnishing of nil necessary labor and materials nnd erecting no ir tbo Wlnnobugo Agency , Nob. , three ( J ) two story br olc school buildings , as per the plans and spooltloiitlons which may bo oxitmlmiJ at the ullluo of the "lieu" bf Omaha. Neb , , tbo "Journal" ot Sioux Olty , IOWH , nnd nt this ngonoy. Dld- dors are required to follow the "foim of uro- petal , " ucconimyln | tbo specifications us closely as tliolr bids will permit. Did ) uliould stnto tbo uropoietl-prlco ot iiuch buildIng - Ing and tor tlio group of bulldlnjs. Tbo right Is reserved to ru jut any or nil bids or any part ot any bid If deemed for the bust Inter est of the service. CnrtlQod clioclis. tiuch bid must bo accoinuanlml uy u certified ohook or drutt upon some United Status depository orsolvont national bank In tbo vicinity ot the residence of the bidder , mudo payuhlo to tbo order of the Commissioner of Indian Af fairs , for at least live per cent of tlio amount of the proposal , wbloh ohook or dr.ift will be forfeited to tlio United Hiatus In case any bidder or bidders rocclrlnR an aw.irJ shall fall to promptly ox cento n contract with good andhiiululcnt sureties , otherwise to bo returned - turned to the bidder. Bids accompanied by cash In lion ot u cortlflod chock will not bo considered , t'oruny furtliir Information , as to buildlnir Bite , moans ot transportation , etc. , npbly toUOUEHT H. ABHL/EY , U , H. Indian Agent. SldSlt. Kllftit > \ * | U L. f , t > ft.Hl.J'U. tbo ntonuuJill > criuiJ bomU. inul fy Cbo bloud , urv ufe nod iir.rlu.Tl i Itho bout mcdlclfio known for hlllou * , CMS , cciuUpiUon. dy > prp.tu.oulj. . rcatb. beatluciio. uou'tliurii. loxs cf t vmlttf , moiiUil di' ) rckslon , pnlufu ! < fU fwtlon , ptn'pl'-s. Mllow riiiirlex * * * Impure e failure by tno Momncli , livtror luo X t allnci to pertorai tbelr i > raper f iinctloni. 1't rsoon clTen to ovla > * 4tln are bent Ht il' > 7taklnFOiio Liter ; , < OJ lunivJ. iMmtiTinair ' " " - " x nii-i ) s cm.M/CAi , i Farnam St , Theater Thursday , Friday , Saturday Mnttnoo nnd Night. THE FAST MAIL. 10 iota of ipcclal sconory. Kll litof the fnttinall Nlagnrn Kails by mounlU'ht. wltli bolllnc mtaU I'rncllcal worklnKenglno nnd 14 frnlght cur * , with Illumlnntod cubooau , Tlio daxo dlvo. Itonllitla rlTor ecuno and ntcniuboat oxploilon , and ono hun dred other sUrtlliicerfoclo. Ql1 FHRATER O 1 D"fl'-'t' I'KlOKd. Onowook , coinincnctii2 Sunday ( Matlnuo ) , Soptotiibcr 11. KATIE EMMET'S CHEAT I'I.AY , The Waifs of New York Under the mannKomont of Mr. Harry William * . A powerful compjnyl Klaoornto nconoryl Aroixl nry cusliio anil trained liorsei. Don't fall to ooo the Rroat llnrlcm Kallroid llrldno M'utiel On account of llnrnuin'a clrulli the nildireok nmtlnt'o will tuko plnco on Thursday lnstu.ul of Wednesday. Beats nowon sale. THE EVANS , The Hut Spring * of America , Hot Springs , S , I ) . Finest Itoiort Hotel In the West. Strictly ITIrsl Class Luruo Rooms , SluKlo or Knsulto , Now Open. All .Modurn Improvomontf , Tnblo a Spe cialty. Ito.iHOnablo llatos for llalancoof HQAton. Orcbuitrn nnd UnnelnK Kvery lIvonlnK'ln tlio Mu sic Hull. Klnoit I'lnnzo Hath tn the Unltvd Statca. Uoautlful Mountain Mconary , Hplondld Cllmnto , Cool NUhts , No Mosqulloa. 3.00J Foot above the Hua. The Houlh Dakota Hot Mprlnns are attracting attontlon nil over th3 world , and arocurlncn larger pcrcontuico than nny aprlnns In the U. 8 , Kor r.itos bitln , oto. nnd ether ln orinatlou , address , O. M. MAUDK.V. . HotSprlima. Pouth Dakota DR. C GEE WO Thoonly lojallr Chlnoia phyiloUi Klght yours' atudf , Ton yean practical oip3r'- cncowith nil unotvn dlsniaua. Treats suoaj4fully allolironlooiiaiul'Bn up by other doctor * Call nnd BOO him or wrlto for question blunk. Da not think your 0,110 hop jloti booiuaa your doctor talU you no. buttry tliu ( Jliluojo doctor with Ml now nni wonrtorful roniodloi. andraoulru nowbononts and a pormanontouro whatolhor doctor * cannot K ! ' Herbs. Hoots nnd 1'lants natura' * romodloa bit mcdlclnox. The world hi * wltrion. One tbouiaal testimonial * In tlm > yoirs' pr.ictloo. No Injurloui decoctions , no noreutlnj , no polioa. itatlonil treatment and permanent euro. Followlmrcasosnarcossfully traatod nn1 cur31 , Klvcii up by ether doctori : Tliot. CouKhlln , < ) U Harnoy ntroot , chronic rhau- matlsm 0 yearn , kidney nnd llrer trouble * . Tios. ) Culvert , 13th nnd Fnrnam Rtreati. conoril debility. IndlKostlon , Io9 > of ntrountli nnd mitllty. ' Took medicine for yaara but not no relief , M , K Andenon , Ull Cumin ? strjot , oiUrri .Stliraa and broncbltl * of flftoea yuar * atandln/ . His for ale the following propirod ro.uodlni at ll.UO n bottlo. six bottles for 5.IX ) , for th'i euro ol Aittiron , Catarrh , Hlot lloadaoho , Indlvoitlaa llloodl'olaonlntc. Ilhoumatlim , Komilo Wo.iknon. Kidney und J.Ivor Complaint. No HKOIHS. Hold only by Uhliiose Modlclna Co , Capltul , * IUJUJJ. Office , IClh and California SU. , Omaha , Neb , CAMPAIGN UNIFORMS VVe keep a full line of Campaign Goods in stock for Millitary , Naval , Cavalry and Zouave battallions ; Cadet , Continental and Drum. Corps , Capes , Helmets , Shirts , " LeggingsBe Its , Torches , etc , Oves 2OO different combinations to select from , Send to us for illustrated Price List. Continental Glothk House Corner 15th and Douglas Streets , Manufacturers.