THE OMAHA DAILY DEE : MJND.IY [ , SHPrflttBRll 5 , ISJ2. SPEGIRL NOTICES. FOIt T11B9K COLUMNS AOVKHTISKMBNTS 1J-30 p rn. for thocrenlnij nd until SSt p. tn. for the mornlnit or tinndar edi tion. tion.All RflTortliicmenl tn these colnmi m cent n ' "otfl for flrnl Inicrtlon nd I cent v word for coch nlMoqnent Insertion , or tl.M per line per month , Jin idrertUrmcnt taken for ! " , t1ir n 25 cent * for tlin nri > t tnfcttlon. Term * cash In adranco. Initials , lliiro . nyrnliolt , rtc. , vnth count as a nord. All rtrcrtUcment * rnnut rnn con ectitlTclr. Adror- tloorii. bTreqnmllnRn numbered check , can Imro tlip letter * m ) < lrof ort to nniimborcd letter In care ofTlirnisB Anuwcra § o addressed wIl ( be dellr- ered on prctonlatlon of the check. SITUATIONS-WANTED. POSITION WANTBDHV COMI'BTKNT STBff A oirrancer : reference Blren. Address KO Fulton tlKcoknk. . in. M 1119 10' -Y01INH MAN WANTS POSITION AS 8TKN ocrsnhor , bookkeeper or offloo OMlstnnt. Address dross K I. llee. 7P3-6' - ) . POSITION AS Cl.KUK IN rillUO A-WANTKI had 3 jcarn experience. Address K 18. lice. .MKII ' WANTED-MALE HELP- TJ-WANTEOHARNKSSMAKBI18 STAY AWAY -Ufrom Kansas City ; strike there , M733 Si * -WANTED , A LIVE WIDE-AWAKK IlKPHP. cntatlvoto represent us In every locality , ono with vim , vigor , pluck nnd puh can easily make per month ! no peddling goods ! something en tirely newt-i > taplo ai flour ! send for full particulars today. Address "Manufacturer , " postntllo box too * . Ilotton , Ma' . MM7 s29 * TWANTED , A HOY TO CARRY A HORSE JJtotilo on Dally Evening line. Call at IIKK omco 83U p m. MTUii T > WANTED. SALESMEN OX BALAP.Y OR COM- JJmlsslon lo bundle the new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil. Iho gtcalest selling novelty ever produced ; erases Ink thoroushly In two seconds ! no abrasion of paper : 2UO to . ' < 00 per cent profit ; ono ent's sales amounted MS ) In six days , another ! In two hours ; no want one energetic general Bbbnt In each slaloaud territory * For terms and particulars nddrcss Monroe Eraser Mfg Co. , xM : Jji Crocso , WIs. 067 B-WANTHD. A PRACTICAL MAN WITH SOMK capital to take a water mill. Address hoxii , Lincoln , Neb. K8 B. WANTED AT ONCE. 4 CORNICE MAKEII8 at Eagle Cornice works. 1112 Dodge. John Xpeneter. M770S -fl COOl'KUS WASTii : > TO MAK1C hbli. . butter tabi , etc.V. . K. Darker. 107 West Bdjitreot , HlourCltr , la. M7M G' 13 WANTKI ) . UttlCKItAVKUS AT 13T11 AND JJUraco > ta. , Tucsilnr morning. Jobst Ilros. T > -WANTET ) . TWO JilOllK 1IION OK 11IIAFS J 'molders at once : cooil nnccs , permanent job. Vcstorn White Ilronie companjr , Des Molnes. la. 7M5' _ T > WANTRD. 200 MEN TO WOHK ON J'UIIMC JJImprOTcmcnti. Inquire at N. ITth nnrt llrlntol Its. KtiJ a. TMi and Wulnut its. MfOi 8 r > -WANTKI ) 11Y A STUICT1.V I < K(1ITIMATK J > nnrt rclliblo beneficial organization ( ten year cndonnnient Insurance ) n uoocl busl * pm < s man , as mannKur nnd oninnltnr for tills state. An excellent chance for the right partr to build up a permanent nnd big paring bnslnos * . Address , stating experience , ngo nnd references. I * . V. bor 558. lllchmond , Vn. MS1B i * ll IP YOU AUK HKEICING A 111(511 flltADK IJpodltlon In nny part of the United States wrltu to Wcstrrn Huslncts Agency , Inclosing stamp , Minneapolis. Minn. B FlltST CLASS I'LU.MUKIt WANTKI ) . HONK other necil answer. Addtess , Coughlln A Sulll * ran. Sioux I Ity. In. _ 82K-i > -WANT CANVASSERS. W. A W. PAIUXJHS , > JI4 South ICIh el. MBM O3 B WANTED.II. It. LAIlOitEHS FOll WYOMING nnd South Dakota : good wages : steady work ; free pass. Albright Labor /tgoncy , 1120 rnrnam & 54 S3 - PAID WUKKLY TO ENKIIOETIC B-SALA11Y men ; experience unnecessary and permanent imploymcnt. Singer olllco , I5ICDougl.ii. 8 } -WANTKI ) , A OOOD MAN WITH CITY IlEKKIl cnco to take care of horse nnd cow and deliver ( oods. Apply 1723 Dodge. 7Ji-3 tJ-AOENTS. WO MADE MONTHLY SELLING J'our now .cutlery specialty. Write for terms. Clauss Shear Co. , 10th and Walnut , Kansas City , klo. M9IO & WANTED-FEMALE HELP. V-GIHL WAXTiO foil HOUriEWOKIC IJ5 0 'small ' ; family. ! I8 Charles MrecU. .W C WANTED. GOOD GIltL FOll GENEUAL housework * Enquire at 21st aid Lafco. JUrs. Edward - ' ward llaydcn. 431 1 WANTED , A COOK AND LAU-VDUHSS. MltS. ' -WAUomllton , 2102 I avcnworth street. MW7 C"--Aoi JTS-To"sELT , THE UE3T DUESSMAK- Ingsystnms on tlio'market. Agents can make from ra.OU to f 100.HO per week. For particulars call at 1715 Webster. 41041 & | 1 WANTKD. A GOOD GIUL FOll OKNEIIAL V/honscwork , no children. 2578 Ilarney st. 7X1 HUfllNK'H FOIt LADIES. WELL EDUCATED young ladles can In a few months tit themselves for good positions as stenographers by taking prl- rate Instructions In shorthand and typewriting of A. C. Yan Sant. a professional stenographer , room 613 N. Y. Life. 733 WANTED , OIUL FOll GEXKItAL HOUSE- . /work , 2218 Cass. 823 & / 1 WANTKI ) AT ONCE. A GOOD IlELIADLE v Gcrmnn girl for general housework in n small family. Steady t-mco to the rlgbt Klrl. Apply at CCOgllalt Howard street. t > 33 _ C-NVAXTED , 1IUIGHT GIUL TO LBAIIN 1IAIII drcsnliiR. Also good weaver and ventilator. Miss Johnston's , No. 211 Couth ll'.th St. M875C * -WANTED , GOOD GIUL FOIt GEXEItAL housework. 518 N. 19lh st. M303 10' \ C -WANTED. LADIKS AND ( Jill I.S TO DO OUIt ni > vr work for us at home ; (3 to K per week tislly made ; no painting or canvassing. Send kelf-addrcssod envelope' Echo Manufacturing torapany. 4 Liberty Square , lloston , Mais. MbWB- WANTED , GOOD GIUL FOll GENEUAf. houio nork at Ki S. 2oth nvu. 7IW3- 1 A SHHlTMAKEIt. IdUU FAUNAM. 3 ft WANTED. LADY TYPEWRITER AND STEN- v ographer. Apply In own hand writing , stating ( alary expected. Address JC1 , lire otnco. 7b7 S -WANTED , A GOOD COOK , ONE TO MILK ONE cowl two lu family ; II a week. 2707 Dodge st. 7843 WANTED , DINING UOOM GIRL AT C Ilarney street. M911 n-WANTKD. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE' . . /work. Must bo a good cook. Apply at 511 North fed street , Omaha , MUIT. li ri-NURSK GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST IS TAK- Ivlng earn of a baby , Wages ' f l.M a week 27i | ? Dodje street. M U13 C tfOR KENT-HOUSES. D-KQR RENTrTWO HOUScV , 113 AND iu"fi 16th street. Very handy to business. Modern conveniences. D. T. Mount , 213 S. 14th st , Mil iS-S-UOOM HOUSE , MODERN , CENTRAL TO I-Miuilncss. good repairs. Apply C , S. Elguttur , tlooin 4. N. Y. Lite building , uu -STQRES. FLATS. DWELLINGS AND CO1- ( niu.i : In nil parts of city. Kilkenny & Co.Contl Bcritiil blk. Gal D MODERN , NEWO-UOOM COtTAGE ? . READY lu few days , In beautiful Stanford circle. Apply C. S. Elguttur , room 4 , New Yor fe bldg. ill TV-FOP. RENT , TWO 13-ROOM HOIWEo , ALL 4/uioderncauvcnluncei , on Georgia are , I bloe' < from troet railway Apply room U3 , llco llulldlng , J. M , Slraeral. receiver , 151 -KOH 11ENT. 1 3-UOOM HOUSEt ) . CA.SS street , between Jitb nnd 2Ch | , H. T. Clarke. SI'J Uoard uf Trado. Pliuno 410 "h-oit HE.NT , CHOICE KLATS IN TUB p. E Her block , cor , 1Mb and Jack.on sts. The sum mer rate for tecond and third floors Is KlO.uQ for Inside flats , steam beat 110 00 extra ; they have all conveniences and areIn tint clats repair ; being centrally located and contain ing only the verr bit of tenants makes them do- ilrahle. WD will rent to families only. Cull and lee them ; Inquire at MOS. tilth st. KHJ -10 UENTIMIOOMHOUSKMTH AND DODGE street * . All modern conveniences. Possrsilon ilven tmuicdlat'ly. Call or address M. L. llooder Room 403.Pa toi > block SiGM ! TKOU RKNT. six ROOM HOUSE NEAR imiil D ( ecliool. H-qulre iliiCaplUi | avenue. Oil i * v-rt ROOMS WITH HATH , O0i S UOOMS WITH balb. H.UO. llolbrook , ruoru 7 , Ira Karuim 1 M4bl > rWR RKST. FLATS IN MN'ro.v 11LOCIC. * | lh and Mason streets , U rooms each , watvr anil BOS. lieatul by stoaui , tn good repair , rjnl lo T. In quire ut I'll In the block. John Itaiullu , iuo it. it.M781 M781 D-Jia DODOK. MODERN. AND IN ALL RE- spects desirable. U U. Skinner , 1014 Farnam st , -FOR RENT , A 4-HOOU COTTAGE , 21TH AND Jones , UXOpor month , tldullty Trust company , Itllt Ftrnamst. oo \-LARGELISTHOUSES. PAUI , 1W5 KARNAMT MI144 S'A * r < n-KUHNI811KI > HOUSE. KOUNTZB PLACE. -Ivwirlstreet. uroums , inod rn , J. J. Gibson , 3UT VU t National Uank building , 1)41 ) IV 9-ROOM IIIIICIC HOUSE , M011KRN. WITH -l/ oed barn , Omaha Real Ustalo ad Trust Co. , I/ Jt , 4. lleoblus. D-TO HKNT. PREMISES AT Wit DOUGtAS strool. coii'litlng of ttva housus. tl rooms. I'rli-otftX ) per inunUi. : tJ llea building. ' WJli'J ' & " VIXK&T RKBIDKNfEK INTHK l IV rooms : every Impruvuuieat of a first Hats lioute : furnace , lugulro IJI4 boulh luth , _ _ _ _ 8003 | -NI K TKN-ROOM MODKRN HOUKK , CJO ' ( lib t. aud Sve-rooua cottaiie toi So , )4Ui st , HU IIlb tJubn ) J. . LebmaDo. LebmaDo.IU FOB HSNT-nOTJ3E3. OmltniifJ. II-IOUOOM tlOUSK. CKNTHALtA' 1XCATKO. AJt nrnaco and oil ImproTemcnts. 70 } M. 19lh t. tta _ -roit IIKST , A six-noou COTTAOK , 119 N. 37 U , fa per month. Mloolrol , 714 3 16. _ 7M Von HKXT. A NtCB 8-1IOOM CXJTTAOH AND b rn , 1RWS. 10th tt ; applr to M. 1 > . Cook. 1411 Vlnton. 831 n-J-OH ItKST , .NMCK 3 UOOM 1IOUSK TOSMAM , J 'fumllfi Itirse lot , puntry. closet and ponili. 17.00 ZtK ( Wetntcr m. M3S7 5 * _ - - HKNT , I-UOOM KLA.T IN ntllCK 1IOUSB ground Boor. Cbcap to right partr. MM I'lorco trci'L M9Sa 6' IXJIUtKNT , iO-HOOM HOU.SK , MOIIKUN IM proTOOicnts. KnqulrcJIJS HnrncT street. --Koil IIKST , 7-UOOM lloirfiK , MODKHN 111- proTcnicnU. Applr 113 N yth. _ M807 V _ FOn-nENT-FUttNISHED HOOM3. -KUIINISI1KIHOOMSTO HUNT WITH Alii * -LJtuodcrn conveniences. U15 Douglas street. no3 E".MCI ; I'tni.NiaiiKi ) I.AKUK KHO.NT noon , IM N. 17th U M7M S3 * _ -NEWLY FUUMS1IEU UOOMS , 610 N. 19T1I ST Mi a i _ E-KOIt HKNT. FUHN18I1BU UOOM8 , HKK- rcnco . No. am Hedge U MIM _ -UOOMS TOH AUNT. VUUN1SUBII , STKAM liont. TOI tJunlb 74111 tSI _ -KUIINIRIIKU UOOMB WITH HATH $ (100 month , 11W Farnnm. _ 370 - I.AKOK 1'llOST UOOM WITH AI.COVK : E-ONK nl o nlro room on Krountl tloor. Gentlemen OnTy. iOIOllarney. _ .MSW l-NiriI > Y KUKNlJllCII IIOOMS. Af.lj MODBHS LJconrcnloncos , wltU or without bOAM. B07 N. Mth Urcet. M3M 0' ? TIIIIKK noOSISFOHlIOUSKKHKlMNa M-1AK ] -JKountle plnce. till. Adrtrcsa J 46 , lice. M535 - HKNT. NICit < Y KUHNUHKU UOOM. E-KOIl fatullr , near motor. MJ S. Mth avo. * 753 o -I.AltOK KIIOST noOM AND FHO.M' 11KO- roomcnuultc. utenm beat nnd all modern con- Tcnlcncci. 1317 licaveuwurlh St. ; top tloor left , JI4T3 11 * E-KOUN18IltI > HOO.M WITH HAT11 , block from motor , K.W HHKieorgln nvonuc. 740 " -3 11OOM9 KOH HOUSEKKGl'ISH TOlt MAN and wlfo ; rent taken In board. 319 N. 17th t."SO "SO -KUIIN1SHKI ) KHONT IIDUM , WITH ALCOVB. 710 X. 20th etreet KM-i * _ KOIlllBNT. PUItMSHKD UOOMS AND U.V- furnished rooms for housekeeping , at 1C21 Cnpl- tel mvenue. > IK5 10 * _ -KtltNiailEn ItOOMS KOIt HOUSB- kceplnp. 304 N. ICth t- None but rt'M.ccUblo people need npplr. JtjC8 1U * 17 KUUNiailKl ) ItOOMS. S1NOLBOR ENSUITK -11713 Chicago Btrcot. M8B ! 5' _ -KOH HKNT. KLBOANTFUItNISUBI ) UOOMS , O. I Bth street. MM3 10 1 UOOMS W1T11 Oil WITHOUT nOAHI > . 2303 JDotiBliu street. .M8 ! j II ) ' _ - > Nl.KI < VFUItNlSllKI ) KHOXT UOOMS. SUIT E scntleman. S2J North 13tu street. SI8M 0" - FIXMIU OK COTTAGE NEAU E-SKCOXn , furnUhcd or unlurnlsuoil , house- keeping. Address K 1 , Dee. MS'Jl 5 BURNISHED KOOMS AND BOAKD. 17 UOOMS WITH HOARD FOIt TWO IN 1'ltl- X1 Tate family.'JIJ Howard street M4U4 _ ir-ltOOMS WITH 110AIID. 172. CAPITOL AVK. A' J1073 BS7 * ? - l FAUNAM , NICE 11OO11 AND 11OAHI ) . J _ | _ MiiSG 827 * 17 HUKN1S11EU HOOMS AND nOAUI ) AT 2013 1 * Douglas. _ MCI4 S10 KOll HENT , KUUN1S1IEI ) UOOM WITH J7 board to two ladles or two gentlemen , private family. No other boarders. Within one block of llanscom park and motor line. For particulars address nltli reference , J 5 } , Itee office. U25 17-UOAUD AND UOU.MS , 1CI1 DOUGLAS. C23 Si * JU _ _ _ 1 UOOM AND HOAHU to WUUK , 1712 DODGE. . PHOOMS WITH llOAltl ) , 1707 DODGE 17-2 IlKSinAULlS HOOMS. O.NE WITH AN. AL- JL1 co e , gas , hot water heat. 2lJ 8. 2Mb street. tSD-J _ -ELEGANTLY FUHNISHED KOOMS. FIHST E cla board , > t "Tbo" Uolan , M'J and2ll N. ISth ' M'.Oii elreot.- . _ FOB ItENT TTNFUBNISHJSD ItOOMSl { It ) 3 1IOOM3 , C03 N. I3th St. ' 43fi-5i4' _ TWO ELEGANT FKONT UOOMS UNFUIt- nlshcd , cast front , at CJ4 S. ICtU St. MBIT a * FOB RENT-STORES AND OFFICEsT r-Foil 'llKNT.HK jsrolYDlHCK HUI1.DING- JLfllB Farnam st. The building has a nreproof co , nicnt basement , complete stuamhoatlug nxtures : water on all the tloorc , gas , etc. Apply at tbo otuco ot The lice. _ FOll IIKST , PART OF GOOD OFFICE CI1EA1' . I Wm. \Volshans.4U Karbaeli block. ' 4tt ) _ FOll HENT. 2 ELEGANT STOllK-HOOMS. JUST I completed. The best opcnlug In the city for a live C. O. D. grocery storo. Kent very low to an actlvo man. Address F. I. A. , IIUO South 3d at , 7U2-5 JXlt KENT THE FINE DOUULE STOUK , 1IC I and 118 c > oulli ICth street , better known rs f-tonehlll's old stnnil , best location lu Omaha today for .any kind of business. Hent very reasonable If taken immediately. Inquire at Tlio Hoetun Store. MM 6 FOB HENr-MISCELLANEOUS. NEW IIOUSK-l'OWKU ELKVATOIt ON n. 4 M In llrst-class locality. Address J IB , llco olllce. - IIAIIN CHKAPAT34TH AM ) JACKSON F-GOOD Fidelity Trust Co. , 110 ! Farnnm. 833 12 WANTED-TO BENT. - OR 8-1IOOM HOUSE , MODBltN 1MPUOVE- K-7 . between Dodge , Cass , 10th and 20th sts. Aedress K 9 , Hoe. K30 STORAOE. -DRY , CLEAN .V-PUlVATELVbTOllEDFUir- nlturcI-'J7 Douglas. Omaha Steve Repair works. M STORAGE CHEAP , CLEAN , WELLS , 1111 Kurnuui Hlreet. 665 W A f > T KGi-T O B fj yT ' V FUR NIT U U E110 UGHT. SOLDSTOllEI ) . i > Wells , IIII I Farnam st , BtXl N WANTED , I1Y YOUNG COUPLE 7 OR B ' room liouiio with bath nnd furnace , convenient to car line ; rent not to exceed & 5. Address U)5 , .New York Life , M801 6 * FOR SALE-FURNITURE. 0UUMTURK1 OF uooM FLAT FOR SALKr for cuih , 1817 lAavoo orth street , top tloor to left. 47425 * FOR SALE-HORSES , WAQON3 , ETC. 1FOIl SALE. A SIXTY-DOLLAR TOP UUTy forWS.UJ. H. E. Cole , Continental block. 2JJ P-GOOD GENTLE HOUSE , HARNESS AND J- cart , with cauopy top. F , Hohle , 15UK Farnam. 517 _ P-GBNTLK FAMILY HORSE FOll SALE. IS21 X llluney slroyt. M8W U * _ -FOll SALE. TWO OOOD RIDING PONIES. (30.00 each. W. T. Graham. 30i MuCagUtt bldg.U533 U53-3 JOB S ALE-MI80EIjljANEpUa. -3 HACKS. MOYING EXPIIESV WAGON. 3 coal boxes , tuoiior. wagons , il Douglas block. _ 6U _ -A SET OF BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS , NEARLY QA new , andthreo tons of wagou material for salu at a bargain. Address Uox 140. Hebron , Neb.A1H007' A1H007' O-WA.NTED-FREE-rFREE-AIS3 COURSE OF -I - < 'liiiilinoilri'B cutting H-nonj win tioglronto every lady that books her name as a > cholar lu tlio bohool ol the Woiidorful World' * Cbaoiplon Sclea- tltto Tailor Syitom within thu next thirty day * . W teach you how In cut seamiest Princess dresses without ono Inch uf ktiaui In them , either In linings ur goods ! not oven lu tbe shuuldor. Seamless Prlncuss Itoruls , seamloii basiuu | < . .Fronch dartles * ba.ques ; no darts In linings ur goods. Freuch tea Konns , thirty styles uf ilojrm , thirty styles ol ladlui' collars , cuats. cloaks , biaier * , skirts , and , In fact , everything knuwu to Uve distinct trade * . Addte4s Madam Ab rly , ruliresentlug Prof. Do la Morton of Paris , France , Representatives wanted everywhere , lloom 904 , M Uoor , N. Y. L In. In.M911 6 * OLAIBVOYANTS. C-MRS. NANNIE V. WAIIREN , LA1UVOYANT. 'JrulUUIe builiiesi uiedlum , llfth year at 111) ) J < lab. ' * UJ7 . Challonk-e : * tb woria WONDKIIFUL Mr * . Dr. Si. -.6' JW , lr f clalrvpyaut , aftrologlil. paliulit and lift ) readeri toll * your life from thu cradle lo grave ; unite * thu separated : causes mar- rlag with the one you love ; tell , whore you will succeed ana In what buslacs * bast adaptoa tori has tbe wlebratej EgyptUn breastplate for luck and to / tad innuenvesi curt dt , Intempeiancv end alf private couiplalnti with luaVsaie. SVtb , and alcohol treatment , tend IJ.UJ , lock oj ialr , name auUdatuof blrtb and rocdlve accurate llfBohaft ; cents u. tump , for circular ; clve lultlali "ol "no you will marry ! * Uo iihotos ol same. Omco 4IT houib lltli rtrctt. erst Soun Uuur * , a.m. to 9 n.ui i.oaia ouo. cvine all. nJ ! > oouvlocud of tbu woa- ttttul or < Ki . u in u MA33AOE , BATHS. rp-MASSAGB TREATMENT. KLKCTRO-THKn J mat baths , scalp and hair trcntrarnl , manicure and chiropodist. Mrs.Po tll8 > .S 15th , Wlthnell blk , r < 8 'P-MAWAM STOWK. MAGNKTIU HEALER 180211 Pratt street , M903 ' _ 'P-MMK. LA llt'E , MASSAGE. 410 SOUTH ISTH JLslrce" , third floor. flat 4. _ MSlJ > * t\l \ MADAME SMITH 1121 DOUGLAS STREET , X room 7 , M floor. Alcohol , sulphur jml sea btihs M 8118 * _ aUSIcTART 'AND ' L AKQTJAOE. \ T-0. F. GKU.KNItKCK , 11ANJO TEACHER , > with Hospe , N.W.cornor ISth nnd Harney , 941 "XT-OMAHA KINDBR'IAIITKN. TUB FALL ' term will commeno Monday , Sept. 5th. 2COd Davenirart st. Directress , Mrs. Ev.Myn GrUIIths SUllanl. IM 7 * _ MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. . LESS THAN TPKIICT. ' < Including all charges. Charles W. llalncy , Omaha Nat. bank bldg. frW " \\7-7 PER CUNT MONEY NET TO IIOUROW- * ' crs on Omaha city property. No extra charges of any kind. Why pay hlxh rates ? Monty Is cheap. Yon can get full benefit of low rates from (5 Hi bo Loon and Trust Co. . ICth nnd Dodge. 070 T-LOANS. O. G. WALLACE , 312 I1ROWN IILK 071 W ANTHO.NV LOAN ANDTIIUST CO. . 318 N. \ . Life , lends at low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property \ \ r-C. K. UAUlllSO.N',915 N. V. LICK. V > 67.1 \\r-CENTRAL LOAN A.TRUST CO. , 11EE DLDG. > C74 \V-CHEAP MONEY. SEE o. w. P. COATES , ' 1G14 Farnam. t i \ VOAN3 ON IMPROVBD-AND UNIMPROVED ' v city property.H.iWJ nnd upward * . . 0 to 8 per cent. No delays. W.Fnrnnm Smith \ Co.,15th nnd ilarney. G70 -MONEY. LOWEST UATK PAUU I S KARN. 813 * \\r-UKAL ESTATE 1XJANS. 6 TO 7 PER CENT ; 'i no additional charges for commission or attor ney's fees. W. II. Molklc , First National Dank bldg. U77 \ VPIIIVATRMONEY , 1ST ANDSO MORTGAGE 'I loans , low rales , Alor Alooro llco bldg. C78 \\r-OMAHA SAVINGS BAfJK MAKES LOANS ' 'on real estate at lowest market rates. Loans made In small or largo sums for short or long time. No commission Is charged nnd the loans are not sold In the ea t , but can always bo found at tbo bank on the corner of 13th and Douglas streets.C79 C79 \\T MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY ' ' property , low rate. A. C. Frost , Douglas blk. G30 TV 1 AND 2-YEAR LOANS ON CITY AND FARM ' mortgages , Reed & Sclby , 3.11 Uoard of Trade. xa W-CITY AND FARM REAL ESTATE LOANS at lowest rates ; consult tis before borrowing. E. C. Garvln & Co.'Mi Shocly block. 240 \\r-WANTED ATONCEI1 ! APPLICATIONS FOR ii loans. Geo. J. Paul , UOi Farnam street , MiilS-sM * \V LOANS tno.tmoo UP MADE AT VERY LOW ' rate and promptly. A. K. Ulley , room 49. liar- kcr block. M372 7 * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. x- CALL AT Till ! OFFICE OF OMAHA MOUTGAOK LOAN CO. ( INCOIIPOIIATUD. ) IF YOU WANT MONEY MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HOR KS. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS OR PERSONAL PROPERTY OF ANY KIND Wo make loans In any amount from (10 to (10.000 atthe lowest possible rates nnd In the quickest possible time without publicity , and with the privilege of keeping your goods lu your own pos session. Itemembcr that yon can pay any part of the loan at any tlrno and tn this way reduce the cost of carry- Ingtbe loan. There will be no expenseor charge kept oat of the amount wanted , but you will receive tha full amount of the loan. OMAHA .MORTGAGE I/JAN CO. . Room 11. Crolghton lllock. 15th and Douglas , Next to Postorflce. THE LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. CS2 ' V BO YOU WANT MONEY ? ' THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARAVTEK CO. , , Room 4 Wlthnell block , cor , ISth and Ilarney sts. Will loan you any snm From (10.00 to (10.000 On the day you ask for It , Wo make loans on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , warehouse re ceipts and personal prop erty of all kinds In any amount desired. . Atthe lowest possible rates , without publicityor removal of property. You can pay thu money back In and amount you wish and at any time , and each payment will reduce the cost of tbo loan In proportion. THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. 031 V WILL IXAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE- -Acurlty ; strictly confidential. A. K. Harris , room I , Continental block. ' 6j3 -ritlTCHAUl ) , 51 DOUGLAS 11L1C , 1C i DODGE. UJ4 V CHATTEL IAMNS MADE ON FURNITURE , , -A-pinnos. livestock , etc , , without publicity or re moval property at the lowest rates aud tbo cablest payments. Duff Green , rooms Ii i 9 Ilarkpr block. G35 MONEY IS CHEAP. (10 UP TO (10.WK ) loaned on any chattlo security by W. C. Wood , agent for Nebraska Loan company , 1318 Douglas street , upstairs. tti > ; -LOANS ON CHATTELS. IIEA8ONAI1LE IN- lercst , tiartlal Payments 1 to U months. W. It. Davis. It , 20 Continental block. Elevator 15th st. VIO V CHATTEL LO VNS , DM N. Y. LIKE. MORRIS. Y-MONBY AT LOW KATES ON ANY KIND OF A-securltr. Keystone Mtgo. Co. , 203 Suoely block. .to _ X BO.OUO TO 1.OA.V ON CHATTEL SECUIUTY ; business confidential it. 5M Hoard Trade , M i-Ot ) O.4 * _ BUSINESS CHANQE8. Y FOll SALE , AN ESTABLISHED CSIinCBUY. Ono of boat locations' In city. No trade. Ad- drcia N 49 , lice M1C1 V TAILOIl 1IUSINESJ FOR SALE CHEAP ON JL account of slckno's. O. Lundeau , Kallerton.Ncb. 171 ! S17 * _ CANADIAN KMPLOMENT OFFICE. KSTAI1- llfthcd 13 years ; best paying buslnusi In Ouaahu. Inquire at room 1 , lM3 Farnam street , M3V7 n3) Y PAUTY HAVINGTENOIIFOIITY THOUSAND dollars can tind a good business opening In stock company that will pay K per cent dividend. Ad dress J U.1 , cure Omaha Hoc , 753-11 * V TOCAP1TALIST3OFOMAHA : TIIBIIK IS A A paying buslneni that Omaha at a point Is well adapted for. Iho oaterprleols fairly a Dew Idea. only tested und found thoroughly good. Ilulne good and sonmtbliii ; new and lefcttlmatu , It will pay a larger profit than any ordinary business. To men of capital who will know a good thing when shown up and want to go Into omctblnft paying ad dress J 63. care llee. 105 ll' _ -FOll SAL1T , HESTAUUA.NT AM ) CONFKC- tlonery store , good location aud good trade. Address Aug. Menn , Scrlbner , Neb 757 lo * V-A GOOD PHYSlt-IAX , UEGULAIl GllADU- i ate , cou secure a good location In a gocdrall- road town on the F. , K. A M. V , It. It. In South Da kota Country well populated. Address J tl , llee. Y you SALE. HLEVATOU. FOll INFOnV.A- tlon address W. J. IJIalr , Llnwood , Neb. 7117 I8 CHOP HOUSE IN LINCOLN FO SALE. doing a good business. Address 2 , Omaha llee , Lincoln , Ki-b. M744 Y-1F YOU AltE SEEKING A BUSINESS OPPOIl- tunlty In any Hue of business write for our but- lellu , Inclotlug stauip Western lluslnesi jkuencr. Minneapolis , Mlnu. -FOll HALE , FIVE YBAH8 lIUTCHKIt HUSI- DCSS , half price ; food location : good paying trade ; good reasons for selling. 2rj Franklin. VOn EXCHANGE , V-CLUAN STOCK OF G UNERAL M'D'S'Ei WlTTl /Jtako real estate 4 money.Hox L"Ji , FrankfortInd. 087 Z-FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE , COTTAGE fronting south oql'umlng ttreet , la Carthage addition ; seven rooms , pantryclosets ; forcepump. ctitern cesspool , cuaiented cellar ; well built and tlnlilHHtln bard plnnaud oak. Prlcu(2,200. Apply to W , U Selby , 334 Chamber Comuiorc . 6yi Z FOR SALE OR EXCIIANQK-IlAllGAIN Ebony upright piano , Addros U US , lloooruoa. M7BI BALK Oil EXCHANGE , MY ( I.IW.OO lu GUI acres of amitco land and good soil as thiru ti Inah * state , near tba west Una of Per kins Co. Tea full year * ' tlmuou the baUuco of (4.U ) per acre at 8 per cent annual Interest. What uav you lo oflor ! Address P. tt. Catoy. SoutU Oaialia. Neb. M7 M o , w w.oo STOCK OK GBN- < Jeralu rcbtndlMforbor > . Addrois box G U. Harwell , Uorflold county , Neb. _ 7VJ 14 " y-CLEAUIXXTFOU HOH8B AND UUGUY. 224 Jpopplalno ottaue. . J , Kelson. l-4 Z-CLKAH OMAHA 1IUALKBTATK FOll MIIHB. actual rilutlloa. Money to Io a. UoxilD , Omaha. FOH EXCHAWOE. I/ IS FAIt.MS IN WHEArrliUKLT FOB A GOOD residence In Omaha : also orange grove and fine , clear residence In good townIj Kansas for roil denoin Omaha , ft. F , Hlnger.'lSla Farnam. _ _ < ) b _ MMI 10' 7-A HUSINRSl THAT WlIX NET FIIOM HOC - < toawpor week Invcstlgeijrk F. Ulngcr , 1518 Farnam. till 10 * - . THfK , MKHCIlANItlSE , ' -/cleanest stock In the state : cleir Omiha property or land , oinvfonrlli ra li : ft.WJ stuck hardware. and 25 lots In Wostlawn for inli ) and lands ( Ifl.UDQ gjniTftl stork , ono half cash , baian ce land. K. F , ilUiper , 1513 Fatnam. _ _ MM1 10 * y FOIi EXCHANGE A , 'OCK OF GKNEHAL * J merchandise for lands at/J oisa. Address n W. Watklns A Co. , Frans.foriu4nd. _ MR6-slO y WANTK TA FiusT'CLXfcs IIOUSR. u TO u /Jroonu , modern Irnprovoraents , Rood location In Omaha ; will glv * la otcaaagj for such a house good clear farm land at actual values. Address K 15. cure ot llco. .M853 0 f/ \ \ > \ \ EXCHANGE , LOT AND TWO HOUSES , 'JiJlli nnd Seward street. Want ono larger house. W. T. Graham. CM-.1 _ Z- FULL LOT ON FltANKLIN 8TIIKKT. TO KX- cbange for land In .Nebraska W. T. Graham. GM-3 _ _ y-FOIl TIIADE. HOUSE AND IXJT ON MILL AJtary nvcnuo , 1 blk , north of Hamilton street , 62 feet frontage. W. T. Grnliam , McCaguo bldg. ' y FOn SALE Oil KXC1IANGK. FULL LOT ON f-MIamllton street near jjowo avenue , at a bargain W. T. Qraham. .Mcfague blk , y-78 tT. ON N. SITU STIIKKT. NKAH 11UU- fJaetie street for sale or trade. W. T. Graham. 305 McL'agiie bldg. , Jc"PR 8 ALK-RK AL K8TATK. " AUGAlN..Gtx ) [ ) "COTTAOK " ; "ilOOMa , catt front , n. w. part , near motor and pavement. nice location , R.50UOJ. worth U.WJ.OJ ; terms easy. O. F. lutts.23)So. ) ) I7th tt. 430S24 f 1ST YOUIl HEAL ESTATE FOll SALK WITH -IJOoorgo J. Paul. ICQ.Farnam st. M9JJ SIS * l OIl SALK I1Y THE OWNKIt IU.OJJ ACHES OF -L Nebraska's flneit farming land at great sacrl- flco. U. 11. Peterson. 14123 th st-Omaba. 73 aJ pCT IN 2-5,000 ACllES IN 1K)1)IE8 OF 110 TO Vxl.WO acres , gllt-cdgo wild land" at (5 to (10 per acre In state of Nebraska who e crops last year ag gregated ono hnndrn.l million dollars ( ( IUO.OU9.0UO ) . Owner must realize. Prices named are one -half actual value. Direct freight competition , both n A M. and U. P. 11. 11. W. G. Albright , - 62I2N. . Y. Life llldg. , Onialm. M834 10 _ IJMNE FAHM 10 MILES NOHTH , IMPROVED AWD nil under cultivation , big bargain. F. K. Dar ling , liarker block , M707 13 piioicK FAUMS FOU SALE IN HAIUHSON vJcounty , Iowa. Send name wltb stamp to ur address , and receive full descriptions. A. A. W1I- Ham-on A Co. . Woodblna. Iowa. 721s3 * FOB SALK. WE AHK JUST COMPLETING three model five-room cottages , which we will pll at a very low price on monthly payments. Two of them face cast on 17th st-r Just north of Kountie place : the other Is at ICth and A streets. Tboy will uleaso you. and wo can suit you as to terms. Hdellty Trust Co. . 1702 Farnam. BS ! 12 CJ1.MOOO CLUAIl LOT. W1LLTAKE EQUITY IN A U-nnoS-room modern residence , on Howard near Suth atrect. Sea locality * Onlv onro In a great while such a chance occurs. Interest and taxes paid' and balance , (1,80100. on easy terms , long time. A. K. Itlloy , room 40 liarker block. MS71 5 * E OFKEltKD IN THE SPUING AGUES AT (100 per acre on Dodge street , out of l l acres wo have sold nil but 35 acres. They are the choice. Wu propose clorlng them out at same prlco In five or ten acre lots , half cash. .Wright A Lasbiiry , ictb and Howard streets. M WO 7 SrilUCICIIOTTOM-GOOD 7-HOOM HOUSri , KUl.t. lot , Itedlck park. Ct.bQ ] , on'casy terras ; corner lot , Iloyd's addition , (100. half cash : good corner lot , Lowe avenue , ( JJJ. would/tnko horsn and buggy In part. See Spencer , 548 Uorfru of Trade building. * . * MSM 5 FOR RENT PASTURES. _ OllSEs ! COLTS AND CATTLE FEED AND cared for the year rOun'd. I have 250 acres of good pasture , M acres good grass , 'in acres of good oats stubble. Part of the stubble Is standing ripe oats , which' ' rn'Akei the best pasture In the world. A good foncq ; , plca fresh running watcrand barn room for&OO huadtncasa of storm. I bavo tbo largest horio rnnch'lri Douglas nnd Sarpy county. I'U'nsacall and seo'Tay stable room and feeding yards and puturo so you will be satisfied. 1 call for and d ) lver frso of cfiarga. My price on pasture Is (1.00 par month. oniMn winter feed hay , graln.cut feed and straw ana , 2JO ncre standing cornstalks. Kept In barn nights , price from M.OJ pcrmonthup. Two mlles strnth of South Omaha , I mile from street cars. Addiyts Geo. ( ! . Gnns. P. O. box I3i. South Omaha. Net/- , 9 > D-sl4. DRESSMA SCTNO. OiO _ . . _ . . EXGAOEMKXTS .TO DQTxDIlESSMAKING IN families solicited. .Mils Sturdy ' 320 SVCth st. _ * ' ' V * * > . . < WO C ALL AND INVKSTIGATB' MMlft KKLLOGG'S system of French tailoring the only perfect sys tem ; cuts with taljq ; aquaro dart rule. Call before - fore going eleorrlioro. iltno. Phelani JSit Vlnton. ' ' 730 C * LOST A PAIH GOLD NOSE GLASSES AND chain ; reward. C. C. Sherwood , N. Y. Llfo bldg. 7533 TON I REM N C TYPEWRITERS For Sale , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. , 1304 Farnam Street Omaha , RRILWSYTIMEGSRD Ix-avos CHICAGO ItllltM.'Oi'JX * ( J.l Arrlv * Omaha. J Depot 10th ail \I oi Sti. loin'ii VM a m . . . .Kansas City Day Express. , . . I tiuo p in .45 p ro | 1C. a Night Exp via U. P. Tranil 6.4) a m Going I CHICAGO. It. L & PACIFIC , I From East , [ Union Depot 10th A Marcy Sts. | East. Going I CHICAGO , It. 1 , 4 PACIKIli From WesL I Union Depot 10th and Marey Sts.I West. Leaves , Arrives Omaha ) Depot , 10th and Marcy Sts. Oman * 7.20 a m . . . . , .SIonx City lt'2-jp ' m | St. ! Paul Kriifou lUOOa m leaves I SIOIIX CITY ( Arrives Omabal Depot. 13th nnJv4itait r sts. | Ornah * . t.4 p m | St. Paul Ltrblted. . ; . ( u.ii a lu eaves U. ST , P. . i. O. lArrlvoi Omaha ) Depot , I5th and Wttlstor Sts. | Omaha leaves vulcAu C iFACiriti" Transfer union Depot.Council lilulK. Transfer & 55 p m i.Night ExpreK. . . . . . . . . 8.30 a a ) 10JJ a Atlaatlo Uxptass. I fi , $ p JQ iJA p m Vettlbul * Umlt J IJ-W o m K. IX. tr. JOB A 41. It lArrlveT" Tiansfcr ) Union IXpot. Council Illugs. JTransfar . . Kansas Olty Day Kxprust , I 4ai o ai .Kaniai ntv Night Kxpr i. . . | nil k in tilOUX UITY A PACIFIC. Arrlvm Union D pot , Council Illutrs. Transfer .Biou iuy Acconiinoilmtlon. . lo.ou p m .U * u THE SUORTBSrU SB TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , as represented on this map. CEDAR RAPID ? PEa MOIKE3 Electrip Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p.m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a.m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- nam St , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. C.C.LINCOLN' , Pass WOODENSIDEWALKUE30LUTION CONSTRUCTION. Council Chnmbcr , Omrthn , Nob. . August 19th is9i Do It rosoivoil by tli < x city counolt ot the city ot Omulia , the mayor concurring ! Tint wooilcn nldownlks bo conslruciod In the city of OnmliiiiisdeMKnutoil below.within Ovoihi.vs uftor the IMlblloutloii of this resolu tion , or tlio personal service thereof , an by ordinance Is ntithnrl'.od nntl roq ill roil : such sidewalks to be InUl to the prusnnt prude on thu streets spccl'Jod , hctoln , and to bu con structed of plno pin n I ; of such width and thickness and bo laid upon Joists of such dimensions nnd In such ninnnor ns Is pre scribed by the specification * on tlio in the olllt'o ot the Doini of 1'ubllo Works find under Its supervision , to wit : \Vost sldo nf 23th avenue , lots 1 mid 10 block II , Moyor. UlclmrJs & Tlklen's iidil , prcaDiit crnde , 4 foot wltlt . Wcst.'ldontsstli ivvcnno , lots t and 10 block 14 , Moyor. Richards & Tlldon's add , present grade , 4 feut wide. Westsldonf Sjth avenue , lots IT to24 Inclu- slvo'Mook 17 , llo.lford 1'Ince , present grade , 4 feet wldo. West side of 59th avcnuu , lots ? to 1(1 ( Iticlu- alvo block 10 , lied ford I'lace , present grade , 4 feet wide. . \VestsidoofSSth avenue , sub lot 14 of tax lot o In sec0-15-13 , prcHont grade. 4 fcot wldo. North side of Tomplelon street , lots IltoM Inclusive. , Luke , & Tomploton' * add , present gnidc , G tout wide. Enst stdo of IBth street , north 20V.4 fcot block II. Smith's ado , present gradeCfcot wldo. East sldo of Mill Btrcot , lots 1 to 0 Inclusive block It ) , Jerome 1'ark , present grade , 0 feet wide. East sldo of 3Hh street , lots I to 10 Inclusive block 1 , Kllby I'lace , present grade , 0 fool wide. E-ist sldo of . ' 13th street , tax lot 14 soc2)-15-13 , present srndo , Ofeet wide. East side of 3Sth street , loUSI U > 23 Inclusive Creston Annex , present grade , 6 feet wide. East sldo of UStli street , lots 10 to IS Inclusive block I , ( Jrcsion. present grade , 0 feet wide. South sldo of Izar.l street , lots 1 to li inclu sive block 0. Walnut Hill , present grade. Of cot wide. North side ot Mason street , lots 27 ami S3 block0. Kountzo & Ktuli's add , present , yrado , 0 foot wldu. East sldo of 43th street , west ! > of north-west J | of south-west Ji of see M-15-l'J. present grade , fl fcot wide. South sldo of LaUo street , lot 1 block 4 , Lake's add , present crude , l feet wide. West sldo of Slst street. lot 1 block 12. West Sldo. present grade , 4 fcot wldo. West s I ( to ot fllst street , tax lot 1 block 3 , Hluiet.iuiili's add. 4 feet wldo. South sldo of Cedar street , lots I leO Inclu sive block 4G'J ' View , present grade , 4 feet wide. South side of Collar street , lots 1 to 4 inclu sive , block GS , Oedlt Fonder , present grade 4 font wldo. East side of 28th avonuo. lots 18 to 3) Inclu sive block - Ucdlck's Park , present grade , 4 foot wldo. And bo It further resolved : That the Hoard ot 1'ubllc Works bo and hereby Is authorized and directed to catiso a copy of this resolution to bn published In the otlielal paper of the city for ono wi-el : , or bo served on the owners of said lots and unless such owners shall within. 11 vo days after the publication or service of such copy construct said sidewalks HS herein required , that tlio Hoard of Public Works cause the same to be done , the cost of constructing s-ila sidewalks respectively to bo assessed against the real estate , lot or uart of lot In front of and ubut- tlnz such sidewalks. Passed August 10th. IBrti E. P. DAVIS. President Olty Council Attest : JOHN G110VK- . Olty Cleric. Approved : GEO. P. 1IEMIS. Mayor. NOTICE TO CONSTRUCT SIDEWALKS. .To tha owners of the lots , parts of lots and real est'ite described in the above resolution : You and each ot you are hereby notified to construct wooden sidewalks as required by a resolution of the city council and mayor of the olty of Omaha , ot which the above is a copy. P. W. niRKHAUSER. Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllo Works. Omaha , Nob. , August 30th , W.ri. 030-3151-2-3-5-0 PERMANENT SIDEWALK RESOLU TION. COrjXCIJiClIA'ailEII. OMAIIA.Nob. . August 10th. IfcOi Ho It resolved by the city council of the cltv of Omaha , the mayor concurring : That DcriiiHnont sidewalks be constructoJ In tha city of Oinaha as designated below , within llvo days after the publication of this resolution , or the personal service thereof , as by ordinance Is authorized and required ; such sidewalks to bo laid to the permanent grade us established on the paved streets specified herein and to bo constructed of stone , artifi cial stone , brlck-or tlllii ? , according to spocl- llcationR on file In the oflleo of the Hoird of Publlo Works , and under Its .supervision , to- wlt : South slcio of Loavenworth street , lots 1 and 2 block 18 , West Omaha , permanent grade , 0 feotwlclo. South sldo of Lcavonworth street , lots 1 to ? Inclusive block 17 , Etauton's sub , permanent gr.ido. 0 foot wide. South sldo of Loavenworth street , loin 1 to 7 Inclusive. blooK 17 , Hillings , sub. permanent grudo , 0 feet wldo. ton tli sldo of Lcnvcnwortli Hreot , lot 3 block G , I.oavouworth Huslncss [ 'lace , permanent grade. G feet wide. And. bo It further resolved : That the Hoard of Public Works bo. and is horohv authorised and directed to causa a copydf this resolution to bo published In tun ofllclal paper of the city for onu week , or bu served on the owners of said lots , and that un less such owners Mmll within llvo days after the publication or service of uch copy con struct said sidewalk's as herein required , that the Hoard of Public Works CAUSO the itne to bo dune , the cost of constructing said side walks respectively to bo assessed asalnst tlio real estate , lot or part of lot in front of and abutting such sidewalks Passed Ausust 10th. lb9 President of the Council. Attest : JOHN OHOVKS , City Olerlc. Approved : CiEO. P. UE.MIS , Mayor. NOTICE TO CONSTRUCT SIDEWALKS. To the owners of the lots , parts ot lots and real , estate described In the above resolution : You and oaoli of you are hereby no tilled to construct permanent sidewalks as roqu'rod bv n resolution of the city council and mayor ot thu city of Omaha , of which the ubovo is a copy. P. W. HlKKUAUSEIt. Chairman Hoard of Public Works. OMAHA , Nob. , August ooth. l ) i HliorllV * Sale. Under and by virtue ot two souurnto ordnrs made by the lion. Trunk Irvine , ono of tha judges of the district court within and for Douglas county. Nebraska , In the following actions pending In sild court , towlt : Paxton & Gallagher , a copartnership composed of William A. Paxlon and llonlainln Gallagher vuLovlG. lletzttl ( docket SI , No. 17) ) nml Mo- Cord , Hrady company , an Incorporation , vi Lovl G. Iletzol ( docket 3U , No. 16) ) . 1 will on iho 14th day of September. A. 1) . ItiU. , commonolng at 10 o'clock In thu forenoon of'Hald day , at No. J10.South IGth ntroot.'lii the olty of Omiihu , Douglas county , Nobrifika. sell at public auc tion to the highest tind best bidders for CHSli , the following goods and chnttols hurotoforo levied upon by mo by virtue of orders of at tachment issued lu the-ubovo entitled actions. Uiwlt : A complete stock of staple and fancy gro ceries , wondonwaru. tinware , wlllnwware. stoneware. Hour , housefuriiUlilnjgoods , storo. furnlturo and other mureliundlse. The undorslgnod reserves the rlsht to sell this property us u whole or in snuaruto pur- eels , ns In hliludKiiiunl Khali bo for thu best Interest of alt pttrtlux concerned. GEOJ1GE A. HENNB'IT. nhorltrof IJoti'jIas County. Nob. Omaha , Nebraska , September 3rd. IB'/- . PROPOSALS FOR THE FURNISH ING Ol STKAM COAL FOR THU USE OP THE CITY HALL AND COAL FOR THE ELECTION BOOTHS. Sealed bid * will bo received nt the office of the comptroller. Om..liu. Net ) . , up to 4 u. m , September0 , IbW. for tlio furnishing of mourn coal for thu uie of the city hull uud ono-liulf toil of cottl for ouch olootloti bontli at the com mit election. Kncb bidder to f urnlth a certi fied cheoU for toO.uo. The right It reserved to accept or reject any or all blds- , . , TIIBO. OURtf. ConiDtroller. Omaha , Nub. , Augutt ill , 18 . ild6t Both the method nnd results when Syrupof Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the tnsto. nnd nets ccntly yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowels , demises the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , hcad- nches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro-i duced , pleasing to the taste ana ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualil ics commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75o bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any ono wno wishes to try it. Manufac'tured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. , SAN FRANCISCO , OAL. Y. NEW YORK. N. X , If Barytes and other adulterants of White Lead are just as good as Strictlyfc Pure White Lead why is it that all the bogus and adulterated white leads are always branded "Pure , " or "Strictly Pure White Lead ? " No one ever puts a mislead ing1 brand on an article of mer chandise , unless he wants to "work off" an inferior for a better. eThis Barytes or Baryta , is a heavy white powder , worthless as paint ; costing only about one cent per pound and is used to adulterate and cheapen the mixture. No one ever adulter ates white lead with an article costing more than Lead. < * If you purchase any of the following brands you are sure of having Strictly Pure White Lead , manufactured by the "Old Dutch" process : ' "SOUTHERN" "RED SEAL" "COLLIER" For sale by the best dealers in paints everywhere. If you are c ° 'nB ' to paint , It will pay you to > cnd to us for a book containing Information that may save you many a dollar ; it will only cost you a postal card to do so. , NATIONAL LEAD CO. , ' St. Louis Branch , Clark Avenue and Tenth Streets , . St. Louis. Mo. QUAIL BRAND HEALTH FOODS Parched Rolled Oats , . Unequalled in Flavor. Corn Gritz , Sold only in 2 } pound packages. Velvet Meal , Fop martins nnd poms. K BIS Sold by nil t'lr -Class CJracoiM. DEFORMITY BRACES Elastic Stockings , Trusses , * Crutches , Batteries , Water Bottles , a Syringes , Atomizers , Medical Supplies. 114S. 15th SL , Next to 1'ostofflcc. ' PROPOSALS KOH RHKOTION Ol' SCHOOL , bulullncs. U. B. Indlnn Korvicv , Omaha nnd Uliinoun o Agaiiuy , Nob. Wltinutiaco Thurston ivotintr , NoU. AtiKuit 2J. ISlti- Btiuluu prujjosala. andorscd "I'ronoiala fur Erootlon of .School llulUlln s , " uud uUdrcBsod tn the uiidurslzncd lit WIiiiifluHito. I linrston Comity. Neb , will bo recolvod nt tlilu money until ono o'clock p , ni , of Hoptomtior'JItli , 1SW , for tbo fnrnlsliiiixof all nucut > 3try labor ami niuturlulB and ereutliunti'ir thu Wliuiobiiso Agoiioy , Nob.ttirou CD two story br clc sellout bulldlnirx. as per tlio plunu and i > altluutlonti wliluh mar buoxiiniliui : ! nt tlio ollleo of tbo ; luo" of Orinilm. Nob. , the " .lournnl" of bouxOlty.Iown. ; tiiidat this ncL-iiev , llld- d'jrsurorciinlrocl to follow tha "form of uro- ) > ptu , " uccoiiiriiinylntf the Kiioclllcutlon HD c ofcoly as tholr bids will permit , lllds Hhould stuuuho urnposu I prlco pf ouch build- in ; ; mid lor the ( .TOIIII o ( biilldln .s. The right U reavrved to ra jctuny or ull bldg or uny part of any bid If dounitm fur ( ho butt Intur- ojtof tlio urvlcu. CorllUuii checks. Kich bid mujt bo uLTOinpanlod by u cortldod oheolt or draft upjii HOIIIO United States depository orbolvontuutloanl bunk In the vicinity of the residence of thu bidder , mudo puyubla to ttio order of thu Coiiinilhtlonur of Indluii Af- fnlr8foratUasHlvopcrcontof ) tlio amount of tlip propoiul , which olioalc or draft will ba forfelUKl to thti United 8tato lu OBSO miy bidder or blddoru rooulvlnf iin awiirl ahull fall to promptly uxeoulo u uontrnct with good nnd nuillclunt nuretlns. olherwlte to bo returned - turned to the bidder , lllda nooonipanled by cash In lion ot u certified chok will not bo uoruldored. Korany lurthor Informutlon. us to buudlnirslte. inonti.of : trumportutlon , etc. , pDlTtoKOOKllTH. A HLIiViU. H , Indian Agent , HIEY KNOW THEIR RIGHTS Wyoming Women Active Paitioipanta in Folitioal Affair * SOME OF THE MORE PROMINENT . A Kind Act nml It * KrwnrtlViitrr HI KomrriUlRcnt Climbing the .Miit- trrliornVoininniul Iniurnnrn Anto-Nuptinl Dinner. No matter what the supreme court of Wy oming may pnvatoly tliitiU of the constltu- tionalitv ot woman stilTraRO , there H no question that the equal right * conferred on women nro being exercised qulta coaor.illy , The fttct that thev do not UUo kindly to jury duty stands to tbotr croJlt , OittsUlo ot tha professional juryman , men oscnuo It when * over pmilblo , lu nil jxiHUcul matlors , how * over , tbo women ot Wyoming take nn notlvo Interest , und nro steadily pushlna to th ironU Wyoming bos not only faith tn woman , but this faith U proved by. works. Two of the- Wyoming nllcrniUos nt the recent republican convention In Minneapolis won women ; women nro mndo county superin tendents , and nro tilling other minor ofllcca , ana now ouo of thcso wotuun bus jttu missed being made tbo ( tainovrnlio caudldnto foi governor or povornoss of tbnt stale. Hoi nnmo is Mrs. I. N. lard , nud she lives ID Cbovcuno. Mrs. Hard wont to Wyoming In 1S03 from Utlca , N. Y. With her husband Mio took up u ranch thirty mlles north of Cheyenne , on the old Dead wood and Black Hills routo. Bard's , for many yours , was a no ted stopping plauo for overland travelers bound for tlio Eldorado of the BlnuK Hills. Kvurslnco tbo loglslntion of 1509 gave women the rlgnt to vote In tbo territory ol Wyomlnr , Mrs. Bard hat exorcised tbo privi lege. Her husband hanlwuvH been a stal > wart republican , nut Mrs. Bard's faith and practice of democracy hav o never swerved from her homo teaching. Mrs. Bard hn * served as n school trustoa for many vcars In her district , but has noyor UclU political oflleo. At the Larnmlo county convention , to which slio was 'a dctcirato , sbo was unanimously elected n delegate to the btuto convention at Hock Springs , tba remainder of the delegation consisting of ill * teen men. Mrs. Bard took part in the caucuses and all the deliberations of the convention. The fight for tbo gubernatorial nomination was a triangular ono and resulted In a partial deadlock , wbict required thlrty-ulno ballots to overcome. On the thirty-sixth ballot , to vary tb monotony , n gallant delegate nominated Mrs. Bard for governor. Tnero was great ap plause , and county after county cast solid votes for her. Forty-ci bt votes only wnro required to elect , and If.vas suddenly dis covered tbatof this number Mrs. Bard had thirty-six. Therowas a burned consultation among tbo professional clement among the politi cians and much to their relief and to Mrs. Bard Herself tbo other candidates cast tbclr ballots for some of the mnlo candidates. Mrs. Hamilton of Ulntn county wus also a delegate to the convention. She received tbo complimentary vote of tlio Ulntn dele gates for governor on ono ballot. Mrs. Ham ilton lias never taken part in politics , but has always voted. Mrs. Hamilton has tbrcs handsome children. The family of a petty ofllclal nt Berlin was recently treated to an agreeable surprisa nivlng to tbo charitable disposition of tha smn'.lcbt member of tbeir llttlo bousebold a 3-year-old girl. During tbo month of May fibo met sitting on a bench in tbo public square near her homo tin old. poorly but neatly clad man , who attracted her attention by bis sad looks and lonesome air. Tnlnklug bo must bo hungry , she stepped up to mm and , wltb tbo question , "Want a plcco of pioi" she resolutely handed him half of bor simple lunch. Tbo tsun appeared somewhat perplexed , but smilingly received tbo cleco wltb tnanKs and . From that day both might frequently bo scon together engaged in lively conversation , tnollttlo girl never for. getting to offer her old friend part ot bor lunch , which shu was In the bablt ol eating in tbo open air after playing about on the lawn , nor ever admitting of any refusal on bis part to take at least a llltlo bito. At tbo beginning of this month Hermlno ono mornIng - Ing returned bomo with tbo distressing news that tbo "poor man" bad not appeared. Neither had ho been seen for several days after , when Hermine's father received nn un expected numinous to appear at court. Hero ho was told that Ibo "poor old man , " wbo really was a woultby citizen of Berlin , had loft bis whole fortune to llttlo Hermluo. His will contained the following paragranht "I had despaired of the wbolo world , for those who were nearest and den rest to ma had deceived mo. Thus I renounced ull. foi what 1 desired I was unable to obtain. I bo- cnmo a miser occauso my liberality was only rewarded with InerUtltudc. Nouring the and of my course I wus mightily touched Dy o child's heart which reconciled mo wltb hu manity. It was only for a short time , but It I bad millions to bestow tboso few moments would not bo paid for too dourly. May my wealth servo ray llttlo friend for bailer ends than it did mo who never knew bow to appreciate It or to expend it , " Tbo human ody Is constantly undergoing tissue change. Worn-out particles nro casl aside and eliminated from tbo system , wnlU the now are ever being formed , from the In ception of life to its close. Water has tha power of increasing these tissue changes , which multiply tbo wnsto products , but at tbo same umo they are renewed by lu agency , giving rise to Increased appotlto , which'in turn provides fresh nutriment. Persons but llltlo accustomed to drink water , says Hail's Journal of lloaltb , nro Ha- bio to have tbo waste products formed faster than ttioy are removed. Any obstruction to the free working of natural laws at occo pro duces disease , winch If unco firmly seated requires both time and money 10 euro. People accustomed la V13O in Ibo morning weak and languid will Und the cause In tht imperfect secretion ot wastes , which many ilmos may bo remedied by a ring a ( ull tumbler of water before retiring. This very materially assists In the process during the nicnt , and loaves tissues fresh ami strong and ready for the actlvo work of iho day. Hot water is ono of tbo best remedial agents. A hot bath on point : to bed , oven , in tbo hot nights of summer , is a better reliever of insomnia than many drugs. Inflated parts will subside under the continued poulticing of real hot water. Very hot water , AS wo.all know , is a prompt checker of bleeding , and. bolides , if it is clean , as it should bo , It aids in sterilizing our wounds. A riotous stomach will nearly always gratefully rocolvo n glass or mora of hot water. Another rash English laay , says- the Queen , lias "under ulrcunistancni of great stress aud dlMculty" to atiopl Mr. Glad- stoon's phrase ascended tbo Mattorborn. Mrs. Farr'ar , who was accompanied by txvo wall known guides , loft her boicl at 10:30 la tbo morning and arrived at tno lower Mot- terhorn hut on the following afternoon. When they reached the summit they were obliged lo cut short thnir rest , oa tbo clouds were gathering round tbo Breull ilopo ot tba mountain , and while tbev were making a hurried descent tbo tnundorstnrm burttupon them und gave rlso to tbo gravosj fears ns to tbolr safe return. In spite of tbe blinding ball and wind tbo lower but was reached , and /.o.-matt three houri later. Nearly seventeen hours were spent on tno mountain , and Mrs , tarrar bud In deed reason to bo thankful for the nreionoo of mind ebown by tbo guides ; had they wav ered an Instant she would have succumbed to the perils which were Hufliclont to test thojiowcrs nnd endurance of oxporloncod climbers. The dangers consequent upuu tin fall ofBtoncs and tbe lightning playing on Uiolcouxes must hove boon appalling ; tb't couraco of women , however , and tbo doMra to explore regions wnich men for iho most part liavo . bltuorio monopolized , soerni sleadllycn the Increase- , but I cannot say that I think those liozardout and useless ex ploit * are to bo commended. I'optilur r ui. Stick pint ot moonstones , Uoutrh and ready lallorbata. Blue denim for country morning lults. More oordor rolling * as thoeeason roll * om Small puttes heavily mounted la old sib ver. ver.Navy blue ID orery material and of many stindoj. Fine embroidery for trimming Uwi rouos. , A