Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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At the Outcot the Peeling Was Inclined to
t'e Panicky
Corn Oicned | Vrrjr Wc.ile on ( Iio Cliolrrn
Scnro Tor n Time Tliut. Coicul
Seemed VMthont rrlciuU nnd
llicro vt im n llcuty I'rcmuro ,
Cm CIA no , III. , Pent a. Tlio news of tlio nr-
flvnl of uiiutlicrctiolurnslilpiit New YorU
been received lufuro tlio bttatiifai opened on
tlio lloiud of Trade this morning , ntul tllls' t ( > *
Kolhcr vrltli ilin woiiUor ciiuloi , reported ( Ino
ttronlhai. the anticipated lnoii'nso of a.'JJOlOJ
bu. In the visible supply on Mondtiy , the ox-
troniuoiiKncs * In corn nnd tlio fulling tiff of
t/iUJ.O 0 liu. In t-Miurli far the week rotnu.iica
with Inn week , c lined it lower ouon-
\ng \ In At tlio otilsol tlio fcel-
liiK WIIH Inclined to bo unnlcky , but tlio
fuel that wlio t win already very low and
that nil conditions lind iilrondv bcon
pretty thoioiuhly discounted. loJ to free buy-
Intf liy tliuroulnr limit ! tr.itlon. Tills not only
prevented tinv fuitliur ileeilne. but uiuued a
HtUllly UpptUulutlDII 111 MlllltJH lllltll tllO lUSI
lit Ihoournilu MIIH nlxmt lueovurud. Hhurts.
too , took an vi nliifu of tliu opening uroitlt to-
cover their conlriets und mans Hiiro of
prollls some Hnforcsuuit development
In Uio uholctu Munition mUlit dopilvo them
nf Icfoio the nuM session of tlio bo ml on
Tuesday morning--Monday lioln ; , ' 1'iboi dny ,
a It Kill liollduy ullli noesslon of Hi" bmird.
Tlio tradliu In nil of the pits waa lljht nnd
wns lurno y cuiilinud to ovontnu-up cloiili
iiziilnsl lioil Iny cunllniteneleB. Tliu niipro-
cliillon In tlio curly trtidliu In wheat was iia-
slilcd by toli ninm reporting tlio choloru out-
bru 11 ; On I ho xtenmor Utiulu less serious in Its
fntillt ot tlmn nl Iliht. iolnte-1. and bv report ! !
nf the hua vy ulul dnninpln ruins In the north-
\u-st. The market then bcuiimo liptltatlnn
ntid tioriotm , lluetiltitliiK frequently within u
coinpimilUely iiiuiow raiiEc , until near the
und of tliOKCsslon. when u icoort was received
tlnit two discs of olmloi.i appeared In
Hit tlliiuio Thlsuiused uhtanipcdxtojull und
tlm market btoUu nearly a cent , u'osini ; uo.ik
upcnoil o Inner at iU' e , aavuneed to 7il > ic ,
hold slciidy for it time , sliimpod to 7.V c nnd
clo od at Tdc. ! ? cptuiiihcr touuhed TJJic. the
lowest flituru roinhud In sovnrul years.
Corn oponudory uonlfon Iho cholera soaro ,
areuuetlon of Id In prlco ut Llvurpool , the
iieuvy receipts today uud oxpocl'jil liir.'o ar
rivals on 'luosiluy. Tor it tlmo this cereal
Bucmcd wltliout friends and thcrowaan liouvy
tolllim pressure. Unonliu miles wore nt a do-
oilnoof 'JB. coinp iroil ulMi yonturd ly's mst
sit os and u further c'oollno of ! . ( u was ut once
Then In sympitby with the nilvanco In
whuiithnd on reports of colder weather with
probable fioils In the com Oolt. u Mrudiml
iippiool.itlon. wli ch with Iniiiiaterlal reac
tions carried values up to n pilnl which
covered the loss for rrluuy'n close with ROIIIO-
tbliiK to spuru. Hut the nil vance did not hold ;
Innen woto frco cullers and shorts wuio put-
tine out now lines. The result was dullness
nnd fin.illy a sharp decline , when wheat went
oir on the liulllnioio cholera scare. There
HBJIIIU reco\ory at the last on covorlni ; liy
shorts. Aiound the oponln : October Hold nt
4Tu and td'ic , ndviiuccu to 4"U < " , broUo to KH
nnd closed ul47'c.
O.ns were rather quiet and weak in sym
pathy with the lower prli-cs for and
corn nnd closed with : i loss of nifrom 'jo to le.
Trncleifl In the provNIon pit , at the opiMiluu
Eoumod to feel Unit the cholera RCIIIU had
I.een fully discounted bv the recent heavy de
cline In bos products. In addition to this the
rocolpla of IIOJHvcro \oiy llsht und prices
woru iiKalii hlchcr. I'ork o | enod unch uiKcd
at illU'i for October , iidvanced uilu,47'i , sold
Dir with trains toaiU.LTi and Closed at * iu : ) . a
loss comp irod with yester.luv's last prlco of
( o. J.uid Is .Hie loner , except January , which
ls24ohjiiT ! | | , ItlhsuroSHMl o holier.
l.nko freights nnchunicl. ;
l.stlnmtcn iccotpts for Tuesdays Wheat ,
1'AJ oars ; corn , l.kiOcars : o its. SUc.irs ; esti
mated lio.s Moidav. "I.HL'll ' he id.
'Iho loadln-r futures raiiKCd as follows :
fccptembcr. , U'l KH 75K $ 7
Decuiubur. . .
Cdll.v M > . - ' / -
fcoptemlJcr. , 41
October 41UfA
Alnr UfA
OATh No "I
tc.tuiibcr. | , n
Jtl.bH 1'OIIK-
roptoiiucr. , 1010 1020 10S3
October. . . . 1U J'i 10 t n 10 i'S 10 JO
Jnmmry 11 W n to 11 IHJ 1300
Reptr-mlicr. . 7tt ) I ' 9 7 < 5 7 ( B
Uctolicr ' 740 7SO
January i5 U60' 0 70 UfcO
Ecptrmticr. , 760 7 60 780
October T ViV 7 80 7 7 !
Jnnu iry 6 17X1 II K >
Unsli nnotultonsrorons follous :
I'L'iuit ' Dull nnd easy ,
\ViiKAT-No.2 snrliiR , 72ic ; No. 3 sprlnir , M
B'i7o : No a toil , 7'Vo.
C'niiN T.otvcr , No a , 4'i' 'o ; yellow , 40U(34ayc ( :
No. ycHHh. 4Su : No. 4,4lo.
OT No. i' , lij.'ies No. Swlilto , 3 < e ; No. 3
nhlti > . ill'iQJi c.
ItVK-No. . .asic.
1't.AX HKrit Mo. 1. .
TIMOTIIV i-Kbti I'rlnio '
, J'.C4.
" ' " bbl- * ' " " " 3iO 31
! ! : - | ) - - > : Lird.ppr
lOOIbs. * - , .W : short rlhs , sliles ( loose ) . f7.Wn >
i RJ ; dry suited Bhouluers ( botriti , JOODO7.00 :
thoitok'iir shies ( bd.xudl. 8".OJ7.O5.
\Vtii3KY-llstlllors' llulsliod goods , per gal. , ml "A. " unchanged.
Koi.olis ) ( niuls hlutuciits toUayero as fol
lows :
On the 1'ro luoo excbnnzo todny the butter
fi-'IV. , f.1 w 4s 'in.otand iinclinnsoif ; crciunorlcs ,
l7Ql.4o ! : dairies , iWit. i : s , 17Al7ic. !
Nt. I.oiiU .ItnrlictB.
ST. Lot/is. Ho. , Sept. a 1'i.oun-Wcak but
not lower.
WIIIAT : Opened lower , tlicn rocovnrod but
litlur declined iisnln mid closed i/io below
resterdiiy : onsli , Ii M ® ( * 'o : heptumlier closed
atuSublil : October. 0'J'u ' bid ; Uccomber , 72Wo
Mny. Wo for sollors.
OintN 1'olloHol \ > lieat nnd finished lOIUo
under yeslcrduy ; cnslM.lej soptemDor closed
° " ' 4'10i ! 1)ecull''i ' - , 4aiici your.
U" M 4
T ? ollt w"l' ' " ' 'out ' nnd corn and closed
H lc bulovv yesterday. ; oa-h. 2Ujj beptsmber ,
lu'.c ' ! Oitobcr c : Muy-J4Jc. !
K r.-lAiwortitf.71Jo.
ItiUN- Lower at ( We.
JlAV-Qu ut and iiLubiinucd.
Kt-vxHtKii-lliisiior nt li.CO.
IIUTTKII bto dy and iinchnnzod.
KUilt-ritoudy and unchnicil.
COIINMKAI. Quid utja © ' . ; ,
WIIISKV steady utI.IO.
COTTON TiEH-Unclmncpd.
I'ltoviatONb-Qulut unit uticlmnBoa , with
only a small lobbln , ' tr.ulo nt previous prices.
KECBllih-lflour. 4,000 bblB.whoiit. / . TDOOO
11.000 bbls.i wiiont. M.OOO
Ianii8 City X\nrttat ,
KANBAS CmMo. . . Bcut y.-WliKAT-Sloadr.
' - M M
UYK' Wtiiiici No. 2 , .
KLAXsLi-.ti-lJtoudy ntb7 < aUo.
jliiAN- Weak : sucked , U.ttflio.
llAV-.Stoady und unchanged.
J V7lu blOBd3rl oruu ' ry. Was0 ! dairy.
| [ Klilt } ( .
Knos-Moro nctlvo nt IJSJo ,
HECKii'TS Wheat. 01,000 bu.i corn , T.OOObu. :
sats , none.
8IOM bUti eorl1' 4l ° - °
Wool Market.
LONHCW , Bnpt a Durlna tlio past week bus-
Infhfl In the wool market has boon slow. Mini-
ufnoturorsHroailoptliiKuwultliiirpolloy. The
Imports of tliHwpek wore : Krom Now South
Wales I.KWbttlpi. from Victoria an bale , from
South Australia ab-lbalcB , from Now Zealand
101 balotrom the On pa of Oooa llopo and N.i- .
tul I.I.74 bales , tiom Ohlna 7iU bales.
fiom I' } ! b.iloH. from Itubslu l,10u nnd
from Miriam other places t.oai bnles. The
nrrlvtils lor tlto next sorlo of salon uro 3J3.4U
bales Advices from Alcu buy that the
market there Imincbanaod , thoiich inorouual-
nesii has buon elTuctod , The stocks uro imull
and the arilvuU nro Ich
Ull Murkot.
AHTWKIIP. Eept. a.-rETiiouEUM-ii ; f pnlil ,
und nollen.
LoMDON , tieiit. 3i l.lNsKKtiOll. 17s ltd ) ) { iinr
uwt.t.wlut.e , X' | . pur ton ) line roiln , 7 uliWn
l > crowt < _
_ _ _
Noir York Dry Hoods Murkot.
New VniiK , Sept. 3. Iluslnciis In Ory coeds
( run rulburtiulut In view of the bait Baturday
I ml liollduy Monday , The sales ot print
llolbt durluy tbo wcuk turu out to bue bucu
.Inrcor tlmn nnttolpitcn. thus coiiflrmlnff the
ntrone position of the market ,
Colored cottons nro higher In most In-
utanccv Tlio shipment of Roods wnj nctlvo.
The coming week should show further activ
ity with Jobbers , except as It inny bo afTcotoil
by the fact of nnoltdny.
Mllnnukra Market * .
Mit.wAWKRr.Wls. , Sept H. WHEAT Quloti
Docombar , 7IKci No. IsprlnR , COo.
Onit\-Ijiiwort No. 3. 40'tc.
OATS-Qiilot : No. 2 white. IWJMXoi No. a
wlilte. auwjuc.
lUiu.EV No. 2. 01o ! ! sitmplo , 42QOIO.
HYENoT 1. 5'Jo.
Ilvrriool | .llnrkfti.
Titvjini'oou Sept. 3. WiinAT-Qulet nnd tm-
rlmiiRccl : red western spring , f.s lJil5J.s ! ( 2Jd { !
No ; winter. OsGs Sd.
COII.N Dull nnd lower ; mixed western.
4s OHil per cental.
CiiEr.sK Ainorlcnii , flnost wlilto nnd col
ored , 4 s uorcwt.
Cotton Market.
Nr.vr Onr.KAN' . ln , , Sept. 3. Easyt mld-
dllnt'i. 7ui low iiihMllimn. uJic : peed ordinary.
re ; not receipts 2.4S.1 b.ilos ; cross receipts , -M'.r. '
b.ilcs ! exports , coastwise. 1M1 bales ; Bales , 50
bales ) stock , K1 , ' X ) bales.
Oninlia 1'roducc MnrUots ,
Ton' Oonnrnl market IV ; .
I'oUbTiir ilillioti , Bi | roe ter < , B7e ! sprlnR
chlckmis. * ? ,00J "I1. *
IIUITBlt Oood Ducking stock , 13cj choice
dniry , I0ltc.
Trudorit' Tnllt.
CitiCAno , III , , * "opt. 3. Counsolmnn It Day
to Cockrell Commlss on Co : The wheat
mnrkot ruloJ. liouvy nnd n depression caused
by further cbolor.i In Now YorU harbor , flue
wheat weather , ! > d lower Ijtverpool cab ni
nnd l.TiJ cars estimated receipts for Monday.
Corn opened on JJfGlio break under stop Itun
order's. ilos hut milled lo on strong buy Ins ot
October by shippers and speculators nnd frco
cornering by May short" , Including sotno
receivers. On Iho cstlmato o' J.U1J rurs tor
.Monday tiio in irUct yloldoil ilc and closed
rather soft In syniputhv lth uho.itOats
opened ciulctor with few bidden * nnd the
mnrl.ot romn neil easier until the cntlmntcs
of 810 cnrs for Monday were received The
prospects to Imvu tocnro tor no trlv l.MW.tiOJ
bushels of cash oats caused 11 rush by Septem
ber Ion s to lot KO , and nour futures broke
about lo , closing wo.ik nt the InsKlo. Pro
visions , us wo havn prcdlctcfl. were supported
by local talent , 'iho Cucl.ihv-Wrlchl com
bination tried to unload October rlbn under
rover a ml buy Jnniuirv lard , nltboiigh openly
Wright wild ; in ostuns.blo buyer of faoptombcr
nnd Oclnber libs , All pickers bought pori <
linivllv. Itinlllflltirtlin Iliiittilivu mill Artiinnr
A. Co.eio n.oderato sellers cf October ribs.
Packers generally nro Bollln , ' nil the October
ribs they think they can cot.
OIIICAOO. III. , fcopt. .I.-11. O. & Co. to
Duncan , llollln.-er , t Co. ; The markets opened
lower on the arrival of the sto.imer Utlgiu nt
Now i ork with reported twenty-three deaths
from oholcru nnd ten on the sick list. Toward
the close prices iiK.iIn weakened on n rehash
of nn curlier report of the arr vul of the
steamer Normannia with live deaths from
cholera. During the session there waa i.ood
buylni ! for foromii account and char
ters. 130.UWI bulnir taken. The two dominating
wonk fputurcs nro choler.i nnd heavy re
ceipts. With the former out ot the w ly the
Lit or , wo bcllevo , v.onld not cut noiirly the
feituio It does , as our snlppin. demand Is
peed , the price 'ow. Corn opened off with n ,
rush. Kvorv ono bad selling orders Inr olv
fiom the outside. The hului ! was largely by
n few lur o linden covering short corn. The
noirbv weak on heavy
receipts. no Now York market to
work against , and liberal estimates tor
the ne\t twenty-four hours. Wo notlcu
shipping houses nro going long on the nearby
options und soiling Mny. It Is not ottdn thov
get the present spioud und wo look for traders
to n uken sonio day and find U.o noarbv
giam owned bv shipping bouses who will wnnt
It to ship und pressure will bo on the May.
O.its symp ithl/cil with other cereals. It Is
largely .1 ijucstlon of cholera or no choloru
throughout the country th it Is now ruling
values. 1'rovlslons ruled llrmor on local sup
OIIIOAOO. III. . Sept. : ) . IConnett , Hopkins &
Co. to S. A. MeWhortcr ; The opening as wc.ilc
oiirepoits of fiesh oho urn nir.viils In Now
York , but the depletion did not lust Ion ; nnd
the m.irhut wns leason.ibly stoaJy most of the
dnv wltli a light Lrofesslonnl trade. Kccotpts
and shlpmentb .itprlm iry markets \\cro ahont
i'v only b tin need ted ty nhlch has not occurred
for seine tlmo. Tlis Pars marKct ulosoj
higher and the outlook fa\oroJ higher prices ,
but the cho era bc.tro hangs llko u pill
o er the in and the c'.o-o was \\eat. 'ino
opeiilii4 foriotn was Miry weak , but the nrir-
Ket Improved on a s-pocnliitUo demand.
The outlook fu\orod still higher prices , but
weakness in \ \ huat doitroyo 1 the bottnr toul-
Ing. Increasing race pts are u weak feature.
In niovlslons the loidlng longs have uguln
hold the m'irkm ' , but In some quarters It Is
doubted If they will continue to do so with
the grain niuiKot ( showing so ranch depres
sion. -
Chlc.iRo l.loitock .tlurkot.
CIIICAOO. TU . hopt. H.-LSpoclul Toloxrnm to
TilKltcis ] Tlicrouoro nuout tl.OOO eattlo ro-
coivcd toJay. Of that number It wns estl-
matud that'1,030 wcro TOY ins. largely owned
by dro scd beef Ilnns. The o.tttlo of
fered for s.iloheru weio t ikon at a decline
from 1'rlday's aunt itlons of from lOc to 15o
or on u bnsl of trom $1.00 to ? i.CJ for natives ,
Sl.flJto Jl.'JOfor westerns , nnd from Sl.yo to
JJ 10 for Toxntis. bomp c.ittloeroloftovcr ,
holders brlnjj unwilling to accept the low
pi Ices offered.
'I ho ijuality of the hozs was poor.ory tow
of the ollerlngs grading bettor than
f.tlr. Biles wcro above J3.10. the
proMillln- price beliu from $5.5 to
ff' > .lO for 11 lit , nn 1 from $ V'J to 45.0 tor
heavy nnd medium. The highest price paid
todny was 5H. ( as nnlnstS : UD yesterday ,
but the average , quality ( onshluro I , was Uo
higher than for Krlday. Quotations were nt
from il 81 lot5.U : for llgntand nt from $ I.UJ to
8'iW for lid ivy und medium weights. Culls
so d at fiom 3..r > > toliu.
Theio u llinitoJ Imiulry
fiom 51.00 to { 5.40 and for I imbs at fro n SJ-Uo
to ToMins were salable at from JJ.OJ to
tl.Ol und western ut from f J.'iJ lo $ l.'Jj for grass
Itocelpts ; Cattle. 4,030 bond ; hojs , 7.COO
bead ; sheep , 1.000 head.
The r.vcnhu Journ il reports :
OAtTMS-Iiucoli/s. J.MO head ; shipments ,
1.4 0 bond : ni'irkot closed dull und lower !
Today's sales : Natives. $ ( ; Toxans. SJ-Uj
© V. " ) ; stockers , $ : .ISQS.'JO : lows. tl.8'l a2.5J.
IInciS liocctpts , 7.UJJ ho ild ; shipments. 4.500
bend ; market opened 5QIOo hlghor : o'oscd Be
lower ; rou h and common , $1.8'.10 ; p.ick-
inz nnd mixed , $ . " 1 I0a" > .f > 0 : prlrao honvv nnd
butchers'wulRlits. } j.4" > ® . "iVi : Iliht , $4.70 © ! 20.
S IKEP Kocoluts. 1'JOOhoad ; shipments , 4,000
head ; mnrkol dull but about stoidy. Today's
silc * : Natives , $1.0 © 15J ; westerns , 4J.7J ®
I.IU ; l'
St. r.onU I.tvo Stock .
HT Loui ? . Mo. Sept 3. OArrr. ! : Hceolpts ,
COO ; shipments , 40j ; maikot llrmor ; fair to
choice nitlvo steers , $ J.'M14 1)1 ) ; fair to goo J
'lo\-isand Indlnii RICCIH , JJ 1033'J ) .
IliXH Ucruints 40 ; Hhlpmenls. 2.100 ; mar
ket lOo higher ; lio'ivy. 8 > .itKa3,40 : packing ,
81 71.VJ > ; lUhl , t5.W&\S3.
Siiui-.f Uoculpts. 10J : shipments , 1,100 ;
market stcadv und hotter ; fair lo host native
muttons , U5Je500 ; Texans , Wo QI.5J.
ficw I'lutc Tlim * .
Amonp the crowds of refugees that
poured Into Gump Robinson during the
early months of 1832 were many union
men from the mountains of southeastern
Kentucky , Ono of thoso. nnn , Tom
Burke o Wayne county , I distinctly
romomhor , nor should I huvo footton
him hud not subsequent events served
to impress lilin on my mind.
Tom Burke wits n flno typo of the
Cumberland mnuntivlncor. When I
first mot him , just before the b.vttlo of
Mill Springs , I had boon in cnmp ubout
twenty-four houra. Although ho had
oiiliBfjd , ho still were hla butternut
suit , und carried the old-fashioned
hunting I'iilo ho nid brought with him
from homo. Ho Blood fully 0 feet 2
inches in height , was straight ua the
bAt 10 ! of Ills own rifle , ivnd bore lilmsolf
with the gruco nnd OHSO of nn unongod
tiger. The long block hitir nnd heavy
bl iick eyebrows , with woll-sot , bluish-
gray oyca , told of n Coltlo ancestry thut
had not changed its typo after a century
and u half In the mountains of Virginia
and Kentucky.
Burke was strikingly handsome , and ,
unlike most handsome men , ho seemed
to bo unaware of the fact. Ho was re
ticent , low-spoken , for a mountaineer ,
and ho differed further from them In
that ho neither used tobacco nor drunk
whisky ; but ho swore , not to omphusUo
W9 l4nHu"Bp fop 1 > ° "over got excited.
Ho had learned to awoar with his flrel
lisping , and his profanity Honoured to
bo as oasyand unconeclousna his breath
ing. 'loin Burke wns also very religious ,
at least Iio gave mo that impression
when I hoard him talking In.n . ciunp
jirayor mooting soon uf top our llrat moot-
Physical beauty always attracts the
young. I suppose that is why Burke
drew mo to him from the flrat , for I was
llltlo moro tlmn a boy nt the tlmo. Wo
bccnmo friends nt once , < xnd the day
nftor our first mooting ho took mo toono
Btdo , nnd , nftor confessing to mo , in n
ehnmo-facad way , that ho "didn't know
nothln' 'bout rondln' nor wrltln' , " ho
said :
"I wnnt pownhful bad to write a letter
to n gnl down to Rock Crik Rock Crlk ,
that's down In Way no county ICtiintuck ,
whur I wns rlz. "
"Your swootlionrtV" 1 nskod , ns I prepared -
pared to wrlto.
"Wnal , not to brng on. Her nnmo'a
Sis Ferguson. "
This nnd much moro of the saino kind
wns snid with a largo admixture ol
onths , nnd in n voice so low AS to ninko
profanity Boom moro like praying tlmn
swearing. I recall that I wrolo the letter -
tor , and ns postal communication" ,
never very certain In the mountains ,
were entirely suspended , Burke had to
depend upon his frlonds among the
scouts to got his letters thiough.
Tom Burke , r.ftor failing to bo at
tached to the First Kentucky cavalry ,
in which ho had a cousin nuinod Hudson
Burkt1 , was mustcrod Into the Second
East Tennessee , in which ho might sub
sequently have had n commission had it
not been for his inability to read and
wiito. After the buttle of Mill Springs
I lost sight of him nnd did not BOO him
or hoar of him again until the close of
Brngg's raid Into Kentucky in the latter -
tor part of October , 1802. After the
futile pursuit of Bragg and KIrby Smith
through the mountains of Kentucky , wo
were roturninir by way of of Crab Or
chard , when I learned that Burke was
bounded dying nt a house near the
I wont to see my old friend at once ,
nnd was shocked at the change I s.iw
in him. IIo hud been shot through the
right lung in a skirmish with John Mor
gan , who commanded the confederate
roar guard , near Crab Orchard. Dr.
Throlkold of. the Eighteenth Kentucky ,
who wns in charge of the wounded , do
clat-cd that it wits a miracle that Burke
survived the shot un hour , but his excel
lent habits and splendid physique had
carried him through "in violation of all
medi'jal regulations nnd experience , "
for six days. But it needed "no second
glance nt the wan fnco and worn form o
show that the lamp of life wns flickering
in the socket and might go out at any
But , though so wasted and worn , there
was still a glint of the bravo old light ln _
the bluo-gray eyes , and the voice , very"
low now because of his weakness , was
not much changed. As I hold his hot
band in mine , ho whispered :
"I've hoord as how she gotthatlottor ,
but she didn't take hit 07. if she thought
I meant hit. I don't hanker to die ,
though I won't say I'm skcort at goln' ,
but , oy , hit kinder soaps the way to
think I'm 'bout to bo done fo' good with
that d d Sis Ferguson. "
That night Tom Burke ceased to perplex -
plox the doctors by dying. His cousin ,
Hudson Burke , was with him at the
time rif his dnatli and took cnargo of his
few olTocts. Hudaon Burke , though not
so prepossessing a man as Tom , was re
markably line looking , and thoto was a
family resemblance between .thorn that
was striking. Hudson had been
mustered out of service on account
of a wound received some months
before , but being mUstered out of ser
vice did not moan po ice at that time to
any union man In the mountains of
The day following the burial of Tom
Burke , and two days botoro wo resumed
our march back in the direction of
Nashville , I saw Hudson Burke in ex
cited conversation with ore of the most
remarkable looking women I had over
seen , and , although I had never had a
description of her. I came to the con
clusion on the instant that this was Sis
Ferguson , and my surmise proved to bo
I do not have to refer to my journal to
bring that woman vividly before mo
after the lapse of these many years.
She was above the average height of
women , but so perfectly formed as to *
sootn undotsized in contrast with the
man to whom she was talking. The
olivo-brown face was framed by a mass
of blue-black hair that hung down her
back as if it had never been constrained
by net or braid. Her eyes matched her
hair in color , and there xvas in them at
this time a glow that bespoke anger
rather than grief. The forel.cnd was
low , the nose strong and straight , and
the mouth nnd chin told of fierce pas
sion and reckless determination. It was
i. face to attract an artist and to re pel a
lover if she 'id ' not choose to bo graci-
sus. The small , powerful hands were ns
brown as her face , and her * feet were
Incused in cavalry boots , and rusty red
splotches on ono incic.itod that they had
recently boon taken trom the body of a
dead trooper.
But it was. not the boots nlono that
gave this remarkable woman the tip-
Doaranco of a mountain Minerva. Her
superb form , that had never boon
cramped by stays , if indeed she hati
over scon such an article , was covered
\v ith a faded cotton dross. Instead of
concealing , this dress brought out the
splendid lines of her bust , and a slit on
the right shoulder gave a glimpse that
looked like snow in contrast with the
ruddy glow of her face. About her
waist there was an array bolt , the re
versed buck.o showing the southern
monogram l'C. S. A. " In the bolt was
a leather bolster containing a heavy re
volver. She were a straw hat , which
now looked like a straw cap , for the
rim had boon cut on" , excepting a piece
in fiont that answered for a visor , and
this was thrown up from her forehead
with an air that added to her look of
fierce defiance.
A loan , nervy-looking horse , bearing
tin old artillery siddlo , was hitched near
by , and the heavy rawhide with which
Sis Ferguson smote her booty while she
was talking to her dead lover's cousin
Indicated how she bad come into our
Hudson Burke appeared to bo angered
and perplexed , and ho moved as if anx
ious to bo rid of the woman. Catching
sight of mo iio motioned for mo to join
them , which I was not reluctant to do ,
for 1 regarded her presence as the clos
ing In the little military love drama In
which I myself had played an important
"Tills is Sis Ferguson , as I rccon you
liavo hoard Tom speak of , " said Hudbon
Burke , by way of introduction.
I tumod and wns in the act of reachIng -
Ing out my hand to Miss Ferguson , but
a curl of the flno upper lip and n dangerous -
ous glint In the devilish black eyes
chocked mo in the act and made mo fool
like getting away.
"Aro you a Yankee Yank ? " was Miss
Ferguson's salutation as she glanced mo
over in a way not at all Haltering to my
very considerable vanity. f
Although I had never before hoard
the expression "a Yankee Yank" I was
it no loss to divine the woman's moan
ing. She wanted to know whether 1
joined the army from a northern or
bouthorn state.
"I'm a Kentucky Yank , " I replied.
"And you know my Tom Burho'r1"
" 1 had that honor , " I replied.
"My GoJ ! and to think that crittora
iGtJSK jjjj ?
ma w < Bwpl DI8TRICTB , : WATER
Corrwpondenc * > o1lcitod.
iejl-100 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
; i V/oll Btroat , NEW YORK.
like you nnd HwPBurko U livln'nnd
my Tom a lyin' < oVlth thar dead , " nnd
she pointed hurwulp lu the direction of
tlio gravoynrd.1
"Sis Fergtisoj/ , . " broke in Hudson
Burke , "no ono didn't send for you to
como up bar anil tnko on ovah Tom.
He's dnud , but hit' was your side that
kilt him ; most like yor cousin Champ
Ferguson nr youi1 Brother Ed.
Shooting ouL'ai bavago oath , then
striking nor lifted boot with u sharp
cut. she s.iid :
"Hud Bnrkcrrm my folks Is on the
south sltlo nnd Iftftbeon tllnr ln fcolin1 ,
but so long ns mv Tom was with the
Ynnks I didn't , novnh do nothln' agin
'cm. I thought a pownhful sight too
much of him fo' that. I didn't want to
have hit on my hoirt that If nnythin'
wont wrong with him that I had a hand
in hit. But now that bo's done gene
and died hlt'll bo different. Yo' mark
my words Ilud Burke , lut'll bo differ
ent , "
"You'll jlno Champ , mobbo , nnd help
him to loband murder , " said Hudson
"I'll jlno nobodyP'sho said , scornfully ,
nnd with another cut nt her boot. "Now
thut Tom Burko's dead , thar ain't a man
in all the mountains ns I'd follor the
length of that rawhide gnd. But they'll
foller me , Ilud ; you mark my woids ,
they'll follor mo , nnd the Ynnks ns
coaxed him away won't mnko nothln' by
hit neither. Thar , that's all I've got to
sny. As soon ns my critter's rested up
a bit I'll make my w.iy back to Rooic
Crlk. "
She cut at the boot ngaln , toswod up
the straw visor , gave a liltch to the pistol
tel holster , nntl ettodo away , with the
long stride ana easy swing of a young
An hour afterward I saw the woman
coming out of the jrravoyard , and I re
spected her for n sentiment that seemed
so foreign to her fierce , ma&cUllno char
Again the war scene changed , nnd it
was not till pence came again to the
mountains of Kentucky that I learned
anything more of i'Tom Burko's Min
erva. " for so I named Sis Forcruson in
my journal.
Every surviving trooper who served
in the Cumberland mountains at any
time in 18i3 ( , 1804 , and early > 805 will
romembci'tho notoriousguorrilla Champ
Ferguson , who , though fighting , ns ho
alleged , for the south , never hold a com
mission in the southern service , and was
quite as ready to rob and murder help
less men in grny as ho was to kill and
plunder the wounded men in blue. The
c uel and monstrous deeds of these
mountain Ishmaelitos mot with the con
demnation of confederates as well us
Prominent nmong thesn outlaws was a
man known tu "Captain" Evans , and as
sociated with him in his daring crimes
wns a "Captain" Jenny. " For a lonrr
tlmo the cavalry who were hunting
down Evans nnd Champ Ferguson be
lieved that Captain Jenny , who was the
acknowledged bruins of the gang , nnd
who planned their most successful raids
into the valleys , wns a man , though the
union mountaineers declared that Cap
tain Jenny was .Jpnny Ferguson , known
to her neighbors and relatives us "Sis. "
When I saw Sis' Forcuson at Crab
Orchard she certainly gave mo the im
pression that slip J3oud ! never love any
man now that Tom Burke was dead , anil
she may have remained at heart loyal
to him and mnrrie'H another simply a s a
military necessity'but bo that as it may ,
certain it is that she became the wife of
"Captain" Evans and accompanied him
on his forages , though I am inclined to
think , unless hd was n greater man than
his countryman'say , that it was ho who
After their term of service had ex
pired in the fall of 1804thoso , members
of the First Kentucky cavalry who did
not re-enlist returned to their homes in
southeastern Kentucky , but , so far as
Eeaco was concerned , they might as well
ave remained at the front The gangs
under. Champ Ferguson , Jenny and
Evans grow moro during in their out
rages with the withdrawal of the con
federate and union troops.
The Burkes , still very numerous in
Wayne and Clinton counties , furnished
n great many soldiers , nnd good ones ,
too , to the union side. These men ,
although their neighbors wcro not exempt -
empt , were singled out as special ob
jects of attack by the ganjrs of Champ
Ferguson and Evans. Indeed , so per
sistent did these attacks become that it
was dangerous for a Burke to sleep in
his own house. Ol course , the perse
cuted union men .rotnliutod , but it was
not till the government furnished them
with arms and supplies and they wcro
mustered into the state service that
they were enabled to make any head
Stung to desperation by the depreda
tions of Captains Evans und Jenny , Hud
son Burke organized a company of
twenty men , with James Davis as lieu
tenant nnd his brothers , James and
Benjamin , among the members , and
started olt to boat the outlaws at their
own game.
Frqm Jonathan Burke , nn undo and a
union man , who lived near the Tennes
see line in Wayne county , Hudson
learned that the outlaws were posted in
a fortified camp back in the mountains ,
u few miles from his place.
The Seventh and Ninth Pennsylvania ,
Fourth Kentucky and Fourth Ohio
cavalry had boon for months trying to
find the outlaws , but although many
were caught and hanged , they never
succeeded in striking them in force.
This was owing to the fact that Champ
Ferguson and his men not only know
every available cow track in the Cum
berland range , but they were leapt in
formed by their friends ns to the move
ments of the troops. Then they had
the additional advantage of being able
to travel without wagons , and they
sounded no bugles hi their camps to in
dicate their whereabouts or their pur
Hudson Burko"know the habits of
Ferguson's gang'fl'ulto UB well us if ho
wcro In their so ] ) ; t , and ho determined
to use their owr , t ctlcs and boat them
at their own gauVc < 1" telling mo about
this oxpodltlon/Mv'orwards / ho said :
"I'll ' go ns fiuTTjtA help a woman , if BO
bo she's the right Kind ot a woman , as any
man in the Cum'b'ijrland ' mountains ; but
if a woman sita ff fritter and goes about
Blicolm' like a > ninn , the only way is to
I am seventy-seven years old ,
, , apd have had my age renewed
77 Vat least twenty years by the use
ofbwlft's Specific. My foot
_ . and leu to my knee was a
running sore for fttfl'jears , and physicians said
it could not bo cur&f. After taking fifteen small
bottles S. S. b.thete Uot a sore on my llmbs.and 1
have a new leasp on VCADC fill R
oti our wondctlul remedy. IRA K. BTUJS.
Palmer , Kansas City.
ItEMKDyespeclallv for
Sec old people. It buljdj up
. . . the central healtlt 1'reat-
ion tbo blood mailed free.
Atlanta , Ga.
l'ropo al tor ( irnilo Htukix and I.umbur.
boiled bids will bo received , ut the ofllceof
the city comptroller. Oinnlin. Nob. , no to i
oulook p. m. boptombur Mth , IbUA for the fur-
nUhliiK of er.ido stakoi , lumber , nulls
und cement for the remainder ot the
your for the city ot Ouiuhn. tipoel-
llo.itlonn on file at this olllco. The rUlit
IN reserved to nceopt or reject any or all bids.
Kuoh bidder In required to unoloso oortlllud
ohook of MO.OO. XHUO OLHIJN ,
Couptioilor ,
k tJ .i.
treat her llko n mnn , nnd tlmt's what
wo uns 'lowed to do with Sis Forpuson.
'Don't trtlto no prlz'nors , boys , ' thtit'a
llio word wo piissod from tnnu to mnn
Hint nlftht when Uncla Jonathan ho was
a guldln' us to where ho Unowctl Evans
and the woman wns. "
"And WUB she his wUoV" ! nskod.
"Well , I reclton so. No ono'd n-
thought ttftor the wny she ustor tnko on
'bout Tom that slio'd over marry ; but all
wlmmln Is mighty ptnuigo , and the
strangest ono Unit over did llvo , I
reckon , was that satuo Sis Ferguson.
What Oodanilghty over creates such
folks fo' I can't novah mnko out , but hit
must bo that IIo's got a good rcivton. "
Hudson Burke was qulto as profunoas
hla dead cousin had boon , but no seemed
vary much more BO hccausu ho was moro
volcanic and vohomont. After ho hail
relieved his mind hy another volley
against Champ Forcuson and his gang ,
ho continued his uarratlvo , which 1 to-
produce very nearly as lu gave It , I
tbink :
"In our crowd there wns , all told , just
twenty men , but then they was oltl
soldiers , and every man of 'em hud been
thar afore. From what wo could larn
Evans had 'bout thirty-five , but , cuss
'om , they was every mnn of 'cm robbers
and lioss thieves , nnd I luiouod thov
wouldn't show up gnmo when the Umo
como. But to toll vou the truth , I foil
moro skcort of Sis Ferguson then I did
of all the rest.
"Hit was just 'bout an hour afoah sun
up , and when thur was grny streaks
a-gathorln' 'bout the mountain tops , that
Uncle Jonathan stopped and pointed at
a light down In a little bit of a valley
that wasn't ' moro'n a silt cut inter the
hill. Why , thorn cogits knowed so little
'bout sojorin' , or It may bo that they felt
so dead shuith that their hldlu' plnco
couldn't bo found , that they didn't- have
out no guards nor pickets.
"Wa uns snaked down till tlm dogs
heard us and begun to bark , then I
thought hit was 'bout ' time to lot the
boys loobo. You remember in the wall
that the Fust Kalmuck cavalry was
called 'tho wolves , 'count of our old kor-
nnl. TiVlllllfVnlfnpl f v rl/r n > .i.wl
when wo ustor charge , the boys'd shout
out : 'Wolf ! wolf ! ' Wu-al , as soon as I
give the word , 'Charge and give 'em
merry ole h , boydl' they starts up that
ole cry of 'Wolff and upon my soul hit
did mo n powah of good , and stirred mo
llko a bugle call at feed time.
'Wo uns ran through a right smart
bunch of critters a graziu' at tlio foot of
the valley , and then wo ctiino plum
upon four log cabins so fixed that a
dozen ole soldiers in 'om mou't a made
hit hot for a company if they knowed
they wits a comln' and wns prop thed ,
but them cloggono hounds aidn't 'spect
nothln' till they was woke up with that
ole ft oezln' cry of 'Wolf 1 wolf I'
"I novah was much at tollin' a story ,
moah particlah 'bout a fight A man
may bo fool ns ice , and do jest what he'd
ortor when the muss Is undah way , but
I nevah mot n man as wasn't handy , nt
lyin' that could toll much about hit
artor 'twas all ovah , and the othuh side
licked like blazes or mobbo not. Hut
wo uns did everlastingly waken that
crowd. 1 swar to hoivcn : hit does my
heart good jest to think of hit.
"Pro/.norsV Not much. Lilt war jcsi
aim nnd pull , as fast lib them dogs como
out. Only thrco got away , nntl they
was cotchod next day by Cnptiiln Brown
of the Seventh Pennsylvania and strung
up. And that ended the Furgusongang
in our part of the stato.
Sis ? Oh , yes , Captain Jenny ! Wa-al ,
jest as every ono said , faho was the head
devil and she shot ono of our men nftor
she was wounded nnd her in man's
clothes ; jest think of that , in man's
clothes and spurs on her boots ! Sho'd a
done ti lot moro mischief if I hadn't a
run UD and jerked the pistol oughton
her hand and llunir hit away.
"Sho was shot throutrh the brenst , but
I reckon sho'd a pulled through if sho'd
wnntorl to. I know that our boys , much
as they hated her , couldn't bring them
selves to hnng hor. I hud her propped
up with a saddle at her back , fo' by this
tirao it was bright nnd sunup , and I
kinder felt a pity fo' her , jest 'cause I
knowed how much she'd thought of
poor Tom.
" 'Won't some of you cussed fools fetch
mo some water ! " she sez. Wn-al on the
spur every man Jack turned to got sotno
water. .lust then some ono yelled ,
'look out , Cap ! ' and I was jo.-ked behind -
hind a cabin. I heutd a bullet whistling
by my head , then there was another
crack. What do think hit was ? Why ,
Sis had a pistol in her boot , and when
our backs wes turned , she readied down
and pulled hit on mo. She missed , and
the second shot was fired in her ow.i
head. She was a devil , if over ono were
27irrc's danger
Jn n cough moro
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Mnrkot reports by mull nn 1 wire choorf ulty
fiirnluhod upon upplloitlon.
Campbell Commission Co.
Chicago , KastHU Louis , liniiaaiiClty , Soutti
um ilui. tiloux Oltv. l''ort Worth.
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Correipouilonce aollcltoil nnd promptly
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Capital fullalil ! , $ 'JIUJ.
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Wrlto or wlro ui for prompt and rcllublj uinriat
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Tulupliouu 17\I7 ,
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luttlllll clllil
OnahaTcnliAwningCa Wolf Ilras , & Co.
Tpnls , nwnln ( [ , turnvi-
FI K < , liammocks , ell nd lint , coTorn of nil kind * .
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lniportpr niulinfu.noiir
Backt , burlaps , twine.
M. 0. Daxon ,
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tinjrtnonts. lo.V. 15th s
Moisc-Coo Shoe Co.
llO'tlloirnrd Stroot.
Fnctorrroraurllthn' I Doinlmtrcot .
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lalllni/aulnisofaoudi wliloli Is very anloabla
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Hector & Wilhclnj Co. k & Lion.
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Tn * eminent spaclallit In nervous , chronic , prlv lo. blood , skin and nnnnrr dhvniei. A roimlar and
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LOST MANHOOD , nnd ambition , ncrvom-
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Vear this Shoo during the Summer Monlht ,
IniShoc EXPANDS wllli I.VI 11V MOTION ol
tlie luoU vlvu > i rtlalu * III ( irrlirt l > D | r. 'Iho
AlUUHI'Alll.i ; Iralure inikci It ( HiKlUlo lu weir
A ptrroMrr ilior ,
: oiti no moro. looki better , wean lonctr ,
tin ] givn 100 tlmeB more comfort
Hun any uthrr nuke.
Fried , $3 00 , ja.CO , $3.00 S3.60 ,
For bale ut the Ilostan Blorc.lOth nnd Doualns
Or ( lie Mru < > r I'onlllvrly C'ureU
by lUliiituUtcrliiic I r. llulutV
UolUvii NitiTlllr.
It can bo given la a oup of oolite or tea. or In food.
Without thsknowUdco of Ihe patient , lllmbiolutely
birmleBi , and will effect a permanent and > r > a d >
sure , whether the paUont U moderate drlnkor or
an aloobollai T r k. It baa beeaelTen In Ihouainili
of ca.e , and In every Initance a perfect sure baa fol.
. e
with th Cpwino. it btconi an utter lupoeiiblllty
for Ihe liquor appeti to czl t.
UUIMKN fKCffl CO. . l-rop'r. . Ol.rliipatl. 0.
i8-paco book of Dartloulara fr o. To t > * bed of
Ktilm&Oo. . UthanaOoiuIni Sin. IBtU und
aumliiij tils. Wbolosile. Illako. llruco , i Uo
aud ICluharOion Uruj Ca.Uta nba.Nub
Dr. Bailay , S [
The Loading
Dentist '
'ihlrd floor. I'.ixtun Illoo'c.
Tolcphono 10S5. Kith u 11 rurua'ii Sti.
A full set of teeth on rubber lor ( V 1'orfaot s } |
Teeth without plates or M novablo brlduo worfc
Jubt the tlilnu for ulnnori or iiublla spjalcard , never
drop down.
Gold flllluz ut ro.isoniihlo rates. All work
wurruntuJ. Cut thU out for itii
Xotlco or 01 Dimigoi fur
To tlio owners ot all lots nntl parts of lota nnd estate nloiig Vlnion street from ' 'Hli
sticot to the \vcst line of ulloy In hlock'Jl ,
\ \ tleox'g aecoiul addition.
Von uro horohy notlllod th it tlio undor-
slmiod , tlitoedUint restud freoho dors of the
oll.y of Uniuhii , hu\o been duly apiioliilod by
tliu in.iyor. with the npproval of the city
connull of R.ild city , to assess the daniaio tu
the owners respecllvoly of iho | ire orty
uire ted b > Knullns of Bald stroot. duelaruil
netessirv liy ordln men Wuinhor II.ZW , passoU
AiinustZJrd. Ib'J. , and approved August " 4lh
Ib'UVoii uro further noliflnil. that linvlns ao-
ceptcdsild HUOolnlinonl , nnd duly iiiiaillluu
us rciiultcdby law. wo will , on the I.Hh d ty of
boptenibcr , A. 1) . 1SU. , at the hour of 10
o'clock In the forenoon , at tlio olllco of Hlirlvor
A. U'Doniihon , 1401 I'limnm Htreot. within the
( orporuto limits ot Nild city , moot for the
l > iiiioso | of eonsldurlnu Him maklim the
as esslllOlltof damaso to the owners rospoot-
l\oly of said properly. airoetoQ bvmld Krad-
In.tiiklti Into eonalder.itlon special buuo-
llts If uiiy ,
Yon nro imUllol to bo presiint nt the tjfcio
und plnco aforcH ild , and mal.o any onjoctrTma
toorbtatuinontsconcernln ) ; said usscHsniout
of tluniugoa UB you may consldur iiropor.
AY * Cii Hlllvl > Ijlt |
uno. J. I'Aiii *
JAS. BL'OUK1)A. [ < R.
Oomiillttoo of Apralsors.
Oinalm. Neb , goplombor Jrd , ln'JJ. ' s 5d 101
Notice or AHHCMiiiantot DiiiuHfron forltccon.
fltrurtlm ; tlio jlxtnuiitli Htroot VI iclnot.
To llio owners of nil lots nnd p irts of lots ana
roiil eKtuto ulunv tliu blxtooiitli street via
duct and the apuro iclioi thoroto.
You nro heroiiy notllloil tluil the u nil or-
slsned , threodlslnturostod freeholders of the
city of Oinalm. h.ivo Duoii duly nppointed by
t ho mayor , with the npproval of the city coun
cil of Hii'd eltv. to nssmt. thodutnituo to tlio
owners rospuotlvely of the property iifTeoted
hy the coiiBinicllon anil locotistrucllon of the
BIxtocnthKtrool viaduct In the oily ot Omaha
IIH deularod necessary by or > llnanuo No. 'J17J ,
passoil July " 1st. Ib'J. , unproved July 2.d ) , 16'Ji ,
and as proponed by plans dill/ approved by
tlm mayor und council of said city ,
You nro timber notified , that having ac
cepted sild appointment. and Uiny iiiallflud |
IIH mnilrod by law.o will , on Baturday. the
ITtliduvot Heplombur.A 1) , I8J1. . attholiour
of U o'clock In the fort-noon , at the directors'
room of the Commercial National bin'i 1003
I'arniim street , within the corpornto limits of
said eltv. inooi for the purpose of considering
and ninkliu the iibHOHSincni of dnin iuo to tliu
owners roupootlvu y of Hild property ittruutuil
by Hitld roconstructlon of Hiud vluJuutano lt >
appio.chos , tiikliiu lulu consUler.itlon special
bciiullls , It any.
You , ire notillod to bu proteut at tlio tlina
and plnco nforenald nnd inaUo any oiijoolloni < *
to or t itcmentH conccriiliu s ild iissobsmcnt/ '
of dumuuca us you muy cons dor proper ,
W. U. rilllCIVKU.
BoutemborSJ , 1602 , Ouialm , Nolra"1ba31dlot
You are lieioby notlllod t.'mt the followliiK
doHcrlbed nroinUvi , tu-wlti .
Lots 8. U , 10 und I. , Oherry Qardon , frontlu ?
on lie rrori street now calle.l ah voiiw > . 1" V
boon deolurod by ordination No. . i.MI to bo n.
nulsanco by reason of the buiiUn of eurth exists
oiiliiro lieroby dlrvolcd to nbnto giilrt mil-
o-ilico by sloping mid K'r.idliiK down tlui portion
tion of iild lots froiifliiK on UTtli iivonuo so ate
to prevent tlio fulllii. , wa tliu nr wiishliiK ot
oiirili on tliu UVBIIIIO or on the Hldowiilks iid.
Jonttliorouiivlthlnaa duyii fiom thoauii Uny
ot Auuust , IH'J. , or said niiUanco will b
abated by llio oltv authorllleii. mid tliiiox *
DOIHU thuroof levied UK u Npuulal tux IIKIIIIB | (
the property on which Bald nulHunco exists.
Oljalruiuu Llourd of 1'ublloVorlix