Ill IS UMAIiA .UAlIiY JBls35rnElUiNiA'X7 ) 'iSEr > i1KM.'BliU''fll 381)2. ) / > Ecnwtlonal Story of Treachery and Black mail from St. Lake City. PEDDLING A SPEECH AMONG NEWSPAPERS tV ] online' * VI Mr < iMiinnt Koll and Tux lt > tc- Coil I'lcliM lit Montnim-.A flolil- 1 | | > I > IM | Mi-tror Summary of Mortlmont Newn , A bombshell exploded In commercial circle ! In Salt Lnka City last week , laying bare c blackmailing com pi racy ntid betrayal of the interests of the Chnraoor of Comtnorco. Katly kst suminor the transportition bureau of the Chnmbor of Comroorco Insti tuted mit against the railroads , alleging un lawful discrimination in freight rates against Salt L.iiko City mid the toriltory. The hearIng - Ing on the charges preferred was to bo had buforo the Intorstuto Commcrco comraission , Septembers. Wcoks before tnat tlmo mom- bars of the chamber bccamo suspicious thai their case \vus not In reliable hmids , nnc iihargcs of betrayal of thu people's Interests wcro muttered , but the cuilty ones could not then bo determined. Owlbg to this state of aflnirs shippers mid the Cbumbar ol Com- morcn ur.lted in a request to the Interstate Commerce commission for a sixty-day poit- poncmcnt at the hearing , which was granted. Tim expose published by the Bait Laltt Tribune proves that the auspicious and Charges nt the chamber wcro well founded , and that an ultomiit was timdo to sell to the Union Pacific ortlulala the chamber's nido of tbo cnso and the gist tf the testimony to bo produced nt tbo hearing for $2GOO. On ihu2Glh of July ono E. K. Edwards opened negotiations with S. W. lOcclos , gon- cral freight agent of tbo Unlou 1'acltla at Salt Lake City. Edwards stated that he was on Intimate terms with the secretary ol the Chamber of Commcrco und the niombcri , and hnd procured possession of documontu which would bo Invaluable to the railroad compuny in preparing Its ilofcuse. Further- mere ho boldly Blutod ho bed secured a pass Itey'to the onico of the secretary and all doc uments In ino ofllco were accessible to him. Ho wanted the company to buy the docu ments , as ho wanted means to contlno his "piesont life of luxury und leisure. " Mr. Kcclos decided to find out whom the blackmailer was , und declined to consider tbo proposition unless Edwards called In person. The correspondence continued In this linn for sorao weeks , Edwaras re fusing to reveal himself. On August , ' } Stptumo W. boars , son of the secretary of tbo uhumbor , appeared on the scene as a pio- tondcd go-between , the mysterious Edwards having , ucronling to Sears , gene north for bU hcnllh. Sears aim Eccles bad frequent fiieotiqg * and cxuhangcd mnny luttoi.i , Edwards contributing an occasional latter tinted Butte or Pocutello , which Soars promptly convoyed to .Mr. Eccles , monn- v.'lillo urn I up ; that the deal with Edwards bo closed. No money was paid however. WI.Uo the negotiations worn under wuy , Union Pncillo detectives were put on the track of the elusive Edwards , and In addi tion all that transpired between Eccles and young Suars was taken down by stenographers bidden from view. 'Iho detectives soon discovered that E. E. Edwards was nonu other than 3. Vf. Soars , jr. The latter not only secured all the mall addressed to hU ollas , but the original drafts of Edwards' letters , supposed to have been written from distant towns , were found in the In the onico of the secretary of the Cnambcr of Com merce. The publication of the correspondence created a sensation In Salt Lake City. A hasty Investigation was made by the cxecu- . tlvo commiltcoof tbo Chamber of Commerce , resulting In tuo acquittal of Secretary Scars of blame and placing the responsibility on bis son , who confessed his culpability. That Soars , Jr. , is on the make Is not sur prising. Scars pore Is not averse to raklucr In tbo fcstlvo dollar whenever the opnortuultv oilers. In a typewritten letter to Tun BKK under date of July 7 and signed "S. YV. Soars , secretary , " bo infoimed this onico tbattbncasa of the shippers of Snlt Lake against tbo Union faciHc was "the most Im portant ever brought bolero the Interstate Commerce commission. " his object in writ ing , ho states , ' -Is to see if you dcslro a copy of my opening speech to bo made before ttib commission" ono of the precious docu ments Seam , jr. , sought to soil to Mr. Eccles. With becoming modostv Secretary Sears lauds "my opening speech , " declaring It covers \Vbolorangeoffrcigbt tariffs , the cost of movement of trains , "slious Sears that ll- ( quoting ) prominent r - roud ottlcUls , ono now a United States sena tor , tommlttod perjury bv filing with the Interior department at Washington falsa oflldavits , " and "bow for the last twenty jears the ofllclala have systematically plun dered the loads and the public , " etc. "What induced mo to wrlto to you direct. " eays Secretary Soars , "was an application from a newspaper man that I furnish him a copy of this speech and allow him to soil It to ono paper < n every city in the United States , upon which condition ho would pay me one- half of the not proceeds. 1 prefer , however , tbitt our Chamber of Commerce should reap all the benefit , as great deal of money has been expended In prosecuting this cise. Ono paner on the i'aclllo coast has signified lU willingness to pay for an exclusive copy , and of course only ono paper In each city will bo furnished with a copy , ether papers getting through the Associated Hress a brlof outline , but the cost of telegraphing tno full loxt would bo very great , ns there nro over 0,000 words. " It IB sad to reflect what n sensational treat the reading public lost br the delay in the delivery of that "oponlnc speech. " Just how much tbo Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce lost by the collapse of the snlo of an "ox- elusive scoop" Is a pioblera tha members may uTostlo with nt tholr leisure. ( Jl\o TJiomnohcs Auny. E. W. Uowoof the Atchlson ( Kan. ) Globe paints In the September Forum a picture ol the bond voting mania In those words : "It Is au old truth , but only old men seem to understand the particular Importance of bone&ty , simplicity , and order. Young towns , Ilka young men , am constantly trying experiments , ouly to discover that the old way Is so much bettor than any ether that they are at lint compelled to come back to It , Much has boon said as to what la the croat- estplty ; I think It is that young man and young towns do not accept the lemons of tbelr elders without tbo punishment of experience. Most woitoru country towns nro cullty of all sorts of mis takes , because few of them have roaohod ycurs of discretion. However wise a man may bo In his Individual capacity , and however - over who ho may bavo been as a resident of an olacr community , as a citizen of a now town no votns bonds with the recklessness that characterizes young muu in Riving notes , forgetting that payday will Inevitably roll around and that thny will probnblv not bo prepared to pay. Muny of the great for tunes In the east were gifts from communi ties In the west. The people conspire for months to gut control of their valuables in order that they may give them away. If there Is a valuable Iranchiso in a western country town Iho people usually maiiRgo to Elvo It uwuy , the recipients being men who bavo probably hern victims themselves In loino now community. " A Oolil-Tluiiuil Meteor. 1 It is generally conceded that forvarloty of natural resources Idaho Is a good second to Montana. To her vast natural wealth the itatoudds , according to local chroniclers , meteors buruished with gold. A Botso cor respondent wntes that on the night of Au gust ' . ' 0 the upper end of the Hruneau valley , Owyneo county , was made licht as aav by the fiery glow of n largo meteor tbat shot earthward out of the southwestern heavens. Jack Ronald , who witnessed the /light / of the acroluo , * uld it appeared as juryo osun ordinary box car , and Unit na It slanted downward it emitted alternately a deep red und o diuzllDg will to llgtu. Ho saw the meteor pass down behind the durk outline of a high hill , and a few seconds later bo hoard a nharp und resonant explosion. Wlthm the next few moments lionalu saw aix smaller aornlites shoot through space , but bo could not tell whether unv of them struck the earth. After the fall of tbo blif meteor the air was ohorgod with electricity , which BO affected Ronald's horsoa that they booam.o siuk , staggered and fell down vaulting and snorting. Neil morning Ronald made n search for the aero lite , but ho vvn.i unnblo to find a trace of It. Another man who wltnciicd tha phctiorae nun was Orley Adams , u placer miner. On Tuesday ho , too , commenced n s < * arcb for tha ilcrv visitor , and after a faw hours his search was rewarded bv thu discovery of n meteoric stone , weighing probably 40 ( pounds , which hnd struck a sandbanl on the margin ot the creek , ant had then rocochotted ninety foot to o blurt of olav , where It had lo Iged. Adams after consldor.iblo effort , chipped off n pien of the stono. It has tht > nppoaranco of hal smelted Iron ore , but Adiims declares that nn nssayor has assured him that the stonu is rich In gold. Adams , who Is it reputable tnan , says ho Is sure ho has found the aerolite that was seen by Honald nnd himself. Ho declares that ho was not ever 1,000 yards dls taut from the meteor when 11 struck the earth , nnd that bo foil the boat and electric atmosphere which surrounded tholncandes cent bolt.Vbon ho aro&o next morning tint started to search for the fallen star , its ho termed it , ho found stumps and bowlders anrlnxlod with line sand , and , correctly con lecturing that tbo meteor must have landcc in or near thn crcolr. ho proceeded to tha stioam and soon discovered what ho sought Ho thin Its the meteor , which i extremely heavy , Is more than halt gold. \Vcnltli mid Tux Hiitr. 'Iho completed assessment roll ot Wyomlni plves the following Interesting figures by counties : County. Valuation. Total Tax Albany . t 4nS.VWO M * 2.MII7 ? J Converse . 1.TOJ.UI.I5) 0.1B ! 4" Crook . 1.T4K.AT7 no O.M < 3 60 Cm bon . SI.3UOSO 11 17.3M 8(1 ( rromont . sti7,4IS05 ) 10.4i8 fi" Johnson . 1 , Ml , 17.1 00 8.r > ' ) l 30 l/munlo . 7,407 , l.Vi 47 3SIHS2 NiitrniiR . ( M 1.8 It 30 3.U31 40 Swcetwnler .1 . H.m.l73 IH 17.iiB BO Sherman . 1 , : ( > S.S.I 00 7.1181 nintti . : i,3si 4 14 i7,6fjnt Weston . i . l,1.v. : 00 tuiri 53 Totil . r.ssuoW > to Of the total assessment , which Includes the taxes on the railroads nnd tolocrnph com panies , the amounts going to the various funds are : Oonoral fund . $134,00777 Unpltilluxt . 4.11'H 10 Iln vorslty tux . 4.032 il Kund for Insuno asylum . I'.MKX ! 01 llond tax . U.J.iiSO IS The rates for the different levies nra : Capital tax. % mill on $1 ; university taS4 mill on ? ! , insane asylum , % on ? 1 ; bondtnx. T10 on $1 ; general fund , U 7-o on $1 : making a total rate of 5 12-10 mills on the dollar. Following is thu total valuation of the va rious kinds of property in the state ns ascer tained from the reports of the county clerks , and volUHtlon of railroad nnd telegraph prop- ortv by the State Board of Equalization for the year 1S92 : n.illronda. etc . 8 7,4CC.ia\M ToloRraplis . U4.ri.Ti.03 ImiHUund Improvements . C.09S.OG.17 Town lots antl Improvements . flOi ! ,4.M.88 Horses (78'JMil ( . li.000.G3l.00 Mules and nsics tlf. > S ) . 0V00 O.-ittlo ( J23.MJ ) . tf . 4.G : > l..7i : 0(1 ( 8huopKnVO" ( > ) . 1.S04,78".50 hwlno , Boats and doss . , . H47.fiO Musical Instrument * . Sl.EttaSO Ulocks and w.itehos . 4\orJ.50 Onultul In moroliiuullso and niiinii- fiicturlni : . l.)87.8.3.nO llouiehold ( urnUuro . U'fl,004.75 Farming utonslU . I5.G\2.00 Stock and slinrm In eorporntlons. . 30B , jaat)0 ) I'rlvnto libraries . 10 , > .OJ Other property not herein enuiner- atod . . . . . . . . . . . C08.8-.7.0I Insuruiicnproiiilniiis . & .7U405 .Monoy nnd crodlU. . . . . . G0.1.2i > 0.01 Carrlaqes , eto . 180.118.00 Total Montana Coul i Inlds. There are in the Flatboad basin of Montana eighteen or twenty successive pods of coal. Nine of those beds range in thlcltncss from two foot to thirteen foot , aggregating forty- eight feet of workable coal In the nine beds. The urea coveted by these coal beds is not fully known , but these coal-bearing roclcs cover a largo area in this valley , and some of the coal boas are Known to extend over some 100 square miles , and tbo probabilities are that tnoy extend over a much larger at oo. There is a consldorablo nroa of coal two and ono-half miles north of the city of Mlssoula , on which considerable development work has boon done and oxtonslvo loads of coal and lire clay have boon opened. Coal beds are also found in tbo Bitter Root valley below Stovonsvlllo. and others still m tbo foutallU on the east side of tbo valloy. There Is a coal bed high up in the main range of the Rocky mountains , just tt the west end of the Mullan tuanol , ana nearly as hlttn ai the tunnel itself. The Uocky Fork coal field probably con- talcs moro workable coal than any other equal area of coal beds in this or any of the aujoinln ? states. Though this coal Hold has uot peon fully expiated , It is known to ex tend to the mountains two miles west of Rod Lodge to the Valley of Clark's Fork east fully sixteen miloa and live mlles nortn and south. This area contains seventeen beds of coal on Rockv Fork Jn sections 23 , 27 and 34 , of townsnip 7. south and 20 past. Tbo coal beds of Park county are numer ous. extensive and carry the best qualities of coking and drv coals. Some of those mines , as the Cokedule , thn Herr , Bear Creek and Rocky Fork have been worked for years , and tbo coke and coals they produce find a ready solo In reduction works , on railroads and in cltv markets. Still south and east of tbcso on Bear creek and nbout .six miles cast-soutbeast of Rod Lodgoand In the same coal Held are 11 vo suc cessive beds of coal. The lowest ia tlvo foot thick and overlaid by 200 foot of sandstones and shales. Next above is a bed of coal four feet thick and above it forty foot of sand- stono. On this sandstone * Is a ccml bed nine feat thick , overlaid bv 200 font of sandstones , rtlmloa and clays. On these rest about six foot of coal , baving about 1 DO foot of sand stone and shales. On tlioso shales rest a fifth bed of coal four feet thick. Killed tlio Jtlunliiliml Saloon. Attar weeks ot weary cogitation nnd anx ious deliberation , tbo city dads of Sioux Fulls , S. D. , squelched the mucb-talkod-af municipal saloon. The scheme originated in tbo exhaustive think tank ot the local inter nal rnvouuc collector , who sought to squelch the Joints as well as the Perambulating ped dlers of prohibition booze. Llko a moderni Dcsdomonu bo wept for tno dangers envelop ing the city. His copious weeps moistened fertile soil and brought forth a project calcu lated , if put in practice , to annihilate tbo evil and replenish tbo municipal treasury. But the cltv fathers , wbllo viewing the project with friendly nycs , feared doubtless tbat a municipal aloon on tap during a campaign woula provoke too much irrigation and ibnorb the porquislties of office. So , having laid tbo project In the grave , tboy gave tbo countersign und the soda fountain fizzed on tbo sldo. Callfurnlu I'm It Unmlng. It is doubtful if tboro is in any part of the world land whicb yields with tbo productive ness of tbat devoted to fruit culture in Call- ornia , says tbo Ameilcun Qrocor. It is a and of prodigious results , and wbon ono con siders tbo returns to tbo orchnrdut , ho is mzzied to know what vuluo to place upon and. In Iho Santa Clara valley ono grower re ceived for the product of three ucro * of cher ries u not profit of $ ' . ) , UOO. From eighty-four rees ( consldorrbly less than one aero ) of Queen Anne cherries the grower netted $1.000. The fruit on at' eightv-acra prune orchard near Visalla Bold for GOO per aero. Vaea- vlllo fruit growers will receive nvnr 91,000,000. And with such returns some of the fruit trowora waut a hlgbur tariff. \\J-ollllllK. Notwithstanding tbo limited supply of qua in Wyoming , the prohibitionists have loinlnntcd u state ticket. An agent of a Grand Rapids , Mich. , syndi cate , said to have u million at his call , is vU'wing mining properties in the vicinity of Larumio. Tbo now town of Suggs , in the northern iart of the state , is gulnltifr notoriety for her shooting scrapes second to tie town of its slzo in the world. After a suspension of i.ourly four months tin ton-stump mill that Colonel S. W. Jownny of Luramio erected at Gold Hill , has boon started up again , Colonel K , H. Klmball of Douglas , wbo was arrested omo months ago for llbollnfr ho cattle invaders , has revived the Uouglu * Graphic and Is preaching populist pohlloi. The Union 1'aclfla has awarded u contract to Mr..rlhus Penool of Kansas City , Mo , , o erect , nialululn and operate a plant for the wfttor ut littler crook , Wy- omlng. Ho ganrftntcai that tlio watorsJinll bo free from scald , corrosive muter or tcif doncy to foam. Tbo owners of the Vesuvius mine , ICoyslono , received returns last Suunlnv from the ere they Rent to Assurer Bur- llniramo at Denver recently. It nssavs , ac cording to Mr. Burltngjmu' * report , $11)1.37 per ton. . A man named Lowls , who has boon pros pecting in thn vicinity of Green nvor for n number of years , has at last struck n line vein of coal. It Is claimed It Is an outcrop ping of the snmo vain as that at Rook Springs. A big bull buffalo urancod nlong the Grey- bull river the otnordir rogardlois of the barbed wlro fences on tbo ranchot ho crossed , lie escaped Into tha buffalo basin. It Is thought "that ho is an ostray from the na tional park. A Lnramlelto named Cowgcr , who made himself nfTonslvo by reason of improper rela tion with n widow whoso husband ho had driven to suicide , was treated to a full coat of tar nnd feather trimmings by indignant neighbors and run out of town. Frank B. Parkinson , convlotod of man slaughter n nil sentenced to servo n terra ol twelve years in prison , escaped from'tho county jail nt Chcyonno cloven months ago. Ho WAS captured t Rock Springs last week and Is back In his old call. Parkinson has boon in Rock Springs ever since ho o capod jail , working In the coal mlnof. The man was convicted on circumstantial evidence of the murder of a fellow soldier near Fort Ruasoll m October , 1800. > outh I ) kntii. It Is estimated that 1& > , OJO head ot boot cattle wlil bo shipped from South Dakota this season. The railroads have agreed to transport material for Doadwood's now hotel at ro- ducoil rates. Dondwoort's electric light factory , now In course ot construction , will bo ono of tha finest stonu buildings in the rlty. The Keystone mines adjacent to Rapid City recently sold for $60,000. The now owners propose oroctini { a milling plant of 100 tons capacity. The gorgeous new passenger depot of the Elktiorn company at Dead wood was built in ono afternoon. Local papers say It is a trifle largbr than a collar box. Mrs. William Williams , an eastern divorce seeker , Huccoodod in securing tuo coveted degioj in the Rapid City court , together With judgment for $30,000 alimony and $5,000 for tbo lawyers. An offer of (100,000 has boon made for the cement lode on Beaver creel : , but the owners have not yet concluded to accept so small nsum of monoy. Tbo claim is put- ' ontod , and comprises a'bout 170 acres. A strike of a rich body of free milling ere was made on tbo Moult on claim , nt the head of Poorman , baturdov , owned by General Ulovor of Bald Mountain. Tbo ere is fllloil with miuuio particles of the yellow stuff. The Catholic. sprlncs at Custor City , the property of Orlando Ferguson , were sold last week , Air. Ferguson receiving 8U3.500 in cash , and retaining an interest. Im provements are to commonca at once , and the springs are promised a boom. Montana , ' Butte baicors nro on A atvlko. Anaconda has formally entered the race for tha atato capital. A big strike of good ere was oncountoroJ on the COO level of the Moulton in Butte. The ere already taken out runs about tnlrtv ounces and tbo indications are that thcro is plenty of it. As equalized and corrected , the total as sessment of Lowls and Clarke county , in cluding Helena , is $24,183,240. Tbo tax levy U 8j } mills , which will bring in a revenue to tbo county for this year of $205,594.04. It Is announced that arrangements have boon made by which the entire output of tha Auaconaa copper mlnos is to bo refined by tbo electrolytic process at tbo works of tbo Baltimore Electric oompanv , instead of send ing it to Europe as heretofore. The Bozeman Lund and Loan company , capital $300,000 , and the Lima Reservoir & Irrigating company , capital S100.000 , have Hied articles of incorporation. The latter company proposes to utilize the waters of Rod Rock lauo in Madison county. A promising strike is reported in the Recompense - omponso mine , two miles north of the Bur- lingame mine , Upper Basin district. The owners are down onlv sixteen loot , but have ere running from (18 to S3 ! In gold and with plenty of load , whllo the vein is tweaty-livo teet across. Tno St. Paul capitalists who visltod the asbestos properties on tbo West Gallatln ex pressed themselves as more than satlslled with the quantity of the product. The qual ity had aheady boon assayed to their utmost satisfaction. They returnaa to St. Paul und will at once prepare to build works in that city for the manufacture of tbo product. Engineer Thorpe and crew started from Bozeman for the West Gallatln last weak to survey and estimate tbo cost of the West Gallatln wagon road , which will lead totbo Yellowstone National park. If the expense of its construction comes under $10UOO tbo commissioners of Gallatln will order it to bo constructed. The now Butte and Boston smaller being built In Butte will not have a ploco of wood in its frame. Tbo roof and sides are of cor rugated iron sheets which overlap each ether ucd are fastened to side pieces ot iron on iron rafters. Tbeso sheets can bo re newed without any damage to them , so that it Is possible to tear out tbo entire sldo of the building , or , if it bccnmo necessary the structure itself could bo taken down , packed on curs and sot up olsewbero. The stops and window sills will bo of iron , making the xvbolo absolutely Ore proof. Utlili unil Idnlui. The Soars sensation is the talk of Salt Lake City. Tbo assessment of Salt Lake county prop erty has boon marked up 10 per cont. J. D. Cornell , who was drowned in the river near Pocatello , was insured for $10,000. Surveying corps are busily engaged map ping and staking tlio projected railroad from Numpa to bllvor City , Idaho. Tbo democratic candidate for governor of Idaho haj a largo crop ot gambling escapades to explain , as wall as a number of checks given in payment of losses on which payment was stopped. The bondsman of William F. Holfriob , city treasurer of Ogden , drew their individual checks to cover tbo deficiency In his accounts of $10.000. Ho is still abort 1.000 on the city school fund. Ho declines to make any ox'- ilunatlon , but denies tbo charge of gambling , lo announces his Intention of roilgning at .bo next mooting of the city council. Alone the Ciiuit. An undurgrourd lake of salt has boon apped near San Ulsgo. The oillmatej expenses ot Seattle for the currant fiscal year is $54.1,074.00. Announcement is made that the Canadian 'ncilio will build a branch to Spokano. The Great Northern road is being pushed oward the Sound at the rate of throe miles a day. day.It It IH stated that 823,011 aoros of land in Douglas county are still open to entry. Tbo unaurvcyod land aggregates 181,810 acres. The city of Spragiio , Wash. , has purchased un oloctrio light plant , paying therefor the sum of $14,000. Not long ago tbo same city > aiu 110,100 for a water system. There uro so ninny detectives after train- robbers running loose ever In Invo county , California , that it has become unsafe for peaceable citizens to Ventura out of doom. A clciiryman going to visit a sick parishioner vus bold up by two bold thief-takers with Flavoring Extracts NATURALFRUITFLW/ORS. / Vanilla Of perfect purity Lotnon Of great strength- Oranero Economy In tholr USD. Flavor as delicately and dellelously as the fresh fruit \Vl.iehoitor rlflof thp.plhprilnv | , and anr iniintiprof IHhlnR pnr\lp 4inrt > boon forced to ( { Iva nn nccount ot thepi clvos. Tito government is tonkins atronuout ef forts to brenk up tha gang * ot smnpclor * on 1'uffol Soiuul , and thb hinufilors keep on smuggling. ih Stockton I * to hive -tho lar ctt mnc\roni fitetorv on thn uoast.ltli u to bo built bv a Sun L 'ranclscocanltalUTilnnd tlio Intention Is to supply the Pacillodlopo with the prod uct. i The Comstook minirtfc'nd milling compin- tos of Virginia City caUbursocl a total or 8137,433 for labor dunrib'tbo month of Julv. Owlnp to the drafts of'raen from several of the mines nni ) the stoppage of sovernl ot the milts , the payrolls will bo smaller. Onsrallons at the Uthdkniniu salmon hatch * ory , near Oregon Glty , will begin nbout the 1st ot next month. The output from this hatchery last year was about H.50U.OOO young salmon , and it U uot expected to DO larger this season. The capacity ot the Institution Is about 10.000,000 salmon nnnunllr. A lariro body of mineral wax or ozokozlto is reported to have been discovered In south * urn Oregon , So fur as known thli is the only largo deposit found except In Utah , whom It exists In paying quantities , It is a vnlunbla composition and is fast coming into prominence and adds much to the mineral wealth of the country. A queer specimen of abnormal growth ex- sis in Edmunds , In Sltaglt county , vVnsh. , in the shape of a Hpruco tree , 150 years old , ovorn largo cedar tree , which had fallen before fore the spruce trco sprouted on Its fallen trunk. The cedar wood is still firm und solid , thus showing to n remarkable degree the splendid quality of Washington cedar. The spruce tree's roots cover n part of the cedar , running down into the ground from its sides. It will bo sent to the World's fair. fair.Somo Some tlmo ago a Chinaman , who rouro- aontod hlmsolt ns a merchant named Lee Ling , deposited $1,800 In the California State ban It of Sacramonto. Ono morning subse quently ho entered the banlc nnd clrow ( SOU of the inonoy , ono of the paying tellers hand ing out the coin. During tlio noon hour the Cblnurann ngaln put in un nppoaranco at the biink. Tbo teller was at lunch , and tbo Chinaman informed Cashtor Abbott that bo wanted his monoy. "Do you want it all ! " aslton Abbott , "yes. " replied the China- man. "Want it nil. Mo go away ; solnp to China. " Abbott planked out $1,800 , and Leo Ling took it and departed , tn a short tlrno the cashier became tuvaro of the previous payment of $300 to the Mongolian , and there was an immediate and active search for Lee Ling. Ho evidently Uiiow n goodthing when bo had it. To Aturli Ice Croaiu. C. H. Rohrer , ngontof tbo Missouri Paclflo railway , Now Hnvon , Mo. , says : "I uufforod a great deal ono hot oronlng last week , ( July 21. ) I hud oaten ice cream for supper , and tboro seamed to bo an internal conflict going on. A traveling man sutu ho had somotblng in his grip at the hotel that ho bolloved would relieve me , and producing a small bottle tle of medlcmo gave mo a dose. I felt better , nnd in a few moments took another dose , which entirely roliaveo mo. I believe tbat such a moalcino Is wortby of recommendation - tion and tbat it , should bo kept in tha house during the sumtnsr. The bottle was labeled Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and DIarrncca Komcdy. " For sale by druggists. Go to Lincoln to tbAS State Fair. Friday - day is the last day.D ' O. A. H. EXCUKSIOX , TO WASIIIN'UT ON Via the \Valui8h Lino. For the above occasion the Wabash will soil , Sept. 13th 16 20th-round trip tickets to Waahin ftoh'and Baltimoreat loss than half farewith choice of routes ; passing down the beautiful Shonandonh Vulloy or crossing tbo mountains of Vir ginia by daylight , within sight of many famous battlollolds. i You have privi lege of stopping at Sk.'Louis ' to visit the great exposition and'fair ; also , view the magnificent street c illuminations and parade of Vqired PrWfliots , which will surpass in grandeurjtulefforts of former years. "For rates , , tlclcpta , sleeping ar accommodations , and lurthnr informa tion , call at WabasJroflico , 1502 Farnam street , or write G. N. CLAYTON , N. W. P. Agt , Omahaa , Nob. State fair. Take it in. Half faro to Lincoln. < Half Fare to Clncoln. The Rock Island offers the best accommodation - commodation between Omaha and Lin coln during the state fair , September 3 to 9 inclusive. Trains leave Omuha 1:05 : a. m. , 8 and 9 a. m. , 1:20 : p. m. Re turning leave Lincoln 2:05 : p. m. , 4:25 : p. m. , 0:30 : p. in. and 11:59 : p. m. Pas sengers landed on fair grounds. Tick ets , ono faro for the round trip , for sale at 1G02 Fnrnam street and Union depot. Charles Kennedy , General Northwestern Passenger Agent. The greatest statd fair over ia Ne braska this week. ' Out In IMTO. 5,000 acres in bodies of ICO to 1,500 acres , gilt edge wild lands at 85 to $10 per ncro in stuto of Nebraska , whoso crops last year aggregated ono hundred million dollars ( $100,000,000) ) . Owners must realize. Prices named nro ono half actual value. Direct freight com petition , both B. & M. and U. P. R. R. W. G. Albright , 621-2-3 Now York Life building , Omaha. Go to Lincoln to the State F.tir. Fri day is the last day. MY WIFE THE CHEAPEST AND BEST MEDICINE FOR FAMILY USE IN THE WORLD Instantly stops thu most oxcruolutiiiR pixlns ; never ( nils to give 0.10 to the sulToror ; a few applications net like , causing the p tin to Instantly atop. A CURE FOR ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS. If only taken In doses of from thirty to sixty drops In half a tumbler of water will pure In a few mlniitns Cr.impj , Spusms. hour Stomach. Oollo , I'lutuloaon. llo irtbtirn , Languor. Paint- ivenoss. CHOLERA. MORBUS. DIARRHOEA. DYSENTERY , Sick Iloniliielio. Nnusou , Nervousness Slooplpssnoss , MaUrlx , and all Internal nilns arising from cli.iuKa uf weather or other o.iusos.60 OBNTS A BOTTLE. SOLD BY DRUOOI3TS. WELL BRED , SOON WED"GIRLSWHO USE SAPOLIO Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next House-Cleaning. ti'DUO ATION A. L\ . For the lilglur uu l.nn'rul luliicutlon of girls unil you n c women. Bpvclnltlra : lliiflc , Art , Klo- cutlon , I'hyiicul Training , btram liont , Cold nd liot w tf r , bath roomo. tr . on each floor. 24th SoKlou bpRlim Srrt.Slli. 1M. . ForOtaloRut MISSOURI. dtCfs AUCIIII1AI.I > A. JONEK , 1'rnt. > x/-v | iw/-i . Suporlor aJtnntugcs for YOUfSO young ladl.i. Cour.eofrtudr thor. ouRh ; lluilcil anil Art dtrartmtnti hlgbcat order ; tcachnriof tlif 1'fdt American andEuroposiibulture ; large ami beautiful croundi ; now biilldlugi. rooms well Tentitated. llcliteJ by cm. OtxnB beplrmher 7lh. For catnlocur aiUreo - - Her. T. W. 11AHUKTT , fre . COL.UM1IIA , HO , SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS Purely Vegetable and Strictly Reliable. They act DIRECTLY and PROMPTLY on the Liver and Stomach , roatorlntr the constipated organs to healthy activity , and are a POSITIVE and PERFECTLY SAFE CURE for CONSTIPATION , LIVER COMPLAINT , SICK HEAD ACHE , BILIOUSNESS , and all ether diseases arising1 from a disordered con dition of the Liver and Stomach. They ure the Only Ilellhlo Vegntahla Liver Fill Sold ; They are Porfonly Ilnrralou ; Ths are Purely Vegetable ! Try Them. DR. Bchenck's Book on Consumption , Liver Complulnt and Dyspepsia Sent Free. J.1I. SOIIENOIC&SOM. Philadelphia .Anow aad Complota Treatment , consisting of Suppositories. Ointment la ( Japiulai , alia In Uot andl'UU : a PoilUro Cure for Hiternal. Internal bllndor UloedlnKltoliInK Chronic. Uooantor IJoroJI- Uvrr I'llos. Tnla ItomoJr hat never boon known to fall. 11 per nor. Uforjii sent by mall. WbrsulTerfroin tills terrlbla dlioaio vrliea a wrlltia Kiiarantoa u nOBltlTelrgUon nltliO tuxoi or refund the money 1C notcuredsand "tsrnp for free Sample ( luaranloo Usuod by ICuhn A Co. , UruKRlsti , Sola Agents , corner IStl' ' ana Doualua itroeti. uraaha. Neb EDUCATION AL. BROWNELL HALL , Seminary for Young Ladles. Omaha , Nebraska. Bishop Worthington , Visitor. ' Rev. Robert Doherty.S. T. D. , Rector Fall Term Begins Wednesday , Sept 14th. For Catalogue tind particulars , apply to the rector. THE FALL' TERM OF THE OMAHA pens next Thursday. Sopt. I , over Boston tor0 , Kith und Dou lna Nluht .school bojlns HU mo date. Send for catalogue. Address uonuiionoii mtoa _ FEMALE ACADEMY ( T.'il year. J'r pnrntory , Collegiate , Music anil Vine Alt Cour en 31t3forWflie ley. 8 ntlrorlluptrato ) < lcatalc ru0 & K IIULLAUO. A. M , I'rln. Jackaoavlllo , IU. WENTWDRTH * * * * * * * Claiiical , Literary. Scientific ConriM of itu.lf. . In- fantrr and Artillerr. drill and actual Cavalrj. Oldfxt nilltnn Nebool Ip do. Cntalorae. MtUor . aJBJULlIUa , M.A. . I xluctoo , fio. NF.W YORK MILITARY AOADEHV , Col 0. J. Wright , II. S. , A.M. , Oornwnll.N.Y Klr-MI- ? 7AUIJI.E8 replete * . the tu.iiiblncr ouj Buwili. ourl-i \rr tLo Ucod. are raff and tllrolual ; : Hho beM mit'Icl o know u for bllloua-S Hi'io , conrtjuallun. djtpcp'ta. AJulX reuta , benit cbe , pooj-tnuru , uu of /.vpctlto , dental uef ret ! nn , palorul t Sururobloc'.crn/itllurebyHiertoniiU'h.llrerorln StmtlnM topcrtoi-m their proper ftinstlons remount 'Klron tooMettlniraroI > 6n ntalljt4illnitiDo Itcr oiioliniv\l. IMccbT inall.l eroM.tjt ivmul .Up. ? ItIl'Al.3 ClltMJOAl. CO .lOPpmcoBt .How Yoik. ? We sell Hats , Extra Special and sell them Bargains in cheaper than Cent's hat stores. Furnishing : All the lead ve ed to , sell ; we Se/ ' Goods , ing makes. = Always At Par 'nad0' W ° 11 "ttlnfr' doslrabl , ' ' ' ylos of clothing is sold at par bv i n I , qvory first clan , establishment , no matter in what city or what country The Duality with any reputable establishment In the country. I iond all orders . by express subject to approval. We'll send you u wool suit frm , , \ 'flnost ' made. Just st ito your measure and what you want. , uid we'll do the unUnoo Columbia Clothing" Company , Cor. 13tli and Farnam Streets. Our * SD , children's to M. Hellman & always tha department is owest for the most Roods complete worth more * In Omaha. than the price. - < 'Store open till 8 P. M. , Saturdays until 1O. P M. ' * * ' ' " . - * - N * . < IF YOU EVER SUFFERED FROM Indian Depredations If you arc In position to take advantage of the laws re lating to you have taken up a piece of Public Land. If you have made an Invention on which you desire .to secure a Patent , You should communicate with the Bee Bureau of Glains The object of this bureau is to give every person holding u legitimate claim against the government the udvnntn o oa residence in Wuslii iiRton , whothoi' ho live in Toxus or Alitslciv It does more than that. Nino-tenths of tha population of Washington would ba helpless if asked how to go to work to secure their rights through the depart ments. THE Buu Bureau of Claims gives the advantage , not only of pot- somil residence , but of thorough famil iarity with all the machinery nt the government. It offers Absolute Security. You do not know whether the average Washington claim agent will chpat yo or not , although on general principles you would naturally suppose that ho would. But you know that the San Francisco Examiner , the St. Paul Pie < ncor press and the Omaha BKB cannot jifford to cheat you. They guarantee this Bureau , aim tholr reputation ia staked upon the honesty and ability of its management. The bureau employes attorneys who are Expert Specialists for each of its departments. Its Indian depredation cusos MO 00.1-0- My worked UD , with all the ovidonoo required by luw , and argued before the court of claims in such a manner as to bring out moat favorably all the osaon tlul points. Its land cases ure handled in strict no- cordancn with tiio rules of the General Land OIUco , so that no delays or com plications ontnio in the orderly sottlo- uiont of the claims. Its patent cases are so tnanajo I is i insure the utmost possible bonotlt to the nvontor. by giving him the broudodt protection his ideas wlll'juytlfy , Its pension cauos are disposed of with the least possible delay and expense to the votctana. Don't t of rain from consulting thn bui eau because you are afraid of the coat. Its costs nothing to uot information. Asic as many questions as you please , and they will bo answered promptly cheor/ully and accurately , without charge. THE Bee Bureau of Claims Room 22O , Bee Building , jOmaha. Neb.