THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 5 , 18H2. THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS OFKICEs NO. 12 PKARL STREET Dellrcroil hy cnrrlor to unr purt of the city 11.V. . T1LTON. - MANAGER. Itni'nPi'a Office , , . .No43 EUlor No23 . ! / / > MliXHOX. K V. J'lumblugr Co. Council iJluffa Lumber Co. . The Su Andrew's fcocloty of Council Illuffs will RIVO n plcnlo next Friduy nt Folrmount park. The Lndlcs' Aid Society of the First Con. Krccntinnnl church nro to moot nt the reil- ( IcncoBf Mrs. Stodanrd Tuesday nftcruoon nt U o'cloelt to comnlrto nrrmiijomonts for the fnrowoll rocoDtton of Knv. Mr. Crofts. Melllo , the Infant son of J. Emerson , died of onoleia It.fAiitum vestordnv niornlngntO o'clock , nfter n two days' Illness , aged 1 month. Tno funornl will occur thti nftor- nnon at 3 o'clock from the family resldonco. 181(1 ( Avenue A. There will bo no icislon of either dlitrlet or superior court todny , Lnhor dnybelnRa liollduy. All the ofllcrs In the courthouse will also ho closed. The Honrd of Super visors U booited for n mootlnir , out It will probably ndjourn until tomorrow. Hcv. U. W. IJrowcr , pnstor of the Fifth Avenue Methodist church , will bo the chief speaker nt the tompornnco mootltiK this evening nt tlio Chrlstlnu Union mission. Colonel L.V. . 'J'ullnys nnd ethers will insist In the music. Tnero ulll nlso be short Jul'Jrt'.ssoi by Uev. Henry DuLoiiR und others. VV'l.nt Is known ns the "Odon Ice houio , ' n lorffe frame building on I'lorco street nenr thu corner of I'.irk avenue , wns nurneil nbout 4 o'clock vetordny mornlne.- wus cinptv , nnd nlthouchthn building Wns cntnnlotclydo- mollshed the iliiiniiL'o will not uxcitod SIOU. It Is ftupposod to bo tno work of nn in- cindlury. , 11. wns annoincod In the Concrnpatlona church yesterday that n fnrowoll reception will bo clven nt the church next Thursday ovcnlnp from 8 until 10:30 : o'clock , to plvo nn opportunity for nil to Rrout UMV. Mr. Crofts nml family before their donnrlurc for Uent- rlco. The reception Is to be Informal , nnd nil filcmis , whether members of the church und congregation or nor , nro cordially In vited. It Is suscostol that so fnr sis con venient , the friends should bring with thorn pholopraphs of themselves , vloxvs of tholr liomc.s , scenes ubnat Council Bluff * , etc. , to thun form u collection of pleasing souvenirs for Mr. Crofts. Judson , civil onglncor , SU3 Broidwuy. ; > < I WUlicU I Kiunv. " But you don't , nnd what is worse , perhaps , you don't know wlinro to ijo to lind out. Now an odd sort of ortrnnizn- tlon has boon stiirtcd , with $ (100,000 ( , for the very purpose of Hndin nut for you nnythiiij { you' want to know from any point in the United States. If you want to know the true value of roul estate or merchandise , or the Btundinp : , credit or ratincr of nny firm or individ ual iu porno distunt town ; if you want records exnmlnotl , or if a certain person is in a certain town , and what ho is elding ; in fact , if you want any kind of information , or anything done for you , you need not ask a stranger , but bl m ply pet a ticket from your local agent. This orgniiization. the Consumers Commercial n < rency of Now York , has 15OCO ! a oneics , covering every stnto and territory. You don't have lo subscribe or become u member , for anyone at any limo can buy a ticket at n trilling sum. WIMi this ticket is furnished the mime of a trusted afjcnt In th.o town from which you want the Information. You can wrilo this per son , and be certain of getting a rolhiblo and confidential answer to your ques tions , without further trouble or ex- ponso. The company has appointed as -Us agent in Council BlulTa Charles IL Gilmore , No. 225 Main street. IIo will gladly furnish you any further informa tion concerning the plan , and tickets can bo secured from him. Romcmbur that Bushnell sells all kinds of school books ut the lowest prices. _ IU.YttO.Vrf L I'.t It A (1IC.I rjlS. Miss Lnnra Fllcklnper has returned from * visit with relatives In Independence , In. Mr. und Mrs. Prank P. Fowler have gene lo their old homo in Madison , V.'ls , , for a Vl.sit of nuout ten days. Miss Lorton nf Nrbrnskn City , Miss Ab- butt nnd St. Clalr of Chicago , nnd Miss Durkcr of Michigan will bo the quests of ilio X nllsses Fiirnsworlh on Eighth street this IVCCK. C. G. Widen , pastor of the Swedish V Lutheran church , has resigned his pastorate and will leave for'Mead , Net ) . , whcra he will cngnco in the work. Tno Council Bluffs I'hurch has n pastor In vlow , and the vaeuncv will no doubt bo tilled In the courAj of ii couple weeks. A now church is bolng put up ut tbo corner ot Seventh und Mill streets. Talcing Time by tin ) Fornlork. Tlio Boston Store is doing a somewhat novel thing this week. The weather just now is not tueh as would remind ono very forcibly of tlio approach of winter , but tlio Boston Store hus do- oitled to take ttmo by the forelock and Boll blankets at enough of a reduction to make it enough of an object to people who are likely to need blankets to buy now. Fotheringham , Wliltolaw & Co. have an agreeable way of anticipating the wants of the people , and in thisc.iso , judging by the prices , thoao who can avail themselves of tide opportunity are to bo congratulated. Visitors to the Btoro say there are just lots of bargains in other lines too. Considerable atten tion has been attracted by the enor mous arrivals of now goods at the Bos ton Store this week. The sidewalk on two sides of the store has boon stacked > vlth capiolous boxes , all containing now goods , most of which will bo on the Bhelvcs by thu middle of the wook. A good light ? Why , there's no use having anything olse. Got any of thoao perfect lamps at Lund Bros.'nnd have u perfect , light. They are all good , and tlio finest line in the city. Arrnngniiianta for tlio Hnnainpmmit , Orders have been received by tbo Dndgo Light Guards to go Into oamp at Sioux City next Friday availing , Unit being the ditto of the commencement of the annual stain en campment , A special mooting of the com pany will bo held thlsovonlngfttthoAnnory , when the non-commissioned olUcors will bo appointed and these who expect to attend tha encampment will receive nny Informa tion thut muy bo needed. The First und Second regiments of Iowa linvo been doilirnntcd bv thu governor to go to Chicago In October to attend the opening oflhu World's fair. ThU will leave thu , Third nnd Fourth ruglineuts at home. To make up for tlifu two members Irani each company in tuojo two regiments nro to bo bdlcctcd to lie-company the other two rocl- incnti to Chicago uud according to orders from hcuduimriers the honor is to bo bo- btowea on the two most meritorious mombum or the viirlou * companies. The election of tha two representatives from the Dodge Light Uuurds will tuko place In the course of Iho next two or three woolis , at o tlmo to ho announced luter , The expense * of those- who go uro to ho berne by tbo government. lrou I Munlur. Prices slaughtered at the bankrupt ehou Bale. 621 Broadway , lo close out the big stock of Hue uhoos. Gents' line calf dresa shoes 82,00 , worth $1.00. Gents' line dongoltt rcss shoos $2.00 , worth $ -101) ) . Gouts' finest calf hand flowed shoos f ± 60 , worth 85.00. George Davis , drugs ana palaU. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Pcstors Eeturnlag from Their Esgular Summer Outings , REV , OLYMPIA BROWN ON EQUAL SUFFRAGE Slio Deliver * nil Kloqucnt AtlilrcM nt MitS'iiilc Trinplo Aniiiml Kncninpinent uf the btuto Mlltt'la I Now Clone at Iliinil. Yesterday was the first Sunday of Septem ber , nnd it saw , as usual , the return ot sev eral of tbo pastors of the city from tholr an nual outing nnd the reopening of the cam paign against his S utile majesty which has been allowed to drag during tlio bet weather. Usctor 15. J. Bubcock of St. Paul's Episco pal , and Ur. Steobon Phelps of th > Presby terian , wcro in their accustomed places , Uov. L. A. Hall ot the Temple Baptist church hns notyotreturncd from thocast , but will bo hero next Sunday. In hU itbsenco Uov. J. W. Harris ot Omaha occupied the l.ulplt. Uov. W. L. Thomas of Minnesota preached nt thu First Baptist church. Ser vices will not bo Interrupted by ti.o lack of n pustorut this ch'irch , but supplies hnvo been secured for each Sunday until thu arrival of the now pas or In October. At the Congro- gntiomil church Huv. J. W. Cowun of Tuber occupied the pulpit- All ot Uiffo churches VVCIM well tilled with congregations that I seemed to bo glad 10 cot back , notwithstand ing the en1oyuoleiic ! > s ot the breathing spell of the past tow woaka. If alt leporta bo true Uov. T. McK. Stuarl will not bo Iho pastor nf the Broadway Motti- odlst church during the coining year. It Is RtiiU'it that thu loading men of the confer ence luivo practically decided to pluco him In u lurgar llold than ho now occupies. His romovul will bo u lass to Council Blutfs , as he Is considered one of the most scholnrly clorgnncn In the denomination. Ho Is a member nt the bool : committee of the de nomination , and also of the tmtiotml board of charities und reforms , so that ho has given something uf n nntinnui standing to the rhurcli of which ho has been pastor for the past two years. lint Sight un llruiulwny. Whllo walking past 401 Broadway ono would naturally think the month of December was here , in place of thu' fall of year. The display of blankets in * the four largo show windows of the Boston Slot e look liuo cold weather. Of course it is coming , and they have prepared for it by showing ono of the largest lines of blatikuts ever shown in this city. As an advertisement for this de partment they have docidcd to inaugu rate a blanket sale for one weok. Every pair ot blankets have special prices fo.- thin sale , which BICGINS MONDAY , SEPTE.MBER 5. Our window of white blankets repre sents all qualities , from G7jc to SKi.OO. Another window shows qualities ot red blankets from $2.25 to $7.00. Grey blankets range in price froinG'Jc to85.50. Natural coloiod blankets from 02c to i.oO a pair. This sale is for ono week nnd the above prices only last during salo. Every blanket in the store will be marked regular pi-ices after this sale. Cut ThU Out and bring it with you to the great bank rupt sale of llrsl-class shoes nnd slip- poiH , 521 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Ladies'kid Oxford tics , o'J ' cents ; worth 51.25. Ladies' dongola Oxford ties , 75 cents ; worth $1.50. Ladies' opera slippers , 47 cents ; worth $1.00. ICOpooplo in this city use gw stovoa Iho Gas Co. puts 'om in at cost. Wanted to 1(117. Improved p-operty. Will pay cash if price is low. H. G. McGee , 10 Alain street , The want advertisements appearing in n newspaper are often the most interest ing part of its contents. They express the urgent needs , the daily wishes of'tho people who want something und who are willing to do something. School books of ull kinds at Bush- noil's. I.iKlIrn with Uliv.lll Fret and especially these woarinir H or fl } will lind it to their advantage to call at the bankrupt shoo sale , 521 Bro.idway. Wo have a largo lot of lho = o sixes that will bo sold nt great reductions. Don't forgot that Bushncll , at 19 Pearl find 20 Main sts , has all kilids of bchool books und school supplies. The want advertisements appearing in a newspaper uro often thu most interest ing part of its contents. They express the urgent needs , the dully wishes of the people who want something and who aio willing to do something. Gentlemen , the finest line of tall goods in the city , juat received. Hoi tor , the tuilor , 310 Broadway. Uroppinl Head lor Joy. The bankrupt shoo sale , 621 Broad way , olToi H pxtru bargains to close out tlio immense stock. Men's working shoos , CO cents ; worth 81.50. Men's dress shoos. 07 cents ; worth $2.00. _ She WiuiU to Vote. Rev. Olympia Brown , a loader In the woman sufttMRu movement , of Kacino , Wis. , Is In thu city and made an adaross yesterday afternoon at tha Masonlo temple on tbo sub ject of national prosperity. The address was announced In tbo churches as a sermon , and It was preceded and followed by a prayer , but so deftly did the spoaUor work it that it wai bard for the audloc.ce to toll Whether wh t wai oetwoon tbo two prayers wus a Bcrmon or a political npooeh. How ever , 'if she did leave borne doubt In tno minds ot her bearers on the subject she suc ceeded In giving the church members a chance to mix up in politics a llttlo und gave the politicians a clmnco to go lo churcu and yet scarcely know It. Thu speaker made woman's suffrage tbo mam tbomo of bur discourse , und Iu so doing waded Into both of the old parties recklessly. She said that neither of them paid any at tention to thu question of the advancement of humanity , out they both dealt entirely with ( juuiuons of expediency , tucb as tariffs , taxc > nnd the like. ThU devotion to ma terial Interests bad penetrated lute every department of politics , and Its effect might oveu bo seen In tbo church , where tbo doc trines of election and total depravity , und thu question wbpro the pastor would got tils next month's salary had tuKon precedence of the spiritual matters that should occupy Iu attention. According to her Idoa. the inls- talco of a lifetime was being made by tno two old parties when they refused to allow women to vote. Trie voting power was being bused on strength and sax , not on spiritual 'quulltlcntlous. Tbo roasou for tbo existence of thcl United States as a nation lay In Its Imvlnc taken tbo stand that all bad equal right to lite , liberty aud the pursuit of bup- plnosu. In depriving women of the light to vote the government had deprived tbo woman's suffragists of ono of their sweetest rmbt , and had , accordingly , broken ! Iho promise It bad made to thu nations of the world. In giving power to the courier and baser elements of aoclotr , euoh as muii , the L'ovorumcnt bad disfranchised the church , which was largely composed of women , and hod imfraunhUod tbo ponlinntlarlos. Jails , saloon , and brothels , which aio largolv maintained by the inalo members of society" . She couteuded that by giving the women the right to vote U would soon bo brought about that the political parties would give ns much attention to churches as to brewers' Biiociauons , und that temperance and virtue would bo as powerful on election day as intemperance - temperance nnd vie" . The speech wa n very eloquent one , nnd was listened to with the greatest short of Interest by an nudionco of nbout 100 , whllo the "Atneus" and the frequent applause that were elicited from the brethren showed the approval which mot her sentiments. Indigestion , dizziness. Take Bsocham' Pills. Slinntlni ; nt Hunting season opens September I. Ltiko Mnnnwu is full of young ducks nnd snlpo. Trains lenvo Broadway ut 11 , 2 , 8 , 4 , 5 , 0. 7 , 8 and 0 o'clock , ana on Sun days ana special occasions us often ns required. _ Tlio want advertisements appearing in u newspaper uro often the most interest ing part of its contents. They express the urgent needs , the dully wishes of-tho people who want something and who uro willing to do something. "That lamp smokes. " Throw it uwuv nnd got u now ono ut Lund Bros. A prl/.u given with every lamp sold hi s week. _ AOt2'.n.lJ.t. . rrcpurliiR for tlio Cholera The City to Ho ThnroURlity Cln.inoil , Thn cholera scare will have a good effect In South Omatm and will rasult In such an Improvement In sanitary matter * nnd n gen eral cleaning up a ? hns never before boon contemplated. Mayor Mlllor'8 proclamntlon will have the desired olfoct and spar the people to n realization of the fact that tno city is not In as clean a condition as It should bo und Individual ajtion and co-opjration Is what Is needed. J. W. Snlvely , vho city gnrbagomaster , will Increase his force of men nnd loams to day and will bo In shupo to handle the in creased ( lorn nnd for services \\hicb will bo made upon his dcp.irtraonc. An ordinance das boon prepared and will como ooioro the council at tomorrow evening's session , which Is very utrict in Its provisions , and will re sult in an improvement in the snn- Itnry regulations aid conditions. The ordinance provides thut ull cesspools and vaults Rlmll bo regularly cleaned and disinfected during tbo tu-ntnor nnd fall months at least once each week. The own ers of property abutting upon the streets where ihero uro lines of sewer are compelled bv the provisions of tbo ordinance to hr.tno- diatuly tnaUo connections with the sower. Tbo ordinance Is yory extended In scope nnd covers thoroughly the regulation of cesspools and vaults. The citizen who falls to comply with tbo provisions of the ordinance is deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and Is sub ject to arrest and may be lined in any bum not exceeding $100. Commencing today two moo will make a cill to each house In the city and will servo notice ordering an Immediate clearing up of the promises where it is needed , Accident to u Smoker. Ell II. Doud , assistant county attorney , Is an Inveterate smoker and finds rare enjoy ment in puffing awar at a pipe. Yesterday morning bo donned his best clothes and before fore leaving homo sat down to enjoy u smoke with his favorite Missouri meerschaum. Ho finished the treat , placed tbo pluo in his roatlall pocket aud started for his ofllco. When Mr. Doud passed the llrchousa on Twenty-fourth street some ono yelled "Con- llagrtitlon , " and before the pursuror ot criminals knew what was meant ho found hiniiolf In the bands of Chief Smith nnd several stalwart Uremen , who teen had the coat off his b.iclc. Mr. Doud's surprise mav bo imaclnod.wbcn he beheld nearly the 011- tlro lower part of his coat uurncd awuy. Flrom the plpo was the cause. Fast Time or u Cutlln Train. A tram of twenty-two cars of cattle came in from Denver last evening and made ex ceptionally fust time. The train loft Denver at 7 o'clock Saturday evening over the Union Pacific and pulled Into the yards here nt ex actly 0 o'clock last evening , covering the dis tance in twenty-three hours. This time made is considered as bolng very eood , considering the fact that a number of long stops wore made und considerable time consumed in that manner. An avoracoof twenty-two miles an hour , Including the numerous stop * , Is the rata of speed required to make the trip in that tlm ? . _ Will Uo Adilri..tit'il by tin Kx-Slnvo. Colonel A. A. Jonns has boon secured to deliver an address In this city Friday even ing at the republican caucus. Colonel Jones Is an ox-slave , and some time ago removed from bis South Carolina horco to Lincoln. Ho is said , by tboso who bavo heard him , to bo an orator of ruro ability and the repub licans of South Omuha may expect a treat by his coming. The place of holding the me tint ; bus not boon determined upon , but duo notiuo will bo ulven. , lnln In the Cclcbriitlon. The people of South Omaha will generally join In tbo celebration of Labor day. The labor organizations Iu the city will turn out and participate in the parade. Nearly all of the business bouses will close to nimble tbo clerks to sco the parade. The banks and city otllccs will not bo open during tbo day. The regular monthly meetings of tbo council und Board of Education should occur this evening , but will go over until tomorrow night. Nearly the entire city will turn out to the picnic and colouration to bo held at Spring Lake park in the afternoon. NotcH mill H. C. Cook of Denver was in the city yes terday on business. Chief Beckett goes to Kansas City today on ofllclal business. Thomas Flynn returned yesterday from n week's stay in Chicago. T. J. O'Uradv Is homo fro.n a short busi ness trip to St. Josepb , Mo. The St. Agnes parochial schools will open for the fall term tomorrow , Mrs. J. A. Duo has returned from an ex tended visit in Massachusetts. Captain Van Wlo resumed police dutlos last night after a week's Illness. Councilman Fred Bowloy has purchased tbo Qutnn saloon ut 25U5 N street. UBV. Father J. l > . McGavookof Chicago , Is visiting with Uev. Father D. VV. Morlarity. Miss Mama Soykorn , a teacher In tbo public ichools , bus returned fromillllnols , where sbo has been during tbo summer vacation , Jack Cavanau h , an employe of the Union Stock Yards company , broke bis loft arm at tbo elbow Saturday evening. Ho fell , from a high sidewalk and throw buck bis arm to break thu fall. City Attorney Van Duson loaves tomorrow for his old homo at Syracuse. N. Y. He will , on bis return , stop oft in Buffalo to attend tbo national convention of tbo louguo uf republican olubs , which mets In that city , aud to which ho goes as a delegate from this congressional district , Nuceotl Nuggotl Nuggetl Buy Big baking powder. ! ) i oz. 25 cents. Oil the I'nrln Iloiirxe. PAIUS , Sept. ! . On the boil MO during the pust week rentes were itrong. The upward movement , which appear * likely to continue , was ohlelly duo to cheap money. The cheap ness of money influenced other International stocks , In which there was nearly an all rounJ advance. Spanish bonds advanced U points , partly owing to a belief that tbo no- gotlutlous for a commercial treaty between Spain and Franco wilt bo successful. Hus- slan and Hungarian bonds were 1 point higher. Itio Tlntos , after fluctuating below ! i7 , closed nt ii3S % on favorable copper sta tistic * published in London , but it li doubt ful whether tbo price will bo maintained. Credit Fonclor advanced 1 % centimes and Suez canul 7 franc * . Panamas were \\tt \ francs lower , _ On the rriiuldiirt llourir. FJUXKKOUT , Sept. 4. Prices wore fnlrly steady on the bourne tbo past wouk. Too Hungarian gold ronto closed on Saturday at 05 and Mexican O's at 7S.70 , a fall of nearly 3 points. Other final quotations Include ; Austrian credit , 2(18 ; Austrian gold ronto , 07.50 ; private ( discount , 1 % Hood's Saisaparllla nbiolutoly euros all diseases caused by Impure blood and tt builds up the whole y tom , " IN SEA-KISSEM , BOULOGNE 3-9) ) Mi 1 An Amorioin Girl's' ' -Pon-Pioturoi of Trench Fishcrjjolk , 8L)1 ' X' PICTURESQUE COSTUMES OF THE NATIVES 11 in Orlclu of tlio Notre Daino of Hoiitogno 1'rnnco'n I'liinom lrlllirtir ) 1'ort AVIioro tlio Woinpn uro Strn/Iii'iuiil-Miumilnr / and Vnjoy nti OcfURlonnl spree. , August 20. ( Special Corrospon'lonco of TiiB linn. ! Uy which ever route Boulogne Is approached the on- truncn to her deep-sea harbor Is striking. Fir t tlio traveler will sea the ChuntlHon cliffs , white and irregular in outllnn as those of Dover , seen In the harbor Just opposite. In former times' , during the Invasion of Julius Cminr , a famous oa&tlo stood here , but It hus long since disappeared by reason of the encroachment of tha sea. Hanging the oyu along this ohalky wo soj the 'or of Hourt , built in 18J3 bv Napoleon I. , and beyond , at the extrotno point of the cliff , the lighthouse ot Capo Alprocir , which exhibits n fixed whlto light , varfod every two minutes by n rod Haiti , visible at a distance of twulvo miles. On the loft extends a second range of cliffs on whtoh stnnus an electric lighthouse , whoso revolving lights show three whlto flashes followed at Intervals by a red ono. But before the eye roaches this point It will have boon attracted by a picturesque mass of ruins , these of the Tort of the Creche. The first object alone 'ho shora Is the church of St. Plerro of the Sailors , and hard by , the largo Calvary much rover- cnccd by thosa seafaring men. With true religious santinionts , Intermingled with n bit of superstition , they never outer or leave port without lifting their eves and whisper ing u prayer to Our Ludy of the Sea. AVhoro tlio Flsliar Folk MVP. As wo coin * nearer wo see the old town lying peacefully below the ancient walls , grass-grown ramparts overlooking a broad strotcn of throbbing .sea , with Idle groups of bouts and swaying sails resting close to the busy , noisy quay. Above all rises the old grey tower of Qodofrol do Bouillon among narrow , tortuous streets Hanked on either side by low-roofed houses leaning one against the other with an uncertainty of support begot by extrotno ago. Tnls Is the old part of the town known , as the Haute Villo , where tbo iUher folic live and where tbo woman nit on tlio door- slop braiding long lengths of fishing not while they chatter and gossip with their equally voluble neighbors. Almost hlddon by n , screen made up of old buildings is the cathedral Dedicated to Nolro Darao ot Boulogne , the patron saint of the town. In connection with the first cathedral ( erected In 633) ) , this one being the third erected on the sumo spot , tboro Is a pretty legend , which was related to mo by en old sailor recently , down on tno sands. I wish that I might give It here precisely as It was given mo In Boulonnals French and wltn all that enthusiasm and peculiarity of speech which this Jack tar throw Into it , but this being impossible I translate it as best I can. A Pretty I'loncli I.ogt'iiil. It was during the reign of Uagobort I. that n boat , without either pilot or sailors on boardwas seen to enter thooortof Boulogne , which , the sea , by its extreme raininess , seems to respect. I may bay here , cu pas sant , that this is a tidal harbor , unit can only bo entered or quitted at high water. A brilliunt light shod its , ruys over the boat and caused numerous persons to run to the shore to see what it contained. They found on board an image of the Iloly Virgin , about thveo feet high , beautifully carved in wood , and holding thoc Inlant Jesus on her arm. vVhilo tbo | . novelty nf the spectacle charmed these whom a pious curi osity had uU.raoi.ed i totno , bhoro , the Holy Virgin did not cause , lest delight in the hearts of the rest of tbo inhabitants , who were assembled in the chapel in the Haute Vlllo offering up tooir accustomed prayers , She appeared to them in great brilliancy and In lor mod thorn that the angels , oy holy commandment , bad conducted the boat to tboir shores , whcroln they would llnd her image. She ordered them to bring It and deposit it in the chapel , which she had se lected as the place where she would receive tholr ufTorings. She then commanded them to dig In a certain place which she pointed out , where they would find materials to build a church worthy of her. The news of this apparition immeJiatoly spread all over the city , and tbo people descended In crowds to the shorn to receive the sacred charge. The image was , carried with great solemnity to tbo chapel , where it remained until destroyed In the great revolution in 17W. JJouloBiie'rt Kxtonsivo I'ishorloi. The leading industry , prosecuted with annually increasing activity , is that known as the fishorl-is , and the Boulogne llshlng boat may to mot with at different seasons ot tbo year , not only in the English channel , its Held of operations , but also In the North sea and all round tbo United Kingdom. The bulldlng-yaids tit out a num ber of schoonori for the coj fishery nff the coasts of Iri-lund. T.beso vessels remain uway duting eight months out of the twelve , whlto the larger luggers proceed to the At lantic for mackerel , which are salted on board. The tuost Important peoho is for herring , which nro caught by the Boulogne boats throughout the year. The height of tbo soison , however , Is in November , when millions are passing through the straits on their way down tbo channel. I am told , that some yours the hauli arc so plentiful that the surfeit has to bo appropriated icr agri cultural purposes , and used to fertilize the ground. Besides the herring , cod and mack erel , which are the foremost fishorloj In pclnt of numbjr and returns , tbo muritot is well stocked by smacks which enter n * regularly ns the tldo with cargoes of soles , turbot , smelt , whiting and every species of odlblo llsh. llmv tlio Fisher Folk Dress , The cobtumes of the Usher folk arc pictur esque In the extreme. The women wear short gowns of brown or dark blue stuff , with a Kerchief , once of distinct colors , now toned down to harmonious tones , brought over the shoulder * and tied in loose folds at the waist , whllo on tbo head is a snow-white cap of muslin with a wide frill of lace , open ing out over the face. Their logs and arms are bare ; their pcasan * . features are hard , oven to severity , In ou'linu ; their voices ar.j clear aud soft as tbo tones of a bronze boll an tboy go about the streets crying their her ring or fresh inaction ; ! . , Some ot the younger vvomou are pretty , in.tnolr own peculiar way , with great luminous qyos and brilliant color ing. There is , too , aVold grace about them which is iu barmen/ With their class an 'ease of movement niidtu complete disregard for all the proprieties. When the catch has boon bcavyniboro is considerable drinking among the wpujen ns well as the men. tboy become quajrolsoino and abusive and hnvo boon known td'dosnmo ' export fight ing. Tboy are Blrongttind muscular and I have never had a desireto ) bo on any but tbo best of terms with tbpu > , tin my dealings with thorn-at tbo fish marko ItuiilOKue'H Myyprb ) Haudfl , I bad always board < thut tbo Bonds at flou loirne wcro the llnest of any in the worldand 1 looked anxiously forward to seeing them in order to make comparisons with other sea. shores. Now that I t'havo soon them soft and line , without a pebble to touch the foot I can Buy with truth thut they fully merit their reputation. How 'delightful the senna- tior. to feel ono's xolf unking deep into them after a plunge In tbo seal The time for bixthlnir Is in the morning from 10 to 1'J. Between these bount the beach Is crowded with men , women and children tbo latter Iu sailor suits riding miniature donkeys , or building Impregna ble ( I ) forts. All along the curves of tbo water are hundreds ot colored tents , or tiny straw cabins , occupied by group ? of friends alscusjlujr their loues or gains at the gam bling tables tbo niuht boforo. alternating with the latest chronlquo soandalouso. Hero U a parly from Paris ; the women in tbo most boautltul of toilets over there , louncr- lug on the sund , a group of English In breezy and cool white flannels , whllo hero , before us , are American * wearing tbo prot tlost of Parisian costumes , dainty with How lug ribbons and cobweb laces , Ciiruvunv of Ciibiiu on U'liuuli. That moving caravan of several ilozons of cabins on wheel * , arlvoa by one hone each , are the bathhouses going out In the sea ; n smiling fnco looks out of tbo window , In prisoner , nnd soon wo see It reappear - appear in the water In the most tempting ot bathing suits. As no French resort Is considered complete without n big casino , good music and glided gambling hall , Doutocnio can lay claim to the bo t of these attractions. The tnpU vert is soon at Its brightest ub-nit 11 or 13 o'clock nt night. The great room , heavy with frescoes and elaborate bolsdnro nnd mirrored walls , Is thronged with stylishly dressed men nnd women playing at roulette or rouge ot noir. Sometimes the play is very high nnd I have scon fresh , young faces , notyot hardtmcd to the vlco , bleach below their losses. But stolid croupiers take In the money In their In- nninuuo way and the plav continues without Interruption. NETTIE W. COLLINS. Nuggotl Nuggo.l | Ntiggotl Buy Big Nugget baiting powdor. ! ! - ! oz. 25 conw. ruitmax JY..V. London MnrkotR Alflpctml l > j- the Sprout of the Cholera. LONDOX1 , Sept. 4. DUcount , If anything , wan easier this woo It , but thcro was no quot able change. The failures of the week did not appear to affect the mnriiot much , but they served as reminders of the heavy losses suffered in all departments ot trade nnd ilr.nnce. There Is llttlo likelihood ot n re vival of business In the noir future. The suspension of Sir Titus Salt , Sons ft Co. , the Bradford manufacturer , points to the stress laid upon several textile manufactur ers , whllo the failure of Ilodburn , Andrews , .fc Co. , the Australllnn und Now Zealand merchants and bankers , It U feared , reflects the condition of other eastern bouses. The failure of the London and General bink has no great slcnlllcnnco. The bank was liul- matolv associated with the Liberator Build ing society , which also suspended , with total liabilities of 1,800,003 , whllo other building and land companies are known to bo sort- ouslv affected. Silver was very week at the beginning of the week , owing to heavy sale * in Now Yoric , but partlv recovered on Wcdnosdav , and thereafter was steady. No appreciable movement Is now expected until tbo Ameri can elections are over. On the exchange tbo weak was n most In active ono. The spread of cholera adversely affected prices. The market , however , manifested n bettor tone toward the end of tbo week , when British bonds bccaino stronger and forcltrn bonds firmer. Spanish bonds wcro especially prolUod and Advanced 1 % while Hungarian and Italian bonds nd- vancod a point. British railway securities relapsed , owing to bid weather and poor traftlc returns , suffering an average decline of a point. * In American railway securities there were heavy salos. This department of the mar ket was extremely depressed In sympathy with New Yorlc , and , in fact , no adx'anco for any American security can bo rocordod. The southern stocks woio especially attested. Louisville & Nashville nnd Norfolk & West ern declined to the lowest price of the year. The decreases for tbo woolt Include : Lake Shore , 3K ; Norfolk & Western ordlnnrv. 2 ; Atchlson shares , 2 | < ; Louisville & Nashville , 2Jf ; Wabash preferred , 2 ; Union Paclllo preferred and New York , Ontario & Western , Uf each ; Wnbash mortgage. 1 ; Missouri , Kansas & Texas and Atchlson mortgage , % each ; Denver and Ilio Grand common and prefcrro d yt each. The Grand Trunk of Canada fell In sym pathy with the Americans and nlso owing to n bad working stntomont. Grand Trunk first preferred declined 2J for the week , Gland Trunk second preferences IJf i > nd Grand Trunk third preferences and guaran teed stock 1 each. The securities of the Mexican nnd Vera Cruz railways both foil < ! { , and nitrate rail ways \ } $ . On the llorlln Itnurie. Br.itux , Sept. 4. On the bourse during the past week prices wore generally firmer , though thcro was llttlo movement In Inter national stock. The Hnat quotations for Uio week include : Hungarian cold rente , 0,1.20 ; Spunlsh fours , 03.2.i : Austrian credit , . 10.5 ; . DueiRcne bank , 1G4.40 ; short exchange on London , 20.39K ; London , 20.44 ; private dis count , \yt , Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup Is tbo best of all remedies for children toolhiiiir. 25 cents a bottle. The skin ought lo be clear ; there is nothing strange in a beautiful face. If we wash with proper soap , the skin will be open and clear , unless the health is bad. A good skin is better than a doctor. The soap to use is Pears' ; no alkali in it. It is perhaps the only soap in the world with no al kali in it. All sorts of stores sell it , especially druggists ; all sorts of people use it. DB.1S.C. WE3'3 NKUVBANDllUAINrilKVP NT.on oolilofor U/sWrlv IHtHnin , t'lti , NJJ rnliilo , lloa < laoli3 , Norroui 1'rojtrJt'Jij ciu ' ) J br alcoboior ubiccoWiiurulnoj , Moatil Douroi- lon.SuHnouot tlio Uraln.ciuilnjlni ialtr , iiilajf/ decif.doitti , I'ro-iiiture UU Aie , llarranuii , l.on of 1'owor In ulthur tax , Irapatonor , hoticorrlui anil II Female Woiknuisji , InroluaMrr ItOiiot , Spur- matorrlmiciinol Ur oror-tixarllun of till linln belf-ubuioaror-lnUulKjnca. A month' * IrMtumt tlU for J" > , br \Vuirmrnntoialx boxoi to oar ) Kacli orila torn bTo > , wltli II will mil wrlttia canrantceta refund If not car ) J. Uuarantoa liiaal onlr lT Theodora. V. I.owli ilrugitlst , tula aKout , soutUout corner lutii nnd Kurnam U. Unmba " 14 YEARS Cafferlig cnierrouj- BettCnieltytra Bettlei of DR. MILES REOTORATIVe NERVINE , " Says A. P. Htarlt I'onn Tan , N. Y. " 10 yra.ofSlok Uoadachocnred by TWO llottlee , " Kinollno Flint , Ottawa , Ohio. Norvlno Is ttio quick remedy for Hleoili-eaneee | , Nrrrona Proetratlon , Kplleiisy , St. Vltua' Dance , Opium Halilt. Nervous lvtieiBlo | [ , IlTuterla.CouTulBlonB. Nuunilgla , I'aralf ala. tc. TlionHandi testify. Trial liottle , eloiaut lioolc yroo at druggleta. Mlloa iladlcal Co illkhiut.Jna. Karsaleby ICuhn fc Co. Cor 15 & Ionj'as I ts. CITIZENS STATE BANK Ot Council Ilium. Capital block . $15'OD ) Kin-plus ittitl IVullti . 8IUOU ) Not capital and surpliH $230,009 IlrcctorK-.l. I ) . | ! dmuiulron. K. U Shu/art , V , 1) Uloiunti. K. K. llnrl , 1. A , lllllor , J , V. llliioliiuit ml Olinrlci II. lljinuun. Trnuincl Kunorul bunk , bu > lno . l triieit tuplul uuU lurului ot uur tnuk Iu Boulliwoitorn lowu J-NTHUEST OX TJMK UKl'OSITii. [ Property in and about Coun j cil Bluffs will never be as low MONEY as to-day. You know this , and yet you arc delaying making IN investment. What are you waiting for ? If you only real ized what "snap" bargains wo DIRT. have , you would almost break . your necks in tumbling over each other to get them , II we offered you gold dollars for goc you would buy. We are offering better than that , for gold dollars may bo lost or stolen , but real estate cannot be burned uj ) or carried away. It will cost you nothing tu let us show property to you , and tell you about it , arid you can then judge for yourselves whether we arc- not right in saying we can give you sure chances to make big money. We have farm property , residences , and vacant lots. When you want to buy , sell , or exchange anything , or rent a house , come to us. s , Nieio -LEADING REAL ESTATE AGENTS , 621 Broadway , - Council Bluffs. National Bank. U. S. DEPOSITORY - - OMAHA , HEB Capital $103,033 Surplus S 5OOD , Officers nnil nirivlor Henry \V. Vnlo , prcililont It. r. CusUlnjr. vlco preililom , U y. Maurlco W , V , Morse. John i , Collliu J. N. II. 1'ntrlc-l , l.orrls A , llccil. caslilor. IRON BANK. BANK.'S 'S ' GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PFflFEGT OF PENS. COUNCIL BLUFF3 STSltt m WORJJ All Iclnilsnf DvolnsnnJ Ole inlnidono In tin lilabest sty loot the art. Ruled an I at-xlnal fabrics niiido to lojlc HJ coed ns nuw Woilt prumptly done und ilollveio.l la all parts or iho coautry. Bend for orleo Hat , C. A. MAOI1AN , - - rUOl'lUECOU. : tll , Noir North VB it > ra Lo ft , You may pay. to talk nbout liontcn. Well , tlioru la nbout KI much InlklnR to ha donn In LITTLE every household bofoio ordor- IIIK- heaters , and It IH a xnoil time now to bo ln , llrlnntlio PREVIOUS household to our store and look nt t'io HEATERS nnd bo pofltod before jou piirchnsc. It coata noth * nj ; to look iirouiid , uiid nu\v Is a good tliuo tu do Unit tort of tiling Also Agfiit for Coliinibl.i lllrjclcs. 504 Hroadway and 10 North Main Street , COUNCIL 1II.UFK3. vSsaasBS-v INSTITUTE. Ear 1 INFIRMARY FOi-i. TREATMENT OF ALL H | ) | > arHtuinnd roiielloi fors ic33lif4 troitnieiitol UVLTX form ofctUo nu riiiulr- Ini : mudlcj ) ornurKlvil Iroatiuont. Mlioils forimllonH , hiijr.1 mil iitlon lirua. | lo > t ni COIIlOllHtlOllil 111 IllU WCIt. Wrlto forclrculuM on dorormlllua mill lir.icoi , truv ew , chili fout , o irVHlureiuf plno , pilot , tu HON. C.IT iyr , uitsrrli , brono'iUli , Inliulntlun , eleotrlcltr , l ir- H yulj , oplluiiir , khinoy , blaUlor. e/e , car , ikm miJ bloiuluniUlliu . lialiiiur.itUiii | . ASGS OF WOMEN Women KHUH. rt'o liutii Mtwlr uilrto 1 it lyliu-ln da. purtniunt for women during coallnrinuiit , itrlotl/ jir.rnlo. Unl ) Kellnbla JloJICJl Init.tuto niiiliu u blicclAltyot PniVATB DISEASKS at lio'inu tiy"coiro Ti6rriuncb."Air"cJ'7rniunloitlo conndontliil. Mollclnutnrlniitra nontna.itl > / in ill or expr > ' liciir ly imoko l.iio niarUt to liiJIcitu GJV tcDUur ienilur. Ouu IIUMOHH ! Intarrloir prolorrjI. lull nnd lonHu'.l in ur nend liliiory or your ca j , nil wu will ton I In plain wrippaur BOOK TO MEN IKK ! " | loa 'ri > ' HP" DUUIIU \ nidi , cll , | , . or Norvol DI.J , , , , Iiupotuney , riyiilillli , ( lloHund Vnrljjjjlu , wit i naai lion Hit , llniivni > pjl > incei for Dofonultloi an I 'ftuttot Only luunufuctory In tiiu WDIIOI ITV , AI'I'LIANflKO , TIIUS4X4 , 1110 llA'rmilKB AM ) UKl.Td. Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute 26th and Broadway , Council BluffJ. Ten mlntuoirlilo from cantor otOuiaua ou OiuaUa ftud touull Jiluffi oluctrio uiotur Iluu. SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Tlio want advertisements iippoiirliiK In n no\M > pi | > or uro often the most Interesting part of Us contunts. Tliey express the urgent needs , the dully wishes uf tlio people who \ \ nut something and who are wilting to do uoinuthln ; . AGENTS WANTKR-To soil the boat double roasting und bikln ? pin In the m irkot. Sto.idv work. Oan prove to b ivo iieonta who nw'io ovur * JI a week riuularly. A dre Charles ijoluiltlious , Uonno.l H , iirs W' Ludy or pontlo'ii in lo boarj by u brlvuto Aildrosajna. lloo. " THNOOlfAlMlElland bookkeeper wanted. Olvo reference. Address XXI , Doe , Council ' cil mull's. \\7 ANTED tloo.l clrl for housa 1 1 mirk inll'l 1'lntiier street. \V ANTED-Agood nuro mrl. Mrs. Jacob Mins. aid 1'latnor street. \\7A.NTEO Mnti to work on farm. Apply i tn I.uotmrd Kvorott. rooms \uinted by twoyounic men. In llrst eluss fiinil y. mo lorn convon- cnces , good locality business. Nnina prleo. _ _ _ S. P. . lice cilllcu , _ WANTKU Uooms nnd bo.ird by uontlemiin nnd ludy without children. A. T , UO , lice ofllee. _ _ _ _ Hoard nnd room for xcntlomun , wlfo nnd oh. Id. Ail.lrosj S. II. E. . HEH nlllco. A PLEASANT room or rooms for lent ut'Ofl Mrst live. _ ITUJUSA LKOHTItADR-Tlioliii polled Clovo- J.1 hind biy stulllon , "I'rlnci ) Kycdulo No. 41' ' , " nlll besnldeliuap for eiiBb , or will I rail a for iroml youiiK inures or rows. This Is a fine co. ich horse , stands 17 hands lilfli , uelgbs 1MH. cued iM8o-ltlon | ) und slylUh. AddiessO. II. I.niifki" . li.MIIrd stroot. _ WANTEU-To buy n Kccond-liiird ton biitrny or bugcy and hurnces. Address R 3 , Unit olllec. _ FAUJI nnd city loiuis. Money loaned oq n toe It und grain. Ho-U cstnto for sales Dwylllnu' and business runluls. Money loaned forloual Invcatois. Lougeo &Towlei3il'eurl street. _ POH SAf < r Horse , bnisy nnd In mean at blRsaerlUou : good out nt : pnod Wull brort rend lioise. Must sell. U. 11. Lewis , 12 1'ourl sticot. $ .r > , uOO stoo'f of niorcbandlso In western town , well loc.itoil , dolns goorl hnslniMj , for aalo or tr.ulu. IX O. Hartlutt , 781 Hroadway. < ll of yiuini ; burses fnr trade ; Improved lirouerly or l.inil. E. Q. H.irtiott , 741 11 road way , Council ItlulTs. I.noo worth of dry uoods und notions for BX- clriii.-o. K. C. llartlett. 741 Hroadway. T71OI5 SALH Creamery , well located in No. JhrnRtci. . dolns coed hnslnois. Will tuko urtn or or Gull entire business lit u bargain 1C. U. Sho.'ifo. t-ALE Improved ' ' FOH ni-'iera stoe'i form In western luw.i , * i ) ; ISJ-noro furni , * . ' 0 ; :2J- IICICH.I.U Jolinstun & Van 1'iittoii. rrt.l.AI'r ! ? ; Illlr'lwiiro St03l { I" central Nob. t ? Will Involeoi.TO3. H llSheafo. rrOH SALE Choicest farm In I'nitawnttu- Jin o Co. . 4111 acres , well loonted nnd Im- proved. 1'ilco $ U an .ILTO. II II. Slioufo. II * YOU liuvo nnythins for s-ilo or trails aoa L. II. bho ife. lirn.iilway un I .M un stront. iJpOUUBNT Dwellings In all pirts of tlio . * - ' elry. J3. U. jjlioufo. Hro.ulw.iy und .Main. \STAMTKD-Eustern Nobr.isl lands In exT - > T c'lmiiKii for Counoll Uliilfs property. B. It Blioafo. ltro.twiiy ) und M iln atroac. FOH SALIJ On small payments , fruit nnd Kuril on Inn I noir Council IllulTs. U , II. blioiifo. Uro.nlway and Main btioat. .SAKR Albion Holler mills on lioono - rlvur. Nub. ; llnost waterpower In tia ! state dovolnpliiKl horse power w.itur entire yo ri dully c.ipiulty , too hiirrols ; mucblncrv and iippuiteiinnces complete In u very ( Utill.'Oaai f riiino residence ; 8 acres of Inn I. tltlo portent ; price , $ ! SOOi ) ; will tuko mil uprovol oustora Nohraskit land. K. 11. Slip ifo. "ITtOH HALE Clean ntoai < bar Iwuro , well os- Jt ibllsliod trrJo , Invuleo about O.UJJ. Good oiibon for selllii'Tjrm i o isli , E. U. Hlionfo. SALE OH HB.NT-Qood coal ynrd with - Boulus. etc. Groenahliilds. Nlcliolson & Co. I71OK SALE Hnrdwuro stooic. will Invoice Jfcl.OJU ; luouted In uri uctivo Nebraska town of 1,600 iiupuUtlon ; bualnesaold ostub.lsboui will hour o.o > ii liiYdsllL'iitlon. K. 11. Hlioufe. EXCHANaE-Hotol nnd rust inrnnl located ut Sbubort , Nob. , nnd Id lou In Uanvor. Colo. ; will uxcliun o for clear N . lirnsUu Innd. E. U. Blioafp. $ : i,030 will buy 7-room t ullage with O'ixl30 fb lot on North Bovonth streoij a burRuln. B AOKE funn with Iniprovoinonts , Uva " " illcs north of Council llltiir * ! t uu uerot u Htiup bargain. K. U. Hlionfo. _ W ANTED No' ruskulund In oxelmngo foi good work U II. Blioutu. 2 ToAOHUf triii , r ,00 nn iioio If sold within tnnd.-ivs. Location seven niUoa from Coun cil liuilfH. A suiiu barKuln. K. 11. Hlmufo. The WhippleS POST AUGER I'AT. PKII.23 , 1193. Mnnufucturcd bjr COUNCH , IIIiUKPri MKQ. CO Council lllulN , la. Warrnntod to "Ink an elulit- Incli hole , 2foots Inches , Iu oua iiiliiiite. Itli unoiunlccl bjr vnr other In ruplillty. Iliililnux of opurtt- tlcin/cuiiiiilutoiatsof construc tion nnil chunpnuM , HI ) coneodud lif ull to bo n tuurvul ( or runlilllf of oxucu- tlou and oa o of opurutlou , Something New -BKN1J KOH- CircuUranl - Price FIFTEENTH AAO FARNAM STS. rlfirc Attorneyn ut liw , 1'ruo Utla tlco Iu thu vtutq und federal courts. Ilooms : ) . 4 uud 6 11 u nro block , UouuallUlulfi , la.