IT TUB OMAHA DAILY BpMONDAY. . SEPTEMBER 5 , 1882. come , Ben Johnson , of the Commercial-flu- 7ottc , Is nmoni : the IIrm bollovcr. In John L.'s prowess , as is Neho tnnls , of the Boston Herald. Ucorgo A. Gohen , ot the Clncln- nntl Post , and J , J. Campbell , of the St. Louis Chronicle , arrived last night , logothci With Frillinan. of the Detroit Mows. Joe Lonncnbcrp and Tom Do.tnlson ol Omaha are hero. Ueorgo Utltncr , the Ohlc horseman , says bo has $1,000 of CorUott money , whlln Hugh Donovan , of minstrel lame , will go broke on John L. .1. David Mtllor of the Chejonno Leader Is nt the St. Charles , as Is also Max Stele of the Kocky Mountain News. Such anotboi army of war correspondents ns Is hero has never gravitated together within tbo past ihlrty years. AlcAiillffal * Very ConlUlont. There Ims been a revival of tulle this nftor- noon about tomorrow night's event , when will bo decided the mooted quoMlon ol BUprotnnoy between Jack MoAullITo nnd Billy Myor. The champion Is In prlino fight ing flg. ana when called on today wns M ganlal ns of old to his frlonds. To stranpors Jack is reticent and reserved. Ho tnlks but little to men with whom ho Is not acquainted , but spcaki his miud frcolyvhou ho sees i ! proper to open his mouth , Ho do- about Myer ullncd to say anything other than to express the belief that ho oon- shlcr.s him a eood Kama man. Ho says ho is oonlldcnt of winning und Is anxious for the HI affulr to bo over In order that ho may bo In S time lo BOO SKclly whip Dlxon on the follow ing ovonlnc nnd got In IIx for thn full dross occasion In which Sullivan and Corbott will E be conspicuous llguros. JOCK Is counting on a very swell tlmo when ho once clinches the $20.000 In flight. OutalCarrollton , Billy Myor is resting quietly. I hnvo not got to see him yot"tt4 many of the visitors to his quarters nro do- nioa this privilege. Ho is not fond of being gazed at und is no tnlkcr , only when sur rounded by his Immediate friends. Ho Is a iblg favorite hero but the best Judges say that big Alt Kennedy might ns well go out to Howard cemetery today and select a lot to lay him away In. Mynr in Splendid Slmpo. Johunlo Enkort , who has always been with Myor on his righting trips , was 'in tie city last night and told mo that Billy is in better condition than over before ; that ho is quicker , stronger nud better prepared to .stand punishment than at any previous tlmo . . 'in his carocr as a Heritor , do says the j Cyclone will win in less than twenty rounds. p Big Catcher Jantzon and Count Canipau of il the Now Orleans base b&ll club , called on mi this afternoon nnd invited me out to sco them trounce tbo Montgomorys , but it is too interesting up town to warrant & moment's nbscnco. Cards to al tbo prominent athlotio and 'social clubs have boon presented to the visit ing scribes , and altoeotnor it is easy lines for the cratt. What little hotline there Is being done Is ut the same rates as quoted last night , although in prlvato almost any odds are offered against Corbott. There wcro two $3,000 bets found nt La Mottle's this afternoon und a number of $1,000. The combinations are being played only in a small wnj this afternoon. Trains from the east aud north have dumped thousands of cow arrivals. They're TrciithiK Him ltjlit. ! The hospitality and courtesy of these southern gentlemen Is a thing of beauty nnd a Joy forever. It Is In strange contrast with thu ( rigidity of the north. As for mysolt , I have boon most graciously received nnd ac corded as mucu attention ns i.ny sporting writer In the country. The newspaper people plo hnvo treated mo simply out of sight und if upon my return T am "unable to attain on- trniiLO at tbo Farnum street ontrauco of Tin : Bci : building by reason of aii enormous en largement of the head , steer mo clear of assignments to Now Oiloai.s heroufter. I mot Colonel T. T. Williams , icaunglnir editor of tbo San Francisco Examiner , at the St. Charles last night , and hud a pleasant chat aoout Mr. Hosexvater and bis paper. Mr. Williams met Mr. Kosowaicr at the Minneapolis convention , and by way of com " pliment" declared that of all tbo numerous big guns there bo was the only man to accu rately predict tbo result. Mr. Williams and Mr. Nuughton , Ibo Examiner's sporting ed itor , will stop oft at Omaha , on their return to the const , as Mr. Williams desires to in spect Tin : HUB building. I paid my rcscools to Mayor Fitrgorald last evening and was cordially entertained. Ho Is somewhat of a pugltlstia cannolsteur , but rigidly refrained from commenting upon the outcome of tbo big events this wucK , At the mayor's oQlco I also met W. W. Oeunhnm , chairman of the tire ana police commission. He put tbo keys of the city in my bands In tbo shape of a card crautlni ; mo tnd escort of any police ofllcor or roundsman to whom I may see proper to present It. "Thnt curd , " observed Mr. Beunhutn , "will assure you nn escort and full protection to any and all part * of the city to which you may have occasion to go. " Chnrlus Noel , president of the Olympic club , W. Davidson Hess , tbo secretary , Con- ton Chairman Sporl utnd Koforeo Johnny Djffv huvo been lavish and generous in their attentions , VUltnl tlio Now li.ub House. I was in altoudunco at a big reception at the club house this morning which , tor the llrst time since the completion of its late Improvements , was thrown open for the inspection of citizens ana visitors. Among the thousands of callers wcro several hundred luuios aud children. The club house and Its accessories could not have boon Inspected under raoro favora ble condition. It is a handsome structure of three stories , of the French ronuissunco atyleof architecture , elaborately ornamented , an angle tower surrounded bygolloric form ing a fourth story , and a magnlllccnt site of observation. Each ot the stories has broad balconies lu front for lounging purposes. I Tbo building stands on Uoynl and Uampart , streets , the main ontrunco holnp on Hoyal. It is fifteen feet In width and a broud low flight of polished marbto stops loads to the imposing and costly doorway of stained wood and cut glass' . The parlors nro probably the most voluptu ous ana mugnillccnt In INuw Orleans , furn ished en n pilncoly plan , superbly carpeted nnd lilted with specially select appointments I and Invaluable pieces of the artists' and , scUlpU > rs'hundlwork. The enlirn palace is richly painted , frescoed und decorated , and has no match in the country. The arena is among the largest amphi theatres in the world. U is a colossal frama struct mo protected by corrugated Iron with tnd roof , no coustruclod as to admit u vlovv of tbo blue oanopv above , furnishing plenty , of ventilation and protection In times of In clement weather. Of the ring and other ' " ; I hnvo written boforo. Arraniomuiit for Ciirrtmiiomlont * . | { , l Tbo. Western Union Tnlograpu company 1 has , mado.most elaborate preparations for the , sbg ! events commencing tomorrow might. .Each newspaper correspondent will have his exclusive sot of nu'ssengors , nnd his ' utuft" will bo turned in to the operator * , tbirty-ono \n \ number , pngo by page. In order that tbo i export writers may give a running review of the light , tnnny papers , among which will bo Tim Bun. will use the Western Union's bulletins of the same. Tliov have urn- ployad competent operators for thU special work. The membership of the Olympic club Is .composed exclusively of ruputablo business men , there Doing no sporting orgatnbliupelu- raonu Iu the whole outtlt. In spoakluu ot tbo great knuckle carnival lust ulgbt Pollou CoininUsionur Boanham said to ( no : "I ace no reason why tboro bould bo no much mock sentimentality ubout these combuU between inou'or such a pre tended objection oa the part ot the olHcUU 'of other citlej. Tboy uiiumo to taboo and deprecate these struggles between trained . athletes uutll and calculated for no other purpose , aud provided for the exclusive edi fication qf men , but vend their wives and dauahlur * unii sweettioart ) to thu theater * , where they oftou witness scono.s u hundred fold uioro dog incline , liiimoralaud dangerous. Tlu-ru's Muui > y In U , "But tospauk from u moro suostantlal 'standpoint , thnt of linauco , vvby , do you know that this city will rocolvo from the vis- itora hero at the present carnival not far fro01 u round $1,000.0001" "That U rather a largo sum of money , " I uggostoa. "Well , lot's too about that , " continued Mr. Boanham "Tboro will bn no loss than 10,000 tickets sold at tlO each for the MoAullffu-Myer but tle tomorrow night ; that makes $100,000. As many more will bo disposed of for the Dlxon- Bkolly coulllot nt (7. That U (70,000 more , and for the battle rural between the bljr fellow and Corbott , " ami hero tlio gentleman warmed up perceptibly , "there will bo fully 19,000 people -present al $ JJ a head , and there you huvo { 300,000 moro , Now. say that wo bavo 13.000 traogor In tba city , which I no not think is on extrava gant estimate , aud wo will put them down for ? 20 a dav for tour ( lavs. Of course many will spend moro , many loss ; but that is n fair average , and that plvos you fDGO.OUi ) additional , or n gr.iud total ol $ 1,430,00 J. So YOU see ttmt when I stated that there would bo $1U03.UJO put In circula tion hero I xvas rather below than aoovo the correct llpurcs. As money l < the one powot In life. Isn't this a sufllclont justinc-ition fet the cltv Indulging In and fouonnij those on- torttilnmeuts , esoeclnlly when thM enormous sum Is divided among1 nil classtH of trade ! " Tlio vlowsot Mr. TJoanham nro very unani mously entertained by tu ? builnois men nnd tbo cltlzons generally bora Mow Orilur Will tin Knpt. Contest Chairman Sporl has juH informed mo that the final arrangement * for lha preservation of order nt the vast assemblage on Wodiiesuav night hnvo bonn olTootcd. nnd that 150 picked pollcomon , Instead of 100 , under the personal direction of Captain Barrett , will bo In nttondanoo nt the club houso. BnrratMs coloorated for his llrm- ness , good judgment and quiet decUion In dangerous exigencies , nnd Is eminently fitted for the responsible work cut out for him. Under bis active supervision any sort of nhltoh or unpleasantness Is doomed ab solutely Impossible. IJi rson U.wloi , Joe Choynskl nnd Peter Jackson will got in nt 5 o'clujk tomorrow morning. "Ono-Eved" Connollv , n blatant black- euard from Boston , and Joe Launon , one of the Sullivan party , had n hotdobata on the balconv of the St. Charloi thltovonlng ever the rospoctlve merits of the twohoavywoluht gladiators that promised to develop Into n llrst-class riot. "Barrett's ubliiultous bluo- cents , however , nut In o timely arrival und the storm quickly subsided. ttioryhoily Talking Sully. Interest and excitement ever Wednesday night's battle has , us I predicted yostordnv , dwarloJ Into absolute inslgnlUcanco the lights between MoAullITo ana Myor nnd be tween Oixoii nnd Slcolly. The bulk of the talent around the hotels , clubs ait'l saloons predict that thu tlrst time John L. lands his right goo'lnud hard on Corbott's body the ] lg will no up then and there. There are a largo number , too , who doclara that If Jim can evade this terrible visitation for five or six rounds that all the powers on earth and In the air cannot save the big fellow. Alnrao delegation from Kansas City : in cluding Jones E. Becker , Al Hatch , Ous Zorn , Frank Evarts , Billy Kerns , Johnny BclIU and Devon WhltUola , sporting odltor of the Evening Star , has Just lined up utbo St. Charles register counter. Uleit Hochc , baokor of MoAullITo , and Billy Reynolds , backer of the lovelorn ox-Amateur Skolly , are lust now surrounded by a big crowd on the veranda. They are expatiating on their satisfaction with the situation and tbo pros pects for their respective proteges. Ch niRnd Ills Stopping I'tiice. The evening was passed quietly , so far as occasional callers on tbo Sullivan party ob served , but late in the evening tboro cama n revolution In the household. Orders were glvon by Sullivan's baokors to the trainers und attendants to pack up all their traps aud remove. This was douo and about. 10 o'clock tonight two coaches wont to the St. Charles. From one carriage alighted the entire Sulli van party , the champion being llrst to get out. Off a truck was dumped tbo party's pugilistic pnaraphanalia. Seven members of the party hurried into thu bouso and took room 3 on the hrt floor al ready ont-aeed. Charlie Johnson says too move was made biuauso the people of the house served only two meal * a day aud expected everyone to bo on hand nt the hour to got their meals. The training ot n pugilist could not bo conducted on such rigid linos. Steaks or chops might bo wanted any hour of the day or night and that kind of u board ing house was not elastic enough for such needs. They had agreed to pay $35 a day for seven persons nnd attcr supper this crcn- IntTttioy gave the landlady $ .10 for the day and go tout. Tbo day was sultry though a breeze has prevailed and a sharp shower was had. Johnson said tonight that Sullivan was never in better shape. Sixnr OKISWOI.U. SUM.IVAN'S SKUONUS. Phil Ciiscy nnd Clmrley Johnson Will Act CioHitlp of thu City. NEW OBI.B vxs , La. , Sept. 4. Charley John son and Phil Casey will probably bo the big fellow's seconds and Jack Ashtou bis bottle- holder. In addition to these there will bo a representative ot the club in the big fellow's corner , as there will bo lu the corners of all the men. Lannou sees in Sullivan u winner in a few rounds because Sullivan can bit harder aud quicker than Corbott , bus ample wind , Is remarkably clover and can use his hands as fast as the San Frunciscoan , who , Launon suvs , loses bis head when punished. The Olympic club acted as host to the pub lic toaay and toward the club thousands nf borne people and hundreds of visiting sports rode and drove from early forenoon until late nt night. Tuo now club bouse und arena wore thrown op"en to public inspection and members ot the club showed visitors around. Uubo Frank , who is prominent In tbo affairs of the club , expressed the opinion today that there will bo at least 0,000 persons at each of the contests. If there are the club ought to clear ST 0OUO on its risky Investment , The bets outside the pool rooms are very light and It is a surprise to llnct such a difference - once about backing opinions as existed among the boUlnir men this evening. The Myor poodle talked with some contldouco , but kept their money in their pockets In the hope of gotttnir better odds. Tonight it wa thought that MoAuIifTa would go to the post a favorite. It is calculated that Now Yorlt money will brlug a reversal in present odds. At the same time tbo reports printed regard ing the Willlumsburger's carousing in' ( julot , are having their effect and the McAullfTo men now qualify their boasts that MoAullITo will win , with the reservation , "If bo is iu condition. " Tbera were many pilgrims to the Myer- McAuIlffo camps today. The crowd that wont to see the Slreator boy was greater , of course , Dccauso bis quarters wore only on the outsxlrtH of the city. Myor spent the duy quietly , doing light worir only , und hav ing but little to say of the contest tomorrow cvonlng. All the money that Is to bo put up on the two men must bo In the hands of tbo stakeholders before the Unlit begins. The police have rigid instructions to enforce tbo rule forbidding bolting at the ringside * , nnd very few persons , therefore , will seeing the men .strip. Corbolt's coming Is uwnltod with Interest. His reception will bo quiet and these who have It in charge will try to arrange to avoid n crowd when the pugilist gets hero. Ho will oo met by President Campbell and a committee - too ot the Southoru Athletic club , but will nrobablv betaken oft thn train hnfm-n It. roaches the depot and driven through , the roar of town to tbo clue nouso. NATIONAL lKAUi : . Thuiim.i ( Jllhort Vlokury Funs Coiniiilo'H Itrili In I1U otil Tlmo Stylo. CiNcix.s'ui , O. ( Sopt. ! . VIckory was not batted ut all to sneak of and Uwycr was batted bard. Attendance , 5,000. Score : Olnolnn.itl . , . . . 1 llultlmuro. . . . . . . . . 00 3 u lltln : Cincinnati. 2j llultlrnoro , 11. Rrror * : Cincinnati. I ; lliiltlmnro. I. r.iirnoil run * : Nonu , ll.itterhii : Dwyerand Murphy ; , Vluk- ory und Itoblnsjn , Of tlloTOiilllN. Vlorenco lludly Buia , Nob. , bepi. 4 | S | > olnl Telegram lo TUB Uee.J Ueod'a Hoa nirus aofoatod ttio Florence ball team ouslly bore today. In fact , thu visitors were not in it at auy stufio of ttm j.Minu. The home tonin took U Into their bonds to stop all the ballu that came ever thu Plata thrown by tno visitors' pltcliur , uud when tliu Kainu was through had tuunty-ono lilu ooutitod up , thlrtoon of ! Buffaldor and oltjht olT Meyers , who pitched the last throe Innings. Hcoroi llliilr. , 0 1 0 4 4 1 1 a 4 'JO Morenco , . . , o 0 1 u u 0 u o o 4 F.urmid ruin : Itlalr , IQt Kioronco. s. lln on lulls : UirSuirolilor. U : oir Nlolrxun , 4 : Moynrs.i UtMllot. Ikllfl lilt IllrU by .11 * . . pitohori t ,1 _ _ .1. . lliittorlesi llliilrMaksim unit I'attoni rior- mico. balToidur , Meyer , anil Vupjr. Tlmot Two bourn llmplroi Juiiim Mulior. t lli lli y Itmioiuinnti-d. DAI.HB , Tox. , Sept. 4. The t1iftu district democrats have roaouilnatod C/uneroiaman J. W. Halley , _ Nuffyoll Nuiuotl Duy ni < 83oz. 3.1 oonU. SIZING UP THE FIRST PAIR Griswold Onrefully Oompatus Jaok Mo- AulilTo end Billy Myor. RECORDS OF THE TWO MEN CONSIDERED Wliy the Wllllnimtuirs- Hey Hlionld Win ThM llntttu riRltti on Which the Chilm * ot the ( llitillittoM jiru 1'aiuiilcif A ( lonil Alntrli. Oi.YMrio Cujii KOOMS , NKW OIU.IUN-S , La. , Sept. 4. fSpaclal Tologrmn to Tin : BBB.J All apprehensions of any uutowarJ. happen ing to mar the successor the Jlstlc Jublloe which will open up nt P o'clock tomorrow evening before the Olympic club , the wealth iest , bust governed and best pro toe ted organ ization of the itlnd la the world , have been entirely dissipated , nnd a obaptor will bo lidded by Thursday morning' to the annals of Fisttaua that will stand out in bold roilof over and above nil Previous achievements ot the roped arena. It Is my roportorlnl privilege to com ment upcn tnojo oontssts in advance nnd through a medium that will roach thous ands nnd thousands , and while my opinion may probably go no further than that of most other ordinary authorities , nothing will bo said but after mature /cfloctlon , and abso lutely untainted with prejudice or bias. JACn M'VOt.l VVK. Every man capable of intolliROut thought has an opinion , or ought to have , and If it bo honest It U his right to express It Insofar as it contains no intent or purpose to mlsloud or deceive. As the pub- lie Is aware , many alleged uutborl- tic , and all of the sports , have decided thuso fights , but the trouble is their decisions are far amiss rom . unanimity. Ono clement Is ns sure as they are that tbo "sun do movo" that Billy Myor will never bo in the opening battle tomorrow night , wbllo another is equally certain that Jaolc McAuliffo i ? In for a thorough and incontinent beating' . And so it goes. If all men thought alike this world would bo an olla podrlda In which smooth sailing would bo an unknown quantity. Of course under such couditlons there could bo no pugilistic differences , consequently no fights , no excitement , no fun , and the only way wo could lose our mono v would bo to tie It up in an old sack and sink it in the river. Samly Isn't n Protusslonal rrophot. I have "been asked many times , both In Omuha and since my arrival bore , just how I considered safe to bet on the opening battle , as well as" the others. You unow the sport is prone to ask advice ; lust so a man is presumed to know u trlflo moro about this or that event by reason of bis position , sur roundings or ability , is all bo cares about. Ho wants his Ideas'and as many of them as ho can got. To these I Invarlaoly reply , that I am no tipster , ana taat I never navise a man to bet a penny on anything or anybody. I am free to tell what I believe , however , ac companying the same with thu reasons for the faith that is within mo ana lot Tlmo do the rest. As to tomorrow night's fight. Though I honestly admit that the Stroator boy is a rattling good specimen of the pugnacious Konus homo , 1 cannot see just why his friends and backers think that ho is going tn hnvo u regular holiday picnic with tbo Williams- burger. Tnat neither ho nor his backer , big Alt Kennedy , really thought so throe months ago , is evidenced by their dllatorltioss and extreme caution in malting the match. Though they pretended to bold the doughty Jack's pretentious as a champion In sov ereign contempt , they wore sedulously scrupulous in nailing him aown to the most stringent term ! . "Actions speak louder than words , and the actions of the Myor contingent In this affair clearly re veal that they rngurd MoAullffo as a most dangerous opponent. That bo will prove such depends wholly upon bow carefully ho has prepared himncir , and Johnny Urlflln told mo this morning that ho never saw n itchier In better trim , that ho was fit to tight for bU life , as well as that of his fnonds. There is one thing that can bo depended on , aud that is that Myor has neglected not oven tbo slightest and most minute detail to got himself Into tbo very hichoU fettle. This Is to bo no North Judson sbonnatuiran the light will bo to a finish , and when the men once crawl tbrougn the roues there will bo no cheapo until ono becomes the victor aud the other tbo victim. Mac Is u 1'oiir Trainer. Myer Is well and tit us was possible for the power of human agency to miiko him , and MoAullffo owes It to himself and friends that ho Is equally well. Jack never has tauon kindly to the rlrfors of athletic prepar ation or restraint of any species. Ho has nl- wavs had a decided neniihnnt fnr thn ilri- wbito und llzz , has Indulged to excess und dearly loves tbo lassos , oh. But if ho has abjured those m the past six weeks , and I think ho has , to the requisite extent of fit ting llg , at any rate , I think ho should bo able to land the cyclone , not , however , until after he has been abundantly convinced that ho has boon lu u fight. By trade McAtillffo was a cooper , as were those other Jacits , Uompaey und Skolly. Ho has un honest , opan countenance , a glib tongue , and u model lightweight form. Ho wan 0 last March , having seen the light of duy In that month , at Cork , Ireland , in 1801) . Ho first appeared In the arena as un amateur boxer in 1SS4 , and since than has reeled off a record of which bo may wall feel proud. On July 1. 1881 , at New York , ho beat Bob Mace In throe , rounds , ujbsequontly polishIng - Ing off Mike Leary iu four : them won tbo featherweight championship of America ; I'utsy Hogan went down lu ono ; Billy Whit ney In ono ; George ICIIeu in four ; Jack Korchor in sovnntotm ; won the Urnmcroy Athletic club tournament for the chumplou- ship of America. February 10 uud 'JO , 1888 , at Nsw York. Iu this touruamonl bo defeated , Harry Isaac and Jack Hoddv in four and live "rounds oaoh ; then Jack Ward suc cumbed to his superior prowois iu three ; won the Now York Athlollo club tourna ment for tbo lightweight championship of America In 1835 , defeating John Elllngs- worth in throe rounds ; then came Jack Spurry In three , Bill EtlinRworth In three , Hurrv White In four. Joe Mlthtlualn t\vo , Bill Younit In four , BUCK McKonun In two , Jack Hopper In six. Billy Frazlor In twou ty- eco , aud Harry Ullmoro lu twenty-eight , The latter light was lu January , 1887 , w hen Harry Oilmoro was rated as the moa ( solonllfla lightweight In thu world. It was u desperate and bloody /Ight / , but the ivanuok went down attar ono hour aud Jlfty- ouo minutes of ferocious struggle. llurdo t The following March J ok mot Jem Car ney , called tbo English man-killer , at Ilovora Beach , Mais. , for 15,000 a side and the light weight championship of the world. It was a draw , otter live boura of torritio work , The next vear bo fought a Uia-rouud draw with John L. Sullivan's protege , Patav Kor- rlgau , a rouowned welter weight. In tbo latno year Uo easily kuookod out Billy Duooy , and in the followfni ? December ho made r chopping block of/nnothor English chnm plonshlp candidate called Jake Hyatns. HI * next light , considered by many the grontosl of all his career , Just why I IIAVO novcr boon able to make out , occurred on February in , 1839 , nt North Jujlson , Intl. with the man whc is to airnln try conclusion * with him tomorrow night. Billy Mydr.'lUo vaunted Cvclono ol Illinois. They fought , or mailo n protonsc al fighting , for sixty.four rounds , both men quitting tbo rlnn tiniest us sound , barring the expor.dlturJ W n. vast amount of wind , ns they were whenAlisy entered It. It is n notorious fact that In this meoUiif ? Jacic did all ttio lighting thui' ' wnVdonp , Myor skulk ing around the rinidln n fruitless ondcnvoi to wear nnd tire Jilin out , The following iVp'rll Jack fought Mike Daly.n brother or'lhttiny'tho ' Omaha feather weight , a llfteon-rotind'nrnwnt Bnngor , Mo. , Daly's ' homo. McAulIffo'unquestionably had much thn best of 1)10 ) , nlthough Mike gave htm soma pretty hard Knocks. McAulitTo's ' ( treatcst fight was ludlsputu < bly that with Jimmy Carroll before the C 11- fornla Atbletlo club. Mnruh ! ! 1 , two yours ago. The battle raged for forty-ono rounds , and nt many stages It was a toss-up who won , the end finding both men prbgify ana ready to shccumb from sheer exhaustion , but the dapper Jacic summoned up , by almost super human resolution , suftlelont strength to knock Jlmmvout. Last winter McAullfTo cot n decision from , Austin ( llbbous , whom ho was cutting into ribbons whoh the police interfered , nnd but a tow months since punched Billy l/Yazler. the preacher Dug , Into oblivion In three of what was to hnvo been a ton-round go. Kxuootvd to .Mitko tlin L'nco. Jack Is naturally expected to bo the ng- Rnmor tomorrow night , as ho always U , but Myor is Known to have an excellent defense and a right that tolls its story every time It lands. They say tonight that Mvor Is like n ploco ofsU-pl , and yet MuAulilTo Is a slight favorite. They are the most ovouly matched men , I think , on the week's card , und the man who gives odds on either man Is cer tainly Ignoriint of the ethics of batting. But Is there any further argument neces sary to Impress upon the skeptical that tbo Now Jersey lad is nnd always has been n crackorjacic ut the urout game of bit , stop nnd cot away I If so , tomorrow night will furnish what is lacking. Hilly Slj or'n 11 usy Carocr. While Billy Mycr , who hopes to bo crowned champion lightweight of America tomorrow night , is undoubtedlv much tnoro than an ordinary puo , there is not much In his career to convince ono that ho is n world boater. Ho cama Into measur able prominence for the first time in 1SS3 , when bo whipped both Billy Manning nnd ueorgo Murphy. The following sprinc ho found nn easy victim In Charlie Lomansoy , whom ho put , out in three triple-extract rounds. In 18S5ho furnished d surprise party for tbo Chicago short-haired bv lulling Y/H. JJUitT ; their pot , Paddy Welch , a really clever liirhter , into a qiiiol1 slumber In ono round. Ho cot into tBnt' pump-handlo swine of his shortly" nyaf tor squaring off , and Paddy novov" new what/ hurt him until the next mdh/ttiir. Charlie Daly , tbo St. Louis boy who w-fcut-up to Omaha in 'S'J to do battle with Jimmy Lindsay , has thu credit of giving rlio1"Cyclone bis warmest battle. They fou&htJ at-1 vVooafora , III. , in 1SSO for'SI.OOO ' , ' afitt hatt Doly boa some other man In hls'corlfUr besides.that1 old stlfl.'Tom AUen , tie would , have wo'ii the fie tit bevond question. The tight \vas "hot'tlnpor" ' from start to finish , belrig' interspersed with numerous knockdowns and other pleasant ries that go to maUo UD a light1 as is a light , but Daly outfought himself and lost in the thirty-tirst round. A year later Billy put the Kibosh Buffalo Gallagher In tliroo rounds , and two months after that banded Harry Gllmoro u receipt for HUe value rej coivcd. At this time Gllmoro was still posing as the champion of Canada , and nlthough ha was stale and bad boon punched out so often that a gentle push lu tbo nock was all that was necessary to accomplish this , ho pave the Cyclone a rip-snorting tlpht as lent ; ns Is lasted , which , however , was for 011)3' ) five rounds. Gllmoro wonld not acknowledge that a man of Mycr's ragged action wns hit superior , nnd be insisted on another trial ! > nd nothing loth , Billy generously gave it to him , knocking him out with a single cut- loose from the shoulder , in Just twcnty-olgbt seconds. This exploitwas achieved at North Judson , where two roar * later bo mot Mo- Aullfto. Myer's next conspicuous engagement was at Minneapolis , with Danny Neodhnm. It was for twenty rounds and Mycr got the decision on points , although It should have been a draw. Two years ago Billy beat Jack Hopper In lx rounds , and In that year mot his first reverse. This was at tbo hands of Andy Bowen , a vicious colored tighter , who whipped him soundly before ono of tbo clubs in this city. Ono year later they mot again , this time before , the Olympic club , , iud after thirty-two round * of bard light ing , In which Bowen was always tbo agcressor , it was celled a uraw. Myqr's lust nnd best battle wns that u year UKO with Jimmy Carroll before thn the Olympic club , on which occasion the old veteran was decisively beaten. TfilH Kvunliiff Will Settle It. Tomorrow night wo will see exactly what Billy Is made of. His frlonds claim that bn Is another mau from whit ho was whou hemet mot MoAullffo at North Juuson , and predict that bo will provo a "load-pipe cinch" to morrow night , but I seriously doubt It. All of Myor's past victories ho owes bo- yona dispute to bis superior strength nnd powers of endurance. Ho has never dis played any slll | or cleverness worth men- tinning , and U : t disagreeable sight while in action In tbo ring , lip has a right arm mo tion llko that of a windmill aud skulks ubout Instead of manfully facing the music. To morrow night , bowavor , according to his partisans , we are to navu a uha'ngo. Ho Is to mix up with Jack , and , well fellows look out , we uro in for a wllolc lot of fun. GltlSWOU ) . SAII..IMS Tiuiii TIII : SOUTH. Corliatt anil III * Itounlvo Uonorul Ovation cm Tjiulr Juurniiy. CiuiaxiTTi : , ft. Qufj&opt. 4. The Corbott special over the Uitapioiid & Danvlllo rail way has had a pleasant run from \ \ asbing- ton , although un llBUF lato. Cornell slept well und got up ul 'u S a , m. ns chlppor us u lark nnd feeling AiWjn lighting cock. The train was to run toHCtiarlottosvillo for break fast , but owing to Uidlioluv in getting away from Washington tmVprogram was ubangid and they stopped dVb ut Danville , where nn excellent moai waubwrved , Corbott ute a hearty breakfast. R to Ono of tbo mostujiotlcoablo events of tbo trip was wnou CocbUtt , uftor bis car bad. been attached to/uUbo special , sauntered through to great L'W > fiof'Mllio" Donovan. Ab ho entered tbo iwi'U'Vtistur" n small babv boy WAS nay I uu his v voninu' prayers , when Corbelt was altracUd to him by his port chirp. Corbott patted U petted the child , und tie child , utter niyni ( . ' for Its mamma und pupa closed lu almplu praying by wish ing that "God vvouia bless Mr. Corbott. " The party loft Dinvlllo. shortly after 0 o'clocK. fullv two hours behind the time soboaulod , Tbo run from Washington to Danvlllo was n fast one , und thu majority of tbo passengers were shaken up sn thoroughly that they could not sleep. The Danville pooolo turned out lujull forcoto sooCorbolt. It was not a bowling , shouting crowd , but tnoro of a critical assemblage. The story of the light and break between Corbott and Daly IB faUu , Daly.U Btlll lit the party and ha not oven a scratch or mark of nnv do- Borlntlou to IddlcaU ) that he over had any dlftlculty with Corbott or anyone clue. On the contrary they ur < i on Hio best of terms , and both emphatically deny having bad any dininultj whatever. Warren Lewis did not ; ot a "banco to BOO Corbott uutll thU moruliie , nud the bl Cal- Iforntanwas aslcoo when Lewis , Pnrsot Davlcs nnd their party boarded the train al Washington. Lawli was vorv much pleased with Coroott's nppoarnnco anil said that he wns Just the shape that Hall was in when h < whipped Pntohard. It Is his opinljn thnt II won't do for the Sullivan people to offer bif odds when they reach Now Orleans. Th majority of the people of this trnin will gt straight through In order to take In the Me AulitTo-Myor light. , llni mill Jno Slmlto Jlnndft. ' 'Parson" Davlcs preached n very able ser mon on pugilism and succeeded In convert ing both Corbett nnd Chnynskl. Thor shooli hands and burled the hatchat , although tliov have boon bitter enemies tor many years. They r one lit thrco bitter and bloody battles. Corbott won nil three. At Salisbury a very largo crowd ot people gathered around thu train and yotlod llko Indians for Corbott to show hlmsolf and they were moro than surprised to see Corbolt ntui Choynnki nmko their nppcnruiioo to- pother , chattlnp pleasantly ns they showed themselves to the pooplo. At ( jix'onsboro Corbott made qutto n ptrasant little speech to tbo crowd und was heartily chcorud. Corbott and Choyiisltl mndo up between Greensboro and Salisbury and much credit Is duo to Euconu Comlskov of the Now York Athlotlo club for the able manner lu which he engineered the mooting between thosn pugilists. Tboro was rejtiio- ing all over the tram whou It was louruoc ! that these clndlatorft had shaken hands and made up , ns they were ohoolboys togo'.hor nnd had not only fought their boyish battles together , but hail allowed that Bitter focllnir toward ono another to grow until they fought It out ns men in thu prlo ring arena. Joe admitted that Jim wivs n superior pugilist , nnd wished him success In the great battle witti Sullivan In Now Orleans. Ho then presented Corbott , a wishbone , stutlnR thnt It was brought from Europe with him , nnd hoping that this would brliiK him good luck. At Salisbury n follow boarded the tram nnd nsiccd Corbott if ho would kindly allow inm to feel his muscle. The big Caltfornlnn smiled pleasantly and lot him fool his arm. "By ( jolly , you nro all right there , nnd I will bat you win. " It caused considerable amusement for the boy.s. but the old follow wont away porfoctlv satisfied. Washington Mlko. Donovan cot jostled in a crowd , and by the time ho ( jot back ho discovered that ho had boon "touched" to the extent of WO. The Corbolt special train reached , this place about 1 o'clock today , where Corbott's training car was cut loose , nnd nftor bidding the party gooabyo Corbott and his trainers took dinner and the special loft for Now Orleans. 1'rosontoil with a Rnhblt'a Pont. After resting nn hour or so Corbott not the quiet little town of Cbnrlotto In an uproar by Jumping into a carriage und driving rapIdly - Idly into the country , where he took a run of a few minutes , and It wns with diniculty the accompanying carriages managed to keep up with him. The boys on their bicycles were lett in the distance , as the nalt was a tnllo fast for thorn"nnd they were forced to give up the chase. When bo readied the outskirts of the ' .own ho put on his sweater nnd Jumping into his carriage was driven rapidly to his training car , where nn hour or moro was spent in the liveliest kind of exercise , such punching the bap , wrestling nud tuecine with McVey , and then sparrinc with Daly for forty minutes , nftor which ho skipped the rope nnd then tool : a bath and was rubbed down. The next hour or so was spent In lounging around the ttnlmug car , wbilo everybody for rallos around thn sieopv old town OVOP to the rnon , woiuou und children , gathered around the car and gazed ut Cor bott ns though ho were some wild animal. At balf past 5 o'clocK a committee from the North Stale Social club cnllea with car riages for Corbott aud his party and took them up to their plub ronms. They were re ceived by the club ofllciuls nnd members and Given a hearty welcome. A half hour was thus spent , and after declining a very press ing invitation to visit the VTouujj Mon's Christian association rooms , the party were driven to their hotel , where a dinner was wnltinp. In the evening Corbott and D.ilytooka long walk before retiring for tbo night. As Corbett was about to enter his hotel ho was mot by n committee of tbo employes of the Hlctnuona i& Danville railroad , who , with great pomp presented him a rabbit's foot. Corbett saia bo wns not going to tauo it ; but when ho was informed that it was nn omen of good luck all through tbo south , ho accepted It with thanks and was heartily applauded. TALKS WITH TUB LONDON SPOUTS. Jackson , hlavin , Pony Moore nncl Others Think "Stilly" Mas Ills Work Cut Out. [ CoprrlRhtcil IS ! > 3 bjr Jninoi Ciorilon llonnott. ) Loxno.v , Sopt. 4. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THE Bun. ] Tbo cpinlon of sporting nioa whom I approached toduv in reference to the coming contort between Sullivan and Corbett is that Sullivan will win provided ho is In llrst rate condition ; if not , they thluk Corbott will come out of the affray victorious. The National Sporting club , which Is the center of the English sporting world , Is almost deserted at present owing to the absence of a majority of the numbers , who have pone to tbo continent or nro enjoying themselves on moors. Tboro Is title if auy bolting at 100 to TO In favor of Sullivan. Peter Jackson , whom I saw tboro s awaiting the result of tbo light with unusual anxiety. "I feel coufldeiit , " said ho , "thai Corbott will keep Sullivan busy for a long tlmo. It took Sullivan ever two hours to put Kllrain out , while Corbott accomplished ihc feat lu two rounds. If then ) Is tiny truti ! In the re- > oris Sullivan bus been unnulo ti > tram Into It condition. Ills feet are said to bo bad , vhluh shows ho is not nulo to stand lard otbluiiu work. Under ttieso circum stances 1 should think Corbett stands a splendid chance of buatlnc the Bostonlan. " dauktois Will Nut Clmlloiiga. "What Is your Intention ? " was asked. "Do you Intend to challenge the winner ! " "No , I shall not challenge the winner , but. . am hopeful that I will bo able to meet Cor- )0tt. When I say I will not challenge the winner I moan that I do not , Intund to make a bid , but I stand ready 10 make u match with any ono. " Fleming of the National Sporting club said : "I hnvo never seen Corbott , and can only Judge of Sullivan's abilities by the oxhl- iltiou of sparring which I once witnessed , am under the Impression that Corbell will ; ivo him considerable trouble , for the Call- 'ornlau bus the roputatlon of being woudor- ' hittor. I look 'ully nello und a pile-driver 'orward to a good tight. " Frank Slavln was serving bitter ale and Scotch whisky to a row of admirers who stood four deep lu front of his bar In Jerniyn street this evening when I asked him what bo Ihought of the coming llcht. Hluvln Favors Uorhott. "I think It will bo a very Ion ? tussle and my money Is on Corbott , " said ho. "Ho KoouiB to mo to bo a butter man la many re spects than Sullivan. Iu thu first place bo much younger , more scloiultlo and Is in jotter condition than tbo big fallow , but I do not want you to suppose Sullivan is going to bo whipped straight off. Ho will make a game fight because ho knows vorv woit that ils reputation us n lighter is atstuke. Iu bis host form , however , ho has never been equal to Cornell's present state. Sullivan has always depended on his brute strength to gain his victories , and I am certain It will tot avail him much this time. Jackson is u jotter man than Sullivan and Corbelt has stood him off , I want you to Bay for mo , " continued Slavln , "Hint I shall challenge the winner of tbo light for $10ooo. I shall go to America two or throe months after my two saloon's uro In good running order and I want to mnKo a mutch with Corbott , Sullivan or Jackson , preferably the ( niter , but I will Ight any one who covets my money. 'Squire Ablngton nnd Pony Moore will back mo t the extent of fil.OOJ. " Aloaro and Mitchell both ngroo that Cor bott U n dcculodlv clever man nnd that If h is whipped tt will only bo nftor ho has give Sullivan a hsrd-onrnod victory. Austin Git boos , who coos Into t raining nt Tottoulint Monday for n light with Abbolt. thinks th Callfornlnn will glvo n Rood account of him self. Gibbons weighs HO pounds which b intends to bring down to ! ' , ' < ! . Abbott is : favotlto in this contest. BLUMKNFKI.P. DoWltl's Sarsnparllla cleanses the blood Incroisos the appetite and tones up the sys torn. H has bonetltod many people whc have suffered from blood disorders. H wil help you. ir.i.vr Tiintit jio.vwr it.ictc. Krntuoldiins Who Clnliu tn llmo llooi SM Imllrd In u Corporal inn Uonl. DVVTON , O. , Sept.I. . ISsocIal TolCRrnn to Tun Bin. : | Wesley Young of this city the owner of nil the hodgofenco eonipnulo ! of the central and wostoru states , has bear sued for $00,000. The suit was filed In tin United Siatos circuit court by J. W McCullock , and llvo other sloon hold ers of tbo IContuoky corporation , whc nlloRO that they purchased certain pnlonl rights of Young ; that each was to paj $3,000 for them ; but part of those taken Intc the company paid & > ,000 onch part bolnf glvon their stock by Young to Ret the ollior ; into the sohcmp. The plnlnlifTs nllcco thai they have boon to expense nuit find that the patent rights nro now worthless and tnoy want the jt5,03l ) they paid for the pnt outs returned with $15,000 damages and in lerost. WKA'iniillI'OltKVASIS. . North Winds unit Wurmrr Wcntltcr fin NchniMldi Today. WASUINOTOX , D. C. , Sept. 4. Forecasts fet Monday : For Nobrusltn , North nnd South Dakota Warmer , north wluils , becoming variable. For Iowa Fair , warmer ; north winds , becoming variable. Iiiicnl Itucoril. Orricc oi'Tiir. WEVTIIF.II BUIIKAU , OMUU , Sopt. ) . Omnba record of temperature anil rainfall compared with corresponding tlavof past four vcars : ISO. . 1RO | . 1Sfl3. ISSO. Maximum temperature. . . . 71 = 72 = 71 ° 59 = Minimum temperature S'J = 4'J ' = 01 ° 4 ! ) = Avenue temperature (11 = Uj3 08 = fit3 I'roelpltnt.on OJ 03 ' 'I 40 Statement showing the condition of tem perature and precipitation nt Omaha tor the day and since March 1 , 1SW. as compared with thu general average : Normal tomouraturo. C8 = Deficiency forthodny. 4 = Deficiency slncoMaroll 1 407 = Normal precipitation H Inch Dollulonoy for the day 11 Inch Excess slnco March 1 Ullnch G. E. LuroObiorvor. . F , J. Holt of DJ troll is nl the Morcor. A. L. Cull of Oakland Is at the Arcade. C. T. Ljiton of Denver IK at the Dollono. S. T. Story of Teltamali is at the Arcado. E. Cousadlno of Uluhlicld is at tlie I'nxton. T. W. Cuuffea of Chicago U ut the Murray. A. A. Davis of Emerson Is u guest at the Arcado. J. L1' . Cnssel of'Kearney Is registered at tbo Arcade. F. H. Gilcbrost of Kearney is a guest nt the Paxton. C. E. Benson of DCS Molnos , la , is a guest at the Dollono. S. Woodman of Denver is among the guest * nt the Mercer. E. E. Solders of Lincoln was a Sunday guest at the Pnxlon. Mr. aud Mrs. William IlumloU of Avoca , la. , are nl the Mlllard. Mr. and MM. L. F. Endorlvof Klmball are among tno guests at tbo Arcade. Mrs. William F. Manning returner ! today from n two months' outing at Colorado Springs uud Mnnltou. MUs Kato M. Wright , n popular school teacher of the city , is at homo , -IDO" North Twenty-fourth street , after a two months' absence in Colorado. NKW YOHK , Sept. 4. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Biu. | Mr * . Castillor of Omaha , with Mrs. .T. T. and Miss Clarke of Chicago are at tbo Savoy. Nutreot ! Nugget ! Nuirgot ! Buy Big Nupgot baklntr powder. 31 OL. 2.5 cents. W. II. Shrynclt'H Acroniits LOUISVIU.B , Nob. , Sopt. 3. To the Editor of Tun BEB : Hofornug to correspondence sent you July 21 , respecting tbo school ac counts of the late Hon. W. B. Shryock , us treasurer of district No. ! 12 , Cuss county , No- br.isKn , I promised at that time to le't vou Know the report of these records niter tbo examination by the expert employed by the new board for that purpose. Tbo amount shown by Treasurer ShryncKduo the district nt the unnunl meeting was SJ.O-lii. : ) . ! . The nmount determined upon ns due thu district , nfter the records were examined W.lT.VJi. This include ! passible errors during Mr. Shryock's sevou years term ns soaool treasurer , the difference boinir principally between tbo county treasbroraiid bis records is to amounts drawn , the coriOL-lncss of ivliich rests us well with the other members jf the board as with the troasuror. There ivns no evidence whatever of an\ thing being : ovorod up or hidden , his records being u mo le of neatness. I will say Iu conclusion the amount last lamed above was paid into tbo new treasur e's Hands this data by the widow , Mrs. W. 3. Shryock. Yours truly , .1. P. ELMS. m Procure It lloforo Leaving Homo. Thrco years a o , while Ivas visiting rolo-- Ivos ut Hlgsrlnsvlllo , Mo. , I was suddenly , uKon with colic and severe pains in thu ilomach. My relitlvos sent to the doctor 'or medicine , nnd ho sum mo n bottle of 3humi > orlaln'ti Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea .it'inody , telling tbo oouror that If .hut mod- clno did not cure mo he could not prescribe my thing thai would. I used It an 1 was im- nodlaioly relieved. Hnsiir A. TnopnitN' . Alovi'ineiilM or Orrnn Stuumrrx. At Now York Arrived Steamers D'Arm- itndt , from Bremen ; Fulcla , from Genoa and ilbiultnr. At Delaware Breaker , Del. Arrived Steamer Lord Gaugh , from Liverpool , and ilacau lu quarantine. Hoports all well. At Havre Arrived La Brotagnc , from * ow York. At Southampton Arrived Ems , from Now York. At Movlllo Arrived State of Nebraska , 'rom New York. DoWltt'sSarsanarlllicijanui ttu Union Kx-Prl oiiiirfl. The twontiolh fuimial convention of , ho National Association of Union ox- Prlsonors of War will be hold in Wash- ngloii City during Grand Army weak n Soptombor. The Grand Army of the lopublio oncumpmont IIUH arrniurod a : omprohcnHivo sybtom of reunions dur- .ns the wook. Largo tents will ho us- lignod ax-priBonnra in which the lioad- nmrloi'H of tliu Natloiml iiHsouiution will Jo located , and where thu secretary will urnuh Information regarding the nsso- slution. For full particulars these In- .orostud would do well to addrosH Major "j. P. Williams , Hccrotaryand treasurer , lox 227 , Washington , 1) . 0. Some tinsmiths use loanen-hcaUod nails for oollng purposes. Tholast strokes flattens bo head ever thu liolo madu In tbo tin , and thus proventeJ. Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Highest of all in Leavening . . . . Powder ABSOUUTE'JV PURE Afc. TJ , Jl. Jlninlcii , Of AtiRtislA , JIo. , sayst "I do not remember \Uicn 1 bcgnn tn tnko llood's Bnrsap.nrlll.ii it was several yc.ii s nso , ami I Imve found It ilocs me a great dvnl of iooil lu my dvcllnlng years , I am 91 Years 2 months nuit 20 ilays old. nnd my health Is per fectly good. 1 liau no aches or pains about mo. Hood's Sarsaparilla my bowels. Mlltmitnlcs my npnctlto , nud li ' ! | > * nut to nlrci > Mrll. I doubt It : i preparation 'ever wns made sooll suited to illUnilt3 Of Otil J > 00llu. 1 , . ] ) . IlAM Klin Street , Augusta , Ale. , Sept. 2(1 , IH'.H. HOOD'S PjLLB nro n mllil , iiontlo , ptlnlen , ARE YOU SUFFERING ? l-'llOM WcJincss , Catarrh or UUIIItllll Chronic , Nervous or Private Diseases , IP SO , OALIj ON Consultation Free. Acknowledged to bo tun mostsuccmfill In nil 1'IUVATK , IILOOl ) , NKUVOUS , SKIN AND UlllX- AUV DISEAHKS. Conorrlii ! i In from 3 to (1 ( ilujM. Syphilis curo.l Hluiiit Mi'rourjr. All alnxoi fur Ufa. bTIUCTUUK pcnimni'iitly curail. com- pleto. fflllioutcuttluii. ountlj nr illl.u > illcn. Cura nlfcctoitat linuiu by imtluut wllliaut n marnoiU'i pain or uiinoynnco. ril.US. KISTUhA AND UKCTAI. Ur.CUIIS ouroJ nlthuut pain or detention from b Illinois. IlVDilUCKLi : ANU VAIUCOCI'.l.i : porniinonlly nnd Bucuumtullvcurod.Mctliod noirniiduntullliu. WEAK MEM ( V1TAMTV WCAK ) , Mail i so by too olosj nppll- cntlon to Inislnosi or slmly ; nororo monttl utraln or Kflur ; HICXUAI , K.VUKS HS In mtildlo llfo , or from the cflocta of yoiitliful folltot WKAK MKN AKI ! VICTIMS TO NKHVOUS D1S- lilMTViir IJXIIAUSTIOV , WAST1NI1 WKAKKK8S I.NVOI.UNTAIIV ljHd ( < M wltli KAltl.V DUCAV In YOUNH nnil MlDDht ! AOIJDi luck of vim. vluor , niul atrjnutli , with noxual or nii ] Imp.ilrod nnil trcnkoncMiml priMiiittiroly In iipproichlntrolil n < xo. AU ylold ruadlly to our now troatinont for loii of Tltulponcr. Cull on or nlilrjii with Btainp fur clrcuinri , free hook nnd lornlpU. lirpnr * ov Snirln ; us south fsth street , \ VI , Otlllltia OUlllli , OMAIIA , NUU. NoNttoI'oatOnieo. Hobb's Are the Dest on Earin. Aot gently yet prompt ly on the MViii : , KID- VR\S am ) IIOHKLS , dis pelling Headaches , Fev- ns nnd Colds , thorough ly cleansing the system of disease , nnd cure * hnbi'.ual constipation They nro sugar coated , do tint gripe , very fimnll. easy lo take , suul. purely. vegetable.ISplllslneacU vial. 1'crfjut digestion follows their use. Tliry aMolutoIr euro elck licr.J- BCbo. and nrorccumincnJ- el bjr baainn riifsldins. For sale by lending drutrpist orsontliynitt-25cU. : nrlnl. Address K3B13 MEDICINE CO. , Props , San Frsnwo or Cfibzo , fOH SALE IK OMAHA. NEB. . BY F nhn * CCo. . Co.r 15tli & DouBlns St * . J .A. rilllcr & Co . Cor. Illh & DouRla'jEU. J-ll FonUT A Co. . Council lIluOi. la AMUSlilMEilMTS I Theater ! i-'i"-"t ill's , Monday Evening , Sept. 5 suupurli'd by llio fatrnnuost and Mc&t ( i it plum DRH1MT1GGOMPHNY Now Iloforo the 1'nbllu. TOMdllT VIRGINIUS. Tuesday nvonlnz JUMIIS O.T.3AK Wednesday Slntlnoo-lNGlJMAU. Wednesday Kvenlm ; TIIK OhADfATOR. l'rlf < i Honurvcil Hoatn , llrit lloor. Jl ; Konornlud- nltilon. Tlo : reservcil srmtn In balcony , TJc ; Koncril ( InilkBlon.&Ui ! ; Kallory ' 'Ju. Matlnou iiriei'.i-l-'lr t oor , 76c ; bnlujtiy , Wo THE EVANS , 'ho Hoi Spring nl' America , Hoi S ; > rlntr-i , S , I ) . 'Input llosort Hotel In the \ , Strictly Flrit C'liisi Ijurxo lluonn , HIliKld or Kniiillu , Now ( Ipun. All Miiilucn linnrovuiiiuiita , Talila i Spu- nliilty. Ilo.i8'innblu Hittm for llahinca nOiimion. OrchONtrit nnd Danclntf Kiory Uvonliixln thu Mu bin Hull. Klnnit I'lun o llatli III ( ho llnltuit Htutc'ji. lluatitlfnl .Miiuntulii bcunarr , bplunilM ClliiiHtii , Coul NlKlitu , No .MosiiuUiJH. II.WJ Kant above thu.Soa 1'ho riouth Dakotn Hot SnrliUi mcattraitliu : nttantloii nil oriir ihj wnrld , nnd nru curing H I irifcr pornoiiliuo thnu nny surlnm In tliu U. rt. Kiir r.lto * , blllu , ntu . nn I othar In- unit ntlon , ailUrcBS , O. S. .MAIlDirN Hot SprlniiJ , Houlh Dakota .H5UMANKNT SIUICWALIC KliSO- LUTION. 'onni-ll Uhaiiibor , Oiiiuhu. Neb. , August Iflth lb'l lo It insolvoil hy thnelty council of the ulty of Oin.ili.i , Urn .Mayor uunuurrliiKi Thnt punn iiiontHiduwuIkH lioconstrtiottsJ In ho city ( if Oniiiliiius nofl''ii.ilcd huiuw , within Ive'luyA afuir tno publiu itlim of tnU nnolu- Inu , or tliu | > Qr4 nitl.Horvlco thereof , n hy or- Iliuuiuo Is aiithoruo 1 and required ; sueh Idinvitlks lo ho laid to tlio puriiiiiiieut Ki' < ul .s cslthllHhi'd on thu pavnd Htruuu < < pecl- iud hiireln and to be eonstruutud of stone nr rlllloliil Mtfiiin , avunrJIiK ti ) Hpoolfloutlonn on lln In thu olllca of the board of public worltu. ml iiiulrrlts Hiipurvulon , lo-wlt : Went Blue of'dtli strool. lots I nnd bloukS. /.ipllol Illll udilltlou , permanent irudu , U fuut flllC. K.ixt xldoof 17th Htrout , lot 5 hlook 110 , city , luriniinuiit Kr.idu. in fuut wide , North Mlilu of Uujiltol avuniiu. lou 8.7,1 ! , . % ilocU 7. , city , pdrniiiiiont.TiiIe ) , 20 font wide. Wuutalde of Illh ulreul , lot' 1 bluulc 01. city , HTiiiunant Knidc. 1H ft'fit wide. West ulilu of llth itruot , lot H block Ul , city. Hirmuuent grade. IS feet wide. And , liu Ik riirthor resulved : That ilio board nf piilillo wo r Its ho , and lu inroliy iiiithnrlzed and illrnutoii tu UUUMU u 'ouv ' of thU resolution to hu iiiibllHhoil In tlm illlcliil uupurof the e.ty for OIKI week , or liu crvud un tliu rnvnors of nulil lulu , und that MilosKSiKjIi owiuirHulnll within IIvuihiys uftur IKI pulil uiitlon or n r\-lcu of uuvli oopy cou- trnutBiiHI HlihiwiilU IIH liuruln ri-iiulreil. that Iio IID.Inl of pulilloviilN caimu ilioMnnia t4i toddiio. the coat of coiiNtrnetnij ; Kitld sldo- valltRroiuuutivuly Ki hu IISSIHSUI ! npilimt thu iiul estate , lot or iiurt tit lot la finnt of and ihuttlir * iiioh KldewiilkH. 1'u.ssud , Auguat Itllh. MU. 11 r. DAV19. \ 1'reAMunt of tliu Oounolt Attest ! JOHN OKOVIS. City Olork. Approvodl OHO. I1. lin.MIt % Mayor , NOTIOC TC OON8TIIUUT HlDHWAIdCH. ? o tlio ownor.s of tlio lou , partx ol Ion aud real eritnlH described In tli above revolu tion : You and onohof you arnhurony nolllled to. Kiiutriiot poriiiuiioiilBldiiwulKit usruiiulrcil Uy i runoliillonof thu ulty council and mayor ot Init-lty of Uniuliu , of which thu ubovo u it opy. I' . W. IIIUKHAUBKII. Chnlrnian Iliiunl of I'ubllu Work * . Omaha. Nob. , Auyiut J li. iw. .