Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1892, Page 7, Image 7

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    ' * / : A y' " ' ' .u7irT/r' 'HM/ > < ;
Omahn Streets Begin to Assume a Moro Ani
mated Appoaranco.
\Vhut the "Stny nt Ilomos" Did to Ammo
TlirmncHoB niul Tliolr J'rlpiuln Dur-
Inc .Ilio 1'nst Six Unyd Move-
incntnnnil \ \ liercnbuutB.
The outing season is rapidly drawing to a
close nnd the great mass of travelers are
already on the wny b'omownrd. Plnns nro
vnpldljr mnturlng nnd by another week
Omaha will ngaln bo n society town. Al
ready there is a lingo of autumn in Iho nlr ,
nnd the storm of the last ony or two hns reminded -
minded thousands that It Is nearly tlmo to go
back to the comforts nnd old-fashioned rou-
f tlno of homo Ufa , which may not bo so gnv
nnd axrltlng as n summer in tha mountains
or by Iho seashore , but nftor nil are , in the
long run , the mon satisfying nnd decidedly
moro economical.
An Onmlm Girl's llonors.
Miss Ruth IClmball , who muy with entire
propriety bo claimed by Omnhu. having ac
quired in the High school of this city the
Coundntlon for her subsequent career , ns the
Washington correspondent of the St. Paul
Glebe , has attained tha heights and is now *
ono oC the recognized naxvspapor woman of
the country. Now York Truth , In speaking
of Miss ICimbiill , says :
"Women havo-followed man into nearly nil
pursuits. They have gene upon the battle-
Held and penetrated the black forest of Af
1 rica , of who horrors Stanley hns so graphic-
nlly told. But before Miss IClmball , none bed
ontorcd tha correspondents' gallery of the
national capital. Naturally there wus a great
curiosity to see this avnnt courier of tier sex ,
mid speculation wus rlfo. Was she lilio
the typical ctmmplou of woman's It
was feared so , and so as they thought of .such
n possibility the thinkers groaned. And the
moro they thought the moro convinced they
became that it could bo no other. But when
on ono afternoon of lust winter there came
into the sacred precincts of the gnllbry n
young woman Bunrca past tbo borderland of
girlhood , tall , cracoful to a degree , with a
clear , fmnlr fafd'nnd a refinement of manner
thnt stamped her well bred , nnd whoso on-
sraved card bore the inscription : 'Ruth
Kimball , St. Paul Glebe , ' there was a sud
den destruction of preconceived Ideas and
general gratification sprang un in tbcirstoucl.
"Speculation then turned to" the quality of
her wont nud the investigation was equally
surprising. There was some llttlo trouble
ever her formal admission to tba eallory ,
owing to the want of a precedent , but that
was passed nnd thereafter all was well.
There were many special articles written
about her of u very complimentary charac
ter. They would have turned the head of
muny , but It didn't disturb the equilibrium of
bor head a hair's breadth. Sha was sue-
CQfcsful , but that did not surprise hur. She
bad Celt she would bo , and her Connor suc
cesses on the local staff of the Glebe , and
prior work on oilier newspapers , hnd 'given
nor reason for confidence. She rapidly ac
quired a valuable acquaintance nnd her tele
graphic news ns well as her letter corrcs-
pondonco was accurate , fresh and exceed
ingly well prepared.
"Sho wields a graceful pan and the crit
ical editors of many publications willingly
testify to the clovorncss of her versos , muny
/ . of which tboy hnvo published. Before com-
" -Mng \Vnshlngton she did roeular roportor-
lal worn nud dramatic criticism for the
Globo. In tba discharco of her duties she
has brushed n great deal with the world ,
but through It nil she has preserved Intact
the intrinsic charm of true womanhood , nnd
therein proved fnlso the belief of many that
to outer the vocations thus far occupied by
mnn almost alona necessitates divorce from
nil , or nt least from something that is good
nd.beautiful lu her sex. "
* l'A riiitrorm r j\y. :
Socially the event among the younger
EOclaty people was the platform party given
by Miss Hattie Cady In honor of Miss
Palmer , who is the guest of Miss Sue Col-
polzor. Thursday ovculng. A pavilion had
been erected for tbo occasion on the east
Bldo of the residence , somewhat
raised nbovo ground , the floor of
which was canvassed for dancing.
Myriads of Japanese lanterns wcro
liung * nbout the improvised ball room
which with the headlights gave nu artistic
nlr to the pretty scone. The night was por-
Cccl , n real full evening , it being just cool
onouch for dnnclng , nnd the young people ,
who have dominated society In the n'bscuco
of tholr olduM , greatly enjoyed the oppor
tunity to danco.
The house was thrown open during the
evening , nud there the guests were
received by Miss1 Cndy , Miss i'nl-
raer and Mrs. Cady. Miss Cady
\ looked particularly sweet in a pow'n
of while ail it trimmed with ribbon. Miss
Palmer , a dainty brunette , were a bowitcb-
ing costume of yellow crepe do cblno with
chiffon trimming ; Mrs. Cndy were a hand
some black silk , covered wltti blaoli lace , red
Tboso present were : Misses Jentio Yntcs ,
Leila Carter ; Josslu Dickinson , Mno Mount ,
Mabel Taylor , Allco Androoson , EmmnShor-
wood , Draco Allen , Ruth Cleveland , Nellie
Cleveland , Bosslo Raymond , Edith Smith ,
Gertrude Branch , Loulso Squires , Mabel
Brown. The uovs wore : Will Cowin ,
Joe Mbrsman , Paul Ludlngton , Harry
Aulii , Wilbur Christian. Herbert Morse ,
Moslor Colpotzer , S.iin Morse , JamasVnl -
lace , Chnrloy Pratt , George Purvis , Howard
Tlldon , Ralph Council , Ralph Richardson ,
Allen Hopkins , Millard Hopkins , Luther
Lolsonrliig , Ed Swobo , Dwight Swoho , Wai-
dnu Branch.
A rink ISlrtlulny I'nrty.
Llttlo Margaret Pottibono , 020 South
Twenty-eighth street , gave n quiet nnd
enjoyable birthday party on Monday last to
lior many llttlo frlonds. Those present wore :
Bessie Hlgulns , Ruth Evans , Nellie Lou-
don , Lilian Duuso , Helen Grmvold , Chris
tina lunar , Iluzel Ittner , Madnllno TiUon ,
Loulso Baker , MnrguerltoVheoler , Earl
Loudan , FranU Iltner. Tom Allun , Ralph
Courti.oy and Ira Pottlbono.
Margaret was much delighted , ar
riving ut the ago of 0 , and enter
tained her guests with the charming
praco oC ono much her senior. Ton little
nitssos with fuiry-liko toilets were seated at
u table beautifully decorated In the dainty
k color selected for tha occasion , with nil tbo
dollcacli'H of the sonson. Favors for the
youkg Indies ( I ) were six llttlo dolls less
thun ttvo Inches la length gracefully tied
with pink Tom Thumb ribbon. Favors , for
the young cunllemun were white clay pipes
artistically unnngod with pink ribbon. The
llttlo hostess was tbo recipient of a number
of haml'omo gifts , accompanied with "many
happy returns , Margaret. "
Mnrrliul ut Anliliuul ,
Married at Ashland , Nob. , on Thursday ,
Boptombtr 1 , Rev , Albert E. IConoles und
Julias Muy Dean , Miss Dean is the daughter
of Doiinis Doaij , an old Bottler In Ashland ,
and ono nf Its foremost citizens. Hu built
nnd largely maintains thu chuinh in which
ji io mnrrliigo of his daughter took plnco.
"Rov. 0. W. MeConnoll , In the mtdtt of a
jVoluslon oi ilowors , pronounccu thu words
whlcb tnndo the happy cotiplu one , after
vblch u reception was held at the homo of
the bndo'u father , nnd an elegant collation
was served. Thu brldo was , attlrea In a
beautiful gown of cream colored silk crepe ,
wblto slippers and gloves aud carried a
Douquot of wblto China asters. She wn
attended hy hcrhUtor , Nina Dean , who were
u dross of palo blue , nnd Mlstos Inez Arnold
und Ella M. Uaruoo In wblta.
The groom hnd Cor Ins attendants , ICnox
Hondo , Wlllium Green und L. K. Smith ,
ilr. and Mrs. Koabics lott on Friday moru-
Cor Central City , where they will entur
" ' i work.
, Many friends lojji-ot their departure from
Aablmid and wish thorn many blutslngs in
their uuw llfo.
lluyruulm i\inv.
Wednesday evening Miss FrodcrlcuVos -
tola nnd Miss Kinma CrandiUl Invited tholr
youuK frlonds to u hayrack rldo and ono of
tbo Jolllost , murrlitst parties ot the season
was the result , Although hayrack rhloi nro
vuauolly co nil nod to seasldo rosnrti , on this
Jbccaslon U sremod otnlueutly proper to occur
lu a metropolitan city , for Omahn Inii
boon u Hummer rusort sure UUOUKU this
After a drlvo lo the , fort
, ho merry parly returned to the rojMonco of
Ml * Wossels , wboro refrwhmonta were
These participating wcroi LHa Carter ,
Uenlah Sharp , Daisy Huston , Helen Pock ,
Josslo Dlcklnion , Emma Cr.tndall , Dosslo
Pock , Fannie Duryca , Bertha Sloan , Char-
otto Uonbam , Frodorlcka Wossols , Florence
Jrapior , Allco Drnko , Lily Moore , Lulu
itnlth , Mno Mount , Charlov Prntt , Jim VVal-
ace , Gcorgo Purvis , DwlRht Swobo , lluzz
3o < D < ) t7.or , Ucrt Morso. Sam 'Morso , Hussoll
Hurt , Kolan Smith , Arthur Carter , Carroll
Cnrtor , Sum Burns , Franlt McUuno , Arehlo
I'ratt , Ilalph Cocnell.
At thn ( inrrlmin ,
Lloutonant Mayor ot the Second cavalry ,
stationed at FortLoavonworth , has been the
pueat of Lieutenant Tun Wilson during the
past week.
Lieutenant Arrasmlth hns rocotvod the ap-
polnt'ncnt of recruiting olllcor nt Columbus ,
D. . and leaves for his now post the last ol
OivliiR to the troons RoliiR to Sioux City
on Friday tbo weekly lion occurred Thurs
day ovenlng nnd was largely attended , the
presence of MUs Forsyth , daiiRhtor of Uou-
ornl Fors.vth of "Woutiuod Knoo" fame ,
Seventh cavalry , who Is visiting her sister ,
Mrs. Bacon , bolnc remarked.
In honor of Hlihop nnd Mrs. Worthinpton ,
Captain nnd Mrs. II. U. Sarson ( javo n very
pretty dinner Tuesday evening. Tim table
was very nwootly docoruton with llowors
and amilax , nnd while coffee wai helue
Borvod the rcglrncot han't plnyod beautifully
on the lawn outsldo. To moot the blshon
nnd his wife tbo host nnd hostess had Invited
Dr. Spenoor nnd Mrs. Porter , Lieutenant
nnd Mrs. Wright , Lieutenant and Mrs. Web
ster , Mr. John Worthlngton.
Thu HoriiH l
Tuesday evening Miss Graca Allen gave a
charming tally-ho party In honor of her cou
sins , Miss Nellie nnd Miss Uuth Cleveland.
The party loft the residence of Air. W. F.
Allen at G o'clock , and after a drlvo to Florence
once mid nn Inspection of the water works
drove to Hanscom nark , where re
freshments were served la the pa-
vllllon. These making up the party were :
Misses Hattlo Cady , Gertrude Branch ,
Jnntlo Yntcs , Allco Androcsou , Nettle
Palmer , Mabel Taylor , Emma Sherwood ,
Fanny Dnrvon , Blanche Joslyn , Sue Col-
poizor. Nellie Cleveland , Uuth Cleveland ;
Messrs. Carroll Carter , Arthur Carter , Will
Cowln , Joe Morsoiimu , Harry Akin , Paul
Ludlngton , Hnrbort Morse , Churloy Pratt ,
JiimosVnshburn , Ilnis Towlo , Udph Rich
ardson , chaperoned by Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F.
Alien and Mrs. Cleveland of Denver.
A ' ' .
I'rotty I'urty.
The Mlssos Abbott of : JH4 Woolworth avenue -
nuo Rave a vorv pleasant at homo to a party
of their frlonds last Wednesday evening in
honor of their guest , Miss Babcock of Daven
port , la. Danclnc was the order , althnuch
n pleasing Centura was a "Bean Bag Auc
tion , " each guest being provided with a sacic
ot Deans with which to purchase a convonlr
of the occasion , a number of which , thor
oughly scaled , wcro auctioned off to the hlgh-
uat bidder.
The guests present worn Misscn Marie and
Carrie Glacomlni. Holmes , Elliott , Cottar ,
Burroughs nnd Babcock ; Messrs. ICnouso ,
Bradbury , Wlor , Woodward , Holmes. Matb-
ows , Meyers nnd Portorllold ; Mr. nnd Mrs.
George Abbott nnd Mr. and Mrs. Bodomnn.
IMiiycil HlKli 1'lvo.
Wednesday ovoulnc Mrs. Etta M. Pearson ,
nt the residences of her brother , Mr. T. D.
Crane , gave a lovely high flvo barty in honor
of Mlsi Marguerite Beard of Lincoln. In
addition to curds Miss Beard , who Is a flno
pianist , gave a piano recital which was
thoroughly approolntod by the cuosts. After
the termination of the game dainty refresh
ments were served.
Tlioso present were : Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
Bnrtlctt , Mr. nnd Mrs. H. H. Baldridge. Mr.
and Mrs. L. M. Rhcem , Mr. and Mrs. G. M.
Nattlngnr , Mr. nnd Mrs. N. H. Tllton ot
Lincoln , Mrs. J. P. Megoatb , Mr. T. D.
Suullowvr 1'iirty.
A delightful "sunflower" party was given
by Miss Bcsso Games at her-residence , 2015
North Nineteenth avenue , Wednesday , Au
gust 31 , in honor of Miss Harriet Chamber
lain. Lilght refreshments woro'sorycd at 10
o'clock , after which games were continued
until a late hour. Among the guests present
were Misses H. Chamberlain , B. Carnos , E.
Fried , G. Chamberlain , U. Sprague , C. Bat.-
tcllo , .1. Audi Moedv. 1. Morrlura , N. Stiok-
1103" , M. IJorglund , M. Chamberlain , Messrs.
C. Frltchor. L. Hoffman , G. Hnss , E. Hod-
dor , Harry Nourso , A. Angoll , E. Ellwangor
and B. Johnston.
MnvaiiimitA and AVhurimlmutfi *
Mr. O , N. Davenport has cone to Quincy ,
Mrs. T. J. Godfrey returned homo yesterday -
day from Chicago.
Mr. Herbert Rogers ruturnod from Bay-
Hold , Wls. , last week.
Dr. George Roedorof Chicago is in the city
visiting relatives and frlonds.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Gaorgo W. Kelly have taken
tbo residence U7U4 Farnam etreot.
Mrs. Himobaugh and Miss Grace Himo-
baugh are once moro at the Murray.
Mr. R. B. Peuttlo of the World-Herald has
been In Chicago the past wcotc. .
Mrs. E. C. Hunt has returned from a six
weeks' outing in the Black Hills.
Mrs. Levl Carter has also returned from
eastern resorts and is at the Millard.
Mrs. W. Lyle Dlckoy returned to Omaha
lust week from u summoi * lu Colorado.
Mrs. D. J. Thnyor was the guest of Mrs.
Clement Chase for a few davs this wook.
Mr. A. U. Wyman bus removed to Pacific ,
between Park uvonuo nnd Thlrtioth streets.
Miss Lyala McCuguo returned" lust week
from her summer's outing at Lake Okobo ] ! .
Mrs. Franlt Cross has gene east for two
months to lior parents lu Cambridge ,
Mass ,
Mrs. Horace Burr entertained a few
friends Monday evening to moot Miss
Loomis ,
Miss Pearl Hartman who has been visit
ing frlonds at Minneapolis , returned homo
last wook.
Mrs. C. H. Frederick returned vostorday
from a summer spoilt In Now York nn'd
1'ir.ylvniila. ,
W. J. liroatch , Jr. , addressed the Sons of
Veterans nt Grand Island during tbo recent
Mr. Hor.ry W. Yates has boon spending
tbo pnst week on western pruirlos , hunting
prairie chlckons.
Colonel and Mrs. Shorldan. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Punclt , daughter and sou loft for Hot
Springs last wook.
Miss Fannie Gilbert gave n very pleasant
party lust evening for her guest , Miss Allco
Muitland of Lincoln.
Mrs. Goorgn Durand of Flint , Mich. , who
visited her sister-in-law forsoveral days , loft
Cor her homo on Monday.
Colonel . F. Vail , Mrs. Valll und dough-
tor , returned yusterdny from their summer
outing ntPetokoy , Mich.
Mrs. T. J. Fltzmorris , Miss Philllo Swift
and Miss HOJO Brady bavo niturnea from u
six weeks' outing In Montana.
The Press club will glvo an inCormul ro-
coptlou nnxt Friday ovoulng in their now
quarters In the Piiltorson block.
Miss Jonnlo Stitt departed Saturday morn
ing for Nobawka , Nub. , wheroflho bus no-
ceptod n poillioa to teach school.
Mrs. Victor ( Jofftiiun and children huvo ro-
turni'd from their summer outing at Spirit
Lake and are ut the Millard hotol.
The honorary members of tha L'Jagsmu'd'-
caeyat entertained the society Friday ovou-
lug at the rusidonco of Miss Cudr.
Miss Mar.7uorlto Jlaird of Lincoln U visit
ing Mrs. Eltlo M. Pearson at the residence
of bur brother , Mr , Thomas 1) . Urauo.
Mr. H. R. Rlug > Yolt loft 011 Thursday ,
tlcuotod through to the Islands cf Lake Erlo
on a lUhlng excursion for hlaoU bass.
Mrs. L. J. Nodd and Master Knrl Nodd
leave today for six weeks pl asurng | In Chicago
cage , TIffln , O. , nud ether custom oltlos.
Mrs. Louu MimdeUsoha cntortalueil at
tou Friday afternoon , in houor of Miss
Meichor of Detroit , who Is the guest of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. O , H , Pratt and family have
returned from u summer lu thu east and are
now at homo , V 213 South Twenty-fifth
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Orr ana slstor have
lust rotuinod from u pleasant trip to Port
land , Uru. , Gariluld beach and ether western
Mlsj Naunlo Smith ol Greenfield , O. , Is
the Hum of bur nUtors , Mrs. T. F. Godfrey
nnd Misses Elln and ICato Smith , nt 1523
Sherman avonuo.
Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Hornborgor eave n supper In honor of Mr.
George , C. Staloy , thn Gorman comedian of
the ' -Royal Pa V company.
Mr. Will E. Palmatler returned Thursday
from Coldwater , Mich. , whora ho hns been
spending two weeks with his parents nnd
ether relatives nnd frlonds ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. a D. Thompson have Just
returned from n pleasant outintr among
friends nnd relations in nnd near Now Lis
bon , O. , nnd Plttaturp , Pn.
Mr. Harry Dobbins nnd Miss McCormlck
wcro passonccrs on the Burlington from
Colorado Springs. They are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burns.
Miss Cnrrlo and Miss Susto Morrltt of
SurlnHllold , 111. , who have bcoa visiting at
thu rcsldonco of Dr. Mercer , have gene lo
Columbus , Nob. , to visit relatives.
Miss Mnj- Williams , daughter of Mr. nnd
Mrs. John P. Williams , has returned homo
after a summer spent with her sister , Mrs.
Dr. Jnmos A , Lord , nt Kdgorton , Wls.
Mrs. Edward W. Howe , wife of Editor
Howe of the Atohlson Glebe , nnd her three
children , have bean visiting In tbo olty for a
few days with the family of Frank.
Mrs. Nellie Burns arrives from
her homo in Chicago this nftornoon .for n
montb's vhlt at homo. She Is acconlli mlod
by Mr. Eastman's sister , Miss Holoa Eust-
innn.Tho Young .Men's institute Will plvo tbo
second number of tholr full sorlos of socln-
blcs next Friday ovoning. Members nnd
tholr frlonda are cordially Invited to DO pres
Miss L. D. Loomis , formerly of Omaha ,
now of Lincoln , who has boon the guest of
Mr. and MM. Philip Potter during tbo sum
mer vacation , returned homo Thursday of
this week.
The ladies af tbo First Congregational
church will glvo a laxvn fate at Mrs. C. S.
Raymond's next Tuesday evening. Ice
cream nnd calto served Iroo. Everybody
cordially invltod.
Rov. II. A. Crane of the Seward street
Methodist Episcopal church was given a
farewell reception last Tuesday evening. Ho
fcooi to India to tnko charge of the Motbo-
dlst missions nt Bombay.
MM. Andrew Rosowatar and son returned
from a two months' sojourn at Manttoti and
are nt the Millard , where they will remain
until tholr now residence on Thirty-eighth
street , near Kiniara , is completed.
On Thursday the Sunday school of St.
Matthias * church had n delightful picnic in
Syndicate pirlc. The weather was nil that
could bo doslrcd , and the children , with
their touchers and friends , thoroughly enjoyed -
joyed the day.
Mr. nod Mrs. Frank II. Pugh of S01 , Dav
enport street , entertained a few friends Mon-
dnv evening in honor of their guests , Prof.
Moody and wife of Vinton , lu. Mr. Moody
Is a "toachor of volco culture who contem
plates locating in Omaha.
Miss Louisa Haven , tbo leading actress of
the "Royal Pass" compiny , was the guest of
Mrs. H. Hornbcrgor during her stay in
Omaha. Miss Haven is the daugtor of At
torney Coo ties of Chicago , III. , and an old
friend of Mrs. Hornberger long bofora her
entrance to the stage.
Miss Hattlo , daughter of Manager Bryant
of the Wblto sewing machine , returned
Thursday from Erie , Pn. , where she has
bean sojourning since August 1 , and enjoy-
Inc Lake Erla braozos and the friendship of
her classmates of the Erlo High school.
On her ninth blrtbday , August 29 , Pauline
Schonck entertained her little friends at her
homo 1225 Virginia nvonuo , the following
being prose-tit : Henrietta Rccs. Samuel Rues ,
Bessie do BoVoIso , Ji'sslo Nuson , Mabel Nor-
burg. Rota Clnrlc , Kittle Swurtz , Juliette
Polnts-JHwlnmo Rhodes and Master Robert
Mr. William P. IConys , county dark of
Buffalo county , Wyoming and Miss Estollo
Ferguson of Cambrldgo , O. , were married
Thursday moining at the rcsldonco of the
bride's nunt , Mrs. Dr. Van Cnmp , by J. M.
Wilson. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenya loft oa the
Burlington nt 10:15 : for Buffalo.
Guy Rollins , tbo younir grandson of Mr ,
and Mrs. Guy Barton , who has been very ill ,
is now somowbat better. Hit illness has
caused his grandparents great nnxioty , the
moro that Mrs. Rollins is traveling It/Europo
and unaware of his illness. Mrs. Rollins
starts Cor homo by tbo steamer Umhrla from
Liverpool next Saturduv.-
The annual picnic ot All Saints' church
was hold In Hanscom park ( Friday nr.d
the cbilaron of the Sunday scbool were
joined by a majority of the members of tbo
congregation , who assembled to welcome
tholr rector home. Supper was served to
about 200 appreciative guests by the teachers
of the Sunday school and ladles of tbo con
Miss Carrlo Maude Penned : has returned ,
homo to visit her parents at 115 South
Twenty-fifth street. The best masters of
vocal culture In In ew York have , for two years ,
been polishing her already well trained voico.
Judging from eastern press notices which
have from tlmo to tirno recorded bor success
In tiud about Now York , her friends may ox-
poet to renew the acquaintance of a real
artist. Miss Ponnock will doubtless bo
hoard in concert bcforo bor return to Now
Mrs. J. R. Cleveland and Mtas Helen
Cleveland , who have been thu guests of Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. Allen , loft yestarduy Co ; un
eastern trip , which will tnko In New York ,
Boston , Rochester , Niagara Falls and ether
points , after which Miss Cleveland will go to
bar school , Lusoll , wharo sbo will bo joined
by her cousin , Miss Graca Allen , who loaves
hero ntixt Sunday. Miss Ruth Cleveland re
mains ns the guest other aunt and cousin
until October 1.
Miss Evelyn Onfllth of the Omaha Kinder
garten , who lately became Mrs , Franlt W.
Stallnrd , ha ? just returned from n delightful
wedding trip to tbo Pacific coast. Mr. and
Mrs. Stullard wont direct to Portland , Oro. ,
tbonca by steamer to Sun Francisco , return
ing homo by way of Salt Lake , where they
spent several days onjovtni ; the far-famed
bathing ut Garllold Beach. Mrs. Stnllunl
will reopen her kindergarten nt 2000 Daven
port street , Monday , September. ) .
Last Saturday afternoon the mala mom-
qord of the Capitol Hill'lonnls club gave a
plcnlo at Pries lake which was n thoroughly
onjo.vablo function. They drove out in a
tally Ho coach and of course took refresh
ments with them. A pretty souvenir for tna
occasion was a combination of tbrco
racquets with the name of the
guest , tha data and Pries lake upon thorn
and Mod with the colors of tbo club. The
party was composed of Misses Wynno Kennedy -
nody , Marv Buck , Margaret Brown , Mao
Sargent , Murirarot Cook , Goorglo Llndsoy
and Mnrgurat , McKoll. The young gontlo-
inen were ; Taorn McKoll , Wilbur Christian ,
Henry Allen , Paul Ludlngton , Larimorc
Denlsc. Howard Kennedy , Jr. , Scott Brown.
Mrs. Dr. Ludlngton and Mrs. McKell obap-
oronud the young peopio.
Union Paulllo council of the Roval Arca
num have completed arrangements for a has-
Hot plcnlo at Waterloo on Saturday , Septem
ber 10 , and n.largo attendance from Council
Bluffs and South Omaha as well as Omaha
is ulroady ussureu. The program is not fully
nrrunpod , but for the gentlemen will bo base
ball , u sack race and a tbroo-logpcd race , und
for tbo ladles nn egg race aud a guessing
contest , besides otbor games and contests.
Prizes are oiTorod tbo successful contest
ants. Stolnhausur's orchestra will attend
and bo nt the cuinmnnu of any desiring to
dnnco during the wbola afternoon and even
ing. A special tram will leave Union Pacllla
transfer , Council Blurts , ut 12iO : : p. m. ,
Omaha ut 1 o'clock und South Omaha at
1 : : iO , and returning will Icavo Waterloo
about USO. :
The Young Ladles' club gave a vary suc-
ssfal party at Cosmopolitan hall Friday
ovoning. These present were i Misses Dutton -
ton , Rush , ICato Hush , Gorko , Lizzlo Garko ,
Schlorvtoln , Funscnon Schlorsteln , Medina ,
Anua Kennedy. Agnes Kennedy , Haolan ,
Hoonoy , Gleason , Swift , Pbllomena Swift ,
Moadlmbor , Muhol Mcadlmbor , Flanuory ,
Joslo Flannory , Frankie Fltzpatrlck , Patrick
Bronmin. Anna Brennaii , MuAulllfo , Uurr ,
Mary Durr , Devlno , Miles. Emily Miles ,
Brady , Nona McAullffo , Hoyo Gallagher ,
Nellie Gallagher , Mossn. Maher , Strvlcor ,
Murphy. Tracy , Morlarity , O. P. Morlarlty ,
MoAullfTo , Malone , Cunningham , Flynn ,
Swift , T. F. Swift , Coffmuu , Agnew , Miles ,
McMillan , Rush , Uronnnn , Johnnie Bran-
nan , Gloason , Patrick , Cburlla rmd Anarow
Patrick , Bruoa Bohaunn , McGulnc&s ,
DutToy. Gorke , Mlloj , Kounody , Gloason
I'rof , Wlnuolph and others.
An Olil Nuttier' * Demlsi * .
Air. Edward Wood , ono of Omaha's early
settler * , died suddenly at hla stock farm near
Fnlrlleld , lu. , on Friday , MiU ult.
Mr. Wood was bora la Stockbrldgo , Madl-
on county , N. Y. , and wbou a boy com-
muncoil to work as a railroad inaa. When
20 .tears of ago ho was cn' o r of a otisser.-
gor train running Datwoon-fjfgulng nnd Ba <
tavln , N. Y. During thoiifnM war ho was
connected with tha quartermaster's department
mont of the army. lu MW ho cama to
Omaha , ana was among thoJit'-U ; of tha en
gineers of the Union loPiaclIlo railroad ,
running his opuino ovctbltiiio now nnd
rouuh road then in couro ii construction ,
Ho remained with tha roadjintll nbout ton
yonrs ago , when 111 hoiiH ninpallod retire
ment from the fatlguosisiljBallroadlng , aad
engaged in the oxnross IWKiwsi In this city.
But still again tin had totrcMro , nnd being n
great lover of horses , nbqvght n beautiful
plnco In lown nnd for year of two
has lived there , engaged in breeding line
Many of the older rosidouts of this city
will remember Mr. Wood , . conlal , pleas-
nnt greeting tntuio no'v acquaintances Ilka
him. Ho was a aluod nnd trusted employe
of the Union Pacific , n Mason of Capitol
ledge nnd Knight Templar of Mount Calvary '
conunandcry , and bis funeral on Tucs'day ,
! l3th August , was conducted ur these bodies
nnd Rav. Mr. Boati to Forest Lawn como-
tory. Ho leaves a widow mid three daugh
ters , Miss MlnnioVootl , Mrs. Goo. B. Luna
of OlymplnVn < h , , MM , Frank B. Donnlo
of Mayvlllc , N. D. , and ono ion , Hubert , now
In California.
Joining Tholr .Mini Mntnrs.
Oraahn will send n Inrgor number of boy's
nnd clrls to various schools throughout
America this year than over before , ns the
following list will show :
St. Mary's , ICnoxvlllo , 111. Mary Smith.
Clifton Hill , Cincinnati , O. Liura Gush-
'ng. ' , ,
St. Mary's , North Da mo. Ind. May Hamil
Miss Alkon's , Stamford , Conn. Jeutlo
Oborlln College , Oborlln , O. Sadto Ly-
Rockford Seminary , Rookford , III. Mahal
Miss Coot's , Wnterbury , Conn. Llln Alox-
Ohio Woslaynn University. Delaware , O.
Fred S. Nnvo.
Mrs. Pratl's , Utlca , N. Y. May Morse ,
Florence Morso.
Swathmoro College , Swathmoro , Penn.
Bon Battlo.
St. ljnul's , Concord , N. Hi Arthur Carter ,
Ezra Millard.
Columbia College , Now York , N. Y.
Victor Rosowntor.
The Burnham School , North Hampton ,
Mass. Mary Buck.
St. Catharine's , Davenport , la. Loulo
Drake , Allco Drake.
Miss Elv's , Now Yorir , N. Y. Margaret
McKell , Margaret Brown.
Mount Vernoa Seminary. Washlngtou , D.
C. Etholwynno Konnudy. '
Pennsylvania Military Academy , Gettys
burg , Ponn. John Kuhns.
National Conservatory of Music , Berlin ,
Germany Harriet E. Brown.
Miss Annabel's , Phllnuolphla , Pa.
Browuio Baum , Sadto Baum.
Yule Collcco , New Ilavon , Conn. Fred
Rustln , Moms Boal , Will Cowin.
Nebraska University , Lincoln , Nob. Ar
thur Montmoroncy , Eugenia Gotnnr.
Miss Brown's , Noxv York , N. Y. Suslo
Colpotzer , Flora Webster. Hattlo Cady.
Williams College , \VllIIatpstown , Mass.
Allan Marsh. Jay Brown , , Hynry Clark.
VassarColloco. Poughkoapsio , N. Y. Allco
Brown , Elizabeth Morrolk J'ulla Swartz.
Durtmouta Collogo.nHaIIpvor , N. H.
Frank Fields , Irwlu Road , Ullmord P ico.
Academy ot tbo Saorod'Heui't , Manhattan-
vlllo , Long Island Mury J'Nasb , Adolmo
Cornell University , Itbacu , N. Y. Carl
M. Johnson , Charles lloVawator , W. D.
Osgood. r _ _
St. Charles Academy , , St , " Charles , Mo.
Bertha Bauraor , Delia JiIcDorraott wl , Margaret
McDormott. "
University of Pennsylvania , Phlladelohla ,
Pa. Edward .Bradloy/J / > B , T. .Grosamanu . ,
A. K. Dotwllor. * nj 97 -
Harvard University , uUambrldgo , Mass.
Carroll Cirtor , Edwin T. Stigur , ' ASB W K.
Billings , Oscar Qulclo < - lushnti. .
Kompor Hall , Dnvenpoft . William
Borroughs , Alfred Barker Alfred 'Donahue ,
Ed Balch , Dave Young.
Phillip's Andover Academy , Andover ,
Mass. Nelson Mercer. Samuel Caldwell ,
Floyd Smith , Dell Smith.
University of Michigan , Ann Arbor. Mich.
Joseph Morsman , Edgar Morsraau , Thomas
Battin , Leroy Cruuimor , Charles Thomas ,
Frank Grillln.
Lasscll Seminary , Auburndalo , Mas * .
Alice Andreoson , Lllllo Tukoy , Grace Allen ,
Muttlo Stone , Mabel Taylor , Belle Morrow ,
Ura Kelly , Bertha Sloan.
Princeton College , Princeton , N. J. Her
bert Rogers , Will Rogers , Larlraoro Denlso ,
Paul Ludlugton , Thomas Crolgh , George Mc
Cuguo , Hurry Akin , Joseph Polcar.
ShattooK Mllltnry Institute , Furlbault ,
Minn. Dwight Swobo , Ed Swobo , Richard
Grey , Bert Grey , Bonnoy Fowler , Russell
Burt , Charles Montgomery , Guy Montgom
ery , Fred Uufrono , Dick Willis.
A Volco From the I'liclllc.
SAN FiUNCisco , Cal. , Aug. 80. [ Special
correspondence" TUB BEE. ) I am not a deserter -
sorter from my old homo in Omaha , and al
though I bavo boon traveling up and down
the Paclllc coast both by lund and water for
the past flvo months I have not as yet culti
vated ono of tboso deep clinging affections
for California that would make mo contented
to hvo ana dlo hero.
From Seattle In the state of Washington
down to thatBOUthurn California town , San
Diego. I bavo not felt hotter satlsUod with
any pluco than San Francisco. There Is not
ailoubt but what ' "Frisco" Is the spot on this
const , nnd I must say that for n conoral peed
time all around this city lends Ih everything.
But with nil the sight ssolng ana" grand
rushing around ull day and a good part of
the night , nn Omaha fnco will causa u great
tumult of joy In my hnart nnd no sight Is so--
wolcomoas a familiar homo laco.
I always rood over tbo list of hotel
arrivals the first thing in the
morning , while walling between
.courses at breakfast. I might say here , by
way of parenthesis , that ono has to wait just
ns long ns wo do tn a certain Urst class res
taurant In Omaha before ono gets an ontlro
meal. I heard the otbor day of a man who
alod from stnrvation during a long wait , nnd
bo wns so emaciated poor man that the
combined weight of clothes aid man did not
exceed thirty pounds. You can fully under
stand the aw fulness of that statement when
1 toll you ho brougnt down the scales to 185
pounds when ho entered that restaurant.
The other morning 1 picked up u Chronicle
nn J saw tbo name of ono of our Omaha rail ,
road officials registered at the Palnco hntol ,
also the names of his wife nnd daughter ,
who is ono of Omaha's moy jbnlllant society
To toll you the truth , nnjl just hotwnon
ourselves , I was vorv much surprised to see
"Mrs. " and "Miss jjln town aamo
tlrao as "Pa. " For I must tell you that
tboso dear genial old falhoand husbands ,
who are the very personification of propriety
nt homo , seem to bo poispsiod by some llttlo
Imp , In this bracing air ddt'bbro , that makes
them do many peculiar things.
I mlKht toll many ftii iv * tales , but It
would bo dreadfully mean nnd besides I
don't want to bo cut rltfhtClind loft when I
return home.
However , ono can't > bjQtp > feeling rather
startled to walk Into a theater some evening
una see Mr. So nnd So frmn Qmalm seated In
a private boxwlth , ono ol 'Frisco's ' fulr boau-
tlos oojoylng the playjawjlhoji ) , after tbo
show , lo happen In a rosVaurant und brush
past a hnlf open door , just opened enough for
ono to see "same man and sumo girl" with a
bottle of Pommery calmly sitting on the table ,
or nt either place , oysters raw , resting oa
their half shell ; la fact , everything looking
so cozy und tbo Ilttl9 supper gottou up m tbo
most rccborrho mauner. '
Such things are ot qulto right , nro thoyt
There is na Omaha doctor here , with a
nnmo one could pull teeth wliu , and a Boston
tnan who have boon distinguishing thorn-
solves In moro ways thua ono.
Comparing' the present tlmo with the year
of tbo last presidential election politics seems
ulto ( load In this section of the country ,
? urn quite disgusted , for > l had nutlclpatoj
sumo rare fun in listening to seine furious
old political speeches Crom various clover
California orators.
The theaters here have und nothing lately
In the way of godd shows that would sat the
town On lire. At present wo are all on Iho
qul vivo Cor Lillian Rusuell. who U to arrive
next week. 1 thull probably join the crowd
that will rush to welcome the fair Llllluu In
' La Cigalo , " ovoii If I huvo to pawn my old
clothes to buy a railroad tlckol homo. li ,
What Qmalia Fratora Eave Boon Doinff Dur
ing the .Vast Wook.
Item * of Oancrnl Interest tn Thino Who
Wonr Itngnlhig Mmiy Cnnilltlntot
1'romlnoil to llldn the Slystlcul
Oont This Season.
The week was not productive of much
news of Importance In fraternal circles , If
the passing of the Iron Hall Into thn bo
oxcoptcd. The Shrlnor * nro still tlrod alter
their efforts to properly entertain their
brethren , while the Knights have not yet recovered -
covered from their visit to Donvnr. Many
of the Pythlans nro still In Kansas City ami
therefore there is no mention ot thorn In this
column. In all prohnbillty the coining week
A111 freshen matters considerably and once
moro TUB Bni : will bo nblo to present to lift
frator friends moro news that will please , Interest
torost and instruct.
Thy Klltl.
Grand Exalted Ruler Edwin B. Hay was
Informally received by the members of
Omaha lodge No. 89 while here with the
Shriners. The memory of that visit Is still
croon In the mind of that genial gentleman ,
ns the following letter to Exalted Grand
Treasurer William F. nochol shows :
WAsuiNOTOtf , 1) . 0. . Aiu. 2J. lion Wllllani
P. lieohol , Omaha , Neb : My Sir and
llrothor. I have boon to Omnlm nnd returned.
Wo have tnot Omaha ledge No. 19 mid "wo nro
thorn. " Indued , my dear Is hard
to xlvo expression to foollius of grutltudo
that arise toward those ttooil follows for tholr
Idmlnes'i , consideration nnd attention to Mrs.
Hay mid myself and , Indeed , my paity. They
did not noilcct us for a moment uml of
all of our Impplnuss In Omaha was bocuusu of
thn courtuslcs of these dL'ar good follows.
In all my experience since I have had the
pleasure of enjoying the honor ot grand
oxultud ruler nothing has toiichu'l mu so
ilcouiyns the lovely manner In which these
boysdollchlcd ino by nrosentlns to Mrs. H.iy
the llttlo souvenir.Vonovorcoso to snoiilc
1 of It and It la tliu npulu of hur eye. bho shows
It to every lady and lolls everybody about It ,
nnd ro.iliy. It seems to mo. feuli proud to
enjoy the honor of belli t the tlnuuhior of
Oinuliii No. .I'l. I sli ill nuver for ut the visit
to Omaha. Indeed. It can never to out of our
inomory while llfo lasts. Slncuruly nnd fr.i-
ternally , K. H. HAV.
Omaha Ipdgo is In excellent condition and
now that all dlnicultios have been adjusted
and the dead v oed dropped from the mem
bership hat there will bo nn endeavor made
this winter to put the lodge back in the
proud place It formerly hold , the
best ledge in America. The mombora
nro enthusiastic , alert , and moan to
give the organization a hicuor standing
than ever la the western country.
Mystic Slirlno Nuws.
Prom all sections of the country Potentate
Henry C. Akin of Tangier temple is receiv
ing warm words of congratulation for the
excellent manner in which the local temple
entertained the imperial council and visiting
Shrinors , ana too much cannot bo suid in
praise of Colonel Akln's efforts and tboso
associated with him on the various commit
tees. It is very much doubted if there was
ever a moro harmonious body tnan the execu
tive committee which had charge of the
orrangemonts. They were actuated by a
common purpose , tbo Inigest and happiest
measure of entertainment , limited only by
tlmo. Whatever tended to meet the doslro
of tbo committee was done and the result Is
a recognition of Omaha's ability to entertain
iarge bodies successfully. ,
There is a great deal of interesting matter
that might bo written in regard to Iho cold
reception accorded the committee of ways
and means by the citizens of Omaha. They
had boon drained to tno last dreg , seemingly ,
by n Methodist' ' general conference , a
military encampment fiasco and by
ttio' " people's party , " ana hpy didn't
propose to contribute 1 cent toward the on-
tortammontof an'organization which might
bavo 500 visitors in Ouiabn , surely not more
tnan 1.500. But the commlttoo was not to
bo dlssuaaed from Its purpose and what the
citizens lacnod in enterprise the members of
Tangier made up. The aftermath of the
meeting is appaient nnd while It cost nearly
$10,000 to properly entertain the visiting
Shrinors and tholr wives , there is quite
onouch in slgbt to pay nil bills and probably
leave n llttlo balance In Tangier's treasury.
And this is duo to the business mon who
were associated with Potentate Alun. While
praise is duo every individual member of the
various committees , particular commendation
Is duo John T. Clarke , T. K. Suaborouirh ,
Frank Williams , James Franco , L. M.
Rticom , H. C. Crura for Indefatigable work
in behalf of the most successful meeting In
the historv of the Shrine In America ,
Moolah Temple of the Oasis of St. Louis
passed the following ut a recent tncotiuir of
that body :
Whoioiis. The Missouri Shriners. while In at
tendance upon council atOinaha
August 15 and IB were the recipients of
numerous favors , wo , the commlttuo of ar-
nngoinoiits for and on behalf of Moolah
tomplu. tiiko pleasure in thus acknowlodgliu
thosiunc ; and , therefore , bo It
Kesolved. That wo. us a committee for
Moolah toinulo of St. Louis , do lioroby most
earnestly and sincerely thank Noble Franco
Uhnndlur , general passenger iigout of the
Wabush system , and Joseph Tonliuu. travol-
Ini nassoncor agent , for the earo
taken of our pliRrlms onioiito. Noble
William Anderson , chief clerk of Iho Murray
hotel , for Ulna attentions during our ht ly at hostelry , and all the nobles of T.mlor
tumplo < > f Onialri for the most cordial rouup-
tlon und entertainment uccorJud us while In
their city , and wo do most coullally Invite
them to visit the huiidijiiarturs of Moolah
temple ut Ulnolnnntl during the next busslon
of do imperial council.
Committee. ( JOHN I ) . TUIINHII ,
Itnyiil Aiuauiiiii.
The following circular from Regent John
B. Sheldon was Issued yestor.lay to nil
orothers of Union Pacllic council No. 1,0(59 ( :
This council having decided to have a
basket picnic at Waterloo , Neb. , Saturday ,
September 10 , 18UJ , a special train will leave
Union Pacitlu transfer. CouncilUluffs , nt
12SO : p. m. , Omaha I p. ra. , and South
Omaha 1 :30 : p. m. Roturnlng will Icavo
Waterloo about U:30 p. m.
Round trip tickets 'for adults , 75 cents
each ; children , 50 cents each.
An Interesting program of out door sports
and amusements for both ladles and gentlemen -
mon bus been arranged for. Sultabio prhos
to bo given to the successful contestants. .
An excellent orchestra will accompany the
The occasion IB intended as a grnnd noclal
reunion for momoers of this order nnd their
friends In this vicinity , and It U hoped that
each and every member will tender his best
efforts to Insure its success.
Tickets can oo obtained from the following :
I. O. Rhodes , A. P. Darlow. A. P. Connor ,
A. J. VunKuran , E. A. Kimball , Richmond
Anderson , A. E. Hutchmsoii , W. P. Davis ,
Union Pacific headquarters ; It E. McKolvy.
1J04 Dodge street ; U. B. Gcdnoy. Eleventh
and Grace st roots ; W. M. Glllor , room ill ,
Chamber of Commerce ; C. D. Sutphon , Car-
rlago Repository , Twentieth and Parnntn
stiooU ; F. L. Gregory , Boo building. Sev
enteenth and Farnam streets ; Wm. Gygor ,
secretary Dewey & Stone Furniture Co. ; E.
C. Snyder , Omaha BUB ; C. A. Fowler , Room
UO , Patterson block , Seventeenth nnd Fur-
nam streets ; Robert Rosonzwoiir. 1111) Fur-
uamstroQt ; J. E. Preston , 151)1 ) Furimiu
street ; R. W. &G. B. Dybnll , confectioners ,
1518 Douglas street. C juncil Bluffs Charloa
Bono. South Omaha P. Brink , cashier
Pacicors National bank ; Dr. Slfrglna , N
B trout ,
It Is the Intention of the member * of Union
Puclfla to maka this n really Eochtblo event
and the Imlicatlots point to a largo number
cf people going on tbo picnic.
The 23,003 newspaper * employ 100,000 man.
An adult laboring man uses up abojit llvo
ounces of hli mubcla ovary day.
In Saxony about 70 par conlof the work-
Intrmen earn loss than f IfiO per year.
Factory children In Now England nnd shop
girls In Now York work for bo small a sum
at (1.25 a wook.
In 1600 the Now Yoric Central rallrond em
ployed 21-iUO nor ion a , with a payroll of f 1U-
U.l,6lU. ) U now 1ms .M.OOO employes and pays
thorn $14,500,000. Out of this vast number
just ninety mon struck.
The ofllclal statistics of Franco have shown
tbutln 1891 about 72,000 persons died of
starvation In that country , uud the number
THEATRE. IS N G A O liVM I * . N * L\
Monday , Way , Wednesday , September 5,6 , and 7.
Simporlotl by the Strongest nnil Most L'oniploto
Now before the public , In the folUnvluj * fltroiiR roportolro of
Standard Logltlmato Plays :
Monday Evening VIBGXNIITS.
Tuesday Evening JUX.XITS CUESAR.
Wednesday Matinee IDfGOMAB * .
Wednesday Evening THE G-&ADXATOJ& ,
I'rlcos Ucsorvcd scats ( irstlltmr. $1) ) soiiornl'mtinlsslimTfiot rnscrvotl soit : lit balcony , 7Jt ) |
gnneral admission , files gnllury , i o. Mntlnon prlout First floor. ? . " > u ; haloimy , ( We.
At 24th and Belt Line-
Ho inittlo a successful ascension at this sumo plaeo Sumltiy , August
21st , but on Sunday , August 2Sth , on account ot an accidant his balloon
was torn. Provided favorable weather prevails ho will make a stio
cossful ascension and parachute jump to-day.
' Take South Omaha and Sher
IT' man Ave. or Hanscom Park
and 24th Street Cars.
Sept. 8 , 9
Lincoln J ; Carter's '
Saturday Matinee.
Farnam St , Tinalre
Today at 2:30 Tonluht at 8:15.
In the ; . orpunlno l.inei > .
lliis ( Sunday ) Evening. Sept. 4.
and tholr well equipped unppnrtlir "com
pany will thulr pri'sunt Om ilia
eiiL'u oiiioiiL by piosuiitlii .Mr.
Noblo's thrilling play , emit led
Usual prlcctu llu < c oflluo open all day Sunday.
Tjiu Hoi. Springof ; Aiiicriru ,
Hnl SprintS ) , I ) .
Finest Uotort llolol In thi : Went. Ktrlctlr Klnt
dual. harKO lloonu , Hlnili ) ur Kniultu , Nuir
Oion | , All .Moilurn lniirnvimrjnli | , T.ililo n Hpu-
clttlty. lloiiBoniiblu Iliitoi for IliilinconC MIIIKIIII.
Orcliojtriinnil Dnnchu KvorISvunliuIn tlio Mu
la llnll. I'lnutt I'linuu ll'itli In tlm UnlUil
htutus. Uu.iutlful MtiuntJln SuunorSplun Mil
Cllmutn , Cnul NUIita , No Moxiultiia. .1.IJUJ Koot
libnvo tlinSui. Tliu rtinitli lliKDtn Hot Sprln i
uiouttrucllru attuntljn all ovur tlu worlil , uml
uriiuurliuu Uriter puruintnitu tlinn liny mirlnuu
In tlio U. H. Kor ritui , luilu , cito. nn I otliar In-
o rmnilou , iidilreas , O. H. MAIIDICN '
Hot Sjirluxn , Houtll D.tkut I.
who became insatio from iniaury nmounted to
The inlnlniu-n ngo of employment on thn
continent Is gonerallv 1or from 112 to 1-1 ,
Hut then lOnglmh children only worlc twmity-
night hours per week , while in Franco nnd
Germany the houri nio thlrtv-slx , In Italy
und Germany forly-Di ht , In Holland sixty-
six , nnd In Belgium suvonty-two ,
13. l'bcott , nno of the wealthiest negroes
111 Viru'lnla , went to Clifton Koruo sgveial
years ugo without a dollar. Ho now owns
eighteen houses und lots , a hotel and n largo
amusement hall , nnd u putting upalurgu
building oa Mala street. Ho also runs a
wood and coal yard.
In twenty-two of the largest cltlos in thu
United States 17 , 137 women who uro worlilnir
for a living were questioned by government
agents. Of thosu I.VISS nro slni/lo und the
average ugo is'J vuars nnd sovoti jiionths ,
Tnoy represent 313 vocatlpiw , and their
iworau'o WUL-C3 are ? 551 n woelr. A purt'nl
census in 18Stl showed thu avorano wage * to
bo ? l,05. And yet n very largo porcciitii'u ( of
thosu women have others depending upon
them Cor tupport.
Suoci HID
John Congdon bus brought Halt ,
the city of South Omaha to recover SI.IUI ,
winch bo alleges m duu on u contract ulilcih
ho was awarded NovoniUorHJ , 1BU1 , whrrubv
ho aurocd to nud did grudo R titruot Crom
Twenty -seventh to Thlrty-tocond atrpol ,
15th anil Capitol Avenue.
; . 1.
Our matchless Stock Company in the
great Modern Society Comedy
Drama ,
- OR -
' "Loue at Long Branch"
I'liiirii llii-lenn ( Illrt ) . MlnaJennlu Dnrrnzli
. \'u ' , : ln > f ° f' ' ' . Ml lilpsy lmrlo > Y
Mr * . 1'liihul , wlmno ur tiilka ncnndnl .
"T-JCD . si : Dot ruppini-
v'M".1'11.0"1 the ' " 'tmyou , .Mini ( iuorclo Cain
DIcU I'.utlilu ) , iijiiiirn.illit . | . D , WlllUinu
l.dril llucnr. n M lirviiiiT . ( J. K.Jnmfi
llaliih llnydun. thu Jcitloiia Inishnnd .John WolibiT
Loluiiut l'liifoiilu mllltury futliur. . . . ( JtMiiuo mill
I'rlcu , n lilKh tiinuil nuKru . I. v. Mntho rn
Harry llnrlow. us CcurKuV/iiBlilnuliin llutloy , aluw-
jer with u colobrnlcd case.
ACT ] . ] , OIIK llrnncli lloncli niij Hotel.
AiT IItvuiio 1. Colonel 1'lnylunl'B cottnso nt
Louts llrnncli.
u ' On Iho licnch.
Coiitlnuoua I'jrformuncoH from I to 10 p.
ConirlsliiK | ) tlm followliig.trtlHta :
Aurlul Wonders , Introiliicliii : MI&s fjiivoly's fa-
Llfo ,
1'uj sru itnst. Jiivonllu-ilii ; m .111 1
Kln.-Hot nIlHkiitois , ifl 1.0)0 ) for iliulr mimil , In
the ro\oliitlnisnn | rollui hKutu.s. luiioUnulna
sulonllllu nnil coiiilu bkiitliiL . Attention Ij
viillud lo Jlr. Kvni'r'H nuelc mil tlnuo niliinte
Niiln , thu lonui-Ht nn roeor.l , uniuiliHllcin with
thulr funny hurlo iUo | , "lloiind lofkiitu. "
, Wlz-
aril. Wit and Iliimnriit. will h IVH the hoiini
uf KlvliiKiihurlosdt rollnuil anil iilu.i.shu un-
tui tiiliiinuiit-i. Inirmiuulnt : an untlruly orUlnal
iirosniiiiiiu ! , conslmini ur nu\v unit nturliliu
Illusli us. Invuntuil anil porfoinuil only hy thu
I'rustlillKl-Uoniudliin In the world ,
The WorlU'H ( irmitL'St D.tncorfl ,
Morrissey & Proctor ,
Known us tlio KldOlovo Duo. " The isiiutuac
_ ditiiolni ; toiini IIO\Y Imforii the iiiihllu.
aCUItdirUATlilN , The uTiliuihoTTiiiiui nimurr
The urmluss nd Ic luss dcsrundiint ot Mary ,
l.'lltK.'ll lf b-L'OlH.
OP13N DAILY 1 TO 10 1J. M.
Prices 15c , 20c and 3Uc ,
Larfrost stock of HUMAN HAIR
n bt of Chicago.
Guaranteed tttriutty II rat dues.
MrsR , H. Dauies ,
111 S. 15TII. - - OPI3. _ r > OSTOli'l'1IOI3 _ '
Ihlid 1'ioor. I'.ixuin
Tvlopliimo I OS. ' ) . UMh : n 1 Farnni : Hti
A full nut of tenth nn rubber tur IV I'orfutJt t
Ti'vth Mlthuut'pliitin or raiiiornljlu lirliUu worlc
JUM thu thliu for tliiicun or imhllu niiuiUor * , novur
( Irup clown
11 : rii f'-xniAO'iT'o wii'iioui' CAIN
( Juld Ulllutf ut ro.uon'ihlo ' rutua. All work
wtrruntu > l cut HiUoiil fur uijuulu.