i I THE OMAHA DAILY UEE : SUNDAY- SEPTEMBER 4 , 1892-S1XTEEN PAGES. DEAD GAMES AT THEIR MECCA Srmcly Griswold Writes of tLo Saturday Scones in and Around Now Orleans. SOLOMON'S ' GLORIOUS RAIMENT NTT IN IT HrlrT Oilmen nt I lib ( Inrcriinsly Itcdrehei Follower * of FUtlnn.t Throuc'i ' Cotton 1'lclil ntul uyprim Mvrninp The Club llonnn mill ( ho Hotting. ' Nniv PTIUJANB , Ln. , Sent , 3. [ Special 'lulcKrum'toTiin UBI : . ] I nrrlvod hero this morning lo find tha city In n puvtllstlo fer ment. There was n big influx of sporting men dumped hero by tha curly trains , and they coutlnuo to pour lit In squads anil battalions on cvury Incoming train.Tho lli'st-class holol : nro rapidly tilling up , and n tremendous draft baa begun on the private boarding bouses and furnished rooms. Tboro E > ro man bero , prlnclpiilly from the "lanc.v" ranks , from ovor.v city of Importance In this union , but this olemunt Is not so considerably In preponderance ns ono mlKbtInfer , as there nro professional and business mon on hand In sunicont numbers to give lha vast throngs a vor.y respectable and conservative looli. Nothing Is talkeu of but lights In the hotels , saloons and sporting resorts , Joseph's Coiit Outilono. The pugs nnd their Ilk are to bo seen In squads , aim pink and blue shirts with strlpos nnd bars anil dots as big as n half dollar are plentiful. Plus tints , both while and blaolc , nro worn at an auglo of 'about ' 45 ° . Hugo collars and expensive cuffs , with rod hounds chasing yellow forces up and down , are a conspicuous figure. Noddies nnd cnrfj of ouch flaming and gaudy hues as to causa the doscropit , mules hitched to measly street cars to shy nnd prick up thoii- ears In apprehension of some unknown U.siibtnr. Noses fulrly outrivaling the rain bow In lurid colors Intersperse tno shlltlng ir.iissas of perspiring visage * with a fro- quuiicy that augurs a rUu In the prluo bf buozc1. The weather is Sulmric in Its intensity and everybody drinks whisKey to avoiu cholera microbes. At the tonmniitlon of the uarnl- vul tbo bartenders will ull buy out the pro prietors , Tlicro Is said to bo already at least ten thousand strangers within Uio city's gates , and the wealth of tlio city has been -swollen to tha extent of half u million dollars mete or loss. About every man you meet has n diamond ns big us a walnut riveted to pro- truulng shirt front and the sluuonlof human nnturo Is offered an opportunity that may never bo presented again In a life lima. A lariro force at nowtpapor men curao in today , nnd by morning it is safe to say that every Dapor of anypromlnonco in the country - try will have from ono to jwo rooresouin- tlvcs bore , and the preparations that some of thorn tire malting to spread before their read ers the details of the punching saturnalia next week Is astonishing. Touch Might on the Train. At Urenada , Miss. , last night at 11:40 : wo caught the sleeper In which wo hail secuied n section in advance. It was in possession of u gang of California sports , tinhorn gamblers with bell-bottomed pants and a half score of low side "ladles. " Tuoy had virtually captured the car. The conductor and othw tsuiii efilcials wore pow erless , and u rcspcutable passenger bad about ns much show for accommodation1 the proverbial sunwflaUoyou liavo beatdsomuch of. The fact , that I earned my bread by the sweat of a lead pencil Dually proved the open fcosamo to an upper berth for Morrison and myself. In this wo enjoved u flno turkIsh - Ish bulb to the chink of benr bottles und tin cups , and the discordant ribaldry of lough and courtesan. No other p-assongers pre sumed tostick their nones within.tbo door. Eou the holders of tlcliots for berths ordered by telegraph in advancq refused to run the risk ofiavniling tbemsclyos of their'tights' . The truth is u nioro disgraceful night's car- ousul was never soon aboard any railway conveyance. It a forward sleeper was another party of sporting gentlemen from 'Krlsco ' , includ ing Moso (3 u nst. Tom William , a son of Gen eral Williams , tbo well known California ! ! turfman ; Albert Wboolur.'T. J. O'Nell ' , Col onel Qeorgo McLauubliu , Polo Clark , tuo Joekoy and Johnny Murphy , the Boston banluin , who gnvu DixOn tno light ot bis Uf < . ' . These men wove ull pronounced Sulli van men , nnd each carried a satchel full of the coin of the , realm lo lav on the big fel low. Guust said ho couldn't llguro how it was po slblo for Corbt > vt to win , ana the wholu party coincided with him. Murphv , with $5,000 of 'Frisco ' moiiov behind him , will challenge the winner of the Dixon-Skollv battle at the ring stdo Tuesday night. > 'u tu re , Uniiilnriiuil und Improved. The trio down through the sunnv south , barring Mississippi's broad Holds of bursting ( cotton and tobucco , was exceeding weari some a'id monotonous until Osyka was , reached. Just won of this point' the llll- nois Central plunges Into Louisiana's endless - loss cypress nwamps. This was at early i dawn and tbo Journey from here on was most axhlllratin ? and onjnvablo Tno huge old oaks of the tangled morass with their aopcdmng beards of grey moss , Luccoons of tbo wilderness , the spreading palmettos nnd labyrinth ! ) of palms , aeroi of blooming pond IIIlos and of capo jessamine , uaskini : , ili- | gators una souring bu/zards , made n scouo plctnrosquo inlllo ex-trenio. But what are all tuesa beauties of nature In comparison with the lovejy ilchis on Hand , nnd it Is of close-croopcd heads , brawny lists , ' endurance and cleverness and "knooii 'ouls i romu here lo.write of and not of lloivors and palms , und trasti of tnat bort. v I maJo than | p to the Olvmpic club\hls nftornoon and was graclou-lly received bV President Noiil and Secretary Ross , who took'1 inucu pains in overling mo over Ibu prom- Ises. Thu clubhouse itself Is a injilol of modern urohltooturo mid volut > iuously ap pointed throughout , with its magnificent baleens , each rosuleiidont with tupesty nnd gorgeous with art , spacious reception rooms courts , billiard parlors and cfcrd erippis brcnd.cnrridors abloom with tropical plunu Jl/art'-uis , dinVig room , cafe , cuMm- . bar gymnasluin and 'Jilting nriinu and nmnliji the or. It Is the tvallhtesinnd and host governed club In ttio woi'iii.und just now is putting on tbo llmahlng tojiu | s Jall ) OOU north of Improvements. -1- . It In u 'Moilcl Arumi , Under u square of 'clectriu lights stands the ling In which the three championships ore to ho decided next week , ami In tuiib another ring Gladiator never did battlo. It Is exactly Iwonty-four feet fiqtuire , regula tion HIZO on the turf , composed os Just a .sum- clout quantity or iivorsunil to mnkn U linn yet elusiuv Tno ropes and ntala are padded lieuvily wllh ix'd Jlanucl , nnd It | s ultogothor it model place for u lUtlo argument. Four fcut from the padded ropes Is another enclosure of barb wire Bcrcohlnc slauncbly held In pluco Uy subilaullal uprlcbls and oreotPd to proven ! any possible Interference from tbo outside. Between these two sots of burneudrH tbo chairs for ttio seconds ana other esiinlroH of iho prlnclpuis are placed during Uio progress of lha rounds. in lor Itiijiortur * . Tne favored ones at all the Olympic club's entertainments uro the members or the press. JustoillsUlo Iho screening , up nualnsl Ibo vurv ring sides are iho reporters pows sunk In thn irrouml until iho he d la on n level with Mm surface of the ring. Each inuii has a desk two and a half fcot tquare , and is on- tlrely frcu from annoyance from alllclous nnd IrquaaloUBitpoclators. Thor.o are nlnot.vlwo of tbojo puva ( nil numbered , und Ibo one Ibo press coimnltU'u assigns n man ho keeps i throughout Um present carnival , TUB Iliu : i was forlunately on hand early und has been ; "tMlcneU to No : 7 , one of tbo very best ou the nprth side of Ibo arena next to the entrance to the club room * . Back of tbo press powns comoi tuo boxes , then too imcrvcd chair * , and lust tbo gun- oral admission seats , uvoryono ol which com mands n clear and unobstructed viou of the batilo ground. The Boatinioupacitv has been eulurcod to accouimoclato 13,000 people , uud for the Sullivan and Corbott UK hi not u reserved sp.it or box remains unsold , and 0) the nlghl of the uaUfc .a general adinlsalon ticket Will bo worth any kind of monoy. U'hero .11 in ley , Mul < tu NoUii. After lunch 1 mudotbo rouiulsot tbo Hport- Ing rosorta und found ] uni of garrulous suorU nt every 0110 of tlioiii. At JHid ItcuRUd's tbo Morohaut't club , 'J Caroudslot I xtroot , tliorovero a coup6 ! of liunilrod ot Sullivan followers , all clamorous to pluco their money nt almost any odd. . but with fuw taUors. Tlioro were nlso crowds of loudly nttlred mon nl Colonel llurlta's place , 02 SU Chnrloj strcnt. At Owen Parry1 * , a gambling r.nlaco on Hoynl street , and nt Stubbloflold fc Cham bers' , on ( Jrnvlcr street , but the bulk of the visitors are at all times assembled at Leon Ln Moth's turf otchnneo Tan'il noforcoDuf- fov's resort. At La Moth's there WM quite n play thl * nftornoon on the combination of Sullivan , Dlxon nnd McAullrTo : ) to 1 , Some thing like $20,000 went Into the book nt these rates , nod n big piny Is expected tonight- , for Ills expected that the arrival of John L. tomorrow morning will boom the champion's stock UD to absolute prohibitive oods. In the mcantlmo the betting nt all the rooms Is ns follows : Hnlllvan , Tixon and McAulllTc. . . . . . a tot Hnlllviin. Dlxon and Myers . Ill to 5 Hnlllvan , Nkclly and JMeAulllTo . 10 to 1 Hnlllvan , H.tilly anil Myers . lOtol ( 'orliett. Dhoti and Mc.Uillire . n to 1 Cnrlictt , llixon and Alvers . . . 0 to 1 Oorbolt. Skolly anil MoAullfTo . 12 to 1 Citrhett. Skolly and Mynr * . . . . 12 lo 1 Inillvliluitl bolting : Sullivan. 1 toSiUor- bott,8ior > ; MoiiitlllTo , oven ; Alyors , 4 to D ; UiNon , 1 toUj Skolly , Tito 2. All against. \Vlmt tlio llottor * Arn DoliiKT. The arrival of the Meyer delegation late last night with barrels of the long grcon to place on the uvulono from the much adver tised yillngo of SVroalor , has haa a tondcnoy to boost him above McAullfTo , as the pool rooms' posted odds shows , till , ns In .tho case of Corbott , this sentlmont. is a forced , prejudiced ono , nnd tliim even money will rule on the llgbt weights , while In tbo champion battle tlicrn will bo virtually no bolting at all , nr nt prooostorous odds. After all the bluster and bombast by the Corbott cliques , they have laid no "beta worth mentioning , nnd will lay nor.o unless they got n very , long shot. Even Bob Mastorsou and bis Denver dele gation , after all t'-olr batting bluster , still have their money iutholr pockets. There are two Denver factions horo. ono beaded by the rodonbtablo rat , Tom Collins. George Converse , Koland Baldwin and Ed Simmer , tno sprinter. Another by Johnny Murphy. Tbo Murphy contingent so far are the only Denver mon wno hnvo put UD any Bluff. Mnrnhy himself placed $3,000 lo $1,400 ut LaMoth's this afternoon oh Sullivan. I met big Alf Kennedy , Billy Moyor.s backer , nt Captain Williams' ofllco this ovoinnir. nnd ho told ma that Billy had n load plpo. nnd if 1 wanted lo clean up ex panses to go plnco n hundred on his pot. This U whatis called a " .itraltrht tip , " but I want none of It. for I consider the snoo upou thootncr foot. The chances are largely in favor of McAullffo f-ll reports lo the contrary. Ho Is In the llnest kind of fettle , oaircr nnd anxious fur Mnndnv night to roll around , nnd confident of victory. The rotunda of the SU Charles 1s n sight this evening. It is fairly Jammed with slrangors , and nil sorts of extravagant talk is plentiful , but on no other subject than tuo liirnts. SAXDT GIHSWOLD. SULIA' IS TOO FAT. What n MInsualppI Muu Says or the Great John I , . 's Condition. BIRMIXOIUH , Ala. , Sept. 3. Tha Sullivan car was detached from the Sullivan special train nt Oakdale early this morning to avoid the possible detention In Tennessee of Sullivan's ' backer , Charllo Johnson. There is n warrant sllllullvo azainst Johnson , being n legacy of iho Sullivan-Kilraln light two years ago. Tha main section of the train traveled throunh Chaltanooea by the usual tracks , while Sullivan's car , with Johnson aboard , skirted through the freight yards on the edge of the city. At Morganvlllo , just south of the Tennessee border , Ibo two sec tions of the train were reunited. Moanwhllo Sullivan did some training in his training car tossing the bag and skipping thn ropo. This was the first oxer- clso ho had laken stnco Thursday morning , and It brought out a profuse perspiration. Breakfast was served at Morganvlllo. Before - fore lunch Sullivan took uioro oxcrclsa in the bucgagu car. AftarWard > , when ho 'was bolng'rubbed dowii , ho'WUs ' observed by a man who saw him light Hyun and who has not since then soon Sullivan stripped. This man was asked his Impressioa as to the champion's con- dllldn. "Ho is not the same appearing man now us ho was then , " was the reply. "Ho has fat tened not only on his abdomen and sides , but Ins back nnd arms. Sullivan's buttocks are also lloshy and that portion of Ibo body tightens up In the training ns quick if not quicker Ihan any other part. If the buttocks have not tlglilenod ut > it is snfo to conclude there is fnl elsowbore on Ihe body. Sullivan sticws his years , too , more than 1 canceled lo lind them. " _ Arouml > < > w Orleium. Nisw OHI.UANS , La. , Sept. 3. Billy Myor nt bis training quarters rose early this morn- inir. and during the forenoon pjt in some hard work. He had roacbod hero at a late hour , but feels none of the effects of bis long ride and hopes before Monday meht to easily pull off the surplus pounds of his present wclcut , which is 1U3 pounds , and come lo Iho limit. Mujor Garrolt of Iho Northeastern this morning received dispatches from headquarters at Cincinnati , saying that Sulli van's special was well under way and that it will reach this city between 0 : 0 and 7:30 : lo- morrow morning , unlvss some accident hop- pens. The Olympic club is arranging lor the champion's reception and will see that quarters nro prepared for him. The Sullivan people nro highly clatod at the reports of the champion's condition , and there Is plouly Sullivan monov on band. Corbolt people deny the rnpott that Corbolt willsncnic Into town on Tues day night. Agent Thurnaer said this morn ing that nobody is aboard Corbolt'B car cxonnt the backer and trainers and im- mcdluto friends of the prize lighter , and Unit U will roach nero on xchedulu time. 7:4i : ! Tuesday morning. The Southern Athletic club will receive the San Praucisco delega tion. Among today's arrivals was Moses Ernest of San Francisco , ono of tbo wealthiest wouibors of thu athlutlo clubs Micro. Ho iita money to back bis opinions. Olymnla club announces that ovnr.r Ujsoat for Iho Sulllvan-Corbutt light oadySsold. _ l ftjll'riim Oviir thu Sim. [ u\v"YoiKrSt ! > pt. 3 The City of Rome , i arrived lastKMit \ , has no sickness er among her 7d'j"stbar ge pu aou ars. ipr saloon passengers uro Polor Jack- I'aVson" Oavios , Jackson's manuger , on iKowls and Joe Chnynski , who hnvo cotio'ovur especially to witness the coming pugillsileoneauniors In Now Orleans. Juok- son ox peels to return In about six weeks. Jackson will back Corbett. Oilman KpiirtM Knroutn. Cuioioo , 111. , Sept , 3. A special train bearing It. > 0 sports from Chicago to Now Orleans to witness the big prlzo lights which nro lo ocour next wiluk loft hero this morn- Ing. It Is scheduled , to nrrlvo in the Cres cent city on Sunday evening. The Chicago delegation to iho ringside will probably number fi'JO. tfAT10N.ll. I.D Old lloni'H HiiiriiH Up anil ISi-iiU lliiitou In < ! rur.'ful Miiipi- . Ciuovoo , 111. , Sopi. 11. The Colts ham. morod Kid NlehoU hard in toe tlrst two In nings und won. The Holding of tha Colts wad sharp one clean. Attendance. U.OUO. Score ; . " 4 . . , . u u o u u y u o u u lilts : Chloigo. Ill llostnn. 7. Krnirsi ( ihl- cutio. I ) ; lloslon. .1. Kiirned runs : Ubluauo , ; i ; llosion , . ' . II itterliM : ifnUhlnscm and Kltt- red u : Nluholx , iml ( Cully. ChtMik Iliu Ci.Kvr.iASi > , O.Sopt.i. ; The Washlngtons won the most exeltlni ; game of thu season Ibis afternoon In tha ninth luuiug. Virtue's wild throw and MeKoan's mult oanu cost a , run , Alfondanee 'J.70U. Score : UluvitllttuL . U 0 ( I U 0 0 0 0 2 3 Washington . a u Illtoi Ulovolitnd , tit Wawhineton , It. Errors : Uovolnml. . i : Wiuhlnaujii , u. Kiirnoil runs : Jmiiu. ll.iUirlu ) > i : Utark on aud.luimer ; Ivlllun am. ) Sk'liiilro , .Iiiiuii Jump into . 31'uniiil I'lnno , IJiTTiii'Ho , Pa. , Sept , -Plttsburg IOOK the third consci-utiVo gumo from Ualtlmoro and ended thu-weok without' u duteat. At- Wconi. 1'lttsbiirs . r. s o a o o o 2 o 7 Jliilttnmn' . 0 o o i i u ; i o s JIIUi I'ltlsliur.- : Ilillimoitv . Krrorn rutJlMiri.- , ' , ' ; UuUlmurtia K.irnea ruu ; 1'ittv- hnrr , 5 : Tlixltlmorc. 4. llattorlcn ! Terry ttnd Miller : MoMabon anil Koblnson. llroirns Won u Urrni ( Intitc/ ST. Louu , Mo. , Sept , 3.-Tho St. Louis Browns dofoatcd I'hiladolphln today utter n bard fight. Both tenms made n gallant slrucglo. Duck favored the Browns. At tendance , 2'ao. St'oro ! St. hauls 0300100302 9 Philadelphia. . . . 8 lilts : St. LonK U ; I'bllmlclphln. a Krrors : SU I .on Is , 2 : Philadelphia , a. Rnrncd runs : St. Ioul . ( il'lilladolphli.4. : : llatlorlnii llnwko and Ouckloy ; Oarscy nnd Woyhlnif. Clnolnniitl Win * Anotlior , OIXCIXXATI , O. , Sept. U. Cincinnati out- bnttod and outplayed the BrooKlyns nnd won today's pamo easily. Warm. Attendance , 2,500. Score : Cincinnati. .1011 I 1 0 1 * 8 Itrooklyn. 100000000-1 HIM : Olnclmint' ' . II : rjrnnklyn , 3. Frrors : Olnolnnnll. 1 : llrooklyn , 4. K irnoil runs : Uln- clnnatl , : i ; UrooKlyn , 1. llattnrlcsi Sulli van and Vaughn ; llolllduy anil 0. Daloy. iic nt the Trillin. Fi(3imis : ON TIIU rr Vaiilulilo nnil Itnllnhlo Tnblo nt 'iCecords Mmlo Ity America's Trottrrs nnd I'uccrg. OMAHA , Sopt. 3. To the Sporting Editor of TUB BKB : On the heels of the most won derful record breaking of the century It In most appropriate to take a backward vlow of the records of the past , I append a table that is different srom any ono that is pub lished in that It records tbo best ttmo made nnd takes no account of any record until the previous bast record is broken , All records are official : itiicoiin itKimoi.va TIUITTI.VO. Last your in your columns I predicted that "the day of the two-minuto pacer Is very near and the day of the 2:05irottcr : is not five years away. " Less than u year has passed aml2u3'f : ; Is the rocorJ lor both trotter and pacer , thanks to tbo iiuw-langled , unirainly , but most speedy blcyclo sulky. Nebraska should bq proud of that most wonderful colt , Online' , with a. record of 2:17 : on n half-milo track , equal to 2 : la or 2:13 : } on the kite mile track. Arlon will have to look to his laurels or Online will yet this season fall below his still most remarkable record , trotting , of 2:10J ! . LAPIS. 1'riictlcul Success. Industry , economy and honest , manly per severance is the only true way to permanent. success. Men , whoso success IB thp-rpu.ult , cl inch _ or speculation are of , .fhott , 'duration. Tho" young , "man who has patlofacd ond'an houost ambition lo bo ono of the successful mon of Omaha , la say tou or fifteen years , will Und Iho Gorman Savings bank a Good place to make tbo start. Open a small ac count. Establish yourself ia n business way. They will appreciate It nnd extend every courtesy and encouragement con sistent with conservative banking. Nine out of Ion of Iho successful men of loday slartod In n small way and not so vary many years ago. Chilian Now Nuto.i , ICopyrlKlitcd 18U2 by Jnmoa Cordon Dennett. ] VALVAIIUBO , Chill ( via Galveston , Tor. ) , Sept. 3. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now York Herald Special to TUB BUB. ! Tbo Chilian squadron of ovolutlo.i rotifrncn to Valparaiso yesterday. The work of raising the sunken batlloshlp Blanco Encalnda is progressing favorably , and there is every hope of a successful termination of the work. There Is a prospect , that the cloture system will bo introduced Into the Chilian congress , ns members ore indulging in lengthy speeches and delaying business. Mariano Valora , radical , has been elected president of the Argentine scnalo , defeating General Roca. Ho Visited [ Copyrighted ISV3 by James Clordon llounott. ] BKHI.I.V , Sept. 3. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB BKI : . ] Herr von Schlozor , ox-envov of the Prussian govornjnent.to the Vatican , has given groatoITonso to the om- porcr and Caprlvl by visiting Bismarck. It is unlikely that aflor this bold demonstra tion bo will ever bo recoivcd agcin in court. Von Schlozor was noi a very polished diplo matist , but bad strength of will , experience und tenacity. Ho was res pooled for iho bluntness and directness of his methods , peculiarly Blsmnrckinn. Smnllnnic Itutjlinnu.Siuitos , QUAUANTINI : , N. Y. , Sopt. Information has reached here that smallpox is prevalent in Santos. The Santos authorities nro drodglng the harbor nnd depositing the mailer on iho docks , and the public Journals declare ibat a worse opidumlo than was ox- pononcod a faw months ago Is almost cer tain. The steamer Federation , from which voibol this Information was obtained , ar rived bore tonight. .Sho has oxperlonced no illness whatever. HUH u Iuiiiiy.iw | | ! Sjirolllo. Cmoicio , 111. , Sopt. U. Hon. Jeremiah Rusk , sncrelary of agriculture , nrrlvod here from Wisconsin and loft later ( or Washing ton. While hero ho received reports from his stock yards inspectors to the olTeot that nearly 2UO head of lumpyjaw cattle are being treated with medicine furnished by tbo de partment und that all urn rapidly recover ' ing. The secretary says lha cost'for curinir Iho disease is but f ' .511 per bead aud that hn proposes to put the modlomo in tbo hands of farmers generally. 1'ermiU. The following permits were Issued by the supcrlntonden.1 of oulldlngs yesterday : National Itank Iluilillni : company. Infl atory hrlt'kuloie , l < 'lfluonth and Dou o HtieoU . . . . . . . . t 0,000 Druid Hill llulldlns association , one am ) one-half utory frumu dwelling. Thirty- fourth anil Mamlurson slientD . 1.5'jn Nine mlnuc permits . 1U')0 ' ) Total . * 8,80) The following marriage llccnsos were i suen by.Iudgo Ellor yesterday : Namu and addro.ss. Ago. I Alex 8. J < on , Omaha. . . 25 1 Auim May'Lcmy , Omah.i. , . 21 I Kred Uolll. Onmlm . . , , , 2J I Julia Kojl , Omaha , 0 I Henry Itotborly. U'nalia. . t. . . . . . S3 j Uor.i Suhliunl , Uiiaba ) , " 1 lonu liiilepiiiiilunt * Muut. OitesroK , Iu. , Sept. U. jSpoolal Telegram to Tun Bcjj.1 Tbo paoole'4 party county * convenllau vvas held in thlacity today and u full county tlckot nominated. Ex-Governor Willetta of Kansas addrotsod , u large audi ence ou iho people's party uioyijuiouu UulvuitouVlll Oleun up. ' GALVESTON , Tox. , SepU a.--Tbo cltyco'Jil. ell has appropriated 110,000 to the Health de partment to ba utod In oleuniuif up the city to prevent oholora. ON THE EUROPEAN STAGE it Newsy Gossip of Aptrajaas and Aoton from AcroMhf Waters. NEW PLAYS TO BtfflfjfjijCED THIS SEASON "lii.rn-ra.boom-dJ'.S'f" * T'nkcs ' Vlnnna liy Storm Ionrrnnny r > n'n Noir IMny Abnut to ll 'tinnicinl Spicy , Noxrt. X , Sopt. 3. A mooting of the share holders of Ibo Ualoiy tlioatro was hold on Thursday , nt xyhloh tbo report of the chair man allowed n cheerful condition of affairs. Ho announced that notwithstanding the com pulsory closing of the theatre for tbroo months to maxn the altor.Utoiis ordered by iho London county council and n bad sonsnn , duo to the influenza opldomlo and the doith of tbo duiro ol Clarence and Avondale , the profits of the year amoun'od to JC0.407. "Joan of Are" had boon n great success and "Cinder ella Up to Dato" would , liavo been also had it not been for the illness of Miss Nolllo Far- ten , A * last year tho' balance sheet ol tbo treasurer showed "a1 deficit ot 2,711 , the chairman announced that the directors only felt justified In declaring a 5 per cant divi dend. Manager Edwards said ho bad sug- costcd the conversion of the Gaiety into n variety theater , but the landlord had rotusod permission for iho change to bo mado. Sullivan & Grundy's'now oomio Opera Is at present billed for production at the Savoy thoittro on September 17 , and this data will , If possible , bo adhered to , so that Sir Arthur may have a sufficient interval to nttond the rehearsals of the Loads musical festival. The scene of the opera is laid at Haddock hall and the plots hang on the romantic love affair and elopement of Dorothy Vernon with Philip Manners , son of the earl of Rutland. For dramatic purposes , the time of the Incident has boon chanced to tbo days of tbo Cavaliers and Kouiidhouds. Miss Lucille Hill has boon engaged , it is said , nt the Instance of Sir Arthur Sullivan , to play the part of the Puritan heroine , while Mr. Courtlco Ponds will appa'ar In Iho character of her lover. W. A , Diinny nnd Rutland Harrington both have parts the latter that of Iho perplexed Purilan. Took the Vlcnnn Aiullcnco l > y Storm. "Cnrmon Up to Dalo'J'wns given nt the Carl theater in Viohna on Thursday. It evoked immense enthusiasm. All the leadIng - Ing ladles in the companv were presented ilowers and received recalls. "Ta-rn-rn boom tlo-nv" was rendered , and it carried iho audience away. It received three oncorui , which Is an astonishing occurrence for this tnoator. ' "Among the Anthropopbuffl" Is the title of tha very newest dramatic novelty , its pro duction is expected to bo the feature of the forthcoming season at Vienna. The plav will bo n singular treatment of "L'Afrl- calno , " sensational and absolutely up to date. The writer , Mr. Tllbodoro Westinarlc. bus turned his knowlcdg 'of "tho IJark Continent to effect and will put on iho stage something npproxirnaling the 'Afrlcft ho has scon and lived In. The discoverprbf Livinustono is to bo ono of the heroes' dfaho piny , and iho list will also include De'Urnzih. The action com mences in Brussels with 'the departure of tbo explorers , bound for IH6 Congo river , and , there are scones at tno station of Leopold Vil las at the palace of rnK'Jfokutaba. But the great event Is the encounter with the canni bals. j Wednesday a bousq warming was given at the now Trafalgar theatocaud it was a lively affair. Mr. A. W. Plnoro , the dramatic outer , led the ilnncmt : on jho stage. A crowd of theatrical colobritws was present , Includ ing Grace Hawthoru6Aejalpiuo ! Ulniar nnd fc'annlo Brough. Alypronounced the decora tions and appolntmouLsJchprinlnc. Tenoyson.'s N iv Wuj ? N eiu-ljr Koaily. L'ord Tonnysoit IflrH'iiba'riy completed anew now play that willed published before Christmas. It has not yet boon settled whether or not it will be staged before It is published. Miss Gonovoivo Ward had so succcsfful , a trip in South Africa that her season , origin ally booked for six weeks , had to ba extended to nineteen. Miss Ward has paid tbreo re turn visits to Johannesburg and Kimberley nnd bus scored heavily in "Forgot Mo Not , " "The Queen's Favorite , " "Ri > cs , " the now play which was written for her by Mrs. Oscar Borlnger , nnd "Macbeth. " "Mac- bath" played ono week at Johannesburg to 0'J . Miss Ward expects lo bo iu London oarJy iu Oclobor. Ono of Iho principal "sols" in the now autumn drama , "The Prodigal Daughter , " now in preparation nt Drury Lane , will bo tno courtyard of tbo Grand hotel in Paris. There is also to bo a great horse race scene. Tbo gambling propensities of Iho lln do sleclo woman will be dealt with In tbo now drama on which Mr. Henry Pcttlt and Sir Auguslus Harris are now constantly at work. "Cigarette , " the now comlo opera by Mr. Warham St. Locor and Mr. Huyden Parry , has proved so successful at Cardiff that Mr. VV. H. Griffiths ha * been empowered to so- euro the Went End theater for Its early transfnrence to Ibo metropolis. Mr. Adrian Ross has \vntion a now bur lesque , called "Tho Captain , " for Arthur Roberts , who will appear in it for a brief season at the Avenue. of the London Musical Season. The musical season In London does not begin until next month. Senor Sarasat will bo tlr.st in the field on October 8. At his last series of concerts ho devoted himself chiefly to modern works of tbo French nnd German school , Ignoring the generally ac cepted works for tLo violin , such us the con certos by Bcothovon und Mendelssohn. The Innovation did not provo to bo to tlio lasto of his London patrons , and this time his programs will bo of a more classical char- actor' . Mr. Honschcl is making n bravo attempt to popularize orchestral music in London , This coming series of concerts nru organized on u llboral plan with first-class soloists and will bo largely dqvoted to the works of Wagner , a plan which has placed the Rlchtor orchestral concerts In the front rank. Mr. Reno of-the Damrosch orchestra , has boon In London for the past weak engaging singers to go to tbo Unltod States. Ho tmc just gene to Scotland , wbOro ho will bo tbo guest ofMr. Andruw Carnegie. Tno queen has again taken Ihe royal box at tbo Olympic for Signer LOKO'S opera season. Signer Lugo has s ; cured the services of Madame Albanl and two sopranos from Italy and Swodon. Ho has inailu n change in bis plans , as they wore announced in the pre ceding cable letter of 'this'uenos. ' Inslonu of producing Tsebalkowftki' * "Mazeppa,1' bo he has decided lo pro el/tHbo / same author's ' "Eugony Onogyn. " ' ' Sir August Harris ntfw alks of opening thu Covent Garden tighter' ' for Italian opera at tbo same time SlL-nbr Lugo opens the Olvmplo. ' 3 According to the Sdcdlo ! a Roman paper , Mascagnl Intends to flnlMi two more short operas within the year. ' These works will bo called "Vostilla" 6'aU "Zanollo" . Ho will then start on a grand ffvu-Uct Work , the sub ject of which will bo 'Kom" ortu. The Austrian law gn\uta > copyrlqht for ton yeura after the doalhxifUuo author. Conso- quonlly tbo copjrlgbboadiWagtJor's "Parsl- lul" will explro < In itiobjmaryi when that work wlllj bo iuoludcdi itiiitho repertory of the Vienna opera audiulUldjo presented , with Hcrr Rtohter conduction tog orchestra. This will break the Bayroutirmonopoly and will threaten tbo existence ot the Uuyreulh en terprise. The questloiituf the copyright of "Carmen" is now occupy In K the law courts ot Vienna. In honor of tbo fiftieth anniversary of the llrst production of Wagner's "itiwnzl" at Dresden , as perfect * pcrformanco us can bo secured of that work.li . \ to bo given on tbo UOlu of October ut tuo Dresden opera bouse , Tlio data la , indeed , an important ouo in Wagner's life. The atipcesa of "Hlo.izl" led to Wagner's appointment as mutlcal con ductor ut Dresden , wjth August , Rockol n p 1st ant conductor and Itocuel's revolution ary Instinct * led the orcboctrul chief Into tbo Insurrectionary e espado which resulted In the extradition of liplcounlu , the leader of the rlslug , to the Uustlan authorities , thu Imprisonment Of Roukol and tha lIlKhtof Wuyncr. The udvocnto ot popular liberty was In llino to become the monarch's friend and it was really to tno Hoyal opera house , with its lluur.il subvention from the elate exchequer , that SYairnor owed his first musical triumph. At the Rojral oporn bouso. Uorlln , Sir Arthur SuUlvnn'sMvanhoe" is In rehearsal , nnd this ostrxblMimcnt Is reported to hnvo sncurcd for Its approaching season Iho right of performing for the tlrst time In Germany Vordl'a "Fnlstaff. " I'ronimmiln Conrprtn Unfavorable Promenade concerts do not appear to bo n very paying enterprise In London. Sir Augustus Harris Is said to bo satisfied with his last venture , however , nnd , ns the mat ter now stands , ncithor ho , Freoninn Thomas nor Gwyllln Cowo. the thrco loading prom enade organlzon , Intend engaging In any en terprise of the kind this season. The vibration of tbo electric light mncbln- ory which supplli-s Gnttl's restaurant In the Strand has boon the means of tbo Vnudo- vlllo theater changing hands. Thomns Thorno , the lessee , complained of the noise , whereupon Gnttl offered to buy the remain. Ing twonty-ono years'lease of tbo thontor. Thorno wanted 20,512. Oattl offered JClO.OOt ) . The matter was submitted to ar bitration nnd GatU pays JCtRKiU. Just now tbo provinces nro bor.oflllna by the off season In London , Bcerbobm Tree , George Alexander , Edward Terry , Arthur Roberts , Minnie Palmer and tbclr rospcotlvn companies , wttb ether shining lichls , nro or hnvo been on n tour. Wyndham starts at Liverpool In September. MORE CllLp COMES fCONTlXUEl ) 1'IIOM riUST PAOR. | department today that the steamer Malabar sailed yostordny. I'KOF. TOTTKN INTEItVIKVVKD. Ilo Ulscunos n Schomn for Protecting Our Northern Ilorilors. New HAVEN , Conn. , Sent. 8 , In nn Inter view today relative to tha approach ot the pcstiloDco , Prof. Tot ten remarked to the ngentof tbo Associated Prcss < that the chief danger lay in tbo direction of Canada , and that It was In that region that our "gates" should bo most carefully shut aud guarded. At present tboy ara not oven shut and , owing to the Intimate commercial rotations existing between the two countries nnd the great length of the boundary , ho said , there was but ono way to effect a stringent quarantine that Is to establish a military ono , pure nnd simple. Ho would hnvo n cordon of military posts established nt once all along the border and tha intermediate spaces watched and pa trolled exactly as in tbo case of war. Of course this would bo a moro peaceful demon stration and ono nimed at cholera suspects only. Ho pointed out that a wlso nnd llboral construction of tbo- constitution fully war rants the president of the United States to call out and muster into the service "such portions of the National guard or volunteers as may by necessary to provide for the pub- lie safety. ! ' Facing n ItonI Emergency. "Wo nro now , " said the lieutenant , "facing a renl emergency , and if notion Is to be tukou on this suggestion it must bo nt onco. My proposition is that at least 50,000 volunteers ba called for by the president nnd duly apportioned throughout tbo northern Elates. Then they must bo mustered Into Iho regular service and placed in permanent camp ) along Ibo whole border. The term of enlistment should bo for at least four months , so as to extend into the season of permanent frost. " "This is nn opportunity" said the pro fessor , "to itlll tvvo birds with ono stone , and should not bo lost. It is n splendid cbanco to learn a grand lessen in practical military campaigning , every fea'uro of wblnh would and should bo similar to war service , except the presence of nn urmod enemy. In the second plnco it would insure the public safety as no ether measure can. ' "Of course , 'tho solo object of establishing tbo cordon would bo recognized as a moro protection against cholera. The armies of European nations are now doing this sort of duty. Auslria'ana Germany , for instance , are ngainst'Russla , aud why should not wo. Tba fact Is , wo should , and , I maintain , that the president has indisputable constitutional powers in Iho premises , and that the exercise - ciso ot thorn to Iho fullest limit of bis judg ment will meet the approval of nil con- corned. " Fifty Thousand .Men Xcoilcil. When asked If Iho number ho recommends , o bo called out , 50,000 , was not rather high , .10 replied : "No , by no means ; rather iho reverse. It \vero botlor to place oven 500,000 men upon such cordon duty for ono whole year aud at any expense , than to have 500,000 cases of the epidemic smuggled across tbo border through lack of efficient protective measures. This is a real emergency , tbo scourge is mocking at the Atlantic seaports and wo nro flgbtlntr it there , but wo must bo ready Tor the cases that will surely cotno in by tbo byways and tha hedges by tbo scoro. Tba lido of Russian Jew immigration is now leading Canndawards and tboy should bo awnko to tbo situation. The regular army is lee small lo cope with ibis question. News s tbo time to 'concentrate it. Lot , thoro- 'ore , thu president Inaugurate this D radical auiumn mancuuvor1 ut once aud resultant joneflls will bo seen before a month has transpired. " j'ioiuiss : or Tin : I-I-AUUI : , toportu From .Many I'olnt Throughout the Jnfecttti ! District .Suit Jnclilontfi. LOXDOX , tioptr tl. The Berlin correspond ent of the Naws says : On an nvorago twen- j cases of cholera are taken dally to tbo Vloablt hospital In this city , but none of thorn iavo disclosed the symptoms of the Asiatic ypo of Ibo disease. Sad stories of misery resulting from the epidemic ara reported. In Hamburg a man vbo bad lost his whole family by oholora became - came greatly despondent and tried to commit uicidu , and a servant attempted to drown loraolf after the death of her employer from tbo malady. Deaths from cholera are announced from lanover , Plndesheim , Magdoburg. Stral- und and neighboring smaller towns. The pcstilcnco has not yet appeared In Austria- tunenry , except along iho Gtilician Irontior , vhero facts about the appearance of the dis ease cannot bo minutely ascertained , The directors ot the Austrian slate railways an- lounco Dial , commencing with September , 10110 of tbolr trains will cross tbo Gorman frontier , and no Gorman trains will bo per mitted to enter Austria. Columns of Ibo Hamburg newspapers are dovolod lo glowingly worded advertisements of cholera specifics , nntl holoraic jams and biscuits and mineral water und other nos trums. The columns dovolod to a list ot the deaths of the persons attaoUed by iho dis ease contain many pathetic paragraphs. For' Instance , n father -advertises for u fosier- mother lor bis child , whoso mother died of ibe cholera. Others vainly usk for doctors , nurt.es and ambulances. The Hamburg corrosponaont or tbo Stan dard says : "Tlio opldomlo seems lo bo again in iho suburbs of this city. There have boon "II Interments of victims nnd several hun dred bodies nro still awaiting burial , A storm from tbo southwest Is raging in this city. Torrents of rain uro falling , but the thermometer does not Indicate over ( W de grees. A crowd assembled In front of the residence of tbo president of police in the suburb of St. Paul's and began rlollnp. The pollca wore summoned and succeeded in dis persing the mob , The Times' Berlin correspondent says : An Idea of the severity ot iho cholera epidemic can bo gained from tbo fact that the number of cases and deaths for the past fortnight ulready exceed these recorded during any of the nineteen previous outbreaks in Hamburg sluco 1631 , und tboro l only too much reason to fear that the oQIcial roturas uro far from revealing tbo full oxtout of the scourge. It U not Imprpbablo that tbo govoininont will take Immediate stops to ulosa the eastern frontier absolutely against Russian refugees. JThe action of foreign countries and steamship - ship companies against emigrants has materially incroated the dangers to which Germany 1 exposed. Medical papers are agitating for the compulsory registration of corpses of cholera victims. Throughout tbo whole of Germany the anniversary ot tlio victory of Sedan was ob served In n most subdued mannnr , owing to tbo oholora epidemic. MOllU rilKCAUTIONS TAIUJN. Kverjrthlni ; Posilhlo Heine Dnno to Keep Out thn 1'lKEiic. WASHINGTON , D. C Sept. 8. The quaran tine cordon has bcon additionally strengthened - ened by tha appointment of two medical Inspectors specters nt Port Huron , Mich. , nnil ono at Pomblnn , N. D. Tbo mnrlno hospital sor- vlco Is nwaro of the danger ottho disoasa gaining admission through Ctnada and will not relax Its alTous lo maUo the northern boundary ns tnvulnornblo ns vigilance and care can make It , At the roquo.H of Dr. Wyman the Navy department turned tbo old .voodon training ship , Jamestown , now nt Norfolk , ever to the main hospital service for duty ns a ro- colvlng ship t the Capo Charles quarantine st.iiton. Dr. Wymnn anticipates no action on iho part of Dr. Jonnins that will In any way conflict with the circular proscribing a twenty days quarantine. Dr. Hamilton , surgeon general of the mnrino hospital service , nnd now In Chicago , has been ordered by Dr. Wymnn toVnsh - Inglnn for lompornry duty in connection wllb the quarantine service. It is evident from the talk of officials of iho Stale department that tboy do not con template taking any action regarding tha complaints against Charles H. Bur lib , the vice counsul nt Hamburg , who Issued ncloan bill ot health to the steamer Moravia. They do not ballevo that Mr. Burke Is culpably neglectful of duty , for , when bo issued n clean bill of health to tbo steamer , the city authorities did llKowl.se. The officials do uot think that Mr. Burke can bo oxpootod to have had better knowledge of the existence of cholera than the authorities themselves. C11OL.KUINK IN IIUOOICIA'.V. A Woman Dion from the Disease In the City or Churrlirs , Nnw YOUR , rfopt. 8.--A ccrtltlcato of death filed In the Brooklyn health bureau this morning sols forih the cause of thodjath of Lucy Cordos , ! )5 ) years old , as cholerine. An Investigation will bo made Immediately , but lha health olllcers insist the woman died of cholera inorbus. In ( ircnt Hrltuln. LONDON" , Sept. 3. Cholera hospitals have just , boon established at Belfast , Uouns and clsowhoio. Arrivals from Hamburg are uot allowed to ha discharged. A Mis. Brockiohurst , a farmer's widow whoso homo was at Bainow , tbroo miles from Macclosliold , died to day after and illness manifesting choleraic symptoms. She was taken sick after visiting relatives in Black pool. Her sickness was prob.ibly only Eng lish cholera. Improvement nt Antwerp. LONDON , Sopt. 8. The Antwerp corro- spondontof the News says : Tne situation hero is improving. Only eight cases t > f cholera have boon reported in forty-olrhl hours. It Is hoped tha dtsoaso will soon dis appear under the vieilunco of the authorities and iho advent of cool weather. Cinttlng in Without Inspection. GRIND FOHKS , N. D. , Sopt. 3. Collector Nelson of Pombtua has wired the secretary of the treasury as follows : "Immigrants from European countries , presumably Ger man , are dully arriving at Neoht via Mont real nnd the Canadian Pacllla railway with out certillcates of inspocllon. " Yiinkton County's Product. YAXKTOX , S. D. , Sopt. 8. [ Special Tolo- gratn to TUB BEE. ] Mrs. Ted Dineen , tlo wife of n young Yunicton county farmer , eave birth to four girl babies weighing nearly five pounds each Ibis morning. The mother Is 28 years old and weighs 110 pounds. She and the daughters are doing well and the attend ing physician says the results will bo alto- pother natural. . Tuoy will go to the World's fair as Yankton county products. IlKlopiimloiit * Divided. GEHIXO , Nob. , Sept. 8. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] The independents held their county coavcntion here Wednesday , und indulged in sumo scranpincr. Ono set of machinery came into opposition with another , and a bitter light ensued , in which hard names were called , state secrets revealed and vin dictive personalities used. Several members withdrew lu disgust , and the fight l stod two houis or moro. They adjourned ivithout making- nomination for county attorney , on Iho ground that these considered did not want it. Tbo party was at ono time quito strong iu Si'ottH Bluff couniy , but it is now split wide open and weaker than ever. The republicans will carry ibis county by a largo majority. Joint Di'huto. Tbo Harrison club of Douclns county wilt hold a mooting at Bonaineton today , at which ttmo It will divide tbo time > vith tha alliance people. A train loaves the V.'obuer street depot at. 8:15 : n. m. Hound trip tickets 50 cents , excursion rates. Train returning is duo in Omaha at 4 p. in. Tbo meeting will bo called at VJ m. HMIMA.V TIMMC , President. The Armour * Will Coimolltt.ito. CHICAGO , 111. , Sept. U. A local paper sajs : The entire Interests of tbo Armour family , representing a capital of perhaps $50,099,000 , will bo harmoniously united on the first day of next October. The Armour interests" , cast and west , heretoforesqparatcd , although always friendly , will henceforth bo one aud iho samo. ' Fatal Ilollijr i ; < pliiHKiii In Wyoming. EVAXSTONWyo. . , Sopt. 3. Uy the .explo sion ot a boiler nt William Lolshmon's saw mill near hero yostordav , Thomas Scolt and Jennie Lclshman , sou-ln-law and daughter of the owner , were killed1 , and William Duke fatally hurt. Fnnmlnrml In f.uko - . Mirlilg-nn. SAUI.T STI : MAIIIK , Mich. , Sopt. U. It Is reported - ported hero that the stcamar City of Green Bay has founoorod near Whltoflsh point. She carried a crow of iwelvo men. Vesuvius Heleluiif ; Forth I.nv.l. CATANIA , Sopt. 8. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius has Increased in volunu and a dense mass of lava Is flowing down the moun tain sido. aTlS VISA'S lit ! > Tllr Many DviiOHltom in the Cruto Ktitto Hunk lloeiiiuliiK Aliirniuil. CHBTB , Neb , , Sopt. 3. [ Spools ! Tologrnm to TUB BBU.J If there was uny political calamity bowlers standing in front of the closed Stale bank In Iblo city today they must have Imagined themselves to bo among a borda ot Wall street nabobs , to Judge from the amount of money mar.y of the farmers standing before Ibo doors of the institution claimed to hnvo on deposit I hero. It is known that many of tbo farm ers of the country tributary to this cltv , have amounts ranging from $75 to $ y,000 in Iho bank. It Is asserted thut depos its were drawn there by the offer of 0 per cent. Interest , Instead of1 or 5 per cent. , us at other money canters. ' WhurealiouU Still n . ' No tidings have boon received from Cash ier Stevens. Thu bank Is In tha hands of Examiner Howe , who will IlnUh his work by Monday night , when the condition of the bank can bo made public. The deposits , It Is boliovud , will reach (100,000. Yesterday afternoon nil order was issued In the supreme court for > ho heating of nn application for the appoint ment of n receiver. Tbo ordtr is returnable before Chief Justlco Maxwell at Fremont Wodnosdny , September" . The heaviest de positors nro the city of Crete with $ \0i5 nnd the treasurer of Saline county with $4,075. The Inttor has Issuoil nn attachment against tha bank building but It U conceded by the best lawyers that the nttnohmont will not hold. I'ho city has bcon full of poopln uoday speculating about the shun * tion. A good many small store keepers nnd mechanics have liopt their accounts \utli the bnim nnd nro Inter- as to in sums ranging from S100 to JOCK ) . This creates it panic nmongst thnt class , not knowing how to moot their bills with the wholesale houses. Mtorli > u DUiippiinrnni'o ot n Chllil.O Hoi.imnixiK , Nob. , Sept , ! ( . I Special Totc- grnm to Tun BnE.J Yesterday morning nbout 0 o'clock Earnest Searcy , a 12-yonr-old son of J. D. Sonroy of this plnco. arose ns j usual nnd started to the barn for the purpose of attending the stock. Not returning , , - , < search was made , but be could not bo found. V For two Onys ihoy huvo searched In vain. His family are very uiucli worried nnd foul- piny is stispooted , ns ho was n boy not accustomed - customod to wandering , ( lotlirnhnrg'n Itepulillciln Club. GoTiiiisiiuiio , Neb , , Sopi. 0. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BRK.J A Hnrrlson nud Reid club was organized tonight with H. L. Carl son , president ; F. Bncon ( vlco president ; D , F. Cameron , secretary , nnd R. H. Doll , treasurer. A republican rally will bo held next Saturday evening. Thought Ho Wn I'urntieil by n Mob. GIIANT , Nob. , Sopt. 3. [ Special Telegram to THE BKB. ] A middle-apod man , light complected and of medium height gnvo him self up to Sheriff Hull todnv. He claimed to have committed nn assault In Virginia nnd thought a mob was after him. Ho U considered crazy. Something About thn Cost nnil Tronblo ol I'ropiirliijr Thoni. WAsiifsnTox , D. C. , Sopt. 3. [ Special Telegram to Tine BUB. ] The oiacctor of the mint has received from the Kndor company of Philndolplua n proposition for coining the 00,000 World's lair medals authorized by congress. Director Leech says that it would tuko eight years to do the work iu thu Philadelphia mint , which Is the only ono of tha United States mints having a press for such work. "Wo cannot strlKo them off at the rate of sixty < a minute as wo do coins , " said Mr. Leech. "Each ono of ihem will hnvo to bo struck perhaps sixty times to bring up the design. Each time tbu medal must bo taken out of Its collar , put lu tha animating furnace and , softened , put bnok in its collar nnd struck In Just the same spot. It is a nice operation nnd wo could not do it ou tbo single press wo have in Philadelphia. " It is estimated that after the designs and dies have been paid for , Iho medals will cost abontSl each , iho appropriation for thorn Is $00,000. Persons to whom medals nro awarded can obtain copies at cost nftorwnrd nt the mint whore the dies will bo kept. Mr. Leech has received a number of lottery from women enclosing photographs of them selves in the vain hope that their face may bo used us models for tbo fnco of "Liberty , " if tha figure of "Llboru" should bo used on the coins. Krudcr , who mode the centennial medals und who Is probably the onlv man lu America equipped for mincing the Columbian medals , has sent n number of designs to Mr. Leech , some with the liberty figure nnd some with the discovery of America depicted on the obverso. JMA'DOM jriAJAVl.il * Everything AViis Quiet YoHtorday oil the V Stock J xchiiuio , ' [ Copyrighted 1893 by James Gordon Bonnot'tf' ' Lo.vno.v , Sopt. 3. fNow York Herald Cabllo. Special to TUB EKE/I This has been nn exceedingly quiet day on tho' Stock exchange , even for Saturday. The markets presented few features of interest. Consols advanced one-eighth lo ihreo-slxloonths of 1 per cent , Indian rupee paper was also one- nlghth higher , although no change la reported in the prlco of silver. Homo railways have been fairly well supported. An advance has taken plnco in Great Northern , Cale donia , Great Eastern bhoflltld , defer red , north Brllish nnd northwest ern. The southern lines have boon dull owing to unsettled wealhor. Southeastern deferred and Brighton mark a decline ol thrco-olffhlhs and one-eighth ol 1 per conl respectively. American railways have boon quito stagnant us retards a business view , Now York exchange being closed on Mon day. Tbo market presented a dull nppear- nnco apart , however , from tbo fall of Pblla dolphia & Reading and flv.o-elghths of 1 poc out in Louisville & Nashville. The changes in Iho others are slight while a moderate re covery Is noticeable \Vnoash stocks , Krio preference and Ohio & Mississippi. There has boon scarcely any demand for money with uo dlmlnunitlon in the supply of float ing capital. Short loam have boon easily obtained at one-half of 1 per cent. The dis count market also bus boon vory1 quiet , two and three months bills being quoted at from flitccii-sixtoonths of 1 per cent to 1 per cent. NOT MADli AS A TIIIUSAT. Sir John Ahhott OM'unt mi Mviiliiiiation for the Ciiiiiiilinn ( iiivnrninont. MONTIIBAL , P. Q. , Sept. 8. Sir John Abbott , who has returned from bis trip to the lower St. Lawrence , speaking of Presi dent Harrison's proclamation , said : "Sec retary Foslor , in his lolior to Mr. Herbert of the British legation at Washington , takes exception to what ho claims to bo n veiled threat in the Canadian government's coin * tnunication , thut should Inn government 1m- pnio lolls on Canadian vessels uslne tha Sault Sto Marie canal , tbo Canadian govern ment would not consider itself bound to oh- servo the promise made at lha council merit- lug. It was not Intended as a threat , veiled or otherwise , but simply to convoy that should the United Stales government take any action of this kind this would outer into our counldorallon when the matter vas again brouuhl forward. Tha government tnornly wished not to oblige Itself to any definite policy until It was known what stops the United Stales might make , and the order lu council was on these Unas. " Ntojipcil Her nt ( Juiiniiitlne. BOSTON , Muse. , Sopt. 8. Steamer Sythla from Liverpool Is detained at quarantine , although tliero is no sickness aboard ot any kind. The port physician has ordered the ,7.i ! ; Htcorago pasaongors with tbolr buggago to bo taken to Ualloupos Island , wboro they will bo bathed and Uulr baggage fumigated. Among the cabin passengers on Ihu Sylhm is Mrs. James Brown Poitor , the nutrojn , who balled under nu assumed name. lloll Worm * Diiiiiiigo Uoiton , PAIIIB , Tox. , Sopt. ! ) . Reports from all sections show damage to the cotton crop from the boll worm. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report V PURE