Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1892, Page 16, Image 16

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JA 1
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Every Department in the store will produce its Greatest Bargains at prices in/ /
keeping1 with this Great Cash Clearing Sale. This is your last chance positively.
j ' Those who fayor us with mail orders will be pleased with their purchases and
! will find that , regardless of the rush , our facilities for promptness are well nigh perfect.
Third and positively the
last week of our great
cash clearing sale of
Black and Colored
Dress Goods.
Startling' bargains In now fall dross
Wo aim to soil moro goods this soasnn
than in previous years , and wo are
nllvo to the fact that prices toll. Therefore -
fore wo olTor this week some of tha most
Btartling bargains ever otlorod in or out
of Omaha.
Wo can only quota a few of the moro
epeciol things for ' this wook.
Just oponcd a , handsome line of all
wool cashmeres In flow and pretty col
orings. Rojjular price 05c , now58c. This
cloth makes very pretty house drossos.
Just oponcd a , now and nobby domes-
tiu cheviot , with camels hair stripe ,
makes good school dresses and will wear.
Regular price 60o , now 37ja This cloth
is dark and serviceable colorings for
fall ,
40 and 44 Inch cropon in most oxqui-
fiito colorings and handsome do-signs.
This is going to bo a popular fabric for
early fall. Regular $1.25 , now 81. Ex-
amuio'thls cloth well , it will pay you.
English whipcord has always had a
good run , but this season moro so than
ever boforo. Wo have the popular
cloth this season. Regular prlco SI.25 ,
now 81. Comes in ontirol } ' now color
ings and is a beauty.
Something entirely now and very
etylish this season , is the "Nouroauto
Pomplonno , " a most fascinating fabric
for a fall dross. $2.
Now brocade chovlot in navy blue and
brown , something entirely now and neb
by , 82.
' Surah royalo the best fabric to wear in
the market this , season ; 64 inches at
91. SO and $2.
Corkscrew diagonals still continue in
favor. 64 inch $1.75.
Wide wale cheviots are very popular
for traveling costumes , 60 inch , at $1
and 81.25.
40 inch black all wool serge , rovorsl-
blo and worth 81-25 , This week 75c.
38 inch black silk warp Henrietta ,
worth 81. This week 05c.
60 inch imported broadcloth , for wear ,
finish and excellence this cloth has
no equal , $1.
40 inch corksorow diagonal , a nobby
and pretty effect , $1 per yard.
40 inch all wool ottoman cloth , sold
every where for 85c. This week 60o. -
40 inch all wool French diagonal , was
81 , tills week 76c.
Priestley's now novelties nro now on
our counters , and it is needless to say
wo have the largest and best assortment
In Omaha. Wo guarantee every yard
of our black goods , as wo only carry
those brands niudo by the most reliable
Examine the "Now Swan Brand"
casluuoro it's a beauty.
Also th o now wcavo ' 'Merino Cash-
mo ro1 heavy , rich and lustrous. Comes
40 Inches wide at 81.00 , 81.25 , 81.50 and
$1.75 per yard ,
Third and positively
the last week of our
great cash clearing
sale of Silk.
Wo have a few china silks and fancy
grenadines that wo wish toclosoout this
season. They are goods that sold up to
82.00. Wo shall place thorn in one lot
and glvo you your choice for 69c.
Now id your time to buy a black silk
dross. Look at the following prices and
como In and bo convinced that wo are
soiling you black silks at from 25 to 60
per cant cheaper than you can buy them
u uuy other store in the city. .
20 Inch black gros grain silk , worth
OOc , sale price 65c.
21 inch black gros grain silk , regular
prlco SI.60 , sale price $1.00.
21 inch black gros grain silk , sold at
81.85 , sale prlco S1.25.
22 inch black gros grain silk , a good
quality at $2.00 , sale prlco $1.35.
20 inch blick psnii do solo , our price
has boon $1.25 , sale price 85c.
21 inch black poau do solo , regular
price 81.85 , sale price $1.25.
21 inch poau do solo , an elegant quali
ty for 81.85 , sale price $1.35.
21 inch black bongallno , you cannot
buy thorn anywheres for loss than $2.25 ,
sale price $1.60.
24 inch black bongallno , a beautiful
quality and well worth -17a , sale price
Third and positively
the last week of our
great cash clearing
sale of White Goods.
This department is a great favorite
with nearly every lady in Omaha , and
well it may , for wo have the assortment
and wo have the right prices.
25 pieces chock and plaid nainsook ,
regular 12jc quality , will bo offered for
6c per yard.
Our ontlro stock of chocked and
otrlpod white goods thai , wo sold at 12c ,
15c , 18c and 20c , will bo closed out at
lOo yard.
25 pieces fine printed organdy that wo
sold at lOc and 12 Jo , will bo closed out
for 80 per yard.
Third and positively
the last week of our
great cash clearing
sale of Linens.
This is poslvoly the last week of the
great cash clearing salo. Wo have still
a great assortment of bargains loft.
Our 81.25 bed spreads for 02c.
Our 81.50 bed spreads for $1.15.
Our $2 00 bed spreads for $1.45.
Our $3.00 bed spreads for $1.08 ,
Our $4.00 bed spreads for $2.05.
Got some of those towels wo are sell
ing at 12c } , 15o , 19c , 2oo , 60o and 05o
each. Nothing like thorn ever soon.
In bleached and unbleached damask
and napkins wo are offering exceptional
value ,
25 8-4 Turkey rod cloths with plain
rod , black or white border , warranted
fast rod. These are our $2 cloths. Wo
will now olTor them for $1.25 each.
25 8-10 turkey rod cloths , sumo goods
as above , ' same quality and patterns.
These nro our $2.25 cloths , but during
this wile you can have your choice for
81.48 each.
C16 8-12 turkey ted cloths , snmo as
nbovo , regular prlco $2.76 , during this
sale you can have your choice for 81,08
Third and positively
the last week of our
great cash clearing
sale of Wash Dress
80 inuh Bedford Cord at 8Jo , worth
12Jo. In all the newest shades , slates ,
drabs , browns , navy , etc. '
30 inch Armenian Serge at lOo , regu
lar prlco 16o. ID a variety of designs ,
stripes , plaids and chocks , polkudois ,
etc. , all the latest styles.
32 inch Fantaslc Cloth at 12c , worth
20c. The most desirable and attractive
cotton goods on the market , como in
very choice patterns.
32 inch French Satcon at 16c , worth
25c. Black ground , white and colored
Zephyr Ginghams at llic , worth 15c
Zephyr Ginghams at 16c , worth 25c.
Oriental Crepe at 8Jc , worth 15c.
Fancy stripe , light and dark ground.
Third and positively
the last week of our
great cash clearin'g"
sale of Laces. *
In order to close out some odds and
ends of laces , wo will make great reduc
tions In prices.
Point do Irelando laco. 0 inch , 0 , 12
and 14 inch , 15c yard.
Black chantllly lace , 3 inch , lOc.
Black chantilly lace , 5 inch , 15c.
Black chantllly lace , 8 inch , 22c.
Black chantilly lace , 10 inch , 38o.
Torchon Inces.
Platte Val laces.
Apliquo laces.
In black laces wo have many now fall
patterns that wo are anxious to intro
Third and positively
the last week of our
great cash clearing
sale of Blankets and
A few slightly soiled , will sell nt cost.
10-4 white blankets at 75c , worth
10-4 white blankets at $1.25 , worth $2.
10-4 white blankets at $2.50 , worth
Just received , our now comforts , the
finest stock wo ever had the pleasure of
displaying , prlco from 6Uo up to the best
oiiler-down at 825.
Third and positively
the last week of our
great cash clearing
sale of Embroideries.
Wo still have some embroideries loft
from our Now York purchase at auction ,
that wo will close out ut less than their
Embroideries , 1 , 2 and 3 inches , 3c.
Embroideries , 2 , 3 and 4 Indies , 5c.
Embroideries , 3 , 3 } and 5 inchus , 7o ,
Embroideries , 3 , 4 and G inches , lie.
Also deml llounolngs and skirtings at
half prlco.
French embroideries.
Matched sets.
Hemstitched ruflling , etc.
Third and positively
the last week of our
great cash clearing
sale of Draperies.
The fall line of portieres have arrived
and comprises the finest line over *
shown ; the prices are vary low , and as
wo have bought heavy for the fall trade
wo muct begin to soil at once.
Chenille portlorcs , heavy fringe , dado
and frio/o , $1.118 pair. )
Chenille puitlores , heavy frlngo , dado
and frio/o , $5 60 pair.
Ohnnillo portloros , heavy fringe , dado
andfrlopQ , 2(1,60 ( pair.
Ohoulllo portlbros , heavy fringe , dado
and frieze , 87.00 pair.
0)ionlllo ) portieres , figured all ever , at
812. 60 and 816.00 pair.
These portieres are all very heavy ,
and a great bargain.
Nottingham lace curtains at 81.25 pr.
Nottingham lace curtains at $1.50 pr.
Elegant Nottingham lace curtains at
82.00 pair.
Very fine Nottingham lace curtains
at 82.60 pair.
Dainty Brussels effects in Nottingham
lace curtains at 83.00 , $3.60 , $4.0u , $5.00
and $0.00.
6-4 Chenille table covers , fringed all
around , at $2.50 each.
Auction line of body brussels and vel-
hot rugs , tringod on ends , 25x54 inches ,
at $1.25 each. ,
Third and positively
the last week of our
great cash clearing
sale of Art and Yarn
Best Berlin zephyr , 3c } an ounce.
Best Star Light Saxony , 12c skein.
Best Spanish yarn , 15c skein.
Zephyr German town , 15c skoin. >
Fait-y Floss , to close out , lOc skein ,
former price 2oc.
Wo have just received a nice line of
all kinds of baskets that wo offer at
special prices for Monday.
Plush balls lOc , 16o and 20c dozen.
Silk balls , 15c , 25c and 35c dozen.
Laundry bags.
Cushion covers.
Head rests.
All kinds of embroidery silks.
Third and positively
the last week of our
great cash clearing
sale of Gloves.
10 do/on 85c Biarritz street gljvos ,
60o per pair. *
15 dozen undressed kid gloves , 75o per
pair , actual value $1.25.
35 dozen black and colored silk mitts ,
worth up to $1. during this last week of
our great cash clearing sale , 37 Jc.
Third and positively
the last week of pur
great cash clearing
sale of Soaps and
Toilet Waters.
Bradloy's Triple Waters , 4 o/ . bottles ,
price 05c ; this week 87 jc. .
Raymond's Floral Cologne , 8 ot. bet
tles. price $1 , this week 02c. }
15 per cent ammonia , 80 per bottle.
Cutlcura soap , 15c.
Pear's soap , lOo.
Cash more Bouquet soap , 21o.
Buttermilk soap , lOc.
Kirk's Dusky Diamond soap , Co par
Colgate's lace soap , 60.
Kirk's Bar Castile soap , 25c.
Third and positively
the last week of our
great cash clearing
sale of notions.
Alligator grips , atd5o , worth 81.60.
21 inch 82.00 leather grip for 81.00.
18 inch best lo.uhor grip for $1.85.
$2.60 grips in very host grain leather
nnd alligator , all leather lined , nt 81.60.
$3.00 alligator grips , all leather lined ,
at $1 05.
Alligator hunting bags , at 95o , wortn
82.0a . '
Single and double strap school bags ,
at lioc.
Alligator school bags nt 05c , worth
Leather purses with brass and nicklo
frames at 6c-
A largo assortment of 25c purses , at
, 60c card coses , at 25c.
Ono picco poclcot books , at 0 > c.
$1.50 double row chiffon , ruching at
$2.50 double row chiffon ruching , at
$3.00 double row figured chiffon ruch
ing , at $1.85.
Third and positively
the last week of our
great cash clearing
sale of Handkerchiefs
A largo line of plain white hemstitch
ed and colored bordered handkerchiefs ,
at 3jc oach.
Plain white all linen tape edged and
colored bordered handkerchiefs at 5c ,
worth lOc.
lOc and 12c handkerchiefs all at 8c.
1GJ handkerchiefs , scalloped , om-
broldorcd. plain white hemstitched and
fancy borders , at 124c.
15c handkerchiefs in nil linen , plain
white and colored borders , at lOc oach.
2oc handkerchiefs consisting of all
width mourning hemstitched , plain
white and colored , hemstitched in all
linen , also hemstitched initials , all at
Ilomstitcncd and scalloped embroid
ered handkerchiefs , in plain white and
colors , worth from 76c to $1.50 , all at
Brook's spool cotton , at He per spool.
Third and positively
the last week of our
great cash clearing
sale of Buttons.
Having purchased a big invoice of
buttons in both metals nnd pearls , wo
nro going to put thorn in lots at a bar
Lot No. 1 contains flmokod and white
pearlsin sizes from 18 to 20 , all go , your
choice for 12jo per card.
Lot No. 2 A llno-and complete line of
metals in all colors and designs , your
choice for 21o dozen.
Lot No. 3 contains a line of clouded ,
smoked and white poarls. in sizes from
10 to 24 , your choice 2oo n card.
Tlicno goodb nro all loss than half the
rogulur prlco , and when In the store call
at the button counter and look thorn
Third and positively
the last week of our
great cash clearing
sale of Ribbons.
Wo are going to plnco on sale Monday
the greatest bargain in ribbons wo have
ever ollorcd.
The prlco wo will quote hero you will
hardly believe , but by n call at the store
you will noon bo convinced. A com
plete line in till the pretty colors in No.
12 , 10 , 22 , your choice for 2Jo yard ; and
a full line of volvat ribbons in all shades
your cholco for 60 yard.
Those are special to Uiq line of bar
gains offered last week , which line has
boon replenished with all the now
shades and wo will continue to sell at
those extreme low prices ,
Third and positively
the last week of our
great cash clearing
sale of Umbrellas.
Well I Who ever saw an umbrella sala
to equal it. (
With the weather In our favor and
prices at lows than bait the cost to man *
ulncturc , why shouldn't they go ?
t Wo have put on as loaders :
A gent's 28 inch umbrella reduced
from $3.60 to 81.83.
A gout's 28 inch umbrella reduced
from $4.60 to 32.50 , and the 20 inch nt-
the same sale , prices as of the past wcolc.
Loh't ) wait or put It off until these
goods are all sold , but como at once.
Third and positively
the last week of our
great cash clearing
sale of Men's Fur
All our 50c striped and plain balbriggan -
gan underwear will bo closed out at 30o
10 do < ! on inon's medium weight fall
wear gray balbriggan underwear for 48o
sold at Too.
Sno what ( rood value wo are showing
in man's cheviot and madras cloth nog-
ligco shirts for 78c each , always sold at
$1 to $1.50.
Ladies' fancy striped lisle thread hose
for lOjenpnir , regular value 2oc.
60 do/en ladles' low nook sleeveless
lisle thread vests , 39c , good value for
Ladies' fine thread silk vests , regular
ly sold at 82 and $2.2.1 , sale price to close
ladies' heavy jersey ribbed balbriggan -
gan shirts and drawers for SSc , worth
60c. '
Third and positively
the last week of our
great cash clearing
sale of Cloaks.
Children's wool suits suitable for fall
and winter at just half prlco.
$7.00 sultH now $3.60.
? 8.00 suits now $1.00.
$0.60 suits now $4.76.
$10.00 suits now $5.00.
Just received a full line of fall p
Wo will place thorn onwilo Monday. i
All wool shawls , 72x72 full nl/o , in
chocks , plaids and stripes , at $2 18 ,
$3.12 , Ui7 ( , $1.37 , 81.03 nnd $5.00. Wo
will save you at least from 20 to 36 per
cent on t hose shawls.
Third and positively
tl\e last week of our
great cash clearing
sale of Ladies' Rub
ber Cloaks and
Our Clifton circular , made with n
vulcanized rubber mirfaco , always sold
at $1.60 , beginning Monday our prlco
will bo only $1.05. Every garment war
ran ted waterproof.
Wo have a few moro of the Chariot
Mackintosh goods that wo will offer nt
$3.26. they are worth $5 , 87.60 and
810.60 ; beginning Monday only 83.26.
Our full line of ladies1 , mlssos * and
children's wraps are nil in , ready for
N. B. FALxGONRFt 15Y-13O9