THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY , SEPfljEMBER \ 1892-S1XTEEN PAGES. If ) rSEPTEMBER SPORTING NEWS Hccord of All That's ' Current on Track , Field , Stream and Diamond. ANDERINGS OF LOCAL WHEELMEN Our Coining Itcncli Show nnd IU IToinlno Ounn ut Trn | ' mill Tnrgot Dying Kchocs of the \Vo loni League No to * nnd Queries , The nttontlon of the sporting world Is con- torcd on Now Orlonns , where three cham pionships will bo docldod tomorrow , Tuos- clnr and Wednesday nights. Tnroo famous pugg , now acknowledged champions of their classes , will merit nsplrants for the titles , nud , according to "ill accounts , It will bo a case of hot stufl nil round. John Lawrence Sullivan , who , for a round frozen years , has proven hlmsolf the peer of 'all pugdom , will liovu for his opponent Jim J. Corbott. the so-called San Francisco Apollo. Gcorgo IIxon ) , the cofToo-colored Ilallgonlnn , nnd the undisputed champion of the glebe In his class , will run up aaalnst tall JOCK Skolly , the ex-amateur itlnp , and Jock McAullffo , the dcbonnnlr Wllllnms- buriror. und promlor of llehtwolghts. will collide with Billy Myor , Iho Illinois tornado. It will bo an incandescent mattnoo from Bound of gong to the crj of "Outl" ontho final night , nnd tboro will bo any quantity of exhilaration for all thoao who hnvo made the pllgrlma o to the city near the gulf. Reports from the scat of war hnvo It that all the six principals are in excellent flg , and rondy to battle for a kingdom. Sullivan , the JTiodorn-tlino gladiator , is down toSOSpounds , nnd will RIVO nnd tatto with Pompadour Jim nt not ever 215. Corbott Is iti his normal conditionwhichIssuperb.nnd soomlnglv anx ious for the fray. The black boy scales 115 pounds , and Is ns line as silk , wbllo Skclly is ut the required standard , nnd rondy to send n thrill nnd n sensation throughout this nnd a counlo of other hemispheres. The Coming Dug .Show , Few pcoplo roallzo the extent of the great dog show which Is to bo glvon in this city Dn ctober 23. The ontrlos will not bo confined to Omaha nnd the stnto of Nobr.islia.ns there nro innumerable ) requests from other pnr- tlons of the country. There will ho exhibits coming from as far south as Galvostun and ns far east an Boston. The prizes which have i boon offered will aggregate &J,500. These do not Include the spoolat prizes which some of our loading citizens have generously offered to glvo. Any ono xvho has a doe which ho tnlnks of sufficient beauty or attractiveness will have the privilege of entering the same at the show. The Impression prevails that before a person can ontcr n dog at the Dhow ho must necessarily have n pedigree. Such is not the fact. Any person who has Ills dog rogistorcd before making the entry to the secretary of tbo Omaha Kennel club can bare his dog exhibited at the show Just the name ns these who own dogs with pedigree * . Besides nil this , there vlll bo n largo miscel laneous class exhibited , In order that nny now points that may bo developed In the race can bo shown to the public at largo. It Is gratifying to know that Iho loading citizens of Omaha and Nebraska are taking a wideawake Intoicst In this , the first exhibi tion of dogs every hold in the stuto. * A national bankrupt law would certainly fill a long-felt want with the Western league of fragrant memory , assorts Ea Hi to. The extent of its liabilities cannot exactly be es timated , but tbat they exceed tbo assets , as base bnll assets go , cannot for a moment bo doubted. President Williams in mourning / the loss of the major portion of his salary. ' Umpires McQuald , Siiydor , Gucntbor and out various sums ranging from $300 duo McQnuId to $150 duo Sorad and Uucnthcr. President Spe'as is short ? 1,200 advanced in railroad tares to various \venlc- linood clubs in the circuit , nnd the players in every team excepting Omaha , Toledo nnd Kansas City nro still holding tbo sack for their salaries. Hero in Columbus ball players for the flrst tlmo In the history of the game hero loft town without their money. It is a record to which tbo local directory can scarcely point with priilo. The St , Paul "Jonah" coil tbo Western league n cool $4,010 , nnd but for that incubus the league might hnvo still boon in the innd of tbo liv ing. Of the eight clubs Columbus Is the only ono that pnld nil Us dues and asicus- monts to tholnagno. Minneapolis nnd Mil waukee never paid a cent nnd but why moralize I Ring the bell softlv ; There's irnpo on the door. ' How Dublin Itnut MulCnnzle. In Its story of the Bob Dobbs-Uoorgo Mo- \ IConzio fight , the Frisco Chronicle says : ( V.'hcn the men put up their hands McIConzlo oppoarod to bo very nervous , whllo Dobbs was skittish nnd confident. Dobbs Is a tricky fighter. Ho is up to all the worrying tactics of tha game , and ho tried n number of thorn on the white man , but McICeuzio was cold and could not bo rattled. It wan a very pretty exhibition of skill , In which both men plnvod their lofts for all they wore worth. Melton-'s led is a great atoupor , nnd never did Dobbs load without getting a return on the mouth. Deb 1)3 ) has a long reach , and ho nlso played cleverly nt stopping and countering. Both men were awaiting n chance to send in n finishing right , but nltliough they led numberless times they seldom succeeded until tha twenty-fourth round. In that round both men hastened matters and McIConzio pot a right-hand clip on the chin nnd down lie wont. Ho commenced rising before ton \vna counted , but bad not reached his tcot nud the referee declared him out. Tboro was n howl from the long-ondors , nnd Jordan , thinking there might lie a mlstnk& , ordered .tho Until to proceed , but bo changed bis mind p ! > moment Inter aud gave the decision to tbo colored lad when the timekeepers assured lilni that McIConzlo had really lost. Ilurdlu In ( Joocl I'orni , In three shoots nt llvo birds on the Omaha Gun club grounds Saturday , J. J. Hardln carried off the laurels by an unbrouon sooro. the llrst was miss and out , $5 entrance and resulted at follows : J. J. Dlolcny. 1 0 ' . H. R Hushes. 1 1 0 110 I'riinU I'nriiioluo ff.J. Ilardln The second rare was at llvo birds oacb , (5 entrance , two moneys. The score : Hiirdln 1 1 I 1 1 I'nrmoloo Shuit 11101 JJIokey 001 1-1 Hurdin nnd Parmoloo divided lint , whllo Shoa toted off the second. The third raoo wu * another miss nnd out , AS follows. Ilardln P.irmoloo is'nsou Hhon , , . . . 1 Blckoy , , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . llio A Clinllmigo tii the l.luhtiilng Klllun. i SOUTH OMUU , Sept. 2. o the Sporting gOltorof TUB BHK : I would bo pleased to jncot anv iiiun In Nobrasitn , or the United States , for that matter , In a lluhtnlnp uhoop- klllliig contest , regardless of slzo , auo or \voiihtfor any amount of money JromfTKI up. The would-bo champions in this vicinity can hereby consider thomsolvor challongud. WH.I.UM H. OiuwFiwn. Hull Pill ) urn llrt'ii/y Oh t. Joe Kelly's honest phiz ornaments the flrst pauo of last week's Sporting Lifo. FreJdy Clausen's idea that his club gees fivbat 11 rat when ho pltoho * is u good one. /Tho Southern IOOKUO wants Tim Hurst 't > ut Tim dosen't want the Southern loagui. PlnUoy" O'Rourkr. the lad with the ful minating Jaw , leads tbo Orioles with tbo tick. Thomas Mulohoad Lovott is practically forgotten by bate ball cranks. In unothor year he'll huvu a whole lot of company. ' The proper pluoo for Tony Mullano U on the blncK lint. Ho has boon tbo boto nolr of Jjnso bull in Cincinnati forslx orsovcu years , JackMotsltthas boon turned down by Huff- nlo on uccouut ot bU Spaniih nationality. tHbannoa wants none but Portuguese on bis iDaai. Orator Sbofor , who tramped dowu the hollyhocks and urtlchokoj iu Dot Molues' outflold In 1833 , is on the block ot Glou cester. Uon Mulford is the best base ball bolstoror in the world. If ho hp Un't on Cincinnati's pay rollthov fall to appreciate their raoU vnlu- nblo man , that's nil. Big Sam Dungan still continues to hit well In a game the other day ho knocked n tooth out of Pitcher Stein with a hot ODD from the end of his llttlo club. Billy Rarnlo , the baldheadod eagle ot tbo late Ft. Wnynos , had a narrow osoipo from losing his tall feathers whllo umpiring n game over Ir. Vondorahotulvlllo last wook. Thomas Gilbert Viokory received his llttlo prize package from the Ualtlmoros last Mon day. It gave Viok permission to spend the balance of his natural Ufa at Holly Point , N. J. Billy Alvord has forsaken the diamond and taken to the road for a Tolodolcigar housn. There never was n moro honest plavor on the Mold than Billy , nnd his familiar nnmo will bo missed. .Tlmray Collonj , of the Omahns , is playing great ball for nrnttloboro. Hero is a third ba'oniDii worth looking after. Phila delphia Press. Yoi , but that is about all ho worth , between you nnd I. Manager JBuckonbergor of the Pltlsburg. says ho thinks the Smoked Italians will yet win out in the second sonos. Yes thnts rlgut , they'll win out of sight. Buck's , think tank is full of blue mud. Manager Scloo declares tbiit both games at Kansas olty were championship games , and thatls how they will probably.stand when the oniclai announcement Is made , that Is if foxy Frank gets next to Undo Nick flrjt. Gus Sehmolz told Frank Soloo that I had boon roasting him , but His Lilacs Is mis taken. When I nmko up my mind to put Mr. Scloo on the spit , he'll find It out soon enough. Gus , you are full of Scloto rlvor water. The Kansas City Dross stated that the Bos- tons nnd the Browns drew C.893 people at their morning game down there during the Pythian pow-wow , nearly 5,000 moro than the Western league team draw during ths whole season. Jimmy Manning run in n cold dock on bis frlond nnd follow manager , Ted Sullivan. Ted had his ojos fixed on Nashvlllo as a grout field for the work of revival in ' 03 , but Manning has slipped In and loosed the uark. Ron Mulford. O. P. Cnylor Is guilty of this shot nt n shining mark : "Thoro will bo a big demand for suntos next winter is the report of the wholosalo'donlers. ' That should bo some en couragement for Von dor Aho. Ho Is car rying a largo stock. " Cy Duryea has boon pitching in hard luck. Ho did great work In the box. but somehow his team nln.ost always slipped down behind him. Exchange. What a largo number of loams nro slipping down behind their pitchers these days , oh , Cincinnati ! Kid Nichols was cheered when ho made his appearance on the grounds at Kansas Cltv the other day , says the Times. It falls however to state what it was that cheered Mr. Nichols , whether It was the sight of Ralph Stout or Johnny Spoas' Midland Whisky. Ed KIckology Rife of the Ohio State Journal has his regular weekly spasms. He wants the late managers of tbo Columbus club drawn and quartered as a cara for an afternoon's sport at the old ball park. Ho thinks the performance would pack the grounds. The difference of opinion as to what con stitutes n muffed infield fly U all annoying. Each umpire is disposed to rule upon It his own way. At the "noxt annual mooting of the League tha committee upon rules should settle the matter so there would bo no furth er mistakes. Base ball Is booming Just now bettor than any tlmo in the Bnaion. The grand old game stands high , and always will stand high with the American public. Sporting Life. Yes , that's tbo troub o , It stands a trifle too high for a largo majority of the American nubile , and that is what maltoj necessary Just such ridiculous assertions as the above. The Loulsvlllos are straightened out at last , and nro playing very fast ball. The inllold is especially proficient , and the pitchers nro effective every day. Clausen Is proving a Jewel , and Is considered the best loft-bander Iu the country by local cranks. Sanders scorns to have at last gotten la foim , nnd Stratton Is pitching as good ball as ho ever did. did.It cost President Sooas. of Kansas City , tt00 ! ! to got the Boston and St. _ Louis teams to Kansas City last Tuesday. The attend ance was big and ho doubtless got out all rlght.on his speculation. This was the flrst League game Ksnsas Cltyans bad soon since 18SO. when that cltv was a Loguo member , says the Journal , and ns It cojt Johnny such a sum , it is probably the last thoy'11 ever soo. Gcnliis queered himself with Cincinnati crowds by smiling every tlmo ho struck out. It Is bad enough to see a homo man strike out without the added pain of n view of the victim getting back to the bench as If the funniest event of his lifo had Just occurred says Mulford. All of which is two bad. If Cincinnati wants to get rid of that soul- slciconlng smllo It must cither induce Com- mlsky to biro a row real ball players , or cut off Frank's faco. That smllo was put thcro by the Creator. The bncitors of the late lamented Mil waukee base ball club have boon unpleas antly reminded of their business falluro by two suits for $1.000 oacS. commenced by C. F. Pflstor one ; Charles M. Kipp. The defendants - fondants are H. E. Gillett , O. Z. Bartlett and J. C. Ivcrson. Each ot the plaintiffs subscribed (1,000 to the ball club , provided the team should bo kept in the city during the seasons of 1S91 and 1393. The tbrms not having boon compiled with , they want their money refunded. In th Fluid mill At the Trap. The coming club hunt to bo hold under auspices of the Omaha gun club promises to bo an interesting affair. Unodtoy Bruohor has returned from Peorla , III. , where ho went a week ago to at tend the funeral of a relative , Dave Stubbs has boon ever In Iowa de populating the cjiiclcon. Ho Is a crack shot and n well posted sportsman generally. George A. Hongland returned from Gothenburg onburg a tow days ago with n nice bag of "stubblo duck. " Ohl they all got aftor"'om , you unow. Jno Langdon is practicing every dav for his coming shoot with Fuller , nnd Fred had had bettor bo on the qul vlyo , for Joe Is building up a corking average. A good many of the fisherman who are now off In tno mountains will wltnons the flstlo events at Now Orleans tomorrow , Tues day and Wednesday ovoulngs , sura. What's the matter with the Omaha gun olubl Why aont they get bac at the Ray mends ? They are certainly the strongest club In the olty and should assort themselves. The chicken law was up last Thursday and gunnar * ran now venture forth with out fear of molestation. Thov must go a long ways , bowovor , for anything llko good sport , Notlco that Fred Fuller has boon after the Iowa rifleman hot foot , and that none of Iho prohibitionists seem anxious for his game , Where is Sackott ho surely has the sand and should call Frod. J , J. Shoa of Council Bluff * shot with the the Omaha gun club Saturday , and by the way , lilllod all his live birds. Says ho ran't ' mist 'oai with Hardin's old Lofovor. Look out for J. J. hereafter , ho'll bo on hand It sort o' tlculed the boys when John Har dln polished of Parmoleo'ln that miss nnd out match the other day , and there are not u few who would lay their money on Johnny lii'n hundred llvo bird match with Frank. Fred Nicholt , better known as "Ger many , " of Calhoiin reports n big crou of birds this full. Ho says ho has seen moro yourg Uob Whites thh summer than for llvo years put together. Will SImorol took a run out on the praino last Thursday nnd reports a bag of olghty- flvo "ituhbloduok. " Will isn't much of a Bbot with a gun. but my I that mouth ot Us. Ills brace of setters , however , n blacli nnd tan Gordon and aLlowellou , would bo hard to match , Jack ICnowlos , tha old tlrao tnarkot hunter , was out after Iho uplands tbo ether day and bagged thlrtv.flvo. Ho says that they nro ns , ! ld } ' door nnd tuot uo didn't kill n bird within eighty yard . Ho U oroa willing to ft\\oar that ho brought two of them to gross at two hundred yard * , Ho shoots n Lofovor nnd it Is the ouly t\yo huudrod yard gun m the west. Although the fowan'5 failed to respond the rodoutablo Fred Fuller , who aiplres to the rlllo shooting championship , has a match on with C. J. Langdon , and If bo wins will cor- talnlr mount old John Potty's back. Potty gavi Fred would bo Just llko eating plo , and if they over do arrange fora mntoh ho will Bhoot with hts loft hand tied behind his back. That would make mo hot. What has become ot the big shooting tour nament for this fall that wai talked so much ot last spring. Ihorouro plenty ot active shooters hero now nnd n yuucossful tourna ment would bo n foregone conclusion. There hasn't bcon a flrst class shotgun tourney hero since Hardtn relinquished charge of local shooting affairs. Onmhn has the HnoJt shooting grounds In the west , nnd why can not the various clubs untto in n three or four davs tournament , say for some tlmo in Octo ber ? Thcro nro plenty ot olgcons in the country mid all the conditions nro good for n blir success. If Grand Island , Columbus nnd Kearney can nohtovo n success In this line , why notOmahat Within the UuiirturSI rotcli. Gil Curry has the Omaha pacer Window Wllkcs , 3:14if. : The meeting for organizing o drivers' asso ciation will bo hold at Lexington , October 8. The splendid race proaram of the Otoo county fair ought to attract crowds of pee plo. plo.Now Now is the tlmo for western horsemen to make tbolr entries for the Lexington moot ing. ing.Thoro There U n rumor afloat that McIIonry will buy the Dos Molnos klto track ; If ho does it will go some suro. The next rnco mooting to bo hold nt 13oat- rleb will take plaoo Soptomboi ? 'JJ 32 , and entries close September 10 , The Ruihvlllo , Neb. , association U Incor porated with n capital stock of SIO.ODU , and is so situated as to bo nblo to pay nil purses promptly. Entries of all purse races nt Wichita , Kan. , the last moating In the Colossal Contra ! cir cuit , close on September 17 , W. P. McNnlr is secretary. . Onota , 2-yoar-old fllly , Is the finest 2-yoar- old thus far during 1893. Her record , made last week Is 2a. : . nnO she U by the Ne braska slro , Sbadciand Onward. Tbo races on at the fair grounds last week were the second event in the C. C. circuit. This wcou at Lincoln , than to Topeka nnd than tha grand wlnilup at Wichita. Ono ot the most liberal associations in the west Is tbo ono at Ponoa , nnd horsemen should roclprocato with the same liberality by malting tbolr ontrlos without delay. Online , 2 , 2:1CX : , on August 18 boat the trnrk record of:18. : . ! < f , made by his slro , Shadcland Onward , ever tbo Syracuse , Nob. , track last year , ho making the rnilo in ! ) :17. : Murtha , in trying to boat the pool box at Dos Moines and keep In tha 2:23 : class , was forced to tuko n record of 2:18 : nnd ttion failed to land the gamo. The way of the transgressor Is hard sometimes. The driver of Alarm Call , that died from ovoroxhaustlon during the Frlond , Nob. , races , states that ho doilrod the owner to draw the young horse ouring the progress of the race , but ho persistently refused. \V. J. Wroughton of Cambridge , Nob. , will bo nt the state ialr at Lincoln with about twenty head of his superior draught horses. Visitors will find in his stable horses that will amply repay them for the tlmo spent In inspection , The daily Conservative , Independence , la. , indulged in a bit of satire In the following manner : C. A. Thompson has Just returned from DCS Molnos , n llttlo town out In the center of the state , that got it Into their heads last winter and spring to glvo a trot ting meeting , but nftor getting the horsemen ana horses there got frightened nnd declared their mooting off. Tlio-o Is no use talking , trotting meetings can't bo successful outside of largo cltlosl ) . The unfortunate sequel of the Dos Moines races for which 5100,001) in purses and stakes wcro advertised will cause the association much trouble nnd many suits for damages. A. L. D.ivies , on nor of the stallion Roy Wllkos , which won third money in tboo,000 guaranteed stake for free-for-all pacers at Dos Moinoi last week , has brought suit against that association for the recovery of his winning * ontho refusal of tbo association to pay the same , Mr. Davies has bcon legally advls'ou that it being for a guaranteed stake _ ho can surely recover , provided the oftlcors of the association are financially responsible for the amount. Mr. D. Is very severe In bis denunciation of the way the Doa Molnos association conducted their mooting. Tha case will bo watched with interest by all horsemen. j , . , the Itykors. How about that road racot Borlo DOW holds the two-ratio world's record. His tlmo is 4 :4S : 2-5. Uicyclo races at county and state fairs are as much of n drawing card as the "boss1' trots. Charlie- Peabody turned out with tno Omaha Wheel club boys on lastSunday's run to Fremont. The medal milonso for the Tourht Whosl- mon club medal will be published in next Sunday's BUB. Omaha at last has a lady member of the League of American Whoolraon ; moro will follow shortly. The Omaha wheel club's Wednesday night run was u "corker. " A numerous crowd answered the captain's call. The cycling press is of tbo opinion tbat the ' only" Zii'imonnan fools that no must retire from tha paib this season. Ho has aoout worked hlmsolf out. HIM the cyclists' protection fund evapor ated , or has some enterprising biovolo thief tired of "nipping" wheats , and decamped with the money subscribed ) Tbo sporting reporter of the World-Herald has THE BUB'S permission to revamp its sporting news , especially Its 'cycle uotes , but will look for an occasional credit. Zimmerman , Berlo , Windlo , Tyler. Rich and Taylor are booked to rldo at tbo Spring- Hold and Hartford tournaments. What a Held of flyers this bunch Is. Now look out for the champion. E. R. Smith has changed his mind , and will line up with the Omaha Wbool club boys again. "Smithy" had decided to give up the wheel for this season. Pretty hard for an uctlvo wheelman to forsaku his bylte. Tbo ladles' cycling clubs nro enjoying these moonlight ovonlngs awheel. Nearly every evening of the week a party of them may bo scon skimming along tbo pave. Council Bluffs and Fort Omaha are tbolr favorite runs. Tbo Tourists will hold their annual elec tion of ofllcon Thursday ovouing. Every member U expected to bo present to cast his llttlo ballot. The wlro pullers are at work , aud a lively election is promised. Cyclists who have not furnished their names to bo published In the Omaha cyclists' directory are requested to send thorn at ooon as possible to M. O. Daxon , 120 North Flftoonth stroot. Tbo directory is now well under way. Many names have boon sent Ic , yet there are qulto a number of wheelmen and whoolwomon who have not responded. The Tourist wheelmen will pose for their annual olub photo at Hansoom park this morning at 10 o'clock sharp. All member * are requested to appear at tbo corner of Flftoonth and Dodge streets at 0:80 : and proceed - coed to tbo park. Bring your wheel * and wear your 'cycling costume. After taking the photo the olub will rldo to Bello- vuo. a pretty llttlo village located some twelve mlles from Omaha at the end of as pretty a country road as stretches out of the city , where arrangements have boon made for a good dinner. The Council Bluffs Wheel club boya will bo with the Tourists. expense or palus , and the banquet WBJ ono of the prominent features of the tour. 'Iho moifu cards were elaborately decorated with wheels and rjonograms of both clubs. The Mandolin olub from Omaha rendered some ot its choicest music. After dinner the clubs wheeled out to the Island , a popular resort for tbo Fromontera. where the afternoon was spent in such u tlmo as only a lively sot of young fellows can uavo. Hero the Man dolin club madp the woodland ring with its sweetest Htralus. Tbo Omaha boys returned by train , well aatlsllod with the run and loud In tbolr praise of the reception tendered thorn by tbo Fremont Wheel club. Ono of the host olub runs which the Omaha Wheel olub has on Joyed thU soasou was the one taker , to Fremont last Sunday , The olub loft In relays , the flrst section starting at G o'clock , before the BUD had fairly risen. This was followed at Intervals of half an hour or so oy others , until some twenty-four men had loft the club houio. At Elk City the Fremont Wheel olub ooys bad prepared u line breakfast , which was speed ily attended to by the first and second sec tions. At that point the r ar divisions caught up with too vanguard , and Iho entire olub tbou proceeded to Fremont , A few mlles from the city tbo boys worn mot by the Fre mont Wheel club aad escorted to ono of the loading hotels , where a banquet waa inroad. Tbo hosts had aot tparod themselves any Tbo Tourist whoolmou and the Council Bluffs Wheel club neJnled ilsnm to Papilllon Sunday morning nnd spont'tWday lollorlng around the llttlo village. T.b.o Jiys were so hungry after their rldo tbMi it took two liotoU to nppoasa their Hftomus nppotlto. This U a lough story to loirnU ] it smacks of tbo truth. After u fine dinner the cycltstn roflo out to the hiilf-milo trtolr.nvhlch Is ono of tha finest in the stnto , nttttfrattor n llttlo skirmishing among thomsol i'ot up n short procram ot rncoi. Time was taken by some ot the horiomon. A milo wat-ndtlon in 3:3U : 1-5 , ahalf In 1 ! liV ; } nnd sovorm miartor * m 30 ' ana 3 > 1-5 seconds , which isn'Vbad for men who hnvo not trained n day-en-tho path this cAsOn. Some of the bimJJvtTO made the best tlmo hud never podnlcirovcr the surface of a race track before. Than Jo homo was a delightful ono , and ovoryVMA'tgno attended the race expressed hlmsolf ijjrploasod with the day's outing. V Two of the mostdollghtfUl moonlight runs ever taken by nnv ot the cfubs were these which occurred last Tuesday aud Thursday evenings. Tto flrst was the regular Tues day evening run of the Tourists and waste to Fort Omaha. Twonty-four men turned out. Captain Potter put the boy * through Homo fancy drill movements on the return trip , nnd they were executed wltti nil the precision nnd promptltudo of voturau sol diery. The second was the regular run of the Young Men's Christian nssodntlon cyclers in conjunction with the Ton lists nnd wai u ml c i- the charge of Captain Grant nnd Lieutenant Coo of the Cyclers and Captain Potter of the TourUts. Twontv-savou men turned out. The run was called a "blind run , " the peculiarity ot which Is that no ono knows the club's destination but the offlccrs In charge. The wheelmen pedaled nround the Omaha streets for n short time , then crossed the bridge to the Bluffs nnd out on the Missouri valley road for two or thrco mllos. The roads wcro In line condition and the moonlight strot g enough to make the riding enjoyable. The blind run was a great success. Question * HUH Anvon. . There are letters in this oflloo for William Chapman , Comnncho Bill , sprint runner ; Dick Moore , pugilist , and Joe Kelly , ball player. AmiNoroN , Nob. , Sept. 1. To the Sporting Editor of Tin : Unit : Will you please Inform me lit next Sunday's HIK whulhur It wns law ful to kill pr.iirlo chicken yesterday in this state , the open so.ison bculnnln. : today ? Ihls Istodooldo , \ small wager and your answer goes. S. L. M. Ans. It was not. This department of THE Bun Is In frequent receipt of letters with the request that cho bo forwarded to the parties for whom thov are intended , generally ball plnyers , ilghtcis or sprinters , which have not boon stunned. All such letters must bo stamped or they "will flnd lodgment In tbo waste basket. MASTINOI , Neb , Aus. HI. Tu , the Snorting Kdltorot THU llfis : I'loaso glvo a k'oud rule for classifying members of u ijuu club. Anil how is u member promoted from one olass to another. Tr.ipuor. Ans. All these who have n record of 05 per cent or ever should go Into class A ; all from 50 to Go per cent In class B , nnd all un der 50 par cent in class C. Whenever a shooter's average In three or moro successive shoots Is nbovo'the average of tbo class in which ho Is shooting , ho sbould bo elevated to the next highest class. LiNCor.v , Nob. . Got. 2. To the Sporting Edi tor ot Tun IlKi : : 1'Icuso slvo mo u romudv for sore throat for dozs My setter puppy , 1 year old. appears to bo so nlulctcd. The throat Is swollen and she cannot drink- , and liaa trouble In moving lior tongue.She drools and coughs both. Elliott M. Ans. bathe her throat wltti camphorated oil ; apply hot poiiltlcos ; $ lM" glvo her ono tablespoonful and a half of cbtorato of potash every three hours ono ounce-dissolved in n pint of water will bo sufllcibjift ; It may bo that there Is something 10)lgc4"n ) } her throat , fish bone or llko substance , and you had better tor consult n veterinary sijrgcijn. Hun DuiuitNn. Sept. a. To the Sporting Editor of THE llKc : A nnd l-lil h flve , sin- irlo bunded , 52 points cumoMJA'/lBJ points : H. 40 : Jt bldsO , cots it nnd play * tire seven spot of trumps : A puts on a llvo spot.thim H nlays low and throws up his hand , clalnjllis the game. A still holds hlsh u nd the toiUnOtln his hand ; \\liis7-Suhgcrlbar. . ' Ans. Neither : B' actjoAjjroaks up the qaino. If it bad ooon pln.vod.out and A had saved the game , ho wouldbttvowon. , [ I'inr.ADKr.iMUA. Pa.AuwaJ.v To thoSporl- Ini ? Editor ot THIS HKE : Wilttyou plu.iso do tn a the favor of publishing tha ail dresses of Jop Wulsh nnd Uavo Kowo .Itrrypur undav "toiiae ball coiinns | ? niiifo1 brtl&lsfc.llttlo dufl Corn f present. They cun say'whlit they want to. but you can rest assured the only way to rnvixo the Interest liutho game next season Is to form two eight-club ICUKUUS or associations The twolvo-oltib loaKiio is a failure. Billy Sharslg , " 3)3 ) Franklin street. Ans. Walsh. Murmotto , Wis. ; Howe , care of Jim Hurt , Chicago. ATT.V.M-IC , la. . Aug. 20.To the Pportlnc Eiltorof TUB llni : : In answer to"liilly"of Union 1'aulUc headquarters In the Sunday IlKi : ofStb lust , , did you not mistake In ansuur- iriz eortilnly. tliroo kings should easily win asalnst two , ono In either corner ? Ilnforo your opponent Is allowed to place his two kliiKS , one In olthor double corner , the three kings are e isv winners ; but If you permit this udvmitiuo It rotinilns a pn//.le to me hov , the three can win. W. II. Qiltlln. Ans. Bring ever your little checker board some afternoon , and I'll show you how It is < ) ono. OMAII i. Sept. 2 To the Snorting Editor of TUB HKK : To decide a wacor will you please state In Sunday's. HEK who are. the winners In a came of hlzh flvo when the roiint stands thus : A nnd II are 43. O and I ) Til ; A and 11 call the trump on a bid of eight : A and It nmkohlKli , llvi ) . low and the camoj O nnd I ) make Jack and flvo.i. . When It Is possible for both sides to co out. then either urovimt the othur from so doing ? Inco ? . Ans. C and D win. The count Is high , low , Jack , trump llv. < and off flvo. Jack wins tno game for C and D. WAIIOO , Neb. , Sent 2. To the Sporting Edi tor of THE 11 FK : i'loiso decide the following : What Is the fastest 100-yard foot race rucoril up to da to ? 2 If I bet John I , , will kno.'lc Co-liutt out nnd they fight a draw do I lese or can I got my money back ? Travollriic Man. Ans. 1. 045. 'J. The bet would bo a draw. _ Btmi.t.vorov. ii.v > 'U. t.Wl. Dr. J. B. Moore Dear Sir : Have boon troubled with catarrli In my head and face for three years at tlmos v\asunublo to boar had u constant ringing In my Daw and lor two years wts almost deaf. Have tried several oral so-called remedies and boon treated oy regular physicians and noted specialists , but failed to got any rollof. I tried ono bottle of Mooro's Tree of Llfo Catarrh Cure , It gave Immediate rollof and offoutnd n permanent euro. I heartily recommend It to nil suffer ers of this disease and will choorlully glvo any further Information on bomg addressed at my homo , No. M Sweonoy two. , Burllng- on , la. For sale by all druggists. RospBctfullly , R. L. RUID. For solo by all druggists. At the now homo for fresh air children at Rldgowood , N. J. , the rector ot Christ church of that village was addressing the children. Ho told tliom how slu tended to mar all tbat was good , nnd hold ooforo thorn the illustration of tbo blossom in its bllht and the young fruit in its , disfigurement caused by the worm that souod upon thorn before they matured. ' 'So bin enters the heart nnd dottles it , " ho said" Then , after a moment , added : "Now. boys , what Is sin ! " "Worms I" carao back the answer from his Juvenile audlouco. Inwi. A minister in the east saidt-"My brethren , the collection will now bb UXen to pay for my expenses for a trip , forjl ja going away for lay health. The moro J < rdoMvo the longer I can stay. " The largest collection ever made In that church was tak&/J'"Aiid / now the question under alscusslojvil'ji whether the sl/o of tbo collodion was a compliment to the preacher or much the reverse. . Brlggs Was that Hormoani'Mr. Saintly preached thU morning an oMihot Grlggs Vies. Ho ronoaioieu by request. Brigga-Wbiit tor ] Thikftwas the shortest sermon I over hoard him preach. Grlggs Yes. Thai's thOTCnjon why they wanted Ita nln. * "Do you see that remarkably tall young man ever there , Alias KoonwlU VVcll , ho was orlulnally Intended for the church. " "Indeed 1 I should have supposed him to bo intended for tha steeple. " Fogg * says ho was never baptized , but ho wont to church where there was a sprinkling of nlnnori in the congregation , aim hu was ono of thorn. _ I'rouuro It llufuru liuiiviui ; Homo , Three yearj ago , whllo Ivas visiting rela tives at Hlgplnsvillo , Mo. , I was suddenly Ukon with col I a and uovoro pains in the Btoumch. My relatives sent to the doctor for medicine , and ho sent mo a bottle of ChumOerlaln'u Colio , Cholera nnd Dlarrbcua Runiody , tolling the Dourer that If ' .but med icine did not euro mo bo could not proscribe anything that would. I used It and was im mediately relieved , Hli.Niiv A. TUOVEHN. 'WIID ' GIVETII TO THE POOR" Preparations for the Succor of tbo Needy in Omalia This Winter. SUBSTANTIAL SYMPATHY SYSTEMATIZED Orgnnlrntlon of tlm Amorlntcd Chnrltlct I'ru9liir Unnts Knumorntcil by hocro. tnry ClnrkVlmt \\tnn \ Dnno I. t WinterIVhnt \\lllllo Done Thin. In the book of Proverbs wo road that "Ho that hath pity upon the poor londoth unto the Lord. " The pcoplo ot Omnlm evidently bellovo that the security is perfectly good , for they are preparing to "lend to Iho Lord by giving to the poor" this winter ns they never gave before. It should not bo supposed that this menus n lavish uiiu reckless bestowal of goods upon the needy , for It moans qulto a different sort of oharitabla work. It uontomplatos a Sys tematic aud generous helping of all deserv ing people who have found it Impossible to provide themselves * with tno uocossltlos of life , and also an extending of the helping hand to these who desire to bo placed In n position to help themselves. These are tbo paramount-objects of the organization knowu as the Associated Cbarltlos ot Omaha. Tbo organization bognu Its work last December In n sort of preliminary way. A few earnest workers undertook to got tbo various charitably inclined pcoplo all united in a general and systematic effort , iluttho winter was already begun and the orgaulza. lion was obliged to take hold of the work ahd do the best pos sible with the meager facilities at band. Mr. A. P. Hopkins , Prof. J. A. Uillosplo , Uov. A. W. Clark and others were zealous and oncrgotlc In the good work dur ing the ontho winter. Beginning last December , the organization has up to the present assisted about 2,300 needy people. In addition to this 3-100 meals have boon given to stnglo men who worked in tbo wood yard on Tenth street. The organization has also imUted very effect ually In helping along the Boys uud Girls homo , a phltanthropln enterprise , started under the direction of Mr. Alexander Hoxo- land of the National Boys and Girls Homo association. This institution is located at " 517 ( Jakuvoll street and Is a sort of refuge for homeless boys and girls. The llttlo wanderers are taken there and kept unt'.l other homes can bo found for them. Tnoy are sontout from this temporary refuge to all paits of the country. At present , Rev. A. VV. Clark , secretary of the Associated Charities , is superintend ing the operations of the homo , as the asso ciation cannot afford to employ a man especially for that work. The headquarters and oftlco of the Asso ciated Chanties is located on Tenth strcot between Dodgu and Capitol avenue. The ofllco is in the rear of the city mission build ing. The mala part of the building is used for Sunday school nnd the sowing school classes made up of the poor children of tbo lower part ot the city. This work has bcon eminently successful and Is highly appreciated by the people , both ola and young , who receive tbo benollt. Another impartantdopartmont of Iho work conducted by the Associated Charities is the medical dispensary nnd attondanca furnished to poor pcoplo at , tbo trilling expense of IU cents. In this work the association has had the hearty co-operation and assistance of a number of the loading physicians of the city. "There are several things that wo aecd , " said Secretary Clark to a representative- THE BIB : yesterday wbllo discussing tUo work of the association , "First of all wo need a larger headquarters. Wo want a largo building centrally located where wo can have an office , a dispensary , a store room for provisions , a lunch room and a separate department for tbo accommodation of these who wish a place to sleop. Wo also need a sowing room wnoro we can furnish poor women with work at sowing carpet rags , making and mending plain clothing , etc. "All these- should bo located In ono largo building so that the different departments of the worK may bo cpnductod economically and successfully. Thowood yard should bo located down along the railroad track , where wo can cot the wood delivered right from the cars. The cost of hauling it several blocks is con siderable. If wo can got a place favorably located , the wood yard work will become ono of our chief sources of revenue If properly manngod 'Tho iirst and all-important' matter , it 30oni3 to mo , is to sccuro a building where wo can supply poor people with food and lodging without having to send them to ibo lunch counters or lodging-houses about tbo cltv. Wo can then keep our eyes on them and sco what sort of pcoplo they are. Some good-for-notliTng follows coma along Just about darU and beg for n supper or a place to sloop. If wo give thorn meal tickets or bed tickets good at some chop house or lodgln g house , it is qulto likely that they will not return next morning to pay for tbo tickets by working in the wood yard , so wo nro obliged to refuse assistance sometimes on that account. "I know of several wealthy men in Omaha who nro willing to giro all the way from $100 to $1,000 each to this work Just as soon as tbo association : an got a good building and sccuro facilities for pushing the work thoroughly nnd systematically. Wo nro now looking for just such a building. It is pos sible that it will have to bo built now for the purposes which I have indicated , but wo may find ono that can bo lomodelod uud fitted UP all right. " Iho association has done u great deal of good during tbo past year in securing trans portation for poor people from Omalia to various points over the country whither tbov wanted to go in order to roach frlondn , A great many men have boon supplied with places to work through the clTorls of the secretary , Mr. Clone , and thousands have been anpnlied with lood and clothing sliico last December. It is no exaggeration to state that when tbo association gota a now headquarters lltted up ns suggested by the secretary Omaha will bo in u position tu tuko bettor care of Its poor than any other western city. The association will work on tbo plan adopted years ace by the Associated ( Jhari- ties of Now York and Brooklyn. Every applying for assistance will Carson registered , and the kind and amount of assistance extended will bo re corded oppositn each name. The needs of the applicant will bo carefully Investigated. Frauds will bo exposed , and the deserving poor will bo helped. Ono great object of the association will oo to place people In a position to help them selves bv securing work in the city or coun try. It is feared mat the scarcity of work for tjio common laborer class In Omaha this year will bo the uauso of n grout deal of des titution nnd suffering this winter. A groit many laborers have waited week after week through tlioaumraor hoping that public im provements would bo commenced and they could got work. They have run in debt , and now with the summer almost gene they have no work. Secretary Clark Is endeavoring to porsuadu as many as possible of the laboring class to go to the country IVJEOOII as coin cut ting nnd husking begins , with u hope that they may save some money during the full and early winter. A great many have gene out during the harvest nnd haymaking BOH- BOH and have done well. Thi In corporators of the Associated Chari ties were Herman Kountzo , W. W , Marsh , A. P. Hopkins , Guy C. Barton , Frame Mur phy. Max Mover , J. A. Glllosplo and George P. Bomls. The board of directors is com posed of Thomas L. Kunball , Prof. J. A. Gil- losplo , L. B. Williams. Morltz Mayor , John A. McShano , E. L , Btouo , W. J. Broatch , W. V. Morse , A. P. Hopkins. Tno ollloors are A. P > Hopkins president , John A. Mo- bhano vlco president , Hov. A. W. Clark sec retary and Alfred Kennedy troattuier. 'Iho executive committee consists of thoofllcors of the board and John Kusb , Thomas Klipat- rick nnd Cadet Taylor. Tbo terms of membership nro ? 3 par annum. A largo number of prominent citi zens bavo already become- members of ibo organization , and earnest efforts > vll ) Immtulo to sccuro eovora ! hundred moro right awuy , "Lato to uod and early to rise wilt shorten the road to your homo la the sklot. Hut curly to bed and "Llttlo ICarlv Hlsor."tbo pill that inuUyj llfo longer aud botloranl wlsoi. WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER I4th , Grounds at 20th and Paiil Streets. THE BAKNUM & BAILEY CONTAINING KVKHY COUNTRY'S ' LJEST ATTRACTION. Togctlisr wl Iinro Kinlfy's ' filoriin ! ail Mii'ilHit ' lUtirical Spools , And the Discovery of America. 3 Clrctisscs , 3 Rtnffs , 2 Utovntnd Stages , Ilorso Fair , a MotiiiKorlos , Olyinpta Hip- ijodroino , Mtitflo Illusion * , f 0 AorhllsU , 20 Clowns , 20 Anliiml Actors , I'orfonn- inrr Cuts , Dogs , Pigs , Storks , Sheep , Gcoso tint ! Wild Housts. 2 Ilorrta of Elo- plmnts , 2 Droves of Cntnols , 100 Cluirlots. 1,2(10 ( irmlo and lomulo I'orformora , 100 Horses , 6U CORUS , 01 CHIN , I Tuiins. Columbus Stipo lf > 0 foot lonj * . NVutor- proof Tout , 650 foot lout * . An Amuziiiff nnd Astounding Exhibition. Capital Invested , $3,600,000. , Dully Expanses , $7,800. 'P , T. BARIMUM and J , A. BAILEY , Equal Owners feffll MOORS PREPAR1NQ TO MEET THESrMDS BEfORE ( JRANADA- | . . > & ? GKRAITOSST SPECTACLE ON EARTH. Illustrating the lifo , trials and triumphs of the great discoverer , nnd the histori cal ovoius connected therewith. I3tittlcs of the cross and crcsont. Tourmt- monts , saigas and sorties. Dances , songs and fetes. Pngounls , triumphs , tableaux nnd displays. Ships in motion , Sham lights , Royal recaptions. 300 beautiful dancing girls. Fordinand and Isabella's Splendid Court. Tremendous now historical strcot pnrado never boon before this season , illustrating Arabian nights slorlos. children's fables , mnsory rhymes , and the history of the United States , at 9 a. m. on day of show. Two Performances Daily , at 2 and 8 P , M , Doors Opan an Hour Earlier. Admission to all , 60 Conts. , Ohlldran under 9 yoara , 26 Oonta. Reserved numbered seats ut regular price , and admission tickets at usual slight advance at J. T Kinslor's drug store , 10th and F.irnnin Sts. CHEAP EXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILROADS. Will Exhibit at Nebraska City , September 15th. DB , . W. C. MAXWELL , Prest , Graduate of llollovuo Hospital MuJlcal Cullo o. Now Vorlt City. Olasi of I3it 16th and Howard Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. FOB THE SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF ALT , Ciironie , Private and llen/ous / Diseases , Male or female , by co npetont physicians v/'io Inv. ) maJi a spsalal stuly of tH3 class of dlseisis , not oily to traat , bu * . guiriutai a ou-d in all unu uaijrttlca i. THE SANITARIUM Is the Ti33t co np'.aia ' au I th. j lnii oimpp U iistUatlai of Itil klnl in the entire west. Itcoutilns ilfcy roTii' fir th9 asa imiiolitlon if pitlu UJW.ID rax/ require the constant attention of otporlon pu/-il3lan : anJ rmrm. BOARDING will be furnished at reasonable r.itss. Write fo- book 01 dl3oa3 < > i. milUcl free , to any address oa nnplicatii . Persons uunblo to visit us may ba tro itoi at ho.n * by correspondence. All communloitloa * strictly coaiUoUHU Ixtj r- view proitirrpcl , whenever convenient for pition" . WRIT a FOR QUESTION BLANKS to sfU3 tha history ofyauroiu Mjjljlis 333a : > ' . / packed and sent by mall or oxprJ33. AddreJi , INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM- Dr. W. U. .Maxwell. I'rasldont O.nnh.i , ca S.E. CooJg" ' .PERCENT IINTEREST/ ON emetics-en's taauca , THE ORIGINAL AUD CTNUtfJC. The enl ) hnfu Him . an * rtlMltVn forsule Bik Urngclitfrr rhtchrtttrtiflA / Jttanunl Jtfttnd Iti ] ( nl ait I bold rnctnlllo lnl with 1 lur r liUni 'I i ' j IKI oilier Mm ! . V.V/m * &til ttilnlionl nnft Imftttiont \ U ] Jntiitl > r trl Uitc * . [ Irk wrAttn > r , nr > iluum r < u * intintorli It * . At Druc liti. < r trod nt fttani f > r | rtlcJliriiMMlmoulali.nn t " teller for ] , ai1l < , " in letter , dr rittirn Mnllf KMIOO TeithumUl * r\m l'irrr , . . . \ CHICHCSTCn CHEMICAL CO. MiMll-nn Hqnuru. S * M by if 11 luial Dr.nMl * . . * . l'miA t.LI'lllA. i'A. ARE YOU SUFFERING ? 1'cmale Wt.ltuess , Catarrh or 3 , Hlicnnulssm , Sg Chronic , ' Nervous or Private Diseases , IP BO , OALIi ON Dr. Seariss & Searies Consultation Free. Acknowledge * ! to 'jo tlio mostHiiucmriil mioJlnlUt In ull rmvATT , lli-ooii , NEIIVUIM , OKI * AM > UKIV- AltV DIHKAHES GonorrluBiln from .1 tu D ilnyi. Hyphllh CUM I wltliuut.Moruury. All at txai fur IlfJ hl'HKTUHi ; porimnuMiljuiireil. . ra 11071 ! cam lilolo , wllliuut cutting , n ull3 or illUt-itli'i. I UN atruLtudat liouio by pitlent wRIuut n mumant'j pain or nimojritnco. rii. ! : . - < , mrui.A. AND uuin'Aij ui.uisits curui without pain unlolantliin from tnitlnom ' . VAIIK.OI'III.K llYimoi'Kl.i : ANO iiormaiiuntly unU lutu'iifullv cur 3d. .Mi thuil nu u-nl unfulllnu WEAK MEM ( VITALITY \VKAK ) , Mailiioliy lee cloi ) nppll. cntlun to liuilnuii ur ntuilx ; HJ/UTJ niaiiiil Hrxln ur Krlufi HHXUAL K.tiK9lOi In inliUlu llfo , or I rum tha I'ltuuU of youiliful folhui \V1CAK MKS AUK VlllflMd TO NlillVOUt I1K niMTVur nxiiAUsnuv , WASTINCI WK KSISH INVOI.U.NTAIIV I.US3KS with HAIll.V DKJAV In \OUM ; ana .MIDUI.K AIIKD ; bcii r vim. vixor and Ktroniitli , trllh naxual orujin Impalruil nul \rcakuniineil prjiuiturolr In iiipnioliliUUil | itu. All jrlrtlil rnadllr to our njw troiuiiiunt fur lom of vltnlpowur Onll on ur ullrju null ( tamp fur clrcular > , free book nnd receipt * . Dr. Searlcs * Scules , II4 Next lo Post Olllco. BHAIH im.B.0. WK-4M KKIIVK AND IIUAI.Vl'llH 1 r Nl'.a 33ila fjr ll/j'jfli. DUiinlii , fill , NJJ ruli'U , llojJaoiu , Nurvou4 I'ruitntun 04u l u/ Icoliuior taUiouu , U'njfuluux. .Mwutil Ujurui- luD.dulluooof tlinllriln oimln < Ini iulf , uiltt l aeuijj.iluitu. I'ru u Kuril Ull A < u. Ilirrjiiuii. l/j , of ruHurluullliur mi. luipotoDOjr l.jmnrrlui iuiJ ullrouulo Woiknjmi. Inrulunurlntn > , bpn. matorrliuuo-iaul ur o ur iixj.tlJii o. tu'jrtli ' boir-abuiuarur-luluUinoo. A uuat.i'i Irjitanu ll.U'or < ) , ! > / mill. Vfafa truutujulx oi j < tu OKI Kacuordo lorn ojtji wltli ti will mil wrlim cu rnlvetg refnuil If not our j 1 Ouar.tnLui lit onlr Tliuouoro , V , Lenrli ilrunKKt. nulit anu outtmait turuur IbtU uuU r'urnuui t . Umjb t QUAIL BRAND ' HEALTH FOODS Parched Rolled Oats , Unequalled in Flavor. Corn Gritz , Sold only id lii pound picluv oj. Velvet Meal , For in u 111 ns anil THIS Sohlby till l-'liyt-Clm ( Irjcnri. CURE 3tSfiP YOURSELF ! ' V.XM ! / , . ' V.XMAs u iniBi'l t for n , biniio ( JIIH < i. 'l ho only . nun jiuituiHiui rumcdyinrall I r-/ the uinmturn ! dltcharKonnd 7 nnvntodmcrHnufmciiuiidtho J iltbilitutincuLiHsi \ peculiar In noifM i. . It dine In ( V low t/Uh'tut the iild or jiiullci of ft ddc'tor We I vertl'l AmertmH Cure. Hn"Ufa'Uirc'l by I TboEvinsChemifAlO,8 CINCINNATI , O. . , a i . I